Saturday, June 1, 2019



The Way To Peace! #342

"The Historical Annals" of "The Parallel Universes of Constitutional Legalities, Special Counsel Investigations, Government Policies and Memos, and Administration Opinions and Campaign Slogans, "Will Reveal" that,  On Wednesday, The Twenty-Ninth of May 2019, "Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller Gave His First Public Statement" from "The United States Department of Justice," that was "Approximately Nine Minutes and Thirty-Nine Seconds Long," "Restating in A Concise and Exacting Manner The Power Points" of "What was Written in His Four Hundred and Forty-Eight Page Report," of "The Investigation into Russian Interference in The 2016 United States of America's Presidential Election," and "Any Links or Coordination between the Russian Government and Individuals Associated with the Trump Campaign!"

However, "Let Us Begin" with, (1) "The Announcement of Mr. Mueller's Retirement from The Department of Justice," which was "An Eventuality" that "We Knew Would One Day Become Official," and "Now that The Special Counsel Report has Been Completed," This Eventuality has Become Reality," Would In Itself "Make News Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Flash Across Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's!" 

However, Let's Agree" that "Mr. Mueller's Presence from within The Department of Justice" and "The Government of The United States of America Will Be Greatly Missed!"

He was and Continues to Be "A Grand Voice of Conscience," that "Symbolizes The Heart, Vision, Intelligence, and Soul of The United States Constitution," and "The Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "A Voice that We The People Can Rely Upon and Trust," to "Tell Us The Truth and Nothing but The Truth!"

However, "That Voice Will Now Be Heard in The Private and Public Sphere's of America's Way of Life," and "We Welcome that," "Why" because "It's A Voice that Needs to Be Heard from," and "Adhered to!" 
And, even Though, at Times,  "Mr. Mueller May Wish to Remain Silent," "It is Important for Him To Always Remember to Speak Out in The Name of Justice," and "The Truth," and "For The Sake of The Nation," and "Especially For The Youth of America!"

And, (2) "Let Us Agree" that "The Points of Interest" about "The Investigation into Russian Interference in The 2016 United States of America's Presidential Election Should Not Be, Nor Should It ever Be Understated," or "Demeaned or Dismissed" as "A Witch Hunt!" 

"Mr. Mueller's Few Remarks about The Results of His Work Began" with, "Let me begin where the appointment order begins, and that is interference in the 2016 Presidential election. 
As alleged by the Grand Jury in an Indictment, Russian Intelligence Officers, who were part of the Russian Military, launched a concerted attack on our political system. The Indictment alleges that they used sophisticated cyber techniques to hack into computers and networks used by the Clinton campaign. 
They stole private information and then released that information through fake online identities and through the organization WikiLeaks. The releases were designed and timed to interfere with our election and to damage a presidential candidate.

And, at the same time as the Grand Jury alleged in a separate indictment, a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to influence an election. These indictments contain allegations and we are not commenting on the guilt or the innocence of any specific defendant. Every defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. 
The indictments allege and the other activities in our report describe efforts to interfere in our political system, they needed to be investigated and understood, and that is among the reasons why the Department of Justice established our office.

That is also a reason we investigated efforts to obstruct the investigation. The matters we investigated were of paramount importance in which was critical for us to obtain critical and accurate information from every person we questioned. 
When a subject of an investigation obstructs that investigation or lies to investigators it strikes at the core of the governments effort to find the truth and hold wrongdoers accountable.

Let me say a word about the report. The Report has Two parts addressing the two main issues we were asked to investigate. 
The First Volume of The Report details numerous efforts emanating from Russia to influence the election. This volume includes a discussion of the Trump campaign's response to this activity as well as our conclusion that there was insufficient evidence to charge a broader conspiracy.

And in a second volume the report describes the results and analysis of our obstruction of justice investigation involving the President. The order appointing the Special Counsel authorized us to investigate actions that could obstruct the investigation. 
We conducted that investigation and we kept the office of the acting Attorney General apprised of the progress of our work. 
And as set forth in the report after that investigation if we had had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so. We did not however make a determination as to whether the President did commit a crime. The introduction to the volume two of our report explains that decision.

It explains that under long standing department policy a present President can not be charged with a Federal crime while he is in office, that is unconstitutional, even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view, that to is prohibited.

The Special Counsel office is part of the Department of Justice and by regulation it was bound by that Department Policy. Charging the President with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider. 
The Departments written opinion explaining the policy makes several important points that further informed our handling of the obstruction investigation. Those points are summarized in our report and I will describe two of them for you. 
 First the opinion explicitly permits the investigation of a sitting President because it is important to preserve evidence while memories are fresh and documents available. Among other things that evidence could be used if there were co-conspirators who could be charged now.

And second, the opinion says that the Constitution requires A process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting President of wrongdoing.  

And beyond Department policy, we were guided by principles of fairness. It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge! 
So that was Justice Department policy, those were the principles under which we operated, and 
from them we concluded that we would not reach a determination one way or the other about whether the President committed a crime. That is the office's final position and we will not comment on any other conclusions or hypotheticals about the President.

We conducted an independent criminal investigation and reported the results to the Attorney General as required by Department regulations. The Attorney General then concluded that it was appropriate to provide our report to Congress and to the American people.   

At one point in time, I requested that certain portions of the report be released, the Attorney General preferred to make the entire report public all at once. And, we appreciate that the Attorney General made the report largely public. And, I certainly do not question the attorney generals good faith in that decision.
And, I hope and expect this to be the only time that I will speak to you in this manner. I am making that decision myself, no one has told me whether I can, or should testify, or speak further about this matter. 
There has been discussion about an appearance before Congress. Any testimony from this office would not go beyond our report. It contains our findings, and analysis, and the reasons for the decisions we made. We chose those words carefully and the work speaks for itself. 
And, The report is my testimony. I would not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before Congress. 
In addition access to our underlying work product is being decided in a process that does not involve our office.
So beyond what I've said here today, and what is contained in our written work I do not believe it is appropriate for me to speak further about the investigation or to comment on the actions of the Justice Department or Congress. And It's for that reason I will not be taking questions today as well.

And Finally, "After Thanking The Attorneys, The FBI Agents, Analysts, and The Professional Staff,  who were of "The Highest Integrity," Mr. Mueller Left Us with These Words of Wisdom, and Deep Concern, "That there were multiple systematic efforts to interfere in our election. And that allegation deserves the attention of every American."

-(Note that, On Wednesday, The Twenty-Ninth of May 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "A New Document" was "Given Out to Reporters in The Department of Justice by The Mueller Office," After Mr. Mueller's Press Conference, in regards to "Indicting a Sitting President!" 

"The Document States" that "This was the Justice Department policy and principles under which we operated so we concluded we would not reach a determination one way or another about whether the President committed a crime."

Which Clearly Suggests that "There was No Way President Trump Could have Been Charged" with "Obstruction of Justice" because of "The Department of Justice Policy about A Sitting President" (OLC-Office of Legal Counsel- Memo). Which also "Appears to Be In Conflict" with "U.S. Attorney General Barr's Previous Comment to Reporters," about "Obstruction of Justice!")-

President Trump Still Claims that "He has Been Exonerated" However, "The Calls for An Impeachment Inquiry have Grown Stronger!"

"The Questions" Still Remain, "When Will The Democrats" (and Republicans) "Finally Decide to Rise To Challenge" that "An Impeachment Inquiry Signifies!" And, "How They Will Describe and Validate This Historical Moment in Time," to The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of The People" of The United States of America," and "The Youth of The Nation," who "Long To Be Inspired," and "Told The Truth" by "The Elected Officials of Local, State, and Federal Governments!" And, "Each and Every Parent and Adult has "A Great Responsibility to Be An Advocate and Activist of The Truth" and "Of The Soul and Conscience Of America!"

