Friday, December 16, 2011



The Way To Peace! #198

"The Silence is Deafening!" Why haven't "The Religious & Spiritual Leaders Of The Earths United Nations" Spoken Out against "The Politicians & Their Political Assassins" Who are "Waging War against The Poor & The Middle Class!"
Its Time that, "They" Stood Up & Spoke Out "In Defense Of The People & In The Name Of The People & Fiscal Parity!"

This is, The Way To Peace & An Omnipresent, Omnipotent & Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Thursday, October 13, 2011



The Way To Peace! #197

Two of my Favorite Songs are, Bob Dylan's, "The Times They are a Changing," and, Sam Cooke's, "A Change is Gonna To Come!" And, As I See The Growing "Wall Street Demonstrations Continue," and, "Spread Nationally, in The U.S.," It Gives Me Hope, that, In Fact, "A Real Change," One "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," One and All, "Sovereign Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun," has "Taken Root," and, "Is Beginning to Evolve and Take Hold!" Just Ask "Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and, "They Will Tell You," that, "The Time For A Real Peoples Evolution has Come!"

And then, Add To that, "A News Worthy Story" Worth Reporting is, that, "For The First Time In The History of Modern Day Politics," or, Otherwise, "The National Polls," in The U.S. have Revealed that, "The Leading Republican Candidate," Campaigning for His Parties Nomination, "For The Presidency of The United States" is, "An African American, Herman Cain!"
Can You Imagine, "The Media Frenzy," if, He Won His Parties Nomination! Just Imagine It, "Two African Americans," Running Against One Another, "For The Grand Prize Of Becoming The President of The United States!"
Can You See "The News Headlines," and, "The Democrats Banners," Waving at The Convention, For "President Barack Obama," and, "The Republican Banners," For Herman Cain!"
Now, This Would Be "A Story" For, The Main Stream Media, Cross-Media Universe, and, Global Historians to Record, "For The 21st Century, and, The History Books!" Just Imagine "The National and Global Significance" of, Such "A Political, Sociological, and, Ideological Event!"

Change has Proven To Be A Great Challenge, In This, The 21st Century! However, Every Step, that, "We The People" Make Towards, "A Unified World,' Is "A Step," that, "Will Bring Us Closer To," The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way To Build The Foundation For, A Peace Time Economy, and, A New and Vibrant Age Of Green Industrialization, and, Research and Development in Alternative Energies, and, Green Entrepreneurialism! And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Of True Hearts, Minds, and, Souls, Of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Spread The Word of "Our Earthrise Movement, and, Eco-Vision Of, By, and, For The People," via The Unlimited Resources of Our Omnipresent, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Networks, Links, and Nexus "Of The People!"

And, Let Us Continue To Share "The Good News and, Good Karma" of, "Our Vision Path Of The People," Wherever Social, or Economic Injustice May Be!"

And, Let Us Continue To Spread The Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Of "A Unified World," "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," via, Non-Violent Sit Ins, Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, In Concert Performances, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Texts, Emails, The Next Elections, You Tube, iTunes, Myspace, Napster, Newspapers, Magazines, Telethons, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, X's, Cable, Satellite, and, Network TV and Radio, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, Thought Projection,,, .fr, .de, .com, and, via The Worlds Of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture!

And, Let Us Share "The Good News and Good Karma" Of, "Our Vision Path Of, By, and, For The People," via Super Computers with Dedicated Algorithms and Programs, Devoted Towards Education and Learning, and, The Education Of A Global Work Force, that, "Puts The People, Back To Work," and, Finds New Cures For Healing The Maladies Of, "We The People!"

And, Let Us Continue To Be, "A Great Soul Force Of The People," In The Great Tradition of, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Martin Luther King, Jesus Of Nazareth, Rumi, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Rabindranath Tagore, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mary, Confucius, Mary Magdalene, Charlemagne, Zoroaster, Socrates, Clara Barton, Lao-Tse, Muhammad, and, Machiventa Melchizedek!

And, Let Us Continue To Rise To New Levels Of Universal, Spiritual, Personal, and, Intellectual, and Emotional, Conscious Awareness, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, and, Flowing Effortlessly, On The Gentle Eddies, Currents, Streams, Waves, and, At Times Hurricane Winds Of Change!

And, Let Us Continue To Move Ever Forward, Towards Our Goals Of, "A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues," "Walking Hand in Hand," Across The Bridge Of Peace, and, "Singing Our Anthems Of Hope, Change, and, A Unified World!"

And, Let Us Continue To Soar To New Worlds and Galaxies Of, "Limitless Vision, and, Potential" Of, What Our Lives Can Be, Living In "A Universe Of Peace, Equanimity, and, A Shared Prosperity For One and All"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Friday, August 19, 2011



The Way To Peace! #196

Okay (or D'accord, as The French Would say) Lets Get Right To It! (1) As The Stock Markets Continue Their Daily Roller Coaster Ride, and, (2) As President Assad Continues To Threaten The Lives Of The Citizens Of Syria, Who, Only, Long For The Freedom, and, The Right To Live Free from Oppression, and, (3) As The People, Of Somalia, Continue To Starve, and, Live In Unsanitary Refugee Camps, and, (4) As The Citizens Of Joplin, Haiti, Louisiana, and Japan, Continue Their Long Road Back from Being Devastated By Natural (and Man Made) Disasters, and, (5) As Our Police, Fire, Postal, Transportation, Air, Rails, Libraries, Schools, Education, Corporate and Bank Employees Continue To Be Threatened with Cutbacks, and, Firings!
And, (6) As The European Banks Continue To Be Under Pressure To Bail Out The Euro Zone, and, (7) The Euro and Dollar Become Strange Bed Mates Of Chaos and Dissolution, and, (8) The U.S. and Coalition Forces Continue To Fight In UN-Declared Wars In Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and, The Global War On Terror, as well as, Their Added Involvement In Regional Conflicts In The Middle East and, North Africa, and, (8) Why Would, The U.S. Congress Want To Engage In Another UN-Official War, But This Time within The Borders Of The U.S. Imagine, that, "An UN-Official War Against The Poor!" Does It Sound "Far Fetched!"

Understand, that, at Present, "One Out of Every Five Children" are "Living In Poverty In The U.S." So, Why, Would "Any Elected Official," No Matter "What Party Affiliation," Vote For, "Cutbacks In Programs that, are Beneficial To The Survival Of The Poor!" And, "Not Vote," Instead, For "Closing The Tax Loopholes For The Rich and The World Of Big Business!"

Is It, Because, "The Poor" Do Not Reflect, "The Capitalistic Vision Of The Global and U.S. Oligarchs!"

Or, Is It, Because, "The Poor," Reflect "The Most Vulnerable Part Of Capitalism!"

Again, I Ask You, "Why Make War On The Poor!"

"We The People, Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, were "Taught and Brought Up To Help Those Who are In Need!" And, "Look Out For," and,, "Help Your Neighbor, If, They're In Need!" And, "Come To The Aid Of Your Fellow Citizen, When They are In Need," or, are "Being Oppressed," or, have "Been Struck Down By Natural or, "Man Made Disasters!"

"We've Learned This, from "Our Religious Studies," or, "Academic Studies," "Philosophers," or, "Political Party's," Whether They Be, In Principle, "Democratic, Socialistic, Communistic," or, Whatever, Your Beliefs May Be! "To Help Those Who are In Need is A Universal Covenant Of All Human Kind!"

And, It is, "A Core Principle" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Irregardless, Of "What Divisive Political, or, Religious Rhetoric," "We" were "Being Fed To Manipulate Us," and, It is, "A Strategic Part Of What Our beliefs are!"

So, Why have Our Elective Officials, Taken This Course Of Policy Making? (1) To Balance The Budget? (2) Reduce The Deficit?

And, What, Exactly, "Is The Merit Of Cutting Back On Programming," that, "Can Be Of Aid To "The Poor!" Is It; (1) "The Poor Do Not Contribute Enough," To "The City, State, and, Federal Governments," or, "The Election Campaigns Of Politicians," Because, "They are Struggling Financially To Survive," or, (2) The Monies are Being "Rolled Over," that, were "Allocated For The Poor," Into "Another Politicians Pet Project!"
And, This Way, "The Poor," Will Be "Forced To Pay Their Own Way," "One Way or Another!" "Steal, Beg," Whatever, If, "They Would Like To Continue To Be A Sovereign Citizen Of This Planet Earth!"

But, Is "This How A Democracy Works at Its Best!" "No, I Think Not!"

Or, Is "This, Just, Another Example Of How Capitalism," and, "The Policies Being Put Forth By, Its Cohorts, and, Its Elected Officials, Lobbyists, and, Partners In The World Of Big Business, Banks, and, The Global Markets, "Works Best For Them!"
For Example, If "Apple Communications," Does Not Reach "Its Quarterly Projections," as Forecasted By Its CEO, "The Global Markets Take A Tumble"
But, If "We The People," Citizens Of The earth, are Starving To Death, such as, In Somalia, or, Being Threatened By Dictators,, such as, In Syria, When are "The International Activists Of The People," amongst, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders Of The United Nations Going To Act, and, "The Voice," and, "The Will Of The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Going To Be Heard!" Haven't "We" Endured Enough Deaths Already! However, I Guarantee, that, If, "Oil Production, or, Oil Distribution" were Being Threatened, There Would Be "An Immediate Voice Of Concern," and, "Call To Action," By All The Leaders Of The Earths Nations, and, Of Course, The Global Markets!

So, Why is There "An UN-Official War Against The Poor!" Because, "They," Really, Don't "Count In The Scheme Of Things," Do They!"

And, Are "They" "An Important Part Of Any Candidates Election Strategy?" No!
So, You Can See that, "Their Value As Sovereign Citizens Of The World," Is Not Very Important To "The Powers that Be!"

But, To Us, "These Families are Important To The Fabric Of The Earths Society!"
And, "In Many Cases, "They" are "Our Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Uncles and Aunts, Grand Fathers, Grand" Mothers, Mothers and Fathers!"

But, "It Is Beyond me," Why, "An Elected Official," or, "The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders Of The Earths Communities," "Can Continue To Look The Other Way," When Faced with The Misery Of The Poor!"

Just Imagine, "There are Fifteen Million Children Living In Poverty, In The U.S. alone! And, that's, "An Increase Of Eighteen Percent," Since The Year Two Thousand!
And, While "The Elected Officials" Of The U.S. Congress are On Paid Vacation, Another Child Goes Hungry, Because, Of These Politicians Inaction and Party Ideologies! Its, "An UN-Official War against The Poor!"

"No One" Should Ever Wish, "This State Of Being On Any Child," or, "Anyone," Irregardless, Of What Race, Creed, Political Affiliation, or Nationality They May Be, On This The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, If, This "UN-Official War against The Poor," Is A Reflection Of "A Selfish, Soulless, Greedy, and, Power Hungry Capitalistic Ideology," "This Can Not Continue To Exist!"
"We" are "A Civilized People Of The World," Living In The Second Decade Of The 21st Century, and, "The Days Of Imperialism are Over!"

And, If, "Capitalism," or, Any "Ism," Whatsoever, Would Like To, "Continue To Evolve In Conjunction, or, In Parallel, with The Will Of People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, Then, Whatever "The Ism" May Be, Would have To Show "A Real Desire To Be Compassionate, Merciful, and, In Union and Communion with "The Greater Good" Of, "We The People," and, "The Lives Of Our Fellow Human Beings," and, "The Lives Of All Sentient Beings," Of This Earth and The Universe!

