Tuesday, January 16, 2018


The Way To Peace! #309

"The First Quarter of 2018 has Begun with a Sense of Urgency and Grand Purpose!" "But Do The Negatives Outweigh The Positives?" Only "The Scales of History Can Make A True Determination of this," and "Know the Absolute Answer to This Question!"

However, "You Can Feel It and Sense It" within "Each New Revelation, Inner Perception, Contemplation, and Action Embarked upon by Women and Men, and Nations," Who "Can No Longer Tolerate the Conditioned Reality Where Change is Impeded or Forbidden," and "Suppression and Lies are The Tools of The Manipulators, Dictators, and Syndicates of Murderers, Rapists, Torturers, Kidnappers, Property Thieves, Drug Dealers, and Criminals!"

You Can Feel It within Your Heart, Mind, Spirit, and Soul, "Like A Song Of Life Rising upon Crescendo after Crescendo of Heartbeats, and Soulful and Careful and Inspirational Elaborations, and Apprehensions, Detailing Previous Experiences Passionately and Courageously," and In Doing so, "Expunging and Casting Out The Crimes Against Ones Being," and "The Violations that have Been Perpetrated and So Violently Forced and Thrust upon Ones Fellow Human and Sentient Being!"

"The Meritocracy Of The Sovereign People of The Earth Can No Longer Bear The Walls that have Been Erected Around Them, Sealing Them Off from One Another by Isolationist and Extreme Nationalistic Bombastic Rhetoric," and "Egotistic Leaders with Imperialistic Designs," Who "Believe They Can Suppress The Truth from Being Heard," by Attempting to Bully, Intimidate, Lie, or Preemptively Attack the Sovereign State of A Nation or Its People," and "Utilizing The Propaganda of False Political Campaigns and Boastful Magniloquence to Mislead The People," and "Gain Further Profit at The Expense of The People!" And then, "Cast Aspersions upon Anyone," or "Besmirch or Discredit Anyone Person, or Institution, Who Challenges The Lies They are Spewing Forth!"

And, "All Across The Parallel Landscape of The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of The Earths Nations and People," "The Parameters of The Past are Being Challenged by A Cultural Evolution," that is "Cognizant of Its Soul Strength, Determination, and Pure Intentions!" 

And, "This New Norm of The Twenty-First Century," is Built upon An Earthwise Equation of Equilibre and Equality," that "Sets The Parameters Of The People, By The People and For The People to Guide and Empower It," and "Encourage The Truth to Be Spoken Out Whenever or Wherever Injustice is Being Evidenced or Cited!"And, No CEO, Celebrity, Elected Official, Religious Leader, or Leader of A Sovereign Nation is Above This Measure and Value" of "What It Means to Be a Part of The Community of Nations" and "People Of The Earth!"

And, "As President Trump Can Testify by His Careless and Insensitive Comments" at "A Immigration Meeting with Lawmakers," on Thursday, The Eleventh of January 2018," even The President of The United States "Can Not Make An Injurious Comment about A Nation or Its People without Absolute or Just Cause!"

And, "It Can Most Certainly Be said," that "President Trump Did Not Improve His Standings Worldwide," or "In The United States!"

The Fact is "One Day Before He was to "Sign a Proclamation," in "Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day," President Trump "Asked a Group of Lawmakers, at A Meeting on Immigration," Why the U.S. would accept immigrants from "shithole countries" like Haiti or El Salvador rather than from Norway."
And, Global Cross Media News Reports are President Trump also said, "Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out."

"This Infamous Moment in The Political History of The United States," was "Confirmed by The Washington Post, NBC News, and The Senior Democratic Senator from Illinois, Richard J. Durbin!"

"President Trump has Denied making This Comment!" Today He Tweeted, "The language used by me at the DACA meeting was was tough, but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made - a big setback for DACA!"

And, On Sunday, The Fourteenth of January 2018, "President Trump Told Reporters who Questioned Him about His Inflammatory and Provocative Comments," that "I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed!"

It is "Extremely Unfortunate that The DACA Meetings have Been Tainted by The Language Used by President Trump," However, "It is Up To The U.S. Congress to Rectify The Threat Posed by The Trump Administration to The Deferred Action To Childhood Arrivals Program!" 

