Monday, July 1, 2019



The Way To Peace! #344

As The Sun Set's O'er The Middle East, "The Question" Still Remains, "In This The Twenty-First Century, "Why has War and Conflict" or "The Constant Threat of War and Conflict Continued" to "Be The Dominant Approach Towards Solving Political, Cultural, Territorial, and Sociological Issues," among "The Leaders of The Sovereign Nations of The Middle East!"

Or, "Is It Simply" and Tragically, "The Lure of Profit" that is "The Prime Seduction," "Driving Force," and "Major Factor, that is "Most Paramount," "Why War and Conflict Continue" to "Be The Constant Denominator" that "Transcends The Desire For Peace among The People of The Middle East," who have, (1) "Experienced and Fought in One Battle after Another" and, (2) "Been Forced to Flee Their Homes, Towns, Villages, Cities and Nations Out of Fear of Death Being Brought Down Upon Their Lives and Families," and, (3) "Left Their Homes Out of Sincere Concern" that "Their Children and Women Would Be Kidnapped and Sold into Captivity" by "Syndicates of Criminals," and "Predators of Humanity!"

"It is Difficult to Comprehend," The Whys of The Ongoing Wars and Conflicts" between The Sovereign Nations of Israel and Palestine," and "Egypt," or "Syria and The Coalition of United Sovereign Nations," or "Saudi Arabia and The Yemeni Civil War, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Greater Kurdistan," and "Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals!" 
And then, There is The External Influences of Foreign Sovereign Nations," such as "The United States of America, and The Russia Federation, who have "More than Just A Modicum of Interest and Investment" in "This Profitable Region of The Earth!"

And, "In This Age of Non-Proliferation, "What is The Logic or Fascination" with "Developing Weapons of Mass Destruction!"

Clearly, "This Should Be The Moment in Time for The Seeds of Serious Diplomatic Peace Initiatives to Be Sown," and "Developed among Peacemakers," and "Cognizant Seasoned Diplomats," "Religious and Military Leaders," and "Voices of Reason!"

And, Clearly, "This is The Time to Put Aside Divisive Differences of Opinions, Hubris, Lust for Power, and Greed,"  "In The Name of Peace," and "The Millions of Families" who've Paid An Enormous Price of Life and Death," While Political and Religious Leaders "Argue amongst Themselves," and "Initiate New Campaigns of War, Conflict, and Hatred!"

With, "Each New Generation Born into," and "Caught Up and Entangled in," "This Ongoing Web of Deception, Delusion, Confusion, and Illusion!" 

And, "Visions of Peace," and "Peace Dialogues," are Impeded" by "Dictators, Tyrants, and Syndicates of Criminals!" And, "The People of The Middle East are Manipulated" by "Volatile Rhetoric," "Threats of New Economic Sanctions," and "More War and Conflict!"

"The Leaders of The Sovereign Nations of The Middle East," and of "The United Sovereign Nations of The Earth," Must "Come Together" in "A Grand Display of Unification," and "Consolidation of Contemplation," that "Integrates and Empowers Peace Efforts for The Middle East," into "What is An Undeniable Global and Regional Equation," that is "Centered Upon A Commitment, Dedication, and Force of The Spirit and Soul" to "Bring An Everlasting Peace to The Middle East!"

"For The Sake of The Children," who are "Being Threatened on A Daily Basis with Death, Destruction, War, and Conflict!" And, For "The Future Generations of Children," in "Whom without A Just and Lasting Peace," "Will Be Threatened on A Daily Basis with Death, Destruction, War, and Conflict!"

"Peace and Harmony Must Come to The Middle East" for "The Sake of The Diverse Population, Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People," in This The Twenty-First Century, "Irregardless of Tribe, Gender, Creed, Nationality, Age, Color, Political Affiliation, or Special Needs!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of June 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The United States Supreme Court" "Threw Out A Lower Courts Ruling" "Denying Retired Marine James Kisor, 75," "Benefits Dating Back to 1982," by "A Five to Four Margin," with "Chief Justice John Glover Roberts Jr. Casting The Deciding Vote!" 

And, that "A 1997 Precedent" (Auer v. Robbins) "In which the judiciary branch of the government normally defers to an agency's own interpretations of their own regulations in resolving matters of law," "Be Scaled Backed!"

"This Case Involved Marine Corps Veteran James Kisor, 75," who was "Renewing" His Original Claim in "Kisor v. Wilkie, Secretary of Veterans Affairs" "Seeking Government Benefits" for "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder," in 2006, (Originally Made in 1982 and was Denied).

"The Department of Veterans Affairs Refused to Pay Mr. Kisor Retroactively to 1982" saying, Mr. Kisor reiterated the undisputed fact that he had served in combat, rather than relating to the initial conclusion that he didn't have PTSD." However, "The Agency has Agreed to Pay His Disability Benefits Going Forward!"

And, "The Lower Courts," Including "The Federal Appeals Circuit Courts Ruled Against Him in Deference to Auer v. Robbins!"

-(Note that, "VA Rules" Allowed for Retroactive Benefits "When relevant official service department records" come to light that weren't initially considered.")-

"Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan Wrote," In Relationship to (1) How Auer Deference Should Operate, "The Federal Circuit had more work to do." And, in Mr. Kisor's Case, "It is not enough to casually remark as the Court did here that (b)oth parties insist that that plain regulatory language was supports their case, and neither party's position strikes us as unreasonable.' Rather, the court must make a conscientious effort to determine, based on indicia like text, structure, history, and purpose, whether the regulation really has more than one reasonable meaning. 

Moreover, "The Federal Circuit assumed too fast that Auer deference should apply in the event of genuine ambiguity." And that, "Decisions must relate to an agency's "substantive expertise" which is sometimes highly technical such as in pollution controls, and other times "more prosaic seeming," such as The Transportation Security Administration, "assessing the security reasons of pate." 

However, "It Must Be Pointed Out" that "The Fact" that "Veterans are Put to Such Demanding Tasks," to "Receive Their Disability Benefits" only "Magnifies The Need for A New VA System" that "Clearly Prioritizes The Needs Our Veterans," After" Fighting in Undeclared Wars and Conflicts," and "Wars that have Been Voted on and Approved by The United States Congress," and "Whomever The Sitting President May Be!"

And, "This Would Be An Opportune Moment in Time" for "Hi-Tech Industry," who have "Mastered The Services Required to Provide for The Nations New Generation of Online," and "Hi-Tech Consumer's," to "Volunteer Their Services" to "Modernize The Department of Veterans Affairs," as The United States Volunteer Armed Services March into The Forefront of New Military Offenses" in "Protection of Our Rights to Live as A Highly Principled Democratic Sovereign Nation!"

And, "In Protection of The Principles and Rights of All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," "United in Maintaining The Peace and Security of One and All!"

And, "By Setting This Model of Volunteerism," "The Hi-Tech Industries Can Inspire The Youth of America," and "The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Nations," to "Aspire to and Emulate This Example of Volunteerism," to "Build A Better Sociological, Meaningful, Intellectual, Philosophical, and Compassionate Reality," for "Our Present and Future Generations to Admire" and "Be Empowered by!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Fifteenth of June 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The U.S. Court of Appeals for The District of Columbia Circuit Wrote" in "A Two to One Ruling" that "The Trump Administration Can Not Prevent Pregnant Unaccompanied Migrant Minors in Federal Custody from Obtaining An Abortion!"

Judges Sri Srinivasan and Robert Wilkins Ruled Against The Trump Administration," and "Senior Circuit Judge Laurence Silberman Filed a Dissenting Opinion!" 

"In The Eighty-One Page Opinion The Court" wrote that, "We are unanimous in rejecting the Government's position that its denial of abortion access can be squared with Supreme Court precedent."

And, "The Ruling States that "Under binding Supreme Court precedent, a person has a Constitutional right to terminate her pregnancy before viability and the government cannot unduly burden her decision." 

Note that, "This Case is Centered around A Seventeen Year Old Undocumented Pregnant Migrant," who was "Raped in Her Own Country," and Upon Crossing into The United States, is "Now Being Held in Immigration Customs Enforcement Custody," and is "Being Prevented from having An Abortion" by "The Trump Administration!" And, "Sued to Have One!"

As The Parallel Sphere's of Political, and Ethical Influences "Continue to Produce Daily Headlines in The Fourth State," and "Breaking News Spotlights," in "The Universe of Global Cross Media News Outlets," "The Tragic Picture's of Undocumented (Unaccompanied) Migrant Children Being Detained in Unsanitary Detention Facilities," "Can Not but Touch The Deepest Parts of Your Heart, Mind, Intellect, Soul and Spirit!" 

And, "The Question," "How is it Possible that This Unsanitary, Living Condition," "Can Exist in The United States of America!" 
"Where A Lover of Dogs and Cats Would Be Outraged" to "See This Happening to Their Pet's!" 
And, "Where Any Parent," and/or "Religious Leader Would Be Outraged to See This Happening to A Member of Their Family" or "Member of Their Congregation," or "Community!"

And, "As President Trump Prepares to Depart for The 2019 G20 Osaka Summit," (Formally "Summit on Financial Markets and World Economy") to "Meet with Global Leaders at The Fourteenth Meeting of The G20," on The Twenty-Eighth and Twenty-Ninth of June 2019, to "Discuss International Economic Cooperation, The Global Economy, and Financial Markets," at "The International Center in Osaka," (This is The First Time The G20 is Being Held in Japan), One also Wonder's "How He Can Depart for Japan While Knowing" that "This Unconscionable Situation," that "Everyone in America have Seen In Newspapers," and "On Their Televisions, Cell Phones, Computers, etc." Is Still "Not Being Managed" with "The Proper, Professional, Department Wise, Empathy, or Administrative Cognizance and Ability," to "Demonstrate that A Sincere Effort, and Regret" for "This Unconscionable, and Unethical Condition," has "Existed Under The President's View," and has "Placed A Stain of Immorality Upon The Democratic Values" that "Represent The Foundation and Laws of The United States of America," and "For Which America Symbolizes," is "Respected for!"

And, "Whether You are An American Citizen," or "Undocumented Immigrant Child, or Parent, " "This is Clearly A Civil Rights Violation," that "Merits A Congressional" and "United Nations Reprimand!" 

"No Human Being Should Be Subjected to This," and "The Reality" that "There are Children Living in These Detention Centers," in "The United States of America," is "Unconscionable, Unethical, and Dishonorable," and "It Must Be Illegal," and/or "Unconstitutional in The Eyes of The Law," and "In The Pure Personification, and Gaze of Truthfulness, Rightness," and "Human and Spiritual Adage of Life, Principles, Solar Axiom's, and Compassion," as "Represented and Symbolized by Lady Justice!"

And, "Whether or Not You Believe" that "The Trump Administration" has "Pushed The Boundaries of American Values to An Unimaginable State of Law and Morality," "The Facts Speak for Themselves," and "The Divisions Among Families and Communities Continue to Cause Frustration Althroughout The Nation!"

And, "While The Wealthy, Big Business, and The Markets (to A Certain Degree) have Profited," "The Trump Administration" has "Not Healed The Suffering Emotionally, Physically, Mentally, and/or  Economically for Ten's of Millions of Americans Living Below The Poverty Line!" 
And, The U.S. Debt has Increased" and "The Nations GDP has Slowed," and "The United States Closest Allies Continue to Struggle with The Trump Administrations Concept of Foreign Policy!" 
"A Foreign Policy" that has "Embraced Leaders of One-Man-Rule Forms of Governance," such as, "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), The Russian Federation, and The People's Republic of China!" 

And, "Withdrawn The United States from The Paris Agreement," and The Iran Nuclear Agreement" (JCPOA- Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action-)!

And, "The Limits of What America Stands for Is Sorely Being Tested!" 

And, "With The 2019 G20 Osaka Summit," and "The First Televised Campaign Debates of Democratic Candidates," on "The Twenty-Sixth and Twenty-Seventh of June, 2019," and at "This Critical Time Period of Universal and Global Causation" in The Parallel Universes of Our Home Planet Earth, "It is of The Most Meaningful Importance," for "All of The Major Participants of The 2019 G20 Osaka Summit," and "The Candidates Seeking Their Political Parties Nomination," to "Represent What is In The Best Interests of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Earths Populace," and "For What is In The Best Interests" of "All The United Coalition of Sovereign Civilized Modern Nations," who "Believe in Peace and Harmony," and "The  Global Economical Development," and "Universal Growth and Social Security and Parity of All The People," Whether They Be "Their Own Constituencies," and/or "Their Own National Interests!"

And, "Leave Any Sense of Hubris," and/or "Self Profit at The Expense Of The People," in "The Trash!"

As The Parallel Universe of Legalities, Court Cases, and Lady Justice Cross Over The Fields of Facts and The Truth, "Often Contradicting and Sometimes in Confrontation with The Civil Liberties Of The People and The State, Local, and Federal Governments," (1) Tuesday, The Twenty-Fifth of June 2019, "U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan" of The United States District Court for the District of Columbia, "Ruled in Favor of One Hundred and Ninety-Six Members of The United States Congress" in "Richard Blumenthal et al. v. Donald J. Trump" to "Hold President Trump Accountable to The U.S. Constitution's Foreign Emoluments Clause," and "Begin on Friday, The Twenty-Eighth of June 2019," to The Twenty-Seventh of September 2019 to,  (1) "Begin Collecting Financial Information," and "Other Records and Interviews from The Trump Organization" and, (2) "Therefore Allowing for The Almost Two Hundred Members of The U.S. Congress to Continue Their Lawsuit Alleging" that "President Trump's Private Business Violates an Anti-Corruption Provision of The U.S. Constitution."

"Judge Sullivan Wrote in An Twelve Page Opinion," that "This case will be poised for resolution in six months; an immediate repeal would hardly materially advance its ultimate termination."

And, "Judge Sullivan" also Wrote, "Even though discovery has not begun, it will be scheduled to conclude and cross motions for summary judgment to be fully briefed within six months." 

-(Note that, The Trump Administration Can Still Appeal to The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit!")-

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Democratic Senator Richard M. Blumenthal" from The State of Connecticut said, "This tremendous victory assures that President Trump will be held accountable to the Constitution and the American people."

And, "U.S. House of Representative Jerrold Nadler, Democrat from The State of New York," who with Senator Blumenthal, have "Led The Way in This Lawsuit Against President Trump" said, "In a thoughtful, well reasoned opinion, Judge Sullivan articulated what the law makes clear: there is absolutely no reason to delay one more day in ensuring that President Trump is held accountable for his violation of the Constitution's preeminent anti-corruption provision. For more than two years, President Trump has thumbed his nose at the American people in flagrant violation of the law. Today, the courts spoke: no longer."

"This Lawsuit States" that, "They want the court to order the President to stop accepting payments they consider violations of the Constitution's foreign emoluments clause. The lawmakers and the attorney's from the non-profit Constitutional Accountability center say the provision was designed to guard against undue influence by foreign governments by barring any "emolument"----meaning a gift or payment----without prior approval from Congress."

-(Note that, "This is The First Time" that "Federal Judges have Interpreted These Clauses and Applied the Restrictions to A Sitting President!")-

 "The Question" Still Remains, "Will This Case Reach The Hallowed Chambers of The United States Supreme Court!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Eighteenth of June 2019, "President Donald John Trump, The Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America, "Officially Premiered His "Keep America Great" Re-election Campaign" at "The Amway Center in Orlando, Florida," with "All The Pomp and Ceremony" His Campaign Team, Family, Friends, Politicos, Dignitaries, Celebrities, and Business Associates "Can Gather Together!"

"It is Interesting" that "President Trump and His Campaign Team Chose This Venue in Orlando, Florida," to "Display His New Campaign Rhetoric and Verbiage" to, (1) Present His New Policies" and, (2) His Administrations List of Achievements, and, (3) His New Slogans and Fictional Names for His Democratic Candidates, Which  Usually Contain Quite Colorful Language, Mainly, Because, "Both Orange and Osceola Counties Supported Mrs. Clinton in the 2016 Presidential Election over then Republican Nominee Trump," by "Almost Two to One Margins!"

The 2020 Election Pose Several Imposing Challenges For President Trump!" Recent Polls" "Show The President Losing to at Least Six Democratic Candidates If The Election was Held This Week!"

And, "The President Continues to Be Under Pressure" from "A Number of Federal and State Lawsuits Against Him," Besides, (1) The Escalation of Foreign Tensions with Iran, and, (2) The Trade War with The People's Republic of China, and, (3) New Missile Launches by The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and, (4) The Negative and Immoral Effect of The Trump Administration's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy, and, (5) The Controversial Declaration of National Emergency, on The Fifteenth of February 2019, After The U.S. Congress Refused to Provide Him with Funds for The Construction of His Border Wall, and, (6) Bypassing The U.S. Congress by Issuing Executive Orders, Instead of Working to Pass New Bi-Partisan Legislation that is Beneficial to The American People, and, (7) Withdrawing The United States from The Paris Agreement, and The Iran Nuclear Agreement,  and, (8) Being One of The Least Popular U.S. Presidents Earthwide, in Modern History, and,  (9) The Unnecessary Provocation of The Federal Republic of Germany, The Republic of India, and The Host Nation The State of Japan, Three of America's Closest Allies at The 2019 G20 Osaka Summit," (Why hasn't President Trump Accepted that Diplomacy and Cognizant Dialogues are The Twenty-First Century Preferred Form of Governance!), (10) Administration Scandals, (11) The Passage of A Tax Reform Bill that For The Most Part Benefited The Wealthy and Big Business, and, (12) The Mueller Reports Conclusions, and, (13) The Growing Calls for The President's Impeachment, and "These are Just A Few of The Mountainous Obstacles in His Way to A Second Term!"

And, of Course, "The Ongoing Attacks Upon The Fourth Estate Will Continue by President Trump," and "Escalate to New Levels of Dangerous Confrontations, Consequences and Denouement!" "Including Events that Reporters Will have to Endure For The Sake of Reporting All The News," and "Facts about The Campaign!" 
To Which, "The Multitude of Derogatory Statements and Comments Made Against Them" "Will Be Astonishing to Most Everyone," Including "Republicans, Democrats, Independents," and "The Candidates," "The Voting Public," and "The Youth of The Nation!" As well as "The Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations," and "The Earths Populace!"

And, "We Should One and All Be Prepared," Because "This Political Campaign for The Presidency of The United States of America" has "The Potential to Be The Most Divisive, Inciteful, and Challenging One in Modern History!"

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance to Understand All of The Facts that are Truthful and Honest," and "Vote for The Candidate or Nominee of Your Choice" Based on "What is in The Best Interest of All Americans," Irregardless of "Gender, Creed, Age, Nationality, Color, Special Needs, Tribe, or Political Persuasion!" 
"Why," Because "The Soul, Spirit, and Heart of The Nation," and "All that The United States of America, and Its Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and "The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights Stands for" and "Symbolizes is at Stake," "For Present" and "Future Generations to Come!"

-(Note that, "The Republican National Committee Stated" that President Trump's "Keep America Great" Re-Election Campaign "Received An Impressive $24.8 Million Dollars in Campaign Donations in Less than Twenty-Four Hours!")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Eighteenth of June 2019, "As President Donald John Trump" "Prepared To Announce His Re-Election Bid in Orlando Florida," "The  Orlando Orlando Sentinel" has Announced that, "We're here to Announce our endorsement for President in 2020, or, at least who we're not endorsing: Donald Trump.

Some readers will wonder how we could possibly eliminate a candidate so far before an election, and before knowing the identity of his opponent.
Because we there's no point pretending we would ever recommend that readers vote for Trump. After 2 1/2 years we've seen enough."

And so, "The President Trump's Re-Election Campaign has Begun!"

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives-
Thursday, The Twenty-Seventh of June 2019 The U.S. Supreme Court Ruling or Decision to "Not Articulate A New Language" that "Prevents Gerrymandering of Local or State Districts" is "Unfortunate and Dangerous" to "The Thought of Establishing A True Sense of Electoral Parity in The United States of America," until "The System Changes For The Better!"

"The Supreme Court Ruling Came Down to A Five to Four Vote," in Which It Decided that "Federal Courts cannot determine whether election maps are too partisan," with "Chief Justice Roberts Breaking The Tie!"

"Chief Justice Roberts Wrote in The Majority Opinion" that "Our conclusion does not condone excessive partisan gerrymandering. Nor does our conclusion condemn complaints about districting to echo into a void."

However, "The Fact Remains," that "The Political Party who Controls a State Legislature after The 2020 Elections" Will Be Able to "Redraw The Lines Based on Information Drawn from A 2020 Consensus!"  And, "Until State and Federal Elected Officials Come to An Honest Assessment" and "Make A Fair Evaluation of Gerrymandering," The American People Will Not Be Represented" or "Rewarded Proportionately to Their Vote!" 

"This Electoral and Political Issue Threatens to Cause An Unbalanced and Unfair Result" in "The Experience of Casting A Vote for The Candidate and/or Party of Your Choice by American Electorate System," and has The Potential to Grow into A Serious Violation of Democratic Principles" and "A Severe Discredit to The Principles," and "The New Political Norm of Bending The Rules to Fit One's Partisan Politics in Both State and Federal Governments," Instead of Empowering and Supporting The Democratic Values and Principles" of "The United States of America!"

"Clearly, "The Time has Come for A New Majority of Women and Men to Seek Political Office in Local, State, and Federal Governments to "Reverse This Disparity in The Nations Electoral and Political Process," A "Diverse Nucleus of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People" who are "Committed to Making A Better Earth Community For All The People," and "Not Just The Political, Financial, Religious, Administration, Celebrity, and Global Elite!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty-Seventh of June 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are According to Transcripts of "A Closed-Door Hearing Before The Foreign Affairs Committee Released on Thursday, The Twenty-Seventh of June," Former Secretary of State Rex Wayne Tillerson "Recounted of A Story about A Chance Meeting He had at A Washington D.C. Restaurant," with "Mexico's Secretary of Foreign Affairs Louis Videgaray, who was having a Private Meal with Jared Kushner, (Senior Advisor t His Father-In- Law President Trump).

And, "Seeing The Foreign Secretary of Affairs Embarrassment," Mr. Tillerson said, "I don't want to interrupt what y'all are doing, Give me a call next time you're coming to town, and I left it at that."

And, Former Secretary Tillerson also said (of Mr. Kushner),  "No one really described what he was going to be doing, I just knew what his title was."

"The Release of This Transcript," has "Provided The Foreign Affairs Committee" and "The American People," with "Another Insight into The Workings of The Trump White House!"
 And, "The State of Disconnect and Amorphous that Existed There!"

And, "It also Demonstrates The Importance of The Subpoenas and Hearings of  The Unite States Congress to Investigate and Clarify The Intentions and Policies of The Trump Administration," and Who, Besides President Trump, is "Affecting Policy and Policy Decisions!"

And, "It Demonstrates The Significance of Further Testimonies and Hearings," to "Clarify and Reveal The Whys," Actions, and Idea's of President Trump!"

And, "Why He is Attempting to Impeded Former and Current Administration Officials of His Administration from Coming Forth and Testifying," "Voluntarily or via Subpoena!"

And, "As The Sun Set's O'er The Sovereign Nation of Japan at The 2019 G20 Osaka Summit, "The Questions Why," For One Example; "President Trump Invited and Met with Kim Jong-un," The Leader of The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, "In Korea at The DMZ Line" (Demilitarized Zone) on Sunday, The Thirtieth of June 2019, "The First Sitting United States President" to "Step Across The Boundary Separating North and South Korea," To Discuss  The Denuclearization of North Korea "is Perplexing!" 

"Why," Because There have Not Been A Significant Amount of Clear and Concise Reasons Demonstrating A Sincere Change in The DPRK's Nuclear Programs Policies to Begin with," and (2) "Has North Korea Apologized" or "Admitted that It has Been A Human Rights Violator for Decades," and (3) On The Other Hand of Foreign Diplomacy, "Why" has President Trump Continued to Attack The United States of America's Closest Allies!" What is There to Gain" by "Using This Tact," Instead of Using Diplomacy," and "A Cognitive Form of Logic and Reasoning" and "Global Dialogues Based on Substantial, Meaningful and Real Issues of Concern to The Earths Populace" and "The American People," and, (4) "The Question" of "Will President Trump Agree to The People's Republic of China's Demands" to "Ease Sanctions on China's Huawei Technologies Company Ltd." to "Bring An End of The Trade War of Hubris between Himself and Chinese President Xi Jinping!" And, "Will President Xi Agree to A Twenty-First Century Economic and Trade Parity between The United States" to "End This Embarrassment in Negotiations," that "Continue to have "A Negative Effect on Ten's of Millions of Lives," and (5) "Does President Trump have Any Idea" of "The Mixed Message His Photograph with Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin," that has "Been Seen All Around The Earth"  has "Produced in The Minds of The American People" and "The Leaders of The Peace Loving Coalition of Sovereign Nations" and of "The Earth's Populace!"

"This is "The First Time in Modern History" that "The President of The United States of America" has "Displayed A Propensity to have Closer Relationships with The Most Prominent Adversaries of The U.S." than with "Its Most Traditional and Closest Allies"

"The 2020 Elections" Will Provide The People of The United States with "An Opportunity to Express Their Opinion and Feelings of The Trump Administration Domestic (Immigration) and Global Policies!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of June 2019, The United States House of Representatives Passed A $4.5 Billion Dollar Emergency Aid Bill," to "Compassionately Demonstrating Their Deep Concern for The Thousands of Migrants at The Mexico-U.S. Border" by "A Two Hundred and Thirty to One Hundred and Ninety-Five Vote," with "The Democratic Party Leading The Way!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said before The Vote, "Every member of this body has a sacred moral obligation to protect the human rights and the lives of vulnerable families, no matter who they are of from where they came."

In The Meantime, "The United States Senate has Its Own 4.6 Billion Dollar Emergency Border Aid Bill" that "Supposedly has Administration Backing!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Fifth of June 2019, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, "He hoped the House Democrats would instead take up the Senate plan," and "That's the best way to get the [problem solved!"

Let's Hope that "The Immediacy of The Migrant Crisis," Transcends The Political Differences" that have "Impeded A Flow and Passage of Positive Legislation," that has "Emanated from The U.S. House of Representatives," and In This Case, "Brings Immediate Relief to The Thousands of Migrants Stranded and Detained," by "The Trump Administration's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy!" 
"A Policy of Indifference and Lack of Compassion," that has "Detained Innocent Children," "Separating Them from Their Parents and Families!" And, "Resulted in The Deaths of Seven Children, (at Last Report)!"

And, "As Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Universe have Revealed" that "Robert Mueller Will Testify Before Two Congressional Committees," in "Two Open Hearings on The Seventeenth of July 2019" "Within The Parallel Universe of Individuals" who have "Been Indicted and Convicted" as "A Result of The Special Counsel's Investigations in Russian Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections," Former Campaign Chairman of The Trump Campaign has "Returned to Court on Thursday, They Twenty-Seventh of June 2019 for Further Sentencing!"

"This Time Mr. Manafort Will Be Arraigned Before The Manhattan Supreme Court!"
He has "Plead Not Guilty" to "New York State Charges of Residential Mortgage Fraud," and "Other State Crimes!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Twenty-First of June, 2019, "The Planned Parenthood Clinic in St. Louis, Missouri," "Received Good News from State Circuit Court Judge Michael F. Stelzer," who "Upheld The Decision He Made Earlier In The Month of June," "Which Permits The Clinic to Continue Providing Abortions" after "The Medical License from The State of Missouri Expired on The Thirty-First of May, 2019!"

Judge Stelzer said "He would issue a written order regarding next steps on the injunction as soon as possible,"...and He also said, "It won't necessarily come today." 

"This Decision by Judge Stelzer," is "A Welcomed Ruling, Comfort, Judgment," and "Sense of Reason, Encouragement, and Succor, " from "The Treats to Close The Last Abortion Clinic in Missouri," as well as "A Respectful Nod in Direction of Lady Justice" and "A Woman's Right to Choose," "What is in The Best Interests of Her Own Physicality, Family, Mind, Soul, Intellect, and Spirit!" And, In Respect of The Law of The Land," that "Constitutionally Supports Roe v. Wade!"

"Planned Parenthood Wrote in A Tweet" on Friday, The Twenty-First of June 2019, "The preliminary injunction continues! This means that abortion access is still protected in Missouri, for now--- A welcomed relief for our patients and our provider's in the State."

And, "M'Evie Mead," the Director of Policing and Organizing at Planned Parenthood Advocates in Missouri said, "Today is a Victory for for women to be able to access the kind of medical care that they and their health professionals need and deserve."

And, Director Mead also said, "It is still very, very to access abortion in Missouri because of medically unnecessary hoops and regulations, but you can still come to Planned Parenthood for today for all your reproductive health care, and that is a good day for women."     

From "An Overall Perspective" of "The Parallel Universes of Legality, Morality," and "Sociological, and Political Sphere's of Being," "It is Crucially Important" for "The Global Integrity," and "For The Evolution of The Earths Communities and Families," to "Be Guided in A Just Way," and "In Support of The Rights of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and "For The Sake Of All The People!"

And, "Our Elective Officials," Globally, and Domestically, have "A Responsibility to Represent The People," and "What is In The Best Interests of All The People of Today's Modern Society!"

And, "A Women's Right to Choose" Must "Be in The Forefront of Comprehending The Percipience, Cognizance, Intelligence and Wisdom in Doing This!"

-(Note that, Doctor Colleen McNicholas, "One of The  Physician's who Practices at The St. Louis Planned Parenthood Clinic said in A Statement, "We believe continuing to force an additional invasive and uncomfortable pelvic exam is on patients at least three day's before her abortion procedure, when it is not medically indicated, and when she will have the identical exam on the day of the abortion procedure, is not patient-centered,...and "It is disrespecting and dehumanizing.")-

"Providing Thoughtful Leadership," and "Performing Leadership that Is Inspirational, Conscientious, and Insightful is Important," If, "One is To Be A True Representative of All The People!" 

"Let's Hope" that "The Elected Officials of The State Government of Missouri," have "Learned This Lesson in Governance For The Well-Being of All Missourians, " and "Especially The Women of The State," and "For The Future Course of Events in The United States of America," that are "Founded and Established Upon The Principles of Unification" and "The United States Constitution!"

As The Sun Set's O'er The Skies of The Transcontinental Sovereign Nation of Turkey, (Located Predominantly in Western Asia), and A Member of NATO, Sunday The Twenty-Third of June 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are In A Repeat Election for Mayor of Istanbul, "The People's Voices and Votes have Decided," "Ekrem Imamoglu Defeated Binali Yildirim,"by "A Fifty-Four to Forty-Five Percent Vote Tally," with "Ninety-Nine Percent of The Vote Accounted for!"

"The Significance of This Vote is" that "Binali Yildirim" who was "Supported by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan," and "His Justice and Development Party, (AK), was "Defeated by Ekrem Imamoglu," A Social Democrat, of The Opposition Party, "The Republican People's Party (CHP)!

-(Note that, In March of 2019, "Mr. Imamoglu Defeated the AKP Candidate," However, "President Erdogan Claimed The Election Result was Fraudulent," and "Demanded a New Election!"). 

At Present, "The AK Party Coupled with A Nationalist Movement Party" (MHP), "Control The Majority of The National Assembly," But, "Now with This New Election Result in Istanbul, and "The Election Loss in Ankara, The Capitol of Turkey in March 2019, "Clearly The Political Winds of Change in Turkey are on The Rise," and "Strongly Suggesting" that "A Potentially New Political" and "Sociological Change Appears to Be Taking Hold," and "An Emerging New Earthrise Vision of Change Looks to Be on The Horizon!"

"The Negative Effects of President Erdogan's Authoritative Form of Governance," and "Allegations of Misuse of Public Funds and Corruption," Plus, (1) A Recession that has Turkey in Its Economic Grip, and, (2) The Weakening of The Turkish Lira, (3) An Unwelcoming Inflation and, (4) President Erdogan's Acts of Un-Democratic Behavior in Governance," by "His Acts of Annulling Municipal Votes Whenever or Wherever His AK Party were in A Position to Lose a Legislative Vote," and "Control  of The Majority," and/or "Whenever or Wherever The AKP were On The Verge of Being Replaced by The Opposition!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are, Mr. Imamoglu, 49, "Gained Prominence" by "Being Victorious in 2014," "When He Won The Mayoral Race in The Istanbul District of Beylikduzu!" 
And, "His Act of "Turning A No-Man's-Island" into "A Green Park," in Beylikduzu, "Brought A New Sense of Environmental and Ecological Change," to "This Urban City Landscape," and "A Sense of Trust in His Being Able" to Both Govern and Make Improvements," that are "Beneficial to Making Improvements in The Lives Of The People," and "A New Sense of Empowerment of The People" and "An End to The Allegations of Corruption," and "Authoritarian Overbearance Felt by The People of This Sovereign Nation"by President Erdogan and The AKP!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Parallel Sphere's of Congressional Hearings, Investigations, Court Cases, Subpoenas, Executive Orders, Political Debates, Global Summits, Trade Wars, Recession Warnings, Slow GDP Figures Globally, and Rising Calls for Impeachment of President Trump, and Tragic Photos and Deaths of Migrant Children Being Held (Imprisoned) in United States of America Detention Facilities," The Global Cross Media News that "Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller has Been Subpoenaed," and "Will Testify Before Two Congressional Committees," in "Two Open Hearings on The Seventeenth of July 2019" has "Sent The Political Spectrum," "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe," into "A State of Grand Expectation," and "A Grand Sense of Rectification," and "Clarification of The Mueller Report!" 

"This Opportunity For The American People to See and Hear Mr. Mueller Answer Questions" that have "Been in Their Minds," and "In The Thoughts and Minds of The Members of The U.S. Congress," "Can Not Be Underestimated in Its Importance," "For Both The Future of President Trump's Tenure in Office," and "In The Annals of American and Global History!"

And, "These Two Open Hearings with Mr. Mueller," and "Closed Hearing with His Staff," Make for "An Excellent Opportunity" to "Bring about The Final Resolution and Conclusion," as to "The Question" of "Whether or Not An Impeachment Inquiry Will Begin in The U.S. House of Representatives!"

And, "Both The House Judiciary Committee," and "The House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee," Will have "The Coveted Moment," that "They have "Long Desired to Ask Mr. Mueller The Questions," about (1) "The Counter Intelligence Report, (2) Grand Jury Information, and, (3) Any Redacted Information that They were "Not Given Access to by U.S. Attorney General Barr," "The Department of Justice," and President Trump!"

And, "Most Importantly," The Truth Will Be Told for The Nation to Hear" in "An Open and Just Environment," without "Politicization of The Facts," or of "The Information Told to The Members of Congress," and "We The People!"     

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of June 2019, "The Curtain Ascended" to "Reveal The First Core Nucleus of Democrats Campaigning For Their Party's Nomination" for "President of The United States of America!"

"Twenty Candidates in All Participated in A Two Evening Television Debate Presentation," Hosted by NBC News from The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, Florida, on Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of June, and "The Second Half of The Debate Presentation" was Held on Thursday, The Twenty-Seventh of June, 2019!"

And, "These Twenty Candidates Represented," "The Heart, Policy Issues, Soul, and Spirit of The Democratic Party," from !All over The United States!"

Day I is;
(1) Senator Cory Booker from New Jersey
(2) Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro
(3) Mayor William de Blasio from New York
(4) U.S. House of Representative John Kevin Delaney from Maryland
(5) U.S. House of Representative Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii
(6) Governor Jay Inslee from Washington State
(7) Senator Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota
(8) Former U.S. House of Representative Beto O'Rourke from Texas
(9) U.S. House of Representative Timothy John Ryan from Ohio
(10) Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts

And, Day II is;
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden from Pennsylvania
(2) Senator Michael Farrand Bennet from Colorado
(3) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana
(4) Senator Kirsten Gillibrand from New York
(5) Senator Kamala Harris from California
(6) Former Governor John Hickenlooper from Colorado
(7) Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont
(8) U.S. House of Representative Eric Michael Swalwell Jr. from California
(9) Author/Activists Marianne Deborah Williamson from Texas
(1) Entrepreneur/Philanthropist Andrew Yang from New York

"The American People are Ready for A Change," "A Positive Change," that "Reflects The True Character" and "Representation of The Principles," and "Law of The Land, and Justice," that "America Stands for!"

And, "These Two Evenings of Political Debates," Will Be "The First True Step Forward Towards The 2020 Presidential Elections," and "A New Political, Sociological, Cognizant, and Cultural Change in America," without "Foreign Interference," or "Cyber Crimes!"

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives-
As The Sun Set's O'er The Earth's Sovereign Nations, "One Wonder's of The Capacity of A Sovereign People" to "Endure The Restrictions that have Been Placed Upon Them," or "The Controlled Flow of Information that They Receive," (or Lack Thereof) or "Whose Lives are Ruled by One-Man," and/or "One-Party-Rule Forms of Governance!" "The Russian Federation" and "The People's Republic of China" are "Two Sovereign Nations" that "Immediately Come to Mind!"

However, "There are Other Sovereign Nations," who "Clearly Fit into This Category All over The Earth," Whether It Be, "In The European Union," "Asia," "The Middle East," "Africa," or "The America's."

"The Question," "How This Occurred Needs A Clear, Concise, and Succinct Answer!" "Why!" Because, "The Mental, Intellectual, Cognitive, and Spiritual Awareness of Millions of People are "Being Relegated and/or Manipulated by A Limited Source of Information and Facts to Believe Whatever The Ruling Entity Would Like Them to Believe!" "Which May Not Be of Benefit to Their Universal Healthcare and Overall Welfare," and/or The Universal Healthcare and Overall Welfare," of "The Earth's Diverse Communities, Tapestries, Cultures, and Fabric Of Their Fellow Human" and/or "Sentient Being!"

And, "This is Not A Matter of Whether You are A Member of The Communist, Socialist, Democratic, Libertarian, or Independent etc. Party!" "This Pertains to" and/or "Is Specifically in Relation to," "The Rights, Principles, Liberties, Religious-Civil-Political-Cultural and Overall Sociological Freedom, Equality, One's Sense of Integrity and Honor, Truthfulness and Ethics!" 
And, Even Beyond This, "It Lies in One's Sense of Being" and "One's Sense of Parity," and/or "An Equation of Global Equilibre" that "Is of Benefit To All The People" of "All The United Peace Loving Sovereign Nations Of The Earth!" Which is "Both House and Home to Us One and All!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's O'er The Sovereign Nation's of "The United States of America," and "The Islamic Republic of Iran," Further Escalations of Tension" and "Military Conflict," were "Avoided by President Trump's Decision" to "Abort A Plan for Airstrikes on Iran for Shooting Down An Unmanned U.S. Drone!" 

"Iran's Revolutionary Guard" said, "It had shot down an intruding American spy drone" after it had entered into the country's territory Thursday."

"The Question" is "Was The American Spy Drone in Iranian Airspace," or "International Airspace!"

"Each Sovereign Nation" has "Its Own Coordinates to Verify Its Own Convictions," and "Reportedly Hawks and Moderates are Lining Up On Each Side" to Either Call for An Attack on Three Locations in Iran," or "A Call for Resisting The Consultation For A Military Response!"

"In The End, Moderation Won Out," and "The Potential Loss of Life Averted!"

However, "It is Clearly Time for Seasoned Diplomats," and "Cognizant Military Leaders" to "Call for Sincere Dialogues" about "The Issues that have Caused New Sanctions by The United States to Be Placed Upon Iran," and "The Military Decisions and Actions" that "Iranian Military Officials have Initiated Against U.S. Tankers," and "Now American Spy Drones!"

"There is Little Room for Error" in "This Tense and Fragile Time Period Amongst These Two Sovereign Nations!"

And, "There is Little Room for Hubris," and "Political and Religious Fervor to Erupt into Yet Another Seismic Confrontation of War and Hell" in "The Middle East!"

"There Must Be A Pause in Tensions," and "A Re-Evaluation of Intentions," Before "A New Error, Mistake, or Intentional Act of Aggravation," "Increases," or "Heightens The Potentiality Of A New Conflict," or "Exacerbates The Already Political and Territorial Fragility of The Region!"

And, "Leaders of Sovereign Nations from All over The Earth," Whether They Be Military, Religious, Political, Civil, and Financial Leaders, "Should Not Wait to Make Their Voices Heard" in "A Call For Not Just Negotiations," But "For A Lasting Peace in The Middle East!"

And, "It's Time For The People of The Middle East" to "Be Allowed To Return Home," from "The Foreign Shores that They have been Forced to Flee to," "Out of Fear of Losing Their Lives," and "Seeing Their Families Decimated" and Their Homes and Towns, Villages and Cities, Destroyed, and "Nations in Turmoil and Divided!"

"It's Time for The Youth Of The Middle East" to "Return and Enjoy Their Cultures," and "Experience A Global Education" that "Sows The Seeds of A Universal Awareness," and "Their Place on Earth," as "A Part of The Earth's Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People!"

"We The People Need New Leadership" that "Believes in Peace on Our Home Planet Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Nineteenth of June 2019, "The Congressional Hearing in Washington, D.C." to "Provide Reparations For African Americans," is "An Ongoing Attempt by The Federal Government to Consider Reparations," and "Undertake A Grand Course of Rectification For African Americans" who have "Endured Millenniums of Being Violently Captured, Enslaved," and "Bought and Sold" as "If They were a Mindless, Unfeeling Commodity!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Congress is Addressing This Long Overdue Human Rights Violation and Injustice of The Civil Rights of A Nation Of People," in Bill," H.R. 40!"

However, "From A Historical Perspective," "This Hearing Could Apply to Ten's of Millions of Americans," whose "Civil Rights were Violated," and "Their Families Abused, Oppressed, Humiliated, and Mistreated as "The Grand American Experience was Being Realized and Constructed!"

And then, of course, "There is The Tragic Abuse," "Trail of Tears," "Incarceration," and "Near Eradication of Native Americans!" 

And then,  One Wonder's "What is The Value of A Life," and "How Much Should The Compensation Be!" And, "In What Magnanimous" and "Meaningful Form Should The National Apology Be!"

"The United States of America is A Great Nation," with "An Extraordinary History of Epic Proportions," and "These Congressional Hearings are An Important Step," in "The Quantum Leap of America," and "As The American People Embark upon New Adventures," and "New World's of Employment and Opportunity," and "Inciteful Journey's into The Parallel Sphere's of Being of The Grand Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe!"

As Our Lives Continue to Evolve within A Parallel Universe of Sociological, Financial, Religious and Spiritual, Sphere's of Global Influence, and "New Generations Strive to Achieve and Accomplish Their Goals and Dreams," The Eddies, Streams, and  Rivers of "Unanswered Questions" also "Continue to Permeate Their Lives," and "Where Blue Skies Should Be, Clouds of Illusion, Delusion, and Confusion have Arisen Filling Their Thoughts with Conflicting Viewpoints," and "A Global Cloud of Unanswered Questions Need to Be Addressed For Their Sake" as well as "For The Sake and Well Being of Future Generations" such as, 
(1) How Can Any Global Leader Whomever They May Be, or Whatever Their Thoughts of Governing May Be, "Turn Their Backs on The Suffering of Children," and,

(2) How Can A Sovereign Nations Leadership, Whether They Be Political, or Religious Leaders, "Turn Away from Living in An Honorable and Peaceful Age of Coexistence with Their Neighbors" and "Global Community of United Peace Loving Sovereign Nations of The Earth, "and,

(3) How Can Any Sovereign Nation Attack and Violate The Sovereign Territory of Any Nation, without Due Cause," that "Is Just and Moral," and,

(4) "For What Purpose," or To Whose Benefit is It, "To Degrade, Humiliate, Abuse, Malign, Denigrate, Debase, Oppress, or Incarcerate," "Those Individuals who are Fleeing The Corrupt Policies," and "Governance of Oppression, Corruption, Fear, and Death," who are "Seeking A Safe Haven, and Peace and Security For Their Families," and/or For Themselves," and,

(5) "What Logic is There to Cut Budgets" for "Social Programs for Children, Low Income Adults, and Families Living Below the Poverty Line,  Education, Job Training, Soup Kitchens and Food Banks, Environmental Concerns, and Farm Programs," and,

(6) "To Whose Benefit is It," To "Attack and Alienate One's Traditional Allies" who have "Fought Together in World Wars Against Tyrannical and Imperialistic World Leaders," and "Who have Established A United Nations" whose Noble Mission and Responsibility" is to "Maintain International Peace and Security," and,

(7) "Why Take Credit for A Booming National Economy," When for Example in The United States of America, This Grand Nation of Laws and Principles, "Every Evening Estimates are Five Hundred and Fifty-Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Americans are "Experiencing Homelessness," and,

(8) In A Grand Nation of Beliefs and Ideals Why is There Such Disparity in Income and Wealth," Imagine Recent Estimates are "Three Individuals," Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffet, have "More Combined Wealth than One Hundred and Sixty Million Americans," and,

(9) "Why has The Pharmaceutical Industry Been Permitted to Raise Their Prices at Nauseum," with "No Sincere or Outward Appearance" that "They Feel Responsible for The High Cost of The Healthcare of Those of Us who are Sick and Ill," or "The High Cost of The Healthcare for The Elderly," or "The Youth of The Nation," or "The American People in General," and,

(10) "How Can Any Elected Official," Local, State, or Federal, "Justify Blocking Legislation" that is "Beneficial to The Well Being of The Citizens of Their Nation," who "Elected Them to Office!" "Partisan Politics is Not The Reason" or "Political Strategy for Their Being Elected to Office!" In The Unite States of America "It is The Duty of Every Elected Official to Represent The Republic, Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "All Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety-One Words that It Contains," Including "The Twenty-Seven Amendments of The United States Constitution!"

-Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "The Soul and Spirit of A Sovereign Nation Lies within Its People!" And, "In A Democracy," The Government is Made up of Elected Officials and Representatives, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

And, "No Leader is Above The People," or "Above The Law of The Land!" 

And, "If A Leader Should Violate The Trust Of The People," or "The Laws of The Land," that "Govern The People," " It is "The Responsibility of The Elected Officials of The Government Of The People," to "Severely Reprimand," and/or "Impeach that Individual" or "Individuals!"

And, "This is "Not Meant to Be A Political Decision," It is Meant to Be "A Legal and Moral Decision!"

And, "It is "Clearly Time for All The People of The Earths Sovereign Nations to Call for More from Their Elected Officials!"

"More Justice!" "More Peacefulness and Respectful Openness!" 

And, "More Economic Opportunity and Economic Parity!"

And, "More Education and Cultural Awareness" for "The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Nations and Communities!"

And, "More Scientific and Biological Accomplishments Designated" to "Heal The Diseases that Continue to Plaque The Earths  Communities!"

And, More Technological and Communication Achievements to Bridge the Wide Divide between The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People,"and "Unite One and All in A New Age of Unification," and "Global Evolution," in "Transcendence of The Conditioned Reality to A New Time-Space Reality," and "Norm of A Universal Equation of Equilibre, and Equality," that "Empowers All The People to An Earthrise of Enlightenment, Comprehension, and Cognition" of "The True Purpose Of The People," "The Grand Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe of All Being!"  

For, This is The Way to Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age Of Justice, Respect, Economic Parity and Equality, Social Security, Joie de Vivre, and A New Cognizance and Perspective of Our Lives, and The Lives of Our Fellow Human Being, and The Environmental and Ecological Systems, Sentient Beings, and Purpose For Being, On Our Home Planet Earth! 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Twenty-Fourth of June 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Secret Service Posted An Announcement on Twitter," Stating that, "Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers are responding to an incident involving a suspicious package located on Pennsylvania Ave. Pedestrian traffic is closed along Pennsylvania Ave. between 15th and 17th streets to include Lafayette Park."

And, "The White House was Literally Briefly Placed on Lock Down!" President Trump was In The White House" Participating with "A Group of 2019 Presidential Scholars in A Photo at The Time!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are This is "The Second Time in Less than A Week" that "The White House has Been Placed on Lock Down!"

On Wednesday, The Nineteenth of June 2019, "The White House and Lafayette Park were also Briefly Placed on Lock Down," When "A Backpack was Left by "An Individual who then "Attempted to Jump a Bike Rack near The Perimeter of A Building on Pennsylvania Avenue!"

-(Note that, President Trump was Not in The White House at The Time of This Incident!")-

"This is An Extremely Strained Time Period in The United States Politically," and "Caution" Should Be, If Not "The Prime Directive!" And, "When You Include The Delicate Foreign Affairs Relationship with Iran," The Prime Directive of "Caution" Becomes "Even More Evident!" 

-(Note that, "Updates Will Be Forthcoming in Breaking News Spotlights of The Fourth Estate and The Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Events)- 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Nineteenth of June 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Hope Hicks, Former White House Communications Director, and Senior Adviser to President Trump," "Testified in a Closed Door Interview," Before The House Judiciary Committee, "Accompanied by A White House Lawyer" to "Make sure Ms. Hick's Does Not Answer Questions about Her Time as Senior Adviser to The President!"

Note that, On Tuesday, The Eighteenth of June 2019, "White House Counsel Pat Cipollone Wrote a Letter to The House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler" that, "President Trump had Directed Ms. Hicks to Not Answer Questions" "Relating to the time of  her service as senior adviser to the President."

-(Note that, "The Transcript of The Session with Ms. Hicks Will Be Released Several Days Later!")-

And, so "The Question" Still Remains, "What is President Trump Afraid of Being Discovered" about "His Term in Office" that "Causes Him to (1) Block Member's of His Administration from Answering All of The Questions Put to Them by The United States Congress," or, 
(2) "What is The President Afraid of Being Discovered" by "Revealing His Tax Information!"

In The End, "This Obstruction of Information" from "Being Publicly Revealed Will Be Resolved in A Court of Law!" And, Since "No One is Above The Law" "All of The Efforts to Resist" by "President Trump and His Lawyers are Inescapably of  No Use!" 

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Violence Caused by The Acts of Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings. We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And, To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due To A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!