Thursday, February 1, 2018



The Way To Peace! #310

"President Trump's First Official The State of the Union Speech Occurred on Tuesday, The Thirtieth of January, 2018 in The Chambers of the House of Representatives," in front of "A Joint Session of Congress, Members of The Supreme Court, (minus Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who Participated a Fireside Chat" with US Circuit Court Judge Bruce M. Selya at Roger Williams University School of Law! This Event was Scheduled on The August, 2017)!"  

And, also "In Attendance" was "The Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson," Secretary of The Treasury Steven Mnuchin "Members of The Trump Cabinet," "Members of The Joint Chiefs of Staff," "The First Lady Melania Trump, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Family Members, and Guests and Religious Leaders and Dignitaries of Importance," and of course, Vice President Pence and House Speaker Ryan were Seated Directly Behind The President on Either Side of Him!" And, "This was The Moment," When "The 45th President of the United States, Donald John Trump was "Faced with The Serious Responsibility" to "Report the State of The Union to The American People!" And, "All The Leaders of The Earths Coalition of United Nations," and "The Earths Populace were Watching and Listening!"

"Four Representatives of The House Black Caucus including Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga." (who is a Highly Respected Civil Rights Icon) had "Previously Announced that They Would Not Be Attending The Speech Due to President Trump's Comments about Haiti and African Nations," as "Shithole Countries," and Rep. Earl Blumenauer D-Ore., also Announced that "He Would Not Be Attending The Speech, "rather than listen to yet another destructive and divisive speech by President Trump."

And, "The Democratic House Women Lawmakers Wore Black in Support of The #MeToo and #TimesUp Movements in The United States!"

And, "As Previously Anticipated President Trump Spoke about (1) The Record Stock Market Performances, (2) The Republican Tax Cuts (3) Forty-Five Year Low Record Unemployment, and Record Low Unemployment Figures for African and Hispanic Americans, (4) 2.4 Million New Jobs, and 200,000 New Jobs Hired in Manufacturing alone, (5) The American Flag, The American Dream, "Together we are rediscovering the American Way," (6) New Judges "who will interpret the Constitution as written," (7) Defense of The Second Amendment, (8) Giving Our Veterans a Choice in Their Healthcare Decisions, The "Celebration of our police, our military, and our amazing veterans as heroes who deserve our total and unwavering support,"  (9) VA Accountability Act, (10) A Righteous Vision to Make America Great again, (11) Empowerment of The Trump Cabinet Officers, (12) Elimination of Regulations, (13) Ended The War on American Energy and Good Clean Coal, and The U.S. An Exporter of Energy to The World, (14) His America First Policies, Unity and Bi-partisanship, (15) Returning Corporations to The U.S. (16) Terminally Ill People, (17) Reduction of The Price of Prescription Drugs, A Top Priority for This Year, (19) End of The Individual Mandate (20) Fair and Reciprocal Trading Relationships, "we will protect American workers and American intellectual property," (21) 1.5 Trillion Dollars for new Infrastructure investment, "partnered with State and local governments," and the private sector, "when appropriate,"  and Reclaim Our Great Building Heritage, "with American Heart, American Hands and American Grit," (22) Investment in Job Training, Vocational Schools, (23) Paid Family Leave, (24) Reform Our Prisons, (25) New Bipartisan Immigration Reform, Using The Trump Administrations Four Pillars, (26) MS-13 Gang Violence, (27) Opioid Addiction, (28) End Sequestration, to Modernize The Nuclear Arsenal of The U.S. (29) Almost One Hundred Per Cent of Lands Held by ISIS have Been Reclaimed, (30) An Executive Order to Reexamine Detention Facilities, such as Guantanamo Bay, (31) Afghanistan Military Mission, (32) Jerusalem as Capitol of Israel, (33) Ask Congress to Pass Legislation to Ensure American Foreign Assistance Dollars always serve American Interests, and go to Friends of America, in a Direct Rebuke of The December 22nd U.N. General Assembly Vote  in Which One Hundred and Twenty-Eight Nations Voted in Favor of A Nonbinding Resolution Calling on The U.S. to Reverse Its Decision to Recognize Jerusalem as Israels Capitol, (34) America Stands with The People of Iran, The Iran Nuclear Deal, (35) Dictatorships in Cuba, Venezuela, and Past Mistakes of Previous U.S. Administrations Towards North Korea, and The Death of American University Student Otto Warmbier, (36) Immigrant Communities, (37) The Statue of Freedom, Monuments to Washington to Lincoln and King, and The U.S. Capitol," and "We can lift our citizens from welfare to work, from dependence to independence, and from poverty to prosperity."

And, "The President Spoke of the American People and their Heroes," and that "our task is to respect them, to listen to them, to serve them, to protect them, and to always be worthy of them."  And, "Americans fill the world with music and art," and "They push the bounds of science and discovery."  "This was President Trump's New American Moment!" 

"The President also Spoke of The American People" saying, "The people dreamed this country, built this country, and It is the people who will making America great again!"

And, "There were Quite a Few Inspirational Stories of Valor and Death, and Tragedy!" Stories about "Family Members and Heroes," who "Personified The Embodiment of the American Spirit," who were in Attendance, and "They are All to Be Admired and Respected," and "All the People of The United States of America Stand United Together with Them!"

"President Trump's State of The Union Speech was Well Prepared," and If You Missed It, "I Would Suggest You Search For It Online," or "Read It in Your Favorite Newspaper or Magazine," But, "In The End, "It Will Come Down to "Whether or Not You Believe in His Idea's, Methods, Approaches, and Policies" of "How to Make America Great Again," and at "Who's Expense It Will Be!" 

However, It was Obvious by "The Lack of Response to His Speech by Democrats," and "Protests in and Outside of The Hallowed Chamber of The House of Representatives," that "His Bi-Partisan Approach Towards Passing New Legislation" and "Improving Political Relations in Congress, Still Needs Refining and Convincing," Before "The President's New American Moment Arrives!"   

But, To Add to This, "The Question" of "Whether or Not" President Trump "Would Articulate" at Length, about "Why He has Chosen to Devote So Much of His First Year in Office Attacking" The Federal Bureau of Intelligence (FBI), Department of Justice (DOJ), Intelligence Agencies, Robert Mueller's Investigative Team, and The Fourth Estate," "That Did Not Occur!"

And, "The Escalation of Attacks Against The FBI" has "Grown even More Intensified" as was "Evidenced by Deputy Director of The FBI Andrew McCabe's Resignation from His Post," "Effective Monday, The Twenty-Ninth of January 2018!" 

"Criticism of Deputy McCabe" had "Increased by President Trump," who had "Accused Him of Being Politically Biased!" And, "Deputy McCabe Decided to Announce His Decision to Resign Ahead of His Planned Retirement on The Eighteenth of March, 2018," and "In Advance of An Inspector General Report Examining The FBI!" 

(Monday, The Twenty-Ninth of January, 2018, Former FBI Director James Comey Tweeted His Praise and Support for Deputy Director McCabe saying, "Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months, when small people were trying to tear down an institution we depend on. He served with distinction for two decades. I wish Andy well. And, I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI. America needs you.")

And, "To Add to This Unfortunate State of Affairs" is, Monday, The Twenty-Ninth of January, 2018, "The House Intelligence Committee Voted" to "Release a Four Page Classified Memo," "Being Referred to as The Nunes Memo," Representative Devin Nunes, "The Republican Chairman of The House Intelligence Committee," "Criticizing The FBI's Use of The Foreign Surveillance Act,"  Over "The Objection of The FBI and The DOJ," and "The House Democrat Intelligence Committee Members!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Nunes Memo" Claims "The FBI Abused the Use of The Foreign Surveillance Act to Obtain a FISA Warrant for Former Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Carter Page." And, The Nunes Memo Criticized "FBI Use of Opposition Research of Donald Trump and Russia!"

And, "Although Carter Page had Been Recruited as A Russian Foreign Agent," The House Republican  Intelligence Committee Members "Appear to Care Less about this," and as Incredible as It May Seem, "They are Attacking The FBI" and "Threatening Special Counsel Robert Mueller Investigation," and "Citing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein," and "Yes, Now, Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe" in (1) "Their Roles Overseeing Aspects of This Investigation," and (2) "How The FBI Conducted Its Use of The Foreign Surveillance Act," (irregardless that "The House Democrat Intelligence Committee Members have a Ten Page Rebuttal Memo," that also "Includes New Information, about The Russian Investigation" that has "Not Been Allowed to Be Release by The Republican Controlled Committee Members)!"

"Representative Adam Schiff D-CA," Ranking Democratic Member of The House Intel Committee Stated that "Today, you saw a vote to politicize the process and He also said, "Its a sad day in the History of the Committee.

And, "Even Without Knowing What is in The Republican Public Memo Release," One Can Still Surmise that "There Appears to Be An Impetuous, Injudicious, and Ill-advised Attitude about Releasing Classified Materials," and "There also Appears to Be A Disgraceful Effort underway to Discredit The Russian Probe," and "Distract The Public from The Russian Investigations!"

However, "The Seriousness of These Attacks on The FBI and DOJ is Beyond Comprehension!" And, that  "Neither The FBI or The DOJ have Seen The Republican Memo," Simply "Should Not Be Condoned by Congress," Nor Should It Be Condoned by The American People!" 

There is A "Serious Breach of Trust between The American People and The Elected Officials of The Republican Party," who were "Elected to Be Representatives Of The Republic, Of The Democracy, Of The U.S. Constitution, and The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

 And, "While The Republican House Intelligence Committee Members Voted to Release The Nunes Four Page Classified Memo," and "In Doing so Invoked A Rule that had Not Ben Used in Forty Years," They also "Voted Against Releasing A Ten Page Rebuttal Memo," by "Democratic House Intelligence Committee Members!" 

And, It is Obvious that "President Trump's Idea's" on "Establishing A Bi-Partisan Working Relationship with Democrats" have "Fallen on Deaf Ears" in "The Republican Controlled House Intelligence Committee!"

"President Trump has Five Days," Since the Vote to "Either Allow the Public Release to Take Place," or "Delay It!"

And, As If that was "Not Enough, The U.S. State Department/The Trump Administration has Decided "Not to Punish Anyone" on The "Putin List," A List of One Hundred and Fourteen Politicians" and "Ninety-Six Oligarchs!" 
Last Year, "Congress Unanimously Voted into Law New Sanctions against Russia," as "A Punishment" for "Its Interference in the 2016 U.S. Election!" The Law is Known as the "Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act" (CAATSA)!

And, "There May Be Another Conflict Evolving For The Trump Administration and President Trump to Explain," "The Question" is, How Can You Ask The U.S. Congress to Pass Legislation to Ensure American Foreign Assistance Dollars always serve American Interests, and go to Friends of America, in a Direct Rebuke of The December 22nd U.N. General Assembly Vote  in Which One Hundred and Twenty-Eight Nations (Including The United States Closest Allies) Voted in Favor of A Nonbinding Resolution Calling on The U.S. to Reverse Its Decision to Recognize Jerusalem as Israels Capitol," on "One Hand," and "Not Support The Decision of U.S. Congress to Punish Russia" for "Its Interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," on "The Other Hand!"

And, "Another Situation," that "May Need A Comprehensive Explanation" is "With Russian Investigations Being Conducted by The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, The U.S. House Intelligence Committee, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, The Department of Justice, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russian Probe, and Others," "The Question" is, "Why," Now, "Decide Not to Punish Russia!"  

And, "The Question of Whether or Not," President Trump "Would Explain in Depth During His State of The Union Speech, "Why He and His Administration" have "Chosen to Threaten Families who have Been Living in The United States under The Protection of The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program," and "Salvadorans Living in The United States under The Protection of The Humanitarian Program Known as "Temporary Protected Status," and "Insulted Haitians, Africans, and American Citizens Living in Puerto Rico," and "Continues to Ignore the Plight of Millions of Americans Living in Poverty," "That Did Not Occur!"

