Wednesday, December 15, 2021



The Way To Peace! #403

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- 
-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- And, "Will The US Supreme Court Rule in Favor of" and "Give Their Full Support to," "What Will Eventually Come Down to The Constitutional Right of An American Women's Right to Choose in The United States of America," Roe v. Wade"- Or, "Has The Court Become Too Politicized to Judge and Rule Fairly!"

"If The US Supreme Court has Become too Politicized to Judge Cases Before Them by Constitutional Standards," (1) "Term Limits Should Be Placed on The Confirmation of Each Newly Elected Justice," and/or, (2) "A Larger US Supreme Court Should Be Considered in The Immediate Future!"

"The Twenty-First Century Demands Unbiased and Interdependent Considerations and Contemplation's by "The Nations Judiciary!" "The Reasons Being, in Most Cases," are "Due to The Demands of These Changing Times,"

And, "Issues that have Been Constitutionally Decided Upon Must Be Given First Priority in The Nations Courts For The Sake," "Stability," and "Security Of All The People," and "The Trust and Belief" that "The American People have for The Laws of The Land!"

And, "Whether or Not The Nations Courts Can Judge Fairly," and "Especially The US Supreme Court," has "Come Under Intense Scrutiny in The View Point and Minds of The American People!"  

And, "As Lady Justice Looks Down Upon The Supreme Court," and "The Nations Judiciary," "The Question" is, "Will The US Supreme Court Rise to The Moral and Ethical Challenge that "Faces Them in The Twenty-First Century," and "Specifically in Regards to "The Constitutional Right of An American Women's Right to Choose," "Roe v. Wade," "Racial Issues," "The Proliferation of Ghost Guns," "New Gun Reform Cases," and "Immigration Reform!"

-(Note that, "A Women's Constitutional Right to Choose is On Trial," Once Again, "In America!" And, "One Begins to Wonder If Their Inalienable Rights to Live as Equal Citizens in The United States of America Will ever Be Fully Respected!")-
-Extra Noteworthy News- "Callender Of Events"- "The Summit For Democracy"-

"Thursday and Friday, The Ninth and Tenth of December 2021," Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Will Host The Summit For Democracy" and "Bring Together Leaders of "The Parallel Universes of The Public Sector," of "The Earths Coalition of United Sovereign Solar Nations," from "Government," "Civil Society," to "The Private Sector" to "Renew The Greatest Threats Faced by Democracies' Today Through Collective Action!"

"This Virtual Summit on The Challenges," "Defense," "Advancement," and "Protection of Human Rights," and "Principles and Growth of Democracy Earthwide Will Be Live Streamed on The Summit Homepage," and "In Panels," and "Town Halls, as "A Part of The Official Program!"

The Way To Peace! #402 -(Revisited)-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- And, "The Questions are "Deeply Troubling,"-

"Every Parent" has had "A Moment of Absolute Pleasure Seeing Their Children Playing in A Playground with Neighborhood Children," "Classmates," and "Strangers!" And, "Smiles are Apparent Everywhere Among The Adults Viewing Their Children, and Other Children, Playing on The Swings," "In Sand Pits," on "The Monkey Bars," or "Simply Playing Tag," and "Running about in Joyous Abandon with Peals of Laughter and Giggles Flowing on Gentle Eddies" of "A New Morn and/or Afternoon Breeze!"

And, "Depending Upon The Location of The Playground," and "The Diversity of The Neighborhood," Some Parents May Be of The Noble Eight Fold Path," "Some of The Tao Te Ching," "Some were The Followers of Muhammad," "Some were Christians," and "Some were Followers and Deliverers of The Prophet Moses," "Some were of The Golden Rule" that is "Embraced by The Teachings of Confucius," "Christianity," "Islam," Zoroastrianism," "Judaism," and "Rumi," and "Some were Atheists," and "Some were Democrats," and "Socialists," "Communists," "Liberals," "Progressives," "Conservatives," "Libertarians," "The Green Party," or "Environmentalists," However, "Nowhere was There A Child who Did Not Play with Another from The Age of One to Ten," "Because of Their Parents Beliefs!"

And, "Parents Taught Their Children to Play with Each Other Nonviolently," and "Display Respect and "Good Manners Towards Each Other," and "The Adults of All Colors," "Sizes," and "Shapes," and "Irregardless of The Language They Spoke!"

"The Questions" are "Deeply Troubling and Obvious to Concerned Citizens Nationwide," and "The Youth of The Land who have Maintained A Deep Respect and Concern for The Environment," and "Their History and Education," and "The Values and Traditions of The Land," "Their Cultures," and "The Sociological Teachings and Affairs of The Earths Populace!" 

