Tuesday, May 14, 2019



The Way To Peace! #341

"There have Always Been Moments of Conflict" between "New Presidential Administrations and The United States Congress," But, "Nothing Comparable to This!" 

Even "The Republicans Contre The Obama Administration Can Not Be Compared" to "This Divided Government of President Donald Trump," and "The Trump Administration," and "Its Attorney's Versus The United States Congress!"

But, "It is of The Utmost Importance" that "We Remember The United States is A Democracy, A Republic, and A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

However, Let's "Break This Conflict and Clash of Issues Down into Categories," There's, (1) The Refusal to Permit White House Aids to Testify to Congress, (2) The Refusal of The White House to Provide The House Judiciary Committee with The Documents They've Requested, (3) The Eighty-Fifth U.S. Attorney General William Barr has Refused to Testify Before The House Judiciary Committee and is Facing A Subpoena to Force Him to Cooperate with Chairman Jerrold Nadler's Committee, (4) As Many as "Five Hundred and Sixty-Six Former Federal Prosecutor's Posted An Open Letter Declaring" that "They Believe" that "President Trump Would have Been Indicted with Obstruction of Justice If He were Not President," (5) And, Now President Trump Does Not Believe that It's A Good Idea for Robert Mueller to Give Testify Before Congress about The Mueller Report, and, (6) Former White House Counsel Don McGahn is "Being Impeded from Testifying Before Congress," and, (7) Steven Mnuchin The Seventy-Seventh Secretary of The Department of Treasury Refuses to Comply with The Wishes of The U.S. Congress to Release The Tax Returns of President Trump, and Quite Possibly, (8) "A Major Legal Confrontation in The Courts" is "The only Way to Resolve All of These Issues!"

And, "This is Just The Political and Legal Edge of The Parallel Universe" of "The Ongoing Conflict" Between "The United States Congress and The Trump White House!"

And, "When You have Included" that "This Does Not Include," (1) State Lawsuits Against The Trump Organization, and President Trump," Nor Does It Include, (2) The President's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy," that has "Detained Migrant Children in Detention Centers Separated from Their Parents, and Family," and, (3) The Ongoing Trade War with The People's Republic of China, (4) The Intensity Evolving from The Withdrawal The United States of America of The Iran Nuclear Agreement, (JCPOA) on The Eighth of May 2018, and, (5) The Unresolved Negotiations with The Democratic People's Republic of Korea over Denuclearization, and, (6) The Announcement of The Withdrawal of The United States from The Paris Agreement, by President Trump on The First of June 2017, and, (7) "Declaring Jerusalem as The Capital of The Sovereign Nation of Israel,"on The Sixth of December 2017, Which was "Condemned by The United Nations General Assembly on The Twenty-First of December 2017,  and "Moving The U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, "A Decision that Violated International Law" and "Specifically The Resolutions of The UN Security Council and The UN General Assembly, and, (8) "Believing Russian President Vladimir Putin's Statement" that "Russia Did Not Interfere in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections," Over that of "The United States Intelligence Agencies"....

"Then You Realize Just How Serious, Precarious, and Intense are The Manifold and Multitudinous Layers of The Parallel Universe" of "Legal, Political, Domestic, Economic, and International Sphere's of The Trump Administration," of "Which "It's State of Conflict, Discord and Cacophony of Contention, Resistance and Clash with The United States Congress," is "But The Lead in "To The Importance of The 2020 Elections!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, May 6, 2019, As Many as Five Hundred and Sixty-Six Former Federal Prosecutors Believe that "President Trump Would have Been Indicted with Obstruction of Justice If He were Not President!"

"In An Extraordinary Open Letter Posted to Medium" on Monday The Sixth of May, "These Signatories," Former Department of Justice Lawyers, "Joined Together in Making This Pronouncement," Including Two Attorney's from The Southern District of New York"

"The Open Letter" States: "We are former federal prosecutors. We served under both Republican and Democrat Administrations....Each of us believes that the conduct of President Trump described in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report would, in the case of any other person not covered by the Office of Legal Counsel policy against indicting a sitting President, result in multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice."

"The Open Letter "of "This Group of Former Department of Justice Lawyers, Categorized President Trump's Actionable Conduct into Three Categories;
(1) The President's efforts to fire Mueller, and to falsify evidence about that effort;

(2) The President's efforts to limit the scope of Mueller's investigation to exclude his conduct; and,

(3) The President's efforts to prevent witnesses from cooperating with investigators probing him and his campaign.

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Eighth of May 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are The House Judiciary Committee by A Twenty-Four to Sixteen Vote" "Approved Holding U.S. Attorney General Barr in Contempt of Congress!" 

"This Vote" was "A Consequence of The Decision by Attorney General Barr, "For Not Appearing Before The House Judiciary Committee," on Thursday, The Second Day of May, 2019, "Due to A Disagreement over Procedures," of "Whether Staff Member's Could Ask Him Questions!" And, "For Not Providing A Full Unredacted Version of the Mueller Report!"

-(Note that, On Wednesday, The Eighth of May 2019, "The Department of Justice Informed House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler in A Letter,"that "President Trump had asserted executive privilege over the entirety of the subpoenaed materials."  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Eighth of May 2019, President Trump has "Invoked Executive Privilege" over "Robert Mueller's Full Report!"

"The Question is Why!" And, Secondly, "What Does President Trump have to Hide!" "What Does He have to Fear!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, May 14, 2019- "A New Question has Begun to Gain Interest and Traction" in "Both The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's, Which is "Why has U.S. Attorney General Barr Appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham from The District of Connecticut," to "Investigate The Origins of The Russian Investigations!" Especially, When "Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Declared Case Closed on The Special Council Investigations, on Tuesday The Seventh of May 2019!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Eighth of May 2019, As The Parallel Sphere's of The Robert Mueller's Russian Investigations Continue to Provide New Headlines in The Fourth Estate" and "Breaking News Spotlights" in The Global Cross Media Universe of News Reports," even "Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Must have Been Surprised," after "Declaring Case Closed on The Special Council Investigations, on Tuesday The Seventh of May 2019," that "The Republican Led Senate Intelligence Committee" "Subpoenaed Donald Trump Jr. to Return for Another Appearance" to "Discuss Inconsistencies in His Previous 2017 Testimony about, (1) His 2016 Meeting at Trump Tower to "Obtain Dirt on Mrs. Clinton," and "Whom He Discussed it with, and, (2) His Statement that He was only "peripherally aware" of "The Trump Tower Moscow Project," Both Instances are "Inconsistent with The Mueller Report!" 

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are "Former Private Attorney to President Trump," and Now Imprisoned, Michael Cohen, Claimed "He had briefed both Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump, about the Russian real estate deal around ten times.")-

-(And, Note that, Thursday, The Ninth of May 2019, "The House Intelligence Committee May also Join The Senate Intelligence Committee and "Subpoena Donald Trump Jr." Because of "The Inconsistencies in His Previous Testimony Before Congress," and "The Mueller Report!")-

"The Questions" that "Still Remain are (1) "Will Donald Trump Jr. Invoke His Fifth Amendment Rights," and (2) "Will There Be Additional Members of The Trump Family Facing Subpoenas by Congress!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Ninth of May 2019, President Trump Told Reporters, "He was very surprised by His Son's Subpoena."       

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
Monday The Sixth of May 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Letitia James New York Attorney General Tweeted" that She has "Filed a Lawsuit Against The Trump Treasury and IRS for failing to respond to records requests as required by law.
The agency eliminated donor disclosure requirements for tax-exempt groups,& refuses to comply w/the law to explain the rationale for these changes."

Global Cross Media News Reports are "NY Attorney General James also Stated in Her Suit Against The Treasury Department" and "its subsidiary the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)," that "She depends on donor disclosure forms to "adequately" to oversee the operations of non-profit, tax exempt organizations in New York." And, She also said, "No one is above the Law." 
"Not even the federal government----And we will use every tool to ensure they comply with these regulations to provide transparency and accountability."

-(Note that, "New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal Filed The Suit along side New York Attorney General Letitia James!")-

"Letitia James" is "The First African-American," and "First Woman" to "Be Elected Attorney General of New York!" She has "Succeeded Barbara Underwood who was Appointed to The Position," after "The Resignation of Eric Schneiderman," and is "Now the Sixty-Seventh Attorney General of New York!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Eighth of May, 2019 "The New York Times Article of President Trump's Business Losses of $1. 17 Billion Dollars from 1985 to 1994," "Definitely Challenges Whatever PR and Cognizance that "Surrounded His Book" "The Art Of The Deal," Which was Released in 1987, and "His Image as A Real Estate Developer and Businessman," However, "More Importantly Provides Americans" with "An Insight into The Real Donald Trump," and "Not All The Spin and Revisions Surrounding The President!"

And, "Just as Pertinent" is "The House Ways and Means Committee's Request" for "The Internal Revenue Service (IRS)" to "Provide Business and Personal Tax Returns of President Trump from 2013 Through 2018!"
-(Note that, Steven Mnuchin Secretary of The Department of Treasury has Refused to Comply with a Second Deadline" to "Provide This Documentation to The House Ways and Means Committee!")-

"The President" even as "A Candidate and Nominee of The Republican Party for The Presidency," has for "Some Reason Resisted Revealing His Tax Returns," Which has "Now Led to A Stand Off between Congress and The White House!" And, Which is "Headed Towards A Legal Showdown in The Highest Court of The United States of America," "The U.S. Supreme Court!"

And, "Even with President Trump's Emails" on Wednesday, The Eighth of May 2019, Describing "The Business and/or Tax Practices of Real Estate Developers in the 1980's and 1990's," "It Still Doesn't Reveal His Reluctance" to "Comply with A Forty Year Tradition of Every American President through This Time Period," of "Revealing Their Tax History for The United States Congress" and "American People to See!"

"It Should Be Obvious by Now," that "You Can Not Build A Wall of Seclusion and Concealment around Your Business and Personal Affairs," and "Be or Remain President of The United States of America!"  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Second of May 2019 The United States House of Representatives Acted Responsibly and with Principled Integrity," and "Passed The Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), "A Bill that "Would Prevent President Trump from Withdrawing The United States from The 2015 Paris Agreement," by "A Two Hundred and Thirty-One to One Hundred and Ninety Vote!"

"With The Democrats Leading The Way," and with "Three Republicans Joining Them!"

"This Bill Would Prohibit The Trump Administration from Using Federal Funds" to "Withdraw from The International Agreement," and "It Would also Force The White House to Create A Plan for The United States to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions between Twenty-Six Per Cent and Twenty-Eight Per Cent below 2005 Levels," Which is "An Important Feature of The Paris Agreement," and "Would also Require President Trump to Remit This Plan to Congress within One Hundred and Twenty Days!"  

"This Bill Sponsored by Kathy Castor," Democrat from The State of Florida, is "Another Positive Example of The Power of The Vote!" And, "The People's Vote," whose "Vote Changed The Balance of Power in The U.S. House of Representatives," and "The Vote of The Democratic Party," who have "Established from The First Day of Elective Duty in 2019," "An Purposeful Agenda" that is "Committed and Dedicated" to "Provide What is In The Best Interests Of The People, and For The People in The United States of America," and also "In Consideration for All The People of The Earths Sovereign Nations!"

And, Whether It Be, (1) "Gun Control Bills," (2) "The H.R. I Bill," A Bill that Americans Can Be Proud of, or,
(3) "Their Conscientious Attempt to Block President Trump's National Emergency Declaration," "The U.S. House of Representatives Led by The Democratic Party Agenda For The People, has "Been An Example" of "What Americans Expect from Their Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "It is "Now up to The Republican Controlled Senate" and "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," Republican from Kentucky, to "Take Up The Mantle Of The People," and "Pass This Bill by A Veto Proof Margin!"

However, "If The Republican Party Do Not Choose to Pick Up The Mantle Of The People," as "The Democrats have," "The American People Will have The Final Say in The 2020 Elections!"

"The United States" is "Not A One-Man-Rule Form of Governance," or "A One-Party-Rule Form of Governance!" It is A Democracy," and "A Nation of Laws," and "A Republic Of The People," and "The Continued Obstruction of Legislation that Is In The Best Interest Of The People Can No Longer Be Condoned, or Supported by The People!" And, Quite Clearly "Enough is Enough!"

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi," Democrat from California, said of "The Climate Action Now Act," on The House Floor, "It sends a signal to the world that the U.S. isn't in denial about the overwhelming science about climate."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Fourth of May 2019, "President Trump Tweeted that He "Had a long and very good conversation with with President Putin of Russia. As I have always said, long before the Witch Hunt started, getting along with Russia, China, and everyone is a good thing, not a bad thing....

....We discussed Trade, Venezuela, Ukraine, North Korea, Nuclear Arms Control, and even "The Russian Hoax. Very productive talk."

"The Question" is "Why Didn't President Trump Discuss The Concerns" that "U.S. Intelligence Directors have about Russian Interference in The 2020 Elections," During The "More than One Hour Long Call with President Putin!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Second Day of May, 2019 United States Attorney General William Barr Did Not Appear Before The House Judiciary Committee as Scheduled," Due to "A Disagreement over Procedures," of "Whether Staff Member's Could Ask Him Questions!"

"Chairman Jerrold Nadler Made a Brief Remark," Before Canceling What Lasted as Being only A Fifteen Minute Hearing, "This committee intends to obtain the information it needs to conduct its constitutional oversight and legislative responsibilities.  

We will defend the prerogatives of Congress. We'll defend the rights of the American people to know what's going on.

We will defend the Constitutional scheme of equal and co-equal branches of government.

We will make sure no President becomes a monarch. We need the information without delay. The hearing is adjourned."

"It was then that Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican from The State of Florida," Began to say, "Is it going to be, Mr. Chairman, there is not going to be a recognition of member's who seek legitimate inquiry as to the procedures,"  and had His Mic Cut Off!"

And, "Attorney General Barr's Empty Chair Looked on!"

And, On Thursday, The Second of May 2019, Global Cross Media Breaking News Reports "Left No Doubt about What House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Thoughts were" about U.S. Attorney General William Barr," She said at Her Weekly News Conference, "He lied to Congress. If anybody else did that, it would be considered a crime. Nobody is above the law. Not the President of the United States, and not the attorney general."

And when Speaker Pelosi was asked if He should go to jail She said, there's a process involved here," and "the committee will act upon how we will proceed." 

Note that, "Kerri Kupec," A Department of Justice Spokesperson said, "The baseless attack on the Attorney General is reckless, irresponsible and false."

At This Point in Time, "It is Important" to, (1) Begin Procedures on Attorney General Barr, But, (2) Just as Importantly, "Congress Must have Public/Open Hearings with Don McGahn, Rod Rosenstein, and Robert Mueller!" "This is "The only Way to Learn The Whole Detailed, Unredacted Truth," and "Nothing but The Truth" about "The Mueller Report," and "Russia's Interference in the U.S. 2016 Elections," and "Alleged Charges of Collusion" and "Obstruction of Justice!"

And, "If These Procedures," "Continued Congressional Investigations," and "Hearings," Lead to "Reprimands, Impeachment, or Resignations," "Then Let It Be!" This is Not about Winning or Losing," "It's about The Truth! And, "We Must Not Forsake The Truth" for "Personal Gain, Hubris, or Partisan Politics," or "Party Loyalties!" 

"The Truth is What Unites Us," and "Teaches Each New Generation The Path that The Immigrants, Pioneers, and Native Americans," who "Built This Sovereign Nation," and "Fought to Preserve Its Democratic Way of Life," as "The Founders Envisioned It," from "Ever Straying Away" from "Its Purpose, Destiny, and Visionary Goals!"

And, "It's The United States of America" that has "Agreed to Embark Upon This Grand Adventure," and "We The People Must Continue to Uphold Its Dream, Its Laws, and Vision," and "The Global Reality," and "Symbol of A Grand Ole Nation of Freedom, and Democracy," that "It has Become!"

And, "At Present The American People are Aware of The Political Impasse that Exists," "The Republican Party Controls The U.S. Senate," and "The U.S. House of Representatives" is "Controlled by The Democratic Party," and "The U.S. Supreme Court is Allegedly More Conservative" than "Moderate or Liberal in Interpreting The Law!" 

So "Whatever The Results and Consequences May Be" of "All of These Proceedings, Hearings, and Investigations," "The 2020 U.S. Elections Will Provide The American People" with "An Opportunity to Make Their Voices Heard," and "Vote Their Own Conscience," in "Support Of The Republic, Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The Law of The Land, The U.S. Constitution," But, "This Time" without "Foreign Interference!"

However, "It is also of The Utmost Importance" that "The United States Congress Must Not Allow Its Legislative Branch of The Government to Be Impeded from Functioning as The Constitution," and "We The People," have "Empowered It to Do Perform, On Behalf Of All The People," "Legally and Lawfully!" And, "Yes" No One is Above The Law!"

And "This is How A Highly Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People Can Exist Together" and "Has Existed Together For More that Two Millennia!"

And "Still There are New Beginnings to Embark Upon and Prosper," and "Increased Journeys to Unknown Planets and Galaxies of The Grand Universe," But, "There Must Be A Core," "A Heart, Spirit and Soul to Each New Enterprise," "A Solar Axiom," that Protects and Defends The Rights of Each and Every Human and Sentient Being," that "Is in The Best Interests Of All The People" "Governed By The Rule of Law, Compassion, Integrity, Respect," and "Freedom and Unlimited Opportunity For One and All," as "The Continued Embodiment of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century," and "Millennia Upon Millennia to Come!"

"The Parallel Landscapes of War, and "The Threat of The Escalation and Development of New Weapons of Mass Destruction, and Regional Conflicts, have Resulted in Decades of Deaths and Injuries' that have "Left The Earths Populace Mourning The Loss of Ten's of Thousands of Love One's, and The Destruction of Homes, Towns, and Cities from The Middle East to Asia, and Eastern Europe to South America!" 

And, "The Questions" that "Still Remain Current and Present" is, (1) Will The Sovereign Nations of Iran and The United States of America Engage in a Tactical, Psychological, or Strategic Confrontation," or "A Conflict with Human Casualties Involved!"

"The Recent Movement of USS Abraham Lincoln and US B-52 Bombers to The Persian Gulf of Iran" are "To Counter Any Unspecified Iranian Military Threats in The Region," by "Iran's Revolutionary Red Guard," or Regular Iranian Forces!"

"Ever Since President Trump's Announcement" that "He is Withdrawing The United States from The Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA-The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), on The Eighth of May 2018, and "As Iran has Warned that They May No Longer Comply with Some Aspects of The JCPOA," Which Threatens The Stability of The Current Agreement Between Iran and France, Britain, China, Russia and Germany!

And, "New U.S. Sanctions Against Iran have Been Issued" to "Force Them to Comply with A New Agreement with The United States, who "Objects and has Withdrawn from The JCPOA!" 
And, "Mounting Political Verbiage, Coupled with The Threat of Military Confrontations have Intensified The Overall Atmosphere in The Region," as well as "with The EU, who are also "Concerned about Irritating The Trump Administration!"

And, on Sunday, The Twelfth of May 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Yuval Steinitz, Israel's Energy Minister Gave Out A Warning to The Ynet News site, "Things are heating up, I wouldn't rule anything out. Iran many fire rockets at Israel."
The Sovereign Nation of Israel is "One of The United States Closest Allies in The Middle East," Therefore "Making It A Proxy" that "Iran May Attack in Place of The United States!"

"The European Union and Iran have Stated that They Would Like The Iran Nuclear Deal to Continue," But "The Question" is "Can They" under "The Pressure of New Sanctions Posed by The United States!" And, "This New Escalation of Threats Between The U.S. and Iran!"

And (2) Then There is The Continued Conflict Between The Sovereign Nations of Israel and Palestine with "Gaza Firing More than Four Hundred Rockets at Israel," and "Causing The Death of One Man" and "Wounding Four Others," During The Weekend of The Fifth of May 2019, (in A Second Day of Fighting), with "Israel Responding with Coordinated Air strikes and Tank Fire," that "Resulted in The Deaths of Six Palestinians in Gaza!"
And, "The Question" Still Remains, "How Many More Lives and Years Will It Take Before These Two Nations Enter into A Permanent State of Peace," For The Sake of Their Children, and Future Generations to Come!"

And, (3) On Saturday, The Fifth of May 2019 The Democratic People's Republic of North Korea "Launched Multiple Short-Range Missiles" from "Hodo Peninsula" which is "Located on The Eastern Coast of The Nation!"

"In a Statement from Sarah Huckabee Sanders, The White House Press Secretary, Stated that, "We are aware of North Korea's actions tonight," And, "We will continue to monitor as necessary."

"The Question" is "Why!" "What is There to Gain from "This Act of Provocation!" It Will Not Bring An End to U.S. Sanctions," Which DPRK Leader Kim Jong un "Must Be Aware of!"

And, "Yes There Will Be Some Press Coverage by The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Coverage" of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," But, "Will It End The Maximum Pressure" that "The U.S. has Been Imposing on DPRK!" 

And, "Launching More Missiles or Projectiles Will Not Feed The People of North Korea," who have had to "Pay An Enormous Price" for "The Weapons of Mass Destruction that have Been Developed!"

And, The Follow Up Question" is, "Why hasn't President Xi Jinping of The People's Republic of China," and "President Vladimir Putin of The Russian Federation," "Two Leaders who Chairman Kim Jong un has Confided in," Counseled Him to Bridge The Differences He has with The United States," and "Seek An Honorable Agreement For The Sake of His People," and "For Future Generations of North Koreans," and "South Koreans," and "The Asian Continent," and "For All Peace and Freedom Loving Sovereign Nations of The Earth!"

"How Many More Years Will It Take!"

And, (4) "Then There Continues to Be The Trade War of Hubris Between President Trump and President Xi," that "Continues to have A Negative Effect on Both Nations Economies," and "The Global Markets!"

And, (5) "The Withdrawal of The 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty" (INF), by President Trump and President Putin is Clearly Another Example of Hubris and The Lack of Cognizant Diplomacy" to "Resolved Whatever Differences that There May Be Between This Two Sovereign Nations," For The Sake of Peace On Earth,' and "The Non-Proliferation of Weapon's of Mass Destruction!"

"One Would Think" that "This was The Twentieth Century," and that "The History Between These Two Nations," and "World War I," and "World War II," and "Other Conflicts and Wars" had "Never Occurred!"

"Hasn't History Shown Us The Futility of War," and "The Overwhelming Magnitude and Enormity" that "Weapon's of Mass Destruction Can have Upon The Earth's Populace!Treaties Between The United States and The Russian Federation!'

And, (6) "Isn't It Time to End The Futility of War in Syria," and "Afghanistan (The Longest War in The History of The United States of America-Seventeen Years)!" And, "Put An End" to "Dictators," and "Criminal Syndicates and Perpetrators of Terror," and "Acts of Violence," who "Should Be Brought on Charges of Crimes Against Humanity!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are President Bashar-al Assad is "Responsible for More than One Hundred Thousand People Being Imprisoned," and "Countless Numbers" who have "Been Tortured!")-

And, (7) "Resolve The Ongoing Conflict" and "Political Crisis that Exists in Venezuela," Where "A Humanitarian Crisis, "Needs to Be Immediately and Seriously Addressed," "Because of The Great Damage," and "Negative Effect" It has had Upon "The Lives of The Citizens of Venezuela!"

And, (8) "Protect The Rights of The Kurdish People," who have "Fought Courageously Against Criminal Syndicates of Terror in The Middle East," and "The Assad Dictatorship," and "Allied Themselves with The United States Coalition of Forces," who "Now Find Themselves in A Growing Conflict with The Sovereign Nation of Turkey!"

And, (9) "Isn't It Time to Resolve Global and Domestic Immigration Issues," so that "Families who have Been Forced to Flee Their Homes," and "Their Sovereign Nation," "Can Find Peace and Social Security in Their Lives Once More!"

And, (10) "The Question" is "Why Is It that Pope Francis has to Issue A New Law" to "Report Sex Abuse in The Catholic Church!" "The Fact" that "For So Many Years This Perverted Behavior has Occurred in The Church" is "A Damning Fact to Begin with!"And, "The Name of Every Member of The Church" who has "Been Convicted of Sexual Abuse or Sexual Misconduct Should Be Made Public!"

Let's One and All Agree" that "The Abuse of Young Boys," and/or "Women and Men of The Catholic Church," or "In Any Area of Public or Private Sectors Must Not Go Unpunished," and "Can Not Be Allowed to Exist!" "Enough is Enough!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Ninth of May 2019, "Pope Francis Issued A New Vatican Law," that "Requires all priests and nuns worldwide to report sexual abuse and subsequent coverups to Catholic church authorities."
Again, "Let Us Clearly Comprehend and Acquiesce Together," that "It is of The Utmost Importance" and "Responsibility of Every Christian," and/or "Global Citizen," to "Report Acts of Sexual Abuse," or "Sexual Misconduct," "Immediately to The Police and Church Authorities!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"It is Going to Take An Inspiring Political, Cognizant, and Humanistic Agenda Fused Together" with "A Sociological and Universal Cloud Perspective" to "Transcend The Negative Atmosphere Surrounding The Impeding Walls of The Republican Sphere of Obstructionism of The Trump Administration!"

And, "There is Little Doubt" that "There Needs to Be A Synergy of Purpose and Vision," and "A New Renaissance and Cultural Movement," that "Embraces and Empowers The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People," to "Break Through The Partisan Impasse" that is "Challenging The Laws of The Land," and "Seeks to Destabilize The Fundamental Principles and Laws of The U.S. Constitution," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "The Challenges and Impediments" to "The Democracy and Republic" are "On A Parallel Course of Daily Confrontations in Federal, State, and Local Affairs Leaving No One Untouched" by "A Cycle of Untruths," and "Fortunately also by Solar Axioms!" "All Headed Towards An End Resolve in The Courts of The Nation!" 

However, "It Will Take A Selfless and Grand Coalition of Individuals, Women and Men," who "Possess A Sense of Values, Empathy, Respect, and Integrity," and who "Believe in The Welfare of One and All" to "Lead The Way!"

"The Soul, Spirit and Heart of The Nation are At Stake!" And, "The Healthcare, Welfare, Security, Well-Being, Prosperity, and Mental Soundness and Awareness of The Youth of The Nation is At Stake!" 

And, "Candidates Seeking The Nomination of Their Party Must Unite in A Singular Purpose and Synergy" that "Surmounts The Conditioned Reality" that has "Been Immersed and Saturated by False Political Campaign Rhetoric," and "Misleading Domestic and International Policies, Hubris, Trade Wars," and "Profit at The Expense Of The People!

"A Singular Purpose and Synergy" that "Brings A New Sense of Undeniable Trust, Credibility, and Believability To The People!" 

And, "Cognitive, Insightful, and Well Thought-Out Idea's are Needed!" 

"Idea's" that "Provide Encouragement" and "Not Just Campaign Appearances," and "Photo-Ops!"

Idea's such as "The One Presidential Candidate and Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Representative Elijah Cummings of Maryland, " Democratic Chairman of The House Committee on Oversight and Reform, "Announced to Combat The Opioid Crisis!"

The "H.R. 2569, The Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency (CARE) Act," "Provides A Framework to Treat The Opioid Crisis Like The National Health Emergency It has Become!"

"To Address The Seriousness of The Opioid Addiction Crisis in The United States," "The H.R. 2569 Legislation" is "To Provide $One Hundred Billion Dollars over The Next Ten Years!"
Including; (1) Four Billion Dollars to States, Territories, and Tribal Governments, (2) "$2.7 Billion Dollars to Be Provided Annually" to "The Hardest Hit" Counties and Cities in The U.S., and, (3) $1.7 Billion Dollars for Public Health Surveillance, Biomedical Research, and Improved Training for Health Professionals, (4) $1.1 Billion to Support Expanded and Innovative Service Delivery, and, (5) "$Five Hundred Million Dollars Annually to Expand Access to Overdose Reversal Drugs (Naloxone)!" 

Senator Warren Stated that; "The opioid and addiction crisis is a national emergency that touches all communities, regardless of location, average income, or racial makeup. The federal government has waited far too long to address this crisis, which takes an average of 192 American lives every single day. It's long past time to enact comprehensive legislation to make sure everyone who needs treatment for a substance abuse disorder is able to get it."

And, Representative Cummings Stated that; "Families across this nation----in red states, blue states, and purple states, in big cities, suburbs, and rural areas----are struggling with the devastating consequences of this generational crisis that claims 192 lives every single day. I am proud to introduce the CARE Act with Senator Warren to finally get to the heart of this problem by providing stable and sustained funding for states and local communities to expand access to evidence-based treatment."    

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Congratulations" to "Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex," For "The Loving and Blessed Arrival of A Loving Baby Boy to Their Family!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, May 10, 2019, "As The Intensity Continues to Evolve and Grow" within "The Parallel Sphere's of Political and Governmental Conflicts" between "The Trump Administration and Its Allies," and "The United States Congress," "The Democrats in The United States House of Representatives," Continue to "Forge Ahead with The People's Business," by "Passing A $19.1 Billion Dollar Disaster Relief Bill," over "The Expressed Objections and Difference of Opinion of President Donald Trump!"

"The House Vote" was "Two Hundred and Fifty-Seven to One Hundred and Fifty," with "Thirty-Four Republicans Joining The Democrats!"

And, Once Again, "The Responsibility Lies with The Republican Controlled Senate to Join with Senate Democrats" and "Pass This House Disaster Relief Bill by Sixty Votes or More," to "Make It Veto Proof," and "Send A Clear Message to The President" that "The Welfare of The American People Comes First, and that "Includes Puerto Rico," who are "Still in Dire Need of Funding to Make The Repairs Necessary to Recover Fully," from "The Devastating Damage Incurred by Hurricane Maria," that "Tragically Caused The Deaths of Four Thousand Six Hundred and Forty-Five People," During The Four Month Period After The Hurricane!" 

And "Disaster Relief is Still Needed Wherever A Tornado, Forrest Fire, Flooding, or Destructive Storms have Laid Waste" to "Communities, Cities, and States in America!"

"There are Countless Numbers of Families" who "have had Their Homes Destroyed Due to Natural Disasters in The United States," and "It is The Responsibility of The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of The United States Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People" to "Provide Relief and Hope For These Families for Their Present and Future!" 

And, "This is An Honest and Forthright Way to Show The American People that Their Government Cares For Them," and "Can Work in A Bipartisan Effort to Make Their Lives Better," and "Improve Their Quality of Life," and "Make a Positive Difference in Their Lives," that "is "Both Healing" and "Improves The Quality of Their Lives in Times of Desperation and Need," without "It Being a Political/Partisan/Election Issue!"

Wednesday Evening, The Eighth of May 2019, At a Political Rally, "President Trump said, "Now we need Democrats in Congress to work with us to pass an acceptable bill. We're getting close; it's pretty tough dealing with them."

Well, "The Democrats and Thirty- Four Republicans in The House of Representatives have Passed A Good Bill," Now, "It's The Senate Republicans and President Trump's Turn to Do Their Job," as "Elected Officials Of The People's Government," and "Pass This House of Representatives Disaster Relief Bill," and "Thereby Making It Official," without, (1) "Any Pet Projects," or (2) "Policy Riders," or, (3) "Anything else Other than What Pertains to Disaster Relief!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Tenth of May 2019, In An Overnight (Thursday-Friday) Raid in Burkina Faso, "Four Hostages" were "Heroically Rescued by Courageous and Brave French Special Forces," and "Troops from France's Barkhane Operation," with "Important Support by U.S. Intelligence!" 

"The Two French Tourists who were Rescued, Patrick Picque, and Laurent Lassimouillas" were "Kidnapped on The First of May 2019," While on Holiday in "The Pendjari National Park in Benin," Approximately Four Hundred and Twenty-Two Miles (679 km)," North of Benin's Economic Capitol, Cotonou, in West Africa, Along with "A South Korean and American Woman," who were also "Being Held Captive," "Previously Unknown by The French Forces," who were "Beneficiaries of The Military Raid in The Northern Sahel Region!" "The Two Women had Been Held Captives for Twenty-Eight Days!"

-(Note that, "The Safari Guide of Patrick Picque, and Laurent Lassimouillas" was "Found Dead in The Pendjari National Park!")-  

Unfortunately, "Two of The Elite French Commandos, Cedric de Pierrepont and Alain Bertoncello Died in The Covert Military Raid!" And, "Four Kidnappers were Killed!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are French President Emmanuel Macron Expressed In A Statement from The Elysee Palace" on Friday, The Tenth of May 2019, that, He "wants to congratulate all the French armed forces for the liberation of the hostages, and includes everyone who worked alongside them."
And "He bows with emotion and solemnity before the sacrifice of our two soldiers who gave their lives to save those of our citizens."

"Both Patrick Picque, and Laurent Lassimouillas" were a Part of "The Task Force Sabre unit," Based in Burkina Faso, "A Special Naval Operation Forces-Commandos/Marines, "Deployed with Operation Barkhane!"

"The United States Department of State, South Korea, and Burkina Faso's President Roch Marc Christian Kabore, "Offered Their Condolences to The Families of The Two Special Forces Soldiers who were Killed!

"Francois Lecointre," France's Army Chief, "Described The Kidnappers/Militant Group" as "Terrorists" at "A News Conference!"

We Would Like to Express Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Patrick Picque, and Laurent Lassimouillas in This Time Period of Grief and Deep Sadness and We Mourn The Loss of Your Love One's with You!

And, To The Task Force Sabre unit, Friends, and Citizens of France, We also Share in Your Sorrow and Loss!        

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "Let Us Agree" that "There is Nothing Light about What is Transpiring" in "The United States of America at Present!"

"The Nation has Been Divided by Hubris," "Crime and Scandal," "Divisive Domestic and Foreign Policies," and "Foreign Interference!"

"The Truth," and "The Grand Traditions," and "Principles of America," and of "All The United Sovereign Nations Of The Earth" "Must Be Upheld!"

And, "We The People," Must Unite in The Name of The Youth of The Nation," and "The Earth," and "In The Best Interests of The Earths Populace," and "The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations" who "Believe in Peace, Freedom, and Justice For One and All!"

And, "We Must Be A Bridge" and "Synergy of Meaningful and Cognizant Purpose" and "Share Our Purpose" of "Caring For The Welfare, Healthcare, Social, Economic, and Spiritual Security, Universal Prosperity, Empowerment, Safety," and "Defense and Protection of "The Global Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People," Irregardless of "Age, Gender, Nationality, Tribe, Color, Special Needs, or Creed!"

And, "We Must Be A Universal and Global Nexus of A Core of Solar Axioms and Truisms," that "Is The Omnipotent Engine" of "An Equation of Indomitable Beliefs" of "A Highly Principled  Age, Evolution and Manifestation" of "An Earths Civilization Emboldened by The Truest Actions of The Heart, Mind, Intellect, and Spirit," and "Great Soul Strength Of The People," "Embodied, Epitomized, and Manifested in The Doctrine of Equality, Global Equilibre, Respect and Reverence of The Lives Of All The Peace-loving People," and "Grand Cultural Movements," of "Our Home Planet Earth!"

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent Age of An Earthrise Vision Of The People, By The People, and For The People of Great Potential, and of A Grand Cosmos and Grand Universe of Boundless Ecological and Environmental Systems, of A Myriad Different Sphere's of Parallel Galaxies of Celestial Bodies, and States of Comprehension, Grand Perspectives, and Experiences of Magnificence and Beauty of Enlightened Polities!

"Happy Mother's Day to All The Mother's of Our Home Planet Earth"
"Enjoy A Wonderful Day with Your Families!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Seventh of May 2019, "Two Vindictive Minded Students, 16, and 18, Years of Age," "Opened Fire at STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) School Highlands Branch" in a Suburb of Denver, Littleton, Colorado, within "Two Separate Locations Inside of The School," and "Killing One Student, Kendrick Castillo," and "Wounding Eight Others," "Before Several Brave and Courageous Students Kendrick Castillo, 18, (Who was days away from Graduation), Brendan Bialey, 16," and Joshua Jones, "Immediately Rushed One of The Evil Minded Malignant Suspects," and "Bravely and Courageously Prevented More Deaths from Occurring," by "Helping to Disarm The Suspect," although "Tragically Kendrick Castillo was Killed in This Act of Heroism!"

"This Act of Heroism by These Three Students" is "Greatly Appreciated Displaying A True Sense of Community, Friendship, and All of The Qualities that America Stands for," Especially, "During This Tragic Time Period," When "Americans are Attacking Americans in Schools Across The Nation!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Brendan Bialey said of "Kendrick Castillo's Reaction to The Shooter, "It was immediate, non hesitation, immediate jump into action,".... "The gunman was there and then he was against the wall and didn't know what the hell hit him."

"Brendan and Another Fellow Student, Joshua Jones (who was Wounded) also Attacked the Suspect" and "Pinned Him Down," However, "Kendrick was Fatally Wounded," and "Died in The School!"

Tony Spurlock, Douglas County Sheriff said, "We did struggle with the suspects to take them into custody."

GCM New Reports are "The Eighteen Year Old Suspect is Facing "One Count of First Degree Murder" and "Twenty-Nine of Attempted First Degree Murder!"

And, "The Juvenile Sixteen Year Old Suspect," (who is "Transgender" and "Transitioning from Male to Female) has "Not Yet Been Charged!" 
"Both Suspects are Students at The Charter School!"

"Authorities are Investigating The Motivation for This Malicious Attack!" Which "Appear to Be Anti-Christian!"

The White House said in a Statement, "Our prayers are with the victims, family members, and all those affected by today's at STEM School Highlands Ranch in Littleton, Colorado. Tragically, this community and all those surrounding it know all too well these hateful and horrible acts of violence." 

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Kendrick Castillo in This Time of Deep Grief and Mourning and We Would Like to Give Solace to The Castillo Family in This Time Period of Deep Sorrow for The Loss of Their Son and Love One!

And, To The Students and Faculty of STEM School Highlands Ranch, and The Community of Littleton, Colorado, and The Citizens of Colorado, and Friends of Kendrick Castillo, We Mourn The Loss of This Brave Young Man, and We Would Like to Express Our Sympathy to You in This Traumatic Time Period, Caused by Yet Another Malicious Act of Gun Violence!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Eighth of May 2019, "The Students of STEM School Highlands Ranch and Their Parents" "Walked Out of A School Shooting Vigil," that was Supposed to Be "An Event to Honor and Remember Kendrick Castillo," Because "They Felt as If The Event was Being Too Politicized!" 

"This Public Vigil for Kendrick Castillo," was Sponsored by "Team Enough," A Youth Program that is Connected to The Nations Oldest Gun Violence Prevention Advocacy Group, "The Brady Campaign," and also "March for Our Lives!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "There were Several Well-Intentioned Speakers at The Event," that "Included Several Democrats," House Representative Jason Crow, and Senator Michael Bennet, (who is "A Candidate for President") both are "Politicians from Colorado!"

"It is Extremely Unfortunate" that "The Circumstances of This Vigil Resulted in Students and Parents Walking Out in Protest!" "Many of Whom Felt" that "They Should have Been Speaking in Honor of Their Classmate, Kendrick Castillo, 18, who "Died in A Brave Act of Courage and Heroism," "Protecting The Lives of His Schoolmates!"   

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance" that "The Voice of The Students and Parents of STEM School Highlands Ranch," "Be Given Every Opportunity to Be Heard!"

We have Seen "The Deaths of Too Many Students in The Twenty-First Century," and "Too Many Mothers, Fathers, and Family Members have Suffered at The Hand of Too Many Acts of Cruelty," and "Too Many Barbaric and Evil Acts of Domestic Gun Violence in The United States of America!" 

And, "These Malevolent Acts of Violence" that have "Been Shamefully and Dishonorably "Caused by The Evil Acts of One American Against Another American Must End!" "For The Sake of Our Present" and "Future Generations!"

However, "It Will Take Every American Family," and "The Cooperation of Every Academic, Religious, Financial, and Government Institution to Accomplish This!"

And, "We Must One and All Dedicate and Commit Ourselves" to "An End of This Sub-Culture of Violence in The United States," that has "Claimed The Lives of Too Many of Our Love Ones!"

 And, "In These Extremely Sensitive Times,"We Must Work in Harmony Together," as "A Grand Soul Force Of The People," who have "The Best Interests Of All The People Clearly in Mind!"

-In Memoriam:
"Star Wars Actor Peter Mayhew" who "Portrayed The Iconic Role of Chewbacca," "Died of A Heart Attack in His Home in Boyd, Texas, at The Age of Seventy-Four," on Tuesday, The Thirtieth of April 2019!

"The Death of Mr. Mayhew is A Shock to All Star Wars Fans," who "Adored His Portrayal of A Giant but Lovable Wookiee in Five Films of The Star Wars Series," Beginning with The Original Trilogy; ("Star Wars," in 1978, "The Empire Strikes Back," in 1980, and "Return Of The Jedi," in 1983), and "Star Wars: Episode III- Revenge of The Sith," in 2005, and "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," in 2015!

However, Mr. Mayhew was "Hired for His First Acting Job" in "Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger," in 1976, and then, "In 1978 Mr. Mayhew Performed in "Terror," Directed by Norman J. Warren, and in "The Muppet Show," in 1980, also was The Recipient of "A Lifetime Achievement Award" at The MTV Film Awards, in 1997, and in "Dragon Ball GT: A Heroes Legacy," (as Susha in A Voice Role), in 2004, and in "Comic Book: The Movie," in 2004, and "Yesterday Was a Lie," in 2008, and "He was A Chewbacca Consultant in "Star Wars" The Last Jedi," in 2017, and "Solo: A Star Wars Story," in 2018!   

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Peter Mayhew, and We Mourn His Loss with You!

And, To His Legion of Fans, Friends, and Fellow Colleagues, We are Fortunate to have Enjoy His Wonderful Talent on Display in Star Wars Films for As Long as The Motion Picture Film Industry Exists!

-In Memoriam:
Monday, The Thirteenth of May 2019, "Iconic Actress, Singer, and Animal Welfare Activist Doris Day Died" at The Age of Ninety-Seven, "After Contracting Pneumonia!"

"Born Doris Mary Ann Kappelhoff in Cincinnati, Ohio," In 1950 "Doris Day was Voted The Favorite Film Star of U.S. Service Men in Korea," and "Became The Top Female Film Star from The Early 1960's Through 2012!"

"Doris Day's Extraordinary Music and Film Superstar Career Netted Her Many Awards," and was "One of Eight Performers to Be The Top Box Office Earner Four Times!"

In 1960 "She was Nominated for The Academy Award for Best Actress," and "In 1989 Doris was Given the "Cecil B. DeMille Award for Lifetime Achievement in Motion Pictures!"

And, In 2004 "Doris Day was Awarded The Presidential Medal of Freedom," and In 2011, "She was "Given The Los Angeles Film Critics Associations Career Achievement Award!"

"Her Career as A Film Actress Lasted for A Remarkable Twenty Years," "Starring" with "The Most Handsome Hollywood and International Leading Men" Including "Bob Cummings, Clark Gable, James Garner, Cary Grant, Rex Harrison, Rock Hudson, David Niven, John Raitt, Tony Randall, Frank Sinatra, James Stewart, Rod Taylor, and Gig Young!"

And, "Her Singing Career was Just as Successful with Major Hits such as, "Sentimental Journey in 1945" with The Les Brown Band, and also had "Six Other Billboard Hits with His Band!"

"Doris Day also Proved to Be More than A Musical Comedy Actress," When "She Co- Starred with James Cagney" in "Love Me of Leave Me" in 1955, and in Alfred Hitchcock's "The Man Who Knew Too Much," in 1956, with James Stewart, of Which "Que Sera Sera," "Won The Academy Award for Best Original Song."

-(Note that, "Doris Day was Ranked The Number One Female Vocalist Nine out of Ten Times" from "1949 Through 1958 in Billboards Annual National Poll of Disc Jockeys!")-

In 1960 "Doris Day Starred with Cary Grant" in "That Touch Of Mink" Which Became The First Film to Gross A Million Dollars in One Theater (Radio City Music Hall).

And, "Her Accomplishments Continued from 1960 Through 1964" Becoming only "The Second Woman to Become Number One for Four Times," and "She also Won Seven Laurel Awards for Top Female Box Office Star," "A Record that has Not Been Equaled!"

And, "From 1959 Through 1970 She was Nominated for Nine Laurel Awards, For Best Female Performance in Eight Comedies and One Dramatic Role," "Winning Four Times!"

And, "From 1959 Through 1969 Doris Day was Nominated" for "Six Golden Globes for Best Female Performance" in "Three Comedies, One Musical ("Jumbo")Her Television Series, and One Dramatic Role ("Midnight Lace")!"

"Throughout The Years Doris Day's Animal Activism has Been Well Known" and "Admired by Her Peers and Fans," In 1971 She Co- Founded "Actors and Other's for Animals," and In 1978 She Founded the "Doris Day Pet Foundation, (DDAF)" Now the "Doris Day Animal Foundation," and In 1987 the "Doris Day Animal League," (DDAL), and In 2006 "The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), and In 2011 "Doris Day Contributed Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars" Towards "The Founding of the Doris Day Horse Rescue and Adoption Center!" 

"Doris Day's Life as A Singer, Actress and Activist" is "An Amazing Success Story" that "Demands to Be Told," Irregardless of The Difficulties in Her Personal Life, or Possibly More so, and "Shared with Future Generations of Film and Music Devotees," and "Future Activists!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Doris Day, and Mourn Her Loss with You!
And, To All of Her Friends, Fellow Colleagues, and Fans Worldwide, We are Very Fortunate to have Her Universal Body of Work to Enjoy for as Long as The Worlds of Film and Music Exist!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to A The Families who have Lost A Love One Due to Gun Related Violence, or Violence Caused by The Acts of Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not for The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings! We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And, To All The Families and Communities, Domestically and Globally, who have Lost A Love One Due to A Natural Disaster. We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!