Monday, May 1, 2017



The Way To Peace! #303

Once again, "It's Time for Many Countries to Celebrate International Workers Day, and Spring," which also "Involves the Crowning of a May Queen!" 

"This May Day Celebration and Spring Bank Holiday Coincide," and "In Some Countries" such as, France and Germany, "the Gift of Lilly's, Maypoles, Roses and Joyful Celebrations are "All a part of the Traditions Surrounding May Day!" 

Needless to say, "A Three Day Weekend Off from Work" is also "A Welcomed Reason to Celebrate!"

And, of Course, It is also Known as "Labour Day" to "Workers and Unions," and "Political Party's," and "A Time to Plan for Their Special Events!" 
And, In Italy, "It is Symbolic for "The Return to Life and Rebirth!" 

However, "Although Every Country has Their Own Special Significance to this Holiday," I'm sure that "Everyone Can Agree and Enjoy this Time of Year" as "The Arrival of Spring!" And, It's a Time of Celebration For One and All!"

Of course, "With this Time of Celebration, Rebirth, and Spring," There Still Remains "New Elections in France, Germany and The United Kingdom Notably," that "Will Effect The Overall State of Equilibre in European Union," as well as, "Within the Borders of Each Country!" And, "The Ongoing Threat of Violence by Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals, and "Their Malevolent Surrogates of Women and Men," who have "Been Brainwashed and Conditioned to Believe in False Propaganda, and Outright Lies!"

And, In The United States, The Trump Administration is Being Confronted by Foreign Adversaries, North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Russia," (and Syndicates of Violence, Chaos, and Destruction), and Faced with "Fulfilling Campaign Promises" (For Better or For Worst), and "Presenting New Legislative Proposals, Spending Bills, and Budgets" that have Been a Challenge for The Republican Party," and "A Test of Their Political Ideology" (at the Expense of Their Base)!
And, All the While, "At Odds with The Democratic Party!" "While "President Trump's Approval Ratings Continue to Plummet!" 

Which "Should Not Be Surprising with All the Tumult Surrounding The President's First One Hundred Days in Office," Caused by Contentious Foreign Affairs (to say the Least), and Investigations into the Relationships of Several of The President's 2016 Campaign Officials, Attacks against The Fourth Estate, Unsubstantiated Allegations against Former President Obama, the Deportation of Undocumented Immigrants, and Executive Orders that have Caused Fear in the Lives of Undocumented Immigrant Families, Cuts to the EPA, and Attempts to Cut Funds to Organizations who Perform Abortions, and Planned Parenthood, and the Empowerment of States to Deny the Use of Public Bathroom's to Transgender Children and Adults, His 2018 Federal Budget Proposal with Cut after Cut in It, His One Page Tax Plan, The Border Wall and Who Will Pay For It, His Attempts to Dismantle Former President Obama's Environmental Programs, and His Second Attempt to Replace The Affordable Care Act, Blocked Executive Orders, and The Delay in Passing A New Spending Bill, and His Disagreements with The U.S. Intelligence and MI6 British Intelligence Agency," are Just a Few of The Reasons!"

"Yes, President Trump has Improved Relations with President Xi Jinping of China," and "Succeeded in having His Nominee for The Supreme Court," Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, "Confirmed by The U.S. Senate," as "The 113th Justice of The Supreme Court," over the "Strong Objections of the Democratic Party," Still, "The Fact Remains" that "President Trump Lost The Popular Vote by Almost Two Million Nine Hundred Thousand Votes to Mrs. Clinton," in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, "So, You Can Understand" that "He has Not Been Given A Mandate to Govern to Begin with!" And, "The Chaos and Friction Surrounding His First One Hundred Days in Office" Should "Not have Been Unexpected!" And, "Let's Remember" that "He has Never Held Public Office before!"

