Wednesday, October 19, 2016



The Way To Peace! #290

From "A Historical Point of View," This Presidential Election" has "Great Significance to It!" And, "Thanks to The Grand Efforts of The Women's Movement in The United States," and "The Suffragettes who Suffered Personal Indignities, Imprisonment, and Ostracization," Nevertheless "They Demanded and Courageously Won The Right to Vote," Which "Gave Birth to The 19th Amendment to The U.S. Constitution!"

And, Here We are, "In The Midst of The Second Decade of Twenty-First Century," Facing "The Potential Election of "The First Woman President of The United States of America!"

And, "It's Interesting to Observe Both Nominee's," as "The Presidential Race Enters It's Last Day's before November Eighth," and "How Each Nominee" is "Making Her or His Case!"

Over the Period of Time "Extending from The End" of "The Second Presidential Debate," Mrs. Clinton has "Proposed a New Anti-Poverty Proposal," "A Middle Class Tax Cut Plan" that also "Doubles the Tax Credit for Families with Children from Birth to and Including Four Years of Age," from "One Thousand to Two Thousand Dollars," and "An Expansion of Child Tax Credit Refundability," "Providing Tax Relief for Middle Class Families!"

Mrs. Clinton, has, also Proposed "The Implementation of The Buffet Rule," Which Would "Establish a Thirty per cent Minimum Tax on Taxpayers," with "An Adjusted Gross Income above One Million Dollars" (AGI), and "a Surtax on Incomes Earning more than Five Million Dollars," to "Pay for These Tax Cuts and Credits!" And, Mrs. Clinton has, also Proposed "A Clean Air Challenge to The States!"

And, "She has Campaigned with Senator Bernie Sanders," (who has said that "Donald Trump is the Most Dangerous Person to Run for The Presidency") and "Had Powerful Speeches Made on Her Behalf by President Obama, First Lady Michele Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, Former President William Clinton and Her Daughter Chelsea," amongst "A Myriad Other Prominent Party Figures!"

And, Mrs. Clinton has "Spoken out Forcefully Against Russian Hackers," Who in Concert and In Collusion with WikiLeaks have "Released Illegally Hacked Emails on a Daily Basis," in "A Vain Attempt to Disrupt the U.S. Elections!"

And, "The Clinton's" have "Celebrated Their Forty-First Wedding Anniversary on the Eleventh of October!"

And, On Tuesday, The Eighteenth of October 2016, "Mrs. Clinton Received The Endorsements of Seventy-One Nobel Peace Prize Winners!" Who said "in An Open Letter to Americans," that "It is Important that Hillary Clinton Be Elected as the Next President of the United States!"

Donald Trump, the Republican Nominee for President of The United States, has "Spent the Same Time Period on Defense," "Attacking Republican Leaders, The Media, The Clinton's (of course), and "Attacking and Degrading All of the Women who have Come Forth Alleging that Mr. Trump Sexually Assaulted Them!"

Mr. Trump has, also "Expressed Disbelief" that "Russia is Responsible for Attempting to Disrupt the U.S. Electoral Process," even "Though The U.S. Intelligent Agencies have Confirmed this, to Be a Fact!"
(Even Michael Pence Mr. Trump's Running mate Believes that Russia is Engaged in Illegally Hacking The Emails that have Been Released on a Daily Basis in The U.S.)
("Julian Assange, the Founder of WikiLeaks, has "Since Lost His Internet Service!" It was "Turned Off by The Ecuadoran Embassy in London," where, "He has Been Living for The Last Four Years!")

(Mr. Trumps Claim that "The United States Electoral Process is Rigged" is "A Damaging" and "False Statement Against The U.S. Democratic/Republic" and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" The United States is "Respected All over The World for It's Democratic Principles," and "by Falsely Disparaging Them For One's Political Gain" is "Unworthy of Any Political Nominee, or Party to Do!"
And, "False Political Rhetoric," by Mr. Trump, is "Not the Way to Proceed to Cover up The Inadequacy of A Political Campaign," or Shortcomings of A Political Party," or of "A Party Nominee!" And, "It is Not the Way" to "Be A True Leader and Voice of The People!")

