Thursday, November 14, 2019



The Way To Peace! #353

As The Parallel Universes of "Incomplete and Unfinished Immigration Policies," and "Challenges to State and Federal Judiciary Branches of Government to Make Fair and Just Rulings under The Laws of The U.S. Constitutions," and "The Communities of Women, Children, and Men who are Hoping, Praying, and In Litigation," to "Remain in The United States of America," "Face Off in A New Legal Confrontation with The Trump Administration" in "The United States Supreme Court,"on "Tuesday, The Twelfth of November 2019!"
"Three Cases Hold The Answers" to "What has Become A Unethical Embarrassment of Domestic and Foreign Affairs" and " Policymaking," "Will have A Powerful Affect Upon The Lives of Hundreds of Thousands Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" (DACA), and "Temporary Protected Status Immigrants" (TPS), and "Millions of Undocumented Immigrants" "Presently Living in The United States!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "All Three Cases Related to DACA Will Be Evaluated" by "The Supreme Court Justices" in "A Consolidated Case," In Effect "to Answer Two Questions: (1)"Whether Trump's Decision to End DACA was Legal," and, (2) "Whether the Decision is Something that Courts Can Review at All!"   However, "A Final Ruling" is "Not Expected to Occur until The Spring or Summer of 2020!"

-(Note that, "President Trump Planned to Repeal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" (DACA) on The Fifth of September 2017, However, "That Decision was Put on Hold for Six Months" to "Allow The U.S. Congress" to "Pass The Dream Act," or "Some Other Legislative Protection for Dreamers!" 
However, "No New Applications have Been Accepted," But, "If You are An Immigrant Presently Living under The Current System," "Your Protected Status Can Renewed!"

And, "The Average DACA Recipient Arrived in The United States at The Age of Six," and "All of Them have Lived in The U.S. for at Least Twelve Years!" And, "The United States of America is The only Home" that "They have Ever Known!")- 

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"There Should Be A Supreme Court Ruling" that "Orders All Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of The United States Congress" to "Formulate," "Agree to," and "Pass A Fair, Just, and Legal" "Universal Immigration Policy of The Twenty-First Century," that "Is Veto Proof!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "According to A Gallup Poll Eighty-Three Percent of Both Republicans and Democrats" are "In Support of  DACA Recipients," and "If These Individuals Meet with Certain Legal Requirements," "They Should Be Given A Path to Citizenship!")-

-And then, "To also Add" to "This Week" that has "The Potential of Being The First Phase" of "A Historical Correction in The Sociological and Political  Affairs," to "Take Place in The United States of America," "Is A Sequence of Events," along with, (1) "The Supreme Court and DACA Related Cases," and, (2) "The Release of Deposition Transcripts in The Impeachment Inquiry,"  "Is The First Open Public  Official Impeachment Inquiry Hearings Against President Donald John Trump," on Wednesday, The Thirteenth of November 2019, and "The Controversial State Visit of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of The Sovereign Nation of Turkey," also on Wednesday, The Thirteenth of November 2019, "U.S. Ally and NATO Member!" Whom The U.S. Congress is "Strongly Considering Placing Sanctions Upon" for "Turkey's Attack Upon The Kurdish Forces," who are also,"U.S. Allies in Northern Syria," in "The War Against ISIS!"

However, "The First Open Public Official Impeachment Inquiry Hearings Against President Donald John Trump," Will Be "A Political, Governmental, and National Event Extraordinaire!" 

"An Event Extraordinaire" "Covered and Shown Earthwide" in "The Headlines and Articles of The Fourth Estate," and "via Satellite, Cable, and Network Television, Radio," and "The Unlimited Universe of The Social Media," and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" to "Every Corner of The Earth's Civilized Modern Society of The Twenty-First Century!"

-(Note that, Wednesday, The Thirteenth of November 2019, "The Credibility of The First Two Witnesses, "Charge D'Affaires and Acting United States Ambassador William Brockenbrough "Bill" Taylor Jr. to The Embassy in Ukraine," and, "George Kent U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State was Very Impressive!" 

And, "Their Testimonies," as "Nonpartisan Foreign Affairs Diplomats" who have "Selflessly Served The United States of America as Career Civil Servants" with "No Other Agenda Other than The National Interests, Security and Defense of The United States," "The Rule of Law," Military Security Aid for The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," and "The Sovereignty of All Nations," "Rang Out as The Truth" and "Nothing But The Truth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "In A New Disclosure Ambassador Taylor Revealed" that on Friday, The Eighth of November 2019, "A Member of His Staff Told The Ambassador of A Phone Call that He Overheard Between President Trump and U.S. Ambassador Sondland to The European Union (EU) While Seated in A Restaurant in Kyiv, on The Twenty-Sixth of July 2019 (One Day after The Phone Call Between President Trump and President Zelenskyy Occurred, "When He Asked The Ukrainian Leader to Investigate The Bidens, Burisma, and Events During the 2016 U.S. Election") "During Which President Trump Inquired about The State of The Investigations," and Ambassador Sondland said "The Ukrainians were ready to move forward."

"This Alleged New Phone Call Occurred after Ambassador Sondland had a Meeting" with "An Aid to President Zelenskyy, Andrey Yermak," that "The Staffer was also Present for!"

