Friday, July 8, 2011



The Way To Peace! #184

Although, The New U.S. Jobs Report is Dismal, and, The U.S. UN-Employment Figures have Risen from 9.1% to 9.2%, and, The Global Economies are, Still, In The Doldrums, and, Rupert Murdoch's "News Of The World," has Violated The Standards and Ethics of Good Journalism, and, "Reporting The News," There is, Still, "A Positive Feeling of Optimism," and, "Return to Normalcy," As Symbolized By, "The Reality of Each New Sunrise, and, In Every New Revolution against Tyranny, and, For "Freedom Of Will!" And, Its, also, "In Every New Technological and Scientific Discovery, and, Every New Bounce and Uptick of The Global Markets!"

And, It Feels Like, "A Positive Change" Away from, "The Conditioned/Failed Reality," that, has Controlled and Manipulated, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To Act In Accordance To The Whims of The Oligarchy," To, "A Sense of Reality," that, "Serves The People!"
And, Its There, In "Every New Constitutional, Sociological, Political, Economical, and, Spiritual Reform, Of, By, and, For The People!" And, "Without A Doubt," This "New Feeling Of Change," is, "The Hope Of Future, and, Present Day Generations!" You Can Feel It, within, "The Gift Of Life, As Manifested In Every Newborn Baby Girl and Boy!" And, Therein Lies, "Magnificence and Beauty" of, "This New Season and Dawn Of Change!

And, This New Feeling Of Change is Prevalent, Everywhere, and, is Reflected in Each New Strategical and Logical Development of, This "New Age Of Green Industrialization," Worldwide!
And, It is, One of The Driving Forces, Towards, The "Creation" of, "An Exciting New Time Period of Job Certainty," and, "Skilled Employment Opportunities," "For One and All!"

"Change is Here and Now," However, "We" are, Still, In Need of, A New Generation of, "Industrial Architects," To Come Forward, To, "Lead The Way," and, To Make It, "A Certainty!"

So, Lets Continue Our Earthrise Eco-vision, Evolution, and, Revolution, "Of, By, and For The People," In A Parallel Course Of Action, that, Is, "Beneficial For All The People," as well as, The World Of Business and Finance!
However, The Need For, A New Balance Of The Currencies of The World Economies is, also, Necessary!

But, This is, "Not The Time," For, The "Greed Mongers," of, The "Stagnant Conditioned Reality of, "Big Business and, Finance" To Try To "Rebound and Reap A Profit," At The Expense of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, "The Advent of, This "New Age of, Global Participation, Co-operation, and, Fair minded Competition," of, This "New Age of, Technological, Scientific, and, Green Entrepreneurialism," Which is Ready, To "Break Through The Malaise of Ineptitude," and, "The Lack of Political, Economical, Sociological, and, Universal Vision," of, Too Many Civilian, Financial, Military, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths Communities, Who are "Content on Re-Living The Past!"

"Change is Here and Now," and, Its, also, The Time To, Sow, Nourish, Harvest, and, Share The Evolution of, This New Season and Dawn, Empowered By, A Peace Time Economy, and, Driven By, A New Age of Growth, Caused By, The Evolution of Green Manufacturing, Technology, Science, and, The Fruits Of The Earth and Universe! And, The Elimination of, Redundancy Programs, Pork Barrel Programs, and, Non-Productive Spending and Tax Programs!

However, This is, "Not The Time" To, "Grow The Global Economy" at, "Further Expense" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! "We've Been "Taxed Enough!"

But, It is "The Time To Close The Loopholes" of Big Business, The Affluent, Hedge Funds, and, The Stagnant Conditioned Reality of The Past, that, has Corrupted, Drained, and, Abused, The World Economies For Millenniums!

And, This is, Why, "Change is Here and Now," and, "We The People," Citizens of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, are "Not Going Back To The Past Way of, Doing Business," that, has "Cost The Loss of Our Homes, and, Employment," "Were Going Forward," To, "A Brand New World," and, "A Better World, For One and All!"

This "New Season OF Change, Embraces "An Earthrise Vision Path" of, "A Unified World, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that, Applauds The Efforts of Fair Play, and, A Universal Awareness, that, The Social Security and Welfare of, "We The People," is Crucial To The Continued Evolution, of The Earths Communities, In Parallel with, The Continued Expansion, and, Evolution of, The Worlds of Commerce, Space, and, An Environmental, Ecological, and, Cosmic World Of Equanimity!

