Thursday, March 14, 2019



The Way To Peace! #337

"As A New Season of Politics is Upon Us," The Feeling of "Out with The Old and In with The New" has also "Surfaced and Stirred The Populace," "We The People of The United States of America!" 

However, "Let Us Always Remember that It was The Wisdom, Idea's and Amendments of The Old, The Founders," that "Still Provides Us with Guidance and The Law of The Land," that "America is Founded Upon," and so "With The Passage of H.R. 1 (Or, Called the "For The People Act") in The House of Representatives, on Friday, The Eighth of March 2019," by"A Vote of Two Hundred and Thirty-Four to One Hundred and Ninety-Three," "We The People," have "Moved One Step Closer to A New Age of Democratic Principles" Built Upon "A New Political Alliance" of Elected Representatives "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"H.R. 1" is "A Bill that Americans Can Be Proud of," It Offers The Promise to Overhaul; (1) Campaign Finance, and, (2) Voter Registration and Ethic's Laws, (3) "Making Election Day A Federal Holiday," (4) Automatically Registering Citizens to Vote, (5) "Restoring Voting Rights to People who have Already Served Felony Sentences," and, (6) "A Six to One Matching System" for "Donations up to Two Hundred Dollars" For "Any Congressional or Presidential Nominee" who "Rejects High Dollar Contributions," Funded by An Additional Fine on Corporations Found to have Broken The Law." 

And, "Now, This almost Seven Hundred Page Anti-Corruption Measure Will Be Sent" to "The Hallowed Chamber of The U.S. Senate for Both Republicans and Democrats alike to Review It," and "If Necessary Make Any Necessary Changes and Improvements," or "Include Any Additional Bi-Partisan Suggestions and Idea's," that "May Be Needed to Enhance The Lives and The Future of The American People!" And, "To Assure" that "H.R. 1 Passes with A Veto Proof Margin," of "No Less than Sixty Votes!"    

And, "Let Us Take Confidence in, and Remember" that, "In The End," "Even If Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," Republican from Kentucky, "Is Successful in His Attempts to Impede or Prevent A Vote on H.R. 1 in The Senate," "The Will Of The People Will in The End," Whether It Be, on "Election Day," or "In Town Hall Meetings," and "Public Forums," and/or "In Non-Violent Demonstrations and Marches," "Make Their Voices Heard," and "Yes, It Will Be Out with The Old!" 

"The Old" who, (1) Still Continue to Support Gerrymandering," and, (2) "Still Attempt to Block Americans from Their Constitutional Right to Vote for The Candidate or Nominee of Their Choice," and, (3) "Through Misleading and False Campaign Rhetoric Appear to Care Not," If "Their Actions and/or Policies," are "Empowering Campaign Fraud," and "Corruption in Government!" 
However, "The Facts Will Clarify" that "In The End," "They Will Find Themselves on The Negative Side of History!"

-(Note that, "Senator McConnell" has Referred to "the For The People Act," as "the Democrat Politician Protection Act in His Speeches Against H.R. 1")- 

And, "As Time Will Be Our Witness" and "Display in The Archives of History," that "The Folly of The Republican Party," The Party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Reagan and Bush," ("Unless They Change Their Political Course of Party Before Country") Gave in to "Their Worst Political Impulses," "For The Benefit of Their Party," and "Their Party's Political Control and Future," "Before" that of "The Present and Future of The American People," and "The Right and Preference of The American People to Live in A Democracy," "As The Founders Envisioned!" As "A Free People," "Protected under The Law of The U.S. Constitution," "One Nation Indivisible," "Of The People, By The People, and For The People of The United States of America!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's on The United Kingdom, "Prime Minister Theresa May is Hoping" that "The Weekend Discussions Between Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission President and Michel Barnier, Chief EU Negotiator," have "Achieved The Results She has Been Hoping For!"

"The Statement" by "German Chancellor Angela Merkel Suggesting that The European Executive Commission has Made "An Important Offer," May Be "The Key to Unlocking The Impasse over Brexit!"

Whatever It is, Global Cross Media Reports are Monday, The Eleventh of March 2019 ""Prime Minister May is on Her Way to Strasbourg, France" for "A Meeting with Jean-Claude Juncker and European Leaders!"

"The Question" is "Will This Meeting Produce Results" that "Will Satisfy British Lawmakers, Taoseach Leo Varadkar of Ireland, Prime Minister May and The EU Commission President Juncker's Concerns" about The "Backstop" and "Keep The Border Between EU Member Ireland and The UK's Northern Ireland Open!"

Or, In Fact, is "There More to This Brexit Referendum" that "Will Not Satisfy All of The Political and Financial Factions Involved in The UK and The EU!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-"The Vote"- Tuesday, The Twelfth of March 2019 "Prime Minister Theresa May's Revised Brexit Deal" was "Resoundingly Defeated in The UK Parliament for The Second Time in Almost Two Months," by "A Vote of Three Hundred and Ninety-One to Two Hundred and Forty-Two!"

-(Note that, "The House Will Vote on This Revised Deal Tomorrow, Wednesday, The Thirteenth of March 2019! And, "If The Deal is Voted Down in The House," "The Question" is, (1) "Will The UK Leave The EU without a Deal on The Twenty-Ninth of March, or, (2) "Bring Forward a Motion on Thursday, The Fourteenth of March 2019" to "Seek an Extension to Article 50."

And, "One Would Expect that with This New Vote," that "The Clock is also Threatening to Run Out on Mrs. May!"

-(Note that, On The Twenty-Ninth of March 2017 "The UK Invoked Article 50 of the Treaty of European Union" (TEU) "Which Began The Member State's Process of Withdrawal  (Known as Brexit) from The European Union!")-

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Nicola Sturgeon" Scotland's First Minister Issued A Statement saying, Tonight's vote was "entirely predictable" and could have been avoided if  the UK government had been "prepared to listen....and engage constructively."

And, "The First Minister also Stated that "Instead we have a government that has effectively ceased to function and a country that remains poised on a cliff edge.
Scotland's needs and voice have been ignored by the UK government throughout the Brexit process," and The First Minister also Stated that, "The case for Scotland to be an independent country has "never been stronger.")-    

"The Question" Remains "Why Not Give The People of The United Kingdom A Second Opportunity" to "Decide Brexit's Fate!" "A New Referendum that Is All Inclusive, and Non-Exclusive!" 
"A New Referendum" that "Presents A Bold New Policy Initiative for Global Growth!" That Builds Upon A Social and Economic Security Bridge to The Future that Embraces The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People!" "What is There to Fear!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Thirteenth of March 2019 "British MP's have Voted on Approving An Amendment," that "Rejects Leaving The European Union without A Withdrawal Agreement!!" 

And, "They have Approved This Motion" by "A Three Hundred and Twelve to Three Hundred and Eight Vote!"

However, "A No Deal Brexit" Can Still Occur," If "The European Union Does Not Accept A Request to Extend Article 50!"

"All of Which Leaves Prime Minister Theresa May in A Precarious Position!"

Thursday, The Fourteenth of March 2019 "Another Vote is Scheduled to Take Place" and, (1) "If Passed," and (2) "If The European Union Agrees to It," Will Determine Whether The United Kingdom Will Not Leave the EU on The Twenty-Ninth of Match 2019!

It is of "The Utmost Importance" to "Attempt to Clarify The Brexit Process Involved," that has "Caused Intense Political Divisions over Brexit in The United Kingdom," and "Unfortunately, "The Quagmire and Troubled Entanglements Surrounding Prime Minister May's Attempts to Navigate The UK through This Difficult Time Period with The EU," and "The Opposing Factions in The United Kingdom!"

And, On Wednesday, The Thirteenth of March 2019 Another Vote Occurred, "An Amendment," Proposed by Damian Green," (Former Prime Minister May's Second in Command) to "Delay The Departure of The UK from The EU until The Twenty-Second of May 2019, (Known as The Malthouse Compromise, Named after Kit Malthouse the Government Minister who Conceived It) Which was "Rejected by A Vote of Three Hundred and Seventy-Four to One Hundred and Sixty-Four," Which Would have "Allowed for Time" For "A Managed No Brexit Deal!"

All of Which Returns to, "The Apparent Fact," that "Prescient and Cognitive Individuals are Needed" to "Advance A Bold, Conscientious, and Logical Alternative," that is "All Inclusive," and "In Full Comprehension" of "The Fact" that "The World has Changed," and "The Minds of The Public have Changed," and Just Perhaps, "This is The Propitious Moment in Time For A Second Chance," and "New Beginning in The Economic and Sociological Conditions Of The People Of The United Kingdom!" 

And then, "Share This New and Bold Perspective of Global Inclusiveness" with "The Leaders of The EU," and "All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth!" And then, "Enter into Innovative, Vigorous, Cognizant, and Synergistic Discussions" on "How to Make A Better World," and "Improve The Quality of Life" for "All The People Of The Earth!"

"Change is Not Easy," However, "As There is A New Spring upon Us, "Let Us Not Hesitate to Sow New Seeds of Global Synergy" and "Reach Out to One and All," (Withdrawal is Not Always Advisable) and, In Doing so, "Why Not Give The People A Chance to Vote on A New Referendum," on "Whether They Would Still Prefer to Depart from The European Union!"      

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Is There Little Doubt" that "History Will Look Back of President Trump's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy" with "A Viewpoint and Observation" that "It was A Policy" that "Inflicted Inhumane, Severe, and Immoral Punishment upon The Innocent!"

"I Suppose that "United States Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen's Reluctance" to Use The Word "Cage," to "Describe the Conditions Where Migrant Children and Adults are Being Held in U.S. Detention Centers," "Shouldn't Be A Surprise!" "Why!" Because, "Who Would want to Be A Part of An Immigration Policy," that "Locked Up/Detained Migrant Children, Parents, and Adults in Cages!"

Wednesday, The Sixth of March 2019 "Secretary Nielsen Sat Before The House Homeland Security Committee," and "When Asked by The Committee Chairman" Representative Bernie Thompson Democrat from Mississippi, "Why Children were kept in cages at Border Patrol facilities." Secretary Nielsen said "Sir they're not cages."

"Chairman Thompson had Seen for Himself," that "Children were Being Held in Cages!" Plus The Fact that "Photographs of Children have Been Shown in "Breaking News Spotlights" of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's, and "Network and Cable TV," and "Published in National, Regional, and Local Newspapers of The Fourth Estate!"   
This was "An Intense Point of Contention Between The Committee Members and Secretary Nielsen Throughout The Committee Hearing!"

And, "Secretary Nielsen also said, "The administration was simply enforcing U.S. law and the separations were never the intended purpose, The point of it was to increase prosecutions for those breaking the law," However, This Still Does Not Explain, "Why There are Still Children Being Held in Cages In U.S. Detention Centers!" Isn't It Enough to "Cruelly Separate Them from Their Parents!"

"There is Little Doubt" that "History Will Look Back on The Trump Administration's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy," as "An Immoral, Unethical, and Unconstitutional Failure of An Administration," and "Leadership,"" that "Lacked The Insight

And, "Isn't It Time For The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of The United States Congress to Demonstrate The Courage" to "Create and Pass Immigration Legislation" that "Embraces The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of Peace Loving People" who only "Wish to Live In Peace and Security," and "Stand Side by Side with Their Fellow Americans," as "Citizens of The United States Of America!"

"Have We Forgotten" that "The United States of America" is "A Nation of Immigrants," (with The Exception of Native Americans) and "We Should Embrace Our Culture" and "History!" 

And, "Let's Agree" that "The Founders Would Except Nothing Less than This from Each and Everyone of Us," For "This is The Constitution, Principles, and Foundation" that "The United States of America was Built upon!"

And, As The Sun Set's on The Sovereign Nation of Venezuela, "The Questions that Arise" are, (1) Why have The Widespread Power Cuts, Such as The One that Covered Many Areas of The Country on Saturday, The Ninth of March 2019, "Being Used as A Weapon to Oppress and Depress The Venezuelan People!" These "Black Outs Will only Cause More Fear, Death, Anxiety, and Frustration!"

"What is Needed is A Beacon of Light" to "Provide A Solution to The Political Divide" that is "Threatening to Tear This Sovereign Nation a Part!"

And, (2) "Has The Venezuelan Government Proof," as "Their Attorney General Tarek William Saab has Announced," that "Opposition Leader/Co-President Guaido has In Deed Sabotaged The Power Grid in Venezuela," or "Is This Another Attempt to Demean His Character!"

And, (3) "Why are The Military Leaders of Venezuela Still Preventing Their Own People" from "Receiving Humanitarian Aid!"

"South America has Been Politicized and Immersed in Global Strategies," and "Venezuela is The Newest Victim!"

However, "Let Caution Prevail, "Why" Because Human Lives are at Stake!" "This is Not A Board Game!" And, "It is of The Utmost Importance for All The Foreign Sovereign Nations who have Taken Sides," to also "Take An Oath among Nations," that "The People of Venezuela are To Be Protected," and "Provided with Nourishment, Empowerment, Healthcare, Security, Opportunity, and Care!"

And, "So Should The Venezuelan Military, Religious, Political, Civil, and Law Enforcement Leaders Stand Firmly in The Defense of The People!" For "They are Your Mothers, Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, and Sons and Daughters, Wives and Husbands!"

And, "We are One and All" a "Part of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of, By, and For The People," "Wherever The Sun Set's on This Planet Earth!"           

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Trump Presidency is Beginning to Resemble "An Amazing Portrait of Accusations, Suits, and Allegations of Illegalities on So Many Different Levels, and Investigations," that has "Never Before Displayed Itself in Presidential Politics!"

And, "The Names of Individuals who have Been Associated with Each and Every Headline of The Fourth Estate and The Breaking News Features of The Sphere's of The Global Cross Media News Universe, that Either have Been Convicted or Indicted is "A List of Who's Who!"

And then, "There are The Individuals, Cross Media Companies, Banks, and/or Foreign Entities," who "Find Themselves Caught up in The Vortex of Parallel Universes" that "The Trump Family and President Trump have Immersed Themselves" in "For The Sake of Profit, Influence, Image Building, and Control," who are also Immersed in The Media Blitz that "Surrounds The Trump Family and President Trump at Every Turn of Les Affaires de Trump," "For Better or For Worst!" And, "For Profit or Loss!"

Monday, The Fourth of March 2019 "The New York State Department of Financial Services Issued a Subpoena to The Trump Organization Insurance Company," (Aon Insurance Company) "A Global Insurance Company Headquartered in London, England!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are NYS Dept. of Financial Services is "Investigating The Trump Family Business!"

In A Statement Aon Insurance Company said "We Confirm that we received a subpoena from New York State Department of Financial Services and, as is our policy, we intend to cooperate with all regulatory bodies." And, It also said, we do not comment on specific client matters."

"The New Interest in The Trump Organization" May have Been "A Result of A Question Posed to President Trump's Former Private/Personal Attorney Michael Cohen by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Democrat from New York," During The House Oversight and Reform Committee Hearing on Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of February 2019, Which was, "To your knowledge did the President ever provide inflated assets to an insurance company? And, Mr. Cohen Answered "Yes."

And, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Follow up Question was "Who else knows that the President did this?" And, Mr. Cohen Named Three Trump Executives; "Allen Weisselberg (Trump Organization's CFO), Ron Lieberman, and Matthew Calamari."

And, "Where would the committee find more information on this? Do you think we need to review his financial statements and his tax returns in order to compare them?" 
To which Mr. Cohen Answered, "Yes. And you would find it at the Trump Org."

-(Note that, Allen Weisselberg has "Already Been Granted Limited Immunity by New York Prosecutors for Information" in Regards to "Hush Money Mr. Cohen Paid to Women" who "Alleged to have had Affairs with Donald Trump Before He Became President!")-

-(Note that, "While The Department of Financial Services Does Not have Prosecutorial Powers," or "Review Authority over President Trump or His Business," "They Can Refer Their Findings to Law Enforcement Authorities!")-

And, so as "You Can See This Political and Financial Mosaic of The Trump Organization," and "The Trump Administration Continues to Unravel On A Path of Amorphous," with "New Cracks in The Walls of The West Wing Continuing to Emerge from The Nations Capitol in Washington, D.C. To The State of New York!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Seventh of March 2019 Trump 2016 Campaign Chair Paul Manafort was "Sentenced to Forty-Seven Months in Prison by U.S. District Judge T.S. Elliot!
-(Note that, "This Sentence was Less than The 19. 5 to 25 Years that "The Prosecution had Requested!")-

Note that, The Reaction to Mr. Manafort's Light Sentence has "Been Surprising and Disturbing to Many Legal Experts and Lawmakers" who were "In Agreement with The Recommendations" that "Robert Mueller's Team of Prosecutors had Made to Judge Ellis!" 

On The Twenty-First of August 2018, "Mr. Manafort was Found Guilty of Eight out of Eighteen of The Felony Counts," Including "Five Counts of Filing False Tax Returns, and "Two Counts of Bank Fraud," and "One Count of Failing to Disclose a Foreign Bank Account," (It was Disclosed by A Juror, that "A Single Juror Prevented A Guilty Conviction on All Eighteen Charges!")!

