Friday, June 14, 2019



The Way To Peace! #343

Within The Sociological Sphere's of Our Parallel Universes of Being, "There are Many Different Characteristics of Leadership," "Some Women and Men are Born and Destined to Be Natural Leaders!" And, "Some Begin Their Careers in Starting Positions," (Interns, Ushers, Cashiers, Dish Washers, etc.) and "Work Their Way up The Ladder," (as The Saying Goes) by "Listening, Volunteering to Work Extra Hours, Being a Good Co-Worker, Providing Good Service to Customers, and Displaying An Empathy for Those Working with Them, and The People Surrounding Them," and "Learning Their Craft to The Best of Their Abilities," and to "The Overall Satisfaction of Their Managers, and Employers!"

And then, "There are Those who are in The Right Place at The Right Time," and "Others" who have "Learned The Art of Manipulation for Profit," and "Bend The Rules to Their Satisfaction and Hubris," and There are "Others who are Lucky and Profit in The Short Term," However, "It's Usually at The Expense of Someone Else," and "Lose It All in The Long Term!" And, "In The End, No One Truly Profits by Their Lackadaisical and Non-Committed Efforts!"

"The Women and Men who are Natural Born Leaders" are also "Inspiring and Admired for Their Integrity, Innate Sense of Honor and Ethics, Decency and Truthfulness, Trustworthiness and Honesty," and "Respect The Rights and Principles of Their Fellow Human Beings," and "Display A Natural Sense of Virtue and Charisma," that "Attracts Others" to "Incorporate, Manifest, and Share Those Same Qualities with Everyone They Meet!"

"In This Age Where One-Man-Rule," and "One-Party-Rule Forms of Governance," are "Competing For The Hearts, Souls, Intellect, Spirits, and Idea's" with "Democratic Forms of Governance, "It's The Youth of Our Beautiful Blue Planet Earth that is of Great Concern," for "They have "Been Made Promises," and "Been Enticed by Global and Domestic Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations," to "Follow in Their Foot Steps," and "Be Proponents and Exponents of Political Policies," and "Philosophical Theories and Ideologies" that "Will have A Profound Effect upon Future Generations" of "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People of The Earth!"

And, "Today's Leaders have A Grand Responsibility" to "Lead by The Grand Example of The Most Noblest Among Us," that "History has Recorded!" "Women and Men" who have "by Their Example Sacrificed and Striven to Provide" for "All that Lies in The Best Interests" of "All The People Of Our Home Planet Earth!"

However, "Today, We Must One and All Be," As If "We are A Grand Orchestra Of The People," "Advocates and Activists Of The People," In Harmony with A Grand Purpose of Life!" "Yes, Truly Nothing Less" than"An Extraordinary Movement of Grand Purpose," "Whose Inspiring Arrangements and Musicianship is," As If "It is A Magnificent, Compassionate, Monumental, and Uplifting Cascade of Exceptionalism of The Hearts, Minds, Spirit, Soul, and Intellect" of Unification, Dedication, Cognition, and Commitment!" 

And, "Upon Its Solar Axioms of Exceptionalism," "Lies The Interludes, and Eddies Of The Grand Cosmos" and "Of The Grand Universe," "Touching Each and Every Family, Community, Private and Public Sector, Town, City, State, Region, and Coalition of The Earths United  Peace Loving Sovereign Nations!" 

And, "Herein Lies A Global Equation of Perception, Comprehension, and Compassion" of "An Earthrise Vision Of Global Equilibre For The People, By The People, and For The Sake Of All The People," that "Embraces The Lives of All Sentient Beings," and "Environmental and Ecological Systems of Our Home Planet Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twelfth of June 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "In An Interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos President Trump said," in Regards to "Being Approached by Foreign Nations" with "Dirt on His 2020 Opponents, "I think you might want to listen, there's nothing wrong in listening"....And, The President also said, "If somebody called from a country, Norway, 'We have information on your opponent.' Oh, I think I'd want to hear it."

And, "The Cracks in The West Wing and The Trump Administration Grew even More Pronounced, Glaring and Unmistakable," When During The Interview President Trump said, In Response to a Statement Made by Christopher A. Wray, The Director of The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Before Congress in May of 2019, that "The FBI would want to know about any potential election meddling," President Trump said "The FBI director is wrong, because frankly, it doesn't happen like that in life,"...."Now maybe it will start happening. Maybe today you think differently. But two or three years ago, if someone comes into your office with oppo research---they call it oppo research---with information that might be good or bad or something, but good for you, bad for your opponent, you don't call the FBI."

