Tuesday, April 19, 2016



The Way To Peace! #277

"Either I Need More Sleep," and Arianna Huffington's New Book about Sleep Deprivation, ("The Sleep Revolution") is Absolutely Correct, in Regards to "the Value and Importance of Getting Eight Hours of Sleep Each Night," or, "I have had Too Much Rest Lately," Whichever of the Two it May Be, "I Woke up This Morning," Literally, "In a Serious State of Contemplation about, (1) Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and, Real Estate Mogul Donald Trump's Resounding Victories in the 2016 New York Primary, and, (2) On a Totally Different and Unrelated Front, "To A Deep Reflective State of Cogitation," That Led me to One Observation after Another, without Pause, in Regards to The Mossack Fonesca Law Firm," That is "At The Center of The Panama Papers Leak," (A Set of 11.5 Million Confidential Documents of Detailed Information about, At Least, Two Hundred and Fourteen Thousand Offshore Companies, That, also, Includes the Names of Company Shareholders and Directors, Heads of State or Government Leaders, Compiled by the Panamanian Service Provider Mossack Fonesca), That has "Led me to Comprehend after Long and Painstaking Deliberation," "The Constant, Incessant, and Unceasing Reminder" That, "There are Clearly "Two Different Systems/Ways of Life," That are "The Main Arteries of The Body of This Existential Time/Space Reality on Earth!" And, It is Extremely Clear, and Most Definitively Obvious that,"The Both of Them Were Not Created, in Mind, For The Benefit Of All The People!"

And, It also Reminded me of "the Lyric of a Classic Rhythm and Blues Song," Sung by the Magnificent and Brilliant Blues Singer Billie Holiday, "Them that's Got Shall Have, Them that's Not Shall Lose, so The Bible Say's and It Still is News" and, "Yes, It Still is News!" And, "Oh, The Disparity of It All!"

"How Many Times" have You Heard, "One Political Party or Another, Literally, Attack the Social Safety Support Net," that is "In Place to Protect The Poor and Disenfranchised ( The "B" System)!"
Or, As It is, "In Today's World," (to A Varying Degree) the "Lack of One" that "Protects and Gives Support to The Middle Class," Unless, of course, "There is an Election Campaign in Progress!" And, "Then All Kinds of Promises are Made!"(Excuse my Cynicism!)

But, "As We Can Clearly See," in "This Age of Instant Global Transparency, Information and Communication," the Continued Revelations and Disclosures of The Mossack Fonesca Law Firm, "Provides Us" with "Another Example of The Social Safety Support System (The "A" System)," that is "In Place to Support Those of Influence," although, As has Been Reported, "No Serious Improprieties have Been Legally Violated" by "The Privileged (At last Report)!"

However, "We Can Clearly See," "Its Net (The "A" System)," as It Pertains to The Privileged, "Reaches Out Across The World," In Support of The Wealthy, The Secretive, The Invisibles, Those of Political Influence... The Privileged!

"Allegations have Been Made," Investigations involving Corruption are Ongoing," "Criminal Complaints have Been Made in Regards to Alleged Bribes," and "Prominent Names have Been Unmasked, Revealing For One and All to See," once again, "The Disparities that Exist!" ("Them that's Got Shall Have!")

"Juxtaposed with this," Imagine, "A Ten Year Old Boy," Living in India, who is Being Paid Two Dollars a Day to Work in the Sandstone Industry," (Along side with Adult Men and Women), "Who's Mother and Father Can Not Afford to Provide for The Welfare of Their Child, or Provide Them with a Proper Education," and, "Who's Future Existence is Threatened with the Possibility of Contracting Silicosis (a Slow Degenerative Lung Condition that's Caused by Breathing in Bits of Silica, that Over time Often Results in Death) by An Early Age," and "Threatening Any Opportunity to Have a Future at All, Is Jarring!" "Oh, The Tragedy and Disparity of It All!"

"Pope Francis' Concern For The Poor," (and His Concern for The Migrant Families who have Undergone Dangerous Journey's to Begin New Lives in Europe and Other Safe Havens/Countries of The Earth, as Demonstrated by The Pope's Decision to Bring Three Syrian Muslim Refugee Families, including Six Children, Back with Him on His Return Trip from the Greek Island of Lesbos, on Saturday, the 16th of April, 2016, Where He Met, in Person, with Refugee Families who are Living Between Two Worlds, The One that They are Fleeing from, and, The One that Represents Freedom, Security and New Beginnings) is "A Powerful Reminder," of "The Two Different Worldwide Systems that have Been In Place For Millennias!" 
And though, "Well Intentioned," "There is Much For the Religions of The World to Atone for," Because, For Millennias, "Religions Must, also, Be Acknowledged As Being a Part of The System" that has "Been of Great Benefit to The Influential, The All Powerful, The Privileged!"

In fact, "History has Shown Us," that "Entire Populations of People" have "Been Forced to Live In Poverty" to "Live Out Their Lives as Slaves!"
"To Be Bought and Sold, Against Their Will and Without Their Consent," "As Slaves,"  "In Support An Industry that Heaped Riches" upon The Lifestyles of "The Privileged!"
(Again, "Them that's Got Shall Have, Them that's Not Shall Lose!")

Even "The Founders George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin and Patrick Henry were All Slave Owners in the United States," Think of It, "The Visionaries" of The U.S. Constitution, The Bill Of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence, Benefited from "The Slave Industry" (although from Time to Time They Expressed Their Concern about The Immoral Aspects of Slavery)!
"Even Royal Families All the World Over" have "Been Guilty Participants of The Slave Industry," and "Profited by It!"

And, "The Chronicles of History have Revealed" that "Some of The U.S. Universities" such as; Georgetown, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Rutgers, Brown, Princeton, Penn, Dartmouth and The Universities of Delaware, and West Virginia," Raised Money and Recruited Students from Slave Owning Families and Sought Investment from Them!" "Slaves were An Important Currency that Brought Wealth and Prestige to Your Concerns, Family, Businesses," or "Whatever Your Interests May Be!"

And, "That also Included Christian Religions," "Who Played an Unsettling Role in the Slave Industry," in order to, "Maintain A Place in The Colonies!" Before the 1830's, "Proponents of Slavery used The Holy Scripture in The Bible," to "Defend Their Stands on Slavery!"
However, "Religious Tolerance," or "Silent Acceptance of Slavery," Goes Back in Time "Before Moses Walked The Earth!"  

"Slavery is An Industry that will Forever Remain in Infamy in U.S. History!" "An Industry without A Moral Conscious," "Stained with The Blood of Stolen Daughters and Son's!" 
And, "Forever Tainted with Unimaginable Improprieties, Immoralities, Violence, Death, and Torture!"

"History," As "The Truthsayer of Humanity," has Revealed "The Ugly Face of Slavery, in The Mirror of Moral Righteousness and Justice," For as Far Back as Recorded Time has Been Written!" Whether it Be in Persia, Egypt, Asia, The United States, The United Kingdom, Canada, South America, or Africa!

And, So, "The Idea" that "Government was Created and Established to Protect," What is In the Best Interest and Welfare Of The People," "Through Laws, Rules, and Regulations, Constitutions, Declarations, Bills, and Legislation," That were "Passed to Provide a Higher Quality of Life For We....The People," and, That was "Supposed to Prevent and Protect The People, from Being Manipulated, Abused, Misused, Violated, and Enslaved," Was, "In fact," only, "Half The Truth," Because, "When New Taxes Ensued," and "When Corruption and Greed Raised It's Ugly Head For The Profit of The Few," "We....The People," once again, "Were Forced to Pay The Price For These Injustices!"

Leaving Some of Us, "Wondering," Is this "A Legalized Version of The Illegal Protection Racket Created and Perpetrated by Organized Crime," that "We Now See," "Manifesting Itself in a Myriad Different New Inventive Ways," in Today's Age!

"It's Abundantly Clear" that "We.... The People," have "Been Conditioned to Accept These Subtle, (Though Sometimes Brutal) Affectations, Pretentions, False Rhetoric, Laws and Regulations, to Impress Us, "Without Resentment, or Resistance," "Until Something Cataclysmic Happens!"
"The Lyrics" to Buffalo Springfield's "For What its Worth" Comes Immediately to Mind, "There's Something Happening Here, What it is Ain't Exactly Clear," and, "You Can Feel It," and "Sense It," Beginning to Increase in Intensity! "Declaring Its Disapproval of The Existence of Disparity in The World," Where, there are "More Millionaires and Billionaires than Ever Before," "While Poverty is Still Prevalent Worldwide," or "The Threat of It, is Permeating Its Way through The Collective Global Consciousness Of The People, Worldwide!"

In The U.S. "Students are Frustrated about The Costs of a College Education," and "The Student Loans They Will Be Indebted with!" 
And, "Even with a College Education, There is a Growing Anxiety about Finding Good Employment!" "Employment that They Will Need to Pay back Their Student Loans," and "Find a Place to Live!" 

And, "In Egypt," College Students/Graduates are, also, Finding it Difficult to Find Employment!" "Different Corners of The Earth" and yet, "It Still Sounds All too Familiar!"

It is Very Apparent that "The Two Systems," that have "Been In Place," For, as long as, "Humankind has Learned How to Subjugate One Group Of People over Another," "Has Been in Existence," and "This Model of Human Existence Must Be Changed!"
Because, "It Cannot Continue," In All Good Consciousness, "To Exist as It is!"

And, "Yes, It Will Take An Investment of Financial and Moral Commitment," on The Part of The Global Finance Community, "Led by Billionaires" such as; Warren Buffet, Bill and Melinda Gates, and Giving Pledge, "Altogether with The United Nations of Civilized Governments, "Who Must Regulate The Laws, Legislation, and Budgets, to Provide Free Education, Home Security, Employment," and, "A Sustainable Quality of Life For The People!"
And, "The Idea of A Government Of, By, and For The People, Must be Fully Enacted upon," and "Made into A Reality on A Daily Practice!"

And, "Yes," What "We are Suggesting is A Broad Spectrum of Change," that "Must Be Immediately Enacted upon" to "Empower and Support The Global Equation Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Sovereign Citizens, One and All, of This Planet Earth!"

"Composed of A Global System of Economic Equilibre For Everyone," in Which, "Both Women and Men are Compensated for The Work They Do," "Equally!"

"A Global System of Economic Equilibre" that "Inspires, and, Shares with Our Future Generations," The Meaning of What A True Public Servant is," "One, Who is Unabashedly, Unashamed to Serve and Be of Assistance to Their Fellow Human Being," Who "Is In Need," and "A True Sense of Financial Responsibility, and Respect For One Another!" And, "A Highly Principled Sense of Integrity, and Moral Ethics!" 

And, Once again, "While The Mossack Fonesca Revelations Continue to Reveal Themselves to The Global Cross-Media News Universe," and "Further Conclusions are Reached in Regards to The Potential Improprieties and Illegalities that The Panama Papers May Disclose," Including The Billions of Dollars of Art that has Been Bought and Sold (Some under the Veil of Suspicious Circumstances), One Thing that is For Sure, Is, "It Does Reveal A Further Insight into The World of Privacy, Power, Insiders, and Influence of The Privileged Realm of The Oligarchy!" 
At a Time, "When We Can All See," "The Rising Tides of The Have Nots," "Breaching The Walls" of "What a Civilized Global Community Should Be!" And, "The Waves are Overflowing in The Billions!"

And, "Yes," "It Will Take A Conscientious, Committed, and Highly Directed Effort by Global Financial, Political, Religious, Civilian, and Government Leaders to Correct the Divisiveness of The Two Systems/World that We Live in," to "Eradicate the Worlds of Untouchables, The Poor, Disenfranchised, Homeless, and Transients," and "Change Them For The Betterment of All Humankind, Irregardless of Race, Gender, Color, Creed, or Nationality!"

And, "Those in Whom We Trust" "Must," Once again, "Come Forward to Walk and Engage the Dangers that Border along The Frontlines of Change!" 

And, "Yes," Those of You in Whom "We have Placed Our Trust and Faith," Whether it Be through "The Electoral Process, or In Admiration of The Moral and Inspirational Character Traits and Courage that You have Displayed," "The Immoralities and Injustices that have Resurfaced in The Twenty-First Century to A Surprising Degree of Negativity, Must Be, without Equivocation," "Washed away Clean in The Waters of A Cognizant Sea of An Omniscient, Compassionate, Universal Soul Force," and "Society of Equilibre and Peace!" If "We are ever to Get Beyond The Reality of," "Them that's Got Shall Have, Them that's Not Shall Lose!"

And, "One Final Note," Before We Provide You with The 2016 New York Primary Election Results, "Let's Hope that The U.S. Supreme Court Decides Justly and Fairly," in Regards to the "Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents" (known as DAPA)!

President Obama's Executive Order, "Would Provide Protection for Undocumented Immigrants from Being Deported," and, also "Would Authorize Work Permits for Approximately Five Million Undocumented Immigrants," of "Which Most of Whom are Parents of U.S. Citizens!"

"Let's Hope that Compromise and Compassion" are "The Primary Prerequisites," as "The Eight Supreme Court Justices Listen to The Oral Arguments," Which began on Monday, the 18th of April, 2016, and, "In Their Final Decision!"

"The Facts are Clear," "When You Observe Them from A Transcendental Overview," Which is, "With The Exception of Native Americans," "The United States Of America is A Nation of Immigrants!" And, Those Undocumented Immigrants and Their Families who have Been Living in The United States for Years Should Be Welcomed as Future Citizens of This Great Country!"

"If, It is Necessary to Vet Them, Test Them, or Screen Them, Then Let it Be!" However, "If They have Been Living in The U.S. without Breaking The Law of The Land," and "Making a Positive Contribution to This Grand Ole Republic and Democracy," then "Let's Welcome Them with Open Arms," "as American Citizens," "Do Not Deport Them!"

1) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of New York;
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Won Receiving 57.9% of the Vote! And, 135 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Senator Bernie Sanders Received 42.1% of the Vote! And, 104 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

The 2016 New York Democratic Primary Election Result has Proven to Be "An Impressive Victory" for Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton," Even though, "She was Outspent by Sen. Sanders by a Two to One Margin" (6.8 Million Dollars to About 3 Million for Sec. Clinton) and, has "Significantly Reinforced Her Lead" over Senator Bernie Sanders, in Both, " Pledged and Superdelegate Categories!"

Sec. Clinton has, also, "Led in the Popular Vote, Overall" "Irregardless of the Campaign Crowds Sen. Sanders has Been Drawing!"
And lastly, "While Both Campaign Teams have Proven Themselves to be Quite Efficient," What Remains to Be Seen is, How, Both, Sec. Clinton and Sen. Sanders "Avid Followers Accept the Final Results of The Campaign," and "Work Together once the Nomination Process has Been Completed!"
"This Last Point is of The Utmost Importance!"


2) Sec. Hillary Clinton has 1, 446  Pledged Delegates, and, 469 Superdelegates, giving Former Sec. Clinton a Total of 1, 915! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Bernie Sanders has 1, 200 Pledged Delegates, and, 31 Superdelegates, giving Him a Total of
1, 231! -(At Last Count)-

(2, 383 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

1) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of New York;

Donald Trump has Won Receiving 60.5 % of the Vote! And, 89 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Governor John Kasich has Received 25.1% of the Vote! And, 3 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 14.5% of the Vote! And, No Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz Won the Available Delegates in the Georgia and Wyoming Republican Conventions," During the Weekend of the 17th of April, 2016!

While Donald Trumps Victory in New York was "An Overwhelmingly Impressive One," (Even though He Spent only 67, 000 Dollars in Campaign Expenses, Mostly Thanks to the Free Cross Media News Coverage He has Received), However, The Competition for Delegates "Continues to Frustrate and Annoy the Real Estate Mogul," as the "Race towards Reaching the Total of 1, 237 Delegates," Needed to Achieve The Republican Parties Nomination, "Continues to Intensify!" 
However, "It's a Contested," or, also, Known as "An Open Republican Convention," that "Mr. Trump and His Campaign Team are Most Deeply Concerned about," and "Would like to Avoid at All Costs!"


2) Donald Trump has a Total of 845 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Sen. Ted Cruz has a Total of 559 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Mark Rubio has a Total of 171 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Gov. John Kasich has a Total of 147 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

(1, 237 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)


 Here is the 2016 Democratic and Republican Primary Election Results for April 26th-

1) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of Pennsylvania;

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Won Receiving 55.6% of the Vote! And, 105 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Senator Bernie Sanders Received 43.6% of the Vote! And, 83 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of Maryland;

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Won Receiving 63.0% of the Vote! And, 61 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Senator Bernie Sanders Received 33.2% of the Vote! And, 33 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

3) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of Rhode Island;

Senator Bernie Sanders has Won Receiving 55.0% of the Vote! And, 13 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Received 43.3% of the Vote! And, 11 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

4) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of Connecticut;

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Won Receiving 51.8% of the Vote! And, 28 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Senator Bernie Sanders Received 46.5% of the Vote! And, 27 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

5) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of Delaware;

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Won Receiving 59.8% of the Vote! And, 12 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Senator Bernie Sanders Received 39.2% of the Vote! And, 9 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

6) Sec. Hillary Clinton has 1, 663 Pledged Delegates and 520 Superdelegates, Giving Sec. Clinton a Total of 2, 183! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Bernie Sanders has 1, 367 Pledged Delegates and 39 Superdelegates, Giving Him a Total of 1, 406! -(At Last Count)-
(2, 383 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

1) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of Pennsylvania;

Donald Trump has Won Receiving 56.7% of the Vote! And, 17 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 21.6% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Governor John Kasich has Received 19.4% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

2) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of Maryland;

Donald Trump has Won Receiving 54.4% of the Vote! And, 35 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Governor John Kasich has Received 23.0% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 18.9% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

3) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of Rhode Island;

Donald Trump has Won Receiving 63.8% of the Vote! And, 10 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Governor John Kasich has Received 24.4% of the Vote! And, 5 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 10.4% of the Vote! And, 1 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

4) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of Connecticut;

Donald Trump has Won Receiving 57.7% of the Vote! And, 28 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Governor John Kasich has Received 28.4% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 11.7% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

5) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of Delaware;

Donald Trump has Won Receiving 60.8% of the Vote! And, 16 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Governor John Kasich has Received 20.4% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 15.9% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

6) Donald Trump has a Total of 987 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Sen. Ted Cruz has a Total of 562 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

(In a Strategic Move Senator Cruz has Chosen Carly Fiorina, Previous Chairman and CEO of Hewlett-Packard, who was "Eventually to Be Fired from this Position," and, was "Herself Running to Be the Nominee of the Republican Party, and Failed," to "Be His Running Mate!" "This is Being Looked at by Political Experts," as Being "An Act of Desperation by Sen. Cruz!" "Will it Work is The Answer!" And, This Comes after Governor Kasich and Senator Cruz "Joined Forces to Stop Donald Trump from Achieving the Republican Party Nomination!" And, "The Question is Will This Strategy Work!"  It Might have Been "a Better Strategy for Sen. Cruz to Choose Governor John Kasich or, even Senator Mark Rubio," than Carly Fiorina, (if He Could Convince Them) Who have a Delegate Count to Run with Him to Stop Donald Trump! "The Voters of Indiana Will have "First Dibs in Choosing The Outcome!"
"The Voters of Indiana Will have "First Dibs in Choosing The Outcome!")

Sen. Mark Rubio has a Total of 171 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Gov. John Kasich has a Total of 153 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
(1, 237 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Be," "As A Meaningful, Inspirational, Passionate, Far Reaching and Resonating Choir Of Voices Speaking Softly, Chanting, and Conversing ever so Indepthly with One Another of The Wondrous Opportunity to Be An Innovative Existential, Positive Minded, Insightful, Consciously Aware People of The Ages!" "Yes," "Truly of The Ages!"

"Where One Voice Can Be Heard and Respected as Being a Dedicated Personnage," Of The People, By The People, and For The People, "A Great Spirit and Soul Force of Earthwise and Streetwise Women, Men, and Children!"

And, "Where Billions of Voices Can Change the Course" of "A Stream of Separatism, Egotism, and Divisiveness" into "A River of A Magnificent, Enlightened, and United Generation of People," Who are "Empowered by Compassion, Hope, and Love For Their Fellow Human Being!" Truly, A Grand Universal Sea of Humankind!"

"Knowing that with Each New Earthrise," "Every Child Will Enjoy The Protection, Education, and Love of A Grand Society of Women, Men, and Children," "Who Believe in, and Have Faith and Reverence In One Another!"
For, This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscience Age of "The Saving Grace of Life and Peace On Earth Without Limitations,"and "Althroughout The Grand Universe of Billions upon Billions of Stars and Planets," that "We" are but "A Microcosm of, with "All of Its Limitless Ecology's, Environmental Gifts, and Mysteries!

In Memoriam, It is with Deep and Sincere Regret that, We Announce the Sudden Passing of Prince Rogers Nelson at the Tender Age of 57 Years Old! 
"The 2004 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductee, and Seven Grammy Awards Winner" was "Found Unconscious in the Elevator at His Paisley Park Compound," in the Minnesota Suburb of Chanhassen by Medics and Police, on Thursday morning, the 21st of April, 2016! "Where Attempts to Revive Him, through CPR, Proved to Be Unsuccessful," and "Prince Rogers Nelson Passed away at Approximately 10:07 AM CT!"

(On the 15th of April, Prince had a Medical Emergency that Forced Him to Instruct His Pilot to Land the Private Plane He was Traveling on, so, He Could Go to the Hospital! He had Been Suffering from The Flu! However, the Next Day, He Resumed "His Piano and a Microphone Tour, Which is Why His Death is so Surprising!")

"Prince's Passing is A Shock to Music Lovers All Over the World!" 
"He was a Free Spirit," and "An Exceptional Innovator and Icon In The World of Music!"

"His Extraordinary Talent, Philanthropy, and Activism," Will Be "Greatly Missed!"
"We are Very Fortunate that Prince was so Magnificently Prolific, and Has Left Us with so Many Great Performances of His Music to Remember Him by!"

We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to His Family and Friends!