Wednesday, February 14, 2018



The Way To Peace! #311

"There are Mid-Term Elections Taking Place All over The United States This Year," Which is "Why It's of The Utmost Importance" to "Discover The Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth" about "Russian Interference in The 2016 U.S. Election!"

(On Tuesday, The Thirteenth of February 2018, Daniel R. Coats Director of National Intelligence, Michael R. Pompeo Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Admiral Michael S. Rogers  Director of the National Security Agency, Commander of the U.S. Cyber Command, and Chief of the Central Security Service, and Christopher A. Wray Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, "Met before An Open Session of The Senate Intelligence Committee," and "One Thing They All Agreed to" is "Russia Interfered with The 2016 U.S. Election," and that "Russia has Not Ceased in Their Efforts" to "Undermine American Values, American Elections, and The Private Sector!") 

"One Important Point of Interest" that "Should Be Clearly Obvious" is, "For The Sake of National Security," There Must Be "A Doctrine of Deterrents,"A Clear and Present Strategy to, "Prevent Future Cyber and Artificial Intelligence Attacks" from "Interfering in The Sovereign Integrity, Constitution, Values," and "Electoral Process of The United States of America," and "Its Government Of The People, By The People and For The People!" 

"Ironically, There is A Presidential Election Taking Place in Russia," on The Eighteenth of March 2018," and "I Wonder How Vehemently," President Putin, 65 Years of Age, "Would Consider Any Interference in Russia's Election!" (President Putin has Denied Interfering in The U.S. 2016 Election)

To say "Russia is Ruled by An Authoritarian Leader whose "One Man Rule Transcends The Constitution of the Russian Federation and The Federal Constitutional Law," Would "Not Be An Exaggeration!"
And, "I Would Imagine Campaigning Against President Putin," with His Seventy-One to Eighty Percent Approval Numbers," (and His KGB Background) is Extremely Difficult!"

And, "As In The Example of Alexei Navalny," Where President Putin has "Used His Near to Dictatorial Powers as Head of State," to "Harass and Prevent Mr. Navalny from Conducting An Anti-Corruption Movement Against The Russian Government," and has "Made it Literally Impossible for Mr. Navalny to Campaign as A Candidate For President in This Years Election,"(Because of An Alleged Embezzlement Charge that Mr. Navalny has Denied and Believes is Being Politically Used to Prevent Him from Running) "One Can See The Complexities and Difficulties" of "Challenging President Putin's Authority!" 

And so, "One Must Admire The Courage of These Candidates" who are "Choosing to Run for President Against President Putin," although President Putin is All but Assured to "Win Another Four Year Term as President!" (In Alphabetical Order)

(1)- Sergei Baburin, 59 "A Legal Expert Nominated by A Fringe Nationalist Party," 

(2)- Pavel Grudinin, 57, "Nominated by The Communist Party and A Multimillionaire Strawberry Farm Director," who is Running a Distant Second to President Putin with Seven Percent, is Critical of Government Policies and Economic System,"

(3)- Ksenia Sobchak, 36 "A Liberal and Celebrity Journalist For The Last Ten Years and A Reality TV Star, and An Alternative for Liberal Voters. Her Father was President Putin' One-Time Patron," She is a Controversial Figure who Could Split The Liberal Vote and Complicate Mr. Navalny's Call for A Boycott of The Presidential Election," She has Attacked The Government's Policies,"

(4)- Maxim Suraikin, 39 "Engineer and Owner of A Small Computer Business, Nominated by The Communists of Russia, A Fringe Group of The Main Communist Party,"  

(5)- Boris Titov, 57 "A Business Man Nominated by A Pro- Business Party,"

(6) Grigory Yavlinsky, 65 "A Liberal Economist Expert, is Supported by Middle-Aged and Elderly Liberal Minded Voters," who is Campaigning in His Fourth Presidential Election,"

(7)- Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 71 "Leader of The Ultra-Nationalist Liberal Democratic Party, and "A Self Styled Trump." This is the sixth Time He has Run for President, and is A Supporter of President Putin's Policies,"

"There is Little Doubt" that "Sovereign Nations and Their Citizens," who are "Predominantly Ruled by One Person," as It is in Russia, "Face Great Challenges!"
There are "Challenges to Individual Freedoms, Challenges to The Freedom of The Press, Information and Communication!" 

And, If "One Does Not Agree with The State Program," Meaning "The Directives and Policies of The Authoritarian Figures in Control," or "The Head of State," The Frustration and Unspoken Resignation that is Felt by The People," Can "Become Unbearable over A Period of Time!" 

And,  "The Governments Political Party's End up" having "Virtually No Power to Change Policy or Govern in The Name Of The People," Because of "Fear of Retaliation by The State!"

Which is, "Why It is of The Greatest Importance" for "There to Be A True Representation of The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of All The People," of The Twenty-First Century, "Irregardless of The Sovereign Nation or Community that They and Their Family May Be A Citizen of!" 

And, Which is "Why The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century" Must Be "A Reflection of Every Gender, Creed, Nationality, Ethnicity, Culture, and People!" 

