Thursday, December 2, 2021



The Way To Peace! #402

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- And, "The Questions are "Deeply Troubling,"-

"Every Parent" has had "A Moment of Absolute Pleasure Seeing Their Children Playing in A Playground with Neighborhood Children," "Classmates," and "Strangers!" And, "Smiles are Apparent Everywhere Among The Adults Viewing Their Children, and Other Children, Playing on The Swings," "In Sand Pits," on "The Monkey Bars," or "Simply Playing Tag," and "Running about in Joyous Abandon with Peals of Laughter and Giggles Flowing on Gentle Eddies" of "A New Morn and/or Afternoon Breeze!"

And, "Depending Upon The Location of The Playground," and "The Diversity of The Neighborhood," Some Parents May Be of The Noble Eight Fold Path," "Some of The Tao Te Ching," "Some were The Followers of Muhammad," "Some were Christians," and "Some were Followers and Deliverers of The Prophet Moses," "Some were of The Golden Rule" that is "Embraced by The Teachings of Confucius," "Christianity," "Islam," Zoroastrianism," "Judaism," and "Rumi," and "Some were Atheists," and "Some were Democrats," and "Socialists," "Communists," "Liberals," "Progressives," "Conservatives," "Libertarians," "The Green Party," or "Environmentalists," However, "Nowhere was There A Child who Did Not Play with Another from The Age of One to Ten," "Because of Their Parents Beliefs!"

And, "Parents Taught Their Children to Play with Each Other Nonviolently," and "Display Respect and "Good Manners Towards Each Other," and "The Adults of All Colors," "Sizes," and "Shapes," and "Irregardless of The Language They Spoke!"

"The Questions" are "Deeply Troubling and Obvious to Concerned Citizens Nationwide," and "The Youth of The Land who have Maintained A Deep Respect and Concern for The Environment," and "Their History and Education," and "The Values and Traditions of The Land," "Their Cultures," and "The Sociological Teachings and Affairs of The Earths Populace!" 

"The Question Remains," "What Happened!" "And, "Why has There Been so Many Acts of Violence," and "Racial and Religious Discrimination," and "Acts of Domestic and Foreign Terrorism," and "Unpatriotic Acts Against The Constitutional Rights of Every Citizen!" And, "Damaging Partisan Politics Bent Upon Dividing The Nation," for "The Lust of Power," "Greed," and "Selfish," and "Egoist Designs!"

And, "The Manipulation of The Earthwide Social Media for Profit," in "Violation of The Interdependent Rights of The Diverse Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The People," and "The Universal Cloud of Data and Information that Is All Inclusive of Our Earthly and Universal Experiences!"

"Wasn't The Challenge of An Exciting and Vigorous New Age of Technology," "Energy," "Science," and "Communication," and "The Advent and Development of Hi-Tech Companies" "Enough of A Motivation," "Purpose," and "Reason to Be!" 

And, "Has Monetary Gain Replaced The Universal Values of "Integrity," "Respect," "Honor," "A Just Code of Ethics," "Cognition," "Justice For One and All," and "The Tenets," and "Teachings," that "We were Brought Up to Admire and Share with Each Other," and "Share with The Youth of The Earth!"

"What Happened to Cause A Dissipation of The Natural Flow of Experiences that Manifested Themselves in The Playgrounds of The United States of America," and "The United Sovereign Solar Nations of The Earth!"

"Let Us Agree" that "It is Time for A Renaissance of The Heart," "Mind," "Intelligence," "Cognition," "Compassion," "Interdependence," "Passion," "Universal Principles," "Spirit and Soul of Humanity," for "The Sake of Each and Every Newborn Child," and "The Protection of The Natural Development and Growth of The Earths Environmental and Ecological States of Being," and "For The Enhancement and Future Development of Our Lives," and "The Universal Experiences and Daily Occurrences and Events" that "Take Place in Our Lives!" 

