Wednesday, April 1, 2020



The Way To Peace! #362

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New  Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "More Deaths have Occurred from COVID-19" than from "The 9/11 Terror Attacks"- "This is The Time for Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and Medical Ingenuity"-

"Leaders of The Sovereign Nations of The Earth Must Continue to Provide Clarity" and "Up to Date Information to The Earths Populace," in Regards to "The Continued Spread of The CoronaVirus!"  And, "They Must Provide Absolute Support for Their Medical Professionals," and "Health Care Providers," and "Critical Care Providers," "Who are On The Front Lines of This War Against COVID-19!" 

And, "A New Vaccine/Cure Must Be The Highest Priority" for "The Earths Scientists, Epidemiologists, Doctors, Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The World Health Organization (WHO),"and "Sovereign Nations!" And, "Newly Built" and "Rebuilt Heath Care Systems are A Must!" 

"Tens of Thousands of Deaths," and "Hundreds of Thousands of Confirmed CoronaVirus Cases Earthwide," and "The Call of The Diverse Population of The Earths Sovereign Nations Demand" that "Global Health Organizations Work on A Vaccine/Cure 24/7!" Nothing Less Will Suffice!" "So Great is This Threat" to "Our Lives, Families, Friends, Neighbors and Fellow Human Beings!"

And, "The Warning" that was "Announced by President Trump, Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, and Dr. Deborah Leah Birx at The White House Press Briefing" for "A Disquieting and Stress-Filled Update of The CoronaVirus Task Force on Tuesday, The Thirty-First of March 2020,"   that "One Hundred Thousand to Two Hundred and Forty Thousand Americans Will Die" as over "An Approximate Two Week or More Time Period," is "Unimaginable, and Unacceptable!"

"Too Many Tears of Love and Loss of A Love One" have "Fallen to The Grave Impact of This Infectious Disease" and "Its Outbreak All Across The United States" and "The Earths Communities!"

President Trump said, "I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead. We're going to go through a very tough two weeks."

And, "In Answer to A Reporters Question" about "is the bulk of this going to happen over the next two weeks," "Dr. Birx said, "You have an up slope, so as mortality, the vitalities to this disease will increase and then it will come back down. And it will come back down slower than the rate of which it went up. And, so that's, that is really the issue, how much we can push the mortality down." 

And, "Dr. Fauci Explained in Regards" to "How Far They Can Push The Mortality Down," "So our hope is to get that down for as far as we possibly can. The modeling that Dr. Birx showed predicts that number that you saw. We don't accept that number that, that's what it's going to be. We're going to, we're doing everything we can to get it even significantly below that. So you know, I don't want it to be a mix message, this is the thing that we need to anticipate, but that doesn't mean that, that's what we're going to accept. We want to do much, much better than that."

And, "The American People Expect Much Much Better than that!" For Every State, City, Town and County Must Have All The Extra Hospital Beds They Need," and "All The Ventilators They Need," and All The Testing Kits, N95 Industrial Face Masks, Gowns, Gloves, and Vaccines They Need!"

And "New Health Care Systems," and "New Medical Systems Must Continue to Be Built," and "Older One's Rebuilt," and "All The Financing that The Federal Government, Big Business, and Philanthropic Groups Can Provide to Purchase Whatever Medical Resources are Needed Must Be Organized" and "Immediately Acted Upon," and "Shared!" 

And, "There Must Be A Permanent Federal Pandemic Health Division in Place," to "Address The Next Global Pandemic," and "Emergency Public Health Care Crisis," and/or "Potentially Devastating and Destructive New Surge that Threatens Us," But, Until then"Nothing Less Will Do!"

But, "Maybe, Just Maybe This Will Be Enough," "For Now!"And, "We Can Give Thanks" "For All The Lives of Our Love Ones Who have Been Saved," and "The War Against The CoronaVirus (COVID-19) Will Be Won!" And then, "We Can Rejoice in That," and "Celebrate!"

But, "Until then, Yes, There is Much, Much, More to Be Done!"  

And, "It Should Be Clearly Notated and Understood," that "This is Not The Time for Partisan Politics or Hubris!" But, "This is The Time for Heroism, Patriotism, Volunteerism, Public Service, Sacrifice, Discipline, Organization, Mourning, Prayers and Meditation, Discovery, Healing, and Recovery," "For History to Record and Hold Sacred in Its Annals In Perpetuity!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign Nations of The Earth Heralding The Advent of Each and Every New Day and Eventide to Occur in Each and Every Time Time Zone" of "The Myriad Diverse Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of The People," "It's This Consistency that Unites Us Earthwide," and "Provides Us with The Grand Certainty that "We are One and All Born of The Planet Earth and This Planet is Our Home!"
Such "A Remarkable Natural Global and Universal Miracle This Planet Earth is!" 

And, "Irregardless of The Cultural, Racial, Religious, Gender, Age, Tribe, Nationality, Color, or Special Needs We May Be," or "Differences  of Opinion," that "May Develop Between Us" and at Times,  "Divide, and Separate Us," and "Build Walls Between Us," "Our Fates are Intertwined" and "Our Futures Depend on The Self-Realization that We Must One and All, Sovereign Nation and Earths Populace Be The Protectors and Conservators of Our Seas, Lands, Skies, Air, Atmosphere, Human and Sentient Life Forms," and "Environmental and Ecological Systems!"

And, "This is Clearly Apparent and Visible When A Global Pandemic Occurs!" "A Public Emergency Health Crisis" that "Leaves No One Untouched" and "Shows Absolutely No Distinction of  Who You are," or "Whom It Touches and Infects from Royalty" such as; "Prince Albert of Monaco," ("The Palace" said "in A Statement on Thursday, The Nineteenth of March 2020" and "Will Continue to Work and Lead from His Home Office"), and "Prince Charles," Clarence House Office Reported on Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth of March 2020" that "The Prince has also Tested Positive for CoronaVirus," and is "Working from Home," and is Self Isolating at The Royal Estate in Balmoral, Scotland," (His Wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall has Tested Negative), and Global Cross Media News Reports are In A Video Posted on Twitter on Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of March 2020, "U.K. Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson" has "Tested Positive for The CoronaVirus" and "Is Self Isolating at Downing Street, Where He Will Continue to Lead The Government," to "U.K. Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matthew John David Hancock" who has "Tested Positive for CoronaVirus," to "Feature Film Icons such as Tom Hanks" (and His Wife Rita Wilson), to "Sports Figures," "Federal, State, and Local Politicians," or "Your Next Door Neighbor who Works in A Hospital," or "A First Responder," or "Emergency Worker," "Recording Artist," "Young Child," "Parent," or "Grandparent," or "The Quarantine of German Prime Minister Angela Merkel" on Sunday, The Twenty-Second of March 2020, "After Being Informed that The Doctor who had Administered A Vaccination to Her had Tested Positive for The CoronaVirus" (Fortunately The Chancellor Tested Negative)!" "No One is Absolutely Safe" until "A Cure for COVID-19 Has Been Discovered!"

"As The Life and Death Struggle Against The CornaVirus Continues to Intensify" and "Spread to More than One Hundred and Forty Countries and Territories of The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," (Reports are as many as Two Hundred Countries and Territories are with Cases"),  and "Caused The Deaths of "More than Forty- Three Thousand People," and "Infected More than Eight Hundred Seventy-Three Thousand Five Hundred People," and "These Death and Confirmation Totals Continue to Change on A Daily, If Not Hourly Basis!"

And, "There are Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Ten Deaths," ("More Deaths have Occurred from COVID-19" than from "The 9/11 Terror Attacks"), and "Confirmation of One Hundred and Eighty-Eight Thousand Five Hundred and Forty-Seven Persons" who have Been Infected in The United States of America," As of Wednesday, The First of April 2020, and "States Such as New York, Illinois, California, Rhode Island, Washington State, Michigan, Florida, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, " and "Nations Such as Italy, France, and Spain, have had "To Implement Shut Downs," "Shelter in Place and Stay at Home Orders," and "Lock Outs," in "A Race to Contain COVID-19 Before A Surge Occurs" that "Could Be Extremely Deadly and Detrimental to The Earths Populace!"

"Earthwide," "New Counter Measures are Being Developed by Cities, States and Nations!" And, "The Urgency is Such" that "Medical Professionals are Working in Emergency Conditions 24/7!" And, "The Need for Additional Gowns, N95 Industrial Face Masks, and Gloves Can Not Be Underestimated," so "Great is This Need!"  

And, "More Test Kits are Needed on A Daily If Not Hourly Basis!" And, "The Production of Ventilators are Needed!"

And, "The Addition of Hospital Beds are Needed!" And, "The Governments of All Sovereign Nations Must Increase Funding Ten-Fold to Meet This Global Health Crisis," that "Is Negatively Affecting and Threatening The Physical Health," and "Mental Well-Being of One and All Irregardless of Age!"

And, "While Prognostications of Developing A Vaccine have Been Estimated to Take A Year" Whether It Be, "Hydroxychloroquine," (In a Combination with the Anti-Biotic Azithromycin), "Chloroquine," "The Vaccine mRNA-1273," or Another Anti-Viral Drug "Remdesivir," to "Eliminate This Dreaded Disease Must Be Accelerated," to "Counter and Prevent A Dramatic Surge of The Virus!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "We are In A Medical War with COVID-19!" And, "Whatever Sacrifices It Takes to Defeat This Virus" by "Whatever Age Group, Must Be Taken," "For The Sake of Our Families," and "Our Fellow Human Being!"

"For We are In A Medical War" with "A Deadly," As Yet "An Undefined Entity!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New  Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"One Wonders Why A Cure and Vaccine has Not Already Been Discovered" by "The Doctors and Scientists of The People's Republic of China, Where COVID-19 First Struck, Last Year," and has "Caused Death and Anxiety Among The People of China Resulting in An Enormous Toll" and "Price of Lives," and then "Why haven't Enough Sovereign Nations Listened to The Warnings of The World Health Organization," (WHO)!" 

"The Questions" are In Abundance, "However, "Now is The Time for Everyone to Take The Proper Precautions Being Advised by Medical Professionals," For This is A Matter of Life and Death!" And, "The Facts Not The Rhetoric Do Not Lie!"

And,"Let's Be Clear If It Takes Extending the Federal Social Distancing Guidelines Beyond April Thirtieth 2020," to "Prevent The Continued Spread of The CoronaVirus," (COVID-19), "Then Let It Be!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Fourth of March 2020, "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of The Sovereign Nation of Japan," "The Tokyo Organizing Committee," and "International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach," have "Agreed to Officially Postpone The 2020 Tokyo Olympics to 2021," Because of The CoronaVirus Outbreak!" However, It Will Still Be Called "Tokyo 2020.")-    

As The Sun Set's O'er The Nation's Capital, Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth 2020, "The United States Senate Leaders Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr. and Minority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer and The Trump Administration have "Agreed to A $2.2 Trillion Emergency Rescue Stimulus Package to "Lift The U.S. Economy" from "Falling into A Deep Recession" and "Escalate Its Nationwide Efforts in The Medical War Against The CoronaVirus!"
"This is The Largest Emergency Aid Package in The History of The United States of America!"

"The Breakdown of This Emergency Aid Package Entitled" is; (1) "$Three Hundred and Sixty-Seven Billion in Small Business Loans," (2) "$Two Hundred and Fifty Billion Set Aside for Direct Payments to Individuals and Families," (3) "$Two Hundred and Fifty Billion in Unemployment Insurance Benefits," and (4) "$Five Hundred Billion in Loans for Distressed Companies," (5) "Individuals who earn $Seventy-Five Thousand, in Adjusted Gross Income or Less, Would Receive Direct Payments of $One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars," (6) With Married Couples Earning Up to $One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars Receiving $Twenty-Four Hundred Dollars," and "An Additional $Five Hundred Dollars per Child," (7) "The Payment Would Scale Down by Income, Phasing Out Entirely at Ninety-Nine Thousand Dollars for Singles" and "$One Hundred and Ninety-Eight Thousand for Couples without Children," (8) "Those who Signed Tax Returns" as "Head of House Hold" and "Earned $One Hundred and Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars or Less, Will Receive One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars," In Addition,(8) $Fifty Billion in Loans is Being Provided for Passenger Air Carriers," (9) "Providing Four Months of Unemployment Benefits, Extending to Self Employed Workers," and, (10) $One Hundred Billion Will Be Provided for Hospitals," who are "On The Frontline of This Medical War Against The CoronaVirus, and, (11) "$One Hundred and Fifty Billion Will Be Provided to States and Cities whose Cash Reserves are Being Drained by The Ongoing Outbreak of COVID-19!"   

And, "The Trump Administration has also Agreed" to "An Oversight Board," and "The Creation" of "An Inspector General" to "Review How All The Money is Being Spent!"         

"In A Statement of Bi-Partisanship," and "An Overwhelming Concern for The Safety and Health Care of The American People," "This Historic Eight Hundred and Eighty Page $2.2 Stimulus Package" The Largest Economic Relief Bill in The History of The United States of America" was "Passed by A Vote of Ninety-Six to Zero in The United States Senate," on Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth of March 2020, and "Will Be Immediately Sent to The United States House of Representatives on Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of March 2020!" "Where After Their Due Diligence has Been Completed Expeditiously," "Should Be Passed Unanimously in A Bi-Partisan Vote!"

"Senate Majority Leader McConnell said on The Floor of The Senate," after The Announcement was Made, "We have a deal," by White House Legislative Affairs Director Eric Ueland, "At last we have a deal. After days of intense discussions, the Senate has reached a bipartisan agreement on a historic relief package for this pandemic." And, Senator Majority Leader McConnell also Described This Emergency Package as, "a wartime effort of investment for our nation."
Global Cross Media News Reports are "After The Vote ," Senator McConnell is Reported to have said, "Pray for one another, for all of our families and for our country."

And, Senate Minority Leader Schumer said on The Senate Floor, "Like all compromises, this bill is far from perfect, but we believe the legislation has been improved significantly to warrant its quick consideration and passage, and because many Democrats and Republicans were willing to do the serious and hard work, the bill is much better off than where it started."    

After The Vote "President Trump Tweeted, "96-0 in the United States Senate. Congratulations America!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "According to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's Office "The Bill has a provision that would block President Donald Trump and his family, and other top government officials, and members of Congress, from getting loans or investments from Treasury programs in the stimulus.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of March 2020 in "A Highly Commendable Patriotic Effort," "The United States House Of Representatives Returned to The Nations Capital by Car and Plane" to "Pass The $2.2 Trillion Emergency Rescue Stimulus Package by A Voice Vote" in "A Magnificent Display of Bi-Partisanship!"

President Trump said "He would sign the measure immediately!"

"House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi," Democrat from California said, "The American people deserve a government wide, visionary, evidence-based response to address these threats to their lives and their livelihood. And they need it now."

"And, House Minority Leader Kevin Owen McCarthy," Republican from California said, "We are going to help Americans through this. We are going to do this together."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New  Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "More Deaths have Occurred from COVID-19" than from "The 9/11 Terror Attacks"-
"Do Not Be Surprised If Additional Stimulus Packages" are "Proposed in The Near Future" to "Defeat This Tenacious Virus" that has "Already Caused The Deaths of Twenty Thousand Love Ones in The United States Alone!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Stock Market Resurgence was Welcomed News" "During The Week of The Twenty-Third of March 2020," and that "Is Hopefully Based on A Contemplative Mindset" Resulting from "A Correction in Perception" that "Is In Alliance with The People," and "Empowering The People," and "Supporting The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People" who are "Under Attack by The CoronaVirus" and "Existing in A State of Social Distancing!" "Instead of Crashing In Fear of  COVID-19," as "The Markets Did on "Black Monday, The Ninth of March 2020," and "Continuing on Wednesday, and Black Thursday, The Eleventh and Twelfth of March 2020!" 

Then "This Market Correction," (If Indeed It is), "Is Significant," Because, It Would Demonstrate that "It is Able to Transcend The Negative Economic News," As Reported by "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" on Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of March 2020, that "3.3 Million Americans Applied for Unemployment Benefits in The United States," Which is "Significantly More than Quadruple The Previous Record High Set in 1982!"

"This Explosion in Unemployment has Been Expected Due to The Shutdowns," "Shelter in Place Orders," and "Lock Downs Called for by President Trump," "Medical Professionals," and "Elected Officials," to "Counter The Spread of The CoronaVirus"  "Which has "Now Spread to Every State in The Union!" 
And, by "Implementing A Strategy of Staying, Studying, and Working at Home," and "Social Distancing," Hopes are "The Ongoing Spread of This Devastating Pandemic Can Be Slowed Down" and "Lives Saved," While The Intensifying Search for A Cure Continues!" 

"And, "It is also Significant Because," "If This is Truly A Global Correction in Perception and Contemplation in The Stock Markets," "It Truly Demonstrates The Welcomed Support of Big Business," and "Herald that The Financial Markets are Ready to Take on Helping with The Immediate Finance and Production of The Medical Supplies" that have "Been Called for On A Daily Basis by The Medical Community in The United States" and "Earthwide," who are "In A Life and Death Battle Against The CoronaVirus" in "Cities and States All Across The Nation," and "The Earth Itself!"

And, "These Doctor, Nurses, First Responders, Health Care Providers, Critical Care Providers, and Emergency Volunteers are On The Frontlines of This Medical War Against COVID-19, and "They Need The Private Sector," and "The United States Government" to "Provide Ventilators, N95 Face Masks, Test Kits, Gloves, Gowns, Additional Hospital Beds, and "The Financial Support" to "Discover" as Quickly and Safely as Possible, "A New Cure," and "Vaccine" to "Treat and Defeat This Scourge" that has "Unleashed Its Affliction Upon Families of The Nation Irregardless of Age, Gender, Nationality, Creed, Color, Tribe, or Special Needs," and "All Across The Sovereign Nations of The Earth and The Earths Populace!"

And, "The Importance and Support of The Global Markets, Financially, Patriotically, Comprehensively, Intellectually, Cognitively, Emphatically, and Compassionately" "Must Take Priority over Profits and Losses in The Global Market Place!" 
"The People of The Earths Sovereign Nations" are of "Greater Worth and Value than Any Financial Profit, Gain, or Loss!"

And, "That is Why An Advanced Global Correction is Needed," "For The Need is Too Great" and "Can Not Be Underestimated at This Critical Time Period When Great Efforts to Save Lives" are "Being Undertaken by The Global Medical Communities," and "Great Sacrifice's are "Being Made by The People," and "The Loss of Human Lives Continues to Grow!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March, 2020 "Four Individuals" were "Chosen to Be Injected with A CoronaVirus Vaccine Conducted at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute," in Seattle, Washington." 

In Total, GCM News Reports are "Forty-Five Individuals," Aged Eighteen to Fifty-Five, "Will Be Injected with "The Vaccine, mRNA-1273" in "A New Phase 1 Clinical Trial of of A Potential Vaccine for the SARS -CoV2 CoronaVirus!"
And then, "The Forty-Five Participants Will Be Monitored" to "Evaluate The Immunogenicity and Safety of The Vaccine!"

And, "The First Test of This Experimental Vaccine Began Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March 2020!"

"The Name of The First Person" who was "Injected with This Vaccine is Jennifer Haller, Forty-Three Years of Age, from Seattle," and "A Parent with Two Teens, who "Did Not have The CoronaVirus," However, "She Volunteered to Take The Vaccine in An Attempt to Help Find A Cure for This Dreaded Disease!"

In All, "Jennifer Will Be Receiving Two Rounds of The Vaccine Twenty-Eight Days a Part!"

"The Goal of The Phase 1 Study" is to "Test Three Different Doses of  mRNA-1273 Vaccine," and "This Study" is "The First Step" in "The Clinical Development of An mRNA Vaccine Against SARS-CoV2!"

And, The Researchers are In Hopes that The Vaccine Will Stimulate The Immune System to Attack COVID-19," and In Doing so, "Prevent The Development of The Virus!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are So far, "Jennifer Feel's fine!"

-(Note that, "This Vaccine, mRNA-1273" was "Developed by Moderna," A Biotechnology Company, In Combination with "Researchers from The National Institutes of Health" (NIH).

Our Hopes are, "If The Green Light is Given to The mRNA-1273 Vaccine," or "A Clinical Variation of It," that "It Doesn't Take A Year to Distribute It Nationwide!"

-Extra Noteworthy News_
As The Parallel Universes of Information and Communication Continue to "Highlight White House Press Conferences," and "Fourth Estate Headlines," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," "Serving as Platforms to Bring Forth The Latest News, Prevention's, Preparations, and Mobilization of The Trump Administration's Efforts" to "Prevent The CoronaVirus from Continuing to Spread in The United States of America," Today, Wednesday, The Eighteenth of March 2020, President Trump Invoked The Defense Production Act"  (DPA) in "Response to The COVID-19 Outbreak," and to "Increase The Government's Ability to Combat This CoronaVirus!"

-(Note that, "The Defense Production Act" has "Normally Been Used During Emergencies," In Times, "When Civil Defense and War Mobilization is Needed!" And, "There Can Be No Doubt" that "The United States of America is "In A War Against The CoronaVirus," as "Is All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth!")-

And by "Invoking DPA The Government Will Be Able to Immediately Authorize Emergency Funding,  and Building Additional Facilities to Hold More Hospital Beds, and Supply The Need for Masks, Test Kits, Gloves, Medical Supplies, and Ventilators," and "Authorize The Government with Emergency Powers" to "Establish Regulations and Priorities for The Defense, Health Care, Safety and Defense The Nation," and "Allocations for Whatever is Needed to Combat COVID-19 Immediately!" 

And also, to "Work with The United States Congress to Create and Pass Legislation" that "Empowers The American People During This Emergency National Public Health Crisis," and "Stimulate The Economy," and "Utilize The Very Impressive Services of The United States Army Corps of Engineers" to "Build and Construct Whatever Facilities are Needed," to "Help Our Brave and Courageous Doctors, Nurses, and Medical Personnel," as "They Continue Their Magnificent Efforts on The Frontlines of Confronting COVID-19," and "Selflessly Serving The Diverse Community, Tapestry and Fabric of All The People," "Irregardless of Age, Gender, Special Needs, Creed, Nationality, Tribe, or Color!"

"The Defense Production Act" has "Been Reauthorized More than Fifty Times Since 1950!" 

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New  Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Question" is "Will It Take More than The $1.2 Trillion Stimulus Package," to "Prevent The U.S. Economy from Experiencing The Recession" that "Economic and Financial Pundits" have "Been Predicting Will Happen" "Due to The Devastating Effect that The CoronaVirus is having on The Nation!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Parallel Universe of The CoronaVirus, The Global Markets, Sovereign Nations, Threat of Recession, and The Sociological Concerns Of The People Meet on An Unstable Plateau, "The Emergency Counter Measures Initiated by The Federal Reserve on Sunday, The Fifteenth of March 2020," by (1) "Cutting Its Interest Rates by A Full Percentage Point  to A Range of 0.25% (Its Lowest Level since 2015)," and, (2) "Buying $Five Hundred Billion in U.S. Treasury Securities,"and, (3) "Purchasing $Two Hundred Billion of Mortgage-Backed Securities Issued by Fannie Mae, and Fanny Mac!"

"These Counter Measures by The Fed are In Hopes" that "The Stock Market Will Calm Down," Instead of Continuing to Crash and Fall Due to Fears about The CoronaVirus," and "A Recession!"

However, Today, Monday, The Sixteenth of March 2020 "This Counter Measure by The Fed had A Reverse Reaction," As "The Dow Plunged In A Disastrous Twelve Per Cent Crash" "Its Largest since 1987!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New  Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
The Question" is "When Will The Global Stock Markets Control Their Fears Over The CoronaVirus! 
And, What Kind of A Message is It Sending to The Diverse Communities, Towns, Villages, Cities and States!" 

"This is The Time Period When The Major Sectors of The Stock Market" have "To Rise Not Fall" to "This Global Pandemic" that has "Caused Anxiety, Fear and Depression in More than One Hundred and Thirty-Seven Countries and Territories Across This Earth of Ours," "Attacking Indiscriminately The Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul Of The Diverse Population of The Earth!" 

"This is The Time Period When Courage Must Be Shown by All of The Sectors of The Parallel Universes of This Earthly and Universal Experience," as "Nurses, Doctors, Medical Professionals, First Responders, Emergency Rescuers, and Families Face The Fears, The Unknown, and The Challenges that Lie Ahead of Them!"

And, "This is The Time The Global Markets to Become Leaders in The War Against CoronaVirus!" And, "Invest Your Finances," and "Invest Your Energies," and "Invest Your Unlimited Resources in Defeating COVID-19!"  And, "Let This Global Correction in The Global Marketplace Be The New Norm of An Era of Empowerment and Social Security For All The People!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New  Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United States of America "Seeing President Trump Conduct Press Conferences from The White House on A Daily Basis," "Beginning The Week of Monday, The Sixteenth of March 2020, "Is A Clear Demonstration of The Seriousness of The Medical War Against The CoronaVirus!"

"The American People have Gotten Use to Tweets from The President!" However, "Receiving Daily CoronaVirus Updates from Medical Experts and Professionals," Such as, "Immunologist, Doctor Anthony Stephen Fauci," has "Been Very Informative," and of "The Greatest Importance to Families All Across The Nation!"

And, "The President's Announcement that FEMA is Now In Charge of The Response Against COVID-19," "Is Welcomed News!"

For One Thing, "FEMA Can Utilize the Defense Production Act," (DPA) to "Obtain Ventilators, and Face Masks," and "Preparing for The Demand for Hospital Beds," "Increased Testing," "Gloves, and Gowns," and "Additional Space for The Expected Increase of Americans" (The Surge), "Who Will Be Infected by The CoronaVirus on A Daily Basis," "If Not Hourly Basis," over "The Next Several Months," Unless "A Vaccine/Cure is Discovered!"

And, "It Should Be Strongly Expressed" that "Finding A Vaccine/Cure for The CoronaVirus Should Be One of," "If Not The Highest Priority!"

And, "It is Impressive to Finally See The Two Major Political Parties Working Together," "In An Admirable Display of Bi-Partisanship," To "Create and Pass New Legislation for Funding," "For The Immediate Assistance of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," "Who have had to Face The Reality" that "A New Norm is Upon Us," and "It is Absolutely Necessary" to "Follow The Federal, State, and Local Directives" to "Confront The Threat of This Disease!"

"Sovereign Nations have Been Locked Down," "Cities have Been Locked Down," Schools have Been Closed," Libraries have Been Closed," and "Businesses have Been Closed All Across The United States," and "The Global Markets have Been Crushed Out of Fear" of "The Potential Spread and Surge of The CoronaVirus!"

And, "Let's Be Very Clear" of "The Historical Impact of The Medical War Against COVID-19 In The Annals, EBooks, and Archives of President Trump's Tenure in Office," that Along with "The Trump Administrations' Controversial Immigration Policy," "U.S. Government Shutdown," "Trade Wars," "The Good U.S. Economic Figures," and "The Bull Run of The U.S. Stock Market (Before COVID-19 and After COVID-19)," and "The Mueller Report," "Relationships with The Leaders of The Russian Federation," "The People's Republic of China," and "The Democratic People's Republic of North Korea," NATO," and "Traditional Allies of The U.S.," "The Sovereign State of Israel," "War in The Middle East,"  and "The President's Impeachment in The U.S. House of Representatives," and "Being Acquitted of All Charges in The U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial," "His Campaign Style," and "Attacks Upon The Fourth Estate," and "The U.S. Intelligence Agencies," and "President Trump's Public Opinion Polls in The U.S. and Earthwide," Altogether "May End Up Being Second" to "The Effect that The Corona Virus has had During His Tenure in Office!" 

However, "The Tragic Numbers of Deaths and Recoveries" that "Will Occur Before This Medical War has Been Defeated," "Will also Be A Strong Part of President Trump's Story," "Administration," and "Tenure in Office!"

But "It Will Take A United Effort" and "The Sacrifice and Determination of Doctors, and Nurses," and "First Responders, and "All The Medical Professionals of The Sovereign Nations of The Earths Nations," on "A Twenty-Four Seven Basis" "Before This is Accomplished!"

And, "The Private Sector Must Selflessly Work with Sovereign, State, City, and Local Governments" and "Provide All of Their Unlimited Resources" to "Assist in The Defeat of This Virus," "For The Sake of All The People of The Earths Populace," Because, "No One is Safe from The Threat of This Virus!" 

And "Yes, One Day," Hopefully One Day in The Near Future," "This Global Pandemic Will Be Over!" 
However, "It Will Take The Bold, Compassionate, and Just Leadership of The Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations," Before "This Day Becomes A Reality" and "The Earths Populace is Safe and Secure" to "Enjoy Their Lives," Once Again!" 

And, "The Youth of The Earth Will Finally Be Able to Live Their Lives" and "Pursue The Vast Number's of Opportunities, Idea's, and Prospects," that "Their Education Prepared Them to Plan for" "Without Fear or Threat of The CoronaVirus Preventing or Impeding Them" from "Achieving Their Goals in Life!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Sixteenth of March 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Israeli President Reuven Rivlin has Chosen The Blue and White Party Leader Benjamin "Bernie" Gantz to Form A New Government!"

"Mr. Gantz' Blue and White Party Won Thirty-Three Seats to Prime Minister Netanyahu's Likud Party Winning Thirty-Six Seats In The Third National Election in Israel," However, "The Fact" that "The Prime Minister was Indicted on The Twenty-First of November 2019" on "Charges of Breach of Trust, Bribery, and Fraud," Together with GCM News Reports that "After Consulting with The Leaders of All The Parties Elected to The Parliament," "May have Been The Main Reasons Why President Rivlin Decided" to Give Mr. Gantz "The Mandate," In Which "He Will have One Month to Form A New Unity Government" by "Obtaining A Parliamentary Majority of Sixty- One Votes!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of March 2020, "Blue and White Party Leader Benjamin "Bernie" Gantz was "Elected The New Speaker of The Israeli Parliament!"

In The Midst of An Internal Turmoil within The Blue and White Party," It Took "The Support of His Rivals for Mr. Gantz to Be Elected Speaker!" 

GCM News Reports are "Mr. Gantz Obtained The Backing of  A Majority of MP's" only "After Pledging to Agree" to "Join An Emergency Unity Government!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Mr. Gantz Told The Knesset , "These are unusual times and they call for unusual decisions. That's why I intend to explore the formation of a national emergency government."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New  Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"These are The Moments in Time When Bold Decisions Must Be Made," and "Bold Idea's Must Be Pursued For The Sake Of The People!"

"The CoronaVirus is Attacking The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and There are Still Wide Divisions Between Warring Factions in The Middle East!"

And, "The Possibility of A Fourth National Election Still Looms Ahead in Israel!"

However, "The Question" Still Remains "Will Speaker Gantz and Prime Minister Netanyahu Enter into A Rotating Power Sharing Unity Government," or "Will They Lead Their Parties" into "A New Challenge Set Forth" in "A Fourth National Election!"

And, "Has Mr. Gantz Broken The Pledge Made by His Blue and White Party" to "Never Sit in A Government  with A Prime Minister Facing Criminal Charges."

And, "What Will The People of Israel Decide Upon!" "Is There A Path that Transcends The Political and Sociological Divide In The Sovereign State of Israel!" 
And, "Is There A Bridge that Leads to A Future of Unity, Prosperity, Peace, and The Pursuit of Happiness and Opportunity," that "Can Be Realized" and "Shared by All of Israel!"

"Whatever Choices The People of Israel Decide Upon," "It Will Still Take Bold, Courageous, Cognizant, and Soulful Leadership to Guide Them as They Embark Upon A New Beginning" and "The Dawn of A New Era of Awakening, and Experience in Their Lives!"

-(Note that, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Leader of The Likud Party," was "Indicted on The Twenty-First of November 2019" on "Charges of Breach of Trust, Bribery, and Fraud!" And, "These Charges of Corruption Still Need to Be Resolved in A Court of Law," and "In The Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and Souls of The Israeli People!"

"Mr. Netanyahu Faces Trial on The Twenty-Fourth of May 2020!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Thirtieth of March 2020 "Representative Mark Randall Meadows" from North Carolina, "Officially Resigned from Congress" to "Become The Fourth Chief Of Staff for President Trump," Replacing Former Acting Chief of Staff John Michael "Mick" Mulvaney," who "Will Become The United States Special Envoy for Northern Ireland!"

"Chief of Staff Meadows," who "Previously was Chairman of The Freedom Caucus," and "Member of The Republican Party said" in His Resignation Letter, "Serving the people of North Carolina's eleventh Congressional district for these last seven years has been the honor of my life," and "I will forever be grateful for the opportunity."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New  Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
And, so "A New Member of The President's Men Will Attempt to Bring His Organizational Skills" to "Advance The Trump Administration's Policies," and "Mend Whatever Cracks" that "May Exist in The Walls of The West Wing and The Trump Administration!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-As The Parallel Universes of Communication, Information, The Fourth Estate, The Global Cross Media News Sphere's, and The Social Media are Uniting in A Universal Effort to Provide Updates on The CoronaVirus," and The Earth at Large,  "It is Incomprehensible" that "Anyone Would Would Attempt to Cyberattack The U.S. Human Health Agency" as The United States is "In The Middle of The CoronaVirus Pandemic," and "In Thousands of Cases A Matter of Life and Death!"

"Where is The Good Conscience of These Malicious, Soulless, and Heartless Individuals!"

Sunday, The Fifteenth of March 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The U.S. Health and Human Services Department's Computer System was Cyber Attacked," In An Attempt to Overload HHS Servers" and "Slow Down The Agencies Systems!" 

And, In Addition, The National Security Council Issued A Tweet Warning" that "A Fake Text Message" was Being "sent from An unknown sender warning that the person's "military friends" had heard in a briefing that the "president" will order a two week mandatory quarantine for the nation."

And, "Officials Believe that This Malicious Message was Related to The HHS Cyber Attack!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "No Data was Taken from The U.S. Health and Human and Services Department!")- 

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New  Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Value of The United States Intelligence Agencies and Cyber Command Agency Can Not Be Underestimated" or "Under Appreciated," and "It is in Moments such as This Cyber Attack on HHS," When The Citizens of The United States are Being Threatened by An Emergency Public Health Crisis," that "We Especially Their Value Their Service to The Nation!"

And, "The Hi-Tech Industry Must Provide Continued Protection" from "Whomever These Domestic or Foreign Cyber Criminals May Be!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "Clearly We have Entered into A Time Period where A Heightened Level of Discipline, Vigilance, Empathy, Soul Strength Cognizance, Intelligence and Common Sense, are Essential and Required," "If We are to Advance and Evolve into The Near Future" without "The Loss of A Great Many Lives," from Taking Place!

And, "Clearly We are In Need of Leaders of The Earth Myriad Sectors Coming Forth to Voice Their Opinions about The Sociological, Economical, Spiritual, Health Care, Medical, Scientific, Biological, Ethical, Human Rights and Principles that are Essential and Required," If We are to Evolve and Advance into The Near Future without Being Manipulated and Controlled by Authoritarian, One-Man-Rule Forms of Governance," who "Continue to Use The Truth" to "Their Advantage,"
Lust for Power," "Greed," and "Hubris," But, "Not Sufficiently to Empower The People," or to "Maintain The Rights of The People!"

Let Us Understand Together, "That There are Too Many People Earthwide," In Fact, "Millions Who are Living Transient Life Styles, and In Poverty, who are "Not Even Being Counted in Unemployment Polls," "As If They Do Not Exist!"

And, "Due to Inhumane Conditions Caused by Wars, and Military Conflicts, Flareups, Terrorist Acts of Malicious Violence, "There are Too Many People Living in Refugee Camps," Instead of Living in Their Homes with Their Families," and "Enjoying The Livelihoods of The Twenty-First Century," and "Sharing Their Experiences with Their Friends and Love Ones in Their Own Homes, Villages, Cities and Sovereign Nations," or via "The Twenty-First Century Advantages of The Global Social Media!"

And, "There are Too Many People," Who are Living in An Economic System of Disparities," Where The Wealthy and Big Business Get Wealthier," and "The Middle Class, Single Parent Families, and Citizens Living in Urban Neighborhoods, Villages, Cities, and States Remain in," and "Continue to Exist in A Slow Motion Economic and Reality" that has "A Near Motionless, Unchanging, Stationary, Lethargic, Uninformed Reality!"

And then, "There are Too Many People" "Who are Being Lied to," and "Influenced by False Political Rhetoric," that "Is Meant to Divide Us," Thru "The Use of Half Truths," "Untruths," Racism," and Hate!"  

And, "There are Too Many People" "Who are Being Denied The Right to Vote," or "Whose Electoral Process is Being Manipulated" to "Benefit One Political, Military, Religious, or Financial Reason/Faction or Another!"

And, "Here We  are In The Twenty-First Century," with "A Plethora of Intellectual, Cultural, Sociological, Economical and Historical Resources and References" to "Provide Economic Parity, Equality, Learning, and Public Resources Upon Which" to "Build A Grand Awe-Inspiring, Admirable, Cognitive, Commendable, Evolutionary and Universal Era For One and All to Share in Abundance!" "In A Truly A Grand Age of Equilibre on Earth!"

And, "The Winds of Change are Upon Us to Do Nothing Less" than "Achieve and Maintain Our Goals and Earthrise Visions of A Grand Purpose of Being on Earth!" And, "An Uplifting Beauty, and Soulful Significance of Being Here on Earth!"

And, "An Empowerment of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," "For The Sake of All The People," and "The Youth of The Earth's Communities," Who are to "Inherit These Winds of Change," and "Share Them in Turn with Their Families" and "Future Generations of Our Planet Earth, and The Universe," that "We are But A Minuscule, Infinitesimal," and "Yet Significant Part of!"

However, "It is Our Moral Responsibility, Our Cultural Responsibility, Spiritual and Religious Responsibility, Economical Responsibility, Health and Environmental Responsibility, Academic, Scholarly, and Philosophical Responsibility, Civil, Military and Public Service Responsibility, and Sentient and Universal Responsibility," to "Come Forth and Be Activists and Advocates Of The People," and "A Mindset that Embraces The Tenets, Concepts, Importance, and Universal Entities," and "Myriad Universal States of Being of The Great Cosmos," "For The People!" And, This Universal and Earthrise Mission" is "To Come Forth Now and Without Delay!"

And, Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "Let Us One and All Encourage A New Generation Of Advocates and Activists" to "Rise and Come Forth," For, "It Will Take A Grand Union of Incorruptible Women and Men Who are Greatly Admired By The People, For Their Respect Of The People," "Who May Be Politicians and Diplomats, or In The Military, or Educators, Philanthropists, Medical and Health Care Professionals, Scientists, Ecologists and Environmentalists, Inspiring Artisans, Historians, Humanitarians, Philosophers, Musicians, Artists, Dancers, Singers, Women and Men of Culture, Journalists, Civil Rights Advocates, International and Domestic Law and Order Officials, First Responders, and Hi-Tech Visionaries," to "Represent The People," and "Be Exponents Of, By, and For The People," and "Establish and Build A Creative and Enlightened Reality For All The People," "Irregardless of Gender, Age, Nationality, Creed, Special Needs, Tribe, or Color!" And, "The Need For These Women and Men to Come Forth" is "Now!" 

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Justice, Opportunity, Equality, Joie de Vivre, Family Cohesiveness, Excellence of Character, Universal Awareness, and Peace On Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Sixteenth of March 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are The Results of The 2020 Northern Mariana Islands Democratic Caucuses Held on Sunday, The Fifteenth of March are;
  (1) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  84 Votes- 62. 7%-  4 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Delaware- 48 Votes- 35. 8%-  2 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

-(Note that, "The 2020 Arizona, Florida, Illinois, and Ohio  State Primaries Will Occur on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March!")-

As of Monday, The Sixteenth of March 2020, "Former U.S. Vice President Biden's Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" is at, "Eight Hundred and Ninety!"

And, "Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders' Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" is at, "Seven Hundred and Thirty-Six!"

-Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are;
(1) "Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts"- (Withdrawn)- has "A Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" of "Eighty-Four!"
(2) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York"- (Withdrawn)- has "A Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" of "Fifty-Eight!"

(3) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana"- (Withdrawn)- has "A Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" of "Twenty-Six!"

(4) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota"- (Withdrawn)- has "A Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" of "Seven! "

(5) House of Representative Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii"- "A Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" of "Two!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
-(I) Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 Arizona State Primary on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March 2020;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr.- Home State Delaware- 231, 507 Votes- 43. 1 %-  37 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders- Home State Vermont-  168, 149 Votes- 31. 6%-  27 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

-(II) Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020  Florida State Primary on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March 2020;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr.- Home State Delaware- 1, 074, 444 Votes- 61. 94%- 136 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders Home State Vermont-  396, 035 Votes- 22. 83%- 48 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

-(III) Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 Illinois State Primary on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March 2020;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr.- Home State Delaware- 910, 973 Votes- 59. 1%-  93 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders Home State Vermont-  555, 926 Votes- 36. 1%- 59 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

-(IV) Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 Ohio State Primary on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March 2020; -(Postponed Due to The CoronaVirus Outbreak-
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr.- Home State Delaware-  Votes- %-   Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders- Home State Vermont-  Votes- %-  Delegates- (At Last Count)-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As of Monday, The Sixteenth of March 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump's National  Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" is "One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty-Five," and "The President only Needs" to "Reach One Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy-Six to Be Guaranteed," Once Again "Be The Republican Party Nominee for President of The United States of America!"

And, "The Results of The 2020 Northern Mariana Islands Republican Caucuses Held on Sunday, The Fifteenth of March, "Unanimously Binded All Nine National Delegates to President Trump!" 

(Note that, "The 2020 Republican Florida State Primary Will Occur on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March 2020!")-

-(I)- Here are The Vote Results for The 2020 Republican State Primary in Florida on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March 2020;
(1) President Donald John Trump- 1, 159, 645 Votes- 93. 8%-   Delegates -%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

(2) Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- 39, 172 Votes- 3. 2%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

(3) Former U.S. Representative Joseph "Joe" Walsh of Illinois-  25, 339 Votes- 2%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)- (Withdrawn)-

(3) Businessman Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente- 12, 129 Votes- 1%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

-(II)- Here are The Results for The 2020 Republican State Primary in  on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March 2020:
(1) President Donald John Trump-  Votes- %-  Delegates -(At Last Count)-

(2) Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- Votes- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-  

(3) Businessman Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente   Votes %- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

-(III)- Here are The Results for The 2020 Republican State Primary in  on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March 2020: (Transcluded from 2020 Republican Primary)-
(1) President Donald John Trump-  Votes%-  Delegates -(At Last Count)-

(2) Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- Votes- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-  

(3) Businessman Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente   Votes %- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

-(IV)- Here are The Results for The 2020 Republican State Primary in on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March 2020:
(1) President Donald John Trump- Votes %-  Delegates -%- -(At Last Count)-

(2) Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- Votes- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-  

(3) Businessman Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente   Votes %- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

-(V)-  Here are The Results for The 2020 Republican Primary in on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020:
(1) President Donald John Trump- Votes%-  Delegates -(At Last Count)-

(2) Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- Votes- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-  

(3) Businessman Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente   Votes %- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

-In Memorial: Country Music Icon and Legendary Superstar and Crossover Recording Artist, Record Producer, Composer, Actor, and Entrepreneur Kenny Rogers, (Born Kenneth Ray Rogers) Passed Away on Friday, The Twentieth of March 2020 at The Age of Eighty-One of Natural Causes under Hospice Care Surrounded by His Loving Family" in "His Home in Sandy Springs, Georgia!"

"Kenny Rogers Career Spanned Across Six Decades" "Providing Music Lovers All The Earth with A Plethora of Great Recordings," and "Top Ten Hits," and "Sold More that One Hundred Million Records All over The Earth!" 

Among The Highlights of Kenny Rogers Illustrious Career," of Which There were Many, was "Singing with The Successful Recording Group The First Edition!" 

However, "His Celebrated Solo Career" was "So Extensive," that "It Led Him to Be Inducted into The Country Music Hall of Fame in 2013!"

"Kenny Rogers also Found Success as An Actor" in "A Successful Television Series" Entitled, "Kenny Rogers as The Gambler," that Began  in the 1980's, Which was Inspired by "His 1978 Recording of "The Gambler!"

And, "In 1985 Kenny Participated in The Original Recording" of "We are the World!"

And, He also Co-Chaired the "Hands Across America" Campaign Which was to Bring Greater Attention to The Plight of The Homeless and Hungry in The United States of America!"

And, In 1986 Kenny Rogers was Voted The Favorite Singer of All-Time in A Poll Taken by "People" and "USA Today!"

And, Kenny's Duets with Dotty Parton, James Ingram and Kim Carnes, Lynda Carter, Ronnie Milsap, Whitney Duncan, Don Henley, and Collaborations with Lionel Ritchie, and Barry Gibb (and The Gibb Brothers, Maurice and Robin), David Foster," and "Bloodline" The Group who Backed Kenny on His Tours, "Will Never Be Forgotten!" 

And, Althroughout His Career Kenny was The Recipient of Many Awards and Accolades" such as,"Grammy Music Awards,"  "American Music Awards, "Country Music Awards," and "A Lifetime Achievement Award," Just to Name a Few!"

"Kenny Rogers Announced His Retirement in 2015," However, "He was Never Far from Our Hearts and Love of Music!" 

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Kenny Rogers!

And To His Family, Friends, Colleagues, and Myriads of Music Lovers All over This Earth of Ours, We Will Be Forever Be Grateful to Kenneth Ray Rogers' Contribution to The Universe of Music that Future and Present Generations of Music All overs the Earth Will Be Able to Enjoy, For As Long as Beautiful and Inspiring Music and Lyrics are Composed and Recorded, and We Mourn His Passing with You!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to The CoronaVirus or A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!