Wednesday, December 15, 2021



The Way To Peace! #403

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's and Global Perspectives"-
-UNITED INTERDEPENDENT GLOBAL ACTIVISTS- The Way To Peace! #201 -(Revised and Revisited)- "Women of This Earths Sovereign Solar Nations,"- 
Since the 20th Century, "Women such as; "Clara Barton, who was the Heart, " "Soul," and "Driving Force Behind The Red Cross," and,

"The Suffragettes," whose Activism and Passion Lead The Way to Women Being Able to Vote" (in the U.S.), and,

"Eleanor Roosevelt," who "Provided the Heart," "Mind," and "Passion, that "Supported her Husband (President Franklin D. Roosevelt) During his Most Difficult Time Periods of The Great Depression," and,
"Indira Gandhi," who "Proved that A Woman could Without a Doubt," Be The Iconic, Spiritual Leader of A Nation Of People," "Representing The Largest Democracy on Earth, India," and,

"Golda Meir, who Gave Her Life for Her People," so that "They could Live in Freedom," with "Dignity and Security, " in What was, and Still is One of The Most Volatile and Dangerous Areas on This Planet Earth," and,

"Rosa Parks, whose Bravery was Without a Doubt," a "Magnificent Display of Individual Courage, who Stood up for Her Beliefs and Civil Rights," although "Her Life was Threatened," and,
"Saint Teresa of Calcutta, who was Without a Doubt," the "Heart," "Soul," "Inspiration," and Protector of The Poor and Disenfranchised All over This Earth of Ours!" 
And, "Women, who are Heads of State," "Leaders of Financial Institutions," "Doctors," "Wives," "Nurses," "Scientists," "Hi-Tech Innovators," and "Leaders of The Earths United Coalition Of The Parallel Universes of Fashion and Culture," and "The Brave and Courageous Members of The Armed Forces of The Earths United Nations," and "Members of Police and Fire Departments," "Political Parties," "Religious and Spiritual Leaders," "Judges," "Actresses," "Artists," "Dancers," "Singers," "Postal Employees," "Restaurateurs," "Librarian," and "Teachers of Our Children," have Demonstrated" that "They are Intelligent, Iconic, Cognitive and Soulfully Aware," "Interdependent Beings of This Planet Earths Diverse Societies, Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations," and have "Merited The Respect of Their Peers!" 
And, "No Political Party," "Institution," "Corporation," "Religious Body," or "Government Agency" has "The Right To Dictate or Forcefully Attempt to Violate The Rights of Any Woman," "Without A Mandate," That is "Wholly Supported and Approved by A Majority Of Women," On "This, The Third Planet from The Sun!" 
"The Saying" that, "This is A Mans World," is "No Longer is The Rule of Thumb," as "Another Saying Goes!" Both "Women and Men," are "In Equal Standing and Equal Partnership," and are "The True Representatives and Voice Of The People!"
 And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age of Peace and Harmony On Earth!