Monday, July 11, 2011



The Way To Peace! #185

It Appears as, If, "The Grand Bargain," Is No Longer The Choice of The Political Party's of The U.S. Government!
The 4 Trillion Dollar Deal is No Longer The Main Choice of The Political Party's, and, The New Choice on The Menu is, The 2.5 Trillion Dollar Deal, that, Vice President Biden, and, a Bi-Partisan Group of Politicians have Been Working on!
So, "The Grand Bargain" has Become, "A Smaller One!"

And, President Obama has, "The Final Choice," To, (1) Continue Trying To Work Out, "A Grand Compromise," with The Leaders of Both Party's, or, (2) Use "The 14Th Amendment," To "De-Politicize The Growing Concerns about, "The Debt Ceiling!"

Our Founders/Framers were Very Astute, and, Prescient, In Understanding that, This Moment, Might Occur, so, That, was One of, The Main Reasons Why, "They" Created
"The 14Th Amendment," To "Guarantee that, Debts incurred By The U.S. Government Would Be Paid," and, There Would Be "No Possibility of Default," or,
Delays, Caused By, The Politicization of, This "Very Serious Matter!"

One Thing, For Sure, Is, that, Whatever Statement, that, Both Party's are Trying To Make, Is "Not Impressing The American Citizens," and, Is "Falling on "The Deaf Ears," of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, "We" are "Sick and Tired" of, "The Same Ole Game of Politics," that, has "Reduced Our Faith and Trust," in Our Elected Officials, "No Matter What Political Party," that, "They" Belong To!!

And, As The August 2ND, "Hard Deadline" Approaches, and, "The Games of Partisan Politics" Continue, "The Incomprehensible News," is, that, There are, Still, At The Least, 14 Million UN-Employed U.S. Citizens, A Figure, "Further Intensified" By,
The Fact, that, Many of These UN-Employed Citizens, are "Veterans!" And, then, When You Compound This Figure By, "The Tens of Millions Who are UN-Employed, Worldwide!"
And, All "We" Continue To, "Hear and Be Bombarded By," Is, Further "Cutbacks!" As, If, "Cutbacks" are, "The Sole Answer To UN-Employment!"

But, What, This "Debt Ceiling Showdown" is Really About, is, How "The U.S. House Of Representatives," and, "The U.S. Senate," Represents, "We The People," and, "Takes Care of Business," In Times of "Economic Urgency!" However, It Will, also, Be, "A Commentary" on, How President Obama, "Protects The Interests Of The United States," and, "Takes Care of The Business For The People," "In Times of Economic Urgency!" Which is Why, "The 14Th Amendment is So Important," Because, "The Debt Ceiling" has Become, Such "An Overriding Distraction," that, once again, "We The People," are "Being Forgotten," In "The Grand, and, or, Small Bargain!"

And, All Over This Sacred World of Ours, Our Fellow Citizens are Suffering, While Politicians are, Still, "Bickering and Quarreling!

And, All Over The World,Our Fellow Citizens are Starving For Inspirational Civilian, Religious, Financial, Military, and, Philosophical Leadership, To Come Forward, and, Be True Representatives, "Of The People!"
Civilian,Religious, Financial, Military, and, Philosophical Leaders of, The Earths Communities, Who are Willing To Bring Pressure on, The Worlds Of Big Business and Finance, To "Act Now," and, Come To The Aid of, The Earths Communities, and, Bring "A Sense of Stability, and, Financial Solvency, Back into Our Lives!"

Where are The Substantive Discussions about, "New Job Creation Policies," and, "Putting The People, Back To Work!"
And, When are "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Going To See "Headlines," Being Made By Politicians, about "New Job Creation Policies," Being Enacted Upon!
"Summer is Here, and, There are, At Least 14 Million People, "Out of Work, In The U.S. Alone!" Is Anybody Listening?

"The Consequences of Political and Economical Inaction" is, "The Economic Default Of The World," and, "An Unthinkable, and, Painful Reality," For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To Endure!

The Leaders ,The Earths United Nations, have To "Act Now!" Or, "The Shock That's Heard All Around The World," Would Be, "The Sound of An Economic Earthquake," that, "Threatens To Destroy Our Homes and Families!"

Pressure Must Be Brought Upon The Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations, To Honor Their Commitment To, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, To "Respect The Will Of The People," and, "The Principles," that, "We" were Taught, "To Believe In!"
"Principles and Beliefs" In, "Fair Play, Honesty, Truth, Trust, Faith, Freedom, and, Justice, For One and All!"

And, "We" were Taught To, "Turn The Other Cheek," and, "To Love Thy Neighbor!" And, "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You, Ask, what You Can Do For Your Country!"

And, "We" were Taught To, "Give To Those Who are In Need," and, "Be Generous of Spirit!"

And, "We" were Taught To, "Believe In Good Over Evil," and, "In Freedom over Tyranny," and, "Peace For The World!" And, "Thou Shall Not Kill!"