Which is Why, "The Agreement by Congressional Lawmakers, Democrats and Republicans, Announced on Sunday, The Thirtieth of April, 2017," that "They have Agreed upon a New Spending Bill" that "Would Cover Funding the Daily Operations for The U.S. Government until The Thirtieth of September, 2017,"  is "Very Important!" "Why?" Because, "They Transcended The Impediments Created by The Trump Administration," (such as "Funding The Border Wall along side of The Unites States and Mexican Border) to "Agree on Bi-Partisan Legislation!" (That is Not an Executive Order!)

"This New One Trillion-Plus Spending Bill" is "Expected to Receive Bi-Partisan Support" from "the Rank and File," that "It Needs to Pass in Both Houses!"

Several Important Points of The Measure is; (1) A Two Billion Dollar Funding Increase for The National Institutes of Health, 
(2) Funding Pell Grants for Summer School, 
(3) One Hundred Million Dollars in Emergency Funding to Combat the Opioid Crisis, 
(4) An Extension of Health Care for Twenty-Two Thousand Retired Appalachian Coal Miners and Their Families (and, I Can only Believe that Robert Kennedy Would have Applauded this), 
(5) Two Billion Dollars for Disaster Aid, 
(6) Four Hundred Seven Million Dollars to Combat Western Wildfires, 
(7) Additional Transit Funds, 
(8) A Sixty-Eight Million Dollar Reimbursement to New York City and Other Local Governments for The Protection of Trump Tower and Other Properties, 
(9) And, There Will Be No Attempt to Defund Planned Parenthood or Take away Grants for Sanctuary Cities,
10) And, Ninety-Five of The EPA's Budget is to Remain in Place! 

And, "The Government of Puerto Rico Will also Benefit from This Agreement," It Will Receive "Two Hundred and Ninety-Five Million Dollars to Help with It's Medicaid Problems!"

And, "President Trump's Request for Fifteen Billion Dollars" to "Strengthen The Military has Been Agreed to!" Along with, "One Point Five Billion Dollars" for "Additional Border Security Measures!"

"This New Measure Rejects Quite a Few of the Cuts to Domestic Programs," that "President Trump has Proposed!"

However, "This is a Positive Statement that The Side Show" that has "Been on Display in Washington" for "More that One Hundred Days," Will "Not Be Allowed to Subvert What is In The Best Interest of The Families of The United States of America," and "It is An Important Step Towards Empowering The Republic/Democracy" and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And lastly, "This is A Positive Demonstration of How A Democratic Nation Functions Best," When "All of The Political Party's Act on Behalf of The People, They have Sworn to Represent!"       

However, "While This New Season of Spring Appears to Some" as "Existing within The Eye of A Hurricane," It also, has "Mnemonic Wafts of Springs Gone by," "Springtime's that Gave Birth to "A Dream," and even If, "For Only Three Years, "We Experienced A New Age of Camelot!"

And, "Although We were Faced with Undeclared Wars, Racial Prejudice, and Government Corruption," We The People Rose to The Challenges of Injustice, and Violence," and "Mobilized into A Youthful and Cognizant Soul Force" that "Brought Together Women and Men of All Ages, Creeds and Nationalities, Genders and Political Ideologies," to "Change Our Political, Religious, Economical, and Sociological Conditions to Line Up in Equilibre with A Solar Axiom," that "Gave Hope and Peace a Chance to Exist, Side by Side with The Truth and Nothing But The Truth!"

"Pope Francis' Comments Made Before" and "During His Two Day Visit to Egypt," on Friday, The Twenty-Eighth of April, 2017, were "Insightful and Important" for "The Global Community of Nations and Their Leaders to Hear!"

Several Comments Stood Out, But, They Must Be Placed in "A Clear Light and Perspective," Because, "In This Time Period of War, Acts of Terrorism, Ongoing Conflicts, and Violence, Continuously Threatening the Social Security, Happiness, Health, and Welfare of Our Lives," One Must also "Comprehend Clearly," that from "A Political Perspective," A Government Of, By and For The People is Essential" to "Adhere to the Needs of The Diverse Fabric and Tapestry Of The People," and "It is Unfortunate" that Populist and Nationalist Movements are Being Used to Divide The People," "Placing One Nationality, Neighbor, Family Relation, or Creed against Another," at a Time, "When We Need to Be United Together More than Ever!" 

(Which is Why, The French, German, and United Kingdom's Elections are So Important to The Citizens of Each Nation, The European Union, and The Earths Community of United Civilized Nations!)

So, When The Pontiff said, "The Recent Rise of Populism was Detrimental to World Peace and Stability," His Comments were as "Cognizant and Frank a Statement" as "You Could Hope to Hear" from such "A Highly Respected and Revered Religious and World Leader!"

And, "Another Comment The Pontiff made to Reporters," as "He was Departing on His Plane for His Two Day Visit to Egypt," also "Rang out as The Truth, Loud and Clear For The World to Hear," Which was, He was carrying a message of peace and unity," and, Once again, "At a Time when The Earths Populace is Seeing, Hearing, and Reading Headlines in The Fourth Estate, Social Media, and Global Cross Media Universe," about "Missiles Being Launched, and New Nuclear Submarines and Aircraft, and War Maneuvers/Exercises, and Virulent and Hostile Rhetoric," We are In Need of Peacemakers and Voices of Reason and Diplomacy More than Ever!"

And, The Pontiff "stressed the importance of a good education to counter effectively the barbarity of those who foment hatred and violence," and, Once again, "The Pope's Comments Could Not have Been More Welcomed!" 

Why? Because, "Here We are In the Year 2017," "Approaching the End of The Second Decade of The Twenty-First Century," with "World Leaders Acting" as If, "We were An Uncivilized, Untested, Easily Manipulated, Unintelligent and Unaware People of The Earth!" When even "A Five Year Old Knows How to Google!"

"Pope Francis' Visit to Egypt, was as "The Guest of Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb," Who is the "Grand Iman of the One Thousand Year Old Seat of Islamic Learning, Al-Azhar!" And, Both Religious and Spiritual Leaders are "Truly A Profile in Courage," Reaching Out To Catholics and Muslims," and "The Leaders of The Earths United Civilized Nations," to "Show a Little More Humility and Empathy, and Respect For All Humanity," and Do this, "For The Sake of Our Present and Future Generations!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Sunday, The Seventh of May, 2017-
"With a Relatively High Voter Turn Out in France," of Approximately Seventy-Five Percent, for "The Final Round Run-Off," Independent-Centrist Candidate, "Emmanuel Macron has Won a Significant Victory over Far-Right Candidate Marine Le Pen," with "65.5% of The Vote for Mr. Macron," to 34.5% for Le Pen" (at Last Count)!

This is "An Important Victory for France, The European Union, NATO," and "The Continued Evolution and Welfare of The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People," and "All of The Civilized Nations of The Earth!"

And, "After Victories in Austria, The Netherlands, and Italy," Emmanuel Macron's Victory Bodes Well for Chancellor Angela Merkle," as "She Campaigns for Re-Election in Germany!"

And, "Let's Hope The United Kingdom Follows Suit" and "Pursues A Course of Inclusiveness" that is "Integral to the Social Security and Welfare of All The People of The Civilized Nations of The Earth!"   

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Let's Together "Continue to Sow Seeds Of Peace, Hope, and The Truth in This New Moon Cycle and Season of Springtime," and "Let's Celebrate the Empirical Knowledge of Seeds Past Sown," that have "Brought Us Harvests of An Historical Abundance of Greatness," and "Of The Causes, Movements, Revolutions, and Heroines and Heroes Of, By, and For The People!"

For, This is "How The Evolution Of Peace" Still Remains as "A Beacon of An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace, Truth, Empowerment and Justice," and "A Light that Illuminates The Pursuit of One's Goals and Dreams, Opportunities and Self Awareness, Empathy and Spirituality, and Respect Of One's Fellow Human Being!" 

And, This is "How The Evolution Of Peace is Firmly Embedded and Rooted" in "A Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People, By The People, and For The People, Whose Transcendence and Future Exist in A World," Where "There are No Boundaries For The Myriad Dimensions of Endless and Limitless Innovations, Insights, and Potentialities," and, "Where The Global Equation" of, "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century Thrives upon A Peacetime Economy," and "An Earthrise of Continuously Evolving New States of Personal and Universal Consciousness and Spiritual Awareness Of, By, and For People," All Existing within "A Universal State Of Unanimity, Grace, and Reality," "For One and All to Share!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Saturday, The Thirteenth of May, 2017-
On Friday, The Twelfth of May, 2017, "A Major Global Cyberattack Occurred in," as Many as, "One Hundred Countries; The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, India, Taiwan, Ukraine, Russia, Sweden, Norway, The United States, and Slovenia are amongst Them, and, "What Europol has Called" An "Unprecedented Attack!"

"In The UK," as many as "Forty-Five Public Health Organizations were Struck by A Malicious Software/Virus Freezing Computers in Hospitals!" "Medics Described How Computer Screens were Wiped Out," One after Another!

As You Can Imagine,"The National Cyber Center is Working Arduously Around the Clock," with Experts, to "Restore Vital Services!"

"The Attack Stopped," When "A Cyber Security Researcher," Tweeting as @malwareteckblog, along with "the Assistance of Darien Huss," from the Proofpoint Security Firm, "Discovered and Inadvertently Activated The Kill Switch," in The Malicious Software!

And, "In Germany," the Cyberattack "Destructively Affected Transportation Services," "Causing Problems in National Departure and Arrival Screens at Train Stations!"

"This Global Cyberattack" was also "A Criminal Act of Extortion," Threatening Organizations and Businesses," in the "Form of Ransomware!" Whereby, a "Message Demanding Payment to Release the Data Whomever the Target was," Pops up on The Screen! 

"Russia was Particularly Hard Struck by Ransomware," although "The Russian Interior Ministry Confirmed" (MVD- A Federal Body Responsible for Drafting and Implementing Government Policy and Legal Regulation in The Sphere of Internal Affairs), that "No Information was Compromised," Although, Approximately, "One Thousand of Their Computers were Attacked!" 

"In Sweden and Norway," "The Online Ticketing Facility of Soccer Clubs was Affected!" 

And, "Spain's Telfonica," Which is "A Global Broadband and Telecommunication Company was Affected!"

In The United States, "FEDEX Corporation" Claimed "It's Windows Computers" were "Experiencing Interference from Malware!"

"Security Experts have Reported" that "The Global Cyberattack" was "Caused by A Self-Replicating Piece of Software," that "Enters Companies" when "Employees Click on Email Attachments," and then "It Spreads from Computer to Computer!"

And, "Security Officials" have "Urged Companies and Organizations to Immediately Update Their Security Software Fixes," and "Run Anti-Virus Software," and "Place Their Backup Somewhere else!"

"Microsoft" has "Offered Free Software Patches," or "Fixes," to "Install," Wherever "The Cyberattacks were Made!"

And, It Appears as, One of, If Not, "The Main Target for These Ransomware Demands" were Directed at "A Vulnerability in Microsoft Window Systems!"

As of Saturday, The Thirteenth of May, 2017 "The Perpetrator or Perpetrator's Remain Unknown!" Although, Global Cross Media Reports are, "A Cyber Gang (Shadow Brokers)," who "Claimed to have Stolen a Cyber Weapon from NSA," Named "Eternal Blue," (Used to Gain Entrance to the Computers of Terrorist and Enemy States by The U.S.) are "Behind This Global Cyber Attack!"
And, "It is Contended" that "This Cyber Weapon" Gives the User, "An Unprecedented Access to All Computers using Microsoft Windows!"

"Security Software Maker Avast," Claimed to have "Observed Fifty-Seven Thousand Infections in Ninety-Nine Countries!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News- Tuesday, May 9, 2017-
"If You Wanted Transparency, Clarity and A Conclusion" in "All of The Investigations Involving and Surrounding the Relationships between Several Associates of the 2016 Trump Campaign and The Russian Government," "Another Decidedly Unnerving Change has Occurred," "Injecting a Touch More Conjecture, Speculation, and Guesswork," in "This Ongoing Complex and Potentially Damaging Situation," and "Multiple Investigations!"

"Why?" Because, "Today," Tuesday, The Ninth of May, 2017, "President Donald John Trump Fired FBI Director James Brien "Jim" Comey Jr."

"The President said in a Letter," the firing was necessary to restore, "public trust and confidence" in the FBI!"

"The Question Still Remains,"  "Exactly, What was Going on During the 2016 Presidential Campaign that Russia Interfered with!" 

And, It's up to "All of The Investigations" to "Do What is In the Best Interests of The United States of America," and "The Preservation of It's Democratic Principles, Laws, Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People and For The People!" And, "It's Time" for "The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth to Be Discovered!"

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions Confirmed" that "By operation of law and effective immediately, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe assumed the position of Acting Director of the FBI."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Peoples Climate March," in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, The Twenty-Ninth of April, 2017, was "An Important Demonstration for Environmentalists to Attend!" And, "They Did in The Thousands!" And, "In Addition to The March in Washington," Approximately, "Three Hundred More Demonstrations were Held Around The U.S."

"President Trump's Executive Orders," that have "Been Senselessly Aimed" at "Reversing The Environmental Regulations that Former President Obama Put in Place to Protect Our Earth and Our Families from Further Pollution, Climate Warming, Destruction and Damage," and "We Must Confront The Presidents Misguided Energy Independence Proposals Whenever They are Being Presented!" 
Because "They are Not Enriching Our Lives or Our Earth," and "Reason and Environmental Protection and Research Must Be Brought to The Forefront of The Presidents Administrative Policies!" Because The Earth and Our Families Can Not Afford Anti-Environmental Enterprises to Ravage The Earths Ecology" and "The Universe" that "Our Future Pioneers Will Journey to in Space Shuttles, in Hopes of Discovering New Worlds Comparable to Our Earth!" Which is "Why, The Importance of Our Environmental Purpose and Actions" are "So Important to Our Future" and "The Future of New Generations!"  Because, "What We Do on Earth, here "In The Twenty-First Century has Serious Consequences!" 

And, "The Fact" that "President Trump and His Administration"  have "Severely Cut The Environmental Protection Agency Budget and Personnel," "Irregardless of All of The Hard Work, Dedication, Commitment, and Organization" that has "Been Conducted by Environmental Advocates and Activists, World Leaders, and Concerned Citizens of The Earth, and Renown Scientists," All of whom Concur that "A Concerted Effort Must Continue," If, "We are to Bring a New Sense of Empowerment to Our Earth, Seas, Skies, and Lands, For the Betterment of The World, Survival of Our Planet," and "The Welfare Of The Earths Populace," "Can Not Be Condoned" and "Must Not Be Allowed to Go on," without "A United and Purposeful, Non-Violent Response!"

And so, "Let Us Demonstrate" and "Continue to Speak Out We Must Do," to "Make Our Voices Heard," Before "President Trump and His Administration Roll Back All the Environmental Advances" that have "Taken Place over The Last Few Decades!"   

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Twenty-Eighth of April, 2017, President Trump Signed a New Executive Order/Directive, Known as "The America First Offshore Energy Strategy," is Another in A Series of Attempts to, (the Word is) "Dismantle as Many of Former President Obama's Environmental Protection Initiatives!"

"One Gets the Feeling" that When President Trump "Gives an Executive Order or Directive to Review Previous Regulations Put in Place by Former President Obama," that "His Real Intention is To Reverse, Dismantle, Cut, or Severe," Whatever, "The Regulation is In the Name of Energy Independence!"

And, The Question is, "Is Drilling for Oil and Gas in Arctic Waters," or "Off the Shores of Millions of United States Coastlines," "The Most Cognitive and Sensitive Approach to Take," Especially, at a Time, "When Global Leaders, The Earth's Populace, and Scientists" are "All Concerned with The Future of Our Lands, Seas, and Skies" and "The Health and Welfare of Our Families," and "Survival of Our Planet Earth!"

If, "This is An Example or Idea of What President Trump's Energy Independence" is, "Then It's Clearly Time" for "Environmental Advocates, and Activists," "Students and Parents," and "All of The Global Leaders who Signed The Paris Agreement," to "Agree to Sign An Executive Order Requesting" that "President Trump Cease and Desist from All Attempts to Roll Back Decades of Progress Made by Conscientious Individuals, World Leaders, and Organizations," who "Guided Us Through The Days of Pollution of Our Ozone Layer," and "Oil Spills that Destroyed Sea Life," and "Polluted Our Oceans, Lakes, Rivers and Lands!" 

"The Challenges and Threats" that "We The People are Faced with are Real!" And, "We Need Cognitive and Empathetic Leadership to Help Us through Tumultuous and Dangerous Seasons of Chaos, Ongoing Conflicts, War," and "Hostile Intentions to Destroy The Environmental, Ecological, and Sociological Welfare of Our Earths Communities!" And, "The Earth Itself!"     

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Saturday, The Twenty-Ninth of April, 2017, Global Cross Media Reports are "North Korea Launched Another Ballistic Missile!" Which, "Fortunately, Resulted in Another Failure!"

It Still Remains Unclear just "How Much Influence China has on Chairman Kim Jong-un!"

Friday, The Twenty-Eighth of April, 2017, President Trump said, There is a chance that we could end up having a Major, Major Conflict with North Korea," in "An Interview with Reuters!" 
And, The President also said, "We'd love to solve things diplomatically, but it's very difficult." And, "Described North Korea as His Biggest Challenge!"

-In Memoriam:
-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of April, 2017, "Two United States Army Rangers," "Sergeants Joshua P. Rodgers, 22, of Bloomington, Illinois, and Cameron H. Thomas, 23, of Kettering, Ohio,"  were "Killed in Afghanistan."

Global Cross Media Reports are "The Two Army Rangers" were "a part of "A Ground Assault against An Islamic State Compound," in Eastern Afghanistan, and "May have Been Killed by Friendly Fire!"

It is also Reported that "The Islamic State Leader" of The Khorasan Group, "Abdul Haseeb Logari," Who was "The Main Target, and Leader of ISIS in Afghanistan, was Killed," along with "at Least Thirty-Five Militants!" And, For the Moment, Reports are, "There have Not Been any Civilian Deaths or Injuries!

"The Mission was Conducted by Fifty U.S. Army Rangers" and "Forty Afghan Commandos," in the Nangarthar Province's, "Mohmand Valley!" And, "The Raid lasted For More than Three Hours!"

"The Two Sergeants were Assigned to The Third Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment" in Fort Benning Georgia! And, "This was Their Third Deployment!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Fellow Rangers, and Communities of Sergeant Thomas and Sergeant Rodgers!    

-Extra Noteworthy News- Friday, The Twenty-Eighth of April, 2017-
Friday, The Twenty-Eighth of April, 2017, "The U.S. House of Representatives and The U.S. Senate Passed a Continuing Resolution Bill" (CR), "Three Hundred and Eighty-Two to Thirty, in The House," and "in The Senate," to "Prevent The Government from Being Shutdown, For at Least Another Week!" If anything at All, President Trump's First One Hundred Days in Office have Taught Him that "The Art of The Deal," is "Not Easy to Achieve in The World of Politics!"

And, Now, The President has Another Week to "Work out The Differences between The White House, Democrats and Republicans," and "Pass A New Spending Bill!"   

-Extra Noteworthy News- Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of April, 2017-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of April, 2017, "President Trump Presented His One Page Tax Plan," that "Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin said," Will Be "The Biggest Tax Cut and Largest Tax Reform in History of this Country." It Will Be Interesting to See "What the President's Tax Plan Looks Like," after "the House and Senate Tax Writers have Completed Putting it Together with The White House!"

However, "A More than Fifty Per Cent Tax Cut For Corporations," even "On One Piece of Paper Looks Good," and "I'm sure Corporations Will Be Happy with It!" But, "We Will have to See More Information Broken Down" to Discover, (1) How The Presidents Plan Will Be Paid for, and (2) How It Will Create New Jobs, and (3) How It Will Create Economic Growth, that is Empowered by A New Revenues, and (4) How This Tax Proposal by The President, Will Help Single Parents, The Middle Class, Homeowners, The Elderly who are Looking Forward to Social and Economic Security When They Retire, and The Youth, who are Struggling to Pay for Their College Education, and Identify with A Future that Reflects What Their Goals are.

So, "We Will have to Wait" until "We See a Legislative Tax Plan," that is "More than Two Hundred Words," Delineating More Explicitly, "Exactly What The Presidents New Tax Code, and Tax Proposal is," that Will Be "The Biggest Tax Cut, and Largest Tax Reform in History of this Country, as Secretary of The Treasury Mnuchin Enunciated!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth of April, 2017-
The House Oversight Committee Believes that "Former National Security Adviser to President Trump," "Retired Lieutenant General" Michael Flynn, who also "Headed the Military's Top Intelligence Agency," "May Be Guilty of "Breaking the Law," by "Accepting a Forty-Five Thousand Dollar Payment for Attending An RT Event in Russia, (Russian Backed Media Organization) in 2015," also "Attended by Russian President Putin!"
And, also "For Receiving As Much or More than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars," for "His Lobbying Efforts that Would have Benefited the Turkish Government!"

"Chairman Jason Chaffetz" of The House Oversight Committee, Republican Representative, from Utah, said "It does not appear to us General Flynn ever sought Permission," to Attend the Event in Russia, and "He Did Not Report His Earnings!"

"High Ranking Member of The Oversight Committee, Elijah Cummings," Democratic Representative from Maryland, "Criticized The White House" for "Refusing to Release Information about Retired Lieutenant General Flynn's Foreign Contacts and Connections," During the Three Week's He Spent as President Trump's National Security Adviser!"

And, "Representative Cummings" also "Revealed that Retired Lieutenant General Flynn" was "Warned by The Pentagon Not to Receive any Payments from Foreign Governments in 2014," "After He Left The Defense Intelligence Agency!" 

"The Final Determination, Whether Retired Lieutenant General Flynn Broke the Law" Will Be Made by "The Department of Army!" "He was Required to Ask for Permission to go to Russia, and, also "Report the Funds He Received!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- And, Tuesday, the Twenty-Fifth of April, 2017-
"U.S. District Judge William Orrick of the Northern District of California Issued An Injunction," "Blocking President Trump's January 25th Executive Order," that "Prevented Federal Funds from Being Given to Sanctuary Cities," who were "Giving Safe Haven to Undocumented Immigrants in The United States!"

Justice Orrick said "President Trump does Not have the Authority to punish American Cities that opposed His Immigration Policies,"...And, "Agreed with Opponents that the Executive Order Violates the Fifth and Tenth Amendments!"

Note that, "The Lawsuit Seeking this Injunction was Filed by The City of San Francisco and Santa Clara County," and, was also "Supported by As Many as Fifty Municipalities in The United States!"

"The California Counties Argued" that "They Would Lose Billions of Dollars in Federal Funds, if the Executive Order was allowed to stand!"
There are "Three Hundred Sanctuary Cities in The United States!"

-In Memoriam:
Jonathan Demme, 73, World Renown and Oscar Winning Best Director of "Silence Of The Lambs," and "Philadelphia," Passed Away of Cancer, on Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of April, 2017.

And, Actress Erin Moran, 56, Co-Star of TV Series "Happy Days," and "Joanie Loves Chachi," "Passed Away on Saturday, The Twenty-Second of April, 2017," after a "Draining Struggle with Stage Four Throat Cancer!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Admirers of Both Jonathan Demme and Erin Moran.   

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Causes and the Natural Disasters, such as The Tornadoes and Storms that have Caused The Deaths of as Many as Fifteen People throughout The States of Mississippi, Tennessee, Missouri and Texas, During The Month of May!

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,