Thursday, July 28, 2011



The Way To Peace! #190

While The World Mourns The Tragic Deaths, that, Took Place in Norway, and, The U.S. Media and The Global Markets Continue, To Focus on Raising The Debt Ceiling In The U.S., (In Which President Obama Should Utilize The 14Th Amendment To End The Politicization of This Serious Issue), and, Freelance BBC Journalist, Ahmed Omed Khpulwak, and, 19 Adults and Children, were Killed In An Attack, In Afghanistan, and, Arch Bishop Pietro Sambi has Died, and, More Members of The U.S. Armed Forces, Fighting In Afghanistan, were Killed In Action, and, Abdel-Fattah Younis, The Head Of The Libyan Rebels Armed Forces was Killed, and, The Global Economies are, Still, Struggling, and, UN-Employment Abounds, There are, "Very Shocking Reports," Coming Out Of "The Congo!" Imagine, "Two Out of Three Women are Being Raped, Multiple Times!"

Where is "The Call of Alarm" By, "The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of, The Earths United Nations!"
Can Anyone Imagine, "Their Daughters Growing up in This Horrific State Of Being!"
"The Absolute Shame" of It, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"! Is "There No Justice For The People of The Congo!"
Is, There No Sense Of Righteous Indignation! Is, "There No Compassion!" Is, "There No Pity!" Is, "There No Shame!" Is, "There No Outrage!"

How, Is it, that, "These Inhumane Acts" of Violence, and, Physical, Mental, and, Spiritual Abuse, "Can Continue," Sans Arret, "In This Civilized World of Ours!" Without, There Being "A Global Reaction of Shock and Dismay!" Is, "This Not Beyond Comprehension!"

Have "The Leaders of The Earths United Nations, Not Learned," that, In This Age of Instant Communication, Worldwide, that, There Can Not Be "A Selective Victims Policy" (A Hear No Evil, See No Evil, and, Hear No Evil, Policy, Whenever It Suits The Powers that Be), "When Dealing with The Evils, that, Continue To Plague This Earth of Ours!"

"This Cancerous Growth" Of Inhumanity, Whose Perpetrators, Actually Believe, that, "They Can Spoil Our Youth" and, "Ravage The Families Of Our Fellow Human Beings," Whenever "They" So Desire, Over and Over Again, "Must Be Stopped!"

These "Perpetrators Of Evil," Wherever, "They" May Be, "Must Be Shown," that, This is, "Not The Way Of The World," and, that, "It Will No Longer Be Tolerated!"
And, that, "The Lives Of Our Women, Men, and, Children, are Sacred!" And, "The Lives Of All Sentient Beings, are Sacred!"

And, "Wherever Injustice is," There Must Be, "An Immediate Response," By The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, "To Act" In The Name Of All, that, "We Believe To Be Sacred!"
And, "Immediately Put An End" To, "The Cancerous Growth," that, has "Attacked The Minds, Spirits, Souls, and, Bodies," of, "So Many," Viciously, Dishonorably, Disgracefully, and, Immorally, Ravaging The Lives Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Too Imagine, "Such Evil Atrocities" Taking Place, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

Too Imagine, "So Many" Of, "Our Fellow Human Beings," Living In These Horrendous Conditions, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

Too Imagine, "Such Poverty, and, Deprivation" of One's Body, Mind, Spirit, and, Soul Occurring, Over and Over Again, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

Too Imagine Anyone, "Living in These Unsanitary Living Conditions, and, Life Threatening, Oppressive/Tyrannical State Of Being," In This Day and Age, without, "Being Punished By The Law," "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

And, Too Imagine, "So Many of Us," Hundreds Of Thousands, In Some Cases, and Millions Upon Millions, In Others, "Who have Been Driven Away from Their Homes, and, Separated from Their Families," Due To The Threats Of Fear, Death, and, Starvation, In Their Neighborhoods, Towns and Villages, and Cities, Living In Refugee Camps, and Tents, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

"Now," Is The Time, "To Act," In The Name Of All, That Is Sacred, "The Lives Of Our Fellow Human Beings!"

"Now," Is The Time For, Our Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, "To Act," In The Name Of Justice, Peace, Freedom, and, The Good Health and Prosperity "For One and All!"

"Now" Is The Time To Replace, "The Selective Victims Policy," that, has, Slowly, But Surely, "Eaten Away" at, "The Worlds Sense Of Being" and, "Sense Of Morality" and, "The Right Of, Each and Every, Citizen Of The Earths Communities," To Live "Free from Fear, and, Free from Injustice, and, Oppression!" And, "Free from Rape, Genocide, and, Crimes against Humanity!" And, "Free To Live and Enjoy Their Lives, As Sovereign Citizens" Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

Let The Armed Forces Of Courageous and Bold, "Women and Men Of Peace, Come Forth," To Put An End To These "Betrayals Of All that, "We" Hold Sacred!"

Let "The Armed Forces" Of The Earths United Nations, "Come Forth," To State Unequivocally, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Have had Enough!"

This is, "The 21st Century," Not Some, "Barbaric Pre-Historic Time Period," When "Men were Allowed To Force Themselves Upon The Unexpected," or, "The Weak," and, "Act In Unconscionable, and, Immeasurable States Of Violent Behavior," Due To Their Lack Of Intelligence, or, Lack Of Awareness, or, "Violent Survivalist Nature!"

This is, "The 21st Century," Where "An Act Of Immoral, and, Violent Behavior," Can Be Seen and Known of, "In A Nano-Second, All Over The World!" And, It is, "Of The Utmost Importance," that, "The Courageous Women and Men," Who have Been Chosen By, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, "Act On Our Behalf," and, To Do so, "With All The Might Of Our Global Coalition Armed Forces," ("Of The People") and, "Remove The Cancerous Acts" Of Terror, and, "The Violent Abuse Of The Rights" Of "Our Fellow Human Beings!"

Its Time "To Act" As "A Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," To Change The Policies of, "Selective Victimization," To "A New Strategic Vision," To Maintain and Preserve, "A New Age Of Peace On Earth!

Can "We" Change The World! "Yes, Of Course, We Can!" Is there Enough Food, (Just Waisting away in some Storage Space), To Feed The World, "Yes, of Course, There Is!"

Do "We" have The Soul Strength" To "Surmount The Evils of Corruption, Greed, Violence, and, Lust of Power!" "Yes, Of Course We Do!"

But, "Act Now," The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths Communities, Must Do, "In Concert with One Another!" And, "In Agreement with One Another," that, In This, The 21st Century, "They" Will "Act and Be Protectors Of The Rights and Freedoms" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, This is, Where "The Crafting of A New Constitutions Of Global Awareness, Can Help," To Act as A Guide For An Earthrise Strategy of, "Creating A Unified World Of Peace!"

And, This is, Where "A New Emancipation Declaration Of The Earth," Can Help "To Guide Us," As "We The People," Continue To, "Sow The Seeds of, Our Vision Path Of The Free!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World!
And, This is, The Way To A New Age Of Green Entrepreneurialism and Green Industrialization, and, A Peace Time Economy!
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, Spirit, and, Soul, Of The 20TH and 21st Centuries, Ponder "We Can Not," Over What Must Be Done! "We" Must, Act Now" As "Non-Violent Activists Of Peace!" "We" Must, "Speak Out Now!" And, "Gather Together Now!" And, "Demonstrate Now!"

And, Scientists, and, Engineers, Its Time To "Dedicate, Create, Imagine, Produce, and, Manufacture," Your Idea's To Improve, "The Quality Of Life For One and All!"

And, Musicians, Singers, Dancers, Choreographers, Producers, Artists of The Cross-Media Universes, Its Time To, "Dedicate, Create, Arrange, Choreograph, Paint, Sculpt, Record, Perform, or, Act In Whatever Manner of Influence," that, You May Possess, "To Build A Great Foundation For A Unified World Of Peace!"

And, Whomever, You are, and, Whatever Position, or, Career Choice, You have Made, "Use Your Influence," and, "Network within Your Neighborhoods, Towns, Villages, Cities, Library's, Hospitals, Schools, and, On The Streets, Highways, Sky ways, Sea's, and, Lands Of The Earth," But, "Act Now, Non-Violently," To Share Your Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Of Peace, Change, and, "A Unified World!"

"We" Should, "One and All" Be Apart Of, "A Universal Spirit/Purpose Of Life," that, "Benefits One and All," and, that, "Shares The Evolution Of Life," In An Age Of Equanimity!
"A Great Sense Of Purpose," or, "Great Dream Vision Of Being Here and Now," that, "All Sentient Beings Can Share and Rejoice In!" "A New Season and Dawn" Of Change, Hope, Compassion, and, Peace!

And, Let Us Continue To Make "A Great Soul Print Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," As "A Great Government and World Body Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue "To Empower and Encourage Each Other," and, "Share The Good News and Good Karma," Of "Our Earthrrise Eco-Vision Of The Earth," via, Twitter, You Tube, Facebook, Google, Linkedin, Myspace, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms,, .fr, .de,,, X's, Non-Violent Marches, Demonstrations, Sit Ins, Strikes, The Myriad Worlds Of Art and Culture, Dance, Music, The Vote, Magazines, Newspapers, In Concert Performances, Interviews, Telethons, Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV and Radio Networks, Hi-Speed Super Computers, Dedicated Towards The Creation of New Medicines, Cures, Job Creation, A Peace Time Economy, Green Industrialization, Non-Violent Activist Groups, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, and, Thought Projection!

