Tuesday, November 1, 2016



The Way To Peace! #291

"Congratulations to President-Elect Donald J. Trump Sr." and "His Make America Great Campaign Team" for "Winning a Hard Fought Victory over Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton," "To Become The Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America!!"

I Can only Imagine "What The Founders of This Extraordinary Grand Experiment Called The United States of America," Would Think and Feel today, As "This Highly Contentious Presidential Campaign Season Came Down to The Wire, and "Mr. Trump," once again, "Proved All the Experts Wrong!"  And, "Prevented Mrs. Clinton from Becoming The First Woman President from a Major Political Party!"   

And, "Now Let The Healing Begin," so "The United States of America Can Continue to Evolve on It's Path" of Being "A Grand Ole Republic and Democracy Of, By, and For The People," and "A Symbol of Freedom For All The People of The Earth to See and Admire!"

And, "Congratulations Mrs. Clinton" and "Her Stronger Together Campaign Team" For Their Dedication, Hard Work and Commitment on Her Behalf!"
And, to "All The Young Girls and Women" who "Aspire to One Day Become President of The United States," "Never Give up Your Goals and Aspirations, Whatever They May Be!"

And, to "All of The American Citizens of This Great and Diverse Nation Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "This is A New Beginning," that "We Must All Participate in," to "Remove The Fears, Anger, Frustration, Disappointment, and Anxiety that has Been An Impediment To Many of Us," and "Built Walls around Us!"

Let Us, One and All, "Continue to Build A Bridge of Peace, Equilibre, Trust, Justice, and Reason to Believe" that "Extends to All the Corners of This Earth of Ours!" A Bridge that Reaches Out to This New Age of Cyber Space," and "The Time Space Reality that Touches All Our Lives from The First Day that We are Born!"

And, Let Us, "Always Remember" that "There is Zero Degree's of Separation between Us irregardless of Gender, Creed, Ethnicity, or Nationality!" For, This is "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!" Where "Parallel Universes Exist In the Here and Now," and "New Opportunities and New Horizons Loom before Us In An Illuminated Earthrise Vision of Limitless Potentialities!" So, "Let's Take a Quantum Leap Together into The Future!"

And, Once again, "Congratulations to You and Your Family, President-Elect Donald John Trump Sr."

There's Just No Way to Prepare Yourself for It!" Unless, "You are a Realistic Empiricist," and "Have Been Cognitively Aware" of the "Parallel Universe of Existential Changes" that "Have Been Recently Taking Place Globally" over "a Panoply of World Events!"
Where, "Practically any Act, or Global Event" of "The Time Space Reality of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century," "Can Be Revealed to All the Earths Modern, Civilized Societies" in "A Brief Moment," Described as "Breaking News," or "Extra Noteworthy News Coverage," or via "a Photo Shot by a Cell Phone," that is "Immediately Shown All around the Globe!"

And, at "This Moment in Time" There is No Way to "Get Back" to The Sense of Security, Peace, Love and Harmony of The Twentieth Century,"(or It's Illusion), There's, only, to "Go Forward" into "The Parallel Universes of The Global Cross Media and Social Media," and "Process as Quickly and as Intelligently as Possible," The State of Being that "We" are "Presently and Rapidly having to Experience," While "Simultaneously, Transcending This Time Space Reality to The Extent" that "One Can Comprehend, Stay Centered, Focused and Remain In Touch with The Teachings, Tenets, Principles, Values, and Doctrines, "We've Been Taught" as "A Civilized Being of Integrity of The Twenty-First Millennia!"

"A Global Equation Of, By, and For The People," In which, "A Powerful and Meaningful Aspect of It is," "The Fact" that "We Live in Parallel Universes of Great Technological, Scientific, Biological, and Militaristic Skillfulness," that is "Complemented by," and, "Exemplified by An Array of Exponential, Empirical and Experiential, Sociological Developments, Evolution, Maturation, and Growth" that by It's Size and Magnitude, at Times "We Find Ourselves Totally Overwhelmed by," and Yet, "Although the Challenges are Many" and "We Find Ourselves Immersed in," and "Living in A Global System of Micro and Macro States of A Parallel Universe," A Vast Global Communications Universe, that is "Separated by Zero Degrees of Cyber Space," Our Natural Instincts are to "Learn from It," and "Use It for Our Advantage!" So, "Indomitable is The Human Spirit!"

However, "This Parallel Universe is such," that "One Must Find A Sense of Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, Soulful and Physical Equilibre to Embrace," In which, "One Can," also "Find The Soul Strength (Satyagraha) to "Replenish Your Will Power to Thrive, Strive, and Drive Ahead Towards Obtaining the Achievement of Your Life's Goals and Dreams" of "An Inspiring and Moving Vision Path of Success, and Family Unity," "Graced by The Universal Beauty of An Earthrise Horizon of Future Now Innovations, Insights, Perspectives, Streetwise and Earthwise Universal Philosophies, and Public Service," that "You Can Share in the Here and Now," with "Your Family, Neighbors, and Fellow Human and Sentient Beings!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt," that "This Cyber Space Age of Instant Global Communication Makes it Impossible," for One, "Not to See the Injustices Being Enacted upon" by "Rogue and Imperialistic Nations and Their Heads of State!" 

Or, "The Injustices Being Imposed upon Us" by "Murder Syndicates of Terror, and Their Criminal and Malevolent Surrogates!"

Or, "The Injustices Being Perpetrated upon Us by Agents of Espionage," who are "Violating the Ethics, and Moralities of The Universal, Personal, and Social Cyber Space Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, "Casting Our Lives into Another World War," This One "A Cyber World War!"
 "Exploiting The Global Cyber Space Infrastructure For Profit, Revenge, Political Rhetoric, Fanatical Ideology, or Regime Change!"

(It Can Not Be Underestimated "How Important it is to for Americans of Voting Age to Vote on November Eighth!" 
The United States of America is "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "Now" is "The Moment to Show the World's Communities How a Democracy Performs at Its Absolute Best!" And, "Do Not Let the Illegally Obtained Emails by Russia and WikiLeaks Affect Your Vote" or "Deter or Discourage You from Voting!" "Vote with Your Intelligence" and "Conscience Awareness!" "This Presidential Election is" of "The Utmost Importance to Our Lives and Our Futures!")

And, As if "The Escalation of Global Tensions, Regional Conflicts, Acts of Domestic and Foreign Terror, and War were Not Enough," "We," Now, "Have to Endure Cyber Criminals," and Egotistical Dictators and Monarchs" who "Think Causing The Outage of Our Internet Systems" is "A Way to Cause More Chaos, Frustration, and Confusion in Our Lives!" And, "Break Our Spirit," and "Cause Freedom Loving People All the World over to Lose Faith in Themselves," and "In Their Countries Leaders!" And, In doing so, "Making Them an Easy Prey to Convert" to "A False Political or Religious Ideology!" And, "This Act of Resignation" Can "Be Fatal to A Free People!"

"This is The Time" for "Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, Philanthropists, Spiritual and  Religious Leaders, Tech Visionaries and Innovators, Global Financiers, and Military Leaders of the Earths United Civilized Nations, and Leaders of Commerce and Trade, and Global Institutions," to "Counter the False Ideologies and Murderous Acts of Violence," and "Oppressors of The People," and "Sacrilegious Predators of Amorphous and Malevolence," with "Sound Global Economic Proposals," and "United Military Strategies" that "Both Defeat and Incarcerate the Leaders" and "Criminal Surrogates of Extreme Radical Syndicates of Violence!"

And, "Empower Our Lives," The Lives Of The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth with Just Laws," and "Shield Our Lives and Families from Missiles and Bombs," and "Protect and Defend Our Lives and Families from False Mores," and from "Having to Endure Another Decade of War!"
For, This is The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!

Extra Noteworthy News- Friday, November 11th- Veterans Day-
"Happy Veterans Day to All the Brave and Courageous Women and Men Who Served and Continue to Serve Our Country" and "Sacrificed Their Lives to Preserve Our Ideals, Ethics, Principles, Justice, Peace, Freedom, and Way of Life!"

And, To "All The Veterans Living and of Past Wars and Conflicts Who Fought Heroically on Foreign Shores," All the World over, and "To Your Families," who have Shed Countless Cascades of Tears of Love on Your Behalf, "Always Remember," that "We The People," Will "Always Respect, Honor, and Admire You For Your Selfless Acts of Heroism," and "Unwavering Commitment and Dedication in Defense and Protection of Our Lives, Families, Nation, and Earth" from "the Threat of Oppressive Regimes, Dictators, and Militant Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals!"
"We Thank You" and are "Eternally Grateful For Your Service!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,

-Extra Noteworthy News- On Thursday, the 27th of October 2016, "It was Announced via The Global Cross Media News Media" that "The Chinese Communist Party" has Placed upon The Head of President Xi Jinping "the Prestigious Title" of "Core Leader!"

This Places President Jinping in The Same Level of Prominence in China, as Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping!

Let's Hope President Jinping "Uses this New Position of Prominence" to "Go Beyond" Being "A Core Leader of China and The Chinese Communist Party!"

Let's Hope that "He Accepts The Responsibility of Being A World Leader" who "Believes in and Envisions A World of Peace" for "All the Sovereign People of The Earth!

In, An Age that "Embraces The Golden Rule of A World of Social and Political Stability and Security For One and All Alike!"
"Encapsulated In A Solar Axiom of Truth, Justice, Economic Parity, and Freedom to Choose The Way of Life that One Imagines for One's Family and Oneself," In Equilibre with "The Social Mores, Spiritual Omniscience and Faith, and Universal Tenets of All The People of This Planet Earth!"
"Congratulations President Xi Jinping!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Thursday, The 27th of October, 2016-
Seeing and Hearing "First Lady Michele Obama" and "The Democratic Nominee," and "First Woman to Be Nominated by a Major Political Party, for President of The United States of America, Hillary Rodham Clinton" "Campaigning Together at Wake Forest University, in Winston-Salem North Carolina," in Front of Thousands of Eager Supporters, (Designed to be A Early Voter Turnout Rally) is "A Historical Moment in Time," that "Women's Movements All over The Earth and The United States Can Celebrate!" And, "The Grand Spirit of The Suffragettes" that "Still Exists All over The Earth, Can Rejoice in!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Friday, The 28th of October, 2016-
"One Hundred and Forty-One Native Americans and Environmental Activists" were "Arrested Protesting the North Dakota Pipeline," today, Friday the 28th of October 2016, in "a Direct Confrontation with Law Enforcement Authorities!"

"The Arrests" took place "after a Six Hour Stand off" between Protesters and The Police!"
"The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Environmental Supporters" are "Protesting Against the Construction of the 1,172 Mile long North Dakota Pipeline," that Would Be Constructed with A Half Mile of The Reservation," "Out of Serious Concerns" that It will "Cause and Have Great Damage upon Their Drinking Water (and Their Neighbors), Violate Their Burial Sites," and "Have a Negative Effect on The Missouri River!"

"The Law Enforcement Authorities" were "Attempting to Remove Demonstrators from Private Property," on the Cannonball Ranch, "Directly in the Path of the Pipeline," that "Protesters had Been Encamped upon, to Another Location!"

This is "An Important Environmental and Sacred Native American Tribal Issue" that "Needs to Be Diplomatically and Non-Violently Resolved" to "the Satisfaction of The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, The Citizens of North Dakota, Environmental Activists, the Federal Government and Administration of President Obama," and "The Contractors and Pipeline Company!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Friday, The 28th of October, 2016-
Republican FBI Director James Comey's "Last Second Decision" to "Announce that He has Found New Emails of Hillary Clinton," and is "Planning to Reopen Investigations," "Without Clarifying What The Emails are" and "Therefore Leaving His Statement Wide Open to Interpretation and Speculation," is Both Perplexing, and Troubling!"

And, Director Comey's "Last Second Decision" to "Send a Letter to Several Congressional Committee's" and "Members of Congress", that "the FBI Plans to Reopen the Investigation of Mrs. Clinton's Emails from Another Case, "that Appear to Be Pertinent," and, "To Determine Whether They Contain Contain Classified Information," and "to Assess Their Importance to Our Investigation," at This Present Moment in Time, and, During these Last Days of The Presidential Campaign, and Knowing that, This is a Sensitive, Hot Bed Issue, and Will Most Definitively Be Politicized, is Highly Unusual, even in "These Day's of Anything Goes Political Rhetoric!"

"We Live in a Democracy/Republic" where "One is Innocent until Proven Guilty!" However, in "This Age of Scandal, Rumor, Speculation, and Innuendo," "The Innocent are Too Often Judged to Be Guilty," even "Before the Case has Been Fully Reviewed!" And, "This is a Shame and Blight on Our System of Justice!"

"It is Important" for "The Global Cross Media News Universe and Social Media" to "Wait for The Facts to Be Revealed" and "Then Examine Them for What Their Worth is," "Before Placing any Final Judgments or Opinions!" You Can Count on More Information to Be Announced!

And, Although, "In Violation of U.S. Election Laws," You Can also Count on "New Information to Be Released from The Illegally Obtained Emails," that are "Being Used to Influence Our Presidential Elections," by "WikiLeaks and Russia!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Saturday, The 29 of October, 2016-
Irregardless of How the Trump Campaign, Breitbart News Organization, or Republican Party Hopefuls "Try to Spin Republican FBI Director James Comey's Decision to Reopen the Previously Closed Clinton Email Issue," I've Been Seriously Considering" that "They May" Be in "For a Major November Surprise!"

Why? Because, I Believe Director Comey's Decision is "Going to Cause such a Back-lash" and "Outright Anger amongst Democrats" that "The Early and November 8th, Voter Turnout for The Democrat Party," will "Go Far Beyond The Previous Estimates" of "What All the Political Experts are Expecting!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Sunday, The 30th of October, 2016-
Republican FBI Director James Comey "Definitely Violated the Core Values of The FBI" with His Decision to Send a Letter to Several Congressional Committees and Congress Members, Announcing that "He is Re-investigating The Clinton Emails!"

"In a Memo from Former Attorney General Eric Holder, in 2012," Eric Holder "Sent out a Department Wide Memo" that "Laid out Guidelines for Making A Sensitive Announcement before An Election," that DOJ Employees "Must Be Particularly Sensitive to Safeguarding the Departments Reputation for Fairness, Neutrality, and Non-Partisanship!" Especially, When, "So Close to An Election," in This Case Days before "The Election of President of The United States of America," (and "Other Important Government Officials that Can Sway the Power of One Party over Another" in The U.S. House of Representatives and The U.S. Senate, "Plus the Elections of Local and State Officials!)

"The Eric Holder Memo," also Stated that, "Employees Must Never Select the Timing of Investigative Steps or Criminal Charges for The Purpose of Affecting Any Election or For The Purpose of Giving An Advantage of Disadvantage to Any Candidate or Political Party!"

It is Clear that Whatever Director Comey Intended, "His Decision has Caused Everything that Former Attorney General Eric Holder's Memo Wanted to Prevent from Happening to Occur!"

(Global Cross Media News Reports are, although "Current Attorney General Loretta Lynch Did Not Speak Directly to Director Comey," His Decision" was "Opposite the Council She Gave Him!" Which is "To Not Comment on Ongoing Investigations!" This is "Standard Practice" for The FBI and Department of Justice!) 
("The Disagreement between Attorney General Lynch and Director Comey on Whether Director Comey Should Notify Congress" about The FBI's Intention to Review Mrs. Clinton's Emails was Made to Director Comey by Justice Department Staff!")

-Extra Noteworthy News- Monday, The 31st of October, 2016-
"New Allegations of An Act of Transgression" has Been Made by "Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid of the State of Nevada, "who "Sent a Letter to FBI Director James Comey, on Sunday the 30th of October, 2016, "Suggesting that Director Comey "Violated The Hatch Act!" Which "Bars the Use of a Federal Government Position to Influence an Election!"

"The Decision by GOP FBI Director Comey" to "Re-investigate Mrs. Clinton's Emails," so Close, "Actually Days away from A Presidential Election," "Must Be A Major Embarrassment to The Credibility and Neutrality of The Federal Bureau of Investigation." And, As Senator Reid said, on Sunday, a "Disturbing Double Standard!"

And, "The Fact that the FBI have just Received A Warrant, on Sunday," the 30th of October 2016, to "Search through a Newly Discovered Batch of Emails of Mrs. Clinton's Top Aide, Huma Abedin," Discovered in "A Special Probe of Her Estranged Husband Former U.S. Democratic House of Representative Anthony Weiner," (whom Huma Abedin is now Separated from) that Could Be in Some way, "Be Possibly Related to Mrs. Clinton's Email Sever," and To "See if They are Relevant to The FBI's Probe of The Private Server Used for Government Work by Mrs. Clinton," When She was Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, at This Date in Time, "Further Compounds the Seemingly Irregularity" and "Last Second Decision to Go Beyond The Standard and Practice of The FBI" by "Director Comey!"

These Government Examinations, Probes, and Investigations, "Take Time to Do Properly," and "This Warrant Comes a Little Too Late!" And, "Too Close to The Presidential Election!"

(On Monday, The 31st of October, 2016, at "A Stronger Together Campaign Rally" in Ohio, Mrs. Clinton "Rejected The FBI Probe," Stating, Unequivocally, "There's No Case Here!")

-Extra Noteworthy News- Tuesday, The 1st of November, 2016- 
"The Fact" that "The FBI Investigation of The Trump Campaign Connections with Russia was Not Sent to Congress," Because It was Decided that "It was Too Close to The Presidential Elections," and "Thereby "Might Influence," or "Give Advantage or Disadvantage to One Candidate or Political Party," Appears to Be A Contradiction to Republican Federal Bureau of Investigations Director Comey's Actions!"

Extra Noteworthy Campaign News- Sunday, the Sixth of November 2016- 
FBI Director James Comey, "after Reviewing All of the Newly Discovered Messages," belonging to Hillary Clinton's Top Aide's (Huma Abedin) Estranged Husband Anthony Weiner's Electronic Device," that "There will Be No New Charges Brought Against Mrs. Clinton," and Director Comey also "Confirmed that His Earlier Ruling Still Stands," "That Hillary Clinton Should Not Face Criminal Prosecution over Her Use of Private Email Servers during Her Time as United States Secretary of State!"

That Means, quite Simply, That, "There is No Need for Any Further Investigations to Be Brought Against Mrs. Clinton, nor "Should There Be Any Further Need for Impeachment Threats," Made by The Republican Party, "Should Mrs. Clinton Win The Presidency," and, "Become The First Woman President of The United States of America!"

"This is The Time," Mid Way Thru The Second Decade of the Twenty-First Century, "For The United States of America to Make History," on "Tuesday, the Eighth of November, 2016," to "Show The Nations of the World" that "Our Grand Ole Republic and Democracy Stands Firmly for All The Principles and Tenets that The Founders Believed in" When "They Wrote The Constitution of The United States, The U.S. Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Bill of Rights!" And, that "Our Grand Republic and Democracy is United with Freedom Loving People All over The Earth!" Let Us All, "Take Pride in Casting Our Vote on This Election Day!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Sunday, The 30th of October, 2016-
"A 6.6 Earthquake Struck Central Italy," on Sunday, the 30th of October 2016, that was "Felt All the Way to Rome!"

("This is Just Four Days" after "Back to Back Earthquakes" Caused Destruction and Power Outages" in Central Italy, "Damaging Businesses and Homes" and "Leaving Thousands of People Homeless!" The First Earthquake was Measured at a Magnitude of 5.5 while The Second one was More Powerful at 6.1)

"The Epicenter of October 30th Earthquake" is "Near Norcia, Italy!" There were "Twenty Persons Injured," and "Fortunately, No One Died!"
However, The Mayor of Norcia, Nicola Alemanno, said that "At Least Three Thousand Residents of the Town were Left Homeless!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Tuesday, The 1st of November, 2016-
A Silicon Valley Backed Super PAC, "Not Who We are," on Monday, The 31st of October, 2016, has "Decided to Throw It's Full Force Against The Republican Nominee for President Donald Trump!" In An Attempt to "Bring The Weight of The Social Media Firmly Against Mr. Trump," and "The Negative Values" and Political Rhetoric, that "His Campaign has Utilized for Their Benefit," "Irregardless of Whom It May Be!" Whether It Be "a Gold Star Family, Women, The News Media, Disabled Reporter, or War Hero U.S. Senator John McCain, The List Goes On and On!" 
(Some of The Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs who Have Donated to The Super PAC are Facebook Co-Founders Dustin Moskovitz, $250,000 (and His Wife Cari Tuna) and Chris Hughes $250,000! And, eBay Founder Pierre Omidyar $200,000!)

-Extra Noteworthy News- Tuesday, The 1st if November, 2016-
And, On Monday, The 31st of October, 2016, The Iraqi Counter Service (CTS) entered Gogjali, Iraq, and Then "Made Their First Advance into Mosul!"
"The Fighting has Been Intense," and "The Loss of Life for Civilians and The Army Will Be Severe!"
(The Islamic State/Daesh has Prioritized Killing Religious Minorities such as "Yazidis and Christians," in their "Campaign of Murder and Terror!")

However, "The Iraqi Government Armed Forces, Shiite and Sunni Militias, Kurdish Peshmerga Fighters, and The U.S.-Led Coalition of Ground and Air Forces," have "Committed Themselves to Defeat and Drive The Islamic State/Daesh Out of Iraqi and Syrian Cities, Towns, and Villages," So, that, "The People," The Citizens who Left Their Homes Behind in Fear of Losing Their Lives, "Can Return Home" from "The Refugee Camps" and "Foreign Lands" that "They were Forced to Escape to Survive!"   

In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"

And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or "Natural Disasters!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,