Tuesday, October 15, 2019



The Way To Peace! #351

As The Parallel Universes of The Present and Future "Circumvent, Afflict, Produce, and Continue to have A Direct Conflict Upon Each Other," Even The Greatest of Sovereign Nations on Earth" are "Beset Upon with Scandals, Allegations of Government Corruption, Ongoing Investigations into The Machinations and Intent of Government Officials," and "The Conflict in The Interpretation of Constitutional Law by Both Federal and State Elected Officials," and "The Ongoing Court Battles to Clarify The Law" and "What are The Rights of All Americans Irregardless of Gender, Creed, Color, Nationality, Age, Special Needs, Tribe, and Political Association!" 

And, "What are The Legal and Humane Rights of Undocumented Immigrants, and Migrant Families from All over The Earth Seeking Refuge and Shelter," and "The Insensitivity to Student Loan Debt," "The Opioid Crisis and Lack of Government Focus on This Deadly Plague, and "Inordinate Insurance and Pharmaceutical Prices," and "Global Climate Warnings," and "The Threat to The Environmental and Ecological Systems and Sentient Life Forms of Our Planet Earth," "While Continued Plans for Space Travel and The Setting Up of Bases on The Moon and Mars Continue to Progress without having Resolved Trade Wars of Enormous Hubris on Earth," and "While Wars and Conflicts," and "Cyber Crimes Continue to March in Step and Time with The Evolution of Technology, Communication, Information, and The Global Universe of The Social Media!" 

And, "As The Global Electoral Process of The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations Continues" to "Be Threatened by The Covert Strategies, Lust for Power, Greed, Subversion, and Actions of Imperialists, Cyber Criminals," and "Syndicates of Violence, Dictators, and Tyrants!"

And, "As The Parallel Universes of Those who are Metaphorically Referred to" (and are In Fact) as "The One Percent Continue to Rise and Prosper in The Twenty-First Century," so "Does The Plight of The Poor and Transient Populations Continue to Go Unabated, Why!"

"From A Position of Cognition, Compassion, and Respect for One's Fellow Human Being," One Would Think that "A New Era of Contemplation and Perceptivity Should Emerge," to "Establish A Bridge of Global Equilibre For All The People of The Earth to Prosper and Share with Each Other!"

"An Earthwise Bridge of Global Equilibre" that "Clearly Establishes For One and All The Rights of One and All to Live and Enjoy The Civil Rights" and "Principles of All The People of The Earths Sovereign Nations" to "Live as A Free People," "in Equality," and "Universal Parity Economically, Spiritually, and Socially," that "Provides for The Welfare, Healthcare, and Social Security for One and All!"

"Yes," All This and More, "For The Sake of Our Children" and "The Youth of The Earth," who "Will Be Carrying The Burden of Change into The Future," and who "Need The Help of Their Parents," and "The Adult Population," and "The Sovereign United Coalition of Nations who Believe in Peace and Justice For One and All!"

"To Clearly Establish A New Era Based on A Universal Equation of Global Equilibre, Equality, Freedom, and Peace on Earth," "Women and Men of Great Purpose, Sacrifice, Soul Strength, Compassion and Passion Must Come Forth Now," and "Sow The Seed's of Equanimity and Equality," and "Create New Policies," and "Advanced Constitutions for The Protection Of The People," and "New and Advanced Declarations of Interdependence for The Protection of The Rights of All The People," and "In Moving Forward" and "With Each and Every Step," "Build A Grand Cloud Of The People," that "Graces, Embraces, and Empowers The Lives of The Diverse Community, Fabric, Tapestry, Heart, Mind, Intellect, Soul and Spirit of All The People of This Planet Earth!"

"For The Time has Come to Move Forward," so that "We May Enjoy The Fruits and The Accomplishments," and "Learning Experiences," "For Better or For Worst," of "Our Dreams, Visions, and Life Time of Achievements," "For Better of For Worst," On This, "Our Home Planet Earth!"

"We Can No Longer Afford to Pay The Price for Those Who Choose" to "Continue to Act Selfishly," and with "Only Self Profit, Lust of Power, Greed, Hubris, Malevolence, Violence, and The Manipulation and Falsification of The Truth and Justice," as "Their Means of Maintaining Power, and Accomplishment!"

And, "Our Present and Future Depends Upon This Sense of Cognition, Comprehension, Determination, Perseverance, Purpose," and "Bridge Building Of Peace and Global Equilibre" to "Every Corner and Horizon of The Earth," "Like A Grand Symphony of Hope and Empowerment Of All The People, By All The People, and For All The People," and "Fused Together in A Magnificent Faith, Trust, and Belief in Our Fellow Human Being!"

As The Parallel Universes of "Foreign and Domestic Affairs," "Political Campaign Strategies and Debates," "Judicial Rulings," "Impeachment Investigations and Inquiries," and "Congressional Subpoena's," and "Presidential Executive Order's and Pronouncement's All vy For," or "Attempt To Control What Appears in The Headlines of The Global News Cycles of The Fourth Estate, and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's, "President Trump's Announcement" that "He Intends to Withdraw U.S. Forces from Syria," of "Which Will have A Significant Life and Death Negative Effect," "Upon The Coalition of United Sovereign Nations Allied with The United States of America" in "The Battle Against Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals," (such as ISIS), Will without A Doubt, (1) "Challenge The Impeachment Investigations," (2) "The Reportage of Three Whistleblower Complaints" (at Last Report), and, (3) "New York States Court Ruling on The President's Tax Returns," and "The US Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Ruling Against President Trump," and "For A Subpoena Issued by The House Committee for Oversight and Reform," who have "Requested The Tax Returns," and "Financial Records of President Trump," for "The Last Eight Years of Accounting Records, "for "Prominence, and Dominance of The News!"

And, "To Continue with This Observation and Purview of The Parallel Universes that Affect Our Lives," Monday, The Seventh of October 2019, "New Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights" of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's that "President Trump Announced that He is Withdrawing U.S. Troop's from Syria," Just One Day after "The Sovereign Nation of Turkey Announced" that "It is Planning to Undertake A Military Operation into Northern and Eastern Syria" has "Prompted Serious Reactions" by "Member's of Both The Democratic and Republican Party!"

And, "The Reactions" to "This Sudden Announcement  of U.S. Foreign Policy by President Trump," that "Coincides with A Decision by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan," "Ironically One Day after Turkey Announced They Will Be Engaging in A Military Mission into Syria," and "A Phone Call Between The Two President's has Led" to "An Official Invitation to Meet with President Erdogan in Washington Next Month," ("Ironically as A Phone Call Between President Trump and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine has Led to An Official Impeachment Investigation,") has "Resulted in A Plethora of U.S. Reactions Beginning with" Global Cross Media News Reports that on Monday, The Seventh of October 2019, "Senator Lindsey Olin Graham Republican from South Carolina," and "One of President Trump's Staunches Political Allies," "Called The President's Decision to Withdraw U.S. Troop's from Northeastern Syria" as Being, "Short-sighted and Irresponsible."

"Senator Graham who Phoned into Fox and Friends also said "If this plan goes forward will introduce Senate resolution opposing and asking for a reversal against this decision. Expect it will have strong bipartisan support."

And, "Senator Marco Antonio Rubio Republican from Florida" said, "If reports about US retreat in #Syria are accurate, The Trump administration has made a grave mistake that will have implications beyond Syria."

However, "This On and Off Decision by President Trump to Withdraw U.S. Troop's from Syria Leaves The Kurds" who have "Fought Valiantly Side by Side with The U.S." in "An Extremely Vulnerable Position!" "Not Because of The Threat of The Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals in Syria," But, "Because of The Sovereign Nation of Turkey" who have "Agreed to Replace The U.S. Troop's Leaving Syria with Their Own Troop's!" And, are "Who are Well Known" to "Be Enemies of The Kurds," (and The Kurdistan Workers Party -PKK)! 

-(Note that, The Kurds are "An Iranian Ethnic Group" "Native of The Mountainous Region Known as Kurdistan," that "Geographically Includes Southeastern Turkey, Northwestern Iran, Northern Iraq, and Northern Syria!")-
And, Who Now have "The Distinct The Feeling," and are "Facing The Reality," that "They have Been Betrayed by The United States," and are "Deeply Concerned" that "A Turkish Incursion into The Kurdish Region May Take Place!" 

And then, There is "The Question" of  "What Will Be The Fate of Prison Camp's Holding Suspected ISIS Militants and Supporters," (of At Least "Ninety Thousand at Last GCM News Reports") that are ("Presently Being Maintained by The Kurds,"), "If The Kurds are Attacked by Turkey!"

And then, "Add into The Overall State of Balance of The Syrian Equation," is "The Negative Effect The Withdrawal American Troop's Will have Upon The United States Led  Coalition of Sovereign Nations," that "Include The United Kingdom, France, The Republic of Iraq, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Canada, Australia, Bahrain, The United Arab Emirates (UAE), The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Qatar,  Among Other Sovereign Nations,who have also "Fought Valiantly" and "Side by Side with The U.S. and The Kurds," to "Remove and Crush These Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals from Power," and from "Their Caliphate in Syria," and also "Against The Forces of Dictator and Tyrant President Bashar al- Assad of Syria!"

Monday, The Seventh of October 2019, "After Making This Decision and Authorizing It to Take Place," President Trump tweeted, "The United States was supposed to be in Syria for 30 days, that was many years ago. We stayed and got deeper and deeper into battle with no aim in sight. When I arrived in Washington, ISIS, was running rampant in the area. We quickly defeated 100% of the Caliphate..."
And "The President" Added, It would now be up to the Kurds to 'figure the situation out, and what they want to do with the captured ISIS Fighters in their 'neighborhood.'"

And, "The President" also Added, "We are 7000 miles away and will crush ISIS again if they come anywhere near us."

-(Note that, On Monday, The Seventh of October 2019, United States Representative Elizabeth Lynne "Liz" Cheney from Wyoming, The House Republican Conference Chair, and "Daughter of Former U.S. Vice President Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney,  said, The White House' Decision "Ignores lesson of 9/11. Terrorists thousands of miles away can and will use their safe-havens to launch attacks against America.")-

-(Note that, "The Kurds in Desperation have Reached Out to Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad" and "Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin for Help!")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"It Will Not Be Surprising and Noted in The Annals of History," "If The Decision by President Trump to Withdraw U.S. Troop's from Syria" at "The Exact Time that Turkey was Planning to Undertake A Military Operation into Northern and Eastern Syria," was "Construed as A Betrayal of An Ally," "The Kurds," by "Sovereign Nations from All Across The Earth," and "Politicians of All Persuasions and Political Party's in The United States," "Political Pundits" "Global Diplomats," and "In Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's!"

"The Kurds," "A Brave and Determined People" who have "Fought Side by Side" with "The Armed Forces of The United States of America," and "The United States Led  Coalition of Sovereign Nations," that "Include The United Kingdom, France, The Republic of Iraq, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Canada, Australia, Bahrain, The United Arab Emirates (UAE), The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Qatar,  Among Other Sovereign Nations," to "Defeat The Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals in Syria and Iraq," and "Drive These Criminal's from Their Caliphate," and "Imprison Them for Lady Justice and International Courts" to "Decide Their Fates in International Courts of Law," "For Their Crimes Against All Humanity!"

And, "The Question and Rationale" of "President Trump's Decision" that has "Left The Kurds Vulnerable to The Armies of Turkey," "Its Perennial Adversary in The Middle Eastern Region," "Will Be Judged in The Annals of History," and "In The Minds of All The People of The Earth's Diverse Communities" for "What Appears to Be A Lack of Veracity and Cognition," "In Perpetuity!"

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
There have Been "Crucial Moments in History" When "Decisions Made" for "Whatever Reason or Purpose," have "Led to Either a Successful Result," or "To A Lesser to Degree," "Depending on Whatever The Goal was!"

And, "The House of Representatives Decision to Avoid The Veiled Tactic to Entice The House into Agreeing to," or "Fall into The Political Chasm of Political Verbiage and Rhetoric," or "Become Manipulated Victims of President Trump," and "His Administration's Strategies" to "Maneuver The House and Public Opinion" to "Support Holding An Official House Vote to Confirm An Impeachment Inquiry" is "Such A Moment!" 

"Why!" Because, "This Would Be A Welcomed Distraction for The Administration," and Their Attorney's, "Away from "All of The Global and Domestic Cross Media News Attention," and "Legal and Congressional Focus," that is "Presently Being Aimed at Discovering The Truth of President Trump's Intentions in Controversial Foreign Policy Decisions," and "Reasons for Impeding Testimonies from Coming Forth" from "Current or Former Administration Officials," who have "Been Subpoenaed," or "Called to Make Depositions," (as Many as Eleven as of Friday, The Eleventh of October 2019) or "Called to Answer to Questions by Special Investigators," and/or "Called to Answer Questions at Congressional Investigations of The Impeachment Inquiry in Public and Closed Door Hearings!"

And, "An Official Vote in The House, at "This Moment in Time" "Would Be A Distraction Away from" "The Investigatory, and Factual Findings and Discoveries of The United States of America's Intelligence Community" and "Career Government Officials who have Chosen Country and The American People over that of Partisan Politics," and "Government Corruption!" 

And, "It Would Pose as Being A Distraction" from "The Important Investigatory and Factual Reportage and Findings" of "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's!"

And, "It Would Provide Yet Another Distraction Away from Hearing Pertinent Information" that "Should Be Discussed" at "Town Hall Meetings!" 

And, by "Their Actions," and "Commitment to The Laws of The United States Constitution," and "The National Security of The Nation" and "The American People," and "Their Unyielding Dedication to Finding The Truth," and "Through Their Perspicacity and Cognitive Awareness of The Facts Being Presented," "The United States House of Representatives Committee's" have "Followed Through" with "Obtaining and Assembling All of The Pertinent Information" via "A Just and Legal Congressional Process of Impeachment Inquiry," to "Present The Possibility of There Being More than One Article of Impeachment of United States President Donald John Trump!" 

And, "In Following Through with Their Present Course of Action," "What is of Great Significance" is that, "The House of Representatives Will have Paved The Way" for "The United States Senate to Judge Clearly, Truthfully, and Impartially," and "Without Equivocation or Prevarication," "What is The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth," of "Any Article of Impeachment of President Donald John Trump," "Should His Impeachment Be Voted on," and "Approved in The U.S. House of Representatives" for "All of History to Record In Perpetuity!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Eleventh of October 2019, "Former Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Louise Yovanovitch Bravely Came Forth to Give Her Deposition in a Closed Door Hearing!" 

And, "Former Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Louise Yovanovitch  Told Congressional Investigators "How She was Removed from Being Ambassador to Ukraine" Due to "Unfounded and false claims by people with clearly questionable motives."

"Ambassador Yovanovitch also said" that "The State Department" had Been "under pressure from the President to remove me since the Summer of 2018."

And that, "Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan had Informed Her" of "a concerted campaign against me."

Ambassador Yovanovitch also Stated that, "Today, we see the State Department attacked and hollowed out from within. State Department Leadership, with Congress, need's to take action now to defend this great institution, and its thousands of loyal and effective employees. We need to rebuild diplomacy as the first resort to advance America's interests and the front line of America's defense. I fear that not doing so will harm our nation's interest, perhaps irreparably.

That harm will come not just through the inevitable and continuing resignation and loss of many of this nation's most loyal and talented public servants. It will also come when those when those diplomats who soldier on and do their best to represent our nation face partners abroad who question whether the ambassador truly speaks for the President and can be counted upon as a reliable partner. The harm will come when private interests circumvent professional diplomats for their own gain, not the public good. 
The harm will come when bad actors in countries beyond Ukraine see how easy it is to use fiction and innuendo to manipulate our system. In such circumstances, the only interests that will be served are those of our strategic adversaries, like Russia, that spread chaos and attack the institutions and norms that the U.S. helped create and which we have benefited from for the last 75 years."      

And, so, "With Each New Deposition and Statement," and/or "Public or Closed Door Hearing of The Impeachment Inquiry," "Further Clarification of Intentions Made by President Trump and The Trump Administration have Continued to Emerge,"and "New Cracks have Begun to Form in The Walls of The Trump Administration and The West Wing!" And, "Next Week, There is More to Come!"

And, "The Questions Still Continue to Emerge, (1) What is The Shadow Policy," and, (2) "Who are All The Players Involved in Conducting This Shadow Policy," and, (3) "What is The Official or Unofficial Position of President Trump's Personal Attorney Rudolph Giuliani's "In This "Shadow Policy of Foreign Affairs," and, (4) "Who are Lev Parnas, and Igor Fruman," Associates of Mr. Giuliani, who were "Arrested at Dulles Airport" on Thursday, The Tenth of October 2019, "On Charges of Conspiring to Funnel Money to U.S. Politicians from Overseas," in Hopes of  and "Attempting to Manipulate U.S.-Ukraine Foreign Relations!" 

And, "In A Separate Scheme Mr. Parnas, and Mr. Fruman," and "Two Other Defendants David Correia and Andrey Kukushkin," "Face Alleged Charges" that They "Conspired to Make Political Donations in Hopes of Winning Support for A Marijuana Business" to "Acquire Retail Marijuana Licenses in Nevada and Other States!"

Take Note that, "The Political Donations were Secretly Funded by An Unidentified Russian Businessman," (The Twenty-One Page Unsealed Indictment Revealed) and, (5) "Why were They Attempting to Flee The U.S., and, (6) "How Implicated are They" in "This Shadow Policy of Foreign Affairs Will Be of Main Focus!"

And, "Prosecutors have also Alleged that Mr. Parnas, and Mr. Fruman Enlisted the Aid of A U.S. Congressman," (Public Campaign Finance Records Support The Allegations Indicating that It is Former Congressman Peter Anderson "Pete" Sessions Republican from Texas) to "Remove Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Louise Yovanovitch from Her Post," In which "They were Successful in Doing!"

-(Note that, "Lev Parnas, and Igor Fruman," Associates of Mr. Giuliani, were "Released on A $One Million Dollars in Bail for Each of Them," Plus "Mandatory Home Confinement to Their Residences in Florida" and "GPS Monitoring!" "Their Next Hearing Will Take Place in The Southern District of New York (SDNY)")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Tenth of October 2019,  "Peter Michael McKinley," A Senior Adviser to Secretary of State Michael Richard Pompeo," and "A Career Diplomat for Over Three Decades,"  has "Resigned in Protest at State!"

And, On Friday, The Eleventh of October 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump has Announced" that "Kevin McAleenan," The Acting Secretary of The United States Department of Homeland Security "Submitted His Resignation to The President!" 

Mr. McAleenan said that "He Would Like to Spend More Time with His Family!" And, "He also said of President Trump," "With His support, over the last six months we have made tremendous progress mitigating the border crossing and humanitarian crisis we faced this year."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "Tuesday, The Eighth of October 2019, "To Absolutely No One's Surprise Pasquale A. "Pat" Cipollone White House Counsel Told United States House of Representative Speaker Nancy Pelosi Democrat from California in An Eight Page Letter" that President Trump and his administration won't participate in the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry."
White House Counsel Cipollone also Wrote in the Eight Page Letter to Speaker Pelosi, "You have designed and implemented your inquiry in a manner that violates fundamental fairness and constitutionally mandated due process. 

And, Mr. Cipollone also Wrote, "Put simply, you seek to overturn the results of the 2016 election and deprive the American people of the President they have freely chosen."

And so, "The White House Attorney's, President Trump, and The Trump Administration Continue to Push Forward on Their Strategy to Force A Formal House Vote," and Speaker Pelosi and The Six Committees Charged with The Impeachment Investigation Continue ti Interview Administration Officials and Individuals who have Been Implicated in The Impeachment Inquiry!"

"The Administration Tactic to Block Interviews from Taking Place Will Last only as Long as The Courts Permit," and "The Committee Investigations Continue Their Search for Facts" and "The Truth!"

-(Note that, Tuesday Evening, The Eighth of October 2019 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Nancy Pelosi The Speaker of The House of Representatives Released a Statement in Response to White House Counsel Cipollone and President Trump's Eight Page Letter" saying, 'You are not above the law, you will be held accountable.')- 

In The Meantime, "The Fourth Estate" and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's, "Will Continue Their Investigations," and "More Whistleblowers Will Come Forth," and "The Government Agencies and Officials who Truly Represent," "Adhere to," and "Believe in Their Oath's" to "Represent The Republic," and "Represent The Democracy," and "The United States Constitution," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People" "Will Not Be Fooled or Deceived by Corruption, Scandals, Lies, Half Truths, Obstruction of Justice, False Campaign Rhetoric, Campaign Finance Violations, and False Promises!" 

And, "We The People of The United States of America," "Will Not Allow Anyone to Devaluate, Besmirch, or Taint, American Principles, Laws, Traditions, Freedoms, Democratic, Just, Ethical, and Pioneering Ways of Life!" 
Or, "Our Passion and Respect For Our Fellow Human Being," and "All of The Sentient Life Forms," and "Ecological and Environmental Systems Of Our Home Planet Earth!"

And, "To Those who Would Presume to" or "Seek to" "Challenge The Laws of The Land for Unlawful Self Profit," "The American People Believe" that "No One is Above The Law," and "Time Will Bear This Out for All of History to Record," "In Perpetuity!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Sunday, The Thirteenth of October 2019, "In An Interview with Mark Thomas Esper The Twenty-Seventh United States Secretary of Defense," Margaret Brennan Moderator of "Face The Nation" on CBS News Asked: "Very quickly are you going to comply with the subpoena that the House provided you and provide documents to them regarding the halt to the halt to military aid to Ukraine," and U.S. Secretary of Defense Esper said: "Yeah, We will do everything we can to cooperate with the Congress." And, "Just in the last week or two, my general counsel sent out a note as we typically do in these situations to ensure documents are retained."

To which Margaret Brennan asked: "Is that a yes?"

And, Secretary Esper Replied: "That's a yes."

To which Margaret Brennan Asked One Last Time: "You will comply with the subpoena?" and
U.S. Secretary of Defense Esper Replied: "We will do everything we can to comply."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Drama of This Journalistic Moment" and "Breaking News Highlight" and "Everything It Entails" "Can Not Be Denied" or "Under Played Out" as "The Impeachment Inquiry Continues to Gain Increased Momentum" in "Its Constitutional Pursuit of The Truth," and "Nothing But The Truth," "Irregardless of The Impediments Placed in Its Path!"

For "In The United States of America" and "Its Grand Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "No One is Above The Law!"
-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Ninth of October 2019, "A New Fox Poll Showed" that "Fifty- One Percent of Americans Believe that President John Trump Should Be Impeached and Removed from Office!" Which is "An Increase of Eight Percent from The Forty-Two Percent" who "Felt The President Should Be Impeached in July 2019!")-   

-Extra Noteworthy News
Monday, The Seventh of October 2019- Global Cross Media News Reports are "After A Ruling was Made by "Judge Victor Marrero" "Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York," that "President Trump Must Immediately Turn over Eight Years of His Tax Returns to The Manhattan District Attorney's Office," "Judge Marrero's Ruling was Overturned in The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals," who "Temporarily Agreed to Blocked Mazars USA, President Trump's Accounting Firm" from having to "Immediately Turn over The President's Tax Returns in "An Emergency Administrative Stay!"

-(Note that, "The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals Order said" that The Stay is Granted "Pending expedited review by a panel of the Court.")-

"Jay Sekulow, President Trump's Personal Attorney" said, "We are very pleased that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has issued a stay of the subpoena issued by New York County District Attorney Cy Vance."

-(Note that,  Monday, The Sixteenth of September 2019, "The Office of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.," "Sent a Subpoena to Mazars USA," The Accounting Firm of President Donald J. Trump, "Requesting Both President Trump's Personal and Business Tax Returns," for "The Last Eight Years!)-

"President Trump and His Persona Attorney's Continue to Assert and Argue" that "He is Immune from Any Criminal Proceeding while He is in Office!"   

"In A Seventy-Five Page Decision" Judge Marrero said, He could not endorse "such a categorical and limitless assertion of presidential immunity from judicial process as being countenanced by the nation's constitutional plan."

"Judge Marrero also Wrote," that, "The notion of federal supremacy and presidential immunity from judicial process that the president here invokes, unqualified and boundless in its reach as described above, cuts across the grain of these constitutional precedents."     

-(Note that, "After Judge Marrero's Ruling" on Monday, The Seventh of October 2019 "President Trump Tweeted, "The Radical Left Democrats have failed on all fronts, so now they are pushing local New York City and State Democratic Prosecutors to go get President Trump. A thing like this has never happened to any President before. Not even close!")-

And so, "The Cracks in The Trump Administration and The West Wing Continue to Emerge," As "Yet Another Whistleblower has Come Forth to Confirm The Complaint of The First Whistleblower of The Intelligence Community!"

And, "Ninety Four Former National Security Officials" have "Written A Letter" on Sunday, The Sixth of October 2019, "In Praise of The Anonymous Whistleblower," saying "While the identity of The whistleblower is not publicly known, we do know that he or she is an employee of the U.S. Government. As such, he or she has by law, the right---and indeed the responsibility---to make known, through appropriate channels, indications of serious wrongdoing."

And, "This Letter" Written by "Ninety Four Former National Security Officials from "Both Republican and Democratic Administrations" also said, "That is precisely what this whistleblower did; and we applaud the whistleblower not only for living up to that responsibility but also for using precisely the channels made available by federal law for using such concerns."

And Lastly, "Time Will Eventually Run Out on All Court Appeals," and then, At Last, "The Whole Truth," and "Nothing But The Truth Will Be Revealed!"

"The Question Remains," "Why Doesn't The President want to Show Us His Tax Returns!" "It's Just a Matter of Time!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Eleventh of October 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "In A Two to One Ruling" by "The US Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit," has "Upheld A Ruling Against President Trump," and "For A Subpoena Issued by The House Committee for Oversight and Reform," who have "Requested The Tax Returns," and "Financial Records of President Trump," for "The Last Eight Years of Accounting Records!"

-(Note that, "This Subpoena was Issued on The Fifteenth of April 2019" by "The House Committee for Oversight and Reform!)- 

And, The Appeals Court has Ordered "The President" and "His Accounting Firm Mazars USA LLP  Must Turn over President's Tax Documents, and Financial Records to The House Oversight Committee," unless "The Full Court Reconsiders The Ruling," or "The Supreme Court Decides to Block It!" 

"Judge David S. Tatel Wrote" In The Majority Opinion, "Contrary to The President's arguments the Committee possesses authority under both Houses Rules and the Constitution to issue the subpoena and Mazars must comply."

And "Judge Tatel also Wrote," (who was Joined by Judge Patricia Ann Millett in The Majority Opinion), "We conclude that in issuing the challenged subpoena, the Committee was engaged in a 'legitimate legislative investigation.'"   

-(Note that, "The Dissenting Vote Came from Judge Neomi Rao" who was "Appointed by President Trump!")-

Jay Sekulow, President Trump;s Attorney said, "We are reviewing the court's lengthy decision, as well as Judge Rao's dissent. We continue to believe that this subpoena is not a legitimate exercise of Congress's legislative authority."

"Representative Elijah Cummings House Oversight Committee Chairman," Democrat from Maryland said, "Today's ruling is a fundamental and resounding victory for Congressional oversight, our Constitutional system of checks and balances, and the rule of law."

And, Chairman Cummings also said, "Far too long, the President has placed his personal interests over the interests of the American people."

And, "After months of delay, it is time for the President to stop blocking Mazars from complying with the Committee's lawful subpoena. We must fulfill our stated legislative and oversight objectives and permit the American people to obtain answers about some of the deeply troubling questions regarding the President's adherence to Constitutional and statutory requirements to avoid conflicts of interest."

"This is The Second Court of Appeals to Confirm This Decision!" And, "The Question is, "Will President Trump and His Team of Attorney's Ask for Another Appeal!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Second of October 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are The United States Department of State Inspector General "Turned over Documents Containing Materials Received from Rudolph Giuliani," President Trump's Personal Attorney, that "Included Allegations and Unproven Claims Against Former Vice President Joseph Biden and His Son, Hunter Biden!"

-(Note that, "There is No Evidence of Wrongdoing Against The Biden's!")-

"Thursday, The Third of October 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump Increased His Attacks Against Former United States Vice President Biden and His Son, Hunter" by "Publicly Asking China to Investigate into The Vice President" along with "Ukraine!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
Note that, "The United States and The People's Republic of China are Still Involved in A Trade War of Hubris Between President Trump and President Xi," Although, "Recent Reports Involving A Few New Concessions," such as, (1) "China's Purchase of $Forty to $Fifty Billion Dollars of Agricultural Products" in Exchange for, (2) "The U.S. Agreement to Put Off A Tax Hike from Twenty-Five Percent to Thirty Percent on $Two Hundred and Fifty Billion Dollars Worth of Chinese Goods," were "Announced in An Interim/Preliminary Trade Pact," on Friday, The Eleventh of October, 2019, However, "This 
Trade War of Hubris Between President Trump and President Xi," that has "Caused Serious Harm to Farm, Steel, Automobile," and "Other Industries" who have "Been Directly and/or Indirectly Affected," Due to "The Tariffs that have Been Increased" Must Be Considered "A Shame of The Diplomatic Efforts Between These Two Important Sovereign Nations!"

"Tariffs and Divisive Political Rhetoric" that has "Caused Financial Difficulties" that are "Threatening The Productivity and Profit Margins of The Before Mentioned Industries," and "Increased The Number of Bankruptcies of Family Owned Farms!"

And, "The Questions" of, (1) "Exactly What Leverage Does President Trump have with The People's Republic of China," that "They Would Consider Helping Him with One of His Political Opponents of The 2020 Elections" is "Unimaginable!"

And, (2) "When Will The President Comprehend" that "He is Building up a Very Strong Case for His Impeachment in The United States Congress," and Just as Importantly, "In The Minds of The American People!"

And, (3) "Doesn't President Trump Realize" that "He is Engaging in Impeachable Conduct" by "Asking A Foreign Nation to Interfere in America's Elections!" ("Where are His Administration Adviser's," and "Legal Counsels!")

And, (4) "On Another Note," "Yet Relevant to The Ukrainian Whistleblower Incident," "What Level of Participation Does United States Vice President Michael Richard Pence have" in "Communicating and Articulating in Detail to Ukraine President Zelenskyy," "Exactly What President Trump Meant in His Phone Call to President Zelenskyy!"

-(Note that, "Vice President Pence's National Security Adviser" was also "Listening to The Call Between President Trump and President Zelenskyy!")-

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of September 2019, "A CBS News Poll Shows" that "A Majority of Americans Support An Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump" by "Fifty-Five to Forty-Five Percent!")-

And, "The Cracks in The Wall's of The Trump Administration and The West Wing Continue to Emerge," and "Become More Prominent, Conspicuous," and "Almost Clearly Visible" as "The Facts, Investigations, Probes, Allegations, and Inquiries Continue to Display Themselves" for "Both Public" and "Government Scrutiny!"

As The Sun Set's O'er The Skies of The Sovereign Nation of The United States of America and The Parallel Universes of The Impeachment Inquiry, Politics, and The Judiciary Continue to Intersect with One Another, Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Second of October 2019, In a Two Page Notice, "The United States Department of Justice Assured United States District Judge Amy Berman Jackson," of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, that "The Trump Administration would "voluntarily agree" for now, not to destroy any records about President Trump's conversations with foreign leaders."

"The Two Page DOJ Notice also said that "Administration officials on Wednesday had "instructed relevant personnel" to preserve six categories of records while a lawsuit over how the White House handles records of Trump's and other senior officials' communications with other foreign officials goes forward."  

"This Response" by The DOJ "Came as A New Lawsuit had Been Filed on Tuesday, The First of October 2019," by "Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), The National Security Archive, and the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)" who had "Asked DC Based Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson "For A Temporary Restraining Order" that Would in Effect "Prevent The White House from Destroying Records of Meetings, Phone Calls, and Other Communications with Foreign Leaders!" And, "CREW and The Other Historian Archivist Groups" were also "Accusing The Trump Administration of Refusing to Respond to Their Requests to Keep Documents Related to The Whistleblower Complaint!"

In Addition, "They Asked Judge Jackson to Order The White House" to "Keep All Documents Regarding Policies," "Legal Advice and Investigations about Record Keeping."

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Initially The U.S. Department of Justice Refused to Guarantee that The White House Would Preserve All Records of President Trump's Calls, and Meetings with Foreign Leaders," saying "The White House/Administration's Legal Team had Not Received This Request!"

Kathryn Wyer, A Justice Department Attorney Attempted to Assure Judge Jackson saying that, "There is really no issue, it seems to us, that there is any risk of anything not being preserved. "

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Judge Jackson Encouraged The Department of Justice" to "Make Voluntary Assurances that the Government would preserve documents to maintain the "status quo," as opposed to have the court officially weigh in on the plaintiffs request for an emergency temporary restraining order." 

And, "The Government was Given A Deadline to Confirm to The Court" that "The Records Would Be Kept" by 3 P.M. Wednesday, The Third of October 2019!"

And, "As Cumuli Upon Cumuli of Lawsuits Hover Over The Trump Administration," and "President Trump," "The Nation Looks with Anticipation For An Interdependent Purview of The Trump Presidency to Emerge," "An Impartial Purview that Is Based Upon Constitutional Law," that "Historians and Students of History and Politics," "Can Study and Closely Observe The Sociological Conditions" that "Led Up to The Trump Presidency," and "Look Upon and Review The Trump Administration," and "His Term in Office, (and The Republican Party) in The Intelligible and Comprehensible, Clear and Transparent Light of Day!" 
"Without Any Impediments in The Way of Seeing, and Reading The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth" about "President Trump, His Businesses, Family, and Administration," and "What was His Aura of Influence Built Upon," and "What Exactly was His Concept of What America is!" 

And, "What is The True Significance of America" and "Its Importance to The United Coalition of Sovereign Peace Loving Nations All Across This Earth of Ours," and "The Responsibility" that America Represents" to "The Diverse Community, Fabric, and Tapestry Of The Earth's Populace," Wherever, "They May Live on The Surface of This Planet, Our Home Planet Earth," and "Whatever Their Nationality and Creed May Be!" Or, "Whatever Their Gender, Special Needs, Age, Color, or Tribe May Be!"

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"In The United States of America" There is a saying, "United We Stand, Divided We Fall!" And The Framers and Founding Leaders were Very Cognizant of This!" 

And, "The United States Constitution" was "Created to Protect This Grand Experiment Of The People," and "Provide Guidance, Laws, Equality, Freedom, and Justice For All The People," so that "It May Evolve into A Great Republic, Sovereign Nation," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "One Can only Wonder in Amazement and Respect of Their Idea's," and "Prescient Visions," Especially in This Time/Space Reality" that "We Find Ourselves Faced with!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Political and Investigatory Doors of Fact and Perception Open Up 'Revealing New Insights into The Trump Administration and President Trump" "It is The Reliable Ole Text and Phone Trail" that "Is Clarifying What Appears To Be The Intent of The Trump Administrations Actions!"

"In A Closed Door Interview with Kurt Douglas Volker Former United States Special Representative for The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine Mr. Volker Presented Text Messages Between "Former United States Ambassador and Charge D'Affaires at The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine William "Billy" Taylor," and "Gordon D. Sondland United States Ambassador to The European Union, that "Strongly Suggested that A Quid Pro Quo Arrangement was Being Forced Upon President Voldymyr Zelentskyy of The Ukraine by The Trump Administration!"

"Text Messages" Between "United States Charges D'Affairs at The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine William "Bill" Taylor and Gordon D. Sondland U.S. Ambassador to The European Union," on The Twenty-First of July 2019, "Revealed These Astonishing Passages Concerning What is The Actual Intent of President Trump and His Administration!" 

Former Ambassador and Charge D'Affaires Taylor Texted; "Zelenskyy is sensitive about Ukraine being taken seriously, not merely as an instrument in Washington, domestic reelection politics."

And, On The First of September 2019, Charge D'Affairs Taylor Texted; "Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?"

And, "One Week Later, U.S. Charge D'Affairs Taylor Expressed His Deep Concerns" about "Security Aid for Ukraine," and "The Possibility of A Public Statement, "The nightmare is they give the interview and don't get the security aid. The Russians love it. (And I quit.)

"The Following Day, Mr. Taylor Warned" that by "Withholding Military Aid to Ukraine" "The Message that Would Be Sent to Russia and The Ukraine is; "With the hold, we have already shaken their faith in us. Thus my nightmare scenario."

And, Mr. Taylor Added; "As I said on the phone, I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign."   

 "U.S. Ambassador to The EU Gordon Sondland Responded in Defense of The Plan" to "Withhold Security Assistance to Ukraine for Help with a Political Campaign" by Texting; "Bill, I believe you are incorrect about President Trump's intentions. The President has been crystal clear no quid pro quo's of any kind.  The President is trying to evaluate whether Ukraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and reforms that President Zelenskyy promised during his campaign." -("A Reply In Which We Now Know to Be Untrue!")-

And, U.S. Ambassador Sondland also Added; "I suggest we stop the back and forth by text."

And so, "To What Extent President Donald John Trump and His Administration Will Go to Force Ukraine to "Investigate Former United States Vice President Joseph Biden and His Son Hunter," and "Interference in The 2016 Presidential Election Appears to Know No Boundaries," and "Has Created Yet Another Giant Cumuli Over The White House!"

And, "The Cracks in The Walls of The Trump Administration and The West Wing" are "Becoming More and More Apparent as The Impeachment Inquiry Continues!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Sunday, The Thirteenth of October 2019, "Hunter Biden Announced in A Statement Released Through His Attorney George Mesires," that "He Will Step Down from The Private Equity Company," that He is Presently Working with, and "Backed by The People's Republic of China," on "The Thirty-First of October 2019.!" 
And, "He Will Not Work in The Sphere's of Foreign Affairs" as "A Board Member" or "For Any Foreign Owned Company!"

"The Statement" also said, "Under a Biden administration Hunter will readily comply with any and all guidelines or standards a President Biden may may issue to address purported conflicts of interests, or the appearance of such conflicts, including any restrictions related to overseas business interests." And that, "He will continue to keep his Father uninvolved in his business affairs."

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Former Vice President Biden Told Reporter's, on Sunday, The Thirteenth of October, 2019, after "Speaking at A Union Forum in Altoona, Iowa, "The statement my son put out today, I saw when he put it out." 

And The Former Vice President also said, "I was told it was going to be put out. I did not consult with him."

And Note that, "Hunter Biden's Statement was Directed at Clearing Up The Unsubstantiated Claims Being Directed at Him by President Trump and Rudolph Giuliani" and also said, "Despite Extensive scrutiny, at no time has any law enforcement agency, either domestic or foreign, alleged that Hunter engaged in any wrongdoing at any point of his five year term."

"The Question" is "Will This Satisfy President Trump," who has "Used Hunter and U.S. Vice President Biden as A Part of His Campaign Attack Rhetoric," Irregardless of "The Fact" that "No Evidence has Been Revealed to Prove His Assertions," or "Whether or Not This Statement Will Satisfy The President's Personal Attorney Rudolph Giuliani" "Will Be Revealed in Mr. Giuliani's Next Interview!"

However, "It Must Be said" that "In This Political Season" It Appears as If "One's Integrity is Not Considered Sacred!"

However, "It Must also Be said" that, "One's Integrity" and "Respect for The Law of The Land," and "The American People," and "The Global Allies of The United States of America," "Should Be of The Highest Level of Respect and Regard," "If One is To Be President of The United States of America!"   

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Fourth of October 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "A New Subpoena has Been Sent to The White House by Adam Bennett Schiff Democrat from California, and Chairman of The House Intelligence Committee, Elijah Eugene Cummings Democrat from Maryland, and Chairman of The House Oversight Committee, and Eliot Lance Engel Democrat from New York, and Chairman of The House of Foreign Affairs Committee," For "Documents" that "They Want to See as A Part of Their Impeachment Investigation of President Donald John Trump!"

"The White House has Been Given until The Eighteenth of October 2019" to "Produce This Information" that was "Originally Requested in A Letter to The White House" on "The Ninth of September 2019!"

"The Three Chairmen said "We deeply regret that President Trump has put us - and the Nation - in this position, but his actions have left us with no choice but to issue this subpoena."

-(Note that, White House Spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said in a Statement, "This subpoena changes nothing - just more document requests, wasted time, and taxpayer dollars that will ultimately show the President did nothing wrong.")-

-(Also Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "United States Vice President Michael Pence was Given until The Fifteenth of October 2019" to "Produce Documents Relating to A Meeting He had with President Voldymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine on The First of September 2019," and "The Phone Call Between President Trump and President Zelenskyy on The Twenty-Fifth of July 2019, of Which "The Vice President's National Security Adviser is Reported to have Listened in to!")-

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Question" is "When Will The House of Representatives Hold A Full Vote to Formally Approve of The Impeachment Inquiry!" 

"Until The House Votes to Formally Approve The Official Impeachment Inquiry," Unfortunately, "One Can Clearly See" that "Requests and Subpoena's Can Be Temporarily Ignored, Delayed, and/or Forced to Go To Court," "Before They Will Be Complied with!"

And, "The Clock is Ticking" and "The Patient of The American People is Wearing Thin" (as The saying Goes), and "It's Time for Both Chambers/Houses of The United States Congress (Republicans and Democrats), "All Five Hundred and Thirty- Five Members to Do Their Duty!"

"The American People Deserve Nothing Less" that "A Government" that "Represents All The People!" And, "No One is Above The Law of The Land," and "The Principles" that "The United States of America Stands for!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Parallel Universes of Political Maneuverings," and "Multiple Sphere's of Investigations Continue to Cloud The Political Present and Future Fate and Destiny of The Trump Administration," Monday, The Fourteenth of October 2019, "Fiona Hill President Trump's Former Adviser and Specialist," and "Senior Director for Russian and European Affairs on The President's National Security Council," "Testified Behind Closed Doors Before Members of The House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight Committee's" for "Approximately Ten Hour's," in Regards to, (1) "The Removal of Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Louise Yovanovitch" and, (2) "Most Importantly Any Information that Fiona Hill Can Provide in Regards to Rudolph Giuliani's Role in Ukraine," and, (3) "The Trump Administration's Policies and Relationship with The Russian Federation" and, (4) "Any Pertinent Information Regarding The Official Impeachment Inquiry!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Fiona Hill Testified that "Former National Security Advisor John Bolton Called Rudolph Giuliani a hand grenade who's going to blow everybody up."

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons and Global Perspectives"
"The Bolton Factor" "Once Come into Direct Play with The Impeachment Inquiry" "May Become One of The Most Imposing Threats to The President's Strategies" and "Attempts to Persuade Public Opinion that He is The Victim of A Witch Hunt!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Third of October 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Another Whistleblower has Emerged!" 

"An Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Whistleblower" has "Filed A Complaint to Congress in July of 2019" that "Allegedly," "Accuses Senior Treasury Officials ("Political Appointees in The Treasury Department") of "Improperly Exerting Influence," and "Involving themselves in The Mandatory Audit of President Trump's Tax Returns!"

"As is Publicly Known" "President Trump has Not Been Forthcoming" in Presenting His Tax Information for Congress," or "The American People to See!" And, "While All The Details of This Complaint Remain Unknown," and "The Name of The Whistleblower is Unknown," "It Will Be Interesting to See If More Whistleblower's Come Forth," and "Dare to Reveal," or "Attempt to Access Sensitive and Classified Data about President Trump," and "The Policies," and "What Exactly is The Modus Operandi and Intent of The Trump Administration!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United Kingdom "The Brexit Cloud Still Hovers over The UK" even "As Prime Minister Johnson has Called MP's" to "Attend An Emergency Meeting on Saturday, The Nineteenth of October 2019," after "An Important Summit with The European Union has Taken Place!"

"The Question" "Ever since The UK Supreme Court's Decision" to "Unanimously Rule Against Prime Minister Johnson's Suspension of Parliament," that has "Been in The Minds of Everyone Concerned" has Been "Will The PM Rebound  from The Serious Blow He Experienced," in "A Cognitive, Intelligent, and Rationale Manner," in Regards to "What is In The Best Interests of The People of The United Kingdom," and "Future Relations with The European Union!"

-(Note that, "The Prime Minister has said that, The UK would still be leaving on 31 October "deal or no deal,"but no delay."

And, "As Recently as Last Month The Prime Minister said" He would rather "die in a ditch" than ask for a Brexit delay.)-

-(Take Note that, "The Benn Act Requires The UK Government" to "Request an Extension to The Thirty-First October Brexit Deadline If a Deal has Not Been Reached" or "Signed Off by Parliament on The Nineteenth of October 2019!")-

There is Still "Hope For A Bold New Democratic Approach in Solving Brexit" with "The Participation of The People of The United Kingdom Directly Involved!"

"For without The Direct Involvement" and "All Inclusion Of All The People," There Will Continue to Be Frustration and Further Divisiveness in The United Kingdom!" And, "A True Democracy" is "A Government Of The People, Not A Government Ruled by Politicians!"

And, "If There is A Legitimate Reason or Demand for A Vote on A Second Referendum" then "Let It Be!"

However, "The Question" Still Remains, "Does The Prime Minister have Enough Support" to "Convince The MP's" and "The People of The United Kingdom" that "His New Idea's and Plan's Will Work" "Irregardless of What The EU Thinks of It!"

And, "Is It Bold Enough" and "Does It Possess The Earthwise Prescient Vision It Needs" to "Lead The United Kingdom into A New Era" of "Prosperity, Empowerment, and Unification," without "Causing Further Aggravation" to "What has Already Been Years of Fruitless Negotiations!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign Nation of Israel, "The Twenty-Second Knesset" was "Sworn in on Thursday, The Third of October 2019, "for The Second Time in 2019,"

However, "The Questions" that Still Remains is, (1) "Will There Be A Third Election!" Or, (2) "Will Benny Gantz' "Blue and White" "Be Able to Out Maneuver Prime Minister Netanyahu," and "Form A Unity Government!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Eighth of October 2019, "Prime Minister Netanyahu Received A New Challenge from within His Own Party," as "Gideon Moshe Sa'ar," who was Former Aid and Senior Cabinet  Minister under The Prime Minister Netanyahu," has "Thrown His Gauntlet into The Ring of Leadership Politics of The Likud!" And, "Is The Leading Candidate to Replace Prime Minister Netanyahu," who has "Ruled over Likud for More than A Decade!"

"PM Netanyahu May have Made A Miscalculation When He Suggested The Idea of An Internal Leadership Primary," in "Which He Expected to Re-Establish His Position as Leader of Likud," However, that "Tactic Backfired" when Mr. Sa'ar Tweeted on The Third of October 2019, "I'm Ready." And, "The PM Backed Down!"

"Mr. Sa'ar, Then Followed up with Another More Fully Detailed Tweet" of His Intentions, "No one is denying the prime minister's role as chairman of the Likud," and Mr. Sa'ar also Wrote, "When there a race for leadership of the party, as the prime minister himself initiated a few day's ago, I will run.")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"- 
"The Time for Change in Israel has Come," A Universal Change," "A Unity Government Of The People,"  that "Exists without The Suspicion of Corruption," that "Is For The People," and "Leaves No One Left Behind!" "

"A Unity Government" that "Embraces An All Inclusive Spirit of Change," that "Touches The Hearts, Minds, Intellects, Spirits, and Soul of All The People," and "Unites Them Together in Concert and In Step," with "A Leader of Passion and Prosperity!" 

"A Leader of Soul Strength and Peace," who "Provides An Honest and Truthful Guidance For The Youth of Israel," and "The Youth of The Middle East," and "All of The Sovereign Coalition of Nations and People," who are "Fighting for The Future of All The People of The Middle East to Live in Peace!" 

And, "A Trustworthy Leader" who "Believes in The Protection and Conservation of This Earth's Lands, Sea's, Air, Atmosphere, Environmental and Ecological Systems, and Sentient Life Forms of This Earth of  Ours," and "The Grand Universe that We are A Part of!"

"The Time has Come for A Bold New Change Among The People in The Sovereign Nation of Israel!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "The Wonder of It All," After, "What has Been Felt as Being An Indeterminable Season of Cloud Filled Days and Eventide's," "A Beautiful Full Moon Rose in Transcendent Splendor" in "The Midst of Millions of Billions of Celestial Bodies of Visible Magnitude" and "Breathtaking and Heartfelt Delight!"

"It Appeared" to Be "Cradled in The Soul and Spirit of The Grand Universe," "Seemingly to Touch The Hearts, Minds, Intellect, Emotions, Eddies, Streams, Rivers, Oceans, Lands, Mountains, Valley's," and "Actual Core of The Earth!"

And, "This Grand Spirit and Soul of True Intent and Purpose Flowed on Air Currents and X's," to "All The Distant and Near Corners of The Earth," Cleansing The Negativity from The Earths Atmosphere," and "Making Way for A Brand New Day!"

And, "A Brand New Earthrise and Sunrise of Limitless Potential and Change," "Replacing The Negativity, Obstructionism, and Impediments of The Light," with "An Internal Belief, Faith, and Trust" in "All that was Righteous, Just, Compassionate, and Cognizant of The Diverse Fabric, and Tapestry Of The True Embrace, Grace, and Significance of The Human and Sentient Mindset," of "The Universal Cosmos of Interdependent Thought!" 

"Rising and Flowing on Inspirational Melodies, Universal Anthems, and Symphonic Movements" of "Shared Passions, Hopes, Dreams, Visions, and Goals" of "A New Era of Global Equilibre, Equanimity, Economic Parity, Equality, and "A Myriad Different Cultures of Unification," and "Peace!"

"A New Era of Universal Idea's and Actions," that "Builds Bridges to A Better Life For One and All to Share," and "Social Security and Prosperity For One and All to Share," and "Freedom For One and All to Share!"

"To Be Shared in Each and Every Meeting and Passing," and "Sending Forth and Sharing," in "A Golden Cloud of Earthwise and Earthwide Information and Communication via The Social Media," and "The Global Cross Media Universe," and "With and to Whomever," and/or "Wherever The Truth and Solar Axioms Reside," and "Take Root," and "Develop and Grow!" 

"Leading Us" and "Guiding Us" as "A Great Soul Force of The Truth," from "Hatred to A Universal and Personal Consciousness of Love," and from "Violence to Non-Violence," and "from Unreal to Real!" To Be and Become Conservators and Protectors" of "The Global and Universal Environmental and Ecological Systems," and "In Respect For Each Other," and "For The Sake of Each Other," and "The Lives of Future Generations," and "Families of One Another!"

For This is The Way to Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Third of October 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Four Police Officers were Killed in A Knife Attack" in Their Headquarters by "A Forty-Five Year Old Intelligence Administrator" in Paris, France! "A Fifth Person has Been Hospitalized" and "Is Reported to Be in Critical Condition!"

"The Assailant" Who is "Reported to have Been A Police Employee for Twenty Years," was "Shot and Killed by A Heroic Police Officer" as "He Attempted to Escape!"

"This Callous, Vicious, and Senseless Action" by "This Mentally Disturbed Employee Can Not Be Reasoned Away," "Nor Can They Be Condoned," for "His Malevolent Actions" have "Taken Away The Lives of Four Individuals whose Families Will Suffer The Loss of A Dear Love One," and "All of The Trauma and Pain This Loss Will Bring!"

We Extend Our Sincerest and Most Heartfelt Condolences to The Families of The Four Individuals who were Killed in This Tragic Attack in Paris, France! And to The Colleagues, Friends, and Family Members of These Four Innocent Love One's, We Mourn The Loss of Life with You!"

-In Memoriam:
Friday, The Eleventh of October 2019, "Oscar Nominee," and "Lead and Character Actor in More than One Hundred Films" "Robert Wallace Forster Jr. Died after Suffering from Brain Cancer at The Age of Seventy-Eight" in "His Home in Los Angeles California!"

In a Career that Spanned Across Five Decades, "Robert Forster had Strong Supporting If Not Leading Roles in Films such as, "Breaking Bad," and "Quentin Tarantino's Jackie Brown," for Which He Received An Academy Award Nomination for Best Supporting Actor, and in John Huston's "Reflections in a Golden Eye" in 1967, and Haskell Wexler's "Medium Cool," in 1969, "Disney's The Black Hole" in 1979, "Alligator" in 1980, "Psycho" in 1998, "Me Myself and Irene," in 2000, "Mulholland Drive," in 2001, "The Descendants," in 2011,  "Olympus Has Fallen" in 2013 and "White House Has Fallen" in 2016!

"Robert Forster also had A Starring Roles in Several Television Programs," such as, "Banyon," "Nakia," and  "Heroes," and was "Presented the Saturn Award for Best Guest Starring Role on Television for His Performance in Breaking Bad's "Granite State" in 2013," and in "Twin Peaks: "The Return."

And, "Robert has Played a Variety of Character Roles in A Number of Television Programs" from "Magnum," to "Murder, She Wrote," "Walker Texas Ranger," Desperate House Wives," "The Simpsons" (Voice Lucky Jim), "CSI: NY," "Ironside", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (Jack J. Kutzman- Voice), "Just to Name A Few of The Various Roles Robert has Played!"  

And, "Robert's Final Performance Will Be Seen" in "El Camino" A Breaking Bad Movie, which was "Released on Netflix The Day of His Death!"

We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Robert Wallace Foster Jr. and We Will Deeply Mourn His Passing with You!

And, To The Friends, Colleagues, Fellow Actors and Actresses, and Admirer's of Robert's Acting Prowess Earthwide, We are Very Fortunate to have His Broad Universe of Films to Share with Our Friends and Families for as long as Films and Very Talented Actors and Actresses are Admired and Respected!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!