"We" are All Aware, that, For Decades, There has Been "An Incredible Investment," In Space Travel, Which Is "Part In Part" True To The Human Nature, as well as, Being Consistent, "In Our Desire To Travel To New Continents, and, New Worlds, Beyond The Earths Horizons," However, "We" Must Be, "A Unified World Of Peace, Harmony, and, Equanimity," that, Cares about, "The Quality Of Life For One and All!"
It Would Be "A Great Disappointment In Our History," If "We" Did Not Evolve, As "A Unified World Of Great Potential and Great Purpose!
For, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, This is, The Way To Build The Foundation For A Global Peace Time Economy, and, A New and Vibrant Age Of Green Industrialization, and, Research and Development In Alternative Energies, and, Green Entrepreneurialism! And, This is The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls Of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Be A Great Soul Force, In The True Tradition Of, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Socrates, Rumi, Confucius, Mother Teresa, Muhammad, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mary Magdalene, Zoroaster, Martin Luther King, St. Francis Of Assisi, Rabindranath Tagore, Lao-Tse,
Charlemagne, Nelson Mandela, and, Clara Barton!

And, Let Us Make A Great Soul Print Of Peace For The World, Wherever Injustice, and Tyranny Threatens, and, Let Us Spread "The Good News and Good Karma," Of Our Earthrise Eco-Vision, Evolution, Movement, and, Vision "Of, By, and, For The People" via Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Yahoo, Google, You Tube, iTunes, Napster, X's, Fax's, Emails, Texts, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Magazines, Non-Violent Activist Groups, The Worlds Of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture, Cable, Network, and, Satellite, TV and Radio, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, and, Thought Projection, Non-Violent Marches, Demonstrations, Sit Ins, Strikes,,, .de, .fr. .com, Hi-Speed Super Computers with Dedicated Programs and Algorithms, Directed Towards Discovering New Medicines, and, New Cures, and, New Technologies, that, Can Create New Jobs, Educate and "Put The People Back To Work!"

And, Let Us Continue To Spread "The Good News and Good Karma," Of Our Great Soul Print Of The 21st Century, via, The Vote, and, All Across The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Unlimited, and, Non-Violent Activist Communication Networks, Links, and, Nexus "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us Continue To Move Ever Forward Towards, A Global Peace, and, Worldwide Peace Dialogues! And, The Crafting Of An Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, that, Guarantees The Sovereign Right Of, Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth, To Live In Freedom, and, Accorded All Of The Liberties Of, "A Unified World Of Peace, Justice, Prosperity, and, Equanimity For One and All To Share!"

And, Let Us Continue To Rise Above The Clouds Of A Conditioned Reality, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, and, On The Gentle Eddies, Waves, Streams, Currents, and, at Times, Hurricane Winds Of Peace, Hope, and, Change!
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!

Monday, August 15, 2011



The Way To Peace! #195

"While The Candidates" Continue To "Run For Their Party's Presidential Nomination," In France, and, In The U.S., and, "Continue To Spew Forth Their Political Rhetoric," with, "No Real Sense Of Meaning," and, or, "Passion," and, or, "What The Consequences May Be!"
And, "While The Political Discourse," In The U.S. Congress, "Takes A Brief Hiatus," As "Our Elected Officials, Take Their Paid Vacations," "Millions Of Children, are Still, Living In Poverty," and, are "Living with Their Parents In Unsanitary Conditions," from Joplin, Missouri, to Louisiana, Haiti, and, Somalia!
Now, If, "This Appears To Be Too Cruel, or, Too Harsh, Of, An Assessment Of Political Ineptitude," and, "Political Stubbornness," To Deal with The Problems, that, are "Most Seriously Affecting The Lives Of We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "In effect, Its All Too Real To Ignore," isn't It!

And, "While, Our Elected Officials," Continue "On Their Paid Vacations," "The Brave and Courageous Women and Men, Of Our Armed Forces," and, "The Coalition Forces," Of The Earths United Nations, "Continue To Die, and, Suffer Wounds," "Fighting In UN-Declared Wars, The Global War On Terrorism," and, "New Military Escalations," that, have "No Exist Strategy" "No Matter," What "Elected Official Tells You!" And, This to, "Is All Too Real To Ignore," or, Make Light about!

And, "While Our Elected Officials Continue On Their Paid Vacations," Tens Of Millions Of The People, Whom "They" are Supposed To Be Representing, "Remain UN-Employed," and, are "Unable To Find A Good Job," or, Quite Simply, "Any Civilised Employment, At All!"
And, "The Brave and Courageous Members Of Our Armed Forces," Who have "Returned Home from Duty," and, Left The Service, are "Finding It Very Difficult To Find Qualified Employment," and, This To, "Is All Too Real To Ignore!"

And, "As The Markets Lose Trillions Of Dollars, Yen, Euros," etc, and, then, "Make It Back Again, Only, To Lose It All Over Again, Before Making It Back Again," and, "On and On The Cycle Continues To Fluctuate," and, "Go Round and Round," On "Its Own Personal Financial Merry Go Round," "Our Elected Officials" Continue To "Brag about," Their "Supposed Victories" In "Debt Reduction," Even, "To The Point," Of, When, "The Republican Nominees, Running To Become Their Party's Nominee For President, "All Raised Their Hands, In Unison, When "They" were Asked If, "They" "Would Reject A Defict Deal," with, A, Mere, "10 to 1 Ratio Of Spending Cuts To Revenues!" And, This to, "Is All Too Real, and, Serious, To Ignore!"

And, "While Our Elected Officials Take Their Paid Vacations," This Month Of August, "We The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, are, Still, Without, "A New Job Creation Policy!" And, "We" are, Still, "Living In Frustration, Anger, and, A Deeply Felt Resentment," Over "Our Governments Policy Making/Direction, Partisan Politics, Lack Of Honest Sincerity, and, Lack Of Determination In Closing Tax Loopholes For The Rich, and, The World Of Big Business!" And, This to, "Is All Too Real, and Too Serious, and, Too Much To Ignore!"

"Its Definitely Time" For "A National Recall Election Policy," To "Allow The People" To, "Have A Voice," and, "Express The Will Of The People," that, "Can Not Be Ignored or Denied!"

And, "Its Time" For "A National Recall Election Policy," To "Remove from Office, Any Politician," that, "Is Not Representing The Will Of The People!" And, "Place A Real Threat Of Being Fired," In The Minds,Of "Any Elected Official," Who, "Actually Believes," that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Can Be Finessed To Believe, or, Do," Whatever, "They" "Would Like Us To Do, or, Believe," and, that, "They" are "Doing It For Our Benefit!" Of Course!

"This Kind Of Political Conditioning Of The People," Must Come To An End! And, "Is Too Much, and, Too Serious, and, Too Real To Ignore!"

And, "While These Elected Officials, Go On Their Paid Vacations," or, "The Candidates from Their Party's," "Attempt To "Convince The People," To "Donate Their Hard Earned Earnings, To Their Campaigns," Do "They" Really Care, or, Think," about, The Fact, that, "Their Policies have Resulted In, The Threat Of Another School Closing!" And, "The Threat Of Another Library Closing!" And, that, "More Cutbacks and Closing Demands are Being Placed On," "Our Police, Fire, Postal, Air, Teachers, Unions, and, Corporate Business Employee's!"
Or, that, "Their New Austerity Programs were Passed," Even Though, "The Citizens Of The Earth," are "Struggling To Pay Their Bills," and, "In Some Cases," There are "Two Parents Working To Provide For Their Family," and, "Single Parents are Struggling To Make Ends Meet," and, "The Elderly, are Struggling To Make Ends Meet," and, that, "There is Absolutely No End In Sight" Of, "The Disastrous Housing Market!" "Too Many Families have Lost Their Homes," and, This is, "Too Serious, and, Too Real To Ignore!"

And, "While Our Prison Populations, Continue To Grow," "Predominantly Made Up Of Latins, and, People Of Colour," also, "UN-Employment Continues to Grow at An Alarming Rate amongst These Two Ethnic Communities," as well! "Does Anyone, Not See The Correlation," and, "Obvious Equation at Work Here!" And, This to, "Is Just Too Real, and, Too Serious To Ignore, or, Remain Quiet about!"

And, Once Again, This May Appear To Be "Too Harsh, or, Cruel An Observation, But, Its Still, Too Real, and, Serious A Problem To Ignore," that, "While Our Elected Officials, Go On Their Paid Vacations," Still Yet, "Another Child Is Kidnapped, and, or, Is Being Sold into The Evil Domains Of Child Pornography," and, or, "Killed," When "Their Usefulness/Youthfulness, Is No Longer Required!"

So, Yes, Of Course, "Call Back All Of The Elected Officials," from "Their Paid Vacations" and, "Put Them Back To Work," and, "May Be, Just, May Be," "They" Will "Get The Message!" That, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are "Tired Of Their Inefficiencies," and, "Games Of Political Ideologies," and, "Who Can "They" "Place The Blame On!"
"Its Time," that, "They" "Acted In A Responsible, and, Trustworthy Manner," or, "Resign Their Positions In Government" and, "Join The Ranks Of The UN-Employed!" And, "May Be," "They" Will "Get The Message" Of, "What It Feels Like," To Be "Without A Job!"

This is, "The Time," For Our Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders Of The Earths United Nations "To Join Together," "To Present A New Global Vision and Strategy Of Change, that, "Empowers The People," and, that, "Works For The Common Good Of The People!"

And, "Its Time For Them" To Go "To Impoverished Areas," that, "Lack The Hope," that, "Anything Will, Ever Change, To Improve Their Quality Of Life," Instead Of, "Going Only," To, "The Politically Correct Town Hall Meetings!"

"We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, are "A People Of Great Potential," and, "Of Great Purpose," However, "We" Need A New Generation Of Women and Men, To Come Forth," To "Represent Our Earthrise Vision Path, Purpose, Evolution, and, Movement," "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun! And, "A New Global Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, "We" are "In Need Of," More than, "A Super Committee" or, "Another Committee Of Elected Officials," To Bring about, "The Political, Economical, Spiritual, and, Sociological, Reforms Of Change," that, are "Needed For The Sake Of The World" and, "The Lives Of "All Sentient Beings, and, The Environment!"

"We The People," Need "All Of The Elected Officials Of The Earths Communities," To "Act In Concert and In Harmony," with Each Other! And, Then, "Join Ranks with The People," To "Provide A New Age Of Social Security, Financial Security, and, Help Bring about, An Age Of Equanimity," and, "A Unified World For One and All To Share!"

It Just Takes, "The Determination To Do It!" And, "The Commitment To Do It!" And, The Will and Resolve To Do It," By "Our Elected Officials," and, "A Sincere Desire," To Be, "True Representatives Of The People," and, "Not For Their Lobbyists, Political Ideologies," or, "Political Brinkmanship," or, "For Their Egos!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal, and, Cure The World!
And, This is The Way To "Build A New Age Of Green Industrialization and, Green Entrepreneurialism," and, "A Peace Time Economy, Focused On Putting The People Back To Work," and, "Supporting A New Financial System," that, has "Gained The Trust and Support Of The People!"
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Of True Hearts, Minds, Souls, and, Spirits, Of The 20TH and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Move Forward Towards Achieving Our Goals, Of Economic Parity, and, "Peace Dialogues, Conducted, Wherever Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths Communities, Gather In The Name Of Peace, Equanimity, and, Prosperity For The World!"

