Saturday, April 13, 2019



The Way To Peace! #339

"As This New Political Season Continues to Mount and Grow in Intensity and Verbiage," along with "The Number of Democrats All Vying to Be The Nominee of Their Party," and "Challenge to Replace President Trump," (Should He Still Be The Republican Nominee) "As President of The United States of America," Still "The Last Impressions, Thoughts, Idea's, and Feelings about Robert Mueller's Special Counsel Investigation" and "Report," "Still "Continue to Dominate The News Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Influence in The United States!"

And, "Whether It has Been The President's National Emergency Declaration," "Tax Returns," "Border and Failed Immigration Policies," "Executive Orders," "Foreign Policy," "Trade War with The People's Republic of China," or "His Renewed Political Campaigns," Much to His Concern, Chagrin, and Exasperation, "The Mueller Report Remains The Number One News Story in The Nation!"

And, "Almost Anything Related to The Parallel Universes of The Almost Four Hundred Page Special Counsel Report by Robert Mueller III," is "Still Being Eagerly Awaited upon by The Houses of The United States Congress," "The Trump Administration," "The Fourth Estate," "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "The Leaders and Populace of The Earth's Sovereign Nations," and "Most of All by The American People" with "Great Expectation!"

-(Note that, Friday, The Twelfth of April 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump's Tweet" that His Administration is "Giving strong considerations to placing illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities," (in Democratic/Liberal Strongholds), "Due the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws," is "Yet Another Example of His Lack of Comprehension" or "Compassion for The Needs of Asylum Seekers who have Come to America for Sanctuary and Refuge from Life Threatening Danger's to Their Families," who are "Currently Being Held in Detention Centers!" 

And, "This is An Immigration Idea" that "Will Not Bode Well for The President," and/or "The Republican Party" in "This New Election Season!"

And, "Let's Agree" that "History Will Record and Look Back on President Trump's Tenure in Office with An Exacting Eye for The Truth" and "Nothing But The Truth!" And, "There Will Be Total Transparency for Future Generations to See," without "Any Redactions!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Ninth of April 2019 "In His First Appearance Before Congress" since Releasing His Four Page Summary of The Mueller Report, "United States Attorney General William Barr Appeared Before The House Appropriation Subcommittee," and said "He Expects to Release a "Redacted Version of The Mueller Report "Within a Week!"

However, "He Does Not Expect to Ask The Court to Release The Grand Jury Information!"

And, "The Questions" of, (1) Whether The Attorney General Release The Complete Version of Special Counsel Mueller's Report to Congress Still Remains Unanswered, and, (2) He Declined to Say Whether or Not He has Briefed The White House or Given A Copy of The Mueller Report to The White House to Review.

"The Attorney General" also said that "Mr. Mueller Declined to Read His Four Page Summary Before Releasing It to The Public!"

"How Much of The Special Counsels Report Will Be Redacted Still Remains The Question!"

However, "Attorney General Barr has A Responsibility to Release The Whole Mueller Report to The American People," "without Redactions!"

The Word "Redaction" is "Not An Amendment of The United States Constitution," and "It Should Not Be Used to Prevent The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," from "Reviewing A Complete Version of The Special Counsels Report!" 
There is "No Justice in This!"

And, "A Subpoena" Should Be Issued by The House Judiciary Committee," for "A Complete Unredacted Mueller Report," "If U.S. Attorney General William Barr Does Not Release "An Unredacted Mueller Report to The American Public," and "The U.S. Congress!"

-(Note that, Wednesday, The Tenth of April 2019, "When Asked A Question by Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen from New Hampshire," In A Testimony Before The United States Senate Appropriation Subcommittee about "Whether The Government Spied on The Trump Campaign, Attorney General William Barr said "I think spying did occur." And, He also said, "The question was whether it was adequately predicated. And, I'm not suggesting it wasn't predicated. I need to explore that."

However, When Pressed later on "The Attorney General Attempted to Reverse His Suggestion," by "Further Clarifying It" saying, that He does not necessarily believe "any improper surveillance occurred."
And, "I am saying that I am concerned about it and I am looking into it....I want to make sure there was no unauthorized surveillance."

Let's Agree" that "The Attorney Generals Clarification is Important to Remember" as "The Election Campaign Rhetoric," and "Campaigning by Candidates All Across The United States for Votes Continues to Escalate!"

And, "It is Essential" that "We Remember" that "Special Council Mueller was Authorized to Investigate Russia's Interference in The 2016 United States Presidential Election," and "Russia was Found to Be Guilty by All of The U.S. Intelligence Agencies and The U.S. Congress," and Received Sanctions Against Them!" This was "Not a Witch Hunt!" "There were Indictments and Guilty Convictions!"

And, "The American People Deserve to See The Complete Mueller Report," Not A Redacted One," so that "The Truth Will Be Served," and "The American People and Members of The U.S. Congress Will Be Able to Decide for Themselves What The Truth is!"

Today, President Trump has Called the Mueller Investigation, "an illegal investigation!"...And, The President also said, "This was an attempted coup."     

As The Sun Set's Over The Skies of The England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, "The Unitary Sovereign Nation of The United Kingdom," "In A Letter Written to The European Union," on Friday, The Fifth of April 2019 "United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa Requested" that "Brexit Be Delayed until The Thirtieth of June 2019," or Sooner, "If The Opposing Cross Party Political Factions," "Can Come to An Acceptable Agreement on Brexit!"

"France has Suggested A Two Week Extension!" "Germany," in Turn, has "Requested More Information from Prime Minister May to Justify Her Request!"

"The Problem" is that Prime Minister May's Request for "A Brexit Extension Will Cross The Same Time Line as Elections to The European Parliament!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "European Council President Donald Tusk has Suggested that Prime Minister May Be Given as Long as A Year" to "Resolve The UK's Brexit Impasse" (Called Flextension).

The Tenth of April 2019 European Leaders in Brussels Agreed" to "Grant An Extension of Article 50 until The Thirty-First of October 2019, (with A Review in June) "Which Prime Minister May has Accepted This Offer," with "A Request" that "The extension can be terminated when the withdrawal agreement has been ratified."

Mrs. May also said at A News Conference in Brussels, "I know that there is huge frustration from many people that I had to request this extension. The UK should have left the EU by now and I sincerely regret the fact that I have not yet been able to persuade Parliament to approve a deal which would allow the UK to leave in a smooth and orderly way.
But the choices we now face are stark and the timetable is clear."

And, Mrs. May also said "I do not pretend the next few weeks will be easy or that there is a simple way to break the deadlock in Parliament. But we have a duty as politicians to find a way to fulfill the democratic decision of the Referendum, deliver Brexit and move our country forward.
Nothing is more pressing or more vital."

-(Note that "Donald Tusk, European Council President said at The EU Summit "Please do not waist this time.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Eleventh of April 2019 "Prime Minister May Spoke Before The House of Commons," and Read from A Statement, "Mr Speaker I know the whole country is intensely frustrated that this process to leave the European Union has not still been completed. I never wanted to seek this extension and I deeply regret that we have not yet been able to secure agreement in this House for a deal that would allow us to leave in a smooth and orderly way. I know to that this whole debate is putting members on all sides of the House under immense pressure and causing uncertainty across the country. And, we need to resolve this. So lets use the opportunity of the recess to reflect on the decisions that will have to made swiftly on our return after Easter." And, let us then resolve to find a way through this impasse!"

And, "The Prime Minister" also said, "So we can leave the EU with a deal as soon as possible. So we can avoid having to hold those European Parliamentary Elections. And Above all, So that we can fulfill the democratic decision of the Referendum, Deliver Brexit and move our country forward. This is our National duty as elected members of this House, and nothing today is more pressing or more vital."  

However, "The Brexit Impasse that Mrs. May is Faced with" has "Caused Members of Her Own Party to Call for Her to Step Down!" 

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of The Labour Party said" in Parliament," on Thursday The Eleventh of April, "The Prime Minister has stuck rigidly to a flawed plan, and now the clock has run down, leaving Britain in limbo and adding to the deep uncertainty of business, workers, and people all across this country."        

"The Questions" that Still Remain are, "Will Mrs. May Agree to A Compromise" with "The Labour Party's Customs Union Proposal!" 
And, "How Many More Times Will Flextension Be Needed by The Prime Minister If An Agreement has Not Been Reached by The Thirty-First of October 2019," or until "March of 2020" (with Additional Conditions).

Note that, The "Put It To The People's March" on Saturday, The Twenty-Third of March 2019 was "A Clear Demonstration that The People of The United Kingdom Would Like to Be Included" in "Whatever New Decision is Made" about "Brexit!"

And, "Astute Political Omniscience Should Council or Advise," that "The Opinion of The People Should Be Valued" in "Whatever New Decisions are Made" about "Brexit!"

And, "Irregardless of Whatever Political Persuasion You May Be," "Cognizant, Diplomatic, and An Insightful Perceptiveness, Intuition, and Intelligence of The Overall State and Comprehension of Human Nature," and "The Will Of The People" "Should Be The Guiding Light" in "Whatever Brexit Decision is Made!"

And, "Irregardless of The Decision by European Leaders to Extend Article 50," "One Question Still Remains," Does Prime Minister May "Still intend to Step Down from Her Office as Prime Minister!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The European Union's Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier" has said, "After Completing Talks with Leo Varadkar The Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland," that "The European Union will "Stand fully behind Ireland" regardless of what happens with Brexit.

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"New Cracks have Appeared in The Trump Administration," and "The Walls of The West Wing" as Sunday, The Seventh of April 2019, "President Trump Announced via Twitter" that "The Secretary of The Department of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen will be leaving her position, and I would like to thank her for her service!"

And, President Trump also Added that "I am pleased to announce that Kevin McAleenan, the current U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, will become Acting Secretary for @DHSgov. I have confidence that Kevin will do a great job!"

Secretary Nielsen wrote in Her Resignation Letter" that, "I hereby resign from the position of Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), effective April 7, 2019," and "Despite our progress in reforming Homeland Security for a new age, I have determined that it is the right time for me to step aside."

And, In a Series of Tweets, Former Secretary Nielsen also said "It has been an honor of a lifetime to serve with the brave men and women of DHS," and that "She could not be prouder of, and more humbled by their service."

"The Question" of "Whether The Former Secretary Resigned of Her Own Volition or Not," is "Not as Relevant as The Immigrant/Border Policy," that She Created with President Trump's Approval, has "Been A Disaster," and "The Detainment of Migrant Children," and "Separating Them from The Parents and Families" has "Proven to Be An Unsuccessful, Unethical, Immoral, and Unconstitutional Immigration Policy!"

-(Note that, Kevin McAleenan Previously Served in Former President Obama's Administration!" And, was "Deputy Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection from 2014 to 2017!" After which "He Served as "Acting Commissioner of Border and Customs Protection from 2017 'til 2018!"

In 2018 President Trump Nominated Mr. McAleenan to Assume The Position on "A Permanent Basis!"
In 2005 Mr. McAleenan "Received the Service to America Medal," Call to Service Award!" 
"Mr. McAleenan was Given This Award Because of His Leadership," after September 11, 2001," for "Developing and Implementing Comprehensive Anti-Terrorism Strategy for Border Security!"

And, In 2015, "He was Given The Highest Civil Service Award in The United States, "the Presidential Rank Award!")- 

"Let's Hope that "Mr. McAleenan's New Position as Acting Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security" (DHS) "Will Become More Successful in Developing A Comprehensive Strategy" that "Re-establishes The United States" as "A Sovereign Nation of Compassion for Those Seeking Safe Haven," as "It has Been in Incarcerating and Detaining Mothers, Fathers, and Children" who have "Asked for Asylum and Shelter from Oppression, Ruthless Suppression, Violence and Death," under "The Tenure in Office of Former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Kirstjen Nielsen," and "The Trump Administration's Zero Tolerance Policy!"

As "The Parallel Universes" of Sociological, Ecological and Environmental, Religious and Spiritual, Universal, Military, Electoral, Philanthropic, and Philosophical Sphere's of Causation and Effect, Influences and Consequences Emerge and Re-Emerge" like "An Experience of Deja vu "There are Questions" that Still Remain, that are "Beyond Reason or Comprehension" such as, (1) What has Happened to Alexei Navalny, has He Been Totally Silenced by Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, and,

(2) When Will The Trade War Orchestrated by The United States of America President Donald Trump, and The People's Republic of China President Xi Jinping and "Finally Reach An Agreeable Conclusion," 

(3) How Many Farmers have Been Threatened with The Loss of Their Livelihood, Because of The Trade War Between The U.S. and China, and How Many Businesses have Born The Brunt of This Example of Political Hubris and Misshapen Foreign Affairs, 

(4) When are The Lives and Misfortunes of Migrant Families Going to Receive The Empathy and Humanitarian Concern and Consideration that They Deserve, 

(5) When are All The Detained Migrant Children Being Held Against Their Will in United States Detention Centers, Because of The Immoral, Unconstitutional, and Unethical Zero Immigration Policy of The Trump Administration, Going to, Either, Be Returned to Their Parents and Families, or Given Refuge in The U.S., 

(6) Why is Racism and Hatred Still Prevalent in Our Global Communities, When We have All Been Born on This Planet Earth, and There are Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us, and Why Anyone Would Wish to Exploit This Tragic Weakness of Human Nature to Their Benefit and/or Profit is Beyond Comprehension, and A Crime Against All Humanity, 

(7) During These Religious Holidays One Can only Wonder What Jesus Would Think about Sexual Abuse and Misconduct among The Three Holy Orders of The Roman Catholic Church, 

(8) What Happened to Jesus' Mother, Sisters and Brothers, Did His Sisters and Brothers have Families, and Does The Vatican Know The Answers, 

(9) Our Home Planet Earth is Beautiful Planet, Why are We Forsaking The Future of The Youth of The Earth by Not Doing Our Utmost to Care for The Earths Environmental and Ecological Systems and The Lives of All Sentient Beings, We have a Responsibility to Be The Conservators and Protectors of The Earths Seas, Lands, Skies, Cosmos, Universe, Air and Atmosphere, 

(10) Why are The Dictators, Tyrants, One-Man-Rule, and One-Party-Rule Forms of Governance Afraid to Establish and Live in Equality, Freedom, Economic Parity, Justice, Equal Opportunity, Global Equilibre, and Peace On Earth.

"The Modern Civilization of The Twenty-First Century," After Colonizing The Earths Continents, Islands, Mountains, Valleys, and Level Plains," is "Striving with All The Ability It has," "To Respond to The Cry of Humanity, (who are "Being Bogged Down, Entangled, and Impeded in The Mire's of A Conditioned Reality,") and "The Earths Call for Assistance," as "Its Environmental and Ecological Systems are Polluted with The Refuge of Humanity!"

And, "After Having Reached Out with Both Hands," into "The Shadows and Abysses of Uncertainty, Resignation, Hopelessness, and Despair," in "Hopes of Rescuing The Downtrodden," and "Purifying The Soiled Body of The Earth," and "Removing The Impediments of Cognizance, Evolution and Creation from The Chromosomes Of Being and The Grand Cosmos, and The Grand Universe of Infinity!" 

"Yet Still There are More Questions that Need to Be Answered," as "We Search and Explore The New and Unfathomable of Depths of The Sea's," and "The Grand Universe of Human, Sentient, Innate, Parallel Sphere's of Creativity," and "Its Myriad Cultures," with "Our Interstellar Space Probes, Sixth Senses, Instincts, Intuitions, and Unlimited Eddies, X's, and Perceptions of The New Horizons that Lie Before Us," For Answer's to "The Still Unknown Mysteries, Sociological and Universal Experiences," and Impediments, that Lie in Our Way!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies Hovering Over The Sovereign Nation of Venezuela, "A New Call to Protest" has "Reverberated All Across The Nation!"

Saturday, The Fifth of April 2019 Ten's of Thousands of Venezuelans Demonstrated in Support of Juan Guaido," and "For The Ouster of Mr. Maduro!"

And, "The Threat of A Civil War is Beginning to Cloud The Horizon of Venezuela," and "Cast A Shadow of Violence, " and "Negativity, Frustration, and Hopelessness upon The Venezuelan People!"

And, "The Fact" that "Millions of Venezuelans have Left The Country in Fear for Their Lives Does Not Create A Positive Picture," or "Reason to Believe" that "There Will Be An Immediate Resolution to The Political Impasse" that has "Engulfed The Nation!" 

Which is "Why The Need for Impartial and Trustful Mediators are Needed" such as, "Pope Francis," or "United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres," or "Respected Women and Men of The Same Caliber and Merit!"  

And, "The Need for Emergency Medical Assistance, Provisions for Food, Water, Infrastructure Repairs, and Humanitarian Aid, Whatever The Need May Be," to "Care for The Welfare and Healthcare Of Venezuelan Families," who are "Pawns in The Middle of A Political and Military State of Amorphous and Hubris," that "Lusts For Power," Instead of "Being A Government that Represents The Will Of The People, For The Benefit and Defense Of The People," "is Imperative!"

And, "Any Foreign Agents or Entities who Lust over The Wealth of Venezuela without Concern For Its People," Should Rethink What Their Priorities are," and "Realign Them with Sovereign Nations" who have "Demonstrated as having A Propensity to Care for Their Fellow Human Being," and "Showing Empathy For The Welfare of Their Fellow Human Being!"

-(Note that, Friday, The Twelfth of April 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Accused The People's Republic of China" of "Financing Mr. Maduro's Government!"

"Secretary Pompeo Made This Statement in The Sovereign Nation of Chile," Where "He Met with President Sebastian Pinera in Santiago," The Capitol of Chile!  

"Chile" is "The First Stop of Secretary Pompeo's Four Nation Tour of Latin America!"

Secretary Pompeo also "Criticized The Russian Federations Connections and Support of Authoritarian Regimes" in "Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela!" And, "Discussed The U.S.-China Trade War with President Pinera!")-     

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Ninth of April 2019, "The Question" of "Whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Will Remain Prime Minister of Israel," or "Be Defeated by Benny Gantz Will Finally Be Answered," as "Election Day Looms over The Destiny and Fate of The Prime Minister," who has "Been The Subject of Allegations of Fraud, and Breach of Trust, in Three Separate Cases," Including "Bribery in One of Them!"

And, with "Ex-Israeli Military Chief of Staff," and "Leader of The Center-Left Blue and White Political Alliance Benny Gantz," "Leading in Several Polls," It Will Be Interesting to Discover "If Prime Minister Netanyahu Will Be Able to Transcend All of The Negative Allegations of Fraud and Corruption," that "He has Been Faced with," and Once again, "Succeed in His Quest for A Fifth Term in Office!"

"The Answer" is in, "While Both Benny Gantz's Blue and White Party," and "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party, Both "Won Thirty-Five Seats in The Election," The Prime Minister is "In The Best Position to Form A Right Wing Coalition to Lead The Israeli Government!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Eleventh of April 2019 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Election Irregularities at Several Polling Stations" have "Caused a Delay in Publication of The Final Election Results!" Which May Cause "The New Right to Be Left Out of The Knesset," (The Unicameral National Legislature of Israel). "The New Right" has "Demanded that There Be A Recount!"

However, "This Does Not Affect Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party's Victory!" "In Fact," at Last Count, "The Likud Party" May have "Increased Their Total of Seats to Thirty-Six!" 

As The Sun Set's in The Skies of The Sovereign Nation of France, "For Twenty-Two Consecutive Weekend's" There have "Been Demonstrations Against The Economic Policies of French President Emmanuel Macron's Administration!"

And, "The Question" is, "What Exactly Will Satisfy The People of France," and "Bring about A Cessation of Demonstrations!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said, "the debate clearly shows us in which direction we need to go: we need to lower taxes and lower them faster."

"The Dialogue among The People of France has Been Considerable" since "the Demonstrations have Begun!" 

GCM News Reports are "There have Been Approximately Ten Thousand French Town Hall Meetings," and "Two Million Online Contributions" in Regards to "The Direction The French Government Needs to Take!" And, "It is Obvious" that "These Demonstrations are about More than Lowering Fuel Taxes!"

And, "If A New Trust is to Develop in France Between French President Macron and The French People," It is of The Utmost Importance that "President Macron's Economic Policies" are "In Perfect Harmony and Synergy with The Voice Of The People!" Whether It Be about (1) Climate Change, (2) Transportation, and (3) Tax Parity!

"History has Shown Us" that "Non-Violent Demonstrations, Protestations, and Marches" have "Led to Great New Beginnings" and "Enhanced Comprehension of The Needs Of The Diverse Community, Tapestry and Fabric OF The People," and "This is such A Moment in Time," When "New Bridges of Economic Parity," and "Investment In The Lives of All The People," Can Result in A New Equation of Trust and Equilibre," that "Benefits The Lives," and "Improves The Quality of Life For One and All!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Reason Why Ethiopian Flight ET302 Crashed into A Field near Tulu Fara Village," just "Forty Miles Southeast of Addis Ababa," The Ethiopian Capitol, "Outside of The Town of Bishoftu," En Route to Nairobi, Kenya, "Causing The Deaths of One Hundred and Fifty-Seven Passengers and Crew Members," has "Been Discovered by Boeing!"

After An Exhaustive Examination of Its 737 Boeing Max 8 Aircraft, "Boeing has Acknowledged in A Video Statement," on Thursday, The Fourth of April 2019, that "In both the Ethiopian and Indonesian Flights the software for the anti-stall system- or MCAS- was activated in response to erroneous angle of attack sensor readings."

"New Software is Being Worked on," to "Get The Grounded Three Hundred and Seventy-One Boeing 737 Max 8 Aircraft Back in Operation!"

"Boeing CEO Dennis A. Muilenburg also Apologized," that the company was "sorry for the lives lost in the 737 Max crashes."

Unfortunately, "This Does Not Ease The Pain and Trauma of The Families and Friends" who have "Lost A Love One!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families from More than Thirty-Five Different Nationalities who Lost A Love One in The Tragic Crash of Ethiopian Flight ET302, and We Mourn Their Loss with You!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Eighth of April 2019 "The United States and NATO Resolute Support Mission Issued A Statement Confirming" that "Three American Soldiers were Killed in A Suicide Bombing Attack," of "An American Convoy" by The Taliban, near "The Bagram Air Field in The Bagram District of Afghanistan!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Three Other U.S. Service Members were Wounded in The Attack!"

"This Base Serves as The Main U.S. Air Facility in Afghanistan," Located in Northern Parwan Province!  

At Present, "There are Approximately Fourteen Thousand U.S. Forces in Afghanistan!" "Seven American Soldiers have Died in This Seventeen Year Old War in Afghanistan This Year!"

"Peace Talks between The United States and The Taliban," have so far, "Proven to Be Unsuccessful," and "Further Compounded by The Refusal of Taliban Negotiators to Meet with Afghan Government Officials," "Making The Peace Negotiations to End This War Extremely Difficult to Achieve!"

-(Note that, "The Afghanistan War is The Longest War in U.S. History!")-

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The U.S. Families who have Lost A Love One in The Bombing Attack near Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan! We Mourn Their Loss with You in This Time Period of Deep Sorrow, Anguish, and Grief!

And, We Share This Time Period of Deep Sadness, and Trauma with Their Fellow Service Members, Friends, and Communities. The Loss of These Three Brave and Courageous U.S. Service Members Will Not Be Forgotten!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Eleventh of April 2019 Global Cross Media News Reports are "WikiLeaks Co-Founder Julian Assange was Arrested in London, England," and "Faces Extradition to The United States" For "Publishing Thousands of Classified Military and Diplomatic Cables Through WikiLeaks," and "Faces Computer Hacking Charges!"

Thursday, The Eleventh of April "The United States Department of Justice Unsealed Its Indictment Against Mr. Assange," in Which, "He is Faced with at Least One Computer Hacking Charge," (in "Relation to His Collaboration with Chelsea Manning).

-(Note that, On The Thirtieth of July 2013 "Chelsea Manning," a Former United States Soldier, was "Convicted by Court Martial in violation of the Espionage Act, and other Offences, after "She Disclosed to WikiLeaks almost  Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Classified, or Unclassified but Sensitive, Military and Diplomatic Documents," and "She was also Found Guilty of Seventeen of The Original Twenty-Two Charges and Amended Versions of Four Others, Against Her!"

"Chelsea Manning," a Trans Woman (Born Bradley Edward Manning) had "Been An Intelligence Analyst" to "An Army Unit in Iraq in 2009," and "In 2010 She Leaked Classified and Unclassified Information to WikiLeaks, for Which She was Sentenced to Thirty-Five Years at The Maximum Security U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth!"

However, On The Seventeenth of January 2017 "Her Sentenced was Commuted to Almost Seven Years in Prison," from "Her Arrest on The Twenty-Seventh of May 2017," by "Former U.S. President Barrack Obama!")- 

Mr. Assange was Arrested on Behalf of Charges Made by The U.S. Department of Justice," and "Detained on A Warrant by Westminster Magistrates' Court on 29 June 2012," for "failing to surrender to the court," and "Faces A Possible Sentence of One Year in Prison," For "Violating The Conditions of His Bail."
Reports are "Mr. Assange Attempted to Resist Arrest" Shouting out, "this is unlawful, I'm not leaving."    

"Julian Assange had Been Given Asylum by Ecuador in 2012," and was "Living in Exile," at "The Ecuadorian Embassy in London!"

However, "His Asylum Status was Revoked" by "The Ecuadorian Government," and "He was Arrested as He was Forced to Leave The Embassy by "Alerted Police Officials!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Ecuador dropped its protection of Assange "for repeatedly violating international conventions and protocol of coexistence.")-

-(And, also Take Note that, In 2012 "Mr. Assange Faced Allegations of Sex Crimes in Sweden," But, "This Case has Been Dropped!")-

The Way To Peace! #139-Revisited-

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Must Engage in A Earthwide Vision Path of Activism!" 
For, "If "We Remain Silent and Inactive, During these Very Difficult and Crucial Time Periods," When "Them that's Got Shall have, and Them that's Not Shall Lose," (as sung by Billie Holiday in "God Bless The Child"), and UN-Employment Will Continue to Ravage Our Societies Poorer Communities," and "Homelessness Will Continue to Be Prevalent Everywhere!"
-(Irregardless of "The Tax Reform Bill" Passed by The Republican Party" and "Signed into Law by President Trump!" That was "More Consistent" in "Being Another Tax Giveaway" to "The Wealthy and Big Business!")- 

And, "Our Political, Civilian, Military, and Religious Leaders Continue to Drag Their Feet and Procrastinate," "Instead of Acting Immediately, Effectively, and Decisively," to "Find Solutions to The Growing List of Problems that Plague Our Lives and Communities," such as; "Veterans Mental Health Issues, Drug Addiction, Teenage Suicide, Sexual Abuse and Misconduct, Environmental and Ecological Concerns, Immigration, Home Foreclosures, Farm Bankruptcies, Corruption, Gun-Related Violence, and Crime!"

"We have to Speak Out," and "Through Non-Violent Demonstrations" and "The Up and Coming Elections Make Our Voices Heard," and "Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change The World!"

"Patience is A Virtue," However, "We are At A Critical Juncture, Where The Loss of Time and Action," "May Cause The Loss of Lives," and, "That is Why We Must Act, Now!"

"We Can Not Continue to Live in A Stagnant Economic Culture of Illusions, Delusions, and Misconceptions!" "We Need Real Economic Growth," that "Favors All The People," and "Not Just The Few!"

And, "We Can Not Afford to Live under The Rules and Regulations of "The "Ists," and "The Isms," and of "The Global Oligarchs," and "The One-Man-Rule" or "One Party-Rule Forms of Governance!"

"We Need New Laws" that are "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

"Laws that are Just and Moral!" "Laws" that have "Been Created to Adhere to The Realities of The 21st Century!" And, of "A Civilized World Culture" of "A Social and Global Cross-Media Universe!"

And, "Let Us Be Absolutely Clear" that "We Must Be Spiritual Activists!" "Political Activists!" "Environmental and Ecological Activists!" "Economical Activists!" "Media Activists!" "Energy Activists!" "Legal Activists!" And, "Cultural Activists!"  

"We" are "A Great People" of "A Great Soul Force," and, "We Must One and All Be" "A Great Nexus of Activism," Who are "Committed and Dedicated to Be Honest, Fair minded, Moral, and Just Global Community," "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, "Let Us" also "Be A Great Earthrise Movement" That is "Unafraid to Challenge The Bureaucrats, Sophists, Economists, Military, Civilian, and, Religious Leaders," "Who are in The Pocket of The Oligarchs of Elitism, Crime, and Corruption!"

And, "If, You are A Global," or "Regional Celebrity" or "A Millionaire," or "A Billionaire!" 
"Or, If, You are Fortunate to have Succeeded in Whatever Professional Endeavor that You have Chosen," "Don't Wait for Some One to Lead The Way," "Be An Interdependent Activist on Your Own!" 
"Or, Join Together with Others Who are Passionate about Improving The Plight of The Poor and Afflicted!" 

"Or, Come to The Aid of Homeowners and Farmers Who are Threatened with Foreclosure!" 

"Or, Provide Financial Support for The Middle Class Who have also Taken The Blunt of The Economic Decline, Earthwide!" 

"Or, Aid of The Millions of Single Parents, Who are Struggling to Survive and Care for Their Children!"

And, "To Those of You Who have a Propensity Towards The Law," "Lets Work Towards Exposing The Degenerate and Immoral Organized Crime Groups," and "Individuals," "Who Conduct Acts of Depravity against Children and Humanity!" 
For "They Must be Stopped from Enslaving Our Children, and Women and Men," "Who are Helpless to Defend Themselves," and "Who have Been Sold as Sex Slaves," and "Abused and Misused over and again!"

And, "Its Time for The Civilian, Military, and Religious Leaders of The Earths United Nations" to "Lead The Way to Bring about The Economical, Political, and Social Reforms" that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Need to Prosper, Evolve, and Enjoy The Fruits of Technology, Science, and The Social and Global Cross-Media Universes, and Culture!" 

"The Times they are a changing," as Bob Dylan wrote and sang, and "Its Time" that "The Earth's Leaders" "Got The Message!" 

"Its Obvious to Everyone Else althrough-out The Earth" that, "The Winds of Change are Here and Now!" The "Demonstrations in The United States, The United Kingdom, France, and Venezuela" are "A Reflection of This Desire for Change!"

But, "It is also, of The Utmost Importance For One and All," to "Remember to Follow," "The Vision Path of Non-Violence!" 

And, "Refrain from Acts of Violence!" And, "Do Not Tarnish Your Movement for Change," by "Causing Destruction, Stealing or Looting," in "The Spirit and Passion of Your Demonstrations and Protestations!"

"We Need To Empower Each Other," "Not Reduce The Meaningfulness of Our Actions by Criminal Acts of Irresponsibility!"

And, "To, The Anti-War Groups, All Over The Earth," "Its Time to Re-Engage Your Energies," and "Begin A New Peace Initiative and Effort!" 

And, "Lets Utilize The Limitless Avenues Available to Us," via "The Internet, and The Social and Global Cross-Media Universes" to "Advance Our Idea's, Causes, and Goals to Achieve Peace, Now!"

And, "Lets Call for A Global Truce," and "Immediate Peace Dialogues from Sovereign Nations of Israel and Palestine," to "Afghanistan, Syria, and Venezuela!" 

"For, This is, The Way To Peace!" And, "A Way To Heal The World!" And, "A Way Towards The Reality of There Being, A Peace Millennium!"

And, To, All The Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries "Let's Share, The Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions of Our Vision Path," "Of, By, and, For The People," via "Twitter, Bing, Facebook, Linkedin, Yahoo, MSN, Google, You Tube, iTunes, and Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms!"

And, "Let Us Continue" to Be "A Great Earthrise Evolution and Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The The Earth, "In The Great Tradition of Women and Men" Who have "Lead The Way and Shared The Way" by "Their Actions, Words, Thoughts, and Idea's," of "A Highly Evolved, Illuminated, Compassionate, Wise, Empathetic, and, Enlightened Way of Life!" 

And, So, "Lets Be A Great Soul Force and Synergy of Action," In The Tradition of, "Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Socrates, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Martin Luther King Jr., Confucius, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Lao-Tzu, Saint Francis of Assisi, Muhammad, Clara Barton, Zoroaster, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rumi, Charlemagne, and Moses!"

And, "Let Us Continue" to Spread "The Good News" of "Change, Hope, Equality, Global Equilibre, Equanimity, and Economic Opportunity," "For All The People, Earthwide," via "The Most Omnipotent Non-Violent Activists Communication Network and Nexus," "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!"

And, "Let Us Root, Focus, and Center The Heart, Nucleus, Soul and Spirit of Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement," "Of, By, and For the People," "Firmly in Our Knowing" that "Our Time has Come," and "Our Philosophy of Change Must Become A Reality!" 

And, that "This Earth," is "Our Home Planet," and, "We are The Citizens" of This, "The Third Planet from The Sun!"

And, "May Our Non-Violent Omnipresent Evolution," "Of The People," "Continue to Evolve and Soar on The Eddies, X's, Thought waves," and "Links of Peace," and "On The Majestic Wings of The Phoenix of Peace," and "A Fraternity, Union, and Communion" of "One and All," "Excluding No One," and "Including The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, "With Our Global and Universal Vision Of Change," "Let Us Bring A New Ecology and Environmental Wisdom to The Universal Equation of The 21st Century," that "Leads Us to A New Age of Consciousness and Spiritual Awareness," and "Earthwise Perspicacity, Insight, Comprehension, and Perception!" 

"This is Our Destiny and Fate," and "Let Us Share This Belief and Understanding with Each and Every Breath" that "We Take,"  and with "Everyone" that "We Meet!"

And, "May We Be Lead from Political Rhetoric and Lies," To "A New Truth and Solar Axiom," "Of The People!"

And, "Let Us Be Lead from The Policies of Constraint and Restraint," To "A New Sowing of Global Investment by The Worlds of Finance," and "Rebuilding The Infrastructures of The Earths Economy," and "Its Communities!"

And, "Lets Re-Commit and Dedicate Ourselves," To "Eliminate Poverty and Homelessness from Being A Part of Our Earths Societies," or "Any Infants Memory!"

And, "Lets Lead The Way from War to Peace!" And, "From Hate and Racism" to "Love and Global Unification!" And, "From A Conditioned Class and Materialistic Global Reality," To "A Universal and Spiritually Evolved State of Conscious Awareness!" For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Peace Millennium!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Love Due to Gun Related Violence or Caused by The Act's of Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not for The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings! We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Time of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And, To All The Families and Communities, Domestically and Globally, who have Lost A Love One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!