And, Lets "Face The Facts, and, Be Honest" with One Another, and, Accept The Premise/Reality, that, The Fate of Each and Everyone of Us, Will Be Greatly Enhanced By, "A New Age of Universal Equanimity," that, Provides The Earths Communities, with, "A Balanced Approach" Towards, Achieving The Economical, Political, Sociological, and, Spiritual Reforms, that, Both Enhances The Quality Of Life "Of The People," and, Protects The Rights Of "Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of, This Planet Earth!"

And, Let Us, also, Agree, that, This New Age Of Equanimity, Should Include, The Best Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, of, The Early Founders/Framers of, The Earths Communities, and, Nations, along, with, The Best Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions of, "We The People," Citizens of, This Planet Earth!
And, Its Time For, "A New Global Constitution Of The People," and, "A New Emancipation Declaration For The People," that, "Guarantees Our Rights To Live," As, "Free Citizens Of The Earth!"

Imagine, It Would Be, An Age Of Universal Equanimity, that, Embraces The Spiritual, Intellectual, and, Emotional Evolution of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, In Addition To The Economic and Financial Prosperity of, Each and Every Citizen of, This Planet Earth! Where "Hedge Funds Of The People," Beautify The Gardens of, Investment Opportunities of, "We The People!"

And, This is, "The Good News" of Change, and, "The New Model For An Age Of Peace, For The World!" And, A Way, To, "Shake Up, Rock Out, and Change The World!"

and, This is, The Way, To Bring Forth A Peace Time Economy, Where The High-Tech World of Hi-Speed Super Computers are Focused on, The Research and Development of New Horizons of An Improved and Successful Global Economy, and, of, "A Unified World!" And, This is, The Way To, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and, Soul of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To, Travel Across The Bridge Of Peace, To All Corners of, This Sacred Earth of Ours, To, "Encourage and Support, The Efforts Of The People," Wherever, They May Occur!

And, Let Us Continue To, Travel Across, The Earth, via, The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let Us Continue To, Call For, "A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues, For, "A Unified World," and, For, New Strategic Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, on, How Best To, "Defend and Protect The Earths Communities" from Cyber and Terrorist Attacks, and, War!
And, How Best To, "Protect and Defend The Earths Communities" from, Drug Cartels, Dictators, White Collar Crimes, and, Oppressive Regimes!

And, Let Us Continue To, Share Our Earthrise Initiatives of, "A Unified World," via, Our Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Limitless, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, via, Twitter, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Linkedin, Myspace, You Tube, iTunes,, .fr, .de,,, Cable, Network, and, Satellite TV and Radio, X's, Napster, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Interviews, Telethons, In Concert Performances, The Worlds of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Worlds of Art and Culture, Non- Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit Ins, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, Thought Projection, Non-Violent Activist Groups, The Vote, Hi-Speed Super Computers with Programs and Algorithms Dedicated To Finding New Cures For The Worlds Diseases and Healing The World, and, The Continued Earthrise Eco-Vision, and, New Age Of Green Activism!

And, Let Us Continue To, Spread The Idea's of, "A Unified World," of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun, On The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, at Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change, Hope, and, Peace, Wherever, The Idea's of, Hope, Peace, and, The Fraternity Of Humankind Reside!

And, May Our Earthrise Manifest of Peace, Hope, Compassion, and, Change For, "A Unified World," Continue To Make A Universal Soul Print, that, Graces The World, As Our Great Forefathers and Great Foremothers of The Earth, have Woven Into, Our Hearts, Minds, Souls, and, Spirits, By Their Committed and Dedicated Examples, Whose Names Will Remain with Us, For As Long as Humankind Aspires To Be, A Great Soul Force of Truth! Women and Men, Who have "Inspired Us, and, Lit Our Way," In Times of, Darkness and Strife, and, Wherever Injustice, Racism, Crime, and, Violence have Threatened The Rights of, "We The People," To Live Our Lives In Freedom!
So, Let Us Continue To, "Non-Violently, Act In The Name Of, By, and, For The People," and, In The Names of, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mother Teresa, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Socrates, St. Francis Of Assisi, Clara Barton, Nelson Mandela, Rumi, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, Charlemagne, Martin Luther King, Confucius, Muhammad, Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, and, Lao-Tse!

And, Let Us Be Grateful For, "Our Combined Positive Karma!" For Its "A Karma," that, "We've All Given Our Lives For!" Its "A Karma Of Love," For The World, The Universe, "We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Earth, and, The Lives of, All Sentient Beings!
And, This "Karma" is, also, "The Equation," For, "A Unified World Of Equanimity, and, Harmony!"

And, Let Us Continue To Rise To A Higher Ground of Existential, Spiritual, and, Universal Being, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, and, Change!
For, This is, The Way To Peace and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!