And, Let Us Continue "To Spread The Good News and Good Karma" Of "Our Earthrise Vision Path of, A Unified World," via, The Unlimited, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus, "Of, By, and, For The People," of This, The 21st Century! And, "All Across The Bridge Of Peace," To "The Farthest Corners Of The World," and, "Beyond The International Space Station, To New Worlds, Stars, Planets, and, Galaxies Of The Cosmos!"

And, Let Us Continue "To Rise On The Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace," and, On "The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change, Hope, Compassion, Peace, and, Love," To A Place, that, "Lies within Each of Us," that, "We" Can "One and All," Recognize, and, Freely Share As, "Being Pure Of Heart, Mind, Spirit, and, Soul!" For This is, "The Great Purpose, Sowing, and, Harvest, Of A Great People," and, "A Great Society Of A Unified World Of Peace!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!

Saturday, July 23, 2011



The Way To Peace! #189

There's "A Cancerous Growth," that, Is Affecting The Minds of, "Too Many," In This World of Ours! And, In The Most "Unexpected Places Of The World," Such as, "The Terrorist Attack In Norway," Where "Tragically 93 Women and Men were Killed," and, "For What Purpose?"
This "Cancerous Growth Attacks" without "Merit, Rhyme or Reason," and, has "A Total Disregard of Human Life!" And, "The Shame" is, "The Pain," that, "These Mindless, Selfish, and, Sinful Acts," Cause Upon, "The Innocent Lives" of, The Families, Friends, and, Citizens Of Our Communities and Cities, that, have Been Directly Affected By, "These Mindless and Senseless Attacks!

And, "The Individuals," Who are The Carriers of This Cancer, are, By "No Means Heroes," Nor Should "They," Ever, "Expect To Be Feted," By "Vestal Virgins!" "Nor, Should "They" Ever Expect To Be Acclaimed As Martyrs" For Their Cause!
For The Violence, Deaths, and, Careless Disregard Of The Lives, that, These Individuals have Caused, and, Inflicted Upon Their Fellow Citizens, Of This Planet Earth, "They" Will, "Surely Go Straight To Hell!"

But, There is, also, "Another Cancerous Growth Afoot," In The World Today, and, Its Affected The Idea's, Thoughts, Words and, Decision Making of, "Too Many of Our Elected Officials," In The World Of Politics!
And, It is Seemingly, "Anti-Government! Anti-Unions, Anti-Libraries, Anti-Hospitals, Anti-Schools, and, Anti-Education!"

And, Its, also, "Anti-Environmental Protectionist!" And, "Resistant To Any Governmental Investment," Even If, It Means "The Re-Building and Repairing The Infrastructures Of The U.S. or, The World!"

And, It Appears "To Care, Solely, For Its Own Agenda," Even, "At The Cost Of The Welfare and Social Security of The Elderly, Family Members Of Our Military, and, Families," in General, Who are In Need of Affordable/Good Health Care!

And, Its Willing To "Discredit The Credit Rating and Fiscal Stature" of, "Any Country Of The World," Because of, "Its Own Egotistical Sense of Self Worth," and, "Political Ideology!"

"This Cancer," that, Is Affecting The World, Is "A Disease of The Heart, Mind, Spirit, and, Soul," and, "Leaves No Room For Healing, or, Caring For One's Fellow Human Being!" In Political Terms, It is More Like "A Cancerous Oligarchy," that, "Is Bent Upon Dictating Its Will" To, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, without, "Any Real Sense Of Caring," about, What Damage "The Negative Effects, and, Consequences," Its Actions May Cause!

It Cares "Not At All," that, There are "Millions Of UN-Employed, Worldwide!" Or, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are "Involved In Fighting In Two UN-Declared Wars, A Global War on Terrorism, Numerous Conflicts In The Middle East, and, Africa," and, that, There are "Tens Of Thousands of Families, Threatened with Home Foreclosures!"

For "A New Healing Spirit To Come Over The Earth, and, Heal The World," "We" Need, The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders Of, The Earths United Nations, To "Demonstrate A Sincere Desire" To "Remove This Cancerous Growth" from The Body Of The World, and, Its Communities! And, By Doing so, "Curing and Unifying The World," and, Signaling, To "All The World" that, "A New Global Consciousness" has "Arrived," amongst The Leaders Of The Earths Nations that, "No Longer Tolerates The Indifference" To, "Not only, Human Life, But, The Lives Of All Sentient Beings," Of This Planet Earth!

This is, "The Time To Prioritize," and, "Advance A Global Agenda," that, "Embraces Alternative Energies, and, Eliminates Our Dependence on, Oil and Nuclear Energy!"

But, This is, Definitely, "Not The Time," For "Another Cancerous Outbreak In The World Of Politics!"

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are "Totally, Fed Up" with, "The Bickering, Squabbling and, Selfish Misbehavior of Any Politician, or, Elected Official, Who "Dares, To Engage In Partisan Politics!"

And, "We" Need "Our Established Leaders In Good Standing," To "Step Forward," In The Name Of The People!" "Not In The Name" of Any Political Party, or, Political Ideology," that, "Dares To Engage In Political Rhetoric," that, "Is Misleading, Misappropriate, or, that, Demonstrates, Misrepresentation Of The People," For Selfish Purposes!

And, This is, "The Time" For, "Big Business To Get Off The Fence," and, "Cease Their Support The Cancerous Growth," that, "Exists In The World Of Politics," If, "It Does Not Stand For The People," or, "Show Support For The People," or, "Realize," that, "We The People," are, already, Suffering from, "A Stagnant, Indifferent Recessive, Global Economy!"
"We The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, are, "In Need Of Help" from, "Our Governments," and, "Can No Longer Condone The Actions" Of The World Of Big Business and Finance, Who "Support Political Ideologies, that, "Not Represent The People!"
Enough is Enough!

This is, The Time, For The Worlds Of Big Business and Finance To "Invest In, Creating The Well Being" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, "Not In Divisive Movements," that, "Destabilize Our Communities," and, "Abuse Our Rights and, Freedom" To "Exist and Prosper," As "Sovereign Citizens," of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!"

There are "Too Many, Who are Suffering," on This Planet Earth!

And, "Too Many, Children," Who are "Living In Abstract Poverty!"

And, "Too Many Families" Who are Living In Refugee Camps, Tents, Their Cars or Vans, or, In Vacant Fields, Tunnels, and, or, On The Sidewalks of Our Towns, and, Cities1

"Voices of Reason and Peacemakers," "Come Forth In The Name Of The People!"
Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, and, Communities, "Come Forth In The Name Of The People!"

"Too Many Innocent Lives have Been Lost," Due To, "Religious Fanaticism, Imperialism," and, "The Cancerous Growth In The World Of Politics, and, Big Business," and, "This Must Come To An End!"

Let Us Show, Instead, By Our Idea's, Thought, Words, and, Actions, that, "The 21st Century, Signifies The New Re-Birth" of, The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, "To Unite In A Global Cause" of,
"A United The World," and, "An Age Of Peace," and, "A Cultural and Educational Evolution," that, has "Enlightened The World!"

"Bringing Forth An Age Of Equanimity, Harmony, and, Prosperity," that, has "Improved The Quality Of Life," For Each and Every Citizen Of The World!

And, "The Crafting Of A New Global Constitution," that, Includes "The Best Of The Past," with, The Best Thoughts and Idea's, Of The Present!"

And, "A New Sense" of, What "The Emancipation Declaration Signifies," that, Is, More In line with, "The Freedom Of Spirit and Soul Of The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "A United Effort" By, "The Armed Forces of The Earths United Nations," To "Combat Crime, Drug Cartels, Genocide, Tyranny, Dictatorships," and, "End The Human Trafficking, Sex Slaves, and, Child Pornography Hells," that, "Threaten The Lives of All Our Families!"

But, This Can, only, Be Achieved By, The Leaders Of The Western Industrialized Nations, and, The Leaders of The Worlds Communities, "Coming Together In Agreement," To Pursue, "A New Strategic Policy," that, "Guarantee's, "Pure Intent," When Acting In Concert with One Another," To Achieve "A Global Peace, and, Peace Dialogues," that, are "Directed Towards, The Advancement of Universal Thought, In Parallel," with, "The Advanced Development" Of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

This "Can Not Be An Age Of Big Business and Finance," or, "An Age of, solely, Political and Religious Ideologies," "In The Forefront!"
"It Must Be An Age that Prioritizes The Needs Of The People," and, "A New Vision Path," that, Exemplifies An Age of, "A Unified World!" Irregardless of, What Creed, Race, or, Nationality You May Be!

There Should Be "A Universal Spirit and Purpose Of Life," that, Befits "One and All!" An Age Of "Universal and Spiritual Equanimity!" A "Great Sense Of Purpose, A Great Dream," and, or, "Vision Path Of Reality," that, "All Sentient Beings Can Rejoice In!"
And, If, There is To Be, "Any Kind, Of Grand Bargain," Between Political Adversary's, "This Should Be It!"

Have "We" Become "So Entrenched In Our Conditioned Traditions and Political and Religious Ideologies," that, "We" have "Forgotten How To Be Real People!"

Have "We Forgotten, How To Be A Great Soul Force," "Of, By, and, For The People," with, "A Great Purpose and Great Dream/Vision" of, What "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Can Become!