But, Over and Over again, "We've Seen Our Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders, "Break The Rule of Law," and, "Taint The Principles," that, We" have Been Taught, "To Believe In!"

And, Now, Its Time For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To, "Demand A True Accounting of Their Intentions," and, For "A Change In Their Policies, Behavioral Patterns, and, Philosophies, of, Profit, Power, Greed, Control, and, Lust," that, has Been, at The Expense of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
For, "A Just and True Change Must Come," If, "We" are To Become, "A Unified World Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Its, also, Time For, "A New Business Model," In The Way, that, Our World Leaders are Conducting Business, If, "We" are To See, "A New Sense Of Optimism," For, "A Successful Global Economy To Emerge," from "The Stagnant State of Recovery," that, "We" are Presently Experiencing!

And, This "New Season and Dawn of Change," Must Be, "An All Inclusive One!"

"A New Season," that, "Provides For, A New Harvest" of, Economic, Social, Political, Spiritual, Emotional, Philosophical, Universal and Personal, Guarantees and Assurances of Social Security and Welfare, "For The World," and, "For The Lives of, All Sentient Beings!"

"We" are All Children of, This Planet Earth, "Born and Raised" To, "Imagine, Aspire, and, Strive, Towards The Achievements of, Our Dreams and Goals!"

"Born and Raised" To, "Make A Difference in Our Lives," and, "In The Lives of, Our Fellow Citizens Of The Earth!"

Our Founders/Framers, Philosophers, Prophets, and, The Illustrious Forefathers and Foremothers of Our Earths Societies and Communities, Created Constitutions, Declarations, Proclamations, Gospels, and, Philosophical Books of Knowledge, that, Included and Presented, "The Best Idea's, Thoughts, Words, Qualities Of The Human Nature, and, Actions" of, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth!
And, This is, Our Opportunity To Share, Enjoy, and, Be, A Just and Fair Earthrise Society Of The Credos, that, were Sown On Our Behalf!

And, Its "Our Time and Opportunity," To, "Amend The Covenants and Inspirational Bills of The Past," and, Make Them into, Global Constitutions, Declarations, Proclamations, and Gospels, that, Are of Benefit To, "We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, "Right Here and Now," as well as, "In The Future!"

So, Let Us Embrace, "An Emancipation Of The People, By The People, and, For The Universal and Personal Spirit Of The People," so, That, "We" May, "One and All" Evolve into The Future As, "A Unified World," and, "A Perfect Union Of, By, and, For The People!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Way, To Heal and Cure The World!
And, This is, The Way To A Peace Time Economy For The World! And, A New Age of Green Entrepreneurialism, and, Green Industrialization! And, This is, The Way To, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, Soul, and, Spirit, of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Encourage, The Use of "Hi-Speed Super Computers," To, "Empower A New Age of Environmental and Ecological Evolution For The World!"

And, Let Us Encourage "The Scientific and Technological Communities of The Earths United Nations," To, "Create New Interdependent Policies, Programs, and, Algorithms, Devoted Towards A New Age Of Job Creation" For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue To "Encourage and, Support The Forces OF Freedom, and, Peacemakers" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue To Encourage Women and Men Who are "True Believers" In, "A Unified World," Wherever, "Non-Violent Earthrise Evolutions, Revolutions, and, Movements Of Change" May Be! From South Sudan To Libya! And, from Egypt To Yemen! "In Truth and, In Action, All Over The World!"

And, Let Us Continue To Spread "The Good News and Good Karma" of, "Our Earthrise Vision Path Of, By, and, For The People," via, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, MySpace, iTunes, You Tube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Google, Non-Violent Activists Groups, and, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit Ins, X's, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, and, Thought Projection, Hi-Speed Super Computers, and,New programs and Algorithms of An Age Of Green Industrialization, Manufacturing and Productivity, The Worlds of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes of Art and Culture, Interviews, Newspapers, magazines, cable, Network and satellite TV and Radio, In Concert Performances, The Vote,.com, .fr, .de,,, Texts, Fax's, Emails, and Yahoo!

And, Let Us Share, This "Good News and Good Karma," All Across The Bridge Of Peace, and, via The Omnipresent, Limitless, Universe, and, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens of, This Planet Earth!

And, Let This Be, "The Dawning of, A New Age of, A Universal Political, Economical, Spiritual, Emotional, and, Sociological, Equation," that, Brings about "A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue," that, Embraces "All The Citizens Of The World, and, "An Age Of Equanimity, Harmony, and Prosperity For All The World!" Free from, "Fear of Terrorist Attacks, War, Violence, Crime, Cyber Attacks, Drug Cartels, Organize Crime, and, White Collar Crimes, Genocide, and, The Ignominious World of Sex Slaves!"

And, Let Us Continue, As "A Great Soul Force Of Truth," To, "Rise To New Levels and Universal States Of, Spiritual, Emotional, and, Intellectual, Conscious Awareness," On The Wings Of The Graceful Phoenix Of Peace, and, On The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Hope, Peace, Compassion, and, Change!

For, This is, The way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!