-(Note that, Thursday, The Thirtieth of May 2019, "Before Departing to Give A Commencement Address at The Air Force Academy" in Colorado Springs, Colorado, President Trump Told Reporters at The White House, "No, Russia did not help me get elected.")-

In The Parallel Universe of Meaningful Events of The Earths Global Communities, "Mother's Day is Celebrated All over The Earth" for "The Grand Significance and Reality that Every Mother Provides For Her Children," and "The Pure Loving Childcare and Love For Her Family that is Reflected in Every Thought, Word, Action and Embrace, that Her Love Signifies and Symbolizes!" 
And, "Out of Respect for The Nourishment, Protection, Education, and Empowerment" that Every Mother Provides For Her Family," and "The Life Giving Gifts that She Brings to The Earth," (Just as Father's Will Be Feted on Sunday, The Sixteenth of June 2019 in The United States, and at Various Other Dates in Sovereign Nations All over The Earth)! 

And, "Women All over The Earth" are "Both Responsible and Equal Partners in The Upbringing of Their Children!" 
And, "They are Equal Partners" in "This Grand Effort, Commitment, and Dedication" to "The Development of Their Children," into "Becoming Mature, Intelligent, Cognizant, Joyous, and Civilized Adults!"

And, Just as "Equally Important" is "The Fact" that 'Women" are also "Significant Partners in Contributing to," and  "Being Equal Partners of The Global Economy of The Earths Sovereign Nations!"

And, In The United States "Women Represent Almost Half The Work Force!"

However, "The Questions" that "Still Remain Unanswered," are, "Since Women are Equal Partners in Family Affairs," (1) "Why have They Become Unequal Partners" in "Private, Religious, Corporate, Military, and Political Sectors," and "In Deciding," What is "In The Best Interests of Their Own Lives, Careers, Bodies, and Spirits!"

And, "Why Does It Feel" as If "Their Civil Rights are Continually Being Abused over and over Again!"

For Example; "Here We are The Twenty-First Century," and "How is It Possible for The State Government of Alabama," and "Its Republican Governor Kay Ivey," to "Pass in the Alabama Senate by a Vote of Twenty-Five to Six," on Tuesday, The Fourteenth of May, 2019, "An Abortion Law," House Bill 314, "Human Life Protection Act," and then have "It Signed into Law by Governor Ivey" on Wednesday, The Seventeenth of May 2019, that "Does Not Provide for Rape Victims, or Incest!"

"There is Something Seriously Insensitive, Incomprehensible, and Uncivilized,"about "The Purpose of This Legislation" Signed into Law by Governor Kay Ivey!

And, "Doctors Can Be Charged with Felonies," and "Face as Much as Ninety-Nine Years in Prison!" 
Yes, "It Does Provide for Women whose Lives May Be Serious at Risk," However, Besides that "This Law Bans Abortion at Every Stage of Pregnancy!"

Governor Ivey said, "Today I signed into Law the Alabama "Human Life Protection Act. To the bills many supporters, this legislation stands as a powerful testament to Alabamians deeply held belief that that every life is precious and that every life is a sacred gift from God."

"And, As of Tuesday, The Twenty-Eighth of May 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The State of Missouri is Threatening to Close Their One and only Abortion Clinic!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Thirty-First of May, 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Missouri Circuit Court Judge Michael F. Stelzer" for Division 15 of the 22nd Circuit Court in Missouri, has "Ruled in Favor of A Request to Prevent Missouri State Officials" from "Revoking The License for a Clinic Operating a St. Louis Planned Parenthood Chapter!"

Judge Stelzer Wrote in His Order that, "The petitioner demonstrated that immediate and irreparable injury will result if petitioner's license is allowed to expire. Pursuant to rule 92.02 the Court finds that a temporary restraining order is necessary to preserve the status quo and prevent irreparable injury to petitioner pending disposition of the case on its merit."

Judge Stelzer has "Set a Date for A New Hearing on Petitioner's Request" (Reproductive Health Services Of Planned Parenthood Of The St. Louis Region) for "Preliminary Injunction" on Tuesday, The Fourth of June, 2019.  

"There is Little Doubt" that "Eventually The Numerous Cases of New Anti-Abortion Measures on State Levels," are "Destined For Future Confrontation's in The U.S. Supreme Court!" 

However, "There is A Real Need For A Transcended Overview," that "Is All Inclusive" in Regards to "A Universal Cognition, Compassion, and Comprehension of Equal Rights for Women!"

"It is Simply Incomprehensible" that, (1) Women Do Not Receive Equal Wages as Men, (2) In The Roman Catholic Church There are No Cardinals, (Would This Position Be Denied to Jesus' Mother Mary), (3) In The United States There has Not Been A Women President, (4) In Some Sovereign Nations Women are Forced into Marriage's without Their Consent, and Now,  (5) In Some Communities (Villages, Towns, Cities) If A Woman has Been Kidnapped by One of The Criminal Syndicates of Terrorists," and "She Escapes and Returns Back Home She is Looked Upon with Distaste," as "If She is A Fallen Woman, and, Now, (6) In Alabama If A Woman is Raped She is Not Entitled to Obtain An Abortion, and,!"

"Who Makes Up These Rules and Laws!" And, "Are These Individuals Qualified" to "Rule or Represent All The People Including Women!" 

In The United States of America, There is The U.S. Constitution to Guide Us," But, "A True Sovereign Nation of Laws Must Represent, Sensibly, All The People!" 
And, "It Must Include The Rights Of All The People," from "A Universal and Cognitive Perspective and Insight," that is "Representative Of The Twenty-First Century Modern-Civilized Universal Society," and "Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People," of This Planet, "Our Planet Earth!"

And, If Anything, "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century Should Include and Maintain," that "Every Woman," Irregardless of Age, Nationality, Tribe, Color, Special Needs, or Creed, "Should Be Guaranteed and Receive The Same Opportunities," and "Achieve The Same Heights of Sociological, Political, Religious, and Financial Goal's and Achievements as Any Male!"

And, "This Should Be Taught in Every School," and "Proven by Word and Example," in "Every Sector of The Earths Global Communities!" And, This Should Be "A Core Essential that Is Paramount," in "Clearly Establishing A Global Equation of Equilibre Among All The People!"

However, "The Question" Still Remains, "Who Created This Inequality Among Our Families and Global Societies!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Twenty-Fourth of May 2019, As The Sun Set's o'er The United Kingdom, "After Spending More than A Year and a Half Attempting to Negotiate Britain's Exit from The European Union," Global Cross Media News Reports are "British Prime Minister Theresa May has Resigned!"

"Mrs. May Will Officially Step Down as The Head of The Governing Party" on The Seventh of June 2019, However, "She Will Remain as Caretaker Prime Minister until A New Leader has Been Chosen," Hopefully by The End of July," as "Conservatives Begin The Process to Replace Her!"

"In Front of 10 Downing St. Mrs. May said "I have done my best"....While also Conceding that "It was Not Enough!" And that "She would be departing from a job that has been "The honor of my life to hold."

"Clearly This is An Extraordinary Gesture by Mrs May" to (1) "End The Impasse over Brexit," and (2) "Build A New Coalition of Political Partners" to "Bridge The Divide Caused by "The Brexit Referendum!"

However, This was also "A Logical Decision to Make," In Light of "Her Inability to Gain Support For Her Negotiations with The European Union," and In Doing so, "Mrs. May has Fulfilled Her Promise to Step Down," although, "Clearly She had Hoped that Her Resignation Would have Occurred" After "The United Kingdom had Left The EU!"

It is "Now in The Hands and Minds of Cognitive and Well Seasoned Diplomats" and "Insightful Women and Men of The United Kingdom to "Come Together" and "Do What What is In The Best Interests Of The People," and "For The Future of The Youth," and "The U.K." And, "They have until The Thirty-First of October, 2019," to "Accomplish This in A Sensible and Reasonable Manner!"

And, (1) Whether It is Necessary To Hold Another Referendum for The People to Voice Their Opinion about Brexit, or (2) Resolve Whatever Differences and Obstacles There May Be over Brexit," In A Meeting of Impartial, Unbiased, Thoughtful, and Intelligent Minds," and "Move Forward with A Bold New Alternative," that "Clearly Establishes The United Kingdom" as "One of The Core Members of The Earths Sovereign Nations," "Whether It Be in Trade, Finance, Diplomacy, Militarily," and/or "With A Strategic Vision," that "Embraces A Global Nexus Of All The People of Our Home Planet Earth," and "Empowers and Motivates A Grand Universal Perspective of Equal Opportunity," and "Global Equilibre," that "The Earths Diverse Community, Fabric, and Tapestry Of The People" of The Twenty-First Century, "Can Admire," "Build Trust Upon," and "Share with Their Children," "Knowing that Their Future Generations Will Be Safe and Secure!"

We are All a Part of An Earthrise Reality" that "Shows Great Promise for The Present and Future," We have But to Embrace It For Our Own," and "Share It with All of The Coalition of Sovereign Nations" who "Believe in Peace, Harmony, Equality, Economic Parity, Justice, and Freedom," Including A Grand Spirit Of Respect and Reverence For One and All," Irregardless of Gender, Age, Creed, Nationality, Color, Tribe, or Special Needs!" 

And, "Let This Be The New Norm of Our Home Planet Earth," in The Twenty-First Century, as "The Global Sovereign Nations and Leaders Continue to Reach Out in New Efforts," to "Colonize The Grand Universe" that "We are but A Small Part of!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Thirtieth of May 2019, " Talks between The Maduro and Guaido Factions have "Unfortunately Broken Down in Oslo, Norway!"

"The Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela has Not Lessened in Its Intensity!" "Three Million Venezuelans have Left The Country Due to The Ongoing Conflict" that "Continues to Drain The Economy," and "Cause A Deep Sense of Despair and Frustration Among The People of Venezuela!"

"The Efforts Made by The Norway's Foreign Ministry are Commendable," However, "Both Leaders Mr. Maduro and Mr. Guaido" "Must See Beyond Their Own Demands and Hubris," and "Come to An Unselfish Agreement to Resolve This Crisis!" 

"It is The Venezuelan People," whom "They have Sworn to Represent who are Suffering!"

"The Question" is, "Why Not Hold New Elections If It Means" that "The People Will Be Given A Direct Vote in Their Lives," and "The Future of Their Families," and "The Youth of The Nation!" And, "This Conflict Can Be Resolved!"

And, "Reach Out to Antonio Guterres," The Secretary-General of The United Nations, and "Pope Francis," of The Catholic Church, "The First Jesuit Pope from The Americas," and "Other Like Minded and Trustworthy Peacemakers," and "Universal Diplomats of Reason," and "Continue Dialogues with The Sole Purpose and Goal" of "Bringing Peace, Security, Empathy, Opportunity," and "An Earthrise Vision of A Grand Global Equilibre and Freedom," to "All The People," So that "They May Prosper from It," and "Share It with Each Other in Harmony and Equality!"

On The Universal Scale of Global Equilbre, "Mr. Guaido and Mr. Maduro Must Weigh" What is In The Best Interests of All The People of Venezuela First," and then "Share The Abundance of Wealth, Spirit, Cognizance, and Soul of Natural and Human Resources of The Venezuelan People," with "The Earths Populace," In "A Grand Display of Unification" with "The Coalition of United Sovereign Nations of Our Home Planet Earth!" And, "Let The Will, Heart and Soul of The People Guide You!"               

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Second of May 2019, "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" and "Headlines of The Fourth Estate" Displayed "The First Major Confrontation" in "What Will Become An Extremely Serious Escalation in and Breach of Trust between President Donald Trump and The United States Congress!"

"Today's Meeting on Infrastructure Reform with President Trump," Fell a Part, Which was Not a Surprise, "Because After A Meeting with The Democratic Caucus Took Place Today," (who are "Calling for Impeachment Inquiries of President Trump to Begin), House Speaker Pelosi, Democrat from California, "Told Reporters" that, "We believe that the President of The United States is involved in a cover up."

"President Trump Took Offense to This Comment," and Global Cross Media News Reports are "After Keeping House Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer Waiting for Fifteen Minutes," Arrived at The Scheduled Meeting on Infrastructure Reform in The White House," and "After Approximately Three Minutes Passed by," During Which Time The President said, "According to Source Familiar with The Meeting" that "Talks over infrastructure, trade and farm assistance would have to wait until congressional investigations are done." And then, "Walked Out of The Room," and "Held An Impromptu Press Conference," While Standing in Front of "A Sign" saying "No Collusion No Obstruction," and "Accused House Speaker Pelosi of Being Inconsiderate" for saying, that He "is Engaged in a cover-up." President Trump also Claimed that "He is the most transparent President in history!"

-(Note that, Earlier on Wednesday, President Trump Tweeted, "Everybody" including me, thought that when the 40 million dollar Mueller report was released with No Collusion and No Obstruction (of a crime caused by others), that was the end. But no, the Democrats want to keep it going in an effort to help them in 2020. Bad for the Country.")-

Speaker Pelosi Told Reporters after The Meeting, "I pray for the President of the United States, and I pray for the United States of America."

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said of "President Trump's Actions in The Infrastructure Reform Meeting in The White House," that "It's clear that this was not a spontaneous move on the President's part; It was a planned, When we got into the room, the curtains were closed, there was a place for him to stand to say why he wouldn't do infrastructure, and then he went to the press with pre-made signs." Where The President said, In The Rose Garden, "He would not deal with Democrats on infrastructure matters until they ceased investigations of his administration." 

"This Can Be A Highly Relevant and Opportune Moment" for "The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Member's of The U.S. Congress to Act With or Without President Trump," and "Pass New Infrastructure Legislation!" 

"It is Obvious" that "America's Roads, Bridges, Railways, Ports, and Waterways Need Repairs, and "There is More Repairs Inside These Repairs" that "Need to Be Addressed!" 

And then, "Add to This, "The Fact," that "America's Farmers are Suffering Because of The Ongoing Trade War of Hubris," Between "The United States and The People's Republic of China!"

And, "It's of The Highest Importance and Responsibility for The U.S. Congress to Remember" that "They have Been Elected by The American People," (Not The President), and That is "Why They Represent The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The Constitution of The United States of America!" And, In The United States "No One is Above The Law!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The United States House of Representatives Continues to Pass Extraordinary New Legislation," and "This Democratic Led Body of Elected Officials," are "A Credit to The United States of America," and "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People" that "This Great Nation Represents" and Stands for!"

For, on Friday, The Seventeenth of May 2019, The House Passed "The Equality Act," H.R. 5, by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Thirty-Six to One Hundred and Seventy-Three," that "Included Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight Democrats," and "Eight Republican Representatives!"

And, "Prohibits Discrimination on The Basis of Sex, Gender, Identity, and Sexual Orientation," and for Other Purposes!"  