"We" are, "One and All," Sovereign Citizens Of The Planet Earth! With New Horizons, and New Dimensions, and, New Worlds, To Explore, Beyond The Geo-Stationary Line, and, The International Space Station!
And, Its Important that, "We", As "A People Of The Earth Go Forth," and Embark Upon, These New Journeys, Together, United, As One People, of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Unified World! And, An Age of An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!
And, This is, The Way To Heal and Cure The World, and, Evolve, As "One People" of,
A Peace Time Economy, and, A New Age of Green Industrialization, Prosperity, Compassion, Hope, and, Change!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls, of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living in An Age Of A Conditioned Reality, To Living In A New Age Of Vision, Change, Enlightenment, Omniscience, Prosperity and Equanimity "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age Of War, Fear, Corruption, Crime, Terrorism, and Racism, To Living In An Age Of Social Security, Happiness, Truth, and, Justice "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age, Where One's Personal/Universal Beliefs, and, Good Intentions, are Too Often, Denigrated, and, Undermined, By Anothers Negative Agenda, Instead of, By The Merit Of Ones Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions!

And, May "We" Continue To Share "The Good News and Good Karma" of, Our Earthrise Vision Path "Of The People," via, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, iTunes, You Tube, Napster,, .fr, .de,, .com, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit Ins, Activist Groups, Newspapers, Magazines, Linkedin, Telethons, Interviews, The World Of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture, Texts, Fax's, Emails, Cell Phones, Landlines, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, Thought Projection, The Vote, Cable, Network, and, Satellite TV and Radio, Hi-Tech Super Computers with Programs and Algorithms Dedicated To A Evolution Of Green Technology, Space Exploration, Healing Diseases, and, A Peace Time Economy, X's, and, MySpace!

And, May "We" Continue To Believe In Change, Hope, Peace, Compassion, and, Our "Earthrise Vision Path Of The People," and, Spread The Wealth Of "Our Good News and Good Karma," As "We" Walk Hand In Hand with Each Other, Across The Bridge Of Peace! And, As "We" Rise To New Heights Of Conscious and Spiritual Awareness On The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, On The Hurricane Winds Of Change!

And, Let Us Continue To Share The Commitment Of "Our Earthrise Vision Path," All Across The Unlimited, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Omnipresent Activist Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Reveal, "The Pure Intent Of Our Great Purpose," To Be A Great Soul Force "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth and The Universe, As "We" Gracefully Evolve On The Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, Change, Compassion, and Love!
For This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient, Peace Millennium!

Thursday, July 21, 2011



The Way To Peace! #188

Whats that Sound? "Is Anyone Listening!" You Can Hear It All over The World! But, "Is Anyone Listening To It!" No, Its Not A Song By "Buffalo Springfield
Re-United," However, It Does Sound Like, "A Gospel Choir," Singing Out, Loud and Clear, "The Blues Of The World!" Sometimes "Moaning Low," But then, There's "A Touch Of Hope, Gracing Each Note!" And, At Other Times, They're "Belting It Out," and, "Shouting Out," In "A Great Soul Voice Of The People!" And, Singing, that, "Ole Earthbound Classic" Called, "The Global UN-Employment Blues!" But, "Is Anyone Listening!"

Well, Its Time For, The Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Compartmentalize, Time Mange, and, "Act In A Parallel Course, and In Unison" To Balance Out Their Priorities, Between, "New Revelations about Rupert Murdoch, Raising The Debt Ceiling," and, "More Austerity Measures," and, "Set Forth Upon," "A Bold Global Campaign To Create Jobs," and, "Change The World!"

And, This "Can Be Done, Quite Simply," By, (1) "Creating Jobs To Repair and Re-Build The Worlds Infrastructures!"

And, (2) "Energize A Magnificent New Global Energy Policy," that, Replaces Nuclear Energy, and, Our Dependency on Oil and Gas, with, "An Inspirational Evolution," into, "The World Of Alternative Energies," and, "Increased Investment In An Age Of Green Entrepreneurialism For World Production!"

And, (3) Put Forth "Exciting New Cultural and Educational Programs," and, Build Schools, and, Libraries! And, Focus on "A Cultural and Education Evolution," that, Is "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, (4) "Create A Mobile Work Force of Women and Men Fire Officials, Police Officials, Hospital Employee's, and, Volunteers," To Combat Natural Disasters, Whenever They Occur, and, "Build New Communities, and, Cities," that, have Been Damaged, some, that, have Been Literally Destroyed, and, Razed To The Ground, By Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Tsunamis, Flooding, and, Other Natural or, Human Made Causes!

And, (5) "Put An End To The Violence," Caused By Drug Cartels, Terrorism, Dictators, and, Rogue Bands of Criminals, Who "Rape Women and Children and Sell Them," As Sex Slaves into "The Ignominious World of Human Trafficking!"

And, (6) "Care For Those Who are In Need" of, Hospitalization, Sanitation, Health Care, Fair Minded Regulatory Laws, and, Help Them To Re-Build Their Homes and Their Lives!

This is, "The Time To Engage," Not Squabble, Bicker, and, Quarrel over Partisan Politics, and, Political Ideologies! This is, "The Time For Investment" and, Re-Direction, and, "A Change from The Conditioned Unreality, and, Ways of Thinking," To, "A Positive New Course Of Action," As "We" Evolve into "The 21st Century!"

"New Thinkers are Needed! New Philosophers are Needed! New Market and Financial Experts are Needed! And, New Political Minds are Needed!"
"United Together" with Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, Who have "Not Forgotten," How To "Build A Bridge Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
"A Bridge," that, "Leads The Way To New Horizons," and, "New Worlds Of Thought and Idea's!" Joined Together, By "A Common Cause," that, Protects and Defends The Rights, and, Freedoms "Of The People!"

And, "Through Enlightened Innovation," In The Worlds of Manufacturing, Industrialization, and Productivity, "Find New Solutions," For Empowering The Earths Economies, While Protecting The Earths Ecology!

And, By "Sowing The Seeds and, Nourishing The Growth" of, A "New Age of Environmental consciousness," Engage Upon An Earthrise Eco-Vision "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that, Brings "A New Age Of Hope, Optimism," and, Well Being To Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth!

"The World Is A Changing" (to use use a variation of Bob Dylan's, "The Times They are A Changing," to complete the expression of this thought), and, "Change "We" Must!"
Why, Because, This "New Season and Dawn Of Change," Can Not Be Denied, and, Must Be Adhered To!

And, "Its Time To Open The Doors Of The City Of 9 Gates," and, "Let The Tides Of Evolution and Change" Flow All Across This Earth of Ours, Through Economical, Political, Sociological, and, Spiritual Reforms! And, On "The Gentle Eddies, Currents, Streams, Waves," and, Sometimes, "Hurricane Winds Of Change!"

And, Let "The Tides Of Change" Wash Away, The Frustration of A Stagnant, Austere, Contracted, Global Economy, that, has "Benefited The Few, At The Expense of
The Many!"

For "The World It Is A Changing," and, "The Voice Of The People," Must Be Heard, and, "Their Will" Enforced and Empowered!

And, Therein Lies, "A New Generation Of Educated, Universally, Spiritually, and, Humanistically Aware Youth of The Earth!" Whose Dreams, Idea's, and, Visions, "Need Encouragement, and, Guidance," To Transcend The Ways Of Violence and, Ignorance, "To Strive Forward," To "Achieve Their Goals," and, "Embrace One Another," As, "Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!"

And, Therein Lies, The Way To Peace! And, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, A New Age Of Green Industrialization, and, A Peace Time Economy!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls, of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, "We" have "Much To Do" about,(1) "Crafting New Idea's, Thoughts, and, Words, For A Global Constitution," that, "Reflects The Best Of The Past, with, The Best Of The Present!"

And,(2) Create, "An New Earthrise Emancipation Declaration," that, Clearly Defines, and, States, that, "We" are, "One and All, Sovereign Citizens Of This Planet Earth!"

And,(3) Create, "A Global Effort," that, "Puts Forth" New Peace Initiatives, For A Global Truce, Peace Dialogues, and, Governmental Policies of Compassion, Directed Towards Eliminating Poverty from The World, and, Repairing The Infrastructures Of The World!

And, Let Us, also, Continue "To Put Forth," New Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, that, "Free The Spirit Of Humankind," so, that, It May Rise Above The Inequities, Injustices, Inequalities, and, Inappropriate Behavior Patters of,
"A Conditioned World/Soul," that, has Been "Locked Up, and, Restricted" To Function, "In The Shadow Area's" Of The Mind and Soul, and, Forced To Submerge Its Feelings in Darkness, and, Vague Suppositions of What Life is Supposed To Be!

For This is, "The Time To Rise To New Heights" On The Graceful Wings of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, Freedom, Compassion, and, Change!

And, Spread, "The Good News and Good Karma" of, Our Earthrise Vision Path "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, via, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, MySpace, Linkedin, iTunes, You Tube, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration and, Thought Projection, X's, Texts, Emails, Fax's, Newspapers, Magazines, Cell Phones, Landlines, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, Interviews, Telethons, The World of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture, Hi-Speed Super Computers, Algorithms and Programs Dedicated To Finding New Cures, and, New Dimensions To Explore, and, Network, Satellite, and, Cable TV and Radio,, .de, .fr,, .com, The Vote, and, Non-Violent Activist Groups!

And, All Across The Earth, via, The Omnipresent, Unlimited, Non-Violent, "Activist Communication" Network, Links, and, Nexus, "Of The People," of This, The 21st Century!
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!

