Friday, November 1, 2019



The Way To Peace! #352

"The Power of The Vote" was "On Display in The U.S. Capitol Thursday, The Thirty-First of October 2019," When "The U.S. House of Representatives Voted Two Hundred and Thirty-Two Yeas to One Hundred and Ninety-Six Nays" "In This Historic Vote," to "Pass An Impeachment Resolution that "Poses A Great Threat for The Removal of Donald John Trump from The Presidency!"

-(Note that, "This Impeachment Resolution" "Formally "Presents Procedures for Public Hearings," as "The Impeachment Inquiry Enters into Its Public Facing Phase" and "Eventual Proceedings in The Judicial Committee!" After Which "Will Come The Official Impeachment Vote in The House of Representatives," and "If Passed" "Will Then Advance to The U.S. Senate Where The Final Judgement Will Be Made!"

"Two Democrats Joined The Republicans in This Procedural Vote," and "One Independent Joined with The Democrats for Its Passage!")-

And, "It also Demonstrates The Power of The Electorate" Beginning with The Forty-One Seat Gain of Democrats to The House of Representatives in The 2018 Elections," Which Provided The Democratic Party with A Majority in The House," and "Which has Led The House to Pass Sixteen Impressive Bills" (Introduced in The House) since "The Third of January 2019" When The 116th Congress Convened," and "Which has Led to The Official Impeachment Inquiry Against President Donald John Trump,"  and "The Passage of The Impeachment Resolution!"

-(Note that, "Four Bills have Been Introduced in The U.S. Senate" where "The Republican Party Holds the Majority!")-

"This is The Fourth Time in American History that A President has Been Faced with A Threat of Impeachment!"

"The Other Three Presidents are Andrew Johnson in 1868, Richard Nixon in 1973, and William Clinton in 1998!"

"President's Johnson and Clinton were Impeached," But were "Acquitted from All Charges Following A Trial in The U.S. Senate," Allowing Them to Remain in Office!" And, "President Nixon Resigned from Office on The Ninth of August 1974" "Rather than Be Impeached!"

"This Historical Vote Signifies The Power of The Vote," and "The Power of The People!" And, "The Constitutionality of A Grand Democracy," "Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Where No One is Above The Law!" 

And, "The 2020 Elections Will Give America A New Opportunity to Unite Behind The Power of The Electorate" and "Vote for The Nominee of Their Choice," But "This Time without Russian Interference," as "Occurred in The 2016 Presidential Election!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are A New Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research Polls Shows that " Sixty-Two Percent of Americans Disapprove with President Trump's Overall Job Performance!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News- "The Power of The Vote"-
Wednesday, The Sixteenth of October 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The United States House of Representatives Voted to Admonish and Reprimand President Trump" in "A Bi-Partisan Joint Resolution" for "Withdrawing U.S. Troop's from Northern Syria, and Leaving U.S. Allies The Kurds" who have "Fought in The Forefront of The Battle Against Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals in Syria and Iraq," and "Drove Them Out of Their Caliphate" with "The Previously Led U.S. Coalition of Forces," in "A Life and Death Struggle to Survive!"

"This House Vote," was "Especially Significant," "Due to The Fact that One Hundred and Twenty- Nine House of Representative Republicans Voted with The Democrats" in "A Magnificent Display of Unity and True Intentions," to "Rebuke and Reprimand The President's Decision to Withdraw U.S. Troop's," "In A Clear and Forceful Condemnation of His Act," by "A Three Hundred and Fifty-Four to Sixty Votes!" 

"This Bi-Partisan Vote in The House" also had "A Global Significance to It!" "Why!" Because "The Leaders of The Earth's Sovereign Nations," and "The Earths Populace who have Viewed The Tragic Consequences of President Trump's Decision," of "Which has Been Construed as An Act of Betrayal" by "Hosts and Commentators of The Global Television and Satellite Networks," "The Fourth Estate," "The Global Social Media Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe," are "Being Bombarded on A Daily Basis" by "The Brutality and Viciousness" of "The Sight of Turkish Forces Engaged in A Military Action Against America's Allies-The Syrian Kurds," and "Killing Innocent Civilians," without "Pause or Mercy!"

And, "The Clear Fact" that "The Kurds have Asked Syrian President (Dictator) Bashar al-Assad and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin for Protection" only "Compounds The Act and Decision of President Trump's Behavior and Conduct" in "The Syrian Conflict!"

And, "Now It is The United States Senates Turn to Voice Their Opinion of President Trump's Decision!" And, "The American People are Waiting with Great Anticipation!"

-(Note that, "President Trump Continues to Make Less of His Decision," and has Claimed that, "The Kurds are much safer now. They know how to fight." "Like I said, they're not angels....but they fought with us."

And, "President Trump Continued" to Claim that, "They have a problem with Turkey. They have a problem at the border. It's not our border...They've got a lot of sand over there. They've got a lot of sand they can play with."

And, The President also said, "Our soldiers are not in harm's way."

"Which is A Sentiment" that has "Been Disagreed with," and "Met with A Great Deal of Adverse Opinion by Military, Defense, State, and Government Officials!")-

-Note that, Thursday, The Seventeenth of October 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "United States Vice President Michael Richard Pence," and "United States Secretary of State Michael Richard Pompeo Arrived in Turkey" for "Discussions with Turkish President Erdogan!" 

And, "The Cease Fire that has Been Agreed to by President Erdogan" was "Initially No More than A Five Day Pause in Action!" 

However, "An Official Cease Fire was Finally Agreed to by President Erdogan," which has "Now Been Updated in Sochi," (A City in Krasnodar Karo, Russia, Located on The Black Sea) with "A New Agreement with President's Erdogan and Putin," on Tuesday, The Twenty-Second of October 2019, "An Agreement that has Opened The Door for The Russian Federation," to "Fill The Vacuum Caused by President Trump's Decision," and "Replacing the United States in Overseeing The Twenty- Mile Safe Zone in Northern Syria," and "The Removal of Kurds from This Area," and "The Prison Camp's of ISIS Fighters!" 

All of Which Amounts to "A Major Geopolitical Success for The Russian Federation" and "President Putin in Syria!"

And, "A Geopolitical Success" that "Will also Strengthen The Dictatorship of President Bashar Hafez al-Assad in Syria!" 

What has Been Agreed to is Not Yet Known in Detail!" With The Exception that "The Kurds Must Move Twenty Miles away from The Turkish Border!" And, "Sanctions have Not Been Levied Against Turkey by The U.S.!")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
Note that,  "The White House Confirmed "A Letter" that "President Trump had Written and Sent to Turkish President Recep Tad  Erdogan on The Ninth of October 2019," Strongly Advised Him Not to Undertake Military Action into Northern Syria!" 

"The Letter" to President Erdogan from President Trump Advised Him, "Let's work out a good deal! You don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and I don't want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy...and I will. I've already given you a little sample with respect to Pasteur Brunson.

I have worked hard to solve some of your problems. Don't let the world down. You can make a great deal. General Mazloum is willing to negotiate with you, and he is willing to make concessions that they would never have made in the past. I am confidentially enclosing a copy of his letter to me, just received. 

History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way. It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don't happen. Don't be a tough guy. Don't be a fool.
I will call you later."

Whatever President Trump's Relationship is with President Erdogan "It Did Not Influence or Prevent Him from Sending Turkish Troop's into Northern Syria Where They," and "Turkish Militia's have Engaged in A Mission of Death and Destruction!" And, "For What Reason!"

