Monday, November 14, 2016



The Way To Peace! #292

As "A Magnificent Supermoon Illuminates The Eventide Sky," and Looks Down Upon Us "Revealing One of The Most Conflicted Moments of The Twenty-First Century," "Let's Make it Absolutely Clear and Undeniably and Unquestionably Certain" that "We have Entered into a Period of Time, When Vigilance is Absolutely Necessary!" 

"President-Elect Trump" has "Stated that His Top Three Priorities" are; (1) Repealing and Replacing the Affordable Health Care Act, (2) His Immediate Plans and Proposal for The Deportation of Approximately Three Million Undocumented Immigrants, that He Revealed in an Interview with Lesley Stahl, on Sunday the 13th of November, 2016, on CBS Television Networks 60 Minutes News Program, (I Wonder How Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, and Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell are Going to Enact This Proposal in Both Houses!) and (3) The Creation of New Jobs!"
 (I Must Admit to Being Surprised that Veterans Issues of Concern, and The Destruction of Daesh weren't Included in His Immediate List of Priorities after "All the Campaign Promises that He's Made on Both of These Important Subjects!")

"How He and The Republican Party Plan to Do this" without "Having a Negative Effect upon The Lives of Ten's of Millions of American Citizens is The Question!"

And, "Let Us Clearly Comprehend" that "It May Be Necessary to Non-Violently Contest and Question Every Executive Order, Piece of Legislation, and Political Rhetoric that Emanates and Spews Forth from The Trump Administration" with "An Honest Suspicion of What Their Actual  Intent is!"

After all, "President-Elect Trump has Never Held Political Office before," and "We" have "Absolutely No Idea of What His Real Intentions are!" Why? Because, "Althroughout His Campaign to Become President," He had "a Tendency to Deny The Truth, Bend The Truth," or "Chosen Not to Be Transparent," Whether "It was about His Taxes, or Relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin (for Two Examples)!"

And, "We have to Question and Contest Every Piece of Legislation," and  "Choice of Supreme Court Justice that The Republican Party Makes," however, Non-Violently Confrontational and Challenging We May Have to Be!"

And, "Our Vigilance Must Be on Heightened Alert" in regards to "Whom The Trump Administrations Choice of U.S. Attorney General is!"

On the Tenth of November, 2016, "We Saw President-Elect Trump say to President Obama," in The Oval Office in the White House, "Mr. President, It was a Great Honor Being with You, and, I look Forward to Being with You many many  more times in the Future. Thank you Sir." President-Elect Trump also Called President Obama "A Very Good Man!" And, "He" would Ask President Obama "for His Counsel."

I Must Admit to Being More than just a Little Bit Curious if "This is an Honest Olive Branch Meant to Heal the Wide Divisions between Democrats and Republicans," and "The Open Sores that Still Exist between Secretary Clinton's avid Followers and President-Elect Trumps Vociferous Followers!"

If, "It is An Honest Olive Branch, Good," because "The United States is a Deeply Divided Country" and "Needs a Positive, Symbolic Gesture" to "Heal and Help the Clinton Trump Voting Electorate Transcend the Differences over Issues and Policy that Exist and Have Struck Volatile and Discordant  Notes of Distrust, Fear, Anxiety, and Frustration!"

And, "We Must Be Vigilant" in regards to "Any New Environment Policies that are In Conflict with The Paris Agreement on Climate Warming, or Global Trade Policies that have been "Previously Agreed to by President Obama," and "The Allies of The United States of America!"

And, again, "If It is Necessary to Non-Violently Demonstrate, March, or Hold Massive Events" to "Show Our Objection to Any Legislation, Executive Order, or Political Rhetoric that May Be Insensitive, Oppressive, or Dangerous to The Welfare of Our Fellow Human Being and Her or His Family," Then "We Must Not Hesitate for One Nano Second, in Displaying Our Displeasure and Distaste for It!"

"The United States of America is A Grand Ole Democracy and Republic Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "A Grand Experiment that has Proven To Bea Remarkable Standard Bearer and Symbol For All The Democracies of The Earth," and, Especially, at A Time "When Our Enemies" are "Looking to See if There are Weaknesses in Our Society" that "They Can Exploit," and, "When The United Coalition of Global Nations are Still Engaged in A War Against Syndicates of The Murderers and Criminals," who are "Bent upon Destroying Our Global Cultures," and "Maiming Our Children," and "Forcing Tens of Millions of People into Human Slavery," "Scattered, Driven and Dispersed from Their Homes to Live in Refugee Camps," and "Foreign Nations as Lost Tribes of Humanity," "We Can Not Allow Everything that The United States," and "All The Nations of Civilized Peace Loving People of The Earth Stands for," "Be Destroyed by a Whim," or "Lack of Cognitive Understanding of World Affairs!" Or, "Because of A Political Ideology!"