And, In regards to "New Policies," Mr. Trump has also "Proposed a Five Point Ethics Reform Plan," that "Calls for Term Limits for Our Elected Officials," "Closing Loopholes for Former Government Officials," and "A Five Year Ban on All Executive Branch Officials from Being Lobbyists or Consultants/Advisor's for Five Years after Leaving Office," and "A Lifetime Ban on Senior Executive Branch Officials from Lobbying on Behalf of Foreign Governments," and "Asking Congress to Institute Their Own Ban on Lobbying" and "Campaign Finance Reform that Prevents Registered Foreign Lobbyists from Raising Money in American Elections!"

But, "Unfortunately Mr. Trump has Undermined His Own Policy Agendas" by "Campaigning on the Premise" that "The Election is Rigged Against Him Becoming President of The United States!"

And, "He Continues to Blame President Obama, and Hillary Clinton" "For Everything Gone Bad in The U.S."

I Could Go on "Comparing How Each Presidential Nominee has Campaigned," or "The Policy Proposal's and New Idea's" that "They've, Both, Put Forth, that are (1)"Beneficial to Improving the Lives of Our Families," or (2) "Who has Gained International Respect for Their Inspiring Vision of Future," and In Doing so, "Exemplified by Their Words, Idea's, and Actions," "The Values and Tenets of the United States of America" for "All The World to See and Hear," and "Be Inspired by!"

However, I Believe that "It is Important for Each Eligible Voter to Do Their Own Due Diligence," and "Closely Examine The Idea's and Policy Proposals that They've Put Forth!" "Proposal's that are Substantial, Cognitive, Coherent, Compassionate, and Comprehensive!"

And, Once again, "The Bell has Rung" and Mr. Trump "Attempted to Gain the Advantage," by Inviting Patricia Smith to the Debate, "the Mother of Sean Smith," One of The U.S. Embassy Personal who Died in The 2012 Benghazi Attack," who has "Personally Blamed Mrs. Clinton, for Her Son's Death," and that "The Republicans and Mr. Trump" have also "Blamed on Mrs. Clinton," when She was U.S. Secretary of State! 
And, "On A Bizarre Note," Mr. Trump also "Invited Malik Obama, the Kenyan-Born, Estranged Half-Brother of President Obama to The Debate," Who Does Not Agree with President Obama or Mrs. Clinton on Several Fronts, Libya Being One of Them, ("He Considered "Moammar Gadhafi" as "One of His Best Friends,"),  "All of which Felt like Another Trump PR Stunt," But, "This Ploy Did Not Work!" 

Mrs. Clinton "Invited Meg Whitman," The CEO of Hewlett-Packard, Who also Ran as a Republican Gubernatorial Candidate in California, and Dallas Maverick Owner, "Billionaire Mark Cuban," and "Spoke Cognitively, and Clearly about Foreign Affairs" and "Domestic Policies" that "The American People are Concerned about!"

Mr. Trump "Continued to Apply His Attack and Blame Strategy to Win the Debate," and "Improve His Standings in The Polls," Including "Making Charges of An Alleged Quid Pro Quo Collusion," between "The Department of State, and The FBI," and, also "Attempted to Use The Release of Illegally Hacked Emails by WikiLeaks," To His Advantage, "although Russia has Been Implicated in Stealing These Emails by U.S. Intelligent Agencies!"  And, "Mr. Trump Continued His Attacks upon," in His Opinion, "The Failed Foreign Policy of The Obama Administration, and Mrs. Clinton, in Libya, Iran, and Iraq!" And, "with President Putin of Russia!"

And, Even Though, Mr. Trump Continued to Put Forth "His Rigged Election Conspiracy," and "Voter Fraud Campaign Strategy," (Revealing His Martyrdom Complex if He Loses the Election), and "New Attacks on Former President Clinton," Mr. Trump was "Still Unable to Present a Strong Enough Case," that "Would Sway Independent Voters and Women" to "Embrace and Give Support to His Nomination!" 