This is "The Global Equation" that "Works Best For All of The Parallel Universes that Exist on Planet Earth!" 
And, "Why Sovereign Governments Of The People, By The People, and For The People" are "So Essential to The Social, Environmental and Ecological Security, Protection," and "Future of All The People," and of "Our Home-Planet Earth!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Friday, The Ninth of February 2018, "The U.S. Senate Passed The Two Year Budget Bill, Seventy-One to Twenty-Eight!" Irregardless of the Attempt by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky to Convince His Colleagues "What the Implications of Passing This Spending Legislation Will Be in Realistic Terms!"  And, "The Previous Pledges that were Made to Curb Spending" were Being Betrayed," and that They Need to "Return to Fiscal Policies that Will Bring Down The Deficit," and "Eventually Balance The Budget!"

Senator Paul also Stated that, "I can't in all good honesty, in all good faith, just look the other way because my party is now complicit in in the deficits."

And, "The House of Representatives Passed The Two Year Budget Legislation Two Hundred and Forty to One Hundred and Eighty-Six," Irregardless of House Minority Leader Pelosi's Passionate Speech to Vote No to The Bill," If "It Doesn't Permit a Vote on Protecting Dreamer Immigrants!"

(Wednesday, The Seventh of February Rep. Pelosi "Delivered The Longest Speech in The History of The Chambers of The House of Representatives," Reading Personal Letters from Young Children, and Quotes from Pope Francis and The Holy Bible!"
Rep. Pelosi "Spoke for a Record Eight Hours" in "An Attempt to Convince Republican Lawmakers in The House" to "Permit A Vote on Protecting Dreamer Immigrants!")

And, Irregardless of "The Fact" that "This Two Year Spending Bill "Will Add Significantly to The National Debt," and "Federal Deficits are Projected to Surpass One Trillion Dollars by 2019," It was "Passed by Both Republican Controlled Houses!"

This Ends "The Second Government Shutdown in Three Weeks!" And, "The End of Sequestration" (Whether Permanently or Temporarily Will Be Seen in 2019) and "The Return to A Newer Version of A War-Time Economy!" Defense Spending "Will Increase by Approximately One Hundred and Sixty Billion Dollars!"

 President Trump Signed The Bill, although "The Congressional Budget Office" (CBO) has "Estimated This Legislation" Will "Add Three Hundred and Twenty Billion in Deficit Spending to The Bill!"
Friday morning President Trump Tweeted, "Without more Republicans in Congress, we were forced to increase spending on things we do not like or want in order to finally, after many years of depletion, take care of our military."

Included in The Two Year Budget Deal is (2) A One Hundred and Thirty-One Billion Dollar Increase to Domestic Program Spending!"

(2) "Ninety Billion Dollars Will Go for Aide to Disaster Struck Areas in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico!"

(3) Six Billion is Slated to Go to "Combat Opioid and Substance Abuse, (4) Five Point Eight Billion for Child Care, (5) Two Billion for National Institutes of Health research, and (6) Twenty Billion for Infrastructure Investment!"

And, also Included is a Passage that"Extends The Government Borrowing Authority until 2019!"   
It Will Be Interesting to See "What Affects This Two Year Deal Will have upon The Stock Market" that has had "Its Own Serious Up's and Downs Over The Last Week!" And, Just as Importantly, "How It Enhances The Quality of Life of American Families," and, of course, "The U.S. Economy!"

One Thing is For Certain is "The Idea of Fiscal Austerity" is "No Longer a Real Consideration in The Federal Government!"

And, Who Would have Imagined "The Republican Party" who are In Control of The House of Representatives, The Senate and The White House, "Turning away from Being Deficit Hawks" to "Becoming The Spending Party!"

However, "There is also A Serious Breach of Trust" that is "Being Felt by The Hispanic Community in The United States," who have "Placed Their Trust in The Democrats to Protect Their Children and Their Families from The Betrayal of The Trump Administration" and "The Republican Party!" Who Feel that "The Democrats have "Thrown away An Opportunity to Force The Republicans to Come to A New Agreement," or "Renew The Old Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program," by "Tying It to The New Budget Agreement!"

And, "Progressives/Liberals and Some Moderate Democrats also See This Moment Slipping away" under "The Leadership of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer" and "House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi!" 

And, Unfortunately for Rep. Pelosi, "It May Take More than A Record Eight Hour Speech," with All of Her Good Intentions, "To Heal The Growing Rupture in The Democratic Party" over "How to Renew Protection for Dreamers," and In An even Broader Sense, "How to Protect The Millions of Undocumented Immigrants Living in The United States," who are "Being Used as Pawns to Obtain Financing to Build A Wall between The United States and Mexico!"

