Friday, May 1, 2020



The Way To Peace! #364

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- 
"The First of May," is "A National Public Holiday in Many Sovereign Nations Across The Earth," and is also "Celebrated as International Workers' Day,"  "Feting The Grand Accomplishments of International Labourers and The Working Class" who've had to "Fight for Their Rights," and "For The Creation of An Eight Hour Work Day," (also "Called Workers' Day, Labour Day, and May Day), and of course, "The Celebration of The Arrival of The Season of Springtime!"

But, "This May Day/International Workers Holiday" has "Been Marred by The CoronaVirus Global Pandemic!" However, "What Continues to Be Surprising and Deeply Disturbing" is that "In This Spring of The Third Decade of The Twenty-First Century" "Workers Rights are Still Being Abused!"

And, "This Case in Point is Further Dramatized in Real Time" by "The Abuse of Workers' Rights," that is "Taking Place In The State of Iowa Where  President Trump's Use of The Defense Production Act," to "Order Meat Processing Plants to Remain Open," and "Thereby Forcing Their Meat Packing Employees to Return to A Dangerous Work Place," "Irregardless of The Outbreak of COVID- 19" and "The Loss of Life," and "Confirmed Cases of The CoronaVirus in These Meat Packing Plants!"

"This is Unimaginable" Because without "All The Medical Resources that are Needed" to "Prevent The Spread of COVID-19," "These Employees Will Not Be Protected," from "The Continued Infectious and Deadly Threat of The CoronaVirus in Their Workplace," and "In Their Immediate Cities and Towns!" 

"There has To Be A Conscientious and Well Thought Out Plan" to "Resolve This Life and Death Issue of Maintaining The Food Supply Chain," "While Keeping Meat Plant Workers Safe and Secure!"

And then, "As If The Global Threat of The CoronaVirus to The Global Economy" and "The Earths Communities is Not Enough," There is "The Continued Wage Inequality that Women Continue to Face on A Daily Basis," in "Too Many Sovereign Nations of The Earth" from "India to South Korea," and "The United States to Japan!"

And then, "There are Global Child Labor Abuses!" "This is A Tragic State of Affairs" that is "Happening to Millions of Children Earthwide" who are "Trapped in Unlivable and Unbearable Social, Economical, and Spiritually Immoral Work Conditions!" "Bereft of Having or Enjoying The Benefit of A Good Education, Health Care, and Social Security!" "Whose Rights are Being Violated Over and Over Again!"

And, "In This Day and Age," "It is Still Shocking" that "So Many People are Being Underpaid," and "Earnings and Wages Between Women and Men are Still Unequal!" And, "Global Inequalities and Economic Disparities in The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People" are "More Prevalent than Ever Before!" 

And, "As The New Normal Becomes More Evident," and "We are," Once again, "Living in A Post CoronaVirus Era," "The Leaders in Both The Private and Public Sectors have A Grand Responsibility To Establish" "A New Age of Economic and Social Parity," that "Improves The Quality of Life For One and All!" And, "A Global Equilibre and Equality For May Day and International Workers' Day 2021," and "All Future International Workers' Day's to Come!"

As The Sun Sets O'er The Sovereign Nations of The Earth and "Its Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People" The Global Cross Media News Reports of "The Escalation and Spread of The CoronaVirus from The Sovereign Nation of The Russia Federation to Brazil," and from "The Continent of Africa to The European Union," and from "The United Kingdom to The United States of America," "The Bravery and Courage of Health Care and Critical Care Workers," and "Armed Service and Medical Personnel," and "First Responders and The Public," are "Being Reported Upon in The Headlines and Featured Stories of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's!" 
And, "The Immediate Need for A Vaccine/Cure for The CoronaVirus," and/or "A Therapeutic Test Study," that "Reveals A Real Medical Solution Towards Eliminating COVID-19," and/or "A Path of Contract Tracing" that "Reveals The Origin of This Extremely Contagious and Deadly Disease," that "Is Infecting All in Its Path," is "Undeniable and Indisputable!"

And, "It is Becoming All Too Obvious," that "The Immediate Necessity of Discovering A Way to Heal The Earths Populace from The Devastating Plague of This Infectious Disease," that has "Caused The Deaths of More than Sixty-Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Two People in The United States of America" that is "More than The Estimates of Deaths that Occurred in, (1) "The 9/11 Attacks (2,977)," (2) "The Korean War (36,574)," and (3) "The War in Afghanistan (2,440 U.S. Military Deaths)," and has "Passed The Number of Deaths that Occurred in The Vietnam War (58,220)!" And, It Must Be "An Absolute Priority to Discover A Vaccine/Cure for The CoronaVirus Before It Spreads Any Further," for "All of The Global Health Organizations," and "The Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations!"

And, However, "As Logical It May Appear to Issue An Executive Order to Prohibit Immigration from Entering into A Sovereign Nation," (as President Trump has Issued on Wednesday, The Twenty-Second of April 2020, as The United States is Still Embroiled In The Midst of A National Emergency Public Health Crisis), "It Can also Be Viewed as A Distraction for A Variety of Reasons," (Politically and Emotionally), that have "Yet to Be Resolved," While "The Real Issue" (The COVID-19), and "Its Ensuing Problems Involving Life and Death Continue" to have "A Tragic Effect Upon The Psyche and Health Care of The Nation!"

"The Real Issue" is "Saving The Lives of Our Families," and "Discovering A Vaccine/Cure for The CoronaVirus!" And, "Preventative Measures to Stop it from Spreading!" And, At Present, "The Real Issue is Not Immigration," or "Saving Jobs!" 
However, "When A Full Recovery is Occurring," "Then There Will Be The Need for More People to Fill More Jobs in The Parallel Universes of The Private and Public Sectors!"

And, "While One Can Fully Comprehend Becoming Frustrated with Official Federal, State, and Local Stay at Home Orders," and "Shut Down Orders," and "Lock Out Orders," and "Shelter in Place Orders," and "Social Distancing," But, "The Logic Behind Demonstrating En Masse," "In Public," is "Beyond Comprehension," and "Is Extremely Dangerous to Ones Fellow Human Being," and "The Loving Members of Their Families!" 

And, "Should Any Sovereign, State, or Local Leader Suggest" that "Measures are In Place to Protect The Lives Of The Public with Absolute Certainty from COVID-19," for "Whatever Economic Reason or Financial Purpose," "Before A Therapeutic Response" or "Vaccine/Cure to The CoronaVirus is Discovered," is "Not Providing A Real Solution or Answer to The Problem," "Which is Preventing The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus," and "A Serious Possibility of A Surge from Occurring," There Will Be "Many More Deaths" and "Confirmed Cases of Those" who are "Our Family Members, Friends, Neighbors, and Fellow Human Beings who "Will Become Infected!" 

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"Purely from A Logical and Realistic Point of View," and "Empirical and Sensible Point of View," "Patience and Research Should Be Counseled!" And, "More Testing and Contact Tracing Should Be Implemented!" 
And, "An Increased Level of Preparation Should Be Marshaled," and "An Increase in The Number of New Health Care and Medical Care Systems Should Be Built," and/or "Rebuilt to Serve These Modern Times and New Diseases" that "Will Cause A Threat to Future Generations!" 

And "Emergency Medical and Food Supply Chains Should Be in Place" to "Serve The Public Need," In Support of Medical Professionals," and "Members of The Army Services" and/or "Medical Services," and "First Responders," who "Selflessly and Courageously Work to Serve The Public in Times of A National Emergency Health Crisis," or "Global Pandemic," in Order to "Save Lives," and "Heal The People!"  And, "A Vaccine/Cure Must Be Discovered!"

And, "Yes Everyone Would Prefer Returning to Work," But "A What Price!" "An Unnecessary Death!" 

And, "To Whose Gain Does This Profit or Benefit by Returning to Work Too Early!" "Surely Not One's Immediate Family!" "Where The Loss of A Mother or Father, or Grandparent," "Would Cause Such Severe and Traumatic Suffering and Pain" that "An Intense Emotional, Mental, Intellectual, Spiritual, and Soulful Destabilization of Any Loving Family Would Occur!"

"This is The Time for Experienced, Logical, Compassionate, Cognizant, and Selfless Leadership to Occur in All of The Private, Public, and Political Sectors of Our Earths Sovereign Nations!"

And, "Unproven Suggestions," about "How to Prevent or Eradicate The CoronaVirus," Such as "President Trump's Comments at The White House Press Briefing" on Thursday, The Twenty-Third of April 2020, "Commenting on Whether or Not Disinfectants or The Sunlight Can Kill The CoronaVirus" are "Not Helpful Ideas for A Global Leader to Discuss," and "Can Be Dangerous," Especially When said in Public, "Where Impressionable Minds Can Be Influenced," with "Severe Consequences in The Balance!"

-(Note that, President Trump said, (in"Clearly What was a Give and Take between Himself and William Bryan," the U.S. Acting Homeland Security under Secretary for Science and Technology, "Relating to a Conversation They Previously had about the Affects that Sunlight, UV Light, and Injecting Disinfectants had on COVID-19"), 
"I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, One minute! Is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside, or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it'd be interesting to check that. So, that you're going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me."

"President Trump said at An Oval Office Signing of The Paycheck Protection Program," on Friday, The Twenty-Fourth of April 2020, " I was asking a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside. But it does kill it, and it would kill it on the hands, and that would make things much better. That was done in a sarcastic form to the reporters."was responding to a reporters sarcastic question." 

Note that, "Disinfectant Companies are Denying The Use of Disinfectants to Kill or Treat The CoronaVirus," and are "Requesting The Public to Take The Advice of Medical Experts!")-

Note that "The Fact," is "In This Day and Age," "What Affects Someone in The People's Republic of China," or "The Sovereign Nations of Japan and India," and "The Russian Federation," or "In Asia, and Africa," or "In Brazil, Venezuela, and Mexico in South America," or "In The United States of America" and "Canada" in North America," has "An Affect Upon The Lives of Someone Living and Working in Scandinavia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and The European Union," or "In The Middle East," and "The United Kingdom!" And, "A Global Pandemic Knows No Boundaries," and "Is Patently Indiscriminate!"

And, "In This Day and Age of Hi-Technological Advancement," "The Internet and Social Media," "Instantaneous Communication," and "The Global Cross Media Universe," There is "Literally Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
As of Monday, The Fourth of May 2020, "Sixty-Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Two Deaths have Occurred in The United States," and "Confirmed Cases" of "Almost One Million Two Hundred Thousand!" 

And, "Almost Twenty-Nine Thousand Deaths have Occurred in Italy Due to The CoronaVirus," and "More that Two Hundred and Ten Thousand Seven Hundred Confirmed Cases," 

And, "More than Twenty-Five Thousand Deaths have Occurred in Spain Due to The CoronaVirus," and "More Two than Hundred and Forty-Seven Thousand One Hundred Confirmed Cases," 

And, "Almost Twenty-Five Thousand  Deaths have Occurred in France Due to The CoronaVirus," and "Almost One Hundred and Sixty-Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Confirmed Cases,"

And, "Almost Twenty-Eight Thousand Five Hundred Deaths have Occurred in The United Kingdom,"and "More than One Hundred and Eighty-Six Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Confirmed Cases,"

And "Earthwide," There have Been "More than Two Hundred and Forty-Eight Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Deaths," and "Confirmed Cases of More than Three Million Five Hundred and Eighty Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Cases!" 

To All The Families who have Lost A Love One Among The Diverse Communities of The Sovereign Nations Of This Planet Earth Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic, We Mourn Their Passing with You! And, We Send You Our Deepest and Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences!

-(Note that, "President Trumps Allegations" that "A Laboratory in Wuhan, China is Responsible for the Spread of The CoronaVirus is As Yet Unproven!" And, Thursday, The Thirtieth of April 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "According to An Assessment Released by U.S. Intelligence Agencies," They "Do not believe the coronavirus was created by scientists or otherwise artificially enhanced.")- 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Thirtieth of April 2020, "3.84 Million Americans Applied for Unemployment Insurance," "Raising The Total of Unemployment Claims for The Last Six Weeks to Exceed and Surpass The Unimaginable Number Thirty Million People!"

Thursday, The Twenty-Third of April 2020, "The History Breaking Total of Americans who Applied for Unemployment Benefits Increased by 4.427 Million," "Adding to The 5.245 Million Americans who Filed for Unemployment During The Second Week of April 2020," (The Week that Ended The Eleventh of April 2020), that was "Released by The U.S. Labor Department" and "Featured in The Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Spotlighted in The Breaking News" of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's on Thursday, The Sixteenth of April 2020!"

However, "If This Total of More that Thirty Million Jobless Claims Signifies" that "These Thirty Million People are Adhering to Social Distancing Guidelines" and are "Alive and Well," and "Safely Enjoying  the Safety of Their Homes and Families," then "It is A Number of Unemployed Worth Admiring" and "Being Impressed by!"

And, "Now It is The Responsibility of The Trump Administration' and "The United States Congress" to "Continue to Pass as Many Stimulus Economic Relief Packages as Needed" to "Make Sure that These Unemployed American Citizens are Safe from Any Economic Demands and Pressures," that "They May Be Faced with Because of Their Unemployment!"

And "Show Their Support and Deep Concern for The Lives and Health Care of Each and Every American Citizen" by "Providing All The Financing, Tests, Ventilators, Swabs, and Medical Resources" that "They have in Their Possession!" And that "Means For Every State, City, Small Town, and/or Neighborhood in The United States of America!"

And, "It is Important to Note" that "Since The Great Recession Ended in June of 2009," "The Labor Market has Added 21.5 Million Jobs," Which as of The Eleventh of April 2020, has "Now Been Erased by The Public Emergency Health Crisis Caused by The CoronaVirus," and, "The Lack of Preparedness by The Trump Administration," and "The Global Health Organizations!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Lessons Gained by This Global Pandemic" are "Still in The Learning Process" even "After The Ebola and HIV/Aids Epidemics Occurred," and "Should have Been Enough to Warrant Deep Concern," that "Another Global Pandemic Might Occur in The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "Before The United States of America Returns to Normal Lifestyle and Back to Work," "All of The Federal, State, and Local Medical Facilities and Personnel Should have at "Their Command Enough Tests" for "The Public and Private Sectors in Place," and "Ready for Use" to "Accommodate The More than Three Hundred Million American Citizens!"

And, "A Vaccine/Cure," and/or "Antibody Therapy/Treatment/Trial for The CoronaVirus (COVID-19)" that has "Received The Official Approval of The U.S. Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), "The Centers for Disease, Control and Prevention" (CDC), and "The World Health Organization" (WHO), "Should Be" or are "On The Immediate Verge of Being Discovered!"

"The American Citizens have Been Complimented by The Trump Administration," and "Government and Health Officials," for "Adhering to," and "Following The Social Distancing and Guidelines Set in Place" to "Prevent The Spread and Potential Threat of A Surge from Occurring," and "Before These Guidelines have Been Lifted," and "Back to Work Orders have Been Given," "Every Safeguard Imaginable Should Be Made" to "Secure and Protect The Safety of The Workers and The Families," who have "Welcomed The Sacrificed to Protect and Save The Lives of Their Family Members, Friends, Neighbors, and Fellow Americans," as Well as "The Diverse Populace of The Earths Sovereign Nations," and "Their Families!" And, " Nothing Less Should Suffice!"

And, "This Mental, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, Soulful, Compassionate, and Universal Attitude Should Be at The Core of Going Forth into A New Civilization and Era of The Twenty-First Century," and "Empowerment of All The People of Our Home Planet Earth!" 

And, "An Example" of "The New Normal" that "We Can Pass along to The Youth of Each and Every Sovereign Nation of The Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Advent of A New Eventide was On The Verge" of  "Changing The Hues of The Nations Capital," Thursday, The Sixteenth of April 2020, "President Trump Announced Guidelines for "Opening up America Again," at The White House Press Conference," in "The Rose Garden" and also said that Some States Can Start Reopening "literally tomorrow."

"This Plan/Guidelines" to "Reopen The United States of America" is "Composed of Three Phases" (and Gateways)!"  

Global Cross Media News Reports are President Trump said, "My administration is issuing new federal guidelines that will allow governors to take a phased, deliberate approach to reopening their individual states"...and "The President also Added "This strategy is based on hard, verifiable data."

"U.S. Vice President Michael Richard Pence Added" that, "We are going to reflect on the fact that there will be areas of the country that will require continued mitigation, strong efforts, and there will be other areas of the country that will be given guidance for greater flexibility."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
However, "If A Vaccine/Cure has Not Been Discovered," "There Will Continue to Be A Fear of Contagion, Infection, and Death," In Addition to "A Cautionary Attitude and Concern Among The Public" about "Reopening The Nation to A Business as Usual Mentality," and "Ignoring Social Distancing and Medical Guidelines" that were "Issued to Prevent The Spread" and "Potential Surge of The CoronaVirus!"

"The Nations Recovery" as Dr. Fauci has Told Us, Is Not as Simple as Turning "A Light Switch on and Off!" And, There are Simply, "Too Many Lives at Stake," to "Rush into An Early Return to Business and Social Affairs!"

And, "All of The Global Therapeutic Minds and Medical Geniuses," and "Immunologists, Epidemiologists, Physical Scientists," etcetera, "Should Be Utilizing This Magnificent Age of High Technology," and "Its Supercomputers" to "Research and Develop A Vaccine!" 

And, "Aside from Guaranteeing" that "Every American Citizen Will Receive The Health Care and Emergency Care of Medical Professionals," and "First Responders," who are "On The Frontlines of This War Against The CoronaVirus," and "The Guarantee that A Medical Test Will Be Provided If Needed," or that "A Hospital Bed Will Be Provided If Needed," or "A Ventilator Will Be Provided If Needed," "The Discovery of A Vaccine/Cure Will Provide The Families of America with The Confidence to Embrace Their Present and Future with Knowing" that "The Health of Their Family Members, Friends, Neighbors, and Fellow Americans" are "Safe and Secure!"

And, "This is The Remaining Hurdle" (A Vaccine/Cure), to "A New Era of Grand Normality," of "A Bold and Purposeful Evolution of The Earths Civilizations," into "A Determined, Vigorous, Resolute, Vibrant, and Soulful Sociological Development of The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-First of April 2020, "The United States Senate," Once Again, "In A Bi-Partisan Display of Concern," "Passed $Four Hundred and Eighty-Four Billion New Relief Package," for "The Survival of Small Businesses in The United States," and "In Support of Hospitals," and "COVID-19 Testing!"

And, Thursday, The Twenty-Third of April 2020, Once Again, "In An Overwhelming Display of Bi-Partisanship," "The Elected Officials of United States House of Representatives Wearing Masks," Out of Concern and Respect of Social Distancing, "Passed This New Relief Funding Package" by "A Vote of Three Hundred and Eighty-Eight to Five to Strengthen and Empower The U.S. Economy and also to "Provide Increased Aid to The Health Care System!"  "President Trump is Expected to Sign This Legislation on Friday, The Twenty-Fourth of April 2020!"

"The Breakdown in Short" of "This Twenty-Five Page Relief Bill Will Provide; (1) "The Paycheck Protection Program with $Three Hundred and Twenty-One Billion Dollars!"

And, (2) $One Hundred Billion for Hospitals and Health Care Providers," and "$Twenty-Five Billion to Expand COVID-19 Testing, Research, Manufacture, Validate,  Will Be Included!"

And, (3) $Sixty Billion Will Be Provided to Smaller Banks to Aid Businesses, of Which Many are "Owned by Minorities who have Been having Difficulty in Obtaining Loans," or "Borrowing from Larger Banks," and "Lenders!"  

And, (4) "There Will Be $Eleven Billion Provided to States and Localities for Testing," and to "Develop, Purchase, Administer, Analyze, Manufacture, Process, and Expand COVID-19 Testing!"

And, (5) "Funds Will also Be Given to Invest in New Technologies," and to "Distribute to Laboratories," and "Federal Agencies!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"A Fourth Phase for Funding" is "Still Being Worked on by Both Houses of The United States Congress," and "The Trump Administration," by "Steven Terner Mnuchin the 77th United States Secretary of the Treasury, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch McConnell Jr. from Kentucky, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi from California, and U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer from New York!"

"As The Headlines and Feature Stories of The Parallel News Universe of The Fourth Estate" and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Cover The Most Important News of The Day," and "As The Sun Set'in The Skies O'er The United States of America" and "Across The Pond to The Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford,Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Eighth of April 2020, "Oxford University's The Jenner Institute Tests on A New Vaccine on Six Rhesus Macaque Monkeys with Single Doses of The CoronaVirus have Met with Success," and "All Six Monkeys have Recovered!"

And, "This is Timely News to Report," that "Brings a Glimmer of Hope to The Gray Skies O'er The Earths Sovereign Nations," as "The CoronaVirus Pandemic Continues to Take The Lives of Love One's from All of The Earths Communities" and "Causes Fear, Distress, Frustration, and Isolation to Whomever May Be in Its Path," Irregardless of Nationality, Gender, Creed, Tribe, Color, Political Persuasion, Special Needs, or Age!"
Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Scientists at Oxford University's The Jenner Institute" Will Begin Testing "The Human Vaccine" (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, Which is Made from A Chimpanzee Virus) on "Thursday, The Thirtieth of April 2020!"

And, GCM News Reports are "Sarah Catherine Gilbert," Professor of Vaccinology at Oxford University, (and Co-Founder of Vaccitech- "Creates Ways to Prevent and Treat Disease"- "A Spin Out Company from Oxford University's Jenner Institute"), "Told The Times of London" on Saturday, The Eleventh of April 2020 that "She was Eighty Per Cent confident that the vaccine being developed by her team would work," and also that "It could be ready by September!" -(However, This Would Depend Upon Being Provided with "Additional Financing!")-

-(Note that, Thursday, April 30, 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "AstraZeneca," A Global Science-Led Biopharmaceutical Company Located in Cambridge England, United Kingdom, has "Partnered with Oxford University's The Jenner Institute" to "Develop, Manufacture, and Distribute Earthwide," "The Oxford University Jenner Institute ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (The COVID-19) Vaccine" with "The Goal of having Several Million Doses of The Vaccine Ready by September 2020, "If It is Proven Effective," and have "The Capacity to Produce One Hundred Million Doses by The End of The Year!")-  

And, "Again This Timely News has Come" When Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Eighth of April 2020, "Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIAID), said In An Interview with CNN's Jacob Paul "Jake" Tapper," (Host of "The Lead with Jake Tapper"), "A second wave of infections is inevitable in the United States," and also that "we could be in for a bad fall and a bad winter." 

However, It is Important to State "The Good News" that Dr. Fauci also said, "The truth is were going in the right direction, But we need to continue to partner in a very active collaborative way with the States, we need to help them the same way they need to do the execution."

And, On Wednesday, The Twenty-Ninth of April 2020, at "Meeting with The White House CoronaVirus Task Force Meeting in The Oval Office with President Trump" and Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, "Dr, Fauci Commented on The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIAID) Trial" of "A Gilead Placebo Drug, An Antiviral Drug "Remdesivir" saying, "The data showed Remdesivir has "a clear cut, significant, positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery." And that "A Drug can block this virus." 
Which reminded him of "Thirty-Four years ago in 1986 when they were struggling for drugs for  HIV and we had nothing....and there was a lot of anecdotal reports about things, that maybe they worked, and maybe not, and people were taking different kinds of drugs. And we did the first randomized placebo controlled trial with AZT which turned out to give an effect that was modest but that was not the end game because building on that every year after we did better and better. We had better drugs of the same type and drugs against different targets".... "This drug happens to be blocking a enzyme that the virus uses" .... "This will be the standard of care!" 

And, Dr. Fauci also said And, In fact When we look at other trials we're doing, we were going to do a trial with another anti-viral, actually it isn't an anti-viral, its anti-inflammatory... "We going to now compare the combination of Remdesivir with as drugs come in we're going to see if we can add on that," And He also said, "We think its really  opening the door to the fact that we now have the capability of treating (CornaVirus)!" -(Note that, "This is a treatment for people who are already infected.")- All of Which is "quite good news" as Dr, Fauci said!"

-(Note that, Dr. Michael "Mike" Ryan, Executive Director of the World Health Emergencies Health Programme," said "It's too early to comment on the trial results.")- 

"Dr. Fauci's Announcement" and "Oxford University's The Jenner Institute Announcement Comes at A Timely Moment" When Americans are "Beginning to Show "Quarantine Fatigue!"

And also, "At a Time When Trump Administration Actions are Undermining Their Social Distancing Guidelines!"

Tuesday, The Twenty-Eighth of April 2020,The Global Cross Media and Fourth Estate Reported on" and "Showed Pictures of Vice President Michael Richard Pence Visiting The Mayo Clinic in Support of The Patients who were Inflicted by The CoronaVirus," and "Showing The Vice President," who is also Leading The Trump Administration CoronaVirus Task Force, "In Clear Violation of The Rules of The Mayo Clinic" by "Not Wearing A Face Mask!"
And, "This only Encourages Individuals" who are "Demonstrating Against The Social Distancing Guidelines Issued by The Trump Administration!" And, "Places in More Families in Danger Althroughout The Nation!"

"Our Hopes are Professor Gilbert and Her Team of Scientists at Oxford University's Jenner Institute Will Indeed Succeed with Their Human Vaccine Tests!" And, also that "Dr. Fauci and The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Gilead Placebo Trials" with "The Anti Viral Drug Remdesivir are Successful in The Very Near Future!" 

-(Note that, Wednesday, The Twenty-Ninth of April 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "England's Chief Medical Officer Christopher John MacRae "Chris" Whitty said," In Regards to The New Oxford University's Jenner Institute Vaccine, "The probability of having a vaccine or treatment "anytime in the next calendar year" is "incredibly small.")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"It Must Be Clearly Stated over and over Again," that "Without A Vaccine/Cure or Antibody Serum," "An Enthusiastic Desire by A Majority of People to Return to The Workplace Will Be Severely Limited," as "It Should Be," "In Fear of Becoming Another Statistic of Confirmed CoronaVirus Cases," or Worst than that "One of The Unfortunate Family Members who have Died Due to This Deadly Virus!" And, "Nothing Less than A Vaccine/Cure or Antibody Serum Will Suffice," and/or  "Guarantee that A Full Recovery from The CoronaVirus has Been Discovered," and "Distributed to The Earths Populace!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Fourteenth of April 2020, at A White House Press Conference on the CoronaViris in the Rose Garden, "President Trump Announced that "He is instructing his administration to halt payment ($Four to Five Hundred Million) to The World Health Organization (WHO)," while a review is conducted to assess the World Health Organization's role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus!"

"President Trump has "Accused the World Health Organization of Allowing The People's Republic of China" to "Cover Up the True Extent of The Spread of The CoronaVirus!"

President Trump also said at The White House Press Conference, "The WHO failed in its basic duty and must be held accountable." And, The President also Added that, "The outbreak could have been contained at its source," if the organization had correctly responded early on."

Tuesday Evening "Philanthropist William Henry "Bill" Gates III Tweeted" that "Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever."

-(Note that, "The Bill and Melinda Gates Charitable Foundation has "Pledged $One Hundred Million Towards Fighting The CoronaVirus Outbreak!")-

 Global Cross Media News Reports are "United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said, In A Statement on Tuesday, The Fourteenth of April 2020 that, 'The chance to investigate how the disease spread around the world would come later." 

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Blame for The Spread of The CoronaVirus Will Definitely Be Explored in The Near Future and Most Definitely After This Deadly Disease has Been Contained!" And then "Historians and Health Experts, and International Health and World Organizations Can Denote on "A Step by Step Basis How and Why COVID-19 Ravaged The Earths Sovereign Nations and Took The Lives and Infected So Many Families of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!"

And, "Perhaps This Investigation Will also Include The Logic and Reason" for "Why The Trump Administration Dismantled the United States National Security Council Directorate for Global Health and Security and Bio Defense in 2018," and "Comment Upon It!" 

"The United States Might have Been More Prepared for The CoronaVirus Pandemic," "If The Trump Administration had Not Made This Decision!"

"There is No Doubt" that "Leadership" and "Prioritizing," are "Not Dependent Upon Keeping Campaign Promises," or "Nationalistic and International Policymaking, or "One's Political Agenda," or Partisan Politics," or "One's On Hubris!" 

"Timely or Well Timed Decisions" are Often Made, Based on "A Sense of Cognition, Compassion, Intelligence, Premonition, Experience," or "A Historical Premise," or "With The Collaboration of Earthwise Minds," who have "Nothing to Gain in Making A Life and Death Decision," Such as In The Case of  "A Global Pandemic,"  Other than "Saving Lives!"

"These Individuals are Aware of The Ebola and HIV/Aids Outbreaks" that "Cost The Lives of Millions of People Earthwide!" "Family Members, Friends, Neighbors, Colleagues, and Strangers," "Our Fellow Human Beings who Died Before Their Time!"

And, "Clearly This is Not The Time to Return to Normal!"  "A Vaccine/Cure for The CoronaVirus Must Be Discovered Now!"

"The Thought of Global Societies Returning to Work without "A Vaccine/Cure" Means that to "Any Rationale Mind, Scientist, Health Care, or Critical Care, or Heath Professional," "More Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 Will Arise," and "More Deaths Will Occur!"

And, "This Will Take Additional Funding, Not The Halt of Finances!" And, "This Will Take Around The Clock Trials and Tests on A 24/7 Basis and Nothing Less" until A Vaccine/Cure has Been Discovered!"

And then, "The Earths Diverse Populace Can Return to Work Assured" that "They Will Receive A Paycheck," and "Complete Their Quotas and Daily or Weekly Agendas," and "Live to Enjoy Another Day of Their Lives" and "The Pursuit of Their Goals and Dreams without Fear of Dying" to "The CoronaVirus (COVID-19)!"

And, "The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Nations Can Enjoy The Fruits of Their Hard Labor in School by Experiencing Graduation Ceremonies with Their Families, Classmates, Friends and Faculty!"

And then "Embark Upon New Careers," and "In Pursuit of Their Childhood Dreams and Visions," and "As Positive Minded Universal Contributors to The Earths Sovereign Nations Societies, and Civilizations,," and "Conservators and Protectors of The Earths Environmental and Ecological Systems," "Its Skies, Lands, Seas, Atmosphere, Air," and "The Lives of Its Sentient Beings!"

And, "Embrace and Share A New Normal of The Twenty-First Century!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Fifteenth of April 2020, "President Trump Threatened to Adjourn Both Houses of The United States Congress unless They Return from Their April Break Earlier than The Fourth of May 2020," to "Approve More of His Nominees!"

"The Question" is, "Is This A Logical Decision to Make," Especially, "While A Public Health Emergency Crisis is Threatening The Nation in A Life and Death Struggle to Survive," and "Is It The Way to Govern The Earths Most Prominent Democracy," and "Provide Cognitive, Sensible, Compassionate, and Non-Partisan Leadership" that "Is Admirable and Inspiring!"

And, "The Follow Up Question" is, "Is Threatening to Adjourn Both Houses of The U.S. Congress," Just so that "The President Can Appoint His Own Nominees to Senior Positions," and "The Federal Bench without The U.S. Senates Approval," and "His Continued Attacks Upon The Speaker of United States House of Representatives Nancy Patricia Pelosi" Democrat from California, "Worth All The Chaos and Divisiveness that He Will Be Causing," at A Time, "When Patient, Cognitive, Compassionate, and Healthy Bodies and Minds of Congress are Needed in Congress," to "Complete A Fourth Phase of Government Funding," that "Will Provide Funding for Small Businesses," "Hospitals," "The Unemployed," "States and Local Governments," "Farmers," "Diagnostic and Antibody Testing," "Trials," "Contact Tracing," "Native American Health Centers," Health Care and Critical Care Workers," "Factories," "Prisons," and "All The Medical Equipment, PPE's, and Medical Resources," that have "Been Requested by Medical Professionals," and "State and Local Governments," to "Prevent The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus," and "The Possibility of A Deadly Surge from Occurring," and "The Discovery of A Vaccine/Cure!"

And, "At A Time When Medical Professionals," "The First Responders," and "The United States Armed Services," are "Providing A Selfless, Courageous, and An Extraordinary Example of Public Service to The American People," "To The Gratitude of Mothers and Fathers," Sisters and Brothers, Daughters and Sons, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Aunts and Uncles, Nieces, Nephews and Cousins," "All Across The Nation," and "Inspiring Everyone to Continuing Following Social Distancing and Administration Health Guidelines "Shouldn't Leadership Qualities in The Parallel Sphere's of Political, Private and Business Sectors Reflect This Courageous, Compassionate, Heroic, and Selfless Public Service" "Without The Thought of Profit," as "Is Manifested in The Medical Community," whose "Main Goals are To Care for," and "Provide for The Sick and The Needy," and "Discover New Vaccines and Cures for Deadly Diseases that Threaten Us," and In Doing so "Heal Us," and "Save Our Lives!"

-(Note that Monday, The Twentieth of April 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIAID), said in An Interview," Being Conducted by Host, and Liberal Political Commentator George Robert Stephanopoulos, on ABC TV's "Good Morning America," (GMA) in Regards to "Opening Up The United States to Early" and ""Those Individuals who are Protesting Stay at Home Orders," Dr. Fauci said, "The message is that clearly this is something that is hurting, from the standpoint of economics, from the standpoint of things that have nothing to do with the virus. But unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery economically is not going to happen. So what you do if you jump the gun, and go into a situation where you have a big spike, you're going to set yourself back. So as painful as it is to go by the careful guidelines of gradually phasing into a reopening ---- it's going to backfire. That's the problem.")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Twenty-Seventh of April 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi" Democrat from California "Endorsed Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. to Be The Democratic Party Nominee for President of The United States of America!"

"Speaker Pelosi's Endorsement Comes After Former President of The United States Barack Hussein Obama II Endorsed His Running Mate on Tuesday, The Fourteenth of April 2020," and Monday, The Thirteenth of April 2020 "Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont Gave His Support to Former Vice President Biden," and on Wednesday, The Fifteenth of April 2020 "Senator Elisabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts Endorsed The Vice President!"

And, Tuesday, The Twenty-Eighth of April 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Former First Lady Diane Rodham Clinton and Former Vice President Biden Held A Special Webcast Event from Their Homes" to "Showcase Women's Issues During The CoronaVirus Pandemic," "Where The Former First Lady," and "2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee, Former Senator from New York, and Former Secretary of State in The Obama Administration, "Gave Her Full Endorsement of The Former Vice President!"

Mrs. Clinton said, "I want to add my voice to the many who have endorsed you to be our president."
"Speaking to The Former Vice President from Her Home," Mrs. Clinton also Told Former Vice President Biden, "Just think what a difference it would make right now if we had a president who not only listened to the science --- put facts over fiction --- but brought us together --- showed the kind of compassion and caring that we need from our president and which Joe Biden has been exemplifying throughout his entire life."

And, Mrs. Clinton also said "Think of what it would mean if we had a real president, not just somebody who plays one on TV. But somebody who gets up every morning worried about the people that he's responsible for leading during this crisis."   

Tuesday, The Twenty-Eighth of April, "The 2020 Ohio Primary was Held" and Here are The Results;
(I) Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr from Delaware- 623, 186 Popular Votes- 72.43%- 123 Delegates- (At Last Count)-
(II) Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont- 142, 906 Popular Votes- 16.61%- 13 Delegates- (At Last Count)- (Campaign Suspended)-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"It Appears as If Former Vice President Biden Will Be The Democratic Party Nominee for President of The United States of America," and that "There Will Be A Formidable Campaign Challenge Made by The Democrats" and "The Biden Campaign Team Against President Trump!"

However, "What is of The Greatest Importance is for Every American Citizen of Voting Age" to "Cast Their Vote for The Nominee of Their Choice!"

Because "The Need for Experience, Compassionate, Cognizant, Intellectual, Soulful, Spiritual, Universally Minded Global Leadership" is "Tantamount in This Day and Age!"

And, "A Sense of Vigorous, Bold, Forthright, Just, Truthful, Straightforward, and Honest Global Idea's and Policies, For Improving The Quality of Life," and "The Health Care," and "Social Security of All The People," "While Empowering The Lives of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People," is "An Absolute Necessity!"

-(Note that, Friday, The First of May 2020, "Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. The Presumed Democratic Party Nominee for President of The United States of America," "Responded to Questions" on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," News Program, Hosted by Joe Scarborough, Myka Brzezinsky, and Willie Geist,  about "How He Would Lead The Nation," and "Manage The CoronaVirus Crisis, Should A Second Wave Occur," (as Dr. Fauci has Suggested Would Occur in The Autumn), and "How He Would Rebuild The American Economy," "If He Should Be Elected President of The United States in November of 2020! 

"The Former Vice President also Answered Questions from Myka Brzezinsky, " about "Allegations Made Against Him of Sexual Assault Made by Tara Reade," His Former  Staff Assistant in His Senate Office," "Twenty-Seven Years Ago in The Spring of 1993!"

 "The Former Vice President of The United States Stated" that "He has Asked The Secretary of Senate to Check The Records of The National Archives" to "Examine Whether a Complaint was Made Against Him of Sexual Assault in 1993 by Tara Reade !"

And, "The Former Vice President Strongly Denied Tara Reade's Allegations," Saying "No it is not true. I'm saying unequivocally it never, never happened. And it didn't it, it never happened." The Former Vice President also said "The truth matters!" And, "These claims are not true!" "Look at the facts." "And, "There's nothing for me to hide!"

"Obviously This is A Very Delicate and Serious Matter," "The Question" is "Since This has Allegedly Occurred Outside the Statute of Limitations," "How" and "When Will This Allegation Be Resolved!")-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "This Will Be The New Summer of Our Lives!" And, "Summer of 2019 Will Be in Many Ways a Part" of "A Myriad Number of Past Memories," that have "Filled The Photo Journal of Of Lives" and "The Annals of History!"

And, Without A Doubt, "From A Historical Point of View," "The Lessons Learned from Our Experiences Will Be Considerable," "Especially When We have Sat Down," and "In A Thoughtful Way Perused and Discussed Them in Detail," and "What The Consequences of These Actions and Experiences have Been," "Whether Politically, Economically, or Health Wise!"

And, Just as "This Winter and Spring" have "Proven to Be Significant Guidelines in Our Lives" in Regards to "What We Should Not Take for Granted," Let Us Agree that "For One, We Should Not Take for Granted Any Health Care and/or Medical Warning," that "Takes Place on The Other Side of The Earth," and/or "Wherever They Many Occur!"

Just as "The Earths Populace" and "The Leaders of The Private and Public Sectors," "Should Not Take for Granted" "Climate Warnings!" 

Or, "The Effect and Consequences" that "Poverty and Homelessness Can have Upon The Families of  Generation Upon Generation of Disenfranchised People!"

Or, "The Effect and Consequences" that "Bigotry, Prejudice, and Racism Can have Upon Us!"

And, "This is The Moment in Time," To Apply The Lessons Learned," Not Just from The Lessons Gleaned from The Global Pandemic of The CoronaVirus of The Winter and Spring of 2020," But, also "Lessons Learned from The History of Modern Civilization," and "Their Cause and Effect,"  Which Can Be, and "In Fact" Should Be "Applied to The Up and Coming Summer, Autumn, and Winter Seasons of This Year!"

And, "As Parents" have had "To Become at Home Teachers of Long Distance Education Programs," "In This Spring Season of Social Distancing,"  So, "Do We The People" have "To Become Teachers, Activists, Advocates, Public Servants, Volunteers, First Responders, and Emergency Rescuers!"
"In An Omnipotent Display and Demonstration of Support," for "The Universal, Omnipresent, Sociological and Cultural Development of The Public and Private Sectors of Our Earths Societies," and "The Truth," and "A Quality of Life" that "Is Purposeful, Just, and Meaningful to All The People!" And, "What is In The Best Interests of Encouraging, Empowering, Sustaining, and Maintaining The Rights Of All The People of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!"

And, "As New Seasons and Challenges Lie Ahead of Us," Let Us Motivate and Inspire The Youth of The Earth," with "All of The Right Reasons" to "Become Whatever Profession They Choose to Be," Whether It Be "A Medical Professional, and Health Care Provider, Member of The Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Community, Judges, Women and Men of The Clergy, Politicians, Firefighters, Artists, Musicians, Dancers, Librarians, Singers, Composers, Arrangers, Sculptors, Producers, Directors, Financiers, Screenplay Writers, Educators, Insurance Agent, Farmer, Factory Worker, Animator, Technologist, Secretary, Salesperson, Attorney, Graphic Artist, Actor, Bus Driver, Truck Driver, Scientist, Waitress, Bartender, Biologist, Therapeutist, Immunologist, Astronaut, Pharmacist, Train Engineer, Pilot, Airline and Airport Employee, or Seaport or Harbor Employee!" 

"The Right Reason" is "The Empirical and Spiritual Way of Enlightenment and Awareness For The Youth of The Earth" to "Launch and Embark Upon," and "Build A Bold, Insightful, Courageous, and Prescient Life of Universal Values, Earthrise Visions, Tenets, and Principles" of "A New Era of Global Equilibre, Compassion, Economic Parity, Equality, Freedom," and "Unification of All The People of The Earths Sovereign Nations and Communities!"      

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, Justice, Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity, and Peace On Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Tragic Shootings" that "Began on The Eighteenth of April Thru The Nineteenth of April 2020 in The Canadian Province of Nova Scotia," Can only "Be Described as Being Malevolent, Brutal, and Barbaric Examples of Violence," that are "Beyond Comprehension," and "Can Not Be Condoned!"
At Least Twenty-Two People were Killed During This Cowardly Shooting Rampage!"

"This is One of The Deadliest Mass Murders to ever Take Place in The Sovereign Nation of Canada!"

"The Coward also Set Fire to Five Buildings" Before "Being Shot and Killed by The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)!"

"These Malevolent Acts of Violence that Took The Lives of at Least Twenty-Two Innocent People," Began in The Beach side Community of Portapique Canada, (Portapique Beach Rd., Bay Shore Rd., and Five Houses Rd.),  on The Eighteenth of April, "Where The Malicious Coward" also "Burned Down Four Homes Including His Own," and "Began His Murdering Acts of Violence in The Home of His Former Partner!" "Bodies also Found Near His Former Partners Home!"

And, "On The Nineteenth of April," Global Cross Media News Reports are "A 9/11 Caller Reported" that "An Explosion and Gunfire" Occurred in A Home in Wentworth, Canada," Which is "Approximately Twenty-One Miles from Portapique, Canada, "Where Two Residents and A Neighbor were Murdered!"
And then, "Another Person was Murdered on The Road back to Portapique from Wentworth!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Twelve Hour Timeline and Path of This Vicious Murder Rampage Continued from Portapique, Debert, Shubenacadie, Milford and Enfield, "As The Coward Dressed in An RCMP Police Uniform," in An Attempt of Impersonating A Police Officer, "Drove Around The Province," and "While Conducting Traffic Stops on Cars and Killed The Occupants!" "Reports are He Drove A Vehicle that Resembled A Police Cruiser!"

 And, GCMN Reports are "RCMP Constable Heidi Stevenson," A Veteran of Twenty-Three Years on The Force, was "Maliciously Shot and Killed While Responding in An Attempt to Arrest Him!" And also "Another Officer was Wounded!"

"The Murderer's Death Occurred in The Enfield," Twenty-Five Miles North of Halifax," at "The Irving Big Stop Service Area, Where He was Shot to Death by The Royal Canadian Mounted Police at "A Service Station!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Murders," that "Took Place at Six Different Locations," were "Initially A Result of A Domestic Violence Dispute" However, "They then Became Evil Acts of Random Violence!"

GCM News are All of The Innocent Victims who were Murdered were Adults with The Exception of One Teenage Girl!"" And, "It is Unclear as to "Whether The Cowards Former Partner was Among The Dead!"

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau  said In A Statement, "As a country, in moments like these, we come together to support one another. Together we will mourn with the families of the victims, and help them get through this difficult time."

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-First of April 2020, Queen Elisabeth Sent A Message to The People of Nova Scotia on Her Birthday, "Prince Philip and I have been deeply saddened by the appalling deaths in Nova Scotia, and we send our condolences to the families, friends, and colleagues of those who have lost their lives.

I also pay tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of the officers from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and other police services who selflessly responded to these devastating attacks, and to the emergency services who are supporting those who have been injured and affected.

My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Nova Scotia and all Canadians at the tragic time."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Question" is "To What Extent" was "This A Premeditated Act of Murder" that "Became Out of Control," or "The Act of An Unstable Individual who Lost Control!" However, "The Fact" is that "This Malevolent, Immoral, and Unconscionable Act of Violence Can Not Be Condoned!"

And, "Why Didn't The RCMP Use The Province Wide-Alert Ready System to Notify The Public of The Manhunt," instead of "Twitter!"

And, "The Final Question" that "Still Remains to Be Answered" is, "Will Other Victims Be Discovered!" 

However, "The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)," are "To Be Congratulated for "Preventing Any More Deaths from Occurring!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to This Tragic Act of Gun Violence that has Taken The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being in The Province of Nova Scotia, Canada. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and All Canadians in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

-To All who are Observing and Celebrating Ramadan, As You Devote Yourselves to Prayer and Meditation, and Performing Charitable Deeds, and Strive for Purity and Heightened Awareness Stay Safe and Secure! 

 The CoronaVirus has Caused The Deaths of People of All Faiths!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Second of April 2020- "Happy Earth Day Everyone!
"Let Us One and All Be Conservators and Protectors of The Earths Ecological and Environmental Systems," and "Overseers and Protectors of The Lives of All Sentient Life Forms!"

"Joyeux Jour de la Terre a Tous!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "The April 7, 2020 Wisconsin Democratic Primary Results are;
I) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden from Delaware- 581, 611 Votes- 62. 9%- (30 Pledged Delegates)-

II) Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont- 293, 652 Votes- 31. 8%- (Has Withdrawn)-

"Former U.S. Vice President Biden said," In A Statement on Monday, The Thirteenth of April 2020, "I am grateful to have the support of so many Wisconsinites and proud of the courage and commitment folks showed during last week's primary---but it should never have come to that.
No one should ever have to choose between their health and our democracy."

And, Former U.S. Vice President also Added, "Last week's primary in Wisconsin also sent a giant warning flare to the nation: We have to deal now---and I mean now---not tomorrow, now---with figuring out how e're going to conduct a full and fair and safe election in November."

-(Note that, Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden from Delaware has- 1, 293 Pledged Delegates!"
And, Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont who has Withdrawn His Candidacy has- 937 Pledged Delegates!" 

-1, 991 Pledged Delegates are Needed!")-

-(And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly," even with The Enthusiastic Support of President Trump," Still Lost by Eleven Points in His Attempt to Remain on The Wisconsin Supreme Court," to "Wisconsin Circuit Court Judge in Dane County Jill J. Karofsky!"

"Liberal Judge Karofsky's Victory over Conservative Justice Kelly," has "Won Her A Ten Year Term on The Wisconsin Supreme Court!" And, has also "Narrowed The The Courts Conservative Majority to Four to Three!" "Which Can Change When The Next Seat Becomes Open in 2023)- 

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"It is Unfortunate that The Wisconsin Voters" had to "Endure Long Hours" of "Lining Up Six Feet a Part to Vote in The 2020 Wisconsin Primary!" However, "It Demonstrates Their Commitment to American Values and Principles," and "Their Belief in The United States Constitution," and "Their Right to Vote!"

-(Note that, "Approximately Thirty-Four Per Cent of The Wisconsin State Electorate Turned Out to Vote," Which "Surpassed The 2012 Presidential Primary," and "Practically Equaled the 2008 Primary!" Although "It was Less than The 2016 Presidential Primary!")-

"The Wisconsin State Legislature and Supreme Court Must Improve Their Sense of Judgement in Representing Their Constituents," and "The Fact," that "The United States of America is In The Midst of A Public Health Emergency Due to The Deadly Spread of The CornaVirus," only "Compounds Their Need for Better Judgement in The Future!"

By "Forcing The Primary to Ensue," "The State Legislature and State Supreme Court was Placing The Lives Of The People in Danger!" 
"Common Sense Should have Told Them," that "This Primary Could have," and "Should have Been Delayed until at Least June," or "After The Curve," and "Threat of A Potential Surge has Been Abated," or "The Threat Ended!"

-(Note that, "Wisconsin was The Only State with An April Primary Election that Did Not Postpone Its Election" to "Protect Its Voters" and "Poll Workers from The CoronaVirus!"

"The Republican Controlled Wisconsin Legislature Did Not Support Wisconsin Governor Anthony Stevens "Tony" Evers Last Minute Executive Order on The Sixth of April 2020," to "Postpone In-Person Voting on The Seventh of April!" And, "The Wisconsin State Supreme Court Voted Against It!" As well as, "The United States Supreme Court!")- 

"The Results of The April 7, 2020 Wisconsin Republican Primary are;
I) President Donald John Trump- 617, 201 Votes- 98. 21%- (52 Pledged Delegates)-
II) Write ins- 11, 268%- 1. 79%-

As of Wednesday, The Fifteenth of April 2020, "The Estimated Delegate Count for President Trump is 1, 544!" -A Majority of 1, 276 Delegates are Needed!"

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren for The Passing of Her Oldest Brother and Loving Member of Her Family Don Reed Herring who Died after Testing Positive for The CoronaVirus, on Tuesday, The Twenty-First of April 2020. We Mourn His Passing with You and Your Family!"

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to The CoronaVirus or A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!