Thursday, August 1, 2019



The Way To Peace! #346

"As Powerful Currents, Interludes, and Movements of News Stories and Headlines of The Fourth Estate Continue to Flow into Our Lives," "Capturing Us in Their Undertow of Facts, Commentaries, and Impressions," and "The Continuing Developing and Breaking News Spotlights Course Through Our Days and Nights in A Purposeful Trajectory to Present The News and "All The News in A Forthright Manner," "The Post Robert Mueller Testimony Before The House Judiciary and House Intelligence Committee's" has "Given A New Sense of Drama to The Parallel Universes Involving Russia's Interference in The U.S. 2016 Presidential Election," "President Trump," and "The Trump Administration," and "His 2016 Campaign Election Team!"

And, "The Global Cross Media News Reports that "The House Judiciary Committee" has,  (1) "Filed An Application Requesting The Release of Grand Jury Material Redacted from The Mueller Report," with" The U.S. District Court for The District of Columbia," Including, (2) "Requesting Additional Related Grand Jury Material Concerning President Trump" and "Former White House Counsel Don McGahn," on Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of July 2019, has "Brought on A Torrent of Cross Media Activity!" And, "The Reality" that The Word "Impeachment" was "Used in The Argument" has "Caused A New Intensity in This Potentially Historical Moment in American Politics!"

The Application Of The Committee On The Judiciary, U.S. House Of Representatives Argues that, "the House must have access to all the relevant facts [regarding the President's conduct] and consider whether to exercise its full Article I powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity---approvals of articles of impeachment."

And, with "This Filling," "So Changes The Overall Dimension and Direction of The Six Week Vacation for The United States Congress" (and President Trump)!

"Why!" Because For One Distinct Reason, "Representative Jerrold Lewis Nadler, Democrat from New York, and "Chairman of The House Judiciary Committee," and "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi," Democrat from California, have "An Immensely Important Responsibility to Oversee, Supervise, and Guide This Court Process to Its Conclusion," Irregardless of "The Pressures They Will Be Under," As "They Continue to Seek All The Truth, and Nothing But The Truth," "Not For Political Gain," But, "For The Sake of The Nation," and "The Republic, Democracy" and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "Especially For The Youth of America,"  and "All that This Nation of Laws Stands for!"

And, "the Truth Must Be Ascertained!" Because "The Sovereign Rights of The United States of America" have "Been Violated by The Russian Federation," under "The Authorization of Their President Vladimir Putin," and "Their Campaign to Disrupt and Attack The Principles that America Stands for has Not Ended," and "Every Citizen of The United States Must Recognize, Realize, and Accept This," and "Remain Vigilant!" 

And 'The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of The United States Congress," Whether They are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or Independent, "Must Act Responsibly" to "Defend and Protect The Principles, and Values of America!"

 And, "If The House Judiciary Committee's Application Requesting The Release of Grand Jury Material Redacted from The Mueller Report," Including, "Additional Related Grand Jury Material Concerning President Trump" and "Former White House Counsel Don McGahn,
"Leads Us to This Truth," "Then So Be It," Because "No One is Above The Law!"

And, As A New Summer of "Multifaceted Experiences Takes A Quantum Leap into Our Lives" and "With It The Illusion, Idea's, and Thoughts of Weekends of Leisure," and "Promising Vacations to Fascinating Destinations," and "Barbeque's and Picnics," and "Days on The Beach," "Embraced by The Warmth of The Sun," and "Moonlit Eventide's Filled with Stars and Celestial Bodies of The Grand Universe to Enthrall Us" and "Grace Our Skies with Their Beauty," "It is Usually The Buzz of A Mosquito," and/or "The Incessant Annoyance of Gnats" that also "Reminds Us of The Reason Why Bug Sprays were Invented," and With Each and Every Bite Received, "The Grand Illusion of Summer Merges Together with The Reality of A New Phase or Perspective," of "A Parallel Time/Space Universe or Moment," or "Season in Time," that is "An Awakening of What is Yet to Come," or of "A Past Moment Not so Enjoyable in Remembrance!" 
And, "With Each New Day of The Trump Administration This Proves to Be True," from "Whichever Perspective You Choose to Compare It to!"

And with it, "A New Headline of The Fourth Estate is Born to Be Published, or "A New Scandal," or "Act of Provocation," or "A New Breaking News Spotlight" of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Influence Reveals Yet Another Purview of The Mueller Report Involving President Trump" and/or "The Mechanization's of How His 2016 Campaign Team Functioned," and with "Whom They Associated with is Brought to Light by The Counter-Intelligence," and "Fourth Estate Investigations of  The Secretive and Non-Transparent Events and Encounters of The Trump Campaign!"

And, So It is, "This Time" with President Trump's Recent Tweets that "Began on Sunday, The Fourteenth of July 2019,  and "Continued into Monday, The Fifteenth of July, "Attacking Four Freshman Democratic Congresswomen of Color," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., from New York), Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., from Minnesota), Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D., from Massachusetts), and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., from Michigan)!

Sunday, The Fourteenth of July 2019, In a Series of Tweets The President of The United States of America Wrote, "So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt, and inept anywhere in the world, (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly.... "and viciously telling the people of the United States, the  greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested  places from which they came. Then come back and show us how.... "it is done. These places need your help badly, you can't leave fast enough. I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements."

-(Note that, "President Trump was Tweeting" about "Four American Congresswomen," who are "Natural Born Citizens of The United States of America," with "The Exception of Rep. Omar who was Born in Somalia," and "Whose  Family Immigrated to America when She was A Young Child!" However, "Rep. Omar Became An American Citizen in 2000," when "She was Seventeen Years of Age!")-

"The Questions" that "Arise in This Intense Political Atmosphere and Climate in The U.S." of; (1) "Increased Political Rhetoric," (2) "Increased Calls for An Impeachment Inquiry of President Trump to Begin," (3) "A Congressional Reprimand of The President," (4) "Robert Mueller's Testimony Before The U.S. Congress in An Open Hearing," (5) "The Testimonies of Mr. Mueller's Staff in A Closed Door Hearing," and, (6) "The Trade War of Hubris" between "President Trump and President Xi Jinping," of The Republic of China, (7) "President Trump's Dispute with The Fed," (8) "The Fed Rate Cuts of A Quarter-Percentage Point" that "Sent a Tremor Through The Stock Markets on Wednesday, The Thirty-First of July 2019," (9) "New Resignations in The Trump Administrations," and, (10) "New Trials Concerning Indictments Brought on by Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Investigations into Russia's Interference in The 2016 United States Elections," and, (11) "The Results of The Mueller Report," "Can only Be Summed up in "Whether or Not President Trump is Reacting to The Formidable Cloud of Circumstances and Allegations" that "Hover over His Presidency," and His Administration in The White House," and "The Legal Affairs that have Encircled Him," and "His Family!" 

Or "Is This Simply that The President Feels," that, (1) "His Provocations Can Hold His Base Together" or, 
(2) "He Can Replace His Attacks on Mrs. Clinton," (Who is Not Campaigning to Be The Democratic Party Nominee for President) with "A New Barrage of Attacks on The Four Congresswomen and Speaker Pelosi on His Campaign Stops," 
(3) "He Gain The Upper Hand in Media Coverage," (for Free) in The United States and Globally," or, 
(4) "He Can Distract The U.S. Congress away from Performing It's Duties on Behalf of The American People," 
(5) "He Can Add More Conservative Leaning Judgeship's," and/or, 
(6) He Can Distract The American People away from The Realization that "Their Needs are Not Being Adhered to by His Administration," such as; "Infrastructure Repairs," "Economic Parity," "Support for Universal Healthcare For All The People," and "Healing The Divisions that have Occurred in America over His Domestic and Foreign Affair Policies," and/or, 
(7) "The Fact" that "Millions upon Millions of Americans have had Their Lives Destabilized," and "Their Sense of Security has Been Eroded" and that "Their Children have had to Experience This!" 
"As Demonstrated in The Shameful Example" of "The President's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy," and "The Withdrawal of The United States from The Paris Agreement," and "The President's Affinity to Believe Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin," in Regards to "Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Elections," even "While The Directors of All The U.S. Intelligence Agencies have Agreed" that "Russia was Guilty of Doing This!"

In The End, "History Will Hold All The Answers," to "The Unanswered Questions" that "The U.S. Congress," and "The U.S. Judiciary Does Not Discover," However, One Thing is For Sure, Which is "The Whole Truth" and "Nothing But The Truth Will Be Discovered," and "No One is Above The Law!"

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-However, "This New Attack upon The The Four Freshman Congresswomen of The United States Congress," Makes One Wonder about "What were President Trump's Main Influences" As "He Grew into An Adult Male Living in The United States of America!" 

Because, "There have Always Been A Lady in The Harbor Welcoming People from All over The Earth" who were "Seeking Refuge, Safety, and Protection from Harmway!" 

And, "There has Always Been Lady Justice" who "Provided for," and "Personified A Grand Sense of Spirit, Morality and Ethics," and "The Grand Significance of A Great Soul Force of The Law," in "The Judicial System of The United States of America!" 

And, When You Add "The Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety-One Words" "Including the Twenty-Seven Amendments of The United States Constitution," into This Grand Experiment and Equation," that "Embraces The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of We The People, of The United States of America," Then "You have The Foundation for," and "The Making of," "An Historical Event in The Time/Space Reality of Humankind!"

And, "One Can only Imagine" that "To Be President of The United States of America" is "A Grand Position of Honor," that "The Approximately 327.16 Million Americans," and "All The Populace of The Earths Sovereign Nations," have "Very High Expectations!" And, "To Live up to Those Very High Expectations" is "A Great Challenge!" 

"A Great Challenge" of "Unification, Dedication, and Commitment" to "Preserving The Rights and Principles" that "The United States of America is Renown For Earthwide!" 

-(Note that, House Speaker Democrat Nancy Pelosi from California Tweeted, "When @realDonald Trump tells four American Congresswomen go back to their countries, he reaffirms his plan to make "America Great Again" has always been about making America white again." And..."Our diversity is our strength and our unity is our power.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News- Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"- Wednesday, The Twenty-Fourth of July 2019, "Robert Mueller III Testified Before The House Judiciary Committee, for Four and a Half Hours," and "For Almost for Three Hours Before The House Intelligence Committee!" 

And, "As Expected His Testimony" and "Answers to The Committee Members Questions Followed in A Parallel Course" to "The Four Hundred and Forty-Eight Page Special Counsel Report," as "He Previously Stated It Would in His Public Statement" on Wednesday, The Twenty-Ninth of May 2019!"

And, Althroughout The Testimony of The Two Committee's "Mr. Mueller's Answers were Echoes of His Public Statement," and of "The Four Hundred and Forty-Eight Page Special Counsel Report!"

And, "While The Republican Members of Both Committees Continued to, (1) Attack The Attorney's who Worked so Arduously and Confidently with Mr. Mueller on The Special Counsel Report, and, (2) Attack Mr. Mueller's Credibility, Knowing that He was Not Permitted to Answer Some of Their Questions Due to The Department of Justice Policy and Precedence!

"What was Most Revealing is Their Attempts to Re-Write History," and "Ignore that Russia was Guilty in Interfering with The 2016 U.S. Elections," and that "There were, In Fact, "Multiple Indictments, Convictions, and Crimes," that were "Published in The Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Highlighted in The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Influence!" 

And, "The Question Why" "The Republican Member's of Both Committee's" have "Chosen to Ignore These Facts is Disturbing and Confusing!"

And, "Facts Surrounding The Russian Investigation, Indictments, Convictions, and Crimes," are of "Public Knowledge," and "Any Attempt to Revise, Ignore, or Change The Outcome of Robert Mueller's Russian Investigation," and "Its Conclusions" are of "Deep Concern!"

"Why" Because, (1) "We have A New Election Period that Lies Ahead" and "Concerns are Russia Will Attempt to Interfere with These Elections as Well!" 
And, In Fact, "The Directors of United States Intelligence Agencies have Warned" that "This is Russia's Intent!" 

And, "This Should Be The Concern of Every Federal, State, and Local Elected Official," "Republican, Independent, Libertarian, or Democrat!"

"The Russian Federation is Not A Close Ally of The United States of America," Nor "Is The Russian Federation An Admirer of Democracy!"  
And, "Any U.S. Co-conspirator Working with Russian Officials" to "Subvert The Values, Traditions, and Laws of The United States of America" is "A Criminal," "Unethical, and "Unpatriotic!"

And, "If Anything at All "Robert Mueller and His Team of Attorney's Should Be Given Both The Presidential Medal of Freedom," and "The Congressional Gold Medal," for "The Professional and Impartial Work" that "They have Done on Behalf of The People of The United States of America!"

And, "The Democrat Member's of Both The House Judiciary Committee," and "The House Intelligence Committee," are "To Be Complimented" for "Their Dedication and Commitment" to "Expressing The Facts about Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Elections," "The Trump Campaign," "The Trump Administration," "President Donald John Trump," and "The Truth!"

And "Now It is Up to The United States Congress," to "Analyze The Information Presented to Them in The Mueller Report," and "Their Own Investigations," and "Robert Mueller's Testimonies Before Congress," and "Decide on A Course of Action" that "Is True and Just in The Name of Constitutional Law!"

And, "It is Up To All Americans to Vote for The Candidate" and/or "Nominee of Their Choice in The 2020 Elections," (without Foreign Interference).

And, "As has Been Quoted Over and Over During Both Committee Meetings," "No One is Above The Law!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of July 2019, "The United States Senate Voted Overwhelmingly by A Ninety-Seven to Two Vote" to "Pass A Bill" that "Would Provide Additional Funding Compensation for The Healthcare and Welfare" of "The Brave and Courageous First Responders and Emergency Personnel," The Firefighters, Police Officers, and Others, who "Risked Their Lives to Come to The Aid of Anyone who was In Need to Help," or "Whatsoever The Danger was," "Caused by The September 11, 2001 Attacks Upon The United States of America!"

On The Twelfth of July 2019, "The United States House of Representatives had Passed This Bill" by "In A Magnificent Display of Bipartisanship," by "A Vote of Four Hundred and Two to Twelve," that "Would Extend The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund This Month" (VCF), "A Fund that was Practically Depleted of Funds to The Degree" that "Awards were Cut in Half This Year!"

"It Must Be Noted" that on Wednesday, The Seventeenth of July 2019, "U.S. Senator Rand Paul Republican from Kentucky and U.S. Senator Mike Lee Republican from Utah "Attempted to Block Passage of The Bill!"

"The Two U.S. Senators had Proposed Amendments" that "Would Limit How Much Federal Taxpayers Would Pay to Cover The Compensation of The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund" (VCF)!

However, "In A Display of True Senate Cooperation, Sensibility, and Bipartisanship," "These Two Amendments were Voted Down by Large Margins!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of July 2019, "John Stewart," An Very Impressive Advocate of The Bill said, "We can never repay the 9/11 community for what they have done, but we can stop penalizing them." And, He also said, "And Today is that day that they can exhale."

And, "Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Democrat from New York," and "One of The Bills Sponsors" said "The Senate promised that we would 'never forget' and today we finally lived up to that promise

And, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer Democrat from New York Tweeted "The struggle of nearly two decades to get these brave women and men what they deserve is---hopefully, finally----complete."

Global Cross Media News Reports are "9/11 Survivor John Feal, who has "Worked on The Passage of This Bill over The Last Fifteen Years" said, "For ten's of thousands of people that are waiting to hear the outcome of this, my heart bleeds with joy knowing that so many people are going to get help." And, "Everything we asked for, we got."

"This Important Fund was Set to Expire by 2020," and "Now Its Lifeline Will Be Extended until October 2090," and "Most Importantly Would Remove A Dollar Amount for The Fund's Total Funding," and "Reward Those Outstanding Women and Men who Braved The Dangers of The Attacks Upon America on The Eleventh of September, 2001," and "Who Come to The Aid of Their Fellow American without Hesitation, or Consideration For The Safety of Their Own Lives," "For Life!"

"President Trump has Signed This Bill into Law!"

-(Note that, "The Congressional Budget Office Estimated" that "This Bill Will Cost about $Ten Billion Dollars over The Next Decade!" However, "Let Us One and All Agree" that "Every Dollar Spent Will Be Worthwhile!" And, "We Would Like to Extend All of Our Gratitude, Thanks, and Appreciation to All The Emergency Personnel and First Responders!" "We are Indebted to You For Life!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Thirtieth  and Wednesday, The Thirty-First of July 2019, "The Next Series of Debates Among Candidates of The Democratic Party who have Qualified for The Debate" by, (1) "Attaining A Minimum of One Percent Support in Three Polls," or, (2) "Received Campaign Contributions from Sixty-Five Thousand Unique Donors, Including Two Hundred Donors Each from from Twenty Different States Takes Place," and Once Again "The Curtain Rises on This Exciting Political Season!"

"The Two Evenings of Debates by Candidates" who "Represent The Cognizant, Intelligent, and Compassionate Core Nucleus of The Democratic Party Campaigning For Their Party's Nomination" for "President of The United States of America," are Hosted by CNN, On Stage at "The Fox Theatre in Detroit, Michigan," and "Represent The Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Political Vision of The Democratic Party," from "All Across The United States!" 

"The Democratic Candidates for Each Evening were Chosen" in "A Random Drawing for Transparency Reasons!" 

And, "The Lineups" have Been Divided into "Three Categories Based on Polling Numbers," with "One" to "Divide The Top Four Candidates," and "One" to Divide The Middle Six Candidates," and "One" to "Divide The Bottom Ten Candidates!"

Tuesday Evening- July 30, 2019- The Candidates Will Be;
(1) Governor Stephen Clark Bullock from Montana
( 2) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana
(3) U.S. House of Representative John Kevin Delaney from Maryland
(4) Former Governor John Wright Hickenlooper Jr. from Colorado
(5) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota
(6) Former U.S. House of Representative Beto O'Rourke from Texas
(7) U.S. House of Representative Timothy John Ryan from Ohio
(8) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont
(9) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts
(10) Author/Activists Marianne Deborah Williamson from Texas

And, Wednesday Evening- July 31, 2019- The Candidates Will Be;
(1) Senator Michael Farrand Bennet from Colorado
(2) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania
(3) Senator Cory Anthony Booker from New Jersey
(4) Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro 
(5) Mayor William de Blasio from New York
(6) U.S. House of Representative Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii
(7) Senator Kirsten Elizabeth Gillibrand from New York
(8) Senator Kamala Devi Harris from California
(9) Governor Jay Robert Inslee from Washington State
(10) Entrepreneur/Philanthropist Andrew Yang from New York

And, To Say that "The American People are Ready for A Change," "A Positive Change," that "Reflects The True Character," "Tenets," and "Representation of The Principles, Freedoms, Values, Traditions and Rights Of America," and "The Law of The Land," and "Justice that America Stands for" "Would Be An Understatement!"

And, "These Two Evenings of Political Debates," Will Be "The Second in A Series of Political Discourse" to "Establish A New Horizon in American Politics," "One" that "Empowers The Nation," and "Inspires The American People to Take A Quantum Leap in Their Lives Beyond," "The Scandals, Racism, Allegations of Government Corruption, Investigations, Challenges to The U.S. Constitution," and "In Support of The Judiciary Battles to Establish The Truth," and "The Civil Liberties of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People!"

And, "The Choice of Whom Will Be The Nominee for The Democratic Party Lies In The Balance of These Debates," and "Political Campaigns Across America!" 

And, "The 2020 Presidential Elections," is "America's Opportunity to Engage in, Sustain, Encourage, Maintain, Empower, Vote for and Perpetuate" "A New Political, Sociological, Cognizant, and Cultural Change in The United States," without "Foreign Interference," or "Cyber Crimes!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump Tweeted on Sunday, The Twenty-Eighth of July 2019, that The Director of National Intelligence Daniel Ray Coats Will Be Leaving His Post on The Fifteenth of August, 2019!

The President Tweeted "I would like to thank Dan for his great service to our Country." And also that, "The Acting Director will be named shortly."

In Director Coats Resignation Letter He said, "I have ensured that we have the capabilities necessary to protect against those who would do us harm." And, Director Coats added that "Serving as The Nation's Top Intelligence Official has been a 'Distinct Privilege," However, He also said, "I believe its time for me to move on to the next chapter of my life."

Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump has Nominated Representative John Lee Ratcliffe," Republican from Texas to Replace Director Coats!" However, "That Will Still Take a Fifty-One Vote Majority," under "The New Senate Rules!"

"It has Been No Secret" that "Director Coats and President Trump" have had "Different Opinions about Foreign Policy Decisions" with (1) "The Democratic Republic of North Korea," or, (2) "Whether or Not The Russian Federation Interfered in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections!"

In February 0f 2019, Director Coats said in Testimony to Congress that North Korea would be "unlikely" to give up its nuclear weapons or its ability to produce them because "its leaders ultimately view nuclear weapons as critical to regime survival." Which "Left Him at Odd with The President!"

And, "After The Helsinki Summit News Conference with President Trump and President Putin," During Which President Trump said, "He had no reason to Russia had interfered in the 2016 election," Director Coats said, "We have been clear in our assessment of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and their ongoing, pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy, and we will continue to provide unvarnished and objective intelligence in support of our national security."

 And, Over The Past Two Years, "Their Differences in U.S. Foreign Policy has Been Obvious!"

-(Note that, President Trump Later said that "He misspoke in Helsinki.")-

"The Question" that "Now Remains" is, "Does Representative Ratcliffe have The Proper Credentials and Cognition to Be Nominated to This Highly Prestigious Intelligence Position!" 
Or, "Will This Nomination of Representative Ratcliffe Be Looked at" as "Being A Political Maneuver," in "This Highly Political Election Campaign Season!"

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer Democrat from New York Tweeted, "It's clear Rep. Ratcliffe was selected because he exhibited blind loyalty to @realDonaldTrump with his demagogic questioning of Mueller. If Senate Republicans elevate such a partisan player to a position requiring intelligence expertise & non-partisanship, it'd be a big mistake."

And so, "With The Resignation of The Fifth Director of National Intelligence Daniel Ray Coats" and that "The House Judiciary Committee" has "Filed An Application Requesting The Release of Grand Jury Material Redacted from The Mueller Report," "New Cracks Continue to Emerge in The Walls of The West Wing and The Trump Administration!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "Swedish Teenage Environmentalist Earth Climate Activist Greta Thunberg 16, Will Speak at COP25, at The United Nations Climate Action Summit on The Twenty-Third of September 2019!"
This Event Will Be Hosted by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in New York City!"

On Monday The Twenty-Ninth of July 2019, Greta Announced, Good News! I'll be joining the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York, COP25 in Santiago, and other events along the way.
I've been offered a ride on the 60ft racing boat Malizia II. We'll be sailing across the Atlantic Ocean from the UK to the NYC in mid August."

Greta Will Be Participating in Two United Nations Summit Meetings," in "New York and Santiago, Chile," However, "To Do so, "She Will First Make Her Maiden Journey Across The Atlantic Ocean by Boat," Aboard A Sixty Foot Yacht "The Malizia II," with "Her Father," who is "A Filmmaker," and "The Boat Crew!" 
 And, "The Journey is Expected to Take Two Weeks," "Departing from The UK and Arriving in New York!"

-(Note that, The Boat, "The Malizia Produces Its Own Electricity," "Powered with Solar Panels and Underwater Turbines!")-

"Greta also Plans to Visit Canada and Other Countries in Latin America," at "Events that She Sincerely Believes "Where our Future will be decided!"

And, "She Plans to Travel via Trains and Buses," and also "Including Other Low Carbon Transportation to Chile," for "The Annual U.N. Climate Conference" (COP25), "Between The Second thru The Thirteenth of December 2019!"

"In A Statement" Global Cross Media News Reports are Greta said, "During the past year, millions of young people have raised their voices to make world leaders wake up to the climate and ecological emergency," and She also said "Over the next months, the events in New York and Santiago de Chili will show if they have listened. Together with many other young people across the Americas and the world, I will be there, even if the journey will be long and challenging."

"It's Time" that "We All Made This Earthrise Journey Together," as "A Great Soul Force of Environmentalist and Ecologist Activists and Advocates-Conservators and Protectors of The Skies, Seas, Lands, Atmosphere" and "Sentient Life Forms of Our Home Planet Earth!" 

Truly, "What Cognizant Choice Do We have," As "We Evolve in The Parallel Universe of Our Time/Space Reality and Existence," As "A Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Grand Cosmos," and "Celestial Bodies" and "Sentient Life Forms of The Grand Universe!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Full Moon Rose over The U.S. Capitol, Global Cross Media News Reports are "After A Fervent, Passionate, Ill-Tempered, Intense, Heated, Vigorous, Aggressive, and Highly Spirited Partisan Debate Took Place," "The United States House of Representatives Voted to Condemn," as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, from California Stated to The House, "The President's Racist tweets."

"The Vote on This Measure to Condemn The President," While Along Party Lines, was "Two Hundred and Forty to One Hundred and Eighty-Seven," with "Four Republicans and One Independent Joining The Democrats," in "This Strong Display of The Significance of The Values and Responsibilities" that "Our Elected Officials are Obligated Provide The American People," and that "No None is Above This Obligation and Responsibility to The Nation," and "The Rules of Congress!" Not even The President of The United States of America!"

"Speaker Pelosi Eloquently said to The House" as They Debated The Resolution, "Every single member of this institution, Democrat and Republican, should join us in condemning the President's racist tweets."

And, "Civil Rights Icon Representative John Lewis," Democrat from Georgia, said In Another Exchange, "I know racism when I see it, I know racism when I feel it, and at the highest level of government, there's no room for racism."

And, "While This Vote of Condemnation of President Trump's Tweets," that "Began on Sunday, The Fourteenth of July 2019,  and "Continued into Monday, The Fifteenth of July, "Attacking Four Freshman Democratic Congresswomen of Color," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., from New York), Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., from Minnesota), Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D., from Massachusetts), and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., from Michigan, "This Vote," Though Symbolic and Nonbinding, and Along Party Lines, "This Resolution of Censure," "This Condemnation Measure," "Will have Historical Significance to It!" "Why!" Because "A Nation without Laws Can Not Exist as A True Democracy," Nor "Can It Exist as A True Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "Although The Republican Party Attempted to Diminish The Significance of This Vote" by "Attempting to Turn The Debates Focus on Speaker Pelosi's Comments about The President," "Instead of The President's Own Words as Described in His Own Tweets," "They were Unsuccessful!"

Speaker Pelosi Told Reporters (Off The House Floor), "Look I stand by my statement..."I'm proud of the attention has been called to it because what the President said was completely inappropriate against our colleagues, but not just against them, but against so many people in our country and he said to them 'Go back to where you came from.'"

-(Note that on Tuesday, The Sixteenth of July 2019, President Trump Defended His Remarks saying "The tweets were not Racist." And, The  President also Tweeted that, "The so-called vote to be taken is a Democrat con game. Republicans should not show 'weakness' and fall into their trap.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
In This Time/Space Reality, "It is just a Matter of Time Before Time Catches Up with You," and so has, "It with United States Attorney General William Pelham Barr," and "The United States Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Louis Ross Jr.!"

Wednesday, The Seventeenth of July 2019, "The House of Representatives Voted to Hold Both High Ranking Government Officials of The Trump Administration" in "Criminal Contempt of Congress" for "Refusing to Comply with Subpoenas" from "The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee," for "Information about President Trump's Attempt to Add a Citizenship Question" to "The 2020 Census!"  

Note that, "The Furor Surrounding President Trump's Attempt to Add a Citizenship Question" to "The 2020 Census Ended on Thursday, The Eleventh of July 2019," When "President Trump Decided to Abandon This Attempt!"

"The Circumstances Leading Up to The President's  Decision," No Doubt, had to "Be Affected by The U.S. Supreme Court Decision," on Thursday, The Twenty-Seventh of June 2019," to Block The Citizenship Question, "Is this person a citizen of the United States?" (that was "Added to The 2020 Census by Commerce Secretary Ross," who Oversees The Census Bureau, "Against The Advice of Census Bureau Experts"), from "Being Included in the 2020 Census by a Five to Four Vote."

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are "In The Majority Opinion Written by U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Glover Roberts Jr.," The Court said, "The reasoned explanation requirement of administrative law, after all, is meant to ensure that agencies offer genuine justifications for important decisions, reasons that can be scrutinized by courts and the interested public,".... And, "The Majority Opinion also Stated" that "Accepting contrived reasons would defeat the purpose of the enterprise. If judicial review is to be more than an empty ritual, it must demand something better than the explanation offered for the action taken in this case.")-

And, "Now It is Time for Attorney General Barr," and "Commerce Secretary Ross" to "Cooperate and Comply with Wishes of The U.S. Congress," in Regards to "Any Pertinent Information Surrounding The Development of The Initial Idea" and "Attempt to Implement This Question in the 2020 Census!"

"The Resolution" was "Passed by A Two Hundred and Thirty to One Hundred and Ninety-Eight," Once again with "The Democrats Leading The Way!"

-"Finished Business"-
As The Sun Set's over The United Kingdom, "The Question" of "Who Will Replace Theresa Mayer," and "Become The New Prime Minister," and "Leader of The Conservative and Unionist Party" (Tory Party) has "Been Answered," His Name is "Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson,"  who "From 2008 to 2016 was Mayor of London," and "From 2016 to 2018 was Foreign Secretary!"

-(Note that, "Jeremy Hunt," Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, "Came in Second!")

"Mr. Johnson" has "Been A Controversial and Contentious Voice in British Politics," and "Pro-Brexit!" And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "It Will Be A Great Challenge for Him to Unite All of The Opposing Factions Together," and "Embark upon A New Course!" 

"A Bold and Cognitive New Course" that "Bridges The Wide Political, Financial, and Sociological Divide" that, "Hovers over The UK Like A Host of Imposing Stratus Clouds Impeding The Light from Streaming Through," and Bringing with It "A New Sense and Experience of Change!" And, "An End of The Brexit Impasse!"

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"- 
And, "The Fate of A Sovereign Nation Still Lies in The Political Positions Taken" and "The Domestic Rivalry Between President Nicolas Maduro and Opposition Leader Juan Guaido," and "The Multiple Foreign and Domestic Factions" that "Surround and Support These Two Men!"

"A Logical, Pragmatic, Cognitive, and A Realistic Down to Earth Comprehensiveness" of "The Impediments that Lie in The Way of A Solution" that "Benefits, Empowers, and Provides For The Welfare, Social Security and Healthcare of  The People of This Sovereign Nation," and that "Creates An Honest, Just, and Fair Balance Of Power Sharing" is Still Needed!

And, The Path Forward Towards Achieving This Lies in The Mediation of Honest and Brokers of Peace," that Everyone Involved with This Political Impasse Can Trust and Agree with!" Interdependent Brokers of Peace and Bridge Makers to A New Age of Global and Domestic Equilibre such as; "Pope Francis, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, Former United States President's William Jefferson Clinton and/or James (Jimmy) Earl Carter Jr.!"

However, "There are also "Other Responsible Cognitive, Interdependent Peacemakers," and "Voices of Reason" who "Qualify to Undertake This Meaningful Responsibility For The Sake of The Venezuelan People!"

"Black Outs," such as "The One that Occurred on Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of July 2019," "Can Not Resolve The Venezuelan Crisis," only "Worsen It!" 

And, "Non-Violent Demonstrations," are "An Important Step Forward Towards Bringing Attention to The Crisis, However, By Itself, It is "Not The Sole Answer!" 

"It is of The Utmost Importance For All Factions to Agree to A Truce and Commitment" that Resolves The Issues and Conditions" that have "Divided Venezuela," and "Caused Millions Of People to Flee The Nation in Fear!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Twenty-Fourth of July 2019, "As The Parallel Universes that Govern The Hi-Tech Industries and Sovereign Nations of The Global Communities Work Towards Establishing Cognitive, Just, and Fair-minded Regulations and Laws" to "Guide This Extremely Innovative Industry," As It Continues to Embarks Upon New Projects," and "Engage in New Aspects and Characteristics of This Time/Space and Future Time/Space Realities," and as "It Evolves into An Even Broader Spectrum of Universal Platforms" of "Information, Technology, Commercialization, Profit, and Communication," "Conflicts have Arisen" that have "Brought about Fines, Penalties, and Settlements in Its Tow,"  such as, "The Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) Fine/Settlement of $Five Billion Dollar Imposed Against Facebook," "For Privacy Violations" (Deceiving users about their ability to control the privacy of their personal data"). 

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "This is The Largest Fine Imposed on A Company for Violating Customer Privacy Rights!")-

"The FTC is an Independent Government Agency of The United States Government," of "Five Commissioners," whose "Principal Purpose is, (1) "The Promotion of Consumer Protection," and, (2) "The Elimination and Prevention of Anti-competitive Business Practices," Made up of Five Commissioners!"

"In Addition to The Five Billion Dollar Fine," Global Cross Media News Reports are "Facebook was Ordered to, (1) "Create a New Privacy Committee, on Its Board" and,  
(2) "Adopt a Corporate System of Checks and Balances to Remain Compliant According to The FTC Order,  (3) "Make Structural Changes to Increase Further Transparency and Accountability of Its Data Practices," (4) "Increase Increase Privacy Protection Across Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp."

And, "As The Parallel Universes of The Public and Private Sectors Continue to Evolve" and "Become Challenged and Affected by New Realms of Regulations," "Profit and Loss," and "Even are Threatened by Cyber Crimes," "Technology Companies" of The Earths Global Sovereign Nations, "Will Face New Time/Space Reality of Demands for "Increased Transparency and Accountability!"

And, "Today's and Tomorrow's Global/Social Community Will Depend Upon The Universe of Hi-Tech Companies" and "Their Founders/Innovators to Establish A Common Denominator" that "Embraces The Equation of A Sense of Reason, Cognition, Intelligence, and Global Equilibre" that "Is Beneficial to The Global Social Media Community," and "True to Its Original Purpose!"

"Why!" Because, "An Earthrise of New Horizons Lie Before Us," and with It, "A Parallel Universe of New Changes, Regulations, and Laws," and "Inspiring New Thoughts and Enlightening Experiences of The Grand Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe," and that "The Hi-Tech Industry Must Remain Ahead of The Curve of Time and Change" is "Vital!"

-(Note that, On Wednesday, The Twenty-Fourth of July 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Co-Founder, Chairman, and Company CEO Mark Zuckerberg said," In A Facebook Post Published After The FTC Announcement was Made, "We've agreed to pay a historic fine, but even more important, we're going to make some major structural changes to how we build products and run this company. We have a responsibility to protect people's privacy. We already work hard to live up to this responsibility, but now we're going to set a completely new standard for our industry.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of July 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The United States Supreme Court Voted to Permit The Trump Administration to Use Pentagon Funds to Build Sections of The President's Border Wall with Mexico," Even "While Litigation Continues!"

"The Supreme Court Vote of Five to Four," "Overturned A Lower Court and Appeals Court Decision to Freeze The Funds!" And, "Will Now Allow The Use of $2.5 Billion of The Department of Defense Funds to Be Used" to "Replace Sections of The Border Wall in Arizona, California, and New Mexico!"

-(Note that, "The U.S. Supreme Court by Its Ruling Overturned, (1) "An Earlier Court Ruling Against The Trump Administration's Plan to Transfer $2.5 Billion Dollars from the Budget of The Department of Defense to The Department of Homeland Security" to "Build President Trump's Border Wall on Wednesday, The Third of July 2019," by The United States Court of Appeals for The Ninth Circuit," and, (2) "A Court Order, "Permanently enjoining The Trump Administration from building sections of the wall in Arizona, California, and New Mexico," by "U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam on Friday, The Twenty-Eight of June, 2019," Who said, "The Trump administration's plans were "unlawful" and that a re-appropriation of funds by the executive branch after a denial from the legislative branch "does not square with fundamental separation of powers principles dating back to the earliest days of our Republic.")-

Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of July 2019 President Trump Tweeted, "Wow," Big Victory on the Wall. The United States Supreme Court overturns lower court injunction, allows Southern Border Wall to proceed. Big Win for Border Security and The Rule of Law!"

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer from New York said," in A Statement, "It's a sad day when the president is cheering a decision that may allow him to steal funds from our military to pay or an ineffective and expensive wall for which he promised Mexico would foot the bill."

And, "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from California said, In A Statement, "The Supreme Court's decision tonight to allow President Trump to defy the bipartisan will of the Congress and proceed with contracts to spend billions of dollars on his wall undermines the Constitution and the law."

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is "Attempting to Expedite The Hearing Before The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Out of Deep Concern of The Legalities of President Trump's Actions!"
In A Statement "Dror Ladin," (a Staff Attorney with The ACLU's National Security Project) said, "Border communities, the Environment, and our Constitution's separation of powers will be permanently harmed should Trump get away with pillaging military funds for a xenophobic border wall Congress denied.")-

 As The Parallel Universes of "Campaign Politics," "Congressional Condemnation of President Trump's Tweets about Four Congresswomen of Color," and "The Impeachment of President Trump," "Continue to Escalate," and "Inflame The Base of Both Democrats and Republicans," and "The House of Representatives Voted Three Hundred and Thirty-Two to Ninety-Five and One Answering Present," to "Block A Resolution to Impeach President Trump by Representative Al Green," Democrat from Texas!

"The Republicans Joined by One Hundred and Thirty-Seven Democrats, and A Lone Independent, Voted Against The Resolution!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday Morning, The Seventeenth of July 2019, "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi," Democrat from California, said at a News Conference, "We have six committee's working on following the facts in terms of any abuse of power, obstruction of justice and the rest that the President may have engaged in," ...And, She also said, "that is the serious path we're on --- not that Mr. Green is not serious, but we'll deal with that on the Floor."

However, "What This Vote Did Demonstrate" is that "There is A Serious Movement to Begin An Impeachment Inquiry of President Trump," But, "Congress is Still in The Process of Assembling All The Facts," and Only then "Will Congress Decide to Launch An Official Impeachment Inquiry of President Trump!"

"An Impeachment Inquiry that Will Leave No Doubt in Anyone's Mind," Whether You are Pro or Against The President, that is "Irrefutable,"  and "Can Be Upheld under The Laws of The United States Constitution," or "Absolve and Exonerate Him from The Allegations of Federal Violations" and "Charges that have Been Made Against Him!"

However, "President Trump Will Still have to Deal with State Charges" when "His Presidency is Over!"

And, In The End, "The Truth Will Be Revealed," and "Historians Will Look Back on This Time Period with Great Interest, Acuity, and Perspicacity" and "We The People Will have Been Sorely Tested," But, "The Democracy Will Survive and Thrive Anew," and "The 2020 Elections Will Demonstrate that The Will Of The People has Prevailed!" 

And, "The Republic Will Stand Strong Against All Foreign Entities and Governments," who "Seek to Divide The Nation," and "Undermine The Values, Traditions, Tenets, Laws, and Principles of The United States Of America!"

As The Sun Set's In The Skies of Puerto Rico, Global Cross Media New Reports are Wednesday, The Twenty-Fourth of July 2019, Puerto Rico's Governor Rossello has "Resigned Under Intense Pressures Due to A Government Scandal!" 

"The U.S. Caribbean Islands Territory Justice Secretary Wanda Vazquez who had Been Expected to Replace Governor Rossello," has "Rejected The Position!"

Sunday, The Twenty-Eighth of July 2019, "Justice Secretary Wanda Vazquez Stated" that "I reiterate, I have no interest in in occupying the position of Governor, It is a Constitutional dictum. I hope that the Governor identifies and submits a candidate for the position of secretary of state before August 2, and I have told him so."

Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Thirty-First of July 2019, Governor Rossello Nominated Democrat Pedro Rafael Pierluisi to Be His Successor!

"Mr. Pierluisi was A Member of The U.S. House of Representatives, and As The Only Delegate who Represents All U.S. Citizens Residing on The Island of Puerto Rico" and was "In Office  from 2009 to 20017!

-(Note that, "Mr. Pierluisi Still has to Be Confirmed by Puerto Rico's Legislative Bodies!")-
"The Mass Demonstration of Hundred's of Thousands of Puerto Rican's" on Monday, The Twenty-Second of July 2019, was "The Final Coup de Grace in Governor Rossello's Government," that "Forced Him to Resign!"

"Plus, "The Allegations of Corruption and Chaos Plaguing His Government," and "His Involvement in A Text Message Scandal," that "Revealed Sexist, Homophobic, and Profane Comments" that "Targeted Singer Ricky Martin, Reggaeton Star Bad Bunny, and Hamilton Creator Lin-Manuel Miranda," was "The Final Straw" that Brought about "A Total Rejection of His Office," and "Belief in His Ability to Govern Justly and Morally," and, "Provide The Common Wealth of Puerto Rico with The Leadership It Needs," to "Rebuild Its Infrastructure, Towns, and Cities," and "Become A Prosperous Territory that Its Citizens Can Take Pride in!"

"Ricky Martin said in A Video" on Twitter, "They mocked our dead, they mocked our women, they mocked the LGBT community, they made fun of people with mental and physical disabilities, they made fun of obesity. Its enough. This can not be.  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Question" is "How is It Possible" for "An Ebola Outbreak in The Democratic Republic of Congo," Become "A Global Health Concern in The Year 2019," "As The World Health Organization (WHO), has Announced" on Wednesday, The Seventeenth of July 2019! And, "The Answer Needs to Be Discovered as Quickly as Possible!"

"Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, The Director-General of WHO," said at A Press Conference that, "The risk of Ebola and spread in DRC and the region remains very high, and the risk of spread outside the region remains low," And, He also said Now is the time for the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of DRC."

"This Health Emergency in DRC" has "Been Escalating in Its Intensity For Practically One Year" with "More that One Thousand Six Hundred Deaths to Be Accounted for!" And, Take Note that, "This is The Fifth Health Declaration of Its Kind to Be Announced by The WHO," "Denoting The Seriousness of This Ebola Outbreak!"

And, While The WHO has "Not Recommended Any Restrictions on Trade or Travel," It Does Recommend that "A Sense of Awareness Prevail on The Seriousness of This Ebola Outbreak" and that "Immediate Steps Be Undertaken Around Each and Every Case!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are During A Press Conference in The City of Goma, on Thursday, The Eighteenth of July 2019, Oly Ilunga Kalenga, DRC Health Minister said, "There is one strategy to fight Ebola..."It is a series of actions around every case. We need to identify contacts, vaccinate the contacts, and disinfect and respect the general hygiene rules. These measures allow the epidemic to be contained. What changes is the context."

"In Emergency Health Outbreaks" such as This, "Funding, International Attention and Global Cross Media Coverage, Additional Medical Personnel," and "The Support of The Earths Sovereign Nations, Philanthropists, and Humanitarian Groups," are "An Indispensable Necessity!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Strait of Hormuz, Thursday, The Eighteenth of July 2019, "The United States Navy Took Downed An Iranian Drone" that was "Flying too Close to  A U.S. Navy Warship!"

And, On Friday, The Nineteenth of July 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Impounded A British Oil Tanker," "The Stena Impero," (Owned by Stena Bulk, and Managed by Northern Marine), in The Strait of Hormuz, for "Supposedly Violating Three International Regulations," Including; (1) "Polluting the Water by Dumping Crude Oil Residue," 
(2) "Turning Off a GPS Locator," and, (3) "Breaking The Traffic Pattern in the Strait of Hormuz," was "Later Released The Same Day!" 

And. "A Second British Owned Vessel," "The Mesdar" (Operated by The Glasgow Based Firm-Norbulk,) and "Flying A Liberian Flag, was also "Temporarily Detained" and "Provided with A Safety Warning to "Abide by Evolutionary Regulations!"

"This Intense Series of Provocations Appears" to have "Been The Result of The Recent Seizure of An Iranian Tanker," "The Grace 1," by British Authorities, near Gibraltar," on The Fourth of July 2019, who is "Being Accused of Attempting to Transport Oil to Syria," Which is "In Violation of European Union Sanctions!" 

"Unfortunately, It is of Little Surprise," that "The Iranian Provocations Towards The Two British Owned Vessels Took Place Hours after Authorities in Gibraltar Agreed to Detain The Iranian Oil Tanker, Grace 1, in Its Custody," for "An Extended Thirty Day Period!"   

However, "There is "No Cognitive Excuse or Reason for These Military Act to have Occurred!" "A Tit for Tat Foreign Policy Between Sovereign Nations" is "Not The Answer to The Problems and Differences" that has "Caused Nations to Go To War," and "Brought Death and Destruction to The People of The Middle East!"

"A Hands on Diplomatic Approach is The Only Logical Answer!" And, "All of The Factions," who are Still Involved in The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action" (JCPOA) and "Those who are Not," (But have An Interest in Its Outcome), "Must "Sit Down Together" in "A Period of Grace and Trustworthy Inter-reaction and Discuss," (Not Threaten), "A Cognitive, Intelligent, Advantageous, and Beneficial Resolution that One and All Can Deem Profitable For Their Sovereign Nation," and "Their Citizens," who are In Fact, "The Heart, Mind, Soul, Spirit, and Beneficiary of Their Nations Great Culture and Way of Life!"

"A People of A Region of The Earth," "Who Long for A Present and Future without Weapons of Mass Destruction," and "An Age of Non-Violent Cultural Evolvement," "Sociological and Environmental Security," "Economic Parity," Freedom and Equality, and Global Equilibre," "In A Time/Space Reality" of "A Lasting Peace on Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
The Question" that has "Just Come to Light," and "Brought Dismay to Approximately 3.1 People in Forty-Three States," in The United States of America is,  (1) "Why Cut Food Stamps Provided by The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to Families" (SNAP), who are "In Need in The United States," Because, "They are also "Receiving Benefits from The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families" (TANF-Another Federal Program)!  

And, (2) "What is The Value of A Human Life to The Trump Administration!" 

And, (3) "Is The Proposed Cuts by The USDA, "Estimated to Be $2.5 Billion Dollars a Year," "Worth Removing 3.1 Million Americans from SNAP!" Isn't There Another Way!" "A More Cognitive, Humanitarian Path to Take!"

And, (4) "How Can An Billionaire President" who has "Never Walked in The Shoes of American Families" who "Live from Paycheck to Paycheck," "Comprehend The Needs of The Poor, The Homeless, The Transient, and The Middle Class, and Working Class!"

And, (5) "How Can The President of The United States of America," and "His Administration," "Agree to Make A Proposal," or even "Suggest A Proposal," that "Would Cause The Loss of Food Stamps for "More than Three Million Americans!"

"If This is A Way to Reduce The Deficit," and If It is, (6) "Wouldn't It have Shown More Integrity," and "A Sincere Sensitivity to The Needs of The American People," to have "Increased A Tax Upon The Wealthiest Among Us in The Republican Tax Reform Bill," than to "Take Away Benefits from Those of Us who are In Need!"

"The Whys" are "Always Perplexing," When "It Comes to The Actions, Idea's, and Thoughts, of Politicians," who "Profess to have The Best Interests of The American People in Mind," But "Their Actions Belie This to Be True!"

Or, are "Who Too Concerned with Losing Their Base" than "Helping The People," or are "Fearful of The Events" or "The Repercussions of Acts of Domestic and/or Foreign Policies " that "Have Captured The Interest of The Fourth Estate" and "Become Featured News Headlines," and/or "Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Influence!'

However, This is "Not The Time to Make Careless Decisions" that are "Not Properly Thought Out in Government," and that have "A Negative," to Say The Least, "If Not A Potentially Life and Death Series of Consequences!"

"There are Too Many Americans who are In Need!" And, "Too Many Lives are at Stake," Both "The Young and The Elderly!"

And, "If You are Seeking Your Political Parties Nomination," or are "President of The United States," You have "A Constitutional Responsibility to Represent All The People of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," Irregardless of "Gender, Age, Special Needs, Nationality, Creed, Tribe, or Color!"

And, "Remember These are The Questions that Leader of Global Sovereign Nations are Being Faced with Everyday!" And, "This is Why You have Been Elected" to "Govern, Inspire, Guide," and "Lead The People by Your Example!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, As The Parallel Universes of Bipartisan Political and Campaign Forays "Continue to Manifest Themselves," and "Test The Patience of Everyone Involved," and "The Desire for The 2020 Elections Continues to Grow in Intensity," Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of July 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "A Bipartisan Group of Congressional" and "White House Negotiators," Including "President Trump," have "Agreed to Raise The Government's Borrowing Limit," and "Increase Federal Spending" for "More than $2.7 Trillion Dollars over A Two Year Period," and In Doing so, "Avoid having to Make Automatic Spending Cuts," Due to Limits Imposed by The 2011 Budget Law, "The Sequester!"

"President Trump Announced This New Budget Accord/Deal Late Monday Evening, The Twenty-Second of July 2019," that "Includes The Agreement of All Four Congressional Leaders!"

-(Note that, "This New Budget Accord Must Still Be Passed by Both Chambers of Congress!" However, "Both Party Leaders have Prioritized" that "This Will Be Passed," and then "Signed by President Trump" "Before The August Recess Begins!")-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "As An Ocean of Emotions Rise Up to Meet The Sky in All Its Intensity," "Almost Blocking Out The Sun by Day," and "The Moon by Night," So has "A Grand Eclipse of Expressions and Feelings Erupted" from "The Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit of Its Core Sentiment and Belief" that "Unequivocally," "The Time has Come for An Impartial Official Impeachment Inquiry to Begin!"

And, "So has The Voices of Tens of Millions of Americans Called Out to The United States Congress" to "Begin An Impeachment Inquiry of President Trump to Learn The Absolute Truth," of Whatever His Involvement was "Involving Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Elections!"

"The Grand Spirit of The Law of The Land," as "Personified by Lady Justice" and "The United States Constitution" "Calls for It!"

And, "The Grand Heart and Soul of The Nation," as "Symbolized by The Lady in The Harbor," who has "Welcomed Tens of Millions, If Not Hundreds of Millions of People" from "All Over The Earth," "Calls for It!"

And, "Clearly It is Overdue for The United States Congress to, (1) Gather Up All The Counter- Intelligence Information on The Russian Investigation from The Federal Bureau of Investigation" (FBI),  "Pertaining to President Trump and His 2016 Campaign Team," and, 
(2) "Combine It with All of The Investigatory Information and Conclusions in Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Report," and, (3) Robert Mueller's Testimony Before The House Judiciary and House Intelligence Committee's, and, (4) Robert Mueller's Public Statement, and, (5) "The Results of The Emolument Lawsuit of One Hundred and Ninety-Six Democratic Members of The U.S. Congress," and, (6) "Any Other Pertinent Information Gathered by House, Senate, Intelligence Committee's and Agencies," and Take A Bold Step Forward," "A Bipartisan, Impartial, Bold and Courageous Step Forward Towards The Truth!"

"An Impeachment Inquiry" is "Important for The Youth of The Nation to See" that "No One is Above The Law!"

And, "An Impeachment Inquiry" is of "The Greatest Importance," to "All The Citizens of The United States of America," to "Clearly Demonstrate" that "No One is Above The Law!"

And that, "The Traditions," "The Values," "The Tenets and Principles," and "The Law of The Land" is "Sacred" and "Not to Be Desecrated," "Nor is It to Be Violated by Any Foreign Entity," "Person or Persons!" 

And, "Just as Importantly," "An Impeachment Inquiry Reestablishes What The Founders Envisioned The United States of America to Be," and that "No One is Above The Law!"

This is,  The Way to Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Justice, Equality, Economic Parity, Social Security, Global Equilibre, Joie de Vivre, and Peace on Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Parallel Universes of Cyber Crime and The Hi-Tech Industries "Continue to Master The Art, Innovative Creativity, and Ability" to have "A Positive and/or Negative Effect Upon Our Lives," and "Even Effect The Political Balance of Sovereign Nations All Over The Earth," "A Growing Concern Over The Misuse of These Technological Advances" are "Bringing about New Measures to Deal with Them, in Our Intelligence Agencies," and "Law and Order Community!"

And, "The Arrest of Paige Adele Thompson," Thirty-Three Years of Age, and "A Former Inc.'s cloud division Employee," Should Be A Warning to All Cyber Criminals that You Can Run, and You Can Hide, but Eventually You Will Be Apprehended and Sent to Prison!" 
And, "Is It Worth Spending One Day in Prison," to "Think that You Can Get Away with Committing a Cyber Crime!"

-(Note that, " Inc.'s cloud division is "Responsible for Managing A Substantial Amount of Capital One's Information-Technology Infrastructure!")-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Twenty-Ninth of July 2019, Ms. Thompson was Arrested for Stealing Data from Capital One Financial Corporation," of "More than One Hundred Million Credit Card Customers-and Applicants!"
-(Note that, "Capital One is The Fifth Largest U.S. Credit-Card Issuer")-

And, "While This Theft," is "Considered to Be The Largest Data Theft at A Bank," and with "All The Notoriety and Bragging Rights that Comes with It," "The Question Ms. Thompson Will Now have to Face is, (1) "Was It Worth Going to Prison for, " and, (2) "Spending Important and Potentially Fruitful Years of Her Life Behind Bars!"

And, On A Broader Purview, "The Question" about "Cloud Security Needs A New In Depth Scrutinization and Investigation" of, (1) "How to Prevent Consumer Breaches" or, 
(2) "Breaches of Whatever Category or Classification that You Can Imagine," "Must Be Dealt with!"

And, "It Should Be of Immediate Concern" for "The Global Institutions," "The Global Hi-Tech Industry," and "The Law Enforcement, Intelligence Agencies of The Global Community of Sovereign Nations," and "Especially The Hi-Tech Industry to "Strive to Work Together and Separately," to "Oversee This Exciting, Informative, and Communication Age of Innovation, Development, and Universal Opportunity" that has "Been Created to Empower, Entertain, Educate," and "Bring A Heightened Awareness to The Earths Communities" of "The Environmental, Ecological, Sociological, Political, Economical, Spiritual, Special Needs, and Cultural Matters and Issues," of "Our Home Planet Earth!"   

And, "As The Sovereign Nations of The Earth Continue to Strive Towards A Global Equilibre," Sociologically, Economically, Politically, Territorially, Spiritually, Militarily, and Literally in All Sectors of Human and Environmental Affairs, "Fifty Years Ago" on The Twentieth of July 1969, "Apollo 11 was The First Spaceflight" to "Place Human Beings on The Moon by The United States," and was "A Grand Success," that was "Celebrated All Over The Earth," from "Town and Village," "City and State," and from "Sovereign Nation to The United Nations!"

And, On The Twenty-First of July "Commander Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin," "Landed The Lunar Module Eagle" in "The Sea of Tranquility," and "Spent Two and a Half Hours Outside The Lunar Spacecraft Gathering Materials from The Moon's Surface" to "Bring Back to NASA's Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island in Florida,"  While "Command Module Pilot Michael Collins Flew in The Command Module Columbia in Lunar Orbit!"

"Neil Armstrong was The First Person to Step on The Surface of The Moon," with "Buzz Aldrin Joining Him Nineteen Minutes Later!"

"Neil Armstrong is Noted" for Saying One of The Most Famous Statements in The History of Humankind, "One small step for (a) man, and one giant leap for mankind."

"This Inspirational Mission" that Galvanized The American People" and "Invigorated and Energized The Space Industry,"  was "Originally Proposed by President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1961!"

On The Twenty-Fifth of May 1961, "President Kennedy Spoke Before The U.S. Congress" saying, "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon, and returning him safely to the earth."

-(Note that, "It was President Dwight D. Eisenhower who "Created The National Aeronautics and Space  Association (NASA), and "Initiated Project Mercury," in "Response The Soviet Unions Launch" of "Sputnik 1," "The First Artificial Satellite, on The Fourth of October 1957!" 
 However, On The Twelfth of April 1961, "Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin Became The First Person in Space," and "The First Person to Orbit The Earth!"

Take Note that, On The Fifth of May 1961, "U.S. Astronaut Alan Shepard Became The First American in Space," "Completing a Fifteen Minute Suborbital Journey!")-

And so, "As We Commemorate This Grand Accomplishment" that "Took Place Fifty Years Ago," Before We Return to The Surface of The Moon," and "Begin Setting up Bases There," or "Before We Begin to Colonize The Planet Mars," and/or "Other Celestial Bodies of The Grand Universe," "Let All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth Agree" to "A Peace Process," and "Grand Accord For All Sovereign Nations" to "Live in A Lasting Peace on Earth," that "Our Present and Future Generations Can Take Pride in," and "Share with The Youth of The Earth in Everlasting Perpetuity!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Recent Shootings at The Gilroy Garlic Festival, in The North California Town of Gilroy California," that "Caused The Deaths of Three Innocent People " and "Wounding at Least Twelve More," on Sunday, The Twenty-Eighth of July, 2019, and "The Shooting at A Walmart Super Center, in Southaven, Mississippi, on Tuesday, The Thirtieth of July 2019, that "Caused The Deaths of Two Innocent People" and "Wounding Two More," "Illustrates, Empathizes, and Demonstrates The Reasons" for "The Deep Concern that Tens of Millions of Americans have about Gun-Related Violence," or "As A Matter of Fact, "Violence of Whatever Kind in The United States!"

"Tragically," "This Violence Continues to Exist on A Level" that is "Not Duplicated or Replicated Any Where Else Among Western Industrialized Sovereign Nations!"

And, "The Whys" are "Too Numerable or Incomprehensible to Comprehend!" "Why!" Because The United States of America is A Great Nation" with "A Great Military" and "Department of Defense to Protect It," and "A Constitution," that has "Clearly and Impartially Established The National Government," and "Fundamental Laws of The Land," of which "Guarantees Certain Basic Rights for The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People," "Irregardless of Gender, Creed, Color, Age, Tribe, Special Needs, and Nationality" of "All Americans!"

And, "There Should Be No Need for This Sub-Culture of Violence in America!" 

And, "There is Absolutely No Valid Excuse for These Mass Shootings to Take Place," and "For Americans to Be Shooting and Killing Fellow Americans," "Using AK 47 Rifles," or "Any Other Weapon," "Assault or Not!"

"Americans have Fought Together in World Wars Against Tyranny, Dictatorships, Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals who have Committed Crimes Against All of Humanity," and "Americans who have Fought Together as Brothers and Sisters Against Oppressive Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes!" 

And, "It is A Disgrace to These Brave and Courageous Women and Men who have Fought in These Military Conflicts on Foreign Shores," and "Their Families," to "See The Grand Efforts of Their Family Members," "Some who have Died, and Those who have Survived," who've "Defended The Rights of People All Over The Earth," So that "They May Live in Freedom, Equality, Justice, and Peace," to "Return Bach Home in The U.S. of A." and "See Their Grand Efforts Dishonored and Tainted," by "A Malevolent Act of Violence Committed Against An Innocent Life and Fellow American," So "Pointlessly, Unethically, and Unpatriotically on America's Shores!"

And, "Whether You Live in Urban Developments," or "Small Towns," or "Major Cities in The United States of America," "Let Us Agree" that, "Too Many Families have Lost A Loved One Due to Gun-Related Violence," and "Too Many Mothers, Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, and Family Members," have "Shed Too Many Tears of Love and Loss In Vain!"

And, "Whether It Be to, (1) "Impose New Universal Background Checks on All Gun Sales in The United States of America," or, (2) "Extend Background Check Reviews from Three Days to Ten Days," As has "Been Passed by The U.S. House of Representatives," and "Now Needs Only for The U.S. Senate to Act Upon," and "Pass by A More than Sixty Vote Margin to Make it Veto Proof!" 

And, "There Should Be Absolutely No Hesitation by Our Legislators" and "President," to "Unite Behind A Philosophy of Life that Embraces The Joy Of Life," and "Rejects Violence!"

-In Memoriam:
"Dutch Actor, Writer, and Environmentalist Rutger Oelsen Hauer," Famed Star of Blade Runner, "Died at The Age of Seventy-Five, in His Home in Beetsterzwaag, Netherlands, on Friday, The Nineteenth of July 2019!"

-In Memoriam:
Tuesday, The Sixteenth of July 2019, "John Paul Stevens Associate Justice of The Supreme Court of the United States Died at The Age of Ninety-Nine," "Due to Complications of A Stroke," in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. 

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!