However, "The Suggestion" that "Congress Should Publicly Reprimand The President with a Censure Resolution," has "Begun to Resonate in The Global Cross Media News Universe!"

"This Recent Flare up of Innuendos and Allegations of Racism," Could "Not have Occurred" at "A Worst Time for The People of The United States," Who are Looking For "A New Change to Grace Its Horizons and Bring A New Sense of Unity and Dignity to Its Shores," and "The U.S. Congress who are Facing a January Nineteenth Deadline to Fund The U.S. Government" or "Face A Government Shutdown!"

"The Question is," What Good are Tax Cuts, "When The Lives of The American People Continue to Be Impacted by The Negative Actions and Policies of The Trump Administration," and "The Republican Party!" And, The White House Continues to "Remain in A State of Amorphous!"

And, On Friday, The Twelfth of January, 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports are "US Ambassador to Panama John Feeley Resigned!" In His Statement, Ambassador Feeley wrote in that, "He can no longer serve in his post under President Trump." 

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Ambassador Feeley Wrote to The State Department" that "The time had come for him to step down."

The U.S. State Department "Confirmed that Ambassador John D. Feeley Decided to "Retire for personal reasons, as of 9 March this year."

However, "Back to The Global Parallel Political Landscape," If In Deed, President Trump has Developed "Very good relation with North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un," as "He Told The Wall Street Journal," on Thursday, The Eleventh of January, 2018, that is "Very Good News For His Administration," and "For The Korean Peace Dialogues" and "All of Asia!"
 (Although The White House Claims that President Trump Actually said "I'd have a good relationship with Km Jong Un.")  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Ninth of January 2018, Global Cross Media Reports are "President Trump's Attorney's Expect Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller to Request An Interview with President Trump for Early This Year! "The Subject of An Interview" was "Brought up During A Meeting with Mr. Mueller and President Trumps Attorneys in December 2017!" "The Format of The Interview" is Still in The Process of Being Worked Out by President Trumps Attorney's and Special Counsel Mueller!"

"At A News Conference in The Rose Garden in June of 2017," President Trump Told Reporters, "He was One Hundred Per Cent  Willing to Testify under Oath!"
However, On Wednesday, The Tenth of January 2018, When Asked by A News Reporter if He Would He Agree with An Interview, with Special Counsel Mueller, President Trump said, "We'll see what happens"

"This Question and Answer Moment" Occurred at "A Press Conference with Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway!" And, "One Wonders" If President Trump "Would Express His Right to Use The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution," "Rather than Directly Answer Questions Posed to Him about Whether or Not His Campaign Colluded with Russia Before, During, or After The 2016 U.S. Election!"

And, "An Interesting New Element to The Evolving Configuration of The Russian Investigation Being Conducted by Special Counsel Mueller" is "The Hiring of A Cyber Hacking Prosecutor Ryan Dickey," to "Add To His Already Formative Team of Attorneys!"

Mr. Dickey is "A Veteran Prosecutor who Specializes Solely in Cyber Issues," and was "Prominently Used a Part of The Investigation and Prosecution of Marcel Lehel Lazar aka Guccifer," a Romanian Cyber Hacker who "Stole/Accessed The Accounts of U.S. Government Officials, Celebrities and "Other Important Personnage in The U.S. and Romania!"  

"The United States is Experiencing in An Engaging Time Period," of "The Development of The Russian Investigations," and "The Evolving Configuration of The Russian Probe is Revealing A Level of Transparency and Truth that is of The Utmost Importance," If "The Absolute Truth of What Occurred During the 2016 U.S. Election is To Be Completely Exposed and Revealed!"

"One Thing We Absolutely Know For Sure" is "Russia Illegally Interfered in The 2016 U.S. Election!"

On Another Level of "The Legal, Political, Public and Cyber Hacking Equation," of "The Ongoing Russian Investigations," also Occurred on Tuesday, The Ninth of January 2018, "When An Extraordinary Act of Consciousness and Courage Took Place," As Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, A Member of The Senate Judiciary Committee, "Released Ten Hours of Testimony of Glenn Simpson, Co-Founder of FUSION GPS!"

"Glenn Simpson's Testimony that Took Place Behind Closed Doors," had "Been Held up from Being Released by Chairman Chuck Grassley," of The Senate Judiciary Committee," Since August of 2017, "Against The Wishes and Protests of The Democratic Committee Members," and "Mr. Simpson!" 