("Mr. Trump's Attempt to Win The Presidency" by "Implementing A Scorched Earth Campaign Tactic," is "A Disturbing Commentary on The Ill Affects His Campaign has Caused," and "Will Not Gain Him the Goal He Seeks," "The Presidency of These United States of America!" 
And, "There is No Honor or Respect to Be Gained by His False Campaign Rhetoric and Antics," to Say the Least about Him, and "His Make America Great Campaign!" Mr. Trump has "Proven to Be," by Intention, "An Extremely Divisive Character in U.S. Politics!")

And, So, "Third and Last Round of Presidential Debates Goes to Mrs. Clinton!" 

Mr. Trump's "Rambling Responses" to Chris Wallace's Questions, "His Negative and Incendiary Attacks" upon Mrs. Clinton and "His Obvious Lack of Resume Totally Disqualified Him," and "Prevented Him from Being Able," to "Dissuade Undeclared American Voters from Deciding to Vote for Mrs. Clinton, to Be Successful!" Nor, Did it Create "Any Strong Movement in His Direction because of The Policy Proposals that He has Made!"

And, Mr. Trump has "Proven Himself to Be Guilty on All Counts of Misrepresenting The Values, Standards, Principles and Tenets of The American People!" 

And, by "Not Agreeing to Accept the Results of The Election," Mr. Trump has "Broken with More than Two Hundred Years of Democratic Election Tradition!"

(After "Receiving An Avalanche of Negative Publicity," on Thursday, October 20th, 2016, because of "His Answer to a Question Posed to Him by Chris Wallace," in Which Mr. Trump said,"He Would Not Accept the Results of The Election!" "Mr. Trump has, Now said," that "He Would Totally Accept the Results of the November 8th Presidential Election, if He Wins!")

And, "His Position on Japan, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia having Nuclear Weapons" is "A Dangerous Position" that is "An Affront to Decades of Intense Negotiations by The United States, The United Nations and All the Civilized Nations of The World to End the Spread of Nuclear Proliferation" that, Alone,  "Must Disqualify Him from Being Elected President of The United States," and, "Leader of The Free World!"

"Mrs. Clinton Continued to Present Herself as An Impressive Presidential Nominee," and "Answered the Foreign Policy Questions" with "A Cognitive Knowledge of One Who has Experienced the Crucial Decisions that a President Must Make," and "Did Not Allowed the Distractions and Incendiary Antics and Negative Remarks of Mr. Trump" to "Cause Her to Lose Focus of The Facts" She Spoke of, "Whether They Be about Benghazi, Illegally Hacked Emails, The War in Syria and Iraq, The Russian Factor, Defeating Terror Syndicates, Undocumented Immigrants, The Supreme Court, Abortion, The U.S. Economy, Trade, or The Clinton Foundation!"
And, It was "Obvious that Mrs. Clinton had Done Her Due Diligence on All of These Fronts," and "Demonstrated that," She was "Well Qualified, Intelligently, Compassionately, and Eloquently," to "Be President of The United States of America!"
(Election Day is November Eighth)

"The Magic and The Real Life Experience of The Time Space Reality" of "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century" Can Be "Likened to A Multi-Dimensional Fabric of Interchanging Parallel Universes Reflecting the Global Images Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Being "Displayed Live and In Instant Replay Mode" across "The Earths Global Cross Media News Universe and The Social Media," For "All the World to See," in "A Pure Nano Second!" 
And, "Filmed News Footage and Pictures" of  "A Grand Offensive of Approximately Thirty Thousand Combined Iraqi Government Forces, Kurdish Peshmerga, and Sunni Tribal Fighters, and Shiite Militias," (Including Elite Counter terrorism Units, Police Commandos, and Self-Defense Units) backed by "A United States Led Air Campaign," have "Begun Their Battle," in All Ernest, "to Retake Mosul," on "Monday, the Seventeenth of October 2016!"