"This Historic Legislation" had "To Pass Through The House Judiciary and Labor and Education Committees," and was "Supported by Members of The United States Congress Including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Democrat from California, and House Representatives John Lewis Democrat from Georgia, Bonnie Watson Democrat from New Jersey, Stephanie Murphy Democrat from Florida, Pramila Jayapal Democrat from Democrat from Washington, and Senators Jeff Merkley Democrat from Oregon, Tammy Baldwin Democrat from Wisconsin, Kyrsten Sinema Democrat from Arizona, and Cory Booker Democrat from New Jersey!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Equality Act" also had "The Support of Quite a Few Prominent Celebrities and Sports Figures, Sally Field and Her Son Sam Greisman, Shea Diamond, Jesse Tyler Ferguson and His Husband Justin Mikita, Adam Rapping, Dustin Lance Black, Justina Machado, and Karamo Brown!"

The Equality Act" has "An Extensive Bipartisan History!" It was First Introduced in Congress in July of 2015, and is "Sponsored by Representatives David Cicilline Democrat from Rhode Island, and Brian Fitzpatrick Republican from Pennsylvania, and Senators Cory Booker from New Jersey, Susan Collins Republican from Maine, Jeff Merkley Democrat from Oregon, Tammy Baldwin Democrat from Wisconsin, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Democrat from California Prioritized The Passage of The Legislation!"

And, "The Re-Introduction of The Act in March 2019" has "Led to Its Passage," Which "Now Heads for The United States Senate," along with "Several Other Important Pieces of House Legislation Awaiting on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," Republican from Kentucky, to "Bring Them to The Floor of The Senate for A Final Vote of Passage to President Trump!"

However, "It is of The Utmost Importance" to "Pass The Equality Act" (and The Other Legislation Passed by The House), by "A Veto Proof Margin of Sixty of More Votes!"

-Note that, "Chad Griffin, The President of Human Rights Campaign" (HRC-The Largest LGBTQ Advocacy Group and Political Lobbying Organization in The United States), Stated that, "Today's Historic vote is a major milestone for equality and sends a powerful and profound message to LGBTQ people, (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning) especially LGBTQ youth, that the U.S. House has their backs,".... And, He also said, "We won't slow down in working to turn out the 10 million eligible LGBTQ voters and our millions more allies to elect a pro-equality president in 2020 who will sign the Equality Act into Law!"

"History has Shown Us" that "When The Founders Created The Constitution of United States of America" It was to "Protect The Individual Rights of All The People!" However, "It has Taken The Dedication and Commitment of Different Movements Of Americans," from "The Civil War, to The Suffragettes, to Civil Rights, Anti-War, Me Too, Time's Up, and Youth Movements" to "Awake The Consciousness of America," and "Inspire and Motivate Its Elected Officials" to "Protect The Principles and Individual Rights Written Down in This Grand Old Document!"

However, "It Will Take The Heart, Mind, Intellect, Spirit and Soul of One and All" to "Embrace, Protect, and Defend The Tenets/Amendments of The U.S. Constitution," and "The Rights of All The People," and "In Respect and Reverence of The Rights of All Freedom Loving People of The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations of Our Home Planet Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Seventeenth of May 2019, As The Parallel Sphere's of "Positive and Negative Influence's, Attacks, and Challenges to The LGBTQ Global Community Continue to Evolve and Descend" on "The Political, Religious and Sociological Clouds of Generational Change," Global Cross Media News Reports are  "Taiwan's Legislators Courageously Voted to Pass A Bill Legalizing Same Sex Marriages!" Becoming What is Being Referred to "As A Historic First for The Asian Continent!"

"This Law is Scheduled to Go into Effect on The Twenty-Fourth of May 2019!" However, "As You Can Imagine "There has Been A Great Celebration All over Taiwan since The Bill has Been Passed!" And, "Wedding Bells Will Joyously Begin Ringing All over Taiwan on The Twenty-Fourth of May from until Much After The Sun Set's on This Island State of Eastern Asia," Officially The Republic of China," (ROC)!

-(Note that, "While Homosexuality is Not Illegal" in The People's Republic of China, President Xi Jinping has "Not Created A Safe Environment for It!"

In November of 2018, Global Cross Media News Reports are "An Author of Same-Sex Erotic Fiction" was "Sent to Prison for Ten Years!")-

Friday, The Seventeenth of May 2019, "Leading LGBT Rights Activist, Xiaogang Wei," Who is "The Executive Director of The Beijing Gender Health Education Institute," Spoke to CNN and said, "It Offers Us a Lot of Hope!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Seventeenth of May 2019, "Thousands of Protesters Marched Together Against A New Extradition Law," Holding Flags with "China No Rendition" and "President Xi Jinping Please Respect One Country Two Systems- Be A Responsible Leader," Written on Them, in Hong Kong!"

"This Law" Would "Allow China to Extradite Suspected Criminals to China from Hong Kong!"

In Addition, "This Law" Would Give The People's Republic of China "A Wide Sphere of Authorization" to "Choose Whom They Consider as Being A Suspected Criminal," or "Quite Possibly A Critic of Chinese Domestic" or "Foreign Policy," or "An Activist who is Engaged in Pro-Democracy Activities and Extradite Them to China" and "Placed in Prison!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The U.S.-China Economic and and Security Review Commission Expressed" that There is also Serious Concern that This Law "Would Allow Beijing to Pressure The Hong Kong Government to Extradite U.S. Citizens under False Pretenses."

"One-Man-Rule and One-Party-Rule Forms of Governance" have "Difficulty in Accepting The Individual Rights Of All The People!"

However, This is The Twenty-First Century and "It is of The Utmost Importance for President Xi Jinping of The People's Republic of China," to "Embrace and Protect The Rights Of The People of Hong Kong," "For The Sake of Present and Future Generations," and "In Respect For A Person's Right" to "Choose Their Own Way Of Life!" And, "In Sincere Comprehension" that "Freedom, Cognition, Harmony, Love and Peace" are "The Core Essential Of Our Being!"

And, Universally, Transcendentally, and Sociologically, "The Golden Rule," and "The Tao Te Ching," "The Teachings" that Devotees of "Confucius and Lao-Tzu" have "Shared with All The People of The Earths Communities," Present "A More Highly Exalted Bridge to The Asian Continent" from "All The Corners of This Planet," "Our Home Planet Earth," O'er The Seas, Lands, and Skies, that "President Xi Jinping Can also Benefit from!" 
"Why," Because, "This Consists of," "Includes and Comprises of," An Act of Empowerment For All The People," even More so than "The One Belt, One Road Initiative," (OBOR),"Foreign Policy and Economic Strategy of President Xi!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign Nation of Israel, "Approximately Seven Weeks since His Victory in The National Elections for The Fourth Straight Time," (Fifth Overall Equaling David Ben-Gurion, "Israel's Primary National Founder," and "Its First Prime Minister") "Defeating Benny Gantz," from The Blue and White Party,  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was at "The Height of His Political Career," However, "In A Stunning Turn of Events," on Wednesday, The Twenty-Ninth of May 2019, "The Israeli Parliament Voted Seventy-Four to Forty-Five in Favor of "Dissolving The Israeli Parliament," in Doing so, "Forcing A New Election to Take Place on The Seventeenth of September 2019!"

"A Series of Disputes" between "The Secular Ultra-Nationalist and Ultra-Orthodox Factions over "Proposed Legislation on Military Draft Exemptions," In Addition to "The Scandals and Allegations of Fraud and Bribery Charges," that have "Hovered over The Prime Minister," were "Among The Causes" that "Prevented The Prime Minister-Designate" from "Forming A New Coalition Government" by Wednesday, The Twenty-Ninth of May 2019, "Leaving The Israeli Parliament" with "No Other Choice Other than Voting to Dissolve The Parliament," and "No Other Recourse" Other than "Setting in Motion A New National Election!"

"This New Election" and "Course of Action," also "Prevents Reuvin Rivilin, Israel's President" from "Choosing Another Member of The Great Assembly to Form A New Government

However, "This is A Major Political Embarrassment to Prime Minister Netanyahu," and "A Historical Moment in Israeli Politics!" 
This is "The First Time New Elections Will Be Held," (Just After Holding Elections), Because of "The Failure of A Prime Minister-Designate" to "Form A New Government!"

"This New Election Will Provide The Prime Minister's Political Adversaries" such as, 
(1) Benny Gantz, "Former Armed Forces Chief, from The centrist Blue and White Party," who "Lost to Prime Minister Netanyahu," by "The Slimmest of Margins in The April 2019 Election," and, (2) Avigdor Lieberman, "Former Defense Minister, from The ultra-nationalist Yisrael Beitenu Party," who was "Once Prime Minister Netanyahu's Chief of Staff," and, (3) "The People of Israel" Will have "A New Opportunity to Reassess Their Thoughts, Idea's and Vision" of "What They Envision The Future of The Sovereign Nation of Israel to Be," and in "Whom They Would Prefer to Lead The Nation," and "Be An Example" that "The Youth of Israel Can Admire, Trust, and Believe in!"

"The Question" is, "Who Will Be Able to Form a New Coalition Government," with "A Majority" of at Least "Sixty-One Out of The One Hundred and Twenty Seats in The Knesset!"

-(Note that, "If Prime Minister Netanyahu is Indicted" "The Israeli Supreme Court Will Decide Whether or Not He Must Resign!")-

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign Nations of The United States of America and Mexico, Thursday, The Thirtieth of May 2019, "President Trump Announced in A Twitter Post" that "The United States will impose a five percent tariff on all goods coming into our Country from Mexico, until such a time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, Stop. The Tariff will gradually increase until the the illegal immigration problem is which time the Tariffs will be removed."

"The White House Added that, (1) On The First of July 2019 "Tariffs Will Be Increased to Ten Percent," and (2) On The First of August 2019, "Tariffs Will Be Raised to Fifteen Percent," and, (3) On The First of September, 2019, to "Twenty Percent, and (4) On The First of October 2019, to "Twenty-Five Percent!" 

And, The White House Added that "Tariffs will permanently remain at the Twenty-Five Percent level unless and until Mexico substantially stops the illegal inflow of aliens coming through its Country. Worker's who come to our country through the legal admissions process, including those working on farms, ranches, and in other businesses, will be allowed easy passage.
If Mexico fails to act, Tariffs will remain at the high level, and companies located in Mexico may start moving back to the United States to make their products and goods. Companies that relocate to the United States will not pay the Tariffs or be affected in any way." 

This "New United States Tariff War" between "Allies and Trading Partners Will Commence on The Tenth of June 2019!"

"This is A New Opportunity for The United States Congress" to "Initiate and Bring A New Comprehensive Sense of Reason, Diplomacy, and Cognizance" to "The Twenty-First Century Foreign Policy of The United States of America!"

"The Immediate Fate of The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement," Though Signed by All Parties Involved, (USMCA) "Still has Not Been Ratified," and "May Be Seriously Threatened" by "This New Trump Administration Tariff Policy Directed Towards Mexico!"

-(Note that, "According to The United States Trade Representative" (USTR), "Mexico Supplied $Twenty-Six Billion Dollars of Agricultural Products to The United States in 2018!")-

Friday, The Thirty-First of May 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said," at His Daily Morning News Conference, "We are carrying out our responsibility in immigration policy"....And, President Obrador also said, "We have to help so that they don't enter the United States illegally, but we also have to do it respecting human rights,"...."Nothing authoritarian. They're human beings."

As The Sun Set's O'er The Skies of The Sovereign Nation of Japan, On the Saturday, The Twenty-Fifth of May 2019, "President Trump and The First Lady Melania Journeyed to The Island Nation in East Asia," to "Meet with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Discuss, 
(1) A New Trade Deal, Especially to Correct The Trade Imbalance between The Two Sovereign Nations, (2) The People's Democratic Republic of North Korea, Note that President Trump's response to a Question Made by A Reporter at A News Conference with Prime Minister Abe and Himself, about DPRK, Expressed that, "There've been no nuclear tests, there've been no ballistic missiles going out, and there've been no range missiles going out, and I thing that some day there will be a deal," and also about Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's IQ, (3) Visit The United States Navy's Yokosuka Base, in Yokosuka, South of Tokyo, to Meet with U.S. Service Member's, and also Visit The USS Wasp in Tokyo Bay, to "Give a Memorial Day Speech to  U.S. Service Members of The Navy's 7th Fleet, and, (4 President Trump Agreed to Accept Japan's Offer to Be A Mediator between The United States and The Sovereign Nation of Iran, and President Trump Expressed that "He wasn't looking for a regime change in Iran," However, He is looking for "No Nuclear Weapons," (5) The Trade Impasse between The United States and The People's Republic of China, In Which President Trump Believes that "There Will Be A Deal in The Future," (6) Attended A Meeting with Business Leaders, (7) Japan has Agreed to Purchase One Hundred and Five Stealth Bombers from The U.S. and, (8) Work on A Joint Enterprise to  Send Astronauts to The Moon Together!"

And, In Addition, "President Trump and First Lady Melania," were "The Guests of Honor" of  "An Imperial State Banquet," Held by "The New One Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Emperor of Japan Naruhito," and "His Wife Empress Masako!"

Altogether "This Official Four Day State Visit to Japan Ended Up Being Quite a Full One for President Trump," who also had "Time to See A Sumo Wrestling Match," and "Play Golf with Prime Minister Abe!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Twentieth of May 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "United States District Judge Amit P. Mehta" of The United States District Court for The District of  Columbia, "Ruled Against President Trump's Lawsuit to Block A Subpoena from The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee" to "Obtain Financial Documents and Related Materials from Mazars," who are "The Accounting Firm," for "President Trump" and "Several of His Businesses!" 

And, "In a Forty-One Page Opinion" Judge Mehta "Ruled Strongly in Favor of Congress' Authority to Investigate The President!"

And, Judge Mehta Wrote, "As long as Congress investigates on a subject matter on which legislation could be had'" then Congress is acting within the bounds of the U.S. Constitution." And, The Judge Wrote, "President Trump can not block the subpoena to Mazars."

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are, Judge Mehta also Wrote, "These are facially valid legislative purposes, and it is not for the court to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political actions."

And, "The Court Denied Plaintiffs (Donald J.Trump, et al) request for a stay pending appeal.    

 "The Questions" of "Whether or Not "The Requested Documents Will Aid or Clarify" that, (1) "President Trump has Violated The Emolument Clause of The U.S. Constitution," or (2) "Reveal Any Violations of Ethics and Disclosure Laws," Will Be Discovered in Future House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Investigations," and "Review of The President's Financial Documentation!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As New Cracks Continue to Emerge in The Walls of The West Wing and The Trump Administration," Wednesday, The Twenty-Second of May 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "United States District Judge Edgardo Ramos" of The United States District Court for The Southern District of New York, has "Ruled Against President Trump, Three of His Children, Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka, and The Trump Organization!"

It is Reported that, Judge Ramos said that, "The committees had the power to issue the subpoenas under Congress' "Broad" power to conduct investigations to further legislation. 

And, Judge Ramos also Rejected President Trump's Argument" that "He was Protected" under "The Right to Financial Privacy Act," saying "This Act Does Not Apply to Congressional Investigations!"

"This Ruling Now Permits Deutsche Bank and Capitol One Financial Group" to "Release President Trump's Financial Records!"

-(Note that, "The House Financial Services Committee and The House Intelligent Committee Intervened" only "After President Trump Attempted to Block Their Subpoena's in A Lawsuit," Filed on The Twenty-Ninth of April 2019!" "Deutsche Bank and Capitol One Financial Group" are The Only Defendants in This Case!")-

Judge Ramos said "He would not suspend his decision pending appeal."

"This is The Second Court Ruling Against President Trump This Week," that "He Must Release His Financial Records to Congress!" "The First One Being U.S. District Judge Amit P. Mehta's Ruling" on Monday, The Twentieth of May 2019!

And, "The Question" Still Remains, "What is President Trump Afraid of!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Thirty-First of May 2019, U.S. Attorney General Barr Made Himself Available for "An Exclusive Interview with Jan Crawford for CBS Good Morning," from Anchorage, Alaska!

Interestingly enough, "Attorney General Barr has Been Authorized by President Trump" to "Investigate the Origins of The Russian Investigation!" 

Interesting because Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Stated in His First Public Statement Concerning The Four Hundred and Forty-Eight Page Mueller Report," on Wednesday, The Twenty-Ninth of May 2019, that In The Second Volume the Report; "describes the results and analysis of our obstruction of justice investigation involving the President. The order appointing the Special Counsel authorized us to investigate actions that could obstruct the investigation. 
We conducted that investigation and we kept the office of the acting Attorney General apprised of the progress of our work.

And as set forth in the report after that investigation if we had had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so. We did not however make a determination as to whether the President did commit a crime. The introduction to the volume two of our report explains that decision.
It explains that under long standing department policy a present President can not be charged with a Federal crime while he is in office, that is unconstitutional, even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view, that to is prohibited.

The Special Counsel office is part of the Department of Justice and by regulation it was bound by that Department Policy. Charging the President with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider. 

Note that, "The Interview Conducted by Jan Crawford" was "Thorough and Interesting to Watch and Listen to," However, "Because of The Recent Discrepancies with The Mueller Report" and "Attorney General Barr's Summaries," and "Explanations of What He said," "What is Important" at This Time, is for "Attorney General Barr to Testify Before The United States Congress" and, (1) "Clarify His Summarizations" and, (2) Exactly What is The Policy of The Department of Justice in Regards to a "Sitting President" and, (3) "How This DOJ Policy Applied to Robert Mueller's Investigations!"

"What is Clear about Attorney General Barr is" that "He has Created A Place in History" that "Will Provide Contradictions in A Series of Variations of Thought" in Regards to "His Being The Top Executive Law Enforcement Official in The Department of Justice," and "As An Important Member of The Intelligence Community," and "In Historical Overviews, Analyses, and Perspectives of President Trump's Tenure in Office!" And, "His Vision of His Executive Responsibility to The Nation," and "President Trump!   

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Sixteenth of May 2019, "President Trump Delivered A Televised Speech Detailing His New Legal Immigration Policy," from "The Rose Garden!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The President Focused on; (1) "Getting the brightest and most talented immigrants into the Country," (2) "The Proposal Calls for Keeping The Number of Immigrants Coming into The United States at The Same Levels," While Changing The Composition of People Entering into The Nation," (3) "Focuses on Merit and Skills Rather than Family Relationships," (4) "President Trump's Plan Would also Limit the Types of Family Members who Can Enter The U.S. to Children and Spouses," and (5) "Consolidate and Simplify Visa System," (6) "Build Walls along The Southern Border," "Focusing on Thirty-Three Key Locations," "Most Frequently Targeted by Drug Dealers, and Human Traffickers," and, 
(7) "Modernize Ports of Entry with Technology" and "Other New Systems to Upgrade Ports of Entry!"

President Trump Spoke of "Proposing an immigration plan that puts the jobs, wages, and safety of American workers first," and "Our Proposal is pro-American, pro-Immigrant, and pro-worker. It's just common sense."

"The Question" is, "Why didn't President Trump's Proposal Mention the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" (DACA), (2) "An Apology to The Myriad Numbers of Migrant Parents and Their Families for Detaining Countless Numbers of Migrant Children in U. S. Detention Centers, (3) "Undocumented Immigrants Already Living in The United States," (4) "The Unethical and Unconstitutional Management of His Administrations Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy," (5) "Immigrants" who have "Already Received Protected Status in The United States," and, (6) "An Apology to The Nation" for "Spewing Forth So Many Negative Diatribes Towards Innocent Families," of "Mothers, Fathers, and Children," who were "Legally Seeking Asylum in The United States," "Out of Fear of Losing Their Lives," and "Being Severely Oppressed," and "Being Violently Forced to Make A Decision" of "Whether to Stay in Their Sovereign Nation," and "Being Dictated to By Corrupt Governments," or "Seek Refuge in The Land of The Free," and "A Nation of Laws," "Where The Lady in The Harbor Offers Hope and Compassion!"

And, "They Chose to Seek Refuge in The Land of The Free," and were "Attacked for It!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Republican Senator Susan Collins from Maine," said, "She would not support legislation that did not include DACA in some fashion."

-Note that, "This New Immigration Policy Initiative" was "Primarily Encouraged by Jared Kushner," The President's Son-in-Law and Senior Adviser! 

President Trump also said, "It was time to restore National unity!"-

-Note that, "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California" said that, President Trump's Offering is a "dead-on-arrival plan that is not a remotely serious proposal."

As The Parallel Universe of A Myriad Questions Ascend and Descend The Steps of Mores and Ethics" of "The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations," "The Questions" that "Still Remain Unanswered are, (1) "How is It Possible for Six Migrant Children Journeying from Guatemala to Seek Asylum in The United States of America," Known Earthwide As The Land of The Free, "End Up Dead in The Custody of The United States!" 
And, (2) Why are There Reports of More than A Thousand Migrant Children Still Being Held in U.S. Detainment Centers!" 
And, Then There are The Inconsistencies such as, (3) Why has "President Trump Authorized U.S. Attorney General Barr" to "Investigate The Origins of The Russian Investigations," Especially After Complaining about "The Ten's of Millions of Dollars Spent on The Mueller Report!"
 (Is it "To Learn The Truth," but then "Who's Truth!" "Why Not Release The Complete Unredacted Mueller Report," so that "We The People," and "The U.S. Congress Can Discover The Whole Truth about The Russian Investigations!") 
And, (4) "It's Difficult to Comprehend Why" There are "Millions of Americans Living Below The Poverty Line," Many of Which are "Living without Adequate Homes for The Safety and Security of Their Families," and "Succumbing to Transient Lifestyles," Especially When "Our President and Administration Officials" are "Taking Praise over The U.S. Economy!" 
And, (5) "Why are Students in Debt After Obtaining Their College Degrees!" And, "Why aren't Our Elected and Re-Elected Officials Motivated Enough" to "Provide Universal Programs for Free Education" for "The Youth of America!"
And, (6) "Why Not Collect One Dollar" (or Fifty Cents) for "Every Lottery Ticket Sold," and "Use that Dollar" (or Fifty Cents) to "Pay for Free Education in America!" 
And, (7) In This New Primary and Election Cycle, "It is All the More Obvious" that "A Limit Should Be Placed on How Much Money Can Be Used for the Campaigns of Candidates," and "Nominees!" 
And, (8) "Why is The Misfortune of Those in Need Being Used for Political Reasons!"

"Any Politician" who "Ignores The Plight of Families," who've had "Their Homes Destroyed," or "Seriously Damaged," or Who have "Lost A Love One Due to A Natural Disaster," or by "Violence Committed by A Malevolent Predator," "Should Resign," or "Receive A Serious Reprimand by The U.S. Congress!" 
And, "If He or She Should  in Any Way Attempt to Impede The Passage of A Disaster Bill," without "Due Cause" that (Excludes Their Parties Politics), "They Should Resign" and/or "Receive A Serious Reprimand by Congress," and "The Abandonment of Their Constituents!" 

"The United States is A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The Elected Officials" who have "Been Chosen By The People, "Must Provide Immediate Humanitarian Assistance" to "Come to The Aid of Any Family or Community," who has "Fallen upon The Woes, Adversities, Despair, Distress, Torment, Trauma, and Catastrophes," "Caused by "Natural Disasters," that have "Destroyed Their Homes and Caused The Ruination of Their Homes and Lives," or by "Trade Wars, Violent Crimes, or Foreign Wars," that have had "A Negative Effect Upon The People," and "Brought Upon Them A Deep Sense of Dispiritedness, Discouragement, Sadness, Sorrow, and Distrust," and "Feeling of Hopelessness!" 

"The Humanitarian Care for These Adversities Should Always Come First!"

And, (9) "Memorial Day" is "An Important Reminder," that "there are "Too Many Veterans" and "Their Families," who "Have Not Received The Financial, Physical, or Mental Care," and "Education," that "They were Either Promised," to "Acclimate Themselves," to "Their New Lives at Home," "In Their Communities, Towns, Cities, States in The U.S."

And, "Volunteerism" is "An Important Part of The Fabric and Tapestry Of The Diverse Community Of The People," and "If Our Interdependent Democracy" is "To Continue to Thrive and Evolve in A Grand Unity of Purpose and Synergy," It is Important for "A Universal Contribution to Be Made!"

And, "Who Better" than "The Hi-Tech Community To Come Forth," and "Volunteer to Solve Any Glitches that The Veteran Association (VA) May Be Experiencing," and "Establish A Working and Living Sphere of Being/System For Every Veteran and Their Family," that is "Comparable to The Highest Quality of The Most Successful Hi-Tech Corporation in America!"

"The United States of America" is "A Grand Experience" of "Idea's, Principles, Thoughts, Words, and Actions," and "We Can Share All of The Positive Aspects of This Universal Design Created for The Benefit of Our Fellow Human Being," and "The Environmental and Ecological Systems of All Sentient and Fundamentally Essential Beings," "Coupled and Linked Together," in "A Parallel Universe of Compassion, Integrity, Opportunity, Justice, Equality, Freedom, and Volunteerism," within "A Grand Cosmos and Grand Universe Of Principled and Transcended Characteristics," and "Fused Together In Selfless Acts of Volunteerism!" 

And, "This Can Be Our Way Forward to A New Age of Global Equilibre," In "An Equation of Global Unification," that "Embraces and Empowers All The Youth Of The Nation," and "The Youth of All Peace Loving Sovereign Nations of Our Home Planet Earth!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennias, Let Us Be As If "We are A Purposeful and Soulful Musical Interlude Flowing on Eddies" of "Committed and Dedicated Harmonies and Melodies of A Grand Interdependent Sea of Musical Movements" of "Diversified Compositions and Tonalities of A Grand Cosmos!"

And, "Imagine This Grand Nexus of A Cosmos" (System of Contemplation) whose "Spirit, Consciousness, Satyagraha, Cognition, Perception, and Compassion is Manifested and Centered" within "A Magnificent Earthrise Choir Of The People, By The People, and For The Sake People!"

And, Imagine at First, "This Movement Evolving As An Adagio" and then "Increasing in Tempo" and "In Synergy," As A Movement of "A Grand Orchestration" and "Composition of Insightful Solar Axioms," "Arranged to Reveal A Clarity of Being," and "A Respect For The Truth," and "A Reverence for The Lives of All Sentient Beings," Where Each and Every Note (Person)" is "An Integral Part of The Whole!"  

"An Integral Part of "An Opera of  Ecological and Environmental Systems," "Cared for" by "Conservators and Protectors of The Sea's, Lands, Skies, Air, Atmosphere, and Chromosomes Of Natures Grand Universal Design!" 

"A Grand Opera" that "Embraces All of The Limitless Horizons of Our Home Planet Earth," "Sunrises," and "The Setting of The Moon in The Sky," and "The Magnificent Entirety of The Luminous Celestial Bodies," and "Galaxies of The Grand Universe!" 

And, "Let Us Be Both Librettist and Composer" of "A Grand Movement in The History of Humanity," that has "Overcome The Injustices, and Inequalities" that have "Been Imposed Upon The Multitude of The Many," who only "Wish to Live in Peace and Harmony with Their Fellow Human Being," and Their Families," or "Those of Us" who have "Been Forced to Live in Refugee Camps," or "In Poverty," or "Those of Us" who are "A Part of The Ninety Percent of Our Global Societies," and who "Wish A Fair Share of The Opportunities and Wealth" that "Our Global and Domestic Economies Present!"

"Let Us Be Both Librettist and Composer" Director, Choreographer, Conductor, and Musician," "All A Part of A Grand Company of Interdependent Women and Men who Believe in" and "Sing A Song Of Life" and "A Melody of Peace and Unity" that "Never Ends!"   

And, "Let Us Share This Grand Operatic Experience of The Cosmos," Each and Every Day, via "The Global Internet Across The Omnipresent Websites and Computer Programs," and "Other Online Communication Vehicles Of The Social Media" and "The Global Cross Media Universes," "To and with Each Other," and "On The Golden Wings of Equilibre," and "Grace of The Phoenix" of "A New Norm of Reality of The Twenty-First Century,"  and "Where Each and Every Child has An Opportunity" to "Reach Out with All Their Hearts, Bodies, Minds, Intellects, Contemplation's, Emotions, Spirits and Souls," and "Work Towards The Fulfillment of Their Dreams and Goals!"

And, This is The Way to Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Song Of Life and Age of Peace, Justice, Social Security, Trust, and Universal Truisms!      

To All The Families and Gold Star Families who have Lost A Love One who Served as A Brave and Courageous Member of The United States Armed Forces, On This Memorial Day, Monday, The Twenty-Seventh of May 2019, (Originally Known as Decoration Day), We Honor Their Sacrifice in Defense of, and in Preserving Our Rights to Live as A Free Sovereign Nation Of People who Believe in Justice, Freedom, and Equality For One and All!

And, In Remembrance of Those Brave and Courageous Women and Men who have Given Their Lives to Protect Us, Do We Give Honor to Them On This Memorial Day, and Each and Everyday of The Year!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Seventeenth of May 2019, As The Sun Set's O'er The United Kingdom, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Talks between The Labour Party and Prime Minister Theresa May and The Conservative Party have Broken Down," and Once Again "The Brexit Negotiations have Fallen into An Abyss of Irresolute Uncertainty!"

And, "The Question" is, (1) "How Will Mrs. May Resolve The Political Impasse over Brexit," and "Bridge The Differences of Opinion" that "Have Divided The United Kingdom," and, (2) "When Will The Prime Minister Reach Out to The People," (More than One Million Protesters Demonstrated Their Deep Concerns in "The Put It To The People March," in "Front of Parliament," on Saturday, the Twenty-Third of March, 2019 who "Called for A New Public Vote"), with "An Inspiring and Bold Alternative," that "Empowers The People with "A Cognizant and Global Vision of The Future!"

"The European Union have "Given The United Kingdom An Extension until The Thirty-First of October 2019," to "Work Out Whatever Outstanding Issues that May Exist" in Regards to "Brexit!"

And, "Prime Minister May's Withdrawal Agreement with The European Union" has "Been Rejected Three Times by British MPs," on (1) "The Fifteenth of January 2019," (2) "The Twelfth of March 2019, and (3) "The Twenty-Ninth of March 2019!"

"The Question" Still Remains, "Will The People Be Given A New Opportunity to Vote on A New Referendum," and/or "Will This Political Impasse Continue Until The Last Second without Resolve," and "In Doing so Threaten The Stability of The Economy," and "Cause Further Divisions in The U.K." and "with The EU!"

-( Note that, "Outstanding Issues such as; (1) "The Back Stop" and, (2) How Best "The European Customs Union and Customs Union between The EU and United Kingdom Can Be Utilized," or, (3) "A Cognizant Free Trade Agreement Can Be Utilized," As "A Bridge to A New Brexit Agreement, are "Among The Main Issues that Need to Be Addressed!")-

However, "Resolving The Brexit Impasse" Will "Take More than Making A Political Decision" at "This Point in Time!" "The People" have "A Vestige Interest in The Outcome," and "All Sense of Hubris or Political Advantage Should Be Left Out of The Equation!"

"There is Simply Too Much that Lies in The Balance," Whether It Be, "Financially, Sociologically, or Politically," The Effect Will Be Profound Upon The Continued Evolution of All Sovereign Nations who Believe in Fair Trade," and "The Future of The Youth of The United Kingdom" who "Will Inherit The All of The Best and Worst Qualities of The Decisions Made" by "Today's Domestic and Global Leaders!"

"A Sense of Global Equilibre," Among "All Peace Loving Sovereign Nations Should Be Observed," and "Included in A Global Equation and Perspective," that is "Beneficial to All The People of The Earths Communities," again, "Whether It Be Concerning, Financial, Sociological, Political, Spiritual," or "In Trade, and Border Disputes," or "In War and Peace," "Poverty," or "Immigration," or "Ecological and Environmental Issues!" "This Comprehension of Contemplation of The Cosmos," is "A Significant Part of Who We are," and "What Our Purpose is," On This, "Our Home Planet Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "Another Cowardly Act of Domestic Violence has Caused The Death's of Eleven Innocent People at Building 2 of The Virginia Beach Municipal Center,"in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and at Last Report, "Six Other People have Been Wounded, Including A Police Officer"

"The Coward" who "Inflicted This Violence Upon Fellow Americans is also Dead," Killed in a Gunfight with The Police Officers who Responded to The Emergency Call" and "Immediately Rushed to The Scene!" And, is "Reported to have Been A Long Time Employee at The Public Utilities Department!"

"The Reason Why" This Coward Acted in This Malicious and Evil Manner," Going from Floor to Floor," and "Firing Indiscriminately at Innocent People" is "Being Investigated by The Authorities!"

Virginia Beach Mayor, Bobby Dyer said, "This is the most devastating day in the history of Virginia Beach."

And, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam said that He and his team were "actively monitoring the situation."

And, Senator Tim Kaine said, "I'm devastated to learn of the tragic shooting tonight in Virginia Beach. My heart is with everyone who lost a loved one, and I'm praying for a swift recovery for all those who have been injured."

We Extend Our Sincerest Heart, Spirit, and Soulful Condolences to The Families who Lost A Love One Due to This Malevolent Act of Violence at The Virginia Beach Municipal Center! And, We Grieve for The Loss of Your Love Ones with You! 

And, To The Friends and Community of Virginia Beach, Virginia, Know that We are with You in This Tragic Time Period, When Yet Another Unconscionable Act of Violence has Occurred!

"As The Parallel Universes of Cyber Crimes and Cyber Warfare Continue" to "Engage in Acts of Thrust and Parry" Among The Modern Sovereign Nations of The Twenty-First Century, "There are Quite a Few Casualties" Among The Private, Political, Military, Intelligence, and Public Sectors!"

Julian Assange, Co-Founder of WikiLeaks, "Now Finds Himself as A Victim of His Past Actions!"

Thursday, The Twenty-Third of May 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Julian Assange" has "Been Charged in An Eighteen Count Indictment Related to Endangering United States National Security!" 

-(Note that, "This Indictment Supercedes a Previous U.S. Indictment" for "Coordinating The WikiLeaks Disclosures in 2010!" Described as Being "one of the largest compromises of U.S. classified information in the history of the United States," by The U.S. Government!)- 

And, "He is also Complicit" in, "unlawfully obtaining and disclosing classified documents pertaining to National Defense" with "Chelsea Manning," Who was a "Former Army Intelligence Analyst," and is "Now Serving Time in Prison on Contempt of Court Charges," for "Defying a Grand Jury Subpoena!"

And by "Choosing to Publish Unredacted Names" of "Journalists, Human Rights Advocates, Political Dissidents, Religious Leaders, and Iraqi and Afghan Citizens," Mr, Assange "Now Faces Being Extradited to The United States!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are on Thursday, The Twenty-Third of May 2019, "In a Prepared Statement" The United States Department of Justice said, "Assange's actions risked serious harm to United States national security to the benefit of our adversaries."  

And, The U.S. Department of Justice also said, "Mr. Assange Faces A Maximum Penalty of Ten Years in Prison on each charge of Seventeen of the Counts" and "Five Years in Prison on The Other!"

-(Note that, "At Present Mr. Assange is In A United Kingdom Prison Serving a Fifty Week Sentence for Violating Bail!")-

Thursday, The Twenty-Third of May 2019, "John Demers" U.S. Assistant Attorney General for National Security, Told Reporters, "The Department takes seriously the role of our journalists and our Democracy, and we support it," and that.... "It has not and never been the Department's policy to target them for reporting. Julian Assange is no journalist, this is made plain by the totality of his conduct as alleged in the indictment."

And, "John Cohen," Who is Presently An ABC News Contributor, and Former Acting Undersecretary of the United States Department of Homeland Security, said "It should not be lost on anybody that the head of WikiLeaks, an entity that had direct contact with persons associated with the Trump campaign and served as a conduit for information stolen by the Russians, has now been charged with espionage."

Mr. Assange is "Fighting Extradition to the United States!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Sixteenth of May 2019, "The Office of Government Ethics Released A New Financial Disclosure," that In May of 2018, "President Trump Obtained a Thirty Year Mortgage for An Eight Bedroom Mansion of More than 10,000 Sq. Ft." (930 Square Meters) "Valued at $Five to Twenty-Five Million Dollars at a 4.5% Interest Rate," on "A Property The President Owns," Near His Mar-a-Lago Beachfront Estate and Private Club, "in West Palm Beach, Florida!"  

"The Loan is Worth $11.2 Million Dollars" According to "The Palm Beach County public records!"

GCM News Updates are "The House was Purchased Last Year by President Trump's Two Sons Donald Jr. and Eric," who "Bought The House from One of The President's Older Sisters Maryanne Trump Barry," (a Former Federal Judge) "for $18.5 Million Dollars!"

And, "It is Listed," as "Can Being Rented for Approximately $Eighty-One Thousand Dollars a Month!"

"President Trumps Term in Office has Been Anything but Traditional," and Whether This Thirty Year Mortgage is Unethical or Not by Previous Standards of A Sitting President is For The United States Congress and The Courts to Decide, However, "It is A Further Incentive" to "Learn More about The Presidents Tax Returns," and "Trump Organization," and "Trump Foundation Finances!"

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Love One Due to Gun Related Violence, or Violence Caused by The Acts of Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not for The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings! We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And, To All The Families and Communities, Domestically and Globally, who have Lost A Love One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!