However, Chairman Grassley Did Find Time to Ask The Department of Justice and The FBI to Investigate Former MI6 Agent Christopher Steele, whose Steele Dossier was Used to Confirm Previous Information The FBI had Received from (1) The Australian High Commissioner to Great Britain Alexander Downer and also from (2) George Papadopoulos, Former Trump Foreign Policy Adviser, and (3) Why wasn't The Judiciary Committee More Concerned about The Possibility that A Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump, "was Being Blackmailed!"

"The Conversation between The Australian High Commissioner Alexander Downer and George Papadopoulos Took Place in May 2016," in "Kensington Wine Rooms over Drinks," When "The Blackmail Concern of Mr. Papadopoulos was Originally Discussed!"

A Spokesperson For Chairman Grassley of Iowa, said "Feinstein's unilateral decision was made a time when the committee is still trying to secure testimony from other witnesses, including Jared Kushner," and He also said "Her action undermines the integrity of committees oversight work and jeopardizes the committee's ability to interview future witnesses, and secure candid voluntary testimony relating to the independent recollections of future witnesses."  

"The Stark Reality," that (1) "Senator Feinstein's Decision to Release FUSION GPS Testimony" is "Less Important" than than "Candid Voluntary Testimony by Future Witnesses" is, of Course, "Ludicrous" to say It Mildly, and (2) The Possibility of A National Security Threat Brought to The Attention of The FBI by A Respected-Professional MI6 Agent is "Being Besmirched and Tainted by The Judiciary Committee is Beyond Comprehension!

Obviously, "The Question" Why "Chairman Grassley Did Not Authorize The Release of Mr. Simpson's Testimony has Not Been Answered Satisfactorily Enough by Democrats on The Judiciary Committee," (or Mr. Simpson) which "Led to Senator Feinstein's Action!"

"We Welcome The Sincerity of Senator Feinstein," although "One Can Surmise" that "Her Actions Will Lead to A New Level of Distrust and Lack of Cooperation between Democrats and Republicans!"

"It is of Considerable Concern" that "The Truth Would Be Withheld Because of Party Loyalty," or "Partisan Politics," or "Party Ideology!" 

And, "Why Would Any U.S. Elected Official Withhold The Truth" at A Time, When There is "An Enlightening Cultural Evolution Taking Place in The United States" that is of "Historical Proportions!"

And, "The Time For Every Elected Official To Choose Country over Politics and Hubris" is "Here and Now!"

And, "As An Example of How Fragile The Political Sphere of Influence" is "Former White House Adviser to President Trump, Stephen Bannon" is "Now Former Chairman of Breitbart News!"

When Mr. Bannon "Lost The Support of The Mercer Family," who are Financial Backers of Breitbart, "The Final Die was Cast!"

However, It Will Be Interesting to See (1) Whether or Not Mr. Bannon Can Rekindle His Relationship with President Trump, and (2) Whether or Not Mr. Bannon Can Latch on to Another Shooting Star of The Fringe World of Politics, and Experience a New Rebirth to His Career! 
"An Expose" into "The Campaign and First Days of The Presidency of Donald Trump Would Be Interesting!"

Tuesday, The Sixteenth of January 2018, Mr. Bannon is Scheduled to Testify in a Closed Door Hearing of The House Intelligence Committee!" 

And, "Former Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski," and "Current White House Communications Director Hope Hicks," are "Both Scheduled to Be Interviewed by The House Intelligence Committee," Behind Closed Doors, who are "Investigating Collusion Allegations between The Trump Campaign and Russia!"    

"As The Parallel Landscapes and Spheres of  Politics Continue to Rotate," While "Being  Surrounded on All Sides," by "A Global Cloud of Communication and Information," that "Embraces A Cognitive and Figurative Equation of Solar Axioms and Conditioned Realities, Ideas, Experiences, Innovative Contemplation's of The Grand Cosmos," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe and Social Media," and "Attempts to Discover New Approaches to Create and Pass New Legislative Agendas," and "While Leaders of Government," and "Their Political Party's and Allies Pursue in All Vigor How to Conceptualize New Ways of Maintaining A Majority Role in Government," Hopefully, "For The Benefit of All The People," There are Still Those "Whose Main Intention it is," To Find Out "How to Circumvent The Laws of The Land For Their Own Profit!"

And, "The Cause and Effect is Being Felt Althroughout The Communities of The Earths Populace" For Better or For Worst, However, "The Point is, It is Being Felt," and "The Reverberations are Being Felt in Political, Private, and Public Sectors," and "The Unrelenting Demand For Change is Being Heard, Felt and Shared with Each and Every Woman, and Man," and, Yes, "You Can Sense within This New Time Period of Grand Purpose," and "Cycle of Cultural Change," that is "Being Demanded By The People from The United States to Iran," that "A Real Change is Taking Place," and "The Consequences are," as The Saying goes, "Heads are Rolling," and "Wrongdoers are Being Fired," and "A Difference in Expectations, Perceptions, and Realities is Occurring," that "Can Not Be Denied!" And, I Can Hear Sam Cooke singing, "A Change Gonna to Come!"

"Last Evening During The Golden Globe Awards Ceremony," "Oprah Winfrey who "Received The Cecil B. DeMille Award," The "First African American Woman to Be Honored with This Award," and "Deservedly so," was "Proof of The Significance and Certitude of This New Cultural and Moral Evolution that is Taking Place," "Taking Place in Every Home," and "Its Voice is Being Acknowledged and Respected For Being The Truth," and as Bob Dylan sang Decades ago "The Times They Are A-Changin'!"

And, "As The Parallel Political Landscapes Continues to Enter into New Adaptations and Transformations," that "Still Remain In The State of Reconstruction," (1) The Importance of "German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Form A New Government Of The German People," that "Reflects The Growth, and Development Philosophies and Policies of The EU Looms Out In It's Significance," and (2) French President Emannuel Macron Must Remember" that "There is A Consequence to Pay For Every Political Decision" You Make," and "If Its Not Reflective Of The Collective Spirit and Soul Of The French People," and "In Touch with The Heart and Social Body Of The People," and "Their Needs," and "The Needs Of Their Children and Future Generations to Come," You Will "Pay a Price For Your Executive Actions!" 

And, "There Must Be A Consensus Of Opinion If One is To Comprehend," "The Mirror of Life," that "Reflects The Will Of The People," But, "First You Must Walk in The Shoes Of The People to Understand This!"

And, (3) "The Challenge that Prime Minister Theresa May of The United Kingdom has Before Her" is, "How to Manage The Withdrawal of The UK from The European Union!"
However, "With All The Controversy Still Surrounding Whether or Not The UK Should Withdraw," The Question "Why Not Hold Another Referendum Vote Appears to Quite Plausible," in Some Corners, "Irregardless of The Brexit Referendum Results!"  

And, "In This Changing Time Period with Isolationists and Extreme Nationalist Political Movements Attempting To Disturb The Balance between Sovereign Nations," "Let's Always Remember" that "There is Zero Degrees between The Ethnicity of The Cultural, Sociological, and Spiritual Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of, By, and For The People" For It is "The New Norm Of The Twenty-First Century!"

And, Let Us also Remember that "No Woman, Man, or Child is An Immigrant!" And, "Let Us Not Be Fooled again," by "Political Rhetoric and Other Falsehoods that are Used Gain Our Vote, and Manipulate Us to Believe in Political Campaigns that have "No Substance to Them," Other than "To Obtain Our Vote and Prop Up Their Egos!"

And, "As The Parallel Landscape of The Sphere of Politics Evolves," Let The Lessons Learned "Bring The Earths Populace Closer to Living in An Age Of Peace and Prosperity," However, It Will Take Perseverance, A Positive Attitude, Soul Strength, A Fervent Passion, Patience, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Civil Rights Activists and Advocates, Religious Leaders, Financial Leaders, Elected Government Officials, Intelligence Agencies, The Justice Department, Patriots, The Fourth Estate," and "The Determination Of The People," to "Right A Wrong, Wherever A Constitutional Law has Been Broken," or "A Violation Of A Sovereign Nation has Been Committed!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Ninth of January 2018, Global Cross Media News Reports are "US District Court Judge William Alsup, of The Northern District of California, in San Francisco, "Temporarily Blocked The Trump Administration from Putting An End to The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program!"

"The Ruling" by Federal Judge Alsup "Orders The Trump Administration" to Continue to "Resume allowing so-called "DREAMERS" to renew their deportation protections and work permits under The Program,"  "while pending legal challenges proceed," and "Reach Their Conclusions!"

However, "The Ruling" Does Not Apply to People who have "Never Received DACA Protections!"

"The Ruling," by Judge Alsup was Made, In Response to "A Request by Several Plaintiffs," California, The University of California System, and Several Other California Cities, "to block the Trump Administration from from phasing out DACA, while their lawsuit challenging termination plays out in court."

The U.S. Congress has Until The Fifth of March 2018 to Restore The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Known as DACA!" 

"Lets All Agree" that, There are At the Least "Eight Hundred Thousand Children who Will Be Traumatically Effected," and "Cruelly Disillusioned and Crushed," If, "This Program is Not Restored!"

And, Lets also Agree that "No Child is Deserving of Being Used as A Political Bargaining Chip" to "Be Used to Finance Building A Wall between The United States and Mexico!" And, "Especially to Satisfy A Campaign Promise!"

However, The Ante has Now Been Up-ed to Include Two Hundred Thousand Salvadoreans who were Living in The United States because of The Devastation They were Faced with in 2001, "Due to Earthquakes" that "Caused The Deaths of More than One Thousand People," and "Leaving One Hundred Thousand People without Homes!" The Salvadorans were Allowed to Live in The U.S. under The Temporary Protection Status (TPS)!" 
This Protection Status was Updated every Eighteen Months by Both Former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama!"

This is "Another Offense to Humanity," that is "Very Difficult to Accept or Comprehend!" And, "Recent Facts from El Salvador's Embassy," in Washington, D.C., "Show that One Hundred and Ninety-Two Thousand Children have Been Born by The Salvadorans on Temporary Protection Status!" Who "Will Be Suffering The Consequences of A Heartless Decision Made from The Bully Pulpit of The Trump Administration," If, "Congress Does Not Do Something" to "Prevent The Trump Administration from Deporting Them by September 2019!"

Additional Facts are of Importance are; (1) Ninety-Seven Per Cent of Salvadorans Older than Twenty-Four Years of Age are Employed and Pay Taxes, and (2) More than Half are Homeowners!

"DREAMers and Salvadorans Should Not Be Used To Satisfy A Campaign Promise!" 

And, "When You Consider The Affect The Careless Stroke of A Pen" Will have upon "The Lives of Hundreds of Thousands of Our Fellow Human Beings," Including "Their Children, from Ten Different Countries, who have Known only The United States as Their Home," who have "Had Their Lives Shattered" by Natural Disasters, Violent Conflicts, and Crime," and have "Begun Anew to Enjoy Life," and "Live and Breathe The Air and Security of What It Feels like to Be A Sovereign Citizen of The Earth!" "The Affect is Beyond Comprehension," Its "Name is Fear!" Its "Name is Homelessness!" Its "Name is Separation from Family, Friends, Church, Classmates, Country, and Loved Ones!"

"Members of The U.S. Congress, "Religious, Civic, and Financial Leaders," Civil and Equal Rights Activists and Advocates, Peacemakers, Voices of Reason, and Citizens of The United States of America, There is A Time When We Must Stand up For What is Right and Just!" And, "That Moment is Now!" Take a Moment to Contact Your Elected Official and Voice Your Opinions, and Beliefs!" Let Them Know that "A Single Life has Great Value to It" and "Must Not Be Used to Advance a Political Agenda or Ideology!"

Think about it "The United States of America is A Land Of Immigrants," with "The Exception of Native Americans!" However, "Let Us Never Forget" that "We Are The World," Sovereign Citizens Of The Earth! Think about It, "We are One and All Born on This Planet Earth, Our Home!" And, It's Time "We Built A Bridge To New Horizons of Unlimited Potential," and In Doing so, "Let's Share The Cognizance, Passion, Devotion, and Experience Of An Earthwise United People of This Planet Earth!" 

And, "Let Us Continue to Pursue The Visions of An Earthrise of Sincere and Truthful Spheres of Perception and Contemplation of Solar Axioms," and "The Advancement of All Sentient and Human Beings within The Cosmos of The Grand Universe," on "All Levels of Our Being, Spiritually, Soulfully, Emotionally and Physically!" And, "Lets Remember" that, "There is Zero Degrees of  Separation between Us!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Coalesce into A Great Environmental and Ecological Force Of, By, and For The People!" 

And, "Let Us Continue to Unite into A Great Soul Force of Advocates and Activists Of, By, and For The People," and "Justice For One and All!" 

And, "Let Us Continue to Pursue A Path of  New Initiatives, and Insights," that "Lead to A Cultural Renaissance that Empowers All The People," and "Inspires Our Youth to Rise to New Levels of Positive Inter-reaction," While "Comprehending The True Significance, Knowledge and Purpose of Their Lives," "While Enjoying and Evolving into A New Age of Cognizant Young People of The Twenty-First Century," Who are "Consciously and Spiritually Aware Of Their Responsibilities as Public Servants," and "Conservators and Protectors of Our Cultures and History, and Sacred Planet Earth!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Build A Global Cloud of Communication and Information" that "Embraces A Cosmos of Bridges to One and All, For The Betterment of One and All!"

"A Global Cloud of Communication and Information" that "Transcends Ideological Egotism, Conceit, Arrogance, Greed, and Vainglorious Temperament!" 

And, "Let Us Resolutely Dedicate and Commit Our Positive Energies, Sense of Reason, and Beliefs," In An Unwavering Manner, to "Achieve Our Goals," and "Come to The Assistance of Those in Need," and "Protect and Defend What Lies in The Best Interests Of Our Fellow Human and Sentient Being," and "Our Planet Earth," from "Those Who Would Attempt to Do It Harm!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Selflessness, Justice, Happiness, Unity, Tranquility, Cultural and Spiritual Awareness, Cognizance and Peace On Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Saturday, The Thirteenth on January 2018, "Just to Compound The Intensity of This First Quarter of 2018," The State of Hawaii Received An Emergency Alert, "Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate shelter, This is not a drill." Causing "Panic, Fear, and Extreme Trauma Althrough Hawaii!" Until, Approximately Thirty-Eight Minutes Later, "Emergency Management Sent Out An Announcement" that "This is a False Alarm!"

"Governor David Ige of Hawaii Explained" that "The False Alarm" was "Caused by An Employee who pushed the incorrect button!"

And, "To Add to The Fright The Citizens of Hawaii Experienced," An Automated Television Message was Sent Out, by A Scrolling Message and Automated Voice Announcing, "The U.S. Pacific Command has detected a missile threat to Hawaii." And, Continued to Announce: "A missile may impact on land or sea within minutes. This is not a drill. If you are indoors stay indoors. If you are outdoors seek immediate shelter in a building. Remain indoors well away from windows. If you are driving, pull safely to the side of the road, and seek shelter in a building or ly on the floor. We will announce when the threat has ended. This is not a drill. Take immediate action measures."

"The Incongruity of This Whole Traumatic Incident" is "North Koreans and South Korea are Engaged in Peace Dialogues," that have "The Potential of Bringing A Lasting Peace to Asia!" Which Would also have "The Potential of Eliminating Fear of An Attack upon The Island of Hawaii," and "The West Coast of The United States," and "Bring A Lasting Peace to The United States," and "Take Another Meaningful and Welcomed Step Towards An Age of Peace," Should These Peace Dialogues "Include The United States as well!"            

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The DOW Topped Twenty-Five Thousand For The First Time," on Thursday, The Fourth of January 2018, "Reaching A Previous Considered Unattainable Level of 25, 075.13," The U.S. Automobile Industry for 2017, Declined 1. 8% for The First Time since The Global Financial Crisis Brought a Resounding Crash to The World of Finance, and The People of The Global Nations, Eight Years Ago," As Demand Declined, "While Sales Continued to Rise Above The Seventeen Million for Three Years in A Row!" 

And, "While A New Offer for Peace Dialogues Officially Begins between North and South Korea," with "The Testing of A Special Hotline between The Two Nations," The Public Unrest in Iran Continues to Mount, Caused by (1) Twelve Per Cent Unemployment, and Low Wages, (3) Allegations of Government Corruption, (3) Cuts in Cash Subsidies for The Poor, and (4) Raising Fuel Prices to Reduce the Debt. 
And, "These are Just a Few of The Reasons Why Tens of Thousands of Iranians have Demonstrated Against The Government of President Hassan Rouhani," in More that Eighty Cities, and even "Displaying Discontent with Their Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei!"

"President Rouhani Will have to Demonstrate on His Own," that "His Government and The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei," are Both "More Concerned about The Health Care, Economical, and Sociological Concerns of The Iranian People" than "They are about (1) Financing The Military Aims of Hezbollah, (2) The Syrian Regime, and (3) The Palestinians.

"Arresting and Militarily Suppressing Your Own People" is "Not The Best Approach to Caring For What is in The Best Interests of Your People!"

And, "This Will Not Satisfy The Students or The Younger Generation," who "See Their Dreams and Aspirations Being Coerced by The Political Strategies of The Twentieth Century," Nor, "Will It Satisfy The Working Class Iranians and Families," who are "Depending on A New Vision of Prosperity to Emerge," and "Government Programs that are Beneficial to Their Twenty-First Century Life Styles!"

Unfortunately, "Their have Been Reports" of At Least, "The Twenty Innocent People!"

And, "As The Winter Season's Cold, Ice, and Snow Descends upon The Northeastern Cities and States of U.S.,"   Michael Wolf's New Book "Fire and Fury inside The Trump White House," has "Caused A Volcanic Political Eruption in The Trump Administration," and "Revealed the Dissension and Chaos Existing" in "The State of Amorphous of The Trump White House," and also "It Reveals," Whether by Tweets and Re-Tweets," "Cease and Desist Orders," or "White House Press Briefings," or by The Global Cross Media News Commentary via "Cable, National, Regional or Local," or via "Articles Written, Posted, and Published within The Global Cloud of Communications and Information," and "The Fourth Estate," that "President Trump's Approach to Government," to Say the Least about it, "Is Extremely Controversial, Argumentative, and Divisive!"  

And, "The Thrust and Parry between President Trump and Breitbarts Stephen Bannon," or "with The President and Anyone" who "Disagrees with His Diplomatic Approach to Represent or Interpret The Domestic or Foreign Policy Affairs for The U.S. is Proof of The Angst and Questions that Emanate from The State of Amorphous that Presently Exists," "Not only in The Presidents Administration," But also "Amongst The Leaders of The Earths United Nations, and The Earths Populace!" And, Needless to Say, "Though Absolutely Necessary Amongst The American People!" 

And, "The Questions of," (1) Are His Leadership Qualities Good For The United States of America, or (2) Being A Cognitive and Inspiring World Leader," are "A Reflection of This Opinion, Yea or Nay!"

However, You May Choose, If This is "The Art of The Deal," then "This The Time for Very Serious Reflection and Contemplation" about "The Course of History We Americans Should Embark upon, Constitutionally and Sociologically!"

At Present, "President Trump's Approval Rating in The U.S. amongst Americans who Believe Strongly in The President's Performance," is at "Twenty-Nine Per Cent" (according to the Rasmussen Tracking Poll), While "Forty-Four Per Cent Strongly Do Not Believe in His Performance!"
In General, "President Trump Still Maintains a Forty-Four Per Cent Approval Rating," amongst "Likely Voters!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Equation of Russian Probe Configuration Continues to Evolve," Revealing "Moments Previously Referred to in The Global Cross Media News Universe," However, "As They Re-Enter the Time/Space Reality of Today's News Cycle," has "Given Further Clarity to Whether or Not President Trump is Involved in Any Charges of Collusion" with; (1) Russian Officials and Several Member's of His Campaign Team in regards to Russian Interference in The 2016 U.S. Elections, and (2) Any New Suspicions that May Seriously Being Looked into by The Russian Probe, or The House and Senate Intelligence Agencies, The FBI, or The Department of Justice!"

"It's Definitely An Interesting News Story," with Multiple Headlines, "Bordering on A Historical Premise," Involving a "Growing List of Participants!" And, Michael Wolf's New Book "Fire and Fury" has "Increased The Focus and Perfect Storm Surrounding President Trump!" 
"In An Interview," He had with "Breitbart's Stephen Bannon," Former Controversial White House Strategist to President Trump," Mr. Bannon said This about "Donald Trump Jr's Meeting with Russian Officials," in A 2016 Meeting at Trump Tower, "The chance that Don Jr. did not walk these Jumos up to his father's office of the 26th floor is zero." (President Trump was then Candidate Trump)- Note that "President Trump Denies Any Knowledge of His Sons Meeting with The Russians!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The New Book by Journalist Michael Wolf," was "Released Four Days Ahead of Schedule on Friday, the Fifth of January, 2018, Provoked by President Trump's Intense and Heated Response to The Book, also "Quotes Mr. Bannon" as saying "The Infamous Trump Tower Meeting" with Don Jr. and Jared Kushner  and The Russian Operatives as "Treasonous" and "Bad Shit!"

