Tuesday, September 3, 2019



The Way To Peace! #348

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign Nation of The United States of America, One Can only Wonder at The Parallel Universes of Politics," and "Campaign Politics," and "What is The Logic" "Behind President Trump's Attacks Upon The American Jewish Population," who "Voted Democrat in The 2016 Presidential Election," and, 
(2) "What is The Logic" "Behind The Refusal to Permit Two American Congresswomen (Reps. Omar and Tlaib) from "Entering The Sovereign State of Israel by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu," and then, 
(3) "There is The Forty-Fifth G7 Summit," from The Twenty-Fourth to The Twenty-Sixth of August 2019, in Biarritz, France, and, "What is The Logic" "Behind President Trump's Statement" to "Reinstate Russia Back into The G7 Conference in 2020," A Nation who Interfered in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election and Continues to Do so," "Undermining American Values, Principles, Democracy, and In Violation of The Laws of The U.S. Constitution," and "President Macron's Risk Taking Decision to Invite and Meet with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif," who has Been Sanctioned Against by The U.S.." and "The Difference of Opinion Between The United States and The G7 Leaders," over "How To Navigate The Wide Ocean of Differences Between The Republic of China and The United States In Their Trade War Dispute of Hubris," and then, of Course,
(4) "There is The Ongoing Trade War of Hubris between President Donald J. Trump of The United States of America and President Xi Jinping of The People's Republic of China," that "Is Negatively Affecting The Growth of Global Economies and The Global Markets,"  and, "What New Cognizant Logic is There," to "The Recent Threat by President Trump to Block American Businesses from Doing Business with China," by "Invoking The Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977," "As If This New Threat Will Actually Force China to Agree with The U.S. over Trade and Monetary Policies," and then, 
(5) "There is The Italian Government Crisis," that has "Revealed The Vulnerabilities of Governance," "Financial Frailty," and "Increased Political State of Amorphous," by The Nationalist-Populist Coalition," and, 
(6) "The Less than Noteworthy News of President Trump's Interest in Purchasing Greenland from The Sovereign Nation of Denmark," to, 
(7) "The Growing Concerns of A Potential Recession in The United States," As "Estimates of The Federal Budget Deficit Approaches An Unimaginable $Nine Hundred and Sixty Billion Dollars by The Thirtieth of September," "Which is The End of The 2019 Fiscal Year!" "President Trump and The Republican Party Now have The Unenvied Distinction and Reputation" for "Being The Big Spenders of The U.S. Federal Government," "Something The Republican Party has Always Accused The Democrats of Being," and, 
(8) "A New Environmental Pact between The State of California and Four Automakers (BMW, Ford, Honda, and Volkswagen)" has Been Agreed to, "In Opposition of President Trump and His Administrations Attempts to Roll Back Auto Emissions from President Obama's Environmental Initiatives," and then Add to that, 
(9) "The Early Polls that Show President Trump Losing to Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden by Double Digits," and, 
(10 "The Sovereign Republic of India's Military Action to Annex Jammu and Kashmir," (has "Prime Minister Narendra Modi and His Bharatiya Janata Party Forgotten The Mahatma's Path of Non-Violence, Satyagraha, and Self Rule"), and then, 
(11) "There's Still The Unresolved Crisis in The Sovereign Nation of Venezuela between President Nicolas Maduro and Opposition Leader Juan Guaido" that "Needs A Positive Solution," One that "Unites The Nation," and "Builds A Positive Bridge of Peace and Prosperity to The Future," and then, 
(12) "There is The Continued Undocumented Immigration and Migrant Violations," and "Unethical Conduct" by The Trump Administrations Zero Tolerance Policy," in "A Vain and Self Centered Attempt" to "Manage and Provide A Just Immigration Policy for Families who are Seeking Safe Haven" and "A Just Legal Status in The U.S.," and, 
(13) "The Absolute Need for Additional Gun Control Measures to Be Implemented," and "Universal Background Checks," and, 
(14)"An End of Poverty and Homelessness in The United States," 

All of Which Brings Us in "A Fourth Estate" and "Global Cross Media News Cycle of Three Hundred and Sixty Degrees," to "These Questions," Which are, In This Year 2019, (1) "Why is The City of Newark without Safe Drinking Water," and, (2) "Why aren't The Water Filter's Working Properly to Resolve This Lead Contamination," and, (3) "Why hasn't Mayor Ras Baraka of Newark, Governor Philip Dunton Murphy of New Jersey, and Senators Corey Anthony Booker, and Robert Menendez," "Used Their Political Influence to Resolve this Issue," that has "Personally Affected The Lives of Countless Numbers of Families," Including "All The Residents Living in Newark," and, (4) "Why hasn't It Received A Very High Level of Prioritization," and "Immediately Resolved!"

As This New Age of High Technology, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and The Modernization of The Twenty-First Century Continues to Integrate Itself" and "Becoming a Part of Our Work Force," and  "Performing Services in The Automobile, Steel, Trade, Transit, Travel, Trade, Internet/Social Media, Education, Science, Health, Space, Biology, and Entertainment Industries," Although "One Can Almost Certain Envision This New Age Leaving Nothing Untouched," Let Us Not Forget "The Women and Men of The Labor Movement and Trade Unions," who "Sacrificed, Demonstrated, Protested and Dedicated Themselves to Improving The Work Condition," "Laws," "Wages," and "Benefits" that "We Now Enjoy!"

And, "Let Us Remember" that "The Future Parity of The Global Economy Will Depend Upon The Vision of Cognizant Global Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations," and "Women and Men of The Both The Private and Public Sectors,"  to "Provide The Intellectual, Empirical, Passionate, and Knowledgeable Guidance, and Motivation" to "Empower The Global Emergence of A New Era of Labor, Employment, Trade Unions Of The People, By The People, and For All The People," and "Universal Industries," that "Include The Entire Earths Populace," and "Its Societies!" 

"This Cognitive and Sociological Global Leadership is of The Utmost Importance," Because, "No One Should Feel Left Out of This New Era of Prosperity and Ingenuity," It Is of The Greatest Importance that It Should Be All Inclusive!"  So that "Our Families Can and Will Enjoy The Social Security, Healthcare Benefits, and Employment that Lies Ahead of Us," that "The Prosperity that The Future Holds for Us!"

So, "This Labor Day Holiday," Let Us Give Thanks to Those who've Committed Themselves to The Welfare of Their Fellow Worker," and "A Present and Future of New Work Coalitions, Increased Wages, Higher Levels of Productivity, Full Benefits, and A Retirement that Enriches Our Lives," and "Gives Birth to A Universality of The Spirit," and "A Grand Reality of Earthrise Accomplishments," "Noble Idea's," and "Enlightened Initiatives, Insights," and "Perspectives," that "Broaden Our Global Labor Prospects For The Present and Future!" 

And, "Let Us Take The Time to Celebrate and Share The Significance of The Grand History of The Evolution of Labor Movements," and "Trade Unions with Our Youth," who are "To Be The Beneficiaries, Innovators, Developers, Ground Breakers and Universal Pathfinders, and Creators, Of New Industries," and A Universal Work Force!"

"A Global Generation of Youth" who are "To Be The Educators, Compassionate, Universally Conscious Aware Conservators, and Protectors of The Earths Seas, Lands, Skies, and Atmosphere of Our Home Planet Earth," and "The Ecological and Environmental Systems of Sentient Life Forms," and "Celestial Bodies of The Grand Universe," and "The Unlimited Conscious Awareness of The Grand Cosmos of Universal Thought!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As New Polling Continues to Reveal New Ripples, Eddies, Currents, and Changes" in "The Political Landscape of Democratic Candidates for Their Party's Nomination," and "President Trump's Approval Rating," Global Cross Media News Reports have Shown that "President Trump has Undergone A Surprising Decline in The Polls even in States that He Won in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election!"

"Six Polls," and "As Many as Six Thousand Interviews" have Revealed that, (1) "CNN/SSRS" has "Shown a Decrease of Three Percent in The Presidents Approval Rating,"
(2) "Fox News" has "Shown a Decrease of Three Percent in The Presidents Approval Rating,"
(3) "Gallup Poll" has "Shown a Decrease of Three Percent from Late July in The Presidents Approval Rating," 
(4) "NBC News/Wall Street Journal" has "Shown a Decrease of Two Percent in The Presidents Approval Rating," 
(5) "Monmouth University" has "Shown a Decrease of One Percent in The Presidents Approval Rating,"
(6) "AP-NORC" has "Shown a Decrease of Two Percent in The Presidents Approval Rating!"

"The Question" is "Do These Six Polls," of "Which There is A Loss in President Trump's Approval Rating Signify" that "New Cracks have Begun to Emerge in The Walls of The Trump Administration and The West Wing!"

-(Note that, On The Fifteenth of April 2019 "Former Governor of Massachusetts William Floyd (Bill) Weld, 74, Announced that He was Officially Running Against President Trump," and On The Twenty-Fifth of August 2019, "Former U.S. Representative William Joseph (Joe) Walsh 57, Announced that He was Officially Running Against President Trump 73!")-

-Global Cross Media News- En Bref-
"One Can only Wonder in Total Disbelief at The Lack of Insensitivity and Leadership of Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," from Kentucky, and "The Republican Party in The U.S. Senate," in Regards to "Passing Either The U.S. House of Representatives Two Gun Control Bills," or "Taking The High Road Themselves" and "Initiate Their Own Gun Control Legislation!"

"An Extended Universal Background Check," and/or "A Ban on Assault Rifles," But "Do Something to Show that They Care about The Lives and Safety of Their Fellow American Citizens" whom "They have Sworn An Oath to Protect!"

"The Recent Deaths of As Many as Seven Innocent American People" on Saturday, The Thirty-First of August, 2019, in The Cities of Midland and Odessa Texas, and "The Wounding of Twenty-Two More," "Should Be A Further Incentive For The Republican Party to Act," and "Demonstrate The Courage and Vision Needed to Represent We The People!"

And, "There is "No Honor, Logic, or Sense for Any American" to "Kill Their Fellow American," "There is only Shame and Disgrace!" 

And, This is "The Time for Conscientious and Compassionate Local, State and Federal Leadership to Come Forward" and "Provide The Governance that The American People have Sought for Decades" and "Put An End to The Sub-Culture of Gun Related Violence or Violence of Any Kind in The United States of America!"

And, "If These Elected Officials are Unable to Provide This Leadership, Vision, and Courage on Behalf of The American People," (Mothers, Fathers, and Children), "Then They Should Be Voted Out of Office!" Because, "Enough is Enough." 

There have Been Tragically, "The Loss of Too Many Innocent Lives in The United States of America by Domestic Acts of Gun Related Violence," and "This Can No Longer Be Tolerated!" 

And, "A Clear and Concise Message Must Be Shared by Each and Every Family," and "In Our Places of Worship," and "In Our The Public and Private Sectors," that "We Must Respect The Lives of Each Other," "For The Sake of Our Present and Future Generations!" There are "Too Many Lives that are at Stake!"

-(Note that, "The Coward was Killed by Police Officers in Odessa!")-

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Communities, and Cities who have Lost A Loved One Due to This Malicious Act of Violence! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Loved Ones with You, In This Tragic Time Period of Grief!   

-Global Cross Media News- En Bref-
"After Undertaking A Fifteen Day Voyage Across The Atlantic Ocean" from Plymouth, United Kingdom to New York in A Sixty Foot Yacht, "Powered by Its Own Electricity with Solar Panels and Underwater Turbines, "Sixteen Year Old Environmentalist and Earth Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Arrived in The United States," to "Attend the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York," on The Twenty-Third of September 2019, and "The COP25 Climate Change Conference," in Santiago, Chili, "Between The Second through The Thirteenth of December 2019!"

-Global Cross Media News En Bref-
Friday, The Twenty-Third of August 2019 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Eighty-Six Year Old Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Completed a Three Week Course of Stereotactic Ablative Radiation Therapy for A Treatment for A Malignant Tumor in Her Pancreas" at Sloan Kettering in New York City, that "Began on Monday, The Fifth of August!"

And, "A Supreme Court Announcement Stated" that "The Justice tolerated treatment well," and "No further treatment is needed at this time."

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are "This is Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Fourth Bout with Cancer!")-

-Global Cross Media News En Bref-
"The Trade War of Hubris" Between President Donald J. Trump of The United States of America and President Xi Jinping of The Republic of China, "Continues" to have "A Negative Effect on Global Economics," and "The Global Marketplace!"

And, "This Tit for Tat Example of How Not to Conduct Foreign Policy," and Trade Negotiations," is "An Unconscionable Example of Ineptness in Diplomacy," and "Lack of Comprehension of The Damage Being Caused to The People of Both Sovereign Nations," and "The Lack of Responsibility of Both Presidents" to "Act as Global Leaders Should in the Twenty-First Century!"

-Global Cross Media News En Bref-
Friday, The Thirtieth of August 2019,
Global Cross Media Reports are New Tensions have Developed Along The Border Between The Sovereign Nation of Georgia and The Russian Backed Region of South Ossetia!"

"The Dispute" and "Military Build Up Taking Place Near The Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) of South Ossetia," is "Over A Demand by South Osettia" that "Georgia Dismantles a Wooden Observation Post by The Thirtieth of August, 2019, which was "Not Complied with by Georgia!"

"Clearly This is Time for Dialogue and Restraint on All Parties Involved, who have Even The Slightest Interest in This Volatile Dispute and Potential Military Action," Including "South Ossetia, Georgia, The Russian Federation, NATO, The European Union, and The United States of America!" 

"Any Suggestion of Occupation of The Sovereign Nation of Georgia," ("As Crimea Experienced!") by "South Ossetia," or "Military Forces of The Russian Federation Should Be Immediately Averted," and "Prevented from Occurring!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Twelfth of September 2019, "The Third in A Series of Twelve Democratic Primary Debates Scheduled for The 2020 Presidential Election" Among Candidates who have "Met The Qualifications Set Up by The Democratic National Committee," (DNC) by, (1) "Attaining A Minimum of Two Percent" in at Least "Four Approved Public Opinion Polls," and, (2) "Received Campaign Contributions from One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Unique Donors," have "An Opportunity to Express Themselves on A Nationwide Stage," "Before Millions of Americans!" 
And, Once Again "The Curtain Rises" on "This Exciting Political Season Showcasing The Idea's, Policies, Demeanor, Comportment, Passion, Character, and Experience" of "These Ten Interdependent Democrats," via "The Social Media," "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universes!"

"This Challenging Evening of Debates by These Ten Candidates" who "Represent The Cognizant, Intelligent, and Compassionate Core Nucleus of The Democratic Party," who are "Campaigning For Their Party's Nomination" for "President of The United States of America," and "Represent The Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Political Vision of The Democratic Party," from "All Across The United States of America," Will Be Hosted by "ABC News and Univision," On Stage at "Texas Southern University, in Houston, Texas!"

"The Lineup of Democratic Candidates for Thursday Evening," The Twelfth of September, 2019 Will Be;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania
(2) Senator Cory Anthony Booker from New Jersey
(3) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana
(4) Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro
(5) Senator Kamala Devi Harris from California
(6) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota
(7) Former U.S. House of Representative Beto O'Rourke from Texas
(8) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont
(9) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts
(10) Entrepreneur/Philanthropist Andrew Yang from New York

And, To Say that "The American People are Ready for A Change," "A Positive Change," that "Reflects The True Character," "Tenets," "Representation," "Principles," "Freedoms," "Values," "Traditions," and "Rights Of America," and "The Law of The Land," and "Justice" that America Stands for" "Would Be An Understatement!"

And, "Let Us Sincerely Comprehend" that "This Evening of Political Debates and Discourse, Will Be Noted" for "Each Candidates Ability to Establish and Communicate A New Horizon and Trust in American Politics," that "Both Uplifts and Empowers The Nation," and "Inspires The American People to Take A Quantum Leap in Their Lives," "Beyond The Scandals, Racism, Allegations of Government Corruption, Investigations, Calls for An Impeachment Inquiry by Members of The U.S. Congress, A Subculture of Gun-Related Violence, and Challenges to The Laws of U.S. Constitution!" 

And, Just as Importantly, "A New Horizon and Trust in American Politics," that "Establishes Support for The Judiciary," as "New Confrontations Emerge to Challenge The Truth," and "The Civil Liberties of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People!"

And, "The Choice of Whom Will Be The Nominee for The Democratic Party Lies In The Balance of These Twelve Debates in Total," "Town Hall Meetings," and "Political Campaigns Across America!" 

And, "The 2020 Presidential Elections," is "An Opportunity for Each and Every American Citizen of Voting Age" to "Engage in, Sustain, Encourage, Maintain, Empower, Vote for and Perpetuate" "A New Political, Sociological, Cognizance, and Cultural Change in The United States," without "Foreign Interference," or "Cyber Crimes!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies of The United Kingdom, "The Question" that "Political Pundits," "Members of Parliament," and "The British People" are "Beginning to Seriously Ponder" is "To What Political Extreme," Maneuver," or "Strategic Procedure, or Unorthodox Stratagem," Prime Minister Boris Johnson is "Willing to Undertake to Advance Brexit!"

And, "The P.M. has until The Thirty- First of October 2019," Which is "The Brexit Deadline," to "Reach This Fait Accompli!

So, "What is Prime Minister Johnson First Move," Wednesday, The Twenty-Eighth of August 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Prime Minister Johnson Asked Queen Elizabeth II" to "Prorogue or Suspend Parliament in September," "No Earlier than Monday, The Ninth of September or "No Later than Thursday, The Twelfth of September," and "Reconvene It on The Fourteenth of October 2019," to "Coincide with Queen Elizabeth's Traditional Speech to The Government!" To Which, "Queen Elizabeth II Gave Her Approval," Which was "Considered A Formality!"

Though, "The Question" is "This a completely proper constitutional procedure," as "Jacob Rees-Mogg, Leader of The House has said!" 

-(Note that, "Parliament had Planned to Take a three Week Break," after "The First Two Weeks of September," and then "Reconvene on The Ninth of October 2019!" 
"This Three Week Break was Planned in Order to Attend Annual Political Party Conferences!")-

However, "This Request by The PM" "Severely Shortens The Amount of Time for Lawmakers to Address Brexit!"

And, "Now The Questions Abound in Plethora!" Such as; (1) Is This The Best Approach to Include and Empower The People of The United Kingdom" and "In Doing so, "Reach A Bold New Brexit Resolution," and, (2) "In Actuality To Whose Benefit Does This Suspension Most Benefit!" And, "Can The Members of Parliament (MPs) Prevent It from Occurring!"

"The Riveting Questions" Still Remain, such as, (1) "Does PM Johnson's Suspension of Parliament Unite The UK Behind A New Course of Prosperity!" 
(2) Or "Does It Unite The Government Behind A Cohesive, Unified, and Cognizant Strategy to Resolve Brexit!" 
(3) Or, "Does It Bring The UK Any Closer to An Accord with The European Union!" 
And, (4) "Is This How A True Democracy Works!"

Or, (5) "Is This Simply A Political Tactic" by The Prime Minister to "Resolve An Important Issue," that "He has No Answer for!" Nor, "Does He Care to Provide A Cognizant, Bold New Resolution of!" 
And, (6) "The Final Question" is, "Is This A Crass Way to Implement" His "Do or Die" Position on "Brexit!"

-(Note that, "This Suspension is The Longest Suspension of The British Legislature to Take Place since 1945!")-

Wednesday, The Twenty-Eighth of August 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Prime Minister Johnson Denied Using This Suspension to Prevent Parliament from Limiting his Plans for Brexit" in A Televised Interview, saying, "That is completely untrue. If you look at what we're doing, we're bringing forward a new legislative program."

At A Time, "When The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations are In Need of Positive Examples of Leadership," and "An All Inclusive Political, Economical, Sociological, and Universal Vision and Policies," that "Empower The Earths Populace," and "Provides for Their Social Security," This is "Clearly Not The Time for Any Divisiveness in Purposeful Programs Directed Towards Attaining Peace of Mind," and "Economic Parity For All The People!" 

Nor "Is It of Any Substantial Value" to "Negatively Circumvent The Issues that are of True Value" to "Empower The Diverse Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric of The Earths Communities," and that "Create An Advantageous and Favorable Economic and Sociological Solution for Global Parity, and Equality!"  

And, "The Time to Act is Now for The Earths Populace," and "Global Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations," who "Believe in Peace and Respect for Their Fellow Being," To "Come Forth" and "Become Bridgemakers, Peacemakers, Conservators, Protectors," and "Diplomats of A Positive Non-Violent Change of Perception, Inception, and Global Equilibre to Take Place," and "Spread The Good News of These Positive Initiatives on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace and Harmony," "Wherever The Earths Horizons May Extend to," and "Even Beyond This to The Grand Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe of Sentient and Celestial Beings!" For, The Future is Here and Now!" 

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Third of September 2019, "Prime Minister Boris Johnson Lost Parliamentary Majority" after "The Defection of MP Phillip Lee for Bracknell, to The Liberal Democrats," in "The Suspension of Parliament Stand Off"  "Proposed by The Prime Minister!"

"Phillip Lee is A British Liberal Politician" who "Won His Seat as A Conservative in The 2010 General Election!" 

"This is "A Major Political Defeat for PM Johnson!" And, Just Maybe "A Powerful Statement of A True Democracy," "Victory For The People," and "A Vote on A New Brexit Referendum!" 
And, "A Diplomatic and Sociological Bridge to" and "Way Back To Being A Positive Member of The United Sovereign Coalition of Peace Loving Nations of The Earths Communities and Populace!")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Twenty-First of August 2019, "President Trump Signed An Executive Order" to "Make It Less Complicated to Eliminate Student Loan Debt for Our Military Veterans" who are "Permanently and Totally Disabled!"

"This is A Commendable Act by The President!"

-(Note that, "The Current Student Loan Discharge Program for Disabled Veterans is "Total and Permanent Disability Discharge" (TPD)-  

"Our Disabled Veterans," and "Veterans of Past and Current Wars and Military Conflicts (and Their Families) Deserve The Very Best of Considerations" for "Serving The Needs of The Nation," and "Fighting to Protect The Rights and Principles of The Earths Populace Irregardless of Nationality, Gender, Creed, Tribe, Color, Age, Special Needs," and "Wherever and Whenever The Freedom of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People of Our Home Planet Earth is Being Threatened" by "Tyrants and Dictators," and "Syndicates of Criminals, Rapists, Terrorists, Kidnappers, and Cyber Criminals May Be!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Twenty-Fifth of August 2019- Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Retired Four Star General James Norman Mattis Made News Headlines in The Fourth Estate," and "breaking News Spotlights in The Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Influence," in "His New Book " "Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead" Published in The Wall Street Journal," and "Made Available on The Third of September!"

 Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Mattis Wrote in His New Book "I did as well as I could for as long as I could." And, also He also Wrote, "A Polemicist's role is not sufficient for a leader." 

And, "As We Reflect Upon His Resignation Letter, "In A Global Cross Media News Flash Back" Former United States Marine Corps General James Norman Mattis said, "One core belief I have always held is that our strength as a nation is inextricably linked to the strength of our unique and comprehensive system of alliances and partnerships. While the U.S. remains the indispensable nation in the free world, we can not protect our interests or serve that role effectively without maintaining strong alliances and showing respect to those allies."

And, He also Wrote; "I have said from the beginning that the armed forces of the United States should not be the policeman of the world. Instead, we must use all tools of American power to provide for the common defense, including providing effective leadership to our alliances. NATO's 29 Democracies provided that strength in their commitment to fighting alongside us following the 9-11 attack on America. The Defeat-ISIS coalition of 74 nations is further proof."

Similarly, I believe we must be resolute unambiguous in our approach to those countries whose strategic interests are increasingly in tension with ours. It is clear that China and Russia, for example, want to shape a world consistent with their authoritarian model- gaining veto authority over other nations' economic, diplomatic, security decisions-to promote their own interests at the expense of their neighbors, America, and our allies. That is why we must use all the tools of American power to provide for the common defense.
And, "To Complete This Global Cross Media News Flash Back" Secretary of Defense Mattis also said in His Resignation Letter, "My views on treating allies with respect and also being clear-eyed about about both malign actors and strategic competitors are strongly held and informed by over four decades of immersion in these issues. We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity, and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our alliances.
"These are Wise Words to Reflect Upon in These Changing Times," and "As New Alignments of Allies and Adversaries Continue to Astonish and Amaze Political and Historian Pundits in This," "The Year 2019!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As People All over The Earth are Being Displaced Due to War and Conflict," and "Government Corruption and Threats Upon The Lives of Their Families," and "Out of Desperation People from All over The Earth are Seeking Refuge," President Trump and His Administration have "Offered A Solution to Aid Those who are Desperate and Undergoing Life Saving Healthcare in The United States," While Waiting to have Their Legal Status Determined, "Deport Them!"

"Let Us Comprehend The Significance of This!" If You are A Migrant Child, For Example, "Undergoing Life Saving Healthcare, Suffering with Cancer," "You Can Be Deported!"

"Previously The U.S. has Allowed The Family Member's of As Many as One Thousand Immigrant Families Living in The United States," to "Stay and Receive Lifesaving Medical Healthcare" that "Is Not Available in Their Home Countries," without "The Threat of Being Deported!"

However, Global Cross Media News Reports are "This Policy has Been Rescinded by The Trump Administration," and "Is Being Retroactively Applied to "Any Requests Filed on or Before The Seventh of August, 2019," and "Families who had Been Given Permission to Stay to Receive This Lifesaving Medical Healthcare" are "Being Told They have to Leave in Thirty-Three Days!"

We were All Brought Up to Take Pride in The Sonnet" that "Rests on The Lady in The Harbor," "The Statue of Liberty" by Poet Emma Lazarus; "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

"It is Obvious" that "The Trump Administration's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy," was "Not Created with This Sonnet and All of Its Universal Significance," "in Mind!" (UIGA-TWTP! #347)-

And, "Let Us Agree" that "It is Time for Americans of Whatever Category You May Fit in," or "Whatever Gender You May Be," or "Whatever Age You May Be," or "Whatever Nationality, Tribe, Color, or Special Needs You May Fit into," To "Speak Out, or Shout It Out," or "Non-Violently Demonstrate, March," or "Speak Softly in Polling Booths" "When You Cast Your Votes for Our Values, and Traditions!" 

And, "Speak Out in Town Hall Meetings," "Email, Text, and Call Your Elected Officials," that "We The People Expect Them to Represent Us," and "Respect of The Laws of The U.S. Constitution," and "All The Just and Fair Laws of The Land," and "Our Democracy," and "Republic," and "Our Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" Because Enough is Enough!"

And, "We Must Protect and Savor All The Grand Qualities of This Grand Experiment," and "Sovereign Nation," "The United States of America," "For The Sake of The Youth of The Nation," and "Future Generations to Come!" "Ladies and Gentlemen" and "Children of All Ages The Time has Come!" 

And, "Whether It Be" by "An Impeachment Inquiry," "Congressional or State Investigations," or "The Primaries," and/or "The 2020 Presidential Election," "The Truth Must Be Ascertained," and "Compassion For Our Fellow Human Being," Our Ecological and Environmental Systems," and "Respect For The Lives of All Sentient Beings," and "Our Home Planet Earth," and "The Grand Universe," "Must Be Re-Prioritized," and "Re-Established as Being The Core Essential" of "Our Cognizant and Spiritual Awareness and Interdependent Universal Spirit!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "It is of The Greatest Significance to Remember and Share The Raison D'Etre" for "Our Beliefs, Idea's, Tenets, Constitutions, Declarations of Independence, Books of Religion, Philosophy, and Spirituality," "Civil Rights Movements, Marches, Demonstrations, Sit ins, and Fasts," that have "Occurred over The Millennia by Dedicated, Noble, and Committed Women and Men of Our Earths Societies!"

And, "Do Not Allow Our Positive Ways of Life to Be Manipulated Solely for Monetary Gain," or "Financial Profit," or "Sensationalism at The Expense of The Lives of We The People!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Be Bridgemakers of The Truth," and of "Historical Facts," that "Provide Cognitive, Academic, Intellectual, and Passionate Motifs" that are of "Benefit to All The Lives of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"We are All Interdependent Sentient Beings of This Planet, Our Home Planet Earth," and "Our Raison D'Etre and Purpose," is "Not to Be Pawns of Dictators, Authoritarians, Tyrants, or Global Imperialists!"

And, "Let Us Never Forget The Sacrifice that Women and Men of Grand Consciousness" have "Made on Our Behalf," as "We Strive to Achieve and Accomplish Our Humanitarian, Environmental and Ecological Goals," "For One and All!"

And, "As We Reach Out to The Grand Universe" through "The Omnipresent Portals of  Perceptivity and Contemplation of The Grand Cosmos," and "Space Exploration," "Let Us Continue to Share Our Experiences" and "Earthrise Movement" via "The Global Social Media," and "The Global Cross Media Universes of Communication and Information," via "The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, Prosperity, and Harmony For One and All," "Wherever The Sun Set's and The Moon Rises O'er This Earth of Ours!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Justice, Joie De Vivre, Equality, Empathy for Ones Fellow Being and The Lives of All Sentient Beings, and Global Equilibre!" 


The Way To Peace! #229- (Revisited)-

"It's One Thing to Learn through Academic/Historical Studies" about "The Psychological, Mental, Spiritual, and Physical Oppression of A People/Race or Gender!" However, "To See such "Overt Oppression" In This Day and Age is Unbearably Brutal, and Incomprehensible to Behold!" And, "It is Unimaginable To See the Same Ole Ruse/Threats, and Intimidation's Used In The Same Ole Way!
I sincerely Hope that "This Act Of Oppression and Aggression" is "As Intolerable and Unconscionable to The Religious, Military, Financial, Political, and Civic Leaders of The Earths United Nations to Experience as It Must Be To The Ukrainian People," who are "Being Bullied and Terrorized by A Military Invasion of Their Country and The Occupation of Crimea by Russia, because "They have Much to Do!"

"In This Age of Instant Communication, and The Global Influence of The Worldwide Web," "Tyrants, Dictators, Drug Czars, White Collar Crimes, Political Corruption, Religious Abuses, and Crimes against Humanity are Immediately Exposed For The World to See!" And, "The Decision Made by President Vladimir Putin of Russia to Invade Ukraine and Take over Crimea is Such An Example" and "An Overt Example Of The Worst Kind of Tyrannical Egoism and Oppression Imaginable by A Modern Day Leader!" "To Violate The Sovereign and Territorial Rights of Any Nation or People is in Violation of International Law, and The Helsinki Final Act Accords which Russia (Formerly known as The Soviet Union at the time) Agreed to!"

And, "President Putin Must Be Made to Understand The Full Implications of His Actions" by "The United Nations, NATO, The Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE), The EU, The United Nations Security Council, The Religious Leaders althrough out The World, Partners for Peace, The United States, The IMF and Global Banks and Markets, ECB, and Wherever or with Whomever President Putin Does Business!" "He/Russia Must Be Isolated from The G-8 and The G-20, and Forced to Feel The Consequences of His Aggression Towards Ukraine!"
"Let Us Very Clearly Remember that Russia Invaded Georgia in 2008," and that "Russian Forces are Still in Abkhazia and South Ossetia!" And, "That is Why President Putin Must Learn" that "This Will Not Be Tolerated again!" There is a Saying that "If you Give Someone an Inch They Will Take a Mile!" And, "This Saying Clearly Applies to President Putin/Russia!"

And, "Sanctions against Russia/President Putin Must Be Immediate and Supported by All The Nations of This Planet Earth!" And, "Allow The Ukrainians without Interference to Make Their Own Decisions for Their Own Country!"

"Who Will Be Next, China?" With "Their Ambitions in The East China and South China Seas?"
"If The Nations of The World Do Not Act in Full Force and In Concert with Each other to Prevent this from Happening again, The Negative Ripple Effect May Extend all The Way To Yemen, Syria, and North Korea!" 
"Diplomacy and Peace Dialogues are The Way to Resolve Differences of Opinion between Nations!" "This is The Path of Non-Resistance For The World and For Future Generations to Come!" However, "The Sovereign United Nations of The Earth Must Act Now!"

"The Arab Spring Inspired Us (However Long It Lasted), and Libya Encouraged Us," (by Removing Muammar al-Gaddafi from Office) and "Now, It is Coming Full Circle to Venezuela!" 
"The Day of Overt Oppression" is "No Longer Going to Be Tolerated by The Sovereign People of This Earth of Ours!" And, "Its Time for The United Nations and NATO to Enforce The Laws of The Civilized World" and "Protect The Sovereign Rights Of The People to Live In Peace and Equilibre with One Another!"

"This is The 21st Century,"  and "Oppression and Inequality of Any Form," Whatsoever It is, "Is Impossible to Accept!" For Example; (1) "Why Should A Woman with The Same Intelligence and Job Skills Make Less than A Man," Doing The Exact Same Job, Working in The Exact Same Position!" And, "Why Should any Woman or Young Girl Fear for Her Life," Just because, "She Would Like to Receive A Formal Education!" This is "The Ugly Face of Oppression" and "It is Intolerable!"

(2) "Why Should Any Person Live in State of Oppression and Depression," Because of "Their Gender, Race, Religion, Disability, Age, Special Needs, or Economic Placement in The Status Quo!" This is "A Cruel and Unconscionable Treatment of Ones Fellow Human Being!"

(3) "Why Should There Be Millions of Children and Their Families Living in Poverty, Millennia after Millennia," and "For The Most Part in The Exact Same Places where Their Ancestors also Lived In Poverty!" This is "No longer A Mystery or Secret" and "Its Another Form of Oppression!"  
 "The Global Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations," "The Financial Leaders of The Earth," and "The Spiritual/Religious and Civic Leaders of The Earths Communities," "Must Put An End to This Overt Form of Oppression" and "The Misery, Hardship, Suffering, and Unjust Treatment of Our Fellow Human Beings!" -("No Child Should Be Born to Live a Life of Poverty!")

(4) And, "Why Should Hard Working Citizens Of This Planet Earth Be Denied An Honest Living Wage!"  Once again "Its Inconceivable that Mothers and Fathers who Work One or Two Jobs a Week are Being Denied An Affordable Living Wage by The Obstructionist Economic Policies" of "A Few Elected Officials," who have "Forgotten that They were Elected to Represent The People!" And, "Not to Oppress The People!" 
 There are "Some Employees Working for a little more $2. Dollars an Hour in India," and "In UN-Developed Countries!" 
"The Point is" that "This Form of Economic Disparity is An Overt Form of Oppression" that is "Causing A Great Weight on Our Societies!"

(5) And, "In This Age of Super Computers and Global Communication," "Why are People Still Living in Slavery, Whether it Be as Sex Slaves, or Fear of Violence!" 

"There Should Be A Continuous Global Media Coverage of Crime Lords, Pedophiles," and "World Leaders" who've "Authorized The Massacres of Their Own People," "Displayed on The Internet and Throughout The Global Cross Media and Social Media Universes," and "Tried at The International Court Of Justice," and "In Courts Of Law," or, Wherever "These Betrayals of Our Human Rights and Cardinal Virtues have Taken Place!" 
And, "The Law Enforcement Leaders and Officials of The Earths United Nations Should Actively Seek after" and "Imprison These Despots!" -(Jeffrey Epstein is Such A Case in Point!")-

"It Should Be Unthinkable" that "In This Day and Age" that  "Any Act of Oppression or Aggression Should Go Unpunished" or "Be Allowed to Cause A Cancerous Growth In The Soul and Consciousness of We The People!" 

"The Perpetrators Of Oppression Must Be Deterred from Continuing to Believe" that "They Can Do Anything To Satisfy Their Lust for Power and Control," without "Facing The Most Dire Consequences Imaginable" by The International Court Of Justice," and "The Leaders of The Earths Communities," and "Publicly Disgraced by We The People!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Millennia, Let Us "Stay Focused on The Vision Path that Lies Before Us," and, Remember that "This is Our Time to Create History," and, "Sow The Seeds of An Earthrise Evolution Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
"An Earthrise Evolution Built Upon A Foundation of Justice, Truth, Economic Parity," "Universal Conscious Awareness," and "Respect For The Lives Of All Sentient Beings and This," "Our Home Planet Earth!" "Neglecting Not One Aspect of Its Seas, Skies, Lands, or Universe that It is A Part of!" 
 "An Earthrise Evolution" that is "Truly A Spiritual and Cultural Eloquence Of Being!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth!

-In Memoriam:
Friday, The Twenty-Third of August 2019, Billionaire, Political Activist, Philanthropist, Chemical Engineer, and Businessman, "David Hamilton Koch Died at The Age of Seventy-Nine Years of Age!"

"Mr. Koch had Been Suffering from Pancreatic Cancer," However, "His Cause of Death has Not as yet Been Revealed!"

Friday, The Twenty-Third of August 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Charles Koch said in a Statement," of His Brothers Passing " It is with heavy heart that I announce the passing of my brother David," ..."Anyone who worked with David surely experienced his giant personality and passion for life."

"David Koch Political Activism and Donor ship in Support of Libertarian Policies," and "The Republican Party," are Well Known in Political Circles and Campaigns!"

However, "His Philanthropic Efforts Donating Hundreds of Millions of Dollars to Medical Research," "May Well Be The Most Admired Cornerstone of His Career, Although His Wealth of $50.5 Billion Dollars Ranked Him as The Eleventh Richest Person in The World by Forbes!"

"Mr. Koch was also A Strong Advocate" and "Contributor to The Arts!" Amongst of Which is The $Sixty-Five Million Dollar Donation in Support of Renovations of The Metropolitan Museum of Art!"

And, In Addition "The David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center," and "The David H. Koch Dinosaur Wing at The American Museum of Natural History," were "Named for Him Out of Appreciation for His Generosity, Substantial Contributions, and Support for The Arts!"

Julia Koch, David's Wife said in A Statement, "While we mourn the loss of our hero, we remember his iconic laughter, insatiable curiosity, and gentle heart."  

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of David H. Koch, and To His Colleagues, Friends, and Individuals who Benefited from His Generosity and Contribution to Life, Know that His Name Will Not Be Forgotten!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!