"After the Phone Call on the Twenty-Sixth with President Trump Ended," (A Conversation that Took Place on Ambassador Sondland's Cell Phone), "The Staffer asked Ambassador Sondland, "What the President thinks of Ukraine," and Ambassador Sondland responded "The President cared more about the investigations of Biden which Giuliani was pressing for."

And, Take Note that, Ambassador Sondland "Did Not Testify about This Cell Phone Call with President Trump in His Testimony" or "Deposition Transcript," on The Twenty-Second of October 2019, and "Gives The Committee Members a Further Look into What President Trump's Actual Intent was," "When He Asked President Zelenskyy to Investigate The Bidens, Burisma, and Events During the 2016 U.S. Election!"

"Ambassador Taylor said "He Did Not have This Information on The Twenty-Second of October 2019, "When He Gave His Deposition Before A Closed Door Hearing of The House Impeachment Inquiry!"

"President Trump said at a Press Conference with Turkish President Erdogan," When Asked about The Disclosure of This New Phone Call by A Reporter, "He never heard this."

-(Note that, "The Staff Member has "Already Been Called to Testify on Friday, The Fifteenth of November 2019, The Same Day as Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Louise Yovanovitch is to "Give Her Testimony!")-

As The Sun Set's O'er The Sovereign Nations of "Venezuela," "Chile," "Bolivia," "The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," "The Syrian Arab Republic," "The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan," "The Republic of Yemen," and "The Lebanese Republic," and "The Autonomous Territory of Hong Kong," in "Southeastern China," to "The Middle East and Western Asia," and "South America," to "Eastern Europe," "The Universal Denominator and Motivation" "Of The People, By The People and For The People, " is "To Be A Part" of "A Non-Violent Earthrise Movement and Universe" of "Freedom, Equality, Economic Parity, and Social Security!" 
That Includes "A Purpose and Reason For Being A Part of A Global Equilbre Among All The People" of "The Earths Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Twenty-First Century!" And, "A Centrical Element" of "An All Inclusive Equation," that "Embraces and Empowers All The People," sans "Corruption in Government and Business Sectors!"

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"Authoritarian, Totalitarian, Dictatorships, and One Man-Rule Forms of Governance "Lack The Universal Vision, Cohesion, Compassion, Comprehension, or Interest," in "Establishing Governments Of, By, and For The People!"

"Their Primary Focus and Goals" are "To Control The Circumstances and Affairs Surrounding The Lives of Their Citizens," for "Selfish Gains, Self Profit, Greed, Hubris, and Lust of Power!"

And, "They Remain in Control by Oppressing The People,"  and "Making False Promises," and "Causing Divisiveness, Chaos, Racial and Religious Tension!"

"People All over The Earth" are "No Longer Interested in" or "Accepting False Campaign Promises," and "Rhetoric of Disunity and Fear!" 
And, "They are Rejecting Authoritarian, Totalitarian, Corrupt, and Egotistical Dictatorships," and "One Man-Rule Forms of Governance!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The First of November 2019 "October's Unemployment Figures Came in At It Lowest Point since Fifty Years!" And, "New Revisions of Jobs Created in Septembers Report have Risen to One Hundred and Eighty Thousand from The Septembers Job Report of One Hundred and Thirty-Six Thousand!"

And, "Total Non-Farm Payrolls Rose by One Hundred and Twenty-Eight Thousand in October!" 

And, "The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), Standards and Poor 500 Index (S&P 500), and Nasdaq Composite (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations), May Show Significant Gains for The Moment," until "The Next Calamitous Global or Domestic Financial Incident Occurs!"

However, "The Nation Needs A New Infrastructure Bill!" "Infrastructure Repairs" have "Not Been Implemented on A National Basis" since "When is The Question!" "Too Long is The Answer!"

And, "The Class Status in The U.S. Continues to Widen" with "The Wealthier Becoming More and More Wealthy," and "The Poor Becoming More and More Poorer and Destitute!" And, "Economic Parity in The United States Unimproved!" 
"There are Still Approximately Fifteen Million Americans Living Below The Poverty Line!" And, "More than Five Hundred Thousand Americans Experiencing Homelessness Every Evening!"

And then, "There is The Unethical and Unconstitutional Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy" that has "Separated Children from Their Parents and Families" and "Threatened Undocumented Immigrants Living in The United States as A Part of DACA's Immigration Policy" (Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals) or on "A Temporary Protected Status" (TPS)!

And then, "To Compound The Lack of Cohesion in Domestic Policies is The Continued Unproductive and Frustrating Example of Partisan Politics,"and then "There is The No Quid Pro Foreign Policy Debacle in Ukraine" by "The Trump Administration and President Trump" and  "President Trump's Decision to Withdraw U.S. Soldiers from Northern Syria" and "Leaving The Kurds, (U.S. Allies in The Battle Against Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals in Syria and Iraq) at "The Mercy of Their Longstanding Enemy in The Region Turkey!"

And, "The Fed has had to Cut Its Rates," Again, "Because of Concerns about Slow Domestic Growth," and "The Ongoing Trade War of Hubris between President Trump and President Xi Jinping!"

And, "President Trump's Trade War with President Xi Jinping" has "Not Helped Farmers in The United States," who are "Under Immense Pressures to Preserve Their Livelihood," and "Survive," as "Their Farms" (In Many Cases Family Businesses) are "Threatened by Foreclosures" and "A Mountain of Debt!"

And, "Student Loans have Become Stressful Burdens to The Youth of The Nation," without "A Comprehensive National Strategy to Resolve This Financial Debt," that "Hovers over Their Lives," as "They Seek to Have a Good Education" that "Will Provide Them with Financial Security in Their Adulthood!"

And then, "There is The Intense Divisiveness," that "Exists in The Nation over Moral Values and Traditions!" And, "If This is What Prosperity Looks Like" with, (1) Two Parents Working to Make Ends Meet" (as The saying Goes), and, (2) "Single Parents under Immense Pressure from Paycheck to Paycheck," and, (3) "A United States Senate (Led by Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr. Republican from Kentucky) that "Refuses to Pass Practically Any Legislation that is Beneficial to The Nation," that has "Been Passed by The United States House of Representatives," and, (4) "Administration Scandals and Investigations, and Impeachment Inquiries/Investigations Hang Over The Government and President Trump," and, (5) "Increased Racial and Religious Tensions," "When Looked at Altogether as Part of A Sum Total of What America is and Represents," Highly Suggests, that "It's Definitely Time for The Nation as a Whole"" to "Reconsider The Present Course and Direction The United States is Currently Treading Upon," and also "Rethink Exactly What The Founders Vision" of "A Democracy," "Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "A Nation of Laws," was "Meant to Be and Exist" under "The Laws of The United States Constitution of America!"

One Thing that is Absolutely Clear is that "No One is Above The Law" and "The United States of America" is "Not A One Man Rule," or When The Time Comes, "Neither is It A One Woman Rule Form of Governance!"

"This is The Twenty-First Century" and "The Time For Change has Come" and "We The People Must Empower It!" And, "Vote For It!" And, "Sustain, Maintain, Nourish Protect, Defend, and Care for It" in "Our Each and Every Thought, Word, Meditation, and Action!"

Within The Parallel Universes of The Supreme Court, Congressional Investigations and Inquiries, and Courts of Appeal," "Never has A Sitting President's Name Been Referred to," "In Modern History of The United States of America," with "Such Frequency," as has "Been President Donald John Trump," The Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America!"

 Monday, The Fourth of November 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling" has "Upheld The Court Order Made by "Judge Victor Marrero" "Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York," Stating Unequivocally that "President Trump's Accounting Firm Mazars USA LLP Must Turn over The President's Personal and Business Tax Returns from 2011 until 2019," to "Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Roberts Vance Jr.!"

"The Decision to Uphold The U.S. District Court's Ruling from October 2019" was Made in A 3-0 Ruling by The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals!"

"Jay Sekulow, One of President Trump's Numerous Attorney's" said in A Statement, "This decision of the 2nd Circuit will be taken to the Supreme Court. The issue raised in this case goes to the heart of our Republic. The Constitutional issues are significant."

"The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling" said, "Presidential immunity does not bar the enforcement of a state grand jury subpoena directing a third party to produce non-privileged material, even when the subject matter under investigation pertains to the President." 

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Roberts Vance Jr." Subpoenaed Mazars USA LLP for Eight Years of President Trump's Personal and Business Tax Returns," as a Part of "An Investigation of "Whether Two Women" (Adult Film Actress Stormy Daniels and Playboy Model Karen McDougal)   who "Claimed The President had Affairs with Them" were "Paid for Their Silence Before The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election!")-

-(Note that, President Trump is In A Court Battle with The U.S. House of Representatives who also Would like to See His Tax Records!")-

And, "One Wonders Just How Many More Cracks Will Occur in The Walls of The Trump Administration and The West Wing" until "All of The President's Appeals have Run Out!"

"The Question" Still Remains, "What is The President So Concerned about Not Revealing" that "He Can Not Disclose His Tax Returns!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Fourth of November 2019, "Day One"- "The House Intelligence, The House Foreign Affairs Committee, and The House Oversight Committee," Released The First Two Testimony Transcripts of The Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump" by, (1) "Former U.S. Ambassador  to Ukraine Marie Louise Yovanovitch," and, (2) "Peter Michael McKinley Former Senior Advisor to U.S. Secretary of State Michael Richard Pompeo!"

Tuesday, The Fifth of November 2019, "Day Two" "The House Intelligence, The House Foreign Affairs Committee, and The House Oversight Committee," Released The Third and Fourth Testimony Transcripts of The Impeachment Inquiry by, (3) "U.S. Ambassador to The European Union (EU) Gordon D. Sondland" and, (4) "Kurt Douglas Volker Former U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations!"

Wednesday, The Sixth of November 2019, "Day Three" "The House Intelligence, The House Foreign Affairs Committee, and The House Oversight Committee," Released The Testimony of Former U.S. Ambassador, and Charge D'Affaires to The Ukraine Embassy William Brockenbrough "Billy" Taylor Jr.

"Several Quotes" from Former Ambassador Taylor's Testimony that Reveal The President's Thoughts about "The Ukraine-Biden-2016 U.S. Presidential Election are; (1) "That was my clear understanding, security assistance money would not come until the President [of Ukraine] committed to pursue the investigation [of the Bidens]. And, (2) "He [Sondland] said that President Trump wanted President Zelensky in a box by making [a] public statement about ordering such investigations."

Thursday, The Seventh of November 2019, "Day Four" "The House Intelligence, The House Foreign Affairs Committee, and The House Oversight Committee," Released The Deposition Transcript of U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of European and Eurasian Affairs George P. Kent" that "Revealed in Detail the Ongoing Conflict, Demoralization, and Besmirching of Internal Affairs Taking Place in The U.S. Department of State," that "Extended It's Tentacles from The White House and President Trump" to "President Trump's Personal Attorney Rudolph Giuliani and His Associates," to "The President of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!" "Involving Several High Level U.S. Officials!"

"Several Especially Vivid Segments" from "The Deposition Transcript of Deputy Assistant Secretary Kent Stands Out," (1) "Where U.S. Ambassador Kurt Douglas Volker Pressed President Zelenskyy to Make A Public Statement" to say "Investigations, Biden, Clinton," in "Announcing An Investigation If He Wanted A White House Meeting!" And, (2) "When, "Deputy Assistant Secretary Kent Asked U.S. Ambassador Kurt Volker Why" was "He Reaching out to Giuliani," and Ambassador Volker Told Him, "Because of "Giuliani's influence on the President in terms of the way the President thought about Ukraine." 
And, also "Kurt's reaction, or response to me at that was, well, if there's nothing there, what does it matter? And, if there's something there, it should be investigated. My response to him was asking another country to investigate a prosecution for political reasons undermines our advocacy of the rule of law."

"Deputy Assistant Secretary Kent" also said, "What I understood was Kurt was thinking tactically and I was concerned strategically."

Monday, November 11, 2019, "Day Five," Global Cross Media News Reports are "The House Intelligence, The House Foreign Affairs Committee, and The House Oversight Committee," "Released The Deposition Transcript of Laura K, Cooper, A Career Member of The Senior Executive Service  and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russian, Ukrainian, and Eurasian Affairs in The Office of The Under Secretary of Defense for Policy!"

And also, "Released The Deposition Transcript of Christopher Anderson, A Career Foreign Service Officer, and Department of State Official on Ukraine Policy, and Former Advisor and Deputy to then U.S. Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Douglas Volker!"

And, "The House Intelligence, The House Foreign Affairs Committee, and The House Oversight Committee, also "Released The Deposition Transcript of Former Ukraine Aid Catherine M. Croft!"

"The Ongoing Themes" of These Three Closed Door Testimonies, "Corroborated The Facts Surrounding The Withholding of Security Aid by President Trump!" "Security Aid" that had "Been Approved by The U.S. Congress for Ukraine!" 
"And, There were Concerns If, (1) "It was," in Fact, "Legal for The President Trump to Freeze This Security Aid," and, (2) "The Concern for The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," as "They Fought in A Life and Death Conflict with The Russian Federation,"and,  (3) "The Legality of President Trump's Request" for "President Zelenskyy to Publicly Announce" that "Ukraine was Investigating The Biden's, Burisma, and, Election Interference," and, (4) "The Fact" that "They Knew that were Ukrainians who were Aware of The Freeze on The $Four Hundred Million Dollars in Security Aid." "Even before it was reported in late August." And, (5) "The Involvement of Rudolph Giuliani, President Trump's Personal Attorney," was also "A Factor!" As was "Acting White House Chief of Staff, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director John Michael "Mick" Mulvaney!"   

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"Former U.S. Ambassador Marie Louise Yovanovitch Became A Victim" of, (1) "The Foreign Policy," "Shadow Foreign Policy," and "Strategies" of "President Trump and Rudolph Giuliani's Attempts to Revise The Circumstances Surrounding The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," of "Which The Russian Government was Found Guilty of Interfering with," and, (2) "Tainting The Character of Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden and His Son Hunter," that "Would Be of Benefit to President Trump Politically," in "His Campaign for Re-Election in The U.S."

However, "These Allegations" and "New Corroborating Testimonies Still have To Be Heard in The House Committees," and "New Investigations have To Be Engaged in" and "Revealed by The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Influence," and then "Discussed, and Argued," in "Open Public Hearings," and then "Further Depositions have To Be Heard," Before "Bringing These Charges of Impeachment Before The U.S. House Judiciary Committee to Be Voted on" and then "Being Voted on in The U.S. House of Representatives," by "Its Four Hundred and Thirty-Five Members," and then "If The Yeas have It," and "The Impeachment of Donald John Trump is A Fait Accompli," Then "It Still Remains for The One Hundred Members of The U.S. Senate" to "Make A Final Judgment!"         

"The Questions" that Still Remain Unanswered are, "Will or When Will These Key Administrative Officials Testify Before House Committees," (1) Rudolph William Louis "Rudy" Giuliani, "President Trump's Personal Attorney,"  (2) "White House Chief of Staff" John  Michael "Mick" Mulvaney, and, (3) "Former National Security Advisor," John Robert Bolton, and, (4) "Former White House Counsel Donald Francis "Don" McGahn II, and, (5) Former Deputy National Security Advisor Charles Martin "Charlie" Kupperman!