"The Question Remains," "What Happened!" "And, "Why has There Been so Many Acts of Violence," and "Racial and Religious Discrimination," and "Acts of Domestic and Foreign Terrorism," and "Unpatriotic Acts Against The Constitutional Rights of Every Citizen!" And, "Damaging Partisan Politics Bent Upon Dividing The Nation," for "The Lust of Power," "Greed," and "Selfish," and "Egoist Designs!"

And, "The Manipulation of The Earthwide Social Media for Profit," in "Violation of The Interdependent Rights of The Diverse Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The People," and "The Universal Cloud of Data and Information that Is All Inclusive of Our Earthly and Universal Experiences!"

"Wasn't The Challenge of An Exciting and Vigorous New Age of Technology," "Energy," "Science," and "Communication," and "The Advent and Development of Hi-Tech Companies" "Enough of A Motivation," "Purpose," and "Reason to Be!" 

And, "Has Monetary Gain Replaced The Universal Values of "Integrity," "Respect," "Honor," "A Just Code of Ethics," "Cognition," "Justice For One and All," and "The Tenets," and "Teachings," that "We were Brought Up to Admire and Share with Each Other," and "Share with The Youth of The Earth!"

"What Happened to Cause A Dissipation of The Natural Flow of Experiences that Manifested Themselves in The Playgrounds of The United States of America," and "The United Sovereign Solar Nations of The Earth!"

"Let Us Agree" that "It is Time for A Renaissance of The Heart," "Mind," "Intelligence," "Cognition," "Compassion," "Interdependence," "Passion," "Universal Principles," "Spirit and Soul of Humanity," for "The Sake of Each and Every Newborn Child," and "The Protection of The Natural Development and Growth of The Earths Environmental and Ecological States of Being," and "For The Enhancement and Future Development of Our Lives," and "The Universal Experiences and Daily Occurrences and Events" that "Take Place in Our Lives!" 

And, "An Era of Truth," "Hope," "Grand Equilibre," "Equanimity," "Equality," "Freedom," "Justice," and "Great Expectation Must Come to Be" and "Grace The Earths Horizons!" "For This is The Moment of Change," "Transcendence," and "Vision of An Earthrise Experience" that "Leads to A Bold New Civilization Of, By, and For The People," and "The Betterment of All The Lives of The Earths Sentient Beings," and "The Sacred Lands and Seas of The Earth Itself!"
-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Thursday, The Second of December 2021, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "The U.S. Congress Avoided A Government Shutdown" by "Passing A Short- Term Spending Bill!"

Note that, "This Legislation Will keep Federal Agencies Funded Through The Eighteenth of February 2022!" 
"The U.S. House of Representatives Approved This Legislation by A Vote of Two Hundred and Twenty-One to Two Hundred and Twelve," with "One Republican Joining The Democrats!"
And, "The U.S. Senate Voted Sixty-Nine to Twenty-Eight to Approve It!"
"President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Will Be Signing This Short-Term Spending Legislation Before Midnight The Third of December 2021!"

However, "Addressing The Debt Ceiling Lies Ahead for The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of The U.S. Congress!" "A Formidable Task," but "A Necessary One that "The Congress Must Resolve" for "The Sociological and Economical Security of The Youth of America," and "The Diverse Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Nation!"
-Extra Noteworthy News- "The Debt Ceiling"-
Wednesday, The Eighth of December 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The U.S. House of Representatives Approved Legislation" on "Raising The Debt Ceiling" by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Twenty-Two to Two Hundred and Twelve!"
-(Note that, "Only One Republican Voted with The House Democrats!")-

And, "Thursday, The Ninth of December 2021, "The U.S. Senate Voted to Approve A Measure" to "Raise The Debt Ceiling by A Vote of Fifty-Nine to Thirty- Five!" "Which Allows For The Most part," that "An Upcoming Vote on Raising The Federal Governments Debt Limit of $28.9 Trillion Will Pass in The Senate Chamber with A Simple Majority Vote!" "Preventing A Default!"
-(Note that, "Senate Minority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell III also Voted to Raise The Debt Ceiling," "All but Guarantees It!")-

"President Joseph R. Biden Jr. is Expected to Sign It in The Coming Days," and "One Would Expect This to Occur with Some Fanfare on The Potential of Both Parties Working Together for The Sake of The Nation!"

  -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's and Global Perspectives"-
"The Future of The United States of America Will Be Dependent Upon More Legislative Moments," "Local," "State," and "Federal," "Where The Two Major Political Parties" and "Their Leadership Display A Committed and Dedicated Disposition to "Work Together for All that Is Essential," "Constructive," "Positive," and "Crucial," to The Social Security," "Economic Security," Values," "Morals," "Ethics," and "Traditions," of "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of The American People," "The Republic and Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "In Belief in" and "Unwavering True Support of" "The U.S. Constitution!"