Monday, July 18, 2011



The Way To Peace! #187

This Week, I've Seen "The Face of Resignation," Most Everywhere I've been!
"Resignation," that, The Local Bus, or Train, "Will Be Late," again! Because some CEO or, some Corporation, Hired a Consultant, Who Advised Them, that, By "Combining Two Routes into One" Would Save Them Money, However, this Advice was Given without Trying To Understand, what, "The Consequences" Would Be, if, "They Did!" Which is, "In Most Cases," that, "Most Of The People," Will Not Be Getting to Work on Time!

Or, The Highways are "So Jammed with Traffic," that, One, "Can Not Get To Work," without, "Developing A Sense Of Road Rage," along The Way! And, Mind You, This is, If, You have Employment!

And, As You are, already, Aware of, Their are "Tens of Millions of Us," Who are "Out Of Work!" Or, "Looking For Work!" Or, are "Frustrated," Because, They have Been "Out Of Work For Months!" And, There are "Some People," Who have Been "Out Of Work" For "Much Much, Longer, than that!"

I've Seen "The Face of Resignation and Frustration" In The Faces of, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, with "The Majority of Proposals," and, or, "Speeches Made," By A Politician, or, Economist, Who "Reeked of The Odor" of, Partisan Politics, or, Political Ideologies, and, Fiscal Policies, that, are Solely of Benefit To Their Lobbyists, or, The World of Big Business, and, Finance! Or, "The Power Brokers of The Global Oligarchs!"

However, As of Late, I've, also, Seen "The Face Of Determination!" A "Determination," that, Is Resolutely Committed To, "Change Our Fates, and, Feelings of Hopeless Resignation," To "Reflect A New Age, New Season, and, New Dawn Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of,
This Planet Earth!
And, Its "A Welcomed Sight To See," For "We The People," Citizens Of This,
The Third Planet from The Sun, have Decided, that, "We" Need To Exist, In A World, that, "Reflects A Universal Face Of Humankind," that, Is "Compassionate, Inspiring, Empowering and Spiritual!"
And, Its An Honest Face, that, "We" Can, "One and All," Believe In, and, Trust In, and, Find Faith In, and, that, "Reflects The Beliefs," that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, have, "Within The Innermost Feelings" of, Our Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls!

And, Its "A New Spring, Summer, Fall, and, Winter of Hope!" And, A Time For "All Of The Seasons Of Change and Life," To Evolve and Emerge into "A New Season," Where "We The People," Can Finally "Reap The Harvests of Seeds Sown," In The Name Of Peace, Freedom, and, Equanimity, "For One and All!"

Its "A New Season Of Change," that, "Embraces and Nourishes The Lives of All Sentient Beings!" And, "Protects The Rights Of All Sentient Beings To Live In Peace!"

Its "A New Season and Dawn Of The People," that, Is "A True Reflection" of "An Earthrise Vision Path Of, By, and, For The People!"
From Which, "The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, Hurricane Winds Of Change, Hope, and Peace," Will Flow All Across This Earth of Ours, On "The Omnipresent Winds Of Change!"

But, This is "Not The Time" For The Civilian, Religious, Finance, and, Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations, To "Turn A Deaf Ear," To "The Voice Of Change", that, Is Making "Its Discontent and Frustration" Heard, All Across This Sacred Earth, Permeating The Air that, "We Breathe!"

And, This is "Not The Time" To Ignore "The Sign Of The Times," This is, The 21st Century, and, "An Age of Technological and Scientific Advancement and Evolution!" And, "We" are Living In, "An Age Of Global Communication," that, Takes Place In
"A Nano-Second," that, has Proven To Be, "A Friend Of The People," and, "A Friend Of Freedom!" And, "A Friend Of Peace, Justice, Revolution, and, Change, "All Over The World!"

And, This is "Not The Time" To Give in, To "Fear Of Change!" Its Time To "Embrace It!"

And, This is "Not The Time" For Banks, and, The World of Big Business, and, Finance, To Hold On To "Their Profits and Reserves," Its Time For Them, To "Extend Loans and Invest In," "Small Businesses," and, "The Infrastructures Of The Earths Communities," and, "The Families Of This Planet Earth!"

And, "Its Time" For The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders Of The Earth United Nations, and, Communities, Plus, The World Of Big Business and Finance, To Invest In, "The Well Being, and, The Overall Quality of Life" of, "We The People, "Citizens Of The Earth! And, "Put The People, Back To Work!" And, "Put An End To Home Foreclosures!" And, Commence with, "A Global Campaign To Eliminate Poverty, Worldwide!"

And, Let Us Agree, "One and All," that, There is No Place In This "New Season Of Change," For Human Trafficking! Or, Child Pornography, and, Sex Slaves!

And, Let Us, "One and All," Agree, To "Empower Our Law Enforcement Agencies Of The People," and, "The Global Armed Forces Of The Earths United Nations," To Prevent Drug Cartels, and, Organize Crime from Attempting To "Negatively Influence The Lives Of Our Children!"

This "New Re-Birth Of The People" Should Receive "All The Blessings and Encouragement" of, The Religious, Civilian, Financial, and, Military Leaders, of The Earths United Nations! For, In Doing so, Lies The "New Re-Birth of The Earths Global Economies!"
And, "This Universal Equation" is "A No-Brainer To Understand," Because, By "Empowering The People," You are, also, "Creating A Parallel Course," To "Put The People, Back To Work!"
And, "Create New Global Policies For Green Industrialization, and Innovation!" And, "Innovative Job Creation Policies," and, "Improved Infrastructures!" And, This "Energizes The People," and "Creates The Reality, and Feeling" that, "The Quality Of Life of The People," is, Finally in "An Ascending Motion!" And, "An Honest, Trustworthy, and, Believable Assessment," that, "A Real Change is Here and Now!"

And, Within This New Season Of Change, "Change Can Not Be Placated!"

And, "Politicians, Can Not Play Their Games Of Politics!" And, "The World of Big Business and Finance" Must, "Get Off The Old Proverbial Fence!"

And, "The Military," Can Not Ignore, "The Peoples Demand For Change, Freedom, and Equal Opportunity!" And, An End To War!

And, "The Leaders Of The Worlds Religions," Can Not Continue To Govern Its Constituency By Divine Right Alone! "They" Must Realize, that, The People, are In Need of, A New Covenant, that, Is "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth! For, As The Teaching Goes, "We" are "All in The Image of God," and, For Peace To Be On Earth, The Leaders Of The Earths Religions Must Not Procrastinate, Wait, or, Delay Their Actions, Contributions, or, Commitment To, "We The People, Citizens Of The Earth!

However, It Will Take "A Unified Effort" By "All of The Earths Leaders," and, "We The People," To Bring This "New Re-Birth" Of Change, Hope, and, Peace To The World!
And, Altogether, "We" Can Non-Violently, Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change the World!
Therein Lies, The Way To Peace! And, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium! And, A Way TO Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way To Build A Peace Economy, Driven By A New Age Of Green Entrepreneurialism, and, Environmental and, Ecological Awareness, and, Education!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, Souls, and, Spirits, of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Sow The Seeds of, "Our Earthrise Vision Path Of, By, and, For The People," and, Continue To Share The Knowledge and Conscious Awareness of, "An Eco-Vision, Global Truce and Peace Dialogues, New Emancipation Declaration and Global Constitution, and, An Interdependent Global Financial Account, that, Provides For The Social Security, Health Care, Welfare Of By, and For The People!"

And, Let Us Continue To Share "The Good News and Good Karma" of, "Our Vision Path Of The People," via Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace, Google, Non-Violent Activists Groups, You Tube, iTunes, Napster,, .de, .fr,,, Emails, Texts, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, Thought Projections, X's, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Strikes, Sit In, Marches, Cable, Network, and Satellite TV and Radio, In Concert Performances, Interviews, Magazines, Newspapers, Hi-Tech Super Computers, Algorithms, and Programs Devoted To The Advancement and Evolution Of The People, The Worlds of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes of Art and Culture, The Vote, Telethons, and, Yahoo!

And, Let Us Continue To Share, This "Good News and Good Karma," All Across The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Unlimited, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus "Of The People," of, The 20Th and 21st Centuries!

And, May "We" Continue To Change "The Face of Resignation," To Often Seen On The Faces of, "We The People," into Being, An Earthrise Smile Of Hope and Optimism, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, and, Change!

And, Let Us Continue To Cross The Bridge Of Peace, Hope, Compassion, and, Change, and, "Make A Universal Soul Print" Of "A Great Soul Force" of, "Equanimity, Harmony, and, Prosperity For One and All," In The Humbling, Spiritual, and, Enlightening Tradition of, Nelson Mandela, Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius, Jesus Of Nazareth, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Mary, Clara Barton, Martin Luther King, Rumi, St. Francis Of Assisi, Lao-Tse, Socrates, Mother Teresa, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rabindranath Tagore, Moses, Mary Magdalene, Charlemagne, and, Mahatma Gandhi!

For This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Thursday, July 14, 2011



The Way To Peace! #186

The Way To Peace is Being Marred By New Terrorist Attacks in Mumbai, Afghanistan, and, Iraq! And, Failed Attempts in Turkey!

In addition, There's The Continued Economic and Failed Fiscal Policy Conflicts, in Greece, Italy, and, Worldwide! And, The Further Politicization of, "Raising of The Debt Ceiling" in The U.S.

And then, Add to that, The Continued Conflicts and Struggles For Freedom, and, The Right To Choose "Honest Governments Of The People," in Libya, Yemen, South Sudan, Bahrain, and, Syria! And, of course, The Ongoing Israeli and Palestinian Conflict!

