Tuesday, April 14, 2020



The Way To Peace! #363

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"A Highly Respected Core Group" of "Dedicated Cognizant, Intelligent, Compassionate, Knowledgeable, Spiritual, and Experienced Global and Domestic Consultants, Advisors, and Sovereign Leaders" from "All of The Global Sectors of The Earths Diverse Communities Should Provide The Advice and Logic" for "When" and "What is The Good of Reopening The Global Economies" Especially, "If It Means The Slightest Possibility," of "Causing The Deaths of Tens of Thousands," and "Confirmation of Hundreds of Thousands of New Infected Persons," If Not More, "Because of The Continued Spread of The CornaVirus!"

"Yes There Will Be Less People Unemployed If A Get Back to Work Order is Issued," and "The The GDP Figures" (Gross Domestic Product), "Will Improve over The Next Few Months," However, "If There is Not A Confirmed Vaccine/Cure," Then there is "No Guarantee" that "There Will Not Be An Increase of Deaths Among Our Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Co-Workers!"

And, "The Sacrifice," and "Loss of Life Already Incurred Will Be For Naught!" And, "New Cascades of Tears of Love Will Fall into An Ocean of," "A Sea of Humanity" who "Died For Economic Profit!"

"This is The Time to Listen to," and "Follow The Advice of Medical Professionals, Immunologists, Scientists, Doctors, Nurses, and Health Care and Critical Care Professionals," who have Fought on The Frontlines of The War Against The CoronaVirus," without "Any Other Consideration Other than Saving Lives!"

"Saving Lives of Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Aunts and Uncles, Nieces and Nephews, and Cousins, and Family Members" who "Will Sorely Be Missed Everyday of Our Lives!" 
"Some who have Died Too Young," and "Others who have Died without Fulfilling Their Lives Destiny's, and Goals!" 
And, "Some who have Missed Enjoying The Final Years of Their Lives with Their Children" and "Grandchildren!"

"It is Important,"  to "Wait until Our Medical Professionals have Confirmed" that "The Potentiality" of "A COVID-19 Surge," or "Continued Threat," is "No Longer A Threat to Our Families!"

And that, "A Vaccine/Cure has Been Discovered" that "Can Be Implemented at A Moments Notice," and "Used to Save Lives," As A Vaccination for Compassionate Use," or "Under Normal Circumstances," "Before Reopening The Earths Diverse Communities and Sovereign Nations," to "An All's Well," and" Back to Work Mentality," and "Open Society!"

And, "Other than Providing Medical Services," "Essential Services," Communication and Informational Services, Press Services, or "Defense," "No Economic CoronaVirus Task Force,"  "Sovereign Leader," "Elected Official," "Political Party," or "Religious Leader," "Should Be Permitted to Authorize" or "Make" or "Give A Get Back to Work Order," without "The Absolute Agreement, Support," and "Majority Opinion of The United Global and/or National/Domestic Medical Community!"

"Too Many Lives have Been Lost," and "Too Many Family Members Will Be Missed," and "Too Many have Sacrificed!"

(Note that, On Thursday, The Ninth of April 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "For The Second Straight Week" in A Row, "A Record Historical of 6.6 Million Americans Applied for Unemployment Benefits," "Matching The Record High Unemployment Figure  Reported on Thursday, The Second of April 2020!" And, "Adding Up to 16.5 Million People" who have "Applied over The Past Three Weeks!")-

"As The CoronaVirus Continues to Plague Our Earths Diverse Communities," and "Bringing Death and Sorrow in Its Wake," and "Severe Damage to Global Economies," The Need for Rebuilt Health Care Systems" and "New Health Care Systems" to "Handle The Responsibilities that Global Pandemics Pose" is "Clearly Evident!"

"The Fact" that Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Number of HIV/Aids Deaths"  "Surpassed More than Thirty-Six Million People Since The First Cases Occurred in 1981," and As Recently as  "2018 The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that Seven Hundred and Seventy People Died from HIV Globally!"

And, Before that, "There was The Ebola Outbreak in 2014" that "Caused The Deaths of Thousands!"

All of Which "Demonstrates The Importance" to "Prepare for The The Unexpected" and "Have in Place A Medical and Health Care System" that is "Advanced, and Heavily Supplied" with "Whatever Medical Resources that Our Medical Professionals May Be in Need in!"

And, "As Sovereign Nations, States, Cities, and Towns" have "Called for Shut Downs, Shelter in Place Orders, Stay at Home Orders, Lock Outs, and Social Distancing to Prevent The Spread of The CoronaVirus Earthwide," Looking Forward, "One Can See The Importance of Cognizant, and Earthwise Decision Making" in Regards to "The Potentiality of There Being Future Global Pandemics" that "Cause Emergency Public Health Care Crisis All Over The Earth!""

"History has A Way of Placing Everything in Perspective," Such as, For Example; "If President Trump had Not Dismantled the National Security Council Directorate for Global Health and Security and Bio Defense in 2018," The United States Might have Been More Prepared for The CoronaVirus Pandemic!"
And "Now Instead of Being Ahead of The Curve" and "The Surge," "The United States of America is Behind The Curve" and "Hoping to Catch Up" to "Prevent The Surge from Occurring!"

Sometimes "It is Simply A Matter of One's Perspective," "Political Agenda," "Campaign Promise," or "Nationalistic and International Policymaking," in Regards to "What Should Be Prioritized," and "What is Not!" 

However, "In This Day and Age," "It is of The Utmost Importance to have On The Job Experience," and "Listen to The Experts," and "The Voice of The People," in Regards to "The Defense and Protection Of All The People Clearly Defined" and "In Mind," "Before Cutting The Budgets" of "The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)," "Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)," "Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)," and/or "Choosing to Ignore The Deep Concerns of Global Leaders and Scientists," "When They Warn Against Climate Warming," and "The Importance of Conservation and Protection The Earths Ecological and Environmental Systems," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, "A National Safety Net," that "Includes Medical, Health Care, and Social Security Programs For All The People Must Be Planned for and Budgeted" with "The Future Health Care for Body, Mind, Emotion, Spirit and Soul in Mind!"  

"The United States of America is A Republic, and Democracy," and "The Elected Officials who have Sworn to Represent The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Must Act in The Best Interests Of All The Diverse Communities, Tapestry and Fabric Of The People!"

And, "It is Not A Government Of Lobbyists, Wall Street, Large Corporations, Big Business and Hubris!" And, "It is Not A One-Man-Rule," or "One Party-Rule Form of Governance!"

And, "Future Decisions and Considerations Concerning The Lives, Freedom, Equality, Tenets, Principles, Ethics, Health Care, Social Security, Defense, and Law of The Land," "Should Be Made by All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," in "Omniscience and Equilibre" and "Universal Cognition, Comprehension, and Earthrise Vision of The Future" as well as "For The Well Being Of All The People!" And, "This Should Be The New Normal of All The People" "Irregardless of Gender, Creed, Nationality, Age, Special Needs, Color, or Tribe!"

And, "All of The Brilliant Minds of The Scientific, Biological, Epidemiology, and Chemistry Communities Must Work 24/7" to "Discover A Vaccine/Cure for The CoronaVirus!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Inconsistency of It All!" "The Insensitivity of It All!" "The Illogical Lack of Common Sense of It All!" And, "The Disregard for The Lives of The American People!" 

"The American People are Told" to "Stay at Home until The Thirtieth  of April! "They are Told" of "The Grand Significance of Social Distancing!" "They are Told" to "Stand Six Feet a Part When They go Shopping!" "They are Told" that "It is Better' for "One Person from Each Family Should Go Out Shopping," "Not the Whole Family"

"The Federal, State, and City Governments," and (As have Many Sovereign Nations) have "Called for Shutdowns," "Stay at Home," and "Shelter in Place Orders!"

And, "All Across The United States of America You Can See Cities and Towns" with "Empty Sidewalks and Streets, Empty Places of Worship, Closed Schools and Libraries, Closed Family Entertainment Parks and Sports Stadiums, and Unused Convention Centers, and Closed Places of Businesses, Restaurants, Hotels, Parks, Factories, Infrequented Train Stations, Airports, and Ports"

And, "We Hear and See White House Press Conferences" with "President Donald John Trump, Vice President Michael Richard Pence, Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, and Dr. Deborah Leah Birx, and The Surgeon General Jerome Michael Adams, and The Inspector Generals Office, and Generals of Our Armed Services," and The Valiant Army Corps of Engineers Detailing" "How Important It is for Americans to Follow The Guidelines" that "Will Prevent The Ongoing Spread of The Deadly CoronaVirus!" And, "Slow Down The Cure," and "Prevent The Surge from Occurring!"

So, "When Wisconsin Governor Anthony Stevens "Tony" Evers Made A Logical Decision" to "Delay The Wisconsin Local Elections," "State Supreme Supreme Court Justice Election," (President Trump has Given Strong Support to Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly is up for Re-Election), and "2020 Primary," until "The Ninth of June 2020," "Because of The Life and Death War Against The CoronaVirus," "What Does The Republican Controlled Wisconsin Legislature Do," and "The Wisconsin State Supreme Court Do," "They Override Governor Evers Executive Order!"

And, "What is The Reaction of The Republican Leaders of The Wisconsin Legislature" "They Call Governor Evers Executive Order to "Suspend In Person Voting," "An  Unconstitutional Action," and then "They Bring The Governors Executive Order Before The Wisconsin Supreme Court Where It is Blocked" by "A Four to Two Vote!"

And, On Monday, The Sixth of April 2020, "What Does The United States Supreme Court Do," "It Blocks a Lower Court Ruling" that had "Extended The Deadline For When Absentee Voting Can Be Submitted,"   by "A Five to Four Vote," and In Doing so, "Granted a Request to Curtail Extended Absentee Voting in Wisconsin!" 

"Absentee Voting Can Be Crucial in Close Elections," and "It is An Obvious Way to Deal with Large Groups of People Gathering in Public to Vote Their Conscience!"  And, "These Two Issues" of "In Person and Absentee Voting," "May Become Critical Issues This Year," "Especially If The Trump Administration Guidelines" and Social Distancing," "Continue to be Enforced," and "The CoronaVirus" has "Not Been Prevented from Spreading," and "Lingers on as The 2020 Primaries and Presidential Election Present Themselves," for "The American People to Vote on!" 

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Question" is "Why Not Wait" until "After The Thirtieth of April 2020!"
 "It's Not as If There Will Not Be A 2020 Wisconsin Primary and Local Elections," and "State Supreme Court Vote!"

And, "Are Hundreds of Thousands of Wisconsin Voters Supposed to Line Up Six Feet a Part at Polling Places!" I Suppose They Will have to" "Irregardless of The Threat to Their Lives," and "Their Families Lives," by The CoronaVirus!" And, "How Many Polling Places Will Be Open!"

"We Can One and All Agree that The 2020 Primaries and Presidential Election is of The Utmost Importance" to "The Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual, and Soulful State of Being and Care" of "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People of The United States of America!"

However, "A Non- Partisan," and "Non- Political Logical Approach Must Be Conceived of" "For The Sake of All Americans" "Irregardless of Special Needs, Gender, Political Persuasion, Creed, Age, Nationality, Color, or Tribe!"

"We are In The Midst of An Emergency Public Health Crisis" that has "Already Caused The Deaths of More than Sixteen Thousand Women, Men, and Children of All Ages," and "Infected More than "Four Hundred Thousand," and "An Agreed Upon Voting Plan" by "All of The Political Parties," "The Trump Administration," and "Members of The United States Congress" "Must Be Negotiated with The Acceptance of The American People," "As Soon Possible!"

"These Electoral Negotiations Should have Already Begun," However, "Today Will have to Do!"
And, This to "Will have to Be a Part of The New Normal" in "The United States of America in The Year 2020!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Twelfth of April 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "United Kingdom Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has Recovered Well Enough to Leave St. Thomas' Hospital, in South London," and "Return to His Home in Chequers for Recuperation!"

"The Prime Minister Thanked All The NHS (National Health Service) Professionals" who "Saved His Life," at "St. Thomas' Hospital," and to "Everyone who Administered to His Recovery!"

"Prime Minister Johnson Especially Thanked Two Nurses" who "Stood by his bedside," While He Spent Forty-Eight Hours in Serious Condition in Intensive Care, "When things could have gone either way," "Jenny from New Zealand, Invercargill, on the South Island," and "Luis from Portugal, near Porto!"

"The Prime Minister also Continued to say" In the Video Message" that "The UK was making progress in this incredible national battle against the Corona Virus."

And, "The Prime Minister" also "Thanked Everyone in the U.K. for the sacrifice you have made and and are making." 

And, P.M. Johnson also said, He had witnessed "the personal courage, not just of the doctors and nurses, but of everyone: the cleaners, the cooks, the health care workers of every description, physios, radiographers, pharmacists, who kept coming to work, kept putting themselves in harms way, kept risking this deadly virus. It is thanks to that courage, that devotion, that duty, and that love, that our NHS has been unbeatable."

And that, "Across this country 24 hours a day, for every second of every hour, there are hundreds of thousands of NHS staff who are acting with the same care, thought and precision as Jenny and Luis. That is why we will defeat this coronavirus and defeat it together."

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are, As of Monday, The Thirteenth of April 2020, "There have "Been More than Eleven Thousand Deaths in The United Kingdom!")-

"The United Kingdom" as "It is Within Approximately Two Hundred Sovereign Nations and Regions of This Planet Earth, "Is Immersed in A Deadly Pandemic," that "Shows No Mercy," and "Is Indiscriminate," in "Its Attacks Upon The Earths Populace," And, "The Need for A Vaccine/Cure Can Not Be Underestimated!" 

And, "Though All The Brilliant Minds of The Global Medical Community May Work 24/7 to Discover A Vaccine," Let There Be No Doubt that "This is A Medical Priority" that "Must Be Immediately Adhered to!" As of Monday, The Thirteenth of April 2020, "There are Approximately Two Million Confirmed Cases Earthwide," and "The Death Toll has Risen Beyond One Hundred and Ten Thousand!"

And, "More that Twenty-Two Thousand Deaths have Occurred in The United States," and "Confirmed Cases" that have "Surpassed Five Hundred Fifty Thousand!" 
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"We Wish Prime Minister Johnson," and "Everyone who has Been Afflicted with This Deadly Virus A Speedy Recovery!"

And, "To All The Families who have Lost A Love One Among The Diverse Communities of The Sovereign Nations Of This Planet Earth," "We Mourn Their Passing with You!" And, We Send You Our Deepest and Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences!

-(Note that, As of Monday, The Thirteenth of April 2020, "There have Been More than Twenty Thousand Deaths in Italy Due to The CoronaVirus," and "More than Seventeen and A Half Thousand Deaths in Spain Due to The CoronaVirus," and "Almost Fifteen Thousand Deaths in France Due to The CoronaVirus,!")-

"As The War Against The CoronaVirus Increases" and "The Seriousness of This Global Pandemic Continues to Grow to Tragic," and "Unimaginable Levels," Placing Fear" in "The Hearts, Minds, and Spirits of The Earths Populace," "The Federal Emergency Management Agency" (FEMA)has "Requested One Hundred Thousand Body Bags" (Known as "Human Remains Pouches) from The United States Department of Defense!"
  GCM News Reports are "The Request was Made through An Interagency Group, (the Defense Logistics Agency) who then "Directed The Request to The U.S. Department of Defense!"

"Thursday, The Second of April 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Air Force Lieutenant-Colonel Michael "Mike" Andrews," A Spokesman for The Pentagon," said in A Statement, "The Defense Logistics Agency, is is currently responding to a FEMA's prudent planning efforts for 100,000 pouches to address mortuary contingencies on behalf of state health agencies."

And, "Air force Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews," also said in The Statement, "the Department of Defense and The Defense Logistics Agency have a longstanding arrangement with FEMA to procure key commodities"

And to "Further Demonstrate The Real Concerns Surrounding The Spread of The CoronaVirus in The United States/" Global Cross News Reports are "Five Thousand and One Hundred Deaths have Occurred," and "The Number of Confirmed Cases in The U.S. has Risen" to "More than Two Hundred and Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred People," As of Thursday, The Second of April 2020, and "This Disturbing and Distressful Number of Deaths and New Cases Continues to Multiply at A Very Rapid Rate!"

And, "Earthwide," Global Cross News Reports are "The Number of Deaths are Fifty-One Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Five People who have Died," and "The Number of Confirmed Cases has Reached and Gone Beyond One Million," from "Two Hundred Countries and Regions,  with "No Apparent Intention of Slowing Down!" 

All of Which "Demands that A Vaccine/Cure Must Be Discovered to Stop This Infectious Disease" from "Continuing to Take The Lives of Our Love One's All Across The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "Leaving The Earths Populace Vulnerable in Its Unmerciful Path!"

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"It Will Take More than Social Distancing  to Stop The Spread of The CoronaVirus!" "It Will Take A Vaccine/Cure" to "Prevent This Deadly Disease from Changing Our Cities, Towns, and Counties" into "Empty Sidewalks, Streets, Places of Worship, Schools, Libraries, Family Entertainment Parks, Sports Stadiums, Convention Centers, Places of Business, Restaurants, Hotels, Parks, Factories, Farms, Coal Mines, Train Stations, Airports, Ports," and/or "Wherever Large Groups of People Reside" or are "Being Held!"

And, "If It Means Utilizing and Enlisting The Doctors and Nurses of The United States Armed Services," and "All of Its Magnificent and Omnipotent Medical and Transportation Resources" to "Fight along Side with The Medical Professional's who are "Already on The Frontlines of  Engagement in This War Against COVID-19," then "Do It Now!" And, "Prevent The Surge from Happening!" "We are at War" and at Times "The Best Defense" is "A Strong, Powerful, and Determined Offense!" 

And, At Present, "The Federal Government of The United States of America and The Trump Administration Need to Immediately Put into Action," "All of The Most Powerful Weapons that It Can Assemble" to "Prevent The Prediction of One Hundred Thousand to Two Hundred and Forty Thousand Americans from Dying!" 

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "$6.6 Million People Applied for Unemployment Benefits Last Week!")-

"As The First Full Moon of Spring," A Super Full Moon has Come and Gone, Called "The Pink Full Moon," Because of How It Often Corresponded with Phlox Subulata (A Creeping Moss or Moss Pink), Once Again, "We have President Trump in Disagreement with Scientific Experts ," and "This Time It is with Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci,"

Sunday, The Fifth of April 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump said in Regards to The Use of Hydroxychloroquine Taken with Azithromycin" (An Anti-Malaria Drug that is Used to Treat Lupus), "What do you have to lose, I'm not looking at it one way or another. But we want to get out of this. If it does work, it would be a shame if we didn't do it early."

And, "The President also said, "What do I know? But I have common sense."

However, "When Dr. Fauci was Interviewed by Margaret Brennan the Current Moderator of "Face The Nation" on CBS News, Sunday, The Fifth of April 2020, He said, "The data are really just at best suggestive. There have been cases that show there may be an effect, and there are others to show there's no effect," and Dr. Fauci also said "So I think in terms of science, I don't think we could definitively say it works."

However, President Trump also said (In Regards to The Use of Hydroxychloroquine Taken with Azithromycin"), "I want to see people live, and I'm seeing people dying...And, you know the expression when that's happening. You should do it. What really do we have to lose."

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"These Inconsistencies Between President Trump and One of His Main Scientific Advisors  Come's at A Poor Time," at That is to Say The Least!" 

"Too Many Families in The United States and Earthwide have Lost A Love One!" And, "A Cascade of Tears have Fallen from The Eyes of Mothers and Fathers, and Grandmothers, and Grandfathers, and Daughters and Sons," Wherever The Sun has Set," and "We have Seen The Moon Rise in The Eventide Sky O'er This Earth of Ours!"

And, "This Can Not Be A Guessing Game!" "People All over The Diverse Communities of The Earth" have "Sacrificed, and Continue to Sacrifice" to "Prevent The Ongoing Threat of The CoronaVirus!" 
And, "Medical Care," and "Health Care," and "Critical Care Providers," and "Medical Professionals," "First Responders," and "U.S. Army Service Personnel," "Continue to Fight on The Frontlines in A War Against This Scourge of The Earth!" 
And "They Demand that "The Ultimate, Consummate Effort to Be Made by Sovereign Leaders, Scientists, Epidemiologists, Biologists, and Leaders of Congress, and The Private and Public Sectors!"

"A Vaccine/Cure Must Be Discovered Just as Quickly as Possible," But "It has To Be Agreed Upon" by "All of The Scientific Experts," and "Medical Pundits," "The Earths Sovereign Nations" and "Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People Deserve Nothing Less than This!"

And, "Additional Government Financing Must Be Immediately Provided for" in "Support of The Millions of People" who have "Applied for Unemployment Benefits," and "For Small Businesses," "As Government Guidelines," and "Social Distancing," are "Being Adhered to by The Public!" And, also "For The Countless Numbers of Americans who are A Part of The Transient Population," and "Living In Poverty!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Third of April 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump Fired Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Michael Kevin Atkinson," who had "Previously Worked in The U.S. Department of Justice for Approximately Fifteen Years!"

"Former  Inspector General Atkinson Told Congress about The Whistleblower Complaint" that "Eventually Led to The United States House of Representatives Passing Two Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Chuck Schumer Told CNN's Fredricka Whitfield" on Saturday, The Fourth of April 2020, "When you speak truth to power, you should be a hero. But in this administration, when you speak truth to power, all too often, you get fired."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
-"Resignations, Replacements and Firings"- Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Seventh of April 2020 "White House Press Secretary Stephanie Ann Grisham" has "Been Replaced by Trump Campaign Spokesperson  Kayleigh McEnany," who "Will Become President Trump's Fourth Press Secretary!"

"Stephanie Grisham has Returned to Being The Spokesperson and Chief of Staff "of "First Lady Melania Trump!"

And, "Alyssa Alexandra Farah," Previous Press Secretary at The Department of Defense, was "Appointed White House Director of Strategic Communications," and "Assumed Office on Tuesday, The Seventh of April 2020!"

And, As of Wednesday, The Seventh of April 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "James Edwin McPherson The Current United States Under Secretary of the Army," Will also Become "United States Acting Secretary of the Navy," after "The Previous Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas B. Modly Resigned!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Former Acting Secretary of the Navy Modly's Dismissing of Captain Brett Crozier from His Command of The Aircraft Carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt," on The Second of April 2020, and "His Comments about The Captain on The Sixth of April" were "Considered Derogatory and Controversial Among Navy Personnel," Members of United States Congress," and "The Public," and had "Caused Further Controversy" and "News Headlines in The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights in The Global Cross Media News Sphere's!"

Congressmen Ted W. Lieu Democrat from California, and Ruben Marinelarena  Gallego Democrat from Arizona, "Contacted The Inspector General of the Department of Defense" to, (1) "Investigate the Dismissal of Captain Crozier from His Command by Acting Secretary of the Navy Modly," and "Whether or Not It was Appropriate," and, (2) "The Two Congressmen" then "Sent A Letter to The Twenty-Seventh Secretary of Defense Mark Thomas Esper Requesting that Acting Secretary Modly Be Fired Because of His Comments," and "Decision to Dismiss Captain Crozier," and, (3) "Senator Richard Blumenthal Democrat from Connecticut, and House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi Joined with Several Other Democratic Members of Congress" to "Ask for the Acting Secretary of the Navy's Removal!"

 "Mr. Modly Resigned on The Seventh of April 2020!"  
Global Cross Media News Reports are "Mr. Modly," Eventually, "Apologized and Retracted for His Comments" saying "I believe, precisely because (Crozier) is not naive or stupid that he sent his alarming email with the intention of getting it into the public domain in an effort to draw public attention to the situation on the ship."

And, On Tuesday, The Seventh of April 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Acting Inspector General for the Department of Defense Glenn A. Fine was "Officially Removed (Fired) from Office by President Trump," and "Replaced with Sean W. O'donnell An Inspector General at The Environmental Protection Agency, who "Will Remain Inspector General at The EPA," and "Acting Inspector General at The Pentagon" until "A Permanent Replacement is "Confirmed at The Department of Defense!"          

"The Irony is On The Thirtieth of March 2020 "IG Fine was Named "Chair of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee," by "A Panel of Inspectors General" to "Oversee The $Two Trillion CoronaVirus Stimulus Relief Bill," that was "Signed into Law by President Trump!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Former Secretary of Defense, and Retired United States Marine General James Norman "Jim" Mattis" Called Mr. Fine, "a public servant in the finest tradition of honest, competent governance."

And, "House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith Democrat from Washington State said, "he's received no rationale for replacing Fine, but accused Trump of empowering loyalists over officials with expertise in his administration, calling it an "epidemic of incompetence."  

"Mr. Fine Will Return to His Senate Confirmed Post" as "Principal Deputy Inspector General of the Pentagon!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Eight of April 2020, "United States Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders Ended His Campaign" to "Become The Democratic Nominee for President of The United States of America!" And, "Former Vice President Joseph Robinette"Joe" Biden" is "Expected to Receive The Nomination at The Democratic Convention in August of 2020!"

"Senator Sanders said," in A Call to His Staff, "I wish I could give you better news, but I think you know the truth, and that is that we are now 300 delegates behind Vice President Biden, and the path toward victory is virtually impossible."

And Senator Sanders also said, "So While we are winning the ideological battle and while we are winning the support of so many young people and working people throughout the country, I have concluded that this battle for the Democratic nomination will not be successful." And so today I am announcing the suspension of my campaign."

And, "The Senator also Divulged" that, "Over the past few weeks Jane and I, in consultation with a top staff, and many of our prominent supporters, have made an honest assessment of the prospects of victory.  If I believed we had a feasible path to the nomination , I would certainly continue the campaign. Bur it's just not there." 

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-While only Former Vice President Biden Remains The Apparent Nominee of The Democratic Party for President of The United States of America," "What is of The Greatest Importance is" that "Every American Citizen of Voting Age Cast Their Vote for The Nominee of The Choice!"

For "The Need for Experienced, Compassionate, Cognizant, Intellectual, Soulful, Spiritual, Universally Minded, Global Leadership, and "A Sense of Vigorous, Bold, Forthright, Just, Truthful, Straightforward, and Honest Global Idea's and Policies" "For Improving The Quality of Life," and "The Health Care," and "Social Security of All The People," and "Empowering All The Lives of The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People is "An Absolute Necessity!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media Reports are, Senator Sanders has Thrown His Support Behind Former U.S. Vice President Biden!)-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "What is The New Normal Supposed to Resemble," An Age of Great Technological Accomplishment," "While Millions of People Earthwide Live in Poverty!"

What is The New Normal Supposed to Resemble, "An Age of Great Riches and Wealth," "While Millions of People Earthwide Live in Uncertain Economic and Financial Disparity!"

What is The New Normal Supposed to Resemble, "An Age Where Business and Profit are More Important," than "The Health Care, Welfare, Prosperity, and Equality of All The People of The Earths Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of Humanity!"

What is The New Normal Supposed to Resemble, "An Age Where One-Man-Rule," and "One-Party-Rule Forms of Authoritarian Governance," or "An Era of Freedom, Peace, Equal Rights, and Equal Opportunity, Justice, and The Pursuit of Happiness, and "A Grand Purpose Universal Being For One and All!"

What is The New Normal Supposed to Resemble, "An Age of Grand Communication and Information, "While There are Too Many of Us Living without The Privileges and Rights of A Normal Citizen," "Disenfranchised to Live As Though They Not A Part of The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations," or "Social Media!" So, "Who are They!"

What is The New Normal Supposed to Resemble, "An Age Of The People, By The People, and For The People," or "An Age Where The Voting Electorate is Constantly Being Lied to," and "Told Half Truths," and/or "Manipulated and Conditioned by False Political Rhetoric," Bent Upon "Turning One's Neighbor Against The Other For Lust for Power, Greed, Hubris, and Divisiveness!" Only to, "Propagandize False and Misleading Policies" that "Demean One's Fellow Human Being," by "Humiliating, Belittling, and Discrediting One's Fellow Human Being!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, Our Work is Not Finished," For There is Much to Be Done Before The Youth of The Earth Will Become The Beneficiaries of An Era of Peace On Earth," and "A Grand Age of Equilibre," and "Universal Development and Growth," and "A Mindset of The Grand Cosmos," and "Universal Cognition," "Taught to Each and Every Child from The Day of Its Birth!"

"Yes, There is A Great Deal of Work to Be Done Before Each and Every Child Will Become The Beneficiary" of "A New Normal" that "Is The Reality of A New Era"  that "Reflects  The Universal Perception and Education," and "Intuitive Comprehension and Prescience For The Logic and Reasoning," of "An Age of Global Unification, Social Security," and "The Emotional, Mental, Spiritual Intellectual, and Soulful Health Care" of  "A Deeply Profound Body and Universe Of The People," to "Live, Experience and Share Their Lives" as "An Earthwise Community Of The People," Empowered by The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!" For The Sake of All The People," and "The Preservation, Conservation, and Protection of The Earths Sentient Life Forms," and "The Ecological and Environmental Systems of The Earth," and "The Grand Universe!"

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and Medical Ingenuity, and Peace On Earth!

-In Memoriam:
Friday, The Third of April 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are Lyricist, Composer, Poet, Musician, Recording Artist, Grammy Award Winner and Icon William Harrison "Bill" Withers Jr. Passed Away of Heart Complications at The Age of Eighty-One" in Los Angeles, California," on Monday, The Thirtieth of March 2020!

"This Humble Musical Genius of The Earth and The Heavens," was "A Soulful, Rhythm and Blues Man" who "Shared so Many Great Classics with Us Beginning" with His First Album "Just as I am" Produced by Booker T. Jones, that was Released in 1971 that "Revealed His Massive Talent" in The Instant Hit Recording of "Ain't No Sunshine," "Harlem," and The Loving "Grandma's Hands."

However, "If You have Not Heard Mr. Withers Live Album at Carnegie Hall," from "His Performance on The Sixth of October 1972," that "Rolling Stone Magazine Named" as "One of The Top Fifty Albums of All Time," "Then You Haven't Heard The Absolute Truth and Originality" that "Emanated from The Heart, Soul, Spirit, Mind, Emotion, Intellect, Awareness," and "Sensitivity of Creativity and Greatness of Bill Withers!"

And, Mr. Withers Performance of "I Can't Write Left-Handed" "Will Touch You and Reach Deep into Your Heart" and "Remind You of The Senselessness Destruction of The Vietnam War!" Listen to His Voice and Hear The Lyrics that Emanated from Him!"

And, "There were so Many Other Great Classics" such as, "Use Me" from Mr. Withers Second Album "Still Bill," Released in 1972, that also Featured The Inspirational "Lean On Me,"  that was "The Title Theme Song" from The Movie "Lean on Me" Which Starred Morgan Freeman Released in 1989!"

And,  In 1974 "Mr. Withers Composed and Produced Two Songs" for "Gladys Knight & The Pips,""I Feel A Song" that "He also Performed in Concert with Etta James, James Brown, and B.B. King in Zaire" (Before "The Forman-Ali Rumble in The Jungle" Championship Fight), Which was Used in The 1996 Documentary "When We Were Kings."

And, "The List of Great Classics Did not Stop there," It Continued with "She's Lovely," "She Wants to (Get on Down)," "Lovely Day," "Just the Two of Us," Soul Shadows," and "Oh Yeah."

"Bill Withers Career is Filled with Highly Deserved Music Awards," Such as; "NAACP Image Awards: Male Singer" in the Year in 1972, "ASCAP Rhythm and Soul Heritage award" in 2006, and In 2005 He was "Inducted in The Songwriters Hall of Fame," and In 2008 "He was "Inducted into The Grammy Hall Of Fame,"  for "Lean On Me" and In 2015 "He was "Inducted in The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" by "The Great Stevie Wonder!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Bill Withers!

And To His Family, Friends, Colleagues, and Admirers of Mr. Withers Great Talent and Soulfulness, Let Us Find Solace in The Fact that Mr. Withers Will Remain with Us for As Long as Great Melodies, Poetry, Rhythms of The Soul, and Great Story Telling Inspires Us, For We are Very Fortunate to have Bill Withers Grand Universe of Creativity to Listen to, and Share with Our Families, Friends, and Future Generations of Music Lovers Earthwide!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to The CoronaVirus or A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!