Wednesday, May 1, 2019



The Way To Peace! #340

With The Arrival of "The First of May," "A National Public Holiday in Many Sovereign Nations Across The Earth," Celebrated as International Workers' Day, "Feting The Grand Accomplishments of International Labourers and The Working Class" who had to "Fight for Their Rights," and "For The Creation of An Eight Hour Work Day," (also Workers' Day, Labour Day, and May Day, St. Joseph the Worker, Celebrated in North America on the First of September), and of course, "The Celebration of The Arrival of The Season of Springtime," "This International Holiday" has only "Been Supplanted in The Minds of The Many," by "The Highly Anticipated and Expected Advent of The Mueller Report!"    

And, Thursday, The Eighteenth of April 2018 (Holy Thursday) After Almost Two Years in The Making, "The Redacted Mueller Report" was "Officially Released!" 

"Or Possibly" It Should Be Called "Criminal Intent Versus Unethical Behavior and Misconduct," However, "The Mueller Report Validated The Conclusions of Seventeen Intelligence Agencies," and "The United States Congress," that "Russia Interfered with The 2016 Presidential Election!"

(Irregardless of What Russian President Putin Told President Trump," that "Russia Did Not Interfere with The U.S. Elections, and President Trump said "He Believed Him!")

And, "To (1) Whether You Personally Agree, or Disagree with The Mueller Report," or, (2) "Believe that President Trump's Actions and Statements Leading Up and Before The Release of The Mueller Report," were "Acts of Collusion or Obstruction of Justice," "There is Still An Alternative Overview to The Equation of The Mueller Report," "A Parallel One," that "Deals Directly with President Trump's Behavior, Conduct, and "Outright Public Attacks" upon "The Special Counsel's Investigations," "The Fourth Estate," "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," who "Reported The News Concisely or Accurately," or "Anyone Democrat or Republican," who "Did Not Agree with Him," or "Who Did Not Agree to Do His Bidding!"    

However, "Let's Continue" with "The Department of Justice Policy or Tradition" that "You Can Not Indict a Sitting President!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "This Impasse to Justice" "Originated During The Nixon Administration," and "The Watergate Scandal," and "The Embarrassment of Seeing A Sitting President Arrested," and "Placed on Criminal Charges," or "Being Impeached was Avoided," "Due to President Nixon's Resignation from Office!"

"An Internal Memo from The Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel in 1973 Stated, "The Spectacle of an indicted President still trying to serve as Chief Executive boggles the imagination."

And, "This Department  of Justice Policy was Reaffirmed in 2000," In a memo that Stated, "The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the Executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions." 

 However, "This Does Not Prevent Congress from Impeaching The President," as "Former President Clinton Partially Experienced" by "A Vote in The U.S. House of Representatives in 1996!" The U.S. Senate "Voted Against Impeachment!"

So, "Here We are on Thursday, The Eighteenth of 2019," and "Hearing United States Attorney General William Barr State in His Press Conference before The Nation," even "Before The U.S. Congress," and "The American People have Read The Four Hundred and Forty-Eight Page Mueller Report," Yet "Another Summation, His Second," that "As the special counsel report makes clear, the Russian government sought to interfere in our election process, but thanks to the special counsel's thorough investigation, we now know that the Russian operatives who perpetrated these schemes did not have the cooperation of President Trump and the Trump campaign, or the knowing assistance of any other American for that matter. That is something all Americans can and should be grateful to have confirmed." "In other words there was no evidence of Trump campaigns collusion of the Russian government's hacking."

"The First Part of This Statement We Can All Agree to," about "Russian Interference," However, "The Second Half" about President Trump and The Trump Campaign" "Still Leaves One with "I Would Like to Read The Complete Mueller Report for Myself" and "Then Make my Own Conclusions!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Thirtieth of April 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports have "Revealed that A Secret Letter was Sent to U.S. Attorney General William Barr from Robert Mueller," In The Month of March 2019, "Expressing Mr. Mueller's Deep Concerns over AG Barr's Four Page Summary of The Mueller Report, that, (1) "Did Not Capture The Principled Conclusions of The Mueller Report, and, (2) "Believed The Summary Lacked Context," and, (3) "Was for The Most Part "Frustrated with The Media Coverage of The Report!"

And, "The Revelation of Mr. Mueller's Secret Letter to AG Barr," has also "Cast A Serious Shadow over AG Barr's His Four Page Summary," and "His Previous Statement" that "He had Not Been in Direct Contact with Mr. Mueller Before Releasing His Summary of The Mueller Report," and also,  "Now Casts Serious Doubts" in Regards to "AG Barr's Conclusions about "No Collusion and Obstruction of Justice!"

Wednesday, The First of May 2019, "Attorney General Barr is Scheduled to Appear Before A Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing," and on Thursday, The Second of May, "He is Scheduled to Appear Before The House Judiciary Committee!" However, "AG Barr has Objected to House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler's Plan" to "Include The Committee's Legal Counsels in the Questioning," and "May Not Appear!"

And, "Calls For Attorney General Barr's Resignation have Begun to Mount!"      

However, "Even without Reading The Complete Mueller Report "We have All Been Witnesses to President Trump's Attacks on The Special Counsel's Investigations" Calling Them "Witch Hunts," and More, and "The President's Continued Attacks Upon The Global Cross Media News Platforms," and "The Fourth Estate," All of Which have "Publicly Played Out via Tweets," and "In White House Press Releases in The News" (ironically).

 And, "The Questions Still Remain,", "Why Did Several of The Presidents Men Lie on His Behalf!" "What was Their Intent!" And, "Why Did They Meet with Russian Operatives whose Intent was to Discredit Mrs. Clinton!"

And, "Why Did Candidate Trump Welcome Russia and WikiLeaks Help in Finding Mrs. Clinton's Emails!" "Who was Advising Him to Do This!" After all President Putin had "Not Shown Any Sincere Liking for Former President Obama," and "Former Secretary of State Clinton," or as "A Matter of Fact The United States When He was A KGB Officer!" 

And, "Was It Good Conduct on The Part of Candidate Trump and The Trump Campaign" to "Meet with Russian Officials" and then "Deny that They Had," on "Numerous Occasions!" 

And, "Why did President Trump say as Stated in The Mueller Report," After Learning that Robert Mueller III was Chosen to Be The Special Counsel for The Russian Investigations, "Oh my God. This is terrible, This is the end of my Presidency, I'm "F**ked. I'm F**ked" 
"What was He Afraid of Being Discovered!"

And, "If The President is Innocent of Collusion and/or Obstruction of Justice,"and "Feels Exonerated," as "Attorney Barr has Summarized," then"Why Did The President Attempt to Control, Denigrate, or Destroy The Russian Investigations," and "Remove Robert Mueller from Special Counsel!"

And, "Specifically in Regards to Obstruction of Justice" The Special Counsel's Report Stated that, "The evidence does suggest indicate that a thorough FBI investigation would uncover facts about the campaign and the president personally that the President could have understood to be crimes or would have given rise to personal or political concerns."

And, "The Mueller Report also States that "The Presidents efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests."

And then, There are "The Ten "Discreet Acts," When "President Trump May have Obstructed Justice," that was "Documented and Revealed in The Special Counsels Report," As Robert Mueller's Team "Closely Investigated President Trump," Beginning with, (1) The Presidents Concerns about The Russian Governments apparent support for candidate Trump," and The Truth about the Trump Tower in Moscow Project, and All of which could have lead The Public to reconsider The Legitimacy of His Election, (2) Incidences Surrounding The Firing of Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and The Presidents Meeting with Former FBI Director James Comey and Attempts to encourage Him to stop investigating Flynn" saying  "He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go." and Asking Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland to Draft an internal memo stating that "The President had not directed Flynn to discuss sanctions with (Russian Foreign Minister) Kislyak, (3) The Circumstances Surrounding The Frustration of The President over The then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions Recusal from The Russian Investigations, (4) Circumstances Surrounding The Firing of Former FBI Director Comey, When "The White House Insisted that the President had Fired Comey" at "The Recommendation of The Department of Justice," Which Turned Out to Be Untrue, and The Day The President Fired Mr. Comey He Told Russian Officials in The Oval Office that "He had faced great pressure because of Russia' which had been 'taken off' by Comey's firing." (5) The President's Negative Reaction When Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Authorized Robert Mueller's to Be Special Counsel to Investigate The Russian Matter, (6) The Suppression of Information Surrounding The Trump Tower Meeting with Trump Campaign Officials and A Russian Attorney. President Trump told his aids "not to publicly disclose the emails setting up the June 9 meeting, suggesting that the email would not leak, and that the number of lawyers with access to them should be limited." Donald Trump Jr. who had been at the meeting in Trump Tower, wrote a press release saying "the meeting was with 'an individual' who (Donald Trump Jr.) was told might have information helpful to the campaign.'"

