Monday, April 1, 2019



The Way To Peace! #338

"The Special Counsel Investigation" (also Known as The Mueller Investigation, or Mueller Probe) was "Authorized by United States Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on The Seventeenth of May 2017 who "Appointed Robert Mueller III (Sixth Director of The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 2001 to 2013, and Former Marine Corp Officer During The Vietnam War, Receiving a Bronze Star for Heroism, and a Purple Heart) to Investigate, (1) The Russian Governments Interference of The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, and, (2) Allegations that "There were Connections or Coordination between Donald Trump's Campaign and The Russian Government!"

It was "A United States Law Enforcement and Counter Intelligence  Investigation," and "No It was Not "A Witch Hunt!"

And, "From The Seventeenth of May 2017 This Probe Conducted by Robert Mueller and His Team of Prosecutors, "Has Produced," at Least "Thirty-Indictments and Guilty Convictions of, at Last Count, (1) Six Former Advisers of President Trump, (2) Thirteen Russian Nationals and Three Russian Companies, (3) Twelve Russian GRU Officers, (4) One California Man, and (5) One London-Based Company, and (6) Add Michael Cohen to The List of Indicted and Guilty Convictions, and (7) Roger Stone to The List of Those Indicted "During These Last Two Years!"  

And, "The Russian Investigations have Increased New Interests," and "Opened up Asides into New Data," that have "Given Birth to New Investigations" into The Trump Organization, The Trump Foundation," and "Not Excluding The President Himself," such as, (1) On The of March 2019 The House Judiciary Announced that They have Opened up An Extensive Operation into The Trump Organization, Obstruction of Justice by Interfering in Criminal Investigations, Abuses of Power to Include the Misuse of Pardon Power, Attacks on The Press, Judiciary, and Law Enforcement Agencies, Potential Corruption such as Violation of Campaign and Financial Laws, Misuse of Office for Personal Gain, the 58th Inaugural Committee, Trump Foundation, and Trump Transition," and "All in All Eighty-One Individuals, Federal Agencies, Entities," have "Been Given until The Eighteenth of March 2019" to "Provide The Special Documents" that "The Judiciary Committee has Requested!" (At last Count only Eight of The Eighty-One have Provided the Documents!" And, Note that "The White House has Not Turned over One Document that was Requested!")       

(2) On The Fourth of March 2019 The New York State Department of Financial Services Issued A Subpoena to The Trump Organization Insurance Company, (Aon Insurance Company) "A Global Insurance Company Headquartered in London England!"  
Global Cross Media Reports are "The New York State Department of Financial Services" is "Investigating The Trump Family Business!"

(3) On The Fourteenth of June 2018, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood "Filed A Lawsuit Against The Trump Foundation," "Seeking $2.8 Million Dollars in Restitution and Dissolution of The Trump Foundation!" -(Note that, on The Eighteenth of December 2018 "The Trump Non-Profit Charitable Foundation Agreed to Dissolve!"

(4) "A Lawsuit Filed by Attorney Generals from The State of Maryland and The District of Columbia," "Accusing President Trump of Violating The Constitution's Emoluments Clause!"

"A Ruling by District Court Judge of Maryland Peter Messitte," On Friday The Second of November 2018, has "Given The Plaintiffs Power to Obtain Documents from President Trump," and "Ordered the Discovery Process to Begin!"

-(Note that, "The Lawsuit Claims that President Trump has Violated Two Different Clauses in The Constitution," Known as Emoluments Clauses: One that forbids federal government officials from accepting gifts from foreign government officials, and the Second says, the president may not accept benefits from state governments.")-

(5) "Two Hundred Democratic Members of Congress" are also "Suing President Trump over Violations of The Emoluments Clause!" And, Global Cross Media News Reports are On Friday The Twenty-Eighth of September of 2018, "District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan" of The District of Columbia, "Ruled that the Lawmakers have a legal standing to proceed with the lawsuit!"

-(Note that, The Plaintiffs "Argued that President Trump has been earning a profit from The Trump International Hotel," Which is in Violations of The Constitution's Emoluments Clause.")- 

(6)  On Thursday, The Twenty-Ninth of November 2018 Michael Cohen, President Trump's Former Private Attorney, Plead Guilty to Lying about the Proposed Trump Tower project in Moscow!" Mr. Cohen Testified that "I made these statements to be consistent with individual-1's political messaging and out of loyalty to individual-1" (Global Cross Media News Reports are Mr. Cohen identified Mr. Trump as Individual-1 in court filings," and also "identified Him as such in Court!") 

And then, "There are "Still Trials, Continued Investigations, and Indictments that Lie Ahead," by "The Attorney's of The Southern District of New York," who are "Not Ruled by The Guidelines of The Department of Justice!"

And, "Their Sole Goal is To Pursue Civil and Criminal Matters," "Find The Guilty Party," and "Bring Them to Justice in A Court of Law!" And, "In The Eyes of The Law," and "Lady Justice!" And, "They are "Not Restricted by Time or Politics!"

However, "Be Assured that The Mueller Investigations Will Not End on A Four Page Summary" by Newly Appointed "United States Attorney General William Barr's Conclusions!"

And, "There is A New Conflict Beginning to Mount over AG Barr's Statement" that Robert Mueller said, "While this report does not conclude that the President has committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

However, AG Barr also "Wrote in His Four Page Summary/Letter of Principled Conclusions" that "The Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person, or Trump campaign official, or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA" (the Russian Troll farm Known as "The Internet Research Agency"). 

However, "Let's Agree" that "The United States Congress Still has A Responsibility" to "Demand that U.S. Attorney General Barr Disclose The Entire Mueller Report to The Public," so that "The American People See For Themselves" and "Discover For Themselves" "Their Own Conclusions of This Epic Historical Investigation into Russian Interference in The Unite States of America's 2016 Presidential Election," and "Allegations that There were Connections or Coordination between Donald Trump's Campaign and The Russian Government!"

"The Importance of The Mueller Investigations Can Not Be Understated" in "Its Search for The Truth," and "The Reality is This, (1) Russia Interfered in The U.S. 2016 Presidential Elections," and that "No One Doubt's," and (2) "U.S. Intelligence Directors have Stated" that "Russia Will Attempt to Interfere and/or Disrupt U.S. Elections again!"

President Trump has "Claimed that There was "No Collusion or Obstruction of Justice," and that "He has Been Exonerated!"

However, "There Still are Questions" that "Need to Be Answered," such as "Why Did The Presidents Men, Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen," to Name Several of Them, "Lie to Federal Agents!" 

"Weren't They Aware Before Hand," that "The United States is A Sovereign Nation of Laws, and Democratic Principles!"
Comprised of "A Grand Culture of Ideals, Human Rights, Traditions, Values and Beliefs, that are The Foundation of The Great Sovereign Nation,"of "Which America is!" And, "Have Fought and Striven to Maintain For The Betterment of The Youth of America," and "Future Generations," and "For The Freedom and Rights of One and All," who "Believe in The Peaceful Coexistence of The Earths Sovereign Nations!"

And, "There has "Been The Constant Appearance/Perception of Violations of The Norms, Ethics, Moralities and Virtues," that "Make up The Character, Heart, and Integrity of America!" "Leaving One to Wonder," "Is There A Shadow World of Criminal Enterprise in The U.S." that "Attempts to Be Above The Law!" 

How else is "One to Comprehend The Lies The American People have Been Told," over and over again, by "Men in Influential Positions-Representing The United States of America!" 
Or, "Have These Lies Been Told Simply for Personal Gain, Power, and Profit!"

"One Can Understand Russia's Violation of The United States Constitution," "Why," Because They have "Been America's Number One Adversary and Opponent for Decades," But, for "What Reason" were "These Men in Influential Positions Meeting with Russian's," to "Gain Dirt on Hillary Clinton," (Former First Lady, Senator from New York, and United States Secretary of State), "Was It Solely to Help Donald Trump Become President of The United States of America!"

All of Which, Comes Back to "The Importance of The Mueller Investigation's Final Report Being Disclosed for America to Read and See and Discuss and Judge For Themselves," "What The Truth is!" And, "What Its Relevance is to Our Lives, Politics, and Nation!"
"It has Been Almost Two Years," Six Hundred and Seventy-Seven Days, since "These Investigations Began on The Seventeenth of May, 2017 until The Twenty-Fifth of March 2019!"

And, "For Two Final Questions," of "This Phase of The Parallel Universes of The Russian Investigations," (1) "Should Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller III, U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and Attorney General William Barr Appear Before The United States Congress to "Discuss The Mueller Report (Not the Four Page Summary of AG Barr), The Answer is "Yes!" And, "The Sooner The Better For The American People," Before The Intense Political Rhetoric Attempts to Revise and Manipulate The Truth," that "We Do Know to Be The Truth and Nothing But The Truth!"
And, (2) "Why Didn't Special Counsel Mueller Take Whatever Time Necessary to have President Trump Testify Before A Grand Jury!" This Would have "Been A Historical Moment Where The Truth Would have had Its Day," and "Fact Checks" and "Cross Checks," Would have "Silenced All The Lies Told During The Six Hundred and Seventy-Seven Days of The Russia Investigations!" 

And, "The Whole Truth Would have Been Discovered and Revealed," and "The Department of Justice, The U.S. Congress," and "The Fourth Estate, and The Global Cross Media News Universe," "Would have All The Facts and Evidence They Needed to Satisfy" that "Justice had Been Served," and "The American People Could Finally have had Closure Knowing" that "They Heard and Saw The Uniqueness of American Democracy in Action," and that "No One was Above The Law" (Even A Sitting U.S. President!").

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are U.S. Attorney General William Barr is "Scheduled to Appear Before A House Appropriation Subcommittee" on The Ninth of April 2019 to Discuss The Department's Budget for 2020, and "No Doubt There Will Be A Few Additional Questions Asked about Robert Mueller's Russian Investigation!")-

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Twenty-Ninth of March 2019, "In A Letter to The United States Chairmen of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees," United States Attorney General William Barr Stated that "Special Council (Robert) Mueller's Almost Four Hundred Page Report on Russian Interference in The United States 2016 Presidential Election Will Be Released to Congress and The Public," by "mid-April 2019, if not sooner," and "With No Intention of Submitting It to The White for Review in Advance!" And, "Attorney General Barr also said that, "Everyone will soon be able to read it for themselves."

However, "Let's Comprehend, in Advance" that "This Will Be A Highly Redacted Version" of "Special Council Robert Mueller's Almost Four Hundred Page Report!" 

However, "Let There Be No Misunderstanding" that "It is of The Greatest Importance to The American People," that "A Complete Version of The Report," or At The Least, "Ninety Percent of It" is "Left Intact!" 
And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" that "All of America," Irregardless of Political Party, "Should Stay Vigilant, Cognizant, and Focused Through The 2019 and 2020 Campaign Seasons!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Twenty-Sixth of March 2019 "The United States House of Representatives Fell Short in Their Attempt to Override President Trumps Veto!" 

"The House Needed Two Hundred and Sixty- Eight Votes to Override The Presidents National Emergency Declaration!" However, "The Democrats Fell Short by Twenty Votes!" 

"The Final Vote Tally" was "Two Hundred and Forty-Eight to One Hundred and Eighty-One!" 
-(Note that, "Only Fourteen Fourteen Republicans Joined The Democrats!")- 

"The Nation's Courts Will Now Become The Next Front" to "Decide The Legality of President Trump's Border Wall National Emergency Declaration!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's in The Skies Over The United Kingdom, "The Voice of The People Spoke Out Loud and Clear" On Saturday, The Twenty-Third of March 2019, with "More than One Million People Marching and Demonstrating Together in Central London," Called "Put It To The People," "Demanding A New Vote and A New Referendum," and For The British Government to "Revoke Article 50!"

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Labour's Deputy Leader Tom Watson, London's Mayor Sadiq Khan, Independent MP Anna Soubry, Former Conservative Deputy Prime Minister Michael Heseltine, Leader of The Liberal Democrats Vince Cable,  and Former Attorney General Dominic Grieve, and Former Green Party Leader Caroline Lucas, were "Speakers at The Event!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Put It To The People" was Equal to "The Stop The War March" (Against The Iraqi War) in 2003, Which had Been "The Largest March of The Twenty-First Century in The United Kingdom!"

-Note that, Global Cross Media New Reports are Thursday, The Twenty-First of March 2019 "The European Council Agreed to Extend The UK's Departure Date to The Twenty-Second of May 2019!" However, "The Withdrawal Agreement Must Be Approved by The House of Commons" "No Later than The Twenty-Ninth of March 2019!"

"Should The Withdrawal Agreement Fail to Get Approval by The House of Commons," on The Twenty-Ninth, "The European Council" has "Agreed to An Extension until The Twelfth of April 2019!"

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of March 2019 "UK Prime Minister Theresa May" has "Promised to Step Down If Tories Back Her Brexit Deal!")-

-(Note that, On Friday, The Twenty-Ninth of March 2019 "Prime Minister May's Brexit Deal was Defeated For The Third Time," by "A Vote of Three Hundred and Forty-Four to Two Hundred and Eighty-Six in The House of Commons!" And, "A New Plan Must Be Conceived of by The Twelfth of April 2019!")-   

However, "Should A No Deal Scenario" Take Place on The Twelfth of April 2019, "The UK's Relations with The EU," "Will Be Governed by General International Public Law," that "Includes Rules of The World Trade Organization!"

And, That also Means that "The European Union Would Be Required to Immediately Apply Its Rules and Tariffs" at "Its Borders with The United Kingdom!"

And, "United Kingdom's Citizens Would No Longer Be Citizens of The European Union!" And, "UK Entities Would No Longer Be Eligible to Recipients of EU Grants," and "Participate in EU Procurement Procedures under Current Terms!"

However, "There is The Possibility of Asking The European Union for A Long Brexit Extension," During Which All of The Factions and Political Party's Involved Can Decide on A New Option," A New Course to Take!"

"Leaving Time" For "Cognizant, Bold, Insightful, Intelligent, and Universally Minded Voices of Reason to Come Forth and Speak Out in Rationale, Incisive, Intuitive, Prescient and Omniscient Terms," "Who Clearly Comprehend The Consequences of Leaving The European Union," without "A Cognizant Agreement in Place," that "Is Beneficial to The Economical, Sociological, Generational, and Global Effect of The People of The United Kingdom!"

"Who Deserve An Opportunity" to "Have A New Referendum that Expresses The Broad Concerns" that "They are Feeling, Contemplating, Marching and Demonstrating about" to "Vote On!"

"Give The People An Opportunity to Express Their Rights to Govern Their Own Lives," and "Be Advocates and Activists of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!" 

This is The New Norm of Twenty-First Century," that "Is All Inclusive and Universal in Scope and Width!" And, "One Can Not Contract or Withdraw without Cause and Effect!" 

"One Must also Reach Out to All of The Sovereign Peace Loving Nations of The Earth," and "Continue to Build Bridges to The Earth's Populace!" There are "Too Many Environmental, Ecological, Ethical, Trade, Educational, Humanitarian, and Financial Concerns to Be Addressed!"  
And, Let's Agree" that "One Can Not Participate in An Act of Causation without A Sense of Global Equilibre Clearly in Mind!"

"There is One Question" Still in Mind Though, "Will Prime Minister May Step Down as She has said She Would Do," and "Continue on In A Lesser Role" to "Determine The Fate of Brexit," or "Will Mrs. May Continue to Strive For What is In The Best Interest of The People of The United Kingdom," "With or Without Brexit!" 

"As We Approach The End of The First Quarter of 2019," and "Surge Forward Towards The End of The Last Year of The Second Decade," of The Twenty-First Century, " There are Still Countless Numbers of Sociological, Economical, Ecological and Environmental, Political, Spiritual/Religious, and Universal Questions" that "Remain Unanswered" and "Beyond Comprehension," such as, (1) Why is President Trump and The Republic Party," once again, "Attempting to Disassemble and Repeal The Affordable Care Act!" 

"Why aren't They Aware of The Fact," that "There are Millions of Americans" who are "Dependent on The Affordable Care Act for Their Families Healthcare!"

And, "Why aren't They Aware that "There are Parents and Children" who are "In Need of Its Valuable Services!"
"This is "Not about An Election Campaign Promise!" This is about The Healthcare, Welfare, and Lives of The American People!"

"Americans who have Need of The Affordable Care Act Coverage Because of (A) "Their Pre-Existing Conditions, (B) The Need to Expand Medicaid Eligibility for Low Income Adults, (C) The Desire of Parents who Would Like Their Children to Remain on Their Insurance until Twenty-Six, and (D) Premium Subsidies for The American People," (Parents and Adults) with "Low or Modest Incomes, (E) The Importance of There Being "Reductions in the Growth of Medicare Payments to Health care Providers and Insurers!

"Why President Trump and The Republican Party, once again, "Threatening to Repeal this Important Federal Law" that has "Provided for The Healthcare and Welfare of The American People for The Last Decade" is Simply "Beyond Comprehension!"

And, "Why Would Anyone Disregard The Healthcare and Welfare of Millions of Americans Because of A Campaign Promise!" Especially without "Proposing An Exemplary, Exceptional, Meritorious, Admirable, Commendable, and Highly Ethical Proposal" to "Replace It with!"

"The Lives and Welfare of American Families," Parents, The Youth of America, Sons, and Daughters, Sisters and Brothers, Aunts and Uncles, and Grandparents,"  are "More Valuable than A Campaign Promise!"

And, (2) "Why are Wars, and Military Acts of Premeditation, Provocation," and "Violence," "Still Being Directed Towards The Earths Sovereign Nations," by "One-Man-Rule, and "One-Party-Rule Form of Governments!" "Under The Guise of Protecting One's National Interests," or "Territory," or to "Protect Personnel," or "Fulfill A Military and Technical Contract!" "Attempting to Give The Appearance of Innocence," or "Legitimate Justification for Their Callous Acts of Aggression!"

And, (3) With All The Wealth among The Earths Communities, "Why are Millions upon Millions Of People All over This Earth of Ours," "Living in Poverty!" 

And, (4) "Why has It Become Necessary for The Youth of America," and "The Youth Of The Earth," to "Sue and Demonstrate Against Their Governments over Environmental and Ecological Issues and Concerns," that "They Feel are Important to Their Survival!"

"Is It Because Their Home Governments," and "Private Industries," have "Not Done Enough to Alleviate Their Concerns!" And, "They are Forced to Act on Their Own" to "Demand that Their Concerns," and "The Concerns of A Majority of Scientists," are "Taken More Serious!"

"One of The New Youth Heroines and Climate Activists," of The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations, is "Sixteen Year Old Greta Thunberg from Sweden, has "Chastised and Criticized The Sovereign Governments to Do More to Combat Climate Change!" 

"This Remarkable Teenager has Inspired Students in as Many as One Hundred Countries" to "Join Her in Her Protest," in "Her School Strike for Climate," by "Skipping School on Fridays," and "Speaking Out to Government Leaders and Officials," as "Bold, Purposeful, and Courageous Non-Violent Activists for Environmental Issues!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Greta Began Her Public Climate Activism," in August of 2018, by Deciding to Skip Classes in the Ninth Grade until Action was Taken on Climate Change," She Called Her Protest "School Strike for Climate!" 

And then, "Escalated Her Mission to Gain The Attention of Swedish Government," on "The Steps of Sweden's Parliament," in November of 2018, When She was Fifteen Years of Age, Calling For "a radical response to climate change."

And, Since then, "She has Made Climate Activism One of," If Not, "Her Main Missions in Life!" 
And, In December of 2018 "Addressed The United Nations Climate Change Conference," and was "Invited to Speak at The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland," In January of 2019!

In 2019 "Greta Thunberg was Nominated for The Nobel Peace Prize," and Time Magazine has "Named Greta as One of the World's 25 most influential teenagers in 2018. And, on "International Women's Day," "Greta was proclaimed the most important woman of the year in Sweden!   

-And, On Friday, The Second of November 2018 "The United States Supreme Court Rejected The White House Attempt to Block A Historical Climate Change Lawsuit," Called "Juliana vs US," Presented by "A Group of Twenty-One Inspired and Dedicated Young People," Aged from Eleven to Twenty-Seven, Against The U.S. Government, and "Thereby Allowing The Lawsuit to Be Tried in a Lower Court."

"These Young People/Plaintiffs and Attorney's," of "Our Children's Trust," Argued Successfully That government policies have deprived the children of their "constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property, to dignity, to personal security, to a stable climate system capable of sustaining human lives and liberties."

-(Note that, On The First of June 2017 United States President Donald Trump Announced that The U.S. would cease all participation in 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation.")-

And, Tuesday, The Twenty-Sixth of March 2019 "In A Procedural Vote in The United States Senate," The Republican Dominated U.S. Senate "Voted Fifty-Seven to Zero, to "Reject Passing A Resolution" on "The Green New Deal!"

"Forty-Three Democrats Voted Present," in "Protest of The Republicans Motion!"

"The Green New Deal" is A "Non-Binding Congressional Resolution," Introduced by U.S. House of Representative Alexandria Acasio-Cortes" and "Senator Ed Markey, Democrat from Massachusetts, to "Cutback on The Use of Fossil Fuels," and "Combat Climate Change," and "Diminish and Decrease The Social Injustices," that "Exists in The Earths Communities," and "Sovereign Nations!"

"The Time for Bi-Partisan Legislation" in "Full Realization of The Dangers of Climate Change," Should Be "One of The Highest Priorities of The United States Government," "For The Sake of The Future of The Youth of All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "Not Just Election Campaign Rhetoric," or "Tool for Either Political Party," or "Business Interest," to "Glean For The Sake of Profit!"

And, (5) "Why" are "The Wealthiest Sovereign Nations" Of The Earth, "Planning to Colonize Other Planets, Moons, and Celestial Bodies of The Grand Universe," Before 'Establishing An Age of Peace, Justice, and Prosperity on Our Home Earth!"

And, (6) "Returning to The Immigration Crisis," "Whether It Be at The Southern Border of The United States and Mexico," or at "Other Regions of The Earth," that are "Being Dominated by War, Conflict, and Oppression," "The Question" is "When Will These Families," that have "Been Driven away by Tyrants," and "Syndicates of Criminals and Terrorists," "Be Able to Return to The Safety and Security of Their Homes!" 

"It is Up to The Coalition of United Sovereign Forces" to "Bring A Teaching Moment" to "The Tyrants, and Dictators," and "The Syndicates of Criminals and Terrorists," and "Enforce The Treaties, and Tenets of International Law," and "United Nation Security Council Resolutions," so that "Millions upon Millions of Our Fellow Human Beings Can Return to Their Homes," and "Communities!"

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are "In a Press meeting" on Friday, The Twenty-Ninth of March 2019 President Trump (with Senator Mark Rubio in Attendance) said, "If Mexico does not stop the massive caravans walking right through Mexico, next week he is closing the border!" And, we'll keep it closed for a long time, and I'm not playing games." Mexico has to stop it." 

-(And, On Saturday, The Thirtieth of March 2019 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The United States Department of State Announced" that "The United States was Cutting Off Aid to Central American Nations, El Salvador, Guatemala, and The Honduras!"

"A Spokesperson for The State Department said, "A the Secretary's instruction, we are carrying out the Presidents direction and ending FY 2017 and FY 2018 foreign assistance programs for the Northern Triangle," And, that "We will be engaging congress as a part of this process."

On Friday The Twenty-Ninth, President Trump said, "We were giving them $five hundred millions of dollars. We were giving them tremendous aid. We stopped payment to Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. We were paying them tremendous amounts of money. And, we're not paying them anymore. Because they haven't done a thing for us. They set up these caravans, in many cases they put in their worst people."

"Let's One and All Agree," that "There is "No Disagreement" that "There is An Evolving Humanitarian Crisis at The United States-Mexico Border!" However, "Let's Sincerely Comprehend" that "For The Most Part These Caravans of Human Beings," and "Approaching Families are Seeking The Safety and Security that The United States Stands for!" 

"The United States has Been A Renowned Safe Haven All The World Over," and "A Leading Sovereign Nation of Hope," for "The Oppressed People All Over The Earth!" And, "In This Time Period of Ongoing Oppression, Violence, Corruption," and Political Confrontations Taking Place" in "Some South American Sovereign Nations," "Mothers, Fathers, and Their Children are Afraid, and Intimidated," by "Threats to Their Lives!" 

And, Although President Trump has Never Held Public Office Before, "An Important Part" of "What Leadership is," "Is Showing Compassion for Those in Need!" 

And, "The United States of America is A Great Sovereign Nation Because," "It has Always Responded to Those in Need," "Militarily," or "As A Great Humanitarian Sovereign Nation Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

And, "It Helps that We The People Comprehend This," Because "We are A Sovereign Nation of Immigrants (with The Exception of Native Americans). And, "This is The Grand Responsibility" that Now President Trump is Responsible for!" 

"Anyone Can Build a Wall," or "Make a Campaign Promise," But, It's Another Thing to "Know When The Needs of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," are "In Dire Need!"           

And (7) "Why Would A Member," or "Leader of The Earths Religions Display The Slightest Objection Towards Eliminating Any Priest," or "Leading Church Dignitary," from "Their Organizations, Institutions, Communities, Societies, Religious Orders, and Places of Worship," "Found Guilty in A Court of Law," or "by Their Religious Tribunals," of "Sexual Abuse," or "Sexual Misconduct," or "Being A Sexual Predator!" 

"The Lives of Our Youth," and "Nun's of The Church," are Not to Be Violated," and "Their Well Being Should Be One of The Highest Priorities of All The Earths Religions," As They are to Our Earths Communities," and "Considered Sacred!"         

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's in The Skies of The Sovereign Nation of France, "The Fact" that "There have Been Twenty Weekends of Protests is Perplexing!" Especially after President Macron's Initiative to Hear All of The Voices of Unrest" and Put Forward An Economical, Sociological, Political, Vigorous and Bold Universal  Agenda" that "Moves France Forward as A United Nation Dedicated to "A Parity Among The People," that "Benefits All The People," and Provides Them with "A Social Security," and "Standard of Living that Empowers The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of The People," and "Inspires The Youth of The Nation and Lays The Foundation For Creating A Better World For Future Generations to Come!" Altogether, We are Not Just Living in A Yellow World, We are "A Rainbow of Different Creeds, Genders, Nationalities, Colors, Shapes and Sizes, Ages, Tribes, 

And, "Let's Agree Demonstrating to Make a Better World For One and All is Commendable, Meritorious, Inspirational, and Honorable!" However, "Violence and Destruction is Not Commendable Now," and "Never Will Be!"

"Yes, Let Us Demonstrate and March Together" to "Make Reforms Whenever and Wherever They are Needed," But, "Non-Violently, and Purposeful," with "A People's Agenda Clearly Established," so that "When Dialogues are Entered into with Government Officials," "Any Outstanding Issues Can Be Ameliorated and Rectified to The Satisfaction of Everyone Present," or "In Agreement" that "New Solutions and Idea's Will Be Considered and Discussed," on "A Regular Basis," until "A Satisfactorial Resolution" of "All The Facts and Issues are Discovered," and/or "New Elections are Held!"

However, "It is of The Utmost Importance For All of The Leaders of The Different Factions to "Agree to Counsel (and Admonish When Necessary) Their Supporters" to "Not Pursue Violent Actions," such as The One's Viewed All Around The Earth, Such Acts of Violence only Demean Your Cause and Commitment to Make A Better World for One and All, and "Demonstrate This," by "The Destruction and Violent Acts Perpetrated by Your Ardent Supporters!"

"Be," Instead "A Magnificent Non-Violent Soul Force for Change!"

"Be," instead "A Great Soul Force of Truthmakers," and "Architects of A Great Nation Of The People," and "Sociological Builders of A Grand Universe Of The People!"

And, "Be" "A Great Inspiration For The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Nations who Believe in Peace," and "Conservation," and A Grand Equilibre and Parity Among All People!"

And, "Do Not Allow Your Lives to Be Controlled and Manipulated" by "Forces and Syndicates of Destruction, Amorphous, and Manipulation," Instead "Build Bridges of Peace to All Corners of Your Sovereign Nation," and "The Sovereign Nations of United People Earthwide!"

And, "Be Earthwise," and "Let This Vision Be The Earthrise Equation," that "Befits A Great People," and "A Great Sovereign Nation!"

And, "Give The Truth A Chance to Thrive, Evolve, and Flourish, in "A Climate of Non-Violence!" 

But, "Do Not Allow The Detractors of Climate Change," and "Leaders and Person's who Use Diversionary Tactics," and "Campaign Rhetoric" to "Mislead, Impede, and Build Wall's Between Us," and/or "Use Diversionary Tactics," to "Divide The United Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "Alienate Brother from Brother," "Sister from Sister," "Mother from Father," and Family Relatives from One Another!"

And, "French President Macron," and "Prime Minister Edouard Philippe," and "Other Government Officials," "This is "The Moment in Time to Walk with The People," in A Show of Solidarity" and "Trust!"

And,  "Talk with The People," and "Continue to Initiate New Government Policies to Ameliorate," and "Make A Better Life For All The People!"

And, "Continue to Counsel Patience," and "Be Cognizant Voices of Reason," and "Gardner du Changement et de L'Egalite!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Twenty-Fifth of March 2019 As The Parallel Universes of Politics Continue to Evolve, "At A Ceremony in The White House," with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by His Side, "President Trump Signed A Proclamation Recognizing Israel's Sovereignty over The Golan Heights!"

-(Note that, Israel Annexed The Golan Heights in 1981" after "Occupying It in 1967!")-

"The Complication's Caused by This Act," by President Trump, are "Significant!"

First of All It Weakens The International Community, (and The United States) Objections to Russia's Annexation to Crimea, (2) It's in Violation of A Principle of Integrity, "Prohibiting the Annexation of Territory by War."  

Monday, The Twenty-Fifth of March Global Cross Media News Reports are UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric said United Nation Secretary General Antonio Guterres Stated that, "It is clear that the status of the Golan has not changed."

And, Mr. Dujarric also said, "The UN's policy on Golan is reflected in the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and that policy has not changed."

-(Note that, The International community considers the Golan Heights to Be "Occupied Territory.")- 

"The Question's" that "Loom over The Horizons of The Trump Administration," and "Prime Minister Netanyahu's are Manifold," For Example; "What are The Consequences of President Trump's Proclamation," (1) "Will it Further Alienate The United States from Its Allies in The Middle East," and "The United Nations," (2) "Will His Proclamation Help Prime Minister Netanyahu," who is Surrounded by Allegations of Corruption, "Get Re-Elected in Israel's Elections on The Ninth of April 2019 Against Benny Gantz," Leader of The "Blue and White Political Party," and "Former Army Chief," (3) "Will There Be An Increase of Violence Between Israel and Hamas in Gaza," or "Elsewhere in The Israeli and Palestine States," (4) "Will There Be More Annexation of Territory on The West Bank," by Israel, (5) "Will This Proclamation Bring Peace to This War Torn Part of The Middle East," and, (6) "What Exactly is The Role and Influence of The United States Congress," and "Foreign Relation Committee."

Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "Israel has never had a better friend than you."

And, President Trump said, "This was a long time in the making." 

"The Proclamation" read "Today, Aggressive acts by Iran and terrorist groups, including Hizballah, in southern Syria, continue to make the Golan Heights a potential launching ground for attacks on Israel. Any possible future peace agreement in the region must account for Israel's need to protect itself from Syria and other regional threats. Based on these unique circumstances, it is therefore appropriate to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights."  

"There is Little Doubt" that "We Live in A Changing Time Period!" And that, "There is Evermore The Need for Cognizant, Seasoned, Voices of Reason, who "Believe that "A Global Policy of Unification, Equilibre, Fair Trade, and Economic Parity, and Opportunity,"  is "The Equation" that "Leads The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "The Earths Populace," to "An Age of Respect, Equality, Freedom, Justice, and Peace On Earth!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's in The Skies Over The Sovereign Nation of Venezuela, New Questions have Come to Light, that "Portend New Clouds on The Horizon," and "A Negative Effect upon The People of Venezuela," such as, "Why has The Russian Government Sent Military Planes and Personnel (Soldiers) to Venezuela," on Saturday, The Twenty-Third of March 2019!"

"One Thought is Why Not Send Humanitarian Aid!" 

The Venezuelan People Do Not Need More Weapons of Destruction in Their Nation," and "Further Escalation of Hostilities, Especially from Foreign Powers!" 

"The Venezuelan People Need Food, Infrastructure Repairs, Medical Care," and "A Non-Violent Resolution to The Ongoing Impasse Between Mr. Maduro's and Mr. Guaido's Supporters!"

Let's Be Absolutely Clear that "The United Nations," and "Prominent Religious Leaders," and "Leaders of The Earth's Coalition of Peace and Unity," and "Respect for The Rights of All Sovereign Nations," "Should Make Their Objections to President Putin," and "Followed by An Explanation," and "Demand for The Immediate Withdrawal of Russian Personnel," with "The Exception of Medical or Healthcare Professionals!"

"Let's One and All Agree," that "To Fulfill a Military and Technical Contract," is "Not A Good Enough Reason," (Nor Is It Believable Enough) to "Send Two Military Planes with Russian Troop's to Venezuela!" 

"There Must Be A Sense of Global Equilibre," and "International Law," for All of The Sovereign Nations of The Earth to Adhere to!"

"This is "Not The Twentieth Century," "We are Living in The Modern Age of The Twenty-First Century," and "It's Time For Leaders of Finance, Religion, Politics, Military, and Sovereign Governments," to "Make It Clear," that "Respect For Your Fellow Human Being," and "Sovereign Nation," Must Be The Non-Violent Force of Nature," and "Global Contract/Accord," that "We Abide by," "For The Sake of The People of Venezuela," and "For The Sake of Today's Current and Future Generations!"

"Isn't It Time We were Citizens of Peace," and "Earth Unification!"

-(Friday, The Twenty-Ninth of March 2019 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Red Cross Confirmed" that "It had Been Given Permission by The Venezuelan Government," and "Opposition Forces" to "Provide One of The Largest Global Relief Campaigns" to "Distribute Emergency Humanitarian Aid to The People of Venezuela!")-

-(Note that, Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of March 2019, In An Oval Office Meeting with Mr. Guaido's Wife, Fabiana Rosales, "President Trump said "Russia has to Get out!"

However, "There is Little Doubt" that "New Confrontations are Soon to Take Place in Venezuela" Between Mr. Maduro's Supporters and Mr. Guaido's "is Unavoidable," Due to "An Action Taken by Venezuela's State Auditor General Elvis Amoroso," on Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of March 2019,  "When He Announcement on State Television" that "Juan Guaido has Been Banned from Holding Public Office for Fifteen Years!"

"The Need for A Trusted, Impartial Mediator is Ever Apparent," "Before New Violence Breaks Out," and "More Suffering" is "Unleashed upon The Venezuelan People!" "A Respected Personnage," such as "Pope Francis," or "United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres!

And, "One Sensible Suggestion Would Be to Hold New Elections" and "Let The People of Venezuela Make Their Own Choice of Whom They Wish to Be Their President," (without Military Interruption But with Military Protection).

-(Note that, As of March 2019 "Fifty Sovereign Nations Including The United States," are "Supporting Juan Guaido's Attempt to Remove President Nicolas Maduro from Office!")-

-(Note that, "This is a Time for Diplomacy Not Violence!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty-First of March 2019 "New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Announced" that "New Zealand" is, (1) "Is Immediately Placing A Ban on All Military Style Semi-Assault Rifles, (2) Banning High Capacity Magazines, and (3) Banning Parts that Can Be Converted into Semi-Automatic Weapons, and, (4) "A Gun BuyBack Plan" for Anyone who Already has These Type of Weapons.

-(Note that the "BuyBack Plan" is "Estimated to Cost Approximately $One Hundred to Two Hundred Million Dollars!")-

This is "A Bold and Commendable Step Forward" in Providing for The Future Security and Defense of New Zealander's!" And, "An Inspiring Demonstration of The Leadership Qualities Needed in The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "Prime Minister Ardern and The Government of New Zealand," are to "Be Commended and Congratulated For This Bold New Initiative!"

"Prime Minister Ardern also Announced," that "There Will Be A Nationwide Reflection For The Fifty Innocent People who Lost Their Lives on The Fifteenth of March at Christchurch," on "Friday The Twenty-Second of March!"

And, She said "As a Nation, as one, we will pay our respects to those who died in Christchurch."

-(Note that, Stronger Gun Legislation has Been Called for by A Majority of New Zealander's and The New Zealand Police Association Congratulated the Government for "demonstrating the courage to take decisive action and ban the firearms that have inflicted so much harm in New Zealand."  

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Twenty-Eight People Still Remain in The Hospital," who were "Injured in Friday's Shooting!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Love One Due to These Cowardly Attacks upon The Two Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand by Malevolent Predators who Care Not for The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being!

And, To The City of Christchurch, and The People of New Zealand, and The Friends and Neighbors of The Muslim Community, We Mourn The Loss of The Lives of Your Love Ones with You!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "It Must Be Heard," "The Sound of A Grand Orchestre of Changing Melodies and Orchestrations Of  The People Calling Out," "Their Voices Reaching A New Crescendo, Demanding Economic Parity, and Justice For One and All!"

"A New Crescendo Demanding An End of Dictatorship's, Terrorists, and Sadists of Whatever Unnatural State of Being," or "Profession!"

"Can You Feel and Hear Its Intensity and Magnificence" within "Your Hearts, Minds, Spirits, Intellects, Emotions, and Souls!" 

"It's A Demand For The Truth, Peace, Freedom, Global Equilibre, Equality," and "An End of Poverty," and "The Brutality of War, and "The Lust of Power!"

"It's A Calling For An Omnipresence of Environmental and Ecological Consciousness Flowing Over The Earth's Communities and Sovereign Nations," Like A Beautiful Melody, Touching and Enlightening The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The Earth's Populace," "Embracing and Empowering Everyone in Its Path!"

And, "It's A Call for "The End of Violence!" 

And, "We have But, to Listen to Its Harmonies Of Change and Evolution Flowing on Non-Violent Wafts and Eddies of New Currents of Air" to "All The Corners and Horizons of Our Home Planet Earth!" 

And, "Continue to Share and Inspire All who Truly Seek An Earthrise Vision Of The People," "In Concert with All who Truly Wish to Be Advocates, Activists, Conservators, and Defenders Of The People," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings," and of "The Grand Cosmos of All Encompassing, Uplifting, Insightful, Compassionate, and Unlimited Levels of Thought," and of "The Infinite, Illuminating, Celestial Bodies and Galaxies of The Grand Universe," and "Its Innumerable Life Forms and Life Systems!"

"It's A Grand Symphony Of Life" that "We Can Take Pleasure in Being a Part of," Each and Every Day of Our Lives, "A Grand Symphony Of The People that We Can Sing, Whistle, Dance, March, Demonstrate, and Share Together," within "The Surety of A Purposeful Cause of Life," and "Knowing and Believing" that "Truth and Justice Will Prevail in The End!"      

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Peace, and Transcended Millennia and Cherished Cultures, and Trust, and Hope For The Youth of The Earth, and Social Security and Prosperity For One and All!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Eighteenth of March 2019 "Another Malevolent Coward Attacked Innocent People Riding on One of The City's Trams," at The 24 Oktoberplein Junction in Utrecht, Netherlands," "Killing Three Person's," and "Wounding Five Others!" And, "The Terror Threat in Utrecht was Raised to Its Highest Level!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Monday, A Thirty-Seven year Old Turkish Born Male has "Been Arrested! And, "Dutch Authorities have Confirmed," that "The Suspect is A Known Criminal," who had "Recently Been Released from Custody on A Rape Case," after "Agreeing to Cooperate with Authorities!"  
And, Tuesday, The Nineteenth "Another Suspect was Arrested." 

-(Note that, On Monday, "Two Other Suspects were Arrested and then Released," and are "Not Considered to Be Suspects!")-

GCMN Reports are "A Letter Found in The Suspects Car" have "Given The Authorities Reason to Believe" that "This was A Terrorist Attack!" However, "No Details" of the "Content of the Letter have Been Revealed!"

-(Note that, The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs have "Released a Statement saying, "Turkey was in full solidarity with the Dutch Government," Irregardless of The Shooter's (Cowards) Motive.")-

There is "Absolutely No Rationale or Justification for This Cowardly Act of Violence!" 
And, "There is "No Honor," only "Disgrace, Contempt, Depravity, and Shame," that "One's Family has To Bear," for "The Remainder of Their Lives!"

And, "To Take The Life of A Fellow Human Being who has Meant You Know Harm," is "A Sin Against All Humanity!"

And, "It was Reported" that Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in A Statement, on Tuesday Afternoon, "As He Laid Flowers at The Scene of The Attack," that "He paid tribute to the people of Utrecht who had "remained calm despite the great threat."

Tuesday, The Nineteenth of March Flags were "Flown at Half Mast on All Public Buildings in The Netherlands!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who Lost A Love One Due to This Cowardly and Evil Attack in Utrecht, Netherlands! 

And, To The Friends of The Families who Lost A Love One, and To The People of The City of Utrecht, and The Netherlands, We Mourn Your Lost with You!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Fourteenth and Fifteenth of March 2019 "The Powerful and Raging Whirlwinds" and "Heavy Rains of Cyclone Ida" have "Devastated Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Malawi"

"Destroying Ninety Percent of The Area Around Mozambique," and "Specifically The City of Beira has Been Hard Hit," "Severely Damaging Homes and Buildings Including A Hospital!" And, "Cutting Off Electricity, Communications, and Roads!"

And, "Roads into Chimanimani, Zimbabwe have also Been Cut Off,"by "Flooding and Rains," with "Access only by Helicopter!" And, "The Number of Deaths is Presently at Ninety-Eight," with "One Hundred and Two People Sustaining Injuries," and "Hundreds of Homes have Been Swept away," and "Hundreds More have Been Declared Missing!"   

And, In Malawi, "Heavy Rains and Flooding in Lower Shire River Districts of Chikwawa, and Nsanje have Engulfed Homes, leaving as Many as Eleven Thousand Families Homeless!" And, Official Figures are "There have Been Fifty-Six Deaths," and "At Least Six Hundred have Been Injured!" And, Again, "These Estimations of Deaths and Injured" is "Most Likely to Rise in Total!"

And, "Roof Tops and Tree Tops have Disappeared under The Flooding Waters," with "Heartbreaking Images of Survivors on Top of Those Roof Tops that are Still Intact," Waiting to Be Rescued" is "Deeply Moving!"  

"Tragically," President Filipe Nyusi of Mozambique, has "Confirmed that There have Been Two Hundred of Deaths Caused by The Cyclone," However, "He has Estimated The Number of Deaths to Rise Above One Thousand People,"" in "The Three Sovereign Nations," and "The Death Toll has Been  althroughout The Three Nations!

"Emergency Rescuers and First Responders" are "Providing Medical and Humanitarian Needs!" However, "The Need for More Resources and Humanitarian Aid is Imperative and Crucial," "If Great Numbers of  Lives are To Be Saved!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are "If All of The Death Estimates are Confirmed," "Tropical Cyclone Ida Will Become The Deadliest Cyclone to Ever Ravage Southern Africa!"   

And, "The European Union has Sent 3.97 Million Dollars in Emergency Aid!" And, "The United Arab Emirates is Sending Almost Five Million Dollars!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Communities, and Cities of Southern Africa who have Lost A Love One to The Destruction and Devastation Caused by Cyclone Ida! And, We Mourn Their Loss with You!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Fifteenth of March 2019 "A Malevolent Coward" Shot and Killed "Forty-Nine Innocent People at Two Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand!" And, at Last Report, "Forty-Two Innocent People were Injured!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Forty-One People were Murdered at The Deans Avenue Mosque," and "Seven People were Murdered at The Linwood Avenue Mosque!" And, One Person Died in The Hospital!"  

"The Twenty-Eight Year Old Murderer" was "Born in Australia," and "Left a Manifesto of The Reasons that Motivated Him!"

However, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "This Man Harbored Malicious, Evil, Inexcusable, Heinous, and Hateful Opinions Towards Muslim People," and "Immigrants!"

"Jacinda Ardern New Zealand's Prime Minister" Called This Moment, "One of New Zealand's Darkest Days!"

"The Coward" who "Caused This Tragic Event has Been Arrested" and "Charged with Multiple Counts of Murder!" And, Global Cross Media News Reports are Four Others have Been Arrested, "Three," of Which are "Being Held in Custody!"

"It's Important" that "At This Extreme Sensitive and Vulnerable Time," "We are Absolutely Clear" that There are Continue to Be "Syndicates of Malevolent Men and Women," Criminals and Terrorists," who "Believe in Harming Their Fellow Human Being," Because of "Their Religion, Gender, Ethnicity, Nationality, Skin Color, Age, Transience, Homelessness, or Because They are Poverty-Stricken and Helpless!"  

And, "They Care Not" If, "It is Your Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Daughter, Son, Grandmother, Grandfather, Niece, Nephew, Aunt or Uncle!" 

And, "Let There Be No Dissent, Objection, or Disagreement amongst Us," of "The Fact," that "The Global Law Enforcement Communities and Military Forces," "Must Eliminate This Threat to Our Families and Communities!" 

And, "Political, Financial, Religious, Spiritual, and Civilian Leaders of The Earth's Sovereign Nations," "Must Act in Concert Together," to "Campaign on Universal Themes of Global Unification," and "Respect For One's Fellow Human Being," "For The Sake of Our Children" and "Their Children's Social Security and Welfare," "Truly Universal Themes of The Grand Cosmos," that "Instills in Each and Every Human Being A Synergy" that "Embraces The Lives of Each and Everyone of Us from The Day of Our Birth on This Planet Earth," and "Rejects Any Thought of Harboring An Evil Thought," or "The Idea of Bringing A Malicious Act" to "Bear Against Another Human Being!" 

"These Attacks on All of Humanity Must Come to An End!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Love One Due to These Cowardly Attacks upon The Two Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand by Malevolent Predators who Care Not for The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being!

And, To The City of Christchurch, and The People of New Zealand, and The Friends and Neighbors of The Muslim Community, We Mourn The Loss of The Lives of Your Love Ones with You!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday The Fifteenth of March 2019 "The United States and NATO Forces (Resolute Support Mission) Announced"that "Two More American Soldiers have Died in The Seventeen Year Old War in Afghanistan," "While on A Mission!"

"Sergeant First Class Debra Richardson," A Resolute Support Spokeswoman said "The incident is under investigation and we have no additional information to provide." 

"In Total "Four Americans Soldiers have Died While on Duty Serving in Afghanistan in 2019!"

And, At present, "There are Approximately Fourteen Thousand American Troops Serving in Active Duty in Afghanistan!" Although, Global Cross Media Reports are "President Trump is Considering Cutting that Number in Half!"

"There were Hopes that Peace Dialogues between The Taliban and The United States" Would "Finally Bring Peace to The Nation," and "Officially Put An End This War," that has "Claimed Thousands of Lives among The United States" and "The Coalition of NATO Forces," and "Countless Numbers of Afghan People!" 

But, "These Talks have Reached An Impasse Due to The Taliban's Reluctance to Meet with The Afghan Government," and (1) "Exactly When The U.S. Would Withdraw Its Forces, (2) How Many American Troops Would Remain in Afghanistan.

However, "There Appears to Be Agreement Involving The Departure of American Troops, and that "The Taliban have Agreed to Guarantee that Afghanistan Would "Not Revert to Becoming A Refuge or Sanctuary for Terrorists!" 
Global Cross Media News Reports are "There are Two Drafts to Decide from!" 

However, "The Issue" Concerning "The Taliban's Reluctance to Meeting with The Afghan Government Must Be Resolved Before Any Agreement Can Be Solidified!"

"We Look Forward to The Day When Peace has Finally Come to The People of Afghanistan," and "The Longest War in America's History is Over!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of The Two Brave and Courageous American Soldiers who Died in Afghanistan on Friday, The Fifteenth of March 2019! 

And, To Their Comrades-in-Arms and Fellow Service Members, Friends, and Communities, We Mourn Their Deaths with You, and with Their Families Their Families who have Lost A Love One so Very Dear and Irreplaceable to Them!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Parallel Universe of The Russian Probe Continues to Evolve" "Presenting A Myriad Different Insights into The Complexities Involved," on Friday, The Fifteenth of March 2019 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Robert Mueller's Office and The Attorney's for Rick Gates Requested A Joint Filing with A Federal Judge," "For Another Sixty Day Delay in Sentencing of Rick Gates," in Order to "Update U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Whether Mr. Gates Can Proceed to Sentencing!" The Reason Being, "Mr. Gates Continues to Cooperate with Respect to Several other Ongoing Investigations." "The Judge Granted The Request Later on Friday!"

Note that, "Mr. Gates was a Former Business Associate to Paul Manafort," (and also "Deputy to Mr. Manafort," When "Paul Manafort was the 2016 Former Chairman of Donald Trump's Presidential Campaign,") and that On The Twenty-Third of February 2018, "Mr. Gates Pled Guilty" to "One Count of Conspiracy Against The United States," and "One Count of False Statements," and "In a Plea Bargain," in Which "Mr. Gates Agreed to Cooperate with The Mueller Investigation!" And, that "He Faces A Sentencing of Fifty-Seven to Seventy-One Month's in Prison!"

"Because of The Multi-Leveled Connections" of "The Indicted and Convicted who were Involved in The Russian Investigations," and "Those who were Alleged to Be Involved," "It is Important to Step Back," and "Take An Objective Look at The Merit of This Ongoing Probe," and "One Finds" that "It is Unfortunate" that "President Trump has Chosen to Take such An Aggressive Stance Against Mr. Mueller and His Team of Prosecutors," and even The Department of Justice," and "Continues to Make Disparaging Remarks Against The Probe," In What Can only Be Interpreted as "An Obvious Attempt" to "Erode Confidence of The Probe in The Eyes of The American People!"

However, "The Numerous Guilty Convictions and Plea's" have "Proven The Value, Justice, and Truth of These Investigations," and "The Absolute Necessity for Their Continuation," until "All of The Pertinent and Detailed Facts are Been Revealed and Explained,"  For "The Benefit and Knowledge of The American People," and "The U.S. Congress," and "Supreme Court to Know!" 

However, "It Continues to Surprise Legal and Political Experts, The Intelligence Community, The Fourth Estate, The Financial Community, The Markets, The Global Sovereign Nations, The Earths Populace, The Global Cross Media Universe," and "The American People," As to "What is The Reason Why President Trump Continues to Behave in This Aggressive Fashion Towards Robert Mueller and His Team of Prosecutors!"

And, It Would Be Different, "If The Russian Probe was Not Authorized by The United States Department of Justice," But "It was!" And, is "Therefore A U.S. Government Investigation," and "Mission to Obtain The Truth," and "Nothing But The Truth" about "Russian Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election!"

And, "The Fact," that "This was A Clear Violation of The Rights of A Sovereign Nation," and "Interference of The 2016 U.S. Election," "Should Be Enough of A Reason for Any President to Provide Their Complete Support!" 

And, "Let Us One and All Agree," that "This Investigation is Simply Not A Witch Hunt," and to Say This is "Misleading The American People!" "Too Many have Already Been Implicated to Suggest This!"

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Love One Due to Gun Related Violence or Caused by The Violent Act's of Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not for The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings! We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Time of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!!

And, To All The Families and Communities, Domestically or Globally, who have Lost A Love One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!