-Note that' Ellen L. Weintraub, The Chairwoman of The Federal Election Commission, Released a Statement on Thursday, The Fourteenth of June 2019, saying "Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,"...And, Chairwoman Weintraub also wrote, "This is not a novel concept." And, She also Tweeted the Same Day, "I would not have thought I needed to say this."-

And, "In A Letter to President Trump on Thursday, The Thirteenth of June 2019, The U.S. Office of Special Counsel Recommended that Kellyanne Conway, White House Counselor Should Be Fired for Violating The Hatch Act!"

In The Letter Special Counsel Henry Kerner wrote "As a highly visible member of the Administration, Ms. Conway's violations, if left unpunished, send a message to all federal employees that they need not abide by the Hatch Act's restrictions,"... And, Mr. Kerner also wrote, "Her actions erode the principal foundation of our Democratic system---the Rule of law."

And, "The Last Noticeable Crack in The Walls of The Trump Administration and The West Wing" is "The Announcement that Sarah Huckabee Sanders," White House Press Secretary is "Departing at The End of June!" Although "Her Daily News Briefings have Virtually Been Replaced by President Trump's Daily News Tweets ever since His Presidency has Become!"

Thursday, The Thirteenth of June 2019, President Trump Tweeted, "After 3 1/2 years, our wonderful Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving the White House at the end of the month going home to the Great State of Arkansas".... She is a very special person with extraordinary talents, who has done an incredible job! I hope she decides to run for Governor of Arkansas- she would be fantastic. Sarah, thank you for a job well done!"               

-In Remembrance-
As The Sun Set's O'er The European Continent, and "As We Commemorate The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of D-Day," There are "More than One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Historic Stories," of "When Brave and Courageous American, British, Canadian, Australian, and Allied Troops Landed on The Beaches of Normandy" (Codenamed Operation Neptune) on The Sixth of June 1944, In Coordination with "Etat- major des Forces Francaises de L'Interieur" (French Forces of the Interior), to "Take Back The Sovereign Nation of France," and "The European Continent" from "Being under The Control of Hitler's Dictatorship!" And, "History has Recorded This Moment for All Posterity" as "Being The Largest Sea Born Invasion in History!"

And, "As We Take A Moment to Give Honor and Salute The American, British, Canadian, Australian, French, and Allied Troops," who "Sacrificed Their Lives For Their Fellow Human Being," Let Us Never Forget "The Cost and Price It has Taken," and "The Grand Commitment and Dedication It has Taken," so that "Women, Men and Children from All over This Earth of Ours Can Live Free from Oppression, Tyranny, Cruelty, Brutality," and "The Callous Disregard for The Rights of One's Fellow Human Being," and "Live Free" from "The Vicious Acts of Malicious High-Handed Imperious Self-Centered Egoists," and "The Bullying Tactics and Global Policies of Evil Minded Authoritarian, and Despotic Leaders!"

And, "Let Us Always Remember The Estimated Four Thousand Four Hundred Combined Allied Troops who Died on D-Day," and "The Nine Thousand who were Reported to Be Wounded or Missing," Who Stood For and Symbolized Respect for One's Fellow Human Being, Freedom, Justice, Morality and The Highest Form of Ethics,Goodness, Truthfulness and The Principles and Values" that "Make Up The U.S. Constitution," and "The Four Main Purposes of The United Nations Charter," and "All of The Tenet's of Righteousness and High Esteem Earthwide!"

And, To All The Families who Lost a Love One, Our Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls are with You in This Moment of Remembrance and Commemoration! And, We Will Never Forget The Sacrifice of Those Love One's who Gave Their Lives on The Beaches of Normandy, so that We May Be Free, Free to Share The Principles and Ideals that Unite Us as A Grand Coalition of Sovereign Nations and People who Believe in Peace and Harmony, with Our Children and The Youth of Our Home Planet Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Parallel Sphere's of Religious and Sociological Affairs Overlap Themselves in This New Age of Social Consciousness and Social Awareness," and In The "Me Too," and "Times Up," Movements, "There Disturbing Similarities" that are "Causing Increased Concerns althroughout The Earths Communities," Especially, "In Area's of Sex Abuse and Sexual Misconduct!"

Monday, The Tenth of June 2019, at "A Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, "Catholic Bishop's Met to Discuss The Priest Sex Abuse Scandal and Crisis in The American Church!"

However, "This Sex Abuse Crisis and Scandal is Earthwide!" And, "catholic Nun's, ("The Brides of The Christ") have Become More Vocal in Lodging Their Complaints of Being Sexually Abuse by Member's of The Catholic Church," and "Their Testimonies have Been Deeply Moving in Their Description of The Ongoing Torment that They have Been Plagued with" and "Persistently Beset Upon!"

Pope Francis' New Law "A Motu Proprio," is" To Begin on The First of June 2019," and by "The First of June 2020," that "All Priest and Members of Religious Orders are to report cases of sexual abuse and coverup to Church authorities, bu they must follow local law when it comes to reporting to civil authorities.

Lay experts may be involved in the Church's investigation of any allegation made against a priest, male of female religious, deacon, bishop and cardinal."

The Motu Proprio is also Designed to address the coverup of Clerical Sex Abuse!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta Told the Tuesday Briefing" that, "No one is above the law, and the procedure states this clearly.".... And, "People must know that Bishops are at the service of the people. They're not above the law, and if they do wrong they must be reported and subject to procedures."

However, "It is Incomprehensible" that "Any Official of The Catholic Church," or "Any House of Religion," Would Dare to Violate The Teachings, Gospels, Rules, Bibles, The Quran, Jewish Scriptures (Torah), The Law and The Prophets and Hagiographa, and All Other Religious and Spiritual Tenets!"

And, "It is Unconscionable" that "Any Church Official Would Dare to Disgrace All The Good," that "Houses of Worship have Provided to Those of Us" who have "Fallen Upon Difficult Times," and "Endured Illness and Suffering, Poverty and Disability, Homelessness, Oppression, and Injustices," and "Now" having to "Endure Crimes of Violence and Sexual Abuse Committed Against Them and Their Families" by "Malicious Perpetrators of Evil!"

"Let Us One and All Agree" that "Until These Predators of Our Bodies, Minds, Intellects, Spirits and Souls" are "Punished in Courts of Law," and "Received Due Punishment by Church Authorities," They Must Remain Imprisoned and Compelled to Live Their Lives in The Hell that They have Made for Themselves!"

And, "Let's Send Out A Clear Message to Every Religious Institution or Religious Organization" that "There is "No Room in The House of God," or "In Our Lives for Sexual Predators!" And, Enough is Enough!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Ninth of June 2019, "Organizers of A Massive Demonstration in Hong Kong" (Civil Human Rights Front) Claimed that "As Many as One Million People Protested Against A New Law Proposed by Hong Kong's Leader Chief Executive Carrie Lam," that "Would Extradite to The People's Republic of China Any Persons" who are, (1) "Suspected of Committing A Crime," or, (2) "Possibly An Individual who is Critical of China's Domestic or Foreign Policies, or, (3) A Pro-Democracy Advocate and Activist, or, (4) Someone who has Allegedly Committed A Business Offense, or, (5) A Political Reformers!"

And, "Even Though Chief Executive Lam" has "Cut Back on The Categories" that "This New Bill Could Be Influential in Effecting," "There is Still The Unknown Political Sphere of Influence" that is of "Great Concern to The People of Hong Kong!"

And, As of Monday, The Tenth of June, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Demonstrators Continue to Make Their Passionate Presence and Voices Heard" althroughout This International City, "In Deep Concern" that "Their Lives May Be  Controlled and Judged by, "The One-Man-Rule," and "One-Party-Rule Form of Authoritarian Governance of China!"

And, "Whereas in The Past Students were The Main Pro-Democratic Demonstrators," Sunday, "This March was Protested by People of The Middle Class, Business Community, Students and Lawyers!" 

"The Questions" that Remain are "Will The Rising Resentment Among The People of Hong Kong Towards This Extradition Bill Be Powerful Enough" to, (1) "Force The Termination of This Proposed Extradition Law," or, (2) "Bring Together Cognizant Lawmakers and Voices of Reason and Seasoned Diplomats to Re-Examine It for Future Consideration, But, (3) In A Civil Rights Format," that "Provides for The Legal Defense," and "Protection of The Rights of All The People of Hong Kong!"

Wednesday, The Twelfth of June The Hong Kong Government Will Resume Their Deliberation of This Bill," However, "In Doing so, "These Lawmakers Should Clearly Comprehend" that "All Sense of Hubris," "Political Opportunity," and "Authoritarian Attitude Should Be Left Out of Their Discussions!" "Their Main Focus Should Be Focused on Including," "Listening to," "Comprehending The Concerns of," and "Representing The Will of The People," Because, "This Demonstration Of The People" "Will Not Simply Go Away and Disappear!"

"This is The Twenty-First Century," and "Every Domestic and Global Leader Should Fully Comprehend that "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric that Makes Up The Global Population of The Earths Communities Can Not Be Simply Told What to Do or What is Best for Them," "They Must Be Included in Each and Every Decision Made on Their Behalf An All Inclusive Point of View!" And, "A Knowledgeable Point of View!" 

"Respecting that "The People" are "The Driving Engine of The Earths Global Economies," and that "The Billions Upon Billions Of The People, Must Not Be Ignored or Taken for Granted!" For "They are The Pillars of The Sociological Sphere's of The Earth!" And, "This is The New Norm" "Of The People, By The People, and For The Sake Of The People," and "For The Benefit Of Future Generations to Come!"

And, "Herein Lies An Earthrise Vision" that "Transcends The One Belt, One Road Initiative (OBOR) Foreign Policy and Economic Vision of President Xi Jinping," "It's A People's Vision of The New Horizons that Lie Ahead!" "A Vision that Includes, Represents, and Is For All The People of Our Home Planet Earth!"

And, "This is A Global Equation of Equilibre," and "Freedom, and Justice, and Equality, and Opportunity, For One and All!"

As The Sun Set's O'er The United States of America, On Monday, The Tenth of June 2019, "The U.S. Department of Justice has Agreed" to "Provide The U.S. Congress with Some Documents from The Mueller Report" that "Focused in Upon Obstruction of Justice!"

"This Announcement" was "Made by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler," and "Temporarily Avoids A Court Showdown" over "The Department of Justice's Refusal" to "Comply with A Subpoena from The Judiciary Committee" to "Turn Over The Complete and Unredacted Mueller Report!"

And, "This Agreement" Will also Prevent The House Judiciary Committee from "Taking Court Action Against Attorney General Barr and The Justice Department" unless "They Renege on The Agreement!"

However, "A Vote Will Still Be Held in The House of Representatives," on Tuesday, The Eleventh of June, to "Give The Judiciary Committee Approval," in Form of A Resolution,  to "Go to Court" to "Enforce House Subpoenas For Attorney General Barr and Former White House Counsel Don McGahn!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Chairman Nadler said at A Monday Hearing, "I see no need to resort to the criminal contempt statute to enforce our April 19 subpoena, at least for now, so long as the Department holds up its end of the bargain."

And, Chairman Nadler also said, "But our agreement with the Department does not extend to the full scope of our request for the full Mueller report, and its underlying materials, including grand jury information, nor does it extend to our demand that Don McGahn, a key fact witness, testify before this committee."

-(Note that, "Keri Kupec, A Department of Justice Spokeswoman said, "We are pleased the Committee has set aside its contempt resolution and is returning to the traditional accommodation process," and that "The Department of Justice remains committed to appropriately accommodating Congress's legitimate interests related to the Special Counsel's investigation, and will continue to do so provided the previously voted-upon legislation does not advance.")-

(Also "Take Note" that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Tenth of June 2019, "Former President Nixon White House Counsel John Dean Spoke Before The House Judiciary Committee" for "More than Four Hours," in Regards to "The Parallels between The Watergate Case and Robert Mueller's Investigations!" Mr. Dean said, "In many ways the Mueller Report is to President Trump what the so-called Watergate the so-called Watergate road map, officially titled the grand jury report....was to President Nixon.

And, Mr. Dean also said, "Stated a little differently, special counsel Mueller has provided this Committee with a road map." 

"Mr. Dean's Appearance Before The Committee" is "The First in A Series of Hearings on The Mueller Report!")-

-(And, also "Take Note" that, President Trump Tweeted, "John Dean's been a loser for many years.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Seventh of June 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump Tweeted" "I am pleased to inform you that The United States of America has reached a signed agreement with Mexico." And, "The tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the U.S. on Monday, against Mexico, are hereby indefinitely suspended."

Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has Confirmed that, "A Deal has Been Reached with The United States," to "Avoid The Tariffs that were to Begin" on "The Tenth of June 2019!"

"The United States Department of State said in a Statement that, "Mexico agreed to deploy its National Guard "Giving priority to its Southern border." And, "Those crossing the U.S. Southern border to seek asylum will be rapidly returned to Mexico to where they may wait the adjudication of their asylum claims." And that "Mexico would authorize the entrance of people to enter for humanitarian reasons "while they await the adjudication of their asylum claims." 

"The Full Details of The Agreement Will Be Announced in The Near Future!" However, "This Agreement Will, (1) "Avoid Further Market Fears," and (2) "Concerns about The Slowdown of The U.S. Economy," Because of President Trump's Threat to Place Tariffs on Mexico, (and The Trade War with The People's Republic of China) and, (3) "Potential Fed Cuts!"

However, "The Cracks in The Walls of The West Wing and The Trump Administration Continue to Grow!" And, "For Once Even A Modicum of Republicans Spoke Out Against The Threat of Tariffs" "Against The Sovereign Nation of Mexico," One of The United States Largest Trade Partners," and "Close Allies!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Effects" of "The Interrelations Between The Parallel Universes of Legalities, Politics, Government Subpoena's, Court Cases, Accusations, Allegations, and Continued Investigations" have "Produced New Cracks in The Walls of The West Wing" and "The Trump Administration," Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Third of June 2019, "The House Oversight Committee" "Informed U.S. Attorney General William Barr," and "The Secretary of The Department of Commerce Wilbur Ross in Separate Letters," that "They Will Be Held in Contempt of Congress," for "Refusing to Comply with "The Committee's Requests for Pertinent Information!" 

"The Department of Commerce was Issued A Subpoena in April of 2019, about "How A Question about Citizenship Ended up on The U.S. Consensus!"

-(GCM News Reports are "Chairman Cummings Stated that "New Evidence Showed that The True Reason for This Question" was "to gerrymander congressional districts in overtly racist, partisan, and unconstitutional ways.")-

"The Committee" has Requested (1) Unredacted "Copies of a high priority documents demanded by a subpoena such as a memo and note Mr. Uthmeier wrote (in the Office of General Counsel at the Department of Commerce) to Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Gore," and "Drafts of a December 2017 Letter, and, (3) Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Gore has Been Subpoenaed for "A Deposition that He Did Not Appear for." -(Note that, "The Department of Justice Blocked Mr. Gore from Attending Before The Committee," for a Second Time, to "Give His Deposition!")-  

"House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings wrote Letters" to "Both Attorney General Barr," and "Secretary Ross,  Stating" that "Unfortunately your actions are part of a pattern. The Trump administration has been engaged in one of the most unprecedented cover-ups since Watergate, extending from the White House to multiple federal agencies and department of the government and across numerous investigations.

I am writing to inform you that the committee is scheduling a vote to hold you in contempt of Congress as a result of your failure to comply with a bipartisan subpoena issued more than two months ago for documents relating to the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 Consensus."

"The Oversight Committee" has "Given Attorney General Barr and Secretary Ross until Thursday, The Sixth of June 2019" to "Comply with Their Request!")-

Global Cross Media News Reports are A Commerce Department Spokesperson said, "The Committee has taken this extraordinary step to compel production of documents protected by longstanding and well-settled privileges, including the government's right to protect confidential attorney-client and deliberative communications, which have been upheld in court,".... And, The Spokesperson also said, "To any objective observer, it is abundantly clear that the Committee's intent is to not to find facts, but to desperately and improperly influence the Supreme Court with mere insinuations and conspiracy theories."   

-(Note that, "The House Judiciary Committee" has already "Voted to Hold Attorney General Barr in Contempt  of Congress" for "Failing to Provide A Full Unredacted Version of The Mueller Report and Evidence to Them!" Note that, "A Full House Vote Will Take Place This Month!")- 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
 Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Tenth of June 2019, "The U.S. Department of Justice has Agreed" to "Provide The U.S. Congress with Some Documents from The Mueller Report" that "Focused in Upon Obstruction of Justice!"

"This Announcement" was "Made by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler," and "Temporarily Avoids A Court Showdown" over "The Department of Justice's Refusal" to "Comply with A Subpoena from The Judiciary Committee" to "Turn Over The Complete and Unredacted Mueller Report!"

And, "This Agreement" Will also Prevent The House Judiciary Committee from "Taking Court Action Against Attorney General Barr and The Justice Department" unless "They Renege on The Agreement!"

However, "A Vote Will Still Be Held in The House of Representatives," on Tuesday, The Eleventh of June, to "Give The Judiciary Committee Approval," in Form of A Resolution,  to "Go to Court" to "Enforce House Subpoenas For Attorney General Barr and Former White House Counsel Don McGahn!"

"In The Parallel Sphere's of Politics and Public Opinion," In General, "One Would Not Be Incorrect in Saying or Assuming," that President Trump has "Not Gained The Distinction of Being One of The United States of America's Most Popular President's Among The Citizen's of The Sovereign Nations of America's Closest Allies in The European Union," and "The United Kingdom," so "No One Should Expect that His Official State Visit to The U.K. Will Be Enthusiastically Received!"

And, "Irregardless of All The Pomp and Ceremony" and "Dinner Banquet with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip," "One Can Expect A Headline of The Fourth Estate," or "Breaking News Spotlight to Emerge" in The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" that "Will Feature a Remark" or "A Retort Among Political Personnages and Officials," that "Exemplify The Kind of Politics" that "Surround President Trump Practically No Matter He His Travels Take Him!" Such as, 
(1) Saying in An Interview, Published on The Second of June 2019, in The Sunday Times about The UK's Brexit Negotiations with The European Union, "if you don't get the deal you want, if you don't get a fair deal, then you walk away, and, (2) President Trump's Endorsement of Boris Johnson as The Next Prime Minister of The United Kingdom, (3) His Alleged Comments about Meghan Markle, Prince Harry's Wife, and The Duchess of Sussex, and, (4) The Unnecessary Verbiage that President Trump Tweeted about The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan is Another Example!" However, "Let's Comprehend" that "This is President Trump's Method" for "Conducting His Personal Foreign Policy Agenda on A Global Stage!"

However, "The President's Toast to Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace" was "A Good Note to End His First Day in The UK" saying, "As we honor our shared victory and heritage, we affirm the common values that will unite us, long into the future: freedom, sovereignty, self determination, the rule of law and reference for the rights given to us by almighty God.

And, "From the second World War to today, her majesty has stood as a constant symbol of these priceless traditions"...."she has embodied the spirit of dignity, duty, and patriotism that beats proudly in every British heart."

And, The President also Hailed Queen Elizabeth as "A Great, Great Woman"...

And Prime Minister May and Her Husband Philip Gave The President "A Framed Type written Draft of The Atlantic Charter, Signed by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1941!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Fourth of June 2019, "In A Joint Press Conference President Trump and Prime Minister May" Discussed A New Trade Deal, and U.S, U.K. Relations, and The Iran Nuclear Deal!" 
And, President Trump Answered Reporters Questions about, "Raising Tariff's on Mexico, His Ninety-Four Percent Approval Rating among Republicans, His Ongoing Feud with London's Mayor Sadiq Khan, Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn, Thousands of People who were Cheering Him!"

President Trump said of A New Trade Deal with The United Kingdom, "I think we'll have a very, very substantial trade deal, it will be a very fair deal".... And, "The President also said "This is something my folks want to do, your folks want to do, and we'll get it done."

And, In The Morning Prime Minister May "Co-Hosted A Business Breakfast Meeting for President Trump," at St. James Palace" with "Important U.K. and U.S. Business Leaders!"

However, "President Trump's Alleged Comments about Meghan Markle," Prince Harry's Wife, and The Duchess of Sussex, "Continued to Cast A Negative Shadow over His Visit!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Fifth of June 2019, "President Trump had A Meeting" with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar of Ireland at Shannon Airport," where "They Discussed Brexit" and "U.S. Irish Relations!" 

And, While The Two Leaders are Not in Total Agreement about Brexit," They Both Expressed The Positive Aspects" that "Exist between the United States and Ireland!"

 After The Meeting "The Taoiseach said "They Discussed, The Two way Economic Relationship between The United States and Ireland, Ireland's Low Rate of Corporate Tax, and that Large Companies Should Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes, and There are Approximately One Hundred Thousand Americans Working for Irish Owned Firms in The United States!"

And, The Prime Minister also said that "The Irish Government wanted to Avoid "a border or wall" between The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland!" And, President Trump also "Made Reference to "The Border situation in The United States!"

President Trump also Told The Taoiseach that "We love the Irish, so it's an honor to be here!"

And, "After His Meeting with the Taoiseach, President Trump Continued on to Doonbeg," to "Stay at His Golf Course."

-(Note that, "The Irish Prime Minister Told President Trump that "This was The Sixth Time A serving American President has visited the state.")- 

"Tomorrow, The Sixth of June 2019, "President Trump Will Depart for France"  to "Attend The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Commemoration of The D-Day Landings in France!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's O'er The United Kingdom Friday, The Seventh of June 2019 Prime Minister Theresa May Officially Stepped Down from Being Prime Minister!" 

-(Note that, "Mrs. May Will Remain as Caretaker PM until A New Prime Minister has Been Chosen!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Fourth of June 2019, The United States House of Representatives "Passed A New Immigration Bill," "the Dream and Promise Act of 2019," by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven to One Hundred and Eighty-Seven," with "Seven Republicans Joining The Entire Democratic Party in The House!"

"House Majority Leader Steny Hamilton Hoyer from Maryland," said at A Press Conference before The Vote, "This is a day that glorifies what America is to the world. A place of refuge, a place of safety, and a place of opportunity." And, also "Quoted from a Speech by Former Republican U.S. President Ronald Reagan" who said, "The U.S is a "better nation" because of Immigrants!"

And, that, We will send it to the Senate and then we'll keep on keeping on until it is the law of the land."   

"This Immigration Bill is The Latest Legislative Reincarnation of The Dream Act!" And, 
(1) "would grant young undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children, Including those protected by Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA), An opportunity to acquire permanent lawful status, if they meet certain requirements, (2) Allow Hundred's of Thousands of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients, as well as Liberian immigrants, covered by Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) to gain permanent residency."

"This Legislation Spearheaded by House Representatives Lucille Roybal- Allard, Nydia Velazquez, and Yvette Clarke" "Would Grant DACA Recipients and "Other Young Undocumented Immigrants" Conditional U.S. permanent residency for ten years if they meet certain criteria.
However, To Be Eligible, Immigrants must have been younger that Eighteen when they came to the U.S., and  must have lived in the U.S. continuously over the previous four years. They must also have an American high school diploma or GED and pass a background check. Those who have committed serious crimes would be ineligible.

"This Impressive Legislation" is "Yet Another Example of The Inspiring and Excellent Work Being Done" by "The Democratic Member's of The House of Representatives," who "Together with a little bit More than a Handful of Republicans," are "Creating Legislation" on "Behalf of The Diverse Community, Tapestry and Fabric Of The American People!" 

And, "These Bipartisan Member's of The House are To Be Commended" for "Placing The Interests, Needs, Welfare, and Social Security of The American People First," along with "All that is In The Best Interests" of "The Women, Men, and Children of The Coalition of United Sovereign Nations" who "Believe in Peace and Harmony For All The People," of "Our Home Planet Earth!" And, "The Environmental and Ecological Totality of Mother Nature," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, "Now It is Up to The United States Senate to Rise to The Challenge Before Them!" And, "With or Without The Approval or Support" of Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, "Pass This Important Piece of Legislation" by "A Margin of  More than Sixty Votes" to "Make It Veto Proof!" 

And, "Join Together with The Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven Members of The U.S. House of Representatives" in "Making A Statement For All that America Stands for," and "Symbolizes to The Coalition of Peace Loving Sovereign Nations of The Earth!"

There is A Parallel Universe of "A Myriad Conditions" and "Questions" that "No Global, Regional, National, State, City, or Local Leader Should Ever Forget," and also Should have at "The Top of Their List of Priorities," in Addition to "Their Budgets" and "Political Parties Agendas" and "Policies," such as; (1) Eliminating Poverty, (2) Free Education for Each and Every Child, (3) Finding Cures for All of The Diseases that Plague Our Families and Global Communities, (4) Equal Rights for Women, (5) Social Security for One and All, (6) Universal Healthcare, (7) An End of Cyber Crime and White Collar Crimes, (8) The Protection of Our Earthly and Universal Environmental and Ecological Systems, and The Lives of All Sentient Beings, and Sphere's of Universal Existence, (9) An End of Gun-Related Violence and/or Violence of Any Kind Committed by Malevolent Perpetrators, Domestically and/or Globally, (10) Support for Our Diverse Cultures and Artistic Endeavors, (11) A Responsible Approach Towards Colonizing The Grand Universe, Morally, Responsibly, and Exuding A Sense of Grand Purpose that Is Beneficial to The New Horizons and Celestial Bodies that We are Exploring, that Is Commensurate with The Principles and Ideals Enjoyed by The Women, Men, and Youth Of Our Home Planet Earth, and, (12) Respect For The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People, Irregardless of Special Needs, Creed, Gender, Nationality, Age, Color, or Tribe, and In Respect For Our Veterans who have Professionally and Meticulously Trained, and Fought in Wars and Conflicts to Protect Our Families from Tyrants, and Dictators, and Syndicates of Criminals, and then "Who have Returned Home" to "Find A Less than Professional VA System" to "Care for," and "Support Their Needs" or "Their Families Needs! 

"This is A Small List of Conditions and Idea's" that "No Global Leader," Whether of The Private, Religious, Financial, or Public Sectors" Should Ignore Before Initiating and Engaging in New Conflicts," and/or "Political Campaigns" that Use The Disadvantages of Others to Gain Political Advantages, or "Violating The Sovereign Rights of Another Sovereign Nation" Out of An Imperious Design and Hubris for Power, or "Raising Tariffs to Solve Trade Imbalances," or "Withdrawing from International Treaties and Formal Agreements" without Taking The Time to Consider The Negative Positions and Effects It Will have Upon All of The Negotiating Parties, or "The Lack of Consideration for The Values, Principles, Laws, Traditions, and Tenets Of The People," and "The Lack of Consideration to Consult and Democratically Reach Out to The People!"

And, "To Whose Gain is It," to "Lead and Make Profit" at "The Expense of Hard Working Women, and Men" and "The Youth Of The Earth!"

Or "To What Gain Is It" to "Lead and Profit" and "Take Credit for National or Global Policies," While Millions of People are Living Below The Poverty Line," and "While The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People" is "Being Impeded by Elected Representatives Of The People," who are "Procrastinating At The Expense Of The People," While Following The Orders of Self Aggrandizement and Hubris!"

And, "To Whose Gain Is It," "To Continue to Experiment with Weapons of Destruction," at "The Peril of The Earths Populace," and "The Earth Itself!"    

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennias, As A New Summer Season Approaches, "Let Us Be Non-Violently Prepared to Demonstrate, March, and Protest Against Injustice Wherever It May Occur!"

And, "Let Us Be Prepared to Non-Violently Stand Firm Against Those who Would Take away Our Civil Rights" for "Their Own Political Agendas!" 

"Political Agendas" that are "Not Cognizant of The Humanitarian Needs," or "The Sociological Needs" of "A Modern Twenty-First Century Community!" "Nor are Their Actions Displaying A Sense of Rationality, Morality, and Compassion that is Needed, If We are to Continue to Evolve" as "A Modern Twenty-First Century Community!"

And, "It Is Important" that "We Gather Together in Town Hall and Public Meetings" and "Speak Out!" 

And, "It is Just As Important" that "We Speak Out" and "Non-Violently Characterize and Reveal The Face of Injustice," and "Clearly, Precisely, and Concisely Present and Describe The Unjust Violations of The Laws of The Land Whenever and Wherever They May Occur," as well as "Present The Values, Ethics, and Principles," that "The Citizens of Peace Loving Sovereign Nations All over The Earth Believe in!" 

And. "Let Our Spirits Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace" to "All The Far Corners of Our Planet Earth," and "Let Us Share The Earthrise Vision of Our Sense of Purpose, Commitment, and Dedication" to "Stand Up For The Rights Of Each Other," and "Respect The Rights of Each Other to Live" as "A Free, Equal, Peace Loving, Intelligent, Just, Insightful, Spiritual, Soulful and Cognizant People Of The Earth!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth, Evolving in A Limitless and Boundless Perspective of The Grand Cosmos, Wherever The Immeasurable Space of Celestial Bodies and Galaxies Of The Grand Universe May Be!

Happy Father's Day!

I Would Like to Wish All The Father's of The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations 
A Wonderful Day of Celebration with Their Families!

Joyeuse Fete des Peres!

Sharing The Light, Peace & The Celestial Song Of Life,
United Interdependent Global Activists-The Way To Peace! #343

-In Memoriam:
"As We Share in The Remembrance" of "The Forty-Nine Innocent People who Died at The Pulse Night Club," in Orlando, Florida, Three Years Ago, on The Twelfth of June 2016,  "It is of The Greatest Importance" that "Their Lives Live on In Our Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls," and "Empower Each and Every One of Us" to "Strive even Harder Towards Making A Better and Safer Living Environment For Our Present and Future Generations!"

And, To Their Families and Friends "Their Lives Will Not Be Forgotten!"

-In Memoriam;
Thursday, The Sixth of June 2019, Keyboardist Extraordinaire, Songwriter, Singer, "Dr. John Died at The Age of Seventy-Seven of A Heart Attack!"

"Dr. John," Born Malcolm John Rebbenack,  was "A Trend Maker For The Blues, Rhythm and Blues, Pop, Boogie-Woogie, Psychedelic Rock, and Rock 'n Roll!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are In 1973 Dr. John's Album "In The Right Place" Rose up Billboards Charts to Number 24," and His Single "Right Place Wrong Time," "Peaked at Number 9!" 

And, "During His Illustrious and Colorful Career Won Six Grammy Awards," and "In 2011" was "Inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!" And, In 1773 "He Received An Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts from Tulane University!"

Dr. John's Music Career Led Him to Perform in Martin Scorsese's Film Production of The Bands "The Last Waltz" in 1978, in Which "He Gave A Memorable Performance" of "Such a Night."

And, In 1996 "Dr. John Performed" the Song "Cruella de Vil" During The Film Credits of The Film "101 Dalmations."

And, "He Played Himself" in the "Blues Brothers 2000!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Dr. John! And To His Colleagues and Admirers Earthwide, We are Very Fortunate to have Dr. John's Body of Talented Music for Us to Enjoy and Share with Our Friends, Families and Future Generations of Music Lovers!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Love One Due to Gun Related Violence or Any Violence Caused by The Acts of Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not for The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings. We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And, To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Love One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!