And then, Add To "This Global Boiling Pot," "The Betrayal of Journalistic Ethics" By, Rupert Murdoch's "News Of The World!"

And, When You "Break Down" All of, "The Varied Conflicts," and, "States of Global Amorphous and Unrest," and, See and Experience, "The Ripple Effects, that, It is Causing All Over This World World of Ours, You Can See The Psychological, Emotional, Spiritual, and, "Day To Day Affect," that, This Fiscal, Political, and, Sociological, State Of Affairs, is, having Upon The Lives of, "We The People, Citizens Of The Earth!

But, The Continued Economic Disparity and Partisan Politics, that, Is Prevalent, Worldwide, Is "Shocking," "Shocking", Because, of "The Callous Disregard" of,
The Suffering of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, "Insulting To Our Intelligence," Especially, When "We" See Our Elected Officials "Squabbling over Political and, Economic, Ideologies," that, Do Not have Any Immediate Ramification, or, Importance To, "The Plight" of, "We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And then, To Compound, "This Insult To Our Intelligence," They" (Our Elected Officials) Continue "To Try and Use Us," By "Showing Polls," that, Supposedly, Represent and Support "Their Contentions, and, Their Positions," While Million upon Millions of Us, "Families All Over The World," are "Struggling To Make Ends Meet," and, "Provide For Their Children," and, "Make Our Mortgage Payments, On Time," and, "Pay For The Ever-Increasing Cost of Property Taxes, and Cost of Living,"
"Put Food On The Table," and, Quite Simply, "To Survive!"

And then, To Add To This "Global Economic Breakdown," are The Millions, Who have Seen Their Homes Destroyed By, Natural Disasters, from Joplin, Missouri To Haiti, and, from Australia to Japan, Who are "In Desperate Need" of, The Support of, The Civilian, Financial, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths Communities, and, "The Understanding" of, Our Military Leaders, that, "They" have To Embark upon "New Strategic Operations," For, The Defense and Protection of "The Rights Of The People" "All Over The World," and, "For Countering Terrorism," "Before, It Happens!" And, "Realistic Exit Plans," For "The End of War!"

And, Finally, "Our Military Leaders," have "To Understand," that, "A War Time Economy" Simply, "Will Not Empower, Find Employment, or, Rehabilitate," "The Brave and Courageous Women and Men" of, The Armed Forces of The Earths United Nations! Or, Be "The Driving Economic Force," For The Earths Communities!
"War Time Economies" No Longer "Create New Jobs," that, Support The Evolution and Growth of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, This is Why, "This New Season and Dawn Of Change," Must Be, "An All Inclusive One," with, "All The Power Brokers" of, The Worlds of Finance and Big Business, Religious Leaders and Their Loyal Constituents, Political Party's, Philosophers,
Hi-Tech Visionaries, Eco-Visionaries, Scientists, Culturalists, and, Spiritual Leaders, Agreeing To, "Join Hands" with, "We The People, Citizens Of the Earth, and, "Act, Altogether," As "One Great Soul Force" Of Change, Peace, and, A Better World, "For One and All!"

And, "Justice Must Prevail," Wherever Injustice Threatens The Lives of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "The Sovereign Citizenship," of Each and Every, Interdependent, Citizen Of The World, Must Be Allowed To "Evolve Freely, and, Protected," Whenever, or, Wherever, "Their Freedoms are Threatened!"

The Way To Peace, has, Always, had Impediments "In Its Way," However, As, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, have "Learned To Adapt and Adjust," So, Must "We" Continue To, once again, "Adapt and Adjust" To Follow "The Vision Path, Of, By, and, For The People," and, once again, Continue To, "Transcend The Current Impediments Placed In The Way," By, The Global Oligarchs, Dictators, Drug Cartels, Organize Crime, and, The Sophists of Political, Religious, and, Fiscal Rhetoric!

And, "We" Must, once again, "Follow Our Hearts, Minds, Souls, and, Spirits," "To A Place," Where, only, "Truth Abides!" For, "We" are In Need of, "Truth Today!"

Yes, "A Truth," that, Is Not, "Deaf, Dumb, and, Blind," To School Closings, Hospital Closings! Library Closings! And, Firehouse Closings!

"A Truth," that, Is Not, "Deaf, Dumb, and, Blind," To, The Indifference of, The Plight of The Families Of The Earth, Who have Been Beset Upon By, Rising Prices, that, are Draining, Their Finances and Bank Accounts, While The Media Spotlight, Continues "To Shine on," The Worlds of Celebrity, The Royals, and, Political Ineptitude!

And, Yes, "We" are In Need of, "A Truth," that, Is Not, "Deaf, Dumb and, Blind, To
"The Millions of Children," Who are "Living In Poverty, or, are Being Kidnapped, and, Thrust" into, The Ignominious Darkness of Human Trafficking, and, Sex Slaves!

And, "We The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, are In Need of, "A New Generation of Compassionate Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers," Who are Inspired By, "An Earthrise Eco-Vision," that, Embraces and Supports, "A New Age of Green Entrepreneurialism, Education, and, Cultural Evolvement!" For, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World!
And, This is, The Way To A New Age of Hi-Tech Computers, Algorithms, and, Programs of, An Enlightened Season of Technological, and Scientific Achievements, and, A Peace Time Economy! And, Yes! This is, The Way, To An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, Soul, and, Spirit of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, May "Our Vision Path" of New Innovations In Technology, Science, Education, and, Cultural Awareness, Lead Us To A New Age of Equanimity, Productivity, and, Community Driven Activist Movements!

And, May "Our Earthrise Vision Path," "Of, By, and, For The People, Lead Us To, "A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue," that, Embraces, "A Unified World Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Let Us Continue To Share, "The Good News and Good Karma," of Our Environmental and Ecological Knowledge and Experience, To, "All Corners of, This Planet Earth!"

And, Let Us Continue To Unify, Intensify and, Combine, Our Efforts, To, "Sojourn Beyond The International Space Station," To New Horizons, and New Worlds, As "One Great People," Being of, "A Unified World, Of, By and, For The People!"

And, Let Us Provide Hope, Wherever It Is Needed! And, Let Us Share The Wealth of Our Most Inner Strength, and, "Great Soul Force Of The People," To Empower Those, Who are Less Fortunate, so, that, They to, "May Enjoy The Fruits" of, "The Skies, Sea's, and, Lands, Of The Earth," Plus, A Sense Of Being Here and Now, that, "Is Not Hopeless!"

And, Let Our Spirits Rise Above, "The Conditioned Reality of A Failed Equation of Life," that, Benefits The Lobbyists, and, Constituents of The Global Oligarchs, once again, "At The Expense" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue To Spread, "The Good News and Good Karma," of Peace and Equanimity, "For One and All" via, The Omnipresent, Limitless, Technological, Non-Violent Activists Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," via Google, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace, Yahoo, You Tube, iTunes,, .fr, .de,, . com, Texts, Emails, Fax's, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Interviews, Magazines, Newspapers, The World of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes of Art and Culture, Non-Violent Activist Groups, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, In Concert Performances, The Vote, Hi-Tech Super Computers, with Dedicated Programs, and Algorithms, Directed Towards, The Creation of New Cures, Medicines, and, The Evolution of An Green Industrialization, X's, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, and, Thought Projection!

And, Let Us Continue To Show Compassion For Our Fellow Citizens Of The Earth, and, Let Us Rise To New Levels Of Conscious Awareness, and, Universal/Spiritual Omniscience, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, and, In Doing So, "Reach Across" The Pretentious, and, Selfish Divide, that, has Tried To Separate Us, and, Attempted To Dominate Us, and, Prevent Us, from Being "A United People," Living In
"A Unified World Of The People!"

And, Let Us, By "Crossing The Bridge Of Peace," Rise To New Heights of Conscious and Spiritual/Universal Awareness, and, "Sow The Seeds" Of Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, On The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds, Of "Hope, Peace, and, Change!" And, Let's "Non-Violently, Shake Up, Rock Out and, Change The World, Now!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!
And, This is, A Truth, that, "We" Can "Believe in, and, Aspire To!"

Monday, July 11, 2011



The Way To Peace! #185

It Appears as, If, "The Grand Bargain," Is No Longer The Choice of The Political Party's of The U.S. Government!
The 4 Trillion Dollar Deal is No Longer The Main Choice of The Political Party's, and, The New Choice on The Menu is, The 2.5 Trillion Dollar Deal, that, Vice President Biden, and, a Bi-Partisan Group of Politicians have Been Working on!
So, "The Grand Bargain" has Become, "A Smaller One!"

And, President Obama has, "The Final Choice," To, (1) Continue Trying To Work Out, "A Grand Compromise," with The Leaders of Both Party's, or, (2) Use "The 14Th Amendment," To "De-Politicize The Growing Concerns about, "The Debt Ceiling!"

Our Founders/Framers were Very Astute, and, Prescient, In Understanding that, This Moment, Might Occur, so, That, was One of, The Main Reasons Why, "They" Created
"The 14Th Amendment," To "Guarantee that, Debts incurred By The U.S. Government Would Be Paid," and, There Would Be "No Possibility of Default," or,
Delays, Caused By, The Politicization of, This "Very Serious Matter!"

One Thing, For Sure, Is, that, Whatever Statement, that, Both Party's are Trying To Make, Is "Not Impressing The American Citizens," and, Is "Falling on "The Deaf Ears," of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, "We" are "Sick and Tired" of, "The Same Ole Game of Politics," that, has "Reduced Our Faith and Trust," in Our Elected Officials, "No Matter What Political Party," that, "They" Belong To!!

And, As The August 2ND, "Hard Deadline" Approaches, and, "The Games of Partisan Politics" Continue, "The Incomprehensible News," is, that, There are, Still, At The Least, 14 Million UN-Employed U.S. Citizens, A Figure, "Further Intensified" By,
The Fact, that, Many of These UN-Employed Citizens, are "Veterans!" And, then, When You Compound This Figure By, "The Tens of Millions Who are UN-Employed, Worldwide!"
And, All "We" Continue To, "Hear and Be Bombarded By," Is, Further "Cutbacks!" As, If, "Cutbacks" are, "The Sole Answer To UN-Employment!"

But, What, This "Debt Ceiling Showdown" is Really About, is, How "The U.S. House Of Representatives," and, "The U.S. Senate," Represents, "We The People," and, "Takes Care of Business," In Times of "Economic Urgency!" However, It Will, also, Be, "A Commentary" on, How President Obama, "Protects The Interests Of The United States," and, "Takes Care of The Business For The People," "In Times of Economic Urgency!" Which is Why, "The 14Th Amendment is So Important," Because, "The Debt Ceiling" has Become, Such "An Overriding Distraction," that, once again, "We The People," are "Being Forgotten," In "The Grand, and, or, Small Bargain!"

And, All Over This Sacred World of Ours, Our Fellow Citizens are Suffering, While Politicians are, Still, "Bickering and Quarreling!

And, All Over The World,Our Fellow Citizens are Starving For Inspirational Civilian, Religious, Financial, Military, and, Philosophical Leadership, To Come Forward, and, Be True Representatives, "Of The People!"
Civilian,Religious, Financial, Military, and, Philosophical Leaders of, The Earths Communities, Who are Willing To Bring Pressure on, The Worlds Of Big Business and Finance, To "Act Now," and, Come To The Aid of, The Earths Communities, and, Bring "A Sense of Stability, and, Financial Solvency, Back into Our Lives!"

Where are The Substantive Discussions about, "New Job Creation Policies," and, "Putting The People, Back To Work!"
And, When are "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Going To See "Headlines," Being Made By Politicians, about "New Job Creation Policies," Being Enacted Upon!
"Summer is Here, and, There are, At Least 14 Million People, "Out of Work, In The U.S. Alone!" Is Anybody Listening?

"The Consequences of Political and Economical Inaction" is, "The Economic Default Of The World," and, "An Unthinkable, and, Painful Reality," For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To Endure!

The Leaders ,The Earths United Nations, have To "Act Now!" Or, "The Shock That's Heard All Around The World," Would Be, "The Sound of An Economic Earthquake," that, "Threatens To Destroy Our Homes and Families!"

Pressure Must Be Brought Upon The Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations, To Honor Their Commitment To, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, To "Respect The Will Of The People," and, "The Principles," that, "We" were Taught, "To Believe In!"
"Principles and Beliefs" In, "Fair Play, Honesty, Truth, Trust, Faith, Freedom, and, Justice, For One and All!"

And, "We" were Taught To, "Turn The Other Cheek," and, "To Love Thy Neighbor!" And, "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You, Ask, what You Can Do For Your Country!"

And, "We" were Taught To, "Give To Those Who are In Need," and, "Be Generous of Spirit!"

And, "We" were Taught To, "Believe In Good Over Evil," and, "In Freedom over Tyranny," and, "Peace For The World!" And, "Thou Shall Not Kill!"

But, Over and Over again, "We've Seen Our Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders, "Break The Rule of Law," and, "Taint The Principles," that, We" have Been Taught, "To Believe In!"

And, Now, Its Time For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To, "Demand A True Accounting of Their Intentions," and, For "A Change In Their Policies, Behavioral Patterns, and, Philosophies, of, Profit, Power, Greed, Control, and, Lust," that, has Been, at The Expense of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
For, "A Just and True Change Must Come," If, "We" are To Become, "A Unified World Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Its, also, Time For, "A New Business Model," In The Way, that, Our World Leaders are Conducting Business, If, "We" are To See, "A New Sense Of Optimism," For, "A Successful Global Economy To Emerge," from "The Stagnant State of Recovery," that, "We" are Presently Experiencing!

And, This "New Season and Dawn of Change," Must Be, "An All Inclusive One!"

"A New Season," that, "Provides For, A New Harvest" of, Economic, Social, Political, Spiritual, Emotional, Philosophical, Universal and Personal, Guarantees and Assurances of Social Security and Welfare, "For The World," and, "For The Lives of, All Sentient Beings!"

"We" are All Children of, This Planet Earth, "Born and Raised" To, "Imagine, Aspire, and, Strive, Towards The Achievements of, Our Dreams and Goals!"

"Born and Raised" To, "Make A Difference in Our Lives," and, "In The Lives of, Our Fellow Citizens Of The Earth!"

Our Founders/Framers, Philosophers, Prophets, and, The Illustrious Forefathers and Foremothers of Our Earths Societies and Communities, Created Constitutions, Declarations, Proclamations, Gospels, and, Philosophical Books of Knowledge, that, Included and Presented, "The Best Idea's, Thoughts, Words, Qualities Of The Human Nature, and, Actions" of, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth!
And, This is, Our Opportunity To Share, Enjoy, and, Be, A Just and Fair Earthrise Society Of The Credos, that, were Sown On Our Behalf!

And, Its "Our Time and Opportunity," To, "Amend The Covenants and Inspirational Bills of The Past," and, Make Them into, Global Constitutions, Declarations, Proclamations, and Gospels, that, Are of Benefit To, "We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, "Right Here and Now," as well as, "In The Future!"

So, Let Us Embrace, "An Emancipation Of The People, By The People, and, For The Universal and Personal Spirit Of The People," so, That, "We" May, "One and All" Evolve into The Future As, "A Unified World," and, "A Perfect Union Of, By, and, For The People!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Way, To Heal and Cure The World!
And, This is, The Way To A Peace Time Economy For The World! And, A New Age of Green Entrepreneurialism, and, Green Industrialization! And, This is, The Way To, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, Soul, and, Spirit, of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Encourage, The Use of "Hi-Speed Super Computers," To, "Empower A New Age of Environmental and Ecological Evolution For The World!"

And, Let Us Encourage "The Scientific and Technological Communities of The Earths United Nations," To, "Create New Interdependent Policies, Programs, and, Algorithms, Devoted Towards A New Age Of Job Creation" For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue To "Encourage and, Support The Forces OF Freedom, and, Peacemakers" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue To Encourage Women and Men Who are "True Believers" In, "A Unified World," Wherever, "Non-Violent Earthrise Evolutions, Revolutions, and, Movements Of Change" May Be! From South Sudan To Libya! And, from Egypt To Yemen! "In Truth and, In Action, All Over The World!"

And, Let Us Continue To Spread "The Good News and Good Karma" of, "Our Earthrise Vision Path Of, By, and, For The People," via, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, MySpace, iTunes, You Tube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Google, Non-Violent Activists Groups, and, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit Ins, X's, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, and, Thought Projection, Hi-Speed Super Computers, and,New programs and Algorithms of An Age Of Green Industrialization, Manufacturing and Productivity, The Worlds of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes of Art and Culture, Interviews, Newspapers, magazines, cable, Network and satellite TV and Radio, In Concert Performances, The Vote,.com, .fr, .de,,, Texts, Fax's, Emails, and Yahoo!

And, Let Us Share, This "Good News and Good Karma," All Across The Bridge Of Peace, and, via The Omnipresent, Limitless, Universe, and, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens of, This Planet Earth!

And, Let This Be, "The Dawning of, A New Age of, A Universal Political, Economical, Spiritual, Emotional, and, Sociological, Equation," that, Brings about "A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue," that, Embraces "All The Citizens Of The World, and, "An Age Of Equanimity, Harmony, and Prosperity For All The World!" Free from, "Fear of Terrorist Attacks, War, Violence, Crime, Cyber Attacks, Drug Cartels, Organize Crime, and, White Collar Crimes, Genocide, and, The Ignominious World of Sex Slaves!"

And, Let Us Continue, As "A Great Soul Force Of Truth," To, "Rise To New Levels and Universal States Of, Spiritual, Emotional, and, Intellectual, Conscious Awareness," On The Wings Of The Graceful Phoenix Of Peace, and, On The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Hope, Peace, Compassion, and, Change!

For, This is, The way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Friday, July 8, 2011



The Way To Peace! #184

Although, The New U.S. Jobs Report is Dismal, and, The U.S. UN-Employment Figures have Risen from 9.1% to 9.2%, and, The Global Economies are, Still, In The Doldrums, and, Rupert Murdoch's "News Of The World," has Violated The Standards and Ethics of Good Journalism, and, "Reporting The News," There is, Still, "A Positive Feeling of Optimism," and, "Return to Normalcy," As Symbolized By, "The Reality of Each New Sunrise, and, In Every New Revolution against Tyranny, and, For "Freedom Of Will!" And, Its, also, "In Every New Technological and Scientific Discovery, and, Every New Bounce and Uptick of The Global Markets!"

And, It Feels Like, "A Positive Change" Away from, "The Conditioned/Failed Reality," that, has Controlled and Manipulated, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To Act In Accordance To The Whims of The Oligarchy," To, "A Sense of Reality," that, "Serves The People!"
And, Its There, In "Every New Constitutional, Sociological, Political, Economical, and, Spiritual Reform, Of, By, and, For The People!" And, "Without A Doubt," This "New Feeling Of Change," is, "The Hope Of Future, and, Present Day Generations!" You Can Feel It, within, "The Gift Of Life, As Manifested In Every Newborn Baby Girl and Boy!" And, Therein Lies, "Magnificence and Beauty" of, "This New Season and Dawn Of Change!

And, This New Feeling Of Change is Prevalent, Everywhere, and, is Reflected in Each New Strategical and Logical Development of, This "New Age Of Green Industrialization," Worldwide!
And, It is, One of The Driving Forces, Towards, The "Creation" of, "An Exciting New Time Period of Job Certainty," and, "Skilled Employment Opportunities," "For One and All!"

"Change is Here and Now," However, "We" are, Still, In Need of, A New Generation of, "Industrial Architects," To Come Forward, To, "Lead The Way," and, To Make It, "A Certainty!"

So, Lets Continue Our Earthrise Eco-vision, Evolution, and, Revolution, "Of, By, and For The People," In A Parallel Course Of Action, that, Is, "Beneficial For All The People," as well as, The World Of Business and Finance!
However, The Need For, A New Balance Of The Currencies of The World Economies is, also, Necessary!

But, This is, "Not The Time," For, The "Greed Mongers," of, The "Stagnant Conditioned Reality of, "Big Business and, Finance" To Try To "Rebound and Reap A Profit," At The Expense of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, "The Advent of, This "New Age of, Global Participation, Co-operation, and, Fair minded Competition," of, This "New Age of, Technological, Scientific, and, Green Entrepreneurialism," Which is Ready, To "Break Through The Malaise of Ineptitude," and, "The Lack of Political, Economical, Sociological, and, Universal Vision," of, Too Many Civilian, Financial, Military, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths Communities, Who are "Content on Re-Living The Past!"

"Change is Here and Now," and, Its, also, The Time To, Sow, Nourish, Harvest, and, Share The Evolution of, This New Season and Dawn, Empowered By, A Peace Time Economy, and, Driven By, A New Age of Growth, Caused By, The Evolution of Green Manufacturing, Technology, Science, and, The Fruits Of The Earth and Universe! And, The Elimination of, Redundancy Programs, Pork Barrel Programs, and, Non-Productive Spending and Tax Programs!

However, This is, "Not The Time" To, "Grow The Global Economy" at, "Further Expense" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! "We've Been "Taxed Enough!"

But, It is "The Time To Close The Loopholes" of Big Business, The Affluent, Hedge Funds, and, The Stagnant Conditioned Reality of The Past, that, has Corrupted, Drained, and, Abused, The World Economies For Millenniums!

And, This is, Why, "Change is Here and Now," and, "We The People," Citizens of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, are "Not Going Back To The Past Way of, Doing Business," that, has "Cost The Loss of Our Homes, and, Employment," "Were Going Forward," To, "A Brand New World," and, "A Better World, For One and All!"

This "New Season OF Change, Embraces "An Earthrise Vision Path" of, "A Unified World, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that, Applauds The Efforts of Fair Play, and, A Universal Awareness, that, The Social Security and Welfare of, "We The People," is Crucial To The Continued Evolution, of The Earths Communities, In Parallel with, The Continued Expansion, and, Evolution of, The Worlds of Commerce, Space, and, An Environmental, Ecological, and, Cosmic World Of Equanimity!

And, Lets "Face The Facts, and, Be Honest" with One Another, and, Accept The Premise/Reality, that, The Fate of Each and Everyone of Us, Will Be Greatly Enhanced By, "A New Age of Universal Equanimity," that, Provides The Earths Communities, with, "A Balanced Approach" Towards, Achieving The Economical, Political, Sociological, and, Spiritual Reforms, that, Both Enhances The Quality Of Life "Of The People," and, Protects The Rights Of "Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of, This Planet Earth!"

And, Let Us, also, Agree, that, This New Age Of Equanimity, Should Include, The Best Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, of, The Early Founders/Framers of, The Earths Communities, and, Nations, along, with, The Best Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions of, "We The People," Citizens of, This Planet Earth!
And, Its Time For, "A New Global Constitution Of The People," and, "A New Emancipation Declaration For The People," that, "Guarantees Our Rights To Live," As, "Free Citizens Of The Earth!"

Imagine, It Would Be, An Age Of Universal Equanimity, that, Embraces The Spiritual, Intellectual, and, Emotional Evolution of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, In Addition To The Economic and Financial Prosperity of, Each and Every Citizen of, This Planet Earth! Where "Hedge Funds Of The People," Beautify The Gardens of, Investment Opportunities of, "We The People!"

And, This is, "The Good News" of Change, and, "The New Model For An Age Of Peace, For The World!" And, A Way, To, "Shake Up, Rock Out, and Change The World!"

and, This is, The Way, To Bring Forth A Peace Time Economy, Where The High-Tech World of Hi-Speed Super Computers are Focused on, The Research and Development of New Horizons of An Improved and Successful Global Economy, and, of, "A Unified World!" And, This is, The Way To, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and, Soul of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To, Travel Across The Bridge Of Peace, To All Corners of, This Sacred Earth of Ours, To, "Encourage and Support, The Efforts Of The People," Wherever, They May Occur!

And, Let Us Continue To, Travel Across, The Earth, via, The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let Us Continue To, Call For, "A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues, For, "A Unified World," and, For, New Strategic Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, on, How Best To, "Defend and Protect The Earths Communities" from Cyber and Terrorist Attacks, and, War!
And, How Best To, "Protect and Defend The Earths Communities" from, Drug Cartels, Dictators, White Collar Crimes, and, Oppressive Regimes!

And, Let Us Continue To, Share Our Earthrise Initiatives of, "A Unified World," via, Our Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Limitless, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, via, Twitter, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Linkedin, Myspace, You Tube, iTunes,, .fr, .de,,, Cable, Network, and, Satellite TV and Radio, X's, Napster, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Interviews, Telethons, In Concert Performances, The Worlds of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Worlds of Art and Culture, Non- Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit Ins, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, Thought Projection, Non-Violent Activist Groups, The Vote, Hi-Speed Super Computers with Programs and Algorithms Dedicated To Finding New Cures For The Worlds Diseases and Healing The World, and, The Continued Earthrise Eco-Vision, and, New Age Of Green Activism!

And, Let Us Continue To, Spread The Idea's of, "A Unified World," of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun, On The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, at Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change, Hope, and, Peace, Wherever, The Idea's of, Hope, Peace, and, The Fraternity Of Humankind Reside!

And, May Our Earthrise Manifest of Peace, Hope, Compassion, and, Change For, "A Unified World," Continue To Make A Universal Soul Print, that, Graces The World, As Our Great Forefathers and Great Foremothers of The Earth, have Woven Into, Our Hearts, Minds, Souls, and, Spirits, By Their Committed and Dedicated Examples, Whose Names Will Remain with Us, For As Long as Humankind Aspires To Be, A Great Soul Force of Truth! Women and Men, Who have "Inspired Us, and, Lit Our Way," In Times of, Darkness and Strife, and, Wherever Injustice, Racism, Crime, and, Violence have Threatened The Rights of, "We The People," To Live Our Lives In Freedom!
So, Let Us Continue To, "Non-Violently, Act In The Name Of, By, and, For The People," and, In The Names of, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mother Teresa, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Socrates, St. Francis Of Assisi, Clara Barton, Nelson Mandela, Rumi, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, Charlemagne, Martin Luther King, Confucius, Muhammad, Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, and, Lao-Tse!

And, Let Us Be Grateful For, "Our Combined Positive Karma!" For Its "A Karma," that, "We've All Given Our Lives For!" Its "A Karma Of Love," For The World, The Universe, "We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Earth, and, The Lives of, All Sentient Beings!
And, This "Karma" is, also, "The Equation," For, "A Unified World Of Equanimity, and, Harmony!"

And, Let Us Continue To Rise To A Higher Ground of Existential, Spiritual, and, Universal Being, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, and, Change!
For, This is, The Way To Peace and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011



The Way To Peace! #183

Lets Face The Facts! (1) The Deficit Must be Reduced! (2) Tax Loopholes Must Be Closed! (3) Spending Cuts Must Be Enacted Upon! (4) "We" Need New Revenue Streams/Enhancements! (5) The Debt Ceiling Must Be Raised! (6) Redundancy Programs & Pork Barrel Projects Must Be Cut! (7) And, Partisan Politics Must End, or, The U.S. Government Will Continue To Be, "UN-Productive (and UN-Popular with The People), and, The U.S. Economy Will Remain In, "A Stagnant State of Being," and, UN-Employment Will Not Improve! (8) The Mis-Management of Social Security Must End!
(9) And, Health Care Costs Must Come Under Control! (10) And, Home Foreclosures Must Be Suspended Until Further Notice! (11) And, A Counter Terrorism Military Campaign Must Be The Priority Strategy for Combating, The War on Terrorism, and, Supporting The Forces Of Peace, Freedom, and, The Rights of, All Sovereign Citizens Of The Earth, from Tyranny, Dictatorship, Radical Religious Fanatics, Drug Cartels, and, The Ignominious World of Sex Slaves/Trade!

So, "Lets Get it On," as Marvin Gaye sang, However, First of All, To Begin Anew, President Obama Should Utilize The Fourteenth Amendment of The U.S. Constitution, To Eliminate The Use of Politics, As A Way To Politicize, What is, A Very Serious Situation, and, Pay "The Debts," that, have Been Incurred By, The U.S. Government!

