Saturday, September 14, 2019



The Way To Peace! #349

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"In A Turbulent," and at Times, "During A Seething and Seemingly Immoral Time Period in Immigration Affairs," When "Six Migrant Children have Died while Being Held in Custody in U.S. Detention Centers," and "Migrant Families have Been Separated from Each Other, Once Arriving in The United States!" 

And, "At A Time Period When Civil Rights Groups have Fought for The Rights of Migrant Families in One Circuit Court after Another Testing The Judiciary of The United States of America," and "Challenging and Confronting The Ethics and Constitutionality of The Trump Administration's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy," For The Most Part Successfully, "A New Supreme Court Ruling has Delivered A Serious, Though as of Yet Not Insurmountable Blow," to "Whatever Rights Migrants had When Coming to and Arriving in The United States To Seek The Safety and Security of This Sovereign Nation of The Statue of Liberty and Lady Justice," from "The Certain Threats of Death and Destitution that They Faced in Their Home Nations," that "They were Attempting to Escape from!"

Wednesday, The Eleventh of September 2019, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of Global Cross Media News Sphere's" Reported that "The United States Supreme Court Justices Voted in Favor of The Trump Administration's Asylum Ban," (A New Ruling that was Announced in July of 2019) that "Denies Migrants from Entering The United States without having First Applied for Asylum in The Sovereign Nation of Mexico!"

And, "To Be even More Specific,"The Rule States that "People who pass through another country to get to the U.S. border can't seek asylum in the U.S."

Unfortunately, "The Supreme Court Vote was Not Revealed," However, "Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomator" "Wrote A Dissenting Opinion!"

"The Fact" that "This Supreme Court Ruling" Came at A Time "When A Lawsuit is Being Contested in Court Against The Trump Administration Asylum Ban," Further Complicates The Judicial Process," and "The Constitutionality of The Trump Ban!"

-(Note that, "Monday, The Ninth of September 2019 Judge Jon S. Tigar of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, "Reinstated A Nationwide Injunction Preventing Implementation of the new Asylum policy," Saying "The Injunction was necessary to maintain a "Uniform Immigration Policy" and "Prevent Uneven Enforcement.")-

-(Note that, Wednesday, The Eleventh of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Hogan Gidley," White House principal deputy press secretary said, "The district court's erroneous nationwide injunction was another in a series of overreaching order's that allowed a single, non-elected district court judge to override policy decisions for the entire Nation. While there is much more work still to be done, thankfully the Supreme Court took a decisive step here and rejected the lower court's egregious ruling.")-

"In The Dissenting Opinion" Written by "Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomator," Justice Sotomator Wrote, "Once again, the Executive Branch has issued a rule that seeks to upend longstanding practices regarding refugees who seek shelter from persecution."

And, "Although this Nation has long kept its door open to refugees--and although the stakes for asylum seekers could not be higher--the Government implemented its rule without first providing the public notice and inviting the public input generally required."

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"This Supreme Court Ruling Will Dramatically Limit the Ability of Migrants who are Seeking Asylum" to "Enter The United States," and "Since This Appears to Be The Intention of The Trump Administration," Then "They have Momentarily Succeeded in Doing This!"  

"The Fact," that "This Supreme Court Ruling," "Unfortunately has Occurred" While "A Lawsuit Against The Trump Asylum Ban is Still Being Decided Upon," Is "Not Helpful to Either The Judicial Process" or "Migrant Families!"

And, "It Breaks Precedence with Longstanding Existing Government Practices," Which at Times, "Is Needed to Assist Migrant Families" who are "Faced with Tragic and Ongoing Life and Death Issues," that "Effects The Lives of Mothers and Fathers," and "Family Members," who are "Only Seeking Protection for Their Children and Themselves!"

However, "The Questions" that Still Remain are, (1) "Why is President Trump and The Members of His Administration so Intent on," What Appears to Be, "The Persecution of Innocent People Seeking Refuge in The United States and, (2) "Why is President Trump and The Members of His Administration so Intent on," What Appears to Be, "The Dismantling of Compassionate Government Practices" that "The American People have Always Taken Pride in," and "Supported," "Whenever and Wherever Humanitarian Crises have Arisen" in "Every Corner of The Earth's Sovereign Community of Nations!"

-(Thursday, The Twelfth of September 2019, Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Mexico has said that, "It disagreed with the ruling!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
 Thursday, The Twelfth of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The House Judiciary Committee Approved A Resolution by A Vote of Twenty-Four to Seventeen," that "Sets Procedures and Rules for Future Impeachment Investigation Hearings on President Donald Trump."

"House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Lewis "Jerry" Nadler, Democrat from New York," said, "Some call this process an impeachment inquiry. "Some call it an impeachment investigation. There is no legal difference between these terms, and I no longer care to argue about the nomenclature.  

And, Chairman Nadler also said, "But let me clear up any remaining doubt: The conduct under investigation poses a threat to our democracy. We have an obligation to respond to this threat. And we are doing so."

-(Note that, "This Resolution Does Not Need to Be Approved by The Entire House of Representatives!" And, "The First Hearing by The Judiciary Committee in Which The Procedures Will Be in Place," is "On The Seventeenth of September 2019!")-

 -(Note that, As of Thursday, The Twenty-Second of August 2019 "One Hundred and Thirty Democrats (More than One Half) of The United States House of Representatives Favor An Impeachment Inquiry!")- 

As The Sun Set's O'er The African Continent "Pope Francis Continues to Share His Heartfilled, Loving, Spiritual, and Soulful Words of Hope," and "An End of Poverty," and "Economic Parity For One and All!"

"An Estimated One Million People Celebrated Mass with The Pope in Madagascar's Capital, Antananarivo," on Sunday, The Eighth of September 2019!

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Pope Francis also Expressed His Sincere Hope for New Strategies to "Fight Global Poverty" During His Visit to The Akamasoa Association Project" (also Known as "The City of Friendship") a "Project of Hope and Conceptualization," that has "Been Active for Thirty Years."

"This Project was "Originally Conceived of by Father Pedro Opeka," an Argentinian Priest and "Founder of This Project of Passion and Love," so that "The Poor Could Earn A Living by Producing The Stones that Built Schools that Provides Education for Fourteen Thousand Children, Healthcare Clinics, Homes, and Roads" that Cover The Hillsides in The Surrounding Area, "Developing Eighteen Villages, and "Housing for More than Twenty-Five Thousand People!"

And, "It was Father (Padre) Pedro Pablo Opeka who Invited Pope Francis to Visit The City of Friendship," although, Interestingly Enough, "He Never Believed" that "The Pope Would Come!"

"The Message that Pope Francis Shared with Us" is "God's dream is not only for our personal development, but essentially for the development of the community, and that there is no worse form of slavery...than to live only for ourselves."

And, "As Pope Francis Spoke to The Youth at The Akamasoa Association" He Invited Them to " Never stop fighting the baneful effects of poverty." And that, "This great work accomplished by your elders is now yours to carry forward."

And, "Every corner of these neighborhoods, every school or dispensary, is a song of hope that refutes and silences any suggestion that some things are "inevitable." Let us say it forcefully: poverty is not inevitable."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Saturday, The Seventh of September 2019, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate" and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" have "Featured President Trump and His Administrations Decision to Suspend Talks with The Taliban!"

"The Trump Administration's Decision Comes after The Taliban Refused to Agree to Several Conditions" "Including Meeting with Afghan Government Officials to Discuss Peace Terms!"

However, "Disagreement within The Trump Administration also Became An Impediment" to "Arriving at A Cohesive, Cognizant, and Balanced Agreement!"

And, "President Trump," Himself, "Decided Not to Sign Off on An Accord in Principle" that "U.S. Chief Diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad to The Afghan Peace Process Outlined, who Stated Just A Week ago that "The U.S. and Taliban were on the "Threshold of an agreement."

At Present There are  Nine Thousand Five Hundred U.S. Forces in Afghanistan," In Addition to Approximately Eight Thousand Six Hundred Foreign Forces who are Primarily from The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), who "Would have Been Drawn Down in Phases under The Khalilzad Accord with The Taliban!"

"This Draw Down of Troops Beginning with Five Thousand U.S. Forces Would have Occurred One Hundred and Thirty Five after The Accord had Been Signed!"

-(Note that "The Afghan Government Gave Praise to President Trump's Decision!" However, "It Must Be Noted" that "They," The Kabul Administration, had "Not Been Directly Involved with The Talks with The Taliban and The United States!")-

"The Recent Car Bomb Attack in The East of Kabul," Afghanistan's Capital, on Thursday, The Fifth of September 2019, "in Which Twelve People were Killed Including A U.S. Soldier," of Which The Taliban Took Credit, "Did Not Advance The Conditions" or "The Potential for Peace in The Sovereign Nation of The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan!"

And, so "The United States of America's Longest War Continues!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Tenth of September 2011, "New Cracks have Emerged in The Walls of The Trump Administration and The West Wing," Displayed by President Trump's Announcement/Tweet" that "He had Fired in Effect His Third National Security Adviser in Four Years!" 

President Trump Tweeted "I informed John Bolton last night that his services were no longer needed at the White House. I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore...I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning. I thank John very much for his service. I will be naming a new National Security Advisor next week. "

-(Note that, "The Question" of "Whether John Bolton Offered His Letter of Resignation or was Fired" is "Irrelevant! and Insignificant!"
What is Important to "Stipulate and Prioritize is The President's Concept of How An Administration Should Be Managed on Behalf of The Nation," with "Continuous Moving Parts and Firings," in "Place of A Stable and Strong," "Cognizant and Diplomatic Circle of Peers!"
Mr. Bolton's Resignation Letter to President Trump Dated on The Tenth of September 2019 Read as such, "Dear Mr. President, I hereby resign, effectively immediately, as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Thank you for affording me this opportunity to serve our country. Sincerely, John R. Bolton")-

As The Sun Set's O'er The Political, Financial, and Sociological Parallel Universes of Global Continents, "The Trade War of Hubris" Between President Donald J. Trump of The United States of America and President Xi Jinping of The Republic of China, "Continues" to have "A Negative Effect on Global Economics," and "The Global Marketplace!"

And, "This Tit for Tat Example of How Not to Conduct Foreign Policy," and Trade Negotiations," is "An Unconscionable Example of Ineptness in Diplomacy," and "Lack of Comprehension of The Damage Being Caused to The People of Both Sovereign Nations," and "The Lack of Responsibility of Both Presidents" to "Act as Global Leaders Should Act in the Twenty-First Century!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Third of September 2019 Institute for Supply Management's Manufacturing Index Showed" that "The Gauge of Factory Activity Declined to 49.1 in August from 51.2 in July!

And that, "Any Readings Below 50" are "An Indication that Manufacturing is in A State of Contraction!" And, "This Contraction" is, (1) "At Its Lowest Level" since "January of 2016," and, (2) "The First One since 2016!")-

"Tuesday's Institute for Supply Management's Manufacturing Index" is "A Highly Regarded and Watched Gauge of Manufacturing Activity," and "Take Note that U.S. Stocks and Government Bonds" also "Experienced A Decline Due to The Results of This Report!"

And, "When You Add in" Global Cross Media News Reports that, (1) "There is A Contraction in Factory Activity in Germany, Japan, South Korea, and The United Kingdom, and that "Reports of A Slowdown are Being Observed Globally," Plus, (2) "The Damage that "This Trade War of Hubris is Causing to Farmer's, and The Middle Class in The United States," and, (3) "The Deep Concern of Economic Pundits" (and The Fed) that "The U.S. is Headed for A Recession" "You Can Clearly Comprehend" that "President Trump and President Xi Jinping's Trade War" is "Not Succeeding in Restoring An Overall State of Global Equilibre and Confidence in Trade" and/or "In Monetary Issues!"

And, that "This Tit for Tat Approach in Raising Tariffs," is "Not Solving Anything," Just "Adding to The Frustrations Globally" and "Domestically in Both The United States of America and The People's Republic of China!"

And that, "There is Zero Degree's of Confidence in The Negotiations Between These Two Sovereign Nations," or "Their Leaders and Negotiators!" And, "Enough is Enough!

"Lawmakers in Both Nations Should have The Courage to Speak Out!" And, "There Should Be A Growing Outrage Amongst Public and Private Sectors," over "The Lack of Consideration Being Shown Towards The Overall Welfare and Lives of People," who are "Paying An Inordinate Price for This Trade War of Hubris" with "No End in Sight!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Thursday, The Fifth of September 2019, The People's Republic of China's Commerce Ministry Issued A Statement that "Liu He had Spoken with Robert Lighthizer," The Trade Representative of  The United States of America, "and Steven Mnuchin," The U.S. Secretary of Treasury, and "New Meetings on Trade were Agreed to Take Place in Washington D.C., in October 2019!"

GCMN Reports are "According to A Translation of The Statement, "Both sides agreed they should work together and take practical actions to create favorable conditions for the negotiations.")- 

"As Each New Political Moment" is "Empathized, Detailed, and Illuminated in The Floodlights of The Parallel Universes of Television and Radio News Interviews and Programs," and "The Headlines Published by The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights Featured in The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "The Social Media," and "In Town Hall Meetings," "Campaign Events," and "Nationwide Televised Debates that have Been Recorded for Posterity During This Election Season,"at Times, "Displaying Both Instances of Excellence and Inspiration," or "Ill-Timed Moments of Faux Pas' that "Would have Gladly Been Taken Back!"

Thursday, The Twelfth of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports Featured "The Third in A Series of Twelve Democratic Primary Debates Scheduled for The 2020 Presidential Election," for "An Earthwide Audience of The Global Sovereign Nations to See, Hear, and Reflect Upon," "Among Candidates who have Met The Qualifications Set Up by The Democratic National Committee," (DNC) by, (1) "Attaining A Minimum of Two Percent" in at Least "Four Approved Public Opinion Polls," and, (2) "Received Campaign Contributions from One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Unique Donors," "Providing Them with An Excellent Opportunity to Express Themselves on A Nationwide and Earthwide Stage," "Before Ten's of Millions of Americans," and "An Equal Amount of Viewers and Listeners from All over This Planet Earth, who also have "A Deeply Felt Interest in The Outcome of The 2020 Presidential Election!"

And, Once Again "The Curtain Rises" on "This Exciting Political Season Showcasing The Idea's, Policies, Demeanor, Comportment, Passion, Character, and Experience" of "These Ten Interdependent Democrats," via "The Social Media," "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universes!"

"This Challenging Evening of Debates by These Ten Candidates" who "Represent The Cognizant, Intelligent, and Compassionate Core Nucleus of The Democratic Party," who are "Campaigning For Their Party's Nomination" for "President of The United States of America," and "Represent The Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Political Vision of The Democratic Party," from "All Across The United States of America," is Hosted by "ABC News and Univision," On Stage at "Texas Southern University, in Houston, Texas!"

 "The Lineup of Democratic Candidates for Thursday Evening," The Twelfth of September, 2019 is;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania-
(2) Senator Cory Anthony Booker from New Jersey-
(3) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana-
(4) Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro-
(5) Senator Kamala Devi Harris from California-
(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota-
(7) Former U.S. House of Representative Beto O'Rourke from Texas-
(8) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont-
(9) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts-
(10) Entrepreneur/Philanthropist Andrew Yang from New York-

And, To Say that "The American People are Ready for A Change," "A Positive Change," that "Reflects The True Character," "Tenets," "Representation," "Principles," "Freedoms," "Values," "Traditions," and "Rights Of America," and "The Law of The Land," and "Justice" that America Stands for" "Would Be An Understatement!"

And, "Let Us Sincerely Comprehend" that "This Evening of Political Debates and Discourse, Will Be Noted" for "Each Candidates Ability to Establish and Communicate A New Horizon and Trust in American Politics," that "Both Uplifts and Empowers The Nation," and "Inspires The American People to Take A Quantum Leap in Their Lives," "Beyond The Scandals, Racism, Allegations of Government Corruption, Investigations, Calls for An Impeachment Inquiry by Members of The U.S. Congress, A Subculture of Gun-Related Violence, and Challenges to The Laws of U.S. Constitution!"

 And, Just as Importantly, "A New Horizon and Trust in American Politics," that "Establishes Support for The Judiciary," as "New Confrontations Emerge to Challenge The Truth," and "The Civil Liberties of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People!"
And, "The Choice of Whom Will Be The Nominee for The Democratic Party Lies In The Balance of These Twelve Debates in Total," "Town Hall Meetings," and "Political Campaigns Across America!"

"The 2020 Presidential Elections," is "An Opportunity for Each and Every American Citizen of Voting Age" to "Engage in, Sustain, Encourage, Maintain, Empower, Vote for and Perpetuate" "A New Political, Sociological, Cognizance, and Cultural Change in The United States," without "Foreign Interference," or "Cyber Crimes!"

-In Memoriam:
"The Deaths of Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Seven Innocent People," and "More than Six Thousand who were Injured," is "A Tragic Reminder of The Attacks that Took Place" at "The World Trade Center in New York City," "The U.S. Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia," and "When United Airlines Flight "93 Crashed into A Field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania!"

And, "This Tragic Total"  has "Continued to Grow to Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Six (at Last Estimate) with "The Deaths of of People" who were "Exposed to The Dust from The Site of The World Trade Center" (for Example) or "A Variety of Different Other Medical Conditions," that were "Inflamed by The Negative Conditions Related to The Attack!"

And, In All "Ninety Nations have Lost People in This Malevolent Attack," that "Occurred Upon American Soil!"

"The Memory of Which" "Will Be Engraved in The History of The United States of America," and "Within The Hearts, Minds, Souls, and Spirits of Every Family who Lost A Loved One" on "September 11,2001," and "Imprinted Clearly, Firmly, and Definitively Upon The Conscious Awareness of Every American Citizen," for "In Perpetuity," "Eternally and Forevermore In Our Hearts!"

And, "As We Take This Moment in Time to Remember The Women and Men who Died Eighteen Years Ago," Let Us also "Remember The Brave and Courageous First Responders and Emergency Personnel," The Firefighters, Police Officers, and Others, who "Risked Their Lives to Come to The Aid of Anyone who was In Need to Help," or "Whatsoever The Danger was,"  Who are "Now In Need of Our Support, Compassion, Funding, and Compensation for Their Healthcare, Welfare, and Survival!" 

"History has Pointed Out that America has Always Honored and Shown The Highest Recognition to Its Heroines and Heroes," and "Today is Our Turn to Show The Utmost Respect and High Esteem For All of The Women and Men who Died on The Eleventh of September, 2001," and "The Heroic Actions of Those who Risked Their Lives for Their Fellow Americans," and "The Lives of at Least, "Citizens of Ninety Other Sovereign Nations," of "The Earths Peace Loving Community of Friends and Allies!"

And, "These are The Values, Traditions, and Principles" that "The United States of America has Been Built Upon!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Saturday, The Fourteenth of September 2019, "The White House Released A Statement Confirming" that "Hamza bin Laden," The Son of Osama bin Laden, was "Killed in A Navy Seal Raid in July of 2019," in "The Pakistan/Afghanistan Region!"

"Hamza bin Laden was Expected to "Be The Heir to The Leadership of Al-Qaeda!"

"The White House Statement also Revealed" that "He was responsible for planning and dealing with various terrorist groups."

"Whatever The Effect Hamza bin Laden's Death Will have Upon Al-Qaeda Future Plans Will Be Answered in The Future" (Should They Continue to Engage in War, Instead of Diplomacy to Solve Their Complaints), However, "To The American People," and "The Families of  The Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Seven Innocent People," and "More than Six Thousand who were Injured," This is Welcomed News!"

And, "This News Release Just Coming after The Eighteenth Anniversary of 9/11," is "Very Satisfying to A Great Sovereign Nation," and "Its Coalition of Allies" who "Fought Side by Side with America in The War in Afghanistan Against The Taliban," (to "Prevent Them from "Providing A Safe Base of Operations for Al-Qaeda") and "Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda!"

And, "To Our Brave and Courageous Navy Seals and Counterterrorism Operations," We Congratulate You" and "Commend You," on "Your Unrelenting Service to The Nation," and "The American People," and "All that The United States of America Stands for and Symbolizes to The Earths Populace," and "The United Coalition of Peace Loving Sovereign Nations of The Earths Community!"

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons and Global Perspectives"- 
As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign Nation of The United States of America, "There is A Saying" that "It is Easy to Talk The Talk," However, "The American People," and "Especially The Youth Of American Need More than Talk," "They Need Action on The Part of The United States Senate," and "President Trump!"

"It is Past Due" for "The U.S. Senate to Work Hand in Hand with The United States House of Representatives," and "Pass New Legislature to Address The Gun-Related Crisis In The United States!"

"One Can only Wonder in Total Disbelief at The Lack of Sensitivity and Leadership of Republican Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr.," from Kentucky, and "The Republican Party in The U.S. Senate have," in Regards to "Passing Either The U.S. House of Representatives Two Gun Control Bills," or "Taking The High Road Themselves" and "Initiate Their Own Gun Control Legislation!"

"The Question" is, "What has The U.S. Senate and President Trump have to Fear" from "Passing An Extended Universal Background Check," and/or "A Ban on Assault 
And, "Why have They Lacked The Courage to Pass A Bill" to "Show that They Care about The Lives and Safety of Their Fellow American Citizens," whom "They have Sworn An Oath to Protect!"
This is "The Time for Conscientious and Compassionate Local,  State and Federal Leadership to Come Forward" and "Provide The Governance that The American People have Sought for Decades" and "Put An End to The Sub-Culture of Gun Related Violence or Violence of Any Kind in The United States of America!" 

And, "If These Elected Officials are Unable to Provide This Leadership, Vision, and Courage on Behalf of The American People," (Mothers, Fathers, and Children), "Then They Should Be Voted Out of Office!" Because, "Enough is Enough." 

There have Been Tragically, "The Loss of Too Many Innocent Lives in The United States of America" "Caused by Domestic Acts of Gun Related Violence," and "This Can No Longer Be Tolerated!" 

And, "A Clear and Concise Message Must Be Shared by Each and Every Family," and "In Our Places of Worship," and "In Our The Public and Private Sectors," that "We Must Respect The Lives of Each Other," "For The Sake of Our Present and Future Generations!"

There are "Too Many Lives that are at Stake," and "Too Many Lives have Been Lost Due to The Malicious Acts of Violence Upon An American Citizen" by "An American Citizen!" And, "This is Beyond Comprehension," and "Totally Unsupportable!" And, "Must Stop!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Third of September 2019, "Prime Minister Boris Johnson Lost Parliamentary Majority" after "The Defection of MP Phillip Lee for Bracknell, to The Liberal Democrats," in "The Suspension of Parliament Stand Off"  "Proposed by The Prime Minister!"

"Lawmakers Voted Three Hundred and Twenty- Eight to Three Hundred and One" to "Devote The Time and Patience Needed to Debate A Law" that "Would Ask The European Union (EU) to Delay  Brexit until The End of January 2020," "If An Agreement is Not Reached with The EU in October 2019!"

-(In Total Twenty-One Conservative Lawmakers Rebelled Against Prime Minister Johnson" and "His Conservative Party," Including "Nicholas Soames," The Grandson of Britain's World War II Leader and Former Prime Minister and Winston Churchill!")-

"Phillip Lee is A British Liberal Politician" who "Won His Seat as A Conservative in The 2010 General Election!" 

"This is "A Major Political Defeat for PM Johnson!" And, Just Maybe "A Powerful Statement of A True Democracy," "Victory For The People," and "A Vote on A New Brexit Referendum!" 

And, "A Diplomatic and Sociological Bridge to" and "Way Back To Being A Positive Member of The United Sovereign Coalition of Peace Loving Nations of The Earths Communities and Populace!")

Tuesday, The Third of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Prime Minister Johnson said," after The Vote Took Place, The people of this country will have to choose."
"The Question" is, "Will British Lawmakers Vote in Favor of An Election," on Wednesday, The Fourth of September 2019, "To Approve the Holding of An Election to Take Place!"

-(Wednesday, The Fifth of September 2019 Global Cross Media News Reports are British Members of Parliament Voted to Block Prime Minister Johnson's Call for A Quick Fix/Election by A Vote of Three Hundred and Twenty-Seven to Two Hundred and Ninety-Nine!"

"This Vote was In Favor of Asking The European Union" (EU) for "A Three Month Extension to The Brexit Deadline!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Sixth of September 2019 "The United Kingdom's House of Lords Approved Passed The Bill Requesting for "A Three Month Extension of The Brexit Deadline from The European Union" (EU) and "In Doing so Delayed The United Kingdom's Withdrawal from The European Union," (EU) "Designed to Block Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Attempt to Force A Withdrawal from The EU without a Divorce Agreement in Place" by "The Nineteenth of October, 2019!" And, "So The Brexit Story Continues!")-

However, "Now is The Time for The People of The United Kingdom to Voice Their Opinions about the 2016 Brexit Referendum," and, "The Call for A New Vote to Be Undertaken!

"After Two Prime Ministers," and "Three Years of Unsuccessful Attempts of Negotiations with The EU" and "Within The Political Sphere's of Influence and Government in The UK," It Should Be Obvious that "Brexit is Not Working" and "A New Course Should Be Undertaken and Navigated Through The Sphere's of Partisan Politics!"

"A Bold New Course of Action and Vision" that "Embraces The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of The People of The United Kingdom," and "Resumption of The UK's Participation and Leadership Role among The Global Sovereign Nations of The Earth!" 

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Semi-Autonomous Territory of Hong Kong in Southeastern, China, Wednesday, The Fourth of September 2019 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Hong Kong's Chief Executive Carrie Lam Announced in A Five Minute Televised Video Statement," that "Her Government Will Formally Withdraw The Controversial Extradition Bill," without "The Need of Debate or Vote" to, "fully allay public concerns."

However, "This Concession to The People of Hong Kong is One of Several Key Demands Made by The Protesters!" That "Include Demands" for, (1) "An independent inquiry into Police Behavior," (2) "Amnesty for those Arrested," and, (3) "Democratic Reforms to Give Hong Kong Residents Universal Suffrage." And, "Until These Demands have Been Resolved" "New Demonstrations Can Be Expected to Resume!"

"This is An Opportunity for Chief Executive Lam to Begin Anew," and "Establish a Positive Rapport with All The People," and "Business Community of Hong Kong!"

And, "Build A Bridge to A New Era of Interdependent Domestic and Global Equilibre," that "Supports Freedom, Justice, Economic Parity, Respect and Equality For The Present and Future Generations of The Millions of People of A Various Number of Different Nationalities" and "Their Families," who "Live on The Eastern Side of The Pearl River Estuary in Southern China," and "Including Relatives who Still Live in The People's Republic of China!"

-(Note that, "A Positive Statement for Chief Executive Lam to Make Would Be to Consider Releasing Edward Leung Tin-kei," as "A Gesture of Rapprochement and Detente with The Citizens of Hong Kong!" "Twenty- Eight Year Old Edward Leung," Former Spokesman of Hong Kong Indigenous (a local group) was "Barred from Campaigning in The 2016 Hong Kong Legislative Council Election," and was "Placed in Prison For More than A Year," for "Participating in The 2016 Mong Kok Civil unrest!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Mr. Leung is said to "Believe in The Right of Self Determination for The Hong Kong People," and is also Known to have Created The Slogan, "Retake Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times!")-

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Saturday, The Fourteenth of September 2019, "Pro Democracy/Anti-Hong Kong Government and Pro Government/Pro Beijing Protesters" have "Clashed at The Kowloon Bay Shopping Mall in Hong Kong," and "This is An Unfortunate Occurrence to Take Place" as "The Two Sides Voice Their Opinions!"

"Many of The Hong Kong Pro Democracy Protesters are Dressed" in "Helmets, Masks, and Goggles to "Protect Them from The Use of Pepper Spray by The Police," as well as to "Hide Their Identities Out of Concern of Hong Kong's Growing Surveillance State," that has "Seen The Continued Implementation of Cameras Throughout The City," and have "Vowed to Continue Their Protests" until "The Hong Kong Government and Chief Executive Carrie Lam Respond to Their Key Demands!"

Take Note that "More than Thirteen Hundred Protesters" have "Been Arrested!"

However, "It is of The Utmost Importance For The Leaders of The Pro Democracy Movement" to "Counsel Non-Violence" as "They Continue to Mount A Great Soul Force of Protestations in Pursuit of Their Pro Democracy Goals," that also Include The High Price of Living Costs, and Lack of Employment Opportunities!)- 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Fifth of September 2019 is "A Day that Will Be Remembered in America Politics," and "The History of The Republican Party," as "The Day When New Cracks of Significance Continued to Emerge in The GOP,"  "Cracks and Fissures" that "Gave Forecast to The Coming Tide" of "A New Era of Governance in The United States of America," "As Two More Republican Members of The United States House of Representatives Declared" that "They Would Not Be Running for Re-Election in The 2020 Elections," "Bringing The Total Number of House Republicans who Will Be Retiring Before The 2020 Elections to Fifteen!"

-(Note that, in 2018 "Thirty-Four Republicans Did Not Seek Re-Election in The Election Cycle," Which was "The Largest Number of Retirements since 1930!")-

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Questions" that Remain are, (1) "Is The Retirement of Fifteen House Republicans Before The 2020 Elections a Direct Result of The Trump Administrations Domestic and Foreign Policies as A Whole," (2) "The Presidents Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy," (3) "His Stand on Environmental and Ecological Policies, (4) "The Trade War of Hubris Between President Trump and President Xi Jinping," (5) "The Tax Reform Bill" that "Did Not Improve The Quality of Life" for "The Poor and Transient Population of Americans," or "The Middle Class," "The Working Class," "College Students," "Farmers," and "Single Parents." 

And, "The Final Question" of "Whether The Declining Approval Ratings of President Trump Will Result in," (1) "Whether or Not The President Will Pay The Ultimate Price for The Divisions that have Taken Place in The United States," that "Only He Can Take Responsibility for In The 2020 Presidential Elections," or Before that "As A Result of An Impeachment Inquiry!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
"Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres The Ninth United Nations Secretary-General" has "Called Upon The Global Leaders of All Sovereign Nations to Come to New York City" to "Attend the United Nations Climate Action Summit 2019,on The Twenty-Third of September 2019, and "The COP25 Climate Change Conference," in Santiago, Chili, "Between The Second through The Thirteenth of December 2019 to "Discuss New Strategies for The Reduction of Greenhouse Emissions by Forty-Five Percent" over The Next Decade, and to "Net Zero Emissions by 2050!"

"This is An Opportune Time Period" for "Conservators and Protectors of The Earths Sea's, Lands, Skies, Atmosphere, Air," to "Come Together in A Grand Synergy of Purpose and Cosmos Mindset," and "Discuss New Earthwise Visions" of "Not only How to Reduce Greenhouse Emissions by Forty-Five Percent" over The Next Decade, and to "Net Zero Emissions by 2050," But also "How to Care for, Protect, and Nourish The Ecological, and Environmental Systems of Our Planet Earth," and "The Grand Universe of Sentient Beings and Life Forms," and "Unlimited Celestial Bodies!"

And, "Let Us Rise Above The Clouds of Obstruction and Lack of Awareness on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace" To "All Corners of The Earth" and "Share The Passion, Determination, Dedication, Commitment, and Belief in Our The Calling!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are a "Global Climate Strike" Will Occur from The Twentieth Through The Twenty-Seventh of September 2019, with "Millions of Young People from All over This Earth of Ours Making Their Voices Heard," and "Standing as One Heart, Body, Spirit, Mind, Intellect and Soul for Their Beliefs," and "As Conservators and Protectors of The Earths Grand Universe of Sentient Beings," and "The Earths Lands, Sea's, Skies, Air, and Atmosphere that Graces Our Lives!" For "They are The Hope of The Present and The Future!" 

And, "As The Wheel of Life Evolves," "This Young Global Generation Fully Recognizes" that "The Time has Come for Their Generation to Speak Out as Activists and Advocates of Climate Change!" 
And, "They are Doing It without Procrastination, or Hesitation," For Their Time has Come!")-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "As An Ocean of Emotions Rise Up to Meet The Sky in All Its Intensity," "Almost Blocking Out The Sun by Day," and "The Moon by Night," So has "A Grand Eclipse of Expressions and Feelings Erupted" from "The Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit of Its Core Sentiment and Belief" that "Unequivocally," "The Time has Come for An Impartial Official Impeachment Inquiry to Begin!"

And, "So has The Voices of Tens of Millions of Americans Called Out to The United States Congress" to "Begin An Impeachment Inquiry of President Trump to Learn The Absolute Truth," of Whatever His Involvement was "Involving Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Elections!"

And, "The Grand Spirit of The Law of The Land," as "Personified by Lady Justice" and "The United States Constitution" "Calls for It!"
And, "The Grand Heart and Soul of The Nation," as "Symbolized by The Lady in The Harbor," who has "Welcomed Tens of Millions, If Not Hundreds of Millions of People" from "All Over The Earth," "Calls for It!"

And, "Clearly It is Overdue for The United States Congress to, 
(1) Gather Up All The Counter- Intelligence Information on The Russian Investigation from The Federal Bureau of Investigation" (FBI),  "Pertaining to President Trump and His 2016 Campaign Team," and, 
(2) "Combine It with All of The Investigatory Information and Conclusions in Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Report," and, 
(3) Robert Mueller's Testimony Before The House Judiciary and House Intelligence Committee's, and, 
(4) Robert Mueller's Public Statement, and, 
(5) "The Results of The Emolument Lawsuit of One Hundred and Ninety-Six Democratic Members of The U.S. Congress," and, 
(6) "Any Other Pertinent Information Gathered by House, Senate, Intelligence Committee's and Agencies," and Take A Bold Step Forward," "A Bipartisan, Impartial, Bold and Courageous Step Forward Towards The Truth!"

"An Impeachment Inquiry" is "Important for The Youth of The Nation to See" that "No One is Above The Law!"

And, "An Impeachment Inquiry" is of "The Greatest Importance," to "All The Citizens of The United States of America," to "Clearly Demonstrate" that "No One is Above The Law!"

And that, "The Traditions," "The Values," "The Tenets and Principles," and "The Law of The Land" is "Sacred" and "Not to Be Desecrated," "Nor is It to Be Violated by Any Foreign Entity," "Person or Persons!"

And, "Just as Importantly," "An Impeachment Inquiry Reestablishes What The Founders Envisioned The United States of America to Be," and that "No One is Above The Law!"

And, "At Last" that "Call has Been Heard" and "Fully Acknowledged!" Note that, Thursday, The Twelfth of September 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The House Judiciary Committee Approved A Resolution by A Vote of Twenty-Four to Seventeen," that "Sets Procedures and Rules for Future Impeachment Investigation Hearings on President Donald Trump." 

This is,  The Way to Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Justice, Equality, Economic Parity, Social Security, Global Equilibre, Joie de Vivre, and Peace on Earth!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Natural Disaster, Such as; The Fifty Family Members who Died Because of The Devastation and Destruction Caused by Hurricane Dorian (at Last Report on Wednesday, The Twelfth of September, 2019, and The Two Thousand Five Hundred People who have Been Reported as Missing),  We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!