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are, As of Wednesday, The Sixth of November 2019, "There have Been Ten White House Officials who have "Not Shown Up to Make Their Testimonies in The Impeachment Inquiry," Including "Former National Security Advisor John Robert Bolton!"

And, Wednesday, The Sixth of November 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Representative Adam Bennett Schiff Democrat from California" and "Chairman of The House Intelligence Committee Announced" that "The First Open Public Impeachment Inquiry Hearings Will Begin on Wednesday, The Thirteenth of November 2019 with, 
(1) "Charge D'Affaires and Acting United States Ambassador William Brockenbrough "Bill" Taylor Jr. to The Embassy in Ukraine," and, (2) "George Kent U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State!"

And, On Friday, The Fifteenth of November "The House Intelligence Committee" Will Be Hearing from, "Marie Louise Yovanovitch Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine!")-

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"It is of The Utmost Importance for The Judiciary Branch of The United States Government" to "Affirm that The U.S. House Committees Directly Engaged in The Impeachment Inquiry are Entitled to Call Any Official that "They Deem Necessary to Interview under The Laws of The U.S. Constitution!"

And, that "They Be Given Whatever Information that They Deem Necessary in Their Investigations under The Laws of The U.S. Constitution!"

"There has Been Entirely to Much Obstruction and Resistance on The Part of The Trump Administration" to "Cooperate with The U.S. House Committees Engaged in The Impeachment Inquiry!" 

And, "The Questions" Continue to Abound in Increasing Numbers," such as, "If The President Trump and The Trump Administration" have "Nothing to Hide," Then "Why Block or Impede The Release of  The Requested Tax Returns to The House Committees" or to "Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.!"

And, "Why Not Allow The Administration Officials who have Been Subpoenaed by The House Committees" to "Come Forth and Testify!"

And, "Why is The Republican Party Still Complaining!" "They Now have Access to The Testimony Transcripts" as "Every American Citizen Now has!" So, There are No Hidden Secrets Being Held Back" by "The House Committees!" 

And, "The Republican Party has Corroborating Testimonies to Refer to" in Regards to "The Transcript" of "The Phone Call Between President's Trump and Zelenksyyby "Government Officials of High Integrity in The U.S. Department of State," and "The National Security Council!"

"So "Why Does The Republican Party Want" to "Out" "The Whistleblowers Name!" When "He or She Went by The Rule Book" to "Express Their Concerns to The Inspector General!"

"Honor, Integrity, Patriotism, Courage, Duty, Truth, Respect, Honesty are Important Characteristics and Qualities to The American People!" "These are The Same Qualities" that "Mothers and Fathers Teach Their Children to have!"

"Partisan Politics" is "Not The Course that The American People Admire," "Nor Do The Majority of Americans Support this Negative Use" of "How Government is Supposed to Perform On Behalf Of The People!"

And, "The Impeachment Inquiry is An Important Factor in American Politics" as "Ascribed and Described in "The U.S. Constitution!" 
And, Especially so, "When The President of The United States Conduct has Come under Scrutiny and Suspect" by "Government Officials!"

And, "The Founders were Very Conscientious" in Regards to "The Threat of Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections," Which is Why It was Attributed and Included in Article II of U.S. Constitution!" 

And, To That Immediate Point, "All of Which Leads Us Back to The Shadow Policy Actions of Several Key Associates and Government Officials of The Trump Administration Leading Up to The Twenty-Fifth of July 2019," and "The Phone Call Between President's Trump and Zelenskyy!"

"President George Washington Wrote" in His 1796 Farewell Address, "Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence... the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign experience is one of the most baneful foes of republican government."

-Extra Noteworthy News" -"Election Day"- 
Tuesday, The Fifth of November 2019, "The Power of The Vote" "Expressed Itself in The States of Georgia, Kentucky, and Virginia" with "Mixed Results," However, "Mainly Because of "Previous and Current Political Circumstances," Whether "They Relate Directly or Indirectly to President Trump" and "The Effect that His Conduct in Regards to" What is Being Referred to As "His Shadow Foreign Policy Affairs in The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," Which has Resulted in (1) "An Official Impeachment Inquiry," and, (2) "A Historic Vote," in The U.S. Capitol on Thursday, The Thirty-First of October 2019," When "The U.S. House of Representatives Voted Two Hundred and Thirty-Two Yeas to One Hundred and Ninety-Six Nays" to "Pass An Impeachment Resolution that has "The Potential to Be A Great Threat for The Removal of Donald John Trump from The Presidency!"

 -(Note that, "This Impeachment Resolution" "Formally "Presents Procedures for Open Public Hearings," as "The Impeachment Inquiry Enters into Its Public Facing Phase" and "Eventual Proceedings in The Judicial Committee!" After Which "Will Come The Official Impeachment Vote in The House of Representatives," and "If Passed" "Will Then Advance to The U.S. Senate Where The Final Judgment Will Be Made!")- 

First of All Though, "Let Us Report" that "Even Though President Trump Went to A "Keep America Great Campaign Rally" in Lexington Kentucky on Monday, The Fourth of November 2019, to "Support The Re-Election of Matthew Griswold "Matt" Bevin, The Sixty-Second Republican Governor of The Commonwealth of Kentucky," on Stage with "Powerful Kentucky Political Leaders" "Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr. and Republican Senator Randal Howard "Rand" Paul," and who was "In A Close Contest" with "The Democratic Attorney General of The Commonwealth of Kentucky Andrew Graham "Andy" Beshear!" 

And, "Although President Trump Implored The Republicans who were Attending This Event to Vote for The Incumbent Governor," saying that "Matt Bevin losing he will be blamed." And, This "sends a really bad message," and "you can't let that happen to me." "It Happened!"

-(Note that, "President Trump Won Kentucky in The 2016 Presidential Elections by Thirty Points!")-

And, In What was Once, "A Traditionally Red State," "The Commonwealth of Virginia" is "Now A Democratic/Blue State!" "Promulgated by Victories in State Legislature Races that The Democrats Won," Giving Them A Majority in The Legislative Body," and Combine that with Recent Victories in  The Election for Governor," and "The U.S. Senate," and "The U.S. House of Representatives" is "Fait Accompli for The Democratic Party in Virginia!"

"These Victories in The States of Kentucky and Virginia are Significant Political Events" "Because of The Turn Out at The Polls by Democrats!" However, "The Gubernatorial Race in Mississippi" was "A Success for The Republican Party Candidate," who is "The Current Lieutenant Governor Jonathon Tate Reeves," who "Won a Close Race" that "Could have Gone Either Way," and "Went Down to Election Day," in "His Contest Against Mississippi Attorney General Democrat James "Jim" Hood!"

"What is of Great Importance in The Parallel Universes of The Sociological and Political Sphere's Of The Earths Communities," and "Within The United States of America" is that "A New Change in Perspective Must Come!" "A Perspective," that Embraces A Global and Domestic Unification," "Direction," and "Empowerment of The Lives of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The All The People of The Twenty-First Century," and "A Synergy of Combined Purpose!"
"A Synergy of Purpose" Based on "The Truth, Justice, Freedom, Economic Parity, Equality, Social Security, Peace," and "A Universality of Governance, Integrity, and Global Equilibre" that "Is The Motivation, Rationale, Incentive,  and Reason for Being!"

And, "The Power of The Vote" is "A Way to Make This Change in Our Lives," at A Time Period "When History Will Record" that "Modern Civilization was Being Threatened by Oppressive, Authoritarian, Totalitarian, Dictatorial, Malignant, Malevolent, Manipulative, and Unethical,  One Man Rule forms of Governance!" And, "There is No Doubt," that "A Change Must Come!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Eighth of November 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Roger Jason Stone Jr.," a Longtime Confidant of President Trump, "Whose Trial Began on The Sixth of November 2019," is "Being Accused by Federal Prosecutors of Lying, to Congress," "Obstruction,"and "Tampering with Witnesses!"

"Day Three of The Roger Stone Trial" "Found Stephen Kevin Bannon Former Trump Campaign CEO" and "Advisor to President Trump," "Testifying" that The Trump Campaign "Viewed Roger Stone as a "Access Point" to WikiLeaks!"

"Allegations" are Mr. Stone, "Alerted The Trump Campaign of When The Release of Damaging Emails from WikiLeaks" of "Former Secretary of State, Senator from New York, First Lady" and "2016 Democratic Nominee for President of The United States of America Hillary Clinton," was "to Occur!"  

-(Note that, "This Trial Stems from The Mueller Investigations" of "Russian Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election!" And, "The First Time" that "Anyone from or Affiliated with The Trump Campaign Admitted in Court that They had Actively Sought after Material for WikiLeaks!")-

Mr. Bannon Told The Court "The campaign had no official access to WikiLeaks or to Julian Assange But Roger would be considered if we needed an access point."

-(Note that, Roger Stone has Pleaded Not Guilty!)-

As The Parallel Universes of "The Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump," and "The Mueller Investigations and Report Continue to Cross Paths with Each Other," "New Cracks in The Walls of The Trump Administration and The West Wall Continue to Emerge," and "Display Themselves in State and Federal Courts of Law" and Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Seventh of November 2019 "President Trump was Ordered to Pay $Two Million Dollars to The New York State Attorney Generals Office" to "Settle A Civil Lawsuit Against The Trump Foundation and His Children!"

Thursday, The Seventh of November 2019, "Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Saliann Scarpulla found that "Mr Trump breached his fiduciary duty to the Foundation," including by, "allowing his campaign to orchestrate" a televised fundraiser ostensibly for the foundation in Des Moines, Iowa, in January 2016, and allowing the campaign to direct the distribution of the money raised from that event "to further Mr. Trump's political campaign."

-(Note that, "This Lawsuit Filed in 2019 Alleged that The President and His Three Eldest Children Don Jr,. Ivanka and Eric--- violated federal and state campaign finance laws and abused the Donald J. Trump Foundations tax-exempt status."

"The Lawsuit Alleged" that "The Trump's Used The Foundation" as "little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump's business and political interests.")-

-(Note that, Last Year President Trump Tweeted "I won't settle this case!")-

Global Cross Media News Reports are "In a Statement President Trump said," on Thursday, The Seventh of November 2019, "I am the only person I know, perhaps the only person in history, who can give major money to charity ($19M), charge no expense, and be attacked by the political hacks in New York State. No wonder why we are all leaving."

"Letitia Ann James, The Sixty-Seventh Attorney General of New York" said in A Statement, "The court's decision, together with the settlements we negotiated, are a major victory in our efforts to protect charitable assets and hold responsible those who would abuse charities for personal gain." 

And, "The Attorney General also said" In Her Statement, "My office will continue to fight for accountability because no one is above the law --- not a businessman, not a candidate for office, and not even the President of the United States."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Sixth of November 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "United States District Judge Paul Adam Engelmayer" of the United States District Court of the Southern District of New York, "Blocked The Department of Health and Human Services "Conscience Rule," that was to "Go into Effect on The Twenty-Second of November 2019," that "Would have Made It Easier for Doctors" and "Other Healthcare Workers" to "Refuse Care for Religious Reasons!"

"Judge Engelmayer Wrote in An One Hundred and Forty-Seven Page Opinion on Wednesday, that, "HHS lacked substantive rule-making authority as to three  of the five principal Conscience Provisions nullifies the the heart of the Rule as to these statutes. 

And, Judge Engelmayer Continued in The Opinion, "The Court's finding that the agency acted contrary to two existing laws (Title VII and EMITALA) vitiates substantive definitions in the Rule affecting the health care employment and emergency contexts. 

And, "Another Important Section of The Opinion States" that, "The Court's finding that the Rule was promulgated arbitrarily and capriciously calls into questions the validity and integrity of the rulemaking itself."
And, "The Conscience Provisions recognize and protect undeniably important rights. The Court's decision today leaves HHS at liberty to consider and promulgate rules governing these provisions,.' And "Judge Engelmayer also Added, "In the future, however, the agency must do so within the confines of the APA (Administrative Procedure Act) and the Constitution."

And, "The Judge also Concluded" that "The Court accordingly vacates HHS's 2019 rule in its entirety."

"The Judiciary Branch of The Tree of Justice" "Continues to Act under The Laws of The U.S. Constitution," and "In Respect for The Legal Statutes, Legislation," and "Just and Fair Laws of The Land!" And, "No One is Above The Law of The Land!"    

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Fifth in A Series of Twelve Democratic Primary Debates Scheduled for The 2020 Presidential Election," of "Democratic Candidates who have Met The Qualifications Set Up by The Democratic National Committee," (DNC) by, 
(1) "Attaining A Minimum of Three Percent" in at Least "Four Approved Public Opinion Polls," or, (2) "Five Percent in at Least Two DNC Approved Polls" in "Four of The Earliest Primary and Caucus States, such as, Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada," and, (3) "Received Campaign Contributions from One Hundred and Sixty- Five Thousand Individual Donors," "Including Six Hundred Individual Donors from Twenty States" and "Will Be Aired on MSNBC and Radio One," and Streamed Live on, and Washington, on "Wednesday, The Twentieth of November 2019, from The Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta, Georgia" with "An All Female Panel of Journalists as The Moderators!" And, "At Present Nine Democrats have Met These DNC Qualifications!

And, "The Ten Candidates" are "In Alphabetical Order,"

(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-
(2) Senator Cory Anthony Booker from New Jersey-
(3) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana-
(4) U.S. House of Representative Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii-
(5) Senator Kamala Devi Harris from California-
(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- 
(7) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-
(8) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- 
(9) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-
(10) Entrepreneur/Philanthropist Andrew Yang from New York-

And, Once Again, "The Curtain Will Rise on "Yet Another Challenging Evening of Debate and Discourse Between These Ten Candidates" who are "Campaigning For Their Party's Nomination" for "President of The United States of America!"

And, "The 2020 Presidential Election," Will "Provide An Opportunity for Each and Every American Citizen of Voting Age" to "Engage in, Sustain, Encourage, Maintain, Empower, Vote for, and Perpetuate" "A New Political," and "Sociological, Cognition," and "Cultural Change in The United States," without "Foreign Interference," or "Cyber Crimes!"

And, "This Exciting Political Season Showcasing The Idea's, Policies, Demeanor, Comportment, Passion, Character, Intelligence, and Experience" of "These Nine Interdependent Democrats," "Will also Be On Display" via "The Global Platforms of The Social Media," and "The Headlines and Articles of The Fourth Estate," "Radio News Programs," "Entertainment Programs," and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Universes!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Seventh of November 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Former New York Mayor, and Billionaire Michael Reubens Bloomberg, Environmentalist and Gun Control Advocate and Activist," and Seventy-Seven Years of Age, is "Considering Seeking The Nomination of The Democratic Party" for "President of The United States of America!
And, is "Preparing to File to Get on The Ballot in The State of Alabama's Primary, on The Third of March 2019!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Thirteenth of November 2019, "Deval Laurdine Patrick" who "Served as The Seventy-First Governor of Massachusetts from 2007 to 2015" has "Decided to Enter The Democratic Campaign," and "Made it Official on Thursday, The Fourteenth of November 2019," in "An Online Video!")-   

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Sets in The Skies O'er The United Kingdom, Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Fifth of November 2019, "Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson's Government Continued to Insist on Delaying The Release of The Intelligence & Security Committee Russia Report" of "Alleged Russian Interference in The UK Democracy and Politics," until "After The General Election Takes Place on The Twelfth of December 2019!"

"The Question" is "Why!" "Is There Something The Prime Minister Would Rather Not Be Seen or Known of" until "After The General Election!"

-(Note that, "The Intelligence & Security Committee Russia Report was Completed in March of 2019" and "Sent to 10 Downing Street (The Prime Ministers Office) on The Seventeenth of October 2019!")-

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"- "The Power of The Vote" and "A True Democracy"-
"In A Democracy," "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," have "The Right to See, Hear, and Know The Truth," and "Trust in Their Elected Representatives" to "Provide Them with All The Truth," and "Not Impede The Truth from Being Revealed!" 
And, Especially so, "Before A General Election is to Take Place!" And, "The People of The United Kingdom Expect Nothing Less than This!" 

And, "If These Rights are Not Respected by An Elected Official" "The Coming Election on The Twelfth of December 2019 Will Provide The Electorate" with "An Opportunity to Express Their Opinion!" And, "This is The Power of The Vote" and "A True Democracy in Action!"   

However, "The Questions" that "Still Remain Answered" are, "What Can Be Gained by Withholding This Intelligence & Security Committee Russia Report" until "After The General Election Takes Place on The Twelfth of December 2019!"

And, "What Logic is There in Doing This!" 

And, "What Sense of Transparency and Integrity is There in Doing This!" 

And, "What Can The Prime Minister Be Thinking!" Is He Protecting Someone or Something!"

And lastly, "The MPs (Members of Parliament) Must Demand, In The Name of All The People of The United Kingdom," that "A Full Disclosure Be Made," and that "The Prime Minister Must Provide The UK with a Clear Reasoning for His Actions!"

-Note that, "The United Kingdom is Not A One-Man-Rule Form of Governance!"-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia All Over The Earth, "Let Us Agree" that "Change Does Not Come Easy," However, "An Earthrise Movement Towards A New Era of Economic Parity," Equality" and "Global Equilibre," "Must Be An All Inclusive Part of A Universal Reality" that "Embraces and Empowers All The People!"

And, "Should Be A Part of A Mindset of The Grand Cosmos Of The People!" 

"The Youth of The Earths Communities" "Seek to Be A Part of This Mindset of The Grand Cosmos of Illuminating Concepts and Visions," and "Ecological and Environmental Cognition!

And, "They Seek to Be A Part of A Universal Gun Control Cognition!"

And, "They Seek to Be A Part of An New Era of Social Security, Healthcare Security, and Universal Free Education and Academic Prowess!"

And, "The Youth of The Earth Seek to Be A Part of An Age" that "Embraces and Empowers The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," of Which "They are A Significant Part of," and "Do Not Wish to Be Overlooked, Ignored or Disrespected," as "They Engage in Marches, Demonstrations, and Causes" that "Can Lead to A Better Life For All The People of The Earth to Share in!"

"The Equation is Humane, Compassionate, and Evolutionary!" "For It Acknowledges" that "We are One and All A Part of A Grand Experiment in Global Pioneering" that has "Been Founded Upon Grand Ideals, Idea's," and "Principles of Enlightenment, Truth, Freedom, Justice, Peace, Non-Violence," and "An Age of Equality," and "Prosperity For One and All!" 

And, "The Youth of The Earth Wish to Be A Part of ," "An Age of Enlightening and Evolutionary Idea's, and Intelligence" that has "Given Rise" to "The Continued Advancement of Science, Biology, Spirituality, The Arts, The Hi-Tech Industry, An Age of Communication and Information, The Fourth Estate, The Global Cross Media News Outlets,  A Universe of Social Media, Multi-National Trade Agreements Among All Sovereign Nations, and Global Market Places for The Sphere's of Business and Finance to Thrive in," and "Space Age Pioneers of Women and Men to Pave The Way to Space Exploration," and "An Inspirational Age of Governance Of, By and For All The People!"

However, "To Complete This Synergy of Purpose and Reason For Being," So that "We May One and All Evolve and Advance into This Age of Enlightening and Evolutionary Idea's and Ideals," "We Must One and All Conjoin, Merge, Unite, and Integrate Our Cognitive Awareness into A Mindset of The Cosmos and Unification!" 

"For The Time is Here and Now" to "Make A Global Correction in The Earths Communities" that "Prioritizes Non-Violence Over Violence," "Peace Over War," "Social Security over that of Poverty, Insecurity and Homelessness," and "Healthcare and Free Education over that of A Conditioned Mentality and A Conditioned Society," and "Care of The Environmental and Ecological Systems and Sentient Beings over that of Profit at Any Cost!"

"This is The Time for Change!" "A Change and Correction in Our Lives" "Away from The Conditioned and Controlled Direction" of "The Authoritarians, Totalitarians, Oppressors, Dictators, Warmongers, Terrorists, Syndicates of Criminals, Egoists, Perverts, and Imperialists!"

"An Internal and Universal Change in Perception, Insight, and Realization!" And, "A Change Away from The Conditioned Realities," that have "Attempted to Impede and Place Walls in The Way" of "A Future of Universality" and "Enlightened Reality and Empowerment for The Future of The Youth of The Earth!"

"The Time for Change," and "An Earthrise Unification has Come," that "Will Lead to A New Era of Global Equilibre!" -(As The Saying Goes "Lead Us from Unreal to Real!")-

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Age of Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Peace On Earth!           

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!