Monday, July 15, 2019



The Way To Peace! #345

As The Parallel Universes "Involving The Unsanitary and Unethical Immigration Detainment Camps/Centers," and "The Tragic Deaths of Migrant Children," and "The Consequences of President Trump's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy," "ICE Threats Against Undocumented Immigrant Communities in The U.S.," "Emergency Funding for The Heartbreaking Migrant Health Crisis at The U.S.-Mexico Border," "Lack of A Bipartisan Immigration Policy," and "The President's Border Wall Continue" to "Produce New Headlines in The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights" in "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Influence," On Wednesday, The Third of July, 2019 The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, "Ruled Against The Trump Administrations Plan to "Transfer $2.5 Billion Dollars from The Budget of The Department of Defense to The Department of Homeland Security," to "Build President Trump's Southern Border Wall!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Vote was Two to One Ruling," "Against Suspending The Order by U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam on Friday, The Twenty-Eighth of June 2019,"  "permanently enjoining The Trump Administration from building sections of the wall in California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas."

"Judges Richard Randall Clifton and Michelle Taryn Freidland Agreed" and "Wrote in Their Seventy-Five Page Ruling" that The Unauthorized Use of Those Funds "violates the constitutional requirement that the Executive Branch not spend money absent an appropriations from Congress."  

And "They also Wrote," in Regards to The Trump Administrations Public Interest Entreaty,  "As for the public interest, we conclude that it is best served by respecting the Constitution's assignment of the power of the purse to Congress, and by deferring to Congress's understanding of the public interest as reflected in its repeated denial of more funding for border barrier construction. We therefore hold that a stay of the District Court's order granting Plaintiffs an injunction is unwarranted."

"Judge N. Randy Smith was The Dissenting Vote!"

-(Note that, "The Trump Administration had Hoped" to "Use section 805 of The Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2019 to Move The Funds from The Defense Department to The Department of Homeland Security!")-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Third of July 2019, Xavier Becerra, The Attorney General of California is Reported to have said, "The President is not above the law and can't ignore our country's constitutional and democratic principles just to protect his own vanity."

And, so "The Cracks in The West Wing and The Walls of The Trump Administration Continue Emerge," with "The Resignation of Rene Alexander Acosta, The Now Former United States Secretary of Labor," (over His Handling of A Plea Deal with Jeffery Epstein, as a U.S. Attorney in Florida in 2007-2008, that "Involved a State Charge of Solicitation for the Purposes of Prostitution Involving a Fourteen Year old Girl," of Which Mr. Jeffery's Agreed to A Guilt Plea), and "Markedly As The Trump Administrations Immigration and Border Wall Policies Continue to Fail to Meet The Standards" and "Laws of The United States Constitution," and "The Moral and Ethical Tenets and Excellence of Lady Justice," "The Challenges to The Peace," "Security," and "Well Being of The Nation" "Continue to Mount and Increase," and are "Unparalleled in Modern Day Politics!"

And, As The Sun Set's O'er The Skies of The United States of American One Can only Wonder Why There is so Much Poverty in This Grand Ole Nation of Laws and Principles of The Highest Regard, Estimates as High as "Two Million Children Live in Poverty!" 

"These are Disturbing Figures to Imagine" to "Anyone who has Children or Grandchildren," and also When President Trump has "Proposed a Defense Budget for 2020 of $Seven Hundred and Fifty Billion Dollars!"

And, Then The Realization of Fifteen Million American Families are Living Below The Poverty Line Makes You Contemplate Why This State of Poverty Exists in The U.S. and that "It's Time that Our Elected Officials, Financial, Religious, and Civil Leaders Must Prioritize and Make Proposals to Eliminate Poverty from Our Lives For One and For All For The Sake of Our Youth and As An Example for Future Generations to Admire and Emulate!"

And, "When You Consider The Thought" of  "Estimates as High" as "Five Hundred and Fifty-Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Americans" are "Experiencing Homelessness Every Evening," only "Compounds This Reality of Poverty Juxtaposed with Soaring Stock Market Profits and New Levels of Wealth in America" and  One Truly Wonder's "How is This Possible in The United States of America" in The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "It also Exemplifies The Importance and Need" for "New Economic Visions" that "Empower The People," and "Bring A New Sense of Social Security For All The People," and "Significantly Provides A Foundation for Each and Every Child from The First Day of Its Birth!

"The United States of America is A Grand Experiment" that "Needs to Be Expanded in Scope to "Accommodate for The Social Demands that Occur" Because of, For Example; (1) "Trade Wars of Hubris, or, (2) Budgetary Cuts by Government Officials" who "Do Not Comprehend The Needs Of The People," Nor In Fact, "Have They Lived in The Shoes or Moccasins Of The People," or "Been Shoe-less!"

"New Idea's Need to Be Formulated" by "The Innovators of Industry and Finance," "Civil Rights Advocates and Activists," and "Religious and Spiritual Leaders!"

Such as; "A Universal Savings Account For Each and Every Child," Whose Family is "Not A Millionaire or Billionaire" for "Obvious Reasons!"

And, "Let This Universal-Earthwise Savings Account Be Used" to "Provide Educational, Clothing, Food, and Healthcare Services For Each and Every Child," from "Their First Day of Birth," with "The Exception of Families" who are "Millionaires or Billionaires," Again for "Obvious Reasons!"

And, "Let's Add A New Expanded Component" to "This Universal Scope of Being Here and Now," "A New Purview and Equation of Contemplation," such as; "Educators and Academics Delegated to Assist Parents" with "The Education, Aesthetics, Realities, and Challenges of Living in A Modern Society, Five Days a Week," for "Each and Every Child," with "The Exception of Families" who are "Millionaires or Billionaires," Again for "Obvious Reasons!" 

And, Again, "Let This Be Accounted For Out of A Universal Savings Account Established for Each and Every Child," with "The Exception of Families" who are "Millionaires or Billionaires," Again for "Obvious Reasons!"

This is "A Universally Minded Concept to Address The Tragic State of Poverty" that "Exists in The United States of America," or "Wherever Poverty Exists on This Planet Earth!"

And, "Let's Be Honest with Each Other," "Federal, State, and Local Budgets are Made Up" by Our Elected Officials, such as, "The 2020 Fiscal Budget in The U.S." that "Provides Billions of Dollars for Defense, Social, and International Programs etc.," and "All It Would Take is For These Elected Officials" is to "Show Some Clear Vision, Initiative, Sensitivity, and Concern For The Lives of," and "The Sake of Too Many Millions of Americans who are Experiencing Difficult Times," and "End This Plague of Poverty Before It Divides up The Nation" into "The Haves and The Have Nots!" And, In Doing so, "Destroy All  Remnants of A Great Nation, Experience, Democracy, Republic and Government Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"- 
And, "It Is Time for An End of President Trump's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy," that has "Detained/Imprisoned Migrant Children and Their Families" in "Unsanitary,   Incomprehensible, and Immoral Camps of Detention in The United States!"

"The Pictures and Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Influence" of "The Condition's of Migrant Children Living in Detainment Centers/Prisons" in" Texas, Florida," and "Now In Yuma, Arizona," are "Deplorable and Shocking!"

And,"The Question" that "Resounds Around The Earths Sovereign Nations" is "Is The United States of America in A Moral Decline!" "The Answer," of Course is "An Unequivocal No!" 

However, "The Trump Administration Must Demonstrate" that "They Care for The Lives and Fate of  Our Neighbors," and, "Their Children"  who are "Being Threatened by Fear and Death in Their Own Countries," and are "Seeking The Safety and Security that The United States Symbolizes!"

And, "We The People" Must Make Our Voices Heard" and "Speak Out Loud and Clear" that "The Unsanitary and Unethical Detention Camps" that are "Holding Innocent Children," and "Their Families," are "UN-American" and "Contrary to The Principles, Values and Traditions," that "We were Brought up to Believe in," and "Live by!"

And, "We Must Vote in The 2020 Elections," to "Make It Absolutely Clear," that "The Lives and Fate of All The People of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Earths Communities are Sacred to Us," and are "To Be Respected, and Protected" by "All The Powers that Be!"

"The Challenge For Healing The Wounds of The Middle East," "Calls for A New Summer of Strategic Global and Regional Alliances" and "Ethnic Coalitions," whose "Sole Goal/Priority" is to "Find a Solution" that "Unites The Divides that Exist in The Middle East!" "Divisions" that have been in "A State of War and Conflict for more than a Millennia!" And, "Prevent A New Conflict" that "Threatens to Overflow althroughout The Region!"

"The New Protagonist" Should "Be Called Indifference and Lack of Concern For The Lives of One's Fellow Human Being!" "What a Shame it is" to "Use This Description" to "Describe Life and Death Issues and Deep Rooted Concerns in The Middle East!" -(Or,  In Fact Anywhere on Our Home Planet Earth!")-

"This Protagonist," "Cares Not for The Best Interests of Its Fellow Neighbor!" For, "It" is "Bent upon Following a Course of Death and Destruction," while "Creating A State of Being," that "In The End," "Will Be of Benefit No One, but Itself," and "Cause More Divisions in The Muslim/Christian World!" "Placing Brother against Brother," and "Nation against Nation!"

And,"Leaving Children without Parents," and "Parents without Homes," "Living in Refugee Camps and In Poverty!" "Bereft of Spirit, Love, Education," or "A Life that is Worth Living!" And, "Once again, Tyrants will Dictate How We Pray, Think, and Live!"

"The Middle East" has "Lived through These Phases of Death and Destruction in The Past." 
"The Wars and Conflicts in The Twentieth Century between Iran and Iraq," "Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait," "An Allied Coalition of Thirty-Four Nations Led by The United States against Iraq" to "Liberate Kuwait, in The Gulf War," and "Israels Victorious Struggle to Survive against The Neighboring States of Egypt, in The Six Day War,"  are But "A Small Part of This Historical Path of Death and Destruction!" 

However, "The Arab Spring Uprisings gave The World A Sense of Hope " that "A New Age of Grace, Mutual Consideration, Respect, and Learning," and "An Association of Nations" who "Saw The Reality of Building A Bridge of Economic Growth" that "Benefits All The People," Would "Finally Come To Be!"

And, "A Comity Of The People" who "Saw Beyond the Borders and Leaders" that had "Impeded and Oppressed Them for what Seemed like An Eternity!" 

And "In This New Spring," The People/ Citizens who had "Been Manipulated and Conditioned to Believe that There was No Hope," "Saw A Way Free from The Oppression that Surrounded Them!"

And, Today, For There To Be "A New Summer of Hope," One that "Transcends The Warmongers, Terrorists, and Oligarchs of Global Imperialism," "A New Global Coalition of Strategic Nations Must Come Together," "A Comity of Bridge Makers Dedicated to Bring Peace to The Middle East!"

"An Association of Nations" who "Respect The Sovereign State of All Nations!" And, who are "Willing To Defend and Protect The Sovereign Rights of All The People," Irregardless of "Whatever Creed, Gender, Nationality, Tribe, Special Needs, Age, Color, or Ethnicity You May Be!"

"An Association of Nations" who are "Committed to Stop The Forces of Chaos, Hatred, and Revenge," Whether "It Be In The Middle East or All Through out The World!"

And, "This New Comity of Bridge Makers Must Agree" that "In The Final Analysis" (of Any Global Policy Of Equilibre), It will take "More than just Building New Institutions and Infrastructures to Heal The Wounds of The Soul and Spirit of A World," that "Bleeds like An Open Sore,"and that has "Never Fully Been Healed!" And, "It Will Take The Combined Effort of Both Religious and World Leaders to Perform This Healing!"

"Pope Francis,The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali-Khamenei, The Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, The Dali Lama, Patriarch Kirill, Bishop Michael Bruce Curry, and All The Spiritual and Religious Leaders of The World," "Can By An Open Declaration For Peace," and "Peace Dialogues," "Take The First Step Towards Healing The Wounds of This Region of The Earth" and "It's People and Youth," have "Endured and Seen War and Conflict Althroughout Their Lives," and that "History has Witnessed and Bemoaned Althroughout The Ages!"

And, in doing so, "Make a Statement of Unity" that "Both Transcends and Drowns Out The Voices of False Rhetoric," and "The Misuse of Religious Beliefs and God!"

And, "Give Credence and Reality" to "A New Summer of Hope in The Middle East!"  "An Illuminating Moment" that "We Can," and "Our Future Generations Can," "Take Great Pride in," and "Share For Millennia upon Millennia to Come!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Continue to Speak Out via the Social and Cross-Media Universes!" And, "Let Our Earthrise Comity Of The People, By The People, and For The People," by "Our Thoughts, Words, Idea's, Meditations, and Actions, Bring Forth A Great Spirit Of The People! 

And, Let Us, Once again, "Find Hope in Knowing" that "We Can Overcome the Threats to Our Rights to Live as A Free People," "Wherever The Sun May Set" and 'The Moon Rises o'er This Earth of Ours!"
For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age of Peace and Justice On Earth! 

And, As The Parallel Sphere's of Congressional Hearings, Investigations, Court Cases, Subpoenas, Executive Orders, Political Debates, Global Summits, Trade Wars, Recession Warnings, Slow GDP Figures Globally, New Fed Cuts, and The Threat of Nationwide ICE Raids (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) on Undocumented Immigrant Communities, and Whether President Trump was Going to Continue His Attempt to Include Placing a Citizen Question in The 2020 U.S. Consensus, in Which He has Capitulated on at Present, and Investigations of Whether or Not Deutsche Bank has Violated Foreign Corruption or Anti-Money Laundering Laws Working for The 1Malaysia Development Bhd. Fund, and Calls for U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta to Resign over His Handling of Financier Jeffery Epstein's Sex Abuse Case, When He was A Federal Prosecutor in  Florida, in 2008, and Rising Calls for Impeachment of President Trump, and Tragic Photos and Deaths of Migrant Children Being Held (Imprisoned) in United States of America Detention Facilities," The Global Cross Media News that "Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller has Been Subpoenaed," and "Will Testify Before Two Congressional Committees," in "Two Open Hearings on The Seventeenth of July 2019" has "Sent The Political Spectrum," "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe," into "A State of Grand Expectation," and "A Grand Sense of Rectification," and "Clarification of The Mueller Report! 

However, "There is Still A Great Amount" of "Unfinished Business For The Benefit Of The People, By The People, and For The People" that "The Unit6ed States Congress to Complete" such as;
Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of February 2019 The United States House of Representatives "Passed A New Gun Control Bill Two Hundred and Forty to One Hundred and Ninety," that "Would Require Background Checks on All Gun Sales in The United States of America!"

And, "Now, It's The United States Senate's Turn to Pass This Bill by Sixty Votes or More," to "Make It Veto Proof!"

And, "This is A Opportune Moment for The U.S. Congress to Send a Message to The National Rifle Association (NRA) and President Trump," who has "Vowed to Veto This Bill," that "The Safety and Security of American Families," is "The Top Priority of All The Local, State and Federal Elected Officials," and "Law Enforcement Communities!"

And, "The Safety, Security, and Protection of Our Children is Sacred," and "Can Not Be Disregarded or Relegated" by "Any Political Concern!"

"Unfinished Business For The Benefit Of The People, By The People, and For The People"-
-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of February 2019, The United States House of Representatives "Passed Their Second Gun Control Bill in A Week!" Which is "An Extremely Important Achievement for The Democratic Controlled House!" 

"The Democrats have Campaigned on Representing The Will of The American People If Elected," and "They are Doing It!"

"This New Gun Control Bill Reinforces Background Checks!" And, "Extends The Background Check Review Period from Three Days to Ten Days!" 

-(It's Difficult to Comprehend" that "Any Sensible Adult Would Find Opposition to This Bill!" It's "a Differential of Seven Days" that "Could Save The Life of An Innocent Person!")-

"The Bill Passed by A Lesser Margin than Wednesdays Measure," This Time "The Vote was Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight to One Hundred and Ninety-Eight!" And, "Only Three Republicans Voted for It!"

However, "The Burden Still Falls on The United States Senate to Pass Both House Bills by at Least Sixty Votes," to "Make Them Veto Proof," "Due to the Statements" that "President Trump has Made" that "He Will Veto Both Bills!"

-(Note that "This is The Most Meaningful and Impressive Gun Control Legislation Passed by A Single Chamber," or "In Fact Both Houses of Congress since 1994," When Both Major Party's of Congress, Republican and Democrat, "Passed An Assault Weapons Ban" (that has since Expired!)

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Commitment" to "Not only Address," But to "Do Something that is Viable, Rational, and Commendable about Gun Violence, and Gun Control, in January of 2019," has "Proven to Be More" than "A Campaign Promise, or A Photo-Op!"

"Speaker Pelosi and Her Fellow Democrats" are "Honoring The Commitment They Made To The Youth of The United States of America," who "Marched Together," and "Shared Their Tears Together," and "Stood as One Great Non-Violent Soul Force," on "The Twenty-Fourth of March 2018," In Their March For Our Lives Demonstration!"
"Unafraid of The National Rifle Association," (NRA) and/or "Any Politician, or Elected Official," who "Would Not Support Stronger Gun Control Measures!" And, "They Continue to Stand Together and Grow Stronger Everyday!"

And, "Public Opinion Polls Show" that " The American People are In Support of The Nation's Youths Quest For Stronger Universal Background Checks" and "Stricter Gun Laws!" 

"A Quinnipiac University Poll," Taken on The Twentieth of February 2019, "Found that Ninety-Seven to Two Percent of All Americans Favor Universal Background Checks!"

And, "Sixty-Six Percent of Americans are In Favor of Stricter Gun Laws!"

So, "The Equation is A Simple One, "A Large Majority The American People," by "More than A Two to One Margin are Ready for Stricter Gun Laws," and "Nine out of Ten Americans are Ready for Universal Background Checks," that "Should Satisfy and Signify to The One Hundred Members of The United States Senate," that "It's Their Duty and Responsibility to Vote for The Two U.S. House of Representative Bills!"

 "It's as Simple as that!" And, "It's Time For The Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and The Republican Party to Get The Message," that "The United States of America is A Democracy," "It's Not a One-Man-Rule," or "One-Party-Rule Form of Governance!" And, "They have Been Elected to Represent 325.7 Million Americans!"

And, "Let's One and All Agree," that "It is Time for An End to Come" for "The Immoral, Degenerate, Unempathetic, Sub-Culture of Violence" that has "Caused The Deaths of Too Many of Our Children, Family Members, and Fellow Americans!" 

And, "The Youth" of The Nation, "Expect President Trump to Keep His Word," When He said, "He would be very strong on background checks," after "The Tragic Mass Shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Occurred in Parkland, Florida," that "Caused The Deaths of Seventeen Innocent Lives, Both Students and Faculty!"

And, "The American People want Universal Background Checks and Stricter Gun Laws!" 

-"Unfinished Business For The Benefit Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- "As A New Season of Politics is Upon Us," The Feeling of "Out with The Old and In with The New" has also "Surfaced and Stirred The Populace," "We The People of The United States of America!" 

However, "Let Us Always Remember that It was The Wisdom, Idea's and Amendments of The Old, The Founders," that "Still Provides Us with Guidance and The Law of The Land," that "America is Founded Upon," and so "With The Passage of H.R. 1 (Or, Called the "For The People Act") in The House of Representatives, on Friday, The Eighth of March 2019," by"A Vote of Two Hundred and Thirty-Four to One Hundred and Ninety-Three," "We The People," have "Moved One Step Closer to A New Age of Democratic Principles" Built Upon "A New Political Alliance" of Elected Representatives "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"H.R. 1" is "A Bill that Americans Can Be Proud of," It Offers The Promise to Overhaul; (1) Campaign Finance, and, (2) Voter Registration and Ethic's Laws, (3) "Making Election Day A Federal Holiday," (4) Automatically Registering Citizens to Vote, (5) "Restoring Voting Rights to People who have Already Served Felony Sentences," and, (6) "A Six to One Matching System" for "Donations up to Two Hundred Dollars" For "Any Congressional or Presidential Nominee" who "Rejects High Dollar Contributions," Funded by An Additional Fine on Corporations Found to have Broken The Law." 

And, "Now, This almost Seven Hundred Page Anti-Corruption Measure Will Be Sent" to "The Hallowed Chamber of The U.S. Senate for Both Republicans and Democrats alike to Review It," and "If Necessary Make Any Necessary Changes and Improvements," or "Include Any Additional Bi-Partisan Suggestions and Idea's," that "May Be Needed to Enhance The Lives and The Future of The American People!" And, "To Assure" that "H.R. 1 Passes with A Veto Proof Margin," of "No Less than Sixty Votes!"    

And, "Let Us Take Confidence in, and Remember" that, "In The End," "Even If Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," Republican from Kentucky, "Is Successful in His Attempts to Impede or Prevent A Vote on H.R. 1 in The Senate," "The Will Of The People Will in The End," Whether It Be, on "Election Day," or "In Town Hall Meetings," and "Public Forums," and/or "In Non-Violent Demonstrations and Marches," "Make Their Voices Heard," and "Yes, It Will Be Out with The Old!" 

"The Old" who, (1) Still Continue to Support Gerrymandering," and, (2) "Still Attempt to Block Americans from Their Constitutional Right to Vote for The Candidate or Nominee of Their Choice," and, (3) "Through Misleading and False Campaign Rhetoric Appear to Care Not," If "Their Actions and/or Policies," are "Empowering Campaign Fraud," and "Corruption in Government!" 
However, "The Facts Will Clarify" that "In The End," "They Will Find Themselves on The Negative Side of History!"

-(Note that, "Senator McConnell" has Referred to "the For The People Act," as "the Democrat Politician Protection Act in His Speeches Against H.R. 1")- 

And, "As Time Will Be Our Witness" and "Display in The Archives of History," that "The Folly of The Republican Party," The Party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Reagan and Bush," ("Unless They Change Their Political Course of Party Before Country") Gave in to "Their Worst Political Impulses," "For The Benefit of Their Party," and "Their Party's Political Control and Future," "Before" that of "The Present and Future of The American People," and "The Right and Preference of The American People to Live in A Democracy," "As The Founders Envisioned!" As "A Free People," "Protected under The Law of The U.S. Constitution," "One Nation Indivisible," "Of The People, By The People, and For The People of The United States of America!"

-"A New Phase of Environmental and Ecological Initiatives and Legislation Should Be of Primary Concern in The United States Congress," If Global Climate Warming is To Be Reduced For The sake of Our Current and Future Generations! And, "New Bipartisan Legislative Advances of Innovative Cognition Should Be Undertaken without Hesitation"- 
-(Note that, On The First of June 2017 United States President Donald Trump Announced that The U.S. would cease all participation in 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation.")-

And, Tuesday, The Twenty-Sixth of March 2019 "In A Procedural Vote in The United States Senate," The Republican Dominated U.S. Senate "Voted Fifty-Seven to Zero, to "Reject Passing A Resolution" on "The Green New Deal!"

"Forty-Three Democrats Voted Present," in "Protest of The Republicans Motion!"

"The Green New Deal" is A "Non-Binding Congressional Resolution," Introduced by U.S. House of Representative Alexandria Acasio-Cortes" and "Senator Ed Markey, Democrat from Massachusetts, to "Cutback on The Use of Fossil Fuels," and "Combat Climate Change," and "Diminish and Decrease The Social Injustices," that "Exists in The Earths Communities," and "Sovereign Nations!"

"The Time for Bi-Partisan Legislation" in "Full Realization of The Dangers of Climate Change," Should Be "One of The Highest Priorities of The United States Government," "For The Sake of The Future of The Youth of All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "Not Just Election Campaign Rhetoric," or "Tool for Either Political Party," or "Business Interest," to "Glean For The Sake of Profit!"

 -"Unfinished Business For The Benefit Of The People, By The People, and For The People"-
 -Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Second of May 2019 The United States House of Representatives Acted Responsibly and with Principled Integrity," and "Passed The Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), "A Bill that "Would Prevent President Trump from Withdrawing The United States from The 2015 Paris Agreement," by "A Two Hundred and Thirty-One to One Hundred and Ninety Vote!"

"With The Democrats Leading The Way," and with "Three Republicans Joining Them!"

"This Bill Would Prohibit The Trump Administration from Using Federal Funds" to "Withdraw from The International Agreement," and "It Would also Force The White House to Create A Plan for The United States to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions between Twenty-Six Per Cent and Twenty-Eight Per Cent below 2005 Levels," Which is "An Important Feature of The Paris Agreement," and "Would also Require President Trump to Remit This Plan to Congress within One Hundred and Twenty Days!"  

"This Bill Sponsored by Kathy Castor," Democrat from The State of Florida, is "Another Positive Example of The Power of The Vote!" And, "The People's Vote," whose "Vote Changed The Balance of Power in The U.S. House of Representatives," and "The Vote of The Democratic Party," who have "Established from The First Day of Elective Duty in 2019," "An Purposeful Agenda" that is "Committed and Dedicated" to "Provide What is In The Best Interests Of The People, and For The People in The United States of America," and also "In Consideration for All The People of The Earths Sovereign Nations!"

And, Whether It Be, (1) "Gun Control Bills," (2) "The H.R. I Bill," A Bill that Americans Can Be Proud of, or,
(3) "Their Conscientious Attempt to Block President Trump's National Emergency Declaration," "The U.S. House of Representatives Led by The Democratic Party Agenda For The People, has "Been An Example" of "What Americans Expect from Their Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "It is "Now up to The Republican Controlled Senate" and "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," Republican from Kentucky, to "Take Up The Mantle Of The People," and "Pass This Bill by A Veto Proof Margin!"

However, "If The Republican Party Do Not Choose to Pick Up The Mantle Of The People," as "The Democrats have," "The American People Will have The Final Say in The 2020 Elections!"

"The United States" is "Not A One-Man-Rule Form of Governance," or "A One-Party-Rule Form of Governance!" It is A Democracy," and "A Nation of Laws," and "A Republic Of The People," and "The Continued Obstruction of Legislation that Is In The Best Interest Of The People Can No Longer Be Condoned, or Supported by The People!" And, Quite Clearly "Enough is Enough!"

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi," Democrat from California, said of "The Climate Action Now Act," on The House Floor, "It sends a signal to the world that the U.S. isn't in denial about the overwhelming science about climate."

-"A New Political Universe" of "Cognizant Legislation Based and Centered" in "An Empirical, Pragmatic," and "Non-Partisan Policy Making Equation of Equilibre," that is "A Unifying" and "Empowering Force For All The People," and "Beneficial to The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People," Irregardless of "Gender, Age, Creed, Nationality, Special Needs, Tribe, or Color is Needed" and "Must Be Passed by The U.S. Congress"-
-Extra Noteworthy News-
"It is Going to Take An Inspiring Political, Cognizant, and Humanistic Agenda Fused Together" with "A Sociological and Universal Cloud Perspective" to "Transcend The Negative Atmosphere Surrounding The Impeding Walls of The Republican Sphere of Obstructionism of The Trump Administration!"

And, "There is Little Doubt" that "There Needs to Be A Synergy of Purpose and Vision," and "A New Renaissance and Cultural Movement," that "Embraces and Empowers The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People," to "Break Through The Partisan Impasse" that is "Challenging The Laws of The Land," and "Seeks to Destabilize The Fundamental Principles and Laws of The U.S. Constitution," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "The Challenges and Impediments" to "The Democracy and Republic" are "On A Parallel Course of Daily Confrontations in Federal, State, and Local Affairs Leaving No One Untouched" by "A Cycle of Untruths," and "Fortunately also by Solar Axioms!" "All Headed Towards An End Resolve in The Courts of The Nation!" 

However, "It Will Take A Selfless and Grand Coalition of Individuals, Women and Men," who "Possess A Sense of Values, Empathy, Respect, and Integrity," and who "Believe in The Welfare of One and All" to "Lead The Way!"

"The Soul, Spirit and Heart of The Nation are At Stake!" And, "The Healthcare, Welfare, Security, Well-Being, Prosperity, and Mental Soundness and Awareness of The Youth of The Nation is At Stake!" 

And, "Candidates Seeking The Nomination of Their Party Must Unite in A Singular Purpose and Synergy" that "Surmounts The Conditioned Reality" that has "Been Immersed and Saturated by False Political Campaign Rhetoric," and "Misleading Domestic and International Policies, Hubris, Trade Wars," and "Profit at The Expense Of The People!

"A Singular Purpose and Synergy" that "Brings A New Sense of Undeniable Trust, Credibility, and Believability To The People!" 

And, "Cognitive, Insightful, and Well Thought-Out Idea's are Needed!" 

"Idea's" that "Provide Encouragement" and "Not Just Campaign Appearances," and "Photo-Ops!"

Idea's such as "The One Presidential Candidate and Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Representative Elijah Cummings of Maryland, " Democratic Chairman of The House Committee on Oversight and Reform, "Announced to Combat The Opioid Crisis!"

The "H.R. 2569, The Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency (CARE) Act," "Provides A Framework to Treat The Opioid Crisis Like The National Health Emergency It has Become!"

"To Address The Seriousness of The Opioid Addiction Crisis in The United States," "The H.R. 2569 Legislation" is "To Provide $One Hundred Billion Dollars over The Next Ten Years!"
Including; (1) Four Billion Dollars to States, Territories, and Tribal Governments, (2) "$2.7 Billion Dollars to Be Provided Annually" to "The Hardest Hit" Counties and Cities in The U.S., and, (3) $1.7 Billion Dollars for Public Health Surveillance, Biomedical Research, and Improved Training for Health Professionals, (4) $1.1 Billion to Support Expanded and Innovative Service Delivery, and, (5) "$Five Hundred Million Dollars Annually to Expand Access to Overdose Reversal Drugs (Naloxone)!" 

Senator Warren Stated that; "The opioid and addiction crisis is a national emergency that touches all communities, regardless of location, average income, or racial makeup. The federal government has waited far too long to address this crisis, which takes an average of 192 American lives every single day. It's long past time to enact comprehensive legislation to make sure everyone who needs treatment for a substance abuse disorder is able to get it."

And, Representative Cummings Stated that; "Families across this nation----in red states, blue states, and purple states, in big cities, suburbs, and rural areas----are struggling with the devastating consequences of this generational crisis that claims 192 lives every single day. I am proud to introduce the CARE Act with Senator Warren to finally get to the heart of this problem by providing stable and sustained funding for states and local communities to expand access to evidence-based treatment." 

 "A Comprehensive, Empathetic, Just and Fairminded Conclusion is Needed," to "Complete The Unfinished Business Of Providing Legal Status for The Undocumented Immigrants Living in The United States of America," and "Those Families and Individuals" who have "Journeyed to The U.S. in Seek of Safe Harbor and Security!"-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Fourth of June 2019, The United States House of Representatives "Passed A New Immigration Bill," "the Dream and Promise Act of 2019," by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven to One Hundred and Eighty-Seven," with "Seven Republicans Joining The Entire Democratic Party in The House!"

"House Majority Leader Steny Hamilton Hoyer from Maryland," said at A Press Conference before The Vote, "This is a day that glorifies what America is to the world. A place of refuge, a place of safety, and a place of opportunity." And, also "Quoted from a Speech by Former Republican U.S. President Ronald Reagan" who said, "The U.S is a "better nation" because of Immigrants!"

And, that, We will send it to the Senate and then we'll keep on keeping on until it is the law of the land."   

"This Immigration Bill is The Latest Legislative Reincarnation of The Dream Act!" And, 
(1) "would grant young undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children, Including those protected by Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA), An opportunity to acquire permanent lawful status, if they meet certain requirements, (2) Allow Hundred's of Thousands of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients, as well as Liberian immigrants, covered by Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) to gain permanent residency."

"This Legislation Spearheaded by House Representatives Lucille Roybal- Allard, Nydia Velazquez, and Yvette Clarke" "Would Grant DACA Recipients and "Other Young Undocumented Immigrants" Conditional U.S. permanent residency for ten years if they meet certain criteria.
However, To Be Eligible, Immigrants must have been younger that Eighteen when they came to the U.S., and  must have lived in the U.S. continuously over the previous four years. They must also have an American high school diploma or GED and pass a background check. Those who have committed serious crimes would be ineligible.

"This Impressive Legislation" is "Yet Another Example of The Inspiring and Excellent Work Being Done" by "The Democratic Member's of The House of Representatives," who "Together with a little bit More than a Handful of Republicans," are "Creating Legislation" on "Behalf of The Diverse Community, Tapestry and Fabric Of The American People!" 

And, "These Bipartisan Member's of The House are To Be Commended" for "Placing The Interests, Needs, Welfare, and Social Security of The American People First," along with "All that is In The Best Interests" of "The Women, Men, and Children of The Coalition of United Sovereign Nations" who "Believe in Peace and Harmony For All The People," of "Our Home Planet Earth!" And, "The Environmental and Ecological Totality of Mother Nature," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, "Now It is Up to The United States Senate to Rise to The Challenge Before Them!" And, "With or Without The Approval or Support" of Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, "Pass This Important Piece of Legislation" by "A Margin of  More than Sixty Votes" to "Make It Veto Proof!" 

And, "Join Together with The Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven Members of The U.S. House of Representatives" in "Making A Statement For All that America Stands for," and "Symbolizes to The Coalition of Peace Loving Sovereign Nations of The Earth!"

-"A New Phase of Sociological, Ethical, Patriotic, and Comprehensive Political Legislation is Needed," that "Both Represents and is Reflective Of All The People"-
Extra Noteworthy News-
"The United States House of Representatives Continues to Pass Extraordinary New Legislation," and "This Democratic Led Body of Elected Officials," are "A Credit to The United States of America," and "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People" that "This Great Nation Represents" and Stands for!"

For, on Friday, The Seventeenth of May 2019, The House Passed "The Equality Act," H.R. 5, by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Thirty-Six to One Hundred and Seventy-Three," that "Included Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight Democrats," and "Eight Republican Representatives!"

And, "Prohibits Discrimination on The Basis of Sex, Gender, Identity, and Sexual Orientation," and for Other Purposes!"  

"This Historic Legislation" had "To Pass Through The House Judiciary and Labor and Education Committees," and was "Supported by Members of The United States Congress Including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Democrat from California, and House Representatives John Lewis Democrat from Georgia, Bonnie Watson Democrat from New Jersey, Stephanie Murphy Democrat from Florida, Pramila Jayapal Democrat from Democrat from Washington, and Senators Jeff Merkley Democrat from Oregon, Tammy Baldwin Democrat from Wisconsin, Kyrsten Sinema Democrat from Arizona, and Cory Booker Democrat from New Jersey!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Equality Act" also had "The Support of Quite a Few Prominent Celebrities and Sports Figures, Sally Field and Her Son Sam Greisman, Shea Diamond, Jesse Tyler Ferguson and His Husband Justin Mikita, Adam Rapping, Dustin Lance Black, Justina Machado, and Karamo Brown!"

The Equality Act" has "An Extensive Bipartisan History!" It was First Introduced in Congress in July of 2015, and is "Sponsored by Representatives David Cicilline Democrat from Rhode Island, and Brian Fitzpatrick Republican from Pennsylvania, and Senators Cory Booker from New Jersey, Susan Collins Republican from Maine, Jeff Merkley Democrat from Oregon, Tammy Baldwin Democrat from Wisconsin, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Democrat from California Prioritized The Passage of The Legislation!"

And, "The Re-Introduction of The Act in March 2019" has "Led to Its Passage," Which "Now Heads for The United States Senate," along with "Several Other Important Pieces of House Legislation Awaiting on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," Republican from Kentucky, to "Bring Them to The Floor of The Senate for A Final Vote of Passage to President Trump!"

However, "It is of The Utmost Importance" to "Pass The Equality Act" (and The Other Legislation Passed by The House), by "A Veto Proof Margin of Sixty of More Votes!"

-Note that, "Chad Griffin, The President of Human Rights Campaign" (HRC-The Largest LGBTQ Advocacy Group and Political Lobbying Organization in The United States), Stated that, "Today's Historic vote is a major milestone for equality and sends a powerful and profound message to LGBTQ people, (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning) especially LGBTQ youth, that the U.S. House has their backs,".... And, He also said, "We won't slow down in working to turn out the 10 million eligible LGBTQ voters and our millions more allies to elect a pro-equality president in 2020 who will sign the Equality Act into Law!"

"History has Shown Us" that "When The Founders Created The Constitution of United States of America" It was to "Protect The Individual Rights of All The People!" However, "It has Taken The Dedication and Commitment of Different Movements Of Americans," from "The Civil War, to The Suffragettes, to Civil Rights, Anti-War, Me Too, Time's Up, and Youth Movements" to "Awake The Consciousness of America," and "Inspire and Motivate Its Elected Officials" to "Protect The Principles and Individual Rights Written Down in This Grand Old Document!"

However, "It Will Take The Heart, Mind, Intellect, Spirit and Soul of One and All" to "Embrace, Protect, and Defend The Tenets/Amendments of The U.S. Constitution," and "The Rights of All The People," and "In Respect and Reverence of The Rights of All Freedom Loving People of The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations of Our Home Planet Earth!"

-"Finished Business For The Benefit Of The People, By The People, and For The People"-
-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of June 2019, The United States House of Representatives Passed A $4.5 Billion Dollar Emergency Aid Bill," to "Compassionately Demonstrating Their Deep Concern for The Thousands of Migrants at The Mexico-U.S. Border" by "A Two Hundred and Thirty to One Hundred and Ninety-Five Vote," with "The Democratic Party Leading The Way!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said before The Vote, "Every member of this body has a sacred moral obligation to protect the human rights and the lives of vulnerable families, no matter who they are of from where they came."

In The Meantime, "The United States Senate has Its Own 4.6 Billion Dollar Emergency Border Aid Bill" that "Supposedly has Administration Backing!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Fifth of June 2019, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, "He hoped the House Democrats would instead take up the Senate plan," and "That's the best way to get the [problem solved!"

Let's Hope that "The Immediacy of The Migrant Crisis," Transcends The Political Differences" that have "Impeded A Flow and Passage of Positive Legislation," that has "Emanated from The U.S. House of Representatives," and In This Case, "Brings Immediate Relief to The Thousands of Migrants Stranded and Detained," by "The Trump Administration's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy!" 
"A Policy of Indifference and Lack of Compassion," that has "Detained Innocent Children," "Separating Them from Their Parents and Families!" And, "Resulted in The Deaths of Seven Children, (at Last Report)!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are on Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of June 2019, "The U.S. Senate Passed Their Own Bipartisan $4.6 Billion Dollar Bill," in "Emergency Supplemental Funding for Border Security," by "A Vote of  Eighty-Four Yeas to Eight Nays," and on Thursday, The Twenty-Seventh of June, 2019, "The U.S. House of Representatives Passed The U.S. Senate's Version of Emergency Aid for Migrants at The Mexico-U.S. Border," by "A Vote of Three Hundred and Five Yeas to One Hundred and Two Nays," and In Doing so, "Ending Any Threat of Tabling The Bill by Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," If The House Democrats "Refused to Pass A Clean Vote of The Senate's Version," (Which They Did!).

-(Note that, "The House of Representatives Unselfishly," "Did Not Include Any" of "Its Accountability or Migrant Child Protection Measures!")-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Earlier The Day, "Before The Vote on The U.S. Senate Bill Occurred," Nancy Pelosi said in A Letter to Colleagues, "The children come first. At the end of the day, we have to make sure that the resources needed to protect the children are made available."
And, "In order to get resources to the children fastest, we will reluctantly pass the Senate Bill!"

And, "So Ends This One Phase of The People's Unfinished Business," However, There is Much More to Be Done, "Before We The People are Satisfied with Congress' Performance," in "Handling The Affairs of The American People Properly!" 

And, "Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," has "The Important Responsibility" to "Place The Needs and Affairs of The American People," "Before Any Thought or Maneuverings of A Partisan (Republican) Agenda!" The American People Come First!"

"Senator McConnell was Elected by The American People" to "Represent The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 
And, "It's Important that He Remember," that "The United States of America" is "Not A Government Of Republicans, By Republicans, and For Republicans!   

-"Unfinished Business of A Historical, Moral, and Political Nature"-
-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Nineteenth of June 2019, "The Congressional Hearing in Washington, D.C." to "Provide Reparations For African Americans," is "An Ongoing Attempt by The Federal Government to Consider Reparations," and "Undertake A Grand Course of Rectification For African Americans" who have "Endured Millenniums of Being Violently Captured, Enslaved," and "Bought and Sold" as "If They were a Mindless, Unfeeling Commodity!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Congress is Addressing This Long Overdue Human Rights Violation and Injustice of The Civil Rights of A Nation Of People," in Bill," H.R. 40!"

However, "From A Historical Perspective," "This Hearing Could Apply to Ten's of Millions of Americans," whose "Civil Rights were Violated," and "Their Families Abused, Oppressed, Humiliated, and Mistreated as "The Grand American Experience was Being Realized and Constructed!"

And then, of course, "There is The Tragic Abuse," "Trail of Tears," "Incarceration," and "Near Eradication of Native Americans!" 

And then,  One Wonder's "What is The Value of A Life," and "How Much Should The Compensation Be!" And, "In What Magnanimous" and "Meaningful Form Should The National Apology Be!"

"The United States of America is A Great Nation," with "An Extraordinary History of Epic Proportions," and "These Congressional Hearings are An Important Step," in "The Quantum Leap of America," and "As The American People Embark upon New Adventures," and "New World's of Employment and Opportunity," and "Inciteful Journey's into The Parallel Sphere's of Being of The Grand Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe!"

-Extra Noteworth News-
"We are All Very Fortunate to Be Celebrating The Anniversary" of "The Declaration of Independence of The United States of America on The Fourth of July 1776!"

  "Happy Fourth of July Holiday Weekend!"

And, "The 2020 Elections Will Give Us An Opportunity to Vote in Support of Our Beliefs and Values," and "Everything that America Stands for and Symbolizes," by "Voting for The Candidates and Nominees who Believe" in "The Democracy, Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and, "All Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety-One Words" that "The United States Constitution Contains," Including "Its Twenty-Seven Amendments!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "It Must Be Heard," "The Sound of A Grand Orchestre of Changing Melodies and Orchestrations Of  The People Calling Out," "Their Voices Reaching A New Crescendo, Demanding Economic Parity, and Justice For One and All!"

"A New Crescendo Demanding An End of Dictatorship's, Terrorists, and Sadists of Whatever Unnatural State of Being," or "Profession!"

"Can You Feel and Hear Its Intensity and Magnificence" within "Your Hearts, Minds, Spirits, Intellects, Emotions, and Souls!" 

"It's A Demand For The Truth, Peace, Freedom, Global Equilibre, Equality," and "An End of Poverty," and "The Brutality of War, and "The Lust of Power!"

"It's A Calling For An Omnipresence of Environmental and Ecological Consciousness Flowing Over The Earth's Communities and Sovereign Nations," Like A Beautiful Melody, Touching and Enlightening The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The Earth's Populace," "Embracing and Empowering Everyone in Its Path!"

And, "It's A Call for "The End of Violence!" 

And, "We have But, to Listen to Its Harmonies Of Change and Evolution Flowing on Non-Violent Wafts and Eddies of New Currents of Air" to "All The Corners and Horizons of Our Home Planet Earth!" 

And, "Continue to Share and Inspire All who Truly Seek An Earthrise Vision Of The People," "In Concert with All who Truly Wish to Be Advocates, Activists, Conservators, and Defenders Of The People," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings," and of "The Grand Cosmos of All Encompassing, Uplifting, Insightful, Compassionate, and Unlimited Levels of Thought," and of "The Infinite, Illuminating, Celestial Bodies and Galaxies of The Grand Universe," and "Its Innumerable Life Forms and Life Systems!"

"It's A Grand Symphony Of Life" that "We Can Take Pleasure in Being a Part of," Each and Every Day of Our Lives, "A Grand Symphony Of The People that We Can Sing, Whistle, Dance, March, Demonstrate, and Share Together," within "The Surety of A Purposeful Cause of Life," and "Knowing and Believing" that "Truth and Justice Will Prevail in The End!"      

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Peace, and Transcended Millennia and Cherished Cultures, and Trust, and Hope For The Youth of The Earth, and Social Security and Prosperity For One and All!

Extra Note Worthy News-
"The 2019 Celebration of  Bastille Day in Paris," (La Fete Nationale) on Sunday, The Fourteenth of July, In Addition to "Being Celebrated" for "The Critical Moment in History When The French People Revolted Against The High Taxes and Extreme Famine that Existed in France in 1789," and In Doing so "Stormed The Bastille," Which was "A Crucial Turning Point in The French Revolution," (Note that, "The Bastille was A Military Prison and Fortress,"), It Will also "Be Remembered for The Sight of French Inventor and Entrepreneur Franky Zapata's Flight, On What Resembled A Jet Powered Flying Board," (Named "Flyboard Air" by The Inventor) "Hovering and Flowing in Effortless Flight in The Sky" over "The Bastille Day Military Parade (The Oldest and Largest Regular Military Parade in Europe) on The Champs-Elysees," in "Full View of President Emmanuel Macron" and "The Parade Goers," and "The Citizens of France via The Cross Media News Services!"

-(Note that, President Macron said in A Tweet that also Included A Video of The Spectacle, "Fier de notre armee, moderne et innovante." ("Proud of our Army, modern and innovative")-

And, "As These Two Moments in Time," One of The Past" and "One of The Present Cross Paths," "Let Us Look Forward to A Future of Peaceful Modernization," "Interdependent Hi-Tech and Medical Initiatives and New Developments," and "The Celebration of Advanced Innovations," and "New Perceptions and Realizations of Global Unification," and "An Omnipresent Universe of Economic Parity," and "Social Security," "Althroughout The Earths Sovereign Community of Peace Inspired Nations!"

-In Memoriam:
Texas Billionaire, Philanthropist, Business Magnate, Politician, and Former Independent Third Party Nominee for President of the United States, and Former Founder and Chief Executive of Electronic Data Systems and Perot Systems,  "Henry Ross Perot has Died at The Age of Eighty-Nine!"

Mr. Perot Gained Fame in The World of Politics, "When He Announced that He was Running for President of The United States of America, with Admiral James Stockdale as His Running Mate in 1992," Campaigning on, (1) The Negative Threat of The Increasing National Debt," and, (2) "Being Anti- NAFTA," (North American Trade Agreement), and "Received 18.9 Percent of The Popular Vote," in "His Losing Fifty State Presidential Campaign Effort," to "Former President William Jefferson Clinton!"

And, Although Mr. Perot Did Not Win Any Electoral Votes, "Some Political Pundits Claim that His Nomination was In Part A Factor," in "Preventing Former President George H.W. Bush from Winning A Second Term as President of The United States!"

"In 1996 Mr. Perot Established The Reform Party," and "Ran for The Presidency again!" "This Time Winning 8.4 Percent of The Popular Vote in His Losing Effort" Against "Former President Clinton," and "Senator Robert Dole from Kansas!"

-(Note that in 1984 General Motors Acquired A Controlling Interest in Mr. Perot's  Data Processing Service Company, "Electronic Data Systems," (A Company that He Founded) for $2.4 Billion Dollars," and "After Establishing "Perot Systems in 1988," He was "An Angel Investor" for "A Computer Company Founded by Steve Jobs, "NeXT,"  Investing "More than $Twenty Million Dollars!"

And, In 2009 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Mr Forbes Sold to Perot Systems to Dell for $3.9 Billion Dollars!")-

Mr. Perot has Been Involved in Politics for Most of His Life, "Endorsing Republican Candidate Governor George W. Bush Against Pat Buchanan in 2000," and "Mitt Romney in 2008 and 2012!"

However, "His Career in Business and Finance has Seen Its Ups and Downs," In 1968 "When EDS went Public" The Stock Price of His Companies Shares Rose from "Sixteen Dollars a Share to One Hundred and Sixty Dollars a Share within Days!" With "Fortune Magazine Calling Him "The Fastest Richest Texan" in 1968 Cover Story!" However, He also has "The Distinction" of "Being The Biggest Individual Loser ever on The New York Stock Exchange," When His EDS Shares Dropped Four Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars in Value in A Single Day" in April of 1970!"

And, It Should also Be Noted that "Mr. Perot was Instrumental in Rescuing Two EDS Personnel" who had "Been Imprisoned by The Iranian Government Because of A Contractual Dispute!"

And, was "A Supporter of Planned Parenthood," and "A Pro Choice Activist!" And, also Believed that "Capital Gains Tax," and "Tax on The Wealthy Should Be Increased!" 

"Forbes Magazine has Listed Mr. Perot as The One Hundred and Seventy-Sixth Wealthiest Person in The United States!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Henry Ross Perot! A Man whose Life was Instrumental in The Changing Times of The Political, Computer Data, and Financial Universes of America!  

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Violence Caused by The Acts of Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings. We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And, To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due To A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!