Global Cross Media News Reports are On The Eighteenth of October "Judge Ellis Dismissed the Remaining Counts without Prejudice!"

Mr. Manafort's Sentencing also Includes Three Additional Years of Supervised Release after His Prison Time is Over," Plus "Twenty-Four Million Dollars in Restitution," and "A Fine of Fifty Thousand Dollars!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Wednesday The Thirteenth of March 2019 "Paul  Manafort was Sentenced to Forty-Three Months in Prison," in "The Second Sentencing in Two Weeks," This Sentencing by U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson," in the District of Columbia, Where "He Pleaded Guilty to Two Felonies," on The Fourteenth of September 2018, ("Each One Could have Sentenced Him to A Maximum of Five Years Each in Federal Prison") "Giving Him A Total of Seven and a Half Years to Serve in Prison," If "You Include The Sentence of Forty-Seven Month's," that "He Received from U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III" on Thursday, The Seventh of March 2019!

"Mr. Manafort Will have The Unhallowed Distinction," of "Serving The Longest Period of Time in Prison in Robert Mueller's Russian Investigation!"  

Mr. Manafort Apologized in The Courtroom Reading from A Written Statement, "I am sorry for what I have done and all the activities that have gotten us here today." And, He also said "While I can not undo the past, I ensure that the future will be very different." And, He also said, "Let me be very clear, I accept the responsibility for the acts that caused me to be here today."...And, "Please let my wife and I be together."

"Paul Manafort who will be turning Seventy" in a few weeks, "Arrived in the Courtroom Wednesday, in A Wheelchair!"

"Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann Argued" that Mr. Manafort "Engaged in crime again and again. He has not learned a harsh lesson.

Global Cross Media News Reports are Judge Jackson Told Mr. Manafort, "Saying I'm sorry I got caught is not an inspiring plea for leniency." 
And,  "Why" Judge Jackson Asked, "Not to support a family but to sustain a lifestyle at the most opulent and extravagant level. More houses than one man can enjoy, and more suits than one man can wear." 
And, Judge Jackson is also Reported to have said, "It's hard to overstate the number of lies and the amount of fraud and the extra ordinary amount of money involved."

-(Note that, "As Part of Mr. Manafort's Plea Deal "He Agreed to Cooperate with Prosecutors!"
However, On the Twenty-Sixth of November, Robert Mueller's Office "Stated in A Court Filing" that "Mr. Manafort had Repeatedly Lied about a Variety of Manners, Breaching His Plea Agreement!")-

And so, "Another One of The Presidents Men has Been Convicted Guilty," and "Sentenced in A Court of Law!" And, "One Wonders Whether President Trump is Seeing The Writing on The Wall's of History!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Manhattan District Attorney's Office is Considering Filing Criminal Charges Against Mr. Manafort"  in "Connection with Loans that He Received from Two Banks!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Parallel Universe of The Russian Probe Continues to Evolve" Tuesday, The Twelfth of March 2019 Former National Security Adviser to President Trump" and "Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn has Requested a Ninety Day Delay in His Sentencing," until "The Trial of Two Former Business Associates Accused of Illegally Lobbying for Turkey," Taking Place in The Eastern District of Virginia, on The Fifteenth of July 2019, has "Been Completed!" 

In The Same Filing "Special Counsel Mueller's Team Viewed Mr. Flynn's Cooperation" as "Otherwise Complete," And, Offered "No Position on Mr. Flynn's Request for Continuance!"

-(Note that, "Mr. Flynn's Attorney's Asked United States District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan" of the United States District Court  for the District of Columbia, "in A Court Filing," on Tuesday, The Twelfth of March 2019 "To be able to submit another status report in ninety days," "Because there may be additional cooperation Mr. Flynn can offer.")-

"A Decision Will Be Made on Mr. Flynn's Request for Continuance," on Wednesday The Thirteenth of March 2019! 

"The Question" is "Will This Ninety Day Request Be A Sufficient Amount of Time for Mr. Flynn to Continue Cooperating in The Trial of His Two Business Associates on The Fifteenth of July!" Or Will Another Request be Needed!" So far, "The Math Doesn't Add up!"

However, Whatever The Result is "Another One of The Presidents Men has Been Judged Fairly and Justly," and has "Met His Destiny with Fate!" "As Guilty as Charged!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Suggestion of A Shadow of A Criminal Enterprise has Surfaced in The United States," as Exemplified in The Russia Investigations,"Alleged Gambino Family Crime Boss Francesco 'Frank' Calli, 53, was "Fatally Shot and Killed Outside of His Home in The Borough of Staten Island," on Wednesday Evening, The Thirteenth of March 2019!" He was Found with Multiple Gunshot Wounds, by Police who Answered a 911 Call!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "EMS then Transported Mr. Cali to State Island University North Where He was Pronounced Dead!" 

"New York Law Enforcement Authorities" have "Begun Investigating the Shooting," and "Motive for The Murder of Mr. Gambino!" And, So far, "There have Been No Arrests!"

-(Note that, "Mr. Calli" is Reported to Be "The First Alleged New York Crime Family Boss to Be Killed in Thirty-Four Years," since the Murder of Paul Castellano in Front of Sparks Steakhouse in Manhattan in 1985!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of February 2019, The United States House of Representatives "Passed Their Second Gun Control Bill in A Week!" Which is "An Extremely Important Achievement for The Democratic Controlled House!" 

"The Democrats have Campaigned on Representing The Will of The American People If Elected," and "They are Doing It!"

"This New Gun Control Bill Reinforces Background Checks!" And, "Extends The Background Check Review Period from Three Days to Ten Days!" 

-(It's Difficult to Comprehend" that "Any Sensible Adult Would Find Opposition to This Bill!" It's "a Differential of Seven Days" that "Could Save The Life of An Innocent Person!")-

"The Bill Passed by A Lesser Margin than Wednesdays Measure," This Time "The Vote was Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight to One Hundred and Ninety-Eight!" And, "Only Three Republicans Voted for It!"

However, "The Burden Still Falls on The United States Senate to Pass Both House Bills by at Least Sixty Votes," to "Make Them Veto Proof," "Due to the Statements" that "President Trump has Made" that "He Will Veto Both Bills!"

-(Note that "This is The Most Meaningful and Impressive Gun Control Legislation Passed by A Single Chamber," or "In Fact Both Houses of Congress since 1994," When Both Major Party's of Congress, Republican and Democrat, "Passed An Assault Weapons Ban" (that has since Expired!)

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Commitment" to "Not only Address," But to "Do Something that is Viable, Rational, and Commendable about Gun Violence, and Gun Control, in January of 2019," has "Proven to Be More" than "A Campaign Promise, or A Photo-Op!"

"Speaker Pelosi and Her Fellow Democrats" are "Honoring The Commitment They Made To The Youth of The United States of America," who "Marched Together," and "Shared Their Tears Together," and "Stood as One Great Non-Violent Soul Force," on "The Twenty-Fourth of March 2018," In Their March For Our Lives Demonstration!"
"Unafraid of The National Rifle Association," (NRA) and/or "Any Politician, or Elected Official," who "Would Not Support Stronger Gun Control Measures!" And, "They Continue to Stand Together and Grow Stronger Everyday!"

And, "Public Opinion Polls Show" that " The American People are In Support of The Nation's Youths Quest For Stronger Universal Background Checks" and "Stricter Gun Laws!" 

"A Quinnipiac University Poll," Taken on The Twentieth of February 2019, "Found that Ninety-Seven to Two Percent of All Americans Favor Universal Background Checks!"

And, "Sixty-Six Percent of Americans are In Favor of Stricter Gun Laws!"

So, "The Equation is A Simple One, "A Large Majority The American People," by "More than A Two to One Margin are Ready for Stricter Gun Laws," and "Nine out of Ten Americans are Ready for Universal Background Checks," that "Should Satisfy and Signify to The One Hundred Members of The United States Senate," that "It's Their Duty and Responsibility to Vote for The Two U.S. House of Representative Bills!"

 "It's as Simple as that!" And, "It's Time For The Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and The Republican Party to Get The Message," that "The United States of America is A Democracy," "It's Not a One-Man-Rule," or "One-Party-Rule Form of Governance!" And, "They have Been Elected to Represent 325.7 Million Americans!"

And, "Let's One and All Agree," that "It is Time for An End to Come" for "The Immoral, Degenerate, Unempathetic, Sub-Culture of Violence" that has "Caused The Deaths of Too Many of Our Children, Family Members, and Fellow Americans!" 

And, "The Youth" of The Nation, "Expect President Trump to Keep His Word," When He said, "He would be very strong on background checks," after "The Tragic Mass Shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Occurred in Parkland, Florida," that "Caused The Deaths of Seventeen Innocent Lives, Both Students and Faculty!"

And, "The American People want Universal Background Checks and Stricter Gun Laws!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Eighth of March 2019- "To Celebrate International Women's Day" is "To Celebrate The Accomplishments of A Great Movement of Women" who "Protested, and Demonstrated For Economic and Social Parity," as Well as "A Celebration of Womanhood and Motherhood!"

And, "While The Journey/Movement Still has Many Bridges to Cross," and "Walls of Obstruction, Encumbrance, and Impediments to Transcend," There is "A Great Soul Power" that "Is Embodied in Woman All over This Earth of Ours" that "Can Not Be Deterred or Denied," "Nor Should It Be!"

And so, with "Great Joy Do We Celebrate, Commemorate, and Give Honor to "International Women's Day!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Fourteenth of March 2019 "Forty-Six Year Old Former U.S. Congressman Beto O'Rourke," Democrat from Texas, "Announced that He is Running for President in 2020!"

In A Video Announcement Mr. O'Rourke said, "This is a defining moment of truth for this country and for every single one of us. The challenges that we face now, the interconnected crisis in our economy, our democracy have never been greater! They will either consume us, or they will afford us the greatest opportunity to unleash the genius of the United States of America!"  

"As A New Season of Spring Emerges Bringing with It Its Promise of Change" from Winter's Climate Change that Provides A Clear Nexus Between Summer, Autumn and This New Springtime of Rebirth, Renewal and Regrowth," "Still The Questions Remain," (1)Why hasn't there Been A Comprehensive Global Approach/Strategy for Eliminating Poverty! For One Example, There are Millions of Children Living with Their Families in Poverty in The United States!

And, (2) How is It Possible that The Pharmaceutical Industry has Gotten away with Overcharging State and Federal Health Programs!" The Question" is To What Price Will A Pharmaceutical Company Go to Maintain a Profit at The People's Expense!

And, (3) How Can A Man of The Church Rape and/or Commit Sexual Misconduct to A Child, or Nun, and Still Pretend to Be A Man of God!

And, (4) "Everyone on The Street Knows" that "Trade Wars are Not Profitable," so "How Does It Satisfy One's Hubris" to "Engage in Tariff Raising Strategies" to "Bend One Sovereign Nation to The Will of Another," While Whole Industries" and "The Global Market Place" is "Losing Hundred's of Millions of Dollars," "If Not in The Billions!"

And (5) "Why Follow or Condone The Leadership of Dictators," or "One-Man-Rule," or One-Party-Rule Forms of Governance," When Their Political and Economic Global Strategies and Policies are "Not Meant to Establish A True Sense of Parity or Equilibre among Global Nations!"

And, (6) "Why Support Any Global Leader who Does Not Consider The Earth's Environmental and Ecological System as A Top Priority to The Survival of Our Planet Earth" and "The Earth's Community of Families, and Sentient Beings!"

