Thursday, August 11, 2011



The Way To Peace! #194

This is, "The Time," For "Serious Women and Men Of Great Conscious," To "Come Together, In The Name Of The People," and, "For The Sake Of Our Children," and, "Their Children," and, "For The Sake Of The Brave and Courageous Members Of Our Armed Forces," and, "The Coalition Forces Of The Earths United Nations," Who are Fighting In UN-Declared Wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and, The Global War On Terrorism!
All You have To Do Is, As The Saying Goes, "Read The Handwriting On The Wall" To Know, Just, "How Serious," This Time Period has Become, To "Understand The Magnitude Of Discontent," In This World Of Ours!

I Could List The Reasons Beginning with; (1) There were Five More Deaths Of U.S. Forces In Afghanistan, This Week! (2) The Global Markets are In A Constant State Of Agitation, Fluctuation, and, Mood Swings, that, have Caused The Loss Of More Than A Trillion Dollars over The Last Two Weeks, alone! And then, (3) The Threat Of A Possible Downgrade Of The Credit Rating Of France! And, (4) The Rioting Youth, In The UK, Who are Showing Their Dissatisfaction Of Their Present State Of Being, By, Unlawfully, Starting Fires, and, Looting Their Neighborhoods and Cities!
And then, There is, (5) This New Political Election Cycle, Where Politicians, Who are Hoping to Obtain Their Party's Nomination, Can Be More Divisive, than, Optimistic and Positive! And, Then Add To This Global Feeling Of Discontent Is, (6) The Starving People, In Somalia, (7) The Oppression Of The People, In Syria, and, Libya, and, (7) The Flash Mobs Of Youth in Philadelphia, Who Lack The Proper Guidance To Realize, that, This is, Not The Way To Achieve Their Goals In Life! But, All Of These Reasons Would Be, As Another Saying Goes, "Just The Tip Of The Iceberg!"

"The World Needs Change," and, Its Time For The Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, and, President Obama, To Become, "Activists For The People!"

"They" Should, "Make It Their Main Priority," To Go To The Neighborhoods, Towns, Cities, States, and, "Nations Of The People," and, "On A First Hand Basis," Assess, "What Needs To Be Done," To Repair The Roadways, Bridges, Subways, Sidewalks, Parks, Schools, Libraries, and, Whatever Public Structures and Facilities, that, are "In Need Of Improvement," and, that, "Will Improve The Quality Of Life Of The People," and, "Put The People Back To Work!"

And, "They" Should, "Make A Point Of Going To Impoverished Communities," and, Show The World, Through "The Social, and, The Cross-Media Universes," "The Results and Consequences Of Ill Advised Political Decisions," and, "Passionately," Talk about "What Needs To Be Done," and, Then, "Demand," that, "All The Political Party's," Undertake "A Balanced Approach" Towards Improving, The International, National, Regional, and, Local Communities Welfare!

This is, The Time For, Voices Of Reason, Peacemakers, Religious, Civilian, Financial, and, Military Leaders, "To Recognize," that, "The Times have Changed," and, "New Economical, Sociological, and, Political Reforms" Must Be Crafted, To "Address, This New Age," and, "The Stress, Frustration, Anxiety, and, Rage," that, "Is Taking Place In The World Today!"

There are "Too Many Real Life Situations and Issues," that, "Need Immediate Attention," In The World, Today, that, "Must Be Acted Upon, Immediately," and, Forcefully, and, "Solutions, and, Resolutions Must Be Found," To Resolve "These Potential Disasters In The Making!" Before An "Emotional Hurricane Erupts, Worldwide," that, "Causes More Instability, Chaos, Crimes, and, Violence, Althroughout This World Of Ours!"

This is, "The Time," For The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military, Leaders Of The Earths Communities, and, The World Of Big Business, "To Take Activist Roles!" "They" Can Not "Remain On The Fence," or, "Act Professorial," as The Sayings Go!" Its Time For Them, To "Walk The Walk, and, Talk The Talk," with "The People," and, "Come To The Aid Of The People," and, "Rise To The Challenge" Of, "Bringing Peace, Economic Stability, and, A New Age Of Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, Sociological, and, Financial Equanimity and Security To The World!"

"Change Is Here and Now," and, "Its Ripples, Currents, Streams, Waves, and, High Tides, Must Be Respected," and, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Must Be Empowered," and, "A Bridge Of Peace, Must Be Built, To Lead The People, To A Higher Ground," Where Our Families, Friends, and, Neighbors, "Can Enjoy The Fruits Of Life," and, "Living In An Age Of Social Security!"

And, This is, "The Time" For, Our Civilian, Financial, Military, and, Religious Leaders Of The Earths Communities, To "Nourish, Re-Invest, and, Empower, The New and Fragile Global Financial System," that, Is Emerging, "Here In The 21st Century," and, "Protect It," from "The Corrupt Conditioned System Of The Past!"

And, This is, "The Time" For "Political Agendas, Political Ideologies, and, Partisan Politics," To "Take A Back Seat, To The Needs Of The People!"

And, If, "These Elected Officials, Can Not Understand The Gravity, and, Seriousness, Of This Time Period," then "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Must Demand, A New Election Process/Policy," Whereby, "A Nationwide Recall Vote," Can Be "Demanded, By The People, and, For The People," with, "National Consensus Of The People!"

And, "The World Of Big Business, Banks, and The Global Markets," Must "Get Off The Fence," and, "Support A Strategic Global Partnership," that, "Embraces A New Dawn Of, Education, and, Research and Development," "In A New Age Of Green Industrialization, and, Entrepreneurialism!"