And then, "There is The Growing Frustrations of Fusion GPS," a Commercial Research and Strategic Intelligence Firm, who are "Demanding that Congress Release the Twenty-One Hours of Testimony They Gave" about "Their Collection of Intelligence Research on Mr. Trump's Alleged Connections to  Russia," Research that also "Included The Steele Dossier," a "Report Written by British Intelligence Officer Christopher Steele," (Containing Allegations of Misconduct and Conspiracy between The Trump Campaign and Russian Government before and During The 2016 Presidential Election)!

As of Wednesday, The Third of January 2018, "Congress has Not Released The Whole Transcript of The Testimony of Fusion GPS!" What is Congress Waiting for is "The Question!"

And, Let's Not Forget Global Cross Media News Reports that (1) Robert Mueller Subpoenaed  German Deutsche Bank AG about Business Accounts Held by President Trump and His Family. Millions of Dollars have Been Loaned to The Trump Organization for Real Estate Ventures by The Bank,  and (2) The Twelve Count Indictment Against Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort, and Rick Gates, by The Federal Grand Jury, Especially for Their Conspiracy to Launder Money, and Making False Statements, and (3) Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, Admitted to Lying to The FBI, and is Cooperating with Robert Mueller Russian Investigations, and (4) George Papadopoulos, a Former Member of The Trump Foreign Policy Advisory Panel for The 2016 Campaign Team, has also Pleaded Guilty for Lying to The FBI, and Has Reportedly already Provided The FBI with Valuable Information about The Kremlin's Intention to Disparage Hillary Clinton's 2016 Campaign for The Presidency, and See The Election of Mr. Trump Become a Fait Accompli!

"There is Little Doubt" that "The Configuration of The Russian Probe Will Continue to Reveal New Federal Grand Jury Indictments," and "New Top Level Officials and Associates of President Trump Will Be Asked to Give Their Testimony in An Public Hearings," in "Front of The Senate and House Intelligence Committees," and with "Robert Mueller's Investigative Team of Attorneys!"

And, On Tuesday, The Ninth of January 2018, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "President Trump's Attorney's Expect Special Counsel Robert Mueller" to "Request An Interview with President Trump Early This Year!"

And, On Tuesday, The Ninth of January 2018, New Reports are Stephen Bannon is "Leaving or Breitbart!" He "No Longer has The Support of The Mercer Family," who are Financial Backers of Breitbart, so "It's Easy to See How His Current  Demise Came to Be!" 

"There is No Doubt that The Truth Will Be Revealed" to "The Satisfaction of The Lawmakers of The United States," and "The American People!" And, "The Guilty Will Be Punished for Their Crimes," and "The Truth Will Be Served as The Founders Planned For Our Futures!"

And, "There is Nothing Less" than "The Fate, Destiny, Purpose, Reality, and True Significance of The Constitution," and "The Institutions, The Republic and Democracy of A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People" of "The United States of America," that "Is at Stake!" Nothing Less than that!"

So, The Question is, "Why is President Trump Attacking The FBI, The Department of Justice and Robert Mueller's Investigation!"

And, "Why isn't The President Satisfied" that "The Truth is Being Served," and "Everything is Being Documented  For The World to See," and "The Democratic Principles of The United Stated are Being Upheld," For Both "The United Nations of The Earth," and "The Worlds Population to See!"

"This is A Perfect Storm" to "Demonstrate How A Democratic State Can Be A True Example of Freedom and Justice," with "The Right to Protest and Petition," and "The Freedom Of The Fourth Estate to Report and Publish All The News," In The Tradition of Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, Barbara Walters, Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein and Walter Cronkite!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors of Montecito, California, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Mudslides that Began on Tuesday, The Ninth of January, 2018, and Claimed The Deaths of At Least Twenty People! And, To All The Families and Communities who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters!