Thursday, May 14, 2020



The Way To Peace! #365

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"As The Parallel Universes of The CoronaVirus" and "The 2020 Primary and Presidential Elections Continue to Cast An Influence over Our Lives," "The Courageous and Responsible Legislative Behavior of The United States House Of Representatives Knows No Boundaries in Representing The American People," Tuesday, The Twelfth of May 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi," Democrat from California, "Announced that The House of Representatives Will Be Voting on A New $3 Trillion Dollar Relief Bill," Entitled "The Heroes Act!"

"This Two Thousand Page Relief Bill has Been Meticulously Put Together" to "Provide Financial Support for The American People," as "They Adhere to Stay at Home Orders" and "Federal Social Distancing Guidelines," "During The Public Emergency Health Crisis Caused by The CoronaVirus Pandemic," as well as "Providing Additional Funding for Our Brave and Selfless Medical Professionals, States, and Local Governments!"

"A Vote" on "The Heroes Act," is, at Present, "Scheduled to Occur on Friday, The Fifteenth of May, 2020," and "If Passed Will Be Sent to The United States Senate for Their Due Diligence Process to Occur," and "Hopefully for Bi-Partisan Approval and Passage!" Followed by President Trump's Signature into Law!"

"The Fact" that  "2.98 Million Americans have Applied for Unemployment Benefits," "Bringing The Last Eight Weeks' Total" to "A New Historical High of 36.5 Million Americans" After The CoronaVirus Outbreak in The United States of America" was "Declared A Pandemic," and "The Fact" that "There are More than Eighty-Five Thousand Deaths," and "More than 1.4 Million Confirmed Cases in The United States of America," with "Thousands More Dying Everyday," "Is Clear Proof" that "Additional Government (and Private) Funding is Needed!"

And, "For The United States of America to Return to Full Employment," "Additional Financial Support is Needed Now," and "A Vaccine/Cure is Needed Now," and "Therapeutic Treatment is Needed Now," and "More Testing, Contact Tracing, and Medical Equipment to Prevent The Ongoing Spread of This Very Deadly Disease," and "Whatever Mutations that May Occur to Threaten The Lives of The American People is Needed Now," and "Must Be Immediately Provided for," and "In Great Abundance! "Now!"

"A Brief Summary of The Heroes Act Provides" for; (1) "$One Trillion Will Go to State, Local, and Tribal Governments, of Which "$Five Hundred Billion Will Go to The States," (2) "A Second Round of $One Thousand Two Hundred per Family Member, Up to $Six Thousand per Household," (3) "Extends Unemployment Benefits," "Ensuring Federal Payments of $Six Hundred per Week, Through to January 2021," (4) "$One Hundred and Seventy-Five Billion to Provide Assistance for Renters and Homeowners" to "Pay for Their Monthly Rent, and Mortgage Payments," (5) " A $Two Hundred Billion Dollar Heroes Fund Will Be Established for Essential Frontline Workers" who have "Risked Their Lives Through The CoronaVirus Pandemic," to "Assure that They Will Receive Hazard Pay for Their Courageous Efforts," (6) "$Seventy-Five Billion Will Be Provided for Testing, Contact Tracing, and Isolation Measures," (7) "$3.6 Billion for Contingency Planning, Preparations, and Resilience of Elections for Federal Office, and, (8) "Provide Additional Funding for The Small Business Loan Program with $Ten Billion for Emergency Grants through The Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program!"

"Speaker Pelosi said on MSNBC" that, "These are the pillars of our plan to go forward, to make our own environment in a way that is, again, unifying and respectful of those who are sacrificing their lives, as well as those who are feeling so much pain through all of this." 

And, Speaker Pelosi also said, "This is what they need --- This is meeting the needs of the American people."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
As of Thursday, The Fourteenth of May 2020, "More than Eighty-Five Thousand Deaths have Occurred in The United States," and "Confirmed Cases" of "More than One Million Four Hundred and Thirty Thousand!" 

And, "More than Thirty-One Thousand Deaths have Occurred in Italy Due to The CoronaVirus," and "More that Two Hundred and Twenty-Two Thousand Confirmed Cases," 

And, "More than Twenty-Seven Thousand Deaths have Occurred in Spain Due to The CoronaVirus," and "More than Two Hundred and Seventy-One Thousand Confirmed Cases," 

And, "More than Twenty-Seven Thousand  Deaths have Occurred in France Due to The CoronaVirus," and "More One Hundred and Seventy-Eight Thousand Confirmed Cases,"

And, "More than Thirty-Three Thousand Deaths have Occurred in The United Kingdom,"and "Almost Two Hundred and Thirty Thousand Confirmed Cases,"

And "Earthwide," There have Been "More than Two Hundred and Ninety-Eight Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Deaths," and "Confirmed Cases of More than Four Million Four Hundred and Thirty Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Cases!" 

To All The Families who have Lost A Love One Among The Diverse Communities of The Sovereign Nations Of This Planet Earth Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic, We Mourn Their Passing with You! And, We Send You Our Deepest and Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Thirteenth of May 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The State of Wisconsin's Supreme Court Vote of Four to Three Blocking Wisconsin Governor Anthony "Tony" Evers' Stay at Home Extension until The Twenty-Sixth of May 2020," "Symbolizes The Unfortunate Divide" that has "Begun to Escalate in The United States of America" Between "State Governors who are Seriously Concerned about Reopening The Economy Too Soon," and "The Trump Administration who are Pushing Forward Reopening," "Irregardless of The Growing Increase in Deaths and Confirmed Cases on A Daily Basis!"

And, "The Courts" and "State Legislatures" have "Been Placed in The Uncomfortable," and "Yet Responsible Position," of "Mediating Between These Two Political Forces" of "State and The Trump Administration," even Though Recent Polls Taken Show that "Seven Out of Ten Wisconsin Residents Favor" Governor Evers "Safer at Home Order!"

"Reopening The Economy in States where Hot Spots are Beginning to Occur or Reoccur Will Not Help," "Nor Will It Bring about A Resurgence of The Economy in The United States," "But, It Will Cause A Resurgence Of The CoronaVirus!" And that, "The Nation Can Not Afford to Have!" 

"There are Entirely Too Many Deaths and Confirmed Cases of COVID-19," and "The American People Need More Assurances from State, Local, and Federal Governments" "Before Fully Supporting This New Policy of Reopening," Whether It Be on A Phase One, Two, Three, or Four Basis!" 
"More Testing is Needed, More Contact Tracing is Needed, and More Funding is Needed," and "Much More Research"  and "Medical Supplies are Needed in General!" And, "These Need's Clearly Do Not Merit A Rapid Return" to "The Old Normal!"

"A United Nationwide Leadership and Policy" that "Is Devoted to Saving Lives First," and "Representing The People First," and "The Protection and National Sociological Security of The American People," and "All The Scientific Facts and Informed Medical Data that Can Be Collected to Prevent The Continued Spread of The CoronaVirus," "Should Be The Top Priorities," "Before Rushing into A Reopening of The Economy without All The Facts and Science Data in Place to Support It!"

As of Thursday, The Fourteenth of May 2020, "More than Eighty-Five Thousand Americans have Died Because of The CoronaVirus," and "The Plateau of 1.4 Million Confirmed Cases has Been Crossed," and "These Figures Continue to Mount on A Daily Basis All Across The Nation," and "A Therapeutic Treatment and Vaccine/Cure For The CoronaVirus is Needed Now," "More than Ever!" 
Much More so, "Than A Reopening of The Economy," or "Our Schools," "Where Our Children, Parents, Teachers, School Bus Drivers, and School Employees are Vulnerable" to "This Deadly Virus, and "Any Newly Discovered Strains of It that May Occur," Before A Certified Therapeutic Treatment and Vaccine/Cure For The CoronaVirus is Discovered!"

"This is The Time" for "Patience, Perseverance, Government Funding, Private Sector Funding, Philanthropic Funding, Testing, Contract Tracing, Remaining Positive," and "Being Dedicated, Committed, and Supportive in Putting An End of This Global Pandemic," and "Then in Full Confidence Everyone Can Feel Safe to Reenter" into "An Age of The New Normal!"
However, "Let Us Agree" that "Divisiveness, Hubris, Selfishness," and "Profiting at The Expense of The Lives Of The People," and "Partisan Politics" is "Not Helpful at All!"           

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"Looking Forward Towards The Future Using On'es  Prescient Vision," and/or  "One's Normal Thinking Process," or "Whatever Your Interpretation of The New Normal is, or Isn't," "The Future Concept of The New Normal" "Will have Entirely Too Many Stressful Moments to Imagine Without A Vaccine/Cure of The CoronaVirus!"

 And, "Here We are In The Midst of "A Global Pandemic," An Emergency Public Health Crisis "Where Thousands of People, Some Who are Our Beloved Family Members," "Others who are Our Dearest Friends," and "Many of Which are Valiant and Heroic Hospital and Medical Employees," and "All Across This Earth of Ours, There are People Whom We've Never Met who are Dying Because of The Ruthlessness of The CoronaVirus!"

And, "One Wonders Exactly What This Concept" of "A New Norm is Supposed to Resemble!" And, "How are The Earths Populace to Stay Focused on Social Distancing Guidelines, When Political Leaders are Bent Upon Reopening The Economy," even "Though Thousands of New Deaths Will Most Certainly Occur," and "Without A Doubt, There Will Be Tens, If Not Hundreds of Thousands of New Confirmed Cases," or "More Earthwide!"

"What Will The New Norm Resemble!" "Will There Continue to Be Be News Stories and New Video Taping's Released by The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" about "Innocent People Being Shown in Newspapers, Television Sets, Laptops, Desktops, and Cell Phones," of "Tragic and Unnecessary Deaths of Young People Being Shot and Killed," "Some for Simply Going Out to Exercise," (Such as in The Case of Ahmad Aubrey), or "Going Shopping for Groceries at The Local Grocery Store," or "Because of Their Skin Color" or "Nationality!"
"While Social Distancing is Still Being Observed" and "The Deadly and Ruthless Pandemic Continues to Take The Lives of Our Love Ones!"

But then, "What Will The New Norm Resemble!" "Will Our Priorities, Goals, Dreams, and Principles Change and Advance" to "An even More Thoughtful and Meaningful Level!" "Will The Lessons Learned from Historical" and/or "Current Events Reinforce The Tenets and Religious Teachings" that "We have Been Taught!"

And, (1) "Will We Embrace and Accept The Sanctity of Life!" And, (2) "The Deep Significance of Caring for The Environmental and Ecological Systems of This, Our Home Planet Earth," and, (3) "Will We Make A Concentrated Effort" to "Educate and Teach by Example," "Respect For One's Fellow Human Being!" And, (4)"Will Each and Every Parent Begin This Essential Teaching in Their Families" along "With The Social Etiquette's," and "Other Everyday Teachings and Experiences!"

Or, "Will Future Generations Still have To Demonstrate, March, and Sing Anti-War Anthems," and Civil Rights Anthems," and "Equal Rights, Anthems," Such as "Blowing in The Wind," and "We Shall Overcome," Until We;re "Free at Last Great God Almighty We're Free at Last," from "The Conditioned Reality that Surrounds Us," and have to "Demand that Federal, State, and Local Leaders" and "Elected Officials," and "Lawmakers" "Do No Forget to Implement The Laws of The Land," and "Justice for One An All!" And, "Do Not Forget The Significance" of "Empowering The Social Net that Protects Us in Dire Times of Need!"

"What Will The New Norm Resemble After The CoronaVirus!"

"Will Those Among Us" who have "Been Unfortunate to Fall Upon Difficult Economic Times," "End Up Living in Transient and/or Homeless Conditions," or "Will New Initiatives Be Set in Motion by Philanthropic Organizations," and "Religious Organizations," and "The Private Sector," to "Invest in Financing Social Supplemental Idea's and Programs," to, (1) "House and Provide Work Incentives," and "Inspirational Incentives," and "Mental, Intellectual and Empirical Incentives," for "These Individuals, and Friends, at Times," or "Family Members, at Times," or "Our Neighbors, at Times," who are "In Need of A Second or Third Chance" to "Reestablish Themselves and Their Families" as "A Part of The Social Fabric Of Our Communities," and, (2) Once Again, "Regain Their Sense of Purpose and Enthusiasm" to "Pursue Their Dreams and Goals," and "Improve Their Quality of Life!"

"What Will The New Norm Resemble After The CoronaVirus!" "Will We," "After having Seen so Much Death, Sadness, and Fear," "Embrace and Show Compassion for Those" who have "Been Driven from Their Homes" and "Forced to Undertake Perilous Journeys in Search of Safe Havens for Their Families to Exist within," "Without The Daily Trauma of Violence, Starvation, Oppression, and Dictatorships to Threaten Them," and "Who only Wish to Contribute, Support, and Give Back to The New Cultures" that "They have Been Welcomed to!" 
Or "Will We" "Allow Ourselves to Be Manipulated by False Campaign Rhetoric and Promises," by "Political Candidates and Nominees" who "Will Say Practically Anything to Be Elected," and "If Elected Do Practically Anything to Get Reelected," Such as (1) "Turning Away Children," who have Been Sent to Seek Asylum," and "Stay with A Relative," or, (2) "Separate Children from Their Parents," and "Detain Them in Detainment Centers," and, (3) "Denigrate and Disparage Those of Us," whose "Lives are Being Threatened by Malevolent Criminals and Government Corruption," and " Who are "Requesting to Be Legally Judged for Entry" under "Emergency Circumstances," or "Reasons Where Compassion is Concerned!"

"In The United States of America The Framers/Founders Created The Great Undertaking and Idea," for "A Wonderful Experiment," with "A Magnificent Constitution to Support It!" 
And, "The Mantle of Respect Must Be Earned," and "It is of The Greatest Importance for "Every Federal, State, and Local Election Official to Remember" that "They've Taken Oaths to Protect and Represent The Nation and The People," under "The Laws of The United States Constitution," and "Not for Self Profit, or Gain!"

And, "These Elected Officials have The Grand and Noble Responsibility" "To Embrace and Epitomize The Significance and Meaning of The Quote and Empathetic Inscription Written by Emma Lazarus," and "Placed on the Tablet in the Left Hand of The Statue of Liberty!" "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,  The wretched refuse from your teeming shore. Send these the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

And, "The History Books has Shown Us" that "Every Sovereign Nation" or "Tribe," has "A Noble,  Inspiring, Pioneering, Honorable, Courageous, Highly Principled, and Ethical Moment," and/or "Individual or Individuals," "Who has Risen To Whatever Great Occasion that They," or "The Earths Civilizations were Faced with The Utmost Bravery!"

And, "Let Us Look Forward to A New Normal" that "Brings Forth A New Age of Heroines, and Heroes," and "Sows These Grand Qualities in Each and Every New Born Child and Family" of "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People" of This Planet Earth, "Irregardless of Age, Gender, Tribe, Nationality, Creed, Special Need's Individuals, Color, Economic Class, or Political Persuasion They May Be!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
As The Corona Virus Continues to Spread Across The United States of America and The Earths Sovereign Nations, "The Need for Medical Supplies and Financing has Not Abated," and "Is Actually In Great Need" to "Provide Financial Support for Local Governments," "Small Businesses," "Native American Tribes," "The Poor and Destitute," and "All of The American People" who are "Still Depending Upon Financial Assistance," as "They Obey Stay at Home Orders," and "Social Distancing Guidelines!"

And, "At A Time When The Social Security of The United States of American is Still Being Threatened by The CoronaVirus," "States Continue to Reopen without Following Federal Guidelines!" 

And, "As A CoronaVirus Outbreak has Occurred in The White House" "Forcing Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIAID),  "Dr. Robert Redfield, Director (The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention " (CDC), "Dr. Stephen Hahn, Commissioner of The Food and Drug Administration," (FDA),  and "Brett Giroir, Assistant Health Secretary of The Trump Administration," to "Take Precautions and Self Isolate Themselves!"

And, "As The COVID-19 Launches Its Infectious Virus Upon The White House" with "Katie Miller, Vice President Pence's Press Secretary," "Several Secret Service Agents," and "One of President Trump's Military Service Members who Acts as His Valet,: "Testing Positive," "This is An Example of The Fluidity of This Deadly Virus that Walls Can Not Contain," and "Without The Proper Health Protection Measures in Place," "It Can Strike Deep within The Houses and Chambers Of The Federal Government!" 

And, "Clearly President Trump and Vice President Pence" have to "Take Their Own CoronaVirus Guidelines even More Serious than Ever Before," and "Wear Face Masks in Public Appearances," and "Order Face Masks to Be Worn In The White House!"

And, "President Trump Should Order The Increased Tests of Millions of People on A Daily Basis," and "The Provide Whatever Medical Equipment" that "Is Still Being Requested by Medical Workers," and "State, Local Government Officials," Even "After Months of Continuing to Speak Out" and "Request Additional Medical Equipment Be Delivered," Such as, "Swabs," For One Simple Example!

And, "In Order to Reopen The Nation" to "A Phase One, Two, Three," or "As A Matter of Fact," on "A Full Time Basis" "Without The Fear of An Increase in New Confirmed Cases of COVID-19" (or Any Other Mutated Virus), and "Deaths," "An Increase in Contact Tracing," "More Tests," and "Medical Equipment Must Be Provided Now!

And, "An Accurate Count of Confirmed Cases and Deaths have To Be Provided," in "Order to Follow The Path of The CoronaVirus as New Reopening's Occur," to "Establish Where New Attention Needs to Be Focused on," and to "Know Exactly Where COVID-19 has Plateaued," or "Is On The Decline," or "Tragically Where It has Continued to Increase and Spread!" 
"Total Transparency Must Be Maintained" to "Maintain The National Security of The Nation!"

And, "The Trump Administration Should Allow The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention" (CDC), to "Release Their Guidelines for Reopening The United States of America!" And, "For Medical Experts," and "Administration Officials to Speak Before" and "Provide Pertinent Information to The U.S. Congress!"
"It Should Be Obvious by Now" that "Information and Communication," are "Very Important to The Psyche, Intellect, and Health Care of The Nation!"

And, "The U.S. Congress and The Trump Administration Must Work in All Haste" to "Pass Another Detailed and Responsibly Minded Stimulus Bill with The Proper Oversights in Place," via "Their Telecommunication Efforts," or "In Person Efforts," and "Pass This New Legislation Before June 2020!"
"For The American People," "There are Emotional Issues at Hand," and "Hunger Issues to Deal with on A Daily Basis, ' and "Mortgage and Bank Payments to Make," and "Fears and Family Health Considerations on All Levels to Face!" And, "Political Party Bickering is Not Helpful" Nor "Is It The Answer to The Needs of Mothers, and Fathers, and Their Families" in "This Ongoing Health Crisis in The Nation!"

And, "The Medical Experts and Global Health Organizations" have "To Increase Their Level of Research and Work in Discovering A New Vaccine/Cure," and/or "A New Therapeutic Treatment" that "Will Stop This Deadly Global Pandemic," as "It Continues to Spread Across Sovereign Nations, Regions, and Communities" of This, "Our Home Planet Earth!"

And, "The United States Should Work Closely" with "The Coalition of Sovereign Nations" whose "Mission is to "Discover A CoronaVirus Vaccine!"

"We are All in This War Against The CoronaVirus Together," And, "We Must One and All Be Heroines, and Heroes," as "We Engage This Enemy of Our Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," "AS It Threatens The Lives of Every Family" of "Every Member of The Earths Coalition of United Sovereign Nations!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Eleventh of May 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIAID), and "An Important Member of The Corona Task Force Sent A Statement to The New York Times," In Regards to Adherence to Federal Guidelines For A Phased Reopening  saying, "If we skip over the checkpoints in the guidelines...then we risk the danger of multiple outbreaks throughout the country," and Dr. Fauci also Wrote in His Statement, "This will not only result in in needless suffering and death, but would actually set us back on our request to return to normal."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"It Should Be Obvious that "The Science Information and Data in Dr. Fauci's Statement Should Be Implemented in Any Decision to Reopen States for Business," and/or "Any Business Large or Small" that "Has Been" or "Is Planning to Reopen!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Tuesday,  The Twelfth of May 2020, "The Top Advisors of President Trump," "Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIAID),  "Dr. Robert Redfield, Director (The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention " (CDC), "Dr. Stephen Hahn, Commissioner of The Food and Drug Administration," (FDA),  and "Brett Giroir, Assistant Health Secretary of The Trump Administration," "Testified Before The Senate Health Committee" to "Update The U.S. Congress" (and The Nation) on "The National Public Health Crisis Caused by The CoronaVirus Pandemic," and "New Vaccines, Therapeutics, Public and Private Partnerships, Testing, Contact Tracing, Science and Data" and "How This Deadly Disease Affects Each and Every American Citizen of All Ages" (and that Includes Children), and "State in The Union!" And, "How Prepared The United States has To Be In Advance of Any Future Pandemics that May Occur!"

And, "It is Clear" that "A Precise Plan Must Be In Place" by "September First" (If Not Sooner) on "Contact Tracing, Millions of Tests per Day, Increased Mitigation, Protection Measures, Hygiene, and Social Distancing," "Should Be In Place" to "Address The Autumn and  Winter Seasons of The CoronaVirus 2020!"

And, "Dr. Fauci also said," In Regards to "Going Back to School" and "The Swedish Model, as Presented by Senator Randal Howard "Rand" Paul from Kentucky,"and The Affect that This Virus has Upon Children, "We don't know everything about this virus, and we really better be very careful, particularly when it comes to children. Because the more and more we learn we're seeing things about what this virus can do that we didn't see from the studies in China or in Europe. 
For example; right now children presenting with COVID-19 who actually have a very strange inflammatory syndrome, very similar to Kawasaki syndrome. 
I think we better be careful if we are not cavalier in thinking that children are completely immune to the deleterious effects."   

And, Dr, Fauci also said, "I am very careful and hopefully humble in knowing that I don't know everything about this disease and that's why I'm very reserved about making broad predictions."

"The Facts More than Merit The Seriousness of Any Planned Reopening in The United States of America!" As of Thursday, The Fourteenth of May 2020, "More than Eighty-Two Thousand American's have Died Because of The CoronaVirus," and "The Plateau of 1.4 Million Confirmed Cases is Close to Being Reached!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United States of America, "Tragically As Thousands of Americans Continue to Die on A Daily Basis," Increasing The Number of Deaths to "More than Eighty-Five Thousand," as "More Forty-Three States have Reopened," or are "Planning to Reopen," on A Partial Basis," and as "New Headlines of The Fourth Estate Continue to Emerge," and "Breaking News Spotlights" of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's "Continue to Be Released about, (1) "The White House is Winding Down of The White House CoronaVirus Task Force," whose "Original Service was to Inform The American People about The Outbreak and Emergency Health Crisis Caused by The CoronaVirus," to "Focus More on Rebooting the Economy," (Safety and Opening Up Our Country Again") and,

(2) "The Firing," and "Filing of A Whistleblower Complaint of Dr. Rick Bright," who "Used to Be The Head of BARTA," (The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority), on Tuesday, The Fifth of May 29020, "Allegedly Because Dr. Bright Spoke to A Reporter about The Danger and Use of Hydroxychlorine," and was "Involuntarily Transferred to A Lower Position at The National Institutes of Health," (NIH), and also "How Political Cronyism instead of Science" is "Being Considered Before Scientific Facts and Evidence in The War Against COVID-19!" And, ""Unfortunately Dr. Bright's Whistleblower Complaint" is Another Moment to Emerge," and "Cause Distrust and New Divisions Among The American People," and, 

(3) "As Social Distancing Guidelines are Still Being Advised by The Trump Administration" "The Pictures of President Trump Descending The Stairs of Air Force One without A Mask" and "Greeting Four Other Officials without Masks in Phoenix, Arizona," on Tuesday, The Fifth of May 2020, to "Visit A Honeywell International Plant" that is Manufacturing Personal Protective Equipment" (PPE), "Will Not Gain The Confidence or Admiration of The American People" Who are, Metaphorically, "Running The Marathon that Is Needed" to "Prevent The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus," and also "Stop A Potentially Dramatic Surge and Increase of Deaths During The Summer, Autumn, and Winter Seasons of 2020!" 

    And, "As President Trump Continues to Engage in New Attacks upon The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," Who are Essential If The American People are to "Learn The Facts," and "Information Provided by Global Health Organizations," and "Medical Experts," on Tuesday, The Fifth of May 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports have Revealed that "A Second CoronaVirus Strain," (A Mutant Strain) is "Causing Concern Among Medical Professionals," and that "It May Be Stronger than COVID-19, and "Observations have Begun on This Mutant Strand," by Medical Health Organizations!"

And, "The Question" is, "Why Does President Trump Continue to Attack These Essential Global News, Information, and Communication Organizations!" Especially," At a Time, "When The Public is In Need of Current Medical Health News and Information Updates," as Well as, "Federal, State, and City Government Roles, Management, and Responsibilities" in "Stemming The Daily Onslaught of The CoronaVirus!" 

And, "As President Trump's Continued Allegations Against The People's Republic of China Continue to Suggest" that "A Laboratory in Wuhan, China is Responsible for the Spread of The CoronaVirus is As Yet Unproven!" 
And, Thursday, The Thirtieth of April 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "According to An Assessment Released by The U.S. Intelligence Community" They "Do not believe the coronavirus was created by scientists or otherwise artificially enhanced." 

"These Allegations Against China by President Trump," "Continue to Damage The Relationship Between These Two Sovereign Nations" at "A Time When They Need to Work Together," along with "The Global Health Organizations" and "Sovereign Nations of The Earth," to "Discover A New Vaccine/Cue for COVID-19!"

And, At A Time, "When The American People," and "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People of The Earths Populace," are "Paying A Severe and Traumatic Price, Emotionally, Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, Intellectually, Sociologically, and Economically," "Because of The Ongoing Global Pandemic of COVID-19," that has "Caused An Emergency Health Crisis from Sovereign Nation to Sovereign Nation Earthwide,"  and "This is Clearly and Obviously The Time for Politicians" to "Take A Supportive Role in This War Against The CoronaVirus!" 
And, "Make It Clear" that "They Will Continue to Empower and Finance Supplying and Providing All The Medical Resources" that are "Being Requested by Our Valiant Heroines and Heroes" who are "On The Frontline of The War Against This Indiscriminate Virus," that "Knows No Boundaries," and "Considers No One's Life Sacred Irregardless of Age, Gender, Tribe, Nationality, Creed, Special Need's Individuals, Color, Economic Class, or Political Persuasion!"  

And, "It is Essential For Each and Everyone of Us to Remember" that "Social Distancing Guidelines have Proven to Be Life Saving, and is Necessary," "Until A Vaccine/Cure has Been Discovered, Approved, and Distributed Earth wide at The Earliest Possible Moment!"

And, "History Will Record The Myriad Stages of This Global Pandemic" and "How The Earths Sovereign Nations have Learned from The Loss of Hundreds of Thousands of Human Lives!" With A Global Accord" and "Promise," that "They Will Not Allow This to Happen Again!" And that, "They Will Continue to Conduct Laboratory Experiments under The Most Secure Basis," to "Improve The Quality of Life of One and All," and "Protect The Lives Of All The People," and "The Communities, and Homes," of Our Home Planet Earth!"

And, Let Us also Remember" that "It Is Essential" that "When It is Time to Vote for The Candidates and Nominees of Your Choice," Do so, "With The Best Interests of Your Fellow Human Being in Mind," and "With The Best Interests of The Youth" who are "To Inherit," and "Provide Inspiring Leadership, Conservatorship, and Protection of The Earths Environmental, Ecological, Spiritual, Sociological, and Financial Responsibilities of The Earths Myriad Public and Private Sectors!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Fourteenth of May 2020, "Dr. Rick Bright has Been Called to Testify Before The U.S. Congress!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News
Thursday, May 14, 2020- Global Cross Media News Reports are "2.98 Million Americans Applied for Unemployment Benefits," "Bringing The Last Eight Weeks' Total" to "A New Historical High of 36.5 Million Americans" After The CoronaVirus Outbreak in The United States of America" was "Declared A Pandemic!"

And, If This Means that 36.5 Million People "Staying at Home," Prevents 36.5 Million New Confirmed Cases of The CoronaVirus from Occurring, then It Is Worth It!" However, The Trump Administration and The U.S. Congress Must Keep Their End of The Agreed to Supply Financial Support for Every Family" who have Listened to and Agreed to The Trump Administration Social Distancing Guidelines Immediately!"

And, "There Cannot Be Any Partisan Politics Involved," "There has To Be Total Agreement to Continue to Work on" and "Pass Legislation  to "Fund America's Families, Small Businesses, Hospitals, Medical Professionals, Laboratories, States, Cities, and Local Governments who are All on The Frontline of This War Against The CoronaVirus " and "Whatever Mutations that May Arise from It," on "A Monthly Basis If Necessary!" And, "Provide Them with Whatever The Medical Equipment and Resources May Be" that "They are In Immediate Need of!"

And, "The Private Business Sector Must Continue to Contribute, Fund, Manufacture, and Distribute Medical Equipment without Thought of Profit Wherever It May Be Needed!" "Too Many Lives are at Stake!"  

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Consequences are Too Severe to Procrastinate or Argue about Whose Constituencies Should Come First!" 
And, "It's of The Greatest Importance" to "Continue Placing The Management of This CoronaVirus Pandemic Clearly in The Hands of Medical Professionals" and "Responsible Political, Civil, and Religious Leaders," who "Clearly Comprehend" that "The Lives of Every American Citizen is Sacred and Not Expendable," at "Any Economic Cost or Profit Margin!"

And, "We are All Together in This War Against The CoronaVirus!" And, "We Must All Lead The Way," and, "Be Leaders, Heroines, and Heroes Against COVID-19!"

"Let Us One and All Personify The Grand Leadership" that "We have Always Admired and Respected," "Whether In History Books," or "In Person," and "Let Us Treat Each Other with Respect, Compassion, and Friendship," Knowing that "The Invisible Threat of COVID-19 Cares Not for The Lives of Anyone!" And, "All of Our Family Members are Vulnerable and at Risk" until "A Vaccine/Cure," or "Viable Therapeutic Treatment is Discovered" and "Approved" by "The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), "The Centers for Disease Control, and Prevention" (CDC), "The World Health Organization," (WHO) and/or by "Respected Global Health Organizations," for "Immediate Use and Distribution!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign State of The Politically Troubled Government of Israel, Wednesday, The Sixth of May 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Israeli Supreme Court has Unanimously Agreed" that "A New Governmental Can Be Formed" "Allowing for The Establishment of A New Collaborative Unity Government Between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of The Likud Party, and Benjamin "Benny" Gantz of The Blue and White Party, "with "Each Taking Turns as Prime Minister of Israel," and "Therefore Bringing a Halt to The Increased Demands for A Fourth National Election to Occur" by "A Growing Number of The People and Elected Officials of Israel!"

"This is An Extraordinary Development," Because "Prime Minister Netanyahu Faces Powerful Legal Battles," and "Is Scheduled to Stand Trial This Month" on "Charges of  Bribery, Fraud and Breach of Trust Stemming from "Three Long-Running Corruption Cases," "Making Him The First Sitting Israeli Prime Minister to Be Charged with Criminal Wrongdoing!"

"In Its Decision The Eleven Judge Panel" said, "The legal conclusion we reached does not diminish the severity of the pending charges against MK Netanyahu for violations of moral integrity and the difficulty derived from the tenure of a prime minister accused of criminal activity."

However, "After Concluding Their Deliberations," to "The Disappointment of The Petitioners," who were "Made up of Critics and Good Government Groups who had "Argued that the law should bar and official charged with  serious crimes from continuing as Prime Minister," and also "Objected to the newly created position of "Alternate Prime Minister," "The Eleven Judge Panel" said "We did not find any legal reason to prevent MK (Member of Knesset) Netanyahu from forming a government."

"The Position" of "Alternative Prime Minister" Would Allow MK Netanyahu to "Remain as Prime Minister Throughout His Corruption Trial" and "Appeals Process," "Should One Be Necessary!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Two Questions" of, (1) "Whether an indicted politician can be given authority to form a new government," and (2) "Whether the power-sharing deal --- which includes new legislation ---- was legal," has "Been Answered!"

And, The Question" of "Whether The Members of The Knesset and The Israeli People Will Support This New Government whose Intention is to Bring Unity and Health, Economic, and Social Security to Israel with MK Netanyahu and Benny Gantz Leading The Way" to "A Bold, Democratic, Inspiring, and Pragmatic Future for The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Israeli People" has also "Been Answered on Thursday, The Seventh of May 2020," by "A Vote of Seventy-Two to Thirty-Six in The Knesset!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are (1) Both Mr. Gantz and Mr. Netanyahu Will have "Veto Power over Each Others Others Decisions, and, (2) Mr. Netanyahu Will Begin This New Collaboration as Prime Minister with Mr. Gantz as Designate Prime Minister for The First Eighteen Months," and,  (3) "The Positions Will Be Reversed for The Following Eighteen Months!"
And, An Important Key Provision for Prime Minister Netanyahu is "When He is Not Prime Minister "He Will Not Be Required to Resign from Office If He is Charged with A Crime!" )-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Seventh of May 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are In A Dramatic Reversal of Legal Affairs, "The United States Department of Justice" is "Dropping the Criminal Case Against Michael Thomas Flynn, President Trump's First National Security Advisor!"

"This is A Dramatic News Story," Because Mr. Flynn, A Retired United States Army Lieutenant General, had "Plead Guilty on The First of December of 2017 in Federal Court" to "A Felony Count" of "Willfully and Knowingly Making False, Fictitious, and Fraudulent Statements" to The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)! "And, "Mr. Flynn also Agreed" to "Cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russian Investigation!"

However, "Since William Pelham Barr Became United States Attorney General on The Fourteenth of February 2019, "A New Perspective has Influenced The Legal Overview of The DOJ," "Beginning with AG Barr's Interpretation and Disagreement with The Findings of Robert Mueller's Russian Investigation Report!"

"In August of 2019," Global Cross Media News Reports are "Mr. Flynn Filed A Motion" to "Hold Prosecutors in Contempt" for "Malevolent Conduct and Smears!" This Motion was "Rejected by The Judge!

And, "In January 2020, "Mr. Flynn Filed A Motion to Withdraw His Guilty Plea!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Seventh of May 2020, "The Department of Justice Filing Stated" that "After a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and and disclosed information appended to the defendant's supplemental pleadings, the Government has that the interview of Mr. Flynn was untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI's counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn -- a no longer justifiably predicated investigation that the FBI had, in the Bureau's own words, prepared to close because it had yielded an 'absence of any derogatory information.'"

Note that, The DOJ Filing also says, "The Government is not persuaded that The January 24, 2017 interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn's statements were material if even untrue. Moreover, we not believe that the Government can prove either the relevant false statements or their materiality beyond a reasonable doubt."    

 Thursday, The Seventh of May 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are President Trump said, "He was very happy for General Flynn, he was a great warrior and he still is a great warrior. Now in my book is an even greater warrior."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"History Will Decide If The Department of Justice Decision to Drop The Criminal Case Against Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was A Just Decision or Not!"

And, "Highly Discussed Questions Will Be Answered in The Year 2020 " in Regards to "Whether or Not Pardons Will Be Issued to Several Other High Profile Cases" "Involving Close Friends," and/or "Associates of President Trump," who have "Been Convicted of Charges and Indictments Made Against Them!"

And, "History Will Make The Final Judgement on These Decisions as well, In Perpetuity!"

However, "One Decision" that is," and "Remains in The Power of The American People to Make Will Be on Election Day, Tuesday, The Third of November 2020," "When Everyone of Voting Age Will have The Opportunity to Make Their Sentiments, Opinions, and Voices Clearly Heard," as "They Cast Their Vote by Absentee Mail," or at "Their Local Polling Place!"

-(Extra Noteworthy News- 
Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twelfth of May 2020,"A Federal Judge has "Placed a Hold on The Department of Justice's Move to Drop Criminal Charges Against Michael Flynn, President Trump's First National Security Advisor!"

"United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Emmett Gael Sullivan said" in A Written Order on Tuesday, "given the current posture of this case," he anticipated, "that individuals and organizations will seek leave of the Court," to file briefs expressing their opinions.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Thirteenth of May 2020,  Global Cross Media News Reports are "Paul Manafort, Former Presidential Campaign Manager of Donald Trump,"  was "Released from Prison to Home Confinement," Instead of  Spending A Seven Year Prison Sentence in Jail," After "Being Sentenced to Prison by Two Federal Courts!"  He was Convicted and Found Guilty" of "Tax Fraud," Bank Fraud," and "Conspiracy," In Total "Eight Out of Eighteen Counts" by A Jury in Virginia in 2018," and "And, "He also Pleaded Guilty" to "An Additional Two Felony Counts in Washington D.C.!"

"These Charges were A Result of," In Part, "Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Investigation" into  "Russian Interference into The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Paul Manafort's Attorney's Sent A Request to The Bureau of Prisons Arguing that Due to His Age, 71, and Health," He was "Susceptible to Contracting The CoronaVirus!" And, "The Request was Granted!" 

"The Question" is, "Out of The 2.3 Million Women and Men who are Serving Time in Prison, "Who is Paul Manafort to Be Granted This Privilege of "Home Confinement," "Due to Fears of The CoronaVirus!"  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Eleventh of May 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Two Thousand Former United States Federal Bureau of Investigation Agents (FBI)," and "U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Officials" have "Signed A Letter Calling for U.S. Attorney General William Pelham Barr to Resign" over "His Handling of The Dropping of The Criminal Case Against  Michael Thomas Flynn, President Trump's First National Security Advisor," "Irregardless of Mr. Flynn's Two Guilty Pleas!"

"The Letter" has "Asked The Federal Judge Overseeing Mr. Flynn's Case," to "Dismiss The Department of Justice's Decision to Drop The Charges!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
As "Lady Justice Looks Upon The Sociological, Financial, and Political, Sectors of The United States," "Her Belief" in "The Rule of Law," "The Law of The Land," "and "Justice For One and All," "Still Stands Firm in The Hearts, Minds, Souls, Intellect, and Spirit Of The American People!"

And, "This is An Opportunity for A New Era of The Ascendancy of Justice" and "Law and Order to Emerge," and "Prevail in The United States of America!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are, "President Trump is Being Faced with Several Challenging Arguments in Tuesday, The Twelfth of May's Supreme Court Proceedings," "Requesting His Tax Returns," One Argument is Being Made by District Attorney of New York County Cyrus Roberts Vance Jr.," and "A Second by Two House Committees!"

And, "The Serious Question" that "All Americans are Concerned with," and "The Supreme Court Justices are Faced with" and that "Is Above All The Most Important" is "Does Being President Make President Donald John Trump, the Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America Above The Law," as "His Attorney's Would have Us Believe!"  

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
Tuesday, The Fifth of May 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Swedish  Environmental Activists Activist Greta Thunberg has "Joined with Fifteen Other Child Environmental Activists in A Legal Complaint at The United Nations" "Against Five Sovereign Nations of The Earths Communities," (Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, and Turkey)!

"This Legal Complaint Alleges" that "These Nations" have "Breached The Obligations in Which, They are "Legally obliged to protect children under the UN convention on the rights of the child," by Failing to protect them from the "direct, imminent, and foreseeable risk to their health and well being" posed by the "Climate Crisis!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "One Hundred and Forty Sovereign Nations *Excluding The United States of America)have Ratified," "the UN convention on the rights of the child." However, only Forty-Six Governments have Adopted a Protocol that Allows for this Kind of Legal Action!")- 

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"Let Us Hope that These Five Sovereign Nations have Not Forgotten The Goals" that were "Agreed to in The Paris Agreement," and "Their Responsibilities to The Youth of The Earth," who are "To Inherit Becoming The Conservators, and Protectors, of The Earths Environmental and Ecological Systems," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings of This, Our Planet Earth!"

And, "Who are To Become and Assume The Spiritual, Sociological, Environmental, Ecological, Political, Cultural, Academic, and Financial Responsibilities of The Earths Myriad Public and Private Sectors!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "The Questions" that "The Earths Populace is Being Faced with are Affecting The Parallel Universes," of "The Myriad Public and Private Sectors of The Earths Communities," "Irregardless of Whatever Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The Earths Sovereign Nation You May Come from!"

And, "The Youth of Our Sovereign Nations Look on in Deep Concern about Their Futures," and "The Future of Their Families," as "The Earths Communities are Under Attack by The Global Pandemic of The  CoronaVirus," and also "The Political, Economical, Cultural, Philosophical, and Sociological Divides" that "Being Reported on," "Distributed by" and "Garnering New Headlines in The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's!"

"The Youth" who have "Been Taught" to "Learn and Follow The Path of Truth, Honesty, Trust," and "Belief in Good over Evil," "Love over Hate," and "What is Right over Wrong!"

"The Youth" who are "Being Taught to Achieve Their Goals by Following The Right Path," Whether It Be in "Academics and Sports," The Arts and Technology," "The Travel Industry, Automobile Industry, Airline and Farm Industries, Science and Space, Information and and Communication," Energy, environmental, and Ecological Industries, or In Law and Order, The Medical Profession, Public and Civil Service, The Volunteer Armed Forces, or Religion, Political, or The Overall Commercial Industry Earthwide!"

"Let's One and All Agree" that "As The Youth of The Earths Communities" and "Sovereign Nations Look on" that "Parents, Peacemakers, Diplomats, Voices of Reason and Cognition, Trustworthy Religious, Cultural, and Philanthropic Leaders, Historians, Academicians, Public and Civil Servants, Scientists, and Medical Leaders Must by Example," "Demonstrate A Global Sense of Equilibre and Unification of Purpose," "Responsibility," "Universality," and Intelligence" in "Moving Ever Forward Towards A Future of Enlightenment, and Awareness," and "A Bold New Era of  Universal Achievement," and Social Security!" And, "A Grand Earthrise Spirit Of The People!"

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, Justice, Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity, and Peace On Earth!

"As The Headlines and Feature Stories of The Parallel News Universe of The Fourth Estate" and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Cover The Most Important News of The Day," and "As The Sun Set'in The Skies O'er The United States of America" and "Across The Pond to The Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford,Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Eighth of April 2020, "Oxford University's The Jenner Institute Tests on A New Vaccine on Six Rhesus Macaque Monkeys with Single Doses of The CoronaVirus have Met with Success," and "All Six Monkeys have Recovered!"

And, "This is Timely News to Report," that "Brings a Glimmer of Hope to The Gray Skies O'er The Earths Sovereign Nations," as "The CoronaVirus Pandemic Continues to Take The Lives of Love One's from All of The Earths Communities" and "Causes Fear, Distress, Frustration, and Isolation to Whomever May Be in Its Path," Irregardless of Nationality, Gender, Creed, Tribe, Color, Political Persuasion, Special Needs, or Age!"
Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Scientists at Oxford University's The Jenner Institute" Will Begin Testing "The Human Vaccine" (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, Which is Made from A Chimpanzee Virus) on "Thursday, The Thirtieth of April 2020!"

And, GCM News Reports are "Sarah Catherine Gilbert," Professor of Vaccinology at Oxford University, (and Co-Founder of Vaccitech- "Creates Ways to Prevent and Treat Disease"- "A Spin Out Company from Oxford University's Jenner Institute"), "Told The Times of London" on Saturday, The Eleventh of April 2020 that "She was Eighty Per Cent confident that the vaccine being developed by her team would work," and also that "It could be ready by September!" -(However, This Would Depend Upon Being Provided with "Additional Financing!")-

-(Note that, Thursday, April 30, 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "AstraZeneca," A Global Science-Led Biopharmaceutical Company Located in Cambridge England, United Kingdom, has "Partnered with Oxford University's The Jenner Institute" to "Develop, Manufacture, and Distribute Earthwide," "The Oxford University Jenner Institute ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (The COVID-19) Vaccine" with "The Goal of having Several Million Doses of The Vaccine Ready by September 2020, "If It is Proven Effective," and have "The Capacity to Produce One Hundred Million Doses by The End of The Year!")-  

And, "Again This Timely News has Come" When Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Eighth of April 2020, "Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIAID), said In An Interview with CNN's Jacob Paul "Jake" Tapper," (Host of "The Lead with Jake Tapper"), "A second wave of infections is inevitable in the United States," and also that "we could be in for a bad fall and a bad winter." 

However, It is Important to State "The Good News" that Dr. Fauci also said, "The truth is were going in the right direction, But we need to continue to partner in a very active collaborative way with the States, we need to help them the same way they need to do the execution."

And, On Wednesday, The Twenty-Ninth of April 2020, at "Meeting with The White House CoronaVirus Task Force Meeting in The Oval Office with President Trump" and Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, "Dr, Fauci Commented on The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIAID) Trial" of "A Gilead Placebo Drug, An Antiviral Drug "Remdesivir" saying, "The data showed Remdesivir has "a clear cut, significant, positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery." And that "A Drug can block this virus." 
Which reminded him of "Thirty-Four years ago in 1986 when they were struggling for drugs for  HIV and we had nothing....and there was a lot of anecdotal reports about things, that maybe they worked, and maybe not, and people were taking different kinds of drugs. And we did the first randomized placebo controlled trial with AZT which turned out to give an effect that was modest but that was not the end game because building on that every year after we did better and better. We had better drugs of the same type and drugs against different targets".... "This drug happens to be blocking a enzyme that the virus uses" .... "This will be the standard of care!" 

And, Dr. Fauci also said And, In fact When we look at other trials we're doing, we were going to do a trial with another anti-viral, actually it isn't an anti-viral, its anti-inflammatory... "We going to now compare the combination of Remdesivir with as drugs come in we're going to see if we can add on that," And He also said, "We think its really  opening the door to the fact that we now have the capability of treating (CornaVirus)!" -(Note that, "This is a treatment for people who are already infected.")- All of Which is "quite good news" as Dr, Fauci said!"

-(Note that, Dr. Michael "Mike" Ryan, Executive Director of the World Health Emergencies Health Programme," said "It's too early to comment on the trial results.")- 

"Dr. Fauci's Announcement" and "Oxford University's The Jenner Institute Announcement Comes at A Timely Moment" When Americans are "Beginning to Show "Quarantine Fatigue!"

And also, "At a Time When Trump Administration Actions are Undermining Their Social Distancing Guidelines!"

Tuesday, The Twenty-Eighth of April 2020,The Global Cross Media and Fourth Estate Reported on" and "Showed Pictures of Vice President Michael Richard Pence Visiting The Mayo Clinic in Support of The Patients who were Inflicted by The CoronaVirus," and "Showing The Vice President," who is also Leading The Trump Administration CoronaVirus Task Force, "In Clear Violation of The Rules of The Mayo Clinic" by "Not Wearing A Face Mask!"
And, "This only Encourages Individuals" who are "Demonstrating Against The Social Distancing Guidelines Issued by The Trump Administration!" And, "Places in More Families in Danger Althroughout The Nation!"

"Our Hopes are Professor Gilbert and Her Team of Scientists at Oxford University's Jenner Institute Will Indeed Succeed with Their Human Vaccine Tests!" And, also that "Dr. Fauci and The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Gilead Placebo Trials" with "The Anti Viral Drug Remdesivir are Successful in The Very Near Future!" 

-(Note that, Wednesday, The Twenty-Ninth of April 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "England's Chief Medical Officer Christopher John MacRae "Chris" Whitty said," In Regards to The New Oxford University's Jenner Institute Vaccine, "The probability of having a vaccine or treatment "anytime in the next calendar year" is "incredibly small.")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"It Must Be Clearly Stated over and over Again," that "Without A Vaccine/Cure or Antibody Serum," "An Enthusiastic Desire by A Majority of People to Return to The Workplace Will Be Severely Limited," as "It Should Be," "In Fear of Becoming Another Statistic of Confirmed CoronaVirus Cases," or Worst than that "One of The Unfortunate Family Members who have Died Due to This Deadly Virus!" And, "Nothing Less than A Vaccine/Cure or Antibody Serum Will Suffice," and/or  "Guarantee that A Full Recovery from The CoronaVirus has Been Discovered," and "Distributed to The Earths Populace!"

Sunday, May 10th- "Happy Mother's Day!"
"Whether You are Celebrating Mother's Day Today," or "In March, April, June, July, August, October, November, or December," or "Whenever that Special Day May Be," in "Your Sovereign Nation or Region of The Earth," "One Thing We Can All Agree with" and that "Is of Great Importance to Everyone," is 

"The Grace" and "Life Giving, Loving, Nourishing, Academic, and Cultural Significance that Every Mother Embodies," and "Freely Shares with Their Families," "All Across This, Our Home Planet Earth!"

And, "We Can also Agree" with "How Important It Is to Honor All of Our  Mothers" who are "All Truly on The Frontline" (with Fathers) of "Every Health, Development, and Growth Moment and Experience" of "The Youth of The Earth," "Wherever It is that They May Live," and Irregardless of "Wherever Social Distancing Guidelines are Being Observed!"

And so, "It is with All This in Mind," (and More) that "We Lovingly and Joyously Celebrate and Honor Mothers All Across The Earth," and "Wish Them A Plethora of Warm and Fulfilling Embraces, Cuddles, and Kisses," and "A Day Filled Peaceful and Tranquil Moments with Their Families!"   

-In Memoriam:
Saturday, May 9, 2020, Rock and Roll, Rhythm and Blues, Legend/Icon, and One of The Founding Fathers of Rock and Roll, "Richard Wayne Penniman- Little Richard Died at The Age of Eighty-Seven Years of Age of Bone Cancer," in "Nashville, Tennessee!"

"Little Richard" Nicknamed "The Innovator, " "The Originator," and "The Architect of Rock and Roll," had "One of The Most Influential Careers in Rock 'N Roll" and was "The Motivating Force Behind The Careers of Many Future Rock Icons to Come" from "Sir Elton John to The Beatles!

And, "The Awards" that "Little Richard Received" were "Equal to The Fame He Amassed and Garnered" from, (1) Being Given "The Cashbox Triple Crown Award" for "Long Tall Sally in 1956, to, (2) "Being Inducted into The Georgia Hall of Fame" in 1986, (as "A Member of The Initial Class of Inductees") to, (3) "Receiving A Star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1990, to, (4) "Received The Lifetime Achievement Award from The Rhythm and Blues Foundation in 1994," to, (5) "The American Music Award of Merit in 1997," to, (6) "Honored as One of The First Group of BMI Icons, (with Chuck Berry, and Bo Diddley) at "The Fiftieth Annual BMI Pop Awards in 2002," to, (7) "Being Inducted into The NAACP Image Award Hall of Fame in 2002," to, (8) "Being Inducted into The Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2003," to, (9) "Being Inducted into The Apollo Theater Hall of Fame in 2006," to, (10) "Receiving A Star on Nashville's Music City Walk of Fame in 2008," to, (11) "Being Inducted into The Blues Hall of Fame in 2015," to, (12) "Being Inducted into the Rhythm and Blues Hall of Fame in 2015," to, (13) "Receiving The Rhapsody and Rhythm Award at The National Museum of African American Music."

"We Will Never Forget The Extraordinary Universe of Music" that "Little Richard Shared with Us Throughout His Magnificent Career in The Record Industry" from "Tutti Frutti," "Long Tall Sally," Ready Teddy," "Rip It Up," "Slippin' and Slidin'" "Lucille", "The Girl Can't Help It" (from "The Movie with The Same Name"), "Jenny Jenny, Jenny,"  and "Keep-A Knockin'," Just to Name a Few of The Exciting Compositions," that "Little Richard Composed, Recorded, and Performed in Concert Earthwide!: 

"All of Which," were "Encompassed in A Funk, Gospel, Rhythm and Blues, Soul, Boogie, and Rock and Roll Melange of Power House Rock and Roll  Stage Performances," and "Feature Length Films!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Richard Wayne Penniman! 

And, To His Family, Friends, Colleagues, and All The Music Lovers Earthwide who've Admired Little Richard, and Loved His Great Enthusiasm, Innovative Singing Style, Showmanship, and Uplifting Musicianship When He Played His Piano, We are Very Fortunate to have His Grand Universe of Music to Share with Our Families and Friends, and With Future Generations to Come, as Long Rock and Roll Lives on In Perpetuity!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to The CoronaVirus or A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!