Thursday, April 20, 2017



The Way To Peace! #27 -Revisited-

"No One said that The Way To Peace Would Be Easy," But, "The Images of The Innocent who have Died along The Way," "Continue to Haunt my Thoughts," and are Ablaze in my Mind, and "Can Not Be Erased or Denied!" And, "Their Lives Must Not Be Lost in Vain!"

"No One has said" that "There Would Not Be Another Warmonger," (Such as President Bashar al-Assad of Syria), whose "Malevolent Intention is to Assassinate," or "Use Chemical Warfare on His Own People," or "Yet Another Child of Peace!"

But, It Must Be Obvious that "Peace Must Prevail in The End!" Why? Because, "We The People" and "Leaders of the Civilized Nations of The Earth Can Not Afford to Be Intimidated by," or "Threatened by Egotistical Bullies, Brutes and Barbarous Beasts of War!"

"The Images of Too Many Innocent Children and Parents," who have "Lost Their Lives Due to Yet Another Escalation of Violence on Earth," are "An Offense to Both my Heart and Soul," and "the Peacemaker, Lover of Life, and Poet that Lies within me!"

And, It makes me Wonder, If I Can Sense this Growing Anger and Storm of Discontent over the Crimes that have Been Committed against Humanity by Rogue Nations, Dictators, and Syndicates of Murderer and Criminals," "What Must the Silent Majority of People Be Feeling and Thinking!"

And, "How Much Longer Will It Take Before These Predators of Humankind are Brought to Justice, in Front of An International Court of Law," Conducted by the Civilized Nations of The Earth for "Their Abhorrent Crimes!"

Because, Only then, Will We The People Be Able to Enjoy Our Lives," and "Live in Security Knowing that We are Safe from Harms way!"

But, What Chance Does this Sacred Earth of Ours have of "Living in a Peace Millennium, without "Their Being an Overwhelming Acclamation" and "Global Peace Consensus" amongst "All the Citizens of The World!"

"No One said "It Would Be Easy, But, It Should Be Obvious to any Intelligent, Compassionate," and "Consciously Aware Interdependent Individual" that "Peace Must Come!"

And, Isn't it Time, that "We All Clearly Understood" that "We Must Demand It," and "Declare It," to "Be Our Wish and Our Goal!"

And, Let's Sing It Out, Loud and Clear," that "We Desire with All Our Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls," that "We Want to Live in Peace!" And, "Our Global Leaders Must Get this Sentiment" and "Understand the Intensity of It" as, "A Deeply Profound Feeling and Message Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

And, "Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, "Do Not Remain Silent" Because, "Too Many of Your Family Members have already Lost Their Lives" to "The Cruelty and Barbarity of War and Violence!" 

And, "There Must Be an End to This Senseless Killing," and "It's Time," once again, "For The Peacemakers and Women and Men of Reason of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries," Who've Experienced the Consequences of War and Violence," and "the Tears upon Tears of Frustration, Deep Sadness, Mutilation, and Trauma," to "Come Forth and Lead The Way!"

And, "Together with All The Voices of Reason and Religious and Spiritual Leaders, (Such as Pope Francis), "Continue to Reason with Those" who "Believe" that "Only, Through Violence Can They Achieve Their Goals!"

And, "World Leaders Must Organize and Step Forward," (Such as Chancellor Angela Merkle of Germany), "Whenever there is A Real Opportunity" to Enter into Peace Dialogues with Whomever the Warring Faction May Be, and "Even Declare a Global Truce," Whenever, "A Sincere and Honest Gesture is Being Offered to Find Agreement Wherever Disagreement May Lie, Diplomatically!"

And, "They Must Be Convinced that Violence, Chaos, and Destruction," Only "Leads to More Violence, Chaos and Destruction!" And, "While There Will Be A Victor," "The Cost Will Be So Great" that, In Fact, "There Will Be No Real Winner's or Satisfaction Gained by the Continuation of This Deathly and Brutal Course of Action and Behavior!" 

And, "There is "No Healing Vision or Soothing Words" that "Can Assuage The Pain Experienced," Especially By, or, Of The Families Who've Lost a Loved One!"

If, We are to Truly Build A Peace Movement in The Twenty-First Century that is Lasting, "We Must Discover New Solutions" to "the Problems that Face the Myriad Different Cultures of This Earth's Community of Nations!"

And, "This Global Peace Initiative Must Be Founded in Finding Resolutions" that "Embrace the Ideas and Principles," that "We are All Citizens of This Earth!"

And that, "Each and Everyone of Us Should, therefor, "Be Treated Equally, Respectfully," and "In Equilibre with One Another!"

"It's Time for a New Peace Movement that Challenges Us One and All," from "The Most Vulnerable to the Most Influential!"

And, "We Must Engage Ourselves in This New Peace Initiative and Define It's Purpose and Goals," before "The Leaders of The Earths Nations Decide for Us," that "Another UN-Declared War or Pre-Emptive Military Operation," is "The Best Way To Solve Our Problems," Whatever They May Be!" And, once again, "At Our Expense and Loss of Life!" 

"This Would Be Catastrophic and Demoralizing to "A World that is already "Been Too Depressed by The Injustices and Violence of Too Much War, and "Ongoing Conflicts that Last for Decades," (as is on Display in the Middle East, and with North Korea, in East Asia).      

"No One has Ever said that "It Would Be Easy," "We've All Seen the Very Disturbing Images on TV, and In Magazines, or via The Social Media, and Global Cross Media Universe," of "The Casualties of War," and "Violent Aggression!"

But, "How Many More of These Violent Images Must We Endure," Caused by False Illusions, Lies, Deceptions, and Misconceptions," and "the Propaganda of False Political and Religious Ideologies and Rhetoric!" "How Much More Must We Bear!"

"There is already "An Endless Valley of the Dead, Filled to the Brim with The Lives of Innocent Victims," and "Heroines and Heroes" who've "Given Their Lives in One War after Another!"

"Shall We End up Being Remembered as "A Fallen Generation/Millennium," Remembered, Only, "For Our Lack of Determination and Commitment to Live in Peace!"

"Are We to Be Remembered" as "A Fallen Millennium, who "Gave up" and "Lost Hope in Ourselves!"

"Let's Be Clear" that We Need to Embark upon a Campaign of Non-Violent Dissent, and Activism, If "We are Too Succeed in Achieving Our Goals!"

And, "Let there Be No Doubt" that "We have to Express Our Deep Concerns about "A Soft Economy that has "No Backbone to It (Especially for the Middle Class, Working Class, Poor and Disenfranchised). That is "Being Controlled and Guided" by "A Group of Capitalistic Oligarchs," who have "No Hearts and No Souls" when It Comes to the Welfare and Travails of We The People!"

These Individuals, Leaders, and Corporations "Care Not about Our Health Care, Social Security, World Poverty, Climate Warming, Sanitation Issues in Third World Nations, The Global Ecology, The Education of Our Children, Renewable Energy, or The Growing Transient/Homeless Population!"

And, "Let there Be No Doubt" that "We Can No Longer Allow Ourselves to Be Swayed by the Promises of False Political Rhetoric, and Lies" that has "Infected Our Lives!"

"No One is saying" that "The Way To Peace is An Easy Path to Take," But, "The Results are Definitely Worth the Dedication and Sacrifice!" "Imagine Living in Peace!"

And Yes, "The Enemies of Peace where Many Disguises," But, "The Civilized Nations of This Planet" have "The Resources" and "Coalition Armed Forces and Intelligence Agencies, to Enforce, Protect, Defend and Preserve The Peace For One and All!" (Plus NATO Forces)

However, "Should Our Leaders Lack in the Motivation or Vision" to "Move Forward with A True Peoples Agenda," Then, "Let Us Encourage Them and Empower Them to Do so," by "Organizing A Non-Violent Global Earthrise Demonstration, in The Name of Peace," and "Collectively" as "One Great Soul Force Of The People," Of This Planet Earth, "Motivate Them," or "Call upon Them to Resign," If, "Their Leadership Position is Too Difficult for Them to Do!"

"No One said It Would Be Easy," But, "How Many More Images Can We The People," Citizens of This Earth, "Bear to See of The Innocent, Lying in Yet Another Pool of Blood!"

But, "Let Us always Remember" that "If, We are to Rise Above the Violence, Brutality and Sadness Caused by War and Conflict," "We Must" Do It, "In The Name of Peace!"

And, Though Not to Be Redundant, "If, There ever was a More Propitious Moment in Time" to "Reach Out to the Leaders of The Earths United Civilized Nations, and "Call for An Immediate Series of Global Peace Dialogues, with Warring Factions," Whomever They May Be, "That Moment is Now!" (UN Secretary General Guterres, Seize the Moment, Let Your Leadership Skills Guide you!)

"It's Time to Give Peace and Prosperity For One and All, An Opportunity to Thrive!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "The Time For Non-Violent Action is Now! "For Our Environmental Causes, Health Care Causes, Civil Rights, Gender Rights, Children and Women's Rights, Economic Parity, Religious Freedom," and "The Rights of One and All to Live in Peace!"

And, "Let's Give Peace a Chance to Thrive in a Real Time/Space Environment," and, with "a Peace Time Economy!" (I Can Hear John and Yoko and a Group of Their Friends and Celebrities Singing "Give Peace a Chance" within A Stadium Filled with Peace Enthusiasts, All Raising Their Voices and Singing The Chorus Together!)   

And, "Remember always," that "We are A Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

Yes, "A Great Soul Force" of "A Grand Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of The Twenty-First Century!" And, "This is The New Norm Of The People" of "An UN-Breakable Nexus Of, By and For The People," and "A Peace Millennia!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace, Justice, and An Earthrise of Limitless Opportunities, Innovations, Peacetime Entrepreneurialism, Respect For Each Other and Our Planet Earth, and Universe of A Myriad Sentient and Inanimate Beings and Luminous Bodies!

-Extra Note Worthy News- Sunday, The Twenty-Third of April, 2017-
The Results of "Today's French Election's First Round Vote For the Presidency has Come in, with "Both, Independent-Centrist Candidate Emmanuel Macron, who Formed His Own Party Last Year, En Marche, (On the Move), with 23.7% of The Vote," and Far-Right Nationalist Candidate Marine Le Pen with 22% of The Vote, (at Last Count) "Moving on Towards a Final Run Off on May Seventh," with "The Winner Becoming The Next President Of France!"

Hopefully, "This Will Be the First Step Towards Uniting France with "A Candidate Of, By, and For The People!"

Interestingly, "The Two Major Party's have Been Eliminated," and "It is also "A Sad Commentary on The Conservative Party's Candidate Francois Fillon," who was at One Point the Front Runner of The Election Campaign, before "A Nepotism Scandal was His Undoing!"

At Last Count, "Francois Fillon and Far-Left Candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon, have "Received a Combined Total of Twenty Percent of The Vote!"

However, "The First Question," that Comes to Mind, has "Already Been Answered,""Francois Fillon has said He Plans to Vote for Mr. Macron," and has "Asked His Supporters to Back Mr. Macron," as well!

And, "The Second Question, has "Also Been Answered," "The Socialist Candidate Benoit Harmon" has "Called for His Voter's" to "Rally Behind Mr. Macron's Candidacy!"

And, "The French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuvre," has Called for "The Defeat of Marine Le Pen!"

"The Final Question" that Comes to Mind is, "Will there Be any Significant Support of Marine Le Pen!"

However, "All the Questions Will Be Answered on May the Seventh," with "All of Europe Hoping" that, Reason, Cognizance," and "A Belief in The Importance of An All Inclusive Global Responsibility, Unity, Well Being, Social Security, and Right's of One's Fellow Human Being Will Be the Overriding Factor's," in "Whom Will Be The Next President Of France!"

And, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear," that "A Candidate with An Isolationist and Purely Nationalist Agenda," Simply is, "Not Beneficial to One and All!"

"A Candidate of Equilibre," is "What the Tapestry and Fabric Of The People, Of The Twenty-First Century," is "IN Need of!"

And, "An Insightful, Inspiring, Empathetic and Visionary Leader," who "Represents All The People of France, " and "The Earth!"         

-Extra Noteworthy News- Thursday, The Twentieth of April, 2017-
Global Cross Media News Reports that "The Thirty-Five Page Collection of Memos" that "Comprise The Dossier of Former British Intelligence Agent Christopher Steele," Assisted The FBI in It's Declaration that Carter Paige," (an Energy Consultant who Became A Foreign Policy Adviser for The Trump Campaign, in Its Early Stages,) "Knowingly Engaged in Clandestine Intelligence on Behalf of Moscow!"

The FBI also "Used the Dossier in Its Investigation into Russia's Interference in the 2016 Campaign!"

Christopher Steele "Spent Twenty Years Working as An MI6 Spy in Russia!"

The Question Still Remains, "was Carter Paige Acting as An Agent for Russia!?

"There is Little Doubt" that, "This Investigation Conducted by The FBI," has "The Potential to Become A Major News Story," to "What Degree and Level of Magnitude is The Follow up Question!"  And, "How It Impacts The Trump Administration," Still, "Remains to Be Seen!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News- Wednesday, The Nineteenth of April, 2017-
Global Cross Media Reports of "Scandals of Sexual Assaults," and "The Loss of Advertisers and Sponsors," have "Finally Brought Down the King of the Fox News!"

"Bill O'Reilly and the Fox News Channel have Officially Ended Their On Air Association!" And, "Bill O'Reilly's Reign at Fox News has "Come to An End," "after "Years of Being The Network's Number One Program!"

"The Announcement was Made by 21st Century Fox," The Parent Company of Fox News Today, Wednesday, The Nineteenth of April, 2017.

Mr. O'Reilly's "Final Undoing was the Global Cross Media Reports, earlier this Month, that "Fox had Paid Thirteen Million Dollars to Five Women," who had "Accused Mr. O'Reilly of Sexual Harassment!" And, "This News Caused the Loss of as Many as Sixty Advertisers," who "Asked that Their Commercials Be Removed from The O'Reilly Factor!"   

-Extra Noteworthy News- Monday, The Seventeenth of April, 2017-
Now that, U.S. Vice President Pence has "Completed His Trip to South Korea to Celebrate Easter with The United States and South Korean Troops," and Then "Meet with Acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn," on Monday, The Seventeenth of April, "to Discuss," No Doubt, "The Strategy for Dealing with The Growing Tension and Aggressive Rhetoric of North Korea," and then "Continue on His Diplomatic Mission to Meet with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan," "The Silence amongst The Elected Representatives of The U.S. Congress "is almost Deafening!"

And, with "The Question of" Whether Chairman Kim Jong-un, of North Korea, against All Sense of Logic, Decide to Launch Another Missile in Celebration of, "the Day of the Sun," North Korea's Most Important National Day, "Been Answered with The Failure of Another Launch!"
"Now, the Question is," How Will President Xi Jinping of China and President Trump of The United States React to It!"

And, At this Point in Time, "When The United States is In Need of Its Asian Allies," to "Show Support of Its Retaliatory Acts against North Korea," The Question is, "Was It Wise for President Trump to Withdraw The U.S. from The Trans-Pacific Partnership," -(TPP) that "Former President Obama Negotiated!"

However, Shouldn't, at Least, "The Leaders of Congress Speak Out and Voice an Opinion, of The Recent Escalation of Events between The U.S. and The DPRK!" After all, "The United States of America is a Democracy Built upon Sound Principles," and "The U.S. Congress Should Be More Involved," and "Not just The White House and The Pentagon!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Thursday, The Thirteenth of April, 2017-
The United States "Dropped Its Largest Non-Nuclear Bomb," on "An Islamic Tunnel Complex," in The Anchin District of Nangarthar Province, in Eastern Afghanistan!"

The Bomb, GBU-43B, "Equals an Explosive Force of Eleven Tons of Explosives!" And, It has Been Referred to as, "The Mother of All Bombs!"

President Trump Called the Mission, "A very, very, successful mission."

Global Cross Media News Reports are, at Least, "Ninety-Four Islamic Militants were Killed in the Attack!" However, Officials have Reported that "No Civilians Died!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
On Thursday, The Thirteenth of April, 2017, Once again, "Vice President Pence is Responsible for Giving The Tie Breaking Vote," that "Caused the Passage of New Legislation" that "Would Permit The States to Withhold the Distribution of Federal Funds to Any Clinic," that "had Performed An Abortion!"

"This Regulation was Put in Place by Former President Obama" to "Prevent The States from Being Able to Do this!"

"The Vote went along Party Lines," with Forty-Eight Democrats and Two Independent Republicans Voting against This Legislation," and The Fifty Republicans Voting For It, with Vice President Pence, as "The Tie Breaker!"

And so, "The Agenda of The Republican Party and The Trump Administration," without Consideration of Women's Rights, "Continues to Be Blatantly Directed against American Women" from having "A Choice in Making Their Own Decisions in Their Lives," and, "In Passing This Legislation," The GOP has "Succeeded in Their Agenda," Which is to "Destroy Planned Parenthood," or "Any Other Organization or Clinic," that has Performed An Abortion," or "Supports a Woman's Right to Choose!"

I Would Be More than Surprised, "If, This Fifty-One to Fifty Vote "Did Not Organize and Mobilize Women's Groups All over The United States to Vote en Masse" against "Any Republican who Voted for This Legislation!" And, "Cause An End of The Republican Majority in The U.S. Senate!" And, I Would Not Be Surprised to "See a Further Decline in President Trump's already, Slumping Approval Rating," even "Beyond It's Present Level!"

"This is The Twenty-First Century," and "A Cognitive Change of One's Intellect and Perception Must Mature and Evolve Beyond One's Political Ideologies and Partisan Politics," as "Our Earths Communities Continue to Be Faced with New Challenges," that "We have," But, "No Choice, Other than "To Address and Discover Non- Violent, and Peaceful Resolutions to," "For the Sake of Our Families Survival, Opportunity, and Growth," and "The Well Being of Our Fellow Human Being," and "Our Future Generations!"

-In Memoriam: They Will Be Missed-
On Tuesday, The Eleventh of April, 2017, Dorothy Mengering, the Beloved Mother of David Letterman Passed away at The Age of Ninety-Five!

And, Robert W. Taylor, Internet Pioneer and Creator of the Personal Computer, and The Mouse, Passed away on Thursday, The Thirteenth of April, 2017, at The Age of Eighty-Five!

And, Comedian Extraordinaire Don Rickles, Passed away on Thursday, The Sixth of April, 2017!

We Send Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends and Admirers of Dorothy Mengering, Robert W. Taylor, and Don Rickles. All Will Be Sincerely Missed by Their Loved Ones, Friends, Admirers, and Family!

-In Memoriam:
-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Wednesday, The Twelfth of April, 2017, U.S. Judge Sheila Abdus-Salaam, Sixty-Five, was Found Dead, in New York's Hudson River, Not Far from Her Home in Harlem! She had Been Reported Missing by Her Husband on Tuesday!

The New York Police Department have said, "There were no signs of trauma or criminality," However, "An Investigation is Underway to Discover the Cause of Death by A Medical Examiner!"

Justice Abdus-Salaam was "A Barnard-Columbia Graduate," and "An Associate Judge of New York's Highest Court," and "The First African-American Woman Appointed to the Court of Appeals!" And, "The First Muslim Woman to Serve as A U.S. Judge!"

Justice Abdus-Salaam "Began Working with East Brooklyn Legal Services," and then "Served as Assistant New York State Attorney General!" And, Then "She was Appointed to The Court of Appeals" by New York's Governor Cuomo, in 2013!

Governor Cuomo said, Justice Sheila Abdus-Salaam was a Trailblazing Jurist who's life in public service was in pursuit of a more fair and just New York for one and all."
And, after Her Death was Reported, Governor Cuomo said, "She was a pioneer with an unshakable moral compass."

And, once again, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt Condolences to The Family, Friends, and Colleagues of U.S. Judge Sheila Abdus-Salaam!

-In Memoriam: 
-Extra Noteworthy News- Wednesday, The Nineteenth of April, 2017- 
"The Manhunt is Over for Steve Stephens" 37, "the Man who Recorded His Murder of Robert Godwin Sr 74," on Sunday, the Sixteenth of April 2017, and then "Posted the Video on Facebook!" (The Video Could Be Viewed for Three Hours after Being Posted!)

Facebook Took the Video Down "Twenty-Three Minutes" after "Being Alerted that it was Online!" 

"The Manhunt for Stephens Ended" after "the Police were Alerted that He was at a McDonald's, in Harborcreek Township in Pennsylvania, and "After a Brief Chase Stephens Car was Rammed into by One of the Police Cars," and "Came to a Stop," after which "He Shot and Killed Himself, near Erie, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, The Eighteenth of April, 2017!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Stephens Claimed to have Killed as Many as Fourteen or More People," after "Leaving Church Service on Easter!" If True, "Whatever the Reason was for Stephens, (Vile, Deplorable and Diabolical) Behavior," "It Can Not Condone Him for His Actions," and "The Taking of a Life, or Lives," as "He has Confessed to!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt Condolences to The Family and Friends of Mr. Godwin Sr And, I Sincerely Hop

-In Memoriam: And, Once again, We Send The Sincerest Condolences of Our Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!" 

And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or Due to "Natural Disasters!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,