Friday, February 1, 2019



The Way To Peace! #334

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Polar Vortex," "Global Climate Warming," and "Super Bowl Fifty-Three" are "Receiving A Great Amount of Media Attention," It was Just Recently that "Global Cross Media News Reports," and "Headlines of The Fourth Estate Published and Posted for The Nation to See and Hear," that "On the Thirty-Fifth Day of The Partial Shutdown of The United States Government," "The Longest Government Shutdown in U.S. History," on The Twenty-Fifth of January 2019, "President Trump Announced An Agreement with The United States Congress" to "Re-Open The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," to "Fund It until The Fifteenth of February 2019." without "Border Wall Funds Included in It!"

However, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "This Partial Shutdown of The U.S. Government" was "Precipitated by President Trump," "Without The Approval of The American People!"

"The Question" is "President Trump's Decision to Re-Open the United States Government; 
(1) An Act of Capitulation to Public Opinion Polls, and The Democratic Party, or (2) An Act of Supported by Common Sense, and Good Leadership, or (3) The Events Surrounding The State of Union Speech.

-(Note that, "Both The U.S. Senate and The U.S. House of Representatives Passed The Stop-Gap Spending Bill by A Voice Vote," and "President Trump Signed It on Friday, The Twenty-Fifth of January 2019," to "Run Concurrently Through The Fifteenth of February 2019!" )-

"In a Speech in The Rose Garden" President Trump also said, "So let me be very clear, we really have no choice but to build a powerful wall, or steel barrier. If we don't get a fair deal from Congress the government will either shutdown on February 15th again, or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the Constitution of the United States to address this emergency. We will have great security. And, I want to thank you all very much. Thank you very much."

"Let Us All Agree" that, (1) "The United States of America has Great Security," and "A Great Armed Forces," that "Is Respected by All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and (2) "It has Not Been Attacked by Migrants!" However, "It has had Its Elections Illegally Interfered with by Russia!"

And, "Let Us Agree" that "Threats to Shutdown The United States Government" is "Not the Way To Solve" or "Legislate Domestic or Foreign Policy Issues!"

And, "This Partial Shutdown of The United States Government Should Be A Clear Precursor" that "Strength in Character and Purpose is Not Exemplified by Threats, Campaign Rhetoric," or "One-Man-Rule" or "One-Party-Rule Forms of Governance!" The United States of America is "A Democracy!" And, "The U.S. Constitution is The Law of The Land!"

And, "Asking Eight Hundred Thousand Federal Employees to Work for Free," During The Thirty-Five Days of Partial Government Shutdown, is "Not The American Way," "Nor Is It An Example of," or "Representation of Good Business Ethics," in "A Nation of Laws," and "Checks and Balances!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Question" that has Been Ruminating All Throughout The Fourth Estate,"and "within The Global Cross Media News Platforms," and "within The Offices of National Politicos," and "In Conversations During Lunches and Dinners of All Concerned with The Russian Investigations," of "Will Roger Stone," (Lobbyist, Strategist, Political Consultant, and Campaign Adviser)  or "When Will Roger Stone Be Indicted in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russian Investigations," has "Finally Been Answered," For, Today, Friday, The Twenty-Fifth of January 2019 "FBI Agents Raided Roger Jason Stone's Home in Fort Lateral, Florida," and "Arrested Him!"

"The Seven Count Indictment Filed Against Mr. Stone by a Federal Grand Jury" Charged Him with (1) one count of of obstruction of an official proceeding, and (2) five counts of false statements, and (3) one count of witness tampering," and "There are New Cracks in The Walls of The West Wing" and "The Trump Administration!"

"In a CNN Interview Sarah Sanders," the White House Press Secretary is Reported to have said, "The charges brought against Mr. Stone have nothing to do with the President, has nothing to do with the White House. The President did nothing wrong."

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Roger Stone is The Sixth Close Associate of President Trump to Be Arrested by Special Counsel Mueller"  in "The Russian Investigations!" Mr. Stone was "An Adviser to Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential Campaign!")-

"An Additional Question" that also "Needs Answering" is "Did Mr. Stone Collaborate with Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Owner," (as Two of Mr. Stone's Associates have Claimed) to "Tarnish, Smear, Devalue, and Discredit" Former First Lady, and Former Secretary of State, and Democratic Nominee for President of The United States, "Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton's Campaign," in the Spring of 2016, after "Mr. Stone Officially left the Trump Campaign on the Eighth of August 2015!" To which "Mr. Stone has Denied All Charges!"

-(Note that, While Losing the Electoral College Votes to Donald Trump, "Mrs. Clinton Won the Popular Vote by More than 2,800,000 Votes! )-

"Let Us Agree" that "The American People" are "Deserving of An Answer to What Actually Transpired During The 2016 U.S. Elections," and "The Law of The Land has to Be Satisfied that The Results of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Investigation into Russia's Illegal Interference in The Election Process of A Sovereign Nation has Left Nothing Out" in "Its Probe to Discover Nothing Less than The Truth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of January, "Roger Stone Pleaded Not Guilty to felony charges in the Russia Investigation," before "U.S. Magistrate Court Judge Deborah A. Johnson at The Federal Court House in Washington D.C.," "Where He was "Arraigned on a Seven Count Indictment" Brought by Special Counsel Robert Mueller III! "If Convicted Mr. Stone Faces Twenty Years in Prison!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The First of February 2019, "Mr. Stone is Scheduled to Return to Court," This Time Before United States District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson "For A Status Conference!"

-(Note that, "U.S. District Court Judge Jackson Presided over The Criminal Case that Special Counsel Robert Mueller Brought Against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates," in The Special Counsel's Investigation into Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections!")-

-Global Cross Media News Update-
Monday, The Twenty-Eighth of January 2019, District Court Judge TS Elliot III "Delayed Sentencing for Former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort," who was "Convicted of Eight Charges of Fraud in August, 2018, by A Jury in Virginia!"  This Delayed Sentencing is "Due to "Mr. Manafort's Pending Trial in the District of Columbia!" 

-(Note that, "A New Sentencing Hearing" has "Not Been Scheduled as of Yet!")-

"The Question of The Day" is "Has Anyone Received Notification from Special Counsel Mueller," that "His Russian Investigations," into "The U.S. 2016 Presidential Elections," "is close to being completed," As Acting U.S. Attorney General Matthew G. Whitaker "Announced at A Department of Justice News Conference," on Monday, The Twenty-Eighth of January 2019!
"A News Conference" that was "Supposed to Announce Indictments Against Chinese Telecommunications Conglomerate Huawei" by The United States!

