Tuesday, October 1, 2019



The Way To Peace! #350

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United States of America Headlines of The Fourth Estate" and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Democrat from California Announced" that "The House of Representatives is Launching An Official Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump!"

Speaker Pelosi said from The Capitol on Tuesday, The Twenty-Fourth of September 2019, "This week the president has admitted to asking the president of Ukraine to take actions that would benefit him politically," And Speaker Pelosi also said, "The actions of the Trump presidency revealed the dishonorable fact of the betrayal of  his oath of office, betrayal of our national security, and betrayal of the integrity of our elections," And Speaker Pelosi Continued, "Therefore, today I'm announcing the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry."

And, "The United Sovereign Nations of The Earth and Their Leaders Took Note" and "Discussed Among Themselves The Idea and Principles of America's Democracy!"

And, "The People" of "The Earth's Community of United Sovereign Nations Took Note," and "Saw America's Concept" of "What It is To Be A Democracy," "In A Brand New Light!"

And, "The Citizens of The United States of America Knew that The Time had Come" to "Judge Fairly Whether or Not One's Self Interests" had "Been Placed Above that of Country" and "What was In The Best Interests of The People," and "The Law of The Land, The Constitution of The United States of America," for "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America!" 

And, "This Grand Idea" and "Rule of Law" that "The Framers Established During The Founding of The United States,"  that "No One is Above The Law," even to The President of The United States of America, "Must Be Preserved in Perpetuity!" 

-(Note that, "This is The Fourth Time in American History that A President has Been Faced with A Threat of Impeachment!"

"The Other Three Presidents are Andrew Johnson in 1868, Richard Nixon in 1973, and William Clinton in 1998!"

"President's Johnson and Clinton were Impeached," But were "Acquitted from All Charges Following A Trial in The U.S. Senate," Allowing Them to Remain in Office!" And, "President Nixon Resigned from Office on The Ninth of August 1974" "Rather than Be Impeached!")-

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Six Congressional Committees" that have "Been Investigating President Trump," "Will Now Continue Their Probes Acting under The Umbrella of Impeachment Inquiry," and have "Been Tasked with Recommending Impeachment Violations," "Carrying Out The Formal Stamp of Impeachment" by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, with "The U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence," "Taking The Lead!"

They are "The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary, The U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, The U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means, The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform, The U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and The U.S. House Committee on Financial Services!" 

However, "Assuming" that "The Odds are Favorable that President Trump Would Be Impeached in The House of Representatives" where "The Democratic Party Holds The Majority," It Would "Still Take a Two Thirds Vote in The Republican Controlled Senate" to "Support Removing President Trump from The Presidency!" And that "Still Remains to Be Seen!"

-(Note that, "President Trump has Called The Official House Impeachment Inquiry A "Witch Hunt!" 
However, As of Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of September 2019, "Two Hundred and Twenty- Six Democrats, and One Independent," Which is A Majority in The House of Representatives, "Favor An Impeachment Inquiry!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News in Brief-
Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of September 2019, "United States Special Envoy for Ukraine Kurt Douglas Volker," who has "Been Linked with Setting Up Meetings with Ukrainian Officials The Day After President Trump's Phone Call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy," in July of 2019, to "Advise Them How to "Navigate President Trump's Demands along with United States Ambassador to The European Union Gordon D. Sondland," and "Is Reported" to have "Set Up A Meeting with An Adviser of President Zelenskyy with Rudolph Giuliani, President Trump's Personal Attorney," Regarding "Former Vice President Joseph Biden and His Son Hunter Biden," (and "Is Referred to in The Whistleblower's Complaint"), has "Suddenly Resigned Amid A Formal Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump," is "Scheduled for A Deposition on Thursday, The Third of October, 2019!"

And, "Former United States Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Louise Yovanovitch,"is also "Scheduled for A Deposition on Wednesday, The Second of October 2019!"

And, "United States Secretary of State Michael Richard Pompeo" has "Been Subpoenaed to Turn over Documents Related to President Trump's Phone Conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy," by "Friday, The Fourth of October 2019," as a "Part of The House Impeachment Inquiry!" 

-(Note that, Monday, The Thirtieth of September 2019, "The Wall Street Journal Reported" that "U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo Listened in on The Call Between President Trump Spoke and President Zelenskyy!")-

And, On Monday, The Thirtieth of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight Committees" who are "Operating Under The Umbrella of An Official Impeachment Inquiry" have "Subpoenaed Rudolph Giuliani, President Trump's Personal Attorney," for "Documents Related to Their "investigation of efforts made by the President and Mr. Giuliani that Kiev launched a criminal investigation into former Vice President Biden and His son, Hunter Biden."

"The Letter Written to Mr. Giuliani by The Chairmen of The Three Committees States" that "Our inquiry includes an investigation of credible allegations that you acted as an agent of the President in a scheme to advance his personal interests by by abusing the power of the office of the President."
And The Letter Continued to say that, "A growing public record, including your own statements, indicates that the President, you, and others appear to have pressed the Ukrainian government to pursue two politically-motivated investigations." 

And, Global Cross Media News Reports that "Originated with The Washington Post on Monday, The Thirtieth of September 2019," that "United States Attorney General William Barr has Been in Contact with Foreign Leaders" to "Assist in An Inquiry of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Activities in 2016," is "Another Surprising Note and Observation" in Regards to "The Machinations, Operations, and Thinking of The Trump Administration" and "President Trump!"   

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of September 2019, "A CBS News Poll Shows" that "A Majority of Americans Support An Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump" by "Fifty-Five to Forty-Five Percent!")-

And, "The Cracks in The Wall's of The Trump Administration and The West Wing Continue to Emerge" and "Become More Prominent, Conspicuous," and "Almost Clearly Visible" as "The Facts, Investigations, Probes, Allegations, and Inquiries Continue to Display Themselves" for "Both Public" and "Government Scrutiny!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of September 2019, 
The Unclassified Whistleblower Complaint was Released to The Senate Committee on Intelligence of The U.S. Senate, and The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of The House of Representatives!"

"It is Addressed to Chairman Burr and Chairman Schiff, And, The First Sentence Reads as Such: I am reporting and "urgent concern" in accordance with the procedures outlined in 50 U.S.C. 3033 (k)(5)(A). This letter is UNCLASSIFIED when separated from the attachment.

In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President's main domestic political rivals. The President's personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr, appears to be involved as well."

And then, The Whistleblower Continues, "Over the past four months, more than a half a dozen U.S. officials have informed me of various facts related to this effort. The information provided herein was relayed to me in the course of official interagency business. It is routine for U.S. officials with responsibility for a particular regional or functional portfolio to share such information with one another in order to inform policymaking and analysis.

I was not a direct witness to most of the events described. However, I found my colleagues' accounts of these events to be credible because, in almost all cases, multiple officials related fact patterns that were consistent with one another. In addition, a variety of information consistent with these private accounts has been reported publicly.

I am deeply concerned that the actions described below constitute "a serious, or flagrant problem, abuse, or violation of law, or Executive Order" that "does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters" consistent with the definition of an "urgent concern" in 50 U.S.C. 3033 (k)(5)(G). I am therefore fulfilling my duty to report this information, through proper legal channels, to the relevant authorities.

I am also concerned that these actions pose risks to U.S. national security and undermine the U.S. Government's efforts to deter and counter foreign interference in U.S. elections."

And so, "Begins A Very Detailed Description of The Whistleblower Complaint," and "Their Deepest and Most Serious Concerns" and "The Actions of Donald John Trump The President of The United States of America," and "His Chosen Official and Unofficial Government Representatives!"

And, that "Pose Just Some of Reasons "Why" The President is Being Faced with An Official Impeachment Inquiry!"          

-(Note that, Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of September 2019 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Joseph Maguire The New Acting Director of National Intelligence," (DNI), "Appeared Before The House Intelligence Committee and said "I believe the Whistleblower and the Inspector General have acted in good faith throughout. I have every reason to believe that they have done everything by the book and followed the law.")-

-(Also Take Note that, "Joseph Maguire The Acting Director of National Intelligence,"also Appeared before The Senate Intelligence Committee," in "A Closed Door Meeting!" )-

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Questions" that "Come to Mind are Too Multitudinous to Even Imagine," However, Some of Them are, (1) "What Other Sensitive Information has "Been Placed in The Computer System Managed Directly" by "The National Security Council (NSC) Directorate for Intelligence Programs," "Related Directly to President Trump and His Administration" that has "Absolutely Nothing to Do with National Security Sensitivity Information," and, 
(2) "What Other Circumstances," (If There were Any), was there "Where Leaders or Dignitaries of Sovereign Nations Asked to "Play Ball" with The Trump Administration," and,
(3) "How Many Times has Former Mayor, and Personal Attorney to The President Rudolph Giuliani Acted on Behalf of President Trump to "Perform Duties" that were "Not Made Public" or "Not Coordinated with Official U.S. Government Officials Tasked with The Responsibility of Carrying Out President Trumps Official Foreign Policies," or "Who were Attempting to Provide Follow Up Advise to Foreign Leaders," and/or "Explain Exactly What The President's Thoughts, Policies or Idea's May Be on Any Given Occasion!"

"We have Entered into A New Phase of Domestic Politics," within One Week since The Announcement" that "An Official Impeachment Inquiry has Been Launched Against President Trump" The White House has "Provided The Release of The Reconstructed Transcript of President Trump's Phone Call with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine" as "Requested by The U.S. Congress," and "The Release of The Whistleblower Complaint" and "Requested by The U.S. Congress," and "Just Maybe Some Honest Clarity Can Come Out of This Time Period of Obstruction, Necessary Investigations to Obtain The Truth and Noting But The Truth," "Whereas The Trump Administration has Refused to Allow Government Officials to Comply with Congressional Subpoenas over and over Again," or "Release The President's Tax and Banking Information," or "When A Government Official has Appeared Before A Congressional Committee,' They have Been Instructed to Not Answer All of The Questions Posed to Them" by "Order of The White House!" So, "Maybe This is A New Beginning in U.S. Domestic Politics" that "Can Not Be Impeded or Denied from Happening!"

However, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "The Whistleblower Complaint Will Open Up A New Series of Inquiries, Hearings, and Investigations" by "The U.S. Congress," and "Michael Richard  Pompeo, The Seventieth United States Secretary of The Department of State," and "William Pelham Barr, The Eighty-Fifth United States Attorney General," are "Just a Few of The Government Officials who Will Be Called Upon" to "Tell The Whole Truth" and "Nothing But The Truth!"  
And, "How President Trump Responds Will In One Way or Another" have "A Strong Affect Upon His Presidency!"

And, "Now is The Time for Local, State, and Federal Officials who Believe in What is in The Best Interests and Welfare of The United States of America," and "The Nation's National Security," and "Defense from Foreign Entities with Anti-American Sentiments," to "Come Forward In The Name The Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

For "No One is Above The Law of The Land," and "No One has The Right to Destroy The Values, Traditions," and "Rights of All Peace Loving People," and of "The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations of The Earth's Community to Prosper," and "Live in A Universal State of Freedom, Global Equilibre, Peace, Justice, Equality and Respect," and "Social Security from Harmsway!" 
And, "As A Grand Soul Force of Environmental and Ecological Conservators, Protectors, and Preservationists of Our Planet Earth," and of "A Grand Cosmos of A Boundless Synergy" and "A Myriad Different Cultures of Sentient Beings," and "Celestial Bodies of The Grand Universe!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of September 2019, "More than Three Hundred Former National Security Officials Support An Impeachment Inquiry into President Trump!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "A List of More than Three Hundred Former National Security Officials have Signed" "A Statement" Released by "The National Security Action" Advocacy Group (that was "Formed by Two Former National Security Adviser's of Former President Obama's Administration" who "Oppose President Trump's Foreign Policy") "Including Officials of Both Republican and Democratic Administrations," and "Officials of The Department of States, The Department of Homeland Security, The National Security Staff, and The Intelligence Committee!"

And, "The Statement" Reads as Such, "As national security professionals, many of us have long been concerned with President Trump's actions and their implications for our safety and security," and the Statement Continued to say, "Some of us have spoken out, but many of us have eschewed politics throughout our careers and, as a result, have not weighed in publicly." And "They Added, "The revelations of recent days, however, demand a response.")- 

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
As The Parallel Universes of Politics, Law and Order, Investigations and Inquiries, Lawsuits and and Court Decisions Continue to Intersect with One Another," at "One Point or Another," During The Two Years Two Hundred and Forty Day's" (as of "Tuesday, The Seventeenth of September 2019") that "President Trump has Been in Office," and "The Trump Administration has Imposed Its Domestic Policies Upon The Nation," (Irregardless of Public Opinion) and "Whose Foreign Policy has Caused Major  Divisions Between The U.S. and Its Allies" by, (1) "Withdrawing The United States from The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement (Accord de Paris)," and, (2) "Withdrawing The U.S. from The Iran Nuclear Deal," (The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action-JCPOA), "Just to Name Two Major Causes of These Divisions Between The U.S. and Some of Its Closest Allies," and, (3) One Must Add "The Foreign Policy Decisions in Regard to President Trump's Relations with Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin," and "The People's Republic of China's President Xi Jinping," and "The Chairman of The Worker's Party" and "Supreme Leader" of "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un, "Irregardless of Public Opinion in The United States," "We Find that There May Be Another Potential Crack in The Walls of The Trump Administration and The West Wing," Due to Global Cross Media News Reports on Monday, The Sixteenth of September 2019 that "The Office of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.," "Sent a Subpoena to Mazars USA," The Accounting Firm of President Donald J. Trump, "Requesting Both President Trump's Personal and Business Tax Returns," for "The Last Eight Years!"

"This Subpoena" Would Provide "The Office of The Manhattan District Attorney with A Unique Look" into "President Trump's Personal Affairs," and "The Trump Organization," Which "He has Been Reluctant to Release," for "Either Public or Congressional Scrutiny All Throughout His Term as President of The United States!" "Something" that "Is Traditionally Observed" by "Each New President!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Marc Mukasey, An Attorney for The Trump Organization said "He is evaluating the situation and will respond as appropriate.")-

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Nineteenth of September 2019, "President Trump's Attorney's Filed a Lawsuit Against Mazars USA and New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance," to "Prevent His Tax Returns from Being Turned Over to The District Attorney," "Claiming that The President Can Not Be Liable" as "Long as He is President!

And that, "President Trump Should Be Immune from Criminal Investigation" as "Long as He is A Sitting President!"

"Jay Sekulow, One of President Trump's Attorney's" said "in A Statement," In response to the subpoena's issued by the New York County District Attorney, we have filed a lawsuit this morning in Federal Court on behalf of the President in order to address the significant Constitutional issues at stake in this case.")-

"The Questions" that Remain are, (1) "Will President Trump's Attorney's Be Successful in "Preventing His Accounting Firm Maizes USA" from "Turning Over His Tax Returns, and Other Financial Statements and Communications," In Relation to "The Trump Foundation, The Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, and The President," to "New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance," or (2) "Will The District Attorney have to Wait until The President has Left Office," and, (3) "The Question" of "Whether The Presidency Above The Law," Will, Once again, "Be Tested in A Court of Law!"

And, Once again, "It Appears" as "If We have Returned Full Circle to to Robert Mueller's Investigation and Report," and "The Constitutional Legality of A Department of Justice Policy," of "Whether or Not A Sitting President Could Be Charged with A Federal Crime!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Eighteenth of September 2019 "The Headlines and Bi-Lines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights," of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Featured" as Yet to Be Named, "An Unknown Whistleblowing Intelligence Officer," who has "Made A Complaint Against President Trump" after Hearing "A Promise" Made to "A Foreign Leader by The President!"

"This Complaint," that was "Filed on The Twelfth of August 2019," Allegedly Involves "A Promise" Made by President Trump "During A Phone Call to A Foreign Leader," has Been Considered An "Urgent" matter of "Serious or Flagrant Abuse," by "The Second United States Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Michael K. Atkinson," and "Is A Result of A Phone Call Between President Trump and A Foreign Leader," on The Thirty-First of July of 2019!"

"The Process for Receiving A Complaint" is, (1) "After The Inspector General Reviews The Complaint," within Two Week's, "He Must, If It Appears to Be Credible," (2) "Give it to The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Joseph Maguire," whom "If He Deems It Credible" "Must Forward It to The United States Congressional Intelligence Committee's within Seven Day's.

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Jason Klitenic, General Counsel" for Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, said, "After Consulting with The U.S. Department of Justice" that "It determined the Complaint did not rise to the level of an "Urgent Concern" requiring Congressional Notification."

-Note that, On Tuesday, The Seventeenth of September 2019, "General Counsel Jason Klitenic Wrote" to Chairman Schiff, "The Complaint forwarded to the (Inspector General) does not meet the definition of 'urgent concern.'" 
And, Mr. Klitenic  also Wrote that, "This Complaint...concerned conduct by someone outside the Intelligence Community and did not relate to any 'intelligence activity' under the DNI's supervision."'

And, Take Note that, "The Intelligence Committee Became Aware of The Whistleblower Complaint" on The Ninth of September 2019 When Chairman Schiff "Received The Letter from The Inspector General Informing Him" that "He Would Not Be Providing The Whistleblower's Complaint to The U.S. Congress!"  

 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Identity" of "Whom The Call was Made to" is "President Volodymyr Zelenskyy" of "The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," Asking Him or Urging Him," to "Investigate The Son" of Former Vice President Joseph Biden, "Hunter Biden" who was "A Lobbyist!" 
And, "Asked President Zelenskyy" to "Work with His Personal Attorney Rudolph (Rudy) Giuliani" to "Investigate Hunter Biden's Involvement with A Natural Gas Company Owned by A Ukrainian Oligarch!"

"The Complaint" is "Centered Around The Time Period" that "Joe Biden was President Obama's Vice President in 2014," Who During a Diplomatic Trip to Kiev (The Capital of Ukraine), "Threatened to Use His Influence to Withhold $One Billion Dollars in American Loan Guarantees to Ukraine," "If They Did Not Remove Its Top Prosecutor from Office Due to Allegations of Corruption Charges Made Against Him!"

And, "This Prosecutor," at The Time, was "Investigating An Energy Company Owned by A Ukrainian Oligarch!"

And, "It Appears as If President Trump was Interested in What Connection Hunter Biden had with This Energy Company," and  "Asked President Zelenskyy to Investigate It for Him!"

-(Note that, "This Top Ukrainian Prosecutor was Eventually Removed from Office by The Ukrainian Government!")-

-(Also, Note that, "Hunter Biden Served on The Board of Natural Gas Firm Burisma Holdings, (An Energy Exploration and Production Company Operating in The Ukrainian Oil and Gas Market), However, "He has Resigned from His $Fifty Thousand Dollar a Month Position," "In Advance of His Father Decision to Announce and Campaign in His Third Bid" to "Become The Democratic Party's Nominee for President of The United States of America!")-

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Hunter Biden has said "I explicitly limited my role to focus on corporate governance best practices to facilitate Burisma's desire to expand globally."

-(And, Take Note that, As of Sunday, The Twenty-Second of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are"There has Been No Official Request to Investigate Hunter Biden's Relationship with The Ukraine Gas Company!")-

And, "The Question" Why President Trump has Requested or Urged An Investigation in Hunter Biden's Relationship with The Ukraine Gas Company," has also "Come into Question!"

And, also "Another Question" is "Why Did Rudy Giuliani, In A CNN Interview on Thursday, The Nineteenth of September 2019 with Chris Cuomo Allege that there was "A tremendous amount of collusion between Ukrainian officials" and "Former Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Committee in 2016," (without Presenting Any Evidence to Prove His Point)!

"The Question" of "Whether or Not This Another is Another Example of Tit for Tat Election Campaign Politics/Foreign Policy," or "An Attempt to Besmirch The Reputation of The Obama Administration," and "Former Secretary of State, Senator from New York, and First Lady Hillary Clinton," "Still Remains to Be Seen," and/or "Proved!"      

However, "To Compound This Potentially Serious Breach of Presidential Protocol," is "The News of The Whistleblower's Complaint," by "The Global Cross Media News Universe of Communication and Information," "Who have Been Reporting on All The News that Is Pertinent to All The People, " is "The News that This Complaint" is "Allegedly Being Blocked from Being Sent to The United States Congress" by "Joseph Maguire The New Acting Director of National Intelligence," (DNI), and "The Department of Justice!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The United States Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Michael K. Atkinson," "Appeared Before The U.S. House Intelligence Committee  in A Closed Door Briefing,"on Thursday, The Nineteenth of September 2019, But was "Prevented from Revealing The Substance of The Whistleblower's Complaint" by "A Trump Administration Order!")-

"Adam Schiff, Chairman of The House Intelligence Committee" Democrat from California said," After The Closed Door Briefing" "The inspector general has said this cannot wait."

And "Chairman Schiff also said" that, "The Director of National Intelligence has made the unprecedented decision not to share the Complaint to Congress." 

"Chairman Schiff also Disclosed One Sentence from a Letter Written by Mr. Atkinson" from The Inspector Generals Office, "I set forth the reasons for my concluding that the subject matter involved in the Complaintiffs disclosure not only falls within the DNI's jurisdiction but relates to one of the most significant and important of the DNI's responsibilities to the American People."

And, Chairman Schiff also said, "This is what is being held from the American People!" And that, "He was Prepared to Go To Court" to "Prevent The Trump Administration's from Attempt to Block The Complaint" from "Being Revealed!"

-(Note that, President Trump Tweeted on Thursday, The Nineteenth of September 2019, "Another Fake News Story out there- It never ends! Virtually anytime I speak on the phone to a foreign leader, I understand that there may be people listening from various U.S. agencies, not to mention those from the other country itself. No problem!"
"....Knowing all of this, is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially "heavily populated" call. I would only do what is right anyway, and only do good for the USA!")-

So "The Question" that Still Remains is, (1) "Why Not Reveal What The Complaint is!"   And, In Doing so, "Prevent Yet Another Crack in The Wall's of The Trump Administration," and "The West Wing from Occurring!"

-Extra Noteworthy News in Brief-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth of September 2019, "The Trump Administration Released The Whistleblower's Complaint" to "The United States Congress!" And, "So Begins Yet Another Foray into The Trump Administration" and "The Modus Operandi of President Trump!"

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
In An Age When "The Truth is Being Challenged and Confronted" on "A Number of Political, Sociological, Religious, Constitutional, and Judicial Fronts," "The Significance of Truthmakers, and Whistleblower's to Come Forth" is "Absolutely of The Greatest Importance to The American People" and "The Earth's Populace!"

And, "The Absolute Need for These Truthmakers, and Whistleblower's to Come Forth" is of "The Greatest Imperative!"

And, "The Time has Clearly Come to Confront Our Elected Officials" and "Any Candidates who are Campaigning for Their Party's Nomination with The Truth," and "How They Would Make A Difference" that "Would Make A Better World for The Youth of The Nation," and "The Youth of The Earth," As "They Conduct A Global Climate Strike," is of "The Most Meaningful of Reasons," Besides that of "Civil Liberties," "Freedom," and "Respect For One's Fellow Human Being," and "Social Security and Healthcare For One and All," and "Free Education For One and All," and "The Protection of The Earth's Ecological and Environmental Systems and Sentient Life Forms," and "An End of War," "Violence," "Corruption," "Racism," "Hatred," "Discrimination," "Sexual Abuse," and "Poverty!"

"This is The Twenty-First Century and "We The People" have "A Right to Enjoy All The Fruits of Life" that "We have Toiled and Worked for," However, "We Need An Equation of Global Equilibre to Go Forth with" and "The Truth," "Equality," "Freedom" and "Respect," are "At The Core of This New Beginning," and "New Era" of "An Earthrise Vision and Perceptivity" of "Our True Purpose and Raison D'Etre On Earth!"

-(Monday, The Twenty-Third of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are President Trump has Acknowledged" that "He had Ordered John Michael (Mick) Mulvaney, "His Acting Chief of Staff,  to "Hold Approximately $Four Hundred Million Dollars in Aid from Ukraine," "Approximately One Week Prior to His Phone Call to President Zelenskyy!"

"This Request to Delay Funding to Ukraine by President Trump Occurred in Mid-July," When "The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Officials Informed The Pentagon and The United States Department of State of The President's Wish!" 
Note that, "This Aid" had "Been Previously Appropriated by The United States Congress!")-

"The Question" that Remains is "Will This News Increase The Growing Momentum in The United States House of Representatives to Impeach President Trump!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth of September 2019, "The White House Released A Memorandum of Telephone Conversation," The Reconstructed Transcript of President Trump's Phone Conversation with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine to The United States Congress!" 

-(Note that, "This Five Page Account of The Telephone Conversation" between "President Trump and President Zelenskyy is Not A Verbatim Account!")-

"The Transcript Confirmed that President Trump Spoke with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy about; (1) "Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Louise Yovanovitch," and, (2) "The Thirteenth Ukrainian General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin of Ukraine" who was "Appointed to Investigate Burisma Holdings and Its Owner Mykola Zlochevsky" (The Former Ukrainian Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources," and Ally of of Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych) and His Businesses, "Who was Fired Ironically in 2016 on Corruption Charges," and, (3) His Personal Attorney and Former Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani, (4) U.S. Attorney General Barr," and, (5) Former Vice President Biden and His Son Hunter." And, "Asked President Zelenskyy "I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation in Ukraine." 

And, President Trump also Makes Reference to Robert Mueller saying, First of All, "I would like the Attorney General (Barr) call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it." As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it began in Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible."

President Zelenskyy responded by saying "Yes this is very important for me and everything that you just mentioned earlier. For me as President, its very important and we are open to any future cooperation."

"President Trump also Spoke about Ukrainian General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin" who was Appointed to Investigate Burisma Holdings, "I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good, and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved."  -(Note that, Viktor Shokin was "Fired Ironically in 2016 on Corruption Charges," Which was "Applauded by The European Union's Envoy to Ukraine at The Time")-

President Trump also Spoke to President Zelenskyy about having Former Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani to "Call you,." And also that, "I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General" (Barr). Rudy very much knows what's happening and he's a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great."

And then President Trump went on to say, "The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you that." 
-(Note that, "Marie Louise Yovanovitch Joined The Foreign Service in 1986," and "Served as U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine" from "The Eighteenth of August 2016 until The Twentieth of May 2019!" And was "A Member of The Senior Foreign Service!)- 

And then, President Trump said, "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General (Barr) would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it...it sounds terrible to me."

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Ukraine Transcript is Another Look into The Presidency of Donald John Trump," and "Provides Yet Another Insight" into "What has Been Revealed in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Report," and "The Myriad Number of Articles of The Fourth Estate" and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's!" 

And, "When You Include The Number" of "Books and Interviews," and "The Positive and Negative Opinions of Former Administration Members, State, Defense, and Intelligence Officials of The Trump Administration," and "The Private and Public Sectors, and Lawmakers, You Will have A Body of References and Opinions in Plethora!" And, "This Memorandum of Ukraine" "Will Be a Part of It," and "No Doubt Will Add to The Overall Modus Operandi of The Trump Presidency," "Tweets and All!" 

And, "Historians Will have a Feast to Reflect Upon," and "The Global Leaders of Foreign Nations and The Earth's Populace Will Look Back on The Trump Years in Office" with "A Variety of Different Thoughts in Mind" "For Better or For Worst"

And, "The Base Supporters of President Trump and His Administration Will They Either Look Back on His Years in Office," and "Justify His Approach of Leadership," and "His Vision For The United States of America," or "Will They End up Being Disappointed!"

"The Questions" that Remain are "Multitudinous on So Many Levels," To Name Just a Few is, 
(1) Will President Donald John Trump Be Impeached," or, 
(2) "Will His Presidency Be so Severely Damaged" that "He is Unable to Function as A Leader of A Great Sovereign Nation and Its People," or, 
(3) "Will The Endless List of Lawsuits Result in His Demise," or, 
(4) "Will He Run For Re-Election under The Immense Pressures that Lie Ahead for Him," or,

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Twenty-Third of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Swedish Global Climate Activist, Sixteen Year Old Greta Thunberg Spoke Passionately" at "The United Nations Climate Action Summit!"

"Greta' Speech" has "Been Transmitted All Across The Earth's Communities" via "The Fourth Estate" and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Influence," and "Her Thoughts, Words and Actions" have "Displayed A Sincerity and Commitment that Can Not Be Denied!"

And, "For Parent's" who "Would Like to Introduce Their Children" to "Embark Upon A Path" of "Being Public Servants, Activists, Advocates, and  Members of The Peace Corps," as "An Introduction to Adulthood," and "The Responsibilities that Lie Ahead of Them" (Though This is A at Times a Difficult Path to Experience), "This is "An Admirable Non-Violent, and Truthful Course of Action to Take" to "Make A Better World For Their Generation," "The Present Generation," and "For The Future Generations to Come!"

And, "While They Will Most Certainly Experience Difficulties," (Some that They Will Find Terribly  Disheartening), "The Rewards to The Earths Populace Will Be Limitless" and "Heart Warming!" 

And, to "Our Home Planet Earth," and "Its Ecological and Environmental Systems and Sentient Life Forms," "The Rewards" are "Earth Saving," Honorable, and Highly Commendable!"

And, Note that, Greta's Final Words of Her Speech, "Change is coming like it or not," is "A Theme" that "The Youth of The Earth Must Hold On to!" 
"For They are The Nexus," "The Heart, Mind, Intellect, Soul and Spirit of Change," and "The Future Conservators, Protectors," and "Bridgemakers to A Future of Hope and Change," that "Can Not Come Soon Enough!"

As The Parallel Universes of "Government Policies," "Judicial Rulings," and "Ethical Mores" "Become Intertwined Leaving History" and "The Hearts, Minds, Intellect, Cognizance, Souls, and Spirits Of The People" to "Decide What is The Truth of Any Given Moment of Today's Age of Modern Civilization" "The Fates" of "Millions of Undocumented Families" and "Hundred's of Thousands of Migrant Families" "Lie in The Balance!" 

"Families who are Only Seeking Compassion, Refuge, and Safety from The Malevolent and Corrupt Entities and Factions" that "Continually Abuse, Misuse, Manipulate, and Oppress Them!"

And, "It is The Lady in The Harbor," and "Lady Justice," and "The Law of The Land," that "Provides Guidance, Justice, and A Transcendent Purview and Overview" of "The Truth" that has "Provided The Legal Perception, Interpretation, Rulings," and "Insights into The Truth and The Law," that "The Judiciary in The United States" has "Come to Rely Upon!"

And, Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of September 2019, Such A Ruling Came to Be," When "United States District Judge Dolly Maizie Gee," of "the United States District Court for the Central District of California," Issued A Permanent Injunction Against The Trump Administration Rules" that was "Set to Take Place on The Twenty-Second of October 2019," to "Detain Migrant Families and Children for Longer Periods of Time than Currently Permitted," Saying that "It Violated the 1997 Flores Agreement," that "Set Standards for The Treatment of Unaccompanied Migrant Children" that "Included Their Housing, Medical Care, Hygiene, Nutrition, and Education," and also that "The Government Can Not Detain Children with Their Parents for Longer than Twenty Days!" "Something that "The Trump Administration has Been Doing over and over Again!"

"Judge Gee Wrote in A Twenty-Four Page Order" that "The blessings or curse---- depending on one's vantage point---- of a binding contract is its certitude," and, "Defendants cannot simply ignore the dictates of the consent decree merely because they no longer agree with its approach as a matter of policy."

And, "Judge Gee also Wrote in Her Decision" that "The agreement has been necessary, relevant, and critical to the public interest in maintaining standards for the detention and release of minors arriving at the United States' borders,"

And that, "Defendants willingly negotiated and bound themselves to these standards for all minors in its custody, and no final regulations or changed circumstances yet merit termination of the Flores agreement."

-(Note that, Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The White House Issued A Statement Criticizing Judge Gee's Ruling!")-

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"It is Unfortunate that President Trump's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy Lacks Compassion," and "Is Willing to Abide by Laws Set Up to Protect The Lives of Children and Their Parents who have Journeyed to The United States" "Because of Threats to Their Lives" and "The Oppressive Conditions that "They have Been Forced to Attempt to Live Under" and "Survive By!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Recent Estimates that As Many as "Four Hundred and Fifty-Seven Thousand Families have Been Arrested by The Border Patrol" for "Crossing The Border Illegally," and "At Last Report Six Migrant Children have Died in United States Detention Centers!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News in Brief-
"As The People's Republic of China Celebrates Seventy- Years of Communist Rule," on Tuesday, The First of October 2019, "It is Truly Unfortunate" that "Some Demonstrators of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of The People's Republic of China," and "Most Celebrated Financial Center and Commercial Port," have "Taken This Moment to Engage in Violence,"and  "Some of The Police in Hong Kong" have also "Chosen to Engage in Violence" to "Solve The Issues that The Hong Kong Government of Carrie Lam," Hong Kong's Fourth Chief Executive, and "The Millions of People of Hong Kong are Faced with" and have "Unfortunately Divided This Alpha + World City," that "Still Maintains Separate Governing and Economic Systems from The People's Republic of China"(under "The Principle of One Country, Two Systems)!"

"Non-Violence and Diplomatic Negotiations," "Perseverance," and "Determination," "Soul Strength," and "A Positive Message" is "The Way to Bridge The Divide" and "Resolve The Issues" that are "Still Outstanding!"  

-Extra Noteworthy News in Brief-
As The Sun Set's O'er The United Kingdom Tuesday, The Twenty-Fourth of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Supreme Court of The United Kingdom" has "Unanimously Ruled Against Prime Minister Boris Johnson Suspension of Parliament!"

"This is Yet Another Serious Blow to The Prime Minister," and "His Sense of How A Democracy Functions," and "What is In The Best Interests of The People of The United Kingdom!"
And, "His Future Negotiations with The European Union" and "In The UK" are "Seriously In Jeopardy!"

"Member's of Parliament Will Resume Their Discussions and Negotiations Concerning Brexit," and "Hopefully A Bold New Democratic Approach on Solving Brexit" with "The Participation of The People of The United Kingdom Directly Involved," Will Recommence on "Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth of September 2019!"

-Extra Noteworthy News in Brief-
Tuesday, The Seventeenth of September 2019 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Almost Fifty Thousand United Auto Workers of America have Gone on Strike Against General Motors" and at "The Top of The List Among Other Requests" is, (1) "Increased Healthcare Benefits," (2) "Creating More Jobs in The United States" and, (3) "Moving Jobs from Mexico to The United States," (4) "Increased Wages," (5) "Profit Sharing," and, (6) "Job Security" are "Just Some of The UAW's Concerns!"

"General Motors has Offered to Invest $Seven Billion Dollars," and "Create 5.4 Million New Jobs in The United States," as "A Staring Point in The Negotiations!"

However, "This Around The Clock Series of Negotiations May Take Some Time to Resolve!" "The UAW has Stated that only Two Percent of The Issues have Been Addressed" as of "The Seventeenth of September!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Strike is Costing GM $Fifty Million Dollars a Day in Lost Revenue!" This is "An Estimate According to Credit Suisse!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News in Brief-
Wednesday, The Eighteenth of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Federal Reserve (FED) Lowered Its Rates by Another Quarter Point as Expected," Once Again, "Out of Concern for The Slowdown of The U.S. Economy, The Possibility of A Recession in The U.S., The Ongoing Trade War between The United States and The People's Republic of China, The Slowdown of Global Economies, and "The Negative Effect that The Political Chaos in The United Kingdom  is "Bringing to The Global Table of Financial Affairs" and "The Global Markets, Because of The Ongoing Brexit Narrative," and "The Divisions that Brexit has Caused Among Both Politicians," and "The People in The UK," are "Just Some of The Reason's for The New FED's Rate Cut!"

As The Sun Set's O'er The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Global Cross Media News Reports are Saturday, The Fourteenth of September 2019, "Multiple Drone Attacks have Struck Oil Facilities in This Prominent Sovereign Nation of The Middle East," with "The Islamic Republic of Iran as Being The Primary Behind These Attacks!" And, "Deep Concerns of Rising Oil Prices" are "Threatening to Disrupt The Economies of Global Sovereign Nations!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are United States Secretary of State Michael Richard Pompeo Tweeted on Saturday The Fourteenth of September 2019, "Tehran is behind nearly 100 attacks on Saudi Arabia while Rouhani and Zarif pretend to engage in diplomacy. Amid all the calls for de-escalation, Iran has now launched an unprecedented attack on the world's energy supply. There is no evidence the attacks came from Yemen."

While on Monday, The Sixteenth of September 2019, "Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov "Replied in Response to A Question Posed by CNN," that "We view the escalation negatively, we urge all countries, within the region or outside the region, not to take any hasty steps or conclusions that can just worsen the ongoing destabilization."

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Houthis" ("A Rebel Army Fighting Against The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Its Coalition of Allies in Yemen" and "Supported by "The Islamic Republic of Iran") have "Claimed Responsibility for The Attacks!")-

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Eighteenth of September 2019 "President Trump has Sent U.S. Secretary of State Michael Richard Pompeo to The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" to "Meet with Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman," The First Important Stop in His Trip to The Middle East, to "Discuss Saturday's Drone Attacks on Saudi Arabia's Oil Facilities,"and "Coordinate efforts to counter Iranian aggression in the region." And then, Secretary Pompeo Will "Continue On to Abu Dhabi" to Meet with UAE (United Arab Emirates) Prince Mohammed bin Zayed!"

President Trump Tweeted on Wednesday, The Eighteenth of September 2019 that "I have instructed the Secretary of the Treasury to substantially increase Sanctions on the country of Iran!)-

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Sanctions have Been Placed on The Central Bank of Iran" and "Several Other Financial Institutions!")-

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Real Injured Parties" to "This Continuation of War and Conflict in The Middle East," are The People of The Middle East," Who have "Seen Atrocities Involving The Deaths and Injuries of Their Children and Families," and have "Been Driven from Their Homes to Live in Refugee Camps," or "To Undertake Perilous Journeys to Foreign Shores in Search of Safety and Security for Their Families," and "Continue to Be Threatened by Severe Humanitarian Crises," Wherever "They May Live in Fear," and "In Life Threatening Conditions!"

"The Questions" Still Remain, "Why," Does "This Continuation of War and Conflict in The Middle East Continue," (1) "Is It Because of Egos to Large to Satisfy," or, (2) "Profits and Power Mentalities to Large to Satisfy," or, (3) "The Lack of A Coherent and Unified Strategic Policy for The Middle East," by "Sovereign Nations who have Interests in The Energy Supply Provided by The Region,"and, (4) "The Overall Balance of The Sovereign Nations of This Important  Region," or, (5) "The Lack of Impartial, Insightful and Committed Peacemakers and Voices of Reason," or of "The Need for A New Generation of Global and Regional Diplomats" who are "Determined and Dedicated to Bring Peace to The Middle East!" 

And, "If for No Other Reason" than to "Give The Youth of The Middle East An Opportunity" to "Survive and Live Out Their Lives in Peace!" And, "Thrive Upon" and "Discover New Opportunities to Prosper," and "Achieve Their  Peacetime Goals in Life!"

And, "For The Present Generation to Experience Something They have Never Before Experienced," "Nor have Their Parents Generation Experienced," Which is "An Era of Peace!"

"The Time to Act is Now!" And, "The Time to Change The Political Equation" that has "Brought Decades of Decimation, Disunity, Division, and Discord is Now!" 

And, "The Time to "Non-Violently Agree Upon," and "Empower The Sociological Evolution, Social Security and Welfare of Being in The Middle East is Now!" "Non-Violently," and "Democratically!"

"Through The Electoral Process," and "Through New and Trustworthy Allies of A Vision of Peace," "Built on Respect, Honor," "Thoughtful Perception," and "Non-Violent Resistance and Belief," that "A Bridge of Peace Can Be Built Among All The People" that "Is Strong Enough to Resist and Transcend The Powers of Chaos, Greed, Lust of Power, and Imperialism," and "Lead The Way to This New Era of Peace in The Middle East," and "In Partnership with The United, Global Community of Peace Loving Sovereign Nations," from "All Over This Earth of Ours!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign Nation of Israel, Friday. The Twentieth of September 2019 "The Central Election Committee" (CEC) has "Unofficially Announced The Election Results from Israel's Elections" on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of September 2019, Benny Gantz' "Blue and White" has Won Thirty-Three Seats," and "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Thirty-One!"

"The Official Results Will Be Presented to President Reuven Rivlin" on "The Twenty-Fifth of September 2019!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, "The Twenty-Fifth of September 2019" Israeli President Reuven Rivlin "Asked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu" to "Form A New Government!"

"The Questions" that "Still Remain Unanswered" are, "If Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is Unsuccessful in Forming A New Government," "Will Benny Gantz Become The New Prime Minister of Israel," and "Will He Be Able to Form A New Unity Government!"

And, Secondly, "How Many Elections Will It Take Before A New Era of Leadership," "A Grand New Leadership of Peacemakers," and of "Bridgemakers," "Truly A Grand Soul Force Of Leadership," that "Reflects The Courage," "Perceptivity," "Omniscience," and "Universal Vision Of The People!"

"A Bold New Vision of Empowerment Of All The People," and "For All The People," "Irregardless of Creed, Nationality, Gender, Age, Color, Special Needs, Tribe, or Political Affiliation!" 

Or, "Will There End up Being Yet Another Election" "If There is Not A Consensus Between All of The Political Party's of The Knesset," and "Its One Hundred and Twenty Members," (the Unicameral National Legislature of Israel-"The Great Assembly") in "Forming A New Unity Government" that "Embraces One and All," "Without Corruption and Hubris!"

"This is The Twenty-First Century" and "It's Time for Change," A Universal Change" that "Leaves No One Left Behind," "An All Inclusive Spirit of Change," that "Touches The Soul of All The People," and "Unites Them in Concert and Together" with "A Leader of Passion and Prosperity," "A Leader of Soul Strength and Peace For The Youth of Israel," "The Middle East," and "All of The Sovereign Coalition of Nations and People," who "Believe in The Protection and Conservation of This Earth of Ours!" 

And Lastly, Will Benjamin Netanyahu "Be Convicted on Any of The Corruption Charges He is Faced with," of Which, "He  has Categorically Denied," "If His Era of Being Prime Minister of Israel Finally Comes to An End!"

-Extra Noteworthy News in Brief-
Monday, The Twenty-Third of September 2019 Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump Arrived at The United Nations" and "Spent Several Minutes Answering Reporters Questions," and In Doing so, "Spoke about "Whether He was Meeting with The Seventh President of The Islamic Republic of Iran, Hassan Rouhani," "How Fantastic The U.S. Economy is Doing," "The Wrongs" of  Former Vice President Joe Biden and His Son Hunter "Whom President Trump Claims Took Money from Ukraine, and a Lot of Money from "The People's Republic of China," and "His Call to President Zelenskyy of Ukraine," "The Democratic Witch Hunt/Impeachment," and "Honesty and Corruption in Government," in "Advance of His UN Address on Tuesday, The Twenty-Fourth of September 2019!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Twenty-Fourth of September 2019, "President Trump Gave His Address to The United Nations" and "Spoke about The Trade War Between The United States of America and The People's Republic of China," "The Ongoing Conflict Between The United States of America and The Islamic Republic of Iran," "The Hatred of The Sovereign State of Israel by Iran," Iran's Threats Towards Other Countries," and "The U.S Wants Partners Not Adversaries," and "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea," and "America's Goal" For A Brighter Future in Afghanistan, and "Stamp Out Terrorism," "Illegal Immigration," and "The Plight of Migrants," "Human Smuggling," and "Criminal Networks," and "U.S. Allies in South America and Central America," and of "A Generation of Youth" who Abandon Their Homes," and "Our Goal is to Help People," and that "Maduro is a Cuban Puppet," and of "The Day when Venezuelans Will Be Free!" 

And, "The Negatives of Socialism and Communism," and "The One Hundred Million People Killed by Socialism and Communism!"

And, "The Protection of The Freedom of Democracy from Abroad and Within!" "Challenges to Liberty!" And, "The Negatives of Social Media Platforms," and "Social Media Giants who Silence The Voice of A Free People," and of "A Permanent Political Class" and "A Faceless Bureaucracy!"

And, "The Plight of People Because of Their Sexual Orientation!" "The Defense of American Values," and "The Right of All People to Live in Dignity," and "Stop the Criminalizing Homosexuality," and "Stand in Solidarity with LGBTQ People!"

And, "Championing The Role of Women in Our Societies" and "Women's Economic Development!" The Women's Global Development and Prosperity initiatives," (The WGDP). 

And, "The Protection of Religious Leaders and Religious Freedoms!" "Abortion on Demand,"and "Every Child is a Sacred Gift of God."

And, "His Administration Will Never Ratify The UN Arms Trade Treaty," But "Will always Uphold The Second Amendment!"

And The President also said, "Liberty is preserved, sovereignty is only secure, and democracy is 
only sustained, greatness is only realized by the will and devotion of patriots." 
  And also that, "the path to peace and progress and freedom and justice and a better world for all humanity begins at home. Thank you! God Bless you! God Bless the Nations of The world." And, God Bless America!"

"There is More to The President's Address to The United Nations," and "It Will Be Interpreted Widely by Global Leaders," "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," "No Doubt in Different Ways," and "Even His Delivery of The Address Will Be Discussed!"

However, "What Will also Come into Play Will Be" "The President's Actions, Behavior, Conduct, and Policies," "Both Abroad and at Home," "Here in The United States of America," that have "Caused Serious Divisions in The Nation," and "The Stress and Pressure that has Been Mounted on American Citizens," and "Undocumented Immigrants," and "Migrant Families who've Journeyed to The United States to Seek Refuge and Security from Harms Way," and "Their Detention," and "Separation of Their Children from Them," and "Even The Death's of Children that have Occurred," along with "The President's Administrations Own Share of Government Scandals and Investigations," and "The Pressure Placed Upon Transgender Children to Be Themselves," and "Racial and Religious Tensions in The U.S." and "Gun Violence," "Will No Doubt Be Discussed in Conjunction" with "President Trump's United Nation Address!" 

As well as, "His Lack of Concern for The Ecological and Environmental Concerns of The Youth," and "Sovereign Nations of The Earth!"

And, "No Doubt," "What Will also Come into Play is One Word," "Impeachment!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty- First Millennia "While Global Cross Media News Reports" that "The House of Representatives has Launched An Official Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump," and "The Release of The Whistleblower Complaint Dominates Today's News Cycles in The United States," Let's Remember "The Need to Increase Our Advocacy and Activism" in Regards to "Global Climate Concerns," and "The Protection of The Earth's Ecological and Environmental Systems" and "The Preservation of The Earth's Sentient Life Forms!"

And, "Let Us Remember" that "It is of The Greatest Importance to Increase Our Activism and Advocacy" for "The Civil Rights of Those who have Been Oppressed," and "Continue to Be Unjustly Attacked" in "What has Become A Vicious and Unethical Cycle of The Negative Politicism" of "The Plight of People from All over The Earth!" 

"Innocent People" Who are "The Victims of War and Conflict," "Government Corruption," and "Syndicates of Criminals" who have "Criminally, and Inhumanely Taken Advantage of Them!" 

"Innocent People" who are "Helpless," and "Continuously Beset Upon" by "The Ravages of War," and "The Brutal Manipulation of Their Lives by Dictators and Tyrants!"

"This is The Time Period in Our Lives" that "History Will No Doubt Record" that "The Earths Modern Civilizations were Faced with A Great Threat" to "Their Civil Rights" in "The Name of National Security," and "In The Guise of Protecting of The Borders of A Sovereign Nation!" 

"Modern Civilizations" who were "Being Manipulated and Conditioned" by "The False Narrative" that "We The People were Losing Jobs and Employment Because of The Migration Of People Fleeing from Death and Destruction," who were "Seeking Safety and Protection for Their Families," from "The Evil Machinations" and "Imperialistic Policies of Tyrants, and Dictators!" "A Narrative" that was "Being Used for Political Gain," at "The Expense of Those in Need!" 

"Let Us Continue to Meet This Challenge to Our Civil Rights" and "The Rights of Those who are Destitute," and "Reach Out" and "Share Our Raison D'Etre," "Universal Purpose," and "Earthrise Vision" to "Uphold The Rights of One and All to Live in Global Equilibre," "Economic Parity," and "Respect for The Lives of All The People" "Irregardless of Gender, Nationality, Creed, Special Needs, Tribe, Age, or Color" via "The Boundless Universe of The Social Media," and "The Global Cross Media Universe" to "Every Corner of The Earths Communities" and "To The Hearts, Minds, Intellect, Conscious Awareness, Souls and Spirits Of All The People!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Transcend The Malevolent Threats to Our Existence on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace" "As A Great Soul Force Of The People" and "Sharing Our Idea's, Words, Thoughts, and Actions" in "Non-Violent Demonstrations and Strikes, "Town Hall Meetings and Marches," "Sit Ins and Anthems of Peace and The Truth!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Truth and Justice, Hope and Trustworthiness, Prosperity and Cognizance, and An Indelible Belief in Making A Better Life for One and All to Share with Each Other, and The Youth of The Earth, and Each and Every New Generation!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Fourth in A Series of Twelve Democratic Primary Debates Scheduled for The 2020 Presidential Election," "Among Democratic Candidates who have Met The Qualifications Set Up by The Democratic National Committee," (DNC) by, 
(1) "Attaining A Minimum of Two Percent" in at Least "Four Approved Public Opinion Polls," and, (2) "Received Campaign Contributions from One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Unique Donors," Will Be on "Tuesday, The Fifteenth of October 2019, from The Campus of Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio," with "CNN Anchors Erin Burnett and Anderson Cooper and New York Times National Editor Marc Lacey as Moderators" are,

(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-
(2) Senator Cory Anthony Booker from New Jersey-
(3) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana-
(4) Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro-
(5) U.S. House of Representative Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii-
(6) Senator Kamala Devi Harris from California-
(7) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota-
(8) Former U.S. House of Representative Beto O'Rourke from Texas-
(9) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-
(10) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California-  (11) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-
(12) Entrepreneur/Philanthropist Andrew Yang from New York-

And, Once Again, "The Curtain Will Rise on "Yet Another Challenging Evening of Debate These Twelve Candidates" who are "Campaigning For Their Party's Nomination" for "President of The United States of America!"

And, "Let Us Sincerely Comprehend The Significance" of "This Evening of Political Debate and Discourse," as "Each Candidate Attempts to Establish A Sincere Rapport with The American People," that "Both Inspires and Creates A Sense of Trust in The Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls of Their Fellow Americans" that "Cannot Be Denied," as (1) "The House of Representatives Launches An Official Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump," and, (2) "The United States Republican Controlled Senate Delays The Passage of Two House Gun Control Bill's." that, (A) "Would Require Background Checks on All Gun Sales in The United States," and, (B) "A Second Gun Control Bill" that "Reinforces Background Checks" and "Extends The Background Check Review Period from Three to Ten Days!" 

And, (3) "As The Opioid Crisis Demands Congressional Action," and (4) "Ongoing Challenges to The Civil Rights of Undocumented Immigrants," and "Migrant Families," and "Women and Men of Color," and "The Rights of Women to Choose," and "The LGBTQ Community," "Continue to Demand Congressional Oversight," "Justice," and "Leadership that Values The Traditions and Laws of America" over "that of Political Party and Political Ideology!"

And, (5) "As The State of Poverty in The United States Goes Unabated," and, (6) "The Debt incurred by Student Loans Continues to Go Unabated!"

And, (7) "As The Protection of The Rights of People of All Creed's," "Ages," and "Tribes," and, (8) "The Need for A New Era of Parity, Equality, Redemption, Constitutionality, and Economic Empowerment," are "Real Life Issues" that "Need A New Era of Leadership in The U.S." that "Is Committed to Upholding The Law of The United States Constitution," and "The Electoral Process," from "Self Serving Domestic Factions," "Malevolence," "Violence," and "Foreign Entities that are Anti-American in Nature" "Is Needed!"

"The Choice" of Whom "Will Provide This Leadership Will Depend Upon Choosing from A Cognitive and Compassionate Community of Interdependent Women and Men, "Who are also Committed and Dedicated" to "Preserving, Defending, and Contributing to A Global Equilibre," and "A Universal Sense Of Being," "Among All The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "The Diverse Community, Fabric, and Tapestry Of All The People of The Earth's Communities!" 

And, "The Choice" of Whom Will Be The Nominee for The Democratic Party "Will Be An Important Factor" in "Creating A New Balance" in "Not only American Politics," But also "In Healing The Wide Divide" that has "Grown to Exist in The Union," and "The Nation!"

And, "This is An Excellent Opportunity for These Twelve Democratic Candidates to Express Themselves on A Nationwide and Earthwide Stage," "Before Ten's of Millions of Americans," and "An Equal Amount of Viewers and Listeners from All over This Planet Earth," Who also have "A Sincere Interest in The Outcome of The 2020 Presidential Election!"

And, "The 2020 Presidential Election," is "An Opportunity for Each and Every American Citizen of Voting Age" to "Engage in, Sustain, Encourage, Maintain, Empower, Vote for, and Perpetuate" "A New Political, Sociological, Cognition," and "Cultural Change in The United States," without "Foreign Interference," or "Cyber Crimes!"

And, "This Exciting Political Season Showcasing The Idea's, Policies, Demeanor, Comportment, Passion, Character, Intelligence, and Experience" of "These Twelve Interdependent Democrats," "Will also Be On Display" via "The Global Platforms of The Social Media," and "The Headlines and Articles of The Fourth Estate," "Radio News and Entertainment Programs," and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Universes!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Edward Snowden's Memoir, "Permanent Record" Will Be "Released in Twenty of The Earths Sovereign Nations," on Thursday, The Seventeenth of September 2019!

"Mr. Snowden," A Former National Security Agency Contractor," Referred to "As Being The Worlds Most Famous (or Infamous) Whistle blower," "Faces Serious Charges of Two Counts of Violating The Espionage Act of 1917, and "Theft of Government Property," in The United States, and "His Passport has Been Revoked by The U.S. Department of Justice," "For Copying and Leaking Thousands of Highly Classified Information from The National Security Agency (NSA) in June of 2013," and at "Present is Living in Exile in The Capital of The Russian Federation, Moscow!"

-(Note that, "The Russian Federation" has Granted Mr. Snowden "The Right of Asylum" in 2013, with "One Year Extensions" Stemming from "An Initial Visa for Residence for One Year," that "Will Allow Him to Remain in Russia until 2020!")- 

Wednesday, The Eighteenth of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The U.S. Department of Justice is Seeking to Seize The Profits" from Edward Snowden's Memoir, "Permanent Record" In A Lawsuit, Because "It Violates a Non-Disclosure Agreement" (NDA) that with "He Signed with "The National Security Agency (NSA)," and "The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)" When "He was Working as A Contractor for Both Agencies!"

And, In Addition, "Mr. Snowden Did Not Submit His Manuscript for Review" so that "Government Agencies Could Confirm that It Did Not Include Any Confirm Any Confidential Information!"

-In Memoriam:
Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Twenty-Seventh of September 2019 "Former French President Jacques Rene Chirac has Died at The Age of Eighty-Six!"

"After Completing His Education" and "Getting His Degree at Sciences Po, a Term Spent at Harvard University, and The Ecole Nationale d'administration," "He Decided to Enter into A Career as A Politician," and "Became Mayor of Paris in 1977 to 1995," and "Served Twice as Prime Minister from 1974 to 1976, and "Again from 1986 to 1988," Before Becoming President of France in 1995!"

"Jacques Chirac Experienced Great Success throughout His Forty Years of Politics in France," However, "He was also Fraught with Serious Political Setbacks as well!"

"It is said, that Former President Chirac was "A Man of The People!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Jacques Rene Chirac, and To The People of France, His Family, Colleagues and Friends, We Mourn His Passing with You!  

-In Memoriam:
Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Seventeenth of September 2019, Political Reporter, Journalist, TV and Radio Senior News Analyst, Best Selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist Marie Martha Corinne Morrison Clairborne "Cokie" Roberts  Boggs "Passed Away at The Age of Seventy-Five" from "Complications of Metastatic Breast Cancer!"

"Cokie Roberts Stellar Career" Brought Her A Myriad Number of Awards, "The Edward R. Murrow Award," "The Everitt McKinley Dirsken Award for coverage of Congress," "A 1991 Emmy Award" for her contribution to "Who is Ross Perot," "The Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism in 2000, and also "In 2000" Cokie was "Inducted into The Television and Cable Hall of Fame," and "Cited as One of The Fifty Greatest Women in The History of Broadcasting" by "The American Women in Radio and Television."

And, "In 2013, Cokie and Her Mother, Lindy," "Won The Foremother Award" from "The National Center for Health Research."

And,"Cokie Roberts" was also "The President of  The Radio and Television Correspondents Association," and "Referred to As Being One of The Founding Mothers of NPR!"

And, "These are Just Some of The Awards" that "Celebrated Cokie Roberts Excellence in Journalism!"

We Extend Our Sincerest and Heartfelt Condolences to The Family, Friends, Fellow Correspondents of Marie Martha Corinne Morrison Clairborne "Cokie" Roberts  Boggs, and to All The Followers of All The News that was Fit to Print and Report about, of Which Cokie Provided Us, We Mourn Her Passing with You!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!