This is Why, "Our Founding Fathers," Created This Amendment, and, It Sends Out "A Clear and Concise" Message To, "All The Politicians," that, "Change is Here and Now," and, The False Rhetoric of Sophists, and, Politicians, Will "No Longer Be Tolerated!"
There are "Too Many Lives" Depending on, "An Honest Government," "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People, " and, There are, "Too Many Citizens Of The Earth," Who are Depending on, "The Financial Solvency of The U.S."

And, of Course, Your Political Adversary's, Will Declare Your Actions as Being Unconstitutional, However, "They" Will Be Proven, "To Be Wrong," and, Further more, "They" Will Lose Further Credibility with, "We The People!"

And, It Is Important, that, The Civilian, Military, Financial, and, Religious Leaders of The Earths United Nations Agree, that, Change Must Come, and, The Egotistical, Selfish, and, Chaotic World of Politics, Must "Come To An End," For The Sake, "Of, By, and, For The People, " Citizens Of The Earth!

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Tired of, "The Same Ole, Same Ole, Political Ideologies and Partisan Politics," that, have Caused "So Much Turmoil and Injustice in Our Lives!"

And, "We" are Tired of, "Being Lied To," Over and Over again, To, "Get Our Votes" in "The Next Election Period!" It is Unfortunate, that, Some Politicians Will Say, Absolutely Anything To Get Elected, or, Re-Elected, at The Expense of, "We The People," and, Its Time For, "A Change To Come!"

All These Politicians Do, is, "Bicker and Quarrel," While "Tens of Millions are UN-Employed!"

And, All They Appear To Want To Do, is, "Bicker and Quarrel," Instead of, Putting Forth New Job Creation Bills To, "Put The People, Back To Work!" Or, Balance The Budget!

Its Been, "More than A Decade," since, The Economy of The U.S. Government, has Been in The Black! And, A Change Must Come!

Don't "They" Realize, that, "For Better, or, For Worst," The U.S. Government is, Involved in, UN-Declared Wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and, Libya, as well as, Being Involved in, Social Unrest and Spirited Revolutions in, Yemen, and, Bahrain! And Then, There's The Continuing Violence in Sudan, Jordan, and, The UN-Resolved Middle East Conflict, Between Israel and The Palestinians, Plus, A Global Economy, that, Is In Need of "A Unified, and, A Positive Attitude," By, Its Civilian, Financial, Military, and, Religious Leaders, If, "The World," is To Ever, To Return To Being, "A Positive/Successful Global Economy!"

Don't "They" Realize, that, While "They" are Playing Political Games of, "Who Will Blink First" that, Our Children, and, The Children of Our Fellow Citizens, of The Earth, are Engaged in These Escalating Military Campaigns! And, that, These Brave and Courageous Young Women and Men, of, Our Armed Forces, are Depending on, The Civilian, Military, Financial, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earth United Nations, To Create "Strategic Diplomatic and Military Exit Plans," To Bring These Conflicts and Campaigns, into, "A Positive Resolution!" This is, "Not The Time For Bickering and Quarreling!"
This is, "The Time Period" For, Serious Women and Men, "Of The People," To Be, "Activists For The People," and, Bring Peace To The Earth!

Don't These Elective Officials Realize, that, "They" are Causing So Much Anger, Frustration, and, Division, amongst "We The People, " that, For Generations To Come, There Will Be, "A Distinct Distrust of, Any Politician," and, "A Taint," that, Will Effect Any Thought of, "Entering Public Service, For Decades To Come!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and, Soul, Continue To "Speak Out," As, "A Great Soul Force," "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
For, "We" Can Not Allow, "These False Voices," of Chaos, and, Political Rhetoric, To Continue To Tarnish, This "New Spring and Season Of Change!"

Let Your Voices, "Sing Out, Loud and Clear," as, "A Great Soul Choir Of Peace and Truth," To Counter The Voices of Dissent and Dissolution!

And, Reach Out, To The Hearts, Minds, and, Souls, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, As, "A Great Soul Force Of Change, To Neutralize The Efforts of, The Lobbyists, Politicians, Financial Institutions, Corporations, and, The CEO's, Who are Under The Control and Influence of, The Global Oligarchs!
Why? Because, The Abuses and Injustices, that, have Been Heaped Upon, "We The People," have Gone on, "For Much Too Long!"
And, The Hypocrisy, Lack of Honor, and, Ego of, "The Tainted Politicians," and, "Greed Mongers" of, The World of Big Business, and, Finance, Can Not Be Allowed, To Continue To, Be apart of, Our Governments and, Global Financial System! Its Time For A Change!

And, If, There Ever was, A Time For, The Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders, and, Global Marketplaces, To "Stand Up For The People," Justice, and, Principles, that, The Earths United Societies, were Taught To Believe in, and, Aspire to, "That Time is Now!"

A Change Must Come, However, It Should Not Be, Solely, "At The Expense" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
Citizens, Who have Given of, Their Lives, For Their Countries and Beliefs, against All Odds!
Change Must Come, However, It Must Not Be, Solely, "At The Expense" of, The Citizens of The Earth, "Everyone" Must Continue To "Heed The Call," and, Continue, Each in Their Own, "Interdependent Way," and, "Sow The Seeds of Change!"

And, "We" Must Change, "The Politics of Amorphous" into, The Way of, "A Unified World!" United In Peace!
The Alternative, Which Would Be, "The Continuation" of, The Present Form of, "Conditioned Reality," and, This Must Must "Come To An End!"

So, President Obama, Use The Fourteenth Amendment of The U.S. Constitution, To, Resolve The Present Political Discourse/Disruption Surrounding, "Raisng The Debt Ceiling," However, also, Include A Clear and Realistic "Balance of The Budget Amendment," and, Actively, Discourage Any Further Spending Programs, Unless, There is, "A Clear and Concise Way of Balancing Them" with, Incoming Revenue Streams," To "Pay For Them!"

"We The People, "Citizens Of The Earth, have To Live By This Premise, "Everyday of Our Lives, and, Since, "We are A Government "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," , Then, Let Us, "One and All," By Example, Live By This Creed, and, You Should, "Lead By It, as Well!"

This is, A New Age, and, The Dawn of, A New Age of Equanimity, and, The Time For, The Leaders Of The Earths Communities, and, Our Religious and Spiritual Leaders To, "Speak Out, and, Speak Up," In The "Name Of The People," is Now!

"We" Can Change The World, However, "We" Must, "One and All," Continue To, "Speak Out," As "One Voice," "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of, This, The Third Planet from, The Sun!

And, "We" Must, All, Continue To "Speak Out" against Injustice and Inequality!

And, May This New Age of Equanimity, Bring Forth, An Earthrise Constitution, that, Guarantee's, The Social Security, and, Welfare of, "All of The People," of, This Planet Earth!
And, An Emancipation Declaration, that, Guarantee's The Sovereign Citizenship of, "Each and Every Being" of, This Planet Earth!

This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Way To Heal and Cure The World!
And, This is, The Way To A Peace Time Economy, Empowered By, A New Age of Green Industrialization and Entrepreneurialism!
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and, Soul,of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The Earth is In Need of, "A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!"

And, The Success of, Our Interdependent Vision Path Lies in Our Being Able To, Withstand The Destructive Forces of, Terrorism, Organized Crime, Drug Cartels, Dictators, Corrupt/Immoral, and, Compromised Politicians of, Corporate Lobbyists, and, The Rejection of Religious Fanaticism!

And, "Our Soul Print," has To Be Consistent with, "The Great Soul Print" of, "The Past and Present Interdependent Leaders" of, Hope, Peace, Love, and, A Fair and Just World, Women and Men, Such as; Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Socrates, Mary, Charlemagne, Clara Barton, Muhammad, Confucius, Zoroaster, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mary Magdalene, Rumi, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rabindranath Tagore, Lao-Tse, Mother Teresa, and, Mahatma Gandhi!

And, Our Earthrise Vision Path, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Lies in, "A Unified World!"

"A Unified World," that, Represents, "One and All," and, Empowers "One and All," and, Graces The Lives of, "All Sentient Beings!"

And, May Our Efforts, Continue, To Bear Fruits Of Peace and Prosperity, "For One and All," and, Let Us Share, "The Good News" of, Our Vision Path of, "A Unified World" via, the Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross- Media Universes!

And, Wherever, The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, Hurricane Winds of Change, Hope, and, Compassion, May Flow, Let Us, Continue To, Lead The Way, To A Just and Caring World!

And, Let Us Continue To Share Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, via, The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, via, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Myspace, Linkedin, iTunes, You Tube, Napster, Amazon. com, .fr, ., . de, ., Newspapers, Magazines, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit ins, The Vote, Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV and Radio, X's, Mediation, Contemplation, Concentration, Thought Projection, The Worlds of Music, Dance, Theatre, Film, and, The Myriad Universes of Art and Culture, Telethons, In Concert Performances, Non-Violent Activist Groups, Emails, Texts, Fax's, Hi-Speed Computers, and, Programs, and, Algorithms of, A New Age of, Green Technology, Research and Development, Manufacturing, and Productivity!

And, Let Us Stand United, As, "We Cross The Bridge Of Peace, Over Hostile Waters!

And, Let Us, Continue To Rise To New Levels of, Spiritual and Conscious Awareness, On The Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, and, Change!

And, Let Us Go Forth To New Horizons, and, Face New Challenges On Our Earth, and, Beyond The Geo Stationary Limits of The International Space Station, "United," As,
"One World, and, One People," of This Planet Earth!
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!