Friday, August 3, 2018



The Way To Peace! #322

"The Headlines of The Fourth Estate and The Global Cross Media News Universe" are "Prevalent and Widespread" with "Subject Matter" that Suggests that "A New Correction," is Needed in The Sociological, Legal, and Political Sphere's of The Earths Nations and Communities," "A Universal Correction and Realignment of Worldwide Affairs," that "Produces An Earthwise Perspective" of "What It Means to Be A Cognizant Global Leader," "sans Scandals" and "Allegations of Improprieties, Dishonesty, Collusion, Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy Indictments, Indiscretion, Misconduct, Illegalities, and Lacking in Good Judgment," "Truly An Interdependent Truthmaker and Diplomat," and "Cognizant and Compassionate Leader Of The People," and "Conservator of The Earths Environment and Ecological Systems," and "A Strategically Aware and Inspirational Commander in Chief The Armed Services!"

"The United States of America" has "Known Good if Not Great Leaders" who've "Inspired The Nation and It's People to Rise up Against Tyranny and Oppressiveness," and "As A United Nation and A United People" When "Faced with Foreign Aggression," or "Internal Strife and Discord" over "Organized Crime Organizations, Civil Rights, The Right of Women to Vote, or Anti-War, and Labor Movements, and Poverty in The Twentieth Century," to "Mention Just Some of The Challenges The Nation as A Whole were Faced with!"

And, "Here We are In The Twentieth Century," with "All the Lessons of History to Guide Us," and "Provide Us with A Clear If Not Definitive Insight and Overview" of "What Not to Do!"

And, "Here We are with A New Generation of Young People" "Marching For Their Lives, Safety and Security in School," and "Still Experiencing Exorbitant and Excessive School Costs and Expenses," that "Will Leave Them Experiencing a Large Amount of Debt for Years after Their Graduation!"

And, "Here We are In The Twenty-First Century" with "Too Many of The Earths Population Beset Upon and Harassed" by "Authoritarian and Dictatorial One-Man-Rule or One-Party-Rule Forms of Government," or "Governments whose Legislative Bodies" are "Lying Stagnant in A Partisan Politics State of Being!"

"Where Too Many of The Earths Population" are "Living In A State of Being Where Economic Disparities Exist Much Too Often," and "The Disenfranchised, Homeless, Transient," and Homeless Populations Continue to Grow," Even as "New Unemployment Figures Show Record Declines!"

And, Where "The Me Too" and "Time's Up Movements," Still have To March and Demonstrate for Equal Rights," Even After "The Suffragettes Fought and Demanded The Right to Vote" and "The Right to Be Considered as An Equal," and "The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Communities" have had "To Stand Unified and Unyielding When Confronted with Dissension and Antagonism!"

However, "In This Day and Age of Parallel Universes of The Twenty-First Millennium," Where "The New Norm is Composed of A Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of, By, and For All of The People," that "Exist Side by Side with Each Other," "Reflecting that In This Age of Instant Communication and Information," Within This Time/Space Reality,  "Let Us Agree" that "There is Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us," and "Lets Also Agree," that "It All Comes Back to A Sense of Good Comportment and Respect" of "One's Fellow Human Being," that "Unites Us as A Sovereign People of The Earth!" 

And, "To Be A Great Leader," or "Quite Simply A Good Leader," There Must Be "An Innate or Educated Knowledge of This Cognizance," that "Lies within The Heart, Mind, Spirit, Body, and Soul of Every Purpose and/or Idea, Thought, Word and Action that is "Offered into The Universe of Grand Equilibre," and "Global Equation of Parity, Equality, and Opportunity that Manifests Itself," on "An Earthrise, Grand Cosmos, or Grand Universal Basis!" 

And, "This is The Kind of Inspiring Leadership" that "Brings with It Social Security," "Peace and Understanding," "Cooperation and Positive Collaborations," "New Insights and Harmonious Relations Among Sovereign Nations!" "Justice, and Compassion," and "Healthcare and Hope For The Future," and "For The Earths Environmental and Ecological Systems," and "For All Humankind and Sentient Beings!"

-(Note that On Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of July 2018 President Trump and His Administration Failed to Meet The Court Ordered Deadline," Imposed by US District Court Judge Dana Sabraw to "Reunite Migrant Children with Their Families!" Global Cross Media News Reports are "More than Seven Hundred Children Still Remain in Custody!"

"Whatever The Reason May Be for The Administrations Failure," and Even Though "They Claim to have Returned One Thousand Four Hundred and Forty-Two Children with Their Families," It was "Their Zero Tolerance Policy" that "Caused This Cruel and Absolute Horror in The First Place Immigration Policy!" And, "They Chose to Use The Misuse of Children," as "A Way to Cause Fear and Deter Immigration to The United States!" 

"What Right Do They have To Use Children as Political Pawns" in "Their Unjustifiable, Indefensible, and Unpardonable Attempts," and "Policies," Aimed at "Preventing Immigrants from Coming to America!"

In At Least Four Hundred Cases, "The Reason Why Children have Not Been Reunited with Their Families is Because," "Their Parents were Deported" while "Their Children were Being Held in Internment Centers!" And, "This is Beyond Comprehension" and "Any True Sense of Civility by The Trump Administration!" Let's One and All Agree that "There is Simply No Good Excuse" that President Trump and His Administration Can Offer to Condone Their Actions!" 

And, "The Republican Party Can Offer No Excuse for Supporting The Presidents Zero Degree Tolerance Immigration Policy!" And, From "Purely A Humane Point of View," "The Shame They have Accrued by Being Accomplices of This Zero Degree Policy" "Will Taint and Humiliate Their Party in The Minds and Hearts of All Americans!" 

And, "History Will Record This Moment In All Its Infamy" for "Students and Scholars" and "The Earths Populace to Be Astonished by Throughout The Ages!")-

And, "Within The Parallel Spheres of Politics, Trade, Religion, Civil Rights, Immigration, Justice and Law and Order, Legislation, and Global Financial Affairs," "Diplomacy" Is "The Common Denominator," that "Transcends Multiple Factors of Divisiveness, Angst, Fear, Distrust, and War and Conflict," that "Plague the New Norm of The Global Equilibre," Like that of "An Illuminating Bridge" to "A New Age of Earthwise Growth and Development," and "An Increasingly Escalating Prosperity," and "Economic and Sociological Equality For All The People of The Earth to Share, Find Faith in, and Enjoy!"

An Example of "This Global Dialogue of Diplomacy" that "Can Lead to A Mutually Beneficial Global Trade Agreement" is "Now Taking Place between Government Officials of The United States and The European Union!"

Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth of July European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and President Trump Announced that "They are Working Towards a "New Phase" in EU-US Relations!"

"In a Joint Press Conference in The White House Rose Garden," President Trump Called it "a very big day for free and fair trade." The President also said "We agree today, first of all, to work together toward zero tariffs, zero, non-tariff barriers, and zero subsidies on non-auto industrial goods."

And, "The US and EU will set up an executive working group to work on trade and assess assess existing tariffs to the betterment of both... and we're starting the negotiations right now but we know very much where it's going."

European Commission President Juncker said " it's his intention to make a deal that would work towards zero tariffs on industrial goods."

Some Experts say "Making Threats, and Raising Tariffs are The Common Denominators," that "Made This New Phase Come Together between The EU and The U.S.," However, Let's Agree" that "Threats Should Not Needed between Sure and Proven Allies," When "It Comes to Making New Deals," Whether "It Be in Trade or In Global Issues," such as The Environment and Peace!" 

"Diplomacy is The Key to A Universal Correction" and "New Realignment Amongst Global Nations," and "The Sovereign People of The Earth," that "Brings A New Sense of Prosperity that Benefits One and All!" 

"We Encourage This Global Diplomatic Dialogue to Continue," with "More Details and Specifics sans Threats," between "The United States, Canada and Mexico," and "The United States and China!"

And, also "On A Different Front of Engagement" between "The United States and Iran," and "The United States and The People's Republic of North Korea!"

"Whether You Ask Yourself The Question," Whether from A National Security Point of View," or, from "A Personal Point of View," Whether "Inviting Russian President Vladimir Putin to The White House" in The Fall," of 2018 by President Trump, (Just Several Months after The Helsinki Summit between The Two Leaders) or, from "A Historical Point of View," (that Historians One Day May Absolutely Revel in) or, from "A Present Day Time/Space Reality," is "A Constructive Idea," or "Is This Invitation Layered with Not so Subtle Complexities," and/or "To Be More Direct about It," "A Brass Impertinence and Pointed Effrontery by The Trump Administration Towards (1) The U.S. Congress, (2) The Obama, Bush, and Clinton Administrations, (3) The U.S. Intelligence Agencies, (4) The Department of Justice, and (5) Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia Investigations, or (6) Is It A Simple Diplomatic Gesture to Reset Relations with Russia, "Let's Agree" that "There May Be Something More Involved," and that "We May Be Simply Missing The Point!"

However, "Let's Take a Moment" to "Think About The Visual of Russian President Putin In The White House Being Introduced to Members of The U.S. Congress, Department of Justice, The Judicial Branch of The Government, Trump Administration Officials, and Special VIP's," Just Imagine The Photo that Will Be Sent Around The Earth to Every Ally, and Sovereign Nation, Oligarch and Cyber-Criminal, Dictator, Antagonist, Opponent and Enemy of Freedom and Democracy!"

"Take a Moment" to "Think About "The Significance of The Photo of This Event," Whether from "Purely a Political or Personal Point of View," that "The Archenemy of Democracy, "The Leader of The Sovereign Nation" that "Interfered with The U.S. 2016 Presidential Election," and who has "Been Sanctioned by The U.S. Congress Unanimously for Doing so," and who has "Openly Admitted that He Preferred President Trump over The Democratic Nominee Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton," and "A Former KGB (KSB) Officer," Will Be "Enjoying All The Pomp and Circumstance The U.S. has to Offer a Foreign Dignitary!" 

And, "Let Us Comprehend" that "U.S. Intelligence Agencies are Deeply Concerned" that "A Cyber/911 Event May Occur," and "The U.S. Mid-Term Elections May Be Interfered with (Again), and "The Nation," The Main Antagonist that is at "The Forefront of These Cyberattacks," is "Russia!"

"Why has "President Trump and His Administration Invited Russian President Putin to The White House" at "This Volatile Time Period!"

Friday, The Thirteenth of July 2018 "Dan Coats The Director of National Intelligence Testified" at A Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing about "Cyber Threat one of His Greatest Concerns and Top Priority" Stated, "Frankly the United States is under attack. Under attack by entities that are using cyber to penetrate virtually every major action that takes place in the United States. From U.S. Businesses to the Federal government to state and local governments, the United States is threatened by cyberattacks everyday. While Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea pose the greatest cyber threats, other nation states, terrorist organizations, and transnational criminal organizations, and every more technically capable groups, and individuals, use cyber operations to achieve strategic and malign objectives. Some of these Actors including Russia are likely to pursue even more aggressive cyber attacks with the intent of degrading our Democratic values and weakening our alliances. Persistent and disruptive cyber operations will continue against the United States and our European Allies  using elections as opportunities to undermine Democracy, sow discord, and undermine our values."

-(Note that, At An Intelligence  Briefing On Thursday, The Second of August 2018, "This Deep Concern was Compounded and Magnified by All of The Senior Top U.S. Intelligence Officials!")-

And so, "The Question" Remains, "How is It Possible for President Trump to Continue to Demonstrate," What Clearly Appears to Be, "A More Favorable Disposition Towards The Leader of A Sovereign Nation who has Been One of The United States Most Dangerous Adversaries!" While (1) "Continuing to Attack U.S. Allies and Trading Partners over Tariffs, and Increased Defense Spending in NATO," and (2) Disputing the Findings of U.S. Intelligence Agencies over Russian Interference," and (3) Unceasingly Attacking and Criticizing The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe!"

And, "What also Remains A Definite Point of Contention is "Why has The Party of Former Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush" "Continued to Support The Trump Administration's Policies" that have "Led to A Lack of Cohesiveness" and "Divisiveness in The United States!"

-(Note that, Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth of July 2018, "National Security Adviser John Bolton Announced that, "The President Believes that the next bilateral meeting with President Putin should take place after the Russia witch hunt is over, so we've agreed that it will take place after the first of the year!" However, The Question Still Remains, "What Witch Hunt is Mr. Bolton or President Trump Referring to," Because, "It Certainly Can Not Be The Russian Investigations" Being "Conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller III!" And, "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe" has "Worked Diligently to Expose The Truth!")-

-(Note that "The Developing Collage of Characters and Headlines," of "The Parallel Sphere's of The Russian Configuration Continues to Increase," and "Include New Variations and Connections with Russian Oligarchs, Russian Officials, and Intelligence Agencies, and Alleged Russian and American Conspirators, Their Names have "Been Printed and Re-Printed," "Posted and Re-Posted," "Published and Re-Published Across The Horizon of The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe;" Michael Cohen, Maria Butina and Russian Central Bank Official and Politician Alexander Torshin, the NRA, Rick Gates and Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos, and Then Include The Fringe Personnages such as; Donald Trump Jr., Hope Hicks, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, Natalia Veselnitskaya, and Azerbaijani- Russian Pop Star and Businessman Emin Agalarov , who Helped Set up The Now Famous Meeting at Trump Tower with Donald Trump Jr., Stephen Bannon and James Comey, and The List of Names Continues to Grow with Konstantin Kilimnik, to Roger Stone, and with Each and Every New Indictment, and Guilty Plea, Caused by Lying to Federal Bureau of Investigation and Special Counsel Robert Mueller III's Investigators of Russian Interference in the 2016 United States Elections, such as Alex van der Zwaan, and Testimonies (False or True) Before Congressional Committees, and The Bizarre Reality of The National Prayer Group Being Mentioned in Relationship with Maria Butina.)-

-(Note that On Tuesday, The Seventeenth of July 2018 A Federal Grand Jury Indicted Maria Butina 29, On Charges of Conspiracy, and Acting as A Foreign Agent!)-

-(Note that "The Question of Whether Michael Cohen," President Trump's Former Personal Attorney, "Will Become An Informant for Special Counsel Robert Mueller May have Been Answered," On Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of July 2018, Global Cross Media News Reports that "Michael Cohen alleges that he was present, along with several others, when Trump was informed of the Russians offer' by Trump Jr.," and that "Trump approved going ahead ahead with the meeting with the Russians.")-

-(Note that, Friday, The Twenty-Eighth of July 2018 President Trump Tweeted "I did NOT know of the meeting with my son, Don Jr. Sounds to me like someone is trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated jam (Taxi cabs maybe?). He even retained Bill and Crooked Hillary's lawyer. Gee, I wonder if they helped him make the choice!)-

-(Note that On Wednesday, The First of August, 2018 President Trump Tweeted "This is a terrible situation and Attorney-General Jeff Sessions should Stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our Country any further.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As News of The Twelve Indictments of Russian Officers of GRU" (The Primary Military Intelligence Service of The Russian Federation) "Spiraled Across The Headlines of The Fourth Estate" and The Global Cross Media News Universe, "Bringing with Them A New Certainty and Confirmation of Russian Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections," by The U.S. Intelligence Agencies," and "Spread Across The Parallel Universes of Global Politics," on Monday, The Sixteenth of July 2018, When President Trump was Asked by A Reporter in Helsinki, Finland, at His Historical Summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin about Russian Interference in The U.S. Elections and Whether He Believed The U.S. Intelligence Agencies or Russian President Vladimir Putin, (Reporter) "Do you hold Russia Accountable for anything in particular? And, if so, what would you, what you consider them, that they are responsible for?

 President Trump Replied, "Yes I do. I hold both countries responsible. I think that the United States has been foolish, I think we've all been foolish, we should have had this dialogue a long time ago. I do feel that we have both made some mistakes. I think that the.. the Probe is a disaster for our country. I think its kept us a part, Its kept us separated, There was no collusion at all, everybody knows it."

"Both Presidents Continued to Answer Questions" in Regards to (1) Russian Intervention in The Elections, (2) The Twelve Indictments, and (3) Extraditions, to "The Astonishment of No One," President Trump Replied, "There was no collusion, I didn't know the President (Meaning President Putin), There was nobody to collude with. There was no collusion with the campaign! And, every time you hear all of these twelve and fourteen, and stuff that has nothing to do, and frankly they admit these are not people involved in the campaign."

And, President Putin Added "As to whose to be believed, and as to whose not to be believed. You can trust no one if you take this. Where do you get this idea that President Trump trusts me, or I trust him!" He defends the interests of United States of America, and I do Defend The interests of Russian Federation!"

And, President Trump "Continued to Respond to Questions about Whether He Believed The U.S. Intelligence Agencies, or President Putin's Denials," saying, "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today, and what he did is an incredible offer, he offered to have the people working on the case come and work with their investigators with respect to the twelve people, I think that's an incredible offer." 

President Putin Added, "Do you believe the United States is a Democracy, and if so, If it is a democratic state, then the final conclusion in this kind of dispute can only be delivered by a trial, by the court,  not by the executive, by the law enforcement."

And, President Trump also "Pounced All Over Peter Strzok's Testimony" Before "The Joint House Oversight and Government Reform Committees," and "House Judiciary Meeting on Thursday, The Twelfth of July 2018, saying And,  If anybody watched Peter Strzok testify over the last couple of day's, and I was in Brussels watching it, It was a disgrace to the FBI, and a disgrace to our country. And, you would say that was a total witch hunt."

If This Press Conference was Supposed to Be to Announce The Worldwide Release of A New Novel of Intrigue," One "Could Accept the Answers to The Questions of Importance Posed to The Two Leaders!" 

However, This is Supposed to Be "A Historical Summit," and "One Would Expect An Earth Shaking Moment to Occur, Shouldn't One!  At Least, "Some Reference about Alexei Navalny!"

Or, At Least "A Moment of Truth" that "Would Bring About A Universal Correction," and "A Significant and Meaningful Realignment amongst Russia and The United States that "Would Empower Its Citizens, and "Give Birth to A New Embodiment and Movement Of The Truth" that "The Youth of Russia and The United States," and "The Earth Communities and Sovereign Nations Could Admire" and "Find Hope and Security in!"

But, "That Moment Did Not Come!" However, "The Moment of Truth," that "We The People Must All Grasp Firmly" in "Our Minds, Hearts, Spirits, and Souls in The United States of America" Lies in "Making Your Vote Count as A Message of Change" that "Supports The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People" in "The 2018 U.S. Mid-Term Elections!"    

-Extra Noteworthy News-
In This Age of "Grand Campaign Oratory," Political Rhetoric," and "Campaign Slogans," Magniloquence," and "Press Conferences of Historical Summit Meetings, On Tuesday, The Seventeenth of July 2018 "President Trump Reversed One Key Sentence," of "His Press Conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin," saying "He Misspoke" on Monday, The Sixteenth of July 2018, When He Responded to a Reporters Question, "Whether He Believed The Conclusion of U.S. Intelligence Agencies that Russia Interfered in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election or President Putin's Denials," to Which He said, "I have President Putin, he just said it's not Russia. I will say this, I don't see any reason why it would be, so, I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today,"

But, on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of July, "President Trump said," He Meant to say In a Key Sentence to His remarks at The Helsinki Summit, "I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be Russia. And, just to repeat it, I said the word Would instead of Wouldn't."

Let's Comprehend this Clearly, "It Took Twenty-Six Hours for President Trump to Repudiate This One Word" (Would) in Regards to "What He Actually Meant," or "Referred to," As Being "A Key Sentence" in His Remarks! 

However, "The President Did Not Reverse" that "He also said "President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."

"This Reversal" took Place "Before A Meeting with Republican Lawmakers was to Take Place in The White House!"

-(Note that, On Thursday, The Nineteenth of July 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump/The White House Invited Russian President Putin To The White House in The Autumn!"
"Even Dan Coats, The Director of National Intelligence was Caught Unaware!" When News Reporter Andrea Mitchell of NBC Interrupted Her Interview at The Aspen Security Forum with the Director of National Intelligence," to Announce "Breaking News," that "The White House (President Trump) has announced on Twitter that Vladimir Putin is coming to the White House in the Fall," DNI Coats  Responded, "Say that again." (Laughter Ensued throughout the Live Audience, Director Coats included)...And, After She said it again, Director Coats continued to say,  "Did I hear you, did I hear you...Okay, that's going to be special." 
As Incredulous as This is, "It Turns Out that The Director of National Intelligence was Not Made Privy to This Information!)  

"Clearly It is Time for The Legislative Branch of The U.S. Government" to "Address What is Becoming A Growing Concern about President Trump," and His Administrations, "Foreign Policy Intentions!"

And, "It's Time For The American People," and "Any Responsible Elected Official of The U.S. Government to Know," "What was Discussed During The Two Hour Private One to One Meeting Between President Trump and President Putin (Besides the Translator, who Else Knows What was Discussed)!"

The United States is "Not A One-Man-Rule Form of Government," It is "A Government Of The People, By The People and For The People!" And, "The People Deserve to Know "What is Being Discussed, Proposed, and Agreed to Behind Closed Doors," Especially, with "The Leader of One of America's Archenemies," who was "Responsible for Interfering in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election!"

And, "The Questions Continue to Mount about The Trump Presidency," such as, (1) Who is Advising Him, and (2) Is The Pentagon or The Department of Defense Being Thoroughly Informed as to The President's Military Decisions, and Intentions are, and (3) Is The Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Republican Congressman Paul Ryan Being Informed as to What The President's Foreign and Domestic Policies and Executive Orders are.

"Let's Face These Time/Space Realities Straight on," with (1) President Trump has Withdrawn The United States from The Paris Agreement, (2) He has Withdrawn The United States from The Iran Nuclear Agreement, (3) He has Withdrawn United States Support of The 44th G7 Joint Statement after Signing it with The Six Other Sovereign Nations, (This was Not Done on Behalf of The American Government and The American People) and (4) He has Threatened to Withdraw The United States from NATO unless The Sovereign Member Nations of NATO (and Allies of The United States) Increase Their Defense Spending, (5) He has Brought on "A Trade War" with "China, Canada, and Mexico! "A Trade War" that Threatens to Escalate Globally, and Create Unnecessary Tensions with U.S. Allies, and Trading Partners in The EU!

And, So "The Time has Come for The U.S. Legislative Branch" to "Transcend The Partisan Politics," that has "Plagued The U.S. Government for Decades," and "Do Something Positive, Patriotic, and Inspiring to The Nation," and "For The Youth of The Nation to Be Proud of," and also "For The Earths Sovereign Nations, and Communities," who "Believe in Freedom" and "The Rights of Their Fellow Human and Sentient Beings!"

And, "A Good Starting Point is To Accept" that (1) The United States is Under Attack! And, (2) "Let Us Agree," that "The Extent that Cyber Warfare has Escalated Can Not Be Exaggerated!"

And, "Let Us Agree" that "GRU," (The Primary Military Intelligence Service of The Russian Federation) has "Conducted Cyber Attacks upon The United States!"

And, "Fully Comprehend that The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election was Interfered with by Russia!" And, Russia, "A Nation Being Governed by A One-Man-Rule Form of Government," Does "Not Do Anything without Its President," "President Vladimir Putin's Consent!"

And that, "New Warnings have Been Made by The U.S. Intelligence Agencies," and "Most Recently by The Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats," that "The 2018 U.S. Mid-Term Elections are Vulnerable to Further Russian Interference!"

And, that "President Trump's Summit with Russian President Putin," "The Number One Archenemy of The United States" (and An Ex-KGB Officer), Unfortunately, has "Given A Strong Impression" that He Believes President Putin's Denials about Russian Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election,"  over that of "The Advice of The U.S. Intelligence Agencies," Irregardless of "His Wouldn't versus Would Reversal" of "His Statement at The Helsinki Summit,"  or "During His Interview with CBS Evening News Anchor Jeff Glor," on Wednesday, The Eighteenth of July 2018, When Mr. Glor asked The President, "You say you agree with U.S. Intelligence that Russia meddled in the election in 2016," The President Answered, "Yeah and I've said that before, Jeff. I have said that numerous of times before, and I would say that is true, yeah."

And, When Jeff Glor said to The President "But, you haven't condemned Putin, specifically. Do you hold him personally responsible. The  President responded, "Well I would, because he's in charge of the country." However, "This is Too Late to Stem The Doubt President Trump has Instilled in The Nation," and "Shocked The American People!" "This Feeling, Notion and Sense of Doubt" has "Been Cast Too Many Times to Be Ignored Now!"  

And, "There have Simply Been "Too Many Semantics, and Misspoken, and Misunderstood Statements," and "Rhetoric," For "The Legislative Branch of The U.S. Government" to "Remain in A Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Do Nothing Impasse," and "Precarious Mode and Unpredictable, Unsafe," and "Potentially Hazardous State of Partisan Politics!"

"Let's Clearly Comprehend" that "This is A National Security Matter of Great Concern,"  and "The United States of America is Under Cyber Attack by Foreign Entities," and "Russia is At The Top of The List!"

And, "Let Us Agree" that "It is in The Best Interest of Every American Citizen to Contact Their Representative" and "Demand" that "They Act in All Urgency" to "Set in Place A National Defense System," that "Includes All The Resources of The U.S. Intelligence Agencies, The Department of Justice, and The U.S. Departments of Defense, State, and The U.S. Armed Forces!" 

"The Warnings of The Intelligence Agencies" have "Been Clear, Precise, and In Detail!" 

And, "There Should Be No Doubt," That "The United States is Involved in A New Type of Warfare" (Cyberwarfare) that has "Attacked It's Institutions, Businesses, Government, Military, and Election Process," and "A New National Defense Strategy and Grid" Must "Be Put in Place," To "Protect The Sovereignty Of The Nation," and "It's Citizens Rights" to "Exist As A Free People Living in A Democracy, and Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People and For The People!" 

And, "Let Us Simply Agree," without Hesitation, that In Truth, "Nothing," or "No One is Safe," until "This has Been Accomplished!" 

And, "This is Why It is Time For The Legislative Branch of The U.S. Government to Act," and "Become An Active Partner with The Judicial Branch In Search For The Truth," and "As Honest and Dedicated Representatives of A Government Of The People!"

-(Note; "To Further Compound The Issue of Communication, Clarity, and Transparency," with "President Trump and The Trump Administration in regards to "The Two Hour Closed Door Meeting at The Summit in Helsinki, Finland," Between "President Trump and President Putin," "Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's Testimony Before The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing," "Did Little to Satisfy or Allay The Senator's Concerns for Answers about the Two  Meeting," and "Exactly What was Being Discussed on Behalf of The American People with An Archenemy (and Former KGB Officer) of The Unit6ed States of America!" 

Secretary of State Pompeo Did Reveal that Presidents Trump and Putin Did Discuss, (1) Establishing A"Business to Business Leadership Exchange," and Reestablishing a Counterterrorism Council. But, They did not Discuss U.S. Sanctions Against Russia, and (2) He Preferred a Different Setting to Respond to A Question about Whether The People's Republic of North Korea is Still Moving ahead with` Its Nuclear Program, and (3) And, He also said "Finally, I want you to know, President Trump has has stated that he accepts our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia meddled in the 2016 election."
Massachusetts Democrat Ed Markey said "the American People have a right to know what the President is doing in their name in protecting the national security of our country.")-  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"If There is Any Question" that "A Universal Correction is Needed in The Global Marketplace." On Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth of July 2018, "Imagine The Shock of Facebook Investors" When "Facebook Stock Crashed in The Extended Session," "Losing Approximately Twenty-Per Cent of Its Value (18.86%)," Which Adds up to "Being More than One Hundred Billion Dollars!" And, "Has Continued to Fall in A Crash Dive" on Thursday, The Twenty-Six of July 2018 (to 18.96% Equaling $119.1 Billion in Market Value)!

"The Main Issue for The Loss," was "Not Based on Profits," It was "Caused Primarily" by "The Revenue-Earning Estimates of Chief Financial Officer David Wehner," said that, "Our total revenue-growth rates will continue to decelerate in the second half of 2018, and we expect our revenue-growth rates to decline by high-single-digit percentages from prior quarters sequentially in both Q3 and Q4." And, Mr. Wehner also said "Facebook still expects expenses to grow Fifty to Sixty Percent from last year." 

And, "This "Growth Slowdown" has "Put Facebook on A Course" that "Could Lead to Its Downward Spiral and Experience," of "Its Largest Single Day Loss Since It Began Trading Publicly in 2012!"

Irregardless of "Whether or Not Facebook Achieves This Not so Rewarding Achievement," as "It Continues to Charge Down This Unfortunate Course," "A New Realignment of Intent and Purpose Must Be Implemented and Enacted upon," to "Change The Overall Perception of Its Conceptualization and Actuality," that is "Consistent with The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!" That of "Being A Great Cloud-Platform and Vehicle Of, By, and For The People!"        

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Eighteenth of July The European Union Levied "A Five Billion Dollar Antitrust Fine on Alphabet Inc.'s Google" for "Violating European Union Anti-Trust Laws!" 

This is "A Record Fine for Europe," in "Relation to Antitrust Issues," that "May Cause Google to Re-Think Its Business Model" for "Its Largest Growth Engine, Mobile Phones!"
And, "Let There Be Know Doubt" that "This Antitrust Fine Will Influence The Thinking Process of Global Tech Universe" to "Establish A New Realignment in Its Vision for Communication and Information Devices," and "Their Platforms" and "Digital Distribution Systems!"

-(Note that, "Google Maintains that It Doesn't Charge for Its Android Systems," that is "Operating on Approximately Eighty-Per Cent of The Earths Smartphones!")-

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Mozilla's Chief Operating Officer Denelle Dixon" said "she was hopeful that the EU's actions will help level the playing field for mobile browsers."
-(Note that, "Mozilla is a is A Free Software Community Founded by Members of Netscape in 1998," who "Develop, Spread, Uses, and Supports Mozilla Products," and "Makes The Firefox Browser! And, The Mozilla Community also "Promotes Exclusively Free Software and Open Standards with only a Few Minor Exceptions!")-
"To What Degree This Will Produce New Terms and New Agreements in and Amongst The Tech Universe," that "Provides More Freedom to Mobile Phone Companies," and "Handset Makers," and that "Offers Substantial Reductions to The Consumer," and "Causes Greater Competition," "Remains to Be Seen!"

However, "This EU Antitrust Fine is A Warning," that "A Universal Correction" is Needed," and "Must Take Place in The Global Financial System," and "The Hi-Tech Universe," that "Provides A Clear Resolution and Re-vision of The Conceptualization and Purpose, Profit and Character," and "Community Significance of These Global Entities-Time/Space Realities!"
And, "They Must also "Put Forth A Universal/Global Equation," that "Reveals, Re-Examines, Re-Models, and Divulges The Prescience and Foresight of The Global Communications and Information Universe," For The Clear, Incisive, and Concise Comprehension and Awareness of The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!"
"A Universal Equation" and "Earthwise Vision" that "Empowers, Educates, and Enlightens The Earths Populace," and "Provides a Platform of Cognizance For All The People," and "All that Lies in The Best Interests Of The Future Now Consumers and Families" of "All The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!"
"The Hi-Tech Universe" has "Already Created An Wondrous Means of Global Communication and Information," and "Now "It's Up to The Global Populace of The Earth's Community of Nations," to "Continue It's Evolution to Earthrise Heights Of Being A Grand Cloud of Immeasurable and  Limitless Dimensions," that "Extend O'er The Horizons Of The Earth to The Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe," While "Ever so Graciously Embracing The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of A Nexus Of People United as One Sovereign People Of The Earth!"

And, "Thereby Making This Grand Cloud of Boundless Potential," Undeniably, "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century," Where "Peace, Justice, Truth, Honor, Equality, Global Equilibre, Freedom, Social Security, Trust, " and "Respect For One's Fellow Human and Sentient Being Reign's Supreme!"

-(Note that Google Intends on Appealing The European Union Antitrust Fine! And, has "Been Given Ninety Day's to Change The Agreements with Mobile Device Manufacturers" and "Pay The Five Billion Dollars in Fines!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Parallel Universes of Justice Reach Out" to "Attain New Horizons and Sphere's of Solar Axioms" that "Will Empower, Sustain, and Maintain The Sociological Pillars of The Truth" and "The Integrity of The Earths Sovereign Nations and Its Communities," "Courtroom Doors Will Open" on  Tuesday, The Thirty-First of July 2018 "For The First of Two Trials Facing The Former Campaign Chairman for Donald Trump, Paul Manafort," "Scheduled to Begin in Alexandria, Virginia," and "For What Will Be Yet Another Test of A Sovereign Nation of Principle," that is "Governed by A Free People!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Five Witnesses Scheduled to Testify for The Prosecution Against Mr. Manafort," have "Been Granted Immunity by U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III, In Exchange for Their Testimony!" 

And, Also, "Expected Testify Against Mr. Manafort ," is "His Former Close Business Associate Rick Gates!"

And then, "There is An Additional List of Thirty-Five Witnesses," who "May also Be Called to Testify!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reportage has Specified that "Special Counsel Mueller's Team of Prosecutors" has "Amassed One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Pages of New Documents," Including Important Data Acquired from "The Electronic Devices of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates," and "Further Information" that was "Seized in a Raid on Mr. Manafort's Home in Virginia  by Federal Agents!"

And, Besides Being Charged with "Bank Fraud and Tax Fraud," in His First Trial in Alexandria, Virginia," Mr. Manafort has also Been Indicted on "Obstruction of Justice, Money Laundering, and Violating A Federal Lobbying Disclosure Law (Acting as a Unregistered Foreign Agent,) in Washington, D.C on The Seventeenth of September 2018!"

-(Note that, Mr. Manafort has Claimed His Innocence in Both Trials," However, "If Convicted, He Could Receive a Total of More than Thirty Years in Prison!")

-(Note that, "On The Fifteenth of June 2018, Mr. Manafort's "House Arrest was Revoked," by U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson, and was "Ordered to Be Sent to Jail!" 
Mr. Manafort was "Accused of Witness Tampering," by Special Counsel Robert Mueller!)

"Paul Manafort's Trials" Should "Provide The Drama and Headline's of A Fascinating Top Ten Fiction Novel," "Pitting The Socratic Method for Obtaining The Truth," "Versus Lies, Political Rhetoric," and "Legalese Attempts and Outright Slander" to "Besmirch, Denigrate, and Disparage The Truth from Being Known," In Full, by "Adversaries of The Russian Investigations," For "Whatever Purpose They May have in Mind!"

And, "Allegations of Conspiracy, Corruption, Obstruction of Justice, and Collusion Will Continue to Surface," and "Rise Their Ugly Heads in The Face of Lady Justice," in "A Vain Attempt to Corrupt The Judiciary System of The United States," and "Belittle and  Attack The Honest Work of Prosecutors of Justice and The Truth," and "The Investigatory Efforts of The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe!"

"Let Us Agree" that "There is A Moral Personification, Embodiment, Realization and Grand Sense of Global Equilibre" to "The Overall Equation and Configuration of The Russian Investigations" and "All of The Future Trials Being Conducted by Special Counsel Mueller and The Department of Justice," and/or are "Related Court Actions Taking Place in and Around The United States," that "Will have Moral Benefits to The Nation," and "The Principles and Tenets of Truth, Freedom and Equality," that "Will Grace The Lives of Future Generations," and "Inspire The Youth of The Earth to Aspire" to "All that is Virtuous, Righteous, Meaningful, and Honorable," "For All The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" 
And, This Will Become "The New Norm of The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People, By The People, and For The People of The Twenty-First Century," and "For Millennias to Come!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Be The Embodiment of A Quintessential Truth" that "Exemplifies, Epitomizes, and Represents The Ideal's and Principles of A Just Age!" "A Golden Age of A Grand Rainbow Of Cognizant  Humanity!"

"Let Us Rise of The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace and Compassion" and "Sow The Seeds of An Illuminating Cultural Awareness O'er The Earth!" 

And, "Let Us Befriend, Protect, and Defend The Soul and Spirit of Humankind," "Wherever and Whenever It is Being Threatened!"

Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, and Truthmakers Wherever There is Disrespect," "Let Us Act As A Whole" to "Show Respect For Our Fellow Human Being!"

And, "Whenever The Values, Traditions, and Tenets of Our Ideals and Principles are Being Threatened with Oppression" "Let Us Act as A Whole" to "Authorize and Empower The Coalition of Civilized Sovereign Nations Forces," to "Act on Our Behalf" and "In The Name of Peace, Justice, and The Preservation of Our Historical and Cultural Inheritance" of "Being A United Sovereign People Of The Earth!"

And, "Whenever Innovation, Evolution, and Transformational Time Periods" and "Breakthroughs of Ingenuity, and New Insights, and New Perceptions of The Cosmos, and The Grand Universe Come Forth Bring An Earthwise and Enterprising Earthrise of  Positive Creativity and Imagination that Heals The Earth," and "Non-Violently and Boldly Endeavors to Bring A Positive Change and Undertaking to The Earths Communities and Families!" 

"A Universal Quest" and "Time/Space Commitment," that "Offers A New Realignment of Political, Religious, and Financial Affairs" that "Bring An Overall Life's Experience of Social Security, Healthcare, Philanthropy, Education, Environmental, Ecological and Scientific Synergy, and Protection of The Earth's Sentient Beings, and Opportunity For The Youth of The Earth, and Global Parity For One and All," Let Us Act As A Whole Earth Community," to "Thoroughly Embrace This New Synergy and United Soul Force and Vision Of The People!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and A Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace, Justice, Truth, Respect, and The Pursuit of All that Can Be On Earth, and The Grand Universe, Truly A Magnificent Solar Axiom, A Limitless and Boundless Input of Information and Communication of Immeasurable Dimensions and Volume!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, "As New Montages of Headlines and Bylines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe Continue to Reveal," on A Daily Basis, "The Parallel Universes of Politics, Religion and Foreign Affairs," "The Gauntlet" has, Once Again, "Been Tossed into The Ring Of Thrust and Parry of Foreign Affairs," with (1) New Rhetoric of Confrontation between U.S. President Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani over "Iran's Nuclear Treaty," and President Rouhani's Rejection of President Trump's Offer to Meet without Preconditions "as Worthless and Humiliation" is Unfortunately Just More of The Diplomacy of Dissension" that Leads to More Discord Between These Two Sovereign Nations, Who were Once Allies, Many Decades ago, in The Twentieth Century, 

(2) The Resignation of U.S. Cardinal Archbishop Theodore McCarrick 88, a Former Archbishop of  Washington D.C., Who is Being Accused of Alleged Child Abuse of "Sexually Abusing A Teenager, Approximately Fifty Years ago, and Who had Already Been "Removed from Participating in Any Public Ministry Last Month," Due to a Separate Child Abuse Allegation. 

(Note that, Archbishop McCarrick Claims, "He has No Recollection of the Alleged Abuse.")

The Archbishop's Titles of "Cardinal and Your Eminence have Been Removed." and "He Will Be Placed in Seclusion "for a life of prayer and penance until the accusations made against him are examined in a regular canonical trial."), 

(3) During A Press Conference with The Fifty-Eighth and Current Prime Minister of Italy Giuseppe Conte on Monday, The Thirtieth of July 2018, President Trump "Threatened to Shutdown the U.S. Government at The End of September 2018, When Federal Government Funding Expires, "If Congress Does Not Provide Him with Extra Funding for Border Security between The United States and Mexico," 

(4) Rudy Giuliani's "News Interviews of Distraction and Diversion," Whether it Be about Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and/or Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Provide Little, If Not Nothing of Real Purpose, Consequence, or Outcome! However, "These Interviews" are Misleading Disruptions about Important Issues of The Day, such as "The Russian Investigation,"

(5) The Republican Party that "Prevented even A Hearing from Taking Place on Former President Obama's Choice for The Supreme Court," is "Now Strenuously Objecting and Complaining about The Democratic Party's Request for Ten's of Thousands of Documents Brett Michael Kavanaugh Dealt with As Staff Secretary to Former President George W. Bush!

Thursday, The Second of August 2018, Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah said at a News Conference, "We can't keep going down this partisan, picky, stupid, dumbass, road that has happened around here for so long."

However, Uncomfortable The Republican Party May Feel, "This Nomination Concerns the State of Balance Of the Supreme Court," and Will have "A Great Affect upon the Sociological and Legal State of Affairs in The United States," and "Deserves All The Scrutiny that is Necessary," by "Both Democrats and Republicans!" 

And, "Let's Agree" that "The American People Should have Every Opportunity to Make Their Opinions and Voices Clearly Understood!" Senator Hatch is "Correct in One Respect," that "This Not The Time and Place for Partisan Politics!" "The Voice Of The People Comes First, and "Should Be The First Priority of U.S. Congress," 

(6) President Trump's Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is Actually Considering "A Tax Cut for The Wealthy," of "One Hundred Billion Dollars!" This is Being Considered Irregardless of The Trillion Dollar Deficit! It Will Be Up to The U.S. Congress and The American People to Strongly Voice Their Disapproval of Any Such Proposal, by Secretary Mnuchin and President Trump, 

(7) Former 2016 Democratic Nominee for President of The United States, and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has Given, Through Her Political Organization Onward Together, The Maximum Campaign Donation of Five Thousand Dollars to "Nineteen Democratic House Candidates," and "Four Secretary of State Candidates," in June, Taking A Formidable Step Forward Towards Empowering Democrats Running in The 2018 Mid-Term Elections,

(8) Global Cross Media News Reports are Special Counsel Robert Mueller has "Offered to Reduce the Amount of Questions in Relation to The Potential of Obstruction of Justice" in Regards to "The Russian Investigations!"
"The Offer" Added that "The Special Counsel Would Like Some of These Questions to Be Answered in Person," and "Not Solely in Written Form." 

-(Note that "This Action of Thrust and Parry Will Continue until One Side or The Other Will Find An Agreement of Terms that Meets Their own Specifications!")-

President Trump's Attorney Rudy Giuliani said, "We're in the process of responding to their proposal,"

(9) On Thursday, The Second of August 2018 "New Battle Lines were Set for A Confrontation Between President Trump and His Administration and The State of California, over "Who Will Be," In Fact, "The de-Facto  Automobile Regulator in The U.S.," and "Who Sets Standards in "Fuel-Oil Efficiency  

(10) Global Cross Media News Reports that The U.S. and China are Restarting Trade Talks has Caused a Resurgence of  Positive Activity on Wall Street, Should Be "A Clear Reminder that Diplomacy," and "A Universal Correction, and Perception that Supports, Empowers, and Encourages The Global Partners of Trade and Finance is Warranted!" 

Let Us Agree," that "A New Realignment of  Global Leadership An Absolute Necessity" For "The Sovereign Populace of The Earths Nations and Communities" to "Flourish, Develop, Thrive, Prosper and Evolve to New Heights of Limitless Possibilities and Potentialities!"    

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes, and Natural Disasters, Such as The Fires in California that have Caused The Deaths of at Least Six People!