"This is An Offensive" that has "Been in Preparation for Several Years," (ever since Daesh Captured the City of 1.5 Million Citizens of Mosul) and "No Doubt the Iraqi Government and The United States," Would Like to See "a Successful Conclusion to This Joint Military Operation," as well do, "The People of Mosul," who have "Been Held Captive" and "Used as Human Shields" by Daesh!

And, On Another Front,"U.S. and Turkish Forces" have "Supported An Offensive by Syrian Rebels" that has "Successfully Retaken Dabig, Syria," from the Islamic State, that, "Had Been Captured by Daesh in 2014!" (Dabig is Six Miles from the Turkish Border)

And, "U. S., Turkish, Kurdish Peshmerga, and Syrian Rebels" have, also, "Re-Captured Territory in Northern Syria!"
"Territory" that "is Vital" to "Their Combined Forces" if, "They" are to "Successfully Severe the Supply Lines that Daesh Depends upon!"

"The Military Operation/Mission" that "The Combined Forces of Turkey, The United States, Kurdish Peshmerga, and Syrian Rebels have Embarked upon," is to "Retake Raqqa, Syria," the de Facto Capital of Daesh! And, Thereby, "Reclaim All the Land that has Made up The Daesh Caliphate of Murders and Criminals!"

"Let's Wish The Iraqi, U.S., Kurdish Peshmerga Forces, and Syrian Rebels," (and Coalition Allies) "An Overwhelmingly Successful, Definitive, and Careful Purge of Terrorists," Whomever and Wherever They May Be, "For The Sake of Our Children" and "The Children of Future Generations!  

"These New Offensives in Iraq and Syria are Positive Military Operations," are Directly Aimed Towards "Reclaiming All The Lands Captured by Daesh," and, "The Release of The People of Iraq and Syria from The Present State of Imprisonment," that "They Have Been Forced to Endure!"

And, "This Will Create," a Long Overdue, "Opportunity for Refugee's," who have Been Forced to Leave Their Homes, "to Return to Their Communities" and "Be Re-United with Their Families and Friends!" And, "Allow for Humanitarian Efforts to Save Lives" and "Heal the Wounds of War!"
"The Deep Wounds of War" that Continue to "Take the Lives of The Innocent!" 

And, "The Time is Past Due" to "Punish The Criminals and Murders of Extreme Radical Syndicates of Evil," who "Have Committed Vast Crimes of Brutality Against Humanity!"

And, Let Us "Clearly Comprehend," that "What is at Stake" is "The Soul and Lives of Today's Modern Civilization" of "We The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" And, "The Preservation of Law and Justice For All The People!"

And, On Another Potentially Life Saving Note, "The Ratification of The Paris Climate Agreement," on Wednesday, the Fifth of October 2016 is "Another Positive Step Forward" Towards "Achieving Climate Equilibre," that "Will Protect and Preserve the Ecological and Environmental Survival of This Sacred Earth of Ours," and "The Lives of All The People," and "Sentient Beings!"

President Obama "Applauded and Remarked on the Signing and Ratification of The Paris Agreement," that was "Initially Held from the Thirtieth of November to the Twelfth of December 2015, at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21 or CMP 11), by saying "Today is a Historic Day in the Fight to Protect Our Planet for Future Generations," in a Rose Garden Ceremony at The White House!

"The Paris Climate Agreement," (Signed by One Hundred and Seventy-Four Countries, at The United Nations Meeting on the Twenty-Second of April, 2016) as of October 2016, "One Hundred and Ninety One UNFCCC Members have Signed," and "Eighty-One have Ratified," Which is "Enough of a Majority to Enforce it!" 
("The European Union Ratified The Agreement in October 2016!" And, India Ratified the Agreement on October Second, the Birth of Mahatma Gandhi)

This is "An Global Agreement to "Lower Carbon Admissions", and "Limit Global Temperatures from Rising Higher than Two Degrees Celsius," When Compared to Pre-industrial Levels!

France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, the Head of The Paris Conference, Stated that "this ambitious and balanced" plan is "a historic turning point," in "The Goal of Reducing Global Warming!"

"The Paris Climate Agreement" will "Enter into Force on the Fourth of November, 2016!" 
(More information will be Available at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change!)

And, "As New Military Offensives" Continue to Escalate in Iraq, and Syria, "New Tensions" Continue to Arise, "This Time between The Sovereign State of Israel and The United Nations," in "A Dispute over Sacred/Holy Sites!" And, Whether "You Call or Refer to Temple Mount in Jerusalem" as Al-aqsa Mosque or Har Habayit, "To Israelis, Muslims, and Christians" alike, "This is A Highly Revered and Holy Site!"

And, so, You Can Imagine the Surprise It was, When United Nation Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) "Passed A Resolution," on Thursday, the 13th of October 2016, Entitled "Occupied Palestine" that Refers to "All of Judaism's Holiest Sites as Being Islamic!" 

And, "This Resolution" also "Chooses to Ignore Jewish Ties to Temple Mount and the Western Wall!"

"The UNESCO Resolution" also "Included Holy Sites in Hebron and Bethlehem" as Being "Muslim Cultural Sites!"
And, It also "Blamed Violence in The Region, Directly Upon Israel" and For "Escalating Aggression!"

And, "The Resolution also Called For the Removal of "The New Jewish Prayer Platform," South of the Mughrabi Ascent in Al-Buragh Plaza, "Western Wall Plaza!"

Twenty-Four Countries Voted in Favor of This Resolution (China and Russia included)," While "Six Countries Voted Against it (Estonia, Lithuania, Germany, The Netherlands, the U.S. and the U.K.)," and "Twenty-Six Countries Abstained (Including France, Italy and Spain)!"
And, "The Draft Resolution" was "Submitted by Egypt, Lebanon, Algeria, Sudan, Morocco, Oman, and Qatar!"

Global Cross Media News Reports have Noted that "Violence in The Region" has "Consistently Become a Deep Concern for Nations All over The World," and This UNESCO Resolution, "May Not Improve the Conditions for New Dialogues to Take Place between Israel and Palestine!"

(From July through to the End of August Reports are, "Two Thousand One Hundred Palestinians," "Sixty-Six Israelis," and "Seven Civilian Deaths," have "Occurred During Israeli Military Operations in the Gaza Strip!")

"Israel has Suspended All Cooperation with UNESCO," on Friday, the 14th of October 2016!" And, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has Called The Resolution "Absurd!"

And, "Is There any Doubt" that "The Cold War between Russia and The United States has Gotten even Colder!"
"The Newly Released-Illegally Hacked Emails" were "Initially Released by The Russian Run Media" even "Before WikiLeaks Released Them!" And, "There are Multiple Questions that The Email Releases have Conjured up!

However, with "The Escalation of Cyber Warfare," "We" have "Entered into a New Age of Blended Actors!" And, "The Russian Run Media and WikiLeaks" are "a New Blend that Poses Numerable Intangibles to it!"

However, "One Thing for Sure is," that "President Putin" of Russia "Would Much Prefer a Donald Trump Presidency" than "a Hillary Clinton Presidency!"
And, "As an Ex-KGB Officer," President Putin Appears to Be Returning to "His Old Way's to Resolve Differences between The U.S. and Russia" and "Spying is Definitely One of Them!"

And, "Russia's Attempt to Disrupt the Electoral Process of The Election of The President of The United States of America" is "A Clear Violation of Our Sovereign Rights to Choose a Nominee of Our Own Choice" "without The Interference of A Foreign Government and Leader," and "Vladimir Putin," Who has "Violated the Rights of Sovereign Nations," and "Stood in The Way of Humanitarian Relief in Syria," and "Supported The Dictatorship and of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad," (who is Responsible for The Death's of More than Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Citizen's of His Own Country) has "Gone Too Far!"

(And, The Global Cross Media News Reportage that Russia has "Completed Building An Integrated Air Defense System in Syria" is "Another Example of The Provocative Attitude that Russia has Recently Displayed," ad Nauseum! And, "The Deployment of Mobile and Interchangeable S-300 and S-400 Missile  Batteries," in addition to, Their Other Short-Range Systems, "Allows Russia to Reach An Area of at Least a Two Hundred and Fifty Mile Radius," in Which to "Shoot Down Aircraft or Cruise Missiles!" On Sunday, the Sixteenth of October 2016, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said, Russia has "Raised the Stakes of Confrontation!") 

And, by "Using Illegally Hacked Emails to Interfere in The U.S. Electoral Process," Mr. Putin "Continues to Alienate Russia from Being a Part of A Civilized World of United-Peace Loving Nations," Who "Believe in Free Elections," and "Freedom for Their Children," and "Their Children's Children," and "An Age of Peace On Earth!

And, "The Internet Outage in The United States, on Friday, the Twenty-First of October 2016, is "Without Doubt, "A Result of An Ongoing Cyber World War," that has "Become a Main Factor in The New Norm of The Digital Age of The Twenty-First Century!" "Amazon, Netflix, and Twitter" are "the Most Recent Casualties!"

And, "the Recent Illegal Email Hacking" that has "Continued to Take Place in the United States," is "a Part of This New Tornado of Thrust and Parry of Global Nations," as "They Retaliate Against the Agents of Cyber Hacking," and "In Turn, Feel the Brunt of New Attacks!"

"The Main Actors in This Current World War of Cyber Espionage" is "Russia, WikiLeaks, and Their Blend of Surrogates," and "The United States!"

And, "How Harold Martin III fits into This Tornado of Cyber Thrusts and Parries Remains to Be Seen!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, There so Many "Women and Men" who have "Volunteered to Come to The Aid of Families and Communities" who have "Been Devastated by Natural Disasters" or "The Inhumane Acts of Malevolent Terrorists!"

"Women and Men," First Responders, Who Bravely and without Hesitation Travel to Area's of  The Earth where There are Great Health Concerns," or Find Themselves Catapulted In The Throws of Harm's way!"

Their Efforts For the Most Part "Go Unrewarded with The Exception of The Lives They've Saved," or "The Wounded They've Healed!"

Let Us "Remember These Courageous Women and Men," and "Their Selfless Acts of Being True Servants Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "May Their Empathy For Their Fellow Human Being and The Lives of All Sentient Beings" "Lead Us," One and All, "To An Earthrise Horizon Extraordinaire" and "In Equilibre" with "The True Passions and Joy's of Life" that "Lie within The Heart, Mind, Intellect, Spirit, and Soul of Each Newborn Child!"

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent Spirit, Omnipotent Soul Force, and Omniscient Earthwise and Streetwise Age of Peace, Vision, and Justice, On Earth!

"As An Extra Noteworthy News Point of Interest," Bob Dylan (Robert Zimmerman) 75, has Been "Awarded The Nobel Peace Prize for Literature!" "It's Been Long Overdue!"

"Congratulations Bob," "Your Lyrics have Been An Inspiration to Generations of Americans and Music Lovers," Ant-War, "Peace and Civil Rights Activists and Advocates All the World over!"

"You've Come a Long Way from The Bitter End Cafe in Greenwich Village, New York!"

And, Lets Hope that "Voices of Reason Will Convince The Anti-U.S. Demonstrators in The Philippines" to "Refrain from Using Violence to Make Their Voices Heard!"

In Memoriam:
The United States has "Lost It's First Military Service Member in The Mosul Offensive!"

An, as of Yet, "Unidentified U.S. Military Member Died of Injuries," Suffered by A Roadside Explosive, on Thursday, the  Twentieth of October 2016, Near the Town of Bashiqa, which is North of Mosul!

And, Once again We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family, Friends, and Community of This Brave and Courageous Individual, who was Assisting the Iraqi Government Forces, and Coalition of Shiite, Kurdish, Sunni and U.S. Coalition of Forces Dedicated to Retaking Mosul!"

In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"
A United State Service Member and Civilian have Died in A New Attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, Near a Coalition Base, on Wednesday, the 19th of October 2016!

And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or "Natural Disasters!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,