-(Note that President Trump's Personal Lawyer Denied to reporters The President had "played any role with (Donald) Trump Jr.'s Statement!")- 

(7) The Attempts by The President to have Attorney General Sessions "Reverse his Recusal," and Asked AG Sessions to take (a) look at investigating Hillary Clinton. (8) Asked Don McGahn to "Dispute that He (The President) had Instructed Him to Remove Special Counsel Mueller. Which Mr. McGahn Refused to Do!" (9) The President's Conduct with Former National Security Adviser Flynn after Mr. Flynn withdrew from a "Joint Defense agreement with The President" and "Began Cooperating with The Special Counsel." And, "The Subtleties of Communication" as "Expressed by The President's Personal Counsel," and The President's Praise of Paul Manafort, "as a brave man who refused to break," and (10) "The Intensity of President Trump's Negative Feelings about His Former Private Attorney, Publicly Criticizing Him, and Calling Him a "Rat" and suggested that his family members had committed crimes."  
"The Call" for "Special Counsel Mueller to Testify before The U.S. Congress" is "A Necessary Move Before Congress Makes Up Its Mind about, (1) Whether There Should Be A Severe Public Reprimand Placed Against President Trump by Congress, (2) Begin Impeachment Hearings, (3) Accept Attorney General Barr's Conclusions about President Trump, (4) Hold More Hearings, and Issue More Subpoena's!

And, "There Should Be A Continued Examination" of "The Four Hundred and Forty-Eight Pages of The Mueller Report For Quite A While," and "No Matter How The Republican Party" and "The Trump Administration Attempt to Revise It," However, "The Truth Will Prevail in The End," and "It Will have A Forceful Effect Upon The Outcome of The Primaries," and "The 2020 Presidential Election!"

And, If "The Trump Administration Rebuttal Report Can Provide Answers" to "All of The Questions, Suspicions, and Allegations," that "Millions upon Millions of Americans have about What was The Intent of President Trump," and "His Campaign Teams Meetings with Russian Officials," then that "Will Be of Great Benefit to Healing The Nation," and "Uniting The Nation," and "Bearing Out The Truth, and Nothing but The Truth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday The Fifteenth 2019, "The Shock of Seeing The Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris on Fire was Beyond Comprehension." 

"The Good News is The Cathedrale was Not Destroyed by The Blazing Flames," but Global Cross Media News Reports are "Its Iconic Spire has Fallen!"

"It is Unimaginable How This Fire Could have Occurred," and "Authorities have Begun Intense Investigations in Pursuit of Answers" to "How It Could have Happened!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Both Sixty-Nine Meter Bell Towers" (Two Hundred and Twenty-Six Feet Long each) have "Remained In Tact!"

And, "There have Been No Deaths," however, at Last Report, "Two Policemen and One Firefighter were Slightly Injured!"

And, "While there has Been Severe Damage althroughout," "The Main Structure has Been Saved," along with "The Crown of Thorns," "The Tunic of St. Louis," and "Most Precious Treasures of The Cathedrale," and "Two Thirds of The Roof!"

"Fortunately The Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris was Closed to The Public at The Time The Fire Began," "Due to The Extensive Renovations that were Taking Place!"

GCM News Reports are The Fire Began at Approximately 7 P.M. in Paris, and "The Fire was Extinguished at 9:30 A.M. (3:30 ET). 

"Almost Four Hundred Brave and Courageous Firefighters Worked Arduously and Tirelessly to Put Our The Flames" and "Save The Irreplaceable Treasures within The Cathedrale," and "The Cathedrale Itself!"

French President Emmanuel Macron said "The Notre-Dame Cathedrale will rise again!"

And, "Additional Good News" is that "As Many as Fifteen Statues" had "Previously Been Removed from The Cathedrale," "Because of The Renovations!

"For More than Eight Hundred and Fifty Years The Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris has Stood as A Grand Symbol of France," and "An Inspiration to The Earths Populace," and "Religious and Spiritual Leaders," and "Great Artists," and "An Image of Peace" and "The Spirit and Soul of The People of France!"

"The Construction of The Cathedrale Began in 1160" and "For The Most Part was Completed in 1260," However "It Continued to Be Modified and Cleaned over The Millennia since then!"

And, "We Look Forward to The Day When It has Been Totally Rebuilt,"and "Standing in Its Holy Grace" by "The River Seine!" 

And, Once again "The Holy Gospel, Prayers, Meditations, Church Services, Contemplation's, and Visions of Peace and Unity are Held in This Holy Monument and House of Worship of The Great Spirit, and The Light!"

The "Good News" that "Hundreds of Millions of Euros have already Been Pledged Towards The Reconstruction of The Cathedrale is Gratifying, Encouraging," and "Morale Building," "Especially for The People of France," Especially As Their Lady Lies in A State of Ruination!"

However, "I am Absolutely Positive that Visitors from Sovereign Nations All over The Earth,' Will Join Together with Parisians," and "Citizens from All Corners of France," and "Gather Together" at "The Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris " for "The Easter/Passover Holidays!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's on The Sovereign Nation of France "It is of The Utmost Importance" that "Whatever Demonstrations that Take Place in France Remain Non-Violent," and "Do Not Conflict" with "The Outpouring Demonstrations of Emotion Surrounding The Catastrophic Fire at The Cathedrale de Notre-Dame de Paris," and "The Philanthropic Re-Financing of This Sacred Place of Worship!"

"Let's Agree" that "It Would have "Been Shocking" "If There had Not Been A Great Outpouring of Philanthropy to Repair Notre Dame!"

However, "After Five Months of Weekend Demonstrations," Global Cross Media News Reports are  "French President Emmanuel Macron," has "Processed The Millions of Online Suggestions," and "The Thousands of Town Hall Meetings by The People of France," in Regards to "Resolving The Impasse between The Government and The People," on Thursday, The Twenty-Fifth of April 2019, "Responded in A Live Address from The Elysee Palace Describing The Power Points of A New Plan!" His Plans Include: (1) A Significant Cut in Income Tax Worth Five Billion Euros (4.3 Billion Euros; $5.6 Billion Dollars), Financed by Spending Cuts, and Closing Company Tax Loop Holes, (2) The Re-Introduction of Inflation Linking for Pensions Worth Less that Two Thousand Euros a Month, But More Working Life Spent Making Pension Contributions, (3) More Decentralized Government, (4) Extending Proportional Representations in Elections, and Making Referendums Easier to Hold, (5) The Abolition of ENA University, (Ecole Nationale D'Administration" A Grande Ecole in France Created by French President Charles De Gaulle in 1945, "Noted as Being One of The Most Academically Exceptional French Schools," and "A Main Pathway to Select Positions in Both The Private and Public Sectors," and "For The Training of Political Leaders and Captains of Industry").

"These Proposals," Including Those Announced in December 2018, "Come to A Combined Cost of Ten Billion Euros!"    

"The Question" is "Whether or Not President Macron's Plan Comprises or Constitutes,"  What Can Be Comprehended or Considered as Being "A Bold New Program of Policy Idea's" that "Will Empower The People," and "Bring An End to The Demonstrations of Dissatisfaction," and "Give Birth to A New Beginning of Improved Sociological and Economical Conditions in France" that are "Inspiring, Gratifying, and Encouraging," and that "Provides For An Uplifting Sense of Social Security," and "A Positive, Trustworthy, Empathetic, and Meaningful Bridge Building," to "The Current and Future Generations of The Diverse Community, Tapestry and Fabric of The Sovereign Nation of France," "Still Remains to Be Seen!"

However, "It Will Take Bold, Genuine, Trustworthy, and Sincere Leadership," and "An Evolved Comprehension and Cognizance of The Overall Conscious Awareness of The People" to "Resolve The Differences of Opinion" and Conditions" that have "Led to This Confrontation between The People," and "The Government of President Macron!"

"Differences of Opinion" that have "Resulted and Led" to "The Call for Lower Taxes and Tax Parity For The People!" And then, "There are The Growing Concerns over Transportation" and "Climate Change!"

However, "Let Us Agree" that "It Will Take Bold Leadership, Patience, and Perseverance on The Part of All The Factions, Political, and Civil," to "Move Forward Beyond This Time/Space Reality of Continued Demonstrations and Protests," to "A New Beginning of Cooperation and Conversation" that "Changes The Equation of Imbalance" to "One of Global and National Equilibre," that "The People of France Can Take Great Pride in," and "Be A Symbol of Unification, Freedom, and Synergy of Purpose," to "All The United Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "The Earths Communities!"

And, "A Global Equation of Equilibre and Innovation," that "Enhances the Opportunities of The Youth of France," and "Gives Hope and Belief" that "Their Concerns," are "Being Considered and Adhered to" "For The Betterment of Their Lives," and "The Nation!"

"This is An Earthrise Vision of Change" that "Can Be Achieved Step by Step," as "We March Together Along The Highways and Byways of Life's Experience," and "Beyond The Earths Horizons to Limitless Dimensions" and "Expanse of The Mega Mind of Grand Cosmos," and "Celestial Bodies and Galaxies of The Grand Universe!" "Step by Step," and "via Shuttle and Probe" to "A New Age of The History of Humankind," and "The Mysteries of All Sentient and Innate Life Forms!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty-Fifth of April 2019, "The Long Awaited Moment is Over," Former Vice President Joseph Biden Jr., 76, "The Forty-Seventh Vice President of The United States of America as President Obama's Running Mate," from 2009 to 2017, "Announced His Decision to Run for The Presidency in 2020!"

Mr. Biden said in His Video Announcement, "The core values of this nation, our standing in the world, our very democracy, everything that has made America, America, is at stake," "That's why today, I am announcing my candidacy for President of The United States."

"This is The Third Time" Former Vice President Biden has "Decided to Run for The Presidency!" And, "He Will Join a List of Twenty Candidates" of "A Primary Field of Democrats," that "Continues to Grow," as "The Front Runner in Most Recent Polls!"

-(Note that, Monday, The Twenty-Ninth of April 2019, "The International Association of Firefighters has Announced Their Support for Mr. Biden" in A Video Message, "Describing Him" as "An Advocate for The Middle Class!")-

"The Question" is "Will Former Vice President Biden Win The Support of Anita Hill!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As New Cracks Continue to Display Themselves in The Walls of The West Wing" and "The Trump Administration," Monday, The Twenty-Ninth of April 2019, "United States Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Sent a Letter to President Trump saying" that, "He was resigning from his post Effective on The Eleventh of May 2019."

Here are Several Segments from Deputy AG Rosenstein's Resignation Letter: "Our nation is safer, our elections are more secure, and our citizens are better informed about covert foreign influence efforts and schemes to commit fraud, steal intellectual property, and launch cyberattacks."

And, He also Wrote about The Goals President Trump Set in His Inaugural Address: "patriotism, unity, safety, education, and prosperity, "because a nation exists to serve its citizens." And, He Wrote that, "The Department of Justice pursues those goals while operating in accordance with the rule of law.The rule of law is the foundation of America. It secures our freedom, allows our citizens to flourish, and enables our nation to serve as a model of liberty and justice for all."   

Deputy AG Rosenstein also wrote, "At The Department of Justice, we stand watch over what" Attorney General Robert Jackson called "the inner ramparts of our society---the Constitution, its guarantees, our freedoms and the supremacy of law." As a result, The Department bears a special responsibility to avoid partisanship. Political considerations may influence political choices, but neutral principles must drive decisions about individual cases."

And, "In 1975 Edward Levi urged us to "Make clear by word and deed that our law is not an instrument of partisan purpose, and it is not ... to be used in ways which are careless of the higher values ... within us all."

And, In 2001, John Ashcroft called for "a professional Justice Department ... free from Politics ... uncompromisingly fair ... defined by integrity and dedicated to upholding the rule of law."
    And, Deputy AG Rosenstein also Wrote, "We enforce the law without fear or favor because credible evidence is not partisan and truth is not determined by opinion polls. We ignore fleeting distractions and focus our attention on the things that matter, because a Republic that endures is not governed by the news cycle."

And, "We keep the faith, we follow the rules, and we always put America first."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Parallel Universe of "The Rule of Law," "Law and Order," and "Justice For One and All," "Meets Head on with Partisan Politics," and "Executive Orders," and "with The United States Supreme Court Applying," When Need Be, "The Final Word and Judgment," "One Outstanding Statistic" is "Slowly But Surely Beginning to Raise Great Concern Among The Circle of Inquisitive Minds" who "Could Not have Imagined this Scenario!"

"This All Circles Around Recent Events" in which, "President Trump, The Trump Organization and The President's Three Oldest Children," Donald Jr., Ivanka, and Eric, have "Announced" that "They have Filed A Lawsuit in New York Southern District Against Deutsche Bank AG, and Capital One Financial Corp," on Monday, The Twenty-Ninth of April 2019, to "Prevent These Two Banks from Responding to Subpoena's Issued by U.S. Congressional Democrats!"

This is Their Second Lawsuit This Month," Last Week, on Monday, The Twenty-Second of April 2019, "President Trump and His Private Company Filed A Lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. Against The Accounting Firm Mazars USA" (who Provided Years of Accounting Services for Mr. Trump) and "Against Representative Elijah Cummings, Democrat from Maryland, and Chairman of The House Oversight Committee," In Hope's of "Preventing The House from Obtaining President Trump's Financial Records!"  

-(Note that, On The Fifteenth of April 2019, "Two House Committee's Issued Subpoena's to Several Financial Institutions "Seeking  Information on Mr. Trump's Finances!"
And, "President Trump, His Three Oldest Children, Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka, and The Trump Organization, are "Attempting to Block These Subpoena's," and "Prevent The Two House Committee's from Obtaining Any Information in Regards to Trump Financial or Real Estate Affairs!")-

Deutsche Bank Issued a Statement saying, "We remain committed to providing appropriate information to all authorized investigations and will abide by a court order regarding such investigations." 

However, "The Statistic" that "Stands Out Amongst This Recent Cycle of Events," Like An Eventide Sky Filled with Shooting Stairs, is "An Analysis Published, Almost Three Years Ago," on The First of June 2016, in USA Today, that "Revealed Over The Past Three Decades" "President Donald Trump and His Businesses" have Been Involved in "Three Thousand Five Hundred Legal Cases in United States Federal Court, and State Court!"

And, "For A United States Presidential Candidate and/or President," "This is Quite A Substantial Number," or in "Fact for Anyone in The Public, Private, or Political Arena," or "Public Sphere of Influence!"

"One Well Known Legal Case" that "Floridians are Most Certainly Aware of," was "The Trump University Litigation," Which "Involved Three Legal Actions Alleging Fraud." One was by The New York State Attorney General," and "The Others by Class Action Plaintiffs!"

And, "This Suit Ended up Being Successful For The Plaintiffs, "on The November 2016 Mr. Trump Agreed to Pay Twenty-Five Million Dollars to Settle The Litigation!"

"It Will Be Interesting to Discover What The President and Trump Organization's Final Total of Legal Cases Will End up Being," and "Just How Much of A Cost It Will Be!" However, "It Doesn't Appear to Impede Him from Engaging in Yet Another Lawsuit," This Time Against Deutsche Bank AG, who have "Provided Financing for Several of The Trump Organization's Real Estate Ventures," and "Capital One Financial Corp who have Long Provided Banking Services to The Trump Organization."

"The Complaint" said, "The Subpoenas were issued to harass President Donald J. Trump, to rummage through every aspect of his personal finances, his businesses, and the private information of the President, and his family."

"In A Joint Statement," on Tuesday, The Thirtieth of April 2019, Global Cross Media Reports are "Adam Schiff, Democrat from California," and "Chairm of The House Intelligence Committee," and "Maxine Waters, Democrat from California," and "The Chair of The House Financial Service Committee," Called The Trump Lawsuits "Meritless."

"The United States of America is A Nation of Laws," and "No One is Above The Law," and "Whatever The Results May Be of All The Lawsuits President Trump is Involved in," "One Thing Appears to Be Certain," that "He is Definitely on The Path of Making A Place in History for His Idea's, Actions, Policies, Financial, Personal, and Legal Affairs!"

And, "Whether The President Will Be Reprimanded, or Impeached by The United States Congress," or "Receive Absolution or a Pardon for His Outside The Normal Political and Marketing Approach, and Style: for "Campaigning and Winning The Presidency," and "Maintaining A Modicum of Popularity," Will Be A Test For All Americans," and with 'The Heart and Soul of The Nation in The Balance!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Thirtieth of April 2019, "Another Coward Opened Fire on A Classroom of Students of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte" "Causing The Deaths of Two Innocent Students," and "Wounding Four More!"

"Authorities are Investigating The Cause" of "This Domestic Malevolent Act of Gun-Related Violence!"

"This Callous and Cold-Hearted Act," Coming so "Soon after The Shooting at The Chabad of Poway Synagogue," on Saturday, The Twenty-Seventh of April 2019, has "Caused A New Concern about The Sub-Culture of Violence in The United States," and "Needs to Be Denounced by Political, Civil, Religious, Academic and Business Leaders," for "The Evil Act of Violence that It Is!"

And, "Families Must Stand Firm in Denouncing Gun-Related Violence," or "Acts of Violence," "Racism," and "Hate Crimes of Any Kind!" "Too Many of Our Children have Been Killed Due to The Depraved, Immoral, Unvirtuous, and Evil Acts of Violence!" And, "There is "No Excuse" to "Condone This Maliciousness!"

"Trystan Andrew Terrell, 22, who is "A UNC Student" has "Been Arrested," and "Taken in Custody by The Police!" And is "Being Charged with Two Counts of Murder, Four Counts of Attempted Murder, Four Counts of Assault with A Deadly Weapon with Intent to Kill, Possession of A Firearm on Educational Property and Discharging A Firearm on Educational Property!"

Tuesday Evening, School Chancellor Philip L. Dubois said, "This is the worst day in the history of UNC Charlotte."

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families who Lost A Love One at The University of North Carolina, and We Mourn Their Loss with You in This Traumatic Time Period!"

And, We Would Like to Extend Our Deepest Condolences to The Students, Faculty, Friends and Community of UNC North Carolina Charlotte, and We are with You in This Time Period of Deep Sadness, Heartbreak, and Grief!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Twenty-First of April 2019, "Three Acts of Barbarism Took Place in Sri Lanka, in South Asia," An Island Nation in The Indian Ocean on The Southern Tip of India, "On Easter Day," When Christian Families All over The Earth "Celebrate The Resurrection and Life of Jesus of Nazareth!" 

"Three Evil Bombing Attacks were Made upon The Innocent Parishioners of Three Churches," "Six Blasts Occurred at Saint Anthony's Shrine," A Famous Catholic Church in Colombo, The Capital of Sri Lanka," and "Two Bombings Occurred at Saint Sebastian Catholic Church in The Town of  Negombo,"and "The Protestant Zion Church in The Town of Batticaloa," "Causing The Deaths of More than Three Hundred and Twenty People." and "Injuring at The Least Five Hundred More," and "The Estimates" are "These Tragic Death Totals are Considered to Rise!"

And, GCM News Reports are "Two Police Officers were Killed while Conducting a Search Operation in Dematagoda," on The Outskirts of Colombo!

Global Cross Media News Reports are, In Total, "There were Eight Attacks," that Appeared to Be Pre-Coordinated, "Made upon Hotels, Restaurants, and Churches by Irreligious Extremists," whose "Malicious Acts of Violence" upon "The Families of Sri Lanka," "Police Authorities," "Foreign Tourists," and "Hotel Guests" at "The Cinnamon Grand, Shangri-La, and Kingsbury Hotels," "Can Only Be Described" as "Crimes Against All Humanity!"

And, Of The "Thirty-Eight Foreign Tourists who Died in This Tragic Series of Bombings," at "Last Report," There were "Four Americans, Two Citizens from The United Kingdom, Three British Nationals, Two Chinese Nationals, Three Indians, Two Spanish Citizens, Two Saudi Arabian Nationals, Two Swiss Nationals, Two Turkish Nationals, One Portuguese National," and "Citizens from Australia, Bangladesh, Denmark, Japan, The Netherlands, and Saudi Arabia" have "Been Listed Among The Dead," and at "Least Nine Foreigners are Missing!" 
However, "This List is Incomplete," as "Authorities Continue to Search for The Missing," and "Identify Those who Died in The Eight Bombings," 

And, Among The Deaths "UNICEF has Reported Forty-Five were Children" at Last Report!

Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of April 2019 "Flags were Flown at Half Staff in Sovereign Nations All over The Earth!"

"There is No Excuse For These Malevolent and Cowardly Acts," Because They are "Not Acts of War," and "Can Not Be Justified as Such," "They are "Barbaric, Cowardly and Egregious Acts of Violence Committed by Evildoers!" 

And, "There Can Not Be Any Excuse for These Heinous Acts," Whether "It Be in Retaliation for The Brutal Massacre of Muslims at Mosques in Christchurch in New Zealand," on The Fifteenth of March 2019, or "The Twenty-Six Year Old War between The Tamil Tiger Rebels and Sri-Lankan Security Forces" in Which Estimates of As Many as "A Total of Hundreds of Thousand Deaths Occurred on Both Sides!"

And, "The Counsel and Advice" that "Any Cognizant, Intelligent, and Moral Leader," or "Malevolent, Dissident, Extremist, Iniquitous, Irreligious, and Violent Radical," "Should Be Providing to Their Followers," is that For The Sake of Every Faction Involved, and "For The Lives, Survival, and Advancement of The Evolution and Continued Growth and Development of Future Generations," "Acts of Revenge," and "Acts of Terrorism," "Will Not Gain The Respect of The Earths Populace," or "The Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations!" "Not Anyone!"  

And, "It Should Be Obvious" that "This is "Not The Way to Achieve One's Independence," and/or "Build A New Nation!"

And, "This is Not The Way A Modern Civilization of The Twenty-First Century Should Proceed to Bring Peace to The Sovereign Nations," and "Communities of The Earth!"   

There is "No Bravery or Courage Involved in Killing Innocent People Celebrating Easter with Their Families!" And, "If the Saying War is Hell is True," "Then These Syndicates of Irreligious Barbarians," are "Sure to Be Hellbound!"

-(Note that ISIS has Claimed Responsibility for These Cowardly, Malicious Acts of Violence!")-

As of Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of April 2019, "At Least Forty Sri Lankan Nationals" were "Taken into Custody for Questioning!"

"Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has Been Quoted" as saying, "Some of the Bombers had traveled abroad and returned home," However, He also said that "Investigators were making good progress in identifying the culprits." 

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are Pope Francis said, from The Loggia of St. Peter's Basilica, "I want to express my loving closeness to the Christian community, targeted s they were gathered in prayer, and all the victims of such cruel violence."

And, Pope Francis also said, "I entrust to the Lord all those who were tragically killed and pray for the innocence and all those who are suffering as a result of this dramatic event."

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The All The Families of Sri Lanka and International Families who have Lost A Love One Due to These Unconscionable and Malicious Bombings in Sri Lanka, and We Deeply Mourn Their Loss of Life with You!

And, To Their Friends and Communities of Colombo, Negombo, Batticaloa, Kingsbury, and The Congregations of St. Anthony's Shrine, St. Sebastian, and Zion Churches, We are with You in This Time of Deep Sadness and Trauma!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"One Day Less" than "One Week After The Easter Massacre in Sri Lanka," Saturday, The Twenty- Seventh of April 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Fifteen People Died" in "A Police Raid Upon A Suspected Islamic Militant Household/Safe House," in the Town of Sainthamaruthu, Sri Lanka, Approximately Two Hundred and Forty Miles (Three Hundred and Sixty Kilometers) from The Capitol, Colombo, "Overlooking The Indian Ocean," Which Turned into "A Lethal and Fatal Shoot Out between The Police and Extremists!"

"The Majority of The Deaths were Caused by Three Malevolent Cowards," who "Rather than Surrender Themselves to Authorities," and "Allowing The Innocent to Go Free," "Set Off Bombs Causing The Deaths of Three Children, and Three Women," in "This Callous, Uncaring, and Irreverent Act of Violence!"

"Three Others were Killed in The Gunfire that Occurred!" 

GCM News Reports are "One Woman and Child Survived" and were "Taken to The Hospital!" And, "It is Reported" that "They May Be The Wife and Child," of "The Radical Cleric, Zahram Hashim, who is "Suspected of Masterminding The Easter Day Attacks in Sri Lanka!"

"Since The Easter Day Bombing Attacks on Three Churches in Sri Lanka," "Security Raids" have "Taken Place Across This Sovereign Nation in Search for ISIS Terrorists and Sympathizes!" And, "A Total of Eighty Arrests have Been Made since Easter Day!"

And, "President Maithripala Sirisena" (The Seventh President of Sri Lanka) "Believes that There are One Hundred and Thirty Suspects Linked to ISIS in the Country," and "Seventy are Still at Large!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who Lost A Love One's in the Town of Sainthamaruthu, Sri Lanka, Due to The Cowardly and Malevolent Acts of Violence by Soulless Extreme Radicals! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Love One's with You in This Time Period of Duress and Deep Sadness!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's Over The Sovereign Nation of Venezuela, "Juan Guaido" has "Called For Nationwide Demonstrations Against The Maduro Regime on May Day!"

"While Mr. Guaido has At Least Fifty-Four Sovereign Nations Supporting Him (including The United States of America and Latin America)," "He Still Needs The Support of The Venezuelan Military," to "Implement The New Changes He has Proposed for The People of Venezuela," and "End Nicolas Maduro's Presidency!"

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance for Humanitarian Aid to Continue to Be Delivered" to "Provide For The Healthcare and Welfare of The Venezuelan People!" Who are "Demonstrating and Protesting For Their Rights to Live as A Free People!" "Free from Oppression" and "Free from Living in Fear of Losing Their Lives," and "The Lives of Their Love Ones!"   

Tuesday, The Thirtieth of April 2019, "Mr. Guaido Called on The Military Leaders" to Carry Out "Operation Freedom" (Operacion Libertad), "In Support of His Interim Presidency," and "The Venezuelan People," and "The Ouster of Mr. Maduro!"

"In This Time Period of Turmoil, Chaos, and Danger," and "The People of Venezuela Must Continue Their Ongoing Demonstrations Non-Violently!" "Violence Will only Lead to More Violence!" And, "Violence Will only Lead to The Deaths of Our Love Ones!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of April 2019, In An Appearance on CNN, "U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said of Mr. Maduro, "He had an airplane on the tarmac. He was ready to leave this morning, as we understand it. And the Russian's indicated he should stay." And, The Secretary Added, "He (Maduro) was headed for Havana."

"With All of The Foreign Interests involved in The Venezuelan Crisis," This Would Appear to Be "The Best Moment for An Impartial, Highly Respected, and Neutral Mediator, or Mediators," to "Be Agreed Upon by All of The Various Factions," to "Come Forth and Work Purposefully and Succinctly" to "Establish A Strategy For Moving Forward" and "Resolving This Conflict," For The Sake Of The Venezuelan People, "The Mothers, Fathers, Children, and Families" who are "Entrapped in This Maze of Politics," that has "Divided and Ensnared A Nation!" 

-(Note that, "Pope Francis and United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres" Would Be Two Examples" of "Peacemakers, and Mediators of Conscience," that "The Venezuelan People Can Trust!")     

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Saturday, The Twenty-Seventh of April 2019, "There is Absolutely No Courage, No Bravery or Moral Ground to Stand On" to "Attack A Place of Worship and Its Congregation!"

And, "The Attack Upon The Chabad of Poway Synagogue," North of San Diego was "Such A Malevolent Cowardly Act of Violence," that "Caused The Death of One Innocent Member of The Congregation, Lori Kaye, 60," ("One of The Synagogues Founding Members in 1986, When It First Opened Its Doors")), and "Wounded Three Others, Including The Rabbi Ysroel Goldstein" at "A Passover Service!"

"Miraculously" After The Gunman John Earnest, 19, "Fired Off Several Rounds," "The AR 15 Type Assault Rifle Jammed," after which "He Fled as An Off Duty Police Officer Fired at Him In His Escape Vehicle!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Coward/Suspect Called 911 to Report The Shooting." San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit said,  "When He was Reached on The Roadway by a Police Officer, "the suspect pulled over, jumped out of his car with his hands up, and was immediately taken into custody!"

An Online Anti-Jewish "Open Letter" Posted "Approximately and Hour before The Attack by John Earnest" (a nursing school student), in "Which He Praised the suspects accused of killing and carrying out the deadly attacks at "The Al Noor Mosque," and "The Linwood Islamic Centre," in Christchurch, New Zealand" on The Fifteenth of March 2019, and at "Pittsburgh's Tree of Life Synagogue in Pennsylvania," on The Twenty-Seventh of October 2018, "Confirms that The Attack" was "Definitely A Domestic Anti-Jewish Hate Crime!"

-(Note that, "Authorities have Acknowledged" that "Last Month, The Suspect was Under Investigation in Connection for A Fire at A Mosque!")

"There is Absolutely No Sense or Logic in Americans Killing Americans!" Or, "The Spiteful and Vengeful Act of Taking The Life of An Innocent Person, Whomever They May Be," or "Wherever They May Live!" However, "This Senselessness Continues to Persist!" 

"These are Difficult and Challenging Times For Many of Us," However, "We Must Respect The Lives of Our Fellow Human Beings," "Irregardless, of Creed, Gender, Nationality, Color, Tribe, Age, or Physicality!"

And, "We Must Non-Violently Strive to Accomplish Our Goals in Life," and "Pave The Way Forward" for "The Youth" of "All Freedom Loving, United Sovereign Nations of Our Home Planet Earth," to "Enjoy, Prosper, and Learn from A Positive and Inspiring Experience!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Lori Kaye, and We Truly Mourn Her Loss with You! And, Know that We are with You in This Time Period of Intense Sorrow, Distress, and Depression, Caused by A Malicious Act of Gun-Related Violence, and Hate-filled Racism!  

And, To The Friends, and Congregation of The Chabad of Poway, We Sincerely Mourn The Loss Mrs. Kaye with You in This Time Period of Deep Sadness and Trauma!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Fourth of April 2019, the "She The People Presidential Forum 2019," at Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas, "Presented Eight Democrats with Presidential Aspirations" to "Present Their Positions" Before "A Forum of Women Of Color," Where Issues of Racism, Gender, Economic and Social Justice," and  "Will Be Discussed!"

"The Democratic Presidential Candidates" who "Spoke at The Forum" were "Senator Cory Booker from New Jersey, Former United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro Native Texan , Representative Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii, Senator Kamala Harris from California, Senator Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota, Former Representative Beto O'Rourke from Texas, Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont, and Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts! 

From "A Historical Perspective," "This Event" is "The First Time" that "United States Presidential Candidates Will Participate and Speak of National Issues," that are "Important and of Sincere Concern to Women of Color," and "The Advancement of Their Goals!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of April 2019, "Former Secretary of State, Senator from New York, and First Lady Hillary Clinton Spoke with Time Editor in Chief and CEO Edward Felsenthal" at The Time 100 Summit in Manhattan," in "Relationship to a Statement She Made at The Women in The World Summit 2019, Where she said "We deserve to see the whole Mueller Report," and then "Specifically in Response to the Second Sentence of the Mueller Report that says, "The Russian government  Interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election in a sweeping and systematic fashion." 

Mrs. Clinton said, "Well that is the main story, and its a story that needs to be told and retold over and over again, because we were the subject of a foreign adversary's attack. An attack on our election, an attack on our sovereignty, an attack on our democracy. And, you can try to figure out everything that did happen, we're a long way from knowing, because we need to get the full report, the unredacted version, and certainly congress deserves to get it. 

But I think its fair to say that this is not just about a reckoning with the recent past. This is about what is going on today, and threats to our next election, and to our defense as a nation...

So, Edward, I think the report is long and it obvious it takes time to wade through it, but especially for this group, its something that every American who cares about holding our adversary's accountable, looking to prevent what happened  from ever happening again, should the time to go through. And, I'm really of the mind that the Mueller report is part of the beginning, its not the end.  Maybe as Churchill famously said "Its the end of the beginning."  Because, there's still so much more that we should know, and that we should act upon, and that Congress is trying to figure out right now."

And, In Regards to "Whether President Trump Should Be Impeached," Mrs. Clinton "Referred to the Time She Served as Staff Attorney" for "The House Judiciary Committee in The Impeachment of Former President Nixon During Watergate Period," and said, "It took several years for the slow acquisition and then publication of information to show the level of corruption that was existing in that White House." 
And, She also said, "By the end of it, the evidence was overwhelming that the President had committed high crimes and misdemeanors."

-(Note that Former President Nixon Resigned Before Being Impeached!")-

However, "Directly in Regards to President Trump" Mrs. Clinton said, "Any other person who had engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted, but because of the rule in The Justice Department that you can not indict a sitting President, the whole matter of obstruction was very directly sent to Congress."

But, "While Mrs. Clinton had Favorable Comments about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's "deliberate use of oversight investigations" to "Probe Beyond What Information and Facts" that Special Counsel Robert Mueller "included in his report" "She said about The Senate," Specifically Calling Them, "The do nothing Senate," "That has become a hotbed of cynicism unlike anything I have ever seen, and I have served there for eight years an I know some of these people and they know better."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "In An Op-Ed for The Washington Post" Published on Wednesday, The Twenty-Fourth of April 2019, Mrs. Clinton Challenged The United States Congress to "Follow Up on The Mueller Report," and "Use The Report as a Road Map!"

Mrs. Clinton Wrote, "Whether they like it or not, Republicans in Congress share the Constitutional responsibility to protect the country," and She also Wrote, "It's up to members of both parties to see where that road map leads- to the eventual filing of articles of impeachment, or not. Either way, the nations interests will be best served by putting party and political considerations aside, and being deliberate, fair, and fearless."

And, Mrs. Clinton Called on Congress to Hold, "substantive hearings that build on the Mueller report and fill in its gaps."

And, also Wrote, "This is necessary because the president of the United States has proved himself unwilling to defend our nation from clear and present danger"...and "refuses to even take the most minimal, common-sense steps to prevent future attacks and counter ongoing threats to our nation." 

"We Hope" that "This Will Be The First of Many OP-ED's by Mrs. Clinton!" While "She is Not A Candidate Running for The Presidency in 2020," "She Still Received 2,864,974 More Popular Votes than President Trump in The 2016 Presidential Election," and "Those Votes Need to Be Respected,"  is "A Seasoned Voice of Reason" that "Needs to Be Heard from In Times of Deep Concern, Cautious Deliberation, and Consideration!"

"The Question" is "How Long Will It Take to Hold Congressional Hearings," with "Both Robert Mueller III," and "White House Council Don McGahn!"- "Public Hearings Not Closed One's!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts, and Candidate for The 2020 Presidential Election," who "Recently Called on The House of Representatives to Begin Impeachment Proceedings Against President Trump," on Monday, The Twenty-Second of April 2019, "Made A Significant Proposal to Erase Most of Student Loan Debt" that is "A Sound, Bold, Logical, and Admirable Idea" for "The Future Education of The Youth of America," and "The Young Adults who are Presently Buried under The Weight of Student Loans They Acquired to Finance Their College Education," and "Who Now Find Themselves Laboring to Get Out from Under Them!"

"Senator Warren's Debt Cancellation Plan," Cancels Fifty Thousand Dollars in Student Loan Debt for Every Person" with "Household Income under One Hundred Thousand Dollars."

And, "Provides Substantial Debt Cancellation for Every Person" with "Household Income between One Hundred Thousand and Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars."   

"The United States of America" is "A Grand Sovereign Nation," "Who has Been Able to Provide Aid For Sovereign Nations All over The Earth in Time's of Need," and "It's Time" to "Provide Financial Support For Educating The Youth of The Nation," without "Placing Them In Debt!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The United States of America" is "World Renown For Being A Grand Nation," and "A Great Democracy," and "A Land of Freedom," "Innovation," and "Law and Order," so "It is Surprising When One Hears A Statistic of This Magnitude in Relationship to A Tragic News Story," that "Occurred in 2015," that has Resulted in "This is The First Time in Thirty Years" that "A Florida Police Officer was Sentenced to Serve Time in Prison" for "An On-Duty Shooting!"

"Let Us Be Absolutely Clear" that "We The People Do Not Expect Our Law Enforcement Community to Be Lawbreakers!" 
"We The People Expect Them to Uphold The Law," and "Be Protectors and Servants Of The People!" And, "Always Provide The People with Just and Comprehensive Law Enforcement!"

But, "Unfortunately This was Not The Case for Ex-Police Officer Nouman Raja, 41, who was "Convicted of Manslaughter and Attempted Murder of Corey Jones, 31," on Sunday, The Eighteenth of October of 2015, "An African American Musician, and Local Housing Authority Worker, who was "Stranded in His Car on The Side of Interstate 95!" 

Beach County Circuit Judge Joseph Marx "Sentenced Mr. Raja to Serve Twenty-Five Years in Prison for Each Charge to Run Concurrently!"

"The Family of Mr. Jones had Pleaded for A Sentence of Life in Prison!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are Judge Marx said, "This has been a heartbreaking case," "I think it's had a profound effect on everybody that sat through this trial!"

"The Investigation Proved that Ex-Officer Raja," Dressed in His Street Clothes, "Did Not Identify Himself as A Police Officer when He Approached Mr. Jones' Vehicle," in "An Unmarked White Van with Tinted Windows!" 
And then, "The Series of Tragic Events that Followed Caused the Death of Mr Jones," who "Pulled His Legally Registered Firearm, but Did Not Fire," and "Instead He Attempted to Run away," and was "Shot Three Times by Mr. Raja!" In Actuality, "Mr. Raja Fired at Mr. Jones Six Times!" 

Ex-Police Officer Raja Claimed "He was Confronted by An Armed Subject." 

"Corey's Father, Clinton Jones Sr. said," After Hearing The Verdict, "Victory is ours today."
"There is a saying" that "No One is Above The Law," and "This Trial Proved to Be A True Example of This!"      

As The Sun Set's on The Sovereign Nation of The United States of America, "The Parallel Universes" that "Continue to Surround The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century," Still "Leave Many Questions To Be  Answered" such as, (1) "When is The United States Congress Going to Pass A Bi-Partisan National Infrastructure Repair Bill," 

-(Note that "The Meeting at The White House on Infrastructure with Top Democratic Leaders, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from California, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer from New York, and President Trump," on Tuesday, The Thirtieth of April 2019, was "A Good Beginning!" Discussions on The Implementation of A Three Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Bill" is "The First Step!" "How Its Paid for is The Second Step!" And then, "Getting Bi-Partisan Support" and "The Support of The American People" is "The Way To Launch This Strategy to Repair The Nation's Infrastructure," and "Give Birth to A New Purpose of National Enterprise," and "A Bold Innovation, Evolution, and Positive Maturation for The Future of America," and "An Act of Empowerment for The American People!")- 

(2) "Until The Pharmaceutical Industry in The United States Reduces Its Prices to The Same Level" as "The European Union, Canada, and The United Kingdom," Why Can't The U.S. Congress Create New Bi-Partisan Legislature For The People," that "Imposes A Special Healthcare Tax," that "Covers Opioid, Cancer, Preventive Healthcare, Preschool and Healthcare Checkups for Students until They Graduate from College," and "Cardiovascular Disease Costs for Every American Household Making Less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars," and "Veteran Healthcare Costs," and, 

(3) "Why Can't The U.S. Congress Create Legislation," that "Imposes A Limit on Campaign Spending, and, 

(4) "Why Shouldn't The United States Congress Create A New Constitutional Amendment" that "A Woman President and Vice President Must Be Elected within Every Sixteen Year Electoral Cycle" in The United States of America, (Let's Expand The Concept of A Grand Democracy), and, 

(5) When Will Kim Jong-un, The Supreme Leader of The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, "Realize that He Can Not Obtain The Results He Would Like" to have by "Meeting with The Leaders of One-Man-Rule" or "One-Party-Rule Forms of Governance!" "The Chairman May Receive Good Public Relations Photo-Ops," However, that "Will Not End The Sanctions" that are "Still Being Imposed on DPRK," Nor Will It "Bring An End of The Stress and Deprivation North Koreans are Experiencing," -(Note that "Kim Jong-un and The Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin Met at The Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) on Russky Island, Russkiy, Primorsky Krai, Russia," on Thursday, The Twenty-Fifth of April 2019 for The First Time, "In A Historic Summit to Discuss The Denuclearization of The Democratic People's Republic of Korea"), 

(6) "How Can Millions of Americans Be Living in Poverty," When Unemployment Figures for March 2019," are "Estimated to Be at 3.8%, and, 

(7) When Will The Trade War of Hubris" between President Donald Trump of The United States of America and President Xi Jinping of The People's Republic of China "Finally Come to An End," and, 

(8) "When Will Migrant Children Being Detained in United States Detention Centers," Because of "The Trump Administration's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy," "Finally Be Returned to Their Parents and Families," and, 

(9) "When is President Trump Going to End His Attacks on The Mueller Report," and "Allow White House Aids to Fully Cooperate with The United States Congress," and, 

(10) "The Youth of America Deserve A Truthful and Highly Inspired and Educated Experience," and "Should Not Be Deceived by False Political Campaign Rhetoric," and "Misleading Postulating by Partisan Politics," and "Government Officials" who have "Supported Their Political Party over The Nation," "The Question" is "When is There Going to Be Severe Reprimands Imposed on Any Elected Official, Local, State, or Federal," who "Chooses Not to Truthfully Represent The Government Of The People, By The People and For The People," and "The Laws of The United States Constitution, and, 

(11) "How Will Prime Minister Theresa May Resolve The Political Impasse over Brexit," and "Bridge The Differences of Opinion" that have Divided The United Kingdom, with A Bold New Alternative," and, 

(12) "Will There Be A Unanimous Acceptance of President Emmanuel Macron's Economic and Sociological Plan for France!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "Let Us Agree" that "The Leadership that We are Experiencing" is "Not The Kind of Leadership that We are Accustomed to!"

"Yes" "We have, Unfortunately, "Grown," Possibly, to "Accustomed to Party Bickering and Partisan Politics," But, "Today's Politics has A Tinge of Being Too Personal," Including The Use of Too Many Expletives," and "Too Many Scandals," and "Gestures," that "We Would Not Like The Youth of America to Be Exposed to"

However, "It is Difficult to even Imagine" Our Political Leaders and Party's "Taking The Word of One of The United States Arch Enemies," "Russia," over that of "Our Own Intelligence Agencies and Directors!" 

Those of You who "Grew Up in The Twentieth Century," are "Clearly Aware of The Adverse Political Divide between The United States and The Russian Federation," (The Soviet Union) and "The Ongoing Confrontation" and "Competitive Intelligence Gathering" between "The KGB (FSB in the 21st Century) and The CIA!" "It was Intense!" And, "Still is!"

And, "Even up until The Obama Administration," The Political Divide Grew even More Intense!"

"Which Led to Russia's Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election!" And, The U.S. "Placing Sanctions Upon Russian Officials, and Companies" who "Violated The Laws of U.S. Constitution," and "The Electoral Process of The Sovereignty of The United States of America!"

And, "New Warnings have Been Issued by The Directors of U.S. Intelligence Agencies of Russian (and The Republic of China) Interference" in the "Primaries and 2020 Elections!"

And, so "It is Surprising to See, Read, and Hear Comments, Statements, and Political Campaign Rhetoric Attacking The Mueller Report, Intelligence Officials, and American Politicians If They Disagree with The Trump Administration's Negative Opinions about The Mueller Report!"

However, "Juxtaposed with This," Possibly even More so for Those of Us who Grew Up in The Twenty-First Century" is "The Example of National Leadership We are Experiencing in The U.S." And, "Is Being Witnessed by All The Earths Sovereign Nations!"

This is "Not The Cognizant, Diplomatic, Comprehensive, Leadership Americans are Used to," and were "Taught to Appreciate and Be Proud of," Either by Parents, Grandparents, Legislators," and/or "Religious Leaders!"

And, "Whether This is A Personal or Objective Overview," (or Both), "The United States of America has Always Stood for An Excellence in Representing The Democratic Rights and Principles of The Earths Sovereign Nations!" "Principled Rights," that were "Inspiring and Just in The Eyes of All Freedom Loving People of The Earths Communities," and "Its Allies!"

However, "The Current Building Blocks of The Foundation of This Grand Idea of What A Sovereign Nation Can Be," are "Not Being Adhered to as They were Envisioned by The Founders!" 

"We See, Read, Hear, and Experience Too Many Examples" of "Personal Ambition," and "Lust of Power," over that "Of The Needs, Welfare, Healthcare, Laws, Government, Future, and Rights Of The People," and "What is In The Best Interests Of All The People," and "The Quality of Life for The Youth Of The Nation!"

And, "This Must Change For The Betterment Of One and All!"

"The Choices are Clear," Whether They Be Implemented in The Form of Congressional Reprimands, Judicial Decisions, New Investigations, and Congressional Hearings," or "In The Up and Coming Elections!" However, "Let's Be Honest with Ourselves" that "The Heart, Spirit and Soul of The Nation is at Stake!" 

And that "Can Best Be Achieved and Exemplified by Leadership," that "Can Be Respected and Admired For Representing The Republic, Democracy, and Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The Laws of The U.S. Constitution," and "All that America Stands for and Symbolizes!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age Of Peace, Justice, Economic Parity, Equal Rights and Global Equilibre, Freedom of Opportunity and Being, and A Global Equation that Embraces The Lives of All Sentient Beings, and Environmental and Ecological Systems of "Our Planet Earth," and The Brilliant Mindset of The Cosmos, and A Universal Equation, that Respects The Unlimited Galaxies, and Celestial Bodies of The Grand Universe!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
To Whomever You May Be, "Who are "Actively Engaged in Demonstrations, Protests, and Marches In Town Squares, or on Street Corners, Town Halls, or In Massive Demonstrations, or In Stadiums, or Wherever You May Be," "Let Us Agree to Always Seek to Strive Towards The Highest Plateau in Expressing Ourselves," or "Through Inspiring Speeches," or "The Electoral Process," or "In Creating New Legislative Proposals," or "Through Artistic and Cultural Forms of Expressionism," or "Via The Social Media Platforms," "The Fourth Estate," or "The Global Cross Media Universe," or within "Our Educational and Religious Institutions" that are "Available to Us," But, "Let Us Agree" to "Never Encourage or Be" "An Example of Immoral, Unethical, Malevolent, Vengeful, Mindless, Cowardly, or Tyrannical Acts Of Violence Towards Our Fellow Human Being!" 
And, or "As Exemplified by Terrorists and So-Called Nationalists Organizations" who "Claim to Represent Us," But "In Actuality Threaten Us with Violence If We Disagree with Them" over "Political and Economical Positions and Policies," such as "in The Creggan Estate of Derry, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland," and within "Too Many of Our Global Communities!"

"Let Non-Violence Be Our Vehicle to Advance Our Sociological and Humanitarian Causes and Goals," Let It Be Our Mantra," and "Our Symbol of Resistance," Wherever We May Be, "In France, Ireland, The United States, The United Kingdom, Venezuela" or within "The Sovereign Nations of Our Home Planet Earth!!"

And, "Further To This Point," Thursday, The Eighteenth of April 2019, "Lyra Catherine McKee," Twenty-Nine Years of Age, "a North Ireland Journalist," and "Activist for LGBT Rights," "Did Not Deserve to Die!" 

"Ms. McKee was simply Doing Her Job as A Journalist," as "Covering A Police Raid in The Creggan Estate Community," When "Rioting and Violence Broke Out," with "Youths Throwing Petrol Bombs at The Police!" 

And, "It was During This Outbreak of Violence," When "Lyra McKee was Shot and Seriously Wounded," by "A Gunman who was Firing at The Police!" 
And, "After Being Taken to Altnagelvin Area Hospital by The Police, "She Died of Her Wounds!"

-(Note that "This is Twenty-One Years" after "The Good Friday Peace Agreement" was "Agreed to and Signed on The Tenth of April 1998 in Belfast, Northern Ireland!" 
"It is Made up of Two Inter-related Documents, (1) "The Multi-Party Agreement was Agreed to and Signed" by "The British Government, The Irish Government, and Political Parties of Northern Ireland!" 
And, "The International Agreement" (The British-Irish Agreement) was "Agreed to and Signed" by "The United Kingdom and The Republic of Ireland!" )- 

In "A Joint Statement by The DUP, Sinn Fen, UUP, SDLP, Alliance Party and Green Party, Northern Ireland's Main Political Party's," Their Party Leaders Condemned The Act of Violence that Caused The Death of Lyra McKee, Describing it as "An attack on all the people of this community, an attack on the peace and democratic processes." And, "They also said, "Quite Correctly" that It was "a pointless and futile act to destroy the progress made over the last twenty years, which has the overwhelming support of people everywhere."

"Additional Declarations of Dismay, Deep Concern, and Support for Lyra McKee" were "Made by Former U.S. President William Clinton, British Prime Minister Theresa May, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, and Donal Mckeown, Catholic Bishop of Derry, among Many Other Public, Journalist, Religious and Political Figures and Personalities!"

-(Note that, Friday, The Nineteenth of April 2019, Ms. McKee was Mourned in a Series of Vigils!")-

"Let Us Agree" that "There is No Place for These Outbreaks of Violence and/or Rioting to "Take Place in The Twenty-First Century!" 
"Let Us Agree" that "History has Shown Us The Futility" and "Traumatic Consequences of These Acts!"

"Haven't There Been Enough Mothers and Fathers, Daughters and Sons, Sisters and Brothers and Family Members Killed for Millennia upon Millennia for Us to Learn," that "This is Not The Way to Resolve Our Differences of Opinion, Policy, or Prejudices, or Ways of Life!"

"Today's Modern Civilization Demands More of Us!" Today's Cognizant and Empirical Global Equation of Universal Thought and Reasoning" "Demands More of Us!"

"We are The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century," and "Today's Youth Must See and Learn Educationally," and "from History, and Experience," and "from Our Example," that "Non-Violence" is "The Way to Move Forward in Their Lives," and "Develop, Grow, Evolve, Change," and "Achieve Their Goals," and "Advance Their Idea's, and Thoughts," and "Be Conservators and Protectors of The Earths Ecological and Environmental Systems, Seas, Lands, Skies, Air, and Atmosphere," and "In Respect for Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, and Sentient Life Forms!"

And In Doing so, "Be A Generation of Insightful Contemplation and Perception of The Grand Cosmos," and "The Truth," and of "The Solar Axioms of The Celestial Bodies and Galaxies of The Grand Universe!"

And, "Let Us Remember that Lyra Catherine McKee Did Not Deserve to Be Shot and Killed!"

-(Note that Global Cross Media News Reports are Saturday, The Twentieth of April 2019, "Northern Police Authorities Announced The Arrest of Two Teenagers," Aged Eighteen and Nineteen under "The Terrorism Act," "in "Connection with The Death of Lyra McKee!")

(Global Cross Media News Reports are The "New IRA" has "Taken Responsibility for The Death of Lyra McKee," and have "Apologized for It!")-

We Extend Our Sincerest Soulful and Heartfelt Condolences to The Family of Lyra McKee and We Mourn Her Loss of Life with You!
And, to Ms. McKee's Friends and Community We Deeply and Profoundly Regret The Loss Of Life of Your Friend and Neighbor!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Final Speaker" of Tina Brown's "Tenth Anniversary Women In The World Summit 2019," at "The David H. Koch Theater" at "Lincoln Center" on Friday The Twelfth of April 2019, that Featured Oprah Winfrey, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Anna Wintour, Christiana Figueres, Cindy McCain, Stacey Abrams, and Jill Soloway and Faith Soloway, among A Wide Variety of Interesting Individuals, Notables, Celebrities, and Personalities was "Former Senator from New York, U.S. Secretary of State, and First Lady, Hillary Clinton!" 
Who was "Interviewed by CNN Host Fareed Zakaria (of "Fareed Zakaria ZPS") Which "Aired on Sunday, The Fourteenth of April 2019! 

"It was An Extraordinary Interview" in which, "Mrs. Clinton Displayed An Example of Stateswomanship and Leadership," that "Typified and Exemplified What America has Always Stood for" "In The Minds of Global Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations," and "The Earths Populace!" 
And, also "Why 65,844,610 Americans Voted for Her in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," Compared to "The 62,979,636 Votes President Trump Received," (2,864,874 More Popular Votes than President Trump)!"

"The Interview with Mrs. Clinton" Conducted by "Mr. Zakaria," who is also "A Celebrated Washington Post Columnist," had "All The Impressive Qualities and Components that Mrs. Clinton has Been Known for," of "Being Cognizant, Intelligent, Compassionate, Diplomatic, Just, and Knowledgeable," with "An Astute and Insightful Comprehension of Domestic and Global Affairs!" 
And, "In Addition Mrs. Clinton Personified and Displayed," "The Embodiment of The Healing Synergy and Unifying Force" that "America is Deeply in Need of Today!"

And, "Her Raison D'etre for The Release of The Mueller Report to The Public" and "The United States Congress" was "Spot-on!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, April 26, 2019, Maria Butina, 30, "A Russian Gun Rights Activists," and "Alleged to Be A Russian Agent, was "Sentenced to Eighteen Months in Prison" by "United States District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan" of the United States District Court for The District of Columbia,  After "Pleading Guilty to Conspiracy to Act as An Illegal Foreign Agent."

"As a Part of Her Plea Deal," Ms. Butina has "Cooperated with The U.S. Government," and also "Provided Information on Republican Political Operative Paul Erickson, Her Boyfriend," who was "Allegedly Involved in Her Scheme!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Ms. Butina was "Previously A Special Assistant of Former Deputy Head of Russia's Central Bank, and Russian Senator Alexander Torshin," who was "Sanctioned in April 2018 by The United States Department of Treasury!"   

"Ms. Butina Will Be Credited for The Nine Months She has Been in Prison" and then "Deported Back to Russia!"

"In Her Statement to The Court" at Friday's Hearing Ms. Butina said, "I deeply regret this crime. Ironically it has harmed my attempts to improve my relationships between the two countries. I came to the US not under orders but with hope, I sought to build bridges between my Motherland and the country I grew to love." 

And, Ms. Butina also said "Never did I wish to hurt anyone."

Judge Chutkan said this of Ms. Butina, "This was no simple misunderstanding by an overeager foreign student." 
And, Judge Chutkan also said, "The conduct was sophisticated and penetrated deep into political organizations.

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Originally Ms. Butina "Insisted on Being Innocent!" And that "She was in the U.S. as a Foreign Student Interested in Improving U.S. Russian Relations!")-

-In Memoriam:
"Director, Screenwriter, and Producer John Singleton Passed away on Monday, The Twenty-Ninth of April 2019," at "the Age of Fifty-One!" 
"After Suffering A Stroke on The Seventeenth of April 2019, "Mr. Singleton was Taken to Cedars-Sinai Hospital" and "Placed under Intensive Care," until "He was Taken Off Life Support on The Twenty-Ninth of April!"

"Mr. Singleton was The Youngest Person," at The Age of Twenty-Four, and "The First African American Director," to "Be Nominated for The Academy Award for Best Director (and Best Original Screenplay)," for "Boyz n the Hood" (1991).

"The List of Successful and Extraordinarily Creative and Sensitive Films by Mr. Singleton" is "A Gift to Filmgoers" that "Will Last for As Long as The Cinema Graces Our Lives" Beginning with "Boyz n the Hood," and Continuing with "Poetic Justice" (1993), "Higher Learning " (1995), "Rosewood" (1997), "Shaft" (2000), 2 Fast 2 Furious" (2003), "Four Brothers" (2005), and "Abduction" (2011)! And, He Co-Created The Television Crime Drama "Snow Ball" (2017-2019).

"Mr. Singleton also Directed Episodes of Popular and Highly Acclaimed Television Shows," "Empire" (2015), and "American Crime Story (2016)."

"A Talent such as Mr. Singleton is Rare," and "His Sensitivity and Insight into The Films, Roles and Actors He Directed" was "Always Honest, Real, and Captivating!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of John Singleton! And, To Mr. Singleton's Colleagues, Friends, and Fans of His Films, We are Very Fortunate to Have His Universal Body of Creativity to Admire for as Long as The Movies are a Passion in Our Lives.

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Love One Due To Gun Related Violence, or Violence Caused by The Acts of Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings! We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And, To All The Families and Communities, Domestically and Globally, who have Lost A Love One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!