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are Michael Cohen, President Trump's Former Personal Attorney, has "Agreed to Voluntarily Testify behind A Closed Door Hearing of The United States House of Representatives Intelligence Committee on The Eighth of February 2019!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of January 2019 "Gina Haspel, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency" (CIA), "Christopher Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation" (FBI), and National Intelligence Director Daniel Coats, Director of National Intelligence, Testified Before The Senate Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill and "Gave Their Annual Assessment of Global Threats," and "All Agreed" that, (1) the Islamic State Still Remains a Threat, (2) The Iran Nuclear Deal is Working, (3) It is Doubtful that The People's Republic of North Korea Will Dismantle Its Nuclear Arsenal, (4) They Warned of An Increasingly Diverse Range of Security Dangers from Russia's Campaign to Undermine Western Democracies, to Chinese Cyberespionage, and North Korea's Nuclear Weapons, and (5) Although There is A Slight Glimmer of Hope in The Afghanistan-Taliban Peace Talks, The Challenge Still Remains How to Make A Democracy Work for All of The Different Factions Involved, (Including Pakistan) to Finally End This More than Seventeen Year War!

-(Note that, "The Report" also said "neither the Afghan government nor the Taliban will be able to gain a strategic military advantage in the Afghan war in the coming year" if the U.S. maintains its present levels of support. 
"This Would Appear to Disagree with President Trump's Order" of a "Partial Pullback of U.S. Forces in Afghanistan this Year!")- 

Interestingly Enough, There was "No Mention" of "A Crisis at The United States-Mexican Border," by The Intelligence Chiefs!  

And, "Strikingly They All Disagreed with President Trump's Declaration in A Video on Wednesday Evening, The Nineteenth of December 2018," that "We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency."  And then, Added in A Tweet, "Our boys, our young girls, and our men---they're all coming back, and they're coming back now." 

And, "Global Cross Media Breaking News," and "Headlines in The Fourth Estate" Reported that President Trump had "Ordered a Full Rapid Withdrawal of over Two Thousand United States Armed Forces from Syria," "over The Advice and Consultation of His Generals and Civilian Advisers!"

One Can only Wonder, "If President Trump has Been Briefed" on "The Worldwide Threat Assessment Report" upon "Which Director Coats Based His Report!"

And, "One Wonder about President Trump's Overall Foreign Policy with One-Man-Rule," and "One-Party-Rule Forms of Governance!"

"Americans are Fortunate" that "The United States is A Sovereign Nation of Laws," and "Checks and Balances," "Especially in Times of Crisis!"

Director Coats also Told The Committee, "We expect our adversaries and strategic competitors to refine their capabilities and add new tactics as they learn from each other's experiences, suggesting the threat landscape could look very different in 20/20, and future elections."

And "Specifically in regards to Russia" The Report said, "Russia's social media efforts will continue on aggravating social and racial tensions, undermining trust in authorities, and criticizing perceived anti-Russian politicians."

Wednesday, The Thirtieth of January, 2019 Much to The Surprise of The Nation President Trump Posted a Series of Tweets "Vehemently and Strategically in Disagreement with His Intelligence Directors on Their Annual Assessment of Global Threats!" 
Here are Several Segments of them: "The Intelligence people seem to be extremely passive and naive when it comes to the dangers of Iran. They are wrong! When I became President Iran was making trouble all over the Middle East, and beyond. Since ending the terrible Iran nuclear deal, they are much different, but"..."a source of source of potential danger and conflict. They are testing Rockets (Last Week) and more, and are coming very close to the edge. There economy is now crashing, which is the only thing holding them back. Be careful of Iran! Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school."

And, In Regards to The People's Republic of North Korea The President Tweeted, "North Korea relationship is best it has ever been with U.S No testing, getting remains, hostages returned. Decent chance of Denuclearization."..."Time will tell what will happen with North Korea, but at the end of the previous administration relationship was horrendous and and very bad things were about to happen. Now a whole different story. I look forward to seeing Kim Jong Un shortly. Progress being made-big difference!"

And, In Regards to Afghanistan, The President Tweeted "Negotiating are proceeding well in Afghanistan after 18 years of fighting"..."Fighting continues but the people of Afghanistan want Peace in this never ending war. We will soon see if talks will be successful?

And lastly, The President Tweeted "When I became President, ISIS was out of control in Syria and running rampant. Since then tremendous progress made, especially over last 5 weeks. Caliphate will soon be destroyed, unthinkable two years ago."

"Its Important to Note" that "This Attack upon The United States of America's Intelligence Directors," by Their Own Commander in Chief, is "Unconscionable and Unimaginable!"

"The Women and Men of The U.S. Intelligence Community" are "On The Front line of The Cyberwarfare" that has "Targeted The United States," and "Other Western Industrialized Nations," and also "In The Forefront of The Armed Conflicts" that "Threaten The Lives of The American Armed Forces Fighting in Harms way on Foreign Shores," "In Defense of Peace, Democracy, Justice," and "The Rights of All Freedom Loving People!" 

And, At a Time "When The Nation has Acquiesced to The Seriousness of Cyber Attacks," that are "Continuously Being Made Against The United States by The Russia Federation," and "The People's Republic of China," Let's Agree that "It's of The Utmost Importance to Acknowledge The Truth," "When Its Being Spoken by The Intelligence Directors of The United States of America!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Thirtieth of January 2019 "Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Office Filed A New Indictment, that "More that One Thousand Files of Evidence had Been Stolen," and "Leaked Online," by "Self-Proclaimed Hackers Based in Russia," In An Effort to "Discredit The Investigations of The Special Counsel," and "His Team of Prosecutors!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Companies Named in The Indictment Include," 
(1) Concord Management and Consulting LLC, and (2) Internet Research Agency (IRA).

"This Hacking Compounds and Illustrates the Deep Concern of The United States Directors of Intelligence," who "Gave Their Annual Assessment of Global Threats," Before The Senate Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of January 2019!           

As The Sun Set's Over The Sovereign Nation of The People's Republic of China, Monday, The Twenty-Eighth of January 2019, "Twenty-Three Indictments have "Been Brought Against Huawei by The United States Authorities!"

"Twenty-Three Criminal Charges Alleging that The Telecommunications Conglomerate, 
(1) Illegally Violated U.S. Sanctions on Iran, (2) Stealing Robot Technology from T-Mobile for Making Their Smartphones, (3) The Company and Its CEO Meng Wanzhou, are Accused of Defrauding Banks, and (4) Lying to U.S. Officials to Circumvent Economic Sanctions on Iran, and "The List of Charges" that "Goes On and On" is "An Impressive List of How Huawei Committed Their Criminal Conspiracies such as; Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Obstruct Justice, and Conspiracy to Violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA).

"This New Announcement of Criminal Charges" Will "Not Help Resolve The Trade War between The United States of America and The People's Republic of China!" Nor, Will It Help to "Improve China's Status among The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," who "Believe in Fair and Honest Trade Practises!"

"The Question" is "How Could President Xi Jinping Allow This to Happen Right Before His Eyes," As "The Paramount Ruler" of "The People's Republic of China!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Third of January 2019- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Democrat from California "Wrote a Letter" to President Trump "that the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President's State of the Union Speech in the House Chamber until government has opened."

Here is the Complete Letter, "Mr. President when I extended an invitation on January 3rd for you to deliver the State of the Union address, it was on the mutually agreed upon date, January 29th. At that time, there was no thought that the government would still be shutdown.

In my further correspondence of January 16th, I said we should work together to find a mutually agreeable date when government has re-opened and I hope that we can still do that.

I am writing to inform you that the House House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President's State of the Union Speech in the House Chamber until government has opened."

And, "House Speaker Pelosi Concluded Her Letter to The President" by Saying "Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened."

"Now that The Partial Government Shutdown has Ended" and "The United States Congress An Opportunity to Discuss and Unite Behind A Bipartisan Agreement that is Satisfactory to All Party's Involved," A New Date for The State of The Union Speech has Been Agreed to," "Tuesday, The Fifth of February 2019!" "Ten Days Before The Stop-Gap Spending Bill Ends on The Fifteenth of February 2019," and "Another Threat to Shutdown The U.S. Government by President Trump Looms Before Us" (and The Eight Hundred Thousand Federal Employees)!"

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer," Democrat from New York, Announced that "The State of  Georgia's Stacey Abrams," who was "The First Black Woman to Be A Major Party's Nominee for Governor," but Lost The Gubernatorial Election in a Close but Losing Effort to Republican Brian Kemp, Georgia's Previous Secretary of State," "Will Deliver the Democrats Response to President Trump's State of the Union Address!"

-(Note that, "The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Estimated" that "The United States Economy Lost A Total of $11 Billion Dollars," Because of The Partial Federal Government Shutdown, "$3.7 Billion Permanently!")-  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Wednesday, The Twenty-Third of January 2019, As The Sun Set's on The Sovereign Nations of South America, "Newly Heightened Tensions have Emerged," As Sitting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has "Severed Diplomatic and Political Ties with The United States," and "Ordered All American Personnel to Leave The Country within Seventy-Two Hours!"

"This Sudden Eruption of Diplomatic Fury Occurred after An Announcement was Made by Mr. Maduro" that "President Trump had Declared Juan Guaido as Interim President of Venezuela!"

"This Sudden Eruption of Diplomatic Fury Occurred After An Announcement was Made by Interim President Maduro" that "President Trump Recognized Juan Guaido as Venezuela's Interim President!"

Mr. Guaido is "The Newly Appointed Head of Venezuela's National Assembly!"And, Wednesday, The Twenty-Third of January 2019, on "An Outdoor Podium in Caracas," The Capitol and Largest City in Venezuela, "Took the Oath of Office" as "Interim President of Venezuela!"
And, Amid Cheers from His Supporters in The Crowd, "He Promised to Serve His Country as Interim Leader," and also "Promised to Call for New Elections!" 

-(Note that "The Election of Mr. Maduro," who "Took Office on The Tenth of January 2019 to Begin a Second Term, has "Been Called Fraudulent by The European Union and The United States!")-

"The People of Venezuela Deserve A True Government," that "Provides An Honest and Just Representation For All The People," and "The Principles and Laws that Govern A Free and Interdependent People!"

And, "It is Now in The Hands of Two Political Adversaries, Mr. Maduro and Mr. Guaido, and "Their Supporters to Non-Violently Work Out Their Differences," and "Do What is In The Best Interests of The Venezuelan People!"

-(Note that, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, and Peru have Recognized Mr. Guaido!")-

Global Cross Media News Update: Monday The Twenty-Eighth of January 2019 "The United States Imposed Strong Sanctions Against Venezuela's State Owned Oil Firm PDVSA" (Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A.) to "Bring Economic Pressures Against Mr. Maduro" to "Step Down from Being Interim President of Venezuela!"

-(Note that, "Russia has Denounced This Move by The U.S." as "Illegal Interference in Venezuelan Affairs!" Interesting Choice of Words, isn't It!" And, Note that; Venezuela Would have Extreme Difficulty Servicing Its $3.15 Billion Debt to The Russian Federation!)-

-Extra Noteworthy News- Thursday, The Thirty-First of January 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are Juan Guaido Claims that "His Family has Been Threatened!" If True, "This Most Certainly Will Not Resolve or Settle The Conflict Between Mr. Maduro and Mr. Guaido to Anyone's Satisfaction!" An, Honest Mediator Must Come Forward to Resolve Venezuela's Political Impasse!"
"Someone with Undeniable Credentials of Honesty" such as, "Pope Francis," The First Pope from The Southern Hemisphere," "The First Pope from The Americas!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"It is Sincerely Unfortunate" that "The United States Senate Failed to Make A Clear Statement to President Trump" and "The United States Department of Treasury," by "Standing Up As A Whole," and "Refute The Easing," or "The Lifting of Sanctions Against Companies Owned by Oleg V. Deripaska, as "Proposed by Treasury Department in 2018 (Mr. Deripaska has Close tires with Russian President Putin).

"Mr. Deripaska is A Russian Oligarch" who "Employed Paul Manafort from 2005 to 2009," and was "the President of En+ Group, a Russian Energy-Related Company," and "United Company Rusal, the Second Largest Aluminum Company in The World," and  "The Founder of "Basic Element," One of Russia's Largest Industrial Groups," and Russia's Largest Charitable Foundation, "Volnoe Delo!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Eleventh of January 2019, "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer," Democrat from New York "Began The Process" by "Filing A Congressional Resolution," to "Block The Lifting of Sanctions Against Mr. Deripaska's Companies!" 

However, "First of All, It Would have had to have to "Gain the Vote of At Least Sixty Senators of The One Hundred Senators of The United States Senate," (to "Make It Veto Proof"), and "A Majority of  The Four Hundred and Thirty-Five Members" of The U.S. House of Representatives," to "Succeed!" -(All this Before The Eighteenth of January 2019!")-

-(Note that, "Without This Resolution Sanctions Would Be Automatically Lifted on Mr. Deripaska's Companies!")- 

In July of 2017 "The U.S. Senate Voted Ninety-Eight to Two" and "The U.S. House of Representatives Voted Four Hundred and Nineteen to Three" to "Impose Sanctions to Punish Russia for Its Interference in The 2016 U.S. Elections!" And, also "For Russia's Aggression in Ukraine and Syria," Plus "Its Human Rights Abuses, and Weapons Sales!"

So, "All It Should have Taken" was "For Congress to Demonstrate The Same Deliberate Expression of Heart, Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul," "Against A Foreign Entity" or "Any Foreign Entity or Sovereign Nation," who "Dared to Illegally Meddle or Interfere" with "The Internal or Foreign Affairs of The United States of America!"

And, "Let Us Fully Comprehend" that Mr. Deripaska's has Been Accused of (1) Illegally Wiretapping a Government Official,
(2) Taking part in Extortion and Racketeering, 
(3) Threatening The Lives of Business Rivals, 
(4) Ordered The Murder of A Businessman, who had connections with Another Russian Organized Crime Group.

And, "Whether or Not Mr. Deripaska has Complied with The U.S. Department of Treasury Demand" to "Cede the Control of The Company," Let Us Agree that This only a Part of "The Violations of American Sovereignty," that Took Place in 2016," It is The Fact, that "Russia Interfered in The 2016 U.S. Elections!" And, "This Comparable to A Non-Military Invasion of The Nation!"

And, So, "It is Time For The American People to Demand," that "In The Present Sense of Time, and/or In The Future," "We The People Expect" The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Elected Officials of The United States Congress to Act as True Elected Officials," "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, In Doing so, "Make It Absolutely Clear" that "The United States is Not A One Man-Rule Form of Governance," or "A One Party-Rule Form of Governance," It is "A Democracy" that "Represents The American People!"

And, "It is also Time For All Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Elected Officials of The United States Congress, to "Make It Absolutely Clear to President Trump," that "There Can Not Be Any Return to The Partial Shutdown of The United States Government!"

-(Note that, "In a Strong Rebuke to President Trump and The Department of Treasury," "The U.S. Senate Voted Fifty-Seven to Forty-Two (a Vote that Included Eleven Republican Senators) to Advance A Measure," that "Would Allow for A Resolution Vote," that is "Against Relaxing Sanctions on Three Russian Companies with Ties to Oligarch Oleg V. Deripaska!"

And, Although Senator Schumer "Wisely Used a Provision in the 2017 Sanctions Law Against Russia," to "Force a Senate Vote Against Lifting Sanctions Against Mr. Deripaska,"  "He was Unsuccessful!"

"The Question" is "Will Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and The Republican Party in The Future," Be Depended upon to "Stand Up Against Any Foreign or Domestic Entities," who "Do Not have The Best Interests of The United States of America in Mind," or "What is In The Best Interests of The National Security and Defense of The Nation," and "The American People in Mind!"

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are The United States Senate was Not Able to Pass A Measure that Would have Been Veto Proof," and "Blocked Lifting Sanctions Against Three Companies of Russian Oligarch Oleg V. Deripaska," by "Fifty-Seven to Forty-Two," Which was "Three Votes Short of The Sixty Votes Needed to Make The Measure Veto Proof!" "The Resolution" was "Sponsored by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Democrat from New York!"

-(Note that, "The Senate Democrats Voted as A Whole in Support of This Resolution!")

Senator Schumer In His Search for Additional Republican Support for The Resolution" said, "In the face of this global assault on Western democracies, of course we have seen that the Trump Administration has been shamefully and suspiciously weak on President Putin." But, He Did so to "No Avail!" 

And, It Must Be Noted that "Senate Majority Leader, Republican from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell," was "Negligent in Representing The American People," by "Not Encouraging the Majority of Republican Senators to Vote to Advance This Measure!" Only Eleven Republicans Did so of Their Own Initiative!" 

And, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "The Shame of This Vote Lies with Mr. McConnell, Secretary of The Treasury Steven Mnuchin, and The Trump Administration," and "History Will Not Look Back Kindly of This Act of Irresponsibility on Their Part!"

And, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that This is "Not The Leadership The American People Admire," or "Voted for in Choosing Their Elected Officials!" 

And, to "Compound This Offense" is "The Fact" that "Russia Interfered in The 2016 U. S. Elections," and "Mr. Deripaska's Companies were Being Punished along with Other Russian Companies and Individuals," for (1) "This Interference, and (2) "A Variety of Illegal Activities, Military Aggressions, Human Rights Abuses, and Weapons Sales Violations!"

And, "The Question" that Clearly Remains is, "When Will The Republican Party of Former Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush Wake-Up to Performing Their Responsibilities as Representatives of The American People," that "They Clearly have Forsaken to Enact in This Legislative Action!" And, "The Shame is Clearly on Them!" 

And, "The 20/20 U.S. Elections Can Not Come Soon Enough!" "Why!" Because, "A Political Correction in The Configuration and Priorities of The United States Senate and The U.S. Government is Most Certainly in Need of!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
From The Twenty-Second to The Twenty-Fifth of January 2019 "The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Met in Davos, Switzerland" to "Discuss Aspects of Three Key Areas and Concerns; (1) Global Security Issues, (2) Mastering The Fourth Evolution, and (3) Solving the Problems of The Global Commons!"

"These Three Area's Broken Down into Categories Included; (1) Environmental Concerns, 
(2) How to Manage The Ever-Growing Problems of New Models of Public, and Private Cooperation, (and Add Political Cooperation to The Global Equation that Needs Correcting), 
and (3) The Application of Breakthrough Models of  Science and Technological  Solutions, (4) The Global Refugee Crisis, (5) The Threat to Global Solidarity, (6) Extremists and Terrorists, (7) The Benefits of Multilateralism, (8) Strategies for How to Respond to The Rapid Changes in The Global Security Landscape, that The Global Leaders Must Adhere to, (9) Geostrategic Competition, (1) Nationalism and Populism Movements, and (11) Changes in The Global Economy and How These Changes Can Effect The Earths Populace and Reshape The Cultural, Economic, Social and Ecological Sphere's of Our Global Existence on Earth.

And, "While The Forum was also Concerned" with "The Effect The Global Economy is having on Transforming Entire Production, Distribution, and Consumption Systems," It is also of "The Greatest Importance for These Global Leaders to Re-Double Their Efforts to End Poverty," and "Bring Forth A New Comprehension and Global Dialogue of The Needs Of The Earths Populace," and "A Universal Correction in The Contemplation of Global Leaders who Comprise The Private, Public, Religious, and Political Sphere's of Influence" and "Global Activism!" "Why!" Because, "It is Obvious that "A Change Must Come," "A Change" that "Truly Embraces The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People" of This, "Our Home Planet Earth!" 
And, "This is The New Norm," and "Hope of The Present" and "Future Generations to Come on Earth!" And, "Our Youth are Depending on Us!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Fifteenth of January 2019 Prime Minister Theresa was "Unable to Convince The House of Commons to Back Her Plan to Withdraw Britain from The European Union!"

"The Vote to Reject Her Proposal," was "A Crushing and Humiliating Defeat for The Prime Minister," "Four Hundred and Thirty-Two to Two Hundred and Two!"

"That Leaves Ms. May until The Twenty-Ninth of March, 2019" to (1) Come up with "A Bold and Cognitive Alternative to Her Plan," or (2) "Have The Political, Public, and National Courage to Announce" that "There Will Be A Second Vote on The Brexit Referendum," so that "The British Voters Can Express Their Opinion," (Hopefully in An Unbiased, Non-Partisan Atmosphere," or "As Close to This as Possible)!

"Prime Minister May has No Choice" But to "Open Up The Process for An Alternative to Her Plan, Immediately," and "Form A Perfect Union of Inclusion of All Parties Involved!" Such is Needed,"An Honest Inclusion of Allies and The Opposition," For The Purpose of  Resolving Their Differences and Re-Establish A Course of Domestic and Foreign Policy that Empowers The British People, and Re-Confirms The United Kingdom's Position among Sovereign Nations as A True Partner of Peace, Trade and Commerce, and Global Prosperity!"

"This is A Global Equation of Equilibre of The Twenty-First Century" that "Transcends The Divisions Between Political Party's," and "Economic Strategies Based on Hubris, Separatism, and Manipulation!" 
"An Equation of Global Equilibre" that "Includes What is In The Best Interest of The Communities and Families of The Earths Populace!"

And, "This is Moment Time for Prime Minister May to Muster Up" and "Summon Whatever Soul Strength She has" and "Strive Forward Towards, The Selfless Resolution," that The British People Can Give Their Support to," "A Course of Action and Policy" that "They Can Support, Carry Home, and Move Forward with," Knowing What They have Supported and Agreed to Will Change and Improve Their Quality of Life," and "Increase The Opportunities, Mores, Innovative and Groundbreaking Ideas of The Future," and "Lifestyle of The Youth of The Country For Generations to Come!"

-(Note that, On Wednesday, The Sixteenth of January 2019, "Prime Minister Theresa May of The United Kingdom by A Three Hundred and Twenty-Five to Three Hundred and Six Vote,"  was "Fortunate Enough," in This Extremely Difficult Political Climate, "Caused by The Disaffection of Her Brexit Negotiations with The European Union, "and "Strategies Involving Brexit," Survived "A Vote of No-Confidence in The House of Commons!"

"If Mrs. May had Lost This Vote of No-Confidence The U.K. Would have Been Thrust into A General Election," and "Her Tenure as Prime Minister Would Be Over!"

However, "The Prime Minister has "Been Given Another Opportunity," to "Make A Positive Input into The Lives of British Citizens," and "Change The Course of The United Kingdom for The Betterment Of All The People!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Fifteenth of January 2019, Special Counsel Robert Mueller "Presented A Highly Redacted File to The United States District Court for The District of Columbia!" 

"A Declaration in Support of the Government's Breach Determination and Sentencing," Explaining The Reasons "Why Special Counsel Mueller Accused Paul Manafort of Lying," even "After Mr. Manafort Pleaded Guilty," and "Began Cooperating with The Investigation!"

"This Thirty-One Page Document" was "Filed in Washington D.C. Federal Court" by Special Agent Jeffrey Weiland, who "Works for Robert Mueller!" And, "Reveals in Detail," (1) Mr. Manafort's Interaction with Mr. Mueller's Grand Jury, (2) The Alleged Ties Mr. Manafort has with Russian Businessman and Former Russian Intelligence Officer with the GRU, Konstantin Kilimnik, and (3) The Sharing of Polling Data of The 2016 Presidential Campaign with Mr. Kilimnik, by Mr. Manafort, as well as, (4) "Other Pertinent Unredacted Information!"

-(Note that, "The Federal Court was Provided with The Fully Unredacted File!")-       

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Fifteenth of January 2019 "William Pelham Barr's Senate Confirmation Hearing for United States Attorney General Began!"

Mr. Barr Served as "The Seventy-Seventh U.S. Attorney General During Former President George H.W. Bush's Tenure in Office from 1991 to 1993!

And, On The Seventh of December 2018 "President Trump Announced" that "He Would Nominate Mr. Barr 68," Once again," to "Succeed Jeff Sessions," as "U.S. Attorney General!"

-(Note that, Jeff Sessions had Been Asked to Resign by President Trump!")-

"An Important Point of Contention for Senate Democrats" even Before The Hearing Began was "Would Mr. Barr, Should He Be Confirmed by The Senate as U.S. Attorney General,  "In Any Way Whatsoever Attempt to Impede Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russian Investigations!" 

"Mr. Barr Attempted to Allay Any Concerns about This," and "Address this Question even Before It Occurred During The Hearing," by saying In His Opening Statement, "First, I believe that it is vitally important for the special counsel be allowed to complete his investigation. I have known Bob Mueller for 30 years. We worked closely together throughout my previous tenure at the Department of Justice. We've been friends since, and I have the utmost respect for Bob and his distinguished record of public service, and when he was named special counsel I said his selection was good news, and that knowing him I had  confidence he would handle the matter properly and I still have that confidence today."

And, Mr. Barr also said, that "I believe it is in the best interest of everyone, the President, Congress, and the American People that this matter be resolved by allowing the special counsel to complete his work. The Country needs a credible resolution to these issues. And, if confirmed I will not permit partisan politics, personal interests or any other improper consideration to interfere with this, or any other investigation. I will follow the special counsel regulations scrupulously, and in good faith, and on my watch, Bob will be allowed to finish his work" 

And, He also said, "My goal will be to provide as much transparency as I can consistent with the Law. I can assure you when judgments are to made I will make those judgments based solely on the law, and I will not let personal, political, or other improper interests influence my decision." 

"What Caused All of This Concern" was "A Memorandum" that "Mr. Barr had Written in June 2018" about Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Investigation and of Obstruction of Justice Theory!"
In His Address Mr. Barr also said He Wrote the Memo as a Former Attorney General who has often wayed in on legal issues of public importance and I distributed it broadly so that other lawyers would have the benefit of my views."   And, He also said, "My Memo was narrow".... "The Memo did not address, or in any other way question the special counsel's core investigation into Russian Efforts to interfere in the election. Nor did it address other potential of obstruction of justice theories. Or, Argue that some have wrongly suggested that a President can never obstruct justice. I wrote it myself, on my own initiative, without any assistance, and based solely on public information."

"Mr. Barr also spoke about Violent Crime, Immigration, States that Legalized Marijuana," "Seeking The Advice of Other Department Ethics Officials on Whether He Should Recuse Himself from Oversight of Robert Mueller's Probe into Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Elections,"... "President Trump's Denials of Obstruction of Justice,"... and "His Comments about Roe V. Made in 1991, Versus His Belief Today, and that "after Forty-Six Years, "He Doesn't see It Being Overruled,"... "His Belief that A Barrier is Needed on The Southern Border of The U.S." Heroin, Fentanyl, and Serious Drugs,"... "He asked Rod Rosenstein to stay on as Deputy Attorney General, Which He Agreed to,"... "China,"... and When "I think that, I know there are guidelines in place and I can conceive of situations where you know, as a last resort, and where a news organization has run through a red flag, or something like that knows they are putting out stuff that will hurt the country, there might be a situation, there could be a situation where someone could be held in contempt."... "The First Act Bill!"... And, "I don't believe Mr. Mueller would be involved in a witch hunt!"... And, of Course, "The State of The United States!"

"The Question" Still Remains, "Will Saying the Right Things Be Enough to Satisfy Both Republicans and Democrats," Especially, At a Time Period When (1) "There is Such A Wide Divide of Opposing Opinions in The U.S. Congress," and (2) "There is A Partial Shutdown of The United States Government Precipitated by President Trump" and "Supported by The Majority of The Republican Party and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell" from Kentucky, and (3) "The Fact" that "Fact Checkers have Discovered that There is A High Degree of Bending The Truth," Beyond The Norm, "to Fit Whatever Circumstances are Prevalent or Prioritized by The Trump Administration and President Trump!"

And, Lets Agree that "We are at A Crossroads in American Politics" and "With The Addition or Subtraction of Each New Official or Proponent of The Government Comes A Responsibility to The American People, First of All, to Represent The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"Which is" or "Should Be More than Party Loyalty," or "Loyalty to The President!" Why!" Because "The United States of America is A Democracy," "Not to Be Ruled by One Man," or "One Party Alone!"

And, "As Intense Weather Conditions Caused by Global Warming and The Polar Vortex," have "Raised Serious Concern This Year in Both Scientific and Political Communities," "Ranging All The Way from The United States to Australia," and "Providing New Insights into the Reason's Why The Earth's Populace is Seeing and Experiencing" such "Vast Extremes in Temperatures at The Same Moment in Time," "A New Tide of Political Interest is also Occurring Amongst The Earths Populace," as "A New Sphere of Democratic Candidates are Continuing to Emerge Across The United States," Who are "Gaining The Interest of The Fourth Estate" and "The Global Cross Media News Universe!"

"Senator Kamala Harris from California, 54," is "The Most Prominent Candidate to Come Forth," and "Formally Announce Her Candidacy," and "Create A Strong Impression Amongst Democrats" "Drawing Large Crowds," and "Global Cross Media News Interest," from "Being The First South Asian-American, Second African-American Female Senator in History," along "with Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts!"

And, "Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has Entered His Name to The List" but as "An Independent Candidate," which has "Caused a Tremor to Occur Among Democrats," "Fearing His Candidacy Would Take Votes Away from Their Nominee for President," If Mr. Schultz Candidacy "Can Get on The Ballot in All Fifty States!"

However to "Add to The List of Candidates is (1) Peter Buttigieg, The Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Who If Successful in The Primary, Would Become The First Openly Gay Presidential Nominee from A Major Political Party, Who is Campaigning on An Inter-generational Platform, (2) Richard Castro 44, Former San Antonio Mayor and the Son of A Latina Activists and Grandson of A Mexican Immigrant Who also Served as The Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Keynote Speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, (3) Maryland Representative John Delaney, Who Founded Two Publicly Traded Companies, (4) Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard 37,  Representative from Hawaii, An Iraq Veteran, who Serves on The House Foreign Affairs and House Armed Services Committees, (5) Richard Ojeda, Former West Virginia State Senator, and Retired Army Paratrooper.

And, Let's Expect This List to Grow Over The Course of This Year," as "The American People Look Towards The Future," with "Great Expectation!"   

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Fifteenth of January 2019 "Senator Kirsten Gillibrand," Democrat from New York, "Announced Her Intention to Run for President in 20/20," on The Stephen Colbert Show, on CBS-TV" 

Sen. Gillibrand is Setting up "An Exploratory Committee to Raise Money and Travel The Nation to Campaign for The Support of The Democratic Party" and "The Country!"

Sen. Gillibrand said "I'm going to run for President of the United States because as a young Mom I am going to fight for other people's kids as hard as I would fight for my own."

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twenty and Twenty-First Millennia, "The Next Two Years Will Demand Our Full Attention," as "Primary and Presidential Campaigns Escalate and Evolve," and "Our Choices Become Absolutely Clear in Whom We Would Prefer as Candidate and/or Nominee for The President of The United States of America!"

And, "Simultaneously," "We Must Not Take Our Eyes Away from Both Domestic and Foreign Affairs" that "Can have A Positive or Negative Effect upon Our Lives" such as; (1) The Withdrawal of The United States from The Paris Agreement, and (2) The Trade War between The United States and The People's Republic of China, (3) The Withdrawal of The United States from The Iran Nuclear Agreement, and (4) The Partial Shutdown of The United States of America's Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People, (for "The Longest Period of Time in U.S. History, Thirty-Five Day's!") that was "Precipitated by President Trump!"
"Domestic and Foreign Affairs" that "We The People Must Stay Engaged in," to "Prevent The Worst from Happening, While Encouraging and Empowering All that is "In The Best Interests of Of The People!" 
And, "Yes," that "Signifies All The People who Believe in Freedom and Justice," and "Peace, Harmony, and Opportunity For One and All!"

And, "We Must Remain Non-Violent Activists and Advocates" for "Families Living Below The Poverty Line," and "For Permanent Homes and Economic Opportunity for The Transient Community Of Americans," whose "Families have Wandered For Much Too Long without Hope to Believe in!" 

And, As We Continue to Break Down Our to Do List, "Let Us Continue to Be Non-Violent Activists and Advocates" of "Sociological and Economic Rights," "Gender and Social Security Rights," and "Spiritual and Philosophical Rights to Live and Develop to Our Potential," and "The Rights of All People to Live as A Free Sovereign People Of The Earth!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Be Conservators and Protectors" of "The Rights Of All Sentient Beings Of This Planet Earth," and "Its Sea's, Lands, Skies, Atmosphere and The Air that We Breathe," and "The Grand Universe," that "We are but "A Very Microcosmic but, Important Part of!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of New Earthrise Horizons, and Limitless Dimensions of New and Exciting Insights and Perspectives, and of New Sphere's of Science and Technology, and Uplifting Views into The Internal Capacity and Knowledge of DNA, and The Mindset of The Cosmos, and The Unlimited Galaxies of Celestial Bodies and Solar Systems, and The Parallel Universes of The Grand Universe!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Sixteenth of January 2019 "Four American Soldiers were Killed in A Suicide Bombing that Targeted An American Convoy," in A Popular Restaurant were American Soldiers often Stopped to Eat During Patrols, Called the Palace of Princes, "in The Northeastern City of Manbij in Syria!" And, "Three Other American Soldiers were Wounded!" In Another Example of "War is Hell!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are At Least "Fifteen Others were Killed in The Malevolent Suicide Bombing Attack!

"This is Another Reason" "For The United States to Remain A Vigilant, Committed, and Active Military and Strategic Partner in Combating ISIS in Syria," (who Claimed Responsibility for This Bombing Attack) or "Anywhere Attacks are Made by Other Militant Anti-Freedom, Anti-Peace, Malevolent Syndicates or Dictator's of Oppression, Violence, and Abuse Take Place in The Middle East," or "Anywhere Else on This Planet Earth!"

And, "It is "The Responsibility of Every Peace-Loving United Coalition Sovereign Nation," to "Remain A Committed, Dedicated, Steadfast Ally and Partner in This Noble Cause!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports have Revealed that, At least, "Six Other Attacks" have "Been Made by the Islamic State in A Month's Time!"

"Let's Agree" that, "Too Many Innocent Victims have Died," and "Too Many Families, Mothers and Fathers, Brothers and Sisters, Grandparents, and Children of All Ages, have Lost A Loved One!" And, "This is "Not The Time to Withdraw from Syria" (as President Trump has Proposed), "This is The Time to Re-Engage" and "Move Forward Towards Accomplishing A Meaningful, Soulful, and Long Lasting Peace in The Middle East," "For Once and For All!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Fellow Service Members, and Communities of The Four American Soldiers who Lost Their Lives in The Ongoing War in Syrian!

And, to The Families, Friends, Comrade-In-Arms, and Communities of The Fifteen Others who Tragically Lost Their Lives in This Suicide Bombing, and Let It Be Known that We are with You in Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit, and We Mourn Their Loss with You!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Is The Malevolent, Cruel, Senseless, and Vicious Act of Murdering Five People at The Livingston Parish, in Livingston, Louisiana, and In the Nearby City of Gonzales, in Ascension Parish, Louisiana," on Saturday, The Twenty-Sixth of January 2019, "Another Act of Bigotry and Violence" that has "Continued to Violate Our Cities" and "Places of Worship in The United States!"

"No It Isn't!" But, "It is Another Example of A Gun-Related Crime and Act of Violence" by "A Very Disturbed, Mentally Unbalanced, and Violence Prone Young Man, Dakota Theriot, 21," who "Unconscionably and Immorally Chose Violence and Murder as A Way to Solve His Emotional Issues!" And, In Doing so, "Violated The Trust and Generosity of The Ernest Family," Whom "He had Recently Moved in with!"

And, Whom were "His First Victims," "Summer Ernest, 20," Believed to Be His Girl Friend, and "Her Father, Billy Ernest, 43," and "Brother, Tanner Ernest, 17," who were "Killed at the Livingston Parish!"

"The Suspect then Traveled to Gonzales," a Neighboring City in Ascension Parish, Louisiana, where "He Shot and Killed His Own Parents," Keith and Elizabeth Theriot, both "Aged Fifty," in "Their Trailer!"  Which Must Be Described as Being "A Cruel and Vicious Violation" of "The Love and Care Provided to Him by His Mother and Father," During The Years of His Upbringing!

Police Authorities are "Searching for the Suspect,"  Whom "They have Described" as Being "Armed and Dangerous!" And, "Believe that He has Escaped to Another State!"

"Let Us Agree," that "This Sub-Culture of Gun-Related Violence" is "A Cancer" that "Must Be Eliminated from The Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit and Soul of The United States of America!"

"Too Many Families have Lost A Loved One!"

-(Global Cross Media News Report Update; Sunday, The Twenty-Seventh of January 2019 "The Suspect Dakota Theriot" was "Apprehended by Police Authorities at His Grandmother's Home in Virginia," and "Plans are Being Made by Authorities to Transfer Him Back to Louisiana," Where He Will Be Booked on "Several Counts of First-Degree Murder, Home Invasion, and Illegal Use of Weapons!")-

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Ernest and Theriot Families, who have Lost Their Loved Ones, Caused by The Depraved and Malicious Behavior of A Morally Corrupt Individual! And, To The Parishioners of The Livingston and Ascension Parishes, whose Lives have Been Tragically Effected by These Sinful Crimes, We Mourn The Loss of Your Friends and Fellow Parishioners with You!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"More Than Three Hundred People are Still Missing," as "The Search Continues for Family Members, Friends, and Neighbors in the Southeastern State of Minas Gerais, Brazil," "Where A Dam Burst Brought Death and Destruction," at "A Brazilian Iron Mine," "Spewing Forth Mud and Mining Debris" that "Engulfed The City of Brumadinho," and "Caused The Deaths of At Least Sixty People," on Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of January 2019!"

"Firefighters, First Responders, Community Emergency Response Teams," and "A Myriad Other Emergency Government and Medical Agencies" are "Searching Tirelessly to Find Missing Persons! However, "Heavy Rains also Caused Further Complications in The Search Efforts!"

Note that, The Minas Gerais Fire Department said, "It will continue to search until all the were found!

State Governor Romeu Zema "Declared A Three Day Period of Mourning!"

"Vale," The Mining Group that Manages The Feijao Mine has "Been Fined Ninety-Nine Million Dollars for the Damage Caused by the Dam Break," and "For Repairs" by Minas Gerais State," and "the State Judiciary" also "Froze Two Hundred and Sixty Million from Yale" to "Compensate for Any Costs to The State for Victim Support," and "Emergency Rescue Operations!" And, "A Presiding Judge" is Citing "Vale" for Their Responsibility for The Disaster!"

Saturday, "Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Flew to The Scene of The Disaster" and said, "We will do everything in our reach to help the victims, minimize damage, investigate the facts, claim justice and prevent new tragedies like the ones in Mariana (Referring to the "Bento Rodrigues Dam Disaster on the Fifth of November 2015 in Mariana" that "Killed Nineteen People")  and Brumadinho for the well-being of Brazilians and the environment."

-(Note that, "Global Cross Media Reports are "As Many as Four Hundred and Twenty-Seven People were in The Mine When The Dam Burst!")      

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families in the Southeastern State of Minas Gerais, Brazil who have Lost A Loved One in This Disaster! And, We Mourn the Loss of Their Lives with You!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As Anticipated and Predicted" by Legislative Experts, or "The Fourth Estate," and "Global Cross Media News Platforms," "The United States Senate has Failed to Pass Two Bills" to "Re-Open The United States Government Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

"The Republican Bill Failed by Fifty to Forty-Seven!" And, "The Democratic Legislation Failed to Obtain The Sixty-Votes It Needed to Be Veto Proof," "Fifty-Two to Forty-Four!"

"What Did Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell" from Kentucky "Think Would Happen!" "He Knew The Math as well as Everyone Else!"

-(Note that, "The Democrats Bill Would have Re-Opened The Government until The Eight of February, 2019!" And, "The Republican Backed Bill Included President Trump's $5.7 Billion Dollar Demand for A Border Wall! And, "It also Included A Temporary Shield for U.S. Residents who Entered The United States without Documents as Children!"
"Six Republicans Voted with The Democrats,"  While "One Democrat Voted with The Republicans!")-

In An Associated Press Opinion Poll "President Trump's Overall Approval Rating has Declined from Forty-Two Percent to Thirty-Four Percent!"

And, You Would Think that by Now, "The Party of Former Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush" "Would Respect The Will of The American People" who "Do Not Support President Trump's Border Wall," But, The Same AP Poll has "Approximately Eighty Percent of Republican Voters Approving The President Overall!"

Would Anyone had Been Surprised, "If There had Been A United Demonstration in Washington, D.C. Composed of The Eight Hundred Thousand Federal Employees," who have "Been Negatively Affected by The Actions of Their President," and also by "The Republican Party," who have "Refused to Stand Up for Rights of Their Fellow Americans," who are "Being Used as Defenseless Pawns," in "President Trump's Power Play to Build A Wall Between The United States and Mexico," and "Thereby Fulfill His Campaign Pledge!"

"It's Time The GOP Remembered" that "The United States is A Democracy," It's Not A One-Man-Rule," or "One Party-Rule Form of Governance!"

And, "The 20/20 Elections Can Not Come Soon Enough!" Because, "A Change Must Come!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Seventeenth of January 2019 "As The Sun Set's in The Horizons Hovering Over Sovereign Nations of South America," Militant Rebels "Attempted to Drive A Wedge of Violence Between The Forces of Peace and Diplomacy" who are "Seeking A Lasting Peace For The People of The Republic of Colombia," by "Malevolently and Cowardly Car Bombing A Police Academy in Bogota, The Capitol of Colombia," "Causing The Deaths of As Many as Twenty-One People," and "Injuries to At Least Seventy More!"

-(Note that, "Colombia Authorities have Named Jose Aldemar Rojas 57, a Member of the National Liberation Army" (or ELN) as "the Person/Coward who "Carried Out Thursday's Brutal Attack" and "Died in The Explosion While Carrying It Out!" And, Global Cross Media News Reports are Authorities are Attempting to Determine Whether Another Suspect, was also Involved!")- 

"The Question" Continues to Arise "Wherever Peace, Economic Parity, Freedom, Equality, and The Rights Of The People are Being Sought," in "An Atmosphere of  Conflict, Contention, Distrust, and Violence," Which is, "Why Not Allow," Peacemakers, Voices of Reason, Seasoned Diplomats, and Public Servants "Come Together to Negotiate A Fair and Just Accord, that is of Benefit to One and All!" "Without Violence!"

And, "Allow for and Trust in A United Nations Mediator to Monitor that Proceedings!" Or "A Trusted Mediator" such as, "Pope Francis," to "Oversee The Negotiations of The Accord!"

And, "Whomever is Responsible for This Act of Unconscionable Violence," (Whether it Be The ELN, The National Liberation Army, or Another Radical Faction) "Go Home to Your Families" and "Give The Peace Process An Opportunity to Succeed!" And, "If It Fails" then "Present Your Complaint, Concerns, or Rights Violations in Front of Your Country Men and Women," and "The Earths Populace," via "The Global Cross Media News Platforms," and "The Honest and Dedicated Members of The Fourth Estate," and "The Global and Religious Leaders of The Earth's Sovereign Nations," and "Non-Violently and Persistently Persevere" until "You've Reached Your Desired Fair and Just Results!"

And, "If You Deem It or Consider It Necessary, "Set a Time Limit in The Name of Peace and Justice For Yourself" and "Your Fellow Human Being!" And, "Let This Be A True Test of Courage and Bravery" that "Your Families" and "Fellow Country Men and Women Can Be Proud of!"

Colombian President Ivan Duque has "Declared Three Days of National Mourning!"

-(Note that, "This Attack has Been Condemned by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Pope Francis!")-

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Fellow Cadets, Friends, and Communities of the City of Bogota, and The Colombian People for This Tragic Loss of Life of Your of Your Loved Ones! And, Let It Be Known that We are with You in This Hour of Trauma and We Mourn This Tragic and Personal Loss of Life with You!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Third of January 2019 "A Young Man Called Dispatch" at "the Police Department in Sebring, Florida," Which is Approximately Eighty-Five Miles South of Orlando, and said, "I have shot five people," (at The SunTrust Bank)!

"The Question," "Why, He Killed Five Innocent People" is "Being Investigated by The Authorities!" 
But, "The Senseless Act of This Brutal Murder of Five Innocent People," who were "Simply Going to The Bank, is "Another Act of Gun-Violence" that "Can Not Be Condoned or Accepted!" 

And, "Whether This Brutal Act of Violence was Committed by Whom," "A Mentally Disturbed, Neurotic, and Ill-Adjusted Coward," who "Thought What," that "He Could Work Out His Neurosis by Killing Innocent People," "Can Not Be Condoned or Accepted!"

"The Question" is, "How Many More Innocent Lives Must Die," Before, "A National Anti-Gun" and "Anti-Violence Campaign," is "Mounted and Enforced by The Laws of The Land!" 

And, "Let's Agree" that "The Time is Overdue for A Sustained Campaign" of "Highly Credible Political, Religious, Law Enforcement, and Civic Leaders Came Together," Before "Another Senseless, Violent, Malevolent Murder of Innocent People and Children Takes Place!" Which is "Minutes away from Happening!" 
"That's How Serious This Sub-Culture of Violence," is in "The United States of America!"

And, "How Many More Families Must Lose A Loved One," Before "A National Consciousness and Non-Violent Soul Force," and "National Consensus and Movement Of The People, By The People and For The People," and "Elected Officials," "Merge Together" in "A Collected Consciousness to Inspire and Induce Every American Citizen" to "Fully Realize The Value of Living in A Safe Environment," and "How Much More Satisfaction They Can have in Their Lives," and "How Much More Beneficial Living in A Safe Environment Can Be for Their Families and Fellow Citizens!" 

And, "Isn't It Time For Us to Agree One and All," that "A Change Must Come! And, "A Time of Peace Must Come!" 

And, "We Must Work in Concert with One Another!" "Contact Your Elected Officials!" "Talk in Your Places of Worship," and "Public Forums and Town Hall Meetings," Social Media Platforms and Among Your Families, Friends, and Neighbors," "Why," Because, "A Change Must Come in Our Lifetime" that "Ushers in A New Age," and "A New Time-Space Reality" of "An Inspirational, Truthful, Justified, Cognizant, Perceptive, Enterprising, Insightful, Compassionate, Spiritual, Universal, and Visionary Culture" that "Is All Inclusive!" And, "Embraces The Diverse Community and Tapestry, Fabric and Sovereign Nations Of All The People!" And, "Now is that Moment upon Us!"

-(Note that, "The Suspect, Identified as Zephen Xaver, 21," who Lives in the Sebring Area, is "Being Held in Custody!")-

We Extend Our Sincerest Heart and Soulful Condolences to The Families and Friends who have Lost A Loved One Due to This Tragic Murder in Sebring, Florida! We Mourn Their Loss with You!

-In Memoriam:
Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of January 2019, "Two Time Grammy Award Winner," and "Two Time Academy Award Nominee," Soul and Rhythm and Blues Singer, Producer, Instrumentalist, and Composer Extraordinaire James Ingram" "Passed away at The Age of Sixty-Six!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of James Ingram! And, To One and All, We are Blessed to have His Celestial Universe of Music to Enjoy and Share with Our Families, Friends, and Future Generations to Come!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters! And, We Share Your Tears of Love and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You!