Friday, April 1, 2016



The Way To Peace! #276

"The Global Cross-Media News Blitz" Covering the "War On Terror" (The Overseas Contingency Operations-Renamed by President Obama in March of 2009) "has Provided The World's Communities" with "A Virtual Robust, Intense, and  Emotional Picture of the Agony and Victories of the Ongoing Conflict with Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates" and "Their Surrogates Worldwide!" And, "There is Still, So Much that Remains to Be Done!"

"The Blueprint or Strategy" Appears to Be; (1) Sever Leadership of The Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates and Their Surrogates from the Body of Their Misguided Followers and Murderous Jihadists, (2) Sever All of Their Financial Sources from Being Able to Support Them, (3) Take Back All the Lands of Their Caliphate, and (4) Infiltrate Their Syndicates with Coalition Intelligence Forces, (5) Cut off Their Oil Production, (6) Coordinate Our Coalition Forces and U.S. Special Operation Forces to Launch Continuing Raids in both Iraq and Syria, (7) Conduct International Joint Raids to Seek and Destroy Their Cells, and Eradicate Them from Our Cities, Towns, Villages, States, and Countries throughout The World, (8) Conduct Cyber Operations against Them, (9) Reveal for the Whole World to See, the Crimes against All Humanity that These Murderers have Committed, (10) And, Show How They've Used Religion to Falsely Validate Their Own Perverted Purposes, (11) Utilizing Drone Warfare against Strategic Targets and Locations, and (12) Increase the Mobilization and Joint Efforts of The Earths United Coalition of Civilized Nations, and Intensify Their Counter-Terrorism Offensives against What Can only Be Described as, "An Example of The Worst Characteristics of Human Nature," that "We have Seen in A Collective Basis in Decades!"  

"This Strategy or Blueprint" has, "Ever so Gradually Been Making Progress," with "The Arrests and Shootings of Several High Profile Terrorists," Plus the Recent Successes by (1) The Syrian Army with Air Support from Russia "have Re-Taken the Syrian City of Palmyra," on Easter Sunday, (that ISIS overran in May of 2015, "Destroying Temples and Driving Families from Their Homes") and (2) The Yazidi and Tribal Warriors "have Captured An Important Area in the Sinjar Region of Iraq, (3) "The Military Operations" by The Syrian Kurds "to Take the Town of Shaddadeh, have Intensified," Which would "Sever the Main Route that ISIS has Been Using between Mosul and Raqqa" (the De Facto Capital of ISIS), Two Strategic Points in the War in Iraq, (3) Plus, The Joint Efforts of Kurdish Peshmerga, Sunni and Shia Militias, Plus Soldiers from the Iraqi Army, are "Surrounding the City of Mosul," Where ISIS Remains Ensconced! 

And, "It is Important to Note" that ISIS/Daesh, "have Lost Approximately a Fourth of It's Territory Over the Last Fourteen Months," and, "It's Caliphate is Continually Under Attack," and "In a Weakened State of Being!"

And, "to Add to the Recent Successes against Daesh," on Friday, March 25th, 2016, U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Joseph Dunford Confirmed that,"Haji Imam and Several Other Senior ISIS Leaders were Killed by An American Air strike, Carried out by U.S. Special Forces," the Week of the 20th of March, 2016, (He was the Second in Command and the Finance Minister for ISIS), and, Several Week's ago, "Abu Omar al-Shishani," ISIS/Daesh's "Minister of War" was, also, "Killed by An American Air strike!"
And, U.S. Sec. of Defense Ashton Carter, also, said that, "Haji Iman was just One of a Number of (ISIS) Leaders who have been killed by American Raids or Airstrikes in Syria and Iraq."

And, Salah Abdeslam, one of the Planners of the 13th of November, 2015 Paris Attacks, "that Caused the Deaths of 130 Innocent People," has "Been Captured and Shot in the Leg, in A Joint Raid by French and Belgium Forces," in a Brussels Suburb of Molenbeek, on Friday, the 18th of March, 2016, and "is In Custody in Belgium,"after "Four Months of Being on the Run," and "Has Agreed to Be Extradited to France, and Cooperate with French Authorities!"

And, "New Arrests have Been Made in Italy, the Netherlands and France!" 

And, In Addition, "Increased Efforts are Being Conducted by The European Union and The Coalition of United Civilized Nations of The Earth," to "Uproot and Eradicate These Murder Syndicates who Kill Innocent Children and Their Parents, and, Innocent Citizens in Public Places" (Soft Targets) from Our Global Communities, such as; (1) "The Deaths of 35 Innocent Citizens and Foreign Visitors at the Maalbeek Metro Station, and The Zaventem Airport," in Brussels, on Tuesday, the 22nd of March, 2016, "Wounding at Least 300 People," and, (2) "In the City of Lahore, Pakistan," "Where at least 72 Died and More than 340 were Injured," on Easter, "Due to An Explosion by a Suicide Bomb!"
(A Pakistan Taliban Group has Claimed Responsibility to "This Horrendous Act of Cowardice of Targeting Christians!")

And, "It is Strategically and of Humane Importance that NATO Joins Forces with The Coalition of Civilized United Nations," to "Carry Out This Global  Offensive," on "Behalf of All the People of The Earth!"
And, "It is of The Utmost Significance," that "All the World Leaders" who are "Attending The 2016 Nuclear Security Summit," Taking Place in Washington, DC, "Take Very Serious the Idea" that "Terror Syndicates," have "Interest in Getting Their Hands on a Nuclear Weapon or a Dirty Bomb," for Their Evil Intentions!"  

And, "The Time is Overdue for Global Intelligence Agencies, and the Coalition Armed Forces to Act in Concert" as "a Great Soul Force of The People," and, "In the Name of All the Families who have Lost a Loved One," and  "Seen Their Families Torn a Part," and "Left Them and Their Friends in a State of Distress, Agony, Frustration, Anger and Heartbreak!" "Experiencing Uncontrollable States of Trauma," "Due to Terrorist Attacks!"

"The Time to Break the Syndicates of  Extreme Radical Terrorists," and, "Their Surrogates," and "End their Threat to The Lives of Innocent People Worldwide is Now!" 
And, "Global Intelligence Agencies Must Understand the Significance, Immediacy and Urgency to Act with Precision and In Full Force," that "Is Demanded by We The People!"

And, "These Syndicates of Terror," "Must Be Given No Place For Comfort!" And, "No Peace Of Mind," Or, "Place to Hide!" And, "They Must Know, and Feel the Constant Pressure that is Being Brought upon Them, Psychologically, and Physically!" And, "They Must Be Brought to Clearly Understand" that "They have No Chance at All!" And, that "They Will Be Soundly Defeated Wherever They May Be!"

And, "They Must Live in The Fear," "Knowing that Justice Will Prevail," and, that "They Will Be Forever Known as The Unjust, in The Eyes of The World and God!" 

And that,"They Will Be Convicted For Their Crimes against Humanity!" And that, "They Will Be Convicted For Forcing Millions of People (Refugee's), Who have Been Displaced from Their Homes and Separated from Their Families," and "Driven Away from All They Love!" 
 "Families who've Seen Their Children Kidnapped, Raped, Tortured and Sold into Slavery!" 

And, These Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates "Must Be Brought to Fully Realize" that "There is No Escape for Their Crimes!" For, "The Monstrous Atrocities and Aberrations that They have Perpetrated against The People of This Earth!"

"Let's Be Very Explicit" about this, "These Syndicates and Their Surrogates Act as if They have a Right to Commit the Horrendous Attacks and Abuses that They have Perpetrated against Innocent People," And, "They Don't!" 
There is "No Law on Earth" to "Support Their Actions and Cowardly Attacks against The People!"

"They" are "Criminals who's Acts of Violence are In Violation" of "The Rules of War," and "The Laws of Justice and Humanity!" "Rules and Laws" that have "Been Created to Protect and Defend the Rights of Women, Men, and Children All over The World!"
"And "They Will Be Tried and Convicted for Their Blatant Disregard of the Lives of Innocent Children," and "For Preventing Them from Receiving a Proper Education, Healthcare and Higher Quality of Life!" 

For, "The Truth is," that "They Do Not Care if They Destroy Any Opportunity for Innocent Children to have a Life that Envisions a Future of Happiness and Prosperity!" And, "Families have Been Given No Other Recourse," if, "They Wish to Survive," But, "to Flee Their Homes and Live in Refugee Camps," or "Thousands of Miles away from Home," and, In Some Cases, "Where They are Not Wanted!"

"World Leaders," The Question is; "How Can You Sleep at Night," "Knowing that Parents are Being Forced to Beg For Their Survival", or "Depend upon the Grace of Others/Strangers, "For Their Survival!" "Where Danger Lies Hidden in the Shadows," "Ready to Take the Life of A Precious Loved One!"

"You who are The Arbiters of Justice," Who "Would Not Allow Organized Crime to Steal Our Most Treasured Artifacts and Go Unpunished," "Must Re-Double Your Efforts," Leaving "Absolutely No Doubt in Mind" that "These Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Surrogates who have Committed the Most Heinous Crimes against Humanity," and, "Who are Nothing less than Abject Criminals" are "Deserving of Nothing Less than The Severest Penalties of What The Law and Justice Demands Sentencing Them for!" "For The Immoral Acts They have Directed and Committed against The People of This Planet Earth!"   

And. "Let There Be No Lack of Perception or Doubt" that "They Must Be Severely Punished" "For The Brutality, Cruelty, Indecencies, Vile and Loathsome Acts that They have Forced upon The Earths Populace!"
"For They," are "The Unjust" and "Epitomize All that is The Worst in Human Nature!" And, "Must Be Removed from The Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit of The People!"

And, "They Must Be Continuously Challenged, Repulsed, and Defeated on All Fronts of Engagement!" "Whether it Be in Europe, The Middle East, North Africa, The United Kingdom, The United States," or "The Emerging Nations," Where They are "Trying to Impose Their Influence through Acts of Fear and Intimidation!"

"We"...."The People," "Do Not have to Be Reminded of The Crimes that have Been Committed against Humanity," "We have Been the Targets" of "These Monstrous Aberrations of the Soulless!"
And Tragically, "It is an Absolute Shame" that "So Many of Us have Died, Been Injured, or Forced to Live Our Lives in Fear," and "Can No Longer Enjoy the Air We Breathe," and "the Safety of Our Own Homes, and Neighborhoods!"
"Our Beliefs, Tenets,Values, Opportunities, and Joys of Life have All Been Immersed and Submerged" in "the Ruthless Tides" of "Violent, Acute, Cruel, Barbaric and Draconian Human Behavior!"

And, "The Reality is" that "This Can Not Continue to Be as such," with "Sister against Sister" and "Brother against Brother!" And, "Neighbor against Neighbor!" "This Must All Come to An End!"
And, "The Fact is" that "Each New Generation Will Be Effected" by "the Lack of a Proper Education," and "the Lack of Culture in Their Lives," and "The Sanctity of Being Here and Now," if, "The War On Terror is Not Resolved within A Limited Period of Time!" 
"Generations upon Generations of Children," "Can Not Go without The Proper Nourishment and Empowerment that The Loving Hearth of Family Can Provide," or "A United Society Can Provide," and, "Or, Without Individual/Personal, Religious, Political, and Economic Security!"

And, "The Potential Danger that Lies ahead, if (1)-The War in Syria, (2)-The War against Terror, (3)-The Ongoing Conflicts in The Middle East with the Sovereign State of Israel and The Sovereign State of Palestine, and (4)- In North Africa!" Plus, (5)-The Irrational Behavior of North Korea, and, (6)- The Still Unresolved Conflict between Russia and Ukraine, "Continue to Drag on into Infirmity," Altogether, "Becoming All the More, Dangerously Insurmountable and Frustrating," with "Each New Generation Looking over It's Shoulder," "Wondering when The Next Global or Regional Destabilization of The Earths Communities Will Happen!"

And then, There is "The Immediate Concern" for "The Earth's Ecological and Environmental State of Being!" "A Global Concern" that has "Limitless Implications to it," All of Which, "Demand Our Constant Focus, Prioritization, and Intent to Rectify," if "Our Concerns about Earth Warming are to Be Resolved," "For the Betterment of All Humankind and Sentient Life Forms!"

"The Global Equation" for 'The Positive Evolution and Survival Of, By, and For The People of The Earth," "Relies upon A Global Accord" between "All Civilized Nations that Takes Serious Responsibility For The Welfare of All The People!" "It's Not Just a Job, with Benefits, Pension, Paid Vacations, and Unlimited Sick Days," "It's a Sacred Commitment to Protect, Defend, Guide, and Imbue The People of This Earth," with "a True Sense of Inspiration, Conscious Awareness, Universal and Personal Insights," "All Coupled Together with An Empirical Knowledge of Perception and Cognizance of What an Age of Peace, and, A Peacetime Economy, and, Global Equilibre Can Be," "In Conjunction with a Balanced Ecology and Renewable Energies!"

"Just Imagine the Incredible Potential of Such An Age Of The People," with "New Advances in Healthcare, and The Sciences!" And, "New Technological Advances in Communication and Space Exploration!" "Coupled Together with The Tenets of Hope and Freedom!" And, "Justice For One and All!" "Sans Poverty," However, with "Economic Incentives that Empower All The Families of The Earth with A Sense of Parity," that is, both, "Transcendental, Humanistic, and Universal!"

Just Imagine "A Global Equation Of, By, and For The People, "Connected by A Bridge of Sentient DNA," that is "A Nexus of The Truth and Source of Life that Lies between and within, Each and Everyone of Us," and "The Limitless Boundaries of The Great Cosmos!"

"All in Reverence and Respect For One Another, Trusting in One Another, and Upholding The Rights of One Another to Pursue a Path of An Illuminated Earthwise Populace!"

And, "Therein Lies," "The Global Equilibre," that "Is Truly Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, "A Root Equation" that "Lies at The Core of All The People of This Planet Earth!"

And, "Therein Lies," "A Magnificent Illuminating Earthrise of Human Consciousness and Experience" that is "All Inspiring, Uplifting, Constructive, Prolific, and Plentiful For The Earths Twenty-First Century Societies!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Not Succumb to Fear, Violence, Threats, False Rhetoric, Lies, Bullying, or Intimidation!"

"Let Us Instead, Purposefully, and, In Total Accord with Each Other, Move Forward Towards The Eradication of Terrorism," and "The Eradication of Sex Traffickers," and "Drug and Crime Syndicates," and "The Eradication of Political, Financial, and Religious Corruption!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Build and Empower A Great Soul Force Of, By, and For The People," "Represented by A Global Government of Universal, Ideas, and Tenets," that are "Of, By, and For The People!" "Enabled by True Public Servants, Advocates, Activists, and Women and Men of The Armed Forces of Civilized Countries of The United Coalition of Nations, and, Law Enforcement Officials Of, By, and For The People!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Justice, Morality, Hope, Solar Axioms, Happiness, and Peace On Earth!

1) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of Wisconsin;
Senator Bernie Sanders Won Receiving 56.6% of the Vote! And, 47 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Secretary Hillary Clinton Received 43.1% of the Vote! And, 36 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Sec. Hillary Clinton has 1, 279 Pledged Delegates and 469 Superdelegates, giving Sec. Clinton a Total of 1, 748! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Bernie Sanders has 1, 027 Pledged Delegates and 31 Superdelegates, giving Hin a Total of 
1, 058! -(At Last Count)-

(2, 383 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

1) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Election Results for the State of Wisconsin;
Senator Ted Cruz Won Receiving 48.2% of the Vote! And, 36 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Donald Trump Received 35.1% of the Vote! And, 6 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Governor John Kasich Received 14.1% of the Vote! And, No Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Donald Trump has 742 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Ted Cruz has 505 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Mark Rubio has 171 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Gov. John Kasich has 143 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

(1, 237 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

Sunday, April 10th-
1) Here is the 2016 Democratic Caucus Election Results for the State of Wyoming;
Senator Bernie Sanders Won Receiving 55.7% of the Vote! And, 7 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- It's Worth Noting that Senator Sanders Received 156 Votes! -(At last Count)-

Secretary Hillary Clinton Received 44.3% of the Vote! And,
7 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

And, Secretary Hillary Clinton Received 124 Votes! -(At last Count)-

2) Sec. Hillary Clinton has 1, 305 Pledged Delegates and 469 Superdelegates, giving Sec. Clinton a Total of 1, 774! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Bernie Sanders has 1, 086 Pledged Delegates and 31 Superdelegates, giving Him a Total of
1, 117! -(At Last Count)-

(2, 383 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

1) Here is the 2016 Republican Caucus Convention Results for the State of Colorado;
Senator Ted Cruz Won All the State Delegates Totaling 34 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Donald Trump has 743 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Sen. Ted Cruz has 532 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Mark Rubio has 171 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Gov. John Kasich has 143 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

(1, 237 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)