And, Let Us Continue To Move Ever Forward, Towards "Our Strategic Goal" Of "A Global Truce For The World" Founded On The Principles, Rights, Liberties, and, Freedoms, Of "All The People Of The World, To Live as Sovereign Citizens Of This Planet Earth!"

And, Let Us, Continue To Spread "The Good News and Good Karma" Of Our Just Intentions, via Twitter, You Tube, iTunes, Yahoo, Facebook, Linkedin, Napster, Emails, Texts, Fax's,, .fr, .de,,, Interviews, The Vote, Newspapers, Magazines, In Concert Performances, The Worlds Of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit Ins, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, X's, Hi-Speed Super Computers with Designated Programs and Algorithms, Dedicated To Find New Medicines, and, New Cures, and, New Technologies, To Empower An Age Of Green Industrialization, Distribution, and, Alternative Energies, and, via, Network, Satellite, and, Cable TV and Radio Networks, Google, and, All Across The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network, Links and Nexus "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us Continue To Be "A Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, and, Share "The Good News and Good Karma" Of, "Our Eathrise Eco- Vision, Evolution, and, Movement Of Peace," Wherever "Peace is Being Threatened," or, "The Lives Of Our Fellow Beings," are "Being Threatened By Dictators, Tyrants, Drug Cartels, White Collar, or, Organized Crime," or, "The Isms, Ists, Ions, and, Ocracies Of A Conditioned Reality, Attempting To Suppress and Oppress Us!"

And, Let Us, Continue "To Make A Great Soul Print" Of, "A Spiritual and Enlightened Earth Society," Truly, "A Unified World For All Time," As "We" Continue To "Journey Across The Bridge Of Peace, Hope, and, Change Together!"
And, As "We" Rise To Higher Levels Of Conscious Awareness, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, and, Soar To New Horizons, Galaxies, and, Worlds Of Sentient Beings, Let Us, also, Remember, that, The Gentle Eddies, Waves, Currents, Streams, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change, are "Flowing Althroughout The World," and, "We" have to, But, "Remain Committed" To "Our Earthrise Vision Path, Of, By, and, For The People," To Achieve "A Way To Peace!" And, "An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!"

Thursday, August 11, 2011



The Way To Peace! #194

This is, "The Time," For "Serious Women and Men Of Great Conscious," To "Come Together, In The Name Of The People," and, "For The Sake Of Our Children," and, "Their Children," and, "For The Sake Of The Brave and Courageous Members Of Our Armed Forces," and, "The Coalition Forces Of The Earths United Nations," Who are Fighting In UN-Declared Wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and, The Global War On Terrorism!
All You have To Do Is, As The Saying Goes, "Read The Handwriting On The Wall" To Know, Just, "How Serious," This Time Period has Become, To "Understand The Magnitude Of Discontent," In This World Of Ours!

I Could List The Reasons Beginning with; (1) There were Five More Deaths Of U.S. Forces In Afghanistan, This Week! (2) The Global Markets are In A Constant State Of Agitation, Fluctuation, and, Mood Swings, that, have Caused The Loss Of More Than A Trillion Dollars over The Last Two Weeks, alone! And then, (3) The Threat Of A Possible Downgrade Of The Credit Rating Of France! And, (4) The Rioting Youth, In The UK, Who are Showing Their Dissatisfaction Of Their Present State Of Being, By, Unlawfully, Starting Fires, and, Looting Their Neighborhoods and Cities!
And then, There is, (5) This New Political Election Cycle, Where Politicians, Who are Hoping to Obtain Their Party's Nomination, Can Be More Divisive, than, Optimistic and Positive! And, Then Add To This Global Feeling Of Discontent Is, (6) The Starving People, In Somalia, (7) The Oppression Of The People, In Syria, and, Libya, and, (7) The Flash Mobs Of Youth in Philadelphia, Who Lack The Proper Guidance To Realize, that, This is, Not The Way To Achieve Their Goals In Life! But, All Of These Reasons Would Be, As Another Saying Goes, "Just The Tip Of The Iceberg!"

"The World Needs Change," and, Its Time For The Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, and, President Obama, To Become, "Activists For The People!"

"They" Should, "Make It Their Main Priority," To Go To The Neighborhoods, Towns, Cities, States, and, "Nations Of The People," and, "On A First Hand Basis," Assess, "What Needs To Be Done," To Repair The Roadways, Bridges, Subways, Sidewalks, Parks, Schools, Libraries, and, Whatever Public Structures and Facilities, that, are "In Need Of Improvement," and, that, "Will Improve The Quality Of Life Of The People," and, "Put The People Back To Work!"

And, "They" Should, "Make A Point Of Going To Impoverished Communities," and, Show The World, Through "The Social, and, The Cross-Media Universes," "The Results and Consequences Of Ill Advised Political Decisions," and, "Passionately," Talk about "What Needs To Be Done," and, Then, "Demand," that, "All The Political Party's," Undertake "A Balanced Approach" Towards Improving, The International, National, Regional, and, Local Communities Welfare!

This is, The Time For, Voices Of Reason, Peacemakers, Religious, Civilian, Financial, and, Military Leaders, "To Recognize," that, "The Times have Changed," and, "New Economical, Sociological, and, Political Reforms" Must Be Crafted, To "Address, This New Age," and, "The Stress, Frustration, Anxiety, and, Rage," that, "Is Taking Place In The World Today!"

There are "Too Many Real Life Situations and Issues," that, "Need Immediate Attention," In The World, Today, that, "Must Be Acted Upon, Immediately," and, Forcefully, and, "Solutions, and, Resolutions Must Be Found," To Resolve "These Potential Disasters In The Making!" Before An "Emotional Hurricane Erupts, Worldwide," that, "Causes More Instability, Chaos, Crimes, and, Violence, Althroughout This World Of Ours!"

This is, "The Time," For The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military, Leaders Of The Earths Communities, and, The World Of Big Business, "To Take Activist Roles!" "They" Can Not "Remain On The Fence," or, "Act Professorial," as The Sayings Go!" Its Time For Them, To "Walk The Walk, and, Talk The Talk," with "The People," and, "Come To The Aid Of The People," and, "Rise To The Challenge" Of, "Bringing Peace, Economic Stability, and, A New Age Of Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, Sociological, and, Financial Equanimity and Security To The World!"

"Change Is Here and Now," and, "Its Ripples, Currents, Streams, Waves, and, High Tides, Must Be Respected," and, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Must Be Empowered," and, "A Bridge Of Peace, Must Be Built, To Lead The People, To A Higher Ground," Where Our Families, Friends, and, Neighbors, "Can Enjoy The Fruits Of Life," and, "Living In An Age Of Social Security!"

And, This is, "The Time" For, Our Civilian, Financial, Military, and, Religious Leaders Of The Earths Communities, To "Nourish, Re-Invest, and, Empower, The New and Fragile Global Financial System," that, Is Emerging, "Here In The 21st Century," and, "Protect It," from "The Corrupt Conditioned System Of The Past!"

And, This is, "The Time" For "Political Agendas, Political Ideologies, and, Partisan Politics," To "Take A Back Seat, To The Needs Of The People!"

And, If, "These Elected Officials, Can Not Understand The Gravity, and, Seriousness, Of This Time Period," then "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Must Demand, A New Election Process/Policy," Whereby, "A Nationwide Recall Vote," Can Be "Demanded, By The People, and, For The People," with, "National Consensus Of The People!"

And, "The World Of Big Business, Banks, and The Global Markets," Must "Get Off The Fence," and, "Support A Strategic Global Partnership," that, "Embraces A New Dawn Of, Education, and, Research and Development," "In A New Age Of Green Industrialization, and, Entrepreneurialism!"

And, "Its Time" For "The Private Sector," To "Invest In Stabilizing The Agricultural Community" and "The Evolution Of A Hi-Tech Super Age Of Technology, and, Science," as well as, "Supporting," Social, Economical, Political, and, Spiritual Security," For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Its Obvious, that, If, The Financial, Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, The World Of Big Business, Global Oligarchs, "Do Not Act Now," To "Bring A Necessary Breath Of Fresh Air, Hope, Compassion, Optimism, and, Understanding, To The People," and, "Come To The Aid Of The People Of The World,"
"A Continuation Of Turmoil, Fires, Violence, Crime, Chaos," and, "A Highly Combustionable Street Anger," Will Continue, To "Erupt, All Over The World!"
Whether It Be, "In Our Greatest Cities," To "A Rumbling Of Discontent," In "Our Small Towns and Villages!"

However, There Is, "No Reason," Why, "A Positive Change," Can Not "Become A Reality, and, Movement," that, "Truly Represents The Will, and, The Voice Of The People!"

And, There Should Be, "No Reason," Why, "The World Of Big Business, Banks, and, Financial Institutions," Can Not, "Enter Into An Honest Partnership," with, "The People," that, "Gives Birth To, A New Sense Of Trust, Between, "The People, and, Big Business!" "A Partnership," that, "Creates A New Equation Of Supply and Demand, Profit, Purpose, and, Gain," that, Is, "In Equanimity with, The Growth Of New Public Service and Health Care Projects, For The People!"

This is, "The Time," For "A New Character Image," To "Shape The Countenance" Of The Leaders Of The Earths United nations, and, Communities! "An Image," that, "Reflects A Purity Of Heart, Mind, Spirit, and Soul!"

"An Image," that, Is "Reflective Of A New Age Of Great Purpose, and Great Potential!"

"An Image," that, "Reflects An Earthrise Vision Path, Movement, and Evolution" Of,
"A Great People," Of This Planet Earth!

"A New Age Of Justice, Racial Equality, Peace and Prosperity, and, Social Equanimity, For One and All!"

That, "Gives Birth To A New Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration," that, "Guarantee's The Sovereign Rights and, Liberties," Of, All The People," Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World, and, Bring An Age Of Enlightenment To The World!
And, This is, The Way To Build A Foundation For A Peace Time Economy, and, Investment In A New Age Of Green Manufacturing and Distribution, that, Is, A Direct Result Of, "A Strategic Change In Global Energy Policies," By, The Civilian, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, "Away from, Nuclear Energy and Oil, To Alternative Energies," and, "A Universe Of Alternative Energy Choices!"
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls, Of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Learn from Our Past Experiences, and, Sow The Seeds Of Evolutionary Idea's, and, Visions, that, Give Hope To The Aspirations and Longings Of, An Earths Populace, "To Transcend The Sense Of Being Apart Of, A Purposeless and Meaningless Existence," and, "A Class Conscious Society Of A Conditioned Reality!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Advance Our Peoples Agenda" To The World! "One," that, "Brings Peace To The World," Through A Series Of, Non-Violent Stages, Beginning with, Worldwide Peace Dialogues, and, A Global Truce!

And, Lets Call Upon, The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths Communities, To Join Us, In, "An Earthrise Covenant Of Peace, Justice, Economic Parity, and, Universal Health Care," "For All The World!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Move Forward In All Haste," To "Encourage A Fiscal Global Movement," that, "Brings Forth, A New Age Of Economic Reforms, and Job Creation," that, "Creates Jobs For The World," and, "Establishes, A Working Relationship with The Global Business Community," that, Is "Fair minded, Honest, Productive, and Prosperous For Everyone!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Move Forward Towards The Realization" Of Achieving, "Our Earthrise Vision" Of "A Unified World Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Sovereign Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue To Share "The Good News and Good Karma," Of, Our "Earthrise Eco-Vision, Of A New Age Of Environmental and Ecological Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions" Of "An Advanced Universal and Conscious Aware Programs and Policies," that, Both, "Protect The Earth, and, Enhance Our Life Style Choices!"

And, Let us Continue To Share and Spread "These Visions, Idea's, New Strategies Thoughts, Words, and, Actions," via Facebook, Yahoo, You Tube, Twitter, iTunes, MySpace, Linkedin, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, X's, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit Ins, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, Thought Projection, Interviews, Emails, Texts, Fax's, The Vote, In Concert Performances, Newspapers, Magazines, Cable, Network, Satellite TV and Radio Networks, Non-Violent Activist Groups, The World Of Music, Dance, and The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture,, .fr, .de,,, Napster, Hi-Speed Super Computers with Dedicated Programs and Algorithms, Directed Towards Finding New Cures and New Medicines, and, Telethons!

And, As "We" Cross "The Bridge Of Peace Together," Let Us Continue "To Evolve To New Levels Of Universal, Spiritual, Personal, and, Intellectual Conscious Awareness" On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, Compassion, Reason, and, Change!
And, via, The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Unlimited, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Networks, Links, and, Nexus "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Let us Continue "To Soar, To New Galaxies, and, New Horizons," and, "Worlds Of Unlimited Potential," On The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, High Tides, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change!

And, Let Us Continue To Be, "A Great Soul Force For Peace," "Moving Ever Forward Towards" An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium, and, A Unified World Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth and The Universe!

"We" All, "Have A Choice," To Go Down A Path Of War, Violence, Poverty, Destruction, and, Chaos, that, Can, only, "Lead To The First World War Of The 21st Century," or, To Follow "An Illuminated Path," that, "Leads Us To An Age Of Peace On Earth!"
Let Us, Always, Choose Peace," "For The Sakes Of Our Families and Friends," and, "For The Sake Of All Sentient Beings," and, "The Earth, Itself!"

Saturday, August 6, 2011



The Way To Peace! #193

"The First World War Of The Twenty-First Century" Is in Its Beginning Stages, and, has "To Be Stopped," Before, "It Escalates To A Full Blown Conflict," with "Dire Consequences To The Earth!" But, Its "A Different Kind Of Conflict," than, "World War I and II," in The Twentieth Century! But, "The Deaths and Agony Of Millions Of The People, Worldwide, are Proofs," that, "It Is Growing, In Intensity!"
Such as; "The Deaths Of Thirty U.S. Armed Forces and Eight Afghans, Who Tragically Died Last Weekend," and, "The Disturbing Visuals Of Impoverished Children and, Their Families," Living In Starvation and Poverty, In Somalia!

But, "This Threat To World Peace," Goes Beyond "The Two UN-Declared Wars, In Afghanistan/Pakistan and Iraq," and, "The Global War On Terrorism" (Renamed "The Overseas Contingency Operation," By The Obama Administration), and, "The Myriad Conflicts," Taking Place "In The World Today," Although, "They" are, Definitely, "A Serious Part Of It!"
And, "It Goes Beyond, The Threats Of Global Cyber Attacks, Although, They Too, are "A Serious Part Of It!""

And, This is "Not An Exaggeration Of Facts," or, "A Doomsday Predication," By, No Means at All! Its Just "An Assessment Of The World, As It Exists Today!" And, What "The Potential Consequences" May Be! And, It Is Causing, "Not Just The Global Markets," But, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "A Feeling Of Great Frustration, and, Anxiety!" Which is, "A Prime Condition For Chaos In The World!" And, "Has The Potential To Lead," To Yet, "Another Potential World War Crisis!"

And, "To Add," To This, Is, "The Growing Symptoms Of Discontent, Caused By, "The Wide Disparity," Between, "The Rich and The Less Fortunate," and, "Crimes Against Humanity, as, Is Being Displayed on A Daily Basis, In Syria, Somalia, and, Libya!" And, "The Continued Threats Being Made" By, "Religious Fanaticism, and, Terrorism!"

And Then, "Add The Political Divisiveness Of Partisan Politics," and, "The Ignorance, Lust Of Power, and, Desire For Celebrity," Being Displayed By, "Elected Officials," Who have Placed "Their Own Agenda, and, Political Ideologies," Over, What, "Is In The Best Interest, and, Course Of Action," For Repairing The Economic Damage, that, has "Plagued Their Own Cities, States, and, Communities!"
And, Without Any Thought, at All, of "Leaving Their Own Communities," and, "The Communities Of The Earths United Nations," "Vulnerable" To "The Lowering Of Credit Ratings," and, at "The Mercy Of Global Credit Agencies," Who, "In Themselves," are "Guilty Of Ignoring The Irregularities, and, Outright White Collar Corporate Crimes," that, were "Committed During The Subprime Disaster!"

However, These "Elected Officials" have "Imprisoned Themselves, and, Compromised Themselves," By Their "Own Political Ideologies," and, are "Attempting" To Imprison, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Behind Their Bars Of Selfishness, as Well!"

And, There is "No Real Sense Of Caring" about "The Damage," that, "They" are Causing, To "Their Communities," and, or, "The World," Because, "They" are "Locked In Their Own Conditioned Reasoning," and, In Their, "Lack Of Real On The Job Experience!"

And, "They", These "Elected Officials, Do Not Care" about, "The Victims Of Haiti, Joplin, Missouri, Louisiana, Japan, Somalia, and, or, "The Victims Of Genocide, War, and, Poverty," that, have Been Caused," By Either, "Man Made, or, Natural Disasters!"
"Disasters," that, have "Left Millions Without Homes," or, "The Proper Sanitary, and Health Conditions," or, "Economic Support, To Rebuild Their Communities!"

But, "These Elected Officials," Can Be Seen Regularly," On Network and Cable TV Programs, "In The Cross-Media Spotlight," or, "In Photo Ops," Saying, Whatever, It Takes, "To Cause Chaos, and, Disruption," Whenever Possible, "To Take Advantage Of Any Situation, or, Weakness," that, "May Prevail In Our Governments," Whether It Be, "A Financial Crisis, Health Care Crisis, Environmental Crisis, or, The Social Security Of Their Fellow Citizens!"

And, "They Care Not" about, "The State Of Resignation," that, "Is Permeating" Althroughout "This World Of Ours," that, has "Been Caused," In Part, "By Their Selfish Actions, and, Self Centered Ideologies!"

"A State Of Resignation," that, "Is Deeply Rooted In The Feelings" Of, "A Lack Of Hope, and, Near Despair" Of Millions Of People, Who, "No Longer Believe, that, "Any Politician, Can Be Fully Trusted!"

And, This "State Of Resignation," Is "A Reflection" Of, "A Great Psychological Damage" that Exists, amongst "Hundreds Of Thousands," Who have "Literally Dropped Out Of Our Society," A Transient Population, "Including Members Of Our Armed Forces," Who have "Returned Home," To Find that, There's "No Employment Available," and, are "Experiencing PTSD," and, are "Wandering Homeless" from, "City To City," and, from, "Town To Town," only, "Seeking A Meal, Drink, or, A Place To Sleep!"

This "State Of Resignation" has Been Caused By, "The Endless Cycles" Of, "Threatened School Closings, Library Closings, and, Cutbacks, Addressed at The Police, Fire, Postal, and, Transportation Departments! And, Further Cutbacks Directed Towards Our Teachers!"

This "State Of Resignation" is Being Caused By, "An Endless Cycle Of State, City, and, Federal Budget Cuts," that, are, Slowly But Surely, "Draining The Services," that, are Needed, To "Care For Our Parks, Neighborhoods, and, The Education Of Our Children!"
And, Its , Literally, "Sapping Away The Idea's, and, Thoughts" Of, "The Realization" Of, "A Unified World Of Peace and Prosperity, For One and All!"
Plus, "The Dream, and, Earthrise Vision" Of, "The Realization A Great People," Of This Planet Earth! "Living In An Age Of Equanimity," and, "Enjoying A Universal Quality Of Life," and, "Joy Of Being Apart" Of, "A New Age Of, Magnificence and Splendor!"

"These Elected Officials," "Do Not Care about Repairing Our Roadways, Railway's, Bridges, Tunnels, Subways, and, Neighborhoods," that, Would "Cause A Resurgence Of Employment," and, More Specifically, "Put The People Back To Work!"

"These Elected Officials," are Too Caught Up, "In Their Austerity Programs, and, Cutbacks," To See, that, "The Earths Infrastructures Need Rebuilding, Repairing, and, Improved," If, They are "To Embrace The Growing Population Of The Twenty-First Century!"

"These Elected Officials Exist within, "Their Own Selfish, Political Rhetoric, and, Idea's," that, "Do Not Represent The People!"
Nor, Do "They" "Represent The Ideals, and Best Principles," that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, were "Brought Up To Believe In!"

"They", only, "Represent Their Own Limited Perspectives Of The World," and, are Content On, "Destroying What Is In The Best Interests Of The World," at, "The Expense" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The World! And, It Is "A Shameful, and, Disgraceful Sight To See!"

And, So, Here "We" are, "We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, Existing As If, "We" are "Living In The Eye Of A Hurricane Of Amorphous, and, Injustice!" And, As, "The Hurricane Winds Of War, Rage and Contort Themselves, All Around Us," and, "Show No Mercy" For; The Disenfranchised, The UN-Employed, The Homeless, Transients, and, The Untouchables, "We" "Look, once again, To "Those Of Us," Who, Still, "Have The Courage" To Combat, The Oligarchs, The Oppressors, The Dictators, and, The Foes Of "We The People," Who are "Willing To Destroy All," that, "Is Sacred To Us," Whether, It Be, Our Lives, or, The Survival Of This Planet Earth!

And, once again, "We" "Call Out" To "The Brave and Courageous Women and Men," Who are "Willing To Sacrifice and Give Their Lives," Just As, So Many Before, Who have "Come To The Aid Of We The People," have "Come Forth, and, Together," "Unite with, "The Peacemakers, Voices Of Reason, Doctors and Nurses Without Prejudice," and, "The Religious, Military, Financial, and, Civilian Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, and, The Coalition Forces Of Peace and Freedom Of The Earths United Nations," To "Institute A New Universal State Of Being, Reasoning," and, "Global Purpose To Enlighten The World!"

"A Great Purpose," that, "Calls For The Drafting" Of, "A New Global Constitution," that, Coupled with, "An Emancipation Declaration," that, "Guarantee's The Freedom" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To Exist as, "Interdependent Sovereign Citizens," and, also, "Guarantee's" that, "We" Will Exist Free from Threats Of Crimes against Humanity!" And, That, also, "Guarantee's" The Protection Of Our Children, Empowers Our Communities, and, Guarantee's, The Social Security and Welfare Of The Elderly, and, The Lives Of "One and All!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal, Cure, and Empower The World!
And, A Way To Build The Foundation Of A New Age Of Advanced Technology and Science, that, Fulfills The Realization Of, An Age Of Green Industrialization, Research and Development In Alternative Energy, Green Entrepreneurialism, Education, and, A Peace Time Economy!
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipotent, Omniscient, and, Omnipresent Peace Millennium! And, The Prevention Of, The First World War Of The 21st Century, from Ever Occurring!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls Of The 20TH, and, 21st Centuries, Let Us Move "In All Urgency," Towards A New Age Of Peace Dialogues, "To Address The Global Economic Crisis," and, "Endless Flareups Of Violence, and, UN-Declared Wars," that, are "Occurring Worldwide!"

And, Let Us Continue To Call For, "A Global Truce" that, Is Directed Towards, "Changing The Psychological Mindset Of Warring Factions," and, "Political, Religious, Economic, and, Sociological Adversaries," Who Know Of, "No Other Way," To Resolve Their Differences Of Opinions, and, Ideologies, "Other than By Violence!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Rise Above The Injustices Caused By Economic Disparities, Racial Profiling, and, Poverty," By, Directing Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Towards "Finding Solutions," that, "Will Improve The Quality Of Life," For, "All The People, Of This Planet Earth!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Rise To A Higher Ground Of, Universal, Spiritual, and, Philosophical Conscious Awareness," On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, and, Change!

And, Let Us Continue To Share and Spread "The Good News and Good Karma," Of "Our Earthrise Eco-Vision," and, "Vision Path Of The People, By The People, and, For The People, " via The Unlimited Resources, and, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Networks, Links,and, Nexus Of The People, All Across This Earth Of Ours, via, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, MySpace, Facebook, iTunes, You Tube, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, and, Thought Projection, X's, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Interviews, In Concert Performances, The Worlds Of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture, Amazon., . fr,. de,, ,com, Napster, The Vote, Newspapers, Magazines, Hi-Speed Super Computers with Dedicated Programs and Algorithms, Directed Towards, (1) Achieving Peace In The World, (2) Discovering New Medicines and Cures For The Diseases, that, have Plagued The Earths Communities Far Too Long, (3) A Peace Time Economy, and, Green Manufacturing and Distribution, (4) Affordable Health care, and, (5) Research and Development Of New Technologies, and,
(6) Climate Warming! And, also, via Telethons, Cell Phones, Land Lines, Emails, Texts, Fax's, and, Linkedin!

And, Let Us Continue To Share and Spread "The Good News and Good Karma" Of, "Our Earthrise Evolution, Movement, and, Revolution Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, On The Gentle, Eddies, Streams, Waves, Currents, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change, with "Each Inhale and Exhale Of Breath," that, "We Make," Giving Encouragement, and, Empowerment, To All Who are In Need," and, Who are "Reaching Out For Our Help," In "Overcoming The Violence, and, Oppression," that, "Is Imprisoning Them," and, "Attempting To Prevent Them," from, "Reaching Their Goals, Dreams, and, Hopes, To Live Freely," As Sovereign Citizens Of This Planet Earth, without, "The Chains and Bars Of Indifference, Greed, Lust For Power, and, Corruption, Impeding Them!"

And, Let Us "Join Hands" and, "Cross The Bridge Of Peace Together," and, Continue To Evolve, "In All Urgency," Towards, "Creating An Age Of Peace On Earth, and, Unifying The World!"

And, Let Us Continue "To Sojourn," To "New Worlds Of Enlightenment, Celestial Bodies, and, Galaxies Of The Cosmos," As "A Unified World Of Peace!" For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011



The Way To Peace! #192

As The U.S. Congress Departs from The Nations Capitol For A Five Week Paid Vacation, Does Anyone Believe that, "They" have Done "A Good Job," with, (1) The Annual Growth of The U.S. Economy at Less than 1% for This Year, and, (2) Rising Food Prices Depleting Our Salaries, (3) The Markets In A Constant State Of Flux, (4) UN-Employment at 9.2%, (5) 66,000 New Job Cuts In The Month of July, (6) The New Job Figures Casting A Cloud Over The Economy, (7) Home- Foreclosures, are, Still, Continuing To Threaten The Stability of Our Lives and Communities, (8) Free Trade Bills On Hold, and, (9) The FAA On Hold!

So, What Exactly has The U.S. Congress Done Lately, Oh, Of Course, "They" Voted, at The Last Minute, To "Raise The Debt Ceiling," after "Causing A Ruckus Of Endless Bickering, and, Quarreling!"

However, "The Inequities In The Tax Codes," and, "The Redundancies In The U.S. Government Continue To Go On, UN-Impeded!"
And, Does Anyone Disagree, that, "A Change In The Way," that, The U.S. Congress, "Takes Care of Business, and, Represents," "We The People," Is Desperately Needed! And, that, Just Maybe, "A Change In How Long," An Elected Official, "Can Remain In Office," Is Needed! "Especially, When UN-Productive, Ineffective, UN-Civilized, and, Immoral Behavior Patterns," Continue To "Disrupt and Cause Chaotic Results In The U.S.!"

"Wouldn't it Be, Better," If, "Under These Circumstances," that, "Immediate Elections were Held," and, "Those Elected Officials," Who were "Being, Uncompromisingly Irresponsible," and, "Acting In Detrimental and Destructive Ways," were "Immediately Forced To Participate In New Elections" and, Hopefully, "Replaced, For The Sake Of The Country!"

Why? Because, "In Times Of Great Turmoil," such as, Is Occurring In The World Today, When "One Country after Another," Whether It Be Greece, Italy, Spain, and, Portugal, are Facing, "One Economic Crisis after Another," Divisiveness, Chaos, Partisan Politics, and Party Ideologies are Not Helpful!" Nor, are "They" Providing "A Positive Response To Finding New Solutions," To "An Old Problem," that, "Is Facing This New World," Which has "Been Caused By, The Greed, and Corruption Of The World Of Big Business, Banks, Financial Institutions, The Global Markets, and, Lack Of Insightful Oversight, By Government Regulators!"

And, "Now, Is The Moment In Time," For The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders Of, The Earths United Nations "To Unite," As "One Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "To Amass The Global Forces" Of The United Coalition Nations, "To Defeat The Foes Of Growth, Economic Stability, Financial Parity, and, Social Security," For "We The People!" As well as, "The Defeat Of The Foes Of," Alternative Energy and, The Protection Of Environmental, and, Ecological Policies," and, "The Health Care and Welfare Of The Lives" Of, "We The People," and, "The Lives Of, All Sentient Beings Of This Planet Earth!"

And, "Now, Is The Time," For "The Forces Of, A Unified World," To "Come Forth" To "Protect The Principles, Liberties, and, Family/Community Values Of Life," that, "Our Foremothers, and, Forefathers Crafted," In "Our Constitutions, and, Declarations," and, that, "The Members Of The Earths, United Armed Forces," have "Given Their Lives To Courageously Protect," Whenever "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, were "Being Threatened, "AlThroughout The Ages," and, "Bravely, Continue To Do!"

And, "Now, Is The Time," For Our Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, "To Go Beyond The Borders Of The Conditioned Reality Of Their Own Ideologies," and, "Unite As One," against, "Those, Who Would Subjugate, The People," and, "Oppress The People," and, Imprison The People," Behind, "The Bars Of The Isms, Ions, Ocracies, and, Ists, Of The Global Oligarchs!"

And, "Now, Is The Time," To "Free The People," from The Threats Of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity!

And, "Now, Is The Time," To "Free The People," from The Threats Of Drug Cartels, and, Human Trafficking, and, Child Pornography Predators!

And, "Now, Is The Time," To "Free The People," from The Threats Of Racism, Poverty, and, A State Of Economic Disparity In The World, that, Is Inexcusable!

Are "We" Not Existing "In The Second Decade Of The Twenty-First Century!" And, Should "We" "Not have Learned from Our Past Experiences!"
Bob Dylan's, Lyrics Of "Blowing In The Wind," Clearly Expresses The Thought Of, "How many times can a man turn his head, Pretending that he just doesn't see?"

And, Is There "Any Doubt," that, "Selective Victim Policies" Of, "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, and, Speak Of No Evil," are Unconscionable, When "Evildoers are Attacking The Families Of Somalia," and, "Attacking The People In Libya, and, Syria!" And, "Attacking The Quality Of Life" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

It "Should Be Obvious," that, "We" have Been "Attacked By A New World War!" A "War Of Pain, Attrition, and, Economic Injustice," that, "Must Be Defeated!"

And, The Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, Must Display, "The Courage, and, Commitment," To "Repel These Threats against The World," and, "Work In Concert" with "We The People," To "Bring A New Age Of Equanimity, Peace, and, Prosperity To The Earths Communities," and, By Doing so, "Unify The World, In The Name Of, All That Is Truly Sacred," Which Is, "The Lives and Great Spirit Of All Sentient Beings Of This Planet Earth, and, The Cosmos!"

Is There, "Any Doubt," Why, "We The People," are "Demonstrating, Striking, and, Marching," once again, against "The Fiscal Policies Of Our Governments," and, The Threats Of Further Cutbacks," and, "Outright Cuts Of Government Programs," that, are "Of Benefit" To "The Social Welfare" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Is There, "Any Doubt," Why, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Must Not, "Live In A World Of Resignation" "We Must Show "Our Indignation," By The "Promulgation Of Our Thoughts, Idea's, Words, and, Actions," and, "Work Towards, The Continuation Of Building Of An Earthrise Foundation," For "A Great Soul Print Of Change," that, "Brings Forth A Peace Time Economy, To The World," and, "A New Age Of Green Entrepreneurialism, Innovation," and, "An Enlightened World Of Education Of The People," and, "For The Great Purpose Of An Earthrise Evolution Of The People!" And, "A New Hi-Tech Age Of Advanced Technologies!"

This is, "Not The Time" For Resignation," However, It Is, "The Time," For "An All Purpose Peoples Movement," As "True Activists Of Change!"
And, "Activists Of Hope, Compassion," and, "A Unified World!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way To To A New Age "Of, By, and, For The People," Of This Planet Earth!
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls Of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Move Forward," Without, "Delay, Hesitation, or, Procrastination," Towards, "The Absolute Realization Of Achieving Our Great Purpose Of Creating A Unified World, Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, "Let Us Move Forward," Without, "Delay, Towards The Absolute Realization Of, A New Age Of Economic and Fiscal Reforms and Policies," that, "Put The People, Back To Work, Repair The Infrastructures Of The Earths Communities," and, "Restores Social Security, Affordable Health Care, and, Financial Parity, To The World!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Advance Our Own Agenda, "A Peoples Agenda," that, "Brings Peace To The Earth," Through, "A Series Of Non-Violent Stages," Beginning with, International Peace Dialogues, Held By, Our Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, and, (2) A Global Truce!

And, Let Us Continue To Spread "The Good News and Good karma" Of, "Our Earthrise Eco-Vision Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "All Over This World Of Ours," via,Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, You Tube, iTunes, Yahoo, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, Meditation, Thought Projection, Contemplation, Concentration, Emails, Texts, Cell Phones, Land Lines, X's, Napster, Interviews, In Concert Performances, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, The Vote, Newspapers, Magazines, Cable, Network, and, Satellite, TV and Radio Networks, The World Of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture,, .fr, .de,,, Non-Violent Activist Groups, Telethons, and, Hi-Tech Super Computers with Dedicated Programs and Algorithms, Directed Towards, Finding New Cures and, New Medicines, and, Alternative Energies, Exciting New Job Creation Idea's, and, New Technological Advancements, and, An New Age Of Green Product Distribution and Manufacturing!

And, Let Us Share Our "Good News and Good Karma" Of, "Our Earthrise Eco-Vision, Evolution, and, Social Awareness, Of, By, and, For The People," via, "Increased Educational Policies For The People," and, "A Plethora Of New Schools and Libraries" and, "Free Education Of Our Youth!" And, Let Us Continue To Share, "This Good News and Karma," All Across The Unlimited, Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Networks, Links, and, Nexus "Of The People!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Rise To New Levels Of Spiritual, and, Universal Conscious Awareness," On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, Compassion, and, Change! And, "Soar To New Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and, Worlds Of Limitless Potential," On The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change!

And, Let Us Be "A Great Soul Force," Marching On The Way To Peace, and, "Moving, Ever- Forward," Towards An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium and, "A Unified World Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, and, The Universe!

Monday, August 1, 2011



The Way To Peace! #191

When I Heard, that, The Leaders Of The U.S. Congress, and, President Obama, had "Reached An Agreement," over, "The Raising Of The Debt Ceiling," Before "The August 2nd Deadline, I Heard Roy Orbison singing, "Its Over, Its Over, Its Over," In my Mind!
However, As "We" All are Aware Of, In The World Of Politics, Its Never Really Over, Is It!

Politicians Seem Too Relish, "In The Drama," and, "The Deadlines," and, "The Political Rhetoric over Ideologies," that, are, "Of Little Concern" To, "The People!" And, Although "The Raising Of The Debt Ceiling" Is A Legitimate Concern,
I, Must Admit, that, I am "Tired of Hearing about, It!" But, "On Another Serious Note," I am, also, "Tired Of Hearing about," "The Idea Of A Smaller Government!" What are "They Talking about, Exactly?
Aren't "We" A "Government Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, Why Should "We" Become, "A Smaller Government" There are Literally Billions Of Us, Who Live In Democracies! Or, Is This, Simply, "Another Demonstration Of Political Semantics!"

Or, Are "They" Honestly, and, Sincerely, Talking about; (1) The Need To Cut Out "The Redundancies In Government Programs, or, (2) "Close The Loopholes," that, are Of Benefit To The Major Corporations, Banks, Financial Institutions, and, The World Of Big Business, But, Not Beneficial To, "We The People," or, (3) "Create A Fair and Equitable Tax Code," (4) "Cut Out All The Pork," and, (5) "Cut Backs" In The Budget, "For The Pentagon!" If, This is, What "They" are Talking about, When "They" are Discussing "Making Government Smaller," Well then, "This Makes Sense!"
Otherwise, How Else Can A Government Of Billions Of People, Worldwide, Receive The Proper Representation, that, They Deserve, To "Remain A Strong Fabric Of A Global Democracy," and, A True Government" Of, An Earthrise Society, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth!

And, "Another Political Point," that, I am "Tired Of Hearing about" Is, "The Problem," that, "Social Security Poses," For, "We The People!" Now, If, "They" are Talking about, "The Gross Mis-Management Of Social Security," then "Just Say It!"
However, Before "They" Make "Any Cutbacks In Social Security Payments," or, "Lift The Age Of Retirement," Any Higher, than, It, already, Is, First Of All, "They" Should Examine, "The Reasons Why, Social Security," Is Being Mis-Managed, and, "Who Is," Continuing To "Cause This Problem!"
For Example, If You, or, I, Placed "A Portion Of Our Paycheck," In "A Dedicated Account," For "Our Retirement," and, Lets Say, "Forty Years Later" Retired, There Would Be "A Sizable Amount," Plus, "The Interest There," For "Our Enjoyment," Right! So, I have Three Questions; (1) Where's The Money! And, (2) What Is The Real Problem! And, (3) Who Is Mis-Managing Our Social Security!

Its Obvious, that, There has To Be, Economic, Political, and, Social Reforms Made, "Althroughout The World," amongst "The Governments Of The Earths United Nations," Because Of, "The Gross Mis-Management, and, Illegal Use" Of "Our Pension and Retirement Funds," Which Is Why, "Change Is Necessary!"

And, If, There Is "Any More Deficit Reductions," It Should Be Made By, "Taking An Honest Approach" By, All The Elected Officials Of, The Earths United Nations, and, The Civilian, Financial, and, Military Leaders Of, The Earths Communities To, "Eliminate The Mis-Management Of Public Funds," and, "Government Programs," and, "The Cease Of Politicizing The Fiscal Policies," that, are, "Of Benefit To," "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, There Should Be, "An End To The Use Of Political Ideologies and, Partisan Politics," When The World Is In Need Of, "Brave and Courageous Leadership, and, Guidance!"
These are "The Cuts and Reforms," that, "Make Sense" To, "We The People," Citizens Of, This Planet Earth! And, "You Don't have To Take A Poll, To Believe It!"

And, There Must Be, "No More Politicization" Of "Raising The Debt Ceiling" By, Any Political Party!" The "Thought Of, "Threatening To Deny Salaries To The Women and Men Of The U.S. Armed Forces," and, "Their Families," Is Outrageous! "These Women and Men are Laying Their Lives On The Line, For The Principles," that, "We" Hold Sacred, and, that, "Our Forefathers ,and, Foremothers," Gave Their Lives To Preserve! And, "These Women and Men," are Members Of Our Families, and, Friends, and, Neighbors, and, "Deserve The Loyalty Of Our Elected Officials," and, "Not Political Games!"

And, The Thought, of, "Threatening To Withhold Social Security Payments To The Elderly," Is Outrageous!

These are, Just, "Some Of The Reasons" Why, "Politics" has Become "A Dirty Word!" And, "The Use Of Political Rhetoric," and, "Threats," are, "Not Why, These Elected Officials" were "Voted Into Office!" They" were Voted Into Office, To Represent, "We The People," and, "Improve The Overall Quality Of Life, The Social Security, and, Welfare," Of, "We the People," and, "Properly Manage The Business Of The People," and, "The Balanced Distribution Of The Funds" Of, "We The People," The Citizens Of The Earth!

Once again, "We" are At, "Another Critical Cross-Roads," In Our Time Space Reality, that, Is Being, "Threatened" By, The "Lack Of Hands On Experience" By, The Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders, Of the Earths Communities

For Example; For The Most Part, "These Leaders" are, Simply, "Not Walking In The Shoes" Of, "We The People,!" "They" are "Not Taking Buses or Subways To Work!" And, "Their Families" are "Not Being," Directly, Affected By "Threats Of Library Closings!" Or, "School Closings!" Or, "Fire House, Police, and, Postal Service Cutbacks and Closings!"

However, Its Time, that, "They" Took The Time To, "Walk In The Shoes Of The People," and, "Learned from This Experience," How "Best To Govern," and, "Improve The Overall Quality Of Life" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "We The People," Must Passionately, Intellectually, and, Non-Violently, Continue To Be, "Activists Of Change!" A "Real Change," that, Is, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "We" Must, "One and All," Continue To Be, "Activists Of Change" Who, Address Poverty, Human Trafficking, Sex Slaves, Child Pornography, and, The Lack Of Job Creation, Putting The People, Back To Work, and, The End Of Dictators, and, Drug Cartels!

And, "We" Must Direct Our "Consumer Power" Towards, "The Support, Research and Development, Production, Manufacturing, and, Distribution" Of, "Affordable Alternative Energy, and, Green Technologies!" And, "Building The Foundation" For, A New Age Of, "A Peace Time Economy, Green Entrepreneurialism, Affordable Housing, Health Care, and, Lower Food Costs!"

And, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders Of, The Earths United Nations Must End, "Selective Victims Policies", and, "Unite As One," against, "Genocide," and, "Protect Our Fellow Citizens," Who are Being Threatened By, "Evil Predators," Who are "Raping and Kidnapping, Our Daughters, and, Wives," and, "Stealing Food from The Poor and Destitute!" "Families," Who are Being, "Driven from Their Homes," To "Live In Refugee Camps," such as; The Tragic Course of Events Taking Place "In Somalia," On The Horn Of Africa! This Tragedy has "Become Unfathomable To Comprehend!" How Many More Times, Do, "The Leaders Of The Earths United Nations have To Experience," This "Horrific Series Of Events," Until, "They" have Learned "To Act To Preserve The Lives Of Our Fellow Human Beings!"
This is, "The Second Decade Of The 21st Century," have "We" Not Learned from, "The Mistakes Of The Past!"

"We" are "Living In A World," Where There are "Very Few Secrets," Because, You Can See, "What Is Happening All Across The World" via, "The Cross-Media Universe!"

So, There is Virtually, "No Excuse," For "Inaction, Procrastination, or, Hesitation," When "Crimes against Humanity" are Being Committed!

And, There is Virtually, "No Excuse" For "Inaction," Whenever, "The Rights and Freedoms" Of, "We The People," are "Being Threatened!"

So, Let Us, "One and All" Demand that, Our Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths Nations, Become "Activists Of Peace, Compassion, and, A Return To Law and Order and A Fair, Just, and, Honorable Justice System, Hope, and, Economic Parity and Prosperity, For, All The People, Of The World!"

And, Let Us "One and All," Continue "Crafting The Ideals" Of , A New Earthrise "Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration Of The People," that, Includes "The Best Of The Past, and, Present, Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Of The Earths Historical and Empirical Documentation," that, "Guarantee's," that, "The Rights, Freedoms, Laws, Social Security, Welfare, and, Quality Of Life" Of, "We The People," Will Be "Protected and Shared," Openly, "For The Enlightenment and Benefit" Of, "Today's Generations, and, The Generations Of The Future!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way To A Peace Time Economy, and, A New Age Of Green Innovation and Industrialization! And, Job Creation, that, "Puts The People, Back To Work!
And, This is The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Of True, Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls, Of The 20TH and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Call For "Peace Dialogues and A Global Truce," that, "Declares To All The World," that, "A New Global Strategy Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Is Now, The Law Of The Earth! And, It "Guarantee's The Sovereign Citizenship" Of Each and Every Citizen, Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, that, "The Rights and Lives Of, Each and Every Woman, Man, and, Child," Is Considered To Be, "Sacred and Consecrated!"
And, that, The Lives Of, "All Sentient Beings" are, also, Considered "Sacred and Consecrated!"

And, "No Political Party, Religion, Corporation, Institution, Leaders Of The Earths United Nations," Is, "Above The Law Of The Earth, Universe, and, or, Way Of Life" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

For, "We" are "One and All," Created In The Image Of All, that, Is "Truly Sacred," and, "Our Great Purpose Of Life," Should Lie In, "The Peaceful, Universal, and, Personal Evolution and Spirit Of Life, Of The People," "One and All" Living In "An Age Of Equanimity," that, "Empowers The People," and, "Gives Birth," To "A Great Sense Of Being, Vision, and, Purpose," that, "Graces The Lives Of The People," and, "The Lives Of All Sentient Beings," Of This Planet Earth!
An Earthrise Vision Path, "Of, By, and, For The People," that, "We" Can "One and All," "Rejoice In, and Give Thanks For!"

And, Let Us Continue To Share, "The Good News and Good Karma" of, This "Great Purpose, Vision, Dream, and, Sense Of Being Here and Now," via, Hi-Speed Computers with Dedicated Programs and Algorithms Of Peace, Equanimity, Advanced Alternative Energies, New Medicines and Cures For The Health Care Of All Sentient Beings, The Ecology, and Environment, and, Continued Research Of Climate Warming! And, via Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, Thought Projection, Twitter, You Tube, iTunes, Google, Yahoo, Linkedin, MySpace, Napster, Laptops, Texts, Fax's, Emails, Cell Phones, Land Lines, X's, Interviews,, .fr, .de,,,
In Concert Performances, Satellite, Network, and, Cable TV and Radio Networks, Telethons, The Vote, The Worlds Of Dance, Music, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture, Newspapers, Magazines, Activist Groups, and, All Across The Social and Cross-Media Universes, and, The Unlimited, Omnipresent, Non-Violent, Omnipotent Activist Communication Networks, Links, and Nexus "Of The People," Of The 20Th and
21st Centuries!

And, Let Us Continue To Reach Out To, "The Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls, Of All," Who are In Need, and, or, "Those, Who are Fighting To Preserve The Rights and Liberties Of Each Citizen," Of This Planet Earth, "To Evolve, As An Interdependent, Sovereign Citizen Of The Earth!"

And, Let Us Continue To Do So, with, "Each Breath Of Life," that, "Flows On The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Peace, Hope, Compassion, and, Change!"

And, As "We" Continue "To Rise, To New Levels Of Spiritual, Universal, and, Personal Conscious Awareness," Let Us "Non-Violently, and Gracefully Soar" To, "A Higher Ground Of Evolution" On The Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace! "To New Horizons, and, New Worlds Of Great Anticipation and Great Expectations," and, "Cosmic Revelations Of Life!"

And, May "This Great Purpose Of Being Here and Now," Be "A Great Soul Print," and, "Earthrise Eco-Vision Of A Unified World" Of, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth!
For This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Thursday, July 28, 2011



The Way To Peace! #190

While The World Mourns The Tragic Deaths, that, Took Place in Norway, and, The U.S. Media and The Global Markets Continue, To Focus on Raising The Debt Ceiling In The U.S., (In Which President Obama Should Utilize The 14Th Amendment To End The Politicization of This Serious Issue), and, Freelance BBC Journalist, Ahmed Omed Khpulwak, and, 19 Adults and Children, were Killed In An Attack, In Afghanistan, and, Arch Bishop Pietro Sambi has Died, and, More Members of The U.S. Armed Forces, Fighting In Afghanistan, were Killed In Action, and, Abdel-Fattah Younis, The Head Of The Libyan Rebels Armed Forces was Killed, and, The Global Economies are, Still, Struggling, and, UN-Employment Abounds, There are, "Very Shocking Reports," Coming Out Of "The Congo!" Imagine, "Two Out of Three Women are Being Raped, Multiple Times!"

Where is "The Call of Alarm" By, "The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of, The Earths United Nations!"
Can Anyone Imagine, "Their Daughters Growing up in This Horrific State Of Being!"
"The Absolute Shame" of It, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"! Is "There No Justice For The People of The Congo!"
Is, There No Sense Of Righteous Indignation! Is, "There No Compassion!" Is, "There No Pity!" Is, "There No Shame!" Is, "There No Outrage!"

How, Is it, that, "These Inhumane Acts" of Violence, and, Physical, Mental, and, Spiritual Abuse, "Can Continue," Sans Arret, "In This Civilized World of Ours!" Without, There Being "A Global Reaction of Shock and Dismay!" Is, "This Not Beyond Comprehension!"

Have "The Leaders of The Earths United Nations, Not Learned," that, In This Age of Instant Communication, Worldwide, that, There Can Not Be "A Selective Victims Policy" (A Hear No Evil, See No Evil, and, Hear No Evil, Policy, Whenever It Suits The Powers that Be), "When Dealing with The Evils, that, Continue To Plague This Earth of Ours!"

"This Cancerous Growth" Of Inhumanity, Whose Perpetrators, Actually Believe, that, "They Can Spoil Our Youth" and, "Ravage The Families Of Our Fellow Human Beings," Whenever "They" So Desire, Over and Over Again, "Must Be Stopped!"

These "Perpetrators Of Evil," Wherever, "They" May Be, "Must Be Shown," that, This is, "Not The Way Of The World," and, that, "It Will No Longer Be Tolerated!"
And, that, "The Lives Of Our Women, Men, and, Children, are Sacred!" And, "The Lives Of All Sentient Beings, are Sacred!"

And, "Wherever Injustice is," There Must Be, "An Immediate Response," By The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, "To Act" In The Name Of All, that, "We Believe To Be Sacred!"
And, "Immediately Put An End" To, "The Cancerous Growth," that, has "Attacked The Minds, Spirits, Souls, and, Bodies," of, "So Many," Viciously, Dishonorably, Disgracefully, and, Immorally, Ravaging The Lives Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Too Imagine, "Such Evil Atrocities" Taking Place, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

Too Imagine, "So Many" Of, "Our Fellow Human Beings," Living In These Horrendous Conditions, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

Too Imagine, "Such Poverty, and, Deprivation" of One's Body, Mind, Spirit, and, Soul Occurring, Over and Over Again, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

Too Imagine Anyone, "Living in These Unsanitary Living Conditions, and, Life Threatening, Oppressive/Tyrannical State Of Being," In This Day and Age, without, "Being Punished By The Law," "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

And, Too Imagine, "So Many of Us," Hundreds Of Thousands, In Some Cases, and Millions Upon Millions, In Others, "Who have Been Driven Away from Their Homes, and, Separated from Their Families," Due To The Threats Of Fear, Death, and, Starvation, In Their Neighborhoods, Towns and Villages, and Cities, Living In Refugee Camps, and Tents, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

"Now," Is The Time, "To Act," In The Name Of All, That Is Sacred, "The Lives Of Our Fellow Human Beings!"

"Now," Is The Time For, Our Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, "To Act," In The Name Of Justice, Peace, Freedom, and, The Good Health and Prosperity "For One and All!"

"Now" Is The Time To Replace, "The Selective Victims Policy," that, has, Slowly, But Surely, "Eaten Away" at, "The Worlds Sense Of Being" and, "Sense Of Morality" and, "The Right Of, Each and Every, Citizen Of The Earths Communities," To Live "Free from Fear, and, Free from Injustice, and, Oppression!" And, "Free from Rape, Genocide, and, Crimes against Humanity!" And, "Free To Live and Enjoy Their Lives, As Sovereign Citizens" Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

Let The Armed Forces Of Courageous and Bold, "Women and Men Of Peace, Come Forth," To Put An End To These "Betrayals Of All that, "We" Hold Sacred!"

Let "The Armed Forces" Of The Earths United Nations, "Come Forth," To State Unequivocally, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Have had Enough!"

This is, "The 21st Century," Not Some, "Barbaric Pre-Historic Time Period," When "Men were Allowed To Force Themselves Upon The Unexpected," or, "The Weak," and, "Act In Unconscionable, and, Immeasurable States Of Violent Behavior," Due To Their Lack Of Intelligence, or, Lack Of Awareness, or, "Violent Survivalist Nature!"

This is, "The 21st Century," Where "An Act Of Immoral, and, Violent Behavior," Can Be Seen and Known of, "In A Nano-Second, All Over The World!" And, It is, "Of The Utmost Importance," that, "The Courageous Women and Men," Who have Been Chosen By, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, "Act On Our Behalf," and, To Do so, "With All The Might Of Our Global Coalition Armed Forces," ("Of The People") and, "Remove The Cancerous Acts" Of Terror, and, "The Violent Abuse Of The Rights" Of "Our Fellow Human Beings!"

Its Time "To Act" As "A Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," To Change The Policies of, "Selective Victimization," To "A New Strategic Vision," To Maintain and Preserve, "A New Age Of Peace On Earth!

Can "We" Change The World! "Yes, Of Course, We Can!" Is there Enough Food, (Just Waisting away in some Storage Space), To Feed The World, "Yes, of Course, There Is!"

Do "We" have The Soul Strength" To "Surmount The Evils of Corruption, Greed, Violence, and, Lust of Power!" "Yes, Of Course We Do!"

But, "Act Now," The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths Communities, Must Do, "In Concert with One Another!" And, "In Agreement with One Another," that, In This, The 21st Century, "They" Will "Act and Be Protectors Of The Rights and Freedoms" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, This is, Where "The Crafting of A New Constitutions Of Global Awareness, Can Help," To Act as A Guide For An Earthrise Strategy of, "Creating A Unified World Of Peace!"

And, This is, Where "A New Emancipation Declaration Of The Earth," Can Help "To Guide Us," As "We The People," Continue To, "Sow The Seeds of, Our Vision Path Of The Free!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World!
And, This is, The Way To A New Age Of Green Entrepreneurialism and Green Industrialization, and, A Peace Time Economy!
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, Spirit, and, Soul, Of The 20TH and 21st Centuries, Ponder "We Can Not," Over What Must Be Done! "We" Must, Act Now" As "Non-Violent Activists Of Peace!" "We" Must, "Speak Out Now!" And, "Gather Together Now!" And, "Demonstrate Now!"

And, Scientists, and, Engineers, Its Time To "Dedicate, Create, Imagine, Produce, and, Manufacture," Your Idea's To Improve, "The Quality Of Life For One and All!"

And, Musicians, Singers, Dancers, Choreographers, Producers, Artists of The Cross-Media Universes, Its Time To, "Dedicate, Create, Arrange, Choreograph, Paint, Sculpt, Record, Perform, or, Act In Whatever Manner of Influence," that, You May Possess, "To Build A Great Foundation For A Unified World Of Peace!"

And, Whomever, You are, and, Whatever Position, or, Career Choice, You have Made, "Use Your Influence," and, "Network within Your Neighborhoods, Towns, Villages, Cities, Library's, Hospitals, Schools, and, On The Streets, Highways, Sky ways, Sea's, and, Lands Of The Earth," But, "Act Now, Non-Violently," To Share Your Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Of Peace, Change, and, "A Unified World!"

"We" Should, "One and All" Be Apart Of, "A Universal Spirit/Purpose Of Life," that, "Benefits One and All," and, that, "Shares The Evolution Of Life," In An Age Of Equanimity!
"A Great Sense Of Purpose," or, "Great Dream Vision Of Being Here and Now," that, "All Sentient Beings Can Share and Rejoice In!" "A New Season and Dawn" Of Change, Hope, Compassion, and, Peace!

And, Let Us Continue To Make "A Great Soul Print Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," As "A Great Government and World Body Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue "To Empower and Encourage Each Other," and, "Share The Good News and Good Karma," Of "Our Earthrrise Eco-Vision Of The Earth," via, Twitter, You Tube, Facebook, Google, Linkedin, Myspace, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms,, .fr, .de,,, X's, Non-Violent Marches, Demonstrations, Sit Ins, Strikes, The Myriad Worlds Of Art and Culture, Dance, Music, The Vote, Magazines, Newspapers, In Concert Performances, Interviews, Telethons, Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV and Radio Networks, Hi-Speed Super Computers, Dedicated Towards The Creation of New Medicines, Cures, Job Creation, A Peace Time Economy, Green Industrialization, Non-Violent Activist Groups, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, and, Thought Projection!

And, Let Us Continue "To Spread The Good News and Good Karma" Of "Our Earthrise Vision Path of, A Unified World," via, The Unlimited, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus, "Of, By, and, For The People," of This, The 21st Century! And, "All Across The Bridge Of Peace," To "The Farthest Corners Of The World," and, "Beyond The International Space Station, To New Worlds, Stars, Planets, and, Galaxies Of The Cosmos!"

And, Let Us Continue "To Rise On The Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace," and, On "The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change, Hope, Compassion, Peace, and, Love," To A Place, that, "Lies within Each of Us," that, "We" Can "One and All," Recognize, and, Freely Share As, "Being Pure Of Heart, Mind, Spirit, and, Soul!" For This is, "The Great Purpose, Sowing, and, Harvest, Of A Great People," and, "A Great Society Of A Unified World Of Peace!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!

Saturday, July 23, 2011



The Way To Peace! #189

There's "A Cancerous Growth," that, Is Affecting The Minds of, "Too Many," In This World of Ours! And, In The Most "Unexpected Places Of The World," Such as, "The Terrorist Attack In Norway," Where "Tragically 93 Women and Men were Killed," and, "For What Purpose?"
This "Cancerous Growth Attacks" without "Merit, Rhyme or Reason," and, has "A Total Disregard of Human Life!" And, "The Shame" is, "The Pain," that, "These Mindless, Selfish, and, Sinful Acts," Cause Upon, "The Innocent Lives" of, The Families, Friends, and, Citizens Of Our Communities and Cities, that, have Been Directly Affected By, "These Mindless and Senseless Attacks!

And, "The Individuals," Who are The Carriers of This Cancer, are, By "No Means Heroes," Nor Should "They," Ever, "Expect To Be Feted," By "Vestal Virgins!" "Nor, Should "They" Ever Expect To Be Acclaimed As Martyrs" For Their Cause!
For The Violence, Deaths, and, Careless Disregard Of The Lives, that, These Individuals have Caused, and, Inflicted Upon Their Fellow Citizens, Of This Planet Earth, "They" Will, "Surely Go Straight To Hell!"

But, There is, also, "Another Cancerous Growth Afoot," In The World Today, and, Its Affected The Idea's, Thoughts, Words and, Decision Making of, "Too Many of Our Elected Officials," In The World Of Politics!
And, It is Seemingly, "Anti-Government! Anti-Unions, Anti-Libraries, Anti-Hospitals, Anti-Schools, and, Anti-Education!"

And, Its, also, "Anti-Environmental Protectionist!" And, "Resistant To Any Governmental Investment," Even If, It Means "The Re-Building and Repairing The Infrastructures Of The U.S. or, The World!"

And, It Appears "To Care, Solely, For Its Own Agenda," Even, "At The Cost Of The Welfare and Social Security of The Elderly, Family Members Of Our Military, and, Families," in General, Who are In Need of Affordable/Good Health Care!

And, Its Willing To "Discredit The Credit Rating and Fiscal Stature" of, "Any Country Of The World," Because of, "Its Own Egotistical Sense of Self Worth," and, "Political Ideology!"

"This Cancer," that, Is Affecting The World, Is "A Disease of The Heart, Mind, Spirit, and, Soul," and, "Leaves No Room For Healing, or, Caring For One's Fellow Human Being!" In Political Terms, It is More Like "A Cancerous Oligarchy," that, "Is Bent Upon Dictating Its Will" To, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, without, "Any Real Sense Of Caring," about, What Damage "The Negative Effects, and, Consequences," Its Actions May Cause!

It Cares "Not At All," that, There are "Millions Of UN-Employed, Worldwide!" Or, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are "Involved In Fighting In Two UN-Declared Wars, A Global War on Terrorism, Numerous Conflicts In The Middle East, and, Africa," and, that, There are "Tens Of Thousands of Families, Threatened with Home Foreclosures!"

For "A New Healing Spirit To Come Over The Earth, and, Heal The World," "We" Need, The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders Of, The Earths United Nations, To "Demonstrate A Sincere Desire" To "Remove This Cancerous Growth" from The Body Of The World, and, Its Communities! And, By Doing so, "Curing and Unifying The World," and, Signaling, To "All The World" that, "A New Global Consciousness" has "Arrived," amongst The Leaders Of The Earths Nations that, "No Longer Tolerates The Indifference" To, "Not only, Human Life, But, The Lives Of All Sentient Beings," Of This Planet Earth!

This is, "The Time To Prioritize," and, "Advance A Global Agenda," that, "Embraces Alternative Energies, and, Eliminates Our Dependence on, Oil and Nuclear Energy!"

But, This is, Definitely, "Not The Time," For "Another Cancerous Outbreak In The World Of Politics!"

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are "Totally, Fed Up" with, "The Bickering, Squabbling and, Selfish Misbehavior of Any Politician, or, Elected Official, Who "Dares, To Engage In Partisan Politics!"

And, "We" Need "Our Established Leaders In Good Standing," To "Step Forward," In The Name Of The People!" "Not In The Name" of Any Political Party, or, Political Ideology," that, "Dares To Engage In Political Rhetoric," that, "Is Misleading, Misappropriate, or, that, Demonstrates, Misrepresentation Of The People," For Selfish Purposes!

And, This is, "The Time" For, "Big Business To Get Off The Fence," and, "Cease Their Support The Cancerous Growth," that, "Exists In The World Of Politics," If, "It Does Not Stand For The People," or, "Show Support For The People," or, "Realize," that, "We The People," are, already, Suffering from, "A Stagnant, Indifferent Recessive, Global Economy!"
"We The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, are, "In Need Of Help" from, "Our Governments," and, "Can No Longer Condone The Actions" Of The World Of Big Business and Finance, Who "Support Political Ideologies, that, "Not Represent The People!"
Enough is Enough!

This is, The Time, For The Worlds Of Big Business and Finance To "Invest In, Creating The Well Being" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, "Not In Divisive Movements," that, "Destabilize Our Communities," and, "Abuse Our Rights and, Freedom" To "Exist and Prosper," As "Sovereign Citizens," of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!"

There are "Too Many, Who are Suffering," on This Planet Earth!

And, "Too Many, Children," Who are "Living In Abstract Poverty!"

And, "Too Many Families" Who are Living In Refugee Camps, Tents, Their Cars or Vans, or, In Vacant Fields, Tunnels, and, or, On The Sidewalks of Our Towns, and, Cities1

"Voices of Reason and Peacemakers," "Come Forth In The Name Of The People!"
Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, and, Communities, "Come Forth In The Name Of The People!"

"Too Many Innocent Lives have Been Lost," Due To, "Religious Fanaticism, Imperialism," and, "The Cancerous Growth In The World Of Politics, and, Big Business," and, "This Must Come To An End!"

Let Us Show, Instead, By Our Idea's, Thought, Words, and, Actions, that, "The 21st Century, Signifies The New Re-Birth" of, The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, "To Unite In A Global Cause" of,
"A United The World," and, "An Age Of Peace," and, "A Cultural and Educational Evolution," that, has "Enlightened The World!"

"Bringing Forth An Age Of Equanimity, Harmony, and, Prosperity," that, has "Improved The Quality Of Life," For Each and Every Citizen Of The World!

And, "The Crafting Of A New Global Constitution," that, Includes "The Best Of The Past," with, The Best Thoughts and Idea's, Of The Present!"

And, "A New Sense" of, What "The Emancipation Declaration Signifies," that, Is, More In line with, "The Freedom Of Spirit and Soul Of The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "A United Effort" By, "The Armed Forces of The Earths United Nations," To "Combat Crime, Drug Cartels, Genocide, Tyranny, Dictatorships," and, "End The Human Trafficking, Sex Slaves, and, Child Pornography Hells," that, "Threaten The Lives of All Our Families!"

But, This Can, only, Be Achieved By, The Leaders Of The Western Industrialized Nations, and, The Leaders of The Worlds Communities, "Coming Together In Agreement," To Pursue, "A New Strategic Policy," that, "Guarantee's, "Pure Intent," When Acting In Concert with One Another," To Achieve "A Global Peace, and, Peace Dialogues," that, are "Directed Towards, The Advancement of Universal Thought, In Parallel," with, "The Advanced Development" Of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

This "Can Not Be An Age Of Big Business and Finance," or, "An Age of, solely, Political and Religious Ideologies," "In The Forefront!"
"It Must Be An Age that Prioritizes The Needs Of The People," and, "A New Vision Path," that, Exemplifies An Age of, "A Unified World!" Irregardless of, What Creed, Race, or, Nationality You May Be!

There Should Be "A Universal Spirit and Purpose Of Life," that, Befits "One and All!" An Age Of "Universal and Spiritual Equanimity!" A "Great Sense Of Purpose, A Great Dream," and, or, "Vision Path Of Reality," that, "All Sentient Beings Can Rejoice In!"
And, If, There is To Be, "Any Kind, Of Grand Bargain," Between Political Adversary's, "This Should Be It!"

Have "We" Become "So Entrenched In Our Conditioned Traditions and Political and Religious Ideologies," that, "We" have "Forgotten How To Be Real People!"

Have "We Forgotten, How To Be A Great Soul Force," "Of, By, and, For The People," with, "A Great Purpose and Great Dream/Vision" of, What "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Can Become!

"We" are, "One and All," Sovereign Citizens Of The Planet Earth! With New Horizons, and New Dimensions, and, New Worlds, To Explore, Beyond The Geo-Stationary Line, and, The International Space Station!
And, Its Important that, "We", As "A People Of The Earth Go Forth," and Embark Upon, These New Journeys, Together, United, As One People, of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Unified World! And, An Age of An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!
And, This is, The Way To Heal and Cure The World, and, Evolve, As "One People" of,
A Peace Time Economy, and, A New Age of Green Industrialization, Prosperity, Compassion, Hope, and, Change!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls, of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living in An Age Of A Conditioned Reality, To Living In A New Age Of Vision, Change, Enlightenment, Omniscience, Prosperity and Equanimity "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age Of War, Fear, Corruption, Crime, Terrorism, and Racism, To Living In An Age Of Social Security, Happiness, Truth, and, Justice "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age, Where One's Personal/Universal Beliefs, and, Good Intentions, are Too Often, Denigrated, and, Undermined, By Anothers Negative Agenda, Instead of, By The Merit Of Ones Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions!

And, May "We" Continue To Share "The Good News and Good Karma" of, Our Earthrise Vision Path "Of The People," via, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, iTunes, You Tube, Napster,, .fr, .de,, .com, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit Ins, Activist Groups, Newspapers, Magazines, Linkedin, Telethons, Interviews, The World Of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture, Texts, Fax's, Emails, Cell Phones, Landlines, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, Thought Projection, The Vote, Cable, Network, and, Satellite TV and Radio, Hi-Tech Super Computers with Programs and Algorithms Dedicated To A Evolution Of Green Technology, Space Exploration, Healing Diseases, and, A Peace Time Economy, X's, and, MySpace!

And, May "We" Continue To Believe In Change, Hope, Peace, Compassion, and, Our "Earthrise Vision Path Of The People," and, Spread The Wealth Of "Our Good News and Good Karma," As "We" Walk Hand In Hand with Each Other, Across The Bridge Of Peace! And, As "We" Rise To New Heights Of Conscious and Spiritual Awareness On The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, On The Hurricane Winds Of Change!

And, Let Us Continue To Share The Commitment Of "Our Earthrise Vision Path," All Across The Unlimited, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Omnipresent Activist Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Reveal, "The Pure Intent Of Our Great Purpose," To Be A Great Soul Force "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth and The Universe, As "We" Gracefully Evolve On The Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, Change, Compassion, and Love!
For This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient, Peace Millennium!