And, (7) "Without Respect for The Earth's Diverse Communities, and Cultures," and "The Distinctive and Contrasting Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," How Can We Become A United People of This Planet Earth," and "Heal and Bridge The Wall's of Divisiveness" that "Attempts to Separates Us," and "Place One Human Being Against Another!"

And, (8) "From What Perspective Do We Consider Life to Be Sacred!" Is from A Spiritual, and Religious Perspective, Political and Humanistic Perspective, and/or A Single Cell!" 

And, (9) "From What Perspective Do We Need to Comprehend," "When Compassion is Needed to Freely Extend to An Individual," or "A Sovereign Nation Faced with Foreign Adversity," and "Military Invasion!"

And, "(10) "Why isn't It Obvious to One and To All," that "We are All Neighbors Living on The Same Planet"..."Our Home Planet Earth!"

"There are so Many Questions that Go Unanswered," "Questions that Could Heal All that Ails Us!"
"Isn't It Time We Took The Time" to "Process The Truth of What Our Existence on Earth was Truly Meant To Be,"and "Share This Cognizant Omnipresent Solar Axiom with One Another," and with "Each New Generation that Comes Forth," "Here in The Twenty-First Millennium!"

"Have We Become so Blind to The Cosmos and The Universe that Surrounds Us" that "We are Unable to See, Hear, Feel, and Know The Truth For What It Is!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "There Appears to Be A Difference of Opinion" in Regards to "The Reasons for The Abrupt End to The Trump-Kim 2019!"

North Korea Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho "Claims that Pyongyang was ready to permanently and completely dismantle all the nuclear production facilities at Its Main Site, Yongbyon." 

And, "In Direct Contrast to President Trumps Remarks," about "What Caused The End of Trump-Kim 2019," The Foreign Minister Told Reporters in A Separate Press Meeting that "Pyongyang never asked for the removal of all sanctions."
He said Pyongyang wanted to U.S. to Agree to End Sanctions, "that hamper the civilian economy and the livelihood of our people."

However, "The U.S. Position Continues to Be," that "Sanctions on the North must remain in place until it completely and irreversibly dismantles its nuclear program."

"History Will Record Whether President Trump and Kim Jong-un Will Be Up to The Challenge of Negotiating, (1) The Denuclearization of The People's Republic of North Korea, (2) An Age of Peace and Prosperity For All The People of The Korean Peninsula, North and South, to Share with Each Other, and, (3) An Asian Partnership in A New Age of Security and Trade, and A Cultural Evolution in Peace with All of The Sovereign Nations and People of The Earth!" 

"Yes," "This is An Interesting Opportunity for Seasoned Diplomats to Come Forth," in The Name Of Peace and Security For One and All," and "As True and Unbiased Representatives of All The People Of The Earth," Irregardless of Nationality, Tribe, Creed, Gender, Age, Color, or Political Disposition or Persuasion," and "Sit Down and Plan Together," and "Seriously Speak Together Of Peace without Fear of Provocation," and "Thought of Personal Gain or Advantage," in "A Series of Peace Dialogues Together!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's in The Skies of The Middle East, Global Cross Media News Reports are on Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of February 2019, "Israeli Attorney General Aloud Avichai Mandelblit" "Announced His Intention to Indict Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu" for "Fraud, and Breach of Trust in Three Separate Cases, and Bribery in One of Them," "Pending a Hearing!"

"The Ripple Effect of This Announcement has Caused A Major Negative Reaction in Israel," Where "More than Two-Thirds of Israelis Believe that The Prime Minister Should Resign if Indicted," in A Poll Conducted on Friday, The First of March 2019!"

And, "At A Time When The Israeli Election Between Prime Minister Netanyahu and The Leader of The center-left Blue and White Political Alliance, Ex-Israeli Military Chief of Staff Benny Gantz," are "Extremely Close," "This is The Last Thing The Prime Minister Could have Asked for!"

"Breaking News Reports of The Sphere's of The Global Cross Media News Outlets and Platforms," and The Headlines of The Fourth Estate have Reported The Details of The Three Cases; (1) Case 1000- "Involves Allegations that Netanyahu Received Luxury Gifts, from International Billionaires in exchange for Favors.
(2) In Case 2000- "He is Accused of Conspiring with The Owner of Yedioth Ahronoth Newspaper to Undermine a Critical Daily."
-(Note that, "Yedioth Ahronoth" is One of Israel's Largest National Newspapers, Published in Tel Aviv!")-

And, In Case 4000- "Also Involves Allegations that Netanyahu Offered Incentives to The Israeli Telecom Provider Bezeq in Return for Positive Stories in Walla News Website!

-(Note that, "Walla is An Israeli Internet Company, Headquartered in Tel Aviv," and "Fully Owned by Bezeq," that "Provides News, Search and Emails!" And, is "Considered to Be One of The Most Popular Websites in Israel!")-  

In A Press Conference on Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of February, 2019 Prime Minister Netanyahu Called The Allegations "A witch hunt intended to topple his right wing administration." 

-(Note that,"The Prime Minister is Running for A Fifth Term" in "The Ninth of April 2019 General Elections!" And, Note that, "This is the First Time that An Active Israeli Prime Minister," is "Facing Criminal Charges!")-

From Afar, "The Political Skies Hovering Over The Sovereign Nation of Israel Appear," as "If They have Been Existing in A Time Capsule," "Surrounded by Clouds of Immovability!"

"The Question," Still Remains, "When Will Peace, Prosperity, and Genuine Respect for The Lives of All The People," and "Their Social Security," "Finally Grace The Sovereign States of Israel and Palestine, and "All of The Sovereign Nations of The Middle East!" 

"Haven't There Been Enough Tears Cascading from The Eyes of Mothers, Fathers, and Families, who have Lost A Love One, "In One War and Military Conflict after Another Been Enough" to "Bring Peace to The Middle East!" 

And, "Isn't It Time for A New Age of Understanding, Cognizance," and "Openness to Adopting The Principles and Ideals of An Equation," that "Embraces Global Universality," "For Middle Eastern Leaders," and "Leaders of All The Earths Sovereign Nations," Whether They Be Political, Military, Religious, Financial, Civil, or Royal!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2019, "New Cracks Continue to Appear in The Walls of The West Wing and The Trump Administration as A Result" of "The House Judiciary Committee" Announcing that "They have Opened Up An Extensive Investigation" into "The Trump Organization, Obstruction of Justice by Interfering in Criminal Investigations, Abuses of Power to Include Misuse of the Pardon Power and Attacks on the Press, Judiciary, and Law Enforcement Agencies, Potential Corruption such as Violation of Campaign and Financial Laws, Misuse of Office for Personal Gain, 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee, Trump Foundation,  Trump Transition, The White House, The NRA, Allen Weisselberg, Jared Kushner (Is He Criminally Liable for Allegedly Lying about Two Security Clearance Forms), Kushner Companies, Steve Bannon, Don McGahn, Donald Trump Jr., Roger Stone, Julian Assange, and Eric Trump," In Total, "The House Judiciary Committee" has "Given Eighty-One Individuals, Entities, and Federal Agencies until The Eighteenth of March 2019," to "Provide Special Documents They've Requested!"

"The List" is "A Who's Who" of "Those Involved" or "Allegedly Connected to The Trump Sphere of Influence!"

And, "The Ripple Affect is Obvious," that "The Michael Cohen Testimonies Before Congressional Committee's During The Week of The Twenty-Fifth of February 2019," have had "An Investigative Cause and Effect Mood of Intensity and Immediacy to Descend upon Washington Politics!" And, "This Mood has Become Insatiable," Which is "Important for The American People to Observe!" 

And, "It is also Obvious," that "The American People want to Know The Whole Truth" about "Anything or Anyone Associated with," or "To Do with President Trump," "For Better or For Worst!" "Pro Trump or Con Trump!"

And, "Answer's to The Myriad Questions," that "Robert Mueller's Team of Prosecutors and Investigators have Asked," and "The Nation has Asked," about "Russia's Interference in The 2016 U. S. Presidential Election," "Need Answering!"

-(Note that, On Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2019 President Trump Tweeted, "Now that they realize the only Collusion with Russia was done by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, Nadler, Schiff, and the Dem heads of the Committees have gone stone cold Crazy. 81 letter sent to innocent people to harass them. They won't get Anything done for our Country!")-

However, "A New Question" has "Become The Breaking News Spotlight," of The Global Cross Media News Outlets and Sphere's of Information and Communication," and "Featured Prominently by The Fourth Estate" is, "Why has The White House Objected to Providing The House Judiciary Committee," with "White House Clearance Information in Regards to Jared Kushner!"

"Is It Just to Be Stubborn," or "Is It Meant to Be Another Distraction from The Issues of The Day," Such as; (1) The Up and Coming Senate Vote on The President's National Emergency Declaration, (2) The Vote on The Two U.S. House Gun-Control Bill's in The U.S. Senate, (3) The Ongoing Trade War of Hubris Between President Trump and President Xi, or (3) The Rising Deficit of A Billion Dollars in The United States, or "Could  It Possibly Be Something Else!"

Whatever The Reason is, "It Will Not Deter The Democrats," or "Any One of The Political Party's who are Seeking Information," about "The Scope of The Trump Organization's Global Enterprises ," (Whether They Be Republicans, Libertarians, Green Party of The U.S. ?) or "Law Enforcement Authorities," from "Eventually Discovering The Truth," and that also "Includes Whatever Financial Information that has Been Requested," Such as "President Trump's Tax Returns," and "Tax History in General," or "Discovering in Detail The Financial History of The Trump Organization!" 

So, "Why Not Disclose Everything Now!" "What's to Fear?"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "We have Been Challenged by Variation upon Variation of Change in Our Lives," and "Now are Faced with A Political Change in The U.S. Congress" that has "Opened The Way To New Possibilities and Potentialities that Give Hope and A New Sense of Empowerment To The People!"

"And, With This Change has Come A New Sense Of Balance in Government," "One that was Meant To Be" and "Created as Such" by "The Founders who Envisioned The U.S. Constitution!"

"The United States of American is A Democracy!" And, "It is Meant To Be Safe Haven" and "Land of Opportunity for Settlers/Immigrants" who "Came to Start New Lives," "Free from The Oppression and Poverty that Encumbered Them!"

And, "It is Our Solemn Duty and Responsibility to Join Together," with "Other Kindred Spirits, and Soulmates," and "Seasoned Diplomats and Religious, Spiritual, and Financial Leaders who have The Peace of The Earth as Their Main Concern, and "The Conservatorship of The Earths Environmental and Ecological Systems as Their Sacred Duty," and "The Social Security, Welfare, and Healthcare of Each and Every Family and Community of The Earths Sovereign Nations," as "Their Mission and Purpose in Life!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent Age of Justice, Respect, Equality, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Financial Parity, Global Equilibre, Universality, and Peace On Earth!   

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Third of March 2019 "At Least Twelve Tornadoes Tore Their Path of Destruction Through Alabama and Georgia!" "An EF-4 Tornado with One Hundred and Seventy Mile an Hour Winds Struck Lee County, Alabama," and "As Many as "Twenty-Three Adults and Children have Died!"

Global Cross Media Reports are This is "The Deadliest Vortex of Winds to Rage, Twist, and "Cause Extreme Destruction in Alabama since 2013!"

"These Tornadoes Raged in All of Their Fury Through Alabama and Georgia," Charging Full Force Along A Path of at Least Twenty-Four Miles Bringing Mass Destruction to Wherever It Touched Down, Leveling Homes, and Businesses," and "Bringing Fear, Apprehension, Anxiety, and A Sense of Helplessness to Everyone in Its Way!"

"The Search and Rescue Mission Continues in Hopes of Finding Anyone" who "Still Remains Unaccounted for!"

Friday, March 8, 2019 "President Trump Accompanied by First Lady Melania Trump, and "Members of The State Congressional Delegation," Including "Republican Senator Mike Shelby and House Representative Mike Rogers," Flew to Alabama to "View The Destruction and Obliteration of The Tornadoes!"

And, "While Touring Through The Tornado/Ravaged Torn Area with Alabama Governor Kay Ivey," The President said, "I saw this. And it's hard to believe. You saw things that you wouldn't believe."

-(Note that, "Flags Will Be Flown at Half Mast until Sunday, The Tenth of March 2019 in Honor of The Twenty-Three People who Died, Four of Which were Children!")-   

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families who have Lost a Love One Due to The Tragic Impact of This Natural Disaster, and We Mourn Their Loss with You! And, To All of The Communities, Families, and Neighbors who have Been Devastated by These Tornadoes, We are with You in This Moment of Deeply Disturbing Traumatic Experience!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"More than a Million People Fly Safely All over The Earth Each Day," from "Sovereign Nation to Sovereign Nation," so "The Question" of "Why An Airplane Accident Occurs is So Shocking and Surprising," and "Due to The Amount of People Flying," Whether  to Visit Their Families," who have "Moved to Another Country for A Countless Number of Reasons," or "Simply to Enjoy A Vacation,"  "The Number of Deaths Tragically, Adds to The Deep Sadness and Significance of The Disaster," and "Such An Accident Occurred on Sunday, The Tenth of March 2019," "When Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET302 Crashed," (A Boeing 737 Max 8 Aircraft)  and "Tragically All One Hundred and Fifty-Seven Passengers and Crew on Board The Aircraft Died in The Crash!"

"The Reasons Why" Flight #ET302 Crashed into "A Field Near Tulu Fara Village," Just "Forty Miles Southeast of Addis Ababa, The Ethiopian Capitol," Outside of The Town of Bishoftu, En Route to Nairobi, Kenya, is "Being Investigated by Ethiopian Authorities," However, that "Does Not Ease The Pain and Trauma of The Families and Friends who have Lost a Loved One!"

And, "The Fact" that "The Boeing 737 Max 8 Crashed in The Field Near Tulu Fara Six Minutes after Taking Off from Addis Ababa," only "Adds to The Unanswered Questions and Mystery Surrounding The Deaths of One Hundred and Fifty-Seven People," and "The Crash of Flight #ET302!"

Plus, "The Fact" that "This is The Second Fatal Boeing 737 Max 8 Crash to Take Place in Five Months," Is Causing "Great Concerns about The Safety of This Aircraft," and "Definitely Grounds for Investigation!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "More than Thirty-Five Different Nationalities were on Board!" 
"Amongst Those who Died in This Unfortunate Disaster" were "Thirty-Two Kenyans, Nineteen UN Staff Members, Eighteen Canadians, Nine Ethiopians, Eight Americans, Eight Chinese, Eight Italians, Seven French, and Seven UK Nationals!"

Monday Morning, The Eleventh of March 2019 "Boeing Shares Fell 6.8 Percent on Wall Street," over "The News of The Tragic Air Crash of ET302!"  

-(And, Take Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "A New Boeing 737 Max 8, Lion Air Flight JT610, Crashed into The Sea Off of The Indonesian Capitol of Jakarta," on The Twenty-Eighth of October 2018," Causing The Deaths of All One Hundred and Eighty-Nine People on Board, after Minutes into Its Flight!")-

"The Deep Concerns Being Published in The News Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's, are over "The Fact" that, There are "As Many as Three Hundred Boeing 737 Max Airplanes in Operation," and then, "Add to that, Recent Estimates of More than Five Thousand" that have "Been Ordered Worldwide since 2017!"

All of Which are "Not Good News for Boeing!" 

However, "The Importance of The Cockpit Voice Recorder and Digital Flight Data Recorder Being Found" Will Provide Investigators with An Explanation, "Why The Boeing 737 Max 8 Crashed Six Minutes after Taking Off!"

-(Tuesday, The Twelfth of March, 2019, Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The European Union, Britain, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korean airline Eastar Jet, and Ethiopia are "Among The Sovereign Nations" who have "Grounded, Suspended, and Halted Use of The New Boeing 737 Max 8 Airplane!"

Wednesday, The Thirteenth of March 2019 "The Federal Aviation Administration" (FAA) "Gave into Mounting Pressure," and "Issued An Emergency Order to Ground All The Boeing 737 Max 8 Aircraft in The United States," until "Investigations of This Aircraft have Been Completed!")-

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families from More than Thirty-Five Different Nationalities who Lost A Love One in The Tragic Crash of Ethiopian Flight ET302! And, We Mourn Their Loss with You!

-In Memoriam:
Monday, The Fourth of March 2019 "Luke Perry," Born Coy Luther Perry III from Mansfield, Ohio, "Former Star of The Hit TV Series "Beverly Hills, 90210," and "Riverdale," "Died at The Age of Fifty-Two" in Saint Joseph Medical Center Burbank, in Burbank, California, "Due to Complications from A Devastating Stroke that He Suffered Last Week!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Luke Perry, and To His Fellow Colleagues, Friends and Admirers, We Mourn His Loss with You!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Love One Due to Gun-Related Violence or Caused by The Violent Act's of Perpetrators who Care Not for The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You!

And, To All The Families and Communities, Domestically or Globally, who have Lost A Love One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You as well!