So, "Yes We Must Stay Vigilant in These Changing Times," and "We Must Educate Each Other" in Specific Regards to "What The Consequences of An Impulsive Act May Be!" 
And, "Who are Friends and Allies are!"

(There are Tensions Escalating in Europe that Will Effect The Peace, Sovereignty, and Security of Central European and Baltic Nations, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine," that "Can Not Be Ignored," by "The U.S. and NATO Allies," Who are Mobilizing Forces along The Borderlines of These Eastern and Central European Nations, Out of Concern for Another Military Confrontation with Russia!")
It Will Take "a United Corps of Peace Loving Nations and Allies to Prevent Another Global Conflict from Occurring!"

The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century Can Be Likened to A Delicate Fabric of Multi-Dimensional Institutions, Cultures, Genders, Creeds, Races and Nationalities, that Must Be Respected, Invested in, and Cared for," "Without Any Thought of Greed, Lust, Imperialistic Designs and Stratagems," or Ignorance of The Sign of The Times," that May Destroy It's Social Patterns, Technological, and Scientific Innovations, and Discoveries, and Global Financial Systems!"

And, "It Must Be Defended and Protected" by The Global Military Forces of The United Coalition of Nations, "Who have Signed and Ratified The UN Charter to Maintain Peace, "Settle Disputes Peacefully," "Develop Friendly Relations," "Be a Center for Harmonizing the Actions of Nations in the Attainment of these Common Ends," and Protect Human Rights!" 

And, "Today's Leaders" Must Clearly "Comprehend The Cognitive Realities" that "Led Up to The Creation of The UN Charter!" 
"Realities" that "Like A Cycle of Deja vu, "We Now Find Ourselves," Once again, "Being Faced with!" Which Makes it, "Even More Important that Our Leaders Clearly Remember and Adhere to" the Specifications Laid Out in The Charter, "For The Protection and Defense of The Earths Populace and Free Nations!" Which are;
We the Peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

And For These Ends,
To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples...

"We The People Live in Highly Volatile Times," and "We Need Inspiring Leadership" that is "Dedicated to Maintaining The Dignity and Rights of All the People" irregardless of Gender, Creed, Ethnicity, Race, or Nationality!"

And, Let Us Hope that as "New Elections Come and Go," "These Principles will Remain at The Core of Any Political Discourse or Ideology!" "Our Future and The Future of Our Children will Depend on it!" And, The Future of Our Planet Earth Depend on It, "Which is Why The Paris Agreement on Climate Change, is So Important!"

(President-Elect Trump has Vowed to Cancel U.S. Involvement in The Paris Agreement, which a Major Cause for Concern,, and He has also Vowed to Dismantle The Environmental Protection Agency, and He has Called "Climate Change a Hoax!")

"It's of The Greatest Importance for President-Elect Trump to Review and Adhere to These Sociological Points of Concern," and "Agreements Entered into on Good Faith," by Our Global Coalition of  Allies, as He Takes Office!" Again, May I Repeat, "This Goes Beyond Political Ideology, and Political Rhetoric!" "This Concerns the Survival of Our Planet" and "The Social Security, Quality of Life and Well-Being of Our Families!"

And, To The People of The Earth Stay Vigilant and Aware," and "Do Not Hesitate to Demonstrate Non-Violently" When The Occasion or Issue" is "Vital to Our Quality of Life, Respect for One's Fellow Human Being, and The Principles, Tenets, and Doctrines of Peace," and "In Defense of Our Human Rights!"

And, "We are Entering into A New Age, A New Beginning," that Demands Economic Parity Be Upheld, For All the People, and A True Sense of Equilibre Be Established to Educate, and "Provide A True Sense of Social Security and Opportunity For One and All!" 

And, "There Can Not Be any Half Way Measures!" The Global Economic Stability of Our Families Depends on Fair and Honest Economic Policies that Empower All the People and Not Just The Few!" 
And, "Poverty Must Be Eliminated from The Surface of The Earth," For "Once and For All!" 

And, Yes, It Can Be Done by Implementing Global Economical Policies of Inclusion that are Aimed Exclusively at Eliminating Poverty!

"Global Nations" Led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and "The New Secretary General of The United Nations" Antonio Guterres,  Should "Enter into Partnerships with  Philanthropic Leaders such as Bill and Melinda Gates, The Warren Buffet Family, and "Program and Develop a Plan with Global Tech Corporations" to "Use Their Super Computers to Strategize The Elimination of Poverty," and, "Then Do It!"

And, "The Religious and Spiritual Leaders of The Earth," Must "Clearly Delineate and Share The Teachings of a Universal Path of Cognitive Values and Mores" that "Define the Significance and Consequences of What the Choices and Decisions that Lie ahead of Us May Be!"
"Whether the Choices" Lie in The Worlds of Politics, Finance, Environment, Respect for One's Fellow Human Being, and The Lives of All Sentient Beings, Science, Technology, Cosmic Exploration and Re-Settlement, or The Overall Conditioned Reality of This Age of Global/Instant Communication, The Universe of Social Media and Global Cross Media, Justice, Peace, Freedom, Non-Discriminatory Law and Order Officiating and Representation, Friendship, Love, or The Right of One and All to Live as A Free People of The Earth!" 

Our Religious and Spiritual Leaders Must Speak Out," and "Not Just from The Pulpit, or on Television," "They Must Speak Out Loud and Clear in Our Homes, Parks, and Neighborhoods, and "Give Us A Clear and Present Indication," that "They Understand The Rhetoric and Conditioned Reality" that "We The People are Faced with on A Daily Basis!" 

And, "They Must Demonstrate that They Understand The Travails that "We The People are Having to Deal with on "A Daily Basis!"

And, "They Must" as The Saying goes "Know How to Walk the Walk and Not Just Talk the Talk!"

And, "They have to Demonstrate that "They are "Streetwise and Earthwise" and "Thoroughly and Exhaustively Comprehend What The Search for The Truth is," that "Our Youth, Mothers, Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, Nieces and Nephews, and Soul Searchers have Been Embarked upon for Much Too Long!" 

"Hope Must Be Restored, Trust Must Be Restored," and "An Age of Wisdom, Education, Employment, Knowledge, Empathy, Love, and Compassion, Must Be Restored!"
And, "Belief in The Principles, Tenets and Inspiring Doctrines of Peace Must Be Restored" in Order for "The Global Equation Of The People, By The People, and For The People Be Restored in Equilibre!"

And, "To Return to One Last Observation of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Results," If, "This New Age of Parallel Universes is to Evolve in Equilibre with The People," There Should Be "A New Examination Made" between "The Correlation of The Electoral Vote and The Popular Vote a Nominee, or Candidate Receives!" Possibly, It's as Simple as "Giving The Winner of The Popular Vote an Additional Amount of Electoral Votes!"

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Former Vice President Al Gore are "Both Examples and Victims of This Need to Modernize How a Candidate or Nominee is Elected or Selected!" 
"Sec. Clinton has Twice Received the Brunt of This Imbalance in the Election Process," In Her 2008 Campaign against then Senator Barack Obama, "when She Won the Popular Vote," and, also "In the 2016 Presidential Campaign against Donald Trump!" Where at Last Count, on Monday, the 14th of November, 2016, Sec. Clinton was Leading by Six Hundred and Sixty-Eight Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Three Votes!" (And, This Should also Apply to How Super Delegates Can Effect an Election Campaign!)

It's as Simple as This, "The United States of America" is "A Republic and Democracy Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Not "A Government Of The Electoral College, By The Electoral College and For The Electoral College!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "One Can Not Ignore The Spirit of Unrest that is Encircling The Earths Communities," Irregardless of Nation, Creed, or Person!"
"It's Rising and Flowing on Winds of Dissatisfaction," Questioning "How One Can Sustain a Positive and Beneficial Quality of Life for Themselves and Their Families!"

And, At Times, It's Manifested in The Sound of A Mother or Father's Sigh of Resignation," Believing that "Things Will Not Change for Their Betterment of Their Children's Lives," or "For The Betterment of Their Fellow Human Being!"

And, On Other Occasions, "It's Manifested in The Roar of Non-Violent Demonstrations and Marches," that "Demand Change in The Global System that has Been Established, by One Ideology or Another," Political or Religious, "to Govern or Control Our Lives!"

And, Sometimes, "It Displays Itself," For Better or For Worst, "in Democratic or Autocratic Elections of Local, Regional, or National Officials!"

"Making it All the More Important," For Us to "Remain Focused and Concentrated on Uniting These Diverse Winds of Change" into "A Coherent, Compassionate, and Cognitive, United Soul Force and Spirit of Freedom, Opportunity, Justice, and Prosperity For All The Peoples of The Earth!"

And, "Let Us Utilize The Global Social Media, and Global Cross Media Universes to Mobilize and Spread The Word of Our Earthrise Vision of New and Inspiring Vistas" and "Limitless Horizons," of "A United World Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth!

-In Memoriam: Monday, The Fourteenth of November, 2016-
Award Winning Journalist, Author, Newscaster, Co-Anchor and Co-Managing Editor with Judy Woodruff of PBS News Hour, "Gwen Ifill has Passed away Today ," Monday, the Fourteenth of November 2016, "at The Age of Sixty-One!" "The Cause of Death was Cancer!"

Ms. Ifill was "Moderator, and Managing Editor of Washington Week," and "A Journalist at The New York Times!" And, "Worked Extensively throughout Her Career Covering Seven Presidential Campaigns" and "Two Vice President Debates!"

Ms. Ifill's Career began at The Baltimore Sun in 1981, and, She also Authored "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in The Age of Obama," that was Published on Inauguration Day 2009!
We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to Ms. Ifill's Family, Friends, Colleagues and Admirers!

-In Memoriam: Sunday, The Thirteenth of November, 2016-
Amis, On this Day of Remembrance, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Thoughts to The Families, Friends, Parisians, and People of France, "Who Lost a Loved One," or "Had a Loved One Injured in The Evil-Minded Attacks Made upon Restaurants, Cafes, and The Bataclan Theatre in Paris, France," on Friday, The Thirteenth of November, 2015!

"The Lives of The One Hundred and Thirty Innocent People Will Be Eternally Remembered" and "We Shed Our Tears of Love in Remembrance of Their Passing!"

("One Hundred and Thirty Deaths," Plus, "Injuries to Three Hundred and Sixty-Eight Innocent People" Resulted from "These Malicious and Malevolent Attacks!")

-In Memoriam: Sunday, The Thirteenth of November, 2016-
Some Moments Take You by Surprise and Although I Know that He had Been Ailing for Several Years, "The Passing of Leon Russell," Born Claude Russell Bridges, in Lawton, Oklahoma, "at The Age of Seventy-Four," is "Such a Moment!"

"The First Time I Saw Leon Russell," was when "He was Performing with Mad Dogs & Englishmen Backing up Joe Cocker, who was "On Tour!" And, "What a Great Band it Was," with "Joe Belting Out One Fantastic Song after Another!"

And, "The Second Time," was When "He was a Member of Another Great Band," This Time, "Backing up George Harrison in The Concert For Bangladesh!"

And, Then I Met Leon, while Recording in "His Studio in California!"

And, "The Last Time I Saw Him," was when "Leon and Elton John were Performing Songs that They Collaborated on" in "The Union!" An Album that T-Bone Burnett Produced, which "Entered The Billboard Chart at Number Three!"

"Leon Russell" was, without a Doubt, "One of The Most Talented Composers, Producers, Arrangers, Singer and Performer to Ever Grace The Stage!" And, "His Grammy Award Winning Recording" of "A Song for You," alone Proves This Point, and has "Been Recorded by a Least One Hundred Artists!"

And, "The List of Artists Leon's Inspired and Worked with" is "A Hall of Fame Roster of Super Stars!"
"Leon Russell," Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame Legend, and Master of Time and Space, "Passed Away Peacefully in His Sleep," in Nashville, Tennessee, on Sunday, The Thirteenth of November, 2016.

We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to Leon Russell's Family, Friends, Fellow Artists and Countless Numbers of Admirers All Over The Earth!

-In Memoriam: Monday, The Seventh of November, 2016-
Canadian Composer, Lyricist, Poet, Recording Artist, Leonard Cohen Passed away at The Age of Eighty-Two!
His Most Accomplished Compositions were "Suzanne," "I'm Your Man," "Avalanche," and "Hallelujah, amongst "An Extraordinary Career that Spanned almost Fifty Years!"

In October of This Year Leonard "Released a New Album" Entitled "You Want It Darker," Produced by His Son Adam!

Leonard Cohen's Songs were "Recorded by Judy Collins, James Taylor, Willie Nelson, Jeff Buckley, and Nico," amongst a List of Many Other Prominent Artists!

The Creative Talent of Leonard Cohen will "Always Be Admired and Appreciated by Music Lovers All over The Earth!"

We Send Our Sincerest Condolences To His Family, Friends and Admirers!

-In Memoriam: Monday, The Seventh of November, 2016-
Former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, has Passed away at The Age of 78, of Complications from Parkinson's Disease!"

"History will Remember Her as Being The First Woman to Serve as U.S. Attorney General," and "Though She was The Center of A Great Many of Political Controversies," during Her Time as Attorney General, Janet Reno was Still "a Formidable Prosecutor, Proponent and Exponent of Law and Order in The United States!"

We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family, Friends, and Colleagues of Former United States Attorney General Janet Reno!

-In Memoriam: Saturday, The Fifth of November, 2016-
"Three U.S. Military Trainers were Shot while Attempting to Enter a Military Air Base in Jordan," on Friday, the 5th of November 2016! "One Died Instantly," and "the Other Two Died of Wounds They Sustained in the Fighting!"

"These American Military Trainers" were "Assigned to Improve the Standard of Military Action" of "the Jordanian Military Forces!"

"Why," They were Shot as They Approached The Military Air Base Gate "is Deeply Perplexing," and "If There ever was a True Reason for An Investigation" by The United States and Jordanian Command, "This is It!"

(The U.S. and Jordan are Allies in the War Against Daesh!")

"We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Families, Friends & Communities of These Three Brave U.S. Military Trainers!"

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"
And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or "Natural Disasters!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,