"There were Additional Questions of Importance" that "Needed to Be Addressed at Length and In Specification," such as "Why Did The President Withdraw The United States from The Paris Agreement, The  Iran Nuclear Deal, and The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)," and "Rescinded Previous Executive Orders by Former President Obama" that (1) "Protected Transgender Children," and (2) "Threatened The Constitutional Rights of Immigrants Living in The U.S." However, "These Important Issues and Concerns were Not Enumerated upon," although "They have Caused Serious Divisions amongst The American People," and "Caused A Diplomatic Wall of Differences in Beliefs, Policies, and Opinions to Emerge between The United States and Its Allies!" 

And, There is, of course, "A Question in The Minds of All Americans (and The Earths Populace) that Still Remains Unresolved," Which is, "Whether or Not," There was "Any Acts of Collusion or Obstruction of Justice" between "Members of His 2016 Campaign Team and Russia!"

"This was "The Moment" When President Trump Could have Explained a Great Many Things in His State of The Union Speech, " However, "He Chose Not to!" 

Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy III D-Mass. "Delivered The Democratic Party's Response in English and Spanish!"
Congressman Kennedy has " A Great Heritage to Uphold," Being A Grandson of United States Attorney General and Senator Robert "Bobby" Kennedy, and Great-Nephew of President John F. Kennedy,  and Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts," and is "Being Considered as A Candidate for 2020 Election!"

"In The Democratic Response to President Trump's State of The Union Speech," Congressman Kennedy Spoke of "Forgotten Americans," He Spoke of "Having Faith," and "The American Promise!" And, "He spoke of The Founding Fathers and Mothers," and of "A More Perfect Union!" And, that "The Democratic Party Will Fight for The America Our Founding Fathers and Mothers Created For Us!"

"Congressman Kennedy's Democratic Response" to "President Trump's State of the Union" was "Passionate and Eloquent," and "More Importantly Mirrored The Positions He's Taken in His Terms in Office as A Congressman from Massachusetts!"

And, "He Spoke Directly To DREAMERs in Spanish," that "We will fight for you and we will not walk away," and "He Reminded Us" that "many have spent the last year anxious, angry, afraid."

And, He also said, "We all feel the fault lines of a fractured country!" And, "We hear the voices of Americans who feel forsaken and forgotten." And, that, "The strongest, richest, greatest nation in the world should not leave any one behind!"

Congressman Kennedy "Strongly Rebuked President Trump's Policies," and "The Divisions and Chaos The President's Agenda has, and Continues to Cause in The United States!"

He Spoke of #MeToo, and "Black Lives Matter," and of The Women's March 2018, The Suffragettes, and of Those "who wade through flood waters, battle hurricanes, brave wildfires, and mudslide to save a stranger." And, of Hard Working Americans, "You battle your own quiet battles every single day, you drag your weary bodies to that extra shift, so that your families won't feel the sting of scarcity." 

And, "He Spoke of Those "who leave loved ones at home to defend our country overseas, and patrol our neighborhoods at night." And, "He Summed it up" with "Those who serve, He said, "you rescue, you help, you heal, that more than any law or leader, debate or disagreement, that is what drives us towards progress. Bullies may land a punch, they may leave a mark, but they have never, not once in the history of our United States, managed to match the strength and spirit of a people, united, in defense of their future!" 

"The Democratic Party has A Great Deal to Live Up to," after all "They are The Party of Presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, James Earl "Jimmy" Carter Jr., William Jefferson Clinton, and Barack Hussein Obama II," and "There are A Great Many Challenges that Lie Ahead," that "Will Determine Whether of Not They Deserve The Trust of The American People," However, "Congressman Kennedy's Speech has "Given Hope to Millions upon Millions of Americans who Voted for Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton," and have "Felt Disenfranchised" and "Fearful from The Attacks of The Trump Administration over This Past Year!"       

 And, "As Another Supermoon (The Super Blue-Blood Moon is the Last in NASA's Supermoon Trilogy which Began on The Third of December 2017)" has "Reached Its Pedigree," Coupled with A Total Lunar Eclipse to Add to Its Significance," One Can only Wonder, "What The Parallel Universes of The Political and Sociological Spheres of Influence Hold For Us" as "The First Quarter of 2018 Continues to Evolve," and "We The People Continue to Be Faced with New Cultural, Environmental, and Ethical Changes and Challenges," and "Continued Threats Against All Humanity by Malevolent Syndicates of Criminals, Rapists, Kidnappers, Land Thieves, and Terrorists," and "Nations with Imperialistic Intentions and Designs Continue to Threaten The Sovereignty of Peace Loving Nations and Their Citizens," and "The Peace," with "Cyber Crimes, War and Violence!" 

However, "History has Shown Us" that "Good Will always Prevail Over Evil," But, "It has Taken A Great Sacrifice to Accomplish This!" It is "Time that We," Yes, We The People of This Planet Earth, "Applied The Vast Knowledge Gleaned and Learned from Past Experiences" to "Create A Better World for Our Present and Future Generations!" Because "A Change Must Come!"    

"The World Economic Forum's" (WEF) Four Day Event, "Brought Together The Earths Most Prominent Global and Business Leaders, Economists and Journalists," to "Address The State of World Affairs and "Its Most Pressing Issues!" 
"The WEF" began on Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of January 2018, in "Davos, Switzerland!"

President Trump was also "Invited to Attend This Prestigious Event!"

On Wednesday, The Twenty-Fourth of January, 2018, The WEF Agenda Focused" on "The New Europe, Today's European Union," and "Its Policies and Discussions Centered Around, 
(1) Security, and A Defense System, (2) Immigration (3) Economy, (4) Democracy (5) Energy Sustainability, and (6) European Values, (7) Leadership Role in Shaping of Security, (8) The New Technologies, Digital Economy, Artificial Intelligence, and (9) A Sense of Urgency in regards to The Italian Elections, and Stabilizing The German Government, and (10) Stabilizing Growth," (11) Investment in Innovation, (12 Education,(13) Trade, and (14) Relationship with China!

And, Interestingly Enough," The World Economic Forum" has "Expressed Its Serious Concerns that "Extreme Weather is One of The Most Dangerous Situations to Face The Earth!"

And, "Twenty-Five of Twenty-Seven Nations" have "Joined The European Defense Union!" Which is "A Positive Step Forward Towards Protecting The Values of The European Union," and "Providing Security and Defense For The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People and Culture of The European Union!"

And, "The Youth of Europe" have "Expressed Their Feelings about Their Future Opportunities and Responsibilities," and "Learning Capabilities!" And, "Exactly, What is The Vision of Today's Europe!"

European Leaders, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, have "Taken Leadership Roles in Shaping A New European Vision Integrated within A Multi-National Reality Built upon Unifying Principles of Freedom, Respect for The Sovereignty of All Nations, Justice, and Peace!"

"French President Macron's Statement," that "France Will Close All Coal-Fired Power Stations by 2021," and "The Accelerated Implementation of  Green Technology," was "Good News for Environmentalists," and "All of The Earths Communities" who are "Concerned about Climate Warming and Climate Control to Hear!"

And, "European Leaders Realize" that "As President Trump Continues to Expound upon His America First Policies," that "They Must Pursue An Interdependent Course of Global Idea's, Diplomatic Efforts, Trade and Economic Strategies," and that "They Must Maintain An Earthwise Political Determination, Cognizance, and Frank Dialogue in Their Relationship with The Trump Administration," Whether It Be Concerning "The Environment" (The U.S. Withdrawal from The Paris Agreement), or "The Iran Nuclear Deal," or The Trump Administration's "Decision to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capitol," Just to "Name Several EU Concerns!"

There is "A New Global Configuration," that "Is Evident in The Global Affairs of The Parallel Universe of The Earths Nations," In Both "Foreign and Domestic Policies!" 

And, "It has Become More and  More Evident" that "In This Historical Time Period of Change," that It is of "The Utmost Importance For The Leaders of The Earths United Coalition of Nations" to "Continue to Build Bridges of  Amalgamation, and Integration of "A Grand Union Of The Earth Reaching Out to All Continents," and to "All Sovereign People of The Earth!"

Thursday, The Twenty-Fifth of January 2018, "President Trump Arrived at The World Economic Forum Expressing "Great Peace and Great Prosperity"

And, "During a Press Conference with Prime Minister Theresa May of The United Kingdom Declared "His Great Friendship with The Prime Minster," and "He had Tremendous Respect for the Prime Minister and the job She's doing," and we love your country," "liking each other a lot," and "They are working on transactions in terms of economic development, trade, and most importantly military transactions," and "We have the same idea's and same ideals, and there's nothing that would happen to you, that we won't be there, to fight for you, you know that," and I just want to thank you very much, it's been a great honor to be with you, and The Prime Minister thanked President Trump and in turn Spoke of, "Having a great discussion today," and we continue to have a Really Special Relationship between The U.K. and The United States, fighting shoulder to shoulder, because we're facing the same challenges across the world, and as you say, we're working together to defeat those challenges as we meet them, and along side of that working for good trade relations in the future, which will be good for both of us, the U.S. and The U.S., and Its been great seeing you." 

It Will Be Interesting to See Exactly What the Reaction Would Be "When President Trump's Visit to The U.K. is Officially Announced!" 
And, "It Would Not Be An Exaggeration to Say" that, "The President has Caused Quite a Bit of Controversy in The British Isles," with "Some of His Previous Statements!"

And, It Will Be Interesting to Hear President Trump Speak about (1) Free Trade, (2) The U.S. Dollar (Will He Support U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's Idea for A Weaker Dollar, or Continue to Believe as European Central Bank Chief Mario Draghi Does in Supporting A Stronger Dollar,  and (3) The President's Thoughts about Considering to Hold Back Funds from The Palestinians, and (4) His Recognition and Idea's Surrounding Jerusalem as The Capitol of Israel, and (5) Immigration in The U.S. and Europe, and (6) The U.S. Relationship with Turkey and The Kurdish Forces Allied with The U.S. in The War Against Syndicates of Terrorists, and What Will It Take to Create A Positive Understanding between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Trump, and (7) Yet Another Book about President Trump called "God and President Trump" by Stephen E. Strang. 

And, On a Day "When The DOW Reached New Heights of 26, 458," and "Close at 26, 252.12," and "Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Investigations in Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Elections Continued to Move Forward in It's Search For The Truth," so "Did The Trump Experience Reach New Levels of Diplomacy and Friendship with The Diplomats, Global Leaders, Business Leaders and Journalists," in "a Series of Meetings," who were "Attending The World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland!" 

And, "Billionaire George Soros," who also "Expressed His Opinion about A Variety of Global Affairs such as, Tech Giants, European Immigration Policies/Refugees, Bitcoin, Dictators, the Subversion of Democracy by Russia and China, The Necessity and Importance of Democratic Development in Africa by The EU, A Democratic Landslide in The 2018 Mid-Term Elections, and President Trump would like to establish a mafia state, and can't," because "America's vibrant civil society" won't allow it," and "Much Much More" was said by Mr. Soros.

And, "As President Arrived Davos with His America First Philosophies," so did "German Chancellor Merkel State" that "Isolationism will get us nowhere." 

Chancellor Merkel has Been "A Strong Voice for Globalization,' and "During Her Address at The World Economic Forum" Stated, " The Motto of The World Economic Forum of "creating a shared future in a fractured world was exactly right," for 2018!
And, The Chancellor also said, "We believe that isolationism won't take us forward," and There is "Too much national egoism."

And, It Will Be Interesting to Discover "Exactly How President Trump's America First Message is Received" by "This Globalist Community of United Civilized Nations at WEF!"

Note that President Trump is The First U.S. President since "Former President William Clinton to Attend WEF in 2000!" 

And, "In His Speech on Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of January 2018," President Trump Stated that His America First Vision, "Does not mean America alone," and He also said that "American Prosperity has created countless jobs around the globe and the drive for excellence, creativity, and innovation in the United States has led to important discoveries that help people everywhere live more healthier and prosperous lives," and... "When The United States grows so does the World."

It is unfortunate that President Trump also used The WEF to, once again, "Attack The Press," by saying "how nasty, how mean, how vicious, and how fake the press can be." 

Former President Ronald Reagan was Known as "A Great Communicator" in His Eight Years as President of The United States," and, "It's Safe to say," that by "Continuing to Unnecessarily Attack The Press," "Is Not the Best Way To Accomplish This," or "Win Over New Believers in Supporting One's Domestic and Foreign Policies," or "Heal and Unite a Divided Nation," or "Create A Positive Atmosphere for An All Inclusive Global Society!"

There is "An Ole Saying, "You Reap What You Sow," and So, "One Must Bear The Consequences" of "One's Actions, Tweets, Campaign Promises, Slogans, Statements, Policies, Global Cross Media Interviews, and Press Conferences," and that Goes Especially for "A Controversial New World Leader!"

"The Question" that "Continues to Return Over and Over Again" is, "How Important It is For All of The Leaders of The Earths Nations, Business and Financial Leaders, Politicians, and Diplomats to Clearly Comprehend that "We are The Conservators and Protectors of Our Planet Home-Earth," and "There is A Grand Realization and Comprehension in This Noble Responsibility!" 
For Noble It is," and "The Lives of Our Fellow Human Being," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings are Dependent upon This!" And, "The Survival of Our Present and Future Generations" are "Dependent upon This Full Realization," Which is In Effect, "A Grand Purpose," that "Transcends Making Good Transatlantic Trade Agreements," or "Good Business Agreements," or "State Visits!"

For, It is "The Grand Realization and Perception," that "Leads to A Magnificent Union of All The People," of "The Diverse Fabric and Tapestry of The Earths Populace and Their Families!" And, "A Grand Ole Age of Equilibre, Justice, Freedom and Prosperity, Peace," and "The Pursuit of Happiness and Opportunity For One and All!"

And, "It is The Responsibility of The World Economic Forum," and "The Coalition of United Civilized Nations of The Earth" and "We The People," to Lead The Way!" 

And, This is "A Global Earthwise Equation" that "Adds Up in A Positive Way For All The People," irregardless of "All The Parallel Universes and Influences of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!"

It's Time For "A New Global Configuration of Nations to Come Forth, Speak Out," and "Lead by Their Actions," as "True Activists and Advocates Of, By, and For The People!"      

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Looking Back Upon The January 20, 2018, "Tale of The Two First Year Anniversaries," "History Will Record These Two Benchmark Events For Posterity," and "For All The Future Generations of The Earth's Communities Quite Differently!" 

"The Women's March 2018" Will Be Looked upon as "A Resounding Success Worldwide!" And, "A Unifying Act of Determination, Perseverance, and Purpose Of, By, and For Women from All over The Earth!"

And, "President Trump's One Year Anniversary of His Inauguration" Will Be Remembered for "The Shutdown The Government of The United States of America," and "His Canceled Inauguration Party in Mar-a-Lago, Florida! 

Plus, "The Fact that Thousands of Federal Employees were Forced to Be Placed on Furlough," a "Figure that Could have Risen to The Furlough Levels of the 2013 Federal Government Shutdown," that Amounted to Approximately Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Employees Placed on Furlough Per Day, If Congress had "Not Passed A New Continuing Resolution" on Monday, The Twenty-Second of January, 2018," that "Will Last until The Eighth of February, before "Another Shutdown Threatens!"

And, "The Trump Administration and The Republican Party," though, "In Control of The U.S. Congress and The White House," are "Unable to Provide Inspirational, Unifying, and Capable Administration of The Nations Affairs," as "Specified in The U.S. Constitution!"

And, Are "Projecting An Image of Being in A State of Amorphous to Our Allies," and "The Nations of The Earth," and "The Sovereign Citizens of The Worlds Populace, in General!"

"It's Time for A New Political Perspective and Direction in The United States," that "Considers The Affairs Of The People and Nation," before "Partisan Politics and Political Ideologies!" 

"More than Three Hundred Million People are Depending on It," Mothers, Fathers, and Children who are "The Fabric and Tapestry Of The People, By The People, and For The People," of The Twenty-First Century, who "Believe in The American Dream," and "The Pursuit of Happiness, Freedom, Equality, Justice, and Opportunity," and "The Grand Purpose and Being," that "The United States of America Symbolizes to The World!" 

And, "There is Very Little Doubt" that "The 2018 Mid-Term Elections in The United States Will Reflect The Peoples Desire for A True Change in The Political Landscape" that "Is Beneficial to The Needs Of The People!" And, "Less Concerned about The Hubris of Elected Officials!"

"A Change Must Come!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Women's March 2018" Symbolized The Commitment, Perseverance, Soul Strength, Unified Message and Vision of Equality, Empowerment, and Unlimited Potential of Women All Over The Earth!"

And, "The Rights of Women All Over The Earth to Pursue Their Goals," and "Live Their Lives in Freedom and In Peace!"
"Knowing that Their Families are Safe from Harm's Way," and "Their Daughters Will Receive The Education, Health Care, and Happiness Due to Every Sovereign Citizen of This Planet Earth!"

"The Suffragettes" Would Be "Very Proud of This Outstanding and Inspiring Effort!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Wednesday The Seventeenth of January 2018, "President Trump Held His Fake News Awards," and Although "It Was The Top Trender on Twitter Worldwide," and "There May have Been Some People who Took It Serious," Let's One and All Agree that, "It was No More than Fake News!"

And, "As The Political Landscape Continues to Evolve into The First Quarter of 2018," The Republican Party "Finds Itself Immersed in One Quagmire after Another," and "There is Little Doubt" that "Whatever Vision They Profess to Be Serving," It is "A Vision that is Tainted with Investigations of Collusion and Obstruction of Justice," and "A Lack of Leadership to Guide It Threw These Intense Moments of Chaos, Divisiveness, and Hubris," and Just as Importantly, "There is A Lacking in A True Sense and Reality of Integrity," that "Should Be The Core Principle of Every Elected Official," that "Appears to Be Missing!" And, "There is A Void of The Truth!" 
Yes, "There always Half Truths!" And, "Political Rhetoric and Campaign Promises without Substance!" But, "This is Not Enough!"

Let Us Agree that "The Issues" that The Republican Party is Faced with are; (1) A Republican Administration and President who are Threatening to Deport Approximately Eight Hundred Thousand Young People, who have only Known The United States as Their Home, (2) Another Threat of Government Shutdown If Another Spending Bill is Not Passed by The February 8, 2018, (3) Funding A Wall between Mexico and The U.S. (4) The Withdrawal of The United States from The Paris Agreement, (5) Going Against Its Allies and The United Nations to Withdraw The U.S. from The Iran Nuclear Deal, (6) Going Against Its Allies and The United Nations to Acknowledge Jerusalem as The Capitol of Israel, (7) Executive Orders Attempting to Prevent Transgender Americans from Serving in The U.S. Armed Forces, and Rescinding Title IX, A Federal Law that Protects The Right of Transgender Children to Use Restrooms and Lockers that Correspond to Their Gender Identities, (8) Environmental Cutbacks, (9) Political Policies that Cause Fear amongst Honest People who have Lived in The United States for Generations, Because of Natural Disasters and Political Unrest in Their Native Countries, Leaving Them with No Other Safe and Secure Option Other than to Seek Safe Haven in The U.S., (10) The Irrational Threat Posed by The GOP Against The Affordable Care Act, Depended upon by Tens of Millions Americans, and In Doing so, Threatening Their Health Care and Welfare of American Families, (11) Causing Racial Divides by Remaining Silent or Refusing to Reprimand Those who Make Unconscionable Comments, and (12) Passing Legislation under The Guise of Being Tax Cuts, while Estimates by The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Predict that It Will Cause a 1. 5 Trillion Dollar Deficit! And, "This is A Partial List of Issues, Policies and Executive Decisions," that "A Republican Controlled Congress has To Take Responsibility for!"

"The Republican Party Used to Be A Party of Deficit Hawks" that were "Concerned with U.S. Debt!"

"The GOP Used to Be A Party" that "Professed to Be Concerned about U.S. Values, Traditions, Laws, and Moral Conduct!"

"What has Happened to The Party of Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush!" And, "A Political Party with Respected Legislators" such as, "Jack Kemp, and Robert Dole!" 

And, "To Compound The Effrontery Posed by The Current GOP," is "Their Reluctance to Cross The Aisle and Work with Democrats," In The Name Of The People, and as "Elected Officials Of A Government Of The People, By The People and For The People is Totally Inexcusable!" And, "Illogical!" 
One Would Hope that "The Shutdown of The U.S. Government on Saturday, The Twenty-Second of January, 2018," The One Year Anniversary of President Trump's Inauguration, is "Enough of A Reason and Motivation for The GOP to Engage in Sincere, Direct, Frank and Honorable Discussions with The Democratic Party" in regards to "Important Domestic Issues and Policies that Need Immediate Attention," and "Foreign Affairs" that are "Beneficial to All of The Citizens of The United States of America!"  

"Let's All Agree" that "This has Gone Significantly Beyond The Normal Realm of Partisan Politics!" And, "A New Change Must Come in The Overall Attitude of The Republican Party Now in Session," or in "The 2018 Mid-Term Elections," When The American People "Will have A New Opportunity," (This Time without Russian Interference) to "Elect Women and Men Of The People," who "Truly Care about The Health Care and Welfare Of The People," and "For Our Families, Nation, Justice System, Institutions," "Laws of The U.S. Constitution," and "Our Place In The World Amongst Our Friends and Allies," and "Our Fellow Human Beings of The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The United Nations," and "The Twenty-First Century!"

Yes, "A Change Must Come!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Let Us "Continue to Build A Great Cloud of Communication and Information," that "Strives to Work and Embrace All The People of Our Planet Earth!"

And, Let Us Strive to "Continue to Build A Great Cloud of Communication and Information that Embraces A Universe of Global Equilibre For All The People" Irregardless of "Ethnicity, Gender, Creed, or Nationality!"

And, Let Us "Continue to Build A Great Nexus Of The People, By The People, and For The People" who are "Willing to Be a Part of A Great Community of Growth, Opportunity, Development, and Hope For All The People Of The Earths Communities!"

And, Let Us "Commit and Dedicate Ourselves to The Elimination of Poverty, and Homelessness!"

And, Let Us "Continue to Build A Grand Cloud of Communication and Information Of An Earthrise Vision Of, By, and For The People" who "Endeavor to Work Towards The Preservation Of Our Planet Earth, and who "Passionately Agree to Be The Protectors and Conservators Of Our Planet Home-Earth!"

An Earthrise Cloud of Communication and Information that Reveals and Reflects The Path of A Grand Universe" that "Embraces The Lives of All Sentient Beings, and Every Woman, Child, and Man Of This Planet Earth!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Age of Justice, Equality, Freedom, Hope, Opportunity, Trust, Innovation, Evolution, Social Security, and The Love and Joyfulness of Families All over The Earth, Who are of The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of All The People, Living in A Time/Space Reality Of Peace On Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"It's Official!" On Saturday, The Twentieth of January 2018,  On the "One Year Anniversary of President Trump's Inauguration," "The Republican Party Can Take Responsibility" and "All The Glory" that Goes with "Having Shutdown The Government of The United States of America!"

On The Second of May, 2017 President Trump Tweeted, "either elect more Republican Senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%. Our Country needs a good "shutdown" to fix this mess in September," and "He Got Half of What He Wish for!" Because, "This is On His Watch!" 

And, "This Will Be Officially Known as The Trump Shutdown!" And, "The President Can Add this to His Resume," and "The Art of The Deal!" And, "So Can The Republican Party, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell!" This is "Senator McConnell's Second Government Shutdown!" 

"The First One Occurred when Former President Barack Obama was in Office in 2013!" 

At that Time, "Donald Trump Laid The Responsibility for the 2013 Government Shutdown Clearly upon the Shoulders of President Obama!" And, "He Applauded the 2013 Government Shutdown," as "An Instrumental Way to Prevent The Implementation of The Affordable Care Act!"

"And, "Another Moment in The Modern Political History of The United States," that "President Trump and The Republican Party Can Lay Claim to is," "This is The First Time that A Government Shutdown Occurred with The White House and Congress in Control of The Same Party!"
"The Vote was Fifty to Forty-Nine!" However, "The Procedural Motion to Advance The Bill Needed Sixty Votes," and "The Republican Party, Its Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Trump Could Not Mount A Bi-Partisan Effort to Accomplish this!"   
"Forty-Five Republicans Voted For it with Five Going Against!" While, "Forty-Four Democrats Voted Against It and Five Voted For It!"

"It is A Shame" that "Now, The American People Will have to Endure The Political Blame Game" that "Will Result from The Republican Party's Inability to Focus on Government Priorities!" They were "Too Busy Attempting to Destroy The Affordable Care Act," and "Everything Else Obama," and "Passing Their Idea of A Tax Reform Bill!" "While Deadline after Deadline Approached without Passing A Long Term Funding/Spending Bill!"

Democratic Senators Jack Reed of Rhode Island (Ranking Member of The Senate Armed Service Committee) and Richard Durbin of Illinois (Senate Minority Whip) Introduced The "Pay Our Military Act" and House of Representative Republican Martha McSally of Arizona (and Retired Military Commander) has also "Introduced Legislation"  to "Continue Providing The Brave and Courageous Members of The U.S. Armed Forces and Their Families with Paychecks," While "The Congress Decides When They Will Honor Their Constitutional Obligation" to "Represent We The People," and "Keep The United States Government Funded!"

(Note: "The House of Representatives Passed The Initial Continuing Resolution" (CR), "A Stopgap Funding Bill to Keep The Government from Being Shutdown for Another Month," on Thursday, The Eighteenth of January 2018 by "a Two Hundred and Thirty to One Hundred and Ninety-Seven Vote!" However, "The Senate Must also Vote to Pass The CR" before "It Can Be Signed into Law by Midnight, The Nineteenth of January 2018" by President Trump to "Make It Official!")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Twenty-Second of January, 2018 "A Bi-Partisan Group of Senators Found Common Ground" to "Pass A New Continuing Resolution by A Eighty-One to Eighteen Vote in The U.S. Senate! Which also Followed with "A Vote of Two Hundred and Sixty-Six to One Hundred and Fifty in The U.S. House of Representatives," to "Pass The Resolution," for "President Trump to Sign into Law!"

"This Continuing Resolution Will Prevent The U.S. Government from Being Shutdown," again, "Until The Eighth of February, 2018!" By Which Time "A New Agreement Will have to Be Agreed to and Passed by Congress, or else "Another Government Shutdown Will Occur!"

"This CR" also "Included Funding of The Children Health Insurance Program" (Chip) for "Another Six Years," which is "Commendable!"

And, Global Cross Media Reports are Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) from KY, has "Agreed to Allow a Floor Vote on An Immigration Bill to Protect DREAMers" (DACA) to "Take Place in The Senate," (as Long as The Democrats Promise Not to Shut The Government Down after February Eighth!)

If True, "This Will Be One of The Few Times in Several Years that A Floor Vote," A "Straight Up and Down, Yea or Nay, Will have Occurred," Since "The Senate Revised its Cloture Rule in 1975," so that "Three-Fifths of Senators (Sixty) Could Limit Debate," and "Break The Back of Filibusters!"

"It is Now up to Party Leaders" to "Honor Their Word and Commitment to Pass Legislation" that is "Of True Benefit To The People!"

"The Founders Created A Grand Experiment Based on Checks and Balances, Legislation and Principles, and Laws and Compromises," so that "Partisan Politics and Political Ideologies Would Not Impede The Act of Governing," and "The Business Of The People!"

And, "It is The Constitutional Responsibility of Every Elected Official to Work On Behalf Of The People," and "For What is In The Best Interest, Welfare, Health Care, and Security Of All The People!"

However, "We The People" Will have "An Opportunity to Elect or Re-Elect Government Officials" that "Respect The Values and Traditions that We were Taught that are Fair and Just," and "Principles and Laws Of The U.S. Constitution," in "The Up and Coming 2018 Mid-Term Elections in The United States" (without Russia Interference or Collusion between Russia and Agents of Collusion and Obstruction of Justice Involved)!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Wednesday, The Thirty-First of January, 2018, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Brenda Fitzgerald Resigned," "Creating Another Scandal for The Trump Administration to have to Explain!"

"The Announcement" was "Made by the Newly Installed Secretary of Health and Human Resources Alex Azar!"

"This New and Present Scandal "Resulted from "A News Report by Politico" that "On The Seventh of July, Director Fitzgerald had "Purchased between $1,001 and $15, 000 in Tobacco Stocks of Japan Tobacco!" 

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "For Months Director Fitzgerald" had "Been Under Pressure for "Not Divesting Herself Sufficiently" from "Some of Her Financial Holdings," since "Becoming The Director of the CDC!"

And, "The Reality that She had Invested in Tobacco Stocks" while Being Head of the CDC "Violated The Code of Ethics" of "A Government Agency that was "Promoting Public Health!"

"The Announcement from Secretary Azar said, Fitzgerald owns "certain complex financial interests that have imposed a broad recusal limiting her ability to complete all her duties as the CDC director."

And, Although, Now Former Director of the CDC Fitzgerald "Sold Her Shares of Japan Tobacco on The Twenty-Sixth of October," as well as "All of Her Stock Holdings Above $1,001 by The Twenty-First of November, as is "Disclosed in the Records under the Stock Act," Clearly, This was "Not Enough to Merit Director Fitzgerald Remaining in Office and Staying on as the Head of the CDC!"        

-In Memoriam:
"The Death of South African Musician Hugh Ramapolo Masekela at The Age of Seventy-Eight of Prostate Cancer," on Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of January, 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa is "Very Sad News to Musicians and Human Rights Advocates and Activists All Over The Earth!"

"Bra Hugh," as "He was Lovingly Referred to," was Known as, "The Father of South African Jazz," However, He was, in Fact, "A Man who Gave His Life for The Rights of South Africans to Live in Equality and Freedom," and "Free from Oppression!" 

His Composition "Bring Him Back Home," Released in 1994, Became An International Anthem Demanding that "Nelson Mandela Be Released from Prison!"

However, Mr. Masekela Will always Be Remembered As "Being A Man of The Cross Media World of Music, and Theatre," and "True Expressionist of Art and Culture, and also was The Recipient of Many Prestigious Awards such as; The 2016 MTV Africa Music Awards (MAMAs) : Legend Award, Order of Ikhamanga 2010 South African National Orders Ceremony, 2002 BBC Radio Jazz Awards: International Award of The Year, and He was Nominated for Broadways 1988 Tony Award (and Grammy Award Nomination) for Best Score (Musical) with Music and Lyrics Collaborator Mbongeni Ngema for Sarafina, and 1968 Grammy Award Nomination's for Best Contemporary Pop Performance Instrumental- Grazin' in The Grass, Best World Music Album Jabulani in 2012, and The Music Of Liberation in 1989!" 

And, "His Talent Crossed The Bridges of Apartheid" to "Participate in Magnificent Collaborations with Harry Belafonte, Paul Simon, Herb Alpert, and Miriam Makeba (with whom He was Married for Two Years), and was "A Great Talent and Icon to South Africans," and Music Lovers from All Over The Earth!
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family, Friends and Colleagues of Hugh Ramapolo Masekela! And, To All who Marched with Him and Demonstrated with Him, and Loved His Music, Let Us Give Thanks for We are Fortunate to have a Universe of Music and Experiences of Hugh Masekela to Treasure For as Long as Music and The Rights of Our Fellow Human Beings are Respected and Admired!

In Memoriam:
"There is a saying that I have Used in Certain Circumstances," and I Would Like to Use It in This Instance, "It is Better Late than Never," and, "The Passing of Jean-Philippe Leo Smet," Better Know as "Johnny Hallyday," on The Fifth of December, 2017 at The Age of Seventy-Four, of Lung Cancer," is "Such A Sincere Moment!"

Johnny Hallyday's Career of Fifty-Seven Years Included "The Release of Seventy-Nine Albums," and "Sales of More than One Hundred and Ten Million Records!"

And, "His Extraordinary Career," Took Him on "A Magnificent Musical and Lyrical Journey" of Which, "He Entertained His Vast Legion of Music Lovers in France," and "Across The World of Music," with "Engaging Rockabilly, Rock, Pop, Hard Rock," and "Expressive Musical and Lyrical Arrangements and Record Productions" as "He Imagined Them to Be!" But, "Always Powerfully Produced and Performed" Whether "Live or In The Studio!" 

To "Demonstrate Johnny Hallyday's Popularity in France," One Event Can Enlighten You, If You Can, "Imagine Five Hundred Thousand People Watching A Live Concert of Johnny Hallyday at The Eiffel Tower in Paris," and "Another 9.5 Million People Watching Him on Television," that "In Itself Tell's The Tale!" The Concert was Called "100% Johnny: Live a la tour Eiffel" in 2000!

However, "Throughout The Musical Journey of His Career" Johnny was the Recipient of the Chevalier (Knight) of the Legion D'Honneur in 1997, and "Officer of The Order of the Crown" (in Belgium) in 2001!

And, On The Ninth of December, in "A Great Display of Love for Johnny," More that "Eight Hundred Thousand People Lined The Avenue Des Champs-Elysees" to "Say Their Last Au Revoirs," and "Fifteen Million People Watched The Procession and Ceremony on TV!" And, "French President Emmanuel Macron," and "Two Other of His Predecessors also Attended The Ceremony!"

"Johnny Hallyday was Inspired by Elvis Presley at The Age of Fourteen," When "He saw Elvis Acting" in His 1957 Feature Film "Loving You," and "It's Ironic" that "He Became "The French Elvis," However, "His Career Exemplified A Great Love for Music!" In Which "He Collaborated with Mick Jones," with "Jimmy Page as One of The Session Musicians!" 

And, "Johnny also Collaborated with "Charles Aznavour, amongst "Many Other Talented, Creative, and Celebrated Artists, such as The Jordanaires (who Backed up Elvis Presley on Many of His Hit Records and Live Performances), Peter Framptom, and Small Faces," whom "Johnny Used in His Recording Sessions!" And, "Johnny's Shows" were "Produced by One of The Best Producers in France, Jean-Claude Camus!"

And, "His Celebrative Career saw Him on Two Thousand Five Hundred Major Magazine Covers," and Another "One Hundred and Ninety Books have Been Written about Him!"

And, "While Johnny Acted in Several Feature Length Films," such as "Man on the Train" in 2002, "Crime Spree" with Gerard Depardieu and Harvey Keitel, in 2003, and in "Vengeance" in 2009, "He Will always Be Remembered for His Live Tours and Great Performances," Plus, "Five Diamond Albums, Forty Gold Albums, Twenty-Two Platinum Albums, and Ten Music Victories!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family and Close Friends of Johnny Hallyday! And, to Johnny's Colleagues who Worked with Him, and to Music Lovers Worldwide who have Enjoyed Listening to His Formidable Universe of Music for More than Fifty Years, We are Very Fortunate to have His World Of Talent to Enjoy for as Long as Music has A Great Soul and Spirit to Share with Future Generations!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters!