Saturday, July 14, 2018



The Way To Peace! #321

As The Parallel Sphere's of Truth, Justice, The Socratic Method, and The U.S. Constitution Appear to Be In Alignment with A Solar Axiom" that is "Both Welcoming and In Harmony" with "The Will Of The People," and "For The Benefit Of The People," However, There is "A Political Cauldron" that has "Been Tainted and Discredited by A Conditioned, Oppressive, and Manipulative Reality," that has "So Tarnished The Minds, Spirits, Souls and Hearts of The The Earths Populace" that "Nations and Communities have Become Divided," and "It's Citizens Left Frustrated and Distrustful of Its Elected Officials and Leaders!"

And, "This Infestation of Partisan Politics Threatens to Negatively Infect The Justice System of The Highest Court in The Land," "The Supreme Court of The United States of America!"

"Let Us Agree" that "There was Absolutely Nothing Subtle about President Trump's Decision to Nominate A Former Clerk of Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, Brett Michael Kavanaugh, Fortunately, He has Quite A Written Paper Trail" that Reveals, (1) After Being Nominated in 2003 to The United States Court of Appeals  for The District Court of Columbia by Former President Bush, in 2003, Judge Kavanaugh Nomination was Held Up in The Senate for Three Years Being Accused of Being Too Partisan, Before Being Confirmed on The Twenty-Six of May 2006, and 

(2) In July of 2007 Senators Dick Durbin from Illinois and Patrick Leahy from Vermont Accused Kavanaugh of Misleading The Judiciary Committee During His Nomination, about Whether He Helped Formulate or was Involved in Former President Bush's Detention and Interrogation Policies, Which is Most Likely to Re-Surface in New Hearings with The Supreme Court Nomination at Stake, and, 

(3) In 2008/09 Judge Kavanaugh Asked Congress to Create Legislation that Prevents The President of The United States from Being Subpoenaed by A Special Counsel, 

(4) He has also Voted in Favor of Several Abortion Restrictions, and Applauded Justice William Rehnquist for Dissenting in Roe V. Wade although He Originally Supported It in 2006, and, 

(5) Is on The Federalist List of Judges (The Federalist is A Conservative Online Magazine) who are Most Likely to Vote Against Roe V. Wade, and, 

(6) Wrote For A Three Judge Panel in 2016, in Regards to The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, "The Director of the CFPB, possesses more unilateral authority- that is, authority to take action on one's own subject, to no one's check- than any single commissioner or board member in any other interdependent agency in the U.S. government." 

-(Note that The CFPB was Created under The Guidance of One of President Trump's Favorite Campaign Targets Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts) 

 And, "Let Us Agree" that (1) These are Important Factors" that "Need Further Scrutiny" by The Senate, The Fourth Estate, and Global Cross Media News Universe," and "The American People!" 
However, "These Factors are Definitely a Part of The Decision Making Process," that "President Trump, and His Administration, Engaged in and Found in Favor of, When He Nominated The Name of Brett Mitchael Kavanaugh!" 

And, These Factors are, (2) Why Republican Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. of Kentucky, whom You Recall, was Instrumental in Preventing Former President Obama's Choice for The Supreme Court Merrick Garland, Chief United States Circuit Judge of The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, from Even having A Hearing, "Will Do Everything in His Power to Call For a Confirmation Vote in The U.S. Senate to Approve Judge Kavanaugh's Nomination," as soon as Possible, "Before The American People have An Opportunity to Voice Their Opinion in A Public Forum of Town Hall Meetings! And, "Before Civil Rights Groups," "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe Can Complete Their Due Diligence" and/or "Investigatory Efforts Deep Enough to Reveal any Serious Concerns," that "May have Gone Unseen by The Trump Administration!"

And, "Let's also Agree," that "This has The Potential" to Be, "A Historical Sociological and Cultural Moment in The United States of America," and "A Moment of Truth" that Symbolizes and Balances Out The True Significance of Justice in The U.S. Supreme Court," and "In The U.S. Senate," and "In All The Branches Of Government!"

And, "Let Us without Equivocation Agree" that "Every American Citizen Should have An Opportunity" to "Express Their Opinion" in Regards to This Nomination, "Yea or Nay!"

And, If There Ever was "A Moment in Time For The American People" to "Rise Up and Speak Out, This is It!"

And, This is also "Why The 2018 Mid-Term Elections in The United States" have "Such A Great Significance to Them!" It's A Matter of Choice," and "A Matter of Being A Democracy," Versus "Being An "Isolated Sovereign Nation Ruled by One Man and One Party," and "Being Dictated to" and "Told What to Do!"

And, "The Dialogue, Discourse, Discussions, Marches, Demonstrations, Sit Ins, Must Not Cease" until "A Grand Crescendo of Voices have Been Heard!" 

"A Grand Crescendo that The Founders Would Be Proud of," and "The Final Vote has Been Cast!" 

And, "Every Member of The U.S. Senate Must Clearly Understand," and "Be Made Aware of The Consequences and Repercussions of Voting Against The Will Of The People," and "Violating The Trust Of The People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, "As President Trump Continues His Cirque de la Politique de Style Divisant, Perturbateur, et Chaotique (Circus of Divisive, Disruptive and Chaotic Style of Politics)," "Making Attacks upon Germany," For "Supporting A Baltic Undersea Gas Pipeline Deal with Russia,"and "Attacking The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and In Doing so, "Forcing The U.S. Senate to Vote Ninety-Seven to Two in Support of NATO," on Monday, The Ninth of July 2018, (President Trump Left The NATO Summit on Thursday, The Twelfth of July 2018 Reaffirming The United States Support of NATO, But Warned that "The U.S. Could Go Its Own Way If NATO Did Not Increase It's Military Spending) and "Making Global Head Lines with His Gadfly Style of Comments," During His State Visit to The United Kingdom, by "Interfering in The Politics Surrounding Brexit," at "A Delicate Moment in Time and Negotiations with The EU," and "When Prime Minister May's Government is on The Verge of Collapse," and also by "Not The President's Not so Subtle Comments," Giving His Support to Former Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of The UK from 2016 to 2018 Boris Johnson," Claiming He was Not Attempting to Pit Johnson against His Host, But Added, "I am just saying he would be a great Prime Minister. I think he's got what it takes," During An Interview with "Rupert Murdoch's The Sun," Tabloid Newspaper!

And, "The Timing of This Interview" Took Place Before President Trump was to have a "Summit Meeting with Prime Minister May," and Afterward have "A Meeting and Cup of Tea with Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle," However, from "A Gadfly Perspective" It was "A Perfect Moment to Garner More Global Cross Media News Headlines!" 

-(Note that "Large Crowds of Protesters are Demonstrating in London Before President Trump   Meeting with Queen Elizabeth for Tea!" And, "Expectations are They Will Continue to Protest His Visit until He Departs from The United Kingdom!")

-(Note that Stephen Bannon is In The U.K. Has He returned to The Good Graces of President Trump!")

In The Meantime "As The Parallel Universe of Legalese, Justice, Politics, and The New Configurations of The Russian Investigation" Continues to "Gain New Momentum," Back in The U.S. of A., Friday, The Thirteenth of July 2018 U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosentstein "Announced A Detailed Twenty-Nine Page Indictment of Twelve Russian Intelligence Officers who Work for GRU," "The Primary Military Intelligence Service of The Russian Federation," (Russia's Largest Foreign Intelligence Agency) Who were "Charged with The Hacking of The Democratic National Committee Computers," (DNC) and "Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign!"

"These Indictments" were "Obtained by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III," and "Is The First Time," that "Russian Government Officials have Been Charged!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are This is also "The First Time" that "Anyone has Been Charged with The Theft and Public Release of Private Emails!"

President Trump Will have to "Alter His Campaign Rhetoric about Russia's Interference in The U.S. 2016 Presidential Election," Because, "There is Zero Doubt" that "Russia Committed An Extremely Serious Violation of The Sovereignty of The United States of America!"

And, (2) Former Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort's First of Two Crucial Moment's in Court on The Twenty-Fifth of July 2018 in Virgina, Grows Threateningly Closer," (Irregardless of Asking for a Delay Due to Being imprisoned Too Far away from Conducting a Proper Defense with His Attorney's! 

Judge T.S. Ellis III of The United States District Court in Alexandria Resolved This Problem by Transferring Mr. Manafort to The Alexandria Detention Center on Thursday, The Twelfth of July 2018, "Which is Closer to Where The Federal Courthouse Where He Will Be Tried in Virgina! Global Cross Media News Reports are Initially Mr. Manfort's Attorney's Rejected This Transfer Offer Due to "Unique Privileges" He had at The Northern Neck Regional Jail at Warsaw Virginia), and (3) On Tuesday, The Tenth of July 2018 "Prosecutors Revealed to Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan" that "They are not ready to let Flynn's case proceed to sentencing, indicating that he's still helping them with not-yet public cases." Robert Kelner The Attorney for The Former Trump National Security Adviser (and Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General) Told Judge Sullivan that "General Flynn is eager to proceed to sentencing when that is possible."

Judge Sullivan "Decided to Place No Pressure on The Prosecutor's," and "Asked Both Sides to Inform Him as soon as Possible for the Next Court Date for Sentencing in August," or Later than that If Needed, "Beyond The Twenty-Fourth of August 2018!" a

And, (4) On Thursday, The Twelfth of July 2018, In A Joint House Oversight and Government Reform Committees and House Judiciary Meeting, "The Republican Members Tried Their Absolute Best" (or Worst), to "Tarnish The Facts Being Presented by Peter Strzok," One of The United States of America's Most Prominent Counter-Espionage Federal Bureau of Investigations Agents, for "Nine Hours and Forty-One Minutes!" And, "Though The Republican Members Derogatorily Attacked, Interrogated, and Attempted to Besmirch and Smear Mr. Strzok's Reputation at Every Possible Moment," and Irregardless to The Fact that Mr. Strzok had "Worked Tirelessly and Patriotically to Protect The Unite States from Russian Interference in The 2016 Presidential Election," Instead of "Being Complimented for His Dedication and Patriotism," "He was Bashed and Abused Because He Made One Critical Mistake," "He Voiced His Personal Opinion to A Former FBI Attorney Lisa Page about Mr. Trump in a Series of Text Messages" (Mr. Strzok was Personally Involved in An Extra Marital Affair with Lisa Page at The Expense of His Family, and His Wife, and Personal Reputation). 

This was "The Second Time in The Last Two Weeks" that "Mr. Strzok has Given Testimony" and "Democrats Would Like Last Weeks Eleven Hour Closed Door Meeting Made Public," But "The Republicans have Refused to Do so!"

Unfortunately, "It Appears as If The Republicans on The Committee Would Rather Attack Mr. Strzok" than "Learn The Truth of Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election!"

And, "Once Again, There Appears to Be "A Double Standard" at Play, "Why," Because, As of Yet, "President Trump Still has Not Answered The Four Dozen Questions that were Given to His Attorney's by Special Counsel Robert Mueller In Regards to Russian Interference," While FBI Agent Strzok has "Testified under Hostile Circumstances for Twenty Hours!"

"Lets Agree" that "There is No Place in The United States for Double Standards!" And, "No One is Above The Law!" 

And, (5) Tuesday, The Tenth of July 2018 The Trump Administration Failed to Meet A Court Imposed Dead Line to Re-Unite Migrant Children Five Years Old and Younger with Their Parents and Families!" 

This "Failure to Comply" is "Another Example of The Failure of The Zero Tolerant Policy" that "President Trump and His Administration have Callously Instituted" and is "An Immigration Policy," with "No Soul" or "Moral Fiber" or "Moral Equivalence to It!"

And, "The Republican Party Continues to Support This Cruel and Inhumane Policy and President Trump and His Administration" for "Its Unconscionable Implementation and Execution of It," Instead of "Reprimanding Everyone who Took Part in Its Conception, Authorization and Enactment of It!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Sixteenth of July 2018 "A Proposed Meeting" has "Been Scheduled to Take Place," with "Presidents Trump and Putin," in Helsinki, Finland!

"This is A Meeting that Both Presidents have Wanted Ever Since President Trump Took Office," and "At last The Two of Them Can Sit down Together" and "Discuss Global Affairs!"

In The Past, "U.S. and Russian Presidents Considered Each Other As Adversaries," But "This No Longer Appears to Be The Case!"  

"Irregardless of Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election" and "The Strong Sanctions Advised and Voted for Against Russia by The U.S. Congress," President Trump has "Undisguisedly Pursued This Meeting with President Putin," and "One Could say The Same Thing Applies for Russian President Putin!"

President Trump has "Spoken More Highly of Meeting with President Putin" than "He has in Attending 44th G7 Summit," or "The NATO 2018 Summit!"

"Clearly The Two Leaders Will have Much to Discuss" with (1) U.S. Sanctions, and The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, and (2) The Alienation of Russia by The UK and The EU Due to The Nerve Gas Attack on The Skripal's, (3) Russia's Continued Support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, (4) The Crimea, (5) The Development of New Nuclear Weapons, (6) Human Rights Violations, (7) The People's Republic of North Korea, (8) China, (9) The Baltic Undersea Russian Gas Pipeline, (10) One-Man Rule- Forms of Governing, (11) Trade, (12) Global Affairs, in General, (13) Space Forces, (14) Environmental Issues, (15) Poverty and Homelessness, and (16) Alexei Navalny!

In The Parallel Landscapes and Sphere's of Politics, Finance, and Trade, "There are Rules and Regulations, Laws of The Land and Grand Constitutions," and "If Any Sovereign Nation Chooses to Break Those International or Domestic Agreements," and "Attempt to Change The Rules," that They Created, "Because They Do Not Like The Results of Their Own Actions," such as "Raising Tariffs" "Without Taking The Time to Enter into Trade Discussions" on "How to Establish What is A Just and Equitable Agreement," or "Trade Partnership," Can only End up "Not Just Causing Economic Stress on Their Own Sovereign Nation," "It also Causes a Destructive and Destabilizing Approach Towards Building Both A Profitable Domestic Economy," and "A Positive Global Relationship with International Trading Partners and Allies!"

"The Trump Administrations Appears to Be on This Course," Which is "To Win at Any Cost," "What is in the First Place An Antagonistic Trade Policy" that has "Alienated Our Closest Allies and Friends in The International Community of Sovereign Nations!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO or OTAN)" has "Been An Important Military Organization," and "Alliance Between Twenty-Nine North American and European Sovereign Nations!"

NATO's Formation Began on The Fourth of April 1949, of Which, "The United States is One of The Founders!" 

And, "Its Current Supreme Allied Commander Europe is U.S. Army General Curtis Scaparrotti," and "Its Current Chairman of The NATO Military Committee" is Air Chief Marshall Stuart Peach, Royal Air Force," and "It's Current Secretary General" is Jens Stoltenberg!"

"Twenty-Nine Sovereign Nations Agreed to Become a Part of A Military Alliance," A System of Collective Defence Whereby Its Independent Neighbor Member States Agree to a Mutual Defence in Response to an Attack by Any External Party!

-(Note that, "The First and only Time" that "Article Five was Invoked" was "After The September Eleventh 2001 Attacks Occurred in The United States, Which "Required Member States to Come to The Aid of Subject to An Armed Attack!" And, "NATO Troops were Deployed to Afghanistan, under The NATO-Led ISAF (International Security Assistance Force, Established by The United Nations Security Council in 2001!)"

"This Military Partnership" has also "Been An Important Part of The EU Defence Configuration," that is "In Place to Defend Eastern Europe" and "Specifically The Sovereign Nations of Poland, and The Baltic Sea," from "Threats or Military Attacks by Russia!" (Note that Russia Invaded Crimea in 2014!)

And, "Now under The Continuous Criticism and Pressure" of U.S. President Donald Trump, "The Unity and Stability of This North American and European Military Partnership," is "Being Threatened!"

"It is Incredulous" with All of The Friction "Caused," in Part by "Russia's Interference in The Election Process of Several Sovereign States, and The Invasion of Crimea, and Nerve Gas Attacks upon Sergei Skripal and His Daughter," Plus, "The Tragic and Ongoing Viciousness in The Syrian War," and, "In The Wars in Iran, Yemen, and Afghanistan," and "The Conflict to Eliminate Syndicates of Criminals, Kidnappers, Rapists, Torturers, Terrorists and Their Crimes Against Humanity," "It is Beyond Comprehension" that "The President of The United States has Chosen to Criticize The Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization," Allies of The United States of America!"

"The Reason" is "Because, The U.S. is Paying Too Much into This Alliance!" A Military Alliance and Partnership, "Created To Defend The Sovereign Nations of The Earth from Tyranny, Invasion, and Oppression," is "Simply Not A Highly Plausible or Convincing Reason!" ("NATO Defends The Earth Not Just Europe!")

(The NATO- Led "Operation Resolute Support" is Still An Important U.S. Ally" in The Ongoing War in Afghanistan," and "NATO Member States are A Part of Coalition Sovereign Nations Allied with The U.S. in "Other Global Hot Spots!")

On Monday, The Ninth of July 2018, in Advance of The July Eleventh 2018 NATO Summit in Brussels, Belgium,  President Trump Tweeted, "The United States is spending far more on NATO that any other country. This is not fair, nor is it acceptable. While these countries have been increasing their contributions since I took office, they much do much more. Germany is at 1%, the U.S. is a 4%, and NATO benefits"........"By some accounts, the U.S. is paying 90% of of NATO, with many countries nowhere close to their 2% commitment,"....." On top of this the European Union has a Trade Surplus of $151 Million with the U.S., with Big Trade Barriers on U.S. goods. No!"

This is The Twenty-First Century, and "It is Difficult to Hear These Attacks Cast upon Close Allies," When "Cognitive, Seasoned, and Diplomatic Women and Men Should Be Sitting Down with Each Other," and "Discussing An Even-Handed, Equitable, Open-Minded, and Just Approach Aimed Directly Towards Finding Solutions to The Imbalances that May Occur" in "Trade, Political, Financial, Public, and/or Global Affairs!"

"Let's Agree" that Quite Simply put, "For Sixty-Nine Years The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has Stood For Good Against Evil!" And, that "Many Lives have Been Lost in Defence of Liberty, Freedom and Justice For One and All!"

And, "Out of Respect for The Commitment, Dedication, Courage, and Bravery of Those who have Volunteered to Defend and Protect Our Rights to Be," and who have "Fought for Our Rights to Be," and "Died or Been Wounded Died on Fields of Battle," that "All Egos, and Squabbles Should Be Cast Aside," in "The Name of All The Families who've Lost A Loved One," "In The Name of Peace!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Sixth of July 2018 The Attorney's for President Trump "Delivered A Set of Conditions to Special Counsel Robert Mueller III," that have to "Be Agreed to by The Special Counsel, Before President Trump Will Agree to An Interview" to "Answer the Approximately Four Dozen Questions" that were "Given to His Attorney's on The Thirtieth of April 2018!"

And, "There was No Mention that President Trump Would Agree to Testify Before A Grand Jury!"

"The President's Attorney's Specified" that (1) They Wanted Evidence that President Trump Committed A Crime, and that (2) The President's Testimony was Essential to Completing The Investigation, and (3) When Did The Department of Justice Give Special Counsel Mueller The Authorization to Investigate Obstruction of Justice by The President, and (4) They Want Evidence Showing that President Trump is The only Person who Could Provide S.C. Mueller with The Information that He was Searching for.

"On The Seventeenth of May 2017, U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein "Authorized Robert Mueller to Investigate Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential Campaign, and Any Russian, (or Other Foreign) Interference in The Election, Including Exploring Any Possible Links or Coordination Between Trump's Campaign and The Russian Government," "and Any Matters that Arose or May Arise Directly from the Investigation." And, That is "Exactly What He has Done" with "No Exceptions!"

"Former President Harry S. Truman had a Sign on His Desk" that said "The Buck Stops Here," and "If There have Been Any Acts of Collusion" or "Obstruction of Justice" Involving Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, and The Trump Campaign, "The American People have A Right to Know What The Facts are, Such as; (1) Who Committed it, and (2) Who Authorized It!"And, "President Trump has to Accept The Ultimate-Moral Responsibility to "Answer The Special Counsel's Questions" in "A Detailed and Forthright Manner!" 

"The American People" have "The Right to Know All The Facts," and "The Absolute Truth!"

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, The Global Cross Media News Headlines have Reinforced What We already Know, Which is To Be Vigilant, Aware, Cognitive, Alert, and Passionately Committed to Demonstrate Whenever Needed, March and Protest Whenever Needed, Organize Sit Ins, Town Hall and Public Meetings Whenever Needed, and Vote!"

"History has Provided Us with The Example of Illuminating Individuals," Whose "Memories We Can Call upon Whenever The Need Be," "To Fortify Us and Empower Us with A Great Force!"

"A Great Soul Force" that "Can Inspire The Youth of The Earth to March, Demonstrate, Protest and Vote!"

"A Great Soul Force" that "Can Uplift Our Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and Souls," When We are Being Beset upon by Negativity, Hubris, Oppression, Greed, Lust, Manipulation, and Evil!"

Truly "A Grand Equation Of Equilibre, Of  Equality, Opportunity, Freedom, Justice, Interdependency, and "A Grand Earthrise and Earthwise Vision Of The People, By The People, and For The People!

"A Great Soul Force" that "Reflects and Represents The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of The New Norm Of The Twenty-First Century!" "A New Alignment Of The People in Conjunction with The Grand Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe!" Truly "Conservators and Protectors of The Earths Environmental and Ecological Universes" and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!" 

And, "Their Names are Inscribed in The Books of History For Us All to Remember," and Moments Such as, (1) The Salt March, Salt Satyagraha, A Non-Violent Protest Led by Mahatma Gandhi, Led The Way To Indian Independence! Bapu (Called so Out of Great Love and Endearment) Inspired All of India as well as Civil Rights Movements All over The World! He was Truly A Great Soul and Visionary!

And, (2) The Founder and First President of The American Red Cross, Clara Barton, who Cared for The Injured during The Civil War in The United States, and Collected Food, Medicine and Clothing for The Troops, and Challenged the Barriers that Restricted Women from Helping The Wounded in Field Hospitals that were Restricted to Using Solely Male Staffs, and Who was a Supporter of The Women's Suffrage Movement!

(3) Jesus of Nazareth who Taught His Fathers Gospel of Love and Truth, and Who Healed All who Came to Him Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically, and were in Need! Who came into The World to Save Sinners! And, by His Own Example Changed The World For Future Generations to Come!

(4) Socrates who Taught Us the Meaning of The Truth!

(5) Nelson Mandela, who Became South Africa's First Black President, Fought and Successfully Put an End to South Africa's Apartheid System! Madiba Never gave up Trying to Make a Better World for His People, and Achieve Human Rights that were Honorable and Just!

(6) Mother Teresa, Saint Teresa of Calcutta who Dedicated Her Life Caring for The Poor, Homeless, and Lepers! Mother Founded The Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta and also Won The Nobel Peace Prize!
Many Believed Her to Be much More than a Nun in Her Lifetime! And, There is No Doubt of Her Saintliness!

(7) Siddhartha Gautama Taught Us The Middle Way, and Encouraged One and All to Follow A Path of Balance! Siddhartha Taught that The Eight Fold Path Led Us to A Self Awakening and Liberation! And, He Transcended the Conditioned Reality to become a Great Mahayana!

(8) And then, There is Confucius and Lao-Tzu, Who led by Their Axioms of The Golden Rule of Confucianism and The Way of Life of Taoism, whose Philosophies and Teachings Provided Guidance to Their People and A Way of Life to Follow!

(9) And, in a Time when Civil Rights Abuses Occurred on A Daily Basis in The U.S., A Voice spoke out and said "I have a Dream" and through His Non-Violent Civil Rights Movement and Great Soul Strength, Helped to Put an End to Segregation in The United States! And, His Name is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
(Prior to Malala Yousafzai, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the Youngest Person to Win a Nobel Peace Prize!)

"The List is Limitless" filled with "The Names of Philosophers, Peacemakers, Prophets, Military, Spiritual, Religious, and World Leaders who have Inspired and Guided Us" from Muhammad to Moses, and Charlemagne to Rumi, Mary to Machiventa Melchizedek, Saint Francis Of Assisi to Tagore, Mary Magdalene to Zoroaster, Abraham Lincoln to Susan B. Anthony, Winston Churchill to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower to Charles De Gaulle, and "On and On The List goes Including Women and Men of The 21st Century who've Displayed Great Presence of Character, Compassion, Integrity, and Equilibre," and "Have Gone Beyond the Call of Duty" in Defense of "We"..."The People," and "All The Freedoms that "We Enjoy!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries and Sovereign Citizens of The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations Let Our Innate Sense Integrity and Soul Strength Lead Us to New Heights and Horizons of Cognitive Awareness" that "Transcends The Divides that Separate Us!"

And, "May Our Synergy and Synchronicity of Harmony and True Purpose Join Us Together" in "Achieving, Attaining, and Sustaining A Better Life For One and All To Share!"

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Enlightenment, Evolution, and A Universal Correction of New Alignments, and New Alliances, and New Agreements of Cooperation, Collaboration, Social Security, and Unity, in A Just and Fair Minded Time/Space Reality!  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "At the Insistence and Behest" of "Current White House Chief of Staff John Kelly (a Retired U.S. Marine Corps General), Thursday, The Fifth of July 2018, Scott Pruitt, Now, "The Former and Extremely Controversial Fourteenth Administrator of The Environmental Protection Agency Resigned!"

And, "As The Parallel Universes of Political Scandals Hover Over" and "Surround The Trump Administration," Another Top Official has Tumbled into The Doldrums of Being Unemployed!" 

"Mr. Pruitt's Undoing" was "Most Certainly Caused by The Continuing Cross Media News Media Coverage of The Escalating Spotlight" on "Mr. Pruitt's Alleged Ethics Violations!"

And, "Irregardless of His Support by Conservatives," Mr. Pruitt Could No Longer Escape The Bulbous and Distended Cloud of Notoriety and Infamy" that was Becoming Evermore so "A Distraction from The Trump Administration Agenda!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are from "The Seventeenth of February 2017 until The Fifth of July 2018 Mr. Pruitt has "Come Under Fourteen Separate Federal Investigations," by The E.P.A. Inspector General, The White House Office of Management and Budget, The U.S. Office of Special Counsel, The Government Accountability Office, and Two House Committee's are Investigating Mr. Pruitt's Spending Habits, Conflicts of Interest, and Extreme Secrecy and Management Practises!" And, "His Alleged Relationships with Lobbyists, (2) First Class Travel, and (3) Spending Abuses have Not Helped Him at All!"

"In Mr. Pruitt's Resignation Letter," He Cited "Unrelenting attacks on me personally," as "Reasons for His Resignation!"

"It Must Be Added" that In General, "Environmentalists Will Not Be Unhappy with Mr. Pruitt's Resignation!"

On Thursday, The Fifth of July 2018 President Trump Tweeted " I have accept6ed the resignation of Scott Pruitt as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Within the Agency Scott has done an outstanding job, and I will always be be thankful to him for this."   

President Trump has Nominated Current Deputy Administrator Andrew R. Wheeler" (An American Attorney and Former Coal Lobbyist) to Take Over The Position of "Acting Administrator of The Environmental Protection Agency, " and "The U.S. Senate has Confirmed His Nomination!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"A Torrential Rain Storm has Battered, Pummeled and Struck Japan," Between Friday The Sixth and Saturday, The Seventh of July 2018, " Causing The Deaths of At Least Forty-Nine People," and "More than Fifty People have Been Reported Missing!"

And, "To Add to This Tragic Natural Disaster" is "1.6 Million People have Been Evacuated from Their Homes, " and "3.1 Million have Been Advised to Leave," and "Special Warnings have Been Issued to The Main Island of Honshu," to Three of Its Five Prefectures, to "Remain Vigilant Against The Threat of Rising Rivers, Powerful Winds, and Landslides!" This Rain Storm is Being Referred to As "Historic Rains!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to Yet Another Natural Disaster of Immense Destructive Power, Bringing Death, Trauma, and Grief to Their Lives, and to Their Families, Cities, and Communities!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters!