Saturday, March 14, 2020



The Way To Peace! #361

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
As The Parallel Universes of "The Multiple Sectors that Influence Our Lives have Become Affected," and/or "Infected" by "A New Factor," "The Coronavirus (COVID-19)," that "Acts Indiscriminately," and has "Caused The Deaths of More than Four Thousand Seven Hundred People Earthwide," and "Infected More than One Hundred and Twenty-Eight Thousand People as of Friday, The Thirteenth of March 2020," and "Spread Across One Hundred Sovereign Nations and Territories," "Causing The Collapse of Global Markets in Its Path," and "The Closure of Schools," and "With Projections of Lower GDP's in The Immediate Future," and "Causing The Temporary Suspension of Sports Events," and "Our Entertainment and Sociological Event Destinations Temporarily Closing Their Doors" until "The Unknown Questions Surrounding This Pandemic are Answered," "There is No Doubt at All" that "The Earths Populace Will have to Change Its Normal Routines and Activities," and "Ways of Conducting Their Lives!"

"This is Not The Change" or "Global Correction" that "Is Desired at All!" "Tragically," "Because The Number of Deaths and Infected has Expeditiously," and "Unfortunately Grown to The Level and Degree of Danger" that "The Earths Populace is Faced with A Global Health Crisis," and also "Unfortunately," "Too Many Sovereign Nations Do Not have A Plan of Prevention in Place," "Nor Do They have a The Proper Prevention System in Place" to "Counter The Growth of This Pandemic Sufficiently Enough" to "Have Tests Ready," or "A Preventative Health Care System in Place to Accommodate The Immediate Negative Affect that This Virus has had!"

"So, Now The Sovereign Nations of The Earth" have "To Immediately Engage in," and "Unite in," "A Belated Coordinated Global Effort to Fund and Prevent The Continued Grow of COVID-19!"

And "Their Health Care, Biological and Scientific Professionals" have "To Immediately Research and Discover A Cure and Vaccine," and "The Appropriate Government Health Care Agencies," and "Pertinent Legislative Leaders" (Irregardless of Political Party) have "To Oversee and Direct The Immediate Distribution of Test Kits Domestically and Earthwide," and "Prepare for The Projected Number of Hospital Beds that Will Be Needed!" 

And "The Additional Requests for Funding Will have to Be Provided" and "Maintained at A High Level," to "Prevent This Pandemic's Continued Spread," and "Prevent The Projected Estimations of Loss of Life," of "Our Love Ones from Occurring,""All Across This Home Planet of Ours!"

And, "This Global Effort has To Be Conducted" with "A Great Amount of Sensitivity," "Compassion," Professionalism," and "Concern," "For The Lives of Our Love Ones and Family Members of All Ages are at Stake!"

And, "Whatever Information Concerning This Disease Must Be Immediately Distributed with Clarity," and "Immediately Made Known," by "The Health Care Agencies," and "With The Positive Assistance of The Fourth Estate," and "The Social," and "Global Cross Media News Sphere's," "To Alleviate Any Fears," that "The Spread of The Coronavirus has Caused!"

And, "Common Sense," and "Good Sense Instructions" "Must Be Shared from Family to Family," and "Neighborhood to Neighborhood" and "City and State to City and State," and "Sovereign Nation to Sovereign Nation with All Haste!"

And, "Global and Domestic Leaders of All The Multiple Sectors of The Earths Parallel Universes of Experience," and "Every Parent and Family Member Must Assist in This Global Effort" to "Prevent The Further Spread of The COVID-19 Virus," and "The Youth of The Earth Must Actively Participate and Be Prepared" for "The Temporary Changes in The Normal Functions of Their Lives!" 
"They Will Be Asked to Make Serious Changes in Their Lives This Spring" and "Summer Seasons!" For, This is "The New Norm of The Year 2020!"

And, Especially at This Critical Moment in Time, "It is Crucial" for "The Business and Finance Sectors" to "Invest in The Health Care, and Social Security Of All The People of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Earths Sovereign Nations!" 
"Profit Can Not Be The Primary Focus or Priority of Your Global Strategies and Models!"

And, "In This Year of 2020 Primary and Presidential Elections in The United States of America," and "Wherever Else The Democratic Electoral Process is Being Conducted," It is of "The Utmost Importance for Every Individual of Voting Age to Vote!"

"This is Your Constitutional Right" and "A Way to Control" and have "A Positive Effect Upon The Present and Future Experiences of Your Lives" and "Your Pursuit of Happiness" and that of "Your Fellow Human Being, (Friend, Love One, Family Member, Neighbor, and Fellow Employee,"), and "Make A Positive Contribution and Change to The Earths Diverse Communities,Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People," and "The Governance of Your Sovereign Nation!"

And, "In The Future," "Each and Every Sovereign Nation Must Act in Concert with One Another Whenever A Potential Threat or Warning to The Health Care and Welfare of The Earths Populace" has "Been Detected!"

"This is Not A Matter of Politics!" "This Concerns The Lives of All The People of The Earths Diverse Communities!" Why!" Because There are "Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us," and "The Fate of Each Other Can Depend Upon This Cognizant State of Comprehension," Earthwise Significance," and/or "Belief in," and "Acceptance" that "All of Our Lives are Intertwined in One Way or Another," and "If You Look Deep Enough," or "Simply Understand The Cause and Effect of Our Actions, Idea's, Thoughts," and "The Way in Which We Conduct Ourselves," and "How It Affects The Lives of Our Fellow Human Being," or "The Environment," and/or "The Lives of All Sentient Beings," Truly We Will Experience The Change" and "Global Correction in Our Lives" that "Unites Us," and "Establishes A Global Equilibre Among Sovereign Nations" that "Embraces A New Era of Cooperation, Peace, Equality, Justice, Freedom," and "The Perception and Prescience of An Age of Soulful Omniscience and Purpose," "Respect For One Another," and "An Omnipresent Sense of Common Sense and Reason for Being," that "Is Protected and Defended by A Coalition of United Sovereign Nations of Peace," Who have "Been Elected to Represent" and "Oversee The Development and Growth of The Earths Global Peace Time Economies!" And, This Should Be "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Eleventh of March 2020 "Actor and Actress Tom Hanks, and Rita Wilson" (Husband and Wife) "Both Tested Positive for The Coronavirus in Australia," on Location, "Filming and Starring in Baz Luhrmann's Film about Elvis Presley!"

Both Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Will Be Isolated, Observed, and Tested Until They have Been Fully Recovered!"

In Addition, "Anyone who has Come in Close Contact with Them, and In The Cast and Crew Will Be Tested," and "Those Individuals Who are Exhibiting Symptoms of The Coronavirus Will also Be Isolated and Treated!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Wednesday, The Eleventh of March 2020, "President Trump Made A Prime Time Oval Office Address to The Nation," to "Address The Measures Being Taken to Prevent The Spread of The Coronavirus in The United States," and In The President's Own Words the "Nation's unprecedented response to the coronavirus outbreak that started in China, and is now spread throughout the world.

Today, the World Health Organization officially announced that this is a global pandemic." 

And, "The President also said, "Additionally, last week, I signed into law an $8.3 billion funding bill to help C.D.C. to and other government agencies to fight the virus and support vaccines, treatments, and distribution of medical supplies. Testing and testing capabilities are expanding rapidly, day by day. We are moving very quickly."

And,"The President also said, "The vast majority of Americans: the risk is very, very low. Young and healthy people can expect to recover fully and quickly if they should get the virus. The highest risk is for elderly population with underlying health conditions. The elderly must be very, very careful.

In particular, we are strongly advising that nursing homes for the elderly suspend all unnecessary visits. In general, older Americans should also avoid nonessential travel in crowded areas." 

And, "The President Announced" that He "met with with the leaders of health insurance industry who have agreed to waive all co-payments coronavirus treatments, extend insurance payments to these treatments, and to prevent surprise medical billing."

And, President Trump also said, "My administration is coordinating directly with communities with the largest outbreaks, and we have issued guidance on school closures, social distancing and reducing large gatherings." And, "Smart action today will prevent the spread of the virus tomorrow."

And, "The President also said" that He 'will be soon taking Emergency action, which is unprecedented to provide financial relief."

"This Relief" Will Be for "workers who are ill, quarantined, or caring for others due to coronavirus." 

"The President also Announced" that "There Would Be A Thirty-Day Travel Ban from Europe to The United States of America, "In an attempt to contain the spreading health crisis." However, "This Travel Ban Did Not Include The United Kingdom!"

"The President said, "The European Union failed to take the same precautions and restrict travel from China and other hot spots. As a result, a large number of new clusters in the United States were seeded by travelers from Europe."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"News Reports" by "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "The Fourth Estate have Revealed that "The Initial Awareness of The Coronavirus was Known of In December of 2019  by The Trump Administration!"

And, "History Will Notate This for Future Generations to Come," and also "To Examine and Decide for Themselves Whether or Not The Response Time," and "Precautions," and "Preparations for This Virus were Sufficient Enough in Advance of The Global Pandemic that was to Come," and "Plaque The Earths Communities," and "Bring Death and Fear to Our Families!"

However, "Today, We Need The Medical Community, Philanthropists, Business and Financial Institutions and Organizations, Non-Profit Groups, Sovereign Nations, Religious and Spiritual Faiths," and "Women and Men of Influence," to "Work Together Towards Finding a Cure, and Vaccine," to "Impede Further Spread of The Coronavirus!" And, "Supply The Hundreds of Millions of Test Kits," and "The Tens of Thousand Hospitable Beds" (If Not More)  that "Health Experts," and "The Medical Community" (Doctors and Nurses) have "Estimated Will Be Needed Over The Next Few Months!" And, "Hopefully This Global Effort Will Lead to An End of This Global Health Crisis," and "A Full Recovery for All who have Been Infected in The Near Future!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Thirteenth of March 2020, "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi" and "United States Secretary of  The Treasury Steven Terner Mnuchin," who was Negotiating on Behalf of The Trump Administration, "Reached Agreement" on "H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act!"

"This Bi-Partisan Legislation was Passed by A Vote of  Three Hundred and Sixty-Three to Forty," on Saturday, The Fourteenth of March 2020, "After President Trump Expressed His Approval of The Bill,"and "Urged Republicans to Vote for It!" And, "It Will Be Sent to The United States Senate to Be Voted on Monday, The Sixteenth of March," and "Then Given to President Trump for His Signature," to "Be Signed into Law!"

"This Legislation Will Fund; (1) "Free Coronavirus Testing for Everyone," (2) "Paid Emergency Leave with Two Weeks of Paid Sick Leave," (3) "Up to Three Months of Paid Family and Medical Leave," (4) "Expand Federal Funding for Medicaid" to "Support State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Government Health Systems!

"There Will Be Additional Details of This "Families First Coronavirus Response Act" Released in The Very Near Future!"

"President Trump's Backing of This Multi- Billion Dollar Legislation Friday Evening," was "The Final Note on Passage of This Bi-Partisan Bill!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday Evening, The Thirteenth of March, President Trump Tweeted "I fully support "H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening," and The President also Tweeted "I have directed the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Labor to issue regulations that will provide flexibility so that in no way will Small Businesses be hurt. I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and Vote Yes!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, March 4, 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "In What Can only Be Described As Being A Welcomed Moment of Bi-Partisanship," "The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate Agreed" to "Provide A $8 Billion Dollar Coronavirus Emergency Response Funding Package," to "Stop The Spread of The Coronavirus!"

"The U.S. Senate Passed on Thursday, The Fifth of March 2020 by a Ninety-Six to One Vote," Virtually The Same Bill as "The U.S. House of Representatives Passed on Wednesday, The Fourth of March 2020" by "A Vote of Four Hundred and Fifteen to Two," Which President Trump Signed on Friday, The Sixth of March!"

Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Senate Appropriations Committee's Summary of The Funding Plan Indicates that "Eighty-Five Per Cent of The Funding Plan Will Address, (1) Coronavirus Concerns Domestically, with "Funds Designated for Coronavirus Preparedness, Prevention, and and Response Efforts!" 

And, (2) "$7.8 Billion Dollars in New Funding" Will Be Used to; (1) "Combat The Spread of The Virus at "Local, State, National, and International Levels!"

And, "Overall" (3) "$6.5 Billion Will Be Allocated to to The Department of Health and Human Services" (HHS), that "Will Include $2.2 Billion for the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention to Address Local and State Preparedness," and (4) The The Department of Health and Human Services Funding also Includes $3.1 Billion to Pay for New Medical Supplies such as Masks at The Strategic National Stockpile and Research into Vaccines and Therapeutics," and, (5) "In A Written Statement Global Cross Media News Reports are House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi said, "To protect public health, the bill will allow Medicare providers to extend telemedicine services to seniors regardless of where they live, at An estimated cost of $500 million!"

 "U.S. Representative Nita Sue Meinikoff Lowey, Chairwoman of The House Appropriation Committee said" In A Written Statement, "The American people are counting on our government for a fully-funded, coordinated, and comprehensive government-wide response to the coronavirus," and "Chairwoman Lowey also said" in Her Written Statement, "House Democrats' emergency supplemental consists of mostly robust, entirely new funding and strong transparency and accountability measures to fully address the virus and keep Americans from this growing public health emergency, We must quickly enact this legislation- lives are at stake."

 As of Saturday, The Fourteenth of March 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "There have Been Reports of Fifty Deaths in The United States," and "Confirmation of More Than Two Thousand Two Hundred Presumptive Cases of The Coronavirus have Been Reported," and "It has Now Spread to Every State of The United States of America!"

"The Amount of This Bi-Partisan $Eight Billion Dollar Coronavirus Emergency Response Funding Package," is "One of The Largest Funding Packages to have Ever Passed by The U.S. Congress," and "Is A Clear Demonstration of The Seriousness of This Global Health Crisis," and "It is An Extensive and In Depth Response to The Immediacy of This Global Pandemic" that "COVID- 19 Presents!"

"The Outline of  Chairwoman Lowey's Panel" also "Includes $Nine Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars for Local and State Agencies to Track the Illness Among Infected Patients, Laboratory Testing, and Mitigation!"

And, "The Bill" also "Includes $Four Hundred and Thirty-Five Million Dollars for Health Systems Overseas to Prevent, Prepare, and Respond to The Coronavirus!" And, "An Additional "Three Hundred Million for Humanitarian Needs!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt of The Serious Threat of This Pandemic," Which, As of Saturday, The Fourteenth of March 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are There have Been at Least  "Five Thousand Six Hundred and Four Deaths Earthwide," and "Confirmed Cases" of "More than One Hundred and Forty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety-Six Individuals," in at The Very Least "One Hundred Countries or Territories!" And, "At Present The Sovereign Nation of Italy" is "On Total Lock Down!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Ninth of March 2020, "The Dow Crashed Closing with A Deep Decline of More than Two Thousand Points" over "Fears of The Spread of The Coronavirus," and "The Failed Talks at OPEC Over The Weekend has "Caused A Collapse of Oil Prices," as "Saudi Arabia Reduced/Slashed Its Oil Prices," and "Sending U.S. Crude Oil Prices Plummeting More Than Twenty-Five Per Cent!"

And, "This Day, The Ninth of March 2020," Now has "The Notoriety" of Being Known as "Black Monday," Due to It Being "The Worst Fall of The Global Stock Markets since the 2008 Great Recession!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set O'er Wall St., Global Cross Media News Reports are "This Week" Beginning on "Black Monday, The Ninth of March 2020," and "Continuing on Wednesday, and Thursday, The Eleventh and Twelfth of March 2020,  "The Dow Industrial Jones, Standard and Poor's, and Nasdaq Experienced Dramatic Crashes so Severe," that "The Historic Eleven Year Bull Market Run Ended, on Wednesday," and then "The Dow Entered into Bear Market Territory!"

"The Market Crash on  Both Wednesday, and Black Thursday, The Eleventh and Twelfth of March 2020," were "The Most Severe" since "The Black Monday Crash" that "Saw The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Fall, Collapse, and Crash" by "22. 6% (508 Points) on The Twenty-Second of October 1987!" 
-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "This Event Disaster" was "Recorded as Being "The Largest Percentage Drop in One Day in History!)"- 

"This Most Recent Market Crash" was "Over Continued Fears that The Global Economies Would Slow Down to The Degree" that "A Global Recession Would Occur,"  Because of "The Fears of The  Global Pandemic," "The Coronavirus!" 

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives-
"As The Parallel Universes of Health Care," and "The Sociological, Political, Oil, Trade, Economical, Energy, Environmental, and Financial Sphere's of Influence," "Continue to have A Powerful Effect on All Of Our Lives and Businesses," "Is There Any Doubt that "Clearly It is Time for A Global Correction Among All The Global Markets," "A Global Correction that "Encourages Investment in The Sociological Infrastructure Of All The People," and "An Earthwise Vision" that "Sow The Seeds of Economic Parity For One and All," and "A Future of Enterprising and Innovative Projects and Institutions" that "Empower, Protect," and "Provide A Sense of Trust, and Belief In The Idea's, and Visions of Financial, Political, and "Government Officials" who have "Been Elected to Represent The People!" Or are "Campaigning for Office to Represent The People!" 

And, "This Global Correction is Needed Now," and "It Should Not Exclude Making Significant Investments in Environmental Sciences," and "The Reduction The Ongoing Escalation in The Earth's Temperatures," and "The Conservation and Protection of The Earths Systems," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Second Phase of Super Tuesday's 2020 Primaries and Caucuses to Take Place in Six States," on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020, "Will Definitely Provide A Clear Vision of Who The Democratic Front Runner Will Be" As The 2020 Primary Campaign Concludes Its Long, Suspenseful, and Intense Series of Debates and Elections" at "The Democratic Convention!"

The State Primaries and Caucuses are; And, "The Next 2020 Primaries" are on "Tuesday, The Tenth of March," in "Idaho (D, R), Michigan (D, R), Mississippi (D, R), Missouri (D, R), North Dakota Caucuses (D), and The Washington Primaries (D, R)!" 

And, On Thursday, The Twelfth of March, "The Virgin Island Caucuses (R) Will Occur, and Saturday, The Fourteenth The Guam Caucuses (R), and The Northern Marianas Convention (D),"  

 As of Monday, The Ninth of March 2020, "The Two Top Democratic Candidates" are "Former U.S. Vice President Joseph "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania," and "Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont!"

And, "Incumbent President Donald John Trump is Expected to Receive The Official Republican Nomination without Any Strong Opposition at The Republican Convention!"

And, "Irregardless of Nationality, Gender, Creed, Special Needs, Tribe, Color, or Political Persuasion," "Now is The Time for Each and Every American Citizen of Voting Age" to "Cast Their Vote and Voice Their Opinion for The Candidate of Their Choice!"

And, "Those of You Who are Too Young to Vote," "It is Still of The Greatest Importance for You" to "Express Your Opinions," and "Don't Forget that You Can Work and Campaign for The Candidate of Your Choice," and "Participate in The Organization and Overall Campaign Operation and Planning," and "Sharing of Information via The Social Media," and also "Help Get Out The Vote!"

And, "By Voting, This is The Way to Show Honor and Respect for "The Framers/ Founders," and "The Suffragettes," and "The Civil Rights," and "Voting Rights Movements of Women and Men who Strove for," and "Some who were Imprisoned," and "The Many who Died for," "Their Constitutional Rights" to "Be A Part of This Grand Experiment," and "A Lawful, Equal, and Free Citizen of The Republic and Democracy of The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People of The United States of America," and "The American Dream!"

-(Note that, On Sunday, The Fifteenth of March "The Eleventh Democratic Debate Will Occur at The Arizona Federal Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona!"

And, "It Will Be Hosted by "CNN, Univision, CHC Bold!"

And, "Its Moderators" are "Dana Bash, Jake Tapper, and Jorge Ramos!"

"The Two Qualifying Top Democratic Candidates" are "Former U.S. Vice President Joseph "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania," and "Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont")-

  -(Note that, As of Wednesday, The Fourth of March 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York," "Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana," "Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota," and "Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California," have "Ended Their Campaigns for The Presidential Nomination of The Democratic Party!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports have Confirmed" that Thursday, The Fifth of March 2020,"  Senator Warren Officially Ended Her Campaign for The Nomination for President of The United States of America!")-

Wednesday, The Eleventh of March 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Final Vote Tabulations of Five 2020 Super Tuesday II Democratic Primaries on The Tenth of March," have "Given Victories to Former U.S. Vice President Biden" in "Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, and Missouri!"

And, "Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders Won The 2020 Caucus in North Dakota!"

And, "The 2020 Vote Returns in The State of Washington are" with "Seventy-Eight Per Cent of The Vote Being Counted Remains A Very Close Contest" with "Former Vice President Biden Holding A Lead Receiving 408, 083 of The Popular Vote" and "Twenty-Six Delegates," and "Senator Sanders Receiving 391, 880 of The Popular Popular Vote," and "Twenty-Six Delegates!" (At Last Count)- 

And, At Present Former U.S. Vice President Biden's Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" is at, "Eight Hundred and Eighty-Five!"

And, "Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders' Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" is at, "Seven Hundred and Thirty-Two!"

-Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are;
(1) "Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts"- (Withdrawn)- has "A Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" of "Eighty-Four!"
(2) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York"- (Withdrawn)- has "A Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" of "Fifty-Eight!"

(3) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana"- (Withdrawn)- has "A Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" of "Twenty-Six!"

(4) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota"- (Withdrawn)- has "A Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" of "Seven! "

(5) House of Representative Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii"- "A Total National Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" of "Two!"

-(Note that,  The Northern Marianas Convention (D)," and On Sunday, The Fifteenth of March "The Eleventh Democratic Debate Will Occur in Phoenix, Arizona," and "The 2020 Florida Primary Will Occur on The Seventeenth of March!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
-(I) Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary in Idaho on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  52, 679 Votes- 48.9%-  11 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  45, 815 Votes- 42. 5%-  9 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  (Withdrawn)-

(4) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- (Withdrawn)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)-

-(II) Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 Michigan State Primary on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  838, 555 Votes- 52. 9%-  71 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  576, 754 Votes- 36. 4%- 51 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  (Withdrawn)-

(4) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York-  (Withdrawn)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)-

-(III) Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 Missouri State Primary on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  399, 439 Votes- 60. 1%-  40 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  229, 638 Votes- 34. 6%-  23 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  (Withdrawn)-

(4) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York-  Votes-%- 0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)-

-(IV) Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 Mississippi State Primary on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  218, 126 Votes- 81. 1%-  31 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  39, 873 Votes- 14. 8%- 2 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  (Withdrawn)- 

(4) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York-  (Withdrawn)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)-

-(V) Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 North Dakota State Caucuses on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020;
(1) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  7, 682 Votes- 53. 3%-  8 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  5, 742 Votes- 39.8 %-  6 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  (Withdrawn)-

(4) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York-  (Withdrawn)-Votes-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)-

-(VI)- Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 Washington State Primary on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania- 408, 083  Votes- 35. 0%-  26 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont- 391, 880  Votes- 33. 7 %-  26 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts- (Withdrawn)-  Votes- %-  Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- (Withdrawn)- 

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Results of The 2020 Republican Party Super Tuesday Primaries and Caucus on The Tenth of March," has "Been A Total Victory," and "Near Sweep of All The Delegates," for "President Donald John Trump!"

"President Trump's National  Delegate Count of Pledged Delegates" is "One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty-Five," and "The President only Needs" to "Reach One Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy-Six to Be Guaranteed," Once Again "Be The Republican Party Nominee for President of The United States of America!"

On Thursday, The Twelfth of March, "The Virgin Island Caucuses (R) Will Occur, and Saturday, The Fourteenth The Guam Caucuses (R), and "The Florida Primary is on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of March 2020!"
-(I)- Here are The Results for The 2020 Republican State Primary in Idaho on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020:
(1) President Donald John Trump- 111, 136 Votes- 94. 5%-  Thirty-Two out of Thirty-Two Delegates -%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

(2) Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- 2, 452 Votes 2.1 %- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-  

(3) Former U.S. Representative Joseph "Joe" Walsh of Illinois-  2, 307 Votes %- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)- (Withdrawn)

-(II)- Here are The Results for The 2020 Republican State Primary in Michigan on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020:
(1) President Donald John Trump- 603, 054 Votes- 93. 9%- Seventy-Thee out of Seventy-Three Delegates -(At Last Count)-

(2) Uncommitted- Votes- 25, 966- 4%- 0 Delegates-

(3) Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- 5, 711 Votes- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-  

-(III)- Here are The Results for The 2020 Republican State Primary in Missouri on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020: (Transcluded from 2020 Missouri Republican Primary)-

-(IV)- Here are The Results for The 2020 Republican State Mississippi Primary in on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020:
President Donald John Trump- Votes %-  Delegates -%- Forty out of Forty Delegates -(At Last Count)-

-(V)-  Here are The Results for The 2020 Republican North Dakota State Caucuses  in on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020:
President Donald John Trump- Votes%- Twenty-Nine out of Twenty-Nine Delegates -(At Last Count)-

-(VI)- Here are The Results for The 2020 Republican State Primary in on Tuesday, The Tenth of March 2020:
President Donald John Trump- Votes %-  Delegates -%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Former U.S. Representative Joseph "Joe" Walsh of Illinois-  Votes %- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Businessman Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente   Votes %- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Thirteenth of March 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are As The Revision of The Russian Federation's Constitution Continues "A New Measure is Sure to Be Adopted" that "Will Make It Possible for Russian President Vladimir Putin to Run for Presidency Beyond His Second Term," Which "In Accordance to The Russian Constitutional Requires Him to  Step Down in 2024!

And, "If President Putin is Constitutionally Allowed to Run for The Presidency in 2024, by "Amending The Russian Constitution,"  and "Re-Elected," "He Would Become President of The Russian Federation until 2036!"

-(Note that, "At Present The Russian Constitution Disallows A Russian President" from "Holding Office for More than Two Three Year Terms in Office!")-

"The First Round of The Russian Presidential Election is Scheduled to Take Place on The Seventeenth of March 2024," and "If No Candidate Achieves A Majority of The Vote," "A Second Round Would have to Take Place on The Seventh of April 2024!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
 As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign Nation of The Russian Federation "One Wonders What The Russian People Think about This New Measure to Extend Term Limits for The Presidency!" 
Which Would "Specifically" Be of Great Benefit to President Putin, "Should He Wish to Run for The Presidency Again!" And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "He is Welcomed to The Idea!"

And, "President Putin's Supporters such as Alexander Khinshtein," (A Member of The Ruling United Russia party), and "Valentina Tereshkova, (The First Soviet Woman Cosmonaut to Fly to Space), "An MP Who Proposed This Amendment," Believe that "This Amendment Would Prevent Instability from Occurring in Russia as President Putin's Term in Office Come's to An End in 2024!"

However, "Not Everyone is in Favor of This Measure!" 

GCM News Reports are "Alexei Navalny, who has Opposed President Putin's Policies and Governance in The Russian Federation" is Reported to "Not Be in Favor of This Proposal/Amendment!" Suggesting that, This Would Make President Putin "president for life."

"The Question" is "Will Russian President Putin Continue His One-Man-Rule Form of Governance Beyond 2024," or "Will The Russian Constitution Empower The Russian People to Elect Officials of Their Choice" with "Required Term Limits," and "Who Truly Represent All The People!"

"This Not A Matter of Instability in The Russian Federation," It is More about "The People of Russia Moving Ahead into The Future," and having "A Bold, Cognizant, Vigorous, Passionate, Highly Spirited, and Soulful Form of United Governance and Leadership" to "Provide Them with Whatever Guidance, Omniscience, and Support that They May Need," or "Request!"

"We have Begun The Third Decade of The Twenty-First Century" and "New Earthwise Visions are Needed" to "Build A Bridge from The Twentieth Century to The Twenty-First!"

"A Bridge that Reaches Out To All Corners of The Earth," "Building and Developing Positive Alliances" and "Trustworthy Relationships Among The Global Community of Sovereign Nations!"

And, "It is Time for The People of The Russian Federation to Embrace Their Futures," and "Explore Their Dreams, Goals, Purposes, and Reason for Being on Earth, Peacefully" and "Non-Violently!" 
And, In Doing so, "Be A Part of A New Synergy of Existence," and "Establishing New Relationships Based On The Common Good for Themselves," and also "For What is In The Best Interests of Their Fellow Human Being," and "The Conservation and Protection of The Environmental, and Ecological Systems of Our Planet Earth!" And, "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

"The Youth of Russia" and "The Earth Deserve Nothing Less than This!" "More Would Be Better!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
 As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign State of Israel, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The March Second 2020 Israeli Legislative Election" "May have Left The Israeli People" with "No Recourse Other than Holding A Fourth Election" to "Decide who Will Be Prime Minister" and "What Coalition of Political Parties Will Govern Israel!" 

"Why," Because At Present, "No One Political Party," or "Coalition of Parties have Won The Absolute Confidence Of The Israeli People!"

-(Note that, "A Sixty-One Seat Majority in The Knesset, The Great Assembly," is "Needed to Form A New Government!")- 

Here are "The Preliminary Results of The Top Eight Political Parties" of The 2020 Israeli Legislation Election;
Likud Party- Vote- 1, 349, 171- 29. 48%- Seats- Thirty-Six- 

Blue and White Party- Vote- 1, 217, 101- 26. 59%-  Seats- Thirty-Three-

Joint List Party- Vote- 577, 355- 12. 61%- Seats- Fifteen-

Shas Party- Vote- 352, 443- 7. 70%- Seats- Nine- 

United Torah Judaism Party- Vote- 273, 900- 5. 98%- Seats- Seven- 

Labor-Gesher-Meretz Party- Vote- 267, 362- 5. 84%- Seats- Seven- 

Ysrael Beiteinu Party- Vote- 262, 840- 5. 74%-- Seats- Seven-  

Yamina Party- Vote- 240, 162- 5. 25%- Seats- Six-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
 "The Question" is "Who Will Be Given The First Opportunity," "The Mandate to Form A New National Unity Government" by Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, (1) Benjamin "Benny" Gantz Leader of The Blue and White Party, or (2) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Leader of The Likud Party," "Who was Indicted on The Twenty-First of November 2019" on "Charges of Breach of Trust, Bribery, and Fraud!"  

 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Avigdor Lieberman, Israel's Former Minister of Defense, and Leader of The Ysrael Beiteinu Party" is "Going to Recommend to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin," that "Benny Gantz Be Given The Mandate First!"

However, "The Joint List alliance of Arab Parties" is "Now The Third Largest Party in Israel" and "Its Party Leader Ayman Odeh," "Will Want to Be Consulted" as to "Who Should Be Given First Chance!"

And, of Course, "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Leader of the Likud Party," "Israel's Longest Serving Prime Minister," and "Benjamin "Benny" Gantz, Former Chief of  General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces," and "Leader of the Blue and White Party," "Will Each  Demand" that "They Be Given The Mandate to Form A National Unity Government," Due to The Fact, that "Their Political Party's" have "Come in First and Second in The Voting!" 

-(Note that, "Both Prime Minister Netanyahu and Mr. Gantz have Failed" to "Form A Unity Government in 2019," Which is "The Reason Why A Third National Election has Taken Place," and "Now The Possibility of A Fourth National Election Lies Ahead If Both Leaders Fail Again!)-

"Whomever The  Coalition of Parties and Alliances May Be" that "Come Together and Provide A Unity Government in Israel," "It is of The Utmost Importance" that "They Do so In A Cognizant, Intelligence, Omniscient, and Prescience Manner!"

And, "In A Way that Garners The Respect of The Youth of Israel," and "The Respect of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People of The Sovereign State of Israel," and "The Coalition of United Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "The Earths Populace!"

-(Note that, Friday, The Thirteenth of March 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "A Majority of Israelis Believe that A Fourth Election in Israel is Unavoidable!")-

"Super Tuesday," The Third of March 2020, "Gave The American People An Opportunity" to "Vote for The Candidate of Their Choice" and "Voice Their Opinions" in "Fourteen States, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia," and "The American Samoa Caucuses," with "One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Seven Pledged Delegates at Stake," "34. 1% of The Nationwide Total!"

-(Note that, "One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety- One Pledged Delegates are Needed to Win The Democratic Nomination on The First Ballot!")-

And, "The Question" of "Whether or Not The Former Vice President of The United States of America Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr." "Would Be Able to Close The Imagined Delegate Lead," (as Projected by Political Pundits, The Fourth Estate, Global Cross Media News Sphere's, and Television and Radio News Commentators) "Between Himself and Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders Independent Socialist from The State of Vermont" and "Be The Comeback Man/Politician of The 2020 Primaries" has "Been Answered!"

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of Alabama;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  286, 630 Votes- 63. 2%-  42 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  75, 326 Votes- 16. 6%-  7 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 52, 844 Votes- 11. 6%- 3 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  26, 115 Votes- 5. 8%-  0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California-  (Withdrawn)- 

(6) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana-

(7) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)- 

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of Arkansas;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  92, 584 Votes- 40. 5%-  16 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  51, 117 Votes- 22. 4%-  8 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 38, 212 Votes- 16. 7%- 4 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  22, 860 Votes- 10 %-  0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California-  (Withdrawn)-

(6) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- 

(7) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of California;
(1) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  898, 183 Votes- 32. 8%-  72 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania- 656, 133 Votes- 24%-  21 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 408, 892 Votes-15. 0%- 8 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  332, 313 Votes- 12.2%-  7 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana-  (Withdrawn)- 

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)- 

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California-  (Withdrawn)-

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of Colorado;
(1) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  273, 044 Votes- 36.2%-  20 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  175, 278 Votes- 23. 2%-  9 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 157, 592 Votes-20. 9%- 9 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  130, 126 Votes- 17.2%-  1 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California-  (Withdrawn)-

(6) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)- 

(7) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of Maine;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  64, 972 Votes- 34%-  8 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  63, 331 Votes- 33. 0%-  8 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  30, 578 Votes- 15. 9%-  2 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 22, 926 Votes- 11.9%- 0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California-  (Withdrawn)- 

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of Massachusetts;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  459, 730 Votes- 33. 7%-  34 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  362, 626 Votes- 26. 6%-  26 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  289, 725 Votes- 21. 2%-  17 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 161, 014 Votes- 11. 8%- 0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana-  (Withdrawn)-

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)- 

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California-  (Withdrawn)- 

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of Minnesota;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  287, 426 Votes- 38. 6%- 38 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  222, 527 Votes- 29. 9%- 26 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  114, 759 Votes-15. 4 %- 10 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 62, 058 Votes- 8. 3%- 0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)- 

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of North Carolina;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  568, 581 Votes- 43. 0%-  Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  318, 872 Votes- 24. 1%-  Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 171, 823 Votes- 13. 0%- Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  138, 502 Votes- 10. 5%- Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)- 

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-Votes-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)-

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of Oklahoma;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  117, 552 Votes- 38. 7%- 21 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont- 77, 302 Votes- 25. 4%-  13 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 42, 243 Votes- 13. 9%- 3 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts- 40, 676 Votes- 13. 4%-  Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)- 

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)- 

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of Tennessee;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  215, 117 Votes- 41. 7%-  28 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  128, 593 Votes- 24. 9%- 15 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 79, 796 Votes- 15. 5%- 7 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  53, 585 Votes- 10. 4%- 1 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)-

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of Texas;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  661, 231 Votes- 33. 6%-  70 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  591, 952 Votes- 30. 1%-  60 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 289, 340 Votes- 14. 7%- 4 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  227, 422 Votes- 11. 6%- 1 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)-

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of Utah;
(1) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  60, 612 Votes- 34. 6%- 9 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 29, 561 Votes- 16. 9%- 2 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  30, 002 Votes- 17. 1%- 1 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  26, 904 Votes- 15. 4%-  0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)- 

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)- 

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of Vermont;
(1) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  79, 980 Votes- 50. 7%- 11 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  34, 734 Votes- 22. 0%-  5 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  19, 816 Votes- 12. 6%- 0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 14, 843 Votes- 9. 4%- 0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)- 

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 State Primary of Virginia;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  705, 834 Votes- 53. 3%- 67 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  305, 922 Votes- 23. 1%- 31 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  142, 568 Votes- 10. 8%- 1 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 127, 568 Votes- 9. 7%- 0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- (Withdrawn)-

(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- (Withdrawn)-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- (Withdrawn)- 

Here are The Results from Leading Democratic Candidates in The 2020 American Samoa Caucus;
(1) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York- 175 Votes- 49. 9%-  4 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

2) Representative Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii- 103 Votes- 29. 3%- 1 Delegate- (At Last Count)-

(3) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-  37 Votes- 10. 5%- 0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(4) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-  31 Votes- 8. 8%- 0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

(5) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-  5 Votes- 1. 4%- 0 Delegates- (At Last Count)-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives-
"There is No Doubt" that "A Change Must Take Place in The Democratic Governance of The United States of America," and "This is The Visionary Way The Framers/Founders of The Nation Created for Each and Every Citizen," "Irregardless of Creed, Nationality, Gender, Age, Color, Special Needs, Tribe, or Political Persuasion to Non-Violently" and "Lawfully Give to Voice to Their Opinions!"

So from "East to West" and "North to South," "All Across The Grand Ole Nation of The United States of America," "Vote with Your Intelligence, Cognizance, Political Astuteness and Knowledge, Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul for "The Candidate who Can Unite and Lead The Nation," and "Provide for What is In The Best Interest of The Youth of America," and "Your Fellow Citizen!" And, "Provide Positive Leadership and Partnerships" with "The Grand, Global Coalition of United Sovereign Nations" and "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of Billions Of People" of "This Planet Earth!"

-(Note that, As of Wednesday, The Fourth of March 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York," "Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana," "Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota," and "Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California," have "Ended Their Campaigns for The Presidential Nomination of The Democratic Party!"

And, "The Question" of Whether or Not Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts," "Will Add Her Name to The List of Candidates" who have "Ended Their Campaigns has Been Answered!" 
Global Cross Media News Reports have Confirmed" that Thursday, The Fifth of March 2020,"  Senator Warren Officially Ended Her Campaign for The Nomination for President of The United States of America!" Leaving The Two Top Candidates Former U.S. Vice President Joseph "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania," and "Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont" to "Take Center Stage," and "Present A Clear and Logical Reasoning Why They Should Receive Their Party's Nomination!"

-(Note that, "Senator Warren has Not Endorsed Another Candidate," as of Yet!)-

However, "At The Moment, The 2020 Comeback Man of Politics Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr." from Pennsylvania, has "All The Momentum In His Favor!" 

And, "It Appears as If The Logic" that "Former U.S. Vice President Biden is The Best Democratic Candidate and/or Nominee for The Presidency" to "Support The Down Card for The Democrats in The 2020 Elections," to "Regain Control of The United States Senate," and "The United States Presidency," is "A Winning Analogy" over "The Possible Nomination of Independent Socialist Candidate Bernie Senator Sanders!" 

And, "If This Analogy is Correct," "With The Success of The Democratic Down Ballot Races in The 2020 Elections," "The Results Would Be The Non-Violent and Lawful Change in The Balance of Power in The U.S. Congress," and "The Democrats Would have A Majority in Both Houses of The  Government," and "Just as Importantly The Presidency Would Return Back into The Arms of The Democratic Party!" 

And, "The Next 2020 Primaries" are on "Tuesday, The Tenth of March," in "Idaho (D, R), Michigan (D, R), Mississippi (D, R), Missouri (D, R), North Dakota Caucuses (D), and The Washington Primaries (D, R)!"

And, On Thursday, The Twelfth of March, "The Virgin Island Caucuses (R) Will Occur, and Saturday, The Fourteenth The Guam Caucuses (R)," and "The Northern Marianas Convention (D)," and On Sunday, The Fifteenth of March "The Eleventh Democratic Debate Will Occur in Phoenix, Arizona," and "The 2020 Florida Primary Will Occur on The Seventeenth of March!""The Eleventh Democratic Debate Will Occur in Phoenix, Arizona!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Fourth of March 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Winner of The 2020 Super Tuesday Republican Primaries is President Donald John Trump!"

Only, "Former Governor William "Bill" Weld of Massachusetts," "Crossed The Threshold of Receiving Ten Percent of The Vote" and that was "in The 2020 Vermont Primary!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are President Trump Ran Unopposed in Alaska, Maine, and Minnesota!"  And, "Quite a Few States have Canceled Their 2020 Primaries!" "This is Not Uncommon When An Incumbent is Seeking Re-Election!")- 

Here are The Results for The 2020 Alabama Primary:
President Donald John Trump- 708, 883 Votes 96. 2%- 50 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- 10, 944 Votes 1. 5% 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-  

Here are The Results for The 2020 Arkansas Primary:
President Donald John Trump- 236, Votes 97. 1%- Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- 5, 197 Votes 2.1 %- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-  
Businessman Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente- 1, 796 Votes 0. 8%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

Here are The Results for The 2020 California Primary:
President Donald John Trump- 1, 105, 979 Votes 92.7%- 127 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- 30, 606 Votes 2. 6%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Former U.S. Representative Joseph "Joe" Walsh of Illinois- 29, 738 Votes 2.5%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Businessman Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente  9, 801 Votes 0. 8%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

Here are The Results for The 2020 Massachusetts Primary:
President Donald John Trump- 212, 960 Votes 87.7%- 41 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- 22, 702 Votes 9. 3%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Former U.S. Representative Joseph "Joe" Walsh of Illinois- 2, 774 Votes 1. 1%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

Here are The Results for The 2020 Texas Primary:
President Donald John Trump- 1, 837, 521 Votes 94. 1%- 117 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- 15, 251 Votes- 0. 8%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Former U.S. Representative Joseph "Joe" Walsh of Illinois- 14, 289 Votes 0. 7%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Businessman Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente-  7, 422 Votes 0. 4%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

Here are The Results for The 2020 Utah Primary:
President Donald John Trump- 273, 261 Votes 88. 4%- 40 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- 19, 857 Votes- 6.4%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Former U.S. Representative Joseph "Joe" Walsh of Illinois- 6, 663 Votes 2. 2%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

Here are The Results for The 2020 Vermont Primary:
President Donald John Trump-33, 977 Votes- 86. 72%- 17 Delegates -(At Last Count)-
Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- 3, 968 Votes 10. 1%- 0 Delegates -(At Last Count)-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives-
"There Does Not Appear to Be Anyone to Oppose President Trump in The Republican Party" and "His Pledged Delegate Count Continues to Rise," (as Expected) in "Primary after Primary," "As The President Continues to Roll Over Opposition," and "His Momentum Increases with Each Primary and Caucus" that "Lies in The Course of The Campaign Path!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Eleventh of March 2020, Former Co-Founder of Miramax Entertainment Company, Former Film Producer, and Sex Offender Harvey Weinstein has "Been Sentenced to Twenty- Three Years in Prison for Rape and Sexual Assault!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"This Sentencing is A Victory for Miriam Haley," (Whom Weinstein Forcibly Conducted Oral Sex Upon), and "Jessica Mann" (Whom Weinstein Forcibly Raped), and "The MeToo Movement," and "Every Woman who has Been The Victim of  Sexual Assault!" 

And "A Strong Warning" to "Sexual Predators in All Sectors of Our Global Communities," that "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People" Irregardless of Their Gender, Creed, Age, Special Needs, Nationality, Color, or Tribe of This Planet Earth, "Will Not Tolerate The Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault, or Sexual Misconduct of Anyone's Person," and "The Punishment Will Be Severe and Just for These Crimes Against Humanity" and "The Soulless and Sinful Perpetrators Will Be Imprisoned in Jail Cells for Decades," and "Be Known as Registered Sex Offenders for The Remainder of Their Lives!"

In Memoriam: Sunday, March The First 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Louis James Lipton," Executive Producer, Host, and Writer" of the Bravo Cable Television Series "Inside The Actors Studio" and "Dean Emeritus of The Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University" in New York City, "Passed Away in His Home in Manhattan at The Age of Ninety-Three!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of James Lipton, and To Mr. Lipton's Family, Friends, Colleagues, Students, and Devotees of Inside The Actors Studio, and The TV and Film Public Earthwide who Greatly Admire Mr. Lipton's Talent and Creativity, We Mourn His Loss with You!  


The Way To Peace! C-VI- (Revisited)-

Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, Philanthropists, Philosophers, Educators, Women and Men of Culture, Universal and Spiritually Minded Kindred Spirits and Soul Mates, and News Journalists of Unbiased and Truthful Reportage! And, Those Military and Civilian Leaders of Moderate, Compassion and Humanistic Natures, No One Can Afford to Remain Silent During This Time Period of Change in Our Lives. This Age Demands That "We" Speak Out in The Name of Peace, and "We" Must Respond with All the Soul Power, and Resolute Purpose of Our Vision Path!

And, "We" Must, "One and All," Take an Activist Role as Participants of This Earthrise Movement and Evolution "Of, By, and For The People," with The Best Interests "Of The People," in Mind!

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance For Us to Take An Active Part in Defense Of An Earths Populace, Who Desire Full Employment, Social Security, Responsible Government," and "A Global Financial System" that is "Not Out Sourcing The Future," of "The Workers of The World!"
"It is Obvious that Discontent is Everywhere," and "Has Caused Frustration," and "Earthwide Discontent and Dissatisfaction amongst The People," and "Global Demonstrations By The People!"

And, "It is, also, Obvious" that "We are at A Crossroads," "That Can Not Be Superficially Patched Up!" "There are Too Many Real Concerns Of The People," "That Must Be Adhered to!" And, "That Need Real Solutions!"

And, "The Future of The Youth Of This Earth of Ours Depends on Those of Us Who are in Responsible Positions" to "Provide Them with A World of Resources and Principles of An Earths Society," "That is Rooted in Equanimity" and "An Even Handed Righteousness," "That Embraces and Respects The Lives of One and All," and "Protects of The Rights of One and All!"

And, "We Need A Global Economy That No Longer Just Rewards The Few/Elite Insiders of The Financial Community!" 
"We Need A Global System of Finance That Works For All The People!" However, "Not The Present System," "That Continues to Ignore The Plights Of The People," and is of "No Real in Depth Benefit of The New Earthrise Evolution Of The People!"

And, "The Winds Of Change" are "A Reflection of This Escalating Public Opinion!" Of Which, "The Logic is On Our Side," "Because, The Present System, That has Ruined so Many Lives Especially Over The Last Few Years," (Although it has Been Beneficial to Wall St.) "Will End Up Being Our Downfall!'

"A Global Financial System That Profits at The Expense of The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "That Does Not Share its Profits with The People" is "A Reflection Of A Failed System That Can No Longer Be Apart Of The Earths New Millennium of Progressive Movements," "That are Now in Place to Non-Violently Change, and Shake Up The World," "For The Sake Of All The People!"

"This New Movement Represents" and "Reflects The Universal Consciousness of A Great New Soul Force Of The People," "That is Interdependent of The Failed, Corrupt, Selfish, and Destructive World of Big Business and Government," "That has Conditioned Us To Believe in The False Promises, Rhetoric, and Policies of Mis-Direction," and "Led Us Down A Path Filled with Delusion, Confusion, and Illusory Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, of Separatism and Folly!"

"This New Movement of Interdependent Women and Men of All Ages," "Knows from Experience, The Importance of A New Earth Constitution and Emancipation Declaration," "That Free's Us from The Chains of An Impassioned and Abusive Leadership," and "Instead Reaches Out to Establish A New Age of Hope," "That Brings Forth A Passionate and Empathetic Understanding of The Earths Populace!"

"An Earthrise Movement" "That is Bent on Healing The Earth and Discovering New Cures and New Solutions to The State of Amorphous and Conflict That has Plagued This Earth of Our for Much Too Long!"

"A New Movement That is Confident Enough," In Itself, "To Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue amongst All of The Warring Factions of Chaos!" "Made up of A New Global Leadership of Civilian and Military Representatives of We The People," Citizens Of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Nations, "Whose Beliefs are Mirrored with Our Own In The Pursuit of Peace On Earth!"

"For This is The Way To Peace," and "A Way to Heal The Earths Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and "A Peace Time Economy," and "A Way to A New Peace Millennium!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Millennia, "No One Ever said That The Way Would Be An Easy One," "But, It is A Necessary," and "Strategic Path of Action For Us to Take!"

And, "It is A Necessary Path of Action For Us to Take For The Sake of Our Youth," and "The Brave and Courageous Women and Men of The Earths Armed Forces!"

And, "It is A Necessary Path of Action For Us to Take in Defense of The Poor and Disenfranchised!" And, "For Our Exhausted Middle Class Citizens Of The Earth!"

So, "Let Us Continue to Build The Greatest Global Communication Network of Peace and Change, That The Earth has Ever Known!"

And, "Let us Spread The Word of Peace and Change via The Internet," and "The Cross-Media Universe!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Sow The Seeds of Our Non-Violent Evolution on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace," and "Through Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," and "Wherever The Need May Be!" So, "Let's Give Peace A Chance!"

This is The Way To Peace, and An Age of Healing in A Vibrant New Millennium of Great Spirit, Conscious Awareness, Shared Prosperity For "One and All!" A Spiritual and Socially Evolved Age of Universal Enlightenment!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!