Monday, June 15, 2020



The Way To Peace! #367

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
As The Strawberry Full Moon Rose in The Eventide Sky and A Full Moon Eclipse of The Last Full Moon of Spring Symbolizes The Magnificent Beauty of The Natural Phenomenon of The Grand Universe," During The Day, "President Trump Held A Press Conference in The Rose Garden of The White House" and "Touted The United States Job Report" as "The Greatest Comeback in American History," and The President also Called Friday, The Fifth of June 2020, "A Great Day for George Floyd!"

"President Trump was Reacting to The Economic News Report from The Labor Department" that, (1) "U.S. Employers Added 2.5 Million Jobs in The Month of May," and, (2) "The Unemployment Rate Declined to 13.3%! And, "While Economic Pundits were Surprised," and "President Trump was Ecstatic," and "The Stock Market Rose on The Release of This News," "The Facts" are "The Payback Protection Program," (PPP) has "Made It Possible for Small Businesses to Remains Solvent," and "Rehire Employees," and "Let's Not Forget" that "The U.S. Economy has Begun A Phase by Phase Reopening for Business!"

And, "Any Real Celebrations Should Be Delayed!" "Why" Because "The Facts Do Not Lie," and "The Overall State of The Nation is Not All that Positive at The Moment!" 

And, "The Tragic and Brutal Death of George Floyd, Caused by The Unconscionable Acts of Cruelty by Derek Chauvin," and "The Complicity of Three Other Police Officers, Thomas Lane, Tou Thao, and J. Alexander Keung" on Memorial Day 2020, and "Their Arrests" are "Not A Good Enough Reasons" to "Call This A Great Day for George Floyd," After all "The Floyd Family have Lost A Dear Love One," and "Would Rather that He was Alive!" Nor was It "a great day in terms of equality" as Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported, "President Trump Expressed in The Rose Garden,"  "When You Consider" that "Unemployment Rates for African Americans and Hispanics have Increased Significantly!"

And, Thursday, The Eleventh of June 2020, "1.542 Million Americans Applied for Unemployment Benefits "Bringing The Last Twelve Week's Total of Unemployed" to "A Historical High of More than Forty-Four Million American's," since "After The CoronaVirus Outbreak in The United States of America was Declared A Pandemic!"

And, "Any Real Celebrations Should Be Delayed by The White House!" "Why!" Because, "The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Not Abated!" And, "The Battle is Not Over," and "The War Against This Vicious, Dangerous, Merciless, and Ruthless Virus," has "Not Been Won as of Yet!" "There is Still A Great Amount of Work to Be Done!" And, "A Therapeutic Treatment is Needed Now!" And, "A Vaccine is Needed Now," "Before The Battle is Over!"

 And, "When You Include" that From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The Fifteenth of June 2020, "One Hundred and Seventeen Thousand, Eight Hundred and Fifty-Eight Deaths have Occurred in The United States," and "Confirmed Cases" of "Two Million One Hundred and Sixty-Two Thousand, Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight," "All of The Families who have Lost A Love One are Not Celebrating," Because of "The New Economic Report from The Labor Department!"

And, "The Economic Reality" has "Caused The FED to Project that Interest Rates from 2020 until 2022 Would Remain Close to Zero Due to The 2020 CoronaVirus Crisis" and The Economic Recession The United States," and that "The FED Expects A Severe Contraction in The GDP in 2020," and "Further Proof of The Impediments that Lie in The Path" of  "A Significant Recovery of The U.S. Economy as President Trump has Expressed," and "Further Proof of The Negative Effect that The CoronaVirus has had in The United State of America!" 

And, "There is No Logical or Practical Reason," to "Attempt to Suggest Anything Else," Because by Now, "Everyone of Cognitive, Earthwise, or Streetwise Intelligence Should Be Aware" of "The Fact," that "Without A Vaccine/Cure or Therapeutic Treatment," that has "Been Approved of," and "Accepted by All of The Earths Health Organizations and Institutions," "We Must Rely upon The Facts Presented" by "Our Respected Medical and Health Experts," and In Addition to "Social Distancing, Testing, Contact Tracing, Available Hospital Beds, Swabs, Reagents, Ventilators, Face Masks," and "All of The Meaningful, and Life Saving Medical and Health Care Requests" that have "Been Made by Our Medical and Critical Care Heroines and Heroes" who are "Bravely Working on The Behalf  of The American People," and "Those of Whom are In Sovereign Nations All Across The Earth of Ours" Where As of Monday, The Fifteenth of June 2020, "Earthwide," There are "A Total of Four Hundred and Thirty-Five Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Two Deaths," and "Confirmed Cases of Almost Eight Million!"
And, "All of The Meaningful and Life Saving Requests Must Be Guaranteed and Delivered Immediately without Procrastination" by "All of  The Global Sovereign Governments, State, City and Local Governments!" For They Must Keep Their Contract with The Earths Populace" to "Provide Financial and Medical Support for One and All," who have "Adhered to The Social Distancing Guidelines They have Provided and Asked Compliance of," and "They Must Keep Their Word Nobly that In Truth Demonstrates, that "We are All in This Together!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, When You Add to This State of Affairs in The United States of America," that "Includes President Trump's Recent Actions" that have "Come Under Severe Criticism" by "Former United States Secretary of Defense" (from 2017 to 2018) and "Retired United States Marine Corps General James Norman Mattis" Who Wrote A Statement" that was "Published on Tuesday, The Second of June 2020 by The Atlantic, "Donald Trump is the first President in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people -- does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us."

And, "In Addition Here are Just A Few of The Points of View that General Mattis Wrote Continuing with, "I have watched this week's unfolding events, angry and appalled. The words "Equal Justice Under Law" are carved in the pediment of the United States Supreme Court. This is precisely what protesters are rightly demanding. It is a wholesome and unifying demand---one that all of us should be able to get behind."

"And, General Mattis also Wrote,"When I joined the military, some 50 years ago, I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Never did I dream that troop's taking that same oath would be ordered to under any circumstance to violate the Constitutional rights of of their fellow citizens---much less to provide a bizarre photo-op for the elected commander-in-chief, with military leadership along side."

And, General Mattis also Wrote, "We must reject any thinking of our cities as a "Battle Space," that our uniformed military is called upon to "dominate." At home we should use our military only when requested to do so, on very rare occasions, by state governors. Militarizing our response, as we witnessed in Washington D.C., sets up a conflict---a false conflict between military and civilian society. It erodes the moral ground that ensures a trusted bond between women and men in uniform and the society they are sworn to protect, and of which they themselves are a part. Keeping public order rests with civilian, state, and local leaders who best understand their communities and are answerable to them."

And, General Mattis also Wrote, "Instructions given by the military departments to our troops before the Normandy invasion reminded soldiers that "The Nazi slogan for destroying us...was  'Divide and Conquer.' Our American answer is 'In Union there is Strength.'" We do not need to militarize to response to protests. We need to unite around a common purpose. And it starts by guaranteeing that all of us are equal before the law." And...."We must summon that unity to surmount this crisis---confident that we are better than our politics."

And, General Mattis also Wrote in His Statement, We can unite without him (Referring to President Trump) drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society.This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children."

And, General Mattis also Wrote, "We know we are better than the abuse of executive authority that we witnessed in Lafayette Park. We must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution. At the same time, we must remember "Lincoln's better angels" and listen to them, as we work to unite."

And, "Only by adopting a new path---which means, in truth, returning to the original path of our founding ideals---will we again be a country admired and respected at home and abroad."            

And then, "When You Add" Global Cross Media News Reports of "A Statement" Made by "Retired United States Marine Corps General," and Former White House Chief of Staff John Francis Kelly" In An Interview with  Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci" on Friday, The Fifth of June 2020, and Streamed Live Throughout The Nation," that "I agree" with "Former Secretary of Defense General Jim Mattis Statement on Trump!"

And that, "There is a concern, I think an awful big concern, that the partisanship has gotten out of hand. 
And, The Former White House Chief of Staff also said, "He's quite a man, Jim Mattis, and for him to do that tells you where he is relative to the concern he has for the country."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Fact" that "At Present President Trump is Behind in The Polls in Four Important Swing States, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, and is Tied in Wisconsin," with "The Presumptive Democrat Nominee for The Presidency Former United States Vice President Joseph "Joe" Biden Jr.," and that "Recent Poll's also Show The President Behind in The National Polls by As Much as Double Digits," "Should Be of Great Concern for President Trump," "His Administration," and/or "In Fact, The Republican Party!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
 Global Cross Media News Reports are Sunday, The Seventh of June 2020, "Retired General, Former Chief of Staff Chairman, and Former Secretary of State Colin Powell Addressed President Trump Actions and Behavior with CNN's Chief Washington Correspondent Jake Tapper on State of The Union," In An Exclusive Interview!" 

And, "In Response to Jake Tappers Question" about "What's your response to what's been going on the last week General," Retired General Powell said, "I'm very happy what General Allen said all the other Generals and Admirals are saying, and Diplomats are saying, we have a Constitution and we have to follow the Constitution, and President has drifted away from it. ... "I'm so proud what theses Generals and Admirals have done,"and others have done ....

And "He also Expressed How He Could Not Possibly Vote for President Trump Four years ago, When He was Running for Office," The first thing that troubled me is the whole Birther Movement," the birther movement had to with the fact that the President of the United States, that President Obama was a black man, that was part of it, "and "How He was deeply troubled in how he was going around Insulted everybody, Insulting Gold Star Mothers, Insulting Former Senator John McCain, and Insulting Immigrants and I am a son of  Immigrants," Insulting anyone who dared to speak against him. And that is dangerous for our Democracy and dangerous for our Country...and I think what we're seeing now, the most massive protest movement that I have seen in my life, I think this suggests that the Country is getting wise to this and is not going to put up with it anymore!" 

(2) And, "He Responded to Jake Tapper's Question," in Regards to, (1) "Did he agree with Retired Marine Corps General Mattis' Statement about President Trump that "Donald Trump is the first President in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people -- does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us."   (Jake Tapper asked) "In sounds like you agree with that," In Which The Former Secretary of State Answered, "You have to agree with it. Look at what he has done to divide us"...."Forget Immigrants let's put up the fence in Mexico"...."He is insulting us around the world."...."He is being offensive to our allies..."He is not taking into account what our foreign policy is and how its being affected by his actions.... so yes I agree with General Allen, and I agree with all my former colleagues"..."I'm proud of what they are doing, I'm proud that they were willing to take the risk of speaking honesty, and speaking truth to those who were not speaking truth."  

(3) (Jake) "We've seen ten's of thousands of protesters taking to the streets this week in opposition to racial injustice and police brutality"... "whats been your personal reaction to this moment do you think that the country is in something of turning point," (General Powell Answered) "We are at tuning points. I mean the, Republican party, the President thought they were sort of immune. and they could go say anything they wanted. And even more troubling the Congress would sit there and not in anyway resist what the President's doing." 
(4) (General Powell) "And the one word I have with respect to what he's been doing for the last several years is a word I would never have used before and never would have used with any of the four Presidents I've worked for, He lies, he lies about things.  And, He get's away with it because people will not hold him accountable."  (5) Whether or Not He Would Vote for President Trump in The 2020 Presidential Election, The Answer is "No! "He could not vote for President Trump This Year!" However, "He Will Be Voting for Former U.S. Vice President Biden!" 

"This Interview with General Powell" is "Another Insightful, Important, and Clarifying Point of View" from "One of The United State of America's Greatest Military Leaders," and "A Must Listen to and Read," In Total!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"To Complete The Follow Up News on The Fourth Estate Headlines" and "Global Cross Media News Sphere's Breaking News Spotlights" on "President Trumps Walk from The White House Across The Street Through Lafayette Square to Saint Johns Episcopal Church in Washing D.C." on of First of June 2020,  for "What Appeared to Be A Photo-Op with President Trump Holding A Bible in His Hand," Approximately "A Half An Hour After National Guardsmen along with Other Police Officials," "Unidentified Agency Officials," and "Bureau of Prison Officers," "Used Tear Gas," and "Stinger Ball Grenades," to "Clear Away the Peaceful Protesters who were Demonstrating in The Square after The Murder of George Floyd Awakened The Consciousness Of The American People," that "Yet Another Act of Unconscionable Police Brutality had Taken Place Against Yet Another African American!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Police have Denied Using Tear Gas and "Stinger Ball Grenades," to "Clear Away the Peaceful Protesters who were Demonstrating Outside Lafayette Park," "Even After Photos from Several News Organizations have Shown The Opposite to Exist")- 

"Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff, United States Army General Mark Alexander Milley," who also Participated in This Walk with President Trump, U.S. Attorney General William Barr and A Host of Other Dignitaries, "Apologized for Doing so," Saying in A Pre-Recorded Speech" to "A Group of Graduate Students from The National Defense University that was Released on Thursday, The Eleventh of June 2020, (While President Trump was Participating in A Campaign  Event at The Gateway Church in Dallas, Texas, Where The President said "You always have a bad apple, No matter where you go you have bad apples, and there are not too the police department."), 
"I should not have been there...My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics. As a commissioned uniformed officer, it was a mistake that I have learned from, and I sincerely hope that we can all learn from it."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
 "History has A Magnificent Way of Revealing The Facts, Conjectures, and Truths of Any Given Age," and "The Years of The Trump Presidency Will No Doubt Provide Historians" with "A Plethora of Clear Perspectives on Democratic Values in The United States of America!"

And, "Clearly Four Points of Interest Will Stand Out Among Quite a Few Others of The Trump Presidency," Which are, (1) "No One is Above The Law," (2) "The Truth Will Prevail in The End," (3) "The Power of The Vote Can Rectify and Make A Correction in The Mistaken Judgement of The Electorate When It Occurs, and, (4) "The Laws of The United States Constitution Will Not Be Manipulated, Misinterpreted," or "Unlawfully Be Used to Bear Profit for The Privileged," or "Support The Hubris," and "Be of Benefit to The Power Brokers," and "Partisan Politicians," who "Seek to Control The American People Through Gerrymandering, Divisiveness, Selfish Policies, and Political Rhetoric," Instead of  "Being True Representatives of The Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "This Grand Ole Democracy" that The United States OF America Represents and Symbolizes to All of The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations of The Earth!" 

And, "Throughout All The Annals of Human Civilization History has Proven to Be The Truthsayer and Final Word," on "Great Events, and Great Achievements and Accomplishments, "and As well as, "The Grand Follies" and "The Savager of War of This Time/Space Existence," and "It Will Be of Great Interest How The Trump Presidency is Categorized and Rated by Historians, Future Generations, and The Youth of America," who "Will One Day Inherit," and "Be The Conservators, and Protectors" of  "The Environmental and Ecological Systems and Sentient Beings" of "This Great Sovereign Nation," and "The Laws," "Values", and "Principles of This Grand Experiment" of "Freedom," "Equality," "Opportunity," "Law and Order," "The Right to Vote," "Pursuit of Happiness," and "Peace!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Parallel Universes of Political Sphere's of Interest," "The 2020 Primaries," "The Demonstrations Against Systemic Racism," and "Challenges to The Court System by The Trump Administration," "The Reopening of The U.S. Economy," "The FED and Wall Street Reactions to The Recession in The United States," and "The Escalation of CoronaVirus Cases in The U.S.," and "The Need for Additional Congressional Legislation to Fund Small Businesses and The American People," who are "Adhering to Stay at Home, and Social Distancing Guidelines," Saturday, The Thirteenth of June 2020 "A Maskless President Trump Addressed The 1,107 Graduates at the U.S. Military Academy of West Point Annual Commencement at The Plain Parade Field" (to Accommodate Social Distancing Guidelines instead of Michie Stadium), While "A New Escalation of Confirmed CoronaVirus Cases Brings An End to Springtime 2020," and "Is Threatening to Continue Its Escalation into The Summer Season of 2020," unless "A Vaccine/Cure," or "Therapeutic Treatment Passes All The Tests, Trials, and Studies Put Forth" by "The Global Health Organizations and Medical and Health Institutions!"

"President Trumps Address to The West Point Graduates Expressed His Opinions" Upon, (1) "American Military Intervention," (2) "Warning Enemies of The United States to Be on Notice," (3) "Praising His Administration for Increasing The Defense Budget," and, (4) "The Establishment of The Space Force!" 
"The President Began His Address" by saying, "This premier military academy produces only the best of the best -- The strongest of the strong - and the bravest of the brave. West Point is a universal symbol of American Gallantry, loyalty, devotion, discipline, and skill." And "To the 1,107 who today become the newest officers in the most exceptional army ever to take the field of battle, I am here to offer America's salute. Thank you for answering your nation's call."    

And, "President Trump also Thanked All of The Branches of The Military for Their Help to Fight "The Invisible Enemy" (The CoronaVirus), and...."We will vanquish the the virus, we will exterminate this plague."
And, The President also Thanked The National Guard for Contributing to "Ensuring peace, safety, and constitutional rule of law on our streets."

And, "The President" also said, "What has historically made America unique is the durability of its institutions against passions and prejudices of the moment. When times are turbulent, when the road is rough, what matters most is that which is permanent, timeless, and enduring."    

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Question" is, "Aside from Thanking All of The Branches of The Military for Their Help to Fight "The Invisible Enemy," and Thanking The National Guard for Contributing to "Ensuring peace, safety, and constitutional rule of law on our streets." and that "West Point military academy produces only the best of the best -- The strongest of the strong - and the bravest of the brave. 
And that, "West Point is a universal symbol of American Gallantry, loyalty, devotion, discipline, and skill," Which "All Americans Agree with,"  
"Will The American American People," and "The United States Armed Forces Be Receptive," and "Accept The Content, Sentiments, and Subject Matter in President Trump's Address," Especially at A Time Period When; (1) "The President has Been at The Center" of "A Great Many Sociological, Political, and Racial Issues," and "Congressional, Fourth Estate, Sports Disputes," and, (2) "At Odd's with U.S. Mayors and Governors over Reopening The Economy," and  "Policing The Streets Against The American People who are Demonstrating Against Unnecessary Police Violence," "The Tragic Death of George Floyd," and "Systemic Racism," and The Need for Police Reforms," and "How Best to Manage The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus," and, (3) "The Trade and CoronaVirus Disputes with The People's Republic of China!" 

"It is Clear" that, "The Summer and Autumn of 2020 Will Reveal," in General, "As to Whether or Not The American People Will Be Inspired by President Trump's Domestic, and Foreign Policies," or "Will A Convincing Majority Feel The Absolute Need to Reject Him in The November Presidential Election!"

"The Answer to This Question," Will No Doubt, "Be Discussed and Deliberated Upon by "Historians," "Political and Financial Pundits," "Civil Rights," and "Environmental Advocates and Activists," "Health and Medical Professionals," "Constitutional Experts," and "The Earths Populace"  who have "Witnessed The Overall Effects Made by The Trump Presidency," and "Future Generations to Come," Where The Youth of The Earth Diverse Communities Can Consider The Positive and Negative Aspects, Effects and Consequences of Being A Leader of A Global Sovereign Nation," and "The Responsibility that It Holds for One and All!"

-In Memoriam:
 Thursday, The Fourth of June 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are,  "The First Memorial Service for George Floyd was Held in Minneapolis, Minnesota at "North Central University's Frank J. Lindquist Sanctuary," Where "The National Eulogy was Delivered by Reverend Al Sharpton!"
And, "A Large Rally with Thousands of People was Held in Brooklyn, New York with Terrence Floyd," One of The Brothers in Attendance, "Along with The Reverend Jesse Jackson!"
"This  Emotional Event in Cadman Plaza" was "Presided over by Reverend Kevin McCall" who "Grew Up with Terrence!"

And, "Memorial Services were Held in Raeford, North Carolina on The Sixth of June, Where George was Born," and "A Celebration of Life Service" was "Held on Monday, The Eighth of June in Houston, Texas!"

And, "Deeply Moving Private Funeral Services for Mr. Floyd" were "Held on Tuesday, The Ninth of June 2020 in Houston, Texas!" 

However, "Memorial Services for Mr. Floyd" have "Been Held All Across The Nation," "So Great" and "So Strong is The Call for Justice," even "During A Global Pandemic," and "Yet So Many are Unafraid," to "Bravely, Courageously, Non-Violently and Peacefully," "March in The Name of Justice for The Many who have Lost Their Lives to Racial Injustice," and "Justice for George Floyd!"  

We Send Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family and Friends of George Floyd! And, We Mourn The Passing of Your Love One with You in This Time Period of Deep Sorrow, Distress, and Pain!"

And To The Family of George Floyd, and All Who have Demonstrated and Protested in His Name, George Will Be with Us as We Continue To Struggle Against Systemic Racism and Racial Injustice and Equality! And, History Will Note The Passing of George Floyd as A Pivotal Moment in Our Lives, and A New Beginning and Era to Justice and Peace, that Will Last in Perpetuity!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Eleventh of June 2020, "The Louisville Police Department Released Its Report on The Death of Breonna Taylor!"

And, "The Question" is in This Day and Age of Instant Communication and Information" and "The Global Activism For Police Reforms" and "All of Demonstrations Against Police Brutality of African Americans," and "New Federal, State, and City Legislation's and Policies Being Created and Voted on," that "Any Sane, Conscientious, Intelligent, and Cognitive and Compassionate Citizen" of "The Earths Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People Would Believe" that "Even though Breonna Shaquelle Taylor was Shot Eight Times and Died on Her Hallway Floor in A Pool of Blood," on The Thirteenth of March 2020, "Her Injuries have Been Listed" as "None!" "The Four Page Louisville Incident Police Report Provides Very Little Information that is Consistent with The Facts," Such as, (1) "Even though Global Cross Media Reports are "The Police Used A No Knock Warrant," and "Proceeded to Use A Battering Ram to Knock Down The Door," The Louisville Police Department Checked The "No" Box," When Asked If A Forced Entry Occurred!"  And, "Virtually There is Very Little Pertinent Information Provided in Total!"that is Virtually Blank!"

"What is Absolutely Clear is The Death of Breonna Shaquelle Taylor Twenty-Six Years of Age was Unnecessary, Brutal," and "Another Shock to The Conscious Awareness of America!" And, "If This is An Example of Law and Order" that "The Youth of America is to Respect," Then "Clearly, and Immediately A Change Must Come," and "A Cognitive, Intellect, Experienced, Moral, and Compassionate Perspective and Curriculum Must Be Introduced to All The Police Departments in The Nation!" Because, "There have Been Too Many Human Rights Violations Committed Against African Americans" and "People of Various Ethnicity," Such as Native Americans and American Citizens of Latin Heritage, and Jewish Heritage!" And, "It Must Be Corrected Before Any New Senseless Acts of Violence Occur!" And, "Another American Family has Lost A Love One," and "Another Mother, Father, Daughter, Son, Sister, Brother, and Family Member" has to "Mourn Their Passing in A Sea of Tears!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are, Friday, The Twelfth of June 2020, "Yet Another Act of Unnecessary Act of Police Violence Took Place in Atlanta, Georgia," "Resulting in The Death of Rayshard Brooks," a "Twenty-Seven Year Old African American and Father of Four!"

"The Police Officer Directly Involved in The Death of Mr. Brooks, Garrett Rolfe, has "Been Fired," and "Devin Brosnan, The Other Officer Involved in What Appeared to Be An Unnecessary Act of Violence," that was "Captured on Police Camera," has "Been Placed on Administrative Duty!"

"Garrett Rolfe Could Face Potential Charges" that "Include Murder, Felony Murder, or Voluntary Manslaughter!"   