And, "Its Time" For "The Private Sector," To "Invest In Stabilizing The Agricultural Community" and "The Evolution Of A Hi-Tech Super Age Of Technology, and, Science," as well as, "Supporting," Social, Economical, Political, and, Spiritual Security," For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Its Obvious, that, If, The Financial, Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, The World Of Big Business, Global Oligarchs, "Do Not Act Now," To "Bring A Necessary Breath Of Fresh Air, Hope, Compassion, Optimism, and, Understanding, To The People," and, "Come To The Aid Of The People Of The World,"
"A Continuation Of Turmoil, Fires, Violence, Crime, Chaos," and, "A Highly Combustionable Street Anger," Will Continue, To "Erupt, All Over The World!"
Whether It Be, "In Our Greatest Cities," To "A Rumbling Of Discontent," In "Our Small Towns and Villages!"

However, There Is, "No Reason," Why, "A Positive Change," Can Not "Become A Reality, and, Movement," that, "Truly Represents The Will, and, The Voice Of The People!"

And, There Should Be, "No Reason," Why, "The World Of Big Business, Banks, and, Financial Institutions," Can Not, "Enter Into An Honest Partnership," with, "The People," that, "Gives Birth To, A New Sense Of Trust, Between, "The People, and, Big Business!" "A Partnership," that, "Creates A New Equation Of Supply and Demand, Profit, Purpose, and, Gain," that, Is, "In Equanimity with, The Growth Of New Public Service and Health Care Projects, For The People!"

This is, "The Time," For "A New Character Image," To "Shape The Countenance" Of The Leaders Of The Earths United nations, and, Communities! "An Image," that, "Reflects A Purity Of Heart, Mind, Spirit, and Soul!"

"An Image," that, Is "Reflective Of A New Age Of Great Purpose, and Great Potential!"

"An Image," that, "Reflects An Earthrise Vision Path, Movement, and Evolution" Of,
"A Great People," Of This Planet Earth!

"A New Age Of Justice, Racial Equality, Peace and Prosperity, and, Social Equanimity, For One and All!"

That, "Gives Birth To A New Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration," that, "Guarantee's The Sovereign Rights and, Liberties," Of, All The People," Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World, and, Bring An Age Of Enlightenment To The World!
And, This is, The Way To Build A Foundation For A Peace Time Economy, and, Investment In A New Age Of Green Manufacturing and Distribution, that, Is, A Direct Result Of, "A Strategic Change In Global Energy Policies," By, The Civilian, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, "Away from, Nuclear Energy and Oil, To Alternative Energies," and, "A Universe Of Alternative Energy Choices!"
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls, Of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Learn from Our Past Experiences, and, Sow The Seeds Of Evolutionary Idea's, and, Visions, that, Give Hope To The Aspirations and Longings Of, An Earths Populace, "To Transcend The Sense Of Being Apart Of, A Purposeless and Meaningless Existence," and, "A Class Conscious Society Of A Conditioned Reality!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Advance Our Peoples Agenda" To The World! "One," that, "Brings Peace To The World," Through A Series Of, Non-Violent Stages, Beginning with, Worldwide Peace Dialogues, and, A Global Truce!

And, Lets Call Upon, The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths Communities, To Join Us, In, "An Earthrise Covenant Of Peace, Justice, Economic Parity, and, Universal Health Care," "For All The World!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Move Forward In All Haste," To "Encourage A Fiscal Global Movement," that, "Brings Forth, A New Age Of Economic Reforms, and Job Creation," that, "Creates Jobs For The World," and, "Establishes, A Working Relationship with The Global Business Community," that, Is "Fair minded, Honest, Productive, and Prosperous For Everyone!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Move Forward Towards The Realization" Of Achieving, "Our Earthrise Vision" Of "A Unified World Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Sovereign Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue To Share "The Good News and Good Karma," Of, Our "Earthrise Eco-Vision, Of A New Age Of Environmental and Ecological Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions" Of "An Advanced Universal and Conscious Aware Programs and Policies," that, Both, "Protect The Earth, and, Enhance Our Life Style Choices!"

And, Let us Continue To Share and Spread "These Visions, Idea's, New Strategies Thoughts, Words, and, Actions," via Facebook, Yahoo, You Tube, Twitter, iTunes, MySpace, Linkedin, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, X's, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit Ins, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, Thought Projection, Interviews, Emails, Texts, Fax's, The Vote, In Concert Performances, Newspapers, Magazines, Cable, Network, Satellite TV and Radio Networks, Non-Violent Activist Groups, The World Of Music, Dance, and The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture,, .fr, .de,,, Napster, Hi-Speed Super Computers with Dedicated Programs and Algorithms, Directed Towards Finding New Cures and New Medicines, and, Telethons!

And, As "We" Cross "The Bridge Of Peace Together," Let Us Continue "To Evolve To New Levels Of Universal, Spiritual, Personal, and, Intellectual Conscious Awareness" On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, Compassion, Reason, and, Change!
And, via, The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Unlimited, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Networks, Links, and, Nexus "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Let us Continue "To Soar, To New Galaxies, and, New Horizons," and, "Worlds Of Unlimited Potential," On The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, High Tides, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change!

And, Let Us Continue To Be, "A Great Soul Force For Peace," "Moving Ever Forward Towards" An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium, and, A Unified World Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth and The Universe!

"We" All, "Have A Choice," To Go Down A Path Of War, Violence, Poverty, Destruction, and, Chaos, that, Can, only, "Lead To The First World War Of The 21st Century," or, To Follow "An Illuminated Path," that, "Leads Us To An Age Of Peace On Earth!"
Let Us, Always, Choose Peace," "For The Sakes Of Our Families and Friends," and, "For The Sake Of All Sentient Beings," and, "The Earth, Itself!"