Thursday, June 1, 2017



The Way To Peace! #132 -Revisited-

Now that, "The Forty-Third G-7 Summit," in Taormina, (ME) Sicily, Italy from "Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of May, 2017, 'Til The Twenty-Seventh," has Been Completed, and All The Active Participants, "Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States, and The European Union," Represented by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Newly Elected President Emmanuel Macron, Chancellor Angela Merkle, Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister Theresa May, President Donald Trump, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, and EU Council President Donald Tusk," and "Guest Nation Leaders "Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya, Muhammedu Barri, President of Nigeria, and Beji Caid Essebsi, President of Tunisia," have "All Returned to Their Home Countries," Let's Hope that "They are Focused on Building a New Alliance of Nations Built upon A Union and Global Partnership" that is "Encouraged by The Recent Political Changes that have Occurred," that "Bring with Them the Future Promise of Changes" that have "Begun Flowing on Wafts of Winsome Perceptions of Cognizant Comprehensions of A True Yearning for An Age of Global Inclusiveness," versus Exclusivity, "Across the Horizons of The Earths Civilized Nations," and, "All Across The New Patterns of Change," that are "Sensitizing and Stimulating The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of The Earth's Populace," and is "A Welcomed Change" that "We The People have Longed for, as New Challenges Face Us," and as "We Go about Living Our Lives," Day by Day, "Pursuing Our Educational, Business, Environmental, Scientific, Philanthropic, Hi-Tech, Trade, Public Service, Universal, Sociological, and Universal Health Care Goals!"

And, "Here We are" with "A Grand Potential" for "Another Extraordinary New Beginning For the Earths Civilized Nations to Embark upon," and "An Opportunity to Establish A Global Equilibre," that "Benefits One and All!"

And, With "New Election Victories in France, The Netherlands, Italy, and Austria," (and Possibly Iran), and with "German and United Kingdom Elections ahead of Us," "The Winds of Change," are Once again, "Evolving In Line" with "An Age that Acknowledges and Accepts The Time Space Reality of The Twenty-First Century," that "Embraces A Universal Perspective of All Inclusiveness that Empowers One and All," and "Gives Credence to The Fact that There is Zero Degrees of Separation between Us," and "Caring For and Respecting the Lives of Our Fellow Human and Sentient Being" is "Beneficial to The Survival and Evolution of One and All," and "The Lives of Future Generations of Loving Children," and "Families of This Planet Earth!"

And, "As We Approach The End of The Second Decade" of The Twenty-First Century, "The Civilian, Military, Financial, Religious, Energy, and, Spiritual Leaders Of The Earths United Nations," have "A Wonderful Opportunity to Change The World," and, "Heal The Wounds," that have Caused "We The People, Citizens Of The Earth," and, "This Planet Earth Itself," so "Much Loss and Pain!"

For, There has Been "Too Much Loss of Life!" And, "Too Much Loss of Hope!" "Loss of Employment!" "Loss of Respect," and "Loss of Belief in The Direction and Path that has Been Cast upon Us," by "Poor Decision Making," and, or "The Corrupt and Self Serving Policies of Too Many of Our World Leaders!"

And, "As We Approach The End of The Second Decade," "We Can Gain Encouragement from New Lessons Learned from Experience," and "Gleaned from Political, and Financial Experiments" that have "Not Brought the Promise They Campaigned on, or Advertised," and  "We are Fortunate It's Not Too Late For All The Leaders of The Earths Civilized Nations, to Engage in New Opportunities and New Strategic Platforms" and "Come Together," as The Beatles sang, and, "Work Towards Creating Sound and Fortuitous Solutions," that "Can Enhance The Living Conditions of All The People," as well as, "Improve The Evolutionary Changes and Conditions that Effect Lives and Our Home," and "This Planet Earth!"

And, "New Accords should Be Actively Pursued and Engaged in" that "Improve The Quality of Our Waterways, Lands, and, Skies!"

And, "A New Collaborative and Co-operative Spirit amongst The Earths United Nations" should "Stand," as, Sly and The Family Stone, sang, "Firmly and Resolutely," Whenever, "They are Faced with New Acts of War," or "Threats to Take Away The Rights" of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
Or, "Any Attempt to Subjugate Us, against Our Wishes," by "Any Dictatorship, Organized Crime Family, Drug Lord, Syndicate of Murderers or Terrorists, Financial Institution, Religion, or, Country," that has "Chosen Not to Be Apart" of, "A United Earth Community Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

The Lyrics of, "Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head Pretending he just doesn't see," of, Bob Dylan's "Blowing in The Wind," Expresses Clearly The Attitude that, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders Of The Earths United Nations should Be Adhering to Now," and "In The Advent of New Decade!"

And, "We The People," Must Be Ready to "Confront The Myriad Challenges that Lie Ahead!" "Convincingly and Determinately Committed and Dedicated," to A New Earthrise Constitution, that is "Empowered and Supported" by, "A Great Soul Strength and Desire by Each and Everyone of Us," to "Right The Wrongs of Millennia upon Millennia of Evil Doers and Warmongers," Who "Laughed in The Faces" of "The People," and, "Sinned against All Humankind!"
There Can Be "No Place for This Kind of Leadership," or, "Human Behavior in The 21st Century!"

And, Let there Be, "No Wind, No Hurricane, No Tornado, Earthquake, Tsunami, Mountain, or, Human Made Disaster to Impugn Us," from Being "A Compassionate and, Highly Spirited Earthrise Society Of the People!"

And, Let Us "Speak Out Loud and Clear," "When Faced with Any Act of Injustice," that, "Impedes," or, "Attempts to Impede Our Rights" to Be, "A Free People and Just People!"

And, Let Our "Earthrise Emancipation Declaration Be Of, By, and, For The People," of This, "The Third Planet from The Sun!"
For, "This is The Way To Peace!" And, "A Peace Millennium!" And, "A Way To Heal The The World!"

And, To All the Civilized Nations of The Earth, "Do Not Allow the Misguided Environmental Policies of Literally a Few Global Leaders," to "Deter You from Achieving the Goals" that You have "Agreed to in The Paris Agreement!" "The Future of Our Planet Earth Lies in Your Leadership Hands and Diplomatic Skills and Efforts" 

So, "Govern You Must in The Name Of The People," and "Our Families," and "On Behalf of Our Future Generations!"
Because, "This Trust" that "We have Bestowed on You in Free Elections," (For the Most Part) "Must Be Honored by You," If "Our Principles of Governing are To Be Sustained," and "Our Lives and Values of Life are To Be Respected!"  

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "As The Sun Begins Its Gradual Descent," upon Yet Another Decade, "Let's Begin Anew to Lift the Hearts, Minds, Spirits, Hopes, Dreams, and, Aspirations of All," Who "Truly Listen, Hear, Enjoy and Share in Our Song of Peace, Equanimity, Truth and Justice!"

And, Let Us, "Send Out Words of Encouragement to All Who Would Listen to Our Anthems of Change and Empathy," For "Those Who are in Need!"

And, "Let Our Voices Act as A Great Chorus," and "Shout Out," in "A Resounding Acclaim," "All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance!"

And, "Text it, Email it," and, "Reach Out to All Who Will Listen," via "The Internet," and, "The Social and Global Cross Media Universes," that "It is Time for A Global Truce," and "Peace Dialogues," along with "A Global Campaign to End Poverty," and, "Care for All Who are Disenfranchised and Living Without The Means to Care for Themselves!"

And, "Let's Shout it Out" via "The Grandest Non-Violent Activists, Communication Network and Nexus All along The Earths Horizon," to "Each and Every Corner of The World!"

For, "There is No Reason" Why, "We Can Not Share The Gospel and Joy of Our Earthrise Composition" of, "One World, and, One People Of The Earth," with"One and All," via "Google, Yahoo, iTunes, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Tumblr, Bing, MSN, Myspace," and "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms All Over The Earth," and, in Doing so, "Shake up, Change, and, Rock Out, The Naysayers," until "They" are, "One and All," "True Believers in Our Cause!"

And, "Let This Up and Coming Decade Be One of Peaceful and Cultural Fulfillment On Earth," For This "Good News," is "The Welcoming Home," that, "We have Strived for, For All of Our Lives!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Flow on The Winds of Change," and, "Ride on The Air Waves of The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace," to, "Wherever Peace, Universal Equanimity and Equilibre, and, Conscious Awareness, May Lead Us!" For This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Peace Millennium!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"From Bombings in Kabul, Afghanistan at the Karrada Ice Cream Shop," by a Suicide Bomber, and in "Downtown Kabul During Rush Hour in a Highly Secured Area," Where a Car Bomb was Set off, on Tuesday, The Thirtieth of May, 2017, "Where as Many as Eighty Innocent People were Killed, in Total" and "Three Hundred Fifty More were Injured," To "The Bombing at the Manchester Arena, in Manchester, England, "Where Twenty-Two Innocent People were Killed and as Many as One Hundred Sixteen were Injured," on Monday, The Twenty-Second of May, 2017, To Cairo, Egypt, "Where Twenty-Eight Innocent People were Killed in a Bus," on Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of May, 2017, To Portland, Oregon, "Where Two Men were Stabbed to Death and One Injured," "Defending Several Innocent Young Women, a Sixteen Year Old and Her Muslim Friend," from "The Hateful Insults and Threats, of A Hate-filled and Bigoted Man, on a Train," on Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of May, 2017, To "A Marine who Caused Havoc at The Orlando International Airport," on Tuesday, The Thirtieth of May, 2017, "Where Fortunately No Deaths Occurred," "The Atmosphere of Violence," Perpetrated by Either Murderers and Cowards of Syndicates of Evil-minded Individuals, a Racist, or, a Confused Former Marine (who Received a Court-Martial by the Marine's Due to Bad Conduct, and wanted to be Shot and Killed by Police at OIA), "Continue to Threaten, or Cause the Loss of Life and Injuring of Our Loved Ones!"

"All the More Important," for "The Military Campaigns in Mosul, Iraq and Raqqa, Syria to Be Successfully Concluded, with "The Defeat of Murderers, Kidnappers, and Criminals who Call Themselves Militants!" (And, "For The Aggressive Actions of Racist Groups to Be Suppressed!")

All the While, "Simultaneously Attacking these Perpetrators of Evil Wherever They May be!" 
"This  Global Effort Must Be Conducted and Strategized by a United Coalition of Civilized Nations," and "Enacted Out with All Precision and Due Diligence!" And, "This Global Effort Must Be Intensively Carried Out," "Utilizing The Intelligence Agencies of The Earth's United Nations" to "Root Out Cell's of Syndicates who Remain in Hiding," in "Coalition with The Brave and Courageous Member's of Our United Armed Forces!"

"The Lives of Too Many Innocents" have "Been Cruelly Taken from Their Families and Friends," and "This Period of Violence and Crimes against All Humanity Must Be Brought to An End," with "Their Extrication and Elimination of These Syndicates," from "Having any Further Negative or Violent Effect upon Our Families, Nations, and Communities," and "For Their Crimes against Humanity Given Nothing Less than Lifetime Sentences of Imprisonment" to "These Malevolent, and Dishonorable Criminals!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Today, "President Trump Called For a Change in Senate Rules," similar to "The Nuclear Option Used to Break a Filibuster!" This Would "Allow a Simple Senate Majority to Pass the American Health Care Act and GOP Tax Legislation!" 
And, without the Threat of a Filibuster, "It is Possible" that "The GOP Could Pass the Tax Bill" even "Before the 2018 Fiscal Budget has Been Agreed to," Which is Expected to Be a Challenge to Begin with," Mainly, "Because of the Cuts President Trump has Proposed!"

At Present, "There are Fifty Republicans, Forty-Eight Democrats, and Two Independents in the Senate," with "Vice President Pence as The Tie Breaker, When there is a Fifty-Fifty Tie!"

"Can Anyone Sincerely Believe," that, If "The Republican Party were Able to Change the Rules in the Senate again," "This Would Not Severely Damage Whatever Potential there was for Future Bi-Partisan, Across the Aisle Working Relationships During the Trump Administration!"

And, "With All of The Ongoing Investigations in Washington," in Regards to "Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election Campaign," and Now, with the "Addition of Jared Kushner, President Trump's Son-in-law, and Adviser" to the "List of Associates of the Trump Campaign (Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Carter Page, and Michael Flynn)," that "the FBI, Senate, House, DOJ and Special Counselor Mueller are "Interested in Investigating," If Anything, "This is the Time for U.S. Congress" to "Establish a Sense of Stability in Governing" that is "Unbiased, Non-Partisan, Open-minded, and Justified!" And, "Comprising!" As "A True Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People Should Be!" 

And, This is The Time to "Create Legislation that Empowers The People," and "Continue to Build Trustworthy Relationships with Our Allies!" And, "Protect and Defend Our Constitutional Rights," and "Our Rights to Live as a Free People!" And, "Continue to Develop Formidable and Potent Strategies" and "An Armed Force of Courageous and Brave Women and Men" to "Stand as A Powerful Deterrent against Our Enemies!"     

-Extra Noteworthy News-
President Trump's "Second Executive Order Banning Six Primarily Muslim Countries" has "Received Another Set Back!" This Time by the "Full U.S. Court of Appeals for The Fourth Circuit," in Richmond Virginia" by a "Ten to Three Vote!" And, In Doing so, "Upheld a Lower Courts Decision!"

"This Federal Court Decision" was "Voted on Thursday, the Twenty-Fifth of May, 2017," and "Appears to Be Headed for a "Final Decision in the Supreme Court," unless "President Trump and His Administration Decides to Rescind it!"

And, Once again, "It's the President's own Campaign Rhetoric that was His Undoing!" Why, "Because the Court Simply Did not Believe in the Governments Argument," that "The President's Executive Order" Would "Improve vetting procedures so that terrorists do not enter the United States as travelers or refugees."

"The Second Executive Order" that was "Announced in March of this Year" was to "Ban People from Libya, Somalia, Iran, Yemen, Syria, and Sudan from entering the United States for Ninety Day's," and "All Refugee's for One Hundred Twenty Days!"

The Court's Chief Judge Roger Gregory said, in the "Seventy-Nine Page Opinion," "Revisions removing any mention of religion from the second Executive Order did not hide the real motive, "President Trump's desire to exclude Muslims from the United States." And, "From the highest elected official in the Nation has come an executive order steeped in animus and directed at a single religious group."

And, The Seventy-Nine Page Opinion also Ruled that The Executive Order could "never survive any measure of constitutional review."

U.S. Attorney General Sessions Vowed that, "this case would be appealed in the Supreme Court." Why, Because it "blocks the President's efforts to strengthen this country's national security."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Congressional Budget Office Released It's Analysis of The American Health Care Act (II)," on Wednesday, The Twenty- Fourth of May, 2017, and the Results were "Unfortunately," and, Yet, "Not so Surprising," Quite, "In Line with AHCA (I)," with the "Exception that by 2026 Twenty-Three Million Americans Would Lose Their Coverage Instead of Twenty-Four Million Americans!"

And, by 2018, "Health Care Premiums Will Increase by Twenty Percent," and "Increase by Five Per cent in 2019!"
And, "If the Affordable Care Act is Repealed "Medicaid Will Be "Cut Eight Hundred Eighty Billion Dollars!"

And, "AHCA Does Not Guarantee Full Coverage for Everyone!"

And, "If You have Pre-Existing Conditions Your Premiums Will Increase in Cost!"

And, If Your Health Condition is Unhealthy Eventually You Would Be Unable to Bear the Cost of Purchasing Comprehensive Non-Group Health Insurance at Premiums Comparable to Those under the Current Law!"

And, "If You Believe that The Premiums Will Decrease in 2020," Varying on a "State to State Basis," or "Depending on How a State Chooses to Implement it," (If this Law/AHCA is Passed), Then "You're An Optimist," or "You Believe that Everything President Trump Promised," as Then-Candidate Trump, "Will Come True!"

Which was (1) Everyone would receive Health Care Coverage, (2) Premiums Would Not increase, and
(3) There Would Be No Cuts to Medicaid, (4) No One Would Lose Their Coverage, (5) And,  Especially, If You have Pre-Existing Conditions!

"It's Still Remains Incomprehensible," Why," Republicans and Democrats "Can Not Agree on Universal Health Care for The American People," that is "Affordable without Losing It's True Health Care Value!" 

"A Bi-Partisan Health Care Plan," that "Provides the Certainty that The Needs Of The People are More Important than The Profits of the Insurance and Health Care Industries, and Party Ideologies!" And, "Especially so, "Because, President Trump's Campaign Promises Simply Do Not Add up," "When Applied to Reality!"

Just as "The Presidents 2018 Budget Proposal Does Not Work," "When Applied to Reality!"  Which Makes It, "All the More Remarkable," that "In a Rare Display of Bi-Partisan Agreement," Both, "Republicans and Democrats Appear to Believe" that "President Trumps 2018 Budget Plan" is "Not Practical or Realistic," and  "Basically Dead on Arrival!" 

I'm Sure that "the Democrats Recognize this, (For Whatever Reasons)," However, Mainly, Because, "Today's Republican Party" Is "Not an Inspiring Image of Being the Party" of "Jack Kemp, William F. Buckley, Nelson Rockefeller, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln," "One Can Not Be Sure, Exactly "What Their Party Stands for Anymore!"

And, "If Their Low Approval Poll's aren't Proof Enough Of The People's Dissatisfaction, Discontent and Distrust in the Member's of Congress" and "The President," or "Motivating Enough to Require Them to Act as True Representatives Of The People," Then, "Congress and The President Must Recognize" that "The Lives, Welfare, and Social Security Of The People" are "More Important" than "Their Continued Disputes, Inefficiencies, Egos, and Elections!" 

And, "No One Should Ignore that Fact" that "The Earth's Nations are Still Engaged in A Major Conflict against Syndicates of Malevolent Murderers and Criminals," and "Egotistical Dictators and Authoritarian Leaders" who "Pose a Threat against Free People All over The Earth!"

This Should Be "A Time For Unity, Justice, Strength in Purpose, Alliances with Civilized Nations of Peace, Diplomacy, Trust, International Law and Order, Hope, Reason and Freedom!" And, "For Cognizant, Moral, and Trustworthy Leadership!" And, "Social Programs For The People," and "For The Empowerment, Enlightenment, and Social Security Of The People!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Once again, Another Act of Cowardice has "Caused the Death's of as Many as Twenty-Eight Innocent People," and "Injured Twenty-Two in Egypt," on Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of May, 2017.

Fortunately, "There were Several Survivors," But, "The Amount of Fatalities and Wounded is Expected to Rise."

The Attack Occurred when "A Group of Cowards," Opened Fire on a "Bus Filled with Coptic Christians (Including Children) South of Cairo," as "They were Traveling on a Road to the Remote Monastery of Saint Samuel the Confessor," in the City of Maghagha, (Located on the West Bank of the Nile) in Minya Governorate, from the Nearby Province of Beni Suef, which is "Approximately One Hundred Forty Miles from South Cairo!"

Global Cross Media Reports are "The Inglorious Murderers," Numbered Eight to Ten, "Opened Fire on Adults and Children, Not Caring who They Killed!"

And, "To Compound the Disgracefulness of this  Malevolent Attack of Violence upon the Innocent," is "It has Occurred on The Eve of Islam's Holy Month of Ramadan!"

(At present, "No One has Claimed Responsibility for This Barbaric, and Dishonorable Act of Violence!")

We Extend Our Sincerest, Heart and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Community, and People of Egypt, who Lost a Loved One in this Malevolent Act of Violence upon the Lives of Innocent People!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Fourth of May, 2017, "The Same Day President Trump Met with Pope Francis" and "Discussed Climate Change and The Importance of U.S. Participation in The Paris Agreement," The Party of Republican President Theodore Roosevelt Jr." the "Twenty-Sixth President of The United States," and "A Well Respected Naturalist," who "Created National Parks, Protected Wildlife, and Respected The Land," (Shoshone National Park, Four Game Preserves, One Hundred Fifty National Forests, and Fifty One Bird reserves, and Approximately Two Hundred Thirty Million Acres of Land Placed under Public Protection amongst His Accomplishments), and Who was also "Deeply Concerned about the Power of Corporate Monopolies and Their Hired Lobbyists," The Republican Party in the House of Representatives, "Voted to Approve a Bill that Reversed An EPA Regulation" that "Required Anyone whose Intention" was "To Spray Pesticides Near Rivers and Lakes," "To File for a Permit!" (an Old Piece of Legislation that Former President Obama Threatened to Veto if Passed)

And, "While the Republican Argument" is (1) There is already Similar EPA Prevention's in Place, and (2) This Measure Eliminates a Redundancy in the Agency, "The Approval of This Republican Backed Measure," is Quite Simply "A Blatant Reversal of An EPA Requirement" that was "Put in Place to Prevent Pesticide Contamination in Protected Waters by a Federal Appeals Court in 2000!" And,"The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2017, is "Another Attack upon Our Environment" by "The Trump Administration" and "The GOP!"

And, It also has "The Semblance" of "Being An Appeasement to Corporations such as CropLife America," A Pesticide Industry Trade Group, and (2) Dow Chemical, who Reports say "Wanted President Trump to Ignore Findings made by Scientists, that a Family of Widely Used Pesticides were "Potentially Harmful to One Thousand Eight Hundred Critically Endangered Species!"

"Both Groups Made Substantial Contributions to The Republican Party in 2016" (CropLife more than $260,000 in Political Contributions and $2.4 Million on Federal Lobbying, and Dow Contributed One Million Dollars to President Trump's Inaugural Festivities)!

And, the Fact that, "This Republican Backed Measure was Passed in The House" on the "Same Day President Trump was Meeting with Pope Francis," who is "Sincerely Concerned with Environmental Issues," is An Absolutely Disrespectful Gesture on Part of The GOP!

And, "Whoever is Advising The GOP" has a "Strange Sense of Timing!" Or, Maybe, "It's Quite Simply," The Party of Theodore Roosevelt Jr. "Does Not Care about The Earths Seas, Rivers, Lakes, Air, Skies, and Lands!"

And, "To All Environmentalist Advocates and Activists," and "Ecologically Minded Interdependent Individuals," and "Civil and Gender Rights Movements," and "Public Servants," "Do Not Hesitate to Speak Out," and "Non-Violently Demonstrate Whenever and Wherever Our Earth is Being Disrespected and Abused!" 
"Our Generation and Future Generations" are "Depending On Us to Apply Reason, Passion, Dedication, and Commitment to The Safeguard Of Our Planet, and Our Families," and "The Welfare of All The People and Sentient Life Forms of This Planet Earth," and "The Universe that We are All a Small, but Important Part of!" And, "Let Us Not Forget to Vote Our Conscience!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of May, 2017- 
While President Trump was "Meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem," and Expressing His Desire "To Forge a Historic Peace Deal with the Israelis," and The Palestinian People, on The Third Day of His Oversees Diplomatic Journey, Obviously, "It Will Take More than One Day to Do so!"
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said, "The problem is not between us and Judaism, it is between us and occupation." 

In the Meantime, At Home in The United States, "Former Director of the CIA John Brennen" was "Giving Testimony in Front of The House Intelligence Committee," and "In Answer to Their Questions," about the "Connection between Russian Officials and The Trump Election Campaign,"  Told Them, "I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian Officials and U.S. Persons involved in the Trump Campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals."

And, Ex-CIA Chief Brennen also said, "It raised questions in my mind about whether Russia was able to gain the cooperation of those individuals," and He also Added, "that He did not know if they were successful." And, "I don't know whether such collusion existed."

Ex-CIA Chief Brennen "Walked a Fine Line between "Admitting There was Reason for Continued Investigations," and "Innocently Suggesting Whether There was indeed Collusion or Not!" 
One Thing for Sure" is He said that Russians Brazenly interfered in U.S. Elections, including actively contacting members of the President Donald Trump's Campaign!"

The Questions Still Remain, Why did The President Ask "Top Intelligence Officials to Deny There was Any Collusion between Russian Officials and The Trump Election Campaign?" And, (2) Why Ask Them to Drop the Investigation of Former National Security Adviser Michael J. Flynn?

"We The People" "Deserve to Know the Answers to These Questions," which "I'm Sure Will Lead to Other Questions," as "Do The Members of The U.S. Congress, Department of Justice, and Intelligence Agencies!"

"President Trump's Next Stop on His First Foreign Policy Journey is The Vatican," with a "Meeting with Pope Francis," the "Bishop of Rome," and "Sovereign of Vatican City."

-Extra Noteworthy News- Monday, The Twenty- Second of May, 2017-
"An Explosion at An Ariana Grande Concert at The Manchester Arena," in Manchester, England has "Tragically Caused the Deaths of as Many as Twenty-Two People," and "Injuring Approximately One Hundred and Nineteen More at Last Estimation!" However, "Many are Still Missing!"

"This Cowardly Act of Violence," Targeting Innocent Concertgoers, Many of which were Teenagers," is Being "Referred to As Being An Act of Terrorism by Police Officials!"

"The Murderer," Suicide Bomber, Salman Abedi, Twenty-Two, "Died in the Blast!" However, "Police" have also "Arrested A Twenty-Three year old Suspect" along with "Three Additional Suspects," who are "Now Being Held in Custody!" And, "The Threat Level has Been Raised!"
(ISIS has Claimed Responsibility for this Dishonorable Act of Violence)  

The Manchester Police are "Still Engaged in Conducting a Thorough and  Intense Investigation," Covering "The Entire Area Surrounding The Concert Venue," in "Search of Any Evidence, Contact's of the Murderer, or Surveillance Information!" And, "Thousands of Additional Soldiers have Been Deployed around Great Britain!"

"The Explosion Occurred after The Concerts Final Song," as "Balloons were Falling from The Ceiling!"

Ariana Grande is Reported to Be Safe and Secure!"

"Both Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Theresa May" have "Strongly Condemned this Attack upon Innocent Young People!" 

Prime Minister May said "Our Thoughts and Prayers are with the families of those who have been affected," And, She also said, "All acts of terrorism are cowardly attacks on innocent people," ..."But this Attack stands out for its appalling, sickening cowardice, deliberately targeting innocent defenseless children, and young people." And, the Prime Minister said, "The terrorists will never win, and our values, our country, and our way of life will always prevail."  

And, Queen Elizabeth said "I know I speak for everyone expressing my deepest sympathy to all who have been affected by this dreadful event and especially to the family and friends of those who have died or were injured."  

"This is "The Worst Attack to Take Place in Britain since 2005!"

"To the City of Manchester, and Its Emergency and Volunteer Workers," "You're Empathy and Openheartedness Will Always Be Remembered for Its Magnanimity and Grace!"

And, "Their Courage was Magnificently on Display Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of May, in Albert Square," Where "Thousands of People Attended a Demonstration," in What Can only Be Called, as "An Extraordinary Display of Manchester Spirit" and "Civil Pride!"  

"Religious Leaders and Leaders of Nations All over the World have Condemned this Attack!"

We Extend Our Sincerest, Heart, Spirit, and Soulful Condolences to The Families, and Friends, who have Lost a Loved One! And, We Extend Our Sincerest Expression of Sympathy to The City of Manchester and Citizens of The United Kingdom, who are having to Endure yet Another Malevolent Violation of Their Country and Families!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
The Death of Richard Collins III, 23, (an African American Student) on Saturday, The Twentieth of May, 2017 was "Another Tragic Murder of a Young Man" whose "Future was Robbed from Him" by the "Senseless Act of Another Young Man, Sean Christopher Urbanski 22," (a White Student) whose "Participation in a Hate Group," and "Lack of Respect for His Fellow Man," Will "Cost Him the Loss of Years of His Life in Prison!"

But, "The Loss of A Loved One," in the Prime of His Life, is "Traumatic for Any Family to Bear," and "Richard's Family Will Suffer This Loss for the Rest of Their Lives!"

"Richard was Due to Graduate from Bowie State University" on Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of May, and, "Had Just Been Commissioned a Second Lieutenant in The Army," on Thursday, The Eighteenth of May! And, "Had His Whole Future to Look Forward to!"

This All Changed, "When Saturday, The Twentieth of May," While Waiting for a University Bus Shuttle, at The University of Maryland," where Richard had Just Visited with Friends at the College Park Campus, "He was Stabbed to Death in An Unprovoked Attack by Sean Urbanski," (who was "Arrested at the Scene of This Senseless and Cruel Act of Violence," and is "Being Charged with First and Second Degree Murder," and "First Degree Assault," without Bond).

On Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of May, 2017, "Richard Collins III was "Honored at a Bowie State University Commencement Ceremony" where "His Father Accepted His Sons Bachelor Degree on His Behalf!" The Sight of "Richards Graduation Gown Draped over a Chair in The Front Row was a Profoundly Touching Moment!"

We Extend Our Sincerest and Deepest Condolences to The Family, and Friends of Richard Collins III. And, We also Extend Our Feelings of Sympathy to Richards Fellow Students and the Community of Bowie State University.

-Extra Noteworthy News- Monday, The Twenty-Second of May, 2017-
Prime Minister Netanyahu's "Enthusiastic Welcome of President Trump to Israel was Near Euphoric!" "Especially after the "Not so Enthusiastic Relationship the Prime Minister had with Former President Obama!" "The Prime Minister Exclaimed" over and over, "How Much He Appreciated President Trump!" 

President Trump was the "First Sitting U.S. President to Visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem was Significant Moment," even "If Solely Symbolic in Nature," Calling it "A Great Honor to visit The Wall." Why, Because, "There Must Be an Agreement over the Fate of  Jerusalem" that is "Satisfactory to Both Palestine and Israel," If, "There is ever to Be A Two State Agreement between the Two Countries!"

Also, "Joining The President at the Western Wall," and "The Church of The Holy Sepulchre," was First Lady Melania Trump, His Daughter Ivanka Trump, and Her Husband, and Adviser to the President Jared Kushner  

An "Unforced Revelation Occurred" During the Day, "When President Trump said," in Response to a Reporter's Question about the "May Tenth Meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, and Russian Ambassador Kislyak in The White House Oval Office" that, "I never mentioned the word, or the name Israel," when "He Spoke about Classified Materials with the Two Russian Officials!" An Admission that was "Not Acknowledged Previously!"

"President Trump Plans to Visit Palestine Tomorrow!"

And, At Home in the U.S. "Retired-Lt. General Michael Flynn," and "Former Adviser to the President," has "Decided to "Invoke His Fifth Amendment Rights," Rather than Comply with a Subpoena to Answer Questions Posed to Him by the Senate Intelligence Committee," and "May Be Held in Contempt!"

And, "The Washington Post is Running a Headline Story" that "Two Top Intelligence Officials, Daniel R. Coats, Director of National Intelligence, and Admiral Michael S. Rogers, National Security Agency Director," have Claimed that President Trump," in Two Separate Appeals, were Asked to "publicly deny that there was any evidence of collusion during the 2016 election," is "Making News All Across The Global Cross Media News Universe!" Both Intelligence Directors "Refused to comply with the requests," in which "they both deemed to be inappropriate."

President Trump's Conversation with Admiral Rogers was "Written by a Senior NSA Official," and "Documented Contemporaneously in An Internal Memo!" It is Unclear if Director Coats has a "Similar Memo," However, If so, "Both Memos Will Be Given to Special Counsel Robert Mueller," who is Overseeing The Russian Investigation, "and Congressional Investigators!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Sunday, The Twenty-First of May, 2017-
Global Cross Media Reports are Both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE, a Federation of Seven Emirates, each one Governed by An Absolute Monarch, with One Elected as The President, although in the Case of the Current President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Position Appears to Be Hereditary, than Democratically Voted for Office, He's Been President since 2004 ) "Donated One Hundred Million Dollars to "A Women's Empowerment Fund," An Idea "Proposed by Ivanka (or Ivana) Trump!" "The Fund Will Be Led by The World Bank!"

"The Announcement of The Contribution" was "Made by Jim Yong Kim," the President of The World Bank!

And, Once again, "There are Several Ironies Surrounding This Contribution, (1) During the 2016 Election Campaign, "Candidate Trump went to No End" (as the saying goes) to "Criticize and Attack Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Initiative Foundation," (who Raised Millions of Dollars for Programs to Fight and Cure Aids and Help Those who were Tested with having HIV) and (2) Both Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates are "Not Known to Be Major Proponents of Women's Rights!"

I Believe that For Better or For Worst, "We have Entered" into "A Bizarre State of Deja Vu!"  The Question is, "Who Do You Trust!" Only "Time, Vigilance, Investigations and Constant Monitoring of The Events and Situations Taking Place Can Lead Us to The Answer!"       

-Extra Noteworthy News- Sunday, The Twenty-First of May, 2017-
Today, President Trump Gave a Speech in Saudi Arabia "Calling for Muslim Leaders" to "Drive Out Terrorism!" A Sentiment that is Welcomed to Hear!" 

"Imagine The Millions upon Millions of Families" who have "Been Forced to Leave Their Homes," "Many of Which who have Been Separated from Their Families and Forced to Undertake Perilous Journey's to Survive the Continuous Threats against Their Lives!" Some of which, "End up Living in Refugee Camps," and "Others to Live in Foreign Countries!" And, "Many who have Died in Attempts to Protect Their Families!" 
So, "Yes," It is Time to "Drive All of the Syndicates of Murders and Criminals Out of Their Caliphates," or "Any Region that They are Presently Infesting!"

The Question is (1) Is This The Same Man who was Extremely Critical President Obama and Former Secretary of State Clinton Policies, Then- Candidate Trump, or (2) Whose Executive Immigration Orders have Targeted Muslims (as well as Undocumented Immigrants), or (3) A New Incarnation of President Trump!

And, at a time, When at Home, "The Presidents 2016 Campaigns Connection with Russian Officials," is "Under Intense Investigation by House, Senate, and DOJ, (and Robert Mueller a Special Counsel, Appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein) So far, "The First Phase of President Trump's Oversees Diplomatic Journey," has "Been Received Well by Saudi Arabia," Awarding Him with "The Collar of Abdulaziz Al Saud, The Nations Highest Honor!" 
And, The Saudis have "Agreed" to a "Three Hundred and Fifty Billion Dollar Arms Deal," to "Take Place over a Ten Year Period!"

And, "The Presidents Tour of the Center For Combating Extremist Ideology," and  "Using A Twitter Forum to Millennials and Teens in Saudi Arabia," to "Combat Extremism online," and "Establish Peace and Security," are "Both Commendable Gestures!" (Although The President Did Not Speak as Expected, Ivana Trump, His Daughter Did, very Briefly) 

"It is Unfortunate" that "President Trump has Created such a Severe Identity Crisis" in "The Minds of People All Around The World," who are "Following His Trip," and "Still Remain Unconvinced to His Sincerity!" 
And, In The United States The Presidents Approval Rating Continues to Decline to Lower Levels," and "The State of Amorphous in His Administration is Unsettling, Unnerving, and UN-Constructive!" And, The President and The Republican Party Policies "Continue to Create a Divisive Atmosphere!" 

"Israel is The Second Stop" in "President Trumps First Oversees Trip as President of The United States of America!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Friday, The Nineteenth of May, 2017-
New Global Cross Media Reports are "A Senior Trump Adviser" has Become "A Person of Interest" in The FBI Investigation/Probe," in "The Russian Connection with The 2016 Trump Presidential Campaign!"

And, to "Add to This Ever-Growing and  Potentially Damaging FBI Investigation/Probe," is "Reports" that "During the Meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Serge Lavrov, and Russian Ambassador to The U.S. Serge Kislyak," on Wednesday, The Tenth of May, 2017, at The White House, President Trump said "I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job." And, The President also said, "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off." And, "I'm not under investigation."

This is All Contained in "An Official White House Document of Notes taken at the Meeting," that has Been Confirmed by Several Officials," and "Circulated as An Official Account of the Meeting!"

Understandably, "This Official Document" (Summarizing the President's Meeting with the Two Russian Officials) "Is Causing Further Dissatisfaction" with the "Manner and Trust that President Trump has Shown Russia," at a Delicate Time Period, When , "There are House, Senate, DOJ and FBI Investigations" in Regards to "Russian Interference into the 2016 Presidential Election," and "A Special Counsel," Robert Mueller, has "Just Been Appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein!"

-In Memoriam:
Saturday, The Twenty-Seventh of May, 2017 "Marks the Passing of A Southern Rock 'N Blues Band Legend, Gregory LeNoir Allman," Co-Founder of The Legendary Allman Brothers Band, who "Passed away at the Age of Sixty-Nine in His Home in Savannah, Georgia!"

"The Allman Brothers Band" was "The Inspiration of Brothers Duane and Gregg Allman, whose Music and In Concert Performances were An Exciting and Innovative Evolution of The World of Rock 'N Roll!"

And, "Gregg Entertained Us" with "His Singing, Songwriting, Musicianship, and Showmanship over a Forty-Five Year Period!"

Duane Allman Died of A Motorcycle Crash in 1971, "Which was a Severe Blow to Gregg and The Band," and "His Family and Friends," and "The Whole Music Community," and "Fans of the Band Worldwide!" However, "Gregg Continued to Resurrect the Band in A Rich Collaboration of Musicians," and "Produce Excellent Albums, such as "Bothers and Sisters" in 1973, (which was Their Biggest Album Success) and "Perform in Live Concert Performances!"

Gregg Engaged in a Solo Career for a while, with a Hit Record of "I'm No Angel," in 1987! A Decade in which "He Married Cher!"

His Solo Career and Periods of Time When The Allman Brothers Band Re-United in One Musical Collaboration after Another was "Always About the Music!" Even when His Health Suffered with Chronic Liver Problems and a Variety of Health Issues, Gregg Loved Composing, Singing, Playing and Performing! In His Memoirs Titled "My Cross To Bear" Released in 2012, Gregg Wrote: Music is my life's blood, I love music, I love to play good music, and I love to play music for people who appreciate it. And, when it's all said and done, I'll go to my grave and my brother will greet me, saying, "Nice work, little brother- you did all right."

We Extend Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Soul, and Spiritual Condolences to The Family, and Friends, and Family of Musicians and Colleagues who Played Good Music with and Loved Gregory LeNoir Allman! And, to Music Lovers Worldwide! We are Fortunate that Gregg and the Allman Brothers have Gifted Us such a Great Universe of Music to Remember Gregg by!

-In Memoriam:
Iconic Actor Sir Roger Moore (KBE) has Passed away at The Age of Eighty-Nine! Sir Roger who had Been Suffering from Cancer, Died in Switzerland on Monday, The Twenty-Second of May, 2017.

From 1973 to 1985 Sir Roger "Starred in Seven James Bond Movies," Playing an MI6 Agent, and "Gained Worldwide Popularity" for His "Smooth Demeanor and Cool Attitude in His Characterization of James Bond!"

Roger Moore also "Starred as Simon Templar," in the TV Series "The Saint" from 1962- to 1969! And, "He also Replaced James Garner in the TV Series "Maverick," Playing "Maverick's British Cousin Beau Maverick," from 1960 to 1961! And, from 1956 to 1958 He Starred in The TV Series "Ivanhoe!"

And, Amongst His Movie Roles is a Performance in "The Last Time I Saw Paris," also "Starring Elizabeth Taylor in 1954!"

In 1991 Sir Roger Became a "Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF as An Advocate for Children's Causes!"

And, In 1999 He was Honored by the British Government with the Title of Commander of the British Empire! And, in 2003, He was Knighted by Queen Elizabeth! And, In 2008 the French Government Appointed Sir Roger Moore a Commander of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres!

Sir Roger Moore (KBE) was Born in Stockwell, South London, and "His Body of Work and Talent Will Be Admired by Future Generations of Moviegoers to Come as One of The Most Charismatic Leading Men in Film and TV!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family, Friends, Colleagues, and Admirers of Sir Roger Moore!  

-In Memoriam: 
On Wednesday, The Seventeenth of May, 2017, Chris Cornell the "Exciting and Dynamic Lead Singer of Soundgarden "Passed away at the Age of Fifty-Two," of An Apparent Suicide!

Born in Seattle, "Chris and His Grammy Award Winning Group Soundgarden" were "One of The Founders and Architects of The Grunge Movement!"

Chris Will Be Sorely Missed, However, "Thankfully, We are Fortunate" to have "A Universe of His Music Singing and Performing with Soundgarden to Remember Him by!"

We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to His Family, Friends, Colleagues, and Fans in Seattle, and Althroughout the United States and Worldwide.

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters.

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,