Global Cross Media News Reports are, Saturday, The Thirteenth of June 2020, "Atlanta's Police Chief Erika Shields Resigned over This Senseless Act of Violence" that "Simply Began with The Police Officers Responding to A Call," on Friday, The Twelfth of June 2020 about "A Man (Rayshard Brooks) Sleeping in His Car at A Wendy's Drive-Thru," that "Developed after Approximately Twenty Minutes of Peaceful Questioning of Mr.Brooks," into "A Physical Confrontation that Ensued between The Two Police Officers, Devin Brosnan, Garrett Rolfe, and Mr. Brooks" over "The Results of His Failed Field Sobriety Test," and "As He was Being Handcuffed, Mr. Brooks Attempted to Run Away" and In Doing so, "Turned to Point A Taser" that "He Took from One of The Police Officers in The Struggle," in "The Direction of The Police Officers," and This was "When He was Shot  in The Back Two Times by Officer Rolfe," and was "Pronounced Dead," after "Being Taken to The Hospital!" 
-(Note that, "A Taser is Not A Lethal Weapon)-

Sunday, The Fourteenth of June "The Fulton County Medical Office Ruled The Shooting A Homicide!" And, "His Death was Due to Organ Damage and "Blood Loss from The Two Gun Shot Wounds!"

"What is Extremely Difficult to Comprehend is In This Time Period of Intense Racial Strife" "Resulting from The Tragic, Brutal, and Totally Unnecessary Death of George Floyd," and "The Deaths of Ahmaud Arbrey, and Breonna Shaquelle Taylor," "Including Demonstrations All Across The United States of America Calling for Police Reform," and "An End of The Unnecessary Use of Force by The Police," and "An End of The Systemic Racism," that has "Been Unjustly Used" to "Enslave," and "Attempt to Oppress, Threaten, Imprison, Subjugate, and Murder African Americans," and "People of Color," and "Native Americans," and "American Citizens from Different Nationalities who have Been Prejudiced Against,
that "A Man Falling Asleep in His Car in A Wendy's Drive Thru Lane Can End up Being Shot and Killed by The Police!"

"What Fears and/or Inbred Prejudices Could have Led Up to This Unjust Act of Violence Against One's Fellow Human Being," who "Fell Asleep in His Car!"

"A Thorough Investigation Will Be Held by Police Authorities in Georgia," and "The Police Camera Footage Should Be of Great Assistance," But, "This Will Not Help to Ameliorate The Demands of Demonstrators and Protesters," and "Civil Rights Activists and Advocates" who are "Demanding that Justice Be Accorded to Every African American and White American Equally in The Eyes of The Law," and "Equally Under The Laws of The United States Constitution!"

"The Murders of Innocent Americans by Americans Must Stop!"  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of The World Health Organization (WHO) Told Reporters" that "Sunday, The Seventh of June 2020, There was An Increase of One Hundred and Thirty-Six Thousand New Confirmed CoronaVirus Cases Earthwide," Which is "The Largest Single Day Increase Ever Recorded!"

And, "Is A Clear Reminder that The CoronaVirus Pandemic has Not Ceased" from "Carving Out Its Path of Death All Across This Earth of Ours" and "Infecting Those We Love," and "Bringing Fear into Our Diverse Global Communities!"

And, "In The United States of America The Total of Deaths is "Almost Above One Hundred and Eighteen Thousand People," and "Its Number of Confirmed Cases has Risen Above Two Million One Hundred and Sixty-Two!"

And, "Since The Reopening of The U.S. Economy has Taken Place," "Fourteen States have Seen Rises in Confirmed Cases as of Monday, The Fifteenth of June 2020!"

On Tuesday, The Ninth of June 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci," The Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), "Told Yahoo Finance" that "We've never been in a situation like that ever in History, where we had to essentially shut down the planet. I mean, if you look at the globe, and the more than Two Hundred Plus countries that have been afflicted, almost all of them had that shut down. That is unprecedented right now."

And, Dr. Fauci also said, In Regards to The Demonstrators and Protesters in The United States For George Floyd," "What we say if you are going to demonstrate in a non violent way, a peaceful demonstration, please be sure to wear a mask all the time, To say keep a physical distance is a non starter because the very nature of a demonstration, you see people in crowds. But wear a mask."

And, "In Regards to A Vaccine," He said, "We will likely at least know if any will work by the end of the year."

And, "In Regards to The Reopening of The United States Economy Dr. Fauci said," As He Continues to Work with The White House CoronaVirus Task Force is, "Things that (Officials) are concentrating on right now are how do we safely reopen, and"..."How do we get the cities, these towns, these counties to try and get some sort of normality to get the economy back. That's what is mostly being discussed!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are, Tuesday, The Ninth of June 2020, "Dr. Fauci Made These Online Comments to the Biotechnology Innovation Organization," The Largest Trade Organization in The World" that Represents The Biotechnology Industry, "The infection won't 'burn itself out with mere health measures,"...And, He also said "We're going to need a vaccine for the entire world, billions of billions of doses."

And, DOW Jones Reported, "Quoting An Interview with The Director of The Vaccine Research Center of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) John Mascola," that "The U.S. Federal Government is Planning to Fund and Undertake Large Scale Studies of Three  Experimental CoronaVirus Vaccines This Summer!  

"Take Note" "Three CoronaVirus Projects Scheduled for This Summer are; (1) In July "Moderna Inc.'s Final Stage Will Begin," (2) In August "The Test of A Oxford University and AstraZeneca PLC's Shot," and,  (3) In The Second Half of July Johnson and Johnson has Scheduled The First Human Trial instead of in September!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Reopening of The Earths Economies Will Prove Be Very Costly," "Why" Because The Death Toll and Confirmed Cases Caused by The CoronaVirus has Not Yet Ceased from Sovereign Nation to Sovereign Nation," or from "State to State," City to City," or "Town to Town!" And, "Leaving Few Neighborhoods Untouched!"

And, "As Important as It May Be to Reopen The Economy," It Would Be Reassuring, If There was "A Vaccine/Cure," or Therapeutic Treatment," to "Prepared and Ready to Provide for The Healthcare and Welfare of Every Citizen of The Earths Populace!" 

And, "So We Encourage The Medical and Biological Experts and Institutions" to "Increase Their Efforts on A 24/7 Basis," and "Complete Their Trials, Tests and Studies," as "We Enter into The 2020 Summer and Autumn of The CoronaVirus," and "As The Earths Populace Continues to Courageously Demonstrate Against Systemic Racism, Racial Injustice, Prejudice, Hate, Inequality," and "In The Name and Movement of Black Lives Matter," and "The Eight Minutes and Forty-Six Seconds Movement," Brought on by "The Cruel Brutality and Immoral Murder of George Floyd by A Police Officer!" 
And, "Knowing" that by Doing so, "Without A Vaccine/Cure or Therapeutic Treatment to Counter The CoronaVirus" and/or Any Other Mutant Strain, "They are Placing Their Lives In Danger" and "Their Families in Danger Due to The Ongoing Threat of The Global Pandemic!" 

And, "The Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations and Governments," and "Leaders of The Private and Public Sectors Must Continue to Do Their Part without Hesitation or Procrastination," and "Continue to Fund and Support The Earths Populace, who have Supported  and Continue to Follow Social Distancing Guidelines," as "The Move Forward Phase by Phase" to "Reopen The Earths Economies into A New Era of Normality Increases in Intensity," Because "Too Many Lives are at Stake," and "Too Many Mothers and Fathers and Family Members have Lost A Love One!" 
And, "The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People" and "That Includes The Working Class," and "Middle Class," "Students," and "Elderly," The Poor and Disenfranchised," and "People of Color," are "All In Need of Their Support!"

"As The Parallel Universes of Justice and Law and Order," and "Police Misconduct," and "Come under The Full and Passionate Scrutiny Of The People and Law Abiding Citizens Across The Diverse Communities and Neighborhoods, Cities, States, and Sovereign Nations," Calling Out for An End of Prejudice,  Systemic Racism, Racial Injustice, and Hate!"

And, So has "The Voice of Justice," and "The Word of Law" and "Legalese" from "A Just and Noble Perspective that Embraces The Constitutional Premise and Law," that "No One is Above The Law!"

"This Clarifying Perspective" was "Written in A Eighty-Two Page Brief" by "Former United States District Judge John Gleeson," of "the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York,"  who was "Appointed as A Friend of the Court" by United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Emmett Gael Sullivan," to "Review The Department of Justice's Motion to Dismiss Charges Against Former National Security Advisor for President Trump, and "Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn," and "Filed on Wednesday, The Tenth of June 2020!"

And, "Former Federal Court Judge John Gleeson," was also Asked to "Determine if perjury charges should be brought against Michael Flynn."

"Former Judge Gleeson Wrote of The Governments Grounds for Dismissal" in "His Brief" that "They contradict and ignore this Court's prior orders, which constitute law of the case. They are riddled with inexplicable and elementary errors of law and fact. And they depart from positions that the Government has taken in other cases."

And, "Judge Gleeson also Found" that, "The Government's request should be denied because" of, "The facts surrounding the filing of the Government's motion constitute clear evidence of gross prosecutorial abuse. They reveal an unconvincing effort to disguise as legitimate a decision to dismiss that is based solely on the fact that Flynn is a political ally of the President Trump."

-(Note that, "The Final Decision Will Be Up to Judge Sullivan to Make," (and Quite Possibly An Appeals Court to Participate in), on "Whether or Not to Accept The Department of Justice's Motion" to "Drop The Case!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News- ("Background on Michael Flynn Motion to Dismiss by The Department of Justice")-
Michael  Flynn, A Retired United States Army Lieutenant General, had "Plead Guilty on The First of December of 2017 in Federal Court" to "A Felony Count" of "Willfully and Knowingly Making False, Fictitious, and Fraudulent Statements" to The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)! "And, "Mr. Flynn also Agreed" to "Cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russian Investigation!"

However, "Since William Pelham Barr Became United States Attorney General on The Fourteenth of February 2019, "A New Perspective has Influenced The Legal Overview of The DOJ," "Beginning with AG Barr's Interpretation and Disagreement with The Findings of Robert Mueller's Russian Investigation Report!"

 Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Seventh of May 2020, "The Department of Justice Filing Stated" that "After a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and and disclosed information appended to the defendant's supplemental pleadings, the Government has that the interview of Mr. Flynn was untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI's counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn -- a no longer justifiably predicated investigation that the FBI had, in the Bureau's own words, prepared to close because it had yielded an 'absence of any derogatory information.'"

Note that, The DOJ Filing also says, "The Government is not persuaded that The January 24, 2017 interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn's statements were material if even untrue. Moreover, we not believe that the Government can prove either the relevant false statements or their materiality beyond a reasonable doubt."    

 Thursday, The Seventh of May 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are President Trump said, "He was very happy for General Flynn, he was a great warrior and he still is a great warrior. Now in my book is an even greater warrior." Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twelfth of May 2020,"A Federal Judge has "Placed a Hold on The Department of Justice's Move to Drop Criminal Charges Against Michael Flynn, President Trump's First National Security Advisor!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"History Will Decide If The Department of Justice Decision to Drop The Criminal Case Against Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was A Just Decision or Not!"

And, "Highly Discussed Questions Will Be Answered in The Year 2020 " in Regards to "Whether or Not Pardons Will Be Issued to Several Other High Profile Cases" "Involving Close Friends," and/or "Associates of President Trump," who have "Been Convicted of Charges and Indictments Made Against Them!"

And, "History Will Make The Final Judgement on These Decisions as well, In Perpetuity!"

However, "One Decision" that is," and "Remains in The Power of The American People to Make Will Be on Election Day, Tuesday, The Third of November 2020," "When Everyone of Voting Age Will have The Opportunity to Make Their Sentiments, Opinions, and Voices Clearly Heard," as "They Cast Their Vote by Absentee Mail," or at "Their Local Polling Place!"

-(Extra Noteworthy News- 
Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twelfth of May 2020,"A Federal Judge has "Placed a Hold on The Department of Justice's Move to Drop Criminal Charges Against Michael Flynn, President Trump's First National Security Advisor!"

"United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Emmett Gael Sullivan said" in A Written Order on Tuesday, "given the current posture of this case," he anticipated, "that individuals and organizations will seek leave of the Court," to file briefs expressing their opinions.")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are, Thursday, The Fourth of June 2020, "The First Preliminary Probable Cause Hearing" of "The Three Men," Travis McMichael and His Father Gregory McMichael," and "William "Roddie" Bryan Jr., "Charged with The Murder of Ahmaud Arbrey Took Place in Glynn County, Minnesota," "Where Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI) Special Agent-in-Charge Richard Dial Described An Expletive and Racial Slur" that "McMichaels said," After He Shot Mr. Abrey, "F***ing N***er." 

"The Irony" that "The First Day of Preliminary Hearings of The Tragic Death of Ahmaud Arbrey Occurred on The Day" of "The First Memorial of The Brutal and Tragic Death of George Floyd," only "Compounds The Seriousness of Systemic Racial Violence and Injustice in America," that has "Taken The Lives of To Many African Americans!"

-(Note that,  Thursday, The Seventh of May 2020, "Travis McMichael was Arrested and is Being Charged with Murder and Aggravated Assault," and "Gregory McMichael was Charged with Party to Murder and Aggravated Assault!" And, William "Roddie" Bryan Jr. was also Arrested on Charges of, (1) "Felony Murder," and, (2) "Criminal Intent to Commit False Imprisonment!"  "Claimed He had nothing to do with the murder.")-  

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Ahmaud Arbrey! And, We Mourn The Tragic Loss of Your Love One with You, and His Friends, Colleagues, and Neighbors!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Seventh of June 2020, Global Cross Media News Sphere's and The Fourth Estate Photographs of "Civil Rights Icon" and "Congressman from The State of Georgia," and "Outstanding Member of The United States House of Representatives John Lewis" "Standing in The Middle of The Street of Black Lives Plaza with DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Wearing Protective Masks," was "A Moment in Time to Remember!" 

And, "Amidst Thousands of Courageous Protesters for Justice," "Police Reform," and "The Rights of All African Americans,"  and "For All Humanity to Live Free from The Systemic Racial Violence" that has "Plagued This Great Nation for Millennia," "This Eighty Year Civil Rights Leader who Stands for The Truth, Equal Rights under The Law, Freedom, The African American Community," "The United States Constitution," and "For The Liberty and Freedom of All The People," and 'Who has Fought to End Legalized Racial Segregation in The United States," was "Applauded by The Protesters as He Stood There for All America to See," "Standing on The Black Lives Mural of Art," that "Clearly Expresses and Symbolizes The Domestic and Global Belief in Three Words" "Black Lives Matter!"

And, "From Being One of The Nonviolent Freedom Riders in The South,Where He was Attacked, Beaten, and Arrested" to "Becoming The Chairman of The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee," (SNCC), and "One of The Big Six Leaders" who "Organized and Spoke at The March on Washington in 1963," Where Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Gave His "I Have A Dream Speech," and "To Becoming A Member of The United States House of Representatives,"  "This Man of The People" and "The African American Communities," has "Earned The Respect of This Great Nation and Its People," as "He has Fought for Justice and Equal Rights For All of His Adult Life!"

And, "Through Years of Slavery, War, Apartheid and Civil Rights," "This Belief in The Equality of One's Fellow Woman and Man," and "Citizen of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People" has had "To Suffer, Struggle, and Bear Witness to Ten's of Thousands of Tragic Deaths," and "Assassinations," and Today in The Year 2020, "We Find Ourselves in The Midst of Yet Another Valiant Year of Protests, Marches, and Arrests in The Name of Racial Justice, Equality, and Economic Parity For One and All!"

"In Addition to Congressman John Robert Lewis," "We are Grateful for The Sacrifice of All The People," and "Civil Rights Leaders, Religious Leaders, and Leaders of Government, and The Public and Private Sectors," who "Believe in Racial Justice, Freedom, and Equality," and "Economic Parity For One and All Must Be Ascertained" and "Cemented in Our Laws in Perpetuity," and "Rooted in The Hearts, Emotions, Minds, Intellect, Spirit, and Soul of Each and Every New Born Child" and "Adult of The Earths Diverse Populace!"

For "We are Not Strangers to One Another," In This Age of Social Media, "There is No Separation Between Us," and "We are One and All Citizens of This Planet Earth," "Irregardless of Gender, Tribe, Nationality, Creed, Age, Color, Special Needs, Socioeconomic Status, and Political Persuasion!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are  Monday, The Eighth of June 2020, "As A Celebration of Life Service For George Floyd" is "Being Held in Houston, Texas, "The United States House of Representatives Revealed New Legislation" to "Reform Policing in The United States of America!"

"Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi from California," and "Members of The Black Caucus Announced, in A Five Page Summary," that "This New Legislation Called the "Justice in Policing Act" Will, (1) "Ban Choke Holds," (2) "Ban No Knock Warrants in Drug Cases," (3) "Require Local Police Departments to Send Data on Use of Force to The Federal Government," and "Create A Grant Program" that "Would Allow State Attorneys General to Create An Independent Process to Investigate Misconduct or Excessive Use of Force," (4) "This Legislation Would Make It Easier For People to Recover Damages When Police Departments Violate Their Civil Rights, and, (5) "Uniformed Police Officers Will have to Wear Body Cameras," (6) "Marked Federal Police Vehicles Will Be Required to have Dashboard Cameras, and, (7) "Limit the Transfer of Military Grade Equipment to Local and State Police Departments!"

"The Legislators who Authored" the "Justice in Policing Act" are "Karen Ruth Bass Chairwoman of The Black Caucus" Democrat from California, Jerrold Lewis "Jerry" Nadler, Chairman of The House Judiciary Committee," Democrat from New York," and "Senators Kamala Devi Harris, Democrat from California" (and Considered One of Former Vice President Trumps Vice President Choices), and "Cory Anthony Booker," Democrat from New Jersey, (who Ran An Unsuccessful Yet Spirited Campaign Against Vice President Biden in The 2020 Election Campaign Primaries," along with Campaigns by Senators Harris, Sanders, Klobuchar, and Warren," and "Former Mayor Bloomberg, Mayor Buttigieg, A Few Others!).  

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"Let Us Agree" that "This is A New Beginning" in "Creating New Legislation" that "Provides An Advanced Federal Overview and Perspective" for "The Nations Local and State Police Departments to Follow," and "Respect The Rights of All The People!" 

And, "A New Approach" and "Step Forward Towards Punishing" and "Bringing The Legal Weight of The Law Down on Anyone" who "Dares to Violate The Human Rights Of All The People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Third of June 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The United States Senate Unanimously Passed The Payback Protection Program Flexibility Act," (PPPFA), that was "Introduced by Rep. Charles Eugene "Chip" Roy Republican from  Texas and Rep. Dean Benson Phillips Democrat from Minnesota," and "Passed by A Practically Unanimous Vote of Four Hundred and Seventy-One to One" in "The House on The Twenty-Eighth of May 2020!" And, have "Sent It to President Trump for His Signature into Law!" And, "Will Provide A Significant Amendment to The CARES Act!"

"This PPPFA Legislation" Will Be of "Great Financial Benefit and Empowerment of Small Businesses," (and Mom and Pop's), "As They Struggle to Make Payments to Their Employees," "Pay Rent for Their Premises," "Care for Their Families," and "Survive During The Corona Virus Pandemic!" And, "This Bill" Will also, (1) "Eliminate Restrictions Limiting Non-Payroll Expenses to Twenty-Five Percent of The Loan" and (2) "The Loan's Terms to Two Years," and, (3) "Extend The Deadline to Rehire Workers" to "Align with The Expiration of Enhanced Unemployment Insurance!"

"President Trump signed The Payback Protection Program Flexibility Act," into Law on Friday, The Fifth of June 2020!"

-"A Day of Celebration," and "A Day To Remember"- 
June Nineteenth 2020, Known as "Juneteenth-" is "Day of Great Historical Dimensions!"

Also Known as "Emancipation Day" "Liberation Day," and "Freedom Day," This Day Commemorates" from "Its Inception on The Nineteenth of June 1865 in Perpetuity," "The Emancipation of The Last Remaining Enslaved African American in The State of Texas," and "The Confederacy!"

"The Name of This Grand Moment in History" is "A Linguistic Blend of Words that are Combined to Form A New Word" (A Portmanteau, of Phonemes and A Single Morph Representing Two or More Underlying Morphemes), and "It is Significantly Relevant" that This Word "Juneteenth" Should "Become The Name that Symbolizes and Represents Equality under The Law," "Equality in The Eyes of The Law,"and "Freedom and Justice in The Name of The Law For Each and Every African American Citizen," and "A National Holiday that is  Celebrated by A Great Nation of People," of "The United States of America!"

And, "May This Day of Celebration," "Be A Day of Remembrance," "For "All Who have Sacrificed," and "Given Their Lives in The Name of Equality" and "Justice and Freedom" For "All of The Families who have Lost A Love One Due to Racial Injustice, Hate, Prejudice, and Systemic Racism!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, The Moment in Time has Come When No Socioeconimic  Status, Person of Gender, Nationality, Creed, Age, Color, Special Needs Individual, Age, Political Persuasion, or Tribe Can Be Left Out" of "A Global Equation that Embraces of A New Era of Unification, Global Equilibre, Economic Parity, Social Justice, Social Security, Freedom, Equality, Health Care and Medical Care System, and Universal System of Non Prejudicial Justice" and "Law and Order!"

"For This System Must Be All Inclusive!"

"When You See A Grand Masterpiece of Inspiring, Visionary, Insightful, Soulful, Spiritual, Compassionate, Individuals of Grand Cognition and Universality," What Do They Look Like, "Jesus of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Mary Magdalene, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Machiventa Melchizedek, Moses, Clara Barton, Susan B. Anthony,  Charlemagne, Black Elk,  Socrates,  Saint Francis of Assisi, Rabindranath Tagore, Lao-Tse, and Confucius!

And, "Let Us Continue to Pursue A Path Forward" of "Non-Violence, Satyagraha, Valor, Fearlessness, Bravery, and The Truth," as "We Strive to Achieve Our Goals of Universal Harmony," and "An Earthrise and Earthwise Vision, Civilization, Culture, Way of Life and Purposeful and Meaningful Reality!" 
And, "Let Us One and All Share This Purposeful and Meaningful Reality and Vision Path with Each Other" as "We Take Each New Step Forward into The Future Now Sphere's of Our Lives and Continued Existence" on "This Our Home Planet Earth!"

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
 Wednesday, June 3, 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Presumptive Nominee of The Democratic Party Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr from Delaware- has "Won All of The Seven 2020 State Primaries on The Second of June Including The District of Columbia by Significant Margins," as Expected, and "Has at Present 2, 136 Delegates," and has "Secured The Nomination for The Democratic Party!"

Tuesday, June 2, 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Seven States and The District of Columbia" are "Holding Presidential Primaries," "Go To The Polls Today," and "All The Assistance and Consideration Possible Must Be Provided," as "Voters Adhere to Social Distancing Guidelines at Polling Places!"

"These 2020 Primaries are; (1) The District of Columbia, (2) Indiana, (3) Maryland, (4) Montana, (5) New Mexico, (6) Pennsylvania, (7) Rhode Island, and, (7) South Dakota!

-(1) Here are The Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Results of The 2020 Indiana Primary Held on Tuesday, The  Second of June 2020 are; 

(A) Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr from Delaware- 75.9% of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)-

(B) Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont- 14.1% of The Popular Votes- (Campaign Suspended)-

-(2) Here are The Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Results of The 2020 D.C. Primary Held on Tuesday, The  Second of June 2020 are; 
(A) Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr from Delaware- 77.5% of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)-

(B) Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont- 10.0% of The Popular Vote- (Campaign Suspended)-

-(3) Here are The Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Results of The 2020 Maryland Primary Held on Tuesday, The  Second of June 2020 are; 
(A) Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr from Delaware- 85.1% of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)-

(B) Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont- 6.1% of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)- (Campaign Suspended)-

-(4) Here are The Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Results of The 2020 Pennsylvania Primary Held on Tuesday, The  Second of June 2020 are; 
(A) Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr from Delaware- 77.2% of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)-

(B) Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont- 19.0 of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)- (Campaign Suspended)-

-(5) Here are The Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Results of The 2020 Rhode Island Primary Held on Tuesday, The  Second of June 2020 are; 
(A) Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr from Delaware- 61.6% of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)-

(B) Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont- 30.3% of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)- (Campaign Suspended)-

-(6) Here are The Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Results of The 2020 New Mexico Primary Held on Tuesday, The  Second of June 2020 are; 
(A) Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr from Delaware- 73.6% of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)-

(B) Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont- 14.7% of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)- (Campaign Suspended)-

-(7) Here are The Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Results of The 2020 Montana Primary Held on Tuesday, The  Second of June 2020 are; 
(A) Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr from Delaware- 74.5% of The Popular Vote- %- (At Last Count)-

(B) Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont- 14.7% of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)- (Campaign Suspended)-

-(8) Here are The Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Results of The 2020 South Dakota Primary Held on Tuesday, The  Second of June 2020 are; 
(A) Former Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr from Delaware- 77.3% of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)-

(B) Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders from Vermont- 22.6% of The Popular Vote- (At Last Count)- (Campaign Suspended)-

And, "President Trump, Being The Incumbent," has "Won All of The Republican 2020 Primaries," and "Is Expected to Be The Republican Nominee for Reelection!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"As The 2020 Path of Primaries Continue to Advance One by One," "Through This Spring" and into "The Summer Season of The CoronaVirus,"and "The Biden Campaign Team," and "The Democrats Seek to Undertake" and "Mount A Formidable Challenge" to "Unseat President Trump from The Presidency, and, "Retake Control of The United States Senate from The Republican Party!"

"What is of The Greatest Importance is for Every American Citizen of Voting Age" to "Cast Their Vote for The Nominee of Their Choice!" Whether It Be "Voting In Person at Your Local Voting Location," or via "Absentee Voting," Allowing You to "Vote by Mail!"

And, "Each State of The Union Must Protect America's Right to Vote" "Against All Threats" and "Campaign Maneuvers and Strategies" to "Lessen The Voter Turn Out," or "Discourage The American People from Their Constitutional Right to Vote!"

And, "A Repeat of Russian Interference in The 2016 Presidential Election Can Not Be Repeated!"
And, "It Should Be Firmly Noted," and "Expressed in The Strongest Terms Possible," by "The United States Congress," and "All of The Intelligence Agencies," "The Department of Justice," and "Law Enforcement Officials Across The Land,"  that "Any Foreign or Domestic Entity who Attempts to Interfere in The 2020 Presidential Election Must Be Severely Sanctioned, Imprisoned, and Discredited!" 

And,  "It Must Be Strongly Expressed in No Uncertain Terms," that "Interference in The United States Electoral Process Can Not Be Repeated!" "Once is Enough For This Great Nation to Experience!" 
And, "A Second Time in 2020 Would Be Beyond Comprehension," and "An Unacceptable Failure" by "The Trump Administration," and "All Five Hundred and Thirty-Five The United States Congress!"
"They Must Protect The Laws and Amendments of The United States Constitution," and "The Right of Each and Every American to Vote!"

And, "Neither The CoronaVirus," Nor "Any Flagrant Attempt by An Outside or Domestic Instigator Can Be Allowed to Impede or Stand in The Way of The 2020 Elections!"  
"The Need for Experience, Compassionate, Cognizant, Intellectual, Soulful, Spiritual, Universally Minded Global Leadership" is "Tantamount in This Day and Age!"

And, "A Sense of Vigorous, Bold, Forthright, Just, Truthful, Straightforward, and Honest Global Idea's and Policies, For Improving The Quality of Life," and "The Health Care," and "Social Security of All The People," "While Empowering The Lives of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People," is "An Absolute Necessity!"

-(Note that, Tuesday, The Second of June 2020, "Former Vice President Joseph Biden" and Presumed Democratic Nominee of The Democratic Party for President of The United States of America, "Addressed The Nation from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" and "Presented His Opinion, Thoughts, and Vision for America saying The Country is "crying out for leadership to unite us,"

And, "The Former Vice President also spoke about "Systemic Racism in America," "The Death of George Floyd," "The CoronaVirus," "Unemployment," and "President Trump's Photo-Op in front of The Episcopal Church of Saint John in Washington D.C.," and "President Trump threatening  to Deploy The Military if Violence in the States isn't Stopped," and "President Trump's Aversion to Obamacare," and "The Former Vice President Thoughts about The Need to Expand It," and "The New Heroes, The Healthcare Workers who Need to Be Paid Sufficiently for Their Brave Service to The Nation During The CoronaVirus Pandemic in The U.S.," and "The Battle for the Soul of The Nation,' and "The Comment Made by Yolanda King to Her Father," When Former United States President John Kennedy was Assassinated," that "Now we're never going to get our freedom," and that Martin said "No don't worry Baby, It's going to be alright, It's going to be O'kay,"  and How Dr.KIng was Driven by His Dream,"to "Three Days before Martin Luther King Jr. was Himself Assassinated When at A Church Service in Washington, He said in 1968, "Though The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, It Bends towards Justice, and We know We Can Bend it , because We have," and "Mr. Biden Spoke of Justice and Purpose in The United States," and "Pain in The U.S." and "The Divisions Caused by President Trump," and "The Ideal, Character, and The Purpose of America," and of "Building A Better Future!" 

And, Mr. Biden also said, "Look at where We are Now and Think Anew! Is this who We are? Is this who We wane to to be? Is This who We want to pass on to our Children and Grandchildren? Fear, Anger, Finger Pointing?" Rather than the Pursuit of Happiness!"

And"He Made This Promise" that, "I won't traffic in fear and division! I won't fan the flames of hate!" I'll seek to the heal racial wounds that have long plagued our country, not use them for political gain. I' ll do my job and I will take responsibility, I won't blame others."  And, "This job (the Presidency) is not about me, it's about you, it's about us. And, "To Build a Better Future!"

And He also Mentioned "How Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas Hungered for Liberty," and "How Susan B. Anthony, and Ella Baker and John Lewis Thirsted for The Vote,"
And "Remembering who we should be, "We should be the America of FDR and Eisenhower, of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. Jonah Salt and Neal Armstrong" and the America that Cherishes Life, Liberty and Courage. and The America that Chooses Each Other." 

And, He Believes in His Heart of Hearts, That We Can Overcome!" And, "Take care of one another." And, "We are the United States of America," and "Together United," that is When We are Best!")- 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Third of June 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Family of George Floyd Visited The Site of His Death!" Where The Lead Attorney for The Floyd Family Benjamin Lloyd "Ben" Crump Spoke for "The Floyd Family" with "Quincy Mason Floyd, One of George Martin's Son's in Attendance who Spoke a Few Touching Words of Sentiment about The Death of His Father," and, Mr. Crump also said "The Floyd Family Expect all of all the police officers to be arrested before we have the memorial in Minneapolis, Minnesota tomorrow. Because we can not have two justice systems  in America one for black America, and one for white America, we must have equal justice for the United States of America! And Change is going to come."

And, "Attorney Crump also Shared A Request by The Floyd Family" for "A Pause to Take Place in Demonstrations" until "The Memorial on Thursday, The Fourth of June, 2020!"

-(Note that, "The Charges Against Former Police Officer Derek Chauvin have Been Upgraded to Second-Degree Murder, Who had Been Initially Charged with Third-Degree Murder!

And, "Minnesota Attorney General Keith Maurice Ellison" has "Brought  Aiding and Abetting Charges" Against "The Other Three Police Officers of The Minneapolis Police Department," "Tou Thao, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Keung!  

And, "Another Significant Event" is Tuesday, June 2, 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Minnesota's Governor Timothy James "Tim" Walz and The Minnesota Department of Human Rights has Commenced A Civil Rights Investigation of The Minneapolis Police Department" and "Its History of Racial Discrimination!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Memorial of George Floyd is A Moment for All of Us to Reflect on The Reasons Why There has Been Such A Powerful Earthwide Reaction to Mr. Floyd's Death!"

And, "It is A Moment in Time When A Pause is Essential, and A Period of Reflection is Necessary!"

"Why!" Because There has Been Too Many Issues Where One Individual" or "A Sovereign Government," or "An Elected Official" has Been Convicted of Breaking The Law, or "Violating The Sovereignty of Another Nation," or "Been Unjustly Killed by A Law Enforcement Official," or "Another Human Being Because of Racism, Hate, Prejudice and Discrimination!" And, "These Injustices have Touched The Consciousness," "The Emotions," and "The Heart, Mind, Spirit, Soul," and "The Values of Today's Modern Civilizations," Who are A Reflection of The Families of The Earths Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!"

And, "Thanks to This Digital, Hi-Tech, and Age of Social Media e are All Witnesses of The Injustices, Murders, Cyber Crimes, and White Collar Crimes, and Abuses of The Law of The Land," Any Illegal Offense Against The Law or Against The People Can Not Go Unpunished for "No One is Above The Law!" "No One!"

And, "If A Police Officer," or "Elected Federal, State, or Local Government Official," or "CEO of An Entertainment Corporation," or "Leader of A Sovereign Nation Commits A Crime Against The Innocent," and "A Life has Been Taken, Unjustly," "It Should Be Looked Upon as "A Crime Against Humanity!" "Why" Because Our Human Rights have Been Violated!" "Our Laws have Been Violated!" And, "Our Families have Been Violated!"

And, "There is A Higher Power that Has Been Violated," Which is Our Human Rights!" And that "Should Clearly Signify" that "A Human Rights Violation has Been Committed!"

So, "While We Take A Pause to Reflect, Consider Individually," and "Organize as A Whole," "How to Pursue Our Goals and Purpose" that "Will Increase The Quality of Life for Each and Every One of Us, Non-Violently, Academically, Culturally, Intelligently, Passionately, Cognitively, Spiritually, Soulfully, Lawfully, and Electorally," "Let Us also Embrace and Empower Each Other To Live in Peace," and Let Us also "Heal The Wounds that have Divided Us," and "Caused One Person to Strike Out Maliciously Against Another," and "Put An End to The Violence that has Infected Our Communities Like A Pandemic that Threatens The Lives of All of Our Children!"

And, "Let Us Engage in" and "Share News Visionary Ways and Idea's to Build Change!" "A Change" that "Embraces Equality, Global Equilibre, Freedom, Truth, Economic Parity, Peace and Universal Justice For One and All!" 
"A Change for The Betterment of All Our Lives Should Be The New Normal of The Twenty-First Century," and "For Millennia Upon Millennia to Come!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, June 2, 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "An Independent Autopsy Requested by The Family of George Floyd," and Minnesota Officials, "Concluded that "George Floyd Death" was "A Homicide," "Asphyxiation from sustained pressure."

-(Note that "This Asphyxiation and Sustained Pressure Occurred" when "Officers Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Keung Held Mr. Floyd's Back and Legs," and "Officer Derek Chauvin Pressed His Knee Against Mr. Floyd's Neck and Head for Eight Minutes and Forty-Six Seconds in Total," of Which "Two Minutes and Fifty-Three Seconds of This Time Occurred After Mr. Floyd was Unresponsive!")- 

Antonio Romanucci, The Attorney for The Floyd Family Told CNN, "Whether or not he was intoxicated or had medications in his system is irrelevant to the cause of death, which is homicide, which is death by the hand of another," and Mr. Romanucci also said, "The end result, which is George Floyd's death, would not be any different."

-(Note that, As of Friday, The Twelfth of June 2020, The Three Other Police Officers "Tou Thao, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Keung" who "Witnessed and Assisted in The Death of George Floyd, on Memorial Day," have "All Been Charged with Aiding and Abetting!")-

-In Memoriam: "Flashback to The 1921 Tulsa Race Riots"-
"The Tulsa Race Riots," Named After The Massacre of African Americans in Tulsa Oklahoma," "A Race Massacre" that "Took Place in Tulsa's Affluent Black Business and Residential Neighborhood Greenwood," also Known as "Black Wall Street" on The Thirty-First of May 1921!

"Anywhere from Two to Three Hundred Innocent People were Killed, Primarily African Americans," by

"Why!" Because On The Thirtieth of May 1921, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Allegedly An African American Man, Dick Rowland," was "Accused of Assaulting A White Elevator Worker Sarah Page," in "An Elevator of A Building in Downtown, Tulsa!"

And, "After The Tulsa Tribune Printed The Story" the Next Day, that "Mr. Rowland, A Shoe Shine Worker had Attempted to Rape Sarah Page," with "An Editorial Stating" that "A Lynching was Planned for that Evening," "Large Crowds/Mobs of African and White Americans Descended Upon the Courthouse Where Violence Broke Out!" 

"The Initial Cause of The Rioting was Because An Armed African American Man," who was at The Courthouse to Protect Mr. Rowland, "Became Involved In A Confrontation with A White Protester and Killing Him," which "In Effect Unleashed A Storm of Violence and Rioting," with "White Protesters and Mobs of White Americans Chasing and Killing Hundreds of African Americans," and "Causing The Destruction of More than One Thousand Four Hundred Homes in Greenwood over The Period of The Next Two Days," and "Leaving This Affluent African American Community in A State of Total Ruination!" with "Its Homes and Businesses Being Looted and Set on Fire by White American Looters," Many of Which were "Allegedly White World War I Veterans," whom "History," "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" have Reported, "Maliciously Shot and Killed African Americans on Sight!"

-(Note that, "The Official Death Toll Report" was "Ten White Americans and Twenty-Six African Americans were Killed!" And, For The Most Part, "Any Historical Data or Information about This Horrific Event" has "Been Primarily Made Absent from History Books Used to Teach The Youth of Tulsa!"

And, GCM News Reports are "There May Be as Many as Four Mass Grave Sites in Tulsa!"

In 1997 "A Tulsa Riot Race Commission was Established by The State of Oklahoma to Investigate The Riot," and "In The Commissions Preliminary Recommendations Suggestions were Made" that "The State Pay Restitution of $Thirty-Three Million Dollars" to "Some of The One Hundred and Twenty-One Surviving Victims who had Been Located!"

-In Memoriam:
"We Take This Moment to Remember The Forty-Nine Innocent Lives who were Killed at The Pulse Night Club Four Years Ago on The Twelfth of June 2016" in Orlando Florida!

Florida Governor Ron Dion DeSantis Signed A Proclamation Declaring June Twelfth "Pulse Remembrance Day!" And, "All Flag Staffs Will Be Lowered to Half Mast Althroughout The State of Florida!"

Previously Governor DeSantis and Former Governor Richard Lynn " Rick" Scott Declared June Twelfth "Pulse Remembrance Day in 2018 and 2019 Respectfully!"

"This Tragic Mass Murder Will Never Be Forgotten by Floridians!" A Moment of Silence was Held at 9 A.M. This Morning!" 

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Fifty Innocent Persons were also Wounded!")- 

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Friends who Lost A Love One in This Domestic Act of Maliciousness and Violence!

-In Memoriam:
Today is also The Day that American Civil Rights Activist Medgar Wiley Evers was Killed in Jackson, Mississippi

Global Cross Media News Reports are Several Hours after Former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy Delivered His Nationally Televised Civil Rights Address," "Medgar Evers was Shot as He Drove into His Driveway and Emerged from His Car on The Twelfth of June 1963!" 

"Medgar Died in A All White Hospital i Mississippi," Who at "First Refused to Admit Him Because He was A Black Man!"

"His Family had to Explain who He was Before The Hospital Acquiesced and Allowed Mr. Evers to Be Admitted! He Died Fifty Minutes Later!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To The Family of Medgar Wiley Evers who Worked Arduously and Passionately for The Civil Rights of African Americans!

Their Loss is Our Loss even After Decades have Gone by, But His Passing Will Be Remembered, and His Life Will Not have Been Lost in Vain!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to The CoronaVirus or A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!