Friday, March 1, 2019



The Way To Peace! #336

"These Last Three Years The American People have Been Sorely Tested, " and "Divided over What is The Truth," in Regards to "Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Elections, The Russian Investigations, Indictments, Convictions, Scandals, Trade Wars, Environmental and Ecological Concerns, Major Disputes over Supreme Court Judge Nominees, Suits Against The Trump Administration and The Trump Organization, Aggravated Relations with Traditional Allies, Defense of Traditional Enemies, Executive Orders, Unusual and Unconventional Means of Governing The Nation, and Representing The Nation!"

And, "Cyberattacks, Misinformation Campaigns Directed at Undermining America's Democracy and Subverting The Principles and Law of The Land, An Immoral Immigration Policy that Detained Migrant Children in U.S. Detention Centers, Separated from Their Parents and Families who were Seeking Asylum in The U.S., and Fleeing from Threats of Death in Their Home Nations, Incomprehensible and Perplexing Attacks upon The Department of Justice, and The Fed, and Unreasonable Attacks upon The Fourth Estate and The Global Cross Media News Outlets and Platforms, and/or Anyone who Disagrees with Administration Policy, Broken Treaties, Wars, Economic Disparity Amongst The People, and A Lack of Restraint and Disinhibition Displayed in Government Spending and Tax Policies that have Driven The National Debt Beyond Twenty-One Trillion Dollars, and Pushed The Federal Deficit Near to Approaching One Trillion Dollars This Year, 2019!"

Is This "How to Make America Great again!" Is "This What We were Told to Believe in!"

And, You Ask "The Question," "How Can The Truth" Be So Twisted, Manipulated, Attacked and Besmirched" for "Being Anything Other than The Truth!" Or, "How Can The Truth" Be So "Vilified and Disparaged from Being Anything Other than The Truth," is "A Challenge to Answer!"

"The American People have Been Thrust Deeply into This State of Untruth and Falsification," "Pretext and Deception," "Duplicity and Guile," Lack of Honesty and Fraud," Questioning "What is Real from Unreal!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twentieth of February 20, 2019 President Trump Tweeted that "The New York Times Reporting is false. They are a True Enemy of The People!" This Tweet was in Reaction to the New York Times Alleged Obstruction of Justice Case Against Him," that was Published on Tuesday, The Nineteenth of February 2019!"

"The New York Times Story," Written by Four of Its Journalists, Mark Mazzetti, Maggie Haberman, Nicholas Fandos, and Michael S. Schmidt, "Alleged that Last Year, President Trump Asked Acting U.S. Attorney General Andrew Whitaker" to "Place U.S. Attorney for The Southern District of New York Geoffry S. Berman in Charge of the Michael Cohen Case," ("President Trump's Former Personal Attorney")!

"Mr. Berman was An Ally of The President," but, He had "Previously Recused Himself from The Investigation!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Times had Attempted to Contact The White House for a Reply to the Allegations Before The Story was to Be Published, on Friday, The Fifteenth of February, 2019 and "Continued to Do so Until The Article was Published on Tuesday, The Nineteenth," In "An Attempt to Obtain Verification," or Any Pertinent Comment's," However, The Trump Administration/The White House Did Not Reply Did Not Reply" until "President Trump's February 20th Tweet!" So, "There was "No Surprise!" Just "New Anti-Media Attacks upon The New York Times," Accusing Them of "False News!")-

"The Truth" has "Almost Become a Forgotten Commodity in These Exchanges and Attacks upon The Fourth Estate," and "Attacks upon The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," who are "Reporting at Times Verbatim What The President has said," or "What He has Done!" Only, to "See The Truth Twisted" and "Thrown Back at Them," as "False or Fake News!"

"This is "Definitely A Learning Curve for America," Although "A Forced One!" Having to "Distinguish The Truth from Half Truths," or "False Rhetoric," and/or "Outright Lies!"

And, "Sometimes These Manipulations of The Truth are Obvious Ones," and at "Other Times Very Subtle" and "Slight of Hand!"

However, "We The People" have "An Electoral Process, Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Constitution To Protect and Defend The Rights of Every American Citizen," from "Adverse Foreign Entities and Domestic One's as well"

And, "As The Primaries and 20/20 Elections Approach," "It is of The Utmost Importance for Each and Every American Citizen to Remember to Place Country Above Political Party!" And, "Place The Truth and The Principles that America Stands for, Above The False Political Campaign Rhetoric and Slogans" that "We The People Will Be Saturated with!"

And, "Let Us Clearly Comprehend" that "This is The Twenty-First Century," and "A Time to Be Building Bridges of Trust, New Innovations, and Inspiring Visions and Goals," and "Reinforcing The Global Infrastructure that Unites Us," with "Our Traditional Allies of Peace Loving Sovereign Nations," and "The Earths Populace and Communities!"

"The United States of America is An Important Part of The Fabric of This Tapestry of The Earths Sovereign Nations," and "An Important Core of All Nations who Believe in Freedom, Unity, Peace, Economic Progress and Prosperity for The Global Community of Sovereign Nations, and "A Spirit of Life that is All Inclusive, Omnipresent, Joyful, Knowledgeable, Omniscient, Cognitive, Courageous, Heroic, and Indomitable!"

And, "To Be President of The United States of America," is "To Be Responsible and Cognizant of This," and "To Each and Every Daughter, Son, Mother and Father, and Family of The Republic, Democracy and Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, "There is Still Much that Is Inspiring and Empowering to Be Done," "Economically, Educationally, Spiritually, and In Full Awareness of The Need's of The Nation!"

And, "The Truth Must Not Go Unheard, Unseen, or Impeded!"

As The Sun Set's on The United States of America "The Events on Capitol Hill," in Washington D.C., have "Begun to Erupt into A News Version of Who Do You Trust," or "Better Yet, In Whom Do You Believe!"

Michael Cohen, "President Trump's Former Personal Attorney" has "Taken The Stage in A Three Day Testimonial," But "Not to Applaud His Achievements, But to Testify in Closed Door and Public Hearings, "The Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth about His Former Boss, President Donald Trump," and "The Sprawling Business and Financial Empire of The Trump Organization!"

Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of February 2019 "Mr. Cohen Testified Before The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee" in "A Public Appearance Before Congress that, (1) President Trump Knew that Roger Stone was Working with WikiLeaks to Discredit Mrs. Clinton, (2) The President Reimbursed Him for Hush Money Payments that He Made to Actress Stormy Daniels, with a personal check, and, (3) Both He and Mr. Trump Lied about the Trump Moscow Negotiations throughout The Election Campaign, and to "Say that Mr. Cohen's Observations and Opinions about The President" were "Not at All Favorable," Would Be An Understatement!" And, It was Clear that He was "Not Expecting to Be Pardoned for His Crimes!"

-(Note that, In a Statement on Tuesday, The Twenty-Six of February 2019 Sarah Sanders White House Press Secretary said, "Disgraced felon Michael Cohen is going to prison for lying to Congress and making other false statements...Sadly, he will go before Congress this week and, we can expect more of the same. It's laughable that anyone would take a convicted liar like Cohen at his word, and pathetic to see him given yet another opportunity to spread his lies.")-

-(Note that, Mr. Cohen has Apologized for His Transgressions and Lies!" However, "He Still Faces a Three Year Sentence in Prison to Begin on The Sixth of May 2019!" And, "Yes," This Sentencing is Because, "He continued to work for President Trump," knowing in His Heart and Mind," that "What He was Doing or Asked to Do was Wrong!")-

"In The Meantime President Trump was Commanding His Own Stage in Hanoi," The Capitol of Vietnam, "with Kim Jong-un, The Leader of The People's Republic of North Korea!"

And, "The Questions" that "Needed Answering in Hanoi, at Trump-Kim 2019" were, (1) "Will Denuclearization of North Korea Become A Reality," and, (2) "Will Peace Grace The Korean Peninsula, With Ripple Effects and Eddies of Peace Flowing althroughout Asia," and, (3) Will A New Age of Economic Prosperity and Social Security Finally Come to The People of North Korea, or, (4) As some Skeptics have Expressed, "Is This just Another Global Public Relations Event to Improve The Images of Both Leaders!"

"Can It Be Denied" that "We Find Ourselves, In An Age Where "War, Regional Conflicts, Broken Treaties, and New Arms Escalations" have "Brought a New Sense of Urgency to The Earths Sovereign Nations who Believe in Peace, Justice, and Freedom," Let Us Hope" that "Sincere and Peace Building Efforts" are "Being Established, Formulated and Written in Unbreakable Documents and Accords of Universality," and "Truth," that "We Can All Take Pride in and Covet," and "Hold to Be True!" For The Sake of Our Children," and "Their Children For Millennia upon Millennia to Come!"

"A Peace" that is "Unimpeded, Unhindered, Unopposed, Unconstrained and Unrestricted by Anyone!"

"Can It Be Denied" that "It's Time for An Age Of Peace to Come to The People Of The Earth," "Irregardless of Gender, Tribe, Age, Color, Nationality, or Creed!"
"A Peace" that "Can Nourish, Care for, and Protect The Earths Skies, Sea's, Lands, and Atmosphere in Its Universal, Solar, and Cosmic Embrace!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of February 2019 "The Trump-Kim 2019 Summit Ended without A Joint Declaration Being Made" and with "Both Leaders Disagreeing over The Cessation of Sanctions from The North Korean Perspective" and "The Denuclearization of North Korea from The American Perspective!"

President Trump said at A Press Conference in Hanoi, "Basically they (Kim Jong-un) wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety and, we couldn't do that."

The President also said, "He wants to denuke, he just wants to do areas that are less important than what we want."
And, that "Basically the breakdown of the Summit was about Sanctions."

President Trump also added that He relationship with Kim Jong-un was still "Very Warm." And that the talks ended with "a very friendly walk." And, "This wasn't a walk like you get up and walk out."

However, This was "An Unfortunate Ending to a Big Build up for The Trump-Kim 2019 Summit," although "Given Low Expectations" by The Trump Administration!"

And, "It's Back to The Drawing Board for U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo," who was "The Diplomatic Point Man for This Summit!"

And, "In Regards to Michael Cohen's Testimony on Capitol Hill" in Front of "Wednesdays Congressional Committee," President Trump said, "I think having a fake hearing like that, and having it in the middle of this very important summit was really a terrible thing. Having it during this very important summit is sort of incredible."

And, "In a Back Handed Compliment to Michael Cohen," President Trump said, "He said no collusion and I was you know a little impressed by that frankly. He could have gone all out. He only went about 95% instead of 100%."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, "The Repercussions, Fallout and Negative Backlash of President Trump's National Emergency Declaration have Begun," and "They are Serious!"

And, "If The United States Congress Does Not Except The Full Responsibility of Curbing The Presidents Use of The Executive," then "The United States of America have Decided to Act!" "Sixteen in Fact to Begin with!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Eighteenth of February 2019 "Sixteen States," California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and Attorney General Dana Nessel on Behalf of the People of Michigan (collective "Plaintiff States") have "Filed a Suit Against The Trump Administration in A Federal District Court in San Francisco, California!"

These Sixteen States, (1) "Bring this action to protect their residents, natural resources, and economic interests from President Donald J. Trump's flagrant disregard of fundamental separation of powers principles engrained in the United States Constitution.
Contrary to the will of Congress, the President has used the pretext of a manufactured "crisis" of unlawful immigration to declare a national emergency and redirect federal dollars appropriated for drug interdiction military construction, law enforcement initiatives toward building a wall on the United States-Mexico border. This includes the diversion of funding that each of the Plaintiff States receive. Defendants must be enjoined from carrying out President Trump's unconstitutional and unlawful scheme.

(2) President Trump has veered the country toward a constitutional crisis of his own making. For years, President Trump has repeatedly stated his intention to build a wall across across the United States-Mexico border. Congress has repeatedly rebuffed the President's insistence to fund a border wall, recently resulting in a record 35-day partial government shutdown over the border wall dispute. After the government reopened, Congress approved, and the President signed into law, a $1.375 billion appropriation for fencing along the southern border, but Congress made clear that funding could not be used to build President Trump's proposed border wall.

(3) After an agreement was reached on the spending bill to prevent another government shutdown, on February 15, 2019 President Trump declared an intention to redirect federal funds toward the construction of a border wall. On the same day, the Administration announced an executive action ("Executive Action") to make up to $6.7 billion in additional funding available for construction of the border wall, including through the declaration of a national emergency under the National Emergencies Act ("Emergency Declaration" combined with the "Executive Action" and the "Executive Actions").

(4) Use of those additional federal funds for the construction of a border wall is contrary to Congress's intent in violation of the U.S. Constitution, including the Presentment Clause and the Appropriations Clause. Such use would divert counter-drug programming funds directed to the states, and military construction funds to be spent in the states, for the non-appropriated purpose of constructing a border wall. Even if the Administration could Constitutionally redirect funds toward the construction of the border wall, the Administration does not satisfy the criteria in the statutes that it invokes to enable it to do so.

(5) If the Administration were to use the funding sources identified in the Executive Actions, Plaintiffs States collectively stand to lose millions in federal funding that their national guard units receive for domestic drug interdiction and counter-drug activities, and millions of dollars received on an annual basis for law enforcement programs from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund, harming the public safety of Plaintiff States. The redirection of funding from authorized military construction projects located in Plaintiff States will cause damage to their economies. Plaintiff States will face harm to their proprietary interests by the diversion of funding from military construction projects for the States' national guard units. And the construction of a wall along California's and Mexico's southern borders will cause irreparable Environmental damage to those States' natural resources.

(6) There is also no objective basis for President Trump's Emergency Declaration. By the President's own admission, an emergency declaration is not necessary. The federal government's own data proves there is no national emergency at the southern border that warrants construction of a wall. Customs Border Protection ("CBP") data show that unlawful entries are at 45-year lows. The State Department recognizes there is a lack of credible evidence that terrorists are using the southern border to enter the United States. Federal data confirm that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than are native-born Americans. CBP data demonstrate that dangerous drugs are much more likely to be smuggled through, not between, official ports of entry----rendering a border wall ineffectual at preventing their entering into this country."

And, "This is just a Portion of The Suit that was Filed by All Sixteen States!" However, "It Demonstrates Their Determination to Block President Trump's National Emergency Declaration," but "They are Doing It on Valid and Reasonable Terms" that "Can Be Readily Comprehended!"

And, "There are Millions of American Citizens who Will Be Affected by This National Emergency Declaration!"

And, "Their Livelihoods and Families Will Be Negatively Affected If Federal Funds" are "Not Properly Appropriated!"

And, "Let's Agree," that "Whatever Political Persuasion You are Leaning Towards," "Federal Funds Can Not Be Redirected in An Act of Bypassing or Circumventing The United States Congress," "without The Approval of Congress!"

"President Trump Should Know This by Now," ("Even as a First Time President and Public Official") that "There is No Quick Fix or Executive Action" that "Can Be Condoned without The Legal/Judiciary," or "Congressional Process involved!"

However, "It is also Past Time for The United States Congress" (Especially Members of The Republican Party) to "Use the Powers Invested in Them by The United States Constitution," and "We The People," and, "Act As Elected Officials" who "Represent The Diverse Community, Tapestry and Fabric Of The American People," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The Law of The Land!"

And, "These Elected Officials Must Never Forget" that, "The United States is Not A One-Man-Rule," or "One-Party-Rule Form of Government!" "The United States of America is A Democracy!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-

Thursday, The Twenty-First of February 2019 "A Summit on Child Abuse" was "Attended by One Hundred and Ninety Church Leaders of The Roman Catholic Church inside The Vatican!"

"Prerecorded Video Testimonials of Abused Victims were Played One after Another," "Revealing The Sex Abuse They had Received by The Hands of Officials/Priests of The Church of Saint Peter!"

And, "The Question" that "Resounded Althroughout The Hallowed Halls" and "Sacred Buildings of The Vatican" was, "How is It Possible," that "A Priest," a "Man of God," "Could Perform such Horrendous Acts upon The Children of The Church," and "Even Nun's," in Some Cases, "Who have Been Sexually Violated!"

And, "This is Not A Fabrication of Someones Imagination," "These Evil Acts and Sex Abuse Scandals," have "Been Conducted by Too Many of The Church Clergy," ("One Would have Been Too Much") and have "Been Documented in The Courts of Law of Sovereign Nations All over The Earth!"

And, "Displayed in The Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Featured in Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's All Across The Earth!"
Let Us, "One and All Agree" that "This Malevolent Conduct and Misuse of The Churches Authority Must End!"

And, "Those who have Committed These Sinful, Ungodly, Immoral, and Malicious Acts upon The Children of The Church" "Must Be Convicted Guilty and Placed Behind Bars," "In Prison's for The Soulless!" That is "How Egregious, Heinous, Shameful, and Reprehensible Their Acts are!"

And, "May One and All," and "Truly This Signifies All The Bishops and Cardinals, and Officials of The Roman Catholic Church," and/or "Whomever The Church or Religion of God May Be," and/or "Whomever Those Individuals Who Comprise The Body of People who have Been Ordained for Religious Service May Be," Listen Carefully to the Words of Pope Francis, "We hear the cry of little ones calling for justice."

And, "Let Us Adhere to The Tenets of Justice and Truth," "For This is The Twenty-First Millennia," and "There is No Excuse," for "The Barbaric and Immoral Acts of Evil Perpetrators Towards Our Children," "Nor are These Acts of Evil Tolerable, Justified, or Excusable Towards All of Humanity!"

"Let Us Agree" "As Parents or Grandparents or Great Grands, or Family Members," that "The Lives of Our Children," "Their Souls, Spirits, Minds, Intellect, Emotions and Bodies" are "To Be Nurtured, Nourished, Educated, Protected, Empowered, Genuinely Befriended, Given Encouragement, Guidance, Support, Cared for, and Loved!"

And, "The Church of God Must Not Betray Our Children's Trust in Life," or "Cause Despair, Anguish, Depression, Discouragement, Pain, and Fear of Iniquity and Devilry in Their Dreams and Ideals!"

And, "Yes There Must Be "Zero Tolerance!" "These are Sex Crimes" that are "Being Committed!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-

"There is An Old School Way to Doing Business," Which is to "Ask for Double the Amount that You Actually Need," But, The Global Cross Media News Reports that President Trump Wants $Eight Billion Dollars for His Border Wall," is "Nothing but Ludicrous!"

And, "Whomever Counseled The President" to "Declare A National Emergency" to "Force The Issue is also Ludicrous," and "Should Resign!" "Why," Because, "All that Will End Up Happening" is "More Legal Battles," and "Friction and Divisiveness in Congress," and "In The Nation!"

The Question" is, Does Anyone at All, "Remember How Vociferously and Insistent The President Campaigned" that "Mexico was Going to Pay for Building His Wall!"

And, "Now He Wants/Demands $Eight Billion Dollars from The American People to Build a Wall," that even "The Intelligence Directors of United States Believe is Not Essential" in "Preventing A National Emergency from Occurring at The U.S.-Mexican Border!"

However, "It is Essential," that "We The People Contact Our Elected Officials and Clearly Make Them Comprehend" that "President Trump's Border Wall is Not Worth $Eight Billion Dollars!"

And, "When You Consider or Realize," that "The President has already Been Offered $1.375 Billion by a Bi-Partisan Group of Congressional Appropriators/Negotiators," that "Should Be Enough!" "More than Enough!"

And, "Especially When You Consider The Millions of Americans who are in Need of Financial Assistance," to "Care for Their Families," or to "Pay Their Mortgages," or who are "Literally One Paycheck away from Being Homeless!"

Or, "The Need for New Infrastructure Repairs All throughout The Nation, for Highways, Railways, Bridges, Ports, and The Maintenance and Care of Our National Parks, and Sea's, or, "Educational Costs for Our Youth," and "Good Wages for Our Teaches," and "Combating Opioid and Drug Addiction, Should Be Considered The Major National Priorities" that "The President and Congress Should Place Be Addressing in Their Fiscal Budget for 2019," and "the List Goes On and On!"

However, "To Make Things Worst," This "$Eight Billion Dollars is Clearly An Offense to Anyone in The United States," "Pro or Con Trump," "Who Can Count!"

From "Mexico is Going to Pay for His Wall," to "The American People are Going to Pay for His Campaign Promise," is "Simply A Mathematical Equation" that is "Just Too Much to Pay!"

And, "Let's Agree" that "Whether You are Republican or Democrat" "Enough is Enough!"

And, "Let's One and All Agree" that "The 20/20 Elections Can Not Come Soon Enough!

-Extra Noteworthy News-

Tuesday, The Twenty-Sixth of February 2019 The U.S. House of Representatives Voted Against President Trump's National Emergency Declaration by A Vote of Two Hundred and Forty-Five to One Hundred and Eighty-Two!"

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are "Thirteen Republicans Voted with The Democrats to Pass The Measure!")-

"It Will Now Be Up to The U.S. Senate" to "Pass This Resolution" by "More than A Sixty Votes" to "Make It Veto Proof!"

And, "After Fifty-Eight Senior National Security Officials of Both Political Party's" (Including Former Secretary of States Madeleine K. Albright, John F. Kerry, and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, and John O. Brennan The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Janet Napolitano Secretary of Homeland Security) and Sixteen States have Come Out and Spoken Against President Trump's National Emergency Declaration in A Written Letter" saying, "We are aware of no emergency that remotely justifies such a step," The United States Senate Must Not Fail The American People and The Nation!" "They Must Perform Their Duties as The Founders Envisioned The U.S. Congress to Act in Times of Conflict" and "Political Overreach!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-

Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of February 2019 The United States House of Representatives "Passed A New Gun Control Bill Two Hundred and Forty to One Hundred and Ninety," that "Would Require Background Checks on All Gun Sales in The United States of America!"

And, "Now, It's The United States Senate's Turn to Pass This Bill by Sixty Votes or More," to "Make It Veto Proof!"

And, As We Approach "The First Anniversary of The March for Our Lives Demonstration," on The Twenty-Fourth of March, 2019, "This is A Opportune Moment for The U.S. Congress to Send a Message to The National Rifle Association (NRA) and President Trump," who has "Vowed to Veto This Bill," that "The Safety and Security of American Families," is "The Top Priority of All The Local, State and Federal Elected Officials," and "Law Enforcement Communities!"

And, "The Safety, Security, and Protection of Our Children is Sacred," and "Can Not Be Disregarded or Relegated" by "Any Political Concern!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Democratic and Republican Candidates Announce Their Exploratory Committees and Intentions to Run for Their Political Party's Nomination for President of The United States of America," The Parallel Sphere's of Robert Mueller's Russia Investigation Continues to Intensify!"

"The Question" of "Whether or Not His Report Will Be Made Public and In Its Entirety" is "Beginning to Reach A High Level of Pique Interest," to "Both Chambers of The U.S. Congress, President Trump and His Administration, The Fourth Estate, The Global Cross Media News Platforms," and "Most Importantly The People of The United States of America!" 

Who have Witnessed at Least Thirty-Six Indictments and Guilty Convictions of, at Last Count, Six Former Advisers of President Trump, Thirteen Russian Nationals and Three Russian Companies, Twelve Russian GRU Officers, One Californian Man, and One London-Based Attorney," (and "Add Michael Cohen to The List of Indicted and Convicted," and "Roger Stone to The List of Those Indicted") "During These Last Two Years of Investigations" by "Mr. Mueller's Team of Prosecutors and Investigators!"

And, "Still this Investigatory Journey is Not Complete!"

Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of February 2019 "Michael Cohen, President Trump's Former Private Attorney, Whose Three Year Sentencing has Been Delayed until The Six of May 2019" by United States District Judge William H. Pauley III, of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, "Due to Recovering from Surgery," and also Because, "He is Scheduled to Give Testimony in A Public Session of The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee," on Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of February, and then, (2) "Testify in A Closed Door Session Before The House Intelligence Committee, on The Twenty-Eight of February, and, (3) Testify In A Closed Session of The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence," All of Which, "Will Significantly Add to The Growing Allegations Surrounding The Trump Organization," and "President Trump!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are Mr. Cohen is "Continuing to Provide New Information to Robert Mueller's Team of Investigators," and "The Federal Prosecutors of The Southern District of New York about The Trump Organization," and "The Trump Inaugural Committee!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
While In The Meantime, "Existing in A Parallel Universe," and "Facing A Potential Sentence" of "Spending The Remainder of His Life in Prison, "Paul Manafort" is also in "Danger of "New York State Criminal Charges Being Filed Against Him" by The Manhattan District Attorney's Office," "In Connection with Loans He Received from Two Banks!"

All of Which, "Guarantees that The Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Outlets and Platforms," "Will Be Working Around The Clock and Publishing and Posting at Full Power," and "New Revelations of Secrets," that have "Yet To Be Revealed" about "Russia's Interference of The 2016 U.S. Elections," and "The Shadow Empire of Criminal Enterprises," and "How They Function under The Law," and "In Clear Sight Will Be Revealed!"

And, "Lets Clearly Comprehend" that "All of These Findings are Crucial to Maintaining" that "The Democracy of The United States of America Remains Untainted," and "The Law of The Constitution," is "Not Being Violated by Foreign Entities," or "Domestic Anti-American Enterprises!" Whose "Main Intentions and Priorities are Undermining The Values and Law of The Nation," While "Manipulating The Emotions, Political Ideals, Electoral Process, Culture, and Institutions of The Nation for Their Own Profit," Power," and "Control!"

And, "Every American Citizen Should Be Vigilant" of "The Misinformation, False Political Rhetoric, and Lies Being Perpetrated by Cyber Criminals," and "Foreign Agents," whose "Clear Intention is to Destroy Everything Good that American Stands for," and "Symbolizes to The Global Sovereign Nations of The Earths Populace and Communities," who "Believe in Freedom, Justice, Peace and Prosperity," and "Liberty for One and All!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, Tuesday, The Twenty-Sixth of February 2019 "Maria Butina's Status Hearing, of Fifteen Minutes," Before U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan of The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in Washington D.C. has "Resulted in Her Being Returned to Prison for Another Month," until The Twenty-Eighth of March 2019, "During Which Time She Will Continue to Help Prosecutors, Before Her Final Sentence is Given!"

"Which Will Either Bring Her a Step Closer to Being Deported," or "Spending More Time in Prison!"

Ms. Butina's Attorney, Robert Driscoll said, "We're pretty much ready to go in terms of sentencing."

However, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Lead Prosecutor Eric Kenerson," said "The Prosecution still needs Butina's cooperation in its ongoing probe."

-(Note that, "Ms. Butina Pleaded Guilty to Conspiracy to Act as An Illegal Foreign Agent" on the Thirteenth of December 2018!)-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, Thursday, The Twenty-First of February 2019 "Roger Stone was Called Back to Federal Court in Washington D.C." and "Given a Full Gag Order!" "Banning Him from Speaking Publicly about His Case!"

During a Ninety Minute Hearing, Mr. Stone "Received A Stern Warning from United States District Judge Amy Berman Jackson," that "She would revoke his bail, and put him behind bars for the duration of his trial."

And, "Judge Jackson also Added" that "This is not baseball. There will be no third chance. If you cannot abide by this, I will be forced to change your surroundings so you will have no temptations."

"Mr. Stone Apologized Profusely," saying "He was heartfully sorry," and that "The Image was a Screw up and a stupid lapse of judgement,"...."and the Cross Hairs were misinterpreted," but "His Apologies went to "No Avail!" Judge Jackson replied, "There's nothing ambiguous about cross hairs!"

-("Judge Jackson also Banned Others from Speaking on his behalf!")-

"This New Federal Court Hearing" was "the Result of An Instagram Posted by Mr. Stone on Monday, The Eighteenth of February, 2019" with "The Photo of A Judge" and "What Appeared to Be The Image of Cross Hairs of A Gun Drawn Behind The Judge's Head in the upper left hand corner."
Judge Jackson also said, "The posting had a sinister message."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As New Cracks Continue to Appear in The West Wing and The Trump Administration" over "The President's National Emergency Declaration," It is "Becoming More and More Obvious" that "One's Interpretation of What Should Be of National Concern to The Nation," and "The American People" is "Not The Same as with President Trump and His Administration," as "Recent Comments Made by United States Four Star Air Force General Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy, Commander of The U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) and Commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said, "When Questioned about The Need to Divert Funding from Existing Projects that had already Been Budgeted by The U.S. Congress," or "The Validity of President Trump's National Emergency Declaration," on Tuesday, The Twenty-Sixth of February 2019, by The Senate Armed Service Committee," Responded that "Proposed barriers along the U.S.-Mexico Border could increase security against any potential military threats coming from the South. But, General O'Shaughnessy also said "Russia's advancements in training and capability, and its intent to hold the U.S. at risk, present an urgent threat to America."

Senator Richard Blumenthal Democrat from Connecticut said, "I'm concerned, very frankly, that this administration is politicizing our military and militarizing our immigration policy- in effect, using the troop's under your command as political props, both in terms of declaring a fake emergency but also compromising our potential security by diverting them away from other assignments and missions that are absolutely necessary."

And, from The Perspective of Andrew McCabe, Former Director of The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) "It was President Donald Trump who May have "Posed An even Greater Threat to The United States," and "The Integrity of The Nation," than "A United States-Mexico Border Threat Could have!"

Sunday, The Seventeenth of February 2019 "On 60 Minutes" A News Magazine and Television Program Broadcast on the CBS Network, "in An Interview with Scott Pelley," Mr. McCabe said," When Recalling a Summon He Received from The White House to Meet with President Trump, on The Ninth of May 2017, "A Meeting that Dramatically Contrasted with The Feeling inside The FBI," that "He had Experienced after Former Director James Comey was Fired by President Trump," which Mr. McCabe Described as, "People were shocked. We had lost our leader, a leader who was respected and liked by the vast majority of FBI employees. People were very sad. But anyway, that night in the Oval Office what I was hearing from the President was, not reality. It was the version of the events that I quickly realized he wished me to adopt. As he went on talking about how happy people in the FBI were, he said to me, "I heard you were part of the resistance."

The Full Length Interview with 60 Minutes was "An Insight into the Serious Concerns that Mr. McCabe had about President Trump" that "He Further Described During His Narration," that "After Comey was fired he ordered two investigations of the President Himself. They asked two questions, One, did Mr. Trump fire Comey to impede the investigation into whether Russia interfered into the election. And, two, if so, was Mr. Trump acting on behalf of the Russian government."

And, "Mr. McCabe's story of The Results of a Briefing with President Trump Shared with Him" by "An FBI Official" who Attended the Meeting, "Further Compounded Mr. McCabe's Concerns!"
"Allegedly" The President said that "He Believed Russian President Putin over The Consensus of United States Intelligence," in Regards to "Whether North Korea had the ability to hit us here with ballistic missiles in the United States," Which Gave Mr. McCabe "Further Reason and Incentive to Investigate the President!"

"Allegedly" President Putin had told President Trump "the North Koreans don't actually have those missiles."
-(Note that, Mr. McCabe said that "U.S. Intelligence Officials in the Briefing responded that that was not consistent with with any of the intelligence our government possesses to which President Trump replied, "I don't care. I believe Putin.")-

So, "Yes," What implies as "An Urgency" or "The Truth to One Person May Be Totally Different to Another," and "President Trump is Experiencing a Serious Backlash" to "His Interpretation of What A National Emergency Truly is!"

-(Note that, Andrew McCabe was "Fired by Former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions," on The Sixteenth of March 2017 "Twenty-Six Hours Before Before His Scheduled Retirement was to Begin!
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions had "Based His Decision to Fire Mr. McCabe Twenty-Six Hours Before His Retirement was to Begin," on The Reports of The DOJ Inspector General and The FBI's Disciplinary Office saying that McCabe had made unauthorized releases of information to the media and had misled agents who questioned him about it.")-

-(Note that, "Mr. McCabe has Denied These Charges," and "Claimed that His Firing was Politically Motivated!" He is Now On Tour Promoting His New Book "The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-

As The Sun Sets on The Sovereign Nations of The European Union and The United Kingdom, "Lets Agree" that "The Resignation's of Three Tory MP's," Heidi Allen, Anna Soubry, and Sarah Wollaston," Plus, "The Potential Threat of Resignations on The Horizon," The Political, Financial and/or Sociological Atmosphere Surrounding Brexit has Not Improved," and "The Question" of "Can The EU and The UK Reach A Compromise," and "Avoid a No-Deal Parting of Ways" on "The Twenty-Ninth of March 2019," is "Not A Sure Thing!"

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Twenty-Fifth of February 2019, Jeremy Corbyn Told The Labour Party MP's that Labour Will Back a New Referendum," If Their Own Proposed Brexit Referendum is Rejected," on Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of February 2019!)-

-Extra Noteworthy News-

Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of February 2019 As The Sun Set's on The United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May was "Given Another Reprieve in Finding A Variation of Brexit" that "Does Not Compromise Her Own Beliefs on Brexit's Future," While "Moving Ahead with A New Approach" Hopefully A Bold New Approach, "Towards Bridging The Wide Divide that Brexit Presents to The Government," and "The People!"

By A Wide Vote of "Five Hundred and Two to Twenty," The Members of Parliaments "Voted for The Yvette Cooper Amendment," Which Mrs. May has Embraced as "A Way to Move Forward" and "Escape A No-Deal Parting of Ways with The European Union!"

And, "By Passing The Cooper Amendment The Prime Minister Now has Until The Twelfth of March 2019" to "Find A New Solution to The Brexit Crisis!"

-(Note that, "Yvette Cooper is a Labour Party Politician" who is "Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee!")-

"Hopefully Additional Meetings Between "The EU and Britain" Will Assist in "Avoiding The Possibility," that There Will Be In Fact, "A No-Deal," Which Would, (1) Be A Serious Threat to Prime Minister May Remaining in Office, and, (2) Cause A State of Amorphous in The United Kingdom's Political, and Economical Affairs, and, (3) Create The Strong Possibility of New Elections in The UK, and, (4) Leave The EU in A State of Imbalance in Their Trade Affairs with The UK, and, (5) Effect The Potential Revenue Streams, and Economic Growth of The European Union, At A Time, "When Lower Growth Forecasts have Been Concluded!"

-(Note that, The United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland are Currently a Part of "The EU Single Market and Customs Union," so "Products Do Not Need to Be Inspected for Customs and Standards!"

And, The "Back Stop" is a "Position of Last Resort," to "Maintain an Open Border on The Island of Ireland," in the Event that "The UK Leaves The EU without Securing An All-Encompassing Deal!")-

Mrs. May has Stated Britain's "Clear Position" to Reporters, that "Legally Binding changes" are needed to the so-called "backstop plan" for "the Irish Border!"

"Let Us Agree" that "This is A Time for Cognizant and Seasoned Diplomats to Come Forward," and "Unite Around A Plan that Is Sound, Logical, Rational, and Realistic," and Just as Importantly, "An Agreement" that "Not only The Politicians" but "The People of The United Kingdom Can Rally Around" and "Give Their Support to!"

And, "This is "Not The Time for Hubris or Political Opportunism" to "Rule The Day!"

At A Time' When Multilateral Policies," and "Global Partnerships," are "Being Put Forth" as "Cogent and Well-Advised Paths" to "A Future of Global Economic Prosperity and Parity Between Sovereign Nations," "Versus One-Man-Rule, and One-Party-Rule Forms of Governance," that "Resemble Dictatorships Rather that Republic's of The People," "It is of The Utmost Importance" that "When New Talks Begin in Brussels" on Monday, The Eleventh of February 2019 that "Prime Minister May Remembers" that "There is More at Stake than Her Vow" "I'm going to deliver Brexit, I'm going to deliver it on time!"

And, "While Mrs. May Can Not Succeed without The Support of Her MP's at Home," "She Most Certainly Will Not Succeed in The Minds, Hearts, and Spirits," and "Families and Communities Of The People of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland," For "It's This Spirit, Accord and Body of Equanimity, Opportunity, and Harmony Of The People" that "Unites These Four Countries into One Grand Sovereign Nation," "The United Kingdom!"

And, "This is The Time for Prime Minister May" to "Display Boldness, Vision, Cognizance, Reality, and Prescience to Guide Her," and "Her Supporters and Advisers," Through This Final Stretch of Negotiations with The EU!" And, "If A Second Referendum is Needed," Mrs. May "Should Not Shy away from It," "Embrace It," and "Let The People of The United Kingdom have A Second Chance to Express Their Opinions," (in An Unbiased and Impartial Political Atmosphere if at All Possible) and "Let It Be!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Saturday, The Twenty-Third of February 2019 "Venezuelan Troop's/National Guard Prevented Aid from Coming into Venezuela!" Last Reports are Four People were Killed in This Unconscionable, and Shameful Military Action," and Reports by Colombian Authorities are "Two Hundred and Eighty-Five People were Injured," at Venezuela's Border Crossings, as "Soldiers Set Fire to The Humanitarian Aid Convoys!"

"The Question" that "Demands to Be Answered" is "Why are The Military Leaders of Venezuela Preventing The Venezuelan People" from "Receiving Humanitarian Aid!"

And, "What Can Mr. Maduro Hope to Gain by Oppressing His Own People!" This is "Not What Being A Good Servant Of The People is" or "What Representing The People Truly Signifies!"

There is "No Compassion or Compromise in These Military Acts of Violence!" And, There is "No Courage in These Acts of Brutality!" Just Further Harm" Being Caused to Families who are In Need of Aid!"

And, "Asking Brother to Fight Against His Own Brother!" And, "Causing Further Division in A Nation" that "Longs for Peace, Safety, and Stability," is "Not The Way to Lead or Govern!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Mr. Maduro Ordered His Military to Prevent Humanitarian Aid from Crossing the Colombian Border into Venezuela!")-

"This is "The Time for The Military to Act as Peacemakers," and "Heroes and Protectors Of The People," and of "Their Rights to Live as A Free Sovereign People of Venezuela!"

And, "No Mother, Child, or Father Should Go without," or "Have Their Lives and Families Threatened!"

And, Mr. Guaido "Should Reach Out in All Haste," to "Gain The Support" of "Voices of Reason, Church, Military, and Domestic Leaders," and "Global Diplomats of Integrity, Respect, and Trustworthiness," and "Build A New Coalition," who are "Committed to Bring Peace to Venezuela," and "Defend of The Rights Of All The People," and "Build A Venezuelan Government Of, By, and For The People!"

And, "This is The Time for Everyone Involved," to "Call for an Immediate Truce," so that Humanitarian Aid Can Be Delivered by U.N. Peacekeepers!" And, "A Sincere and Honorable Peace Dialogue Can Be Conducted!"

-(Note that, Today, The Twenty-Fourth of February 2019 Vice President Pence Met with Mr. Guaido, and "Announced that Additional Sanctions Will Be Placed on Mr. Maduro!")-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennias, "The Challenges that Lie Ahead of Us are Many!" However, "It is Important to Note" that "We have Many Options and Allies to Work Hand in Hand with Us," and "Walk Hand in Hand with Us" as "We are Faced with New Trials and Tribulations!"

And, "Let Us Meet Every New Wall of Obstruction" As "A Collective Soul Force of Non-Violent Determination!" 

"As Would Martin Luther King Jr." And, "Madiba, Nelson Mandela!" And, "The Mahatma, Mohandas K. Gandhi!" And, "Saint Teresa of Calcutta!" "Clara Barton, Harriet Tubman, Socrates, Mary, Rosa Parks, Siddhartha Gautama, Emmeline Pankhurst, Moses, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mary Magdalene, Muhammad, Jesus of Nazareth, Confucius, Saint Francis Of Assisi, Zoroaster, Coretta Scott King, Lao-Tzu, Rumi, Charlemagne, and Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone, Carrie Chapman Catt, and Alice Paul!"

And, "Yes, It Will Take All of Our Patience, Perseverance, Cognizance, Soul Power, and Commitment," But, "We Can Succeed in Making A Better World" for "Our Families and Neighbors, Friends and Fellow Human Beings!"

And, "Yes, We Can Make A Better Environment and Ecological Universe" that "Embraces Our Planet Earth," and "Cares for Its Skies, Lands, Sea's, Atmosphere, and Air that We Sometimes Take for Granted," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings, and Each" and "Every Chromosome!"

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age of Peace and Justice, Unlimited Potential, Universal Perspectives and Insights, Respect and Social Security, and An Earthrise Vision that Is Comprised of An All Inclusive Mindset of The Grand Cosmos, and Universal Being, that Embraces Freedom, Uniqueness and Cooperation, Purpose, Compassion and Harmony, Culture, Art, and Music, and Love and Friendship!

-Extra Noteworthy News-

Saturday, The Twenty-Third of February 2019, As The Sun Set's on Southeast Asia," in The Eastern and Northern Hemispheres of Our Home Planet Earth, "Kim Jong-un, The Leader of The People's Republic of North Korea" is "On His Way to Vietnam by Train," Where "The Trump-Kim Summit 2019," is "Set to Take Place on Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh and Twenty-Eighth of February 2019 in Hanoi, The Capitol of Vietnam!"

"The North Korean Leader" is "Expected to Arrive in Vietnam on Monday, The Twenty-Fifth at The Border Station of Dong Dang," and then "Continue on by Car to Hanoi," Approximately One Hundred and Seventy Kilometers away (One Hundred and Five Miles)!

"The Question" is "Will This Journey Totaling Thousands of Miles," to "Travel to Hanoi from Their Respective Nations," for "Both President Trump of The United States and Kim Jong-un, The Supreme Leader of North Korea, "Bring The United States and The People's Republic of North Korea Closer to A Nuclear Free Environment for The Korean Peninsula," and "Living in Peaceful Cooperation with Each Other," and South Korea!" And, "All of The Sovereign Nations of Asia!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Nineteenth of February 2019 "Senator Bernie Sanders" Democratic Socialist from Vermont "Decided to Give It One More Try," and "Declared that He is Running for President of The United States!"

Senator Sanders Sent Out This Email, "I am running for President. I am asking you to join me today as part of an unprecedented and historic grassroots campaign that will begin with at least one million people across the country. Say you're in."

-Extra Noteworthy News-

Tuesday, The Nineteenth of February 2019, "The U.S. Department of Transportation Cancelled The Nine Hundred and Twenty-Nine Million Dollar Grant" to "The State of California's High Speed Rail Project," (a "Five Hundred and Twenty Mile Long Plan, Connecting The Los Angeles Basin to The San Francisco Bay Area," to "Be Completed in 2033!"

And, "In a Statement Released on Tuesday," The Department of Transportation said it "is actively exploring every legal option to seek the return from California of $2.5bn in Federal Funds FRA (Federal Railroad Administration) previously granted.")-

-(Note that, California Governor Newsom said: "Its no coincidence that the administration's threat comes 24 hours after California led sixteen states in challenging the President's farcical National Emergency. The President even tied the two issues together in a tweet this morning. This is clear retribution by President Trump, and we won't sit idly by. This is California's money and we are going to fight for it.")-

-(Tuesday, President Trump Tweeted, "As I predicted, 16 states, led mostly by Open Border Democrats and the Radical Left, have filed a lawsuit in, of course, the 9th Circuit. California, the State that has wasted billions of dollars on their out of control Fast Train, with no hope of completion, seems in charge." )-

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports were There was "No Mention" of "A Crisis at the United States-Mexican Border," in "The Annual Assessment of Global Threats Report" of "The United States Intelligence Chiefs," "Gina Haspel, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency" (CIA), "Christopher Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation" (FBI), and Daniel Coats, Director of National Intelligence," who "Testified Before The Senate Intelligence Committee," on Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of January 2019!)-
-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Fifteenth of February 2019, "Former Massachusetts Governor William Weld Chose to Be The First Republican to Formerly Challenge President Trump by Announcing" that "He is Launching An Exploratory Committee" to Pursue the Possibility to Run as "A Candidate to Become The Republican Party's 20/20 Nominee for President of The United States of America!"

Former Governor Weld was Governor of Massachusetts from The Third of January 1991, until The Twenty-Ninth of July 1997!

In 2016 Mr. Weld and His Running Mate Former Gary Johnson of New Mexico, "Ran for The Presidency on The Libertarian Ticket," and "Received 4.5 Million Votes for Their Effort," Which was "The Best Showing ever for The Libertarian Party," and/or "Any Other Third Party Candidate since 1996," When "Reform Party Candidate Billionaire Business Man Ross Perot from Texas," (Founder of Electronic Data Systems Corporation) "Ran in A Losing Effort for The Presidency," Against "Democratic President William Jefferson Clinton and Republican Senator Robert Dole from Kansas," even though "Mr. Perot Won at 8.4% Percent of The Popular Vote!"

-(Note that, "Former Governor Weld Endorsed Former President Barack H. Obama in 2008 and 2012," and, "Supported Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016," Which Should "Make Mr. Weld's Exploratory Efforts Near to Being Impossible as A Republican Party Nominee for President!")-
-In Memoriam: Karl Lagerfeld, Legendary German Fashion Designer and The Creative Director and Inspiration Behind The French Fashion House Chanel Passed away on Tuesday, The Nineteenth of February 2019 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, Paris France from "Complications of Pancreatic Cancer," in The American Hospital of Paris!

We Extend Our Sincerest Heart and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Karl Largerfeld! And, To His Fellow Colleagues, Friends, and Admirers of His Brilliant and Inspiring Abilities and Talent We Mourn His Loss with You!

-In Memoriam: Peter Tork Composer, Actor, and Superstar Keyboardist and Bass Guitarist for The Monkees "Passed away on Thursday, The Twenty-First of February 2019 at The Age of Seventy-Seven," in His Home in Mansfield, Connecticut, "Due to Complications from Cancer!"
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of PeterTork! And, To His Musical Family of Colleagues and Admirers We Mourn His Loss with You, However, We Will Always have The Music and Lyrics of The Monkees to Share with Future Generations to Come!

-In Memoriam: Don Newcombe Famed Pitcher for The Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball Team "Passed away on Tuesday, The Nineteenth of February 2019 in Los Angeles California at The Age of Ninety-Two After having a Long Illness!"

Don Newcombe was "The Third African American Major League Baseball Pitcher in The Major Leagues!" And, "One of The First Four African American Baseball Players to Play in The All-Star Team!

Don Newcombe "Helped The Brooklyn Dodgers win Their First World Series in Franchise History in 1955!" And, was "Awarded The First Ever Cy Young Award" and also "National League MVP," "Accomplishing Both Feats in The Same Season, 1956!"

Mr. Newcombe also Won Rookie of The Year, and was "The First African American Pitcher" to "Start a World Series Baseball Game in 1949," and "The First African American Pitcher" to "Win Twenty Games in 1951!"

Don Newcombe also "Played for The Cincinnati Reds in 1958," and "The Cleveland Indians in 1960!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family of Don Newcombe, and to All The Baseball Fans who Remember Him, We Mourn His Loss with You! However, He Left Us with A Baseball Hall Of Fame of Memories that Will Not Be Forgotten!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!
And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters! And, We Share Your Tears of Love and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You!