"Its Difficult to Comprehend" How Our Elected Officials have Forgotten" that (1) America is A Land of Immigrants (with The Exception of Native Americans) and (2) Have They Forgotten The Magnificent Compassionate and Inspirational Sonnet written by Emma Lazarus, Engraved on The Statue of Liberty Plague, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

"The Question" is Will The Political Party's of Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, and Barack H. Obama, "Transcend The Selfish, and Egotistical Divide of Partisan Politics," and "Create and Pass A Magnificent, Stately, Heroic, Distinguished, Awe-Inspiring Highly Ethical and Moral Body of Legislation," that "Embraces The Grand Principles, Compassion, Spirit and Great Soul that The United States of America and The American People Stand for!"

Fortunately, "The American People have The Laws of The U.S. Constitution to Protect and Guide Them," and "The 2018 Mid-Term" and "2020 Elections" to "Elect Women and Men who Merit Their Vote," and "Vow to Represent We The People of These United States Of America," Because, "It is Becoming More and More Obvious" that "A Change Must Come!"

"The Irony" is When Former President William Clinton was in Office, "The Federal Government was in The Black!" And, With President Trump in Office "The Earths Largest Economy is Seriously in The Red," and "The Two Year Budget Deal," that was "Just Passed by Both Republican Controlled Houses," and "Signed into Law by President Trump," Will "Be Contributing Hundred's of Billions of Dollars to Federal Deficits!"

Fortunately, "Americans of Voting Age," have  "A Real Opportunity to Bring A Change to The Politics of Amorphous and Hubris" that have "Divided The Nation" by "Voting in The 2018 Mid-Term Elections," and "Voting with Their Hearts, Cognizance, and Conscience," Because, "The United States was Built upon A Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People," who "Migrated to The United States of America from All Parts of The Earth," and are "In Need of True Representation," that "Mirrors and Reflects The Diversity Of The People," and "The Laws Of The U.S. Constitution!" And, that "Represents The Grand Experiment" that "The Founders Believed in," and "Created For The Pursuit of Happiness and Opportunity For One and All!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Russian Investigations" have Definitely Entered into "The Thrust and Parry Phase of Its Evolving Configuration" with "Multiple Alignments of Different Groups/The Senate Judiciary Committee, House Intelligence Committee, The Department of Justice, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, The Robert Mueller Investigation, and Memos and Probes," All Vying for "An Interview with A Person or Person's of Interest," Whomever "He or She May Be!"

And then, "There are "The Takeaways," such as "The Sudden Resignation of Deputy Director of The Federal Bureau of Investigations Andrew McCabe," on Monday, The Twenty-Ninth of January 2018, and then, "On Friday, The of Ninth of February 2018, Global Cross Media News Reports that "Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand," The "Third Highest Official in The Justice Department, is "Planning to Resign," after "Spending only Nine Months in Office" is "A Surprising Revelation" (to Work at Walmart as An Executive Vice President)!    

And then, "There's The Trump White House," who are "Attempting to Limit What Questions Should Be Asked," and "How They Should Be Answered!"

And then, "There are The Personal Attorney's," who are "Representing Anyone," from "President Trump to Vice President Pence," and "Providing Counsel to Person's of Interest," in Regards to "Russian Interference in The U.S. 2016 Election!"

And, "The List Continues to Grow," and "Whispers of Collusion" and  "Obstruction of Justice" Continue to Mount! 

Tuesday, The Sixth of February 2018, "Former White House Chief Strategist and Chief Executive Officer of The Trump 2016 Campaign Stephen Bannon Declined to Appear before The House Intelligence Committee!" 
"The Reasons Being Cited" are "Negotiations between The White House and The House Intel Committee" over "The Scope of Questions Mr. Bannon Would Be Asked, by The Committee," have "Not Been Agreed to," as of Yet!

And, Global Cross Media Reports are "The Delay of Mr. Bannon's Testimony before The Committee" has Been Caused "Primarily by The Lack of Agreement" over "Exactly What Questions Mr. Bannon Would Be Permitted to Answer," in Regards to (1) Topics Concerning The Transition Period, and (2) The Time He Spent in The White House as President Trump's Chief Strategist!"

However, "What Still Remains to Be Seen" is, "Will Mr. Bannon Answer All Questions Put to Him by Special Counsel Mueller," and "His Team of Investigators," without "White House Interference!"

"The American People Expect The Truth to Be Told," Whomever, "The Person or Persons of Interest May Be!"
And, There Can Not Be "Any Distraction, Delay, False Rhetoric, Lie, Misleading Comment or Legal Maneuver," to "Prevent The Truth from Being Uncovered and Revealed!"

"We are already Aware" that "Russia Interfered in The 2016 U.S. Election!" Now, "What is Just as Important" is "To Discover who Their Accomplices were" and "Still May Be!" And, "To The Highest Degree Possible," "This Evidence and Knowledge Must Be Discovered and Ascertained" before "The 2018 U.S. Mid-Term Elections Take Place!"

And, "With Each New Revelation that Surfaces," "All The Lawmakers of The U.S. Congress without Equivocation," Must Consider "The National Security of The United States of America and Its People," and "The Laws of The Constitution," "Before Partisan Politics!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Monday, The Fifth of February 2018, "The House Intelligence Committee," Controlled by Republicans, "Finally Voted to "Declassify The Democrats Rebuttal of The Nunes-Republican Memo," and "Now, All that Remains" is "For President Trump to Authorize Its Release to Make It Public!"

However, On Friday, The Ninth of February 2018, "President Trump Decided to Block The Release of The Ten Page Memo," Written by "Democrats on The House Intelligence Committee!"

On Monday, The Fifth of February 2018, "The House Intelligence Committee," Controlled by Republicans, "Finally Voted to "Declassify The Democrats Rebuttal of The Nunes-Republican Memo," and "All that Remained" was "For President Trump to Authorize Its Release to The Public!"

Global Cross Media Reports are White House Counsel Don McGahn Explained The Presidents Decision saying that "While The President is "Inclined" to declassify the memo, he will not "at this time," due to it containing "numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages."

Mr. McGahn also said "The Executive  Branch stands ready to review any subsequent draft...for declassification at the earliest opportunity." And, President Trump has directed The Justice Department to offer assistance to the House Committee to revise the memo."

"There are Seemingly Contradictory Positions" Taken by President Trump in Regards to "His Concern over The Release of The Democratic Memo" and "The Release of The Nunes-Republican Memo!

For One, "The President Chose to Release The Four Page Nunes-Republican Memo" "Against The Concerns of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and The Director of The FBI Christopher Wray!" While "Deciding to Block The Release of The Ten Page Democratic Memo," "Because of "the concerns of certain parts of the memo," by FBI Director Wray and Deputy AG Rosenstein!"

"The Week of February Fourth" has "Been Beset upon by A Wall Street Debacle, Government Shutdown," and "Now This!" "Wise Counsel May Be For All The Party's Involved is" to "Appoint An Independent Mediator" to "Decide The Fate of The Democratic Intelligence Committee's Ten Page Memo!" Someone who has "Absolutely No Involvement in The Russia Investigations!"       

And, "As The Multiple Dimensions of The Parallel Political Universes Continue to Merge and Diverge from One Another," as "Deadlines Come and Go," All to Frequently for "There to Be A Sense Stability, Permanence, or Security in Governance," "The American People" and "The Leaders of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Nations," and "The Earths Populace," "Watch and Wait for The Answers to Present Themselves," and "Discover Who Will Be The Winners and Losers in The 2018 Mid-Term Elections," and "Who Will Plead Guilty," or "Be Convicted of Collusion," and or "Obstruction of Justice" from "The 2016 Trump Campaign Team!"

And, "As The Parallel Political Landscapes Reach All The Way to The Pyeonchang 2018 Olympic Winter Games in South Korea," Where "Athletes from All Around The Earth" are "Competing for Gold, Silver or Bronze Medals," and "For The Admiration and Respect of Their Home Countries, Families, Friends, Neighbors, Communities, and Fellow Competitors," "Peace Discussions are Being Conducted by South and North Korea," and "The Korean Peninsula is Hopeful," that "These Talks are Genuine and Sincere!" And, that "The Two Leaders," North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in "Will Unite Generations of Families" who have "Been Separated by War" and "An Ongoing Conflict that has Lasted For Much Too Long!" And, "Too Many Lives have Been Lost," and "Too Many Tears have Fallen in Vain!"    

But, To Return to "The Question," is Is There "A Saving Grace" in "The Ongoing Political Sphere of Amorphous" that "Presently Exists in The Trump Administration," "The Answer is Yes!" "Why?" Because, "One Day" as "History" has always Revealed to Us, "This State of Amorphous Will Come to An End!" And, "A New Beginning Will Arise and Flourish" into "An Empowering State of Ascension," that is "Compassionate to The Needs of The Poor and Destitute," While Providing Support and Encouragement," For "All The People of The Earth's Diverse Communities!"

There is Simply, "No Reason Why Anyone Should Be or Feel Left Out!" After-All, "There is Zero Degrees of Separation between Us," and "We are Living in The Twenty-First Century," and "The Time For A Reckoning For All The People of This Planet Earth has Come!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Friday, The Second of February 2018, "In A Crash that was Heard All Around The Earth," "The DOW Fell Six Hundred and Sixty-Five Points" and "Giving This Week "The Distinction of Being The Worst Decline The DOW Jones Industrial has had In Two Years!"

And, "The Standard and Poor Fell 2.1 percent" and "The Nasdaq Composite Fell 1.96 percent!"

To Put It into Perspective, "The DOW Posted It's Worst One Day Crash since June 2016!" And, "The Standard and Poor 500 Posted Its Worst One Day Collapse since September 2016!" And, Nasdaq since August 2017!"

"High Interest Rates," and "Higher than Expected Employment Figures," were In Part, "The Cause of The Debacle on Wall Street!"

The U.S. Economy "Added Two Hundred Thousand Jobs in January," instead of, "The One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Figure that was Expected!" And, While Energy was "The Worst Performing Sector in The Standard and Poor 500," Most Other Companies (Seventy-Eight percent) Recorded Better than Bottom-line Expectations," and Global Cross Media Reports are "Eighty percent Exceeded Sales Estimates!"

"The Question" is, "How Will The Earths Markets React" to "This Debacle and Crash on Wall Street!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Fifth of February 2018, "The Results are in" and "The Crash that was Heard in and Around The Earths Financial Markets" has "Turned into An Earth Shaking Disaster," with "The DOW Jones Industrial Spiraling Out of Control by 4.6%, and "The Standard and Poor's 500-Stock index Crashing" by "More than 4%!"

Needless to say, "There is a Growing Fear" that has "Begun to Feel like Global Panic Reaching Out to Foreign Markets," and "Proof of This, " is "Stocks in Japan Falling by More than 6%, and Shares Fell by More than 4% in Hong Kong's Hang Seng index," and Global Cross Media Reports are "Australia's Benchmark Standard and Poor ASX 200" has "Fallen 3.3% to 5,828.40."

"Its Not Surprising" that "This Crash Occurred," because "A Correction was Due to Take Place in The United States," However, The Magnitude of The  Crash Made It The Worst Point Decline in The History of The DOW," "Closing at 1,175!" And, "Tuesday's Fears" have "Not Been Abated by Financial Experts!"  And, All of This Occurred, "Irregardless of The Passage of A Major Republican Tax Cut Bill," (that "The Congressional Budget Office" (CBO) "Estimates Will Cause 1.5 Trillion Dollars in Deficits" over "The Next Ten Years")!

And, "It Will Be Interesting to Discover," If, "This New Debacle on Wall Street," has "Any Connection with "The State of Discordant Political Affairs in Washington, D.C." or "The State of Amorphous in The Trump Administration!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Sixth of February 2018, Saw The DOW Jones Industrial "Start The Day More than One Thousand Points in The Red," at "A Low of 23,778.74," only to "Close in The Green at 24,912.77.

The Standards and Poor 500 Closed at 2695.14 Up 1.7%! And, Nasdaq Closed at 7115.88 Up 2.1%!

Global Cross Media Reports are "Asian, and European Stock Markets, and Britain's FTSE 100 Did Not Fair Well on Tuesday!" The FTSE 100 "Crashed by One Hundred and Ninety-Three Points!"

"Irregardless of Whether This Five Day Period Will Be" Referred to "As A Major Market Crash," that was "Heard All Around The Earth," or "Simply A Correction that was Overdue," For The Global Economies to Continue to Improve and Evolve, "We Need The Global Financial Markets to Stabilize" and "Not React to The Old Norms that Caused It to Crash in The Past," (and, Last Friday, The Second of February, 2018) "The New Norm Of The Twenty-First Century" "Demands that Development and Growth be Consistent with "What is In The Best Interest Of The Earths Populace!" 

And, "Let The Stock Markets Show A Profit from Investing in and Engaging in Innovative and Profitable Enterprises," that "Support and Empower Initiatives, Opportunities, Education, Health Care, Social Security, and Pursuit of Happiness, For All The People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Eighth of February, 2018 The Dow Jones Industrial Closed at 23,860.26! "Its Downward Spiral of 1,032.46 (4.15%)" is Being Referred to "As A Correction that was Inevitable!"

Nevertheless, "It is Causing An Earth-Shaking Financial Catastrophe" in "The Global Financial Marketplace!"
And, "Yes," There have Been Moments in The Past," of "What has Felt as Being "A Total Collapse in The Global Market Structure," and then "Whether It Be through Investment, Government Bailouts, or Global Economic Growth, or Positive Manufacturing Figures," The Markets have Recovered," However, "That Still Does Not Change The Fact," that "Severe Damage is Being Caused" that "Affects The Lives of People of All Ages and Varied Demographics," and "Corporations and Businesses of Every Genre," and "Financial Sector Imaginable!"

Because Today, "Standards and Poor 500 Closed at 2,581," "Descending 100.66 (3.75%)!" 

And, "NASDAQ Composite Closed at 6,777.16 A Fall of 274.82 (3.90%)! 

And, "You Can Hear The Unspoken Thoughts, "Calling For It to End, Let This Be The Last Day!" "Let Tomorrow's Markets Rise on The Tides of Strong Performances in Energy or Retail or a New Jobs Report?"

But, "Whatever Tomorrow's Results, and Closing Figures May Be," It is "Time for The Global Markets to Embrace The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century," that is "Empowered by Investment in The Parallel Infrastructures," and "Global Enterprises that Improve The Quality of Life For All The People of The Earths Communities!"

"There is An Economic Parity," in "This Global Path" that "Leads to A New Age of Sociological Equilibre!"

"There is A Bountiful and Fulfilling Economic Parity," that "Results from "The Implementation of This Universal Equation," that "Enfolds in Its Embrace The Welfare, and Social Security of All The People of This Planet Earth!" And, that "Is All Inclusive of The Earths Populace," and "Excludes No One from The Opportunity to Be a Part of A Grand Age and Future of Prosperity, Stability, and Peace!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"A Great Many Elected Officials" have "Called for The Passage of A  New Infrastructure Bill" Going as "Far Back as Former President Obama's Eight Years in Office!" 

However, What was "Previously An Almost Traditional Proposed Bi-Partisan Bill," that was "Passed by a Majority Congress," All of A Sudden "Could Not Obtain Passage!" There Simply was "Not Enough Support from The Republican Party!"

Let's Remember, that (1) The First Four Years of Former President Obama's Term in Office,"The Republican Party was "Devoted to Making Sure that President Obama Would Not Be Re-Elected in 2012," and (2) There was "The Republican Party's Obsession with Destroying The Affordable Care Act," and They were "Not About to Give Him A Major Legislation Achievement" for "Passing An Infrastructure Bill," or "Choosing A Supreme Court Judge!" 

However, Today, Monday, The Twelfth of February 2018 "President Trump Proposed" and "Called upon Congress to Pass a 1.5 Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Plan!" With "Two Hundred Billion Coming from The Federal Government," and "The Remainder Being Supplied by State and Local Governments," and also by "Tapping into The Private Sector!"

"The President Made His Proposal in Full Confidence that His Proposal Would Succeed," to "A Group of Mayors and Governors, and "Other Lawmakers from Around The Country in A Closed Door Meeting!"

President Trump is "Calling His Proposal "The Biggest and Boldest Infrastructure Investment in America's History."

Monday, The Twelfth of February 2018 President Trump Tweeted, "This will be a big week for infrastructure. After so stupidly spending $7 trillion in the Middle East, It is now time to start investing in OUR Country!"

However, It Must Be said that "The President's Timing for such "A Grand Proposal" Comes after (1) The Publican Party has Passed a Tax Cut Bill that Will Increase The Deficit by 1.5 Trillion Dollars, and (2) A Two Year Budget Bill, that The Congressional Budget Office Estimates Will Add Three Hundred and Twenty Billion Dollars of Deficit Spending to The Bill, and
(3) Now The 1.5 Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Bill, and (4) The DOW Jones Industrial has Just Experienced Its Worst Decline in Two Years, and (5) Just Last Week, The Week of The Fifth of February, Two Officials of His Administration,  Rob Porter, Now Former White House Staff Secretary, and David Sorensen White House Speechwriter Resigned, Amid Sexual Abuse Allegations, and (6) Brenda Fitzgerald Former Director of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Resigned, on The Thirty-First of January Because of Financial Conflicts of Interest, and (7) There is The Ongoing Russian Investigations, and (8) Backlash over Blocking The Ten Page Memo of The Democratic Members of The House Intelligence Committee, on The Ninth of February, 2018, and(9) President Trump's Negative and Provocative Comments about The United Kingdom's Healthcare System, on Monday, The Fifth of February 2018, and (10) The Trump Administration is In a State of Amorphous, and (11) The Fate of DACA Immigrants Will Be Intensely Debated by Members of Congress" to "Prevent A Colossal and Unethical, Event Deportation from Taking Place!"  

There is "No Disagreement" that "The United States Infrastructure" is "In Need of Repair," However Cuts in Social and Environmental Programs Will Not Pay For These Repairs," and State and Local Governments are Still Recovering from The Financial Debacle that Took Place Ten Years ago," and "The Private Sector in Still Undecided!"

"Timing is Important, When Making A Proposal," But "It Should Not Be Used to Distract Attention away from The Issues" that are "Dividing The Nation!"

However, "This is An Advantageous Moment in Time to Build and Repair The Bridges between Nations and Allies," and "Each Other," at "A Cost of Less than 1.5 Trillion Dollars!"
And, "The Federal Government Can Demonstrate Some Fiscal Restraint" by "Beginning to Repair One State at A Time," (unless There is An Emergency) at "Much Less The Cost of 1.5 Trillion Dollars," until "The Job has Been Completed!"      

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Find Peace of Mind in Knowing" that "Good Will Prevail over Evil!"

And, "Let Us Find Purpose and Satisfaction" in "Helping Those who are Homeless and Living in Tents, Open Fields, Alleyways, Sidewalks, Train Tunnels, Cars and Trucks!" Let Us "Help Them Build New Lives," and "Find New Homes," and "New Opportunities and New Careers," that "Bring Them Financial and Social Security For Their Families!"

And, Let Us "March in Unity and In Step with Equal Rights Movements, and Equal Pay Movements, Civil Rights Movements, Environmentalist Movements, Peace Movements," and "Movements that Uphold The Laws of The U.S. Constitution," and "A Government Of, By, and For The People!"

And, "Let Us Discover New Ways to Bridge The Political Divide that Separates Us, and "Threaten to Further Divide Us with Walls," and "Misleading Political Campaign Rhetoric!"

And, Let Us "Stand Strong as A Great Soul Force" Against Those Leaders whose "Hubris, Authoritarian, Greed, and Lust For Power Threatens to Destroy The Cultures, Traditions, Values, Beliefs and Way of Life that We were Taught to Believe in!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Share An Earthrise Vision Of The People" via "A Grand Cloud of Communication and Information," of "Science and Technology, Education and Unlimited Opportunity, Through The Beauty of Music, Dance, and Art," and of "A Universal Culture, Contemplation of The Cosmos, Cognizance, and Universal Equation of Equilibre," that "Graces The Lives, Families and Communities Of All The People of This Planet Earth!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age Of Trust, Eloquence Of Being, Truth and Justice, and of An Expanding and Unfolding Evolution, and Age of Compassion, Hope, and Peace On Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 "As The Parallel Political Universe Continues to Reveal New Headlines on Its Political Horizon," Global Cross Media News Reports are Israeli Police have "Found Sufficient Evidence" to "Recommend The Indictment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu"on "Two Corruption Charges!" 

"The Two Cases" that have "The Potential to Threaten The Prime Minister's Leadership," are (1) Case 1000- "The P.M. is Suspected of Receiving Gifts from Businessmen," and "While Its Focus has Been on Prime Minister Netanyahu's Relationship with Amon Milchan, "An Israeli Billionaire and Hollywood Producer," It has also "Included Other Wealthy Individuals with Connections to The P.M." (Mr. Milchan has Denied The Charges Against Him) and  (2) Case 2000- "Is Related to Conversations that The Prime Minister is Alleged to have had with Amon "Noni" Mozes," The Owner of "Yedioth Ahronoth" One of Israel's Main Newspapers, about "Limiting Circulation of "Israel Hayom" A Newspaper Owned by Sheldon Adelson, in "Exchange for more Positive News Coverage!" 

Prime Minister Netanhayu has "Denied the Allegations Made Against Him!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Authorities Found Evidence" that "Would Merit Indictments of "Accepting Bribes, Fraud, and Breach of Trust," However, Israel's Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, Will Make The Final Decision Whether or Not to Indict Prime Minister Netanyahu!"

Prime Minister Netanyahu has "Been A Strong Supporter of President Trump," and "Israel An Important Ally," and "These Allegations Against The PM Could Cause A Setback to President Trump's Plans for Peace in The Middle East!"     

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
Monday, The Fifth of February, 2018 "We Find President Trump in the Middle of Another Dispute!" This Time It's about The United Kingdom's Healthcare System!"

Monday morning President Trump Tweeted; "The Democrats are pushing for Universal HealthCare while thousands of people are marching in the UK because their U system is going broke and not working. Dems want to greatly raise taxes for really bad and non-personal medical care. No thanks!"

"The President Mistook the Reason the March Why Tens of Thousands of People were Marching on Saturday, The Third of February 2018" as "They Descended on Downing Street Chanting "Save the NHS (National Health Service)!"

"The Demonstrators were Marching in Support of NHS," and "Against Further Government Cutbacks!" "They were Demanding More Funding for NHS," to "Improve Its Services and Coverage To The People!"

"Jeremy Corbyn Leader of The Labor Party" and a "Member of Parliament" Tweeted,  in Response to President Trump, "Wrong. People were marching because we love our NHS and hate what the Tories are doing to it. Healthcare is a human right!"

And, "Jeremy Hunt of The Conservative Party," and "Secretary of State for Health and Social Care," and "a Member of Parliament" Responded to President Trump saying, "No one protesting about the state of the NHS wanted a US-style system." And, "NHS may have challenges but I'm proud to be from the country that invented universal coverage-where all get care no matter the size of their bank balance."

The Demonstration Called "NHS In Crisis: Fix -It Now" was Organized by Two Groups, The People's Assembly and Health Campaigns Together" who "Released a Joint Statement saying "they were campaigning against moves to an "expensive, inefficient and unjust US-style system! And, "This is what our demonstration was about on Saturday, February 3, and tens of thousands of British People want to show their love for the principles of universal and comprehensive care, free at the point of use, paid for through paid taxation!" And, "We don't agree with your divisive and incorrect rhetoric. No thanks!"

One Can only Wonder "If U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May," had "A Prescient Moment on a Broad Scale and Not Just Trade," at the "Press Conference at The World Economic Forum with President Trump," When "The Prime Minister was Discussing" the "Challenges They Would Meet!"

And, "On A Second Front of The Parallel Political Landscape," "It is Necessary to Point Out" that "Member's of Both Democratic and Republican Party's" have "Disagreed with President Trump's Contention" that "The Nunes-Republican Memo" Released on Friday, The Second of February 2018, "Validated His Position" that "He or Member's of His Campaign Team Did Not Obstruct Justice" or "Act in Collusion with Russia, or with Russian Officials," in Regards to Russian Interference with The 2016 U.S. Election!"

However, In Both Situations, (1) The Heathcare Demonstration in The U.K. and (2) The Nunes-Republican Memo, President Trump has "Misread The Facts," and "The Conclusions He has Come to See as "Validating His Opinion, Viewpoint, and Standpoint!" 

And, "There Still Lies a Long and Demanding Path of Interviews, Charges and Indictments, and Guilty and Non-Guilty Declarations," and "Legal Experiences" that "Lie Ahead in The Legal Process!" 
And, "Headlines to Be Written and Published," and "Commented upon in The Global Cross Media Universe, The Social Media," and "The Fourth Estate!"

And, "With All The New Changes that Lie Ahead" and "Traverse The Political, Economical, Environmental and Sociological Landscape of The Parallel Life Spheres," that "Encircle The Earths Horizons," and "Embrace The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People," In Order to "Maintain and Nourish A Twenty-First Century Global State of Equilibre amongst All Sovereign Nations," A Grand Universal Perspective Of The Needs of All The People of The Earths Populace is Needed!" And, "Global, National, Regional and Local Leaders" and "Elected Officials Must Walk in The Shoes (or Moccasins) Of All The People!" In Each and Every Community!" And, "The Must Remember" that "They are The Elected Representatives of A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

And, "They Must One and All Remember" that "They have The Responsibility to Be The Protectors and Conservators Of The Earths Sea's, Lands, Skies, Sentient Life Forms, and The Atmosphere and Air that Graces Our Home Planet-Earth!" 

And, "Our Present and Future Generations" are "Dependent upon Wise Counsel, Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, and Women, Children and Men of Conscious and Spiritual Awareness, Cognizant and Cultural Interdependent Sovereign Citizens of The Earth, Women, Children and Men of A Just and Free World, An Age of Equality, and Social Security For All Genders, Creeds, Nationalities, Colors, and Tribes Of The Earth! 

An Age Built upon "A Grand Purpose Of Being Here and Now" as "A Principled, Ethical, and Soulful Society and Nexus Of, By, and For The People, and of "Our Sacred Planet Earth," and of "The Celestial Illuminated Bodies of The Grand Universe!"

-In Memoriam:
Thursday, The First of February 2018 One of The Great Voices of Motown, Rhythm and Blues and Soul Dennis Edwards Passed away Two Days Before His Seventy-Fifth Birthday, after "Suffering A Stroke!" He had also "Been Struggling from Meningitis and Pneumonia!"

Born in Fairfield, Alabama, Dennis Edwards Career Spanned Across A Fifty Year Period," until "One Day, in 1968, He was Asked to Join The Legendary Motown Group "The Temptations," after "They had Fired David Ruffin," who was "One of The Original Members of The Temptations!"

Dennis Edward's Career with The Temptations was Active in Phases, between 1968 to 1976, 1980 to 1984, and 1987 to 1989! "You Can Hear His Soulful Blend with Rhythm and Blues on "Cloud Nine" in 1968, "I Can't Get Next To You" in 1969, "Ball Of Confusion (That's What the World is Today)," in 1970, "Papa Was a Rolling Stone" in 1972, and "Shakey Ground" in 1975!
"Cloud Nine" and "Papa Was a Rolling Stone" "Won Grammy Awards!"   

In and Around Dennis' Career with The Temptations, He Recorded Hit Single in a Duet with Siedah Garrett in 1984, "Don't Look Any Further," plus Several Radio Singles "(You're My) Aphrodisiac," and "Just Like You."
And, "The Title Track of His Follow up Album" in 1985 "Coolin' Out" and "Try a Little Tenderness" were "Successful Chart Singles!"

In the Late 1980's "Dennis Spent A Brief Period Of His Career" Performing with Ex- Lead Singers of The Temptations as "Ruffin/Kendricks/Edwards," Which Unfortunately "Ended After The Deaths of David Ruffin in 1991, and Eddie Kendricks in 1992!"

"Dennis Edwards Accolades are Many," Amongst His Most Prominent are "Being Inducted in The Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame" as "A Member of The Temptations in 1989," and also "Being Inducted in The Rhythm and Blues Music Hall Of Fame," with "The Temptations in 2013."

And, On The Fourth of October 2015, Dennis Edwards was "Given The Living Legend Award" at "The Rhythm and Blues Music Hall of Fame," and was also "Inducted into The Rhythm and Blues Music Hall of Fame" with "The Temptations Review Featuring Dennis Edwards," that also "Featured, Paul Williams Jr., Chris Arnold, Mike Patillo, and David Sea, A Group that "Dennis Formed and Began Touring with in the 1990's!"

"The Years Dennis Spent as A Member with The Temptations were At Times Tumultuous," However, "The Memories that Will Be Most Remembered" are "The Moments that Gave Birth To A History of Great Music, and Great Performances!" 

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Dennis Edwards! And, To His Friends, Colleagues, and Music Lovers Worldwide who Enjoyed The Music Of The Temptations, The Voice of Dennis Edwards Will Remain with Us For as Long as Soul Music and Rhythm and Blues Lives in Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls!

-In Memoriam:
Sunday, The Eleventh of February 2018, A Saratov Airlines Passenger Plane Anatonov AN-148 "Traveling to Orsk, a City Located in The Urals in The Orenburg Region, Near The Russian Border with Kazakhstan,"Crashed after Leaving from Moscow's Domodedovo Airport!" "Tragically All Sixty-Five Passengers and Six Crew Members" on Board "Died in The Crash!"

At present, "The Reasons for The Crash are Unknown!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families and Friends who Lost A Loved One Due to This Unfortunate and Tragic Air Disaster! 

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters!