Monday, June 1, 2020



The Way To Peace! #366

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, New's Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- 
"In This Time Period of Racial Tensions," and "An Era of Instant Global Communication and Information," "Including The Sharing of The Social Media's Deep Concerns" about "The State of Global Affairs from Continent to Continent," "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" have "A Great Access to The Patterns, Programs, and News from Practically Every Corner of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Nations," and also "of Individuals who are News Worthy," and "Those Who Choose to Be Gadfly's, Instigators, Extremists, Antagonists, and Provocateurs!"

"You Can for Example Follow President Trump's Agenda" as "He Initiates His Strategies, or "Campaign Slogans and Rhetoric," and "His Political Attacks" on "The People's Republic of China," to "His Support of Russian President Vladimir Putin," "Anti-Immigration Policies," and "The Wall Between The United States and Mexico," to "Terminating The United States Relationship with The World Health Organization," (WHO), to "ObamaGate" (?), "Firing and Hiring Administration Officials," "Attacks on The Press,""Reopening The American Economy," "How Great He has Made America," and "The CoronaVirus Pandemic," Just to Name a Few of The Tweets" and "News Commentary" and Opinions," that "He has Expressed and Promoted via The Global Internet" and "Digital Universe that He has Direct Access to!"

However, "There are also Billions of Voices Earthwide," that "Have Chosen to Speak Up and Voice Their Opinions" and have "A Powerful If Not A Meaningful Effect Upon The Diverse Global Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," from "Families who have Lost A Love One Due to The CoronaVirus, Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, Grandmothers and Grandfathers," and from "Philanthropists to Activists, and Journalists to Scientists, Bus Drivers, Sports Figures to College, University, High School, Middle School, or Grammar School Graduates, Teachers and Professors, and Transient Families, to Waitresses and Waiters, Authors, Composers, Singers, Dancers, Arrangers, Environmentalists and Ecologists, Astronauts, and Photographers, Oceanographers and Website Graphic Artists who are User Friendly, to Hi-Tech Visionaries and Employees, Health Care and Critical Care Workers,  Emergency Rescuers, First Responders, Farmers, Automobile, and Airline Employees, Artists, and Hotel Employees," and "The Youth of The Earths Communities" who are to "Inherit Our Home Planet Earth," and "All of Its Sentient Beings, Environmental and Ecological Systems," "Twenty-First Century Modern Civilization," and "Its Grand History!"

"Voices who Must Be Heard to Balance Out The Din of Chaos and Divisiveness," and "Political and Conditional Rhetoric" that "Attempts to Negatively have An Effect Upon The Minds, Spirits, Emotions, and Souls Of The Earths Populace One Way of Another!"

"Think about It!" "The Balance Lies in," at Times, "In Manipulating The Truth for One's Benefit," "Versus For The Benefit of One and All!" And, "For The Billions Upon Billions of People whose Lives and Quality of Life Can Be Greatly Improved" by "The Policies, Agendas, and Actions of A Few Global Leaders" of "The Private and Public Sector" or "Unfortunately Can Be Greatly Diminished!"

And, "This is Why The Billions Must Make Their Voices Heard," "Why" Because "Too Many People are Dying Unnecessarily," Because of Lust for Power, Greed, Hubris, and "A Lack of Consideration for The Health Care and Welfare of Their Fellow Human Being!" "Or Sentient Being!" Or "This Earth of Ours, as "Climate Warming Realities Threatens Our Survival!"

"It is Up to The Billions Upon Billions of The Earths Populace" to "Vote for A Candidate of Cognition, Education, and A Cultural Evolution of The People, A Sociological Advancement Of The Lives of All The People, and "An Era of Truth," and "Economic Security!"

"A Candidate" that "Comprehends The Issues and Realities that have A Daily Effect Upon The People!" 

And, "Individuals who have Committed and Dedicated Themselves to Representing What is In The Best Interests Of The People!"

Note that "The Balance Lies in The Hands Of The People," and "It is of The Utmost Importance For All The People" to "Support What is In The Best Interests of All The People!"

"As The CoronaVirus Continues to Demonstrate" by "Its Indiscriminate Taking of Lives of Our Love Ones," and "Infecting Millions of Our Fellow Human Beings Earthwide Irregardless of What Sovereign Nation You May Live in," "We are All Here, One and All, Living on This Planet Earth Together," and "Subject to The Worst of Times," and "The Best of Times Together!" 

So, "Let Us Profit from Being Here Together," by "Utilizing The Soul Strength," "Intelligence," and "Conscious Awareness" "Empiricism Based on A Historical Observation of The Collected Actions of Our Myriad Civilizations," and "Sheer Numbers of Population" to "Non-Violently," and "As A Grand Electorate Of The People," Build and Establish A Twenty-First Century Civilization Based Upon Justice For One and All," and "The Truth" As is Embedded in Each and Everyone of Us" as "A Grand Solar Axiom Would Be," "Equality," "Freedom,"  "Global Unification," "Social Security, Environmental and Ecological Security," and "Respect For One and All!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United States of America, "The CoronaVirus Respects No Time Zone," and "No Community of People are Safe," from "The Navajo Nation" to "The Time/Space Reality of The Urban Cities," to "The Farm Lands of Iowa," to "The Appalachian Mountains" to "The Island State of Hawaii in The Pacific Ocean!" -(And that Includes, "Nursing Homes," "Meat Packing Plants," and "Prisons!")- And, "The Misery and Death" that "It has Caused is," At Times, "Unbearable!" And, "The American People Must Remain United" in "The Face of This Deadly Disease!"

And, "Every American," in "This Time Period of  Death" and "More Deaths that are Predicted to Come," "Must Continue to Adhere to Social Distancing Guidelines," and "This has Been Made Even More Difficult" as "New Racial Tensions Emerge," and "Violence, Chaos, Destruction, and Death Threaten to Disrupt and Overshadow The Peaceful Efforts Being Made by Constructive Non-Violent Activists" and "Community Demonstrators!"

And, "To All who are Committed to Justice For One and All You Must Remain Strong" in "Resisting The Temptation and Manipulation Posed by Instigators" who "Maliciously, and Unconscionably Attempt to Profit and Benefit" from "The Misery and Injustices Imposed Upon The Innocent," and "Those Individuals whose Crimes are Less than They have Been Convicted of" and "Imprisoned!"

And, "We Must Remain Strong in Resisting The Temptation to Break Social Distancing Guidelines" Especially as "The Lure of The Summer Season Grows Irresistible to Ignore!" "The Centers For Disease and Control" (CDC), "The World Health Organization" (WHO), and "Health Care and Medical Experts of All The United Sovereign Nations have Concluded and Acknowledged" that "These Social Distancing Guidelines," "Save Lives!"

And, "Too Many People are Dying!" And, "Too any Families are Living in Fear" and "In Hunger!"

And, "The Trump Administration" and "The United States Congress Must Do More," and "Increase Their Level of Responsibility to The American People," and also "To Provide Additional Funding to Those who are Destitute," and "Have No Way to Turn," as "The CoronaVirus Drains Them of What Little They have Left," and of "What Little Reserve They have to Survive!"

"The Federal, State, City, and Local Elected Officials Must Not Forget Their Oaths and Responsibilities" to "Represent All The People In This Unpredictable and Precarious Time Period," and as "The Reopening of The United States Economy Takes Place!" 

"There are No Absolute Certainties" until "A Vaccine/Cure or Proven Therapeutic Treatment has Been Discovered," and, Even then, "It Will Take Time to Manufacture and Distribute Doses Earthwide" to "Every United Sovereign Nation" and "Their Diverse Communities and Families!"

As of Monday, The First of June 2020 "One Hundred and Six Thousand Two Hundred and Eight American Citizens have Died," and "One Million Eight Hundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty have Been Infected," and "There Will Continue to Be A Tragic Increase of Fatalities and Confirmed Cases Across The United States of America This Summer" until "A Vaccine/Cure has Been Discovered," so "We Must One and All Maintain Social Distancing Guidelines!"

And, "It's Time We Healed The Wounds Caused by Racism, Prejudice, and Xenophobia," and "Bring An End to Poverty," and "Unite The Nation Behind A Just, Compassionate, Constitutional, Forthright, Honest, and Inspiring Law and Principle of A Grand Republic, Democracy, and Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "There Can Not Be Another Episode of Illegal Interference and Violation" of "The Electoral Process in The United States of America," Such as, "The Federation of Russia's Interference in The 2016 Presidential Election!" Or by, "Any Anti-America Domestic  Group of Cyber Criminals," and/or Anti-America Instigators!" 
And, "The American People Can Not Afford The Partisan Politics, and Hubris in Government" that has 'Caused Further Intense Divisions Amongst The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The Nation!"

"It's Time to Heal, and Unite The Nation" in "A Highly Principled Display of Universal and Constitutional Activism, Non-Violently, Peacefully, Boldly, Vigorously, Culturally, Academically, and Spiritually," that "Provides for The Health Care, Welfare, Mental, Emotional, Economical, and Social Security Of All The People Irregardless" of "Gender, Creed, Tribe, Nationality, Special Needs, Political Persuasion, Color,  or Age!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Saturday, The Thirtieth of May 2020 SpaceX Launched Two NASA Astronauts" to "The International Space Station Miles Orbiting Two Hundred and Fifty Miles (Four Hundred Kilometres) Above The Earth!"

"The Launch of The Dragon Endeavor Took Place at The Kennedy Space Center in The State of Florida at 3:22 P.M. on Saturday Afternoon" with "President Trump, Vice President Pence," and "SpaceX CEO Elon Musk In Attendance!" This was "The First Space Shuttle to Lift Off from American Soil since STS-135 was Launched on The Eighth of July, 2011,""Almost Nine Years Ago!"

"The Flight Lifted Off on A Falcon 9 Rocket" with "Spacecraft Commander Douglas Gerald "Doug" Hurley" and "Joint Operations Commander Robert Louis "Bob" Behnken at The Controls!"

And, "Ironically, It has Been Almost Nine Years" since "Spacecraft Commander Doug Hurley was "Aboard The Final Flight of The Space Shuttle Program!"    

And, "After Traveling Nineteen Hours from Lift Off at The Kennedy Space Center," and "Traveling at The Speed of 17,500 Miles Per Hour, Equal to that  of ISS," "The SpaceX's Crew of The Dragon Endeavor Docked at The International Space Station!"

"The Spacecraft Made A Soft Capture with Its Docking Port at The International Space Station on Sunday, The Thirty-First of May" at "10:16 A.M." and "Completed The Docking Procedure with A Hard Capture," by "Using Twelve Latches to Create an Air Locked Seal between The Crew's Cabin and Their Entrance to ISS," and then "Linked Up Crew Dragons Power Supply to The International Space Station," After Which "They Floated into The ISS from "Their SpaceX Dragon Capsule at 1:22 P.M. Eastern Time," and were "Greeted with A Joyous Welcoming from Fellow United States Astronaut Christopher John "Chris" Cassidy!

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "NASA Astronaut Chris Cassidy has Been On The International Space Station since April of 2020" with "Russian Astronauts Anatoly Ivanishin, and Ivan Vagner!")- 

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"There is Little Doubt" that "History Will Look Back Upon The Launch of The Dragon Endeavor to The International Space Station" from "The Kennedy Space Center in The State of Florida" as "A Significant Step Forward Towards Human Space Travel Partnered by The Private Sector," and "NASA's Continued Place of Distinction in Space Exploration," and "A New Era of Space Initiatives and Evolution," that "Took Place at 3:22 P.M. on "Saturday Afternoon, The Thirtieth of May 2020!"

And, "Let This Exemplary Moment and Event" "Be The Inspiration for The Leaders of The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations," and "Public and Private Business Sectors" as "They Reach For The Stars," and that "They Should Remember Before The Colonization of The Celestial Bodies of The Universe Begins," "First We Must Establish A Lasting Peace, Freedom, Equality, Economic Parity, and Global Equilibre On Earth!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "A Travesty of Justice"-
"There are A Great Many," Actually A Great Majority of Police Officers, who "Serve The People in A Just and Fair Manner," "Thousands who are Upholding Their Responsibilities to Protect The People from Crime, Unlawful Attacks Upon The Innocent, and Corruption!"

However, "The Death of Forty-Six Year Old George Floyd, (Who Worked as A Security Guard) in South Minnesota, on Monday, The Twenty-Fifth of May 2020, Memorial Day, was Cruel  and Unnecessary" and "A Travesty of Justice," and "A Devastating Blow Against The Efforts of Police Organizations who are Working Arduously to Develop Positive Relations within The Urban Communities, Althroughout The United States of America!" And, "To Be More Specific with The Predominantly African American Communities!"

"Why Unnecessary," Because "Mr. Floyd, An African American, was Handcuffed," Lying Helplessly on His Stomach on The Ground," with "A Policeman's Knee Pressing Firmly Against The Side of His Neck!" 
But, "This Irresponsible, Thoughtless, Uncaring, Unheeding, Self-Centered Police Officer Didn't Care" that Mr. Floyd was Crying Out," "Please, Please Man, I Can't Breathe, I Can't Breathe" over and over Again! 
And, "He Maintained This Pressure Against Mr. Floyd's Neck with Other Police Officers at His Side," "Standing There Watching This Tragic Act of Cruelty!" While It was Being Filmed by A Bystander and "Streamed to Facebook Live for Citizens All over The United States," and "For The Earths Populace to See," and "Be Horrified by!" And, Exclaim to Themselves and Others, "Is This An Example of American Justice!" -Note that, "The Answer" is "An Unequivocal No!"

But, "There Must Be An End to The Misuse of Force by The Police in America!" And, "Police Academy's Must Include This In Their Curriculum," and "Police Departments Must Re-Enforce This Curriculum  in Police Departments All Across The Nation!"  
And, "The Fact" that "This is Another Shocking Display of The Injustices that have Occurred Against African American Men" (Such as, "The Fatal Shooting of Twenty-Four Year Old Jamar Clark by Two Minneapolis Police Officers" on The Fifteenth of November of 2015, "Who also Died After Being Taken Off Life Support at Hennepin County Medical Center)! And, "It Must Stop!" "Too Many have Died Cruel Deaths, When It was Not Necessary," "Causing Pain and Deep Suffering to African American Families All Across The Nation!" And, "Too Many Tears of Love have Fallen in Vain!"

"We All Agree," that "Justice Must Prevail!" But, "What is also of Great Importance in This Time Period of Great Unrest," and "Great Distress, Frustration, and Demonstrations in The United States of America" is that "We Express Our Grievances, Protestations, Objections, Angst, and Feelings Non-Violently!"

And, "It Must Be said that "All of Our Lives are In Danger Because of The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus," and that "Means that All of Our Families Lives are In Danger If You Ignore Social Distancing!" And, "Herein Lies Yet Another Great Life and Death Challenge!"    

"Arrests are Being Made!" And, "Charges are Being Made!" And, "Now is The Time to Take A Pause" and "Empower Our Trustworthy Community Leaders" to "Open Up Direct Dialogue with Law and Order Officials" and "Non-Violently Create and Establish New and Advanced Procedures and Conduct for Implementing Law and Order" and "Equal Justice in Our Lives," and "For The Benefit of Our Families," and "For Our Future Generations to Come!" And, "For One and All!"     

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Sixth of May 2020 "Four Minneapolis Police Officers were Fired by Mayor Jacob Frey of Saint Paul Minnesota," For Causing What The Initial Police Reports Called "A Medical Incident," that Led to "The Medical Distress" that "Caused The Death of George Floyd!"

-(Note that, Friday, The Twenty-Ninth of May 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety John Harrington Announced" that "Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin was Taken into Custody" by "The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension," and "Charged with Third-Degree Murder and Manslaughter of George Floyd!")-

"Mr. Floyd was Arrested on Memorial Day," Near Chicago Avenue and 38th Street in South Minnesota, "in His Car!"
"The Criminal Complaint" says, "The Two Police Officers," Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Keung, were "Responding to A Call" that "A man was trying to buy merchandise with a counterfeit $20 bill,"  and "The Two Officers Arrived with at "Cup Foods, on Chicago Avenue," with Their Body Cameras Activated and Recording," and "After Arriving at The Location were Told by Store Workers that George Floyd" was "Parked in a Car Around The Corner!"
"The Complaint Continues" to say, "Mr. Floyd was Ordered Out of The Car," that "He had Been Seated in with Two Other Passengers," and "Walked with Police Officer Lane towards the Sidewalk," Where "He then Sat Down on The Ground!"

"After Officer Lane  Questioned Mr. Floyd" if "He was on Anything," They Told Him that He was Being Arrested for Passing Foreign Currency," and "As Officers Lane and Keung Attempted to Stand Mr. Floyd Up and Place Him in The Squad Car," and "The Complaint Goes on to say" that "He Stiffened up," and "Fell to The Ground," "Saying that He was Claustrophobic!"

And, "This was When Police Officers Derek Chauvin and Tou Thao Arrived" and "The Altercation with The Police" that "Eventually Led to  Officers Lane and Keung Holding Mr. Floyd's Back and Legs," and "Officer Chauvin Pressing His Knee Against Mr. Floyd's Neck and Head for Eight Minutes and Forty-Six Seconds in Total," of Which "Two Minutes and Fifty-Three Seconds of This Time Occurred After Mr. Floyd was Unresponsive," that " Tragically Led to His Death Took Place," "While Bystanders Called for The Police to Stop Being Ignored!" 
  "Mayor Frey said," at A News Conference, "Being black in America should not be a death sentence," and Mayor Frey also said, "For five minutes we, watched a white police officer press his knee to a black man's neck. Five minutes. When you hear someone calling for help, you're supposed to help. This officer failed in in the most basic, human sense. What happened on Chicago and 38th last night, is awful. It was traumatic. It serves as a reminder of how far we have to go. He was a human being and his life mattered." 

"George Lloyd Died in Hennepin County Medical Center of Medical Distress!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are the Hennepin County Medical Examiner Released These Findings: There were no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation, and that Mr. Floyd had underlying health problems, including coronary artery disease, and hypertensive heart disease." And, "According to The Medical Examiner," "The Combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death." 

-(Note that, "Hennepin County Attorney General Michael Orville "Mike" Freeman said, The other police officers involved are under investigation and that charges are expected.")-

We Send Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family and Friends of George Floyd! And, We Mourn The Passing of Your Love One with You in This Time Period of Deep Sorrow, Distress, and Pain!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of May, 2020- Global Cross Media News Reports are "2.1 Million Americans Applied for Unemployment Benefits," "Bringing The Last Ten Weeks' Total" to "A New Historical High of  40.7 Million Americans" After The CoronaVirus Outbreak in The United States of America" was "Declared A Pandemic!"

And, If This Means that More than Forty Million People "Staying at Home," Prevents More than Forty Million New Confirmed Cases of The CoronaVirus from Occurring, then It Is Worth It!"

However, "The Trump Administration and The U.S. Congress" have "Made A 2020 CoronaVirus Contract with The American People," and "They Must Keep Their End of The Agreement to Supply Financial Support for Every Family" who has "Listened to, Followed, and "Agreed to The Trump Administration Social Distancing Guidelines!"

And, "There Cannot Be Any Partisan Politics Involved," "There has To Be Total Agreement to Continue to Work on," and "Pass Legislation  to "Fund America's Families, Small Businesses, Hospitals, Medical Professionals, Laboratories, States, Cities, and Local Governments who are All on The Frontline of This War Against The CoronaVirus " and "Whatever Mutations that May Arise from It," on "A Monthly Basis If Necessary!" And, "Provide Them with Whatever The Medical Equipment and Resources May Be" that "They are In Immediate Need of!"

And, "The Private Business Sector Must Continue to Contribute, Fund, Manufacture, and Distribute Medical Equipment without Thought of Profit Wherever It May Be Needed!" "Too Many Lives are at Stake!"  

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Consequences are Too Severe to Procrastinate or Argue about Whose Constituencies Should Come First!" 
And, "It's of The Greatest Importance" to "Continue Placing The Management of This CoronaVirus Pandemic Clearly in The Hands of Medical Professionals" and "Responsible Political, Civil, and Religious Leaders," who "Clearly Comprehend" that "The Lives of Every American Citizen is Sacred and Not Expendable," at "Any Economic Cost or Profit Margin!"

And, "We are All Together in This War Against The CoronaVirus," "Whether You Be Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Social Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Independent," or "Whatever Your Political Persuasion May Be!" And, "We Must All Lead The Way," and, "Be Leaders, Heroines, and Heroes Against COVID-19!"

"Let Us One and All Personify The Grand Leadership" that "We have Always Admired and Respected," "Whether In History Books," or "In Person," and "Let Us Treat Each Other with Respect, Compassion, and Friendship," Knowing that "The Invisible Threat of COVID-19 Cares Not for The Lives of Anyone!" And, "All of Our Family Members are Vulnerable and at Risk" until "A Vaccine/Cure," or "Viable Therapeutic Treatment is Discovered" and "Approved" by "The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), "The Centers for Disease Control, and Prevention" (CDC), "The World Health Organization," (WHO) and/or by "Respected Global Health Organizations," for "Immediate Use and Distribution!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, New's Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"As The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Nations Continue Their Search For A Vaccine/Cure for The CoronaVirus," "Some Drugs have Been Eliminated from The List of Potentials," Among Them is "The Highly Publicized Hydroxychloroquine," that "President Trump has Been Taking to Ward off The CoronaVirus!"

"The Sovereign Nation of France" has "Banned The Prescription of Hydroxychloroquine to Treat Symptoms of COVID-19," and Global Cross Meia News Reports are "Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIAID), said on CNN in Regards to Hydroxychloroquine, "The scientific data is really quite evident now about the lack of efficacy," and "The World Health Organization (WHO) has "Temporarily Halted Their Clinical Trials that Use Hydroxychloroquine to Treat COVID-19 Patients," (Called "Solidarity Trial" on "Three Thousand Five Hundred Patients from Seventeen Countries were Enrolled"), Because of "Safety Fears," and Concerns that "It May Do More Harm than Good!"

And, "The Lancet, One of The Earths Leading Medical Journals Published A Ninety-Six Thousand Patient Observational Study" on Friday, The Twenty-Second of May 2020, Concluding that The Use of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine is linked to increased rates of mortality, and heart arrhythmia among hospital patients with COVID-19."

And, Mandeep Mehra, The Lead Author of The Study" and "Executive Director of the Brigham and Women's Hospital Center for Advanced Heart Disease in Boston said, "Treatment with Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine does not benefit patients with COVID-19," and "Instead, our findings suggest it may be associated with an increased risk of serious heart problems and increased risk of death."

"The Good News" is, "Oxford University's The Jenner Institute Tests" on "The Human Vaccine" (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19," in The United Kingdom,  and "The Moderna CoronaVirus Vaccine" in The United States, and "The CoronaVirus Vaccine," in The Republic of China, are "All  Showing Promising Results!"

However, "The Tragic News" is "Earthwide," There have Been "More than Three Hundred and Seventy-Four Thousand Four Hundred and Five Deaths," and "Confirmed Cases of Almost Six Million Three Hundred Thousand Cases!" 
And, "In The United States of America Alone," As of Monday, The First of June 2020 "One Hundred and Six Thousand Two Hundred and Eight American Citizens have Died," and "One Million Eight Hundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty have Been Infected,"

"The Facts are Clear and Precise," and "The Families" of Earths Community of Sovereign Nations Need A Vaccine/Cure for The CoronaVirus Immediately" (However Long It Needs To Be Substantiated and Cleared by Global Health Organizations)! "Too Many of Our Love One's have Died!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty- Eighth of May, 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are The United States House of Representatives Passed New and Significantly Impressive Legislation, "The Payback Protection Program Flexibility Act," that Would (1) "Extend The Forgiveness Period for Payment Protection Program Loans (PPP) from Eight to Twenty-Four Weeks," and, (2) "Reduce Payroll Spending Requirements from Seventy-Five Percent of Loan Funds to Sixty Percent of Loan Funds!" "Allowing Businesses to have More Flexibility in How to Allocate Emergency Funds," and, 
(3) "Extend The Deadline to Rehire Workers Laid Off to The Thirtieth of June 2020!"

""The Payback Protection Program Flexibility Act," was "Introduced by Rep. Charles Eugene "Chip" Roy Republican from  Texas and Rep. Dean Benson Phillips Democrat from Minnesota," was "Passed by A Practically Unanimous Vote of Four Hundred and Seventy-One to One!"

And, "This is Another Masterful, Vigorous, and Dynamic Example of Bipartisanship by The House of Representatives" that "Will Be of "Great Financial Benefit and Empowerment of Small Businesses," (and Mom and Pop's), "As They Struggle to Make Payments to Their Employees," "Pay Rent for Their Premises," "Care for Their Families," and "Survive During The Corona Virus Pandemic!"

-(Note that, "This Bipartisanship Legislation was Enacted Upon After Complaints" that "The PPP's Original Terms were Too Restrictive for Small Businesses!")-

"The Bill has Been Sent to The United States Senate Where It is Expected to Be Passed," and "Then Given to President Trump" for "His Signature into Law!"     

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Fifteenth of May, 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The United States House of Representatives Passed," The $Three Trillion Dollar CoronaVirus Relief Bill, "The Heroes Act by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Eight to One Hundred and Ninety-Nine" (with Rep. Peter King from New York as The only Republican to Vote for The Bill.)

"House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi Democrat from California" Wrote to The Members of The House of Representatives on Thursday, The Fourteenth of May, 2020, Before The Vote was to Take Place on Friday, "It is important to note that more than 80% percent of the priorities in The Heroes Act have been supported by the Republicans in four previous COVID-19 acts of Congress. We are proud of how we built on that bipartisanship and look forward to negotiations For The People."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, New's Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Funding of The American People, and Their Families" Should Be "A Matter of Honor, Integrity, and Patriotism" "For Each and Every Member of The United States Congress!" "All Five Hundred and Thirty-Five of Them!"

"The Nation has Been Through" and "Continues to Go Through An Extremely Difficult Time Period," and "The Facts Do Not Lie," "Thousands of Americans Continue to Die on A Daily Basis," and "Thousands More Continue to Contract This Deadly Virus" (and Its Mutation), and "To Say" that "The Continued Support and Passage of CoronaVirus Relief Funding Bills by The United States Congress is Tantamount,"  "Would Be An Underestimation," and of "The Utmost Importance for A Full Recovery to Be Made in The United States of America by" or "In 2021!"

"Let Us Agree that "Death Should Not Be The Precursor to Life," and "All Else!" And that "Profit Can Not Be At The Expense Of The People!" 
"Too Many Families have Lost A Love One Because of The CoronaVirus," As of Monday, The First of June 2020 "One Hundred and Six Thousand Two Hundred and Eight American Citizens have Died," and "One Million Eight Hundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty have Been Infected!"
"Our Love Ones!" "Our Friends!" "Our Neighbors" and "Fellow Americans!"

And, "This is Not The Time for Procrastination," or "Political Partisanship," and "Hubris!" "It is Time for Increased Congressional Action in Support of Our Medical Professionals," and "Our Hospitals," and "The More than Three Hundred and Thirty-One Million American Citizens!"

And, "Now Is The Time for Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr. Republican from Kentucky," and "President Donald John Trump," and "The Republican Party," " to "Negotiate with The Democratic Congressional Leaders Senate Minority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer from New York," "Speaker Pelosi," and "The Members of The Democratic Party," and "Find Agreement in Passing "The Heroes Act," in "Support of The Nation and All of The Brave and Courageous Heroes Fighting to Save Lives on The Frontline of This Emergency Public Health Crisis," and "Global Pandemic!" 
And, Do Not Look at Your Past Accomplishments," Why," Because "The Battle is Not Over," and "The War Against This Vicious, Dangerous, Merciless, and Ruthless Virus," has "Not Been Won!" "There is Still A Great Amount of Work to Be Done!" "A Therapeutic Treatment is Needed Now!" And, "A Vaccine is Needed Now," "Before It is Over"

And, "We Must One and All" "Continue to Follow The Social Distancing Guidelines" that have "Been Created and Issued to Save Lives!" 
And that "Means, Saving The Lives of Our Love Ones" "Irregardless of Gender, Special Needs, Tribe, Age, Nationality, Creed, Political Persuasion, or Color!" 
"Saving The Lives" of "One and All" of "The Diverse Global Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People!"

And, "May This Saving of Lives" "Be The Heart, Mind, Spirit, Intellect, Emotion, Soul, and Anthem" of "A Grand Philosophy" of "A Mindset" that"Embraces The Cosmos and Universe of All Sentient Beings," of "A New Era of Peace" and "Unification of All People of The Earths Sovereign Nations," of "This Our Home Planet Earth," and "The New Normal" that "Each and Everyone of Us Can Take Pride in," and "Share with Each Other," and "Each New Generation to Come," In Global Equilibre, Freedom, Equality, Economic Security, Joie de Vivre, Respect, and Justice!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, First of June 2020, "One Hundred and Six Thousand Two Hundred and Eight Deaths have Occurred in The United States," and "Confirmed Cases" of "One Million Eight Hundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand, Eight Hundred and Thirty!" 

And, "Thirty-Three Thousand Four Hundred and Fifteen Deaths have Occurred in Italy Due to The CoronaVirus," and "Almost Two Hundred and Thirty-Three Thousand Confirmed Cases," 

And, "Twenty-Seven Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-Seven Deaths have Occurred in Spain Due to The CoronaVirus," and "More than Two Hundred and Eighty-Six Thousand Five Hundred and Nine Confirmed Cases," 

And, "Twenty-Eight Thousand  Eight Hundred and Two Deaths have Occurred in France Due to The CoronaVirus," and "One Hundred and Eighty-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-Two Confirmed Cases,"

And, "Thirty-Eight Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Nine Deaths have Occurred in The United Kingdom,"and "Two Hundred and Seventy-Four Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-Two Confirmed Cases,"

And "Earthwide," There have Been "More than Three Hundred and Seventy-Four Thousand Four Hundred and Five Deaths," and "Confirmed Cases of Almost Six Million Three Hundred Thousand Cases!" 

To All The Families who have Lost A Love One Among The Diverse Communities of The Sovereign Nations Of This Planet Earth Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic, We Mourn Their Passing with You! And, We Send You Our Deepest and Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Universes of Medical and Health Care Specialists and Scientists," and "Their Organizations Continue Their Search For A Vaccine/Cure or Therapeutic Treatment For The CoronaVirus" to "Heal The Millions of Confirmed Cases All Across The Earths Continents from Sovereign Nation to Major City," "Local Neighborhood to Meat Factory," and "Automobile Manufacturing Plant to Place of Worship," and "Hospital to Nursing Home," and "Native American Reservation to Nation Capital," and "Prison," "The New Centers For Disease and Control Update" (CDC) on "Thursday, The Twenty-First of May 2020" that "The CoronaVirus Does Not Easily Spread from Touching Infected Surfaces or Objects," is "Good News!"

And, "The CDC Update Goes on to State" that "The Risk of Spreading The Virus from Person to Animal or from Animal to Person Appears to Be Low. It Appears to have Happened in Some Situations, However."

 And, "The Best Way to Avoid The Virus Include, (1)"Maintaining A Safe Distance from People, (2) "Frequently Washing Hands," and (3) "Routinely Cleaning and Washing Surfaces."

And, "While Touching Surfaces or Objects with The Virus on Them and then Touching One's Mouth, Nose or Eyes May Cause Someone to Be Infected, It is Not Thought to Be The Main  Way The Virus Spreads."

And, "The CDC Warns" about "What Appears to Be The Primary Way The Virus is Spread," is Through Person to Person Contact, and "This Occurs in The Following Ways: (1) "Between People who are In Close Contact with One Another," and, (2) "Through Respiratory Droplets Produced When An Infected Person Sneezes, Coughs, or Speaks."

And, "CDC Guidelines as of Wednesday, The Twenty-Eighth of May 2020 are "When You Go Outside People Should Open Windows in Vehicles Whenever Possible Especially Taxis."

And, "On Public Buses or Trains, Try to Keep a Row or Two Between Yourself and Other Passengers. And Use Touchless Payments If You Can."

And Lastly, The CDC also Issued New Guidance When You Come Out of Isolation, Which is, "If You've Tested Positive, Stay away from Other People until You've had At least Three Days without a Fever and At Least Ten Days since You've Experienced Your First Symptoms."

-(Note that, "Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci Director of NIAID said, "There are certain things you can do and still do as you're reopening," "One of Them is wearing a mask." And, "The other is avoiding crowds of more than ten people, depending upon where you are." 

And, "Health Experts, Like Dr. Fauci, Agree" that, "Our actions during this time will shape how this pandemic plays out, potentially helping avoid a second wave.")-      

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
There is No Doubt that "The United States of America is A Great Sovereign Nation," that "Can Manufacture, Produce, and Distribute All The Resources Needed to Surmount Whatever Situation It is Faced with," and "With The Commitment of All The People to Abide by The Social Guidelines," and "The 24/7 Commitment of The Medical Professionals, Scientists, and Health Organizations," There is Little Doubt, that "It Will Be Just A Matter of Exactly When A Therapeutic Treatment," and Vaccine/Cure is Discovered!"

"But, that also Means that "The Federal, State, and Local Government Elected Officials Must Fulfill Their End of The 2020 CoronaVirus Contract with The American People," and "Provide All The Funding and Supply of Whatever Medical Equipment and Resources that are Needed," and by "Their Example" also "Duplicate The Courageous and Brave Efforts" of "The Medical Care and Critical Care Workers," and "First Responders, Emergency Rescuers," and "Members of The United States Armed Services," as "A Matter of Respect for These Frontline Medical Servicewomen and Serviceman," and "The American People!"  

"It is of The Utmost Importance" that "These Elected Officials Lead by Example," and "Wear Masks and Follow The CoronaVirus Guidelines!" This is What It Takes to "Be A Leader of The Earths Sovereign Nations," and "A True Representative of The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of, By, and For All The People," of "Our Home Planet Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's O'er The Sovereign Nation of The People's Republic of China, Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of May 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "China's National People's Congress (NPC) Voted" on "A New Proposal to Draft A Security Law on Hong Kong," During The Congress at The Great Hall of the People in Beijing !"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "This New Security Law Would Provide President Xi Jinping with Broader Powers" than "Currently Exist in The CCP's Control over Hong Kong!" In Which "Beijing Would have The Power to, (1) "Ban Subversion of State Power," (2) "Foreign Intervention," (3) "Secession," (4) "Terrorism," and, (5) "Allows Mainland China's State Security Agencies to Operate in The City!"

"The Vote was For This Legislation," was "Practically Unanimous," with "Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Eight (2,878) Voting For It, "Six (6) Abstained," and Only One (1) Delegate Voted Against It!"

And, "Now that "This New Law has Been Approved The NPC Will Begin Drafting It!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
The Question" of "Will Hong Kong's Elected Officials have Any Input in This New Security Law Still Remains to Be Seen," and "Will The People of Hong Kong have Any Say or Input in This New NPC Legislation Still Remains to Be Seen!

However, "It is Not The Democracy and Autonomy" that "Protester's have Been Calling for" and "Demonstrating for, in Hong Kong!"

And, "The Possibility" that "This New Security Law on Hong Kong," Will Lead Towards New Demonstrations and Protests have A Better than Even Chance from Occurring!"

And, "The Question" "Why" President Xi Would Pursue This New Course of Action is Perplexing!" "Why" Because, World Opinion Will Be Against Him and This New Security Law," and at A Time, "When The CoronaVirus Continues to Spread Earthwide," and "Large Demonstrations," Should They Occur, "Will Not Help Maintain Social Distancing!"

And Though, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Li Keqiang China's Premier said," on Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of May 2020, that "This New Law was Designed" for the "steady implementation of 'one country, two systems,'" "The Question" Remains "What Steps or New Phases has China Initiated and Put Forth" that "Can Build Trust in The People of Hong Kong," that "This New Security Law" is "Nothing But a Subterfuge to Advance Communist Philosophies and Laws in Hong Kong!"  

And, "At A Time Period When The People of Hong Kong are Calling Out for Peace and Autonomy," and "Altogether with The Earths Populace" are "Calling Out for The Leaders of The United Sovereign Nations of The Earth" to "Create Enlightened and Cognitive Policies of Unification, Freedom, Equality, Health Care, Medical Care, Social Security," and "A Universal Vision of Global Equilibre and Peace on Earth," "Why" Create New Walls Of Division, Frustration, Angst, Apprehension, Fear, and Outrage Among The People!"

-(Note that, At A Press Conference on Friday, The Twenty-Ninth of May 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Besides Stating" that "We will be today terminating our relationship with The World Health Organization (WHO) and redirecting those funds to other worldwide and deserving urgent global public health needs," "The President also Announced Several Measures He was Taking Against The People's Republic of China" for Years of, (1) "Raiding our factories," (2) "Off Shored our jobs," (3) "Gutted our industries," (4) "Stolen our intellectual property" and, (5) "Violated their commitments under the world trade agreement." And, China's cover up of the Wuhan Virus," that "President Trump claimed has "allowed the virus to spread all around the world." And, President Trump also "Attacked China's New Security Law on Hong," saying "China has replaced its promise formula of one country, two systems," with "one county, one system," and "Therefore, I am directing my administration to begin the process of eliminating policy exemptions that give Hong Kong different and special treatment,"

And, The President also went on to say, "We will take action to revoke Hong Kong's preferential treatment as a separate customs and travel territory from the rest of China."

Note that, "President Trump's Announcement" has "Escalated The Cold War between The United States of America and The People's Republic of China," and "It Will Be of Great Interest How This New Escalation Will Affect The Global Markets" and "Both The U.S. and China's Economies!" 

And, "The Questions that Arise," and "Immediately Come to Mind" are, (1) "How Will The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of The United States Congress React to The Measures" that "President Trump has Authorized to Be  Taken Against The People's Republic of China," and, (2) Even More so, "How Will The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of The United States Congress React To The President's Announcement" that He is "Terminating our relationship with The World Health Organization," and, (3) "Does The President have The Sole  Power to Do This without The Approval of U.S. Congress," (4) "Does Anyone in The Federal Government Care" about "What The American People Think and Feel about President Trump's Pronouncements and Executive Orders," that at Times, "Concern Decades of Long Lasting Traditions," or "Environmental Issues of Great Concern," "Trade Issues," "Democratic Alliances" and "Domestic and International Policies!"

"The Point Being" that "The United States of  America is A Grand Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia,
"Without A Vision" and "Inspirational Quality and Sense of Leadership in Government," "There is No Cohesion, Compassion, Unification, Health Care and Social Security" that "Is All Inclusive," and "Protective of The Rights of One and All!"

"Without A Vision, Mission, Purpose, and Principled Idea" that "Serves All The People," "You have "Divisiveness, Selfishness, Greed and Hubris!"

"Without A Vision or Respect For One's Fellow Human Beings," "You have Leadership" that "Demeans Our Heroes," "Degrades Our Values," "Denigrates Our Laws and Traditions," and "Disparages and Depreciates The Truth for The Illusion of Riches and Self Empowerment!"

And, "Without A Vision" or "Integral Belief in The Magnificent and Visionary Principles" Upon "Which A Great Nation has Been Built Upon" and that "Provide for An Inspired and Forthright Leadership," and "Just, Insightful, Innovative, Pragmatic, Evolutionary," and "Bold Sense of Prescience For The Future," "You have A Less Regard For The Essential,  Constitutive, and Fundamental Laws that Govern The People!"

And, "Without A Vision or Cognitive Leadership Skills," You are Led by," and "Guided by" "Gadflies," and "Egoists" that "Cause Racial, Ethnic, Gender, and Cultural Divisions," "Disunity," "Economic Disparity, and Chaos" Deviations from The New Normal," "Discrepancies and Disharmony in Governance that Cause Dysfunction," and "Deflection from The Truth," Again, "For The Satisfaction of Their Hubris," "Self Inflation," "Lust of Power," and "Control over Their Conditioned Followership!"

And, "As We Begin" to "Reopen The Earths Communities Phase by Phase," and "Entering" into "A New Beginning of Our Modern Day Civilization," Let Us also "Through Our Grand Determination, Positive Resolution," "Strength in Purpose," and "Will Power and Soul Power" to "Set Forth Upon A Path" that is "In All Ernest Inspired by "The Noble, Honorable, Valorous, and Courageous Leaders" of "Science and The Military," Industry and Space Age," "Religion and Culture," "Commerce and Trade," "Law and Order and Justice," "Pioneers, and Hi-Tech Visionaries," "Health and Medical Researchers," and "Artistic Geniuses," and Global Diplomats, Environmentalists, and Conservators of The Earths Ecological Systems," and "Sentient Life Forms," and "All who have "Been Granted A Noble and Heroic Place in The History of The Earths Civilizations," who have "Valiantly Represented. Protected and Guided The Earths Diverse Communities Through Dark and Oppressive Times into The Light of New Ages of Prosperity For One and All," and "Social Security For One and All!" And, "To New Eras of Unification and Great Expectations," and Peace!"

"Let Us Share This Be The New Beginning" and "New Normal with The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Nations!"

And, "Let Us Offer a Calm and Reasonable Voice" to "Soothe The Many who are Discontented, Aggrieved, and Frustrated by The Inequities that have Been Beset upon Them," by "Dictators, Discrimination, Political Partisanship, or Religious Sectarianism!"

And, "Let Us Offer Comfort and Compassion to Those" who are "Forced to Leave Their Homes in Fear of Losing Their Lives," "Because of the Malevolent Acts of Predators of War!"

And, "Let Us Agree" to "Wholeheartedly Pursue Every Non-Violent Positive Means of Communicating" and "Share The Ideas, Thoughts, Words, Actions, and Visions of Insightful and Cognitive Perspectives of Enlightened Universal Axioms and Principles," that "We Believe" are "The Rights of Every Human and Sentient Being of This Earth!" 

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Results of The 2020 Oregon Primary Held on Tuesday, The Nineteenth of May 2020 are; 
(I) Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr from Delaware- 399,862 Popular Votes- 62.27%- 45 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(II) Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont- 122,702 Popular Votes- 20.33%- 8 Delegates- (At Last Count)- (Campaign Suspended)-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"As The 2020 Path of Primaries Continue to Advance One by One," "Through This Spring" and into "The Summer Season of The CoronaVirus," Former Vice President Biden Continues to Receive The Support of The Democratic Party!"

And, At Present The Former United States of America Vice President is The Presumptive Nominee of The Democratic Party," for "President of The United States of America," and then "The Biden Campaign Team," and "The Democrats Will have To Mount A Formidable Challenge" to "Unseat President Trump from The Presidency!" And, "Retake Control of The United States Senate from The Republican Party!"

"What is of The Greatest Importance is for Every American Citizen of Voting Age" to "Cast Their Vote for The Nominee of Their Choice!" Whether It Be "In Person at Your Local Voting Location," or via "Absentee Voting," Allowing You to "Vote by Mail!"

And, "Each State of The Union Must Protect America's Right to Vote" "Against All Threats" and "Campaign Maneuvers and Strategies" to "Lessen The Turn Out," or "Discourage The American People from Their Constitutional Right to Vote!"

And, "A Repeat of Russian Interference in The 2016 Presidential Election Can Not Be Repeated!"
And, "It Should Be Firmly Noted," and "Expressed in The Strongest Terms Possible," by "The United States Congress" and "All Intelligence Agencies" and "Law Enforcement Officials,"  that "Any Foreign or Domestic Entity who Attempts to Interfere in The 2020 Presidential Election Must Be Severely Sanctioned, Imprisoned, and Discredited!" "Once Such Case is Too Much For This Great Nation!" And, "We The People Can Not Afford to Endure Another!"

"The Need for Experience, Compassionate, Cognizant, Intellectual, Soulful, Spiritual, Universally Minded Global Leadership" is "Tantamount in This Day and Age!"

And, "A Sense of Vigorous, Bold, Forthright, Just, Truthful, Straightforward, and Honest Global Idea's and Policies, For Improving The Quality of Life," and "The Health Care," and "Social Security of All The People," "While Empowering The Lives of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People," is "An Absolute Necessity!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty-First of May 2020,  Global Cross Media News Reports are, A Third Person has "Been  Arrested and Charged in The Murder of Ahmaud Arbrey!"

William "Roddie" Bryan Jr. Fifty year of Age was Arrested on Charges of, (1) "Felony Murder," and, (2) "Criminal Intent to Commit False Imprisonment!"

William "Roddie" Bryan Jr. "Took The Viral Cell Phone Footage" of "Sixty- Four Year Old Gregory McMichael" and "His Son Thirty-Four Year Old Son Travis Ared with A Pistol and Shotgun Chasing Mr. Arbey," who had Been Out Jogging, "in Their Vehicle!"

And then "Showing Travis McMichael Fighting with the Unarmed Ahmaud Arbrey" to "Maintain Control of the Shot Gun," While Mr. Arbrey was "Fighting in Fear of Being Shot and Possibly Losing His Life," "When Shots were Fired Killing Mr. Arbrey in the Satilla Shores Neighborhood in The Coastal City of Brunswick, Georgia," on The Twenty-Third of February 2020!"

"In The Glynn County Police Report Officers Noted that "Mr. Bryan had Unsuccessfully Tried to Block Mr. Arbrey's Path." -(The Thirty-Six Second Video was Linked on Line on Tuesday, The Fifth of May 2020 Which Led to A Nationwide Outcry" and "The Arrests of The McMichaels, and Now William Bryan!")-

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Gregory McMichael Claimed that "He thought Mr. Arbrey Resembled a burglary suspect who had participated in A Series of Local Break-ins.")-

"The Attorney's for The Arbrey Family" said in A Statement, "The family of Mr. Arbrey is thankful for the diligence of the GBI and the way in which they tirelessly pursued the evidence in this case,' and They Added, "We want anyone who participated in the murder of Mr. to be held accountable."

"On Thursday, The Seventh of May 2020, "Travis McMichael was Arrested and is Being Charged with Murder and Aggravated Assault," and "Gregory McMichael was Charged with Party to Murder and Aggravated Assault!"  

William "Roddie" Bryan Jr. "Claimed He had nothing to do with the murder."

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, New's Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"It is of The Utmost Importance" that "Justice Must Be Held in The Highest Regard!" And that "No One is Above The Law of The Land!"

And though, "It has Been More than Two Months since The Tragic Murder of Ahmaud Arbrey, Through The Persistence of The Arbrey Family to Find Justice for Their Love One, at Last, "Their Perseverance, and Patience has Been Rewarded," and "Justice Will Finally See Its Day in Court!" 

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Ahmaud Arbrey! And, We Mourn The Tragic Loss of Your Love One with You, and His Friends, Colleagues, and Neighbors!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty-First of May 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Michael Cohen," The Former Personal Attorney of President Trump, has "Been Released from Prison to Serve The Remainder of His Three Year Sentence in Home Confinement in His Midtown Apartment on Park Avenue," "Due to Concerns over The CoronaVirus!"

"Mr. Cohen (Often Referred to as "The Fixer" by The Media), who "Previously Served as Co-President of Trump Entertainment" and "A Vice President of Trump Organization," and also "Deputy Finance Chairman of The Republican National Committee from 2017 to 2018," was "Convicted on Two Separate Crimes in 2018," (1) "Lying to A Senate Committee about a Real Estate Project that He and Donald Trump Pursued to Build A Trump Tower in Moscow," "While Then-Candidate  Trump was Attempting to Secure The Republican Nomination to Become President," and, (2) "M. Cohen Plead Guilty to Eight Counts," and "Admitted to Campaign Finance Violations," Tax Fraud," and "Bank Fraud," also "Involving "Payments Made to Two Women who Alleged to have had Affairs with President Trump Years Prior to His 2016 Presidential Campaign!"

And, "Now Mr. Cohen Will Be Spending The Remainder of His Three Year Sentence in His Park Avenue Home," "While Millions of Other Convicted Criminals Will Be Spending Their Time Behind Bars" at "The Mercy of The CoronaVirus!" 

"The Questions" that "Remain Unanswered" are,  (1) "Is This Twist of Fate," or, (2) An Example of Compassionate Law and Order," or, (3) "A Misinterpretation of The System of Justice and Our Democracy," or, (4)"Are There Two Systems of Justice," "One" "For One and All," and "Another For The Privileged Few!"

-(Note that, "Mr. Cohen's Attorneys had Sought His Release in March of 2020," "Due to The Threat and Spread of The CoronaVirus in Prison," Which was Initially Rejected by The Federal Bureau of Prisons" (BOP)! And then, "The Request was Made Again in April, by Mr. Cohen's Attorney's," "Which was at First Granted," and "Then Rescinded by The BOP on The First of May!" 
And then, On Wednesday, The Twentieth of May 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Last Federal Bureau of Prisons Order was In Fact Rescinded" and "Mr. Cohen was Permitted to Return Home on Thursday, The Twenty-First of May 2020!" 

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, New's Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"There are Moments in Time When Justice Casts A Blurred Reflection" in "The Mirror of Law and Order!" And, "Clearly The Release" and "Home Confinement of Mr. Cohen" (and Paul Manafort) "Will Be Questioned and Reflected Upon in The Annals of History," as "To Whether or Not, "They Reflected The Manner in Which A True Democratic System Should Function," and/or "Whether or Not "The Law was Being Improperly Influenced to Favor The Privileged Few in Prison" who have "Been Convicted Guilty, or Plead Guilty of Their Crimes!"   

Irregardless of This, "If There ever was A Reason for Not Committing A Crime Besides The Fact" that "It is Against The Law" is that "If You are Foolish Enough to Commit A Crime" "You May Pay A Price Beyond that of "Which You were Sentenced!" And, "Especially If You are in Prison Serving Time While A Public Emergency Health Crisis Caused by A Relentless, Indiscriminate, Ruthless, and Deadly Virus is Spreading Throughout The United States of America!"

-In Memoriam:
"As We Celebrate This Memorial Day Honoring The Brave and Courageous Members of Our Armed Services who Died Serving The United States of America," "There is Little Doubt," that "The Passing of Almost One Hundred Thousand American Citizens Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic Will also Be Remembered!"

And, "As This Deeply Moving Holiday to American Families" who have "Lost A Loved One on Foreign Shores Due to The Wars and Conflicts" (and Unofficial Wars) that have "Been Waged Against Tyranny and Injustice," Let Us One and All Take A Moment to Remember What It was," that "These Valiant United States Armed Service Members were Fighting for!"

"History has Provided Us in Detail with A Truthful Perspective" and "Accounting of Our Earthly Civilizations," and also "Provided Us with An Empirical and Academic Overview of The Opponents and Proponents of Peace On Earth," and "Those of Us who have Stood Up Against Cruel and Oppressive Governments and Egotistical Leaders," and also "The Grand Accomplishments of One Age after Another," "Including A Great Renaissance of Culture," and "Scientific, Industrial, and Space Age," and "Civil Rights, Anti-War, Children's Rights, Gender Rights, Poverty, and Environmental Movements," and of "A Technological Information and Communication Evolution!" 
And, of "All The Biographies of The Individuals who Partook in The Sociological Changes and Evolution's" that have "Taken Place in Our Earths Sovereign Nations" and "Diverse Global Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People" are also "Included for Our Perusal, Education, Certification, and Sharing!"

And, "It Makes Pure Sense For Us to Include on This Memorial Day," "The Brave and Courageous Health Care and Critical Care Workers" and "Our Love Ones who have Died Due to The CoronaVirus Crisis," Along with "Our Love Ones in The United States of America's Armed Service Members," who "Stood Up Bravely and Courageously and Died For The Rights of Freedom, Equality, Justice," and "The Pursuit of Happiness Earthwide," and "The Rights of One and All to Live in Social Security, and Peace!"

And, "One Day" "Let Us have An Official Day of Mourning for The Victims of The CoronaVirus!"

"Have A Memorable, Deeply Heartfelt, Soulful, Passionate, and Safe Memorial Day!"

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to The CoronaVirus or A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!