Monday, August 15, 2011



The Way To Peace! #195

"While The Candidates" Continue To "Run For Their Party's Presidential Nomination," In France, and, In The U.S., and, "Continue To Spew Forth Their Political Rhetoric," with, "No Real Sense Of Meaning," and, or, "Passion," and, or, "What The Consequences May Be!"
And, "While The Political Discourse," In The U.S. Congress, "Takes A Brief Hiatus," As "Our Elected Officials, Take Their Paid Vacations," "Millions Of Children, are Still, Living In Poverty," and, are "Living with Their Parents In Unsanitary Conditions," from Joplin, Missouri, to Louisiana, Haiti, and, Somalia!
Now, If, "This Appears To Be Too Cruel, or, Too Harsh, Of, An Assessment Of Political Ineptitude," and, "Political Stubbornness," To Deal with The Problems, that, are "Most Seriously Affecting The Lives Of We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "In effect, Its All Too Real To Ignore," isn't It!

And, "While, Our Elected Officials," Continue "On Their Paid Vacations," "The Brave and Courageous Women and Men, Of Our Armed Forces," and, "The Coalition Forces," Of The Earths United Nations, "Continue To Die, and, Suffer Wounds," "Fighting In UN-Declared Wars, The Global War On Terrorism," and, "New Military Escalations," that, have "No Exist Strategy" "No Matter," What "Elected Official Tells You!" And, This to, "Is All Too Real To Ignore," or, Make Light about!

And, "While Our Elected Officials Continue On Their Paid Vacations," Tens Of Millions Of The People, Whom "They" are Supposed To Be Representing, "Remain UN-Employed," and, are "Unable To Find A Good Job," or, Quite Simply, "Any Civilised Employment, At All!"
And, "The Brave and Courageous Members Of Our Armed Forces," Who have "Returned Home from Duty," and, Left The Service, are "Finding It Very Difficult To Find Qualified Employment," and, This To, "Is All Too Real To Ignore!"

And, "As The Markets Lose Trillions Of Dollars, Yen, Euros," etc, and, then, "Make It Back Again, Only, To Lose It All Over Again, Before Making It Back Again," and, "On and On The Cycle Continues To Fluctuate," and, "Go Round and Round," On "Its Own Personal Financial Merry Go Round," "Our Elected Officials" Continue To "Brag about," Their "Supposed Victories" In "Debt Reduction," Even, "To The Point," Of, When, "The Republican Nominees, Running To Become Their Party's Nominee For President, "All Raised Their Hands, In Unison, When "They" were Asked If, "They" "Would Reject A Defict Deal," with, A, Mere, "10 to 1 Ratio Of Spending Cuts To Revenues!" And, This to, "Is All Too Real, and, Serious, To Ignore!"

And, "While Our Elected Officials Take Their Paid Vacations," This Month Of August, "We The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, are, Still, Without, "A New Job Creation Policy!" And, "We" are, Still, "Living In Frustration, Anger, and, A Deeply Felt Resentment," Over "Our Governments Policy Making/Direction, Partisan Politics, Lack Of Honest Sincerity, and, Lack Of Determination In Closing Tax Loopholes For The Rich, and, The World Of Big Business!" And, This to, "Is All Too Real, and Too Serious, and, Too Much To Ignore!"

"Its Definitely Time" For "A National Recall Election Policy," To "Allow The People" To, "Have A Voice," and, "Express The Will Of The People," that, "Can Not Be Ignored or Denied!"

And, "Its Time" For "A National Recall Election Policy," To "Remove from Office, Any Politician," that, "Is Not Representing The Will Of The People!" And, "Place A Real Threat Of Being Fired," In The Minds,Of "Any Elected Official," Who, "Actually Believes," that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Can Be Finessed To Believe, or, Do," Whatever, "They" "Would Like Us To Do, or, Believe," and, that, "They" are "Doing It For Our Benefit!" Of Course!

"This Kind Of Political Conditioning Of The People," Must Come To An End! And, "Is Too Much, and, Too Serious, and, Too Real To Ignore!"

And, "While These Elected Officials, Go On Their Paid Vacations," or, "The Candidates from Their Party's," "Attempt To "Convince The People," To "Donate Their Hard Earned Earnings, To Their Campaigns," Do "They" Really Care, or, Think," about, The Fact, that, "Their Policies have Resulted In, The Threat Of Another School Closing!" And, "The Threat Of Another Library Closing!" And, that, "More Cutbacks and Closing Demands are Being Placed On," "Our Police, Fire, Postal, Air, Teachers, Unions, and, Corporate Business Employee's!"
Or, that, "Their New Austerity Programs were Passed," Even Though, "The Citizens Of The Earth," are "Struggling To Pay Their Bills," and, "In Some Cases," There are "Two Parents Working To Provide For Their Family," and, "Single Parents are Struggling To Make Ends Meet," and, "The Elderly, are Struggling To Make Ends Meet," and, that, "There is Absolutely No End In Sight" Of, "The Disastrous Housing Market!" "Too Many Families have Lost Their Homes," and, This is, "Too Serious, and, Too Real To Ignore!"

And, "While Our Prison Populations, Continue To Grow," "Predominantly Made Up Of Latins, and, People Of Colour," also, "UN-Employment Continues to Grow at An Alarming Rate amongst These Two Ethnic Communities," as well! "Does Anyone, Not See The Correlation," and, "Obvious Equation at Work Here!" And, This to, "Is Just Too Real, and, Too Serious To Ignore, or, Remain Quiet about!"

And, Once Again, This May Appear To Be "Too Harsh, or, Cruel An Observation, But, Its Still, Too Real, and, Serious A Problem To Ignore," that, "While Our Elected Officials, Go On Their Paid Vacations," Still Yet, "Another Child Is Kidnapped, and, or, Is Being Sold into The Evil Domains Of Child Pornography," and, or, "Killed," When "Their Usefulness/Youthfulness, Is No Longer Required!"

So, Yes, Of Course, "Call Back All Of The Elected Officials," from "Their Paid Vacations" and, "Put Them Back To Work," and, "May Be, Just, May Be," "They" Will "Get The Message!" That, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are "Tired Of Their Inefficiencies," and, "Games Of Political Ideologies," and, "Who Can "They" "Place The Blame On!"
"Its Time," that, "They" "Acted In A Responsible, and, Trustworthy Manner," or, "Resign Their Positions In Government" and, "Join The Ranks Of The UN-Employed!" And, "May Be," "They" Will "Get The Message" Of, "What It Feels Like," To Be "Without A Job!"

This is, "The Time," For Our Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders Of The Earths United Nations "To Join Together," "To Present A New Global Vision and Strategy Of Change, that, "Empowers The People," and, that, "Works For The Common Good Of The People!"

And, "Its Time For Them" To Go "To Impoverished Areas," that, "Lack The Hope," that, "Anything Will, Ever Change, To Improve Their Quality Of Life," Instead Of, "Going Only," To, "The Politically Correct Town Hall Meetings!"

"We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, are "A People Of Great Potential," and, "Of Great Purpose," However, "We" Need A New Generation Of Women and Men, To Come Forth," To "Represent Our Earthrise Vision Path, Purpose, Evolution, and, Movement," "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun! And, "A New Global Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, "We" are "In Need Of," More than, "A Super Committee" or, "Another Committee Of Elected Officials," To Bring about, "The Political, Economical, Spiritual, and, Sociological, Reforms Of Change," that, are "Needed For The Sake Of The World" and, "The Lives Of "All Sentient Beings, and, The Environment!"

"We The People," Need "All Of The Elected Officials Of The Earths Communities," To "Act In Concert and In Harmony," with Each Other! And, Then, "Join Ranks with The People," To "Provide A New Age Of Social Security, Financial Security, and, Help Bring about, An Age Of Equanimity," and, "A Unified World For One and All To Share!"

It Just Takes, "The Determination To Do It!" And, "The Commitment To Do It!" And, The Will and Resolve To Do It," By "Our Elected Officials," and, "A Sincere Desire," To Be, "True Representatives Of The People," and, "Not For Their Lobbyists, Political Ideologies," or, "Political Brinkmanship," or, "For Their Egos!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal, and, Cure The World!
And, This is The Way To "Build A New Age Of Green Industrialization and, Green Entrepreneurialism," and, "A Peace Time Economy, Focused On Putting The People Back To Work," and, "Supporting A New Financial System," that, has "Gained The Trust and Support Of The People!"
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Of True Hearts, Minds, Souls, and, Spirits, Of The 20TH and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Move Forward Towards Achieving Our Goals, Of Economic Parity, and, "Peace Dialogues, Conducted, Wherever Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths Communities, Gather In The Name Of Peace, Equanimity, and, Prosperity For The World!"

And, Let Us Continue To Move Ever Forward, Towards "Our Strategic Goal" Of "A Global Truce For The World" Founded On The Principles, Rights, Liberties, and, Freedoms, Of "All The People Of The World, To Live as Sovereign Citizens Of This Planet Earth!"

And, Let Us, Continue To Spread "The Good News and Good Karma" Of Our Just Intentions, via Twitter, You Tube, iTunes, Yahoo, Facebook, Linkedin, Napster, Emails, Texts, Fax's,, .fr, .de,,, Interviews, The Vote, Newspapers, Magazines, In Concert Performances, The Worlds Of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit Ins, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, X's, Hi-Speed Super Computers with Designated Programs and Algorithms, Dedicated To Find New Medicines, and, New Cures, and, New Technologies, To Empower An Age Of Green Industrialization, Distribution, and, Alternative Energies, and, via, Network, Satellite, and, Cable TV and Radio Networks, Google, and, All Across The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network, Links and Nexus "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us Continue To Be "A Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, and, Share "The Good News and Good Karma" Of, "Our Eathrise Eco- Vision, Evolution, and, Movement Of Peace," Wherever "Peace is Being Threatened," or, "The Lives Of Our Fellow Beings," are "Being Threatened By Dictators, Tyrants, Drug Cartels, White Collar, or, Organized Crime," or, "The Isms, Ists, Ions, and, Ocracies Of A Conditioned Reality, Attempting To Suppress and Oppress Us!"

And, Let Us, Continue "To Make A Great Soul Print" Of, "A Spiritual and Enlightened Earth Society," Truly, "A Unified World For All Time," As "We" Continue To "Journey Across The Bridge Of Peace, Hope, and, Change Together!"
And, As "We" Rise To Higher Levels Of Conscious Awareness, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, and, Soar To New Horizons, Galaxies, and, Worlds Of Sentient Beings, Let Us, also, Remember, that, The Gentle Eddies, Waves, Currents, Streams, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change, are "Flowing Althroughout The World," and, "We" have to, But, "Remain Committed" To "Our Earthrise Vision Path, Of, By, and, For The People," To Achieve "A Way To Peace!" And, "An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!"