And, "An Era of Truth," "Hope," "Grand Equilibre," "Equanimity," "Equality," "Freedom," "Justice," and "Great Expectation Must Come to Be" and "Grace The Earths Horizons!" "For This is The Moment of Change," "Transcendence," and "Vision of An Earthrise Experience" that "Leads to A Bold New Civilization Of, By, and For The People," and "The Betterment of All The Lives of The Earths Sentient Beings," and "The Sacred Lands and Seas of The Earth Itself!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "The U.S. House of Representatives Democrats Passed The Build Back Better Act" by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Twenty to Two Hundred and Thirteen!"-

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"-  "Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" and "Major News Headlines of The Fourth Estate Reported" that 'The U.S. House of Representatives Voted on Friday, The Nineteenth of November, 2021," to "Advance The $1.75 Trillion Dollar Build Back Better Act Infrastructure Bill by A Vote of Two Hundred and Twenty to Two Hundred and Thirteen!" 
"Let Us Fully Comprehend" that "This is Yet Another Monumental Accomplishment and Grand Achievement" by "House Democrats," "All of Whom (Excluding One," and "The House Republicans,") Voted for This Nothing Less," than "A Magnificent Legislative Act of Great Vision" to "Improve and Empower The Sociological Affairs," and "Lives of The American People!"
And, Let Us Not Forget, "In Order to Get to This Auspicious Moment in Governance," that "It Took The Leadership," "Guidance," "Vision," "Patience," "Perseverance," "Wisdom," "Will Power," "Determination," and "Belief of President Joseph R. Biden Jr.," and "The Incomparable Passion," "Patriotism," "Empathy," "Professionalism," and also "The Determination of The Majority of House," and "Soon to Be, Senate Democrats," to "Keep Their Word to America's Diverse Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The People" to "Make Their Present and Future Lives and Experiences in Line with Their Hopes and Dreams!"
And, "In Line," "In Consistency," and "In Parity" with "The Vision of America's Founding Fathers who "Created The Grand Idea" of "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
And, "A Land of Freedom," "Liberty," "Equality," "Justice," "Law and Order," "Opportunity," and "Freedom of Speech," "Freedom of Religion," "Freedom of Assembly," and "The Constitutional Right to Vote!"
-(Note that, "House Minority Speaker Kevin Owen McCarthy's More than Eight Hour Rant" that "Delayed The Vote on The Build Back Better Act Dies Not Deserve The Attention that It has Been Receiving!")-
This is "Not The Time for Partisan Politics," "This is The Time for A New Generation of Legislators whose Main Concern is All that is In The Best Interest and Welfare of America's Diverse Communities," "Who Believe in The Patriotic Support of The Democracy," "The Republic," and The Government Of, By, and For The People," and "The Youth of America!"
And, "The Build Back Better Act is A Quantum Leap Forward Towards America Being A Bold New Civilization Of The People," that "Represents The Universal Principles and Tenets," that "The Earths United Sovereign Solar Nations Believe in," and "Aspire to Become," and "Share with," "All The Youth of The Earth who Wish to Live in Freedom," "Free from Oppression," "Dictatorships," and "One-Man-Rule Forms of Governance!"
And, "The Build Back Better Act is An Important Step Forward Towards Building A New Era, and Age of Cognition," "Compassion," "Economic, Environmental and Ecological Stability and Security," and "The Renaissance of The Heart," Mind," "Intellect," "Soul and Spirit of Humanity!" 
And, "Any Superlatives that Can Be Used to Describe The Effort Made by The Democratic Party to Advance This Major Economic and Legislative Achievement For All of America," to "Be Voted on In The U.S. Senate," and "Its Historical Significance," "Can Not Be Understated!"

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's and Global Perspectives"- 
-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- And, "Will The Supreme Court of The United States Rule in Favor of" and "Give Their Full Support to," "What Will Eventually Come Down to The Constitutional Right of An American Women's Right to Choose in The United States of America," Roe v. Wade"-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The First of December 2021, "The Supreme Court Will Hear Oral Arguments" on "A Challenge to A Mississippi Law that Bars Abortions After Fifteen Weeks of Pregnancy!"

And, "As Lady Justice Looks Down Upon These Proceedings," "The Question" is, "Will The US Supreme Court Rule in Favor of," and  "Give Their Full Support to," "What Will Eventually Come Down to Essentially The Constitutional Right of An American Women's Right to Choose," "Roe v. Wade!"

-(Note that, "A Women's Constitutional Right to Choose is On Trial," Once Again, "In America!" And, "One Begins to Wonder If Their Inalienable Rights to Live as Equal Citizens in The United States of America Will ever Be Fully Respected!")-  

-Extra Noteworthy News- "A Message," "Overview," and "Purview of Great Concern," and "A Warning to "The Unvaccinated,"- And, "CoronaVirus Updates"- "The Omicron Variant has Added to The Serious Concerns of The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Global Pandemic," - And, "CoronaVirus Deaths have Risen Above Five Million Earthwide," and has "Gone Beyond The Unimaginable and Tragic Plateau of Eight Hundred Thousand Deaths in The U.S."-

"It is Extremely Difficult to Conceive" that From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Tuesday, The Thirtieth of November 2021, "801,326 Americans," have "Died in The United States Caused by The CoronaVirus," "Surpassing The Unimaginable Level of Eight Hundred Thousand Lives Lost," and has "Cast A Tragic and Unforgettable Shadow" over "The Mismanagement of This National Health Crisis by The Trump Administration!"

And, "The Fact" that "There are Confirmed Cases of Infections" of "49,301,070 American Citizens," "You Can Fully Realize by The Numbers of Deaths and Confirmed Cases," that "The "The Nation is Still Experiencing PTSD" from "The Emotional Impact Caused by This Vicious Virus" and "The Families of These 801,326 Americans," are "Grieving and Suffering, and Deeply Mourning The Loss of Their Love Ones!"

And, When You Include that, "Earthwide," From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Tuesday, The Thirtieth of November 2021, that 262,457,910 Million Persons have Been Infected by The CoronaVirus," and that "The Tragic Number of Deaths has Risen Above," "An Unimaginable Five Million Persons," to "5,225,521," "As of Tuesday, The Thirtieth of November 2021,  "Whose Families have only Photographs, Videos, and Films," "As The Only Memories to Remind Them of The Loss of Their Love One's," These Visuals Can Not Replace Their Love Ones," And, "Absolutely Anyone One with Any Common Sense Can Realize The Seriousness of This Ongoing Earthwide Pandemic!"

And, " "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Not Abated Earthwide!" And, "Health Care Systems are Still Faced with An Ongoing Emergency Crisis!" And, "The Battle is Not Over," and "The War Against This Vicious, Dangerous, Merciless, and Ruthless Virus," has "Not Been Won as of Yet!" And, "There is Still A Great Amount of Work to Be Done!"

And, "An Earthwide Financial and Organizational Effort of The Highest Professional Quality," "Ability,"and "Compassionate Management," "Must Be In The Forefront of The Effort" to "Contain and Prevent The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus!"

And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" to "The Health Care" and "Welfare Of We The People," that "All of The Meaningful and Life Saving Requests Made by The Earths Community of Health Care Experts" "Must Be Guaranteed and Delivered Immediately without Procrastination" by "All of The Global Sovereign Governments, State, City and Local Governments!"

"For These Leaders Must Keep Their Contract with The Earths Populace" to "Provide Financial and Medical Support for One and All," and "They Must Keep Their Word Nobly," that "In Truth," "Demonstrates that We are All in This Global Pandemic," and "Effected by The Deadly and Heartbreaking Affects of This Global Pandemic," "Together!"

"It is of The Greatest Importance for The U.S. Congress to Fully Realize The Tragic Significance" of "The Fact" that As of Tuesday, The Thirtieth of November 2021, "801,326 Lives," "Mothers and Fathers, Sons and Daughters, Sisters and Brothers," have "Died Due to The Merciless Attack of The CoronaVirus in The United States of America," and "Let Us Agree, Americans One and All," that "This is The Time For All of The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of Congress, Irregardless of Political Party Association" to "Contemplate and Act with All Speed" with "Their Hearts, Minds, Intellects, Souls, and Spirits Fully Engaged" to "Stop The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus," and "Any of Its Mutant Variants!"

And, "This is Not The Time for Partisan Politics," or "Behaving as Politicians Looking Towards Future Election Successes!" "This is Time to Act and Work" as "The Courageous Healthcare and Critical Care Workers Who are Caring for, on A Daily Basis," "The Recovery of Members of Our Families," "Who have Been Hospitalized," "Where Success is Saving A Life!"

And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" for "Senate Majority Leader Schumer" and "House Speaker Pelosi," and "The Democratic Party," to "Continue to "Provide The Leadership and Commitment to Fulfill The Promises They Made to the American People," and "Together with The Biden/Harris Administration Pass Legislation" that "Improves The Healthcare and Economic Welfare of The Nation," and "The Nationwide Infrastructure of The United States of America!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Callender Of Events"- "The Ongoing Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis in Ethiopia,"-

Monday, The Twenty-Ninth of November 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Vicious and Violent Conflict in Ethiopia between The Government Forces and The Tigray Rebels" have "Reached A Tragic Level of Confrontation," with "Rising Death Tolls and Starvation Causing Devastation Across This Nation!"

And, "The United Sovereign Solar Nations of The Civilized Community of Conscious and Peace Must Demand a Cessation of Violence," and that "Both Warring Factions Agree to The Immediate Distribution of Aid" to "All of The People in Need Irregardless of Whomever They May Be Ethiopian or Tigray Rebel!"
And, "Diplomacy and Peace Talks Must Resolve This Deathly Conflict!" "History has Proven over and over Again that "War and Conflict" are "Not The Answer to Political," "Racial," and "Economic Differences Whenever and Wherever They have Occurred!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Callender Of Events"- "The Question" is "Why has The Russian Federation Amassed Approximately One Hundred Thousand of Its Armed Forces on The Border of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"-

Tuesday, The Thirtieth of November 2021, "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" and "Headlines of The Fourth Estate have Reported" that "The Russian Federation has Amassed Approximately One Hundred Thousand of Its Armed Forces on The Border of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"

"The Incredible Insensitivity and Lack of Cognition of The Leaders of The Russian Federation to Threaten The Citizens of Ukraine with Violence" is "Beyond Comprehension!"

And, "The Religious Leaders of This Sovereign Nation whose History is Both Long and Substantive in Global Affairs," and "The Religious," "Sovereign," and "Business Leaders of The European Union (EU)," "NATO," and "The Earths Coalition of United Sovereign Solar Nations," and "NATO," "Must Speak Out Precisely" and "In All Clarity to Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin," to "Counsel Him" to "Cease and Desist from Any Thought and/or Consideration of Aggression Towards The People" and "Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"

And, "Instead Take His Place as A Peacemaker," and "Purposefully and Conscientiously Lead The Way to A Twenty-First Century Peace Initiative," a nd "Universal Rights Initiative For All The People of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations, who Long to Live in Peace," "Freedom," "Equality," "Equanimity," "Global Equilibre," and "Social Security!"

And, "Add His Leadership Abilities to The Voices of Respected Earthwide and Earthwise Leaders" and "Inspire and Guide The Youth of The Earth in The Ways of Peace," and "Non-Violence!"

And, "Let Diplomacy Lead The Way To Solving The Differences that Exist Between Sovereign Nations," and "Build Bridges of Cooperation and Trust," 'Wherever Distrust," "War," and "Conflict," "Threaten The Peaceful Coexistence of All The People of The Earth!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Callender Of Events"- "A Change of Governance in Honduras is On The Precipice of  Becoming A Reality"-
Monday, The Twenty-Ninth of November 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The First Woman President of The Sovereign Nation of Honduras is Near Fait Accompli!"

"The Results of The Honduran Presidential Elections have "Provided Xiomara Castro with An Insurmountable Lead over Conservative Candidate Nasry Juan Asfura Zabiah, The Mayor of Tegucigalpa, The Nations Capitol," and "Candidate of The Ruling National Party!" 
And, "This Would Make The National Front of Popular Resistance Party, (Liberty and Refoundation/Libre) and Leftist Candidate, Iris Xiomara Castro Sarmiento, "The First Woman President of Honduras!"

Ironically,  "Her Husband, Former President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales from 2006 to 2009," was "Forced from Office by An Alliance of Business and Military Elites!"

"The Question" is "Will A New Era of Democratic Socialism Replace The Authoritarian Rule in Honduras" and "Bring A Valued Change of Peace and Justice," to "All The People of This Central American Nation!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's and Global Perspectives"- 
-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- And, "The U.S. Economy Takes Another Positive Step Forward,"-

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Twenty-Fourth of 2021, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "There were One Hundred and Ninety-Nine Thousand New U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims," "Demonstrating that The Economy is Continuing to Recover and Improve since Last Years CoronaVirus Recession!"
"Let's Be Certain" that "While U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims Continues to Remain" at "A New Pandemic Era Low," since The Twenty-First of March 2020," "America is Still in Dire Need of Financial Relief," and "Investment in The Future of The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation," as "Proposed in, (1) "The Biden/Harris/Democratic $1.75 Trillion Dollar Build Back Better Act" ("The Human Infrastructure Bill,"), Which is Less than The $3.5 Trillion Hoped for," But "Still Necessary for The Future Growth and Development of America" and, (2) "The $1.2 Trillion Dollar Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill!"

And, "It is Essential" for "The Biden/Harris Administration," to "Continue on Their Cognitive Path" to "Bring Back Jobs," and "Job Security in The United States of America!"

And that, "They Follow Their Economic Vision Path On Course Towards Achieving An Economic Re-birth in America," that "Leads to of A Bold New Civilization" "Excluding No One," and "Has The Grand Potential of "Uniting The Nation," "During A Time Period Where Politics of Obstruction" and "Restrictions on The Right to Vote in America," and "The Lust for Power," "Initiated by The Republican Party" are "Dividing The Nation!"

However, "It is An Important to Note" that "The Biden/Harris Administration's Efforts to Bring Back America" has "Begun to Show The Positive Results of Its Economic and Health Plans," and that "The Logic to Go Forth on Its Present Course," and "Pass A New Infrastructure Plan for The Future are Merited," and "Well Planned Out!"

And, "It also Continues to Demonstrate The Importance of The Democratic Party" to "Stand United with The Biden/Harris Administration to Bring Back America," and "Stand Firmly in The Path of Republican Obstruction," and "The GOP's Efforts to Impede and Prevent Making A Better Life for All Americans," that "Would Be of Benefit to The Poor," "Middle Class," "The Public Sector," and "Small Businesses," and "Place A Fair Tax Upon Large Business Corporations," and "The Wealthy!"

And, "The Hard Work that Lies Ahead for The Biden/Harris Administration, and The Democratic Party Can Not Be Underestimated," Because "It has Become Increasingly Obvious that The Republican Party," ("The Grand Ole Party No More"), has "No Sincere Interest in Creating Policy," "Programs," or "Policies" that are "Of Benefit to The American People," and "Their Families Welfare!" "The GOP has Become The Party of The Big Lie," and "Non Truths!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "It Will Take A Balanced and Progressive," "Earthwise and Streetwise Vision," "United in Purpose" and "Devoted in Commitment," "For The House and Senate Democrats and The Democratic Party Nationwide" to "Represent The Will Of The People," and "All that is In The Best Interests Of The People!"

And, "This Moment in Time" and "Moments Like This that Arise in The Future," are "Why President Biden and Vice President Harris" and "Democrats were Voted into Power," and "Why Former President Trump and Former Vice President Pence," and "The Republicans were Voted Out of Power!"
 - United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #197 - (Revisited & Revised)- 

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "Let Us Continue To Spread The Idea's," "Thoughts," "Words," and "Actions," Of "A Unified World," "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," via "Non-Violent Sit Ins," "Demonstrations," "Marches," "Strikes," "In Concert Performances," "Google," Yahoo," "Facebook/Merta," "MSN," "Bing," "Instagram," "Linkedin," "Twitter," TikTok," "Firefox," "Texts," "Emails," "The Next Elections," "YouTube," "Newspapers," "Magazines," "Blogspot," "Telethons," "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," "X's," "Cable," "Satellite," and " Network TV and Radio," "Meditation," "Contemplation," "Concentration," "Thought Projection," ",, .fr, .de, .com," and via The Parallel Universes Of Music," "Dance," and "The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture!"Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia,

And, Let Us Share "The Good News and Good Karma" Of, "Our Vision Path Of, By, and, For The People," via "Super Computers with Dedicated Algorithms and Programs, Devoted Towards Education and Learning," and "The Education Of A Global Work Force" that, "Puts The People, Back To Work," and "Finds New Cures For Healing The Maladies" Of, "We The People!"

And, "Let Us Continue To Be" "A Great Soul Force Of The People In The Great Tradition" of "Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Martin Luther King, Jesus Of Nazareth, Rumi, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Nelson Mandela, Rabindranath Tagore, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mary, Confucius, Mary Magdalene, Charlemagne, Zoroaster, Socrates, Clara Barton, Lao-Tzu, Muhammad, Moses, Black Elk, and, Machiventa Melchizedek!"

And, "Let Us Continue To Rise To New Levels Of Universal, Spiritual, Personal, and, Intellectual, and Emotional, Conscious Awareness, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace," and "Flowing Effortlessly On The Gentle Eddies, Currents, Streams, Waves," and "At Times Hurricane Winds Of Change!

And, "Let Us Continue To Move Ever Forward Towards Our Goals Of," "A Bold New Civilization Of The People," and "A New Renaissance of The Heart, Spirit, and Soul of Humanity," and The Hopeful Eventuality" of  A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues," "Walking Hand in Hand Across The Bridge Of Peace," and "Singing Our Anthems Of Hope, Change," and "A Unified World!"
And, "Let Us Continue To Soar To New Worlds and Galaxies Of," "Limitless Vision, and, Potential" "Of, What Our Lives Can Be," "Living In "A Universe Of Peace, Equanimity," and "A Shared Prosperity For One and All!"

And, "Let Us Be, The Composers of A Great New Universal Anthem of Peace!"
And, "Let Us Be, The Arrangers, Conductors, Singers, and, Musicians, of This New World Anthem!" 
And, "Let Our Voices Sing Out Proud and Clear," that, "We are The Earth," and, that, "We are The Universe!"
And that, "We are One People Of The Sea, Land, and Skies Of The Earth!"

And, "As Children and Adults Of The Earth," "Let Us Take a Vow to Respect, Care for, Protect, and, Defend, This Earth of Ours," and, "The Rights of We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to "Evolve, Be, and, Share The Music Of The Celestial Song of Life" with Each Other! "In Equanimity and Compassion with One Another!"
And, "Let Us Sing," "Give Peace A Chance, "Amazing Grace, "Heal The World, "This is Our Land, "Peace Train, and, "The Times They are A Changing" as "We Soar to A Higher Ground of Enlightenment, Wisdom, and, Conscious Awareness on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and, The Winds of Change!"  
And, "Lets Continue to Spread The Music and Lyrics of Our Earthrise Movement Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
  And, "Its Time" that "We"Gave Peace a Chance," "For The Sake Of The Youth of This Planet Earth," and "The Public," "Private," " "Financial and Scientific," and "The Parallel Sphere's of Academics," "Culture," "The Arts," and "All of The Sociological Affairs of We The People of This," "Our Home Planet Earth!""Ecological and Environmental,
From A Universal Purview," or from "A View from The International Space Station," "We are One and All Born as "Children of The Earth," and "There are Literally Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us!"
 And, This is, "The Way To A Peace Time Economy," "Empowered and Driven by The Parallel Universes Of Green Industrialization," "Emerging Energies and Technologies," "Trade and Culture," "Education," and "Empathy," "Science and Health Care!" And, "The Grand Efforts and Production of The Parallel Sphere's of The Public and Private Sectors!"
And, This is "The Way to An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth! And, "A Way To Return to The Music of Life and A Great Soul Force of The Light!"

-"Happy Thanksgiving Amis, All over This Sacred Earth of Ours"- "Let Us Look Forward to An Age of Thanksgiving," When There is "No Poverty," "No Homelessness," "No Threat of War," "No Worries" about "Climate Warming," and "Environmental and Ecological Catastrophe and Disaster,"

And, Where There are "No Dictators," and "No Foreign and Domestic Terrorists," and "No Political Corruption," or "White Collar, and Cyber Criminals," and "No Child Slavery,"

And, When There is "Justice and Law and Order Administered Fairly and Justly All Throughout The Earths United Sovereign Solar Nations," and "When Freedom," "Equality," and "Prosperity," are "Shared by All The Diverse Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People Earthwide,"

And, "When Social Security," and "Healthcare and Medical Care," are "Provided For One and All All Throughout The Parallel Universes of The Private and Public Sectors in Global Equilibre and Equanimity, Earthwide,"

And, "An Age of Peace on Earth Exists When Universal Tenets," "The Truth," and "A Code of Honor and Integrity," and "Universal Principles are The Laws," "Social Behavior and Conduct," and "The Core Essentials," "Pillars," "Cornerstones," and "Foundation of Our Daily Lives!"

And, "May We Share This Multicultural Earthrise Vision Of Thanksgiving in Our Homes," and "At Our Dinner Tables with Our Families," "Friends," and "Neighbors," and "With All who Truly Believe in A Present and Future" of "Non-Violence," and "Shared Ideas," "Innovations," "Thoughts," and "Words Of The True Meaning of Coexistence with One Another," "Wherever The Sun Rises," and "The Moon Graces The Harvest of Good Tidings," and "The Renaissance Of All Peace Loving People,"

And, "The Loving and Sacred Birth of Each Newborn Child Provides Us" with "A Plethora of Joyous Reasons to Feel Blessed with," and "Give Thanks for All Our Gifts of Life!

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "The Grand Ole Party NM (GOP No More) Must Make An Apology to The Citizens of The United States of America For Perpetrating The Big Lie," and "Placing Restrictions on The Constitutional Right to Vote For Each and Every American Citizen," And, "Pledge to Work and Pass New Legislation that Benefits All of The Diverse Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," And also, "Agree to Work In Concert and In Good Faith with The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The Democratic Party!"-

"America Take Note" that, "It Will Take A United New Commitment by The GOP to Work with The Democratic Party" and "The American People," and "Demonstrate by Their Actions and Words," that "They are Willing to Unite and Empower All The People in A Pure Act of Patriotism Before" that of, (1) "Party Ideology," and (2) "Lust for Power and Control in State Legislatures," and, (3) "Regain Majority Position In The U.S. Congress!"

It is Incredible that, The Republican Party has Continued to Perpetuate and Promote
The Big Lie," that "There was Broad Election Fraud in The U.S. 2020 Presidential Election," Which has "Divided The Nation," and "Is Blatantly Not True!" Even While "The United States of America has Been Under Siege" by "The Deadly CoronaVirus," and "Now by Its Deadly Delta Variant!"
And, "Even as The Biden/Harris Administration Continues to Rise to The New Challenge of The Deadly Delta Variant," "what are The Republicans Doing," "They are Continuing to Restrict The Constitutional Right to Vote of American Citizens" in "As Many as Forty-Eight States!" And, "This is Their Primary Focus instead of Creating and Developing New Policies and Programs" that are "Beneficial to The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The American People!"

And, "Do They Care" that There are Millions of Americans" who are "Continuing to Receive Traditional State Benefits," and are "Living from Paycheck to Paycheck," "Which is, (1) "All The More Reason," and "A Clear Demonstration," and "Further Proof of The Need for Addition Financial Relief in The Nation," "The Answer is No!"
"Nothing Less" than "A Total and Complete Apology" and "Admission by The Republican Party that They have Falsely Fabricated The Big Lie," "Must Take Place," and "As A Penance, The Party Must Agree to Perform Free Public Service Across The Nation," and "Promote The Truth," and "Nothing But The Truth to The American People," about "The Big Lie!"

Which is "In Fact," that "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is The Forty-Sixth President of The United States of America," and "Vice President Kamala Devi Harris is The Forty-Ninth Vice President of The United States of America!" And, "There was No Example of Broad or Mass Election Fraud in The Nation!" And, "This is A Fact" that "All of America Should Be Proud of!"
And, "Let Us Agree" and "Fully Comprehend that The New Normal," "Will Take Time to Develop in Total," and While The Seeds of The New Normal is Taking Place, "Wearing Masks is Still A Logical," "Prudent," "Wise," and "High Advisable Bit of Medical Intelligence to Adhere to!" For The Sake of Your Life," "Your Friends and Neighbors Lives," and "Your Fellow American" and "Fellow Human Beings Life!"

There Should Be A National Day of Remembrance for The Love Ones Lost Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic!"
And, "To Return Back to The Ongoing CoronaVirus Pandemic," "
And, "It is of The Greatest Importance," for "The Biden/Harris Administration to Continue Its Full Court Press," that "President Biden Set into Full Operation in 2021," to "Vaccinate Seventy Percent of All Adult Americans with At Least One CoronaVirus Vaccine Shot," until "They have Met Their Goals in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Nationwide for 2021," and "With All Intensity and Determination into 2022!" 
"It Can Not Be Understated Just How Important It is For All of America to Finally Return to "A New Sense of Normality," Sociologically," and Economically, and "Find Peace of Mind in Knowing" that "The Threat of The CoronaVirus is Under Control," and "Deterrents are In Place to Prevent New Surges from ever Taking Place Again!"

-In Memoriam:

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters such as Earthquakes, and Wherever The Path of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Flood Waters, Mud Slides, and Raging Tides, and Fires have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness! 

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic, More than Five Million! And As This Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Five Million Love Ones, to 5,225,521, As of Tuesday, The Thirtieth of November 2021! This is A Staggering Human Statistic to Imagine and Deeply Disturbing!
And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!