Wednesday, August 3, 2011



The Way To Peace! #192

As The U.S. Congress Departs from The Nations Capitol For A Five Week Paid Vacation, Does Anyone Believe that, "They" have Done "A Good Job," with, (1) The Annual Growth of The U.S. Economy at Less than 1% for This Year, and, (2) Rising Food Prices Depleting Our Salaries, (3) The Markets In A Constant State Of Flux, (4) UN-Employment at 9.2%, (5) 66,000 New Job Cuts In The Month of July, (6) The New Job Figures Casting A Cloud Over The Economy, (7) Home- Foreclosures, are, Still, Continuing To Threaten The Stability of Our Lives and Communities, (8) Free Trade Bills On Hold, and, (9) The FAA On Hold!

So, What Exactly has The U.S. Congress Done Lately, Oh, Of Course, "They" Voted, at The Last Minute, To "Raise The Debt Ceiling," after "Causing A Ruckus Of Endless Bickering, and, Quarreling!"

However, "The Inequities In The Tax Codes," and, "The Redundancies In The U.S. Government Continue To Go On, UN-Impeded!"
And, Does Anyone Disagree, that, "A Change In The Way," that, The U.S. Congress, "Takes Care of Business, and, Represents," "We The People," Is Desperately Needed! And, that, Just Maybe, "A Change In How Long," An Elected Official, "Can Remain In Office," Is Needed! "Especially, When UN-Productive, Ineffective, UN-Civilized, and, Immoral Behavior Patterns," Continue To "Disrupt and Cause Chaotic Results In The U.S.!"

"Wouldn't it Be, Better," If, "Under These Circumstances," that, "Immediate Elections were Held," and, "Those Elected Officials," Who were "Being, Uncompromisingly Irresponsible," and, "Acting In Detrimental and Destructive Ways," were "Immediately Forced To Participate In New Elections" and, Hopefully, "Replaced, For The Sake Of The Country!"

Why? Because, "In Times Of Great Turmoil," such as, Is Occurring In The World Today, When "One Country after Another," Whether It Be Greece, Italy, Spain, and, Portugal, are Facing, "One Economic Crisis after Another," Divisiveness, Chaos, Partisan Politics, and Party Ideologies are Not Helpful!" Nor, are "They" Providing "A Positive Response To Finding New Solutions," To "An Old Problem," that, "Is Facing This New World," Which has "Been Caused By, The Greed, and Corruption Of The World Of Big Business, Banks, Financial Institutions, The Global Markets, and, Lack Of Insightful Oversight, By Government Regulators!"

And, "Now, Is The Moment In Time," For The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders Of, The Earths United Nations "To Unite," As "One Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "To Amass The Global Forces" Of The United Coalition Nations, "To Defeat The Foes Of Growth, Economic Stability, Financial Parity, and, Social Security," For "We The People!" As well as, "The Defeat Of The Foes Of," Alternative Energy and, The Protection Of Environmental, and, Ecological Policies," and, "The Health Care and Welfare Of The Lives" Of, "We The People," and, "The Lives Of, All Sentient Beings Of This Planet Earth!"

And, "Now, Is The Time," For "The Forces Of, A Unified World," To "Come Forth" To "Protect The Principles, Liberties, and, Family/Community Values Of Life," that, "Our Foremothers, and, Forefathers Crafted," In "Our Constitutions, and, Declarations," and, that, "The Members Of The Earths, United Armed Forces," have "Given Their Lives To Courageously Protect," Whenever "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, were "Being Threatened, "AlThroughout The Ages," and, "Bravely, Continue To Do!"

And, "Now, Is The Time," For Our Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, "To Go Beyond The Borders Of The Conditioned Reality Of Their Own Ideologies," and, "Unite As One," against, "Those, Who Would Subjugate, The People," and, "Oppress The People," and, Imprison The People," Behind, "The Bars Of The Isms, Ions, Ocracies, and, Ists, Of The Global Oligarchs!"

And, "Now, Is The Time," To "Free The People," from The Threats Of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity!

And, "Now, Is The Time," To "Free The People," from The Threats Of Drug Cartels, and, Human Trafficking, and, Child Pornography Predators!

And, "Now, Is The Time," To "Free The People," from The Threats Of Racism, Poverty, and, A State Of Economic Disparity In The World, that, Is Inexcusable!

Are "We" Not Existing "In The Second Decade Of The Twenty-First Century!" And, Should "We" "Not have Learned from Our Past Experiences!"
Bob Dylan's, Lyrics Of "Blowing In The Wind," Clearly Expresses The Thought Of, "How many times can a man turn his head, Pretending that he just doesn't see?"

And, Is There "Any Doubt," that, "Selective Victim Policies" Of, "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, and, Speak Of No Evil," are Unconscionable, When "Evildoers are Attacking The Families Of Somalia," and, "Attacking The People In Libya, and, Syria!" And, "Attacking The Quality Of Life" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

It "Should Be Obvious," that, "We" have Been "Attacked By A New World War!" A "War Of Pain, Attrition, and, Economic Injustice," that, "Must Be Defeated!"

And, The Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, Must Display, "The Courage, and, Commitment," To "Repel These Threats against The World," and, "Work In Concert" with "We The People," To "Bring A New Age Of Equanimity, Peace, and, Prosperity To The Earths Communities," and, By Doing so, "Unify The World, In The Name Of, All That Is Truly Sacred," Which Is, "The Lives and Great Spirit Of All Sentient Beings Of This Planet Earth, and, The Cosmos!"

Is There, "Any Doubt," Why, "We The People," are "Demonstrating, Striking, and, Marching," once again, against "The Fiscal Policies Of Our Governments," and, The Threats Of Further Cutbacks," and, "Outright Cuts Of Government Programs," that, are "Of Benefit" To "The Social Welfare" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Is There, "Any Doubt," Why, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Must Not, "Live In A World Of Resignation" "We Must Show "Our Indignation," By The "Promulgation Of Our Thoughts, Idea's, Words, and, Actions," and, "Work Towards, The Continuation Of Building Of An Earthrise Foundation," For "A Great Soul Print Of Change," that, "Brings Forth A Peace Time Economy, To The World," and, "A New Age Of Green Entrepreneurialism, Innovation," and, "An Enlightened World Of Education Of The People," and, "For The Great Purpose Of An Earthrise Evolution Of The People!" And, "A New Hi-Tech Age Of Advanced Technologies!"

This is, "Not The Time" For Resignation," However, It Is, "The Time," For "An All Purpose Peoples Movement," As "True Activists Of Change!"
And, "Activists Of Hope, Compassion," and, "A Unified World!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way To To A New Age "Of, By, and, For The People," Of This Planet Earth!
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls Of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Move Forward," Without, "Delay, Hesitation, or, Procrastination," Towards, "The Absolute Realization Of Achieving Our Great Purpose Of Creating A Unified World, Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, "Let Us Move Forward," Without, "Delay, Towards The Absolute Realization Of, A New Age Of Economic and Fiscal Reforms and Policies," that, "Put The People, Back To Work, Repair The Infrastructures Of The Earths Communities," and, "Restores Social Security, Affordable Health Care, and, Financial Parity, To The World!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Advance Our Own Agenda, "A Peoples Agenda," that, "Brings Peace To The Earth," Through, "A Series Of Non-Violent Stages," Beginning with, International Peace Dialogues, Held By, Our Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, and, (2) A Global Truce!

And, Let Us Continue To Spread "The Good News and Good karma" Of, "Our Earthrise Eco-Vision Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "All Over This World Of Ours," via,Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, You Tube, iTunes, Yahoo, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, Meditation, Thought Projection, Contemplation, Concentration, Emails, Texts, Cell Phones, Land Lines, X's, Napster, Interviews, In Concert Performances, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, The Vote, Newspapers, Magazines, Cable, Network, and, Satellite, TV and Radio Networks, The World Of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture,, .fr, .de,,, Non-Violent Activist Groups, Telethons, and, Hi-Tech Super Computers with Dedicated Programs and Algorithms, Directed Towards, Finding New Cures and, New Medicines, and, Alternative Energies, Exciting New Job Creation Idea's, and, New Technological Advancements, and, An New Age Of Green Product Distribution and Manufacturing!

And, Let Us Share Our "Good News and Good Karma" Of, "Our Earthrise Eco-Vision, Evolution, and, Social Awareness, Of, By, and, For The People," via, "Increased Educational Policies For The People," and, "A Plethora Of New Schools and Libraries" and, "Free Education Of Our Youth!" And, Let Us Continue To Share, "This Good News and Karma," All Across The Unlimited, Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Networks, Links, and, Nexus "Of The People!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Rise To New Levels Of Spiritual, and, Universal Conscious Awareness," On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, Compassion, and, Change! And, "Soar To New Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and, Worlds Of Limitless Potential," On The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change!

And, Let Us Be "A Great Soul Force," Marching On The Way To Peace, and, "Moving, Ever- Forward," Towards An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium and, "A Unified World Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, and, The Universe!