Thursday, February 14, 2019



The Way To Peace! #335

"The State of The Union Address Fulfills The Requirement of Article II" and "Section 3 of The United States Constitution!"
For The Reason of (1) "Giving The United States Congress Information on The State of The Union," and, (2) "Make Recommendations to Them," on "Whatever Determinations, Idea's, Measures, and Policies," that "The President Deems Necessary and Expedient" to "Make A Better Union!"

"Initially This was Submitted in A Written Report," until "The Year 1913 When Former President Woodrow Wilson" (The Twenty-Eighth President of The United States) "Delivered It to Congress in Person!" Either to "Promote The President's Agenda," and "His Party's Political Agenda" or  to "Deliver Whatever Message He and His Administration Chose to Focus on!"

And, "From that Time on," and "Since The Development of Radio, Television, The Internet," and "The Evolution of Satellite Communications, and Technology" to even "Greater Heights of Universal Communication and Information Platforms," and "Rising and Flowing via Golden Clouds of Limitless Potential" Reaching Out to "The Social Media," "The Global Cross Media Universes," and "The Fourth Estate," "The State of The Union Address" has "Become An Annual National Event to The Nation," and "Seen, Heard, and Read about All over The Earth!"

And, President Trump's Speech "Proved to Be of Interest to The American People," even "Though Poll's Showed" that "The Partial Shutdown of Their Own Government by Their Own President," and "Supported by His Party," was "Considered A Misuse of Presidential Power," by "The Public," and "Political Pundits and Experts!" 

And, Especially At A Time, "When The Nation, Republic and Democracy," has "Been  Mired in Trade Wars," "Political Scandals," "Russian Investigations," "Unethical Immigration Policies," and "A State of Amorphous and Divisiveness" that has "Divided The Nation!"

However, "President Trump and His Speech Writer Accepted The Challenge," and "Succeeded in Planning and Presenting His State of The Union Speech Before The First Lady, and His Family, The Vice President, House Speaker," and "All of The Members of Congress, and The Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Supreme Court Justices, Administration Heads and Members of President Trump's Cabinet, and Distinguished Guests, among Other Dignitaries who were Present!" 

However, "The State of Georgia's Stacey Abrams," who "Delivered The Democratic Response/Conversation," to "President Trump's State of The Union Address," also "Succeeded in Making Her Conversation a Convincing One!" 

Global Cross Media News Updates are "President Trump's Second State of The Union Speech" "Received a Seventy-Six Percent Approval Rating in a CBS News Poll," Taken by One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-Two Interviews by U.S. Adults who Watched The SOTU Address!" 

And, "Fifty-Six Percent Believe" that "The President's Speech Will Do More to Unite The Country than Divide It." 

And, "Ninety-Seven Percent of Republicans Approved of His Speech!" 

And, "Eighty-Two Percent of Independents Approved of The President's Speech!" 

However, Irregardless of These Positive Poll Statistics, "Sixty-Three Percent Believe" that, "The President's Speech" Will Not Make House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and The President "Work Together More in Moving Forward!" And that, "Same Sixty-Three Percent, "Do Not Believe" "His Speech Will Change Things" at All! 

"The Problem" that "The President Still has" is "One of Trust and Believability," and that, "When One Evaluates His Performance as President of The United States of America," and/or "His Personal Behavior in His Business and Private Affairs," "The Negatives Outweigh The Positives," and "This, Neither He," Nor His Surrogates, "Can Change or Revise!" 

For Example Simple Example; "After All of The Indictments in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Investigations of Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," and At Last Count, "The Seventeen Known Investigations Against The President," that The Global Cross Media News Platforms have Reported, "Let's Agree" that "It was Not Especially Wise For The President to say During the State of The Union Address, "If there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be war and investigations."  

You Can Ask "The Question," "Why, The President Would Say This," or "Who Advised The President to Say This," However, When His Presidency is Finally Over, "Historians and Fact Checkers Will Record The Truth of His Presidency For All of Posterity" to "Admire or Disdain and Abhor!" 

"Is It Possible," that "There Will Be A Modicum of Opinion, Especially Among Historians," that "Find The President To Be An Interesting Historical Figure to Study!" "Yes, It's Possible!"

And, "The Democratic Response," that was "Delivered in A Conversation Format," was "Shared  with The Nation by Stacey Abrams,"  In "A Comprehensive, Compassionate, and Sincere Manner," Although Set in A Political Campaign Atmosphere!" "Mainly, Because It was A Real Story of An American Family!"

-(Note that, "Stacey Abrams Previously Served as Minority Leader of The Georgia House of Representatives from 2011 to 2017," and was "The 2018 Democratic Nominee for Governor of The State of Georgia," in "a Losing but Valiant Effort!" It is also of Importance to Mention that "Stacey Abrams was The First African American Woman to Run as The Nominee from A Major Political Party," and "The First African-American to Deliver A State of The Union Response," Which are "Important Footnotes to Black History Month, 2019)-  

And, Whether Democrat, Independent or A Modicum of Republicans,  "Most Americans  Understood," Her Concern For Voting Rights, Civil Rights, The Corruption of The United States Constitution, through Gerrymandering, The Price of An Education, and Safe Schools!" 

And, "Irregardless of The Republican Tax Reform Bill" Many Americans are Still Being Left Behind, and "The Travail of Farmers," and "The Trade War," and " The LGBT Community under Attack,"  and "The Partial U.S. Government Shutdown," "The Affordable Care Act," "Climate Change, Immigration," and "The Foundation of Moral Leadership," Stacey Abrams "Clearly Enunciated Her Concerns," and "The Concerns of The Majority of Americans!"

Now, "All that Remains in The Balance is The Up and Coming Primaries," and "The 20/20 Presidential Election!" 
(And, "Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Report on Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election!")-

-(Note that, Monday, The Eleventh of February 2019 "Republican and Democratic Appropriators/ Negotiators have Agreed in Principle," to "Avert Another Partial Shutdown of The United States Government Of The People!" It Includes " Approximately $1,375 Billion Dollars for Physical Barriers (in the Form of Fifty-Five Miles of Bollard Fencing!" 

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are, According to A Congressional Aid, "The Agreement" also "Calls for A Reduction in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Detention Beds," from "Forty- Nine Thousand and Fifty-Seven to Forty Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-Beds!" But, President Trump has "Not Decided" yet, "Whether to Agree with This Agreement" Before "The Fifteenth of February 2019 Deadline!"

Note that, President Trump Tweeted on Monday, The Eleventh 2019, The Democrats do not want us to detain, or send back, criminal, aliens. This is a brand new demand. Crazy!"

And, GCM News Updates are, "A Government Data Clearinghouse Operated by Syracuse University" has "Notated in An Analysis of ICE Data," that, (1) Most ICE Detainees have No Criminal Conviction, and (2) Approximately Seventy-Five Percent have No Serious Convictions! 

And so, Once again, "The Fact Checkers Will Provide The American People with The Truth of This New Issue," and "Provide The United States Congress with Enough Pertinent Information on Border and National Security Issues" for Them to "Vote and Pass Veto Proof Bi-Partisan Legislation," ("That Signifies Sixty Votes in The U.S. Senate," and "A Majority of Votes in The U.S. House of Representatives") to "Keep The U.S. Government Functioning," While "President Trump Continues His New Campaign Tour!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The One Year Anniversary of The Tragic Mass Shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida," that "Caused The Deaths of Seventeen Children and Adults," "Returns Full Force Upon Us, Touching Our Hearts, Minds, Emotions, Spirits and Souls," It is "A Powerful Reminder" that "We The People, Mothers, Fathers, Family Members, and The Youth of The Nation" Still have "Much to Do to "Eliminate Gun-Related Violence and/or "Violence of Any Description or Nature!" 
For "This Violence has Become A Sub-Culture of Barbaric Behavior" that has "Become An Unconscionable Threat to Our Families and Fellow Human Being," that "Can Not Be Permitted to Unmercifully Continue" to "Take away The Lives of Our Loved Ones, Any Longer!"

"We Must Continue to Mount A Great Amount of Non-Violent Pressure Upon Our Elected Officials," and "Demand" that "They Comprehend that They have A Responsibility to Create New Legislature," that "Continues to Upgrade the Current Gun Control Laws," and "Clearly Establishes" that "Gun-Related Violence and/or Violence of Whatever Nature" is "Contre Our Principles, Ideals, and Laws of The Land," that "We The People" were "Brought Up to Believe in!"

And, "Let Us, One and All Agree" that "This is of The Utmost Importance for The Existence, Education, Survival and Future of Our Children," and "Their Children," as "The Sovereign Nations who Believe in Peace, Justice and Freedom Continue to Strive Towards An Age of Peace On Earth," and "The Continued Exploration Of The Grand Universe!"

And, "Let's Remember" that "We Don't have to Wait for A President, Vice President, Global Leader, or Celebrity to Lead The Way," For "It Will Take Each and Everyone of Us to Lead The Way" to "Bring A Non-Violent Change to Our Communities, Families, and Lives!" And, "An Age of Peace On Earth!"

And, "This is A Global Earthwise Equation," that is of "Benefit to The Sociological, Spiritual, and Universal State of Consciousness and Well Being Of The Earths Populace!" And, "Let's Agree" that "There Must Be A Global Moral and Ethical Consciousness Between Us" and "to Guide Us!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families and Communities who have Lost A Loved One to Gun-Related Violence or Violence of Any Kind! And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You!   

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, As The Sun Set on The Sovereign Nations of The European Union and The United Kingdom, "One Can One Can only Wonder Whether The EU and UK Can Reach A Compromise Over Brexit," and "Avoid A No-Deal Parting" on The Twenty-Ninth of March 2019!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "EU President Donald Tusk Gave His Own Warning" that There was "No Deal in Sight!" 

However, "After An Impactful Meeting," on Thursday, The Seventh of February 2019, at The European Union Headquarters in Brussels, "Between UK Prime Minister Theresa May and Jean-Claude Juncker," who has Been Serving as President of the European Commission, "The EU and Britain have Agreed to Hold Additional Meetings in Hope's of Avoiding The Possibility," that There Will Be In Fact, "A No-Deal," Which Would, (1) Be A Serious Blow to Prime Minister May, and, (2) Cause A State of Amorphous in The United Kingdom's Political, and Economical Affairs, and, (3) Create The Strong Possibility of New Elections in The UK, and, (4) Leave The EU in A State of Imbalance in Their Trade Affairs with The UK, and, (5) Effect The Potential Revenue Streams, and Economic Growth of The European Union, At A Time, "When Lower Growth Forecasts have Been Concluded!"

"In a Joint Statement," GCM News Reports are Mr. Juncker Remains Firm in His Opinion that "The Agreement (also Referred to as The EU-UK Divorce Agreement in The Media) Between The EU and UK on Sunday, The Twenty-Fifth of November, 2018, "Cannot Be Renegotiated," However, "The Politically Astute Mr. Juncker," also Expressed An "Openness to add wording," Which Could Help Mrs. May in "Her Further Attempts to Satisfy All Parties" and "Negotiating Factions Involved," "Especially For The Irish Border!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has Stated" that, "Recent instability in British Politics" Showed Why a "Backstop" is Needed! And, "There is Little Doubt" that "He Expressed These Concerns in His Meeting with Prime Minister May," on Friday, The Eighth of February 2019, "in Dublin, Ireland!"

-(Note that, The United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland are Currently a Part of "The EU Single Market and Customs Union," so "Products Do Not Need to Be Inspected for Customs and Standards!"
The "Back Stop" is a "Position of Last Resort," to "Maintain an Open Border on The Island of Ireland," in the Event that "The UK Leaves The EU without Securing An All-Encompassing Deal!")-  

"Taoiseach Varadkar's Concern" that "The Border Between The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland Remains Open is Essential," Especially, "If He is to Give His Full Support to PM May's Agreement with The EU!"

Before Leaving Brussels Mrs. May Presented Britain's "Clear Position" to Reporters, that "Legally Binding changes" are needed to the so-called "backstop plan" for "the Irish Border!"

"Let Us Agree" that "This is A Time for Cognizant and Seasoned Diplomats to Come Forward," and "Unite Around A Plan that Is Sound, Logical, Rational, and Realistic," and Just as Importantly, "An Agreement" that "Not only The Politicians" but "The People of The United Kingdom Can Rally Around" and "Give Their Support to!"

And, "This is "Not The Time for Hubris or Political Opportunism" to "Rule The Day!" 

At A Time' When Multilateral Policies," and "Global Partnerships," are "Being Put Forth" as "Cogent and Well-Advised Paths" to "A Future of Global Economic Prosperity and Parity Between Sovereign Nations," "Versus One-Man-Rule, and One-Party-Rule Forms of Governance," that "Resemble Dictatorships Rather that Republic's of The People," "It is of The Utmost Importance" that "When New Talks Begin in Brussels" on Monday, The Eleventh of February 2019 that "Prime Minister May Remembers" that "There is More at Stake than Her Vow" "I'm going to deliver Brexit, I'm going to deliver it on time!"

And, "While Mrs. May Can Not Succeed without The Support of Her MP's at Home," "She Most Certainly Will Not Succeed in The Minds and Spirits," and "Families and Communities Of The People of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland," For "It's This Spirit, Accord and Body of Equanimity, Opportunity, and Harmony Of The People" that "Unites These Four Countries into One Grand Sovereign Nation," "The United Kingdom!" 

And, "This is The Time for Boldness, Vision, Cognizance, Reality, and Prescience," to "Guide The Prime Minister, and Her Supporters and Advisers" Through This Final Stretch of Negotiations with The EU!" And, "If A Second Referendum is Needed Do Not Shy away from It," "Embrace It," and "Let The People of The United Kingdom have A Second Chance to Express Their Opinions," (in An Unbiased and Impartial Political Atmosphere if at All Possible) and "Let It Be!"

And, "As The Sun Set's Over The Earths Sovereign Nations of The Earth, "The Questions" that are of Still "Great Concern to The Earths Populace" are "What Would The Earth's Communities Be Like," If, (1) Our Beliefs in Justice and Freedom, and Our Principles were Taken Away from Us,

And (2) What Would Our Lives Be Like, "If We were Ruled by Dictatorial and Autocratic Policies of One-Man-Rule," and "One-Party-Rule Forms of Governments in Control,"

And, (3) What Would Our Lives Be Like, "If Our Values and Traditions were Tainted and Manipulated by Political, Military, and Religious Movements" that "Lacked in Cognition, Compassion, Morality, Spirituality, Universality, Equality, and A Sense of Global Equilibre For One's Fellow Human Being,"

And, (4) What Would Our Lives Be Like, "If The Attempts Being Made" by "A Growing Number of of Sovereign Nations were Successful," in "Controlling, Stifling, or Containing Our Global Internet,"
And, (5) What Would Our Lives Be Like, "If Education, Knowledge and The Earth's Cultures were Denied Us," and "Prevented Us from Sharing Them with The Youth of The Earth,"

And (6) What Would Our Lives Be Like, "If The Truth," and "Environmental and Ecological Concerns were Subverted by Half Truths, Campaign Slogans, False Rhetoric, and Self Profit,"

And, (7) "When Will The Trade War of Hubris Between The United States and The People's Republic of China Finally Come to An End,"

And, (8) "When Will," War, Gun-Related Violence, or Violence of Whatever Nature, Hate, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct, Racism, and Poverty "Be Eliminated from Our Lives," and "Replaced with An All Inclusivity of What is In The Best Interests of All The People Of The Earth!" And, For "Our Survival, and Evolution," and "The Empowerment of Our Youth" as "A Perceptive, Insightful, Respectful, and Soulful Mind-Set of The Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe,"

And, (9) "When Will There By Universal Healthcare For One and All in The United States of America!           

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Thirty-First of January 2019 "President Trump Received A Surprising and Extraordinary Twofold Rebuke by The United States Senate," who "Voted Fifty-Six to Forty-One" to, (1) End United States Military Support for The Saudi-Led Coalition in The Civil War in Yemen! "A War" that "The United Nations" has Called, " The World's Worst Dire Human Crisis," and, (2) Place the Blame Squarely on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for The Brutal Murder of Washington Post Journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was Killed in A Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey on The Second of October, 2018! 
-(And, "Let's Clearly Comprehend" that "This was Not," as Former Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir Called It, "A Rogue Operation!")-  

However, "The Significance of This Twofold Rebuke by The U.S. Senate" is that "They are The First Chamber of The U.S. Congress to Back a Resolution," to "Withdraw U.S. Forces from A Military Engagement under The 1973 War Powers Act!"

"The War Powers Act was Passed to "Limit The Presidents Ability to Commit U.S. Forces to Combat or Potential Hostilities" "without The Approval of The U.S. Congress!"

Now, It Will Be up to "The United States House of Representatives to Vote on," and "Pass Both of These Resolutions" even "Though They are Not Veto Proof" (Needing Sixty Votes)!

"The Irony of These Twofold Rebukes by The U.S. Senate" is that On Friday, The First of February 2019, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo "Announced The Withdrawal of The United States from The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty," (the INF), which was "Followed by The Russian Federation's Withdrawal from The Treaty" on "The Second of February" (of course)!

"This Treaty" between The United States of America and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," (Now The Russian Federation) and "Signed by Former President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev on The Eighth of December 1987, was "Ratified by The U.S. Senate on The Twenty-Seventh of May 1988," and "Came into Full Force," Several Day's Later, on The First of June 1988!"

And, Most Importantly "This Treaty Eliminated All Land Based Ballistic and Cruise Missiles, and Their Launches," with A Range of Five Hundred to One Thousand Kilometers," (Three Hundred and Ten to Six Hundred and Twenty Miles)-(Short to Medium Range), and "One Thousand to Five Thousand and Five Hundred Kilometers" (Six Hundred and Twenty to Three Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Miles) (Intermediate Range), and "Gave a Sense of Security to European Nations," and "Continued to Build upon The Growing Relationship between Former General Secretary Gorbachev and Former President Reagan!"

However, Irregardless of The Opinions of "Several Important Republican and Democratic Foreign Relation and Armed Service Dignitaries" such as;  George Schultz, Former U.S. Secretary of State, Richard Lugar, Former Chairman of The U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and Sam Nunn, Former Chairman of The U.S. Senate Armed Service Committee, and Adam Smith, Democrat from The State of  Washington, and Eliot Engel, Democrat from The State of New York, who are "Ranking Members on The House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees,"  to Name but a Few, "But, President Trump has Decided to Withdraw from This Treaty," which "Could Launch The U.S. and Russia" into "Another Escalation of Weapons of Death and Destruction," but "For What Purpose!" 

"If The Consensus is by Seasoned Foreign Policy Advisers and Consultants," that "It is An Outdated Treaty," or "If The Feeling is," that "It has Been Violated Too Many Times," by Whomever, then "Take The Time to Diplomatically Renew It with Reasonable Officials!"

"This is The Twenty-First Century," and "It's Time for World Power's and Their Leaders," to "Move Ahead Diplomatically, Taking Off The Table New Threats of Withdrawal," and "Participate in Developing Foreign Policies" that "Unite The Global Community of Sovereign Nations!" 
And, "Instead of Initiating New Wartime Policies and Threats," and "Premeditated Invasions of Sovereign Nations," and "Military Conflicts," "Begin The Immediate and Necessary Process of Establishing and Developing A New Global Equation of Equilibre Among Sovereign Nations," that "Embraces Foreign and Domestic Policies" that "Support and Empower a Global Peacetime Economic and Defense Strategy and Policies," between "All Freedom Loving Nations of The Earth!"

And, "Let's Come to A Moral and Just Agreement," that "It is Time for Leaders of The Parallel Communities" of "Private, Public, and Religious Sectors" to "Work Hand and Glove with The Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Community of Nations," to "Show Them The Benefits of A Global Peacetime Era," "One that is Beneficial to Our Present and Future Generations," and "For The Ecological and Environmental Survival of All Sentient Beings," and "Our Home Planet Earth

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Seventh of February 2019 The United States Supreme Court Temporarily Blocked a Louisiana Abortion Law from Being Implemented by Five to Four Vote," with "Chief Justice John Roberts Casting The Deciding Vote!"

"Chief Justice Roberts Voted with The Four Liberal Justices," While, The Two Trump Nominees Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, "Voted with Conservative Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas!"

"Hope Medical Group for Women," An Abortion Provider, Based in Shreveport, Louisiana "Challenged The Requirement that Doctors," who Performed Abortions, Must have "Admitting Privileges" at Hospitals within Thirty Miles (Forty-Eight Kilometers) of The Clinic!"

"This Supreme Court Vote in Favor of Abortion Rights Will Not End with This Vote," and "The Differences of Opinion and Belief that Exist" Between "Right to Life Supporters," and "The United States Pro- Choice Movement," "Will Continue in Courts of Law," and "Political Arena's," For as Long as "This Difference of Opinion and Belief Exists," and "You Can Expect New Challenges and Appeals to Be Brought Before The Court!" 

"The Question" is "How are The American People," of Their Own Volition, "Come to A Compromise on This Vital Aspect of Life, Survival, Existence, Reality, and Creation," and "A Women's Right to Choose What is In Her Best Interests, and Her Families," Especially, "During A Political Season When Billions of Dollars are Being Demanded to Build A Wall Between Two Sovereign Nations!"

And, "At A Time When Compromise is Needed" "The President of The United States, Supported by A Majority of Republicans," "Led by The Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," Chose to "Precipitate A Partial Government Shutdown of The United States Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," The Longest Government Shutdown in American History, that "Caused Great Anxiety, Frustration, Disbelief and Hardship for Eight Hundred Thousand Federal Employees, "Rather than Seek A Compromise!"

And, "At A Time," "When Billions of Dollars are Needed to Empower The Middle Class and Single Parents of America," and "When There are Millions of Americans who are Living Below The Poverty Line," who are "In Need of Additional Financial Support to Care for" and "Provide Nourishment For Their Families!"

Make This "An Extremely Difficult Time for Compromise,"or "Examples of Compromise to Take Place!" 
However, "How Else Can The United States Congress Govern on Behalf Of The American People," and "Legislate without Compromise," and "Positive Policy Proposals," and " Supported by The Law Of The Land!" 

And, "The Follow Up Question" is, "How Can We as A Sovereign People Find Compromise," At A Time "When Families who are "Seeking Safe Haven," "Free from The Threats of Death and Political Oppression,"are "Being Unfairly Maligned, Denigrated, and Attacked For Simply Wanting to Live!" And, "See Their Children Grow Up as Beautiful Youthful Beings," and "Given An Opportunity to Achieve Their Goals and Dreams in Life!" What Compromises or Alternatives is The Trump Administration Offering These Families?" "Detention Centers, and Jails!" 

Let's Hope that "The Ripples and Eddies of This U.S. Supreme Court Vote Will Lead The Way To A New Cultural Understanding Among The People," "Edified by The Ethical and Legal Justification of The Law Of The Land," and "A Higher Purpose in Life," that is "Sacrosanct and Just!"

"A Cultural, Legal, Spiritual, and Universal Understanding," that "Unites Us in Heart, Mind, Intellect, Spirit, Body and Soul" As One Sovereign Interdependent Free People Of The Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News
Wednesday, February 13, 2019, U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia "Issued Her Ruling that Paul Manafort, the 2016 Trump Campaign Chairman, Deliberately Lied to Robert Mueller's Special Prosecutors," After Mr. Manafort had "Agreed to Cooperate with Them!" 

Judge Jackson's Ruling Came After "A Closed-Door Meeting Occurred with The Prosecutors and Defense for Mr. Manafort!" After Which Judge Jackson Issued Her Ruling, "Agreeing with Special Counsel Mueller's Team" in "Three of The Five Area's that They had Accused Mr. Manafort of Lying!"

On The Fourteenth of September 2018, Paul Manafort "Agreed to Plead Guilty just Days Before His Trial was to Occur, in Washington D.C., and In Return for His Cooperation, "Federal Prosecutors had Recommended Leniency!" However, "Judge Jackson's Ruling"  has "Freed Them from Their Plea Deal with Mr. Manafort!" 

"Judge Jackson Will Make Her Final Decision on Sentencing Mr. Manafort" on The Thirteenth of March 2019!" However, "Mr. Manafort Could Face Life in Prison" for "All of His Combined Crimes and Convictions!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
After Spending Almost Fifteen Years on Mars, Wednesday, The Thirteenth of February 2019, "NASA's Rover Opportunity has Been Pronounced Dead!" 

"A Planet wide Dust Storm," in June of 2018, was "The Initial Cause for The Eventual Termination of NASA's Rover," Which Ended Appropriately in "An Area of Mars Known as Perseverance Valley!"

"NASA's Opportunity" was "The Longest Running Rover on Mars," Traveling over Twenty-Eight Miles of Mars Surface!" And, "NASA Should Feel Proud" of "Accomplishing This Extraordinary Feat in Space!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Tenth of February 2019, "United States Senator, Amy Klobuchar" from Minnesota, "Announced Her Candidacy" to "Become The Democratic Party's Nominee for President of The United States of America!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
The Thirteenth and The Fourteenth of February 2019, "More than Sixty Sovereign Nations Attended" a "A U.S. Sponsored Middle East Conference at The Royal Castle in Warsaw, Poland!"

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu along with Foreign Ministers and Officials from The Sovereign Nations of Oman, The United Emirates and Saudi Arabia," who have "Not Formally Recognized The Sovereign State of Israel," were also "In Attendance at This Global Event!"

"France and Germany Chose Not to Send Their Foreign Ministers to The Conference!" President Trump's Decision to Withdraw The United States from The Iran Nuclear Deal," has "Caused Unfortunate Tensions Between Traditional Allies, and Old Friends!" And, "Out of Concern for These Differences in Foreign Policy," Traditional Allies are "Learning to Avoid Whatever Potential Tensions that Might Arise!"

The United States Delegation "Led by U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and President Trump's Son-in-Law and White House Advisor Jared Kushner, "Released A Statement with Poland Stating" that "The U.S. and Poland Will Jointly Host The Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in The Middle East."

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Brian Hook, U.S. State Department's Special Representative for Iran," Told Reuters, "We're trying to expand the number of nations who are engaged and have a stake in the future of a peaceful and prosperous Middle East."

And, Secretary of State Pompeo said in An Interview with Fox News in Cairo, "We'll bring together dozens of countries from all around the world. Countries will all come together to focus on Middle East stability and peace and freedom and security in this region, and that includes an important element of making sure that Iran is not a destabilizing influence."

And, Secretary Pompeo also Added that, "the summit will bring together countries from Asia, Africa, the Western Hemisphere, Europe and the Middle East."

"The Question" is, "Will This Conference Bring More Pressure to Bear Upon Iran!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"President Trump's Visit to El Paso, Texas," on Monday, The Eleventh of February 2019 was "Another Attention Gathering Moment for The President to Attempt to Gain Support for His Border Wall Project," that "He Claims is A National Emergency!" 

"The President has Threatened to Veto Any Legislation" that "Does Not Include Funding for The Border Wall," and has "Continued to Overtly Imply This, over and over again," in Order to "Obtain The $5.7 Billion Dollars" that "He has Demanded for His Border Wall from The United States Congress!!"

"This Visit Occurs Days After," on Saturday, The Ninth of February, 2019 "Dozens of The President's Supporters Rallied in Support of Building His Border Wall!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are The Presidents Supporters "Formed A Human Wall by Linking Arms Across a Small Area of The Border Where There is "No Fencing," and "Chanted Build a Wall!"

"As The Fifteenth of February 2019 Deadline Approaches," It is Important for The U.S. Congress to Come Up A Veto Proof Legislation," to "Prevent Another Partial Shutdown of The Government Of The People of The United States of America" as "President Trump has Intimated He Will Do!

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Eleventh of February 2019, "California Governor Gavin Newsom Announced" that "He is Withdrawing the Deployment of Most of California's National Guard State Troops from The Mexican Border," and "Will Confirm This" in "His State of The Union Address on Tuesday, The Twelfth of February 2019," and "Thereby Rescinding Former Jerry Brown's Order," Which Must Be Noted was "Not a Mission to Build A New Wall!" 

Brian Ferguson "Governor Newsom's Spokesman Cited" that, (1) Border Crossings have Fallen to Their Lowest since 1971, and, (2) California's Undocumented Population has Dropped to More than A Ten Low, and (3) The Border Crossings are a Manufactured Crisis.

"Governor Newsom Plan is to Re-Deploy the California National Guard in Three Segments," 
(1) One Hundred and Ten are to "Support California's Wildfires Prevention and Suppression Efforts, and, (2) One Hundred and Fifty are to Expand The California National Guards Statewide Counterdrug Task Force, and, (3) One Hundred are to Be Used for Intelligence Operations Targeting Drug Cartels.

"The Question" is "How Will President Trump React to This Withdrawal of California National Guard Troop's!" At present, "The Federal Government Provides Funding for the Deployment of California's National Guard Troops at The Mexican Border," But, "Will The Government (President Trump) Agree to Continue Providing This Funding under This New Deployment Plan!")-

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports were There was "No Mention" of "A Crisis at the United States-Mexican Border," in "The Annual Assessment of Global Threats Report" of "The United States Intelligence Chiefs," "Gina Haspel, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency" (CIA), "Christopher Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation" (FBI),  and Daniel Coats, Director of National Intelligence," who "Testified Before The Senate Intelligence Committee," on Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of January 2019!)-      

And, As "As The Sun Set's Over The Sovereign Nations of South America" The "Continued Standoff Between Mr. Maduro and Mr. Guaido" that "Have Divided The Venezuelan Nation," are "Further Complicated by Sovereign Nations who have Interests in The Conclusion of This Standoff for Their Own Reasons!"

So, "How are The Venezuelan People to Find Justice," and "An End of This Political, Sociological and Economical Nightmare," that has "Left Millions Of People in Need of Humanitarian Aid" and "Suffering from Anguish and Injustice," and that have "Caused Three Million Venezuelans to Leave Their Nation," in "Hope's of Existing and Living Safe from Harm, Safe from Corruption, Violence, and Governmental Oppression, Ruthlessness, and Despair!"

And, "Let Us One and All Agree," that "It is of The Greatest Importance" for "All of The Sovereign Nations who have Expressed A Preference for Either Mr. Maduro or Mr. Guaido," (Such as; Canada, China, Russia, Cuba, The EU, UN, and the United States for example),  "Provide for," "Support, and "Come to The Immediate Aid of The Needs of The Venezuelan People," While "This Political and Governmental Impasse Continues!"

And, "Let Freedom, Justice, and Respect for The Rights Of The Venezuelan People," and "Their Sovereign Nation Rule The Day!" And, "Let Economic Parity, and Opportunity Empower The Lives Of All The People!" 

And, In Times of Great Conflict and Turmoil, "Individuals have Come Forth" to "Provide An Unbiased and Impartial Mediation," and/or "Compromise to Diplomatically and Peacefully Bring A Just End to This Conflict of Self Interests and Political Chaos!" And, "This is The Moment in Time" for "United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Pope Francis (The First Pope from The Americas and The Southern Hemisphere) to Answer This Call, and Come to Venezuela, and Walk and Talk with The People," and "Find A Just Solution and Answer to The Political Amorphous that Threatens The Lives and The Welfare Of The People!" 

Or. In Fact, "Any Peacemaker and/or Respected Global Leader," who has "Displayed Consideration and Respect for The Lives of All The People Of The Earth," and "Their Rights to Live as A Free and Admirable Lives Should Come Forth!" And, "May The Tenets of Truth, Justice, and Freedom Prevail!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Eighth of February 2019 "Acting U.S. Attorney General Whitaker Testified Before The House Judiciary Committee," However, "The Question," I Would Like to Pose is, "Were We, We The People, "Supposed to Expect Anything from The Acting Attorney General Other than What The Trump Administration Would Allow Him to Say!" Or that, "He had Been Coached to Say!"

And, "Were We The People to Expect Any Conversations Between The Acting AG and President Trump to Be Revealed in Substance or Detail!"

However, "Let's One and All Agree" that "It is in The Best Interests Of The American People For These Hearings to Take Place," Especially, "Now that We have A New Party in Control of The United States House of Representatives," and "We Can Compare The Intent and Purpose of Each Political Party," Democrat and Republican, as "They Attempt to Represent All that is In The Best Interests Of The American People!"

And, "If These Hearings Can Help to Clarify and Bring Closure to All The Questions Concerning Russia's Interference in The United States 2016 Presidential Election," and also to "What Appears to Be A Criminal Intent to Obstruct Justice," Then, "These House and Senate Hearings" are "More than Welcomed," In Fact, "They are A Necessity in Maintaining and Sharing The Essential Elements and Components that Every Democracy, and Republic is Composed of," Which is, "The Truth, Solar Axioms, Principles, Rights, and Ideals Of A Free People," Who Believe in Peace and Justice For One and All!"

"Presidents Day" or "Presidents Weekend" is "Not Just A United States Federal Holiday" to "Give Honor to," or "Remind Us" of "The Birthday of Former President George Washington," "The First President of The United States," (on The Twenty-Second of February), "It is also Used to Honor Past Presidents of The  United States of America, Republicans and Democrats," such as;  "Thomas Jefferson, President Abraham Lincoln (The Fourteenth of February), Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr., James Earl Carter Jr., Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack H. Obama, (The First African American President) to "Name But A Few of Them!"

And, "We The People" have "Been Very Fortunate to have had So Many Great American Presidents and Commander in Chiefs" to "Guide This Sovereign Nation," and "Provide Inspiration, Will Power, Compassion (When Needed), Intelligence, Legislative and Constitutional Cognition and Comprehension, Universal Awareness, and Moral and Ethical Leadership for The American People!"

"Where President Donald Trump Will End Up Being Ranked on The List of Forty-Five Presidents Should Be Interesting!" 

"The 2017 Morning Consult Poll," has "President Trump as The Worst President since World War II," and "The Fifth Best President since War World II," in "A Poll Taken from The Ninth to the Tenth of February,"by "One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-One Registered Voters,"

And "The 2018 Quinnipiac Poll," has "President Trump as The Worst President since World War II," and "The Fifth Best President since War World II," in "A Poll Taken" from "The Third to The Fifth of March, by "One Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-Two Registered Voters!"

"The Question" of "What His Final Ranking Will Be," Will Most Certainly Depend on, (1) What His Base and The Republican Party Think and Believe about The Foreign and Domestic Affairs of President Trump and His Administration, (2) What The Nation as A Whole Think and Believe about The Foreign and Domestic Affairs of President Trump and His Administration, and, (3) How The Global Sovereign Community of The Earths Sovereign Nations and Leaders Think and Believes about The Foreign and Domestic Affairs of President Trump and His Administration!

However, "Irregardless of The Leadership Skills One May or May Not have in The Parallel Universes" of "Political, Private, Public, Religious, Financial, Cultural, and Civic Sphere's of Being," It is "Most Certainly True" that "Without A Clear Vision," that "Embraces and Empowers The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The Sovereign People of This Earth," One Will Discover There Being Instead, "An Abyss of Uselessness, and Insignificance," "Where A Plethora of Opportunity Should Be Clearly Visible" within "The Forethought, Insight, and Percipience of Your Destiny!"

And, "As A New Primary Season Descends Upon Us," and "The 20/20 U.S. Presidential Election Looms Before Us," "Let's Look Forward to Creating and Experiencing A Destiny of Our Own Making and Control," that "Gives Birth to A Future of Social Security, and Peace and Prosperity," that "We May Share with The Youth of The Nation," and "The Youth and Populace of All Peace Loving United Sovereign Nations of The Earth," in "Grand Equanimity, Equality, Freedom, and Universal Equilibre!"


"We" All have A "Vision Path" to Follow! Each One of Us, in Our Own Way!

"We" All have Dreams, Dreams and Goals in Life, that, "We" Hope Will Come True, Through Perseverance and Hard Work!

But, While "We" are Working Hard to Achieve Our Goals in Life, "We" Must Never Lose Sight of Who "We" are, or, Our Sense of Dignity and Interdependent, Intelligence and Individuality!

In Many Area's of The World, "We" are Being Forced to Choose Between Death and Freedom! But, These are Not, The Only Choices to Be Made! There are The Choices of, The Quality of Life and Family Security! And, Patience!

"This New Season of Change Did Not, Just Materialize Over Night," It Took Day after Day of, "Faith, Trust, and, Belief in Our Rights To Live and Evolve As A Free People," Before The Sign of The Times, Revealed that, "Our Time had Finally Arrived!"

But, "Lets Not Allow The Dictators, and, or, Their Authoritarian Forces Dictate" How, "We" are to Achieve Our Goals! And, "Lets Not Engage Them by Falling into Their Traps!"

And, "Lets Continue to Challenge Our Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Uphold The Rights" of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "To Live As A Free People of This Planet Earth!"

And, "No Dictator, Queen, King, Prince, Princess, President, Prime Minister, or Religious Leader has The Right to Dictate to Us," Without, First, "Asking For A Mandate from Us!" 
"A Mandate Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" For, "Without A Mandate, Freedom, or, A Democracy, Can Not Be A Reality!"

And, No Matter How Oppressed "We" May Be, "Lets Keep Sacred, Our Covenant of An Emancipation Declaration" that, "Unites Us" as "One People In Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls!"

And, Lets Instill "A Constitution Of The People," Deep Within Our Spirits and Souls that, No Woman or Man Can Deny, or, Try to Take Away from Us!

"A Constitution Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
For, "We" are A Great Soul Force of Change, Hope, Peace, and, Non-Violent Resistance that, Will Bring Change To The World!

And, Though "We" are Threatened by, The Forces of Violence and Oppression, "Lets Strategize, How to Artfully, Passionately, and, Intelligently Achieve Our Goals, Through Strategic Planning, Positioning," and, "Showing The Sincerity and Purpose of Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement," "Of, By, and, For The People," by Utilizing Every Asset of Our Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network and Nexus "Of The People!"!

And, "Lets Continue to Be A Great Ocean of Change," "Whose Tides Will Overcome The Forces of Oppression and Injustice!"

And, "Let it Be Known via," The Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes, that, "We Shall Overcome!"

And, "We" Will, "Non-Violently, Shake Up, Rock Out, Wear Down, and, Change The Conditioned Reality," that has "Been Used to Impede and Control Us,"  Into A New Age of, "Freedom, Peace, and, Prosperity For One and All!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt in Our Minds, and, Spirits," that, "This is Our Moment in Time and History," and that, "We" Will Bring To Fruition, "A New Age of Enlightenment and Cultural Awareness" of Our Roots, As Being "One People," of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Just As The Berlin Wall Came Down, "Let Us Bring Down The Walls of Illusion and Indifference," Whether They Be Caused by, Racial Prejudice, or, Class, Political, and, or, Religious Segregation!

And, "Lets Build A Great Bridge of Peace and Unity in Its Place!" "A Bridge"  that "Heralds A New Age of A Great Union and Communion," amongst "One and All," "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

For, "We" are, "One and All," An Earthrise Populace of The Cosmos and The Great Spirit of Life, and, All The Seasons of Change "That are To Come," and, "That are Here and Now!"
And, Together, United as One, "We" are The World, and, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! And, A Way To Heal The World, and, The Driving Force of, A Peace Economy!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Lets Continue to Encourage The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations," To Support The Will "Of The People," and, "Come Together in A Resounding Acclamation" that, "A New Season and Age of Change has Come!" And that, The Dictators and Puppets of, "The Ists," and, "The Isms," of The Global Oligarchs, "Must Go!"

And, "Lets Call Upon," The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Declare A Global Truce, and, An End of Totalitarianism! And, The New Beginning of, "An Age, Of The People!"

And, "Lets Call Upon These Leaders," To Begin Peace Dialogues, To Embrace and Discuss The Positive Ramifications of, This Historical Time Period! And, "How To Continue to Bring Nations To Unite Together," in One Magnificent Display of Peace and Harmony! And, "How Best" To Transcend and Prevent, The Temptation To Re-Structure The Earth by, The Global Oligarchy, To Re-Establish Their Control!

And, It is Truly Time, "For One and All" To Commit to The Reality that, "We" are All, One People, Born of This Planet Earth!

And that, No Matter What Color, Your Skin May Be! Or, No Matter What Height, or, Weight, You May Be! Or, No Matter, What Race, Creed, or, Nationality, You May Be, "We" are Still, Interdependent, Sentient Beings of, This Planet Earth! And, In Truth, There are Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us!

The "Good News" is that, From The Geo Stationary Line, Encircling The Earth, There are No Lines of Distinction Between Countries or People! And, There is No Gay, Strait, or Bi, There is, Only, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, "We" All Have The Right To Live, and, Enjoy The Seasons of Life, under The Moon, Sun, and, The Luminous Bodies of The Universe!
And, Whether it Be, From The Windows of A Space Shuttle, or, Gliding On the Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, "We" are "One Earth Indivisible!"

And, Whether it Be via, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Bing, MSN, MySpace, YouTube, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Magazines, Interviews, Network, Cable, or, Satellite TV, Radio, Cell Phone, Texts, The Arts, or, Landlines, "Take The Time" to Spread The Word, Idea, Thought, or, Act of Non-Violent Resistance or Demonstration, if, It Means that, "We The People, Citizens Of The Earth," Can Live In Equanimity and Harmony! And, "Live Free from Injustice and Tyranny!"

And, Its Time that, "We" All, Gave Peace A Sincere and Impassioned Commitment and Opportunity To Be, For The Sake of Our Children, and, Their Children To Be! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent,Omniscient and Omnipotent Peace Millennium!

-In Memoriam:
Thursday, The Seventh of February 2019 "The Passing of An American Politician of Great Merit," "Representative John David Dingell Jr., Democrat from The State of Michigan, "Died in His Home in Dearborn, Michigan," at "The Age of Ninety-Two!"

Rep. Dingell "Holds the Record" for "Longest ever Congressperson in U.S. History!" "Serving The Nation from 1955 until 2015!"

And, "He Served for More than Fifty-Nine Years in The United States House of Representatives," Representing the State of Michigan with Dignity," and "His Wit!" Serving with Two Thousand Four and Fifty-Three Different House of Representatives throughout His Tenure!"

And, "After Winning Re-Election in 2008 for The Twenty-Eighth Consecutive Term," and "Surpassing The Previous Record Holder Senator Robert Byrd," (who Served Fifty-Seven Years and One Hundred and Seventy-Seven Days), "In Honor of This Remarkable Record," on The Eleventh of February, 2009," Former Governor Jennifer Granholm of Michigan "Declared This Day" to Be "John Dingell Day!"

Rep. Dingell was "An Important and Powerful Chairman of The House Energy and Commerce Committee from 1981 to 1995," and "Again from 2007 to 2009."

Rep. Dingell was "Instrumental in Passing, (1) The Civil Rights Act of 1964, (2) The Medicare Act, (3) The Water Quality Act of 1965, (4) The Clean Water Act of 1972, (5) The Endangered Species Act of 1973, (6) The Clean Air Act of 1990, and (7) The Affordable Care Act!

And, "What An Extraordinary Career and Life Congressman Dingell has had," "Serving as A Member of Congress from Former Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower to Former Democratic President Barack H. Obama!"

And, In 2014 Former President Barack Obama Honored Mr. Dingell with The Presidential Medal of Honor!"

-(Note that, On The Last Day of His Life, "Mr. Dingell Authored A Column Published in The Washington Post," Sharing His "Last Words" for The Nation!  

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to Mr. Dingell's Family, and We Mourn His Loss with You! And, To Representative Dingell's Supporters and Colleagues of All Different Stations, Let Us Always Remember that We were Fortunate to have had This Man of The People Serving The United States of America, and The State of Michigan!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters! And, We Share Your Tears of Love and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You!