And, "What is A Worsening" of "What is already A Tragic Situation," is that "It is A NATO Member (Turkey) who is Engaging in A  Military Action Against An Ally (The Kurds)," of "Another NATO Member (The United States of America)," who has "Fought Courageously and Loyally Against Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals (ISIS) who've Committed Crimes Against Humanity Earthwide!" All of Which is "Not A Favorable Example of What it Means to Be A NATO Nation!" 

And then, "There is Russian President Putin," Who is No Longer Waiting in The Wings," to "Enter The Void Created by The Absence of Leadership by The United States in Syria," and "Who is More than Willing" to "Take Advantage of President Trump's Lack of Cognition of A Vulnerable Situation in Syria," and "The Consequences and Price that The Kurds" and "The People of Syria, who are Not Allied with Syrian President Assad," and/or "The Russian Federation," "Will End Up Paying with Their Lives and Families," and "Their Homes, Towns, and Cities!" 

"There is Simply No Valid Reason For It!" "Lust for Power is Not A Valid Reason!" "Greed and Hubris is Not A Valid Reason!" And, "Revenge is Not A Valid or Civilized Reason!"

"When Will Dictators," and "Wannabees," and "One Man Rule Forms of Governance," "Realize and Recognize" that "The Folly of Their Actions and Global Policies" are "Not In Sync with The Mores and Principles of Today's Sovereign Nations," or "The Earths Diverse Population, Community, Tapestry and/or Fabric Of The People," of "The Twenty-First Century!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Twenty-Seventh of October 2019, "President Donald John Trump Made A National Televised Appearance to Announce" that "Last night The United States brought the worlds number one terrorist leader to justice! Abu Bakr Baghdadi is Dead!"  

"U.S. Special Forces Carried Out This Mission to Capture al Baghdadi," Code Named "Kayla Mueller" in Barisha Idlib in Governorate, in Northwest Syria," where "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was Hiding," and "After Cutting off Any Way for Him to Escape, "The ISIS Leader Ignited A Suicide Vest Killing Himself" and "His Three Daughters!"

-(Note that, "Kayla Mueller" from Prescott Arizona, was "Twenty-Six Year Old American Humanitarian Worker" (and American Human Rights Activist) was "Captured in Syria in 2013" and "Tortured, and Sexually Abused by al-Baghdadi Before Her Death in 2015," Which was "Reportedly Caused" by "A Jordanian (or Possibly An American) Airstrike in The Building She had Been Held Captive," in Syria!

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Kayla had Visited A Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Aleppo Syria, with Her Syrian Boy Friend in 2013," who was "Hired to Install Communications Equipment at The Hospital!" And, They were Captured and Taken Hostage Upon Departing from The Hospital by ISIS!"  Kayla's Syrian Boy Friend was Eventually Released!

Note that, "Kayla Mueller is The First Person to Be Posthumously Inducted into Northern Arizona's University College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Hall of Fame!" And, Recognized as "An Outstanding Graduate for Her Humanitarian Aid Work!")- 

President Trump also said that U.S. Forces obtained "highly sensitive material and information from the raid much having to do with ISIS --- origins, future plans, things that we very much want."

And, "The President Trump Thanked Russia, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Syrian Kurds for helping in the mission."

-(Note that, "Several of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Companions and ISIS' Fighters were Killed," "Including Two Women wearing Suicide Vests and Three Children!" And, "Two Adult Males were Captured!"
Fortunately, "No U.S. Deaths Occurred During the Operation!")-

And, Take Special Note that, "The United States Special Operations Forces" who "Conduct Extremely Dangerous Missions" to "Seek Out The Most Wanted War Criminals and Terrorists of The Earths Communities in The Most Impossible of Circumstances," are "To Be Commended for The Incomparable Operations They Undertake on Behalf of," and "In Defense of" "The Freedom, Justice, Peace, Truth, Equality, Unity and Sovereignty of The Earths Community of Global Nations," and "All The Principles" that "Make up The Fundamental Systems of A Highly Ethical and Moral Way of Life" of "All The People of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Earths Populace!" 

"For These Special Operations Forces and Command Represent A Synergy of Purpose" that "Is Protective Of The People" "from Those who Would Do Harm to The People and Destroy All that Is Beneficial to The Present Generation" who "Wish to Live in Peace and Harmony with One Another," and "Wish For Nothing Less than that For The Future Generations to Come!"

And, Take Note that In This Highly Intense Time Period of Partisan Politics, Global Cross Media News Reports are President Trump Did Not Inform Senate Minority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer Democrat from New York or House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi Democrat from California of The Raid," Claiming "a leak of the raid could have cost American lives."

However, Note that, "Senator Lindsey Olin Graham Republican from South Carolina" and "Chairman of The Senate Judiciary Committee," and "Senator Richard Mauze Burr Republican from North Carolina" and "Chairman of The Senate Intelligence Committee," were "A Few Members of Congress who were Informed!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Twenty-Eighth of October 2019, "Syrian Kurdish Forces Killed One of Baghdadi's Closest Aides and Possible Successor Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, in "Another Attack!" 
"The Death of Abu Hassan al-Muhajir was Based on A Report by Kurdish Intelligence!"

And, "If Confirmed This Would Be An Additional Setback to ISIS" along "With The Death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi!"

And, "It Demonstrates The Importance of The Kurds" and "Their Value as Allies," in  "The Ongoing and Unfinished Fight Against ISIS," and "All Other Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals in Syria and Iraq!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies over The Global Communities of Sovereign Nations "The Lessons of History Remain as A Constant Memory of Days and Eventide's of The Past" "For The Better or For Worst" (as The Saying Goes)! 

And, "History has Witnessed and Recorded The Infamous and Most Courageous Moments of "Revolutions," "World Wars," and "Regional and Domestic Conflicts," that have "Caused The Death's of Millions Upon Millions of Women and Men All over This Earth of Ours," Some who were "Innocent Civilians," and "Soldiers of War!"

And, "Most Significantly After The World Wars of The Twentieth Century," It Became Obvious and Apparent" to "The Leaders of The United Peace Loving Nations of The Earth's Sovereign Community," that "In Order to Maintain A Global Peace Among One and All," and "A Global Equilibre Among The Earth's Community of Nations," that "Guaranteed The Sovereignty of Each Nation," "There Would Be A Need for A Sharing of The Defense of All Sovereign Nations of The Earth!"

And so, "With The League of Nation Founded on The Tenth of January 1920," "The First Earthwide Intergovernmental Organisation,"  and "The Drafting of The UN Charter on The Twenty-Fifth of April 1945" by "Fifty Nations," and "Its Adoption on The Twenty-Fifth of June 1945," which "Took Affect on The Twenty-Fourth of October 1945," and "NATO," "An Alliance between Twenty-Nine North American and European Nations," that was "Signed on The Fourth of April 1949,"  "The First Major Steps Towards This Global Responsibility of Defending" and "Maintaining International Peace and Security" and "Developing Friendly Relations Among Nations" Became "A Part of A Global Synergy of United Purpose between The Earth's Sovereign Nations!" 

And, "The United States of America has Become An Integral Part of Maintaining This Global Equilibre" between "The United Coalition and Alliance of Peace Loving Sovereign Nations," and "The Imperialists, Dictators and Tyrants" whose "Global Strategies" are "Based Upon World Domination!"

And, at Present, "The United States has Active Duty Military Troops" in "Almost One Hundred and Fifty Countries" of "The Earth's Community of Nations," "According to The U.S. Department of Defense!" U.S. Troop's who Help to Maintain The Overall Balance of  Life and Death," and "War and Peace between The Earth's Sovereign Nations!"

-(Note that, "This Count Does Not Include Navy or Marine Corps at Sea!")-

And, "The Responsibility of Being President of The United States of America" has "A Great Significance and Moral Responsibility," Both as "Commander in Chief of The Armed Forces of The United States of America, and "Leader of This Grand Nation of People," and also "To All of The Allies of The United States of America," and "To All The Peace Loving Coalition of United Sovereign Nations of The Earth's Communities," and "The Earth's Populace!"

And, "Any Military Decision" of "Grand Consequence Must Be Discussed and Agreed to (Hopefully by A Majority) by The United States Secretaries of Defense and State," "The United States Congress," The United States Intelligence Agencies," and "The National Security Council," and "U.S. Allies," "Before Making A Decision" that "Will have An International or Regional Effect of Great Consequence Upon The Global Balance," that "Presently Exists between The Earth's Sovereign Nations Earthwide!"

"Which is Why President Trump's Decision" to "Withdraw American Troop's from Northern Syria" "Without Consulting The Heads of All The Relevant Departments in The U.S." and "The U.S. Congress" of "His Immediate Intention" has "Such A Great Significance and Consequence to It!" And, "Can Cause Untold Numbers of Deaths Among The Kurds!"

"That Fact" that "He Made This Decision" and "Agreed to "Withdraw American Troop's from Syria" in "A Conversation with President Recep Tayyid  Erdogan  of Turkey," who is "One of The Main Adversaries of The Kurds," who have "Been Allies of The United States" and "The U.S. Led Coalition of United Nations," in "The War Against The Syndicates of Dishonorable Criminals and Terrorists" who have "Committed Crimes Against All The People of The Earth!" "Syndicates of Criminals and Terrorists" who have "Malevolently and Cowardly Attacked and Mercilessly Killed Innocent People from All over The Earth" has "Resonated with Shock, Frustration, and Dismay" in "All Corners and Sectors of The Global Communities!"

Wednesday, The Twenty-Third of October 2019, "President Trump Made A Televised Speech To The Nation Explaining The Reasons and Success of His Decision!" And, "The Good News is" "President Trump Announced" that There were "No American Deaths or Casualties!"

However, "Picture's Do Not Lie," and "The Photographs of The Destruction," and "of Mother's in Tears over The Loss of A Member of Their Family," and "The Destruction of Their Homes," and "News Journalists on Location in Northern Syria Describing The Deaths and Destruction that have Taken Place since President Trump's Decision,"  are also "Proof of How Detrimental and Tragic A Sudden Decision Can Be," "Especially in A War Zone!"  And also, "Magnifies The Fact" that "This is Not A Safe Zone!" "This is An Active War Zone!"

And, "There are Prison Camps with Thousands of ISIS Fighters" that "Must Be Maintained by Whom!" "The Russians and Turkish Forces!"

And so "President Trump's Televised Speech to The Nation" was "A Little bit Too Late!" "Why!" Because "The Damage has Already Been Done!"

"The United States of America" is "Not A One Man- Rule Form of Governance!" It is "A Democracy," "A Republic," and "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The President Made This Decision" and "Agreed to Withdraw American Troops from Syria," in "A Conversation with The President of Turkey," "Not with The Twenty-Seventh Secretary of The U.S. Department of Defense Mark Thomas Esper," for Example or "The Twentieth Chairman of The U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army General Mark Alexander Milley!"

And, "In Making This Decision," "The President has Sown The Seed's of Distrust Earthwide!" And, "Tainted All that America Symbolizes and Stands for," "Among The United Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "The Earth's Populace!"

And, "Historians Will Look Back on This Moment in Time" as "A Defining Moment in American History," that "Clearly Defined What was To Be The Future, Principles, Character, Heart, Intellect, Vision, Spirit, and Soul" of "The United States of America!"

-(Note that, The Latest Quinnipiac Poll Released on Wednesday, The Twenty-Third of October 2019, Shows that Fifty-Five Percent of Americans Support Impeachment of President Donald John Trump and Sixty Percent Disapprove of His Decision to Remove U.S. Troop's from Northern Syria!)-  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Twenty-Fifth of October 2019, "The United States Department of  Justice Probe of United States of America's Intelligence Officials in The Russian Investigation" has "Now Become A Criminal Investigation!"

"The Shocking Element" is that "This Criminal Investigation Commissioned by U.S. Attorney General William Pelham Barr" is "Being Directed at The United States of America's Intelligence Community!"

"John Henry Durham The U.S. Attorney for Connecticut," has "Been Chosen to Conduct This Review!"

-(Note that, "The Russian Government" has "Been Found Guilty of Interfering in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election by The U.S. Congress" and "All of The U.S. Intelligence Agencies!" "The Question" is "Why is The U.S. Department of Justice Investigating The U.S. Intelligence Community!") 

"The Questions" that are "Plainly Evident" and "of Great Concern Cover Many Levels of Thought Politically, Ethically, and Sociologically," such as, (1) "How Will This Effect The Moral of The United States of America's Intelligence Community," (2) "How Will This Effect The Moral of The Nation," (3) "Will The Federal Government Return to The Negative State of Being that Occurred During The McCarthy Era," (5) "Will Whistleblower's who've Provided Information in The Ukraine Disclosure's Be Attacked" and "Will Their Identities Be Disclosed in New Subpoena's of This Department of Justice Criminal Investigations," (6) "Should U.S. Attorney General Barr Recuse Himself from Being A Part of This Criminal Probe Because of The Controversial Role The Attorney General Played in Announcing Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Report on The 2016 Russian Investigations," (7) "Will This Criminal Probe Be Utilized as A Campaign Tactic!" 

And, of "The Many Questions" that "Will Be Asked" is "Whether The Timing of This DOJ Criminal Investigation is Just A Ploy to Distract Americans," and "The Populace and Leadership of The Earths Sovereign Nations away from The Testimonies, Interviews, Hearings, and Information" that is "Being Collected by The Current House Impeachment Inquiry," and "Change Public Opinion in The United States from The Fifty-Five Percent in Support of The Current Impeachment Inquiry," and "Removing President Donald John Trump from Office," to "A More Favorable Position of Support!"

"There is Little Doubt" that "History Will Record and Look Back Upon This Era of Presidential Politics" with Great Interest for Better and For Worst!"

And, "What Will also Be Recorded" is "How Americans Voted in The 2020 U.S. Elections," in "Reaction to The Character and Policy Decisions of The Trump Presidency," and "Whether His Contribution to The Nation Continued to Add to The Grand Posterity, Prosperity, Values, Traditions, Grand Spirit, Defense, Respectful and Laws of The United States Constitution," and "Democracy, Republic and Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

And, "What Will also Be Recorded" is "Whether or Not The President Supported The Electoral Process in The United States of America" that "Gave Americans The Freedom to Voice and Vote Their Choice of Candidates and Nominee's" who've "Campaigned to Become Public Officials" and "Serve The Nation!"

However, "We The People" Can Not Wait to Read Quotes from Histories Purview and Overview of The Trump Presidency," and "The Youth of The Nation Depend on We The People to Act Now," and "Make Our Voices Heard in Public and Town Hall Meetings," or "Wherever The People May Meet" and "Discuss Current Affairs in Non-Violent Arena's and Locations," and "Call Upon Our Elected Officials," "Law Enforcement and Judicial Communities" to "Act on Behalf of All The People," "Why!" Because "The Federal, State, and Local Governments" and "Law Enforcement Communities," "Must Not Allow The United States of America to Be Divided and Subverted by Foreign Entities" or "Domestic Factions," whose "Intentions are To Destroy and Manipulate The Grand Principles and Beliefs" that "America Symbolizes and Stands for!"

And, "The Fourth Estate" and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Must Report All The News that is Worthy of Being Reported," and "Resist The Attempts to Control News Cycles on A Daily or Weekend Basis!" 

And, "The Truth Must Heard Above The Din of False Campaign Rhetoric," "Outright Lies," "Half Truths," "Revisions of The Truth," and "Misleading Information" that is "Being Utilized to Condition or Brain Wash We The People" to "Belief in Anything that Leads to Selfish Behavior and Immoral Conduct," and "Self Profit at The Expense of We The People," and "Lust of Power, Hubris and Greed" at "The Expense of We The People!"

"A New Era of Change Must Come" that "Empowers, Protects, Encourages, and Cares For The Social Security and Welfare" of  "The Lives of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People," as well as "The Sentient Life Forms" and "Environmental and Ecological Systems of Our Home Planet Earth!" 
It's Time to Non-Violently Stand Up for What You Believe in," and "An Age of Peace On Earth!"

As The Parallel Universes of Finance," and "Wealth," "Cross Paths" with "Student Loans and Student Debt," and "The United States Deficit" that has "Risen to Its Highest Level since 2012," and "Is Expected to Average over $One Trillion Dollars by The 2020 Calendar Year," and "The Millions of Americans Living Below The Poverty Line," and "The Hundred's of Thousand's of Americans Experiencing Homelessness Every Evening," All Together "Demonstrate The Economic Disparity and Financial Imbalance," that "Exists in The United States of America Today," and then "When You Include in These Contrasting and Conflicting Universes," "The Growing Influx of President Trump Judicial Nominees," "Being Approved by The U.S. Senate Led by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Republican from Kentucky, is "Becoming Extremely Disconcerting!"

"Why!" Because, "A Growing Number of President Trump Appointees are Being Approved Despite The Fact" that "Their ABA (American Bar Association) Rating Shows that "They are Not Qualified!" And, As This Judicial Cycle Continues to Evolve," "The Senate Judiciary Committee Continues to Advance New Nominees Irregardless of Their Qualifications!"

And so, "It is of The Greatest Pleasure to See A Constitutional and Legal Interpretation Emerge from The Federal Bench," and "With It Hope!" "Hope that The Judicial Arm of The United States Will Not Be Tainted by Judges" who are "Unqualified to Make Decisions" that "Affect The Sociological, Ethical, Legal, Fundamental, and Humane Aspects of Our Lives!"

And, "The Decision by Chief United States District Judge Beryl Alaine Howell of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on Friday, The Twenty-Fifth of October 2019, is "A Welcome Ruling in Regards to The Constitutional Legality of The Impeachment Inquiry!" "A Ruling" that is "Based on The Law of The Land!" 

And, "In Her Seventy-Five Page Opinion "Judge Howell Wrote; "The reality is that DOJ and the White House have been openly stonewalling the House's efforts to get get information by subpoena and by agreement, and the White House has flatly stated that the Administration will not cooperate with Congressional requests for information."

And, "While the Justice Department said it could not provide grand jury material under existing law, "DOJ is wrong." And, "A House resolution has never, in fact, been required." 

"Squashing The White House Argument" that "Impeachment is "Not in Accordance with Accepted Standards" or "Authorized by Rules of Law"  without "A Formal Vote in The House of Representatives!"

And in Regards to The Argument by DOJ" that "Impeachment Does Not Qualify as A "Judicial Proceeding," Judge Howell Wrote, "To the extent the House's role in the Impeachment context is to investigate misconduct by the President and ascertain whether that conduct amounts to an impeachable offense warranting removal from office, the House performs a function somewhat akin to a grand jury."  
And, Judge Howell also Wrote, "The need for continued secrecy is minimal and thus easily outweighed by HJC's compelling need for the material."

And, "Judge Howell also Wrote" in Her Seventy-Five Page Opinion, "Tipping the scale even further toward disclosure is the public's interest in a diligent and thorough investigation into, and in a final determination about, potentially impeachable conduct about the President described in the Mueller Report."

And, "The House Judiciary Committee needs the requested material not only to investigate fully but also to reach a final determination about conduct by the President described in the Mueller Report."

And, "Judge Howell Concluded" with, "HJC's application is granted. Consequently, DOJ is ordered to provide promptly, by October 30, 2019 to HJC all portions of the Mueller Report that were redacted pursuant to Rule 6(e) and any underlying transcripts or exhibits referenced in the in the portions of the Mueller Report that were redacted pursuant to Rule 6(e). HJC is permitted to file further requests articulating its particularized need for additional grand jury information requested in the initial application."         

And so, "All Redacted Data from The Mueller Grand Jury Must Be Turned over to Congress!"

"It Will Be Interesting to See Exactly What The The White House" and "Department of Justice Argument's Will Be," "Now that A Federal Court Ruling has Been Made" and They have A Deadline to Adhere to!"

"However, "The Cracks in The Walls of The Trump Administration" and "The West Wing" "Despite All Arguments" are "Becoming More and More Pronounced!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Thirty-First of October 2019, "The House of Representatives Will Vote on A Resolution that Affirms The Impeachment Inquiry," and "Establishes and Formalizes Impeachment Procedures!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Stars and Stripes, Red, White and Blue Reaches Out and Enfolds and Embraces The U.S. Capitol" in "A Magnificent Display from Building to Building," "Symbolizing True Greatness and Sacrifice," and "All The Grandeur and Glory that The United States of America Signifies Earthwide," and "The Indisputable Patriotism and Courage of Its Armed Forces," Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of October 2019, "Purple Heart Recipient United States Lieutenant Colonel Alexander S. Vindman Forty-Four Years of Age," who was "Asked to Join The National Security Council by The Trump Administration as "Director of European Affairs in 2018," and is "A Ukrainian-American United States Army Foreign Area Officer," "Testified Before a Closed Door Session" of "The House Intelligence, The House Foreign Affairs Committee, and The House Oversight Committee," in "Direct Regard to President Trump's Phone Call to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine," and "A Meeting Held on The Tenth of July Between Ukraine's then Secretary of National Security and Defense Council Oleksandr Danlylyuk, and then U.S. National Security Advisor John Robert Bolton, U.S. Secretary of Energy James Richard "Rick" Perry, and U.S. Ambassadors Kurt Douglas Volker and Gordon D. Sondland!"

"A Meeting" that "Lieutenant Colonel Vindman Claimed Ambassador Sondland Asked Ukraine" to "Begin Investigations into The Biden's to Obtain A Meeting with President Trump!" -(Note that "This Meeting was Cut Short by John Bolton" "No Doubt Due to Its Sensitive Nature!")-

"Lieutenant Colonel Vindman also Stated" that "He and Fiona Hill Voiced Their Objections to Ambassador Sondland," Telling Him "his comments were inappropriate." 

And, "In Both Situations Lieutenant Colonel Vindman was so Concerned" that "He Immediately Reported the Incidents to John Eisenberg Lead Counsel of The NSC!"

"In Lieutenant Colonel Vindman's Opening Statement" He said, "In Spring of 2019, I became aware of outside influencers promoting a false and alternative narrative of Ukraine inconsistent with the consensus views of the interagency," which was "harmful to US national security" and also "undermined U.S. government efforts to expand cooperation with Ukraine."

And, "Lieutenant Colonel Vindman also Mentioned The Tenth of July 2019 Meeting" and "The Twenty-Fifth of July 2019 Phone Call Between President Trump and President Zelenskyy," in His Opening Statement!"

"Of The Phone Call" on "The Twenty-Five of July 2019 Between President Trump and President Zelenskyy," He Stated, "I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government's support of Ukraine. I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained. This would all undermine U.S. national security."

"United States Lieutenant Colonel Alexander S. Vindman" is "Another One of The Brave and Courageous Government Officials" to "Come Forth and Express Their Patriotic Concerns" in "Regards to President Trump's Foreign Policy Behavior and Conduct with Ukraine," Before The United States Congress!" And, "The American People Appreciate Their Candid Appraisals," and "Honest Opinions!"

"It is of "The Utmost Importance for All The Truth to Come Out," and "Not Be Hidden in Redacted Grand Jury Information," or "In Classified U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Database," or "Whatever Secret Government System that May Exist!" 

And, "Let The Truth Be Known" that "No One is Above The Law," and "The United States of America is Not A One-Man-Rule Form of Governance," "It is A Republic,"and "A Democracy," and "A Nation of Laws," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, The Laws of The U.S. Constitution are Not to Be Violated by Any Foreign or Domestic Entity!"

As The Sun Set's O'er The United Kingdom, Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, October 25, 2019, "Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson Accepted The European Union (EU) Offer" to "Delay The Brexit Deadline until The Thirty-First of January 2020!" 

 -(Note that, "This is The Third Time" that "The Brexit Deadline has Been Changed" since "The Vote on The Referendum Occurred in 2016)-

"An Important Lesson for Prime Minister Johnson" is "The United Kingdom" is "Not A One Man," or "One Woman Rule" "Form of Governance!" "It is A Democracy Of The People!" 

 And, "Whether or Not You Decide" to have "A General Election," or "Call for A Second Referendum," at This Point in Time, "You Must Still Gain The Approval Of Your Peers," and "The People!"

And, "A Clear and Present Majority Of All The People" and, "The Youth of The United Kingdom Must Be Fully Informed and Included" in "Whatever Your Plans May Be!"

And, "Whatever Your Vision is for The UK," "It Must Be A Cognitive, Bold, Insightful, and Masterful One" that "Will Advance The United Kingdom into A Future of Global and Universal Prosperity," and "Social Security For One and All!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of October 2019, "Parliament Passed Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson's Election Bill" by "A Vote of  Four Hundred and Thirty-Eight to Twenty!"  And, General Elections Will Be Held on The Twelfth of December 2019!"

"It Took Four Bids," However, "In the End Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Acquiesced" and "The Labour Party Accepted The Prime Minister's Request for An Early Election!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Jeremy Corbin Declared" that Labour would support an election as a "once in a generation chance to transform our country."

This is "The First Pre-Christmas Election since 1923" to "Take Place in December!"

-(Note that, Wednesday, The Thirtieth of October 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are  "Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbin" has "Challenged Prime Minister Johnson to A Series of Debates!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Twenty-Second of October 2019, "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi Democrat from California Released A Four Page Fact Sheet" that Outlined How President Trump "Betrayed his oath of office," for personal gain, and "How He has Abused The Powers of The Presidency!" 

And, "Succinctly Sketches Out Through The Use President Trump's Own Words," and "Member's of His Administration,"An Outline of The Alleged "Shakedown," "Pressure Campaign," and "Coverup" of "The Phone Call between President Trump and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine!" 

"The Four Page Fact Sheet" Features: (1) "A Quote from The Transcript about Vice President Joseph Biden's Son Hunter," Where The President said, "I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it." (2) "A Quote from Charge D'Affaires and United States Ambassador William "Bill" Taylor Referring to The President's Plan to withhold aid funds from Ukraine" as "Crazy," and, (3) The Alleged Attempts of President Trump to Silence Any Discussion about The Phone Call in His Administration, in Regards to The Effort The President was Making to Besmirch The Reputation of Vice President Biden and His Son Hunter," and also "Any Suggestion of There Being A Quid Pro Quo Arrangement with Ukraine!"

"This Detailed Four Page Fact Sheet" is "A Responsible Attempt by House Speaker Pelosi" to "Make as Clear as Possible" "The Truth Behind The Impeachment Inquiry Allegations Against President Trump!" 

And, by "Using The President Own Words" and The Words and Actions of Those who May Be Implicated with Him" in "The Impeachment Inquiry," is "A Direct Way to Demonstrate" "How Allegedly The President has Violated Several Laws of The United States Constitution," as "A House of Representatives Vote on The Impeachment of President Donald John Trump Approaches" and "Hovers over The White House like An Enormous Cumuli of Impending Doom," that "Threatens His Presidency," "His Plan's for Re-Election," and "His Reputation!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Thirty-First of October 2019, "The United States House of Representatives Passed An Impeachment  Resolution" that "Affirms The Impeachment Inquiry," and "Establishes and Formalizes Impeachment Procedures!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of October 2019, "The House Rules Committee Released An Eight Page Impeachment Resolution" that "Formally "Presents Procedures for Public Hearings," as "The Impeachment Inquiry Enters into Its Public Facing Phase!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are  Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of October 2019, "In A Prepared Statement" Chairmen Rep. Adam Bennett Schiff of The House Intelligence Committee from California, Rep. Jerold Lewis Nadler of The House Judiciary Committee from New York, Rep. Eliot Lance Engel of The Foreign Affairs Committee from New York, and Acting Chairwoman Rep. Carolyn Bosher Maloney of The Oversight Committee from New York said, "The evidence we have already collected paints the picture of a President who abused his powers by using multiple levers of government to press a foreign country to interfere in the 2020 elections."

And, "The Statement" also said, "Following in the footsteps of previous impeachment inquiries, the next phase will move from closed depositions to open hearings where the American people will learn firsthand about the President's misconduct."

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
There is a Saying "Watch out what you wish for," and "The Republic Party and President Trump has Been Complaining" about "All The Secrecy The Democrats have Been Maintaining During The Impeachment Inquiry," although "There have Been on Average Forty-Five Members of The GOP Attending The Closed Hearings, Testimonies, and Depositions!"

So," It Should Be Interesting What New Tactic The President and His Administration, and The GOP Employ," as "Public Hearings Reveal The Truth about President Trumps Conduct and Behavior in Regards to The Phone Call Between The President and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine," "Including All of The Actions, Statements, and Behavior" that "Led Up to This Phone Call by Rudolph William Louis Giuliani, The President's Personal Attorney," and "Mr. Giuliani's Associates," and "Member's of The President's Administration," "Including U.S. Attorney General William Pelham Barr," "U.S. Secretary of State Michael Richard Pompeo," and "U.S. Vice President Michael Richard Pence," "No One Should Be Left Out!"

"It's The Truth The American People are In Search of! "The Whole Truth" and "Nothing But The Truth!"    

-(Note that A "CNN Poll" Released on Tuesday, The Twenty-Second of October 2019, "Shows that Fifty Percent of Americans Support Impeaching President Trump and Removing Him from Office!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
 "A United States Top Diplomat," "Charge D'Affaires and Acting United States Ambassador William Brockenbrough "Bill" Taylor Jr. to The Embassy in Ukraine" "Testified Before The House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight Committee's" in "A Closed Door Interview" on Tuesday, The Twenty-Second of October 2019, as "Part of The Impeachment Inquiry!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Acting Ambassador Taylor Gave A Detailed Fifteen Page Opening Statement," in which "The Acting Ambassador Describes How He Learned President Trump and His Personal Attorney Rudy (Rudolph) Giuliani were Pushing Ukraine (President Zelenskyy)" to "Open Up An Investigation into Former Vice President Biden and His Son Hunter," and "The 2016 Election."

And, Ambassador Taylor also said that He was Told "Everything Ukraine wanted depended on a public announcement of the investigations into an investigation that included Burisma, the company that hired Biden's son Hunter, and Ukraine's Alleged involvement in the 2016 election."

"Everything" Signified A One-on- One Meeting between President Trump and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy," and "The Release of Hundreds of Millions in Security Aid to Ukraine!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Ambassador Taylor said He was Told by A National Security Official" that "Ambassador to The European Union Gordon Sondland had Insisted that President Zelenskyy "go to a microphone and say he is opening investigations of Biden and 2016 interference."

And, "Ambassador Taylor also Testified that Ambassador Sondland Told President Zelenskyy and Mr. Yermak," that "although this was not Quid Pro Quo, if President Zelenskyy did not 'clear things up' in public, we could be at a 'stalemate.' I understood 'stalemate' to mean that Ukraine would not receive the much-needed military assistance."

-(Note that, "Andriy Yermak is A Top Adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy!")-    

-(Note that, "Tuesday morning, President Trump Tweeted, "So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here - a lynching. But we will WIN!")- 

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Word 'Lynching' in President Trump's Tweet has Caused A Negative Reaction in African American, and Political Sectors!" 

And, "In Truth," 'The Word 'Lynching" Conjures Up A Very Difficult and Precarious Time Period in America's History," at "A Time Period When African Americans were Killed Unmercifully in Lynchings," and "Received Primarily No Justification for These Brutal and Cowardly Acts of Violence!"

And, "What President Trump is Undergoing" is "A Legal, Constitutional, Non-Violent Impeachment Inquiry!"

"The Question" Still Remains, "When Will President Trump's Personal Attorney Rudolph William Louis "Rudy" Giuliani Appear Before A Congress," as "A Part of The Impeachment Inquiry," to "Answer Questions about His Participation in The Ukraine Affair," and "Exactly What is The Shadow Policy!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign Nation of Canada "Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau, The Twenty-Third Prime Minister of Canada," has "Won Re-Election!"

"Now All The Prime Minister Trudeau Needs" is "To Find Political Partners to Ally Themselves with His Liberal Party of Canada," and "Form A New Majority!"

However, "The Question" is, "Will The Prime Minister Be Able to Regain The Trust of Canadians," and "Truly Govern in The Name of The People," after "The Ethics Commissioner's Report Released in December of 2017," that "The PM had Violated Four Provisions of The Conflict of Interest Act," "Becoming the First Sitting Prime Minister to Break Federal conflict of interest Rules,"  and "Images of Him in Brown Face and Black Face Surfaced When He was A Young Man," "Causing A Scandal,"  for Which He Profoundly Apologized," Telling Reporters in September that "His behavior was 'Unacceptable.'"

However, "Now The Prime Minister has A Second Term" to "Achieve The Positive Goals Needed to Build New Coalitions in Every Sector" and "Phase of Life," that "Makes A Better Life for All Canadians," and "Continue to Be A Standard Bearer for Global Climate Issues" and "The Rights of All People to Live in Economic Parity, Equality," and "In Global Equilibre with All The United Sovereign Nations of The Earth" who "Believe in Maintaining Peace and Security" For "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People of Our Home Planet Earth!"

And, "These are Just A Few of The Challenges" that "Lie Ahead For Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau!"

As The Sun Set's O'er in The Skies of The Sovereign State of Israel Global Cross Media News Reports are Benjamin "Benny" Gantz, Leader of The Blue White," The Colors of The Israeli National Flag, (Former Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces from 2011 to 2015)was "Given A Mandate by Israeli President Reuven Rivlin," on Wednesday, The Twenty-Third of October 2019, to "Form A Unity Government in Israel," "After Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu," Chairman of Likud (National Liberal Movement) "Failed to Do so," "After Being Given The Mandate to Do so by President Rivlin," "After A Virtual Tie Occurred Between Benjamin Netanyahu and His Likud Party" and "Benjamin Gantz and His Blue and White" in "The Second Legislative Elections to Occur in 2019," on "The Seventeenth of September," with "Blue and White Winning Thirty-Three Seats" and "Likud Thirty-Two!"

"If This Sounds Like A Political Cycle" that "Needs A Positive Resolution to It," "For The Sake of The Present" and "Future of Israel," "It is!"

-(Note that, "This is The First Time" that "Someone Other than Prime Minister Netanhayu has Been Given Such A Mandate since 2009!")-

Wednesday, The Twenty-Third Mr. Gantz said, "I promised I would form a liberal unity government and that is what I intend to do."

"Mr. Gantz has A Formidable Challenge Ahead of Himself," and has "Twenty-Eight Days to Form A New Coalition," with "A Sixty-One Seat Majority" of "The One Hundred and Twenty Seat Parliament!"

"The Question" is (1) "If Mr. Gantz Fails to Form A New Unity Government Will A Third Candidate Emerge" or, (2) "Will There Be A Third National Election!" 

-(Note that, "In a Recent Survey Conducted by the Guttman Center for for Public Opinion and Policy Research" Conducted Between The Third and Sixth of October 2019, "Sixty-Five Percent of Israeli's Believe that Benjamin Netanyahu Should Resign as Chairman of Likud," If The Prime Minister is Convicted" of "Any of The Three Corruption Charges Against Him!" 

And, "Fifty-Five Percent Believe that He Should Resign Now!" Mr. Netanyahu has "Denied Any Wrongdoing!"

And, Take Note that, "Gideon Moshe Sa'ar is The Main Choice to Succeed Benjamin Netanyahu" "If He Should Step Down as Chairman of Likud!")- 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
 Thursday, The Seventeenth of October 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump's Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney Held A News Conference,"  "Where He Confirmed that The United States Withheld Approximately $Four Hundred Million Dollars in Aid from Ukraine," unless "Kiev Agreed to Investigate President Trump's Political Rivals!"

-(Note that "This in Direct Contrast with What President Trump Told The United States Ambassador to The European Union Gordon D. Sondland" in Regards to "Quid Pro Quo!")

Mr. Mulvaney said at The News Conference, "I have news for everybody: get over it. There's going to be a political influence in foreign policy. And, Mr. Mulvaney also said, "Elections do have consequences and they should, and your foreign police is going to change...There's no problem with that."

"The Question" is "Does Mr. Mulvaney, President Trump and The Trump Administration Comprehend that The United States of America" is "A Sovereign Nation of Laws!" And, "No One is Above The Law of The United States Constitution!" Even to that of "Being The President of The United States!"

And so, "The Cracks in The Walls of The Trump Administration and The West Wing" are "Beginning to Be Shockingly Exposed for The Nation and The Earth's Sovereign Nations to See!")-

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Thursday Evening In A Three Hundred and Sixty Degree Turn About," "Mr. Mulvaney Reversed Himself" and said, "There was No Quid Pro Quo." And so, "The Parallel Universes of The Truth," "Half Truth's," and "False Campaign Rhetoric," "Continue to Amaze and Astonish The American People!" And, "Enough has To Be Enough!")-

As The Parallel Universes of Foreign Affairs, Domestic Politics, Depositions, Congressional Interviews and Hearings, and The Official Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump "Appear to Be Pulsating in The Same Movement, Aura, and Atmosphere of Influence" Thursday, The Seventeenth of October 2019, "Global Cross Media News Sphere's Breaking News Spotlights," and "The Global Reportage of The Fourth Estate Released Either Excerpts" or "The Entire Eighteen Page Prepared Opening Statement of United States Ambassador to The European Union Gordon D. Sondland" who was "Testifying Before House Impeachment Investigators of Three House Committee's under Subpoena"  in "A Closed Door Hearing on Capitol Hill," that "Revealed President Trump had Directed Him to Communicate with Rudy Giuliani about His (The President's) Concerns about Ukraine!"

Ambassador Sondland Wrote in His Prepared Statement, "Our view was that the men and women of the State Department, not the president's personal lawyer, should take responsibility for all aspects of U.S. foreign policy towards Ukraine."

Ambassador Sondland also Wrote this in Regards to Former Ambassador Marie Louise Yovanovitch and Charge D'Affaires William "Bill" Taylor: "I worked with Ambassador Yovanovitch personally during my first official visit to Ukraine in February 2019, and I found her to be an excellent diplomat with a deep command of Ukrainian internal dynamics, the U.S.-Ukraine relationship, and associated regional issues. She was a delight to work with during our visit to Odessa, Ukraine. I was never a part of any campaign to disparage or dislodge her,and I regretted her departure.

Similarly, in my time working with Ambassador Taylor, I have found him to be an insightful, strategic, and effective representative of U.S. interests. He cares deeply about the future of Ukraine and is a dedicated public servant. The Ukraine Mission worked hand in hand with Special Envoy Kurt Volker, another experienced diplomat with a special remit to address the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine, and Crimea. Mr. Volker is an exemplary professional.

I viewed my role as adding value to the broader efforts of the Ukraine team through my engagements with high level leadership in Brussels and Washington."

"Let's Move Ahead to Three Days after The Inauguration of President Zelenskyy on The Twenty- Third of May 2019, Ambassador Sondland Wrote, "we in the U.S. delegation debriefed President Trump and key aides at the White House. We empathized the strategic importance of Ukraine and the strengthening relationship with President Zelensky, a reformer who received a strong mandate from the Ukrainian people to fight corruption and pursue greater economic prosperity. We asked the White House to arrange a working phone call from President Trump and a working oval office visit. However President Trump was skeptical that Ukraine was serious about reforms and anti-corruption, and he directed those of us present at the meeting to talk to Mr. Giuliani, his personal attorney, about his concerns.
It was apparent to all of us that the key to changing the President's mind on Ukraine was Mr. Giuliani.

And, Ambassador Sondland added, "It is my understanding that Energy Secretary Perry, and Special Envoy Volker took the lead on reaching out to Mr. Giuliani, as the President had directed."

Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
From This Point in Time, Friday, The Eighteenth of October 2019, "Leading up to Kurt Douglas Volker's Closed Door Interview on Thursday, The Third of October 2019 with House Inquiry Investigators," Where "Mr. Volker Revealed Text Messages" "Between U.S. Ambassador, and Charge D'Affaires to The Ukraine Embassy William "Billy" Taylor and Gordon D. Sondland U.S. Ambassador to The European Union," that "Appeared to Suggest" that "A Quid Pro Quo Arrangement was Being Forced on President Zelenskyy of Ukraine," and "The Confirmation and Three Hundred Degree Reversal" of "President Trump's Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney on Thursday, The Seventeenth of October 2019," that "The United States Withheld Approximately $Four Hundred Million Dollars in Aid from Ukraine," unless "Kiev Agreed to Investigate President Trump's Political Rivals" are "Crucial Bits of Information for Impeachment Investigators!" 

And then, "Contrast This" with "The President's Campaign Utterances at Campaign Stops," and "News Conferences by The Helicopter" of "No Quid Pro Quo," and "You Can Clearly Comprehend Why Public Opinion Poll's Approving The Impeachment Inquiry of President Trump," and/or "Removal of President Donald John Trump from Office" have "Risen Above Fifty Percent," as of Friday, The Eighteenth of October 2019!

And then, "To Compound This Foreign Policy Debacle in Ukraine" by "The Trump Administration and President Trump" is "The President's Decision to Withdraw U.S. Soldiers from Northern Syria" and "Leaving The Kurds, (U.S. Allies in The Battle Against Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals in Syria and Iraq) at "The Mercy of Their Longstanding Enemy in The Region Turkey"

And then, "There is The Unethical and Unconstitutional Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy" that has "Separated Children from Their Parents and Families" and "Threatened Undocumented Immigrants Living in The United States as A Part of DACA's Immigration Policy" (Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals) or on "A Temporary Protected Status" (TPS)!

And, "The Class Status" and "Economic Parity in The United States" has "Not Improved!" "There are Still Approximately Fifteen Million Americans Living Below The Poverty Line!" And, "More than Five Hundred Thousand Americans Experiencing Homelessness Every Evening!"

And, "Infrastructure Repairs" have "Not Been Implemented on A National Basis" in Much Too Long a Time/Space Reality!"

"America is A Great Sovereign Nation," and "A Great Democracy and Republic," and "An Inspirational Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"However, There is Still A Great Deal to Be Done!" "The Work has Not Been Completed Yet!" And, "We Need Women and Men who Believe in The Values, Traditions, Principles and Rights of All Americans to "Come Forth Politically, Financially, Spiritually, Militarily, Academically, and from Law Enforcement Organizations" to "Improve The Sociological Standards" that "The Founders Envisioned and Created in A Grand Experience and Nation" of "The United States of America!"

And, "We Can No Longer Pay The Price for Ineptitude In Government Policies," Whether It Be In Trade, The Military, Foreign and Domestic Affairs!" 

And, "We Can No Longer Pay The Price for Ineptitude in Forming New Idea's" that "Empower The Diverse Community, Fabric, and Tapestry Of The People," and/or "Ineptitude's that Cast Disparagement Upon Efforts Being Made by True Public and Civil Servants of The Nation" who are "Actively Engaged in Working on Finding Solutions for Sociological Concerns" that "Stress The Importance of The Need for Universal Ethics Reforms, Environmental and Ecological Reforms!" 

"Women and Men Who are Actively Engaged in Working on Finding Solutions for "Controlling The Inordinate Cost of An Education for The Youth of The Nation," and "The Inordinate and Unjustified Costs of  The Pharmaceutical Industry," and "The Lack of Government Directives and Finance to Stem The Opioid Crisis!" 

"Women and Men of The Business and Finance Sectors who are "Working on The Need for An Immediate Correction in Wages between Men and Women," and "The Importance of Respecting The Rights of Each and Every Interdependent Being to Live and Enjoy The Pursuit of Happiness," and "For New Universal Gun Laws that Protect All The People!"

And, "We Can No Longer Pay The Price for Ineptitude in "The Law and Enforcement Community" Among" Officials who've Taken An Oath to Protect to Be True Public Servants Of The People," and Who have Violated that Trust!"

And, "We Can No Longer Pay The Price for Ineptitude in The Courts of Law Among a Select Few of Justices" who have "Taken An Oath to Administer Justice Faithfully and Impartially and Perform Their Duties Under The Laws of The Constitution," and "Then Allow Themselves to Be Coerced or Compromised by Political Agendas!"

And, "We Can No Longer Pay The Price for Sexual Abuse, or Sexual Misconduct, or Perversion" in "All Sectors of Our Earths Communities!"

"This is The Twenty-First Century" and "The Time For Change has Come" and "We The People Must Empower It!" And, "Vote For It!" And, "Sustain, Maintain, Nourish Protect, Defend, and Care for It" in "Our Each and Every Thought, Word, Meditation, and Action!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media Reports are "Ambassador Sondland has Been Asked to Clarify Points of Contention Between His Testimony" and "The Testimonies and Statements Made by Ambassador William B. "Bill" Taylor Jr. and U.S. Colonel Alexander S. Vindman," Before Congress!"

For One; "There Appears to Be Discrepancies between Ambassador Sondland's Accounting and Colonel Vindman's Accounting of "A Meeting Held on The Tenth of July Between Ukraine's then Secretary of National Security and Defense Council Oleksandr Danlylyuk, and then U.S. National Security Advisor John Robert Bolton, U.S. Secretary of Energy James Richard "Rick" Perry, U.S. Ambassador Kurt Douglas Volker, and Ambassador Sondland!")-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "The Age of The Dictator, Terrorist, Crime and Drug Lord, Sexual Pervert in Public, Private, and Religious Sectors of Our Communities, and Corrupt/Self Serving Politicians" and "Government Officials," and Those Law Enforcement Officials who have Succumbed to Bribes and Illegal Vices,"  "Must Come to An End!" 

"We Can No Longer Continue to Pay The Price for The Brutality, Evil, and Insensitivity of These Authoritarian, Dishonorable, and Malevolent Governments, Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals, and Individuals," Whose "Crimes Against Humanity" have "Caused The Deaths of Too Many of Our Love Ones, and Family Members," and "Driven Millions upon Millions of Us from Our Homes," and "Betrayed Our Trust in Them!" 

And, "They Must Be Brought to Trial Where Lady Justice Can Judge Them for Their Crimes Against Humanity in International and Domestic Courts of Law," and "If Found Guilty," "They Should Be Incarcerated" for "As Long as Their Crime Merits!"

And, "Wherever and Whenever We The People are Being Beset Upon by Self Serving, Egotistical, and Corrupt Elected Officials," "Whomever They May Be," "They Should Be Voted Out of Office," and "Replaced with Women and Men Who are Truly Of, By, and For The People!"

"Women and Men of Conscience," Who are "Truly Peacemakers and Voices of Reason and Passion!" 

"Women and Men of True Purpose," whose "Mission in Life" is "To Be Honest and Selfless Public Servants and Elected Officials," who have "Dedicated Their Lives to Representing and Caring for Their Fellow Human Being's Welfare" and "Social Security!"

"It's Truly Time For A New Era of Cognitive Experience Among The Earths Populace," that "Embraces The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!" 

"A Cognitive Experience" and "Eloquence Of Being" that is "Culturally, Spiritually, Philosophically, Intellectually, and Emotionally Evolved!" 

"A Cognitive Experience" that "Prioritizes The Needs Of The People," and "All that Is In The Best Interests Of The People!" 

 "A Cognitive Experience" that "Is Fused Together in A Grand Synergy Of The People," "A Grand Synergy of Being in Global Equilibre" with "All The People," and "In Economical and Social Parity and Equality with All The People of The Earths Populace," and "With The Tenets, Principles, and Laws," that "We were Inspired by"  and "Brought Up To Believe in!"

"A Universal Equation" of "Cognitive Experience" and "Synergy of Being" that "The Youth of The Earths Coalition of United Sovereign Nations Can Learn The True Meaning of Life from," and "Share with Each Other in Peace and Respect for One Another in Perpetuity!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Age of Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omniscient Peace On Earth, and of An Enlightened Mindset of The Grand Cosmos, and An Earthrise Overview and Purview of The Boundless Sea of Celestial Bodies of The Grand Universe!

-In Memoriam:
Thursday, The Seventeenth of October 2019, "Civil Rights Icon and Leader, Chairman of The House Oversight and Reform Committee," and "Man of The People and The Truth Elijah Eugene Cummings" Born in Baltimore Maryland, "Passed Away" in Johns Hopkins Hospital, "at The Age of Sixty-Eight," from "A Longstanding Complication of Health Challenges" from "Which He had Been Suffering!"

"Elijah Cummings Served in The House of Representatives for Twenty-Three Years" "Representing Maryland's Seventh District!" And, Prior to that, "Mr. Cummings Served in The Maryland House from 1983 Through 1996!"

Mr. Cummings a Howard University Grad Spent Nineteen Years of His Life as An Attorney," However, Althroughout This Time Period He was Devoted to Civil Rights" and "The Plight of African American People," However, "It was His Unique Sense of Being to Be An Advocate and Activist For The Rights" of "All People!"

"Mr. Cummings Will Be Remembered" "For More than The Legislation He was Instrumental in Getting Passed," or As A Matter of Fact, "For More than The Myriad Number of Awards and Doctorates that He has Received During His Lifetime," or "The Boards and Commissions He Served on," or "Being The Chairman of The Black Caucus," or "His Numerous Committee Assignments," or "Being Chairman of The House Oversight and Reform Committee," One of The Panels Involved in "The Impeachment Inquiry of President Trump!"

""Elijah Cummings Will Be Remembered for His Sense of Integrity and Truthfulness," and "His Commitment and Dedication to Protecting and Defending The Rights of The Disenfranchised and The Poor," and "When He Spoke of" or "Addressed The Issues that were Troubling to America," "Issues and Deep Concerns" such as Immigration," or "The Opioid Crisis," You Knew that "He Would do More than Just Talk about It," He Would Be Standing Right in The Frontline," and "Do Something about!"

"Elijah Eugene Cummings was More than A Politician," "He was A Man of The Soul!" And, "A Man who Possessed had A Great Spirit and Honesty" that "His Colleagues Respected Irregardless of Political Party!" 

And, "He was A Man" "Who Displayed A Great Passion, Compassion, Joy and Respect For Life," and "Always Put The Needs" and "Constitutional Rights of We The People of The United States of America," "In The Forefront of His Mission" and "Purpose in Life,"and that "Always Included Americans who were Less Fortunate!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Elijah Eugene Cummings, and We Mourn His Loss with You, However He Will Always Be in Our Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls!

And To Mr. Cummings Friends, Colleagues, and People all around This Earth who Admire Him, Let Us Always Remember that His Beliefs and Faith Will Always Be with Us to Strengthen Us in Times of Need, and Empower and Encourage Us Times of Great Challenges, So that We May One and All Enjoy An Earthwide Experience of New Hope's, and A New Season of Change to Come into Our Lives, and  For One and All to Share Together!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!