Wednesday, August 14, 2019



The Way To Peace! #347

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Recent Shootings at The Gilroy Garlic Festival, in The North California Town of Gilroy California," that "Caused The Deaths of Three Innocent People " and, "Wounded at Least Twelve More," on Sunday, The Twenty-Eighth of July, 2019, and, (2) "The Shooting at A Walmart Super Center, in Southaven, Mississippi, on Tuesday, The Thirtieth of July 2019, that "Caused The Deaths of Two Innocent People" and "Wounding Two More," and, (3) "The Twenty-Two Innocent People who were Killed by A Malevolent Coward" at "The Walmart at Cielo Vista Mall" in El Paso Texas, on Saturday, The Third of August, 2019, and, (4) "The Twenty-Six Innocent People who were Injured," and "The Nine Innocent People who were Killed in Dayton, Ohio," ("Including The Sister of Yet Another Cowardly Malevolent Gunman") on Sunday, The Fourth of August 2019, at "A Popular Nightlife District" in Downtown Ohio, "Where Twenty-Seven Innocent People were also Injured," and, (5) "The Four Innocent People who were Killed," and "Two Others who were Injured," in "A Two Hour Long Time Period of Stabbing and Robbery," in "Multiple Locations," in The Cities of Garden Grove and Santa Ana in Orange County, California, Southeast of Los Angeles," on Wednesday Evening, The Seventh of August 2019, by Another Evil-Mined and Vengeful Coward," "Clearly Illustrates, Empathizes, and Demonstrates The Reasons" for "The Deep Concern that Tens of Millions of Americans have about Gun-Related Violence," or "As A Matter of Fact, "Violence of Whatever Kind in The United States!"

"Tragically," "This Violence Continues to Exist on A Level" that is "Not Duplicated or Replicated Any Where Else Among Western Industrialized Sovereign Nations!"

And, "The Whys" are "Too Numerable or Incomprehensible to Comprehend!" "Why!" Because The United States of America is A Great Nation" with "A Great Military" and "Department of Defense to Protect It," and "A Constitution," that has "Clearly and Impartially Established The National Government," and "Fundamental Laws of The Land," of which "Guarantees Certain Basic Rights for The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People," "Irregardless of Gender, Creed, Color, Age, Tribe, Special Needs, and Nationality" of "All Americans!"

And, "There Should Be No Need for This Sub-Culture of Violence in America!" 

And, "There is Absolutely No Valid Excuse or Motive for These Mass Shootings to Take Place," and "For Americans to Be Shooting and Killing Fellow Americans," "Using AK 47 Rifles," or A .223 Caliber High Capacity Rifle with One Hundred Round Drum Magazines," or "Any Other Weapon," "Assault or Not!"

"Americans have Fought Together in World Wars Against Tyranny, Dictatorships, Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals who have Committed Crimes Against All of Humanity," and "Americans who have Fought Together as Brothers and Sisters Against Oppressive Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes!" 

And, "It is A Disgrace to These Brave and Courageous Women and Men who have Fought in These Military Conflicts on Foreign Shores," and "Their Families," to "See The Grand Efforts of Their Family Members," "Some who have Died, and Those who have Survived," who've "Defended The Rights of People All Over The Earth," So that "They May Live in Freedom, Equality, Justice, and Peace," to "Return Bach Home in The U.S. of A." and "See Their Grand Efforts Dishonored and Tainted," by "A Malevolent Act of Violence Committed Against An Innocent Life and Fellow American," So "Pointlessly, Unethically, and Unpatriotically on America's Shores!"

And, "Whether You Live in Urban Developments," or "Small Towns," or "Major Cities in The United States of America," "Let Us Agree" that, "Too Many Families have Lost A Loved One Due to Gun-Related Violence," and "Too Many Mothers, Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, and Family Members," have "Shed Too Many Tears of Love and Loss In Vain!"

And, "Whether It Be to, (1) "Impose New Universal Background Checks on All Gun Sales in The United States of America," or, (2) "Extend Background Check Reviews from Three Days to Ten Days," As has "Been Passed by The U.S. House of Representatives," and "Now Needs Only for The U.S. Senate to Act Upon," and "Pass by A More than Sixty Vote Margin to Make it Veto Proof, or, (3) "Place A Ban on All Assault Weapons" (Which Makes Sense, "Why!" Because, You Do Not Need An Assault Weapon to Hunt)!" 

And, "There Should Be Absolutely No Hesitation by Our Legislators" and "President," to "Unite Behind A Philosophy of Life that Embraces The Joy Of Life," and "Rejects Violence!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Founders Would Be Proud of How The House Judiciary Committee of The U.S. House of Representatives" have "Meticulously and Constitutionally Utilized The Significance of Article One of The U.S. Constitution," and "Followed A Legal Path of Investigations and Lawsuits," "Towards Obtaining The Pertinent Financial Information," and "Bank and Tax Records from President Trump," that "They have Requested!"

And also, "To Obtain The Release of Grand Jury Redacted Material from The Mueller Report," and "Additional Related Grand Jury Material Concerning President Trump," and "Former White House Counsel Don McGahn!" 

And, In Addition to This, "Enforcing Mr. McGahn to Comply with A House Judiciary Subpoena to Appear Before The Committee," Which Heretofore, "He has Refused to Do!"

On Thursday, The Eighth of August 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Committee On The Judiciary of the House of Representatives Filed," A New Lawsuit, "A Civil Complaint For Declaratory and Injunctive Relief" with "the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, "against Defendant Donald F. McGahn II."

"The suit, which the United States House of Representatives has expressly authorized, arises out of the Judiciary Committee's efforts to enforce a duly authorized, issued, and served Congressional Subpoena to McGahn (McGahn Subpoena)."

And, "Let Us Clearly Comprehend" that "This Lawsuit was Filed" so that "The Committee Can Determine Whether or Not to, (1) "Approve Articles of Impeachment," (2) Pass Remedial Legislation," and, (3) "Conduct Oversight of The Department of Justice."

And, "This Civil Complaint Clearly States The Reasons Why," "Mr. McGahn's Testimony is of Such Great Significance to The Committee!" 

It States that, In Former Special Counsel Mueller's Public Statement (on The Twenty-Ninth of May 2019), and His Testimonies Before The House Judiciary Committee and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, "Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III has told Congress and the American people that President Donald J. Trump repeatedly used his official power to attempt to thwart the Special Counsel's investigation into this interference---including into whether any individuals associated with his own Presidential campaign coordinated with the Russian Government.
The Judicial Committee is now determining to whether to recommend articles of impeachment against the President based on the obstructive conduct described by the Special Counsel.  But it cannot fulfill this most solemn constitutional responsibility without hearing testimony from a crucial witness to these events: former white house counsel Donald F. McGahn II. McGahn, however, has defied a Congressional subpoena to appear before the House Judiciary Committee, at the direction of President Trump, who claims McGahn is, "absolutely immune" from testifying, a claim with no basis in law.  The Judiciary Committee thus seeks to enforce the McGahn Subpoena in its entirety."

And, As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign Nation of The United States of America, "Let Us Look Forward to A New Day and Era of Democracy" "Based on The Laws of The Constitution," and of "A Republic" and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The Sake of The People!"

And, "Let Us Find Peace of Mind, Soul and Spirit," that "The Foundation Upon Which The House that The Founders Built, 'America' Will Survive, Evolve, Transcend, and Withstand The Attempts Made by Foreign Entities," and that No One is Above The Law!"

And, As The 2020 Elections Approach "Let Us Prepare to Vote with Our Good Conscience, Intellect, Soul and Spirit," "For All that Is In The Best Interest for The Youth of America," and "Our Principles and Core Beliefs and Values," and "For All that is In The Best Interests of All The Sovereign Nations" and "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Earths Populace of Peace Loving, United, and Interdependent Community of The Twenty-First Century," and "For All The Sentient Beings," and "Environmental and Ecological Systems of The Earth," and "The Grand Multiverse Of Our Existence!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Seventh of August 2019, "History Will Note" that "On The First Day of School in Mississippi," Approximately Six Hundred U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agents "Raided Seven Food Processing Plants in Six Towns Across The State," Bay Springs, Canton, Carthage, Morton, Pelahatchie, and Sebastopol," and "Arrested Six Hundred and Eighty (Innocent until Proved Guilty) Employees!" 
Global Cross Media News Reports are "As Many as Three Hundred were Later Released!"

And, "Let Us," Once again, "Clearly State" that "President Trump's Zero Tolerance" "Immigration Policy Should Be Terminated!"

At A Time "When The Heart, Spirit, and Soul of The United States of America" is "Experiencing a Domestic Crisis Driven by Racism, Evil-Mindedness, and Heartlessness," and "Threatened by A Malevolent Subculture of Gun-Related Violence," What Does The Trump Administration Do, "They Authorize A New Attack Upon Undocumented Immigrants and Their Families" who have "Been Living in The U.S. Under The Protection of The Deterred Action for Childhood Arrivals" (DACA), and the "Temporary Protected Status" (TPS) Recipients," or "Deferred Enforced Departure" (DED) Status, and "Yes, Some who have Been Living in The U.S. Illegally!" 
However, "Let Us Simply Agree" that "A Cognitive and Compassionate Approach Towards Finding A Sensitive, Intellect, and Permanent Resolution" for "Undocumented Immigrants Living in The U.S." or to "Resolve The Migrant Crisis Can Be Better Served" without "Creating This Kind of Mass Hysteria!"

And, "Whose Idea was This to Begin with," and "Who Authorized It!" "To Engage in The Single Largest ICE Raid in Any One State in U.S. History," on "A Day When The Nation is In Mourning," and "Families are Distraught and Traumatized Due to The Loss of A Loved One" who "Died in The Series of Evil-Minded, Vindictive, Cowardly, and Vicious Murders" that has "Taken Place in The United States," Since "The Shootings at The Gilroy Garlic Festival, in The North California Town of Gilroy," that "Caused The Deaths of Three Innocent People " and, "Wounded at Least Twelve More," on Sunday, The Twenty-Eighth of July, 2019!"

And, "Leaving Children without Parents," and "A Nation in Total Confusion and Amazement," that "This is Happening in The United States of America!" 

"We were All Brought Up to Take Pride in The Sonnet" that "Rests on The Lady in The Harbor," "The Statue of Liberty" by Poet Emma Lazarus; "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

However, "It Appears as If This Sonnet with All of Its Universal Significance" has "Been Forgotten by The Trump Administration!"

And, "These Cruel and Insensitive ICE Raids" are "Not What We were Taught to Believe America is," "Nor are They A Reflection of What America Stands for!"    

As The Parallel Universes of The Sociological, Private Sectors, World of Sports Competition, Politics, Religion, Music, and Global Financial Sphere's of Interest Face Continued Confrontations" on "Establishing Equal Rights for Women and Men," "It is Amazing to Learn of The Inequities that Still Exist!"

And so, "It is also Surprising When A Change in The Inequities that Still Exist," and that "Should Not Exist," between "Women and Men Occurs," and "Is Considered to Be A Part of A Twenty-First Century Government Reform Policy," of "A Sovereign Nation," that "Is Admired for Its Positive Undertaking!"

Such as; Global Cross Media News Reports Spotlighting, "Saudi Arabia's New Decrees" that were "Issued on Wednesday, The Thirty-First of July 2019, and "Made Public on Friday, The Second of August, 2019, that "Allows Women, (or Any Person) Twenty-One Years and Older" to, (1) "Travel without Obtaining Permission from A Male Guardian," and, (2) "Can Apply for A Passport" or, (3) "Register A Marriage, Divorce, or Child's Birth, and, (4) Allows Women to Drive a Car, (5) "Obtain Official Family Documents, (6) "Relax The Obstacles that Women in The Way of Obtaining A National Identity Card and Enrolling Their Children in School!"

These are "Things, Freedoms, and Rights" that are "Taken for Granted in A Western Industrialized Sovereign Nation," along with "Either A Women or Man Being a Legal Guardian of A Child," Which is also "Now A Part of Saudi Arabia's New Political, Sociological, and Religious Reformation!"

However, "The Inconsistencies and Inequalities that Still Exist," are "Still Amazing and Perplexing to Imagine," "Why!" 

Because, "We are Not Living in A Prehistoric Time Period," "We are Living in The Twenty-First Century," and To Think that, (1) "A Woman Can Not Provide Consent for Her Children to Marry," or, (2) "Can Not Pass along Their Citizenship Rights to Their Children," "Borders on Being Absurd, Unconscionable, and Unreal!" 

And, "The Incongruity of It All," is "It's Like Hearing A Series of Dissonant Movements and Vocal Parts of A Grand Symphony of Life," "Its Melodies Marring and Impeding The Cultural Orchestration," and "Development and Evolution of Today's Modern Civilization" of "The Twenty-First Century!" However, "In Saudi Arabia's Case," "These Restrictions and Rules on One's Life," "Continue to Exist!" 

And then, "Let Us Not Forget (1) "The Tragic and Brutal Death" of "Washington Post Journalist, and Former General Manager and Editor in Chief of Al-Arab News Channel, Jamal Khashoggi," in "The Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey," on The Second of October 2018," and, (2) "The Savage and Inhumane Crisis Emanating from The Ongoing Civil War in Yemen between Houthi Rebels and The Military of The Yemeni Government," that has "Further Become Complicated by The Saudi-Led Coalition Intervention in 2015," ("Coupled with Other Factions who have an Interest in The Outcome," such as The Sunnis, etc.), that has "Tainted Any Attempt to Reform," or "Improve The Image of The Saudi Arabia," as "A Modern Civilized Sovereign Nation of The Earth!"

However, "We Would Like to Congratulate All of The Courageous Women Activists in Saudi Arabia" who have "Waged An Incredible and Often Life Threatening Campaign," (Such as, "Loujain al-Hathloul, who Should Be Freed") to "Obtain Equal Rights in The Kingdom!"

And, "Their Perseverance and Commitment" to "Live as Equals," "Free from The Restrictive, Unethical, and Prehistoric Religious and Political Rules and Regulations of Saudi Arabia" have "To Be Applauded and Commended!" 

However, "Their Activism For Women's Rights" and "Mission and Purpose in Life Must Still Continue until They have Obtained The Full and Complete Realization of Equality and Parity For All The Women of Saudi Arabia," and In Doing so "Enjoy Being A Full Partner in The Parallel Universe of Women and Men of The Earth Societies and Families!"

And, "May Their Magnificent Movement and Purpose Bring Them, Their Families, and Communities The Interdependence, Freedoms, and Rights" that "They have Striven to Accomplish!"

And, "It is Time for Saudi Arabia to Take Its Place as A Respectful, Law Abiding, Sovereign Nation of The Earths Community," "For The Sake of Its Children, Irregardless of Gender," and "For The Sake of The Future of The Middle East," and "An Age of Peace!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Sixth of August 2019, "As Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" "Profile and Outline The Causation of," "New Currency Depreciation's, Global Market Sell Offs, New Sanctions and Tariffs, Global Market Fears," and "The Trade War of Hubris Between President Donald J. Trump and President Xi Jinping Continues to Raise Havoc" and have "A Negative Effect of Monetary Loss and Plummeting Markets All Across The Earths Sovereign Nations," "Threatening Global Economic Expansion from The United States to The People's Republic of China," and "New Fed Considerations to Lower Its Rates" (Again),  and "As The Yuan Plummets to Its Lowest Level Contre The Dollar Since 2015," and "The Fall from Grace of Ten Year U.S. Treasury Note to Its Lowest Yield since 2016," All Amounts to "What Can Clearly Be Considered A Fiasco in Trade Negotiations Between The United States of America and The People's Republic of China!"

And, "The Continued Impact of This Trade War of Hubris Between The U.S. and China" is "Taking A Severe Toll on The Lives of The U.S. Farm Community," who have "Placed Their Trust in The Trump Administrations Trade War of Hubris," as "Their Livelihood and Generations of Family Businesses" are "Being Threatened with Foreclosures," and "Losses" that "May End up Being Insurmountable even with Government Subsidies!"

And, "The Citizens of China" are "Being Submerged under "A Sea of Sanctions Imposed by The U.S. and China," and "The Policies of Egoism," and "A One Man-Rule Form of Governance,"  whose "Ripple Effect has also Furthered The Instability of Hong Kong," Where "Protests have Extended into Its Ninth Week without A Clear End in Sight!" a

And, of course "The New York Stock Exchange is Lacking in The Oxygen Needed to Function" in "A Stable Environment," and "Is Falling into A Deep Sigh of Frustration with The Trump Trade War of Hubris," that has "Not Shown An End Game to Its Continued Sanctions" and Negotiations," in "Its Tit for Tat Trade War Policy with China!"

"The Question" is "Where are The Cognizant Trade Advisers and Pundits," who have "A Trusted Reputation Earthwide," to "Advance A Universal Sense of Reason, Wisdom, and Experience to The Trade Negotiations," Interdependent Global Consultants" who have "A Real Comprehension of The Consequences" of "What has Become An Irrational Approach" to "Conduct and Manage The Economic and Financial Affairs Of The Governments of The United States of America and The People's Republic of China!"   

And, "If This Tit for Tat Trade Policy" is "The Art of The Deal," then "U.S. and Chinese Trade Negotiators Need A New Definition" of "How to Conduct Trade Negotiations on Behalf Of The People of Both Nations," that "Is Mutually Beneficial to Both Nations" and "Their Global Partners of The Earths Sovereign Nations!" And, "For The Sake of Global Equilibre" and "The Continued Prosperity, Financial Stability, Equanimity, Durability, Solidity, and Security of The Earths Community of Nations," and "The Present and Future Generations of Families who Rely Upon and are Dependent Upon Sound Judgment in All Affairs of The People!"

"It's Clearly Time For An End to This Trade War Fiasco," and "Botched Up Negotiations Between The United States of America and The People's Republic of China!" And, "Both Countries Can Take Credit for The Results," "Egos Being as They are!" However, "Enough is Enough!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's In The Skies O'er South Asia and Heralds The Advent of An Eventide Moonrise Above The Horizons of The Sovereign Nations of South Central and East Asia, "Whatever Sense or Illusion of Equilibre and Equanimity In This Region of The Earth," has "Become Highly Questionable!"

And, "Whatever Sense of Equilibre, Equanimity, and Illusion of Peace between Bordering Nations," "In This Extremely High Volatile Time/Space Equation," "Where The Balance and Respect for The Sovereignty of One's Neighbor is of The Utmost Importance," that has "Tenuously Existed between The Sovereign Nations of The Republic of India, The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in South Central Asia, and The People's Republic of China in East Asia," was "Placed in Jeopardy" by "A Single Act," "The Decision of India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and His Bharatiya Janata Party" (BJP), to "Exert Military Control over Kashmir" in Order to "Put An End The Autonomous Governing Status of This Highly Disputed Region!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "This Military Act of Aggression by India Took Place on Tuesday, The Sixth of August, 2019!" 
 And, "The Ripple Effect and Causation," of "This Military Act of Aggression," "Threatens to Cause Multitudinous, Multifarious, and Complicated Consequences," Even as Far as "Having A Negative Effect Upon The United States Negotiation's with The Taliban" (Who Refer to Themselves as "The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" and whose "Leadership is Based in Pakistan").

"The Complications are Manifold," One of Which is, "Pakistan Is Planning to Counter India's Military Move with One of Their Own," Which is to Move Additional Troops to Its Eastern Border," "Instead of On Its Northwestern Border with Afghanistan," Which Would Be "An Important Element in The Peace Equation" with "The Taliban and Afghanistan," Being Negotiated by The United States!

And then, "There's The People's Republic of China who are Concerned" that "India's Move to Gain Total Control over Kashmir" Will Effect "The Undermining Their Territorial Sovereignty!"

"India has Reasoned" that "Their Move to End The Autonomous Government Status of Kashmir" Would Be, (1) "A Deterrent to Militant and Separatist Groups," and In Doing so, 
(2) "Attract New Investment and Improve The Economic Ties to The Rest of The Nation!"

-(Note that, "For Clarity Purposes Kashmir is The Northwestern Region of of The Indian Subcontinent" Which has "Been Disputed over and Claimed by Both India and Pakistan!" And, "There of Four Distinct Points of Contention" in Which "There are Disputes Involving India, Pakistan, and China!" (1) "Jammu and Kashmir, The Indian Administered Part Disputed by Pakistan," (2) "Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, The Pakistan Administered Parts of Jammu and Kashmir, Disputed by India," (3) "Aksai Chin, The Chinese Administered Part of Jammu and Kashmir, Disputed by India," and (4) "Trans-Karakoram Tract Area, Ceded by Pakistan to China (By The Sino-Pakistan Agreement in 1963), Which is Being Disputed by India!")- 

However, "This New Move of  Causation by India," s Basically A Provocative Attempt to Annex Jammu and Kashmir" and "Place It under The Control of India," "Without Obtaining A Consensus of Unification" from "All The Diverse Cultural Regions" that Include; (1) The Jammu Division with A Majority of Hindus" (25.9% of the Total Area), (2) "The Kashmir Valley with A Majority of Muslims" (15.7% of The Total Area), and (3) "Ladakh" with "A Combined Buddhist-Hindu Majority" (58. 4% of The Total Area)!

And, "By Moving to Cancel Article 370 of The Indian Constitution," (Which Gave it Special Status to The Region of Jammu and Kashmir, Its Own Constitution, State Flag, and Autonomy over The Internal Administration of The State), and "Introducing A New Bill"  to Divide The State into Two Union Territories; "Jammu and Kashmir," and "Ladakh," and "Enforcing It by Imposing A Militarily Curfew," and "The Arrest of Local Political Leaders," and "The Suspension of All Telephone, and Internet Connections, and Mobile Connectivity," is "An Undemocratic Attempt" to "Suppress The Individual Rights Of All The People Involved!"

And, "One Can Not but Think," "How Deeply Mahatma Gandhi Feel and React" to "This Military Action on The Part of The Republic of India!"

"Has Prime Minister Modi and BJP Forgotten The Mahatma's Belief in "Non-Violence," "Satyagraha," and "Self Rule!"

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-  
"The Fact" that "The Republic of India," "The Islamic Republic of Pakistan," "The People's Republic of China," and "The United States of America" are All Nuclear States" is "Not A Welcomed Thought," and only "Intensifies The Immediate Need for Cognitive Diplomatic Efforts" to "Be Conducted by Reasonable, Sensible, and Trustworthy Mediators and Negotiators!"

And, "It's Time For The Leaders of All Sovereign Nations" to "Establish Clear and Present Boundaries Respecting The Rights of All Sovereign Peace Loving Nations of The Earth," and "In Defense of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The Earths Populace," "As We Move Forward into A New Era" "Dedicated Towards The Elimination of Oppression and Dictatorships," and "The Eradication of Syndicates of Criminals, Terrorists, Rapists, and Predators," who have"Committed Crimes Against All of Humanity!" 

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Semi-Autonomous Territory of Hong Kong in Southeastern, China, "The Ongoing Protests Against The Leadership of Chief Executive Carrie Lam has Evolved into Its Tenth Consecutive Week of Demonstrations" and "The Question" is "Why has It!"

And, "The Answer" Appears to have "Gone Beyond An Extradition Bill to China" that "Mrs. Lam had Proposed," But, "Because of The Mass Demonstrations and Protests that Occurred in Hing Kong Against This Bill Mrs Lam Wisely Decided to Suspend It!"  

And, On Friday, The Second of August 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Civil Servants," who Normally Maintain Political Neutrality in Controversial Issues," Joined The Ranks of Demonstrators In A Display of Their Disapproval and Disagreement with, (1) How The Police and Mrs. Lam's Government are Dealing with The Protesters," and, (2) "The Uproar that Continues to Go Unabated in The Streets of Hong Kong," and "In The Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and Souls of The People of Hong Kong," that is "Presenting A Clear Challenge to The Leadership of Mrs. Lam,"  and "A Powerful Statement of Distrust in Her Ability to Lead The People of Hong Kong" into "A Future of Growth, and Interdependency from The People's Republic of China!"

And, On Monday The Fifth of August 2019, "A New Demonstration" has "Forced More than One Hundred Flights to Be Cancelled at The Hong Kong International Airport," and "Blocked Major Road All Across Seven Districts of The City," and "Confrontations with Police and Protesters have Caused at Least Twenty-Four People Being Hospitalized," with "A Free Hong Kong Strike!"

And, On Friday, The Ninth of August 2019 "Hundred's of Demonstrators and Activists "are "Threatening to Carry Out A Three Day Occupation" of "Hong Kong's International Airport!"

And, On Tuesday, The Thirteenth of August 13, 2019, "violence Broke Out Between The Hong Kong Police and Pro-Democracy Protesters at The Hong Kong International Airport," for "The Second Consecutive Day Causing Great Consternation in The Hong Kong Government," and "Disquietude and Deep Concern to The Government of The Republic of China," and "Its President Xi Jinping!"

And, "Caution Should Be Advised to The Unwavering and Staunch Leaders of The Pro-Democracy Demonstrators," and "The Committed and Dedicated Citizens of Hong Kong," to "Follow The Path of Non-Violence" in "Their Quest and Mission for Interdependency!"

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"- 
"It Should Appear Obvious to Any Sovereign Nation" or "Major Cosmopolitan City," or "Territory" of The Twenty-First Century" that "There is Virtually Zero Degrees of Separation in Communication and Information between Us Earthwide," and "The Freedoms and Rights Enjoyed in Western Industrialized Sovereign Nations are Known of Wherever The Social Media," and "Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Influence Exist!"

And, "It Should also Be Obvious to The Governments of Hong Kong," and "The People's Republic of China," that "They Can Not Force An Unjust Law" that "Their Citizens Strongly Object to" that "Imposes Objectionable Restrictions," or "The Threat Thereof Upon Their Citizens!" 

And, "One Would Seriously Contemplate and Believe" that "The Teachings of The Tao Te Ching" (The Way of Life), "The Sacred Teachings of Lao Tzu," that have "Been Shared and Celebrated by Millions Upon Millions Of People Earthwide for Millennia Upon Millennia," and "The Golden Rule," "The Sacred Teachings of Confucius also Celebrated and Shared by Millions Upon Millions of People Earthwide for Millennia Upon Millennia," Would "Not Attempt to Oppress or Restrict The Individual Freedoms, Liberties, Evolution, Interdependency," and "Peace and Justice For One and All!" 

And, "The Fact that "There Appears to Be An Incongruity between These Grand Teachings on One Side of The People Equation," and "The Hapless Form of Governance" that has "Gained The Distrust Of The People of Hong Kong" "Should Be of Serious Concern to Mrs. Lam" and "The Chinese Authorities!"

"The Future Of The People," and "Their Best Interests are What is At Stake!" And, "There is "No Room for Ego, Lust for Power, Self Profit, Greed, or Government Corruption!" 

And, For Chief Executive Lam to "Bridge The Ever-Widening Divide Between Her and The People of Hong Kong," It's Time for Her to "Embrace The Teachings" of "The Golden Rule," and "The Way of Life," and "Empower The People" with "A Just and Highly Principled Way of Governance," and "Equality and Economic Parity For One and All!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Saturday, The Tenth of August 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Jeffrey Epstein," "Accused Sex Trafficker, Social Insider, and Financier," "Died at The Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, "New York, of "An Apparent Suicide!"

"Ironically, and Suspiciously His Death Occurred One Day," After The Release of "Reportedly Hundreds of Court Documents Detailing New Sexual Abuse Claims Against Mr. Epstein" and "Several Associates," on Friday, The Ninth of August 2019, from "A Defamation Suit" that was "Filed Against Mr. Epstein in 2015 by Virginia Roberts Giuffre," who "Claimed that Epstein Held Her" as "A Teenage Sex Slave!" And, She also Claimed that "He was Assisted by A British Women," "Ghislaine Maxwell!"

-(And, also Take Note that, In July 2019, "Mr. Epstein was Charged by New York Federal Prosecutors," After "An Indictment Accused Him of Trafficking Dozens of Underage Girls!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Some of The Girls were Alleged to Be as Young as Fourteen!" Mr. Epstein "Pleaded Not Guilty to These Charges!")- 

On Monday, The Twelfth of August 2019, U.S. Attorney General William Pelham Barr said, "I was appalled and frankly angry to learn of the MCC's failure to to adequately secure this prisoner.")- 

At This Point in Time, "British Socialite Ghislaine Maxwell," whom Mr. Epstein Claimed was "His Best Friend," and is "A Potential Co-Conspirator," is  "Likely to Be The Most Prominent Witness in His Case!"

And, "Allegations that "She Groomed Girls to Work for Mr. Epstein's Sex Trafficking Operations/Network" have "Been Directed Against Her!"

-(Note that, "Ghislaine Maxwell is One of Four Women Alleged and Accused" of "Recruiting Under Aged Girls for Sex! And, also "Alleged to Be His Business Associate," and "Ex-Girlfriend!")-

Monday, The Twelfth of August 2019, "The The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Raided Mr. Epstein's Private Island in The Virgin Islands" to "Gather up Whatever Information and Materials" that "Could Be Found there!"

"The Questions" (1) "What was The Cause of Mr. Epstein's Death," along of course, with, (2) "How It Occurred is Being Intensely Investigated," by "The U.S. The Department of Justice" (DOJ), "The Federal Bureau of Investigation" (FBI), and "New York City and State Authorities!"

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"Jeffery Epstein's Death Will Be of Great Interest to The Public," and "Provide Headlines for The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights for The Global Cross Media News Sphere's for Quite a While to Come!"

And, "One Can Be Quite Sure" that "His Death" and "The Allegations and Indictments Against Him Will be Thoroughly Investigated" by "Federal Agencies," and "New York Police Authorities!" 

However, "We May Never Know the Complete History and Extent of Mr. Epstein's Operations," Unless Ghislaine Maxwell Provides Authorities" and "The Global Cross Media News Universe" with "An Unredacted/Public Statement Revealing Her Role in Mr. Epstein's Operation/Network," and "Is Given A Guarantee" that "She Be Placed in A Witness Protection Program for The Rest of Her Life!"

However, Even then, "There is No Guarantee that Her Life Will be Protected!"

But, "Let's Agree" that "Ghislaine Maxwell Remains The Key Witness" to "A Multitude of Information, Questions, and Facts about Jeffery Epstein," and "His Who's Who List of Names," that "No Doubt Will Be Very Revealing!"

As The Sun Set's Over The Persia Gulf Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Thirty-First of July, 2019, "The Islamic Republic of Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps Detained An Iraqi Tanker South of The Iranian Island of Larak,"  in "The Northern Part of The Strait of Hormuz," and "Transported it to Bushehr Province (One of The Thirty-One Provinces of Iran in The South of The Nation) to The National Iranian Oil Product Distribution Company!"

"This Tit for Tat Seizing Tanker Foreign Policy between Iran" and "Anyone with Whom They are In Conflict with over Sanctions Levied Against Them," and/or "Any Other Interrelated Subject or Issue." in Which "There is A Dispute of One Kind or Another," "While Causing A Minor Inconvenience between All The Sovereign Nations Involved in JCPOA," (The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) and "The Ongoing Wars and Conflicts in The Middle East," "Will Obviously, Not Resolve The Grand Divide Separating Iran from Coming to A New Accord of Conciliation," and "A New Age of Meaningful Reconciliation," and "Peaceful Cooperation in The Middle East," and/or with "The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations Striving To Live in Peace On The Earth!"

And, "This Tit for Tat Iranian Foreign Policy Will Not Establish or Build A New Age of Opportunity and Global Equilibre for The Youth of Iran," who "Deserve More than War, and Conflict to Rule Their Lives!"

Nor Will This "Tit for Tat Iranian Foreign Policy Provide A Sense of Social Security," that is "Beneficial to The Development, and Economic Growth of The Iranian People!"

Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"- 
Where are The Cognizant Leaders, Peacemakers, and Voices of Reason in The Islamic Republic of Iran," and "Althroughout The Middle East!" 

And, "Where are The Religious Leaders, Financial Leaders, Political Leaders, Academic, Military, Philosophical, and Cultural  Leaders," who are "The Bridgemakers to A New Era of Prosperity and Global Equilibre," and Who are Sincerely and Truly More Concerned with "The Sociological, and Economical Welfare and Healthcare of The People of The Middle East," Irregardless of Creed, Nationality, Tribe, Gender, Color, Age, or Special Needs," Than Satisfying Their Egos, Lust for Power, Greed and Corruption!"

"For Millennia Upon Millennia This State of Disunity and Hostility has Existed," "Isn't It Time for A New Beginning to Occur!"

"A New Beginning Where All The Eddies, Interludes, and Movements Of Peace and Harmony Come Together," in "A Grand Orchestration Of The People, By The People, and For The Sake Of All The People In The Middle East," and "Flows In Plethora Throughout All Regions Of Our Home Planet Earth!"

"Truly A Global A Grand Unification Composition Of The Grand Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe of Millions Upon Millions of Stars and Planets," "Energies and Synergies," "All Connecting Us to A, Omnipresent Multiverse of Being!"

"The Time has Come for The Middle East to Evolve into A New Age of Higher Contemplation," that "Encourages and Empowers One to Go Beyond The Policies of War and Conflict," and "Reaches Out to Claim Its Destiny in A New Era of Goodwill, Non-Violence, Non-Aggression, Well-Being, Financial Parity, Global Equilibre, Equality, Freedom, Interdependency, and Peace!"

The Way To Peace! C-III -(Revisited)-

"What Better Opportunity is There than Now" "To Sow The Seeds of Change and Peace On Earth" than It is at "COP25" at "The United Nations Climate Action Summit on The Twenty-Third of September 2019!" An Event "Hosted by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in New York City," and "As We Approach The Beginning of A New Moon Cycle and The Multicolored Season of Autumn, "What Better Time is There to Commit to Investing One's Time, Energy, and Financing to Healing The World!"
And, "Let Us Agree" that "This is Not a Right/Left Issue! This is A Right or Wrong One!"

And, " In This New Season of Change," again, "What Better Time is There than Now," "For The Banks, Global Corporations, The Private Sector," and "The Well to Do," to "Make a Statement by Investing in," "Developing," and "Changing The Earth For The Betterment of One's Fellow Human Being!" Especially Now, "During These Very Difficult Times For so Many of Us!"

And, "What Better Time is There than Now," To "Work Together to Eliminate Poverty," and "Come to The Aid of Small Businesses!"

And, to "Invest In Our Farms, and Green Technologies!" And, "Do What's Right For The World!
And, If there was Ever A Better Time, or Desire to Find A Way To Do Something Better For The Earth," and, "For We The People!" "This is The Time to Do It!"

And, "It's Definitely Time to Transcend Our Differences Whatever They May Be!"

"Because, Without A Vision, Hope, or Dream," that "Things Will Get Better, What Do You Have?" "A State of Hopeless Depression!"

And, "Its Much Better to Be Judged by Our Positive Actions," than "Doing Nothing to Make Things Better!" So, "Let's Agree to Disagree," But, "We Have to Do Something!"

So, "Let's Create The Earths Greatest Network for Communication" and "Speak Out against Economic and Racial Oppression!"

And, "Let Us Agree" to "Speak Out For The Protection, and "Rights of Our Children," and "A Free Education that Provides for An Excellent Purview of History, Knowledge, and Life in General!"

And, Let's Set Up "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," via The Global Internet" and "Engage The World in A Universal Conversation of Peace and Change!"
For, "In This New Season of Evolution," "The Winds of Change are Blowing Strong and Clear," with "Each and Every Breath We Take!"

"The Giving Pledge Billionaires and Millionaires, Two Hundred and Four Signatories," Who are Either Individuals or Couples, "from Twenty-Two Countries," (at Last Count),  are "All apart of The New Face of Change," and "All, If Not The Majority of Them," are "An Important Part of The World of Big Business," and "Global Financing of The 21st Century!" And, "Their Philanthropic Investment In Charitable Affairs" is "A Magnificent Gesture Towards Eliminating Poverty," and "Making An Earth Environment" that "Is A Wonderful Home for The Earths Populace to Live on," and "Share with Their Friends and Families!"

And, "The Clinton Global Initiative Proves what Can Be Done" by "Pulling Together Global Leaders," "The Private Business Sector," "Global Corporations," "Individual Investors," "Philanthropists," and "The Global Cross-Media Universe," to "Invest Their Time, Energies, and Capital in Fighting Disease," "Investing in Green Technology," and "Improving The Overall Social Welfare and Living Conditions of The Citizens Of The Earth!" And, "Most of All, CGI Shows Us The Value of Working Together!" And, by "Working Together" "We Can Make a Difference!"

And, "It's Time" that "The Leaders of Global Economies Agreed to Re-Invest in The Future of The Earth" by "Investing in," and "Sowing The Seeds of A Peace Time Economy!" 

"A Global War Time Economy" is "Not The Path of The Future!" And, "The Winds of Change are Here and Now!"

And, " It's Time For A New Age of Philanthropy" to "Rise Up on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace and Compassion," to "Come to The Aid of Our Fellow Human Being," and "Invest in A Cultural Evolution that Educates," and "Brings Relief," and "Conscious Awareness" to "All The Citizens Of The Earth!"

But, "Each of Us Must Do Our Own Part," If, "Our Earthrise Movement Of, By and For The People," is to "Reach The Goals and Aims," that "We Have Been Working Towards!" 
"Each of Us," in "Our Own Interdependent Way!"

And, "That Means" from "The Poorest of The Poor," to "The Richest of The Rich," "We Must One and All Establish A Standard of Living" that "Is Spiritually, Emotionally, and Intellectually In Equanimity," and "In Global Equilibre," with "The Parallel Evolution of The Grand Cosmos!"

"Whether it Be" by "Simply Discussing Ways To Better Ourselves," and then, "Sharing These Idea's with Our Families and Friends," or to "Participate in Non-Violent Demonstrations," or "Voting One's Conscious," "Can Make A Difference!"

And, "We" Have to, "One and All," "Become Earth Activists," and "Environmental and Ecological Advocates," "Protectors and Conservators of The Earths Ecological Systems," and "Its Sentient Beings," and "Voices of Reason," "Sharing and Building New Bridges" to "Connect Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions All Across This Beautiful Planet of Ours!"

And also, In Doing so, "Commit and Dedicate Ourselves" to "Resolutely, Defend and Protect The Rights of One Another!" For, "We are All," "One People," "Citizens Of The Third Planet from The Sun," and "Our Home," called "Earth!"

And, "By Standing Together, As One Great Soul Force," "There is Nothing that We" Can Not Do!" As long as "We Believe" that "We Can Do It!"

"Its All within The Eye of The Beholder," and "The Winds of Change Have Shown Us," that "Perception is An Essential and Powerfully Important Part of Change!"

And, As "We Continue to Evolve as One," from "Unreal to Real," "A True and Irresistible Change Will Come to Be An Everlasting State of Being and Consciousness," once again, That is "In Equanimity," and "In Global Equilibre," with "The Parallel Evolution of The Grand Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe!"

For, "We are All," "Parts of The Solution," to "Heal The Emotional, Physical, Intellectual, Mental, Soulful, and Spiritual Wounds of Each Other!"

And, "We are All," a "Part of The Solution to Heal The Earth!" "This Earth of Ours," That has "Been Ravaged Over and Over again," by "The Senselessness of Greed and Profit at Any Expense," by "Any Individual" or "World of Big Business!"

"Which is Why," It is, also, "So Important For There to Be A New Political and Financial System," That is "Truly Of The People, By The People, and For The People," to "Create New Jobs," and "Investment in Research to Build and Create a Peace Time Manufacturing Industry," that "Produces, Rewards, and Encourages Further Investment in New Millennium Technology," That is "Ecologically and Economically Beneficial" to "All The People of Our Home Planet Earth," and "The Universe!"

And, "To Fully Embrace These Winds of Change" as "They Flow O'er The Seas, Lands, and Skies Of The Earth," "We are in Need of A New Earthwise Perspective, An Amended Global Constitution," and "Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century," that "Truly Protects, and Preserves The Rights," "Principles," and "Laws Of "We The People!"

And, "That States UN-Equivocally and Simply," That "We are All Equal Under The Moon, Sun, Stars," and "Luminous Bodies of The Grand Universe!"

So, once again, "What Better Time or Opportunity is There, than Now," to "Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue," to "Address The Concerns and Future" of  "We The People," "Sovereign Citizens Of The Earth!"

"The United Nations General Assembly is Engaged" and "CGI is Engaged," with "The Clear Intent to Bringing Together New Coalitions" to "Help Struggling Nations," and "Those of Us Who are In Need!"

And, "May This New Moon" and "All The Positive Synergies Of The People Lead The Way To A New Era of Peace," for "Millennia Upon Millennia to Come!"  

And, "Let Us Agree" that "In This New Season of Change" that "This is The Time to Heal The World," and "Establish A Peace Time Economy" for "One and All" to Share!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and The 21st Millennia, "Let Us Agree" that "There is Still So Much to Be Done!" However," It is Rewarding to Feel a Part of A Vibrant New Synergy," "Made up of Kindred Spirits, Students, Artists, Educators, Philanthropists," and "Universally Aware Interdependent Women and Men of All Persuasions," Who are "Sincerely and Steadfastly Setting New Paths of Non-Violent Engagement," "In The Name of Peace and Change!"

And, "Let Us also Remember," that "We are In The Billions," and "This is Our Earth," and "We are The World," and "Its Time We Gave Peace A Chance!"

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age of Justice, Truth, Joie De Vivre, Unlimited Opportunities and New Earthrise Horizons, Social Security, Economic Parity, Global Equilibre, and Peace On Earth!

-In Memoriam:
"Toni Morrison, Pulitzer Prize Winner, Celebrated American Novelist, Editor, Professor Emeritus and Teacher at Princeton University "Passed Away at The Montefiori Medical Center in New York On Monday, The Fifth of August 2019" at "The Age of Eighty-Eight," from Complications of Pneumonia!" And, "Her Death has Deeply Touched Millions Upon Millions of Admirers Earthwide!"

"Toni Morrison was Known Earthwide for Her Best-Selling Novel "Beloved (Which was Adapted into a Film Starring Oprah Winfrey and Danny Glover)!" However, "She was also Enriched Our Lives with Her Best-Sellers "Jazz" (in 1992), "Paradise" (in 1997), Which "Comprised A Trilogy of Excellence," along with "Beloved!" 

And,  In 1996 was "She was Selected for The Jefferson Lecture by The National Endowment for The Humanities," (The Highest Honor For Achievement in The Humanities by The United States Government). 
And, In 1993 "Became The First Black Woman of Any Nationality" to "Be Awarded The Nobel Prize in Literature!"

And, "Toni Morrison was Honored with The 1996 National Book Foundation's Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters!"

"Toni Morrison's Abilities as An Artist Knew No Boundaries," She also "Wrote The Libretto for A New Opera" Entitled "Margaret Garner," that was "Performed for The First Time in 2005!"  

"Toni Morrison was also An Editor at Random House," and"For Nineteen Years She Used Her Extraordinary Ability to See Talent" and "Discover A Cadre of Black Authors Including, Toni Cade Bambara, Gayl Jones, and Angela Davis!"

And, "Toni Morrison's Wide and Celebrated Career also Took Her to Princeton," Where "She Held The Robert F. Goheen Chair in The Humanities," and "Taught from 1989 to 2006!"

And, On The Twenty-Ninth of May 2012 "Toni Morrison was Presented with The Medal of Freedom" by Former U.S. President Barack Obama!"

And, In 2016, "She Received The PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American Fiction!"

"To Say that Toni Morrison has had A Prolific Career Would Be An Understatement," In 2002 "She was Considered One of One Hundred Greatest African-Americans," In 2005 "She Received An Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Oxford University," In 2009 "She Received Norman Mailer's Life Time Achievement Prize," and In 2010, "She was Made An Officier de de la Legion d'Honneur!"  
"Truly Her Talent Bridged The Artistic Spectrum of Creative Expression," in "Grand Abundance" and "In A Magnificent Soul Force of Multi Cultural Beauty!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Toni Morrison, Born Chloe Ardella Wofford, and We Mourn Her Passing with You!

And, To Toni Morrison's Fellow Colleagues, Friends, and Global Admirers, We are Very Fortunate to have Her Vast Body of Work and Great Spirit to Share with Each Other and with Future Generations for As Long as Literature and Culture Exists!"

-In Memoriam;
 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Saoirse Kennedy Hill," Twenty-Two Years of Age, "The Daughter of Paul Hill, and Courtney Kennedy Hill," and "The Granddaughter of Ethel and Robert Kennedy Died in The Kennedy Family Compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, on Thursday, The First of August 2019!

The Robert F. Kennedy Family Released This Statement, "Our hearts are shattered by the loss of our beloved Saoirse. Her life was filled with hope, promise and love. She cared deeply about friends and family, especially her Mother Courtney, her Father Paul, her Stepmother Stephanie, and her Grandmother Ethel, who said, 'The world is a little less beautiful today.'"

And, "Ethel Kennedy who has Seen Too Many Tragic Deaths Touch Her Family Too Many Times," with "The Assassination of Her Husband Robert F. Kennedy," and "The Assassination of His Brother, President John F. Kennedy," also Added about Saoirse, "She lit up our lives with her love, her peals of laughter and her generous spirit. Saoirse was passionately moved by the causes of human rights and women's empowerment and found great joy in volunteer work, working alongside indigenous communities, to build schools in Mexico. We will lover her, and miss her forever."

And, On Friday, The Second of August 2019, "Robert Kennedy Jr. Wrote" under An Instagram Photo, "We lost our daughter and our children, their sister. Saoirse was fierce, both in her love for her family, and yearning for justice. A fearless adventurer, she inspired curiosity and daring in her friends. But her greatest gift was to find humor in everything and give us all the gift of her laughter- and our own. The gaping whole that she leaves in our family is too large too ever heal."     

Assistant District Attorney Tara Miltimore said, "The matter remains under investigation by the Barnstable police as well as state police detectives assigned to the Cape and Islands District Attorneys office."

We Would like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Paul Hill, and Courtney Kennedy Hill, and to The Entire Kennedy Family, For The Sudden and Tragic Death of Saoirse Kennedy